THE DEMOCRAT PITILLISEED EVIIIIT WEDIESDAT MOUNT:IO AT Marmara, SLISQUEILLIISA CO., PA., BY E. B. HAWLEY & CO AA p re swum to adrarce, or 51.50 at the cod of ycar. .1/LT' Or ADVEICTISIXO erbsee-Illsarths Inch of space, or len, makes square.) One square, 3 weeks or less, $1.00; 1 month $101; $ months V.. 50: 6 months $4.50 i 1 year, $6.410. Quarterly, half-yearly and yearly adver tisements toserted ot. a 'liberal reduction on the abovelatta When sent without any length of tine specified for publication they will be con tinent mail ordered out and charged according ly.. Auditor's Notices, s^_.,A; Executor's and Ad• raiaistratene Notices. 63.00. All eomnsunia•s tam of limited or individual interest, 10 cents t=i. Obituary Notices, 10 cents psi lina— ge and Death Notices free. JOB PAIIITING tweeted neatly and promptly and at fair prices. Deeds, Mortgages, Notes, Jushces', Consta bles' School and other blanks for sale. Piocetiancom Plea for Tidy tiousekeepers. It is very easy for men to find fault with things about home, and too many men have made that discovery, much to the diseoMfort of their patient wives.. The delusion would seem to be prevalent among the male portion of humanity that tne household affairs which are within wo man's province really require no arrang ing or supervision, but operate by a sort of self action and keep themselves in motion.- The baulks and worries and the various domestic • „failures which pester and annoy woman of a household are seldom perceived by men, except when "housework" al it is called, interferes for a brief time with the male animal's com fort. He can see no use in all this wash ing and swishing and fussing anddusting. But he does see when the__lust from the furniture gets on his clothes, or when the table cloth is not clean, or when the front windows are dirty or the house untidy when he brings a friend home with bins. He can detect the thousand other matters which, by their presence or their absence, listairb his comfort or convenience. But he cannot see why every part of a house cannot be kept in perfect crder, every rival punctually served, every culinary operation be done to a turn, and every article of clothing or of the table furniture he kept in complete order, "without turn ing, the . house upside down." He does not see the use of washing days or "clean ing" days—not he! And, so with the return of spring year grumpy paterfamilies begins to scowl at t , :e mops and brooms which come out with the crocuses and the daises. And even the spoiled boys.hotibledhoys. young Americans, affect manliness in following the paternal example, and looking fill-l ilt-so necessary Imphments were conTny eil as instate to the "men." 'Yet "in spite of lamentations here or elsewhere," as General Jackson said when lie "removed the deposits," the "ladies of the house will put the machinery in motion to "re move the deposits" of dust and other un desirables which have accumulated during the late long winter. And so they ought ax even the men acknowledge when all is done and the house is quiet again. The laws of health, no less than a cure for comfort and tidiness, requires that even more through cleaning and upturn ing of furniture should be done than is customary. There is a closeness and dis agreeable atmosphefe about the apart ments iu many houses which is, in itself. a snfficient warning to put the besets' in full play, and to "rotate" the furniture.— "Table-turning should be vigorously done by the 'mediate of vigorous arms and resolute wills, and nothing moveahle should be allowed to forget its mobility. The researches of scientific men have done much to show us that the floating in the air of particles, organic and inor ganic,"vegetable and animal, visible and Invisible, have much more to do with sickness and mortality than is done by "death in the pot." beleterionsagencies, I dormant in the winter,wake in the spring. Tilen the frost comes out, gasses and ex halations are set free; and even where tie frost has found entrances, the change of the temperature gives activity to 1111- tulthy agencies. So let the etreepers Biter, and the scourers sour, not only indoOrs, hut on the premises outside of the Louse walls. A universal cleansing by all honsekeepers,and in all stores,shops - offices and cellars, would do for the public health, indoors, what the'street eleabsers should be doing out-doors. The women are In the right in this as in moat things; and the "exceptional women" who do the most at "house-cleaning" are examples re their sisters—though, like Mrs. Joe Gargery, in Dickens' novel, their opera tions may be terrors to "the men."--Ultila. Lager. An Eicentric Heltem A lade residing in Clifton, Bristol (England), of good family, and g a fortune in her own right, has just con ferred her hand to a young man of th humbler class, who hitlirto has had no higher occupation than attending the - leader" of lan - omnibus, and attaching drags to the wheels of carriages. The ly in queiiition,.it appnra. wasa district visitor, and in that capacity visited the Nooses of the poor in a populous district of Clifton. In the course of these visits she happened to call upon this young man's mother, who has been until recent ly an invalid, and was so much struck. with the Glint. attention and affectionate disposition of the youth thai, she took twice of him from time to time. The wedding was celebrated a few days since at one of the churches of the cathedral tits of Wells. The juvenile bridegroom has not si•en more than seventeen or eighteen summers, while his better half, infatuation has led her to sacrifice p,ition, relatives and friends, is about tiitrty years of age. 1=1=E:IIMI aiscE the great revival at. Deg Moines, la. the saloons have been vvaitril upon by mattnittece and the proprietors have been need to shut up, and the livery stable praprietorsliave been requested to cease letting horses on Sunday. The champion reaper--abertising. garm and ,fireoide. Song of the Seasons. —a— Gaunt Winter flinging flakes of snow, Deep burdening field and wood and hill: Dim days, dark nights, slowly trailing toga And bleakened air severe and chill, And swift the seasons circlin ran— And still they change till all Is done. Young Spring with promise In her eyes, And fragrant breath from dewy mouth, And magic tOUCIICS for the nooks Of budding flowers when wind is south And swift the seasons circling run— And so they change till all is done. When summer stands erect and tall, With early sunrise for the lawn, Thick foliaged woods and glistering seas, And loud birds chirpinga .n the dawn, And swift the seasons circling run— And swift they change till all is done. Brown Autumn, quiet with ripe fruits, And baggfircis stacked with harvest gold. And fiery flushes for the leaves, And silent cloud-skies soft out-rolled, And so the seasons circling run— And still they change till all is done. Swift speeds our Life from less to tnore, The child, the man, the work the rest, The soboring maid, the ripening soul, Till yonder all is bright and blest. Por so the seasons circling run— And swift they change till all Is done. Tes yonder—lf indeed the orb Of life revolves round central Light, For ever true to central force And steadfast, cornea the balm or blight, And so induad the sessions mu— And last u best when all is dons. Tree Planting. --0-. As the time is last approaching for the planting too much cannot be savi on the subject .f properly said or written. Every man should decide before hand what he will do,and not wait till the hur ry of' spring crowds out all good inten tions. If planting a new orchard, plant varie ties enough to meet the demands of the family and the season, but if you hare a sup fly of early and fall fruits, plant win ter varieties. Procure scions and graft yourself; let the boys try their band.— This you can do before the fruit is out in the warm days of April. If you have no good receipts for wax, hero are two,good ones use warm water to keep it in cool weather while using, and cool water in hot weather; 1, 2, 4, parts respectively, tallow, beeswax, rosin. 1,2, 8, parts respectively, beeswax, tallow rosin. Don't get the two mixed. You can graft if you can only get the inner bark of scion and stalk together, and wax from air. Try it on limbs not more than one inch in diameter, and half that size is better. Plant trees, plant the best, plant for your children, and plant for your neigh bor's children, and don't let them want for apples till they steal; give them plen ty'. Plant evergreens. Plant . Norway spruce 20 feet each way. if for ornament; the &-irr a for pines; if for windbreak, 4 feet; if you can't afford $5 to 810 a piece for trees to set so close as 4 feet, set them S loot in wind-breaks, tend them as well as a row of corn and see if it is not mon ey at 20 per cent. The cedars, red and white are better for country planting ban others, These can be set giving 10 to 12 feet square but don't crowd shrub bery among your evergreens. Dig np gLijiat lilac and pitch it on Peonies, gladolias, tulips, roses and a few small shrubs may be grown among. hut not too close to evergreens. Don't be so economical as to give only two rods square for the fruit yard.— Western Farm er. California Deo Culture. __.c.._. Mr. J. S. Harbison, whose original apiary is situated three miles below Sacra mento, on the Sacramento river, has recently returned from San Diego edanty, where he has just taken 308 hives of Italian bees without losing a single swarm. He has five apiaries located in the moun tains of that county. Ho finds the high est and roughest mountains there afford the best bee feed. The reasons are, that the rains are more plentiful in the elevat ed regions, and that stock do not reach the roughest and highest places to de stroy the growth of flowers furnishing the best feed for bees. These elevated apiaries are located so that their mil lions of workers will have access to moun tains 2,000 to 8,000 feet iu altitude. One apiary is situated 1,500 feet above Cahoon valley.—Erchange. Application of Manures. --o-- Where barn-yard manures are scarce, and concentrated fertilizers to be used in stead, we base found in our extensive practical experience that they should be applied to the lands while the crops are in a partial state of rest—that is, in win ter or early Spring, to bare lands as well as to those under crops. Apply in gar dens to Asparagus beds, Rhubarb plants, Strawberry plants, and all berry bushes and young trees, ]awns, &a., and upon the farm to Wiater grain crops and grass lands. The snows yet to come, and the Spring rains dissolve the soluble ingredients and carry them into the soil, and get incorporated with it before active vegetation commeucesin the Spring. The crops thus receive immediate nourish ment.—Journal of the Farm. MU for Pear Trees. _o_- List spring I put a small shovelful of the refuse material from the salt works— tyl; ieli is composed, I beers., of salt, lime :Lnd ash—around a fodryear old pear tree. It has made a very thrifty growth, and the, leaves are all free from blight o: spot, and have a very glossphealthy look; while others of the same lot, manured with barnyard manure, have grown but little, and the foliage is spotted and dull. Now, if no ill effect may be attributed to the barnyard manure, it would seem that the difference in these trees were owning to the salt.—Con Fruit Recorder, The Italian Liao. At the recent meeting of the North American Beek - keper's Society at Indian. :voile, the question. 'ls the Italian bee superior to the black bee was discussed. Toe Indianapolis Sentinel says the con. elusions arrived at were. that while they hare faults, anch as irratability in natural swarming add some others, they ,excelled the black bee iu most other desirable qualities, and would always excel ingot/t -ering honey. It was considered that -.the intermingling of new blood with the -na tive bee had improve 4 the Ixe, AN lowa father lately flogged ids twenty-one year old daughter so .tat she carried the stripes a week,-and-the,tinigh ben told itimate smastrtilo ally more. PrinW3• THE "MONTROSE DEMOCRAT" THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY JOB PRINTING. We have made large addition to our °ince in type and mated.] of all kinds, which enable us to do all blade of Job Printing at the Loeul Price& Bill Heads, Letter Heade, Statements, Printed Envelopes, Business Car, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Posters, Horse Bills, Sale Bills, Slip Bills, Programmes, Circulars, Labels, Receipts, Notes, Tag," Paper Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Certificates, Bonds, Deeds, &e, &c. We ban as tuned Lii=lV.llllliiClLA= • Give es • eat and try as, and you rrat b• mar viaced that we do our work well, cheap, and with deapateh. AU Galen, by mail or other wit*, 'promptly attended to. The nomoorta.t Is published weekly Is the borough of MOIPTICOST, 81715VMEANNA Cotm, PA, On a tarp Gallo don, and =mans 0tivr ,, r•••• ( •1ivt. , 0 1 1 , 1"‘f.173J.A1.).:t.1 , •wv.4:1 Ita circulation fa Increasing every day. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM It OBI= raze tfteMtles to MERCHANTS, NANNlFelorcrszas, NEAL= IN Aux XPLAWNTS, MACHININIT, NERTILIZZII2, 6 to reach it 4421201 s elm of =lsomers. Advertisers will emelt their Inured, by making luinultimns We medium through which to address the public, as duo paper reaches all classes of pimple— Farmers. Mechanist, Iferchants, Prefers- 'lona: Men, de., ele. Tetra!-4200 Per Tear la advance, All coancanalet4mas should be addtesiocl to E. B. HAWLEY 4 lIIEL PCIILISHISS, 12,000,000 ACRES. Farm®. The chmipeat Land to Market for wile by the UNION PARIFIC RAILROAD CO. In the Great Platte Valley. 2 4 000000 Acres In Central 'Nebraska Now for sole in met. of forty acres and upwards on den and ten yeare' credit at 6 per cent. No advance In terest requirtd Mint and healthful climate. fertile soil, an abundance 01..fai water.M ARISET IN TUE WEST! The crest mining regions of Wyoming Colorado, Ptah, and Sc end. being *applied by the &mere in the Platte Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO A 110111nTRAD OF ONE 11UNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. PERE 11031 R .; FOR ALL! Bumps, or Acute of choice Government Lando open for entry tir , r the tlnmentead Law, near thin Great Railroad, win, rood market. and all miveniencon of an old s. Wed country. Free Proaereto purcto*ern of Railroad Land. Sectional Nape. showinz the Land. Rine new ed'llon of Descriptive Pamphlet with new Maps Frye Everywhere. Address, 0. F. DAVIZ, Land Commissioner E. P. R. IL, Omaha, Nob. WANTED. 10.000 FARMERS To impmso 1.710 OM aeres R. IL Lobos. Pee from mort rage and loratvd in the middle region of Weston, lowa —the beet corn, wheat. and cattle producing belt In the West. 15 boors disinot from Chicago. (Ramie and soli unlerpassed. Meadow nod plow and with pure run ning motor event) distributed. No fever and ague.-- Average reedit price, tei per Send fur agm do. It costa 'smiling, and glre, desCriptioti., prices. terms, maps, RIM how to tench the lands. Address, JOHN 11 CALHOUN, t, d Commissioner of lowa R. It. land Co., Cedar Rapids. lows. Chicago 001ce, G 5 S. Canal St. BLAIR PRESBYTERIAL ACADEMY BLAIRTOWN, NEV JERSEY. !Squat advantages for males and (mimic,. Earnevt Chris flan influence. theronett instruction and carend &Urn tine to the comfort, and bubits of studente, render th iv one of the best i.vtitntions of the country. Spring vex. sten commences Mirth 2.301. Students received at any time. Toms. $2OO a year. Reference: Officerl ut Prim:et...xi and Lathy:elle enlferet. Fend for ennilnene, B. S. STEFIIRNS, d. hi., Principal. $5OO IN PRIZES. EXTRA 'CARLY VERMONT. Ten • Days Earlier thaw Early , novo, Rnflempavly I > J ;rp 'd e n r c l t t l ":; Th i s u . f by kl' lr L pea L lp N ald!l i O A 4a ) ;" 1 4 COX( TON'S RINI PRISE, rk: be-h. els to 'beset°. A huh, later than Early Rose Equal In quality. 'Ps'. • lb., by 111.41 i, postpaid. Z FIVE LIrNmiLD DOLLARS mill he 'maid ett. Its PURIM Mb to tbose °lin prodtlev O -el I.`7_, L v.Til,n,7. o .iliToft - ln of mu varieties of Potatoes", fete nil. Illustrated Seed Catalogue ' 900 O Vo C"I t ' o " 71 . 11° L El ass soil°. st ‘ d imadorl Iv°. Price, ma rout* per p o packet ; 3 pookoly. $l. BLISA IL SONS, L'S Mace, tr. York. ONLY 10 CENTS. EVERY MAN HIS OWN PAINTLR ; Or, PAINTS-HOW TO SELECT AND On TEEM, A plain troatise, containing *tingle rand uttitl 42 .10 terror actually painted eta es and tint., nII h Instr.:- tines for csterior and artier House li, crouton.. Twenty•llve conic, bound in cloth. for SO Nam plo copies. paver cover, i.a1.1. to any add.", on teoeitot of In coots. by the I . abk•her. LIEN It lt IA IA Elf BA IR D, Bus 11.211.1,i °face. lisiladelphla Ste fltefaloteint co/ naMM eat rartsfroui pr em n alarm • A eery valunkle boot. and no err int unlog to paint eboeld Gil to read 7' 1,1/ We did not knob so note:. 0.. n II he said nn Ii s soh. yet of painilun a house, nottl we read Ibis cx•edctit kook of NIT. lbstro.Y. A wont bungle/I at tt,t .opuiied OA- .tourrima Not out) a necessity to the plitt.or. hut visional. to every occonant of a en, World Bay M conies of thin took son rtistrllmte them among peas frknde. It they mil teori al , advice t. rein ton mold Matto no More ea In.aslc present ”—CAlratgo end/. In foddiebintr this hoot ‘fe.../ . ..,iett kn• e.t.a • real act , Tice the uninoteatirr,— Bledr. We The he old sell 100 .111 copies of this book daring 1" , 71. 190491 1 Tine, Herr WC Joe , potted our noon , odeiseet by the an. thor. Rd_ eccoatu'atz. ourea Ise. OW w I.u» The uetchhendwosi excels eon ' kr appetarnnue.— ntria... g • . fool cattalo tha , an order 1o; hUOTA lu cloat s _ fol -1114. k Wr anon the town ant real-or" nsint• Morels. re, ocrursendon an.' nil, sloth for'..l,' reose nod the 'eon. eat. of the - Rasrieea - bread at bile lead -Pdifa. ONLY 10 CENTS. [l.:-131 , 11,1ted I.+l. 1 WELSEI h GUI IPFITII fi , NlOLneferturt,n, of . ST PRI? I DO TO V ICH V W .I 1 Ticr). BRGTIEG, ANTI 14 AC HAN ERY. 414 Or . 1-7 Of If Al. I`TSCOU ...44 —Pr'. Lims and Din TVELfill h GItIFFI ti 5, Coßo.lon, 11,.. R IO Troll V. kh i p . , ta i Vv..L....„4......_...T • . z'r' , .- , ' -.,-.--;„ cA „ 3. — ,, T.thl, 6eavia6aahiao Is the BEST IN TEE IRTORLD dcfrnr4 Wanted. Ferd fnr e' replay.. fkedre.. •'DOMESTIC" I+ENVING 31A1 lII> E. N. Etuti the Retacoger Sash Lock and Rapport to FASTEN YOU 3 WINDOWS. No owing to break, on uniting of wieh cheep. duratee. very easily applied holds mitt at ae•y place deeirc.i. sod a rell•fasteocr when the melt Is deem. Rend 'temp for circular. Circular and Mx c"pper.bronz e d locke rent to oar . addreso la the U 8., poet pod. on n-cript of fifty eta. Liberal foduccrocat• to the trade. Azente warted. AddreIiaREISKNGER BAbU LUCE CO No sin kler kat 81.. llarrieborg. Pa.. WITHERBY, EUGG, & RICELARDSON, Ilt•Nr1l,11ttEll Wood• Working Machinery Generally, SPECIALTIES :—Wondararth Plantar. Tonruelur ant! Clamming Machine.. Richardson's Patent Icaprovell TIME. Ilacbinca, Cantral, cot. Union St., Woostar, rasa L. S. SIT112:031Y. 0. J. flitas. S. X. rtlclUnDsoi. FARMERS Drsterr. and Agents, .end for Cairdozse cif Nets Pots toes, Frost Trees. ke. A Va:nshle Treatise. Allsont free. Extra °Ears. L. D. SCOTT & CO.. lirtron. Ohio. PATENTS OBTAINED No fees antes. enecensfol. No fees In advance. No charFe for preliminary search. stet d for eireolsre.— WNNOLLY 13Rsna. Hat 8. Fanelli St.. Philadelphia, Pp, 6)13 Ninth SI., Washington. 1). C. Agents! a Rare. Chance ! We *.ill Intl all Agents $4O per week in essh who will engage wub us at once. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address, A. COULTER A CO., Charlotte, Mich. EVERY CORNET BAND T N the country will receive a rplentild t plece of Sand A MUSIC free. by Fowling a taviveva .tamp to Et WAIID A. SAMUELS. Publivber, Dorm. Mime. $5 to $2O PER DAY I Axents wanted 1- -MI classes of wwarm; people. of either sex. young or old. mats more money et work for nib their spare moments or all the time then st anything else. Particulars free. Address STIN• SON. do CO., Portland Maine. MONEYNaas Raplly With Stencil di Key Check °mete. Calelncnee anti full part (eaten rrte. S. M. SVzitppit,ll7llannvet KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOA/' — rOl. denlilig and pollehlar mepds, for cleaning and prverffit Pninn, nir Tenn - vino mein. (low marble f. a* Waring/0 hands. and for nil household (quintile. Is sup, rill to any other article made, No other roop or wash plaids It. either in quality or cheapoesa. Easy to Imo add perfectly harmless and _pleasant. grocaro sell It. Maaufactared may or EASTMAN & 431 N. Third St.. Phila. C 3, 23 17 "P1r/9.13117.11. Ci- EAT ALYSINE WATER Is the nearest approach to o specific area diseuvered for Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Gout, th ord. Gm hetes. gldacr, snot Urinary Diseases geuers'iy. it te atimes muscular pos. er to the paralytic. It CUM Liver Complitint., Chronic Diarrhces, Plies, Constlpution, Asthma, Catarrh anti Bronchals, Diseases of the Skin, Genstat Debility and Nervous prostration fr om mental and Sault& Excesses. It I. the Greats! Syttniote ever discovered for excessive Eating or Drinking. It cot , ruts the stomach. promotes Dlgestion, and relieves the Hood almost inetautly. No household should be with oat it For sale by all druggists. "I' '®'For a history of the Springs, for medical reporu ficylut Rower of the water over di. areas. lon marvellous herd, and for testimonials from divtinguiehml mous pad for pamphlets. BY LIITNEY BROTHERS, Elmo& Al=err &nab 'loot SC, Philadelphia, Pa. roborz Skill Co. 11 02 7E 00 1 1 TA n n i L .I. l ooo n r ritflO th E ol t 1 1,4 3 7 11 0 1 ,7 1.. nr Vire r ail Wenn. It lit turpVett expl4 t iat il tlitihe r p il l r it i . 9ftpap, elys, iiioA by oi•proggiott. Pricv, /I. REMEMBER THAT WE FURZUSH CUTS rar all Hor.ebille that we Print. Geo. P. Rowell tt..00 Drags and medicines. RE, R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES VIE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR all." reading CLlsk ativertlarm•nt need any ma r.uvrxn wrrli PAD:. EADwArS EXAM' fHLIYP 18 A CLAY 105 EVERY PAIN. It was tha Cra sad f. 'rho Only Remedy that lestantly Mops the meet rescruclattug al:aya In CarrimatUark and cores Congertlet, whether a the 1... RN Stomach, Bowels, Or other glands at organs. by ova applies. Uvq IN PROlf ONI7. TO TWENTY unnts. No matter bow T:olexat or excruciating the pain the Mit , MATH% Ttedlidslau, Indrm, Crippled, Nano.. Neuralgic, or prostrated lettlt disc.. may suffe r . d, READY RELIEF WILL APPORDis:STANT 8.2,E. L . CPLAALILITION (ll' THE KII*I Erm INPLAInt.a?j • N L OPAITVOr T""LA"IL ONORSTION OF TRE LEERS. BORE TIIF.O.IT, ntyrict:Er HREATIIINO FALFIT TION OF THE 'HEART. lITETEXICR, CROUP. vIPIIT lIERie. • 1131.1. - gNZA IIEADAOIIII, TOOTILACIIE. N Et' It AT 01A, 111117C11AT1311 COLD CTITLIA. AGVIL CIIILLS. TL. ar..ak,lon iLa Steady Steller or pan+, f when. U.. pala or aliZacult) oalata alt saran' as s wad sumort. Teets . drops In I,slf A tAmblrr of waOr will to kyr runl's., cws ?TARRY. Rol - 11 ATOBACII, HEARTBURN, SIM 11 EAIIACIIR, DIA IS RH EA , DYSENTERY,. COLIC, NV LND LN RuWEI.„3„ WI INTERNAL, PAINS. Traveler. should shears elm • Iwwls of FLAow•l'r lit rg ya y walt them A hw drew. IA Ash , Al sisknaw or pAlno frsen dunce a .01.. k. 1.1101 ilea Feszet Llran,ly or Ll,DArsiss•Alutulaut. FEVER AND AGUE. I Wait AM) AOCK earod for M. TT,' It not • Mondial ageat till, world that ..1.1 and Aga; and all other )dslarimat Mans, Fr 111,1•1, Tallow, and othrt Tenors (aided II II LINV al quick as RM . /WATS lITADI ILLL/EF. }'lfty crtas pat laatla. Bold by llyncri... HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PrRP. ;urn PLooD-INritEASY: LIP ri.Esit AND WI.:IIIIIT-01.E.Att SKIN AND SIiAL • TWUL bEctli,E,ll '[U ILL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT nAA MADE TIM MOS! . ASTOM , IIINf) GUTI , E. 80 115.141) 811 K TIU riIaTVIES BODY 1"141)L11110FA I'MDKR Tlf 11 1 CrlAlln.'l: TILIS TRULY- IVONLIFULFUL THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight le Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. r....ry drop of the RARSAPARILLUN RESOLVENT trontntodoetes throuth the Wood, Son., Urine, and ether 0 , 11d!..1 Jai af the mm the tired of flu, for It renal, the wastra nf th• body slit mew and nasnd Pornfabs„ flyphllla, Consenytton, Mandular s la tine Throat, Month, Tumnra Nodes In the (Panda awl tMr r a of the quern, 5.,.. EYon Ftrozons Pinion s from Rom and the worse Itonsa of thin &moue., trop liona, Fever lloreerfarald Met Wonn e nalt Mod , . Errapetna„ An... A. 1044k Speak Woons he the c lean, Tnentor, Cancers to the Womb, and elf setaktortng and ratnful harm, Night Renal, Loos of Sperm, and all wastes ef t h e rwiple, are olthln th e virally." tong., of tide none... at M od em Chemletre, sad a few dope' me wlll ern.. ea any pen... using It to either of thcso forma of disease Ins potent parer to eons them. If the patient, daily benoenhes reduced by ea wooers end eacntnynahtnn that Is tondo p grreado,, ed. In arreatlne thew waste., and repair. th ' eastue wins 11,11 miter. 14 road. hora healthy bin thle the BAR.S4PARIL. LLds N 111 wed 110011 mecaro. -N -ut et, d.tre the El•saaaalaratuor Marmara-a .:tat all Ilnowa remelltal agent. In the etve. 4 Chronic. Sert.te,os. l'onstltsit,...2l, end Skia Comas: Dig la thtt wJr paailzte care fur Kidney le Bladder Complaints, rrinary, onl Were, Morocco, Orneel, ILAreloo, Dropcy e. f • Alto ...She water lse /a Mg ol.oty„ we , l nielt e 10•0 I.WILD 31P. egy, cot I.3,rroooks o ohne nit,. there In • norwiltk. dark_ loLkooo oppowortocv, and nonodo.l deposit awl whew t.,U•roo lo • prlet humln, wcoilns when pooslornoster. u 13.1 pan L 3 thoo Sausel of the Back. sad Ilona 0. Lonc . dr.°, WOIVINS. — The only known sod +vie ftellledT for Ir tin, Awe. oft, rumor or 12 Tears' Growth Cured by Badway's Resolvent. sap .r.l). NIA 1..••..1..••.. tr0Ar I•• tm• 'rumo N r In I.IS. ••4 Itom•IL. All ray Darla" ..4 "1A.,. Am. .• Aar Sot rt.^ 11n, Iltlns MAI tofu A.stAnnArnelell ; I .tl o• /et. I AL" rot , . Itsoolosel, nu! llasgsbl I AttalA try 111 a A ItAl 14.0. IL -taaan I 6..‘ storm* for .w•lovt otant. I Iro al• Aotil.• of isso ItAtterroto., and *As I , Ao or 11..A•osy 114S11, I af lif.^4 oftdA NA* IA ft, • a, a or t, •Ad lanesM, hap{4ra .*, I 6a•-• ••••A unneo An In dt• 1411 tra• of t f"ro r • rf If I v•lta &AA la rso. las the baaterrlat r nn rttl.lttlt 4lf r•• II lOC,/ An r. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. ~ Wiener, ehtmeAVY conh..l r•-ert rn, roe,. etlenlate, purify. &elm, IL.• AZI • Nl', tr the oar* of clsuprders a the :+tntu illn•res. Eidaere., madder, ?intr. , . 1)11,1w*. llrtenrt., Hon, eontirenres, bAllgeglg, rpepAL. • ft I to. r ever, Inflainnutin., n 1 the culternob or the IMernal er!rt a poslttre care, Purely Vecebi/r. eulhembsordelemuwo. &nig. rir" M.'^re l, r Zne.+lng Rem aritn of the utc.u. • 0r5..., Comtte, /.3161 , 1 1116 N of, Acid, 81 ,af the Manuel, Nnoops. !North:,,.. fr, I , .11- 0011•••• Vl•te. Ma Manna', Et•Jat.... •I!rr DT .....ree -11[;•• tort .4 ate Rwauti.....41...11,•11, fl • ay 11. ed d ••••• flreetSt,... ',turf., .1 Ster-u., flwrilaa• oriew hs • Ly•g rm.* •: M. ••• Nevisulm. Yil In name .0 a. s•IW 6s) Ira Tor If SO WO. taddat• li:el6cs Hat; Lavin la as 11./A. Afee, dc-fx. e.f TtAPWA TS riu.s wrti A., the harm %Nen-a-11,4-d rriee, ty err. 6. -, J. BY Tttpl , A :MTS. r. r.An , - FiLLSZ AIcT WWI". anoltetm-stertp ICA nirA T k CO.. Lane, lut..rwat,ra weed> t!....A.3.u.0.e.a011 La scut. yam. :4H/1,112.-31 1) , Il It Avte_Eiße,es FE;vits. NaTtaltl rfle co .-1 -,ellets stn.?, root a'.4 In•rbr.l .71,1,e, A . 1,0-:,:1:10un Till: "L:rICL:: faLIAT , r 1T:1 ILL'Z'2C, or rurvo Physic. • The , r h...1••,5f•-11,11. rhemienl ar4 rira.••• nine•ll( N.,' os,rr [cry,. rupel o t•o tr p of eicap. • phyl heat , ••••I " • ' A flr.v: I a.,11,40 lan I f ctivh•i. ovitord, ( -, •a, VI Vln ra:hn, • ••I • e erttr fro"• •hr nr, I lo•rlt+, a 41 tOr3lo lat , h1:0h.9 are Cy 1 t r.r r {:.A:, a tll , / t. nti I au , 111• ,, s d 15.,1 th.• .tonuirl • I lA. ' taotei. rcall Ire l cllrlr pr In n n • ort*el t r 01 1. 0.01 , ..x110gi lv ay....1 1., In - IrLt li, If • sic In ('‘‘, 'fro . their ~ v ..11 , 1erfht rothmr‘.o 1.0 la • Ir • geot•l hnrn PI 1,1,1 lir. ni n•o -I lau ntv , a drl,, IC ; Nu - NI , . not at all 1.41 co.e, t:iife.e. nc , ., .1.41 t,,:•. stl.',lllls, • Arr orttpriev4l harnt.t .s harra,l a .4 • ..... hy eto othcr.., a* too pr , •:11• 0 tra r, shorasn and kindly up.. ra.k. tins cathartic.. 8:tt)0 herr/trd t • oCen-lbr rto 1.-ttinte• enr of these l'cie 11 Io m r eat:rot:4 'eh.. ' , von av ;nf•, vii G•.d In 01,3 a • / 1 . 40:11.4 or oc.bur Lama rl,-enry lleilny other mi.ter...l Ulug entire// vegetable, no porticuirr can Is roloirrit taitot c,ti.-ro ...about iltloalastrc to Il.e totoutii,iion 'tart i r tc capaloa. l'or Jatntllcr 11,49:1(1.0919e, Con env:thou, Impure Mood, n in the Ahoy biers, 'alai:inc....l .• the Chew. DI-z -glues.,SLPar ma:thous of do 1.1061- orb, Da.l Ito , ao it% mouth, Dillow.. attacks, Paizt ra r gion of Internal Fever, Dimited 3/110111 A3o.lntinh, it/0999t Ito 1ien99 9 .11.9en Colored thine, Unsociability unit Gloomy Poreholings, take Dr. Pierre's Pleastiut Pat. atlye Pellets. In cr.; ire, tlon of the rennelowl p,wer of toy Ilharet:ro t rile 9 Over ro I b nlnat a tartriy of Lb...err., I tot, h ' an y their actio•t upon the rOinial orooo. TZly Is nOlivrrik not n pit ltd or tissue eae.apitut l'a Ir le.mative Imprens. Atte pat them; thrir wog - r.ruating d being inreltroot la W.V. trade, p - erer% it their 'lite., min. petrel for any le-vh of rim'., to raw tint Wu) are 4199.1 . 79 toot aid reliah:o Web I. not the ease with the tn• fairnil inl etch; %tone, pat up In ch.'? woad or p.oto-b.ert Font.. Iturnlieet that for ill Cornoea Wn.,19 i Vo Cr Purgative Is haleatcl. 1t,,, lath, Peltrts will gine the mast pelleat n troll who ate lima. They -nee nohl by all e.ttorprislatr Druggist, at 2 5 ern to n bottle. • l' vol n MA Enrire.nY artaziPt PI lodate. ;ton to te.:B ' "N.t , "?. , :l'i , l'',.`.',"l:''!.':t,`:/',',',4"fr a itrhrj(l 6 r.C , Pra11....11 1 f F•mr 0t.a..g.,•1 ea - mot suproy herr4, poch.ta a 41.11(1 glut (Lvetvu Clow 11 ;luau p.a:l li-ora /2. V. VIZ.CCE, Dr. 11., Pre, , ,-, Tr =7.1.1.;), r . T MANHOOD I HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. . 0, , Jnat nnbllohert. a new' erlftion OC OIL CL'Ll'Eirtt ELL'S CEL.F.IIII.IThD RS SA Y nu the aantcee crnsjatttbout medl- clot) of Srsawaronnme, or ticallnal W ...kites., Inye)tmutry Sete.lo,l Lorves, Impotency tiepin' and Iliyalral Inenpoclty, linoceilmeht• to Mart ape, el c; uls;;,eposutlipll;.o. ttpllopsy. nod kits, indticed by self Indulgence NO textual tatravagance. Fxr Pole, Ina waled envelop.. dully ti cents, the celebtS , cti stitbos. lu this ndsniratto corny, clear. tVernon tonder from a thin y YrAre/lIIACCC.I.ftIi pra'is'e t the alarming cotmaatiOnect of cell abut. may be fadimily mired wittiunt dm tiatiK.rrin• pair of Internal .edict.' or tho appllospon Pa iirp Wally i painting oat a mode of corn at ante simple, certeln, and effectnal, by lIIVIIIIP of ohleh every .altar, no matter what bit mtisittion may Pa. May cc,o himself cheaply, privately. and radishy Or This Lecture shoujd he In the buntje of every youth and t very man turfy Ism. S.A. .14s tr.), DI a plain spool p.. In any Wlldreva, pOMpald on 'crept Of six ernes. po Is.. pest 14411111. Liar. Dr. t'ulererweire - itarriagy Guide." price Zeta. Addrere the l'abllabvra. CHAS, ,I.C.KLINE & C 91.. ICS P01y , 17. New Vol*. Po.t-Ottlea BOX 9 UR. ALL KINDS op Jpil WORK, ETC., IiCATLY PRINTED AT THE DEMOCRAT orrioli Drugs and Zedlcines. WISRARTI PINE TREE Tar Cordial, NATURES GREAT REMEDY @MEM Throat and Lungs. It In arntifying to us to Intern the piddle thn Dr. L. Q. U. Whakart's l'ine Tree Tar Cordial. fur Throat nod Lung Di3C33., has gained an enviable reputation from the Atlantic to the Pa cific. coast, and front thence to some of the first families 01 Europe, not through the press but by persons actually benetitted and cured at his office. While he publishes bas, so say our reporters, he is unable to ruppty the demand.— It ales and holds its reputation— first. Net by stopping cough, but hy loosen. I-g and Its. , ,isting nature to {brow off the un healthy matter collected about the thrust and bronchial tubes, vitae!. comes iryitafihn, Second. It removes this cause of irritation (which postures eungh)of the mucus membrane and tkrunchlai tubes , assist the lump toned and throw off taw unhealthy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third. It Is tree ftom squills, lobelia, Ipecac, anti opium, of which mrst throat awl lung re, men, sr, eranoos t sl, which allny cough only, 'and isorgah gimpAt:lJ. it her u wattlini: efrevt on Gie st.ulch, arts on the liver and kid neys, and lymphatic and net-vons regions, thus reaching to every part id the system, and in its invig,ornting and purifying offinds it has gained a reputttimi ethieu It must Mid above all others in the market. 'N . 4CI7L" ICM. T3E3311 PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Great Amesioan Dyspepsia Pills, A N D WORM SUGAR DROPS Briny; under ray imme,liate direci inn, thry shn , nit 14.4. liwir rurui'r frostittc, by t h e tae ri chttp and impure ar.inks. HENRY R. WISHART, PuoPuIEToR FREE OF CHARGE Dr T. Q. C. WL;ll4rt's DM, Parlors are opts Tu.s.lay4 awl 11 iron, 3 111., Vi tn., Sir ron,uleltion by f) 1 . m T. Mager_ \1 itl, buss axe too rvn, solLto,r, }4tysiriem4 aciouovln.l,Lo-.1 iprorlonity Ufftr,l by .11y oLlm in st.tallou hi till. elle. ]LUST r.E .1 R Es , r_r) To L Q. C. =HART, M. D., NO 232 N: SECOND STREET AL - J.& Noy. r, 1877.1 , -r043 asek.p "I' 113.11 NEW DISCOVERY In Clunnical and Bianca* Wane.. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR imitmores Cure Incipient Consumption. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMEDIES Cure Catarrh. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMEDIES Cure Asthma. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cllll3 Heart Disease. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Owe Skis Diseases. GAIIVEVS WAR REMBDIES Regulate the Liver. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR 1112NEDIES Regulate thoStomachaadßowels Dr. GAR YIN'S TAII REMEDIES Cure all Female Weaknesses, Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDISS Purify the Blood. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES _we Diseases orate Throat. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEAMS Cure Bronchitis. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Case "Rose Celd.'ar'EarFever• Dr. GARVOrS TAR REMEDIES Coo Lung Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB. REMEDIES Cam Constipation.. Dr. timintrg TAR REMEDIES , Cure Salt Rheum, Pr, CIATIVIN'S TAIL EtEREEDICs Ceg Pithier Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMCDIES PercestCholera4YellowEever Dr. GARVEV'S TAR RENEW= Pmeut Makulous Fevers. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Rf 2120111 Pain In the prpaso. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB. REMEDIES Reaureo Pain to the Side P /' Back. Pr. GAWP'S TAR,PRTIEVIRS Are a Superior Tonic, pr. GAIWINEI TAU REMEDIES Rerbge the Appetite. pr. ekSIMITIS T4 l REMEDIES Canso the poco, to Digest. pr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES gerterathelVeattinui Debilitated Dr. GARVIN'S TAU, REMEDIES Wye To to Your System.. S. P. UYDE & CO., SO= PROPMETORS, $O3 Eleventh Ave., New York s Jemmy 15, 1h73. IIoSSE 331,4L$ lEvery SlAp, Style; and Vurioty CHEAPLY PRINTED AT TlitiS OFFICE Drugs anti Sodtales "Tonic, .Appettsers,. Res:tonn. " that Ind 1.1 tippler on to drunstautens and nun, fo ot am • true Median_ made frointhe native roots and Labs of California, fray all Alcoholic Stimulant,. Therm the Grealßlood PkinCes and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invi gorator ef the System, carrying off all poisonous aura, and restoring the Land to a healthy Fondition a ensierig . i;,.mi trashing nd Invigorating both mild and food!.r. easy of adintnittratien prompt in their anion, runnel ha nor results, results, safe and taint:stain all (nem. of tante. Person ran lake those Bitters amacirding to directions. rod remain bog unwell, provided their bones me not destroyed be y o n da poison or other means, end the viol omens Vemitml he Tom, of repair. tipepopmfa or indigestion. Headache. Psis its the Shoulder., Cotmlis, Tightness of,tho Chest, Dirrimen, Soor Eructations of the Stomach, Bed Taste in the Month, BiliousAnat . ., Palpitation of the Ream lellactoriarion of the I.nn(e. Pain In the regions of the Kidney', La s bum dred other painful symptom". ore the rpnngs of Dyepeptia. In these complaints it has mitosis!, mid me bottle mill prove a better guaraatrn of it. merits than • lengthy missallsammtn. Par Female Cesaplalnte, Itk yousig m old, untried er simile, at tin deem of womanhood. or the taro of life. them Tonic Bitters display no decided en inane.= that a marked I mprovement is snots perceptible. ror IntLemanatary . and Chronic Itheenna- Clam and Gout. Dyampsia or indigestton. Mom, Remit tent and Intermittent }'even, Diseases of the Blood, Lon, Ritholo and Bladder, them Ilion-sham been most miccershiL Stich Diseases are mused by Vitiated Blood, abide to gee enßy proimed by derangerneht of the Digestive Arrann They are a Gentle Purantltre as well as a Tonle, possessing also the pecnbar merit of acting en a powerful agent in :slice.; Congestion or Inflammationof the liver and Visceral nets; Congestion to Itiliona Diseases. Skin Dluestaes. Eruptions, Tetley. Saloßheena, -'arches. rrnwlen, Pustules,llo,l2,6,:khe e l, Run u s r i: -ems. Sued-Head,Sore Eyes, Errsipelsa. Discoloranons of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin. a whatever 1.19. OS' nature, are literally dug up and tarried out of the aystens in a shun ume by the ere o( these Bitters. One home in such ems will =seines the mina inereduloua the.. curative caeca. ms • • • • • • Cleanse. the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impuritiet bursting throneh the skin in Pimples. rasp nom, or Sores eltslll{l, it when you find it oh nested and sluggish in the reins; cleanse it when it is Tsui: your feelings tea ion when. Keep the blood pure sea the health of the system Grateful thousands proclaim VIAIVGA E r 17222 the west wonderful Instruant that eves =Maimed the tinkteig Pin, Tape, and waxer Worms, halting In dm are gem of so many thousandt, are effectually dmtroyed md gemmed Sam t h e rhysieerise: There is scarcely an indisidiell upon the heti of the mob...shine Ludy iserempt 1121R3 the presence of soon, h mit apon the healthy eh menu of the Lindy that exist, but spent the diseased humors and slimy deposits Gut Weed dime laving co ons of disease. No riven, of Medicine. no rennifirgea no es thelmina.m. oil 'Lea the system from scams like thins Blum. ILteehanical Dliscoutes. Persons engaged ha Paints and Morris, such as Plumbers. Type-se:ten, Gold- , .eaters. and Miners, as they advance to life, will be subic. to pan/sus of the 114rwels. To guard against this take a dose of W.lll.lC sieS Yt sw sit BOOT.. On. it CIO. a Rk, a a In- nagesent, ggerstsgetesat. And Intermittent To— wers, Inch are so prevalent in the valley* of our Krt. nvers draw bout IL, United States, especially those of the issiasipa, Oliba,3llmours., Minot... Tennessee, Cumberland. AcLinea% ted. Colorado. Brazos, Ito Grande, Pearl, Ala - Loma. Mobile . SAVALlll.l4!,Rwrlgs.Janzet, and many when., with their vast tribolYeres. throughout our entire country daring the Sommer and Autumn, and remarkably so donna seasons uf unusual heir and dryness, are invariably ticeem • panics! by extensive derangements of the stomach and hr., and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or lee, obstructions of the Ever. a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged op with vitiated acruninlatiorm. In their treatment, a par. gative, merang powerful mguenos upon these vat - Lona Of gar, is essentially necessary. There ts no catharue for tie purpose oval to Da. J SS 0.7 nil speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter nth which the bowels are loaded, at the 11111 G time anninlanng the secretion or d. liter, and generally r - toring die losalthy functions of the dicesbvc Serohels. or lihreg'aErli, Mute Swellings, rrysipefas, Swelled Stack, Scrofula. Inflammations, Indolent liittarnrrutons, Slewonal Affeetiens. Old Sore., Eroyiiona in the Clon, rte. Its :hese, as in all hersot onstitutional Om en., N.Y ICE/I'S V INISLA A r•ITTLIISLIIL shown their great curative tarsier., as the most obstinate and intracable nose,. A Woman's Ailments. her Ner-rocunaeve. wad Ilendachre, altimuxls they "ern t.dling to men, are real 41. order, rot. careless, dyspepsia, genera! de bility, pants in the back and buns, rimvous and sick head ache, uninaray of aid tn.uLles classed as fona;e ippipkinr,"D . n. NV acres Vinci. !byres% which steli,.te, are a surererin nit! :ie . edi=X;7 .- ". the °"*" D. [Volker , * leiallformiba llnver. ars an all these mita in a similar eiann r py punfrog the Blood tixy remove the cane, rut by resolvi . ng away the asTeists•L iisaarrimation (the tubercular deposimi the afievad mre bna.rh, and a pernmsient cnre Is effected. The yr.:pert. of On. WALL'EIeS V t NEL. Brrracs are Aper . ient. Diaphoretic and Carminative, Notroons, Lis• *rive, Mimetic. Sedative. Counter-Irritant. Sudorific. Altars. live. and Anti-Bilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative pron., .odes of Do. Wataelatz's Itear-LGAIe Barra. are the best We-guard to all caws of tansuiosis and anahzesant Carer% the r laa's‘ane. heal :n.4, and aranhtter, prop,rties proteal ate humors of the fano.. Their Sedative iuiuttiel allay pain in the nervous Intern, stonuch, and borm.a, eiiher from inflammation, rind, calk, =del" etc The Counterltritant in eatiuids throw...bout the estate Their Diuretic propeuites ass ua the . Kidneys, correcting and regulating dies los of urine. Their Ann rropertnts stimulate the liver, in the se cretion of bile, and as dlscharges throtreh the la:ia7 deal; and are supervise to ail '<medial agents. fur the curs of Btluon Fever, Fever and Ague, etc - . 'Pori Ify the body agate:ml dlseetete by retrying an it. thlitis with V titErt.ili Prerrens. NO ephiewitic tare teed ere system thus forearmed The liver, the ate... the bowels, the . ksdncyy, .d the nerves aro rendered disease peter by this :rot hoot The leanest y et )o VINEGAR DIITIttI. in Chemin Dyspepsia, Fevers, Nemo. Disorder.. Cottvipe uan, de... of vital power, and all matatties affecting the has LTV, bowels, pelmv.ryorra„, ns or trermatar system. has been expesienced by hundredsof thonsands..nd hundred. ofthe...6 more are anon: for the same relict Dlreetlone.-I'ake of the Bitter.. going to bed or night fro. a half to one and eneedalf vrinvglasshill. Kat. good eavrisbmg food, such. beefsteak, mutton shopveni son vo.l 1.4 and Yezerslales, and take ont-doar .ereist. 114.4 . are geompeemi <f Partly vegetable ingredients. and cen tral itt. spirit> T. WALXER. Peep% I 4 11. 211eDOTALD Demises rod Goo. Ages. San franc:ace, Co!., and corner of Wasfingtort and Charlton St., New York_ IarSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS July tO, 1611—m3 Groceries. DOWN TOWN NEWS MINER AND CO.A Salo St root, 5 doors below BoTd's Corner. Montrose FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND P ROVISIOIVS. Welter ennstiptly nnwleve Arts" afreehatnck of Good• In one I It e wblch ve wirsel CHEAP I CHYAI CHEAP 14T;gEholtegekil , ge orp,.44Pf GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, .VOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, ' FISII, LARD, FIAMS, DRIED FRUIn, CLOT ET cf TIMOTHY SEED, (fa. Wo.tti trot:Mod and made addition Ito our Stock, Pat!, at a are now tined) , to tocword Matter to thr her commlas,ou hooter to New York-Irre of charge, nap coOliellhoralrtfivonceasents on ontictglatilettc. Call and oramtneonrslnck boron. purchasing ell whero,oadoonelzetioorsolvec o fthp GOOD QUALITY & LOW PRICES c. 1% ativsy, NEW GOODS. Fr he onderalgomi haying refitted, refondsted and R restocked the eiorp, formerly occupied by R. Pm: eon. Jr... at Lady/dila (•.ontro, are nod prepared tp Ipfm leh the I.oollie with as desirable rattety of DRY GOODS! CIROCEWES! I BOOTS S SHOES ! ! HARDWARE!! CROCKER 3' ! &a, &e! Ai can an tunnd Fitawl,erF, cad at u Drilrsble rem 0, 0 1 . Crane. PnIFIVe C.cutcb Pi“ Uarch 31.7872 . I_lllliD BILLS - PRINTED AT THIS OFFICE. DEEM!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers