THE DE)I,Q.c , RAT. E. B. HA ITIEr IC ;CO., Editors. Elantrost,Wedanday, Qprll 23, 1873. TgE mile - tided 6M:ter: Tor the city of New York -- - passed -- the kigitlatt re on wqi l tigwot bg h,xote of :10a 4.4 This is marled as a completo rout of Tornlitirphy aOti l the custom house ring. Commissioner Vivenpoit and Marshal Shape vainly struggled to prevent the eatastrophy. When it was discovered that their defect was inevitable there was A pe_rftwt stampede, as . the Mal vote de monstr4tea P6sCsa..astsus are to be issued on the firat . of May. Why such care has been taken to strip them of the privacy ,that belongs to ordinary communications be tween private pehsons,we cannot imagine. It would have been easy to haven card that,vtonici fold, with adhesive edges, find room ost the' back for the address. Even Mr. Pickwick in writing to Mrs. Bardell, "ffeat i lits. B. Chops and tomato sauce," rotadVerer,not give"ft Sven to• the xioaira'ari; and tinve it. left open at . Mrs. 73aradit's49or: THE Hon. William Bigler has been chosen a Member, of the Constitutional Convention, to fill a vacancy made by the resignation of the Hon. Samnel H.• Rey nolds. While this body thus loses a valu able member, the opportunity has been iiiiroved to recall to its deliberations one 'Of ' , the ablest and most experienced pub lic men of the State, in whom all parties plain confidence, and who will lend strength to the action -of the Convention and bring to' its councils a practical saga city avid Sound judgment that will . be of girt' Vilue. No better appointment could Iwo beau made. TltE%levere illness of Pope Pius IX has led,,to numerous comments in the news paper press, at the bottom of which lay themolasion that the venerable head of the church would never recover. But the' vigorous • constitution of the holy fithetlal put all these calculations to shame. Accordiog to the last reports from home the health of the Pope has greatly improved and a complete restora tionis soon expected. That he may con tirme to wear the tnple crown is the sin -9ere prayer of millions. As to the sup posed candidates for the tiara in the event of the death of Pins IX many of them - ere ineligible by Canonical rules as well as by the customs of the church, so that this branch of the discussion occa sioned by the illness of the Pope has been wholly profitless. .THEDetroit Free Press says that "the late elections in Michigan were by no MestgOarreri /of results to the Liberals ind'tlecioontts. Though no special ef forts were made on behalf of Messrs. Dotrand Fitch,the Democratic and Lib- Oral candidates for Regents of in Uni versity, yet they have received ill the ag gregate a handsome vote. It is, \however in the county and township elections that the most gratifying indications of oppo aitiOn-strength appear." Four Counties are named which gave General Grant over thirty-five hundred majority, and halite now voted on the other side by over fifteen' hundred. Liberal gains am also shown in almost all portions of the State in the choice of Mayors and Boards of Supervisors,_ thus showing that Credit Molinter frauds and salary steals arc bar- , ing their legitimate effect in opening the eyes of the people, and convincing them of, their duty. • PRESIDENT GRANT recently appointed a soldier's widow postmaster of Ash tabula, Ohio, in the distnct of General Garfield, withopt giving the latter notice of the appointment, as is the custom in cases of this kind. In a letter to General Garfield tbe President apologizes for this action, and hopes that it will prove satisfactory to hire and to the citizens of Ashtabula. Itc says he always makes this class of nominations with pleasure, as it enables a soldier's widow to support herself and children. Whereupon the Chicago Tri bune - remarks that this' soldier's n idow is a sister of Senator S`ewart, of Nevada, and as she has never resided in Ashta bula, the citizens of that town scarcely khow what to say about the matter.— But "this class of nominations" will hardly reach a very healthy growth, since very few soldiers' widows have brothers id the senate of the United States where such nominations can be made. In the meantime General Garfield is much grati fied with the President's ezplanation. 'TIM only plank saved from , the poli tical shipwreck of the Radical party in Connecticut is, in fact, that they have a majority of about fifteen hundred in V.° State on the Congressional ticket. But, says the Hartford Times: "It is beyond controversy that even this dubious com fort would have been denied to that par ty?, and a Probable majority recorded r.g,dast-them in tire total of the Congres sional district, as it has been on the State , -- • Liet, hid the Radical candidates dared DR: CoNNEAU, the inmate of Louis theniseh'es the a(Merent s o fif i‘ s: 071 °I t e li ° eOfort w r h e o n e o n f at fl ed 14n1 to " (7 ° (1011'am:this Credit Mobilier back-pay I poor. He 'neglected th a e n cha w nce n s o te w e ' m u i i c t l e t mrty.Pc . , In faet,General Grant was virtu- I himself otibred during the Empire; and ally shutoutfrem the canvas in Cerreec- his wife has therefore been forced to gkie tidutty the Radical , members of Con- l concerts under the patronage of her i wealthy friends at Nice, Pan, &c. ~14eriere1 Hawley. was ouispnken in opppaitiop to all the more distinctiveTnn poet of the Lynchburg ~ /Vitrs measures of the national adminiatmtion, hasn't been particularly lucky. In anode] whibillellogg and Starkweather dodged) to his girl be says "Ken isyonr sorrow ; thpa; In alt 4 , 3‘ .;„ Au j ia ,.., but keener is my grief" The compositor . • p 4 44 who lost his undermost :tickle on therter 24113 - U T . 413 ,' :WIMP* -4 /r tow the „night before; set tip , t'but keno der to get even a small majority oil tha py l ' ' " • ' 4 • • Congressional ticket in Connecticut, the cnntlicliMs of thelitadicallially*ad egh eiko openly antagonize the naticinaeitk ntinistration or cover up that issue ctil qui:stions. "Cell you this backtng your friends ?" From a town called Colfax, it is, of course, difficult to get the truth; the fol lontioc, version of affairs there is from therTri Nutt 1 „ • More bloody disorders are springing Item - the revolutionary conflict in Louisi ana. A gnarrel over local' officers, in Grant Parish, has resulted in a horrible slaughter, over one hnudred negrocs be ing reported killed. The trouble seems to have grown out of a contest for pos session of the County Court-house, slM ated at Colfax, Grant Parish. Mr. Kel logg, cWming to be . Goyernor of Louis iana, has commissioned certain man as parish officers, the Lynch Returning Board having first set aside the popular election. Kellogg's appointees are resist ed by some of those who opposed his party in the late elections, the colored men be ing conspicions in the preliminary acts of violence. These, fortifyinm themselves • in the Court-house, have been " attacked by the Kellogg party and driven out by firing the building. No le g al process ' seems to have• been attempted on either side: We hope the tragical results of this lawless conflict, have been. over drawn.— The present statement is an awful one, and gives us no idea of which side has the rights of the case. It is enough to know That the bloody occurrences in ' Grant Parish are the legitimate fruit of a usurpation which a United States •Court permitted, the President winked at, and Congress did not bare the courage to touch. do. Thank God The Pennsylvania legislature adjourn ed sine die at noon on the 10th inst.— Never before in the history of our corn= monwealth was there collected a holy of men to make laws who were so unfit for the positions they held. Ilre do not refer to the members of a particular party where the'actierents of both behaved so dismputably. The governor has been kept busy vetoing the most iniquitous m •asures, which bad been • pat -through at the dictation of corporations and private persons. The general laws pass ed have been few and unimportant, hitt the lobby has been powerful enough to get anything enacted that looked as if it would pay. The bill for the errection of the county of Minnequa, which passed the house but could not be pushed through the senate, was for the especial advantage and profit of one man—Peter Herdic; and the Harrisburg Patriot was not slow in telling the representatives that not one had voted for the bill from hon est motives. Let us rejoice that the leg islature has adjourned, and let us feel grateful to God for an attorney general ; who refused to sanction unconstitutional ' and dishonest bills and had them vetoed by the governor, • In the house especially was evidence givca of the prevailing rorruptluri. Mon who had heretofore borne good characters succumbed to the prevailing influence and blasted their reputations forever. It may be said with truth that the lower house was the weakest intellectualy, the most corrupt morally, end the least die nified that ever assembled within the walls of our state capital. On more than one occasion it disgraced the state by indolg ing in scenes of the greatest disorder. The speaker, chosen by the Philadelphia ring ou account of his known readiness to favtarcorrupt legislation.did not pretend to rise above the low level of those who elevated him to a position which he was in no sense fitted to till. . The disorderly scenes that marked the closing hours of the house were like the orgies of a bar room. The members act ed in the way that must bring the.bLush of shame to the cheek of every decent man in the commonwealth. Paper balls, tobacco boxes and missiles of every des cription were thrown from one member to another, while sneers and grbans and vulgar and disgusting epithets were bane died about ems by a set of corner loafers.— A member who ha I been called to the tem= 'wary occupancy of the chair by the speaker was pelted out by a shower of tobacco boxes. The members who had endeavored to act consistently and hon orably during the session were sneered at and made the targets for abusive and in salting remarks.--:Easton Argun. The Atlantic, lodgment of the Court of in ;nary. HALIFAX, April 18.—McDonald,Collector of Customs here, gave judgment in the Atlantic inquiry to-day in open court. He commended the conduct of the officers after the ship struck, bet condemned her management from the time she bore up far Ildlifax, at one P. M. on the 31st• of March, especially the Captain's conduct in leaving the deck at midnight. His !certificate might be canceled, but in con- , sideration of his efforts to save life, it shall be revoked for two years. John Brown, fourth officer, to be suspendi.4 for three months. BODIES RECOVEBED, Yesterday afternoon, after the steamer i left Prospect, seventeen" bodies were're covered, snaking fifty-nine for the day, and twelve Were recovered to-day op to o'clock.- The personal o. ;gage - of the Merritt • family was discovered and placed in the hands of the eastorusantb • unties. War with We,"lilddors ihe U. f 3 ., Army who was orderqd bY . the ?'resident to termi nat¢ the .Ifodocs in retaliation for the imachdpusiiurdeil - -cl Gen. Canby and Pr. Thomas had a two days fight with them hist - reek in- - which- -they claim to have cut them offtfrop.„7etto end have , secured FIVE SeXtrij among %flitch is a 'noted chief "Scar Faced Charley."" Our troops lost five kiII4 t eiti:lvtittft4icf in the fight. The z urt of scalping by our foreccd7TeS of accord ell with the "christampoliCy 4 V * l i reiiaent Grant but we suppose this may be considered as "indian service reform:' The following despatches Were received WtstiingToN,AprillB,—Tho following telegram waS received to-day : 310 DOC PEACE COll- Iirs:sIONERE; e,imp ItED. SOUTH SIDE TULE LA,ET, April 13—To if. R. Chun, ding Comm i"ionor (- fairs, Irtishinuton, r :Strt: I have to cept;rt that on the Ilth iEsr., while the cotninig sion was holding a council with the Mo ' does, by an act of unparalleled tketichery ett their part, General Canby a\d Dr. Thomas were brutally murdered, Meacham left for dead and I escaped by running. five shots behig.tlred at me. Mt:set:bor ough was absent, having "gone home two days preyions. The Indians are insolent, firing daily on the' picket lines. Peace cannot be inade with these men._ Waiting further orders. 'I remain, ' L. S. DYER. This tel"gram was nnsw(red as fol lows : WASITINCrrWC, April IS.—To L. S. Dyer, United Siate,l Indian Agent, Lam lied, Ifearlquarterg Jfodoc Commission discontinued.' Adviee Com missioners Meacham and lloseriliorough. (Signed) EDWARD P. SMITE, 'Commissioner. PLIOP. II AYDR.V . S DEgCRICTION 011 THE El= WASTII:NGTON, April 18.—Prof Hayd-n in charge of the United States expedition for the geoloical server of the territories, who last year visited tile lava beds of Ore gon• now occupied by the Nfodoc Indians, informs the reporter of the Errning Star that the lava beds are en outflovr . of vol. Canie matter, forming a perfeet sea of melted rock. which, in gradually cooling. became. broken. Inonmerable little streams have worked their way through. and the wbele place is filled with caverns. Olen times they connect with one an other and extend for miles tinder ground. They vary in width from fifty to live or six.hundied feet. The ertrimccs to them are generally very small sand therefore can easily tie defended. The lava bed; comprise from fifty to one hundred square miles. It will be a difficult thing to surround the Idodecs. and there is great danger of their eluding our troops no ite.- count of the familiarity of the Indians with the lava beds. The modoes are the same as the Digger Indians, and live upon the rabhiti, hazards, snakes. mice nod all kinds of hngsand insects which are found in the caves. The Lot:Mona Plaxsnere , z Over 100 . 17egroes {~.\R7itiGTON, April IR.—The folio ing dispatch has been rvteire I here : N'ENY Orlennu. April 17- I 572. T 1 George IL TriName Attorney General : Deputy Marshal Deklyne has returned from Colfax. He'arrived there the day after the massadre. The details are hor rible.' The whites of Grant parish at tempted to oust the hienmhent parish officers by force, and failed, the sheriff protecting the officers with a cohred posse. Several days:afterwards recruits from other parishes, to the number of three hundred, came to the assistance of he assailants, when they demanded tie surrender of the colored pose. This was refuse, and an attack made and the negroes driven into the court house. 'The court house was tiled and the negroes were slaughtered as they left the burninz building. After resistetice ceas• ed sixty five negroes, terribly militated, were found dead near the ruins of the court house. Thirty, known to have been taken prisoners. are said to have been shot after the surrender and thrown into the river. Two-of .the assiilants were wounded. The slaughter is greater than in the riots of '66 in this city. We will send full report by mail. "J. R. BECK WITH. "United States Attornec Dispatch front Attorney General Williams Attorney General Williams this after noon telegraphed the following to .T. Beckwith, United lqates attorney at New Orleans: "Slit: Yon are inktructed to make thorough investigation of the af fairs in Grant Parish. If you. find that the laws of the United States have been violated von will spare no pains or ex rive to calm the pithy pqrties to be arrested and punished, and if any mili• tary aid is necessary to execute any United States prikess, you will 'call or General Emory for 'that pnrpose, who has been ixstrneted to 'furnish it." EOllO l 3 'W ILL T k MS," • • "IA Ef orriel. General." West Tirginfa Liquor Lair. 'rho Legislature of West Virginia has passed a bill, mailerip from parts of the -Ohio, Illinois and Indiana "liquor laws." It makes the dealer responsible fur all damages received by the consumer while under the influence of ,Ithisky. Every person renting or leasing a house to a liquor dealer also becomes responsible for all damages done to or received by, per 'sons while under, the influence of liquor bought in each building. It also pros ides that, no liquor or intoxicating bever age shall be sold in any cellar, or in any room concealed from public view by paint— ed glass, green screens, etc. Everything must be done publicly end openly. If a 'man wants a drink of whisky, or beer, he must c,et,it in an,opeo, public manner 'so that every.person.passing by can look 'in uponhim, and behold.him drink the poison. Tbc4e. is no privacy allowed. • A man cannot steal a drink. . lie must be seen by all who desire to look in upon -him. • divorce law provides that no divorce shall be granted unless the apidicant tan prove by at least two , nritumso 4 , , bona' fide residence. of too 1 years within } thc State :it forbids the pirson obtaining the divorce to ,marry ' again within two - years ; and limits the ground Zor the cticarecucthunvit4pez. ciged in the prestlit - statnta " - 1 - "' ^I ° ExotAsintEN are beginning to direct e d their attention to the Nast herds - u , cattl, in the Western States, and the t(nt•stion has been raised whether or not an cipeti-; meat to transport some of our Super tluoub live stock across the Atlantic I would be sneeeasful. It is sogxesten that a fleet of steamers sks.uld be constructed specially for this trade, and it is claimo •lbat.t(ni+.rpceipts would largely exeild 011 expenditures. Special Notites 9.Y. TON FL1.12-TATIO.V SIGNALS, Bent on rerelpt of 25 cent, nil,' ac Printlnz and Pnb lishlnz Rotten, !ti Vevey t:tm•t, New York, A F:ti ever where to pall our near and novel Em. broldrring Machine. You 11 for fltontrated ir o txmp Circular. to Munro Aittuttfaciuring Cum pany. MI) lintadway; New York. TILE P 4111.042 CO.UPLYIOS. Every 1.5,13 , xi nut, One I I vary Moo alight to Itave nue Soot on rexalpt of Ten Cents. Addro•e. L. F. 11YDE d t. CO , Ito Seventh Avenoo, N. T $OO Portelde Family Stole,. Mac'dne on 51 Day{ Trial Many advardve• over nil Stal•f•otltm duaranleed, or POlLrefanded. Sent complete, with full directions.— Beckwith Sowing lacltlnc co., 014 Broadway, N. 1". An Important Invention. It retains the Imps arc nt nil times,nntl under the hardest ezeielb or severest strain It in Worn with cunikrt i mid kept tin night tool clay. efforts a pertualient run• in a fin is el,. sold cheap, and sent by lien requested. Cirenlirs Per. ordered t!,. letter sent I• 1 The EIZI "I lc Truss No LKt Brosihrity, Neu. York elks Noho l ttor• MINA Spring truratita too pdinrol; slip ofi too frequently. , FOR ALL NV ITO AM?. WILLING TO WORK. Any per• I ton, old or yound. of either er, ran make from tin to r e , tt ii rz o tr w ro!c it a r lt Loma d o a r yo o r u ll; s l r r y nlnL d l ,, Vano.d 1 . 7 ” nl o l i Mt. year. Thla le a rate "moil.; unity ei v tl74o . oto k orb plata work. and out of money. to makn an Ind. rt•qulrt4. ••110W TO MAKE A LIVIni," ring fell ill•trise rtsolpt of tett rms., Add Nn. • A. lIVRTON 6 CO..lforri,lnia. Weolclicet.r Er, purehn•ern rr 11.11Irond Land. %oaten:ll Idap., phi - Ado:4- the*o new 111 tine It Ida end thing to rue through Pre only Ina Alive.— hont,hk, It lth a r t, m, t ” N. , icd Free Yet there arethnueondanhn.r hnblt nal condi, ton it one Ev") of M lat.rnor and dehillty. They roturintin of no v 0. E. DA eLlne lanq rornml*sloner V. P. IL It_ O , maha, 'Neb. dleca.e ; they an trer no po-III•e pain; but they •aner - • no rrllrh for troything which ofrordr mental or 'sotto°. ' FOR ONE DOLLAR. to their more rottn.t and energetic felloar-be- , uhf Ft; u: hr mon. on r„oip , of Don Dollar, rtelott. of r dtre, e'l dt ver S tad, and our Cat nlntrae, ',nine It:naps ord of tent thin orate Of inanitndr nod I rearedtottor upward.. of t .duo rorretlea. mitt, fal direct torpor wirer From a morbid rtotroli. tool fOrroil"ro, to any address In the tweed Stott,— rimy!. the. enemy of h.., n mind and body. When the Caldlt,tte true on rfiplltratton. moor or nature I. rot ropithed ht a IrOVO end rc.....n10r DEE ft. DOYLE, Fetel•men and Plotirtn, elmoint too of the food. otur) organ in started, err ry I 61 Tremont Street, Bottton. fronton Inwrruptea, how. u 1,1% doe, common rt pro: rugg• rt tindcr '"""" nt WE WANT AN AGE NT hod rtretezthettiog 110 C More., (Or nu door or two, • to rink nrt.r..,rdr fur, ainoru nt , condlt mil than 111: IA 4 r. tar it toad do 14 on ordinary olrohollr 101liOnt 0 moored to,) but radically hod perm, Orntly /too I. tht• de•lrable ahteet to ho antionipll shed t The answer TO thin gm soon, fatniie.l no the na vary in 4 n fewienre Of A iittarter of • ei•ntort .10 cagily atria. IT, flue new ihpir into the digectiii• or-gam. o. a course of Hostetter's stomach Triter . An out naTTIP TM , In ad min sterlth; temporary rerne•ilea. but wake the ideal up ha ciicnuntaittug the tuattain head of tili• st lament lad earczy. the enrol Organ upon which it t the other OITA. depend lee their nurture and mipport, lir the line tied n (loran do,. of the ;deal veirciahic tank rod in I have or o lake t the (relit. , front of Itte dyspeotic begin to feel loaign 11.1111,11 Cr. appeilte w 111 he created. and with npp••tlt, The Iv to Miro.l oh: , it Cr ere l's•ronVere 0.111 oho COnT• I. nompT..T..—tonal hhatTTl, nt to he The rant. mil 1d Ptah and c.0.d... bane nod Irene eta Arlin in • throe:it the chat:itch. nrctilation. In-renal of it ri we• Inn pairulit atilt it hit h lieretoloro been li.e prrfecllf nourished Or, PANTS ROW TO SELECT AND ESE THEM. A plain 1..111..r. , 1 , 111111,111; rnr: with 41 d 2. ry :A. II mot sin., (umlaut. 1 , 0 Am.U rn, Tata y•Ils roptr., lon nil In in'orti. air aq , . Sarnpl. Ctlttlkitt pap., “nr. ni•Wrst. inu-rissid. any address. I rt 1,4 o: In e , .1-. Pnl , knner. (A111(1( Poet Write, l'iiil.lll.lphhi Wr ran ermfelontli recommend the Pain- Sr !.',• t.rfroctof,l•llll,ll,llloti,e, liiiier--74./110 Pia/dist% A .el; Inn.) ,n , n , nd tlg, to paint It is Ihe 'writ elfoctual remedy Wl' Anon n ( rallil ran 1.. r, ad "nirvre for .lelloe. Pains, Utah %minds, e!..e.—St Of t It•iti r m rg. e.lent /'. la.. k m Mr. Ita: 1' JrArrder. We 3 , lltir• that earn - lnnl IV ahoold hive to A .0: a.. 1,, elTettard and Ppetily II Fitiu•Killer.—.4,n4,..rat NOT Ma% ina ,. .-ity to the minter. volt valuator to ott ~1 a crzt I'. I , rocht fiftzdte.' n:.Oil- 1... n il.ern among cur giWn \ prri , lter th at n hot Or .4 Pain- pier : Pier+, • th , r, n - 11 , Tro d thy no!, :re Inc,ln Inn Kill r t illyzii4./I1 a ir:lll.:iier roil hate 1 more .‘r 11. trit , ll•lsin rlnna a real ler. For limll in...moil and rifernil have mood It ot grrat e t:.• r inll,li.brr ivi• ties eop;ra of this A ineilicine A n family should he i t hoot p p t Itt he a d I.y the an rr, el Thrlnxtrepl. Thor ',at! nr. nor. Ittttt t-11 en.... In the . . C OOD troßns F 0.7 Tnr p.u.v.h-rr,LEP Could itariiii I.,ep house witlamt it.— E./ rhtttni t %re I. ',qr. iu I pevarour. - thirp , '• in , litn, II smile rt.t, rnr r• •-ent. 'l4, Bo' ti tons( Slioold lie kept In cv-re bonne, la roulitie-s t,, v. rttott, titli not tad, fur ~:t in,und in i.;oh .ili AA. for grultirn tit /11 . LS 01 •tielenetei —(7,ei t Prem. I o , - ,t , ,,,re n..i.. Nonni, I, rver obtained such unbolt teteil ow- ' nr, , : , ,, ' , , , 1;;; ., 1 1 ,..:, 4 10 , 7 0 : , , t , t;l r ''7‘ . . , :::: r , P7 , i ,, a , , ... „ 1 , 17;1:X i : tilarit).—:mient 06.,rrer. ' Itturttttl (Its - Larti.on ' bond of n iittc ittarl -Plifln On, or Ili.. 'mot reliable speciliot or he nge ' I,drrr. —NV 3: , rat Nt.rte. Its pot, r i.= won.b.rfid and nneeptaled in re - ( J IS L.A. 10 ( '1...; 'IS. lieving the int.t severe pain —lt i ri,,nrenn :i•alt• ,-- —-. . - ---- - _ ___ net_ An incli,ptmsable article in Cue medicine (lola. t: Pir , ft 1, 1 N. l EMI/oilier. -. y :. , GI,I I ICFO 'HIN •• It will recommend itself to all who tine tie( .11.41 t .` -. -,.f . r.c.,„.x-.„1„, , ,,, W Gewrgia Enterpr.r. , 1.4 Pclrimirei ) tvod and sr. 101 - r 3e. n ail- ECID NM' Ila / 4 , - Istria ezla - I=l., Is si,el.ll no,liein-.—J.lornl, St. .1, 1 11, N. B. 18 the B.V.ST IrkJ THE; %PC/El-D. Ni, nn•airinr his sequired such .1 reptzt..tion ; it hes real merit.— Ne fs ()lie nt the tnn4t fistful ineslirint..; bare used 11 and disp:,•n.ed it for the past tweet) years.— .- Ward, .1 ..41,1. The ;ne now In use _ 7'rn n. , (se. nn. It rabutble mocibin,!, tuttl ttsc.l by many physieitins.—Bgrew, nalLeilrs. WC IliWlyS keirp if whore s c can pit our hands an it in tiic tlarit, if rictsl Lc.—Rtr. Ililbard, narmak One of the few amid., flint are jugt what they pretend to lie—Brimenriel: Telegraph. In nu mountain trace's nn ntetlicine is of so universal amiliention al Pain K iller —l:er. X. 11. 14.14.Th:renege. X"crxy- Davis di Maar', ISANT . . AND roots. 13G Providonce, It 1., II I Svonrnore St.. CP - whin:ill. ;;77 St. Paul St., Montreal, Cani.lo, 17 Southampton Row. London, I•Ing New AdvErtisemen's R EMENMEE: 77141' I , l'E Frl :17:W curs For all Horeeblll9 that we Print V.l E( FIRM d; I:MOTHER General Undertakers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP COF- FINS, CASKETS, ETC., Gr2'1.313.001* SEZTICO. "P'szazirisi ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. B. B. Lyons & Co.. AZALT/311 111 CAIIPETSOTLCLOTILS,IIfATTINGS, DIttUGHTS, TRUNKS. SATCH ELS, WALL AM) WINDOW PAPER. WINDOW SHADES, Dry Goods, Groceries, 114141)TrA nit 4Cl3l4Elhi ASP 61r.s. EXIARTA %RR' WAISC:: DU JAYNicSI4.II.ILY 31EPICINE9. BTC., liotlenio. lag. :5.1673 21,51 - CIIVEY'3 rmiquivtu CUCUMBER WOOD pump. rote7cley, Duropi, tod talosp. TM, best pomp for the lift motley. (Dentton Fs oipcolotly nvited to DIN chle._s's Patent I of pros. rd Bracket nod Now Drop Chmk Valve, whirl. can be srlthdrawn with. art - removing the Pump or distUrbthf: b.:joints. Also. the Copper etsn tuber eft n veer mobs, and will entttost I,ymber, por . eple Deader s every vhure. Send tor Cutdpgnc und Print otst. 9.IILATCIII7i. 50.16C4mait:ito Pa l / 1 14 ' === New Advertisements T.,33:E•TiT., !.ettees teatamclitary to the` 141Cotate of !LI iZt Ann Law; dent& Into or Auburn top. ttnaquelianua county. Pa.. hay. been nrntlted to the anbnenlnos. Indebted to the,eatd agate. Ore rerptcoted to matte itnraedtato payment) and thu.. bir• tug claims or Oc11110iti• lwalot the eetata/ or the' told . 0 ' todant to garkan.knenvo the ' , awe nrlthalit delay. MiMIIENI=EI DIIII. 4 ISTIIATUWI4 , f;OTICE.—In the ertate of lOditro .Sfeleule. derteteed, letter. of Admtots trellon lu :kV ertnte, have been grunted to the an te reieto-11. ell peen'!" Indebted to meld ertete, ere here by out Itl , -d to tenho Itr.tnetitete pa)meni to the Adroit. srtre,lor rerttilbose A:telt:rebates egetnet the tome. are to:jousted lo.prodeni theta nt once. NI. J. DoNNELLS, Adm'r BLAVIES BLANKS!! • lo,e on hand. and arc constantly priedirg. every I and It) In of l/Sruntp, otrilirtmlhg DE Itrlr, LAND' CONTItACTA. LEAR Elk WerEft,' JUnTlerdi. MINOT/01.ES'. AND COLLK(I• TuliS• ETC., All al Me 'very Cheapest &Ills . At OHS °Mee. 12,000,000 ACRES. 03:kc,ap N•car =Les. The-the:Teel Lend In Steil:et, (fir tale by the ONISti PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. in the Grhat Platte Valley. , 3,000,000 !Sere , ' Central Nebraska NOW for tette in trdet, Jr forty erre. and tior.rdi en fire and tenyratit credit at 6 percent- .tio advance is let-y.. 1 rt ci nit Nllid anti lienh lend climate, fartfle moil. an *bandanna of ~oat eelrb Tin; itEsT MATIEET IN TOP. WEST! The creel rareliant regtenn Of Wyednlng. Cntornitn, l'falt. and N. vada being enpplit..l by the farnimer In the Platte Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLE!) TO A 1013LESTEA I) 06 ONE iitNDlthll ANL hati VIE BEST oOCATION A 1600 COLONIES. FREE BONES 6011 ALL! NULLtaaa or Aqua of rhoirP finv,rnment . I.ands open for retry ttr , -r the litenestedd nearthin theist Haiku:id. Inn. good unn-k, all rot %elliptic', of nn ottl country. lu 0,1. Dm-told, •ee r the fivw. %nisi:We:llnd ha-t bob., by Dr. JOHN f °WAN. rilts liturc Di 3 aleW Xift, i'wmmme - drd ntn4 endo,erl be prlgn Went sulni , der, 1t... n d , N 0 o ,lw, book I k it ptt . fm per u ttnn rail. rril. AN 4.CU., i.. F.ighth el., N. Y. ONLY 10 CENTS. EVERY MAN HIS MN HINTIFI; A;vnts Iron 'e 1 Fen , C. , . rcrl.• ~`dr•••. DOM EP: SEW INO 11..4 II IN E. Vsl3 the Itei.ecgor hash 1.41 a and SoT•rorl FASTEI Yen R ViNSIYIS. No •;,:r1,.. , In Orrak. no elf tin:: of vavb : eurnkla, very e tai'v ornv,l anvh nt a r pinet• levier& anti a Vhir rzt.,Urr 1 , 1141.1 lb! 'O.ll . 1 non rt. Mann .tamp r•enklar. CH War anti ON nopoer.l.rot•zeti brio. • rot In at. , ln tha rtontpaid. on rev OWof nftv lon.oeno n.. to 1:1C 1,1 i.. Agent natno! Adder.. It 1,3410, • :kit OA 11 LOCK CO , O ,1Co..11” Mar Yet St_ Ilarseka-g. (E.wotg:,r4 1 , 7.1 WIEL%Zi 4GEZIFFITZ4B. Nlttuttraotttit-trt n of STPP.IIII.I7 To Li, oTH ritS V.V Eli V •.% NTEn. FILES, Ii:LTING, AND m AcEtINERY. Or Li ItEHAI. it - feTs. Littty , and Ciro-Wt. Fter t 3 £d.!+ ek. GRIFFITHS, Dorton. Mare , & Detroit, 3: lett. • _ Write for it nice List to J. If. .6013116T0ZY, GREATWESTERO • . IA Wolin '7"rallP • SMltbileld St- Plttalridaelf. Pa. " Braced lontino `goat Wine. 640 to 4 , 1‘0 0 . nimbly Mot cann• hto WO. t'.ingle Shot Gant , . fa to 6310. 6 , to 4Th. 1{‘ , ..hq....0 to ses. 19etoIo. ft to sB. Gun material. - Yirhlug ate. I.lta.;ti (lbw noon , to Dealers and Cltiltto. Army noon. If virulent,. rte., Winch Of rraden tor. Chic& r,nt be ..eprear C. U. D. to be el. amine,' before pito ha. ISCITOII.CM CRYSTAL SOAP roe Cleaning and pollphin, metal, her cleaning and ii WM"- for removing ettltoo him marble far nounblo4 nand.. and for up linioietiold eleaotog. rior to any ofh., /mirk: mode. No other map per etarb equal. It . rift?, In tot; dry air chtiapo. co. Envy to out nod perfectly 11 , 11131i. - .21 and plennalit: All mower. roll It. Statialfacatired utdl ley ,E.ASTUAN SJi N Third St., Plilla. PATENTS OBTAINED No [re. nnlrro rure.•+. • ul. No furs in nth-Inm No &co, for I•n•llmionry reArth. d for u.n : dw... CUNNOLLY NUM, H. Form?. SL. Phlindolphis, Po.. and 1;03 Muth SL. Weinhisigunt, D. C. T. Recraloa 4 13=03 C A 1.1.1Pfi132/E -rioncirsil Children." A Modify, Nikvophsetcl Poem, Orinloslly pnAllined In 1.65. rlrriti , nt ihie ram And nnrlan, 01 now rend).. tile. !.Ifni. An- dean Aatiqilitiall l'illnitqalt , ;: Co.. 13. t.nulh nth Puns. A Rare Chance ! Pt pny n t Agent., fin per Arrek In mph who will mirage with n+ at onto. Everything furninhed end expeneea paid. Add,. A. COULTER d CO.. Charlotte, Mich. _ , t:.;94 - 1 GAT! Aeente wanted I— tpe.e 44.7.et1f All clneree of working. people, of tither eex.yorang or old. make more money at work Tor n. In their op.tre ',temente or nll the time than at northing eine. Particular,. free. Address G. SWIM SON, tit CO., rottlatdi Maine, • - WORK,ING CLASS MALE OR iIe.IIOLR wee!: anArit teed. larrp, [table employment at Lome, day or et ening • no,c3klial required; foil •mitrior dune 31,11 flailtr;:f: fir g 13011,1 rent free by mall. it h rlx lure r iamp,ll.lCOUrilLi 4r, CU., It Curtlin.nt k 4., N. Y. iorxim.w . sewmt RG3 , EAT aLYSIIVE .In The ocarel arprrmeb to skrprcific ever direovered tor . Orvperelv, Neuralgia. Itbrumstbm, Gout, Glare!. Die imtry. Kidney, end Urinary Disvaree generally. is •e -ilYrdanniverbor pu,sr 10 the pertil l ftle, It cares Liver. GomPtaint, 'Chronic Dlorrbevo, der, Convtiparlou. Arbena.rararrb ado IllonetoUv, !Manses of the NSW, floneral Deblialrunt Nov:m.loa from /In as! moll'byrirzit ssctncg,. Ir le ttIC Grrnt4 at Antidote eVer MecOberml tar arrerrire-raltoll or briPking. , It eon. era to the etanumb, promote. and relict,, the Head edmost monody, No bouvehuld 'boatel be with. out IS gpr salaby oil firorgie g"3"l'or n lifetory or tba'biGiugv, tar inadlcal reports (if tllO pOwer of tbu water over Me AMC lot marvellous cure, NM tue.leeiilaenfrle from dleginguirbed mOP, tend for iintneshlpte: WIFITNTY BILGTHERS, General .1;m0. in booth t'rlmt St...l.lxlladelphisas„ tiottteburg Spring Co .• .• 1 - RH RE WA lint For Etn . yriree urilllud. /1410 , m0r, Mar, alid fiti iluitTll MIN' s !.LSltraizzir • Ilea r tark It lo phirielfid v . tpltialy tb cbdiltilitinn; 43 5ud,t11 .. 4_41:0, = 11 . eill,lq.slats4l. rfflahll,, Amusements. . , ' VAN AMBUR.GH & CO'S GREAT GOLDF.II MENAGERIE. •„,,,,.,r s i,„ , •ffirurfl:Annrrsr xfANAOrd .- !•-le-V,V . - The .i..4./ZeCt arb "0 t ton in. the known 1 , • t0:0....g11 .i.n•• al ..... . II , • 1 .., rm. r . 'Pon •Pful ant. :A . I do ever ••••• 11 t a t•lr 1t...111... ...- ....."... More linessneth Antelope. than ..7 oth....hlblllon is • . . .47: ::• '2,.. . ......,,... .. ..... s1 2 '' ..11 ) Afore A n.t enll .i or .n ICang.nroos than any other •thltillion ''T li .. , oittniir Au.trall, • f • . 7t,.... . ' al.a . 7.,ifrlcan Zebrop than rat other extaltion to the Sew .:„. Moe. A totem Pprlne fle,ks nm.:ly othereahlbldon eta . r It , a., coo:3:7, on too g10..2. . 7 • 41: ....4 . ::.. ' 1 ' - • 0101 , P••• - rf. 0 1 Ar• ',T. ss Pr. t kr, norks than any other eh. a.'*:.,.5..... •I.' I i: mf „. ir‘ ~,,....t. -'- ',k., T-1. ! ....... •!..... pr!...!-- ...,.:;,.. iitenitsn . i ninny other innersole .._,,,....,• 4 f • , ~...,„_' ' ii. Pao ' ii ' L l s: • iii'i ‘ r...i7l . :i. r ii i' li ' i :T....s ' e: *. e.! 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A r• ItLOTlluns , ir A rn N, sr.-, hi GEDirpir.Vs. Prrntnnt--, nnri • t A t,m,:i ,z ”trpnAcnit Ex.crcises 1 Ecuni of w hl4ll cru exccut. d ..n rhr cronnd and cdarra taga in sir. -4• Ar. • v tr‘' ix , \....rb„..._ ...:,...„7„..4.2.y.:..........;:_„:„ .),‘1A.4........,..,...,,...,;., 7,„....,.t. .4444,..y.„..,....1,..fx,:t*,--',., , ; ....„! ... , _.-2; F. ---L" iri7r '- • -••-• -1-' " • •A ~~- $ . t-I'-1- 4!::•••• ti 11-7";V•,,L,•,74! -, .1%, %,-;•••• 04 -_&;---Z ~,, -z--,--,.,2TEr-__%lL.,--.1-.1711f-. Itti4, -"*-' %. ,--,..3.l•l7efArC,Zri:-;.?.--1-- ~ "" ,' . 1 '• , - 4. A. : 1,:c4.4..,..'f,t,*,t.':' * E/P:•: ,z,,,,,.:l,:ayit:;v:st-- , 1 * ', 1 • ....e....1.1 , ,,..__, __Am.__ - ~ A JOH A SOFP r, , •• ho teml• rt• OiSSlM;lniffff=fi the 2,pher ~r,j Tit:liT I.OIT Errrelma han prive web Approach...l it untuthnos by of any mthtc on Can cut do tunduo ire* hos 10. arpc."4lll At:lurk, 3 SEPARATE SHOWS-DT 3 SEPARATE TENTS, MENAGEteIEi.GIEVINAMET7iI AND COLOSSEITM I LKltautiy Illumlnotol trial 0.15,K1DV9 ram:Yr. for One Print or nthdig... .. NO CIRCUS. • NO MUSEUM. _..eid;Sidort •e • 51:1 Cents i =arm nada 9 yearn of are ES Onto . , ..yuae rut; Meate9Fll. , ' , . , : ...." i ' • , ',. ) ~‘ . ,' ' : Nicholson, Thursday, May 1, 1873. =ado rose , riiday. May 2. 1873, ile2l , t-,........ ,\ t,.., - ....„ --• -- 1 -: - - -i. ~. '-',::_:-.5. 7tI.UZIT:TTA ZAN7RZTTA • ""<-4:P :14 , 4 , •.w.114 4 i:t•;#4. AN (44-74),