TAE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Religious Services. The services in the several Churches of ➢font rose are as follow : a 4. MST CUM1C11.11.... J. E. Cassatuna D. D. Pastor asbbatb Scrota", lox a. tn. IA p. rahhath School 12 m Prayer Ilestallg. Wednesday Bosnian,. CATIJOLIQ CULT/ICU RE , . J. Pierrynt &IMMO knife'. Second nendny In tomb Month Sabbath Sebeol Immediately before MU. (Vacant.) lON a. m. and p. m. . Jim. p• m• IPTSCOPAL habbatit Scrtlees, galas,/ Achool wita-Day Wrdne.days MITTIODIST EPISCOPAL. —Rat. W. P. Jrnn Sabbath ....... 4 ft. ID. en 4 m Sennett, !Actg..' ..... p m Pr•yrrt Meeting, Thomlryr. . p. 1te.v..1. P MIM.En. 10 40 0. aml 111 p p , m m, It . . ,T.ll P. m. TIMSBYTERTAN CUMICLI, Pabbath Services fiabhath tlebonl Praia Meeting, Tharedar Eveutogs Arriyals and Dc - partures of hulk. WENT= ALMANGVACUNT Arrival./ Drpartures. . . . izentrox Depot, (Daily,) 600 P. u. 620 A. u. :New Milford, * 10 00 A. u. 130 r. u. Wyalasiug, " 7 f:0 p. u. SOOA. U. Tunktfannock, " 300 P. AS. 10 00 A. u. Friendsvinr, 600 r. u. 800 A. u. Conklip Eiatioa, 700 P. If. 700 A. IL lbwleytoo, 6 00 r. u. Mesboppeo, 10 00 A. U. 400 P. Y. The New York, Tonkhannock, New Miller& and Wylusing mails are daily; the Conklin titation.mail vein leave on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays; Ilinghampton mail. rid Silver Lake. will leave on Monday at 6:30 a m, Tues day and Thursday at 8 p. m ; alb leave on llowitskyl, , Wedliesdays, and Fri days. ADM7110,35A1. rrACIES. MonimeeDepot, (Dally,) 000 r. M. 11 00 A. M NeW Milford, " 330 r. Y. 130 A. • CEO. L. Srosat, Postmaster. Montrose, January 4, 1873. New-Adverilloementa. Pleas° read the following ralvertisements, new week:wis Cndertatlnt. ate.—T. ReekboVlßro l'anAmbtirg t Co.'s Meitnerle. PO, sl—nee d Doyle. adetiOrti of a Pelt 1..1re. Great Western Gan Worts. Calllptedhe. Mconmas Lor-its. Garsin's T►r Remedies, rusters—Nick-Guattell. Vim Ambureollieuarssie, Nesting of tee Agricultural !roelsty adjourned SPECIAI. NOTICES. Moltke. t - The Pert. Companion. The New Matt Trues The Beckwitk &hankie Machin. Now, About Town comic s fall 4 snow agnin Sunday and Mon day Anorning-last. Tim next session of the Lackamina Preaby ten - will be held in Montrose. It "April showers bring Mns flowers," what will such snow stionlis as are gif almost daily weurreisce bring? This is a problem for the children and the "oldest - to solve. Two more ewes of small pox are rroorted in Ilritlessenter. One the Nsidow of Mr. Jesse %mot. and the other Mr. E. Taylor. Thecae are in the:une Families r. here the other canes Wen WII *TEN' Ell MI do or fail to do, do not ne gket the cellar nnder your dwelling house.— t lean it up. Whitewash tlte walls, and venti late it thoroughly and often. Remember I 1141 the health of yoarsell and Cant ily deism - 0 upon It. Mane is vacant dour in the household May be ittribuitsi to the effects of poisonous null:lris engendered by decaying cer,ciabk mutter in tenses. Jrnor 7donnercr wen met by one of our townsmen the other day, who hod been tnk ing a hide outnething for "romlicinar or 'tme eftankmd" purposes, who said "Judge, (hie) I tell you toe'l option 's a failure_" It did tonnu to fail to prevent a large amount of drunkenness the Latter part of Last week. It was reported that there vins a daily "jug" line running be tween Windsor, Broome county, New York and Montrone, AT a meeting of the members of St. Paul's Church, on Easter 3lunday, F. 3.1. Williams, Wm. H. Cowl., A. Lathrop, C. L. Brown, Junes E. Carman, C. D. Lathrop, IL. J. Webb and E. B. Ilawley, Isere elected vestrymen for the ensuring church year. On Saturday evening last, the new restry met Red organized by electing F. 14. Sen iwr Wanien ; Wm. 11. Cooper, Junior Warden 11. J. Webb, Treasurer; E. B. Hawley. Secreta ry. Wm. IL Cooper and C. L Brown, were elected delegates to the annual convention. ODD FELLOWD' ANDIVVESART, APIITL=TC,— The Committees of Montrose Lodge and of the Rebekah Degree Lodge give notice to all broth ers and sisters in Montrose and vicinity, that the approaching anniversary of the Order will be celebrated at the Hall, in 31ontrose, on the afternoon of Saturday, the 23111 inst., by a social Reunion and FestivaL Supper at 6 o'clock, p. nt The Commiitees will be in attendance at the Rail during the afternoon. to take charge of the supplies for the table, Whirl& it is hoped members will provide in Ithe same liberal man ner as on like previous occasions. Come one, tome all. BT OTMETI or COIL Ace to the Sharpers. Our county, like the country all oser,swarms with all kinds of swindlers, and we warn our readers to keep clear of them. Do not sign your name to any paper without thoroughly understanding its contents. If any man wants to sell you for a tritiling sum of money, a re ceipt or patent fur malting your fortune, or to sell you goods at less than cost, set him down for • swindler, and kick him car your premises, if you are able. sugar Sand. There was, a couple ul week, ng,o, a party th.ni New York examining the beautiful bed of white sand near Balcony Falls in this county. While the preliminaries of a purchase were be leg made, the owner enquired the use of such shining dirt in the 'great Northern city. The Yankee, in a matter of-fact way, said, "To mix with pulverized sugars." Re explained the process of adtatcraticin,and never gave evidence of any scruples about the business—Lexington, (Vs.) Gazette. Redateed Tara of Erelest. The Pennsylvania Central, the Erie and the New York Central, the three great trunk lines to the west, have adopted a new Milli of freights to the west and southwest. The re duction traria, from 10 to 25 per cent. The av enge reduction is about 15 per cent. The agents of the railroad lines have been in con. saltation in New York for several days and hear made out the revised list. The reductions are observed to be greater where water tram - rxirtation comes in direct competition with the railroads. For instance, in the ease of St. Paul the rate or' first class freights is reduced from V.to per 10 pounds to $l.BO and for Louth class freights from 11.15 to 05 cents per hun dred: Eara-aptly. Mr. George Harvey, of Rush, has left upon our table a lien's egg, measuring nearly 9 inches by 6%. What is still more in favor of the old hen that produced it, Mr. Mae' says this VMS rid calla occasion, but that she does the same thing almost overt' day. Should she continue thhi for a tern of years, she wouldlris almatt as valuable aithe hen mentioned in Asap's Fa bles. We hope Mr. Harvey will notdo as that old lady is said to hays done, kill her to see whtit, aho Is made or. Pruning Grime Vines. • Artexperienenk rind Intelligent observer or fruftkilowers abd grapes, says that, "in priming grape - yines this spring ho has applied with a bruilt warm grafting vraFto prevent a Clow of the altp: He has found it to work well, and rec ommends It as it stun preventive against grape vines ideeding. Ale makes his grafting wax as follows; Two parts of resin, I part of beeswax, 1 part et tallow, and adds a little white turpen tine. This makes the best kind of pruning wax. White turpentine Is made of oozing sap from the white pine tree. Episodes of Moving Day. It Is meet amusing to hear a few irate house wives compare notes about their experience on moving day- This one found in her cellar a six month's collection of old bones, shoes, slops, hoop skirts and 'broken lamp chimneys. An other found' that when the late occupants were leaving, in taking down the pictures and look ing glasses, In each Instance a toot of plaster VMS pulled out with the nails which held them. A third had a pile of ashes, a basket of broken IVA/Eland tt barrel, of rotten cabbage leaves lett as a legacy from the nutgoers, and a fourth lost her rocking chair and a pair of scissors and had her best blue silk ruined by 'the npsettirg of a can of benzine. Compoundlin; Felony. The Ilarrislang En-ning Triegrail says : "To' compound n felony or to council on. is a crime under the laws, rind yet the majority at felon ies that are committed are mutpountled through lawyers, and sometimes felonies are counsel ed!' The shove we think can be applied with much local force even to our courts in this sec tion. It Is apparent in the report of court pro ceedings, every term, that men prmueute more commonwealth matters at the present,, time for the*Mtnney In it" than for the police of society, and felonies are compounded on "business" prin ciples. Men use even the name of tho"eunt'th" as nn engine of power for collection in civil con tracts, And not only oompound the felony hut also the "interest" on those contracts. Is there no remedy In the premise.% ? We contend there is, and that our Court has a strict duty to form In the matter Thee I, not a school boy at the'present time but Ibn should know that no complainant on the part of the Common wealth, has any power to settle with a defend ant, but may o:, the contrary he in jail to sccurtl his evidence Let any lawyer who assists in counselling or compounding felonies he dealt with by the strong arm of the law, as there is no mitigation in his case. We believe tint it is no defense for a criminal's accomplice that be is a member of the Bar. Fire In Drool(13 - n. Tido morning, about half past trrelre, m.. We were neonatal from our sl amber by the I 1 noise of a person passing by, On rip:tiring to 'he door, ere frind it to he Morn. Raker, brine at C.T. S. O. Totems-A. From him vie letients; that the bocce of Gem* W St.sliart WaS on fire. About this time the flames shooed ;night Upon the snow. and in the house. For a %tittle the passers made it pretty lively, men on horseback and on foot. ilr. Sterimg's house oar. shout SO rods north of ißrooklyn Centre on the road to Montrose. forrntely the property or Mr Thomas Garland. and' ;who was at this lime visiting his friends in &Tarlton. It appears Mr. S. was not well at the time. and arose frotn the hltt to take Ids medicine. arousing his wife, who said, "what is that ?" be opened the kitchen door awl Mond that tiea back part anti kitchen was in flames. The men trona the village were anon on hand, and the ork of moving the furniture from the house Ira. livelyfur a while. a talr portion of which was saved, considering the flurry on such oeen sions. Fortunately for Mr. Sterling, the little snow lying on the roof of bin barn, and. ntlier buildings, prevented the sparks and cinders from igniting them. Mr. 8. and family for a while will be found living in their Corn house, where neighbors and friends can call on them, always finding the latchstring on theoutside. I understand Mr. Sterling's Insurance to he about $1,300. Since the above was writtua, 1 learn that the Wyoming Insurance agent is on band with the trunranco of 151,1300. Brooklyn, April 18th, BM, Court Proceedings. Comer appoint Samuel Trnmlell constable in township of Franklin. COURT appoint G. S. Lewis const. In the township of Thomson. Comer appoint Wm. E. Tompkins supervisor I in Liberty Township. C. J. Wureri.c appointed Deputy Const. In the Born of Montrose. Urox petition the place of holding elections in Forest Lake is changed from the house of A. Spencer-10 the house of Jars. Bertha Warner. I Tun Gnash jury sanction the report for a county bridge in Oakland township, but deride I against one in the township ofSilver Lake. The I viewers for a county bridge site in Herrick township report adversley. TOE Grand jury refuse the application for a ! charter incorporating Thomson centre, and Great Bend Villagr- Bonnier R. ROSE was admitted to the prac tice of Law as an attorney in Susquehanna county. fun Conti appoint C. M. Gere and Harvey Tyler to hear the complaints and recount thy votes In the contested, election case in Rush ; township. They will Inca for that purpose next Friday (April 25th.) Is the matter of the Commonwealth a. Charles__ Morton, defendant plaids guilty on the Indictment, stealinga horse atJaines Birch and of Rush, claiming to have been intoxicated at the time. Is remanded for sentence. Calera at. Welton, Indictment Larceny stealing money from the Erie Railway Co., at Susqueltanna Depot. Verdict, guilty. lie is believed to - be a desperate character and un doubtedly will receive the reward of his iniqui ty. COleTll a. Geo. W. Ro 7 z, indictment ; for ger, glee prowiruientered and parties settle. Conern a. T. J. Barnes, Indictment selling Liquor on Sunday. Verdict not guilty defendant to ply costa ReNtnat. assault and battery canes %from Glenwood were settled and rode prosqui eater ed on past of coats. Cosern vs. L Ilaywood, S. B. Slater B. Wil mot and Ed. lisvitand, indictment placing ob. I I structions on the Erie Railway track at Great I Bend Last November. Verdict not tltdltr.. Illgh-Achool Commencement. The first, and the pioneer commencement ex ercises took place at the Chapel of the Muntreoe High School, on Wednesday evening last.— Through the energetic and etlicient labors of the principal, Prot Berlin, it wean decided sue ecw, so far as his part and that of the gradua ting class were concerned. The class consisted of five yoaug ladies, Miss Flora Lathrop, Miss Julia Miller, Bliss Battle Brewster, Bliss Kate Glidden, and Miss Battle Morgan. Miss Flora Lathrop gave t hesalinatory essay, entitled "Cul ture of the mind," 'which was an extremely well written composition, pointed, practical and appropriate In its ideas, and read is a clear and impressive manner, and met with the full ap probation of the audience. The next was an essay by Miss Julia Miller, subject, "Under the sea." As the sea, geograph. kindly, covers three-fourths of the globe, so this subject is as broad and expansive, and it could not beespmted that in one short Losay,the writer could traverse the whole field, neither did she attempt It, but she alluded very beautifully to the vast treasure house locked up in the blue depths of the sea, making mention of the late ill-fated Atlantic, drawing from the wholesome p tactical reflections on its annalo. , v to the sea of life, in which some are saved by their watch. full care, and others are lost by their careless indifferent e. The essay was very clearly nod dis.inctly read, and It ell received by the aud- Then follou ed an essay by Miss Baffle Brew ster, subject, "Labor." The writer, bring a daughter of one of our most respected and in dustrious mechanics, and undoubtedly ltaviug been taught Ly a earribi mother in the duties of the kitchen, was clearly entitled ta the cham pionship of labor, and she did her part extreme ly well in its defense. Maintaining that labor is the engine of power that must drive the mass of mankind to the successful station, both physically, mentally and wurnlly. ller ideas were expressed iu well defined terms and cltr• 11. rendered Miss Kate Glidden followed in an essay, sub lect, "Weeds," which was handled by her in a very happy manner, sparkling with genuine and legitimate humor. She drew a clear and well dellned analogy between nature's weeds and the weeds of society. We were very strone ly impressed with the manner that ahe did weed out the lawyers, (being one of the profession ourself) She said that yellow daisies were they not so prevalent, might be considered as choice flowers, but now they are viewed by the bus i handman as pestilential weeds. .The same might I.la. said of the lawyers of Montrose. The gat I surplus of the "weeds" detracted greatly from their tame. She closed with a very practical exhortation that as plenty as were the weeds in society, all it needed was the dressing hoe in the , hands of true workmen and the disposition to use it. This east was very plainly eouocht:eil I I and acknowledged by all to be the must nut rl one of alert:lex The concluding essay was by Min Hattie 'Morgan, on the litiportantaiof palmation, - :Ind %I .is a worthy effort. This In•ing a subject which has ''en bne;eun ti e•J over at hol Patel and edn. rational front time itnnunnorial al most, it NC:I4 more ditlie•ult in an original manner. The n riter Caine ti with errata to herself oral the sal ject solerted. At the conclusion, the class were each pre sented with a diploma from the principal. which dmb] be h••id with just pride by the class it. t. c pioneer graduates of tbe 3lontros.: 4lusli School The stud, nts and friends presented Prof Ber lin aid, a silver 0 piti for and salver, us a .light !mmmy - , of their esteem, and due am prml i• his a rihmiti and. effectual labor. in br;ninz the rat popular rlandlnl. We deem it a well curl' • ra tribtile. Tien thing on rice mat ;it the prin cipal and graduutine class was done Well, asd in order, but untortanctely atter the kgiritaii - tv exercises had closed, a desire or certain divtits ries to be s.en a t ,d he a rd 0..,; men. and a seeming ignorance on their part as to time and p'ittre, lu nuburth n Ih, n.eeh es of tame. 0 imia tionnlerxmaq, the sudienrc was around uith slum stale and dry talking. This may seem sacrilegious In us to color, as the press are ex pected to dance in applause to the whitn e ery pollar.t, but in us they will mistake their ' man. It is inn pprirpna le to dunce at a funeral, ' and it Is just as unappropriate to convert a High - Si-Mad commencement Into a Teacher's institute to display pet them les, and deliver spread eagle orations. We hope the principal hereafter will assert his vested right, and not al low the excellent effect of Lis exercises to be clouded by any such inopportune assumption. 1.-- - --410. 4Or 4.-- A Jug Story. There is time for all things, and just now ap. for, mquirw. the exercise of : , juthpnrnk,,wlik* pears a very good time for tier following cir- tun f i „d rule can ens . o . ooennenati 41,4 Latter cuntstance to ' turn up," which we dip Crow In I,or one and the eame , color in- cneti, • paCk the rOt tNIOWn Ledger: , az , . The first harvest opens in the season called I Doubtless the natural color, es also the quali• oat hmvast, In the rear 135'3. anti the scene ty and flavor, would be improved by extra care thereof is laid in Poitsgnive township, about and keel for the cows, and tbis.we do .not heal two miles above Pottstown. And it came to tate to advise. But all may not exercise such pass in that year that an individual purchased j care, we desire to give the informatiori;we Jtavo a jug of whisky, In very common thing in those I gathered to those who use artificial coloring. times, and not unlikely to occur et the present In our opinion it, had better bo left - undone =- day, especially in counties voting "against li , less it call be well (lope. cease,") which said jug of whisky, being musk' In reference to the very soft andullteeLmth cmi unsafe in the hands of is person given to in ,, in the wannest weather we will say, no , inbibing rather freely, (this was one of the fall- coloring earl matte them suitable: 10r. iniekhig ire of the person who purchased it,) was tell- with other butter forkeeping. Pitt them' in a en in charge by one Augustus L Betehel, who • separate package or displaced them'sonid , attar made a hole In the earth And buried the jug and ; I way, We will add—the meet cliff cnit packages the whisky thercin,placing a stone over the "ar- to dispcsc of are those uneven in color, whiteat I dent spirits" to keep it thitt,,. Then in clue the bottom and yellow at the top, all of which time tits ground In which the whisky was p lan- i 4 at ante discovered when exhibited to the brit ted was plowed over, mind nothing remained to ter trier." mark tire spot where this "buried treasure" was _ _ __________ . _— concealed. - In vain did the man who had lilac- Business Locals. . ed A there afterward endeavor to discover it; —-- ., , Bose Cold" pAWIN,, '8 TAIIitaIIEDIES Cute his search Was unrewarded ; be could not find • or - Hay Fever." • the jug, nor tin obtain a' small of the cork." , ,lii. . —. And years passed away, and the original owner Do NOT FAIL . to hear_ HoonALL, the Great of the jug had gone to his rest—and more years l . 'isis ‘ V e it i i i d .,, N fi ' t itt t l i t , n , i,untiEr the knytiurettette Court ttonse, aroritt ? Passed away, until the present time, A. D.,1873. A. urtlnv evening. April 20th, 1871.. And now the events of the emend chapter of . Al,,,, tmise‘ Apr il 2 3 . im _i w. , .. 3 our story transpire- It so happened, on Wed , nesday last, that this same Augustus L. Bechtel ; was plowing in the same Geld in which he had I I buried the same whisky, a matter of fifteen years ago. In turning a farrow his plow rtriket a stone, the atone is upraised, and—lo! under neath it Is seen the almost fm-gotten brown jug." Our agricultural friend Mopped his plow then and them, took np the Jug rrom its place of long concealment, gave It a shake, and found that It still contained a "fluid" of some kind. Re procetaled in his insamtigation ; the cork was removed, and ns he applied it to his &factories, a smell was emitted that be was too well posted to mistake. Finally be ascer tains that about half a pint of whisky still re mains In the jug, rottrithstanding the long pe rimd of its burial in the earth. Farmer B. wits astonished, and well he might be, for such a pure and unadulterated specimen of "old rye" —and fifteen years old, at that—is very rare in these later days of "Local Option." • And now comes chapter three, which is brief. In this Mr. Bechtel assumes himself to be a cor oner, and Summons a jury; and the coroner and jury bola an inquest upon the "aged spir its," then and there lying before them ; and they render a verdict that—"such whisky ought to ,be put down." And thus the whisky is all, and so is the story. Sackson Items. MR. Hosea Denson 13 paying 20 'cents for Mn. Rill the butcher, has moved down to t,44 Lamb Farm, continues still to•kill SO al:limb; Ws bevelled four or five very cold and stor my Sabbaths, and the going something awfull. Pleased to see our new Baptist chards-so well. attended on those tempestous days. "flow can I expand my chest," asked a stingy mean kind of a man. "By . carrertg a larger heart in it,' the doctor answered. Ws are pleased to hear of the return of El der Arnold back to his field of labor. May the second year be . more sneressfid tit in Ur- first. Mae. Geary has opened her new store, and Is selling for small profits and soaking quick re tarns. llelp the widow. As it Is no d'sgrace to the sun that bats and owls cannot bear its light, so it Is no disgrace to the Gospel that evil spirits and ungodly men fail to suffer Its purity and goodness. Too much care sometimes punishes itself, like the old lady, landing from the steamer in a shower of ruin, who covered the new bonnet en completely with her gown, that she missed her footing on the plank, and fell Into the river. As annonnerd from the desk last Sunday, Elder R. T. Davies, will on the 27th inaL, next Sunday, preach a sermon to the chtldren of the Sunday Schools. Subject; "The Love of God," in words of one syllable. Wtnoir Doran had a large gathering on the 15th inst., her boys and girls, and several friends and neighbors, had a grand time, The old lady looks 50 per rent. better than 'she did nine months since. May she live to be happy and useful. Mn. Elliot Benson. Is now living. in °daft Fl qt, and a Mr. Lon . from Grent Head, has pur ehashed a part of ant Houghton property, and has Jour retwo.-ed, :mil La one of ..010 latest neighbors. A Low fur a Benson—tzehangt Is no robbery. ow cop torus, He hiu. ming led with it every Ingredient which Ile sees needful for our on 0 good, and for the training which is to fit us for the place we are to fill In his Universe hereafter. • Jackson, April 18t1i, 1873 In the Coloring of gutter lleneflelal On subject we bee, to submit the follow ing which we gather from un old butler chller in New York city "For seine years past the practice of coloring bolter has been inereixsing, especially in the early Spring and late Fall. From close obser vation and comparimin we are enabled to state, as our experienec, that harm as well as benefit of en results from this practice. Among the errors NNW!, h most frequently oc cur in the prove, or coloring, and which hin der r.tl her than help the sale, :Ire— lot coloring too highly and unevenly. g material—,t e ll no Carrot., etc.—lN hielt will itattort their 11.tvor to the halter 3d, rs inf tuateri.‘ll. , r st , turintT, trnprorktrir and Without nay cell-defined idea of the object ntlained. The L. , eate.t benefit has been idKerrahle in the car✓: Spring make, when the white was inaperly and evenly colored; that is, pis( ChUINN) to a light yellow, in order to match 'SUM ed:11;,: churnings which have a deeper nat ural color, nriaing Crum the increrkieti feed of la VICW of the liiregoing fuetu, and ilt,iring to assist &dry men ennimunicating whatever we think may lie of benefit to them, We am in duced to mune the material and rule whirs' we have wheeled tram the• many reci:ivel in answer ren. innuines fur OM, pnrpt.e, and which-up- le ,t as a gutie to those who inav'sitadrefri.itse IL Like all nil, of 1115 kind. linwever, it tnuet L; u,r , l AI itO 'rt . I ion and judgment. The re. ripe iv S c I);,„1% taro names of Spanish Annntto in 0 ,r quart of son cold water; shake; well onil frerinentke mull' the Arm:tit° is tlissoliAl T - $ll the liquld-through a cloth, mid - 'tine leietrpha of Atilitnn Sall pot the mixture into a battle. shahe it vvell,tiutk it tight and it will then be read` for use. Wizen the cream is ready fort& churn. a.i i in the ratio of one „teasptionhal oh the Thield to every alb quarts of 'Cream. It should he borne in mind that'early in tlte before the grass feed COVElf0,11:1C114 . 11 - 10it or color iv better than a deepyellintar sill 3140, when the butter partially assrtmea - coD7r front 1110 natural feed of graot, the' further' cal , "Hag by this or any other proems, will Itt , rnnve it to keep better through the seasen. will odd !hut, white the above rule matserreils I ft guide, the quantity should be varied accoid- Mg to eireuttistances. as esrery successive charil -1 jag is ehanged la Its natural' color. It, there TILE AGnicularn.u. Mr.CLING It. I,llc Sus quehanna County Agricultural Society . f+iis journed to meet at the Court House In Mont new, on Monday. May fith; 1873. •: • . . 3lontrose, April 23, , Vis Alumna S Q Ifroracotnic.- this we. k publish the atleirtisenient .of the most widely !mown - collection of wild' aninfali ever exhibited in America. It IS not our enstmn to set the seal of our approval upon tho alouniit bank.gbowg that yearly Intholate th6-counire— anti of which a majority aft mere histitutions for [llllllllll4ilig licoTaUs money trim 1116ffpnell ets ; therefore, when-we-do apvtlt in World' an entertainment, we !nay' bo untlerstooti attfeally deeming it worthy 'UT eulogy. .Y Anikarg a Menagerie needs no holiternigfrom the editor pen., It has' made- ita reputation lirbellik for fifty • years Alto. best - entmattimuent lit the country. Ibis a )11Aegni- or, Yvan ral Itstp,tyr, containing SVechnena of,tht ,a cat ankmals found on the two contlnentt,* trietY'or 'Which have never betawottexbilriticnruntiFfflowr We are esaured'hy the „qntlerttallr rd it that I they Malik - posse:iet will exhibit these rare wonders nntUott,l. wOrkLia. Whitt veir nim to make their menagerie exactly what itis advertlo4l to be. They have recently whited a gymnasium in which will ha exhillitnlfeotof strongto nod agility by. a troop rifrenowttatte ' foreign athletes, There Is no circus attachetijo the menagerie, nor can we perceive a single oh- I lectionottle feature, that should deter, the most reflood And moral of our people from it their patronage. .ALAWFASES.a.I44I4._ NP,, , QT*S for gate Ot ttila office. -- Also, Note', Drea,".ift&gliother Minks. Sou:in.—The old "Franklin" Fire Insurance Company began business in 111:'9 ; has paid for losses about $8,500,000, and its ourplus aretcla that of any other Fire Insurance Company in the United States. Parties in Susquehanna County holding policies, and haring loss there on, or desiring any change in them, will begood enough to notify ll.n.sur C. TYLER, Ag't, April 2,187 n- Montrose, Pa. CAUTION-I do hereby caution the public against passing the lirystone Saloon without calling, for they will Mid it greatly to their benefit, by an doing. There, will be found, Oysters and Clams in abundance, which Is a sure cure for bungee,Anil4,ll Sr.' liable to be at tacked with it, and JI 111111 Wee dangerous, un• less a remedy is applied sooner or later, so take heed and be wise. GEo. C. Ilim., Montrose, April 16th, 187a—wl E. MCKENZIE & Co., desire to give notice that they have secored the servici. of Mr. A. A. SUEXcIf, fur 41.40 y Laud ct4ta,,artalG orit* . ;:ilkdallSkliiieptOf W. 4 '410.; of .I.l6 t inoos roui,lest reclinirneridatfOns, and we'liii"l'aFstiid can now give perfect 'satisfaction in eat style and fin ish of all w irk entrusted to our care. We shall keep a fine line 01 cloths. and (-ass meres, and hope we shall !writ and receive the support and patronage of the public. E McKEsziE 5: Co. ..)lontooto, 4t,Pri . l W 1 !, ,../§ 1 1 4 4 z T.; InsmitccE NortgE.—Wm. Buehler, Esck, of flarrishurg, Penna., has resigned the State Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadtdpljia, and I hare notice from the Com pany, that ThoutpsotiAllid Btaij orWThCes- Barre, Pa., are to take his place as State agents. I make the same notice now, that I did flue year ago, that I refuse to represent any Compa ny that Thompson, Den A: Bro. represents. I don't allow country agencies to dictate my bus iness, either in But supervision of risks or ad justing losses. I take this opportunity of noti fying my customers, that all risks in the Frank lin as they expire, will be placed in other good responsible companies. 111.mA:cos STROUD ]lontros o.ptilizrg pgx.fews QL, EXCHANGE 110TEL.-1 hereby announce to my frietulaand lint traveling public Rcnectlly, ..tkat i anon coptinue,to,4evp ntylotel open for Ake accommodation of boardera titid gitests. A friend of Thw and'oriler, 'a firinrbe liever in the "field of the majority to rule"— having proved my devotion to the principle by four years men ice in its support, I. clumlrfully. neeept the local option shuation t andsball fully °het all laws, slate and' nfitiinnti: I re spent lolly ask the patronage ut alLtespeetable people, who may hAvetff.3.lP•hrl 10 priHrHIT.O public house• and promi4e that pq effort shall be wanting make the t3rst elastrho tel in every partlehlar.• " ' ' PAWL AV3lceitActi•Ets. liontrose, April Ptli,-181A.4-w•I TEACHERS EXA,WsnaloNs.—Tba Special Er 1k lieV as follows: Vilia.; 6 o School House, Friday, Apriltl*. itush.,Grangerville addict] house, Saturday April 19th, Lathrop, Tinpbottom school house, Tuesday, April i 1•2. - Clifford, instittar, Corners school liouse,Ved‘ tp,lnv. April 'ad. , Clitrord, 6orners-.acnoot house, Thursday, :24th. , Ilarfitrd ' Graded stit69l3otnte, Friday, April, 2-51 h. • • • CZ Uttes: i Mon t rose; Graded school house, 31onday, A p ril tjt h. Nrw,3tilfor , l, Graded school house, Tuesday, April llth, : trfl, Smiley school house, Wednesday, April 301 h. Stisi t udianna I)epot, school house, Thursday, 3tay 1. Liberty. Lawsville Centre school house, Fri (tar, Mar 2.1. Prientisville. school house, Monday, )31n , y sffi. Each exatilinntion conunenee at lb clock aim.. An mit frairM• Eier oTlhe=nine Brunches of Study requtrctl by law, is sufficient noon for withholding n certificate. Applicants I);l,N2fittlank. ininiLitapcx and a Union Diteetors should ecalnine the eertifieffte of them who wish schools. and in no case allow one to commence teaching who has not a valid certificate, as It is (Non[, sod I have n o time fur cuuninatiente affor close ufttaxtuninatina& - 1 may. pa. found at ,the (bunt; - Smserioccorlant, in on the first Slunday.of.each inonth, -at 1 o clock, p. nt W. C. TILDES, County Supt. Tomtit lakr, April Oth, 1873. JURY LisT—Armti. Tenn—To commence at Montrose, April 14th, Tnuerm Jarom—Secund tteek. Auburn —Milton jr., Gen. R. White, Cliarle4 ilay, Albert G. Sterling. Apolacon—James Dean. jr Lewis Beebe, Edwardgallulice Gsorge lkichrkpan.. •Ilrt,7gewo.Ri'-4411 7 .Staikt•Xtt. Brooklyn—lsaac Van Auken. Clifford—Philip Burdick, Oney Bounds. Dimock—James A. Bunnell. Fork.steLalce—Milon Blschard. . . -, • Friendsr.lle—Thornas Darin. Gibson—Charles I saiguie, Daniel C. Brun dage. Great Bend Two—Cicero Dixon. Great Bend Boro—jatnes B. Howe, Ilarford—ltussel Tatcher, William Dixon, Denni.on • - Ilannonv—Steybrn G. Irvin. Jessup—Marvin Hall, Theodore licKeeby, Ralph S. Dirchand, - . , Jackson—LeantlC ' tilis;rad ' Lenos—George Belcher. Latlimp—Sidney Osborn. Mon rose.—hews Campbell. -- New Milford Twp—Henry Mead, Balms IL Fo..t. Oakland—Daniel Matthews. Bash—Robert 11. Hillis. Springville--Datil Thomas, Archibald B. !!•11ridgn. Suatltitliatini Thomson—John IL Lamont, Barnard J. Whitney. wrA.iirtsA.6rms;. RCXIF.II 4 -1117 uNEntr--11ce. tritb, 13 the Hey. .1. C. Brainerd, Wm. Hug ors, M. P.. of South Gillson n and .111 fa 31ory Bralucid : of ITarford. Burnorrx-flAnti—Al.3l6 Parsonage in inetuon Corners, March Nth, 1/173, by the Rev. 13. T. Davics,Wm. Billing Burdick, and 31iss Amy Ilarkt,..buth o 1 71).1Z1.011C13E.9. Brou Sataoay, 41 , 411..12141 1E373, Chance R.• Dewitt a* yea rs. on Thursday moniTug'tollusyrpt thO . neigh tars and friends of the deceased repaired to llophottom where the remains were put on the train for Newville (I believe) Tompkins Co. New Yorit,farinternitut- • LAMBERT—Puma( omfronilEarth. to the better land, In Frnnklin. at the house of Mr. Dan ford Newton December 39th 18T3, Dr. John P. Lambert aged 60 years. lie was formerly a resident of Auburn town ship Susq. Co., but removed west about seven years ago. Ills health failing him, he again re turned to thi county stmming,M,Nr4iewton's toltiefirsA ir tileit4nlbst ono ;Neel', without again seeing his former home. Ills remains were taken to Auburn and buried be side his children with the usual masonic, hon ors eet. Ile leaves an afilictionate wife and one Daughter to mount his loss. - - F - IBE 81, &ND wrffet Bases Pack tour Buller In lift -44 ' 41 U fie WESTCOTr.. PAIL! Approvp~ and rectignmended by the leading anthori- Deo of on trluntrytort dairying. and acknowledged by all butter dealer. to be the very hest package In use. I Balltearegked to-Bd. Pall bring. 5 to 10 cent. more pound in the hew York City Market than Um tame quality In any other package Dairymen, rend for a Circular I Dealer.. tend for Price Liati We are the sole manufacturer* of ITESTCOTTS RETURN BUTTER PALL! and ale, manufacture very extentleely BUTTER DA ix-FM BUC CB TUBS. MPOIIND „BUTTER PAILS, WELL KETS, SC., &C. Our °nods are marked with our name. and ate for sale by any Inn-clan dealer*. 811-5.11 Y BROS.. Belmont, Allegheny C 0... N. Y. Principal Warelwase, 1,1160661t0t, R. Y. Aprit 16, 11313.-3 m. IE_I-ACS-Innee - 33144 , 7 Predate and Commitsfon iderchatiti• • : • _ TT Weir York.. • ' Consignments solicited And Wynn nude Lminediate tr ""aaa Pmts. Bawl thipplog.cairdp ansintent etap_' Rtftrenies N a tional park Bank at New Yotk,.., 'NoriteThereellaultorntess Yotk. ' Nassau Nati o nal Bank of• Nine York: *on blend lkink.cd dkonidyn,..ll. .• • • , Feb. 10. Is'la.—!ma. - • The Markets. F'►uancial. NEW Tons, Sato:May, April 19. Money was In active demand, but thereAstao trrinaltnal pressure for accontinedations'on the part of those engaged in legitimate business.— fbe cOtnmon Fete for leads on Call on undoidlitl ed se unties was six per cent., but tbe lookepi Xre paying 1O 12. - There Is little: dolt.o in time loans. but they are, goons' nnminally nit the way ffstb 8412 per cent., acne - riling to the, quality of the collateral o ff ered. The better fides of commercial paper ruled between 9012 per cent. harlot gradts are notssaleable. ' ' Gold was unsettled and higher, opening n 1.111;, advancing to Hifi, needing to '117,.p but closing ett 118, a further advance N.' , Sterling exchange, 1267c0121%. - C3'xlo .... . : J... ::'.:.... Silver S Os 1801.. 5-20 'Citinion 5.20 Coupon 1804..... 220 Coupon 186.; 5-20 Coupon 1865jy... 5+20 Coupon 1807...:. 5-20 Coupon 1800— . New' 5 per cent. bonds 10-40 s L'ilrie Exchange...... Sterling Exclmuge.... Qin pricy Bonds 180 120 1201 i, 117 ' 11794 1173 r 118 119 11914 "117 11.1 N, 110,11 111/1!: 113 " 113 1151.1 ' 'll3 -433 . 447 I .....t199"„ 12. M, New York Prodner Narkct Corrected weekly by Ranting, rfeyden; Co.; Wasangion 81, New York.' 41643 • 40643 ...... : , 1561:4 1t4 , 1614 , • 6.5069.15 ........ 53.20Q3.4.90.1 - 1.900211 4 1 740'79 434M47 , S; l4 / 4 6 8 4'. 11 4 g51,,. / 4 00g4. ...... 2.002.15 • • . ...... ..'%1091 Butter, tnb " tlrkin cltp,colatrit, per lb •' factory"... Bars, 'per doz . Flow, per bairct.. Cornmeal, VilataN per bushel. Bye .oats " Corn " Hops, crop of 1871 Tallow ." Laid per lb' ..., Potatoes per bbt. Apples Tralteyn per lb . ellickeral Packs New Adveititements. .Ttiert PLeaeiNneell., - A LAUGH AND . , WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ' 1 • • ALT. P OF NEW DESIGNS AND FRESH STOCK, . WIfICII WE ARE SELLING CUBAN Call and famine before Rudman Insowliara: C. Y. .I . A. Q. UPTE 9 121.1T11.;; ideatreaPe, /Will I, WM—lt • County Bus Lucas Directory, ilia lines In' this Diredory,oni year, 31,50 Jaen additionattint, 50 ea. ISON"TROSE. p. 8. BrEttg—comkty Sarre:rot. of Samizehann* Cots V. °ince ID th..a Cowl Ilmeet. oncrov.e. JAMES E. CAILMAI,T, Attorney at Law. Ogles one door below Tarbell !loose, Public Arcnuo.• WM. 'H. COOPER 4t CO.. Bankers. sell Foreign Pas sage Ticket• and Drafts on.fingland, Ireland and:Scot land. • BILLINGS STILOUD. Ueocra Fin and Life Insur an., Agent, ; 51.0,0c1l Itallrosmaud Accident Tl toNew Tarkoieui F6lladclphla.• Ofte.a ate dotiraiis olthe Bank. - WH. TLAUGIIWOV - T, Slater, Whal.sale mad liatall dosler la all kliula of elate mein:, Idatatrosc..ras,, BtiIINS Jr. NICHOLS. tbe plans to get Drainntstitent clue• Blom Tobacco, Pipes. Porket-Books, pcct► des' Yanks. Notions. do. Brick Block. WY. L. COX, nernetes maker did de-Merin 1.11 trtrcles neurally kept by the trade, opposite the Bank. DOTO d CORWIN.' Deolerorlo Stover. Urnlora e. mot Xsaintiettsrent at 'Masud Shemin= ware, corner of Main and Tarnofica strecc. S. IL NORSE. Iltordtont Tattot anti deers La notht. Ttitrimlogro, and FattOehind Goods. and Rendridelle Clothing, on Ltato't•trrot, owst doo to low Whit ond Megiddo's, Law Oltice.,. A. V. lIIILLARII, 1,611 W In timegrfri, Pi•ovielonr. Booke,Sualonery Ind Ynnkcs Notiocu4 pt bead 1 Pahlle Avenge! ' NEW lIILFOItD CAYUGA PLASTER—mcitoLas er In genuine Coup Tinnier : Frgvh Freund. ---- SAVINGS DANK, Itt.W IttILFOUD.—.I ix per cent. is Wrest on all Deposits. Does • general Dankipg Das nem , . . • LL CHASE & CO. it" L MOSS sCO , Dealers% iryth.W.trat . !:CaPi. Goma and ShOCP. and General Merchandtre. an Mat: Greet, recond deer below the Evlacuped (.3.1.0. • tiAr ars? IMPOrTUD AtaIISONSISTW 'IU ,* • !,. 3142WP.AWRUN44„ • . CAW, 'ILVD TFI491 7 YoURVZIMIIi • ANA W. SPAM Burr OF CLOTIIi g 1' 3; . ips,tVacual:erCapat. Iglatwu)! 3 XEuinaxo vAILsAi Gattenbarr, - Rotenbaum, k Co.'s. R„,,6,44 u mikikto: l, t!a it 41.1,d 1-..141 - 0 ,4-0 A r m 141.4 ; . • .I.tvie.,ll;htir MEE =ZEE Clothing, etc. 1 , 1 (14% - n - • ItilinnrrN • I ... 7 1 ; y -1 , -i. Kin% 611711g3 as