The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 09, 1873, Image 3

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nel i s moo irers-Ices.
The s on-jolt in the several Churches Of.Mont
rose ere as follow:
et ‘PTIST Ofiunca.nl4..T. B. CEng swig D. D. Pm
T r .
P.rmitlServices lUX am. mud .m.
somath SeLonl m.
l'eny liegung. Forenlsp "kt
4' ‘T Home cauncti Rim. J. Flt.irrvir
,•Alvith gerrites,.. ...... SCCOnd dun,iny In each Month
s A t.h.ln School trarnedlately before Mass
ft i`t,'COPAL cnurtcn..usr. E. A. Woutnrn-Rector.
',ha:6lb Saric.cs 10% ii. zia,..siad 7%, p. m.
• u de, lictool. ... : ...... ... • ... 11m.
.weer-bar Sur•lcet—Wednesdays Iti O. M.
RTIMUINT'RPTSCOPAL ....Rev. A. IL Asara.vnan.
nsi•rszh nnrrierea.... ....... ...10.45 a. tn. and 7.Mvp. m
~..hwth School. 1 p m
130 p. m
Praya: Ideettnr,•; Thursdays.
. -
ritESDYTERI AN Clll7ltol
sgbb+ith .4.01 . 11.1Gpmn.
twee Meeting. Thin - int:lv fiveninge VII P...
Arrivals and Departures of Molds.
Africals Departures.
Moran/sr Depot, (Daily,) oOnp. N. G t.:O A. si.
Nem' Jliltord, " 10 00 A. M. 130 P. 'st.
11 s :sit:ging, " 7CO P.ll. 800 A. m.
T,inliliannock, . 300 P. st. 10 00 A. SS.
Fi11 . 11 1 .13V ill; 000 P. It. 800 A. M.
e. , ukitn Station, - 700 P. IL. 7 00 A. 11.
6 00 r. x.
10 00 A. It. 400 P. II
IT 1n1 , 3 ton,
The New York, Tunkhannork, New Niilford,
and Wylusing, mails, are daily ; the Conklin
~oati"n . mail will halve oa Tuesdays, Thursdays,
Jl Saturdays; Ilinghampton mail, rid Silver
Lake, a leave us 3iontlay at rid3o Tues.
.tae and Thursday at 8 p. m ; Meshoppen mail
le,ve oa loudays, Wednesdays, and Fri-
Mon tosse Depot, (Daily) 6 00 P. M. 11 00 A. M
';‘ ea " 330 r. x 730 A. M.
GEO. L. SroliK, Postmaster.
Montrose, January 4, 1873.
New Advertisement-I.
Flew read the following advertisements, new
4.1).s %Cock :
Y nancial Report.
New York Produce Markrt.
tont nitc4 Tca Co—Bursa S Slcholo, &eta
Iftlford Poor Anytum Statement.
Busrstss LOCALS.
Carvie'• Tar Remedies.
E‘rhange lintrl—D. A. 3deCr2ems.
T- 4 1.rmith of Temperance.
7.scbers' Rzaraiiisticau—W. C;raden.
Gough - Omar locteire on 6:Ctreams,ancea..
Now% About Town
NLn S'anday is Easter day
t'ocirr courses on Monday next..
We have had only one hundred and twenty
etab I days of sleighing this winter.
Tnt• term of school will begin on Mon
Jar, Maly :AIL
G.M.III..NCRUTINT exenises Will take place in
the High School on Wednesday, April 16th. April treather is blesaing o With the
,_lit 01 Land again, and man, beast. bird and
fou I hoil with j.y the departure of the anon
and lee, and the reappearance of mother cart) .
I)rt, EZRA. P.trusca. whose eminent nhilltio
n• n and surgeon, were well known in
iiie'le of this community, by a long resi
,,ene het died at the bonne of Wm. 1). Luck,
on the -.Mt t d.o of Morel', after a long lllnoo of
three nmaths duration.
Tor. of Sayre Bros. Foun waR
ag..da hear,' on :Nlondav morning, last, h haying
qi',ent &Knit a. week., to nrrnrige for heating
Incir boiler with coaL Taking Crundall'a block
f,irtory in connection with tho foundry, and a
cv Inal Is r Tamf". nu 121•111" nnu IC
-111 de tun ont of eni.:doyment when work exacts.
Tiler no erroneonA impreasions niay get
n'.r.,ad, irnulil say that there nee no case of
, w.all-pot in Montrose, nor within several mite_`
of it. The rumor that there are otre or two
caws in. Bridgewater, is stont.)3 - contradicted.
e have no means of knowing except from re
port, hence our opinion pro or con would be of
no importance to the public.
Now that the snow bas eribirely &wpm-need,
,our streets should be clan and the aectimula
rted filth of the long winter rewired.
should be repaired, and the pile of dirt
tin and urn trod the glitters should be carried
sow:v. A little attention to tidiness nu the part
some people In front of and artnind their
:ireinises, would touch improve the appearance
the town.
AttauntEn I..l:crrns by the famons orator,
Gough,is announced for the 'firm 31on
elov Alf Court, April 14th. Ontrititunities . for
t.earanairrcat...peshcrs, like Grotgls, nrcrtonc too
( ~t rrrut, sn - tlitt are should tievager to take tal
vr.ture uf the= when . they sio occur. The
price atlrniCC,itin ii fixed extremely low, and
he I:rho =lows-3*W dollar to stand in the way:
.t.tltds very much In his own light; provided:of
masc. that he has.any taste for that high order
~! entertainment which John B. Gong..h can so
.I 1 provide_ Let un turn out and give him
•,..irh a rousing. house as hr deserves, and aid, our
I,cture As.elation in making up some of the
which they have sustained during the past
a inter.
The mails being delayed by impassible roads,
are ottligtol to defer sonic communications
i ',tat came too late, until out next
Brldwes Gone.
The road bridge at Great Bend, this county,
wit. 4 swept nwny by the ice last week, and also
'he one at Kirkwood.
~ ,Di. spearing.
It is c i,,ilued by one who pretend.s to know
al; shoat that all the pine lumber in this
.1..-tote will be peed wilbin three years.
IV Old Je•T.
'facet:kilts friend informs ns that on the 27th
.dsy of AjnO is the day for the Wandering Jacr
to make Ins antenatal appearance_ To those
uLo made tic acquaintance on Ids lid visit,
'tan will he a matterof intercrt.
A Mother's StrategY.
4ont.ty mother inairtml of I . .tr
41aughter's contemplated elopement, and on the
appointed for the flight she put some
laudanum ;in ithe 45.45's tez. The ' . l.stter fell
may sFai irtd oat mite up till the next morn
ing. sod in the meangtoe Beene° got tired wall
ing and went house anus:ed. lie goes with
anothergir) grim
An Old Bible.
Charies Lan, of Pittston, has in his posses-
Melt a etirimity la the shape of a Bible. It is
one of the greaten an most ancient specimens
of Pria4C* aye pave yet seem It Was printed
is MOO by Cheiztr..pee Barker, "printer to the
Queen's moat esceUezet majesty:" It conts:Msa
record or marriages, births and deaths fur the
'pace of 270 years, which are written in almost
ryery conceirable style or penmanship.' It has
been handed down from one generation to
another, and now, at last Mr. Law has become
its possessor. It Is to be pruseuvAi to the
WilkesSarro Historical Soqiety, and will be
quits an acquisition to their , libra.ry.—Beadierd
Lead ore has been found on the.,farin of Mr.
31iller. of Blip& Allan hArtiablp: Clumberbutd
county, on the:A - 010w Breeches creak,_ 4 1 1
south of Bhenherdatoiin. thirty, thq
shalt httsheen,snnleand about -200 ;minds. of
lead have been unearthed. The mineral is
thuught to exist. in abundance in the locality.
boelol Science Problem.
One of our exchanges gives the following
conundrum: Why is it thit a young fellovi and
his girl can sit in the parlor until alter midnight
without making any noise sufficient for the old
folks to hear through the partition, but can't
sit in a public place ten minutes wit:tout annoy
ing the whole house with their giggle and talk.
Unpatented Land,.
The surveyor general of the State of Penn
sylvania is making an effort to collect the taxes
due on unpatented lands in ilre : .,different coun
ties of the State, Farmers who-own lands for
which no patentshad ever been granted have
received notice that if the account Is not paid
the present mouth the attorney general will pro
ceed to force a sale.
ftWets of Wt!hk3.
Dauphin county, which gave a large majority
for license, extends to the western shore of the
Susynehanna river, and it is stated that
Cumberland county landlord is considering the
feasibility of starting a hotel in the river, near
the Cumberland shore, to accommodate his old
Learnt Holidays.
The Legislature has passed a bill defining leg
al holidays, Orlng ns such the lo of January,
:2d of February, 4th of .Pule, 25th of Decrnr
ber, and other clays fired by Pretidents or Gov
color; proclamations, directing the observance
of the following Monday when the holiday falls
on Sunday, and requiring all paper falling due
on that Monday to be met the Saturday previ-
Blphop Shanahan.
We csipy from an exchange this fbllowing
tice of 13ishop'Eltaidthin, of flarrishttrg;'wlilelt
will be read with Interest, by a large circle of
blends in this county.
Buttermilk a Cure ror Small Pox. i Bishop Shanahan delivered a lecture en "St.
Patrick and Ireland," at Locust lisp, Schuyl-
A Correspondent of the West Chester Local : kiii costa},
last week, which is thtts spoken of
Sean, states that lie knelt of a ease of the most . by a newspaper correspondent who listened to
virulent small-pox to be cured by the use of ,it ; Though the subject in all its carious phases
buttermilk. The patient was bathed will milk, has been near;y exhausted by the eloquence of
which was also administered inwardly. The the Dominican friars and the English historian,
skin was rubbed occasional with sweet oil. The the lecturer present's! many new and forcible
relief obtained b y Ibis mods treatment id ideas. In his exordium lie counseled the Irish
said to have been almost instantaneous. It is o to adhere to their mother faith ; to be, upright.
chimp remedy and one easily obtained by all. industrioto:, honest, and above all to be temper
' ate, and thus burM them Vlioted bonds that
A Receipt. I ensnare the minds of so ninny. The bishop is a
We find the following receipt to kill a town, splendid elocutionist, a graceful and fascinating
floiling around in our cieham . ..: "To kill a orator, whirl. Was proved beyond a doubt by the
town, underrate even - prv.ent and prospective rivited attention and breathless silence of the
enterprbe.cpeak ill of the churches and seho.ds,
tell everybody the hotels art:grid: withhold our
patronage front your merchants and tradesmen,
and buy your goods and grocericsi - at some oth
er place; and by all means go to the city for
your millinery and such like: and if your are
in business_ reline to ndvertise
31/141CC4 of the Pence,
It would be well for persons who have been
elected Justices of the peace to bear in mind
that they are required to give notice within
thirty days after their ejection to the prothensc,
Very- in writing if they 'intend to serve. The
election officers in the different townships are at
the same time required by law to certify the
elections of justices of the pence to the prothen•
otary. Xo CI otunf.siions will he i—oed by ti.e
gcvernor until tlru cairets.rof elections. have til
ed the proper certificates and tye parfycleetc-1
Iris Mel Use - written accept:ince.: •
No More - rise or Threc , ;Cent
The new coinage net abolishes the silver five
cent and three-cent i iecea. They will not be
coined hereafter, and they are likely to gain in
creased numismatic-sulfa:lL-Iron) that fact, (spec
tbp rig Cfie - f? rsfetlit",uttityt
oflll 4,iit and
as being Tewedniiiimbri'lLati ttuesc "rimy full
year. The act, a1..40 /next, 'airs the weight of the
wiser dollar, to 4 ° -dtitta, coil sty few 11 the
'Wade Oadlar,", to hotter ,fit it, with its 4c,
antfikrtcas; t*a atal E,
114 tride:tiivw!itCh it iamunre - 41atiefilarlf, do
Duties oi
ceselitely tried:in Ike rieniusl:eoirt of
Baltimore Cut , quest:la/I trail i.ed av to the
riihfig: a police (41**io-fire en,ese4 - piug
stint tler : and ai r , the
4401;1144r. Judge
Nipsyi7ol , the MSC, Satet 'Shill a lice
officer arme4sYlatiittadly tyeafFisn sought to he
very careful any reify& on the ,nt-re,si
ty of.laisgltext :%r7st a Aitt)t nit
questioultedecitisist - m - Sata)eist-Or3 ...Aker was
ionaddartne tric?sir altrmsmtpts;;;ltrjetreer
As a rule, he said, deadly Feayams. l iltoulti Ind
be=fit exceplin INlSeir:br 471 1 ,
is to secure the arrest of the guilty party.
Advice ConeernisaViosvers.
flowers inustr'remembre,slail one
blossom allowed to mature; or "go to strd - in•
more than it doted ne.tiluds
Cut your flowers, awn, all or theta - beiore they
beedt,3?aAij Main" i•eer - timiiii: them
pit diem on tOtielAtoTe*l's;eed butiqueii to your
friendsieftli have no --iliiwers;r4 excitude;',4 fu
, corm with'iliose who Giore:TeiNeilrettely find
Mi;ie . iisti dff l
I have. All ruses ailerthe hitice eissed to bloom
mar*lfci'lorm*, : ' z iteii t year.
On bisites tiutei seed sttotild - Ilie' ;Holten:Etc, ma
ture, _
: •1,7.1
Perim Alturf for -Schtsol ieltaadrecti.
47 , r 1 the
arhool 'Alin have
in Ishich they areflehfitted ffveor sivimers every
Them can be no qtreiatiniriri ane faet'that the
Injured by the' delleinie - keeillition of many
nlAtiy end. niterid to 'tbd`l)FeWribeds.tiltii C 9 es
for Rum-in:111i nL and tnoia cliaoce roe the im
pure strivospiiii'44; Hare& -
er unhmilthy %ikon! TesVer com
plainisOrx feriet;e;s in cnti9egnenre
or . tiieiioti . ..3lVoiiiiterT of acholurA. Give the
children pure iai = linit plenty of It. '4
51 f -
In the_Conmor
. PtiCni;;lta,rittladelphia.
befoniltdge tiVptiarhs, the ca se' Of Da;sld Scull
temper thdlfecsjukCanya'tisintt,tiatitg, to re.
cOei. ll ?P o l 6 *, 437 0 4 7' ° * JD I C i lb' c l r 4 f ted
bYlitak,ilit4id,tia3l4l,lol4l,oiNti (*.cast
week.: tle:Pat4f *tie toh,hqd; fisitrih:O'llonds
were stbfat."'lTZUri'We t nt 'hut" On'ldonday
last, rag XaklnestailitiflPrest favor
01%04:WM furtherriaole amount. This is no
isspottisorrmAter „for: tho...eontlidantVan of
banks here and elsewhere throughout the State,
that are in the habit of receiving valuables of
their friends and casteMersibr tate Iteerting.,lf
the judgment in this case holds good in others,
the bank which provide storage for such value.
Wes are reepOrtaible for their foss.--Eartott Sen.
Asmara Conclave.
The twelfth annual Conclave of the Grand
Commander". nf - ilielle lett; Teriapiar of Penci
sylvan% iiM be held tit Meadville, May 13111.
For the inform:looot Knights 4n this section
we append the - following :-
The Ocean of .grand officers will be belt! on
Wednesday, the 14th, at 1030 o'clock, The een
nualreview and parade wilktake place on the
14th at 2:30 In the afternoon.
The installation of Grand Officers will take
place in. the Opera House on the afternoon of
Wednesday, at 4 o'clock. Sir and Rev. J. 1).
Herr, of Constuandery No 1, will deliver the
annual address. Pittsburg COMM ndcry No. 1
has been tletailtd as Special escort to the Grand
Commandcry, No. 23, committee of arrange
ments. Ile headquarters of the Grand Treat
tirer and. Grand Reconier during the. conclaie
will boat the IPHenry Rouse.
Local Option.
In the Legislature at Harrisburg, a supple•
meat to 'the Local Option bas been favorably
reported from the committee un vice and ha
monility,-providing that the manufacturers and
venders of ale, beer and native vrincs, are ex
empted from the law of March 27th, 187'2. Al
so, a bill was Introduced last week, and .rcferr•
cil to the Bailie committee, providing that the
Local Option law abaft not lake effect. till Oc
tober next. in counties that voted in favor of
About 50,00‘ maturity against "Local Option,"
including, the probably vote of Philadelphia,
threatens -to take all the temprranai (Minder
out of the Holiest political wind bags Parties
Ito well as Individuals, It vould scam would
split, In attemi tang to ride two homes goingiu
opMsite directions., There is a limit' ovvi to
the streiebing of india rubiher. "A little niOre
grape rapt. bragg," from our neighbor of the
Niontruse Republican, is now in order.
Patent. night Strind le.
In February, Init, Alfred E. 31iller, a patent
bay fork man, came to Silas Rose, a farmer near
Warwick, and wanted Rose to become an agent
lot. said fork, which he t onsenttst to. This
ngreetnent was signed by Ruse, and it was un
derstood that he was not to pay for any forks
anti! he soldlitem. liestlsosignedim order for
a Ilan fork. The agent' also - goL Russ to
,a 1 :-SI
what Ira iatid was it duplib.• of the furvgiii.v.
order and agreement, which he retained,. but
which afterwards proved to be a promissnry
note fur E• 274.1 payable to thengent or bearer, in
...teen months front that time. This note way
transferred to Alpht us Chapman before maturi
ty, which note Rove declined to pay. Suit was
brought, and the jury at the November Circuit.
;111 1871, at Newburgh, found for defendant.
; 11amtk v t! , •: , brought, 141. the
nity IleChll . 4l O l f the ale
fi-ndant. and the judgment affirmed, Founded
on fraud and deception, it was void &our the
beginning. Patent right swindlers hare Laken
the alarm.—Monfuemery Shand wet
Local Opilon
('hi-tter county laded "against license - 3d the
Lute oleetion, and the result is that the landhirila
are raising their charge, for the aecoitilroithit ion
or utongeri nad travelera.. The West Chester
.frfferxonian axis: "Wedniautay evening the
several proprietors. or our hotels asctntbicd in
(Inm:it:their delibend inns requiting in the ril
lowintrreaolution, which is explanatory vi ithin
J. - red, Tied we. the lindertignetl, hotel
keeper. , in the bortmittit of West Chester, (litt
ter, Chester. co., have unanimously agreed to
adopt anti eltarge our pm eons the follow lug pri
ces on and after Spril 1, 1b7:1,
Transient boarder,. ;e-r day
Supner. breaniam and lodging
Lodging and breaktint.......
Single inenl4 ......... ........... ... .
Shiite I,xlging 75
Jurymen and n iuu Sea per day . 00
Ktni or home err day 125
Two feeds and bay over night, per horse, 1 00
Single feed-1 gis of oats
Signed—Alfred Mullen, Maris T. Chandler,
Lemuel Kenney, N. T. Hayes, 11. 1L Guss, Jno.
f :.L~
The Easton Argus giros the fidlowing panic.
oho" of au ingenious swindle, lately perpetra
ted at Philipsburg, N. J. :—"Aaliort time ago a
stranger stepped into a Philipsburg hotel in or
der to relrttsh himself with a glass of lager beer.
While taking down the liquid be got into *con
versation with the landlady, the host being ab
sent, and showed that worthy woman a Int of
watches that seemed to her lobe gold. Ile re
marked that he expected in a few days a Mah
er invoice of goods of a similar character, when
if be available room, he Intended
to open a watch and jewelry store in the town.
lu the encatitetne, however, be said that be was
short of needful cash, and expressed himself as
willing to.put his watches in pawn to raise 'it.
lie would leave the valuables with the landlady
airs security for a loan of ithYd. White 'his con
versation wee in progress another stranger ap
pearedon the scene, and asked for a glass of the
bcverav dispensed at. that hostelry. While he
drank it he listened to what was passing be
tween the first comer and landlady, and finally
because bold enough to examine the watelies.
Atter a careful review of We articles he offered
the owner of them r... 00 as pombaso money.
This saes was refused, for as the first remarked
the watches were worth FOlObetween brothers,
and, besides, he did not want to sell them at
this time, pot only wished to borrow a Mel
sum Of money to carry him ovet la present
1 necessities. Another and a higher offer Ilea
made and again refused, and the pretended deal
between the fellows brought to an end. The
landlady stood open mouthed while the conyer
1 sation between the two strangers was prog,ress
ing,and wljen,it concluded bad resolved to turn ,
money-loaner and advance $lOO on the add
watches. She made a careful search of all the
drawers and found VA in the house, and this
snot, with VO borrowed from a neighbor, was
t handed over, and the watches passed to her : ,as
1 collateral& She felt overjoyed at ber fine stroke
of finance, and broke the news eagerly to her
i good man upon his return borne. Bonilacc
i thought it best to!titake assurance doubly sure,
I and took the watches to a jewelry store near
by t., aseertnin their real value. neretenens
1 dumb founded by tho statement that the entire
lot was worth about dOt dollars. When he
recovered his senses, after. this startling an
nOtnectuent, snfaciently to get home, he went
there and, as may be expected, a rather warm
delatitErestaMi - actmeen the twowho hadsworn
to love each other ftwever, which the most
exprerrive of German adjectives were used
walla% atint t.
. . „
As my readers( may well believe the urriteltes.!
were worthless, and the two strangers who
swindled the woman were confederates who arc
going *Sat driving their rascally business
wherever they. Can find ono ! rirdant,erwinikSD
believe their plausible stories. May this prove
a warning to ethers who might be led' into^a .
Hite unpleasant predicament.
A Moving Advice.
Clinker, who has Ind some experience in such
matters, soya ; If It Is your good fortune to
"[lit" this Spring, go off without "cleaning
house," and leave it in—if passible—it nastier
condition than when you first went in. Throw
all the old bones, shoes, hoop skirts, slops and
broken lamp chimneys Just whore they can be
raked in a pile—but don't do any raking. The
incoming family won't know what it is to make
garden. If a door or gate is nearly off its Lung•
sn, give it a kick tO help It off; it pleases the
proprietor to tilt such things up about this lime
of the year. Tell your oldest hopeful td throw
the old dead eat into the well; because it imparts
a delicious taste to the water, anti, you-Anon.,
the do'etora duet atwu'ys be idle. If Yotrlikve a
surfeit of rusty stove pipe, broken bottles and
rotten cabbage in the cellar, leave it ; it shows
a neighborly spirit. When you pull out the
spikes upon which your pictures and looking'
glasses depeiied, be careful to draw about a
square foot of plaster with each ; It gives a-
pleasing appearance to a deserted room. And,
I shove all, don't commence to "tear up" unt(i
the other family bas.arrived, and are tilling the
entry and stain with their thingi. It is finch
fun to get around and over them, and the at:an
gels are in no hurry to come In. If you. only
' move half a square down town, do it on o
wheel-barrow, its cheaper ; anti W,fiCEI left stand
,ing on the pavement, it's so easy to tall oven--
When your last load movt..- 4,4 don't matter if
you do throw :lamp nxs a basket of candeatruit,or
a few old bums. -Thq -new
- occupants will
think they were "lost in moving." Don't say
good I)) c to the "other family," or the.
think your friendliness is only "put ,on.;?. bid
pick up their best door mat and scoot ! •
ilopbottom Ilene. .. •
FIRST of April Las arrived, and change on
the corner 1.3 the order of the day
BUSINEEI3I.I eery lively fora dull west*, -es
pecially with the new firm of Tiffany .V.Jefft;rn.
ILtritEn damp under foot, slippery sidewalks,
and hard Tor those who cannot boust.of good
Na, COUET . 3 mill, has again changed bandy,
is now under the supervision of Mr. Benzes
itelph,from Lackawanna.
As temperance is the watchword; inelbinks
in the future our town people will walk the
straight and narrow way with ease and luxury
A FEW of our wealthy citizens indulged in a
sleigh: ode out of sown, not long since. to a sil
ver wedding of Mr P. fl. Tiffany. The storm
raged u ith unabated fury, and as no silver
stove was on the programme, it became rather
cool toward morning, but with the ale of man
ifold easy chairs, and the lively company ,if the
lair hostess and daughters, madame rumor says
they ..arried until day' dawned, then wended
their way home with light hearts, and a time
never to he forgotten stamped undelibly upob
their memory.
llopbot tone, April 4th, 1873.
New Milford Items.
310 s, S KNAr are intemling to rebuild their
)In. W. JAY. of Oneonta, N. Y.. hag put
climbed the t hi= [lota
Mn. W. K. CIJAPILAN. has rented the
lumbe of 31r. M. i".eman.
Tuts find thunder shaver of lite qtrr.enn:
rmp:ruled by from, boil, visited lbia place rm
Saturd.ty, April 5111.
ON the night of the 2nd, the train dire here at
midnight, run into a Glide this rdsle rlf ,31ontro4
Depot, end was detained until the ngst. morn
mg. A special train froth Grmf BeriY way serit
to its assistance.
TIfE tooeral of the yOungest daughtet,of J.
Wilber was bell St thu 3L E. Chuipttititi,Tues.
day April ist. The funteral serrieM.-welon
do6tect by the Rev. T. A, Jerome, intitv*isener
ul the liastoi, the Rev. : A.4.i Breuk.Stilitilwits at
tending. tbe-Annual Uonferrtree.
Tin: lecture delivered by Dr. T. L. Brown, of
Bin g hamton, N. Y., in the Town Hall, on Sun
day evening last,-on the subject of temperance.,
was lergelrattenled.' 'The Icettrrer,,illi pleas
ing slid inkrdeiiveMartio6'trfe'dl6 ltdprtss,up
on his hearers the importance of
all things. He ia r prainlly aavoimteliptupC,:llo4.--
in diet, that the body finny be kept; In st
state of health, that on appetite for- strmulnntei
of any kind will not be creAted.
New 3filford, April sth, 'HMS. ' '
Business Locals.
..loirN 13. Gnr.o trill lecture at the Court
House, In 31ontrose, Monday evening., April it
meal or the timed.
notsatt's great lecture on "Cirenmstunceu,"
April 14. d early, if p)a dmiuld gdt u gaud
EvertANne Ilarv.r..-11ieruby announce tirmy
friends and the traveling public genenilly. Vint
1 Quill my buni open-for -I
neentrinpatkitiou of -betnraers ftetid trirtssi"
pests. A friend of low and order, a fin xi be
liever in the "right of the majority to Yult."-i
having proved my devotion to the principle by
four years service in he support, I cheerfully
accept tbeloc:Woritiot aittiatidnAnd tal
fully obey all Inws, 'date and nafionar
epetantily ask the patronage of all ,ruipwtable
people, who may haw" oerasion to patronize a
public house. and promiselhat no effortyMall be
wanting to make lhoExclutildititnstclasiWot
tel in every particular.
DAVI. A. DlMinammar.
' Montrose, April 9th, '
. r
Trerrse to Gough's leetnresnollriltargi
most everywbere. W. 13..Dmris OM Walla '59
eta.--by one by all. means.
•TUF. LATUT Timis:en op lz ) t[Ettllcc&..
We congratulate the Temperance world on the ,
success which seems to be 0T0r714101113 attend
ing the use of Vinzuktt Bmte.a. it establish
es the fact, long smuteuricil fur by Temperance
physitians.that nothing which into:l=o;4.l2
ever beneficial to the sick. Certainly no prepa
ration coutaixamalcoliol4 bas7ever aappqmpTish
ed, such, cures of MelariomiieVer, Adfiimuctisli,
dyspepsia, rbetnnatism; lung 'colnplaintsr,
atipatton,andgeneral debility, as we-hear of
from all quarters, as the results of this &minus
vegetable specific. No true philanthropist will
regret to see spirituous liquors expelled from
medichl uke, if they can be safely dispensed
with; and that they arc not beneficial to any
case of sickness, whatever ihreharacter,appears
at least,tO have been demcinstisted. It public
opinion is capable of making, any impreaskin
upon the minds' of the Faculty. they will ere
long Introduce the, pmst popular of modern
mediilacs into the hospitals, and prescribe it hi
. their practice. Thentillions hero green thew
Odle a fair trial: it has more than answered their
eipectathips„ and no theoretical opgositlnn can
shake their tfith in it • ' • • • •
UT no small eircumilancohinder yorb tom
hearing"Ciretunstaneetr next lionday night
Bat few speakers area etrr.tmstanee to Gough,
ANOTHER opportunity to hear that powerful Carrie D. Cooley, youngest daughter of 'lira
orAtor, John, klong4 4 ,AßOLl4...P9vOlLliff3 1!.1C. Mc3llclten.
ZACILATUAIIn South AtNifm;Pa., March Wd,
TEACHERS EsAiltdnidattLAThe Special Er- Libbie
nr Zatliatine:dhughten Gegolateberitta
aminati. wilLtua held na omi 2r j neth: • "" '•
Springville, Village School liotue, Trulay,
April 18.
Rush. Grangerville schhol house, Saturday
April 19th,
Lathrop, llopbottom school house, Tuesday,
April 21,L
Clifford, inatitute, , Corners school house,Wed
nesday, April 23d.
Clifford, Eramiuntien, Corners school house,
Thursday, 24th.
'tortoni, Graded school house, Friday, Apri
Montrose, Graded school house, Monday, Ap
ril 2sth.
New Milford, Graded school house, Tuesday,
April 29.
Gibson, Stoney seAnnliouse, Wednesday,
April 80th.
Susquehanna Depot, school house, Thursday,
May 1.
Liberty, Lawsville Centre school house, Fri.
dav, May . d. firiendsville, school house, Monday, May 5Th.
Each examination to commence at 10 o'clock
a Pl.. ,Ap culire.htfittre in ~e. s t irr,coc,}lte4titc.
Branchtei 61 :Lindy. plqu'reg tif
rensOlffit liolding a Asp biota
n ill heel? Ott Ihr Ofeeil, panel 'Union
Fourth Reader.
Directors should examine the certificate of
'those who wish schools, and fq no case allow
one to commence teaching who ims not a valid
certificate, as it is flireof, and I have no time for
examinations while visiting schools. , After ex4lll.luni
,ulV)4e.rfairlyi .
Ihe offlee-of MA-4w Eltifeenniondink, , 4o
•Dion -
rose, on the first Monday of each mouth, 'at 1
o'clock, p. m.
W. C. Timms, County Supt.
Forest Lake, Apcil 9th, 1873. .
t 3 .. D3
SOCEIL—Tbe old "Pranklin - Fire insuinnce
Company began business in 1829; has paid for
loss about 0,500,000, and its surplus urstsls
that of any other Fire Insurance Company in
the United States. Parties in Susquehanna
County holding poliebrol having loss there
on.or desiring any change in them, will be good
enough to notify HENRY C. TYLER, Ag't,
April 2,1873.-4 w. Montrose, Pr.
iNSCIL'iNCE NcrricE,—Win. Buehler, Esq. , of
Harrisburg. * Pop rge.,091443 tisi, , igoththe State
Agency hfilfe'FrduKllii Firerlantrhide Co. of
Philadelphia, and I have notice from the Com
pany, that Thpmpson, Den Bro., of 1r
Bunt; Pa:, aft' to take tiiiiiltcirefl3tMerit is.
I ' ufaltelltg snore • notice W
yen? aga, - thit I vefriSein eepreitiftVit+ ()Work
ny that Thompson, Den & Bro. represents: I
don't allow country agencies to dictate my bus
inix;s, either in the supervision of risks, pc ad
just ing losses. I take this opportundtV'Of
fc my customers, that all siika In the Frarnk
lin as they expire, will he plajxad,ia other ; good
responsible companies. „ 1, •
11 L Ain° Uri.
Montrose, April tilind,l97T-4
Ivo, leer.—Aintitysitai.4To commence at
llontrole, April 111.6,074:i
G nand. ro ra.
AaMara—Olivet James Devi6'e.
A polacon—DaNicL.Lurrier.
Liunt,i, John M. Stewart,
Johh Stephens.
Dimnek—Doter Strupler.
F.mmt Late—Hiram Cogswell.
Dibiott—Thomas J. Mintzer, Lewis Evans.
Sibs 'llOwell.
Great Bend 'rwp.-11eury
Great Pend Boin.—rtitiberk'E...Bl.Ephens.
Ilartord—Naannua Ting*Fl
M." , r.'sv — SOlinnonizingtion.
New 3lilfora (:. McConnelL
New :Milford Tteri—Dennis Shay.
thiklatia—Chas. R. \Vestal'.
Susipsebanun Depot—Josiah
Sprngville—Minot Riley, Daniel L. Sheldon
Mimi M. Simon.
Silver Lake—Timothy Sullivan.
Apolacon—Asaltri Graveg, Slnfuna Dimon-
Aulmrn—Jatnei I'. Gay, Lewis C. Swisher.
Brooklyn—Abram Chamberlin, John Bolles.
Bri.liy,cwater—Nehemiah Faucher.
Burns, \Vines Bennett, Avery Burdick, James
L IVeN, \VIIDam It. Coleman.
Ir . ! mock— NCcift7rii l lftiitW i '
Dumlatr—S. G. IVvsver.
Frientkville—George Smith
Great Bend Boro.--Theodore Corby.
Great Band Te-p.—Benoni B. Tuthill.
-Ilnrf, son Pju , l'Aere. a
• Liartnpenyimion.V.l.Eollail
liAlq3b.C ll 4 l 4F..lPlßcer
Luce., • .; 1 s;:r to
Lathrop—F.lms Horning.
Lenox —Hiram White, Jamcsi Conrad, Wm.
Hartley, Illichael Belcher. Francis M. Rood.
)font rose—Andrew .1. Geriltaon.
M iddlidow n—Dari nit - Coleman.
NeW Milford Twp,alca.l). Foot, Jacob Stod
dard. Philip !larding.
Oakland—E. C. Levitt.
Ittaih--11cury Granger.
Silver Lake —Leek Jayenc.
Thomson—James 11.FuAter,Samuel H. Lew 1;...
47: 7 5. 441:1/ 1 71 1 .
Auburn—Milton Harris, jr., Geo. R. White,
Cherie. !lay, Albert G. Sterling.
A polaenn—James Dean, Jr , Lewis Beebe,
EtheortigniintleViiioC9rtlatiWbiltlittaLlwr, ei
Ilri.42;en at er—W illiam Stark-
Briinklyn—lsaae Vitnitiken.
blitDpale 7 nriliß i ßurdink.,' • • t nowuls.
Dimock—.Tatnes tune
Forest Lake—ltilop Birebard.
Friendsville—Thomas Hagan.
Gibimi—eGitatles Beaoft'ulP42ol4ll3 go Brun
Great Bend Twp—Cicero Dixon.
G.tral Avlid,Eom — .llm., E. Howe.
Dennison K. Oakley.
Ilarmony—Stephen G. Irvin.
Jeso.lV -4 iar, viA.44 l 4447!T.4l 9 5l4ERTnAkCiif eb Y ,
Ralpli S. Birehafd.
Jackson—Leander Griffis, Earl Olin.
Lenox—George Belcher.
3fontrre,—Lewis Campbell.
New Milford Tali—llenry Mead, Belus B.
F00t...510.7i C://`.-
7. A
Oakland—Daniel M atthews.
RuOi—Robert 11. llillk.
Springvdlv—Da v u'l., Thomas, Arphibahl B.
n ont,:x .IAI h
Sosquelsanna Depot—William H. Telford.
Thrnsoll—John .11. Lamont, Barnard J.
f+ar3r~t= c.
KIKSIAN--COSILAP--In Lenox, March 22d, by
Rev. D. S. ll:human, of Elmira, N. Y.,
nottlltzs'earrie tirtlonilutjet (Ikharoad, Pa
NEWTON—Ogium_v—lp Ilarford, March 30th,hy
Rev. A. 3liller, N. E. Newton, .Miss Mary
-yEo.oiiKKll,lllulghlgbiAol;- lice o ll l *X.Prr , i. - ,L
11foxf.t...6. 0 1`rerffdi•A"ii RthlSTillbreAritiri2d,
Ffettft , SttSxttiy "otttr3ll43' 'Mice 3E.
Tucker, daughter of A. 8. - TikilMl
BENSON—Strs:NEn—At the residence of A.
Sumner, in New Milford, April, Am, by Rcy.
It'ingailii.Ul , olfinsdß, 4 4 3 .TatWonstafltaltigii
E. M. Sumr,sf,,t,l4olpme.t
Dovotrrr—Osnyns—ln Candor, N. Y., March
9th, by Rev. .9_ 0. Warren, Charles Doughty,
of Caro Hoc, and .Miss- Eva C. Osburn, of
TALLMAN—Sums—Maid' 20th, at tho Hill
p e gi , raga arT 'l4 ?fraßir
'4' d
3lise Sadie M. Smith, of Lenox.
Dnannona—Sgau.t.n-,-In Upsonville, March
grab, 1873, at the bou.s4rol the bride's parents,
by Rev. H. Doretnus, Henry Rudalphus
Dearborn, and Hiss Aunts Cordelia, daughter
of... Robert baunant-.F.1044 alLof..ellpaonvßlW t.
Barren—ln Apolamn, March 21st, Mrs, Julia
I,,aalfa'oroactaie W. Baxter, aged '.13 years.
I.9 . Amt Auburn, Pa., March 15th, i
.ThEnittan Yonker, aged 73 rears.
Curren—ln Auburn, Pa., larch oth, Frank,
son of Isaac Carter. aged 10 years.
WARNER-At Great Bend, March 10th, at the
residence of his son, Henry Warner, Adin
Warner, in his 89th year.
Psalms—ln Great Bend, March 24th, at the
residence of Wm. D. Lusk, esq.,Ezra Patrick',
M. D., aged 04 years.
Coeur—la Sogth Aubura, Ps., March etb,
The 'Markets.
The fign . sea given for gold, Indicate that the
.. bulle• had another fleld in -Nese York last
Saturda%.. In the early part of the day It open
ed at 11.:1, and went no higher than 117 X, but
It juentW at rthe final close .to - 1184 x; an ad
vance.olono percent. Sterling excinu3gei .121
to 128. •
V EV - 8618n. 119 K 120
8-20 Conpon.lBo3 • ^ • 110 . 110%
8-20 Coupon 1804 1103 1161 1
8-20 .... .. . ...118 '• 118%
0-20 CouponlBoo •• ' 110 1 4 11634
s.2oToupiplBo7 ' 118 118,!4
0-20 (louponlB6B 11734 118
Neal * cents -' • • 114 115
1040 a" • , •• ',"•• • .112 K 118
Paris Exchange,— , 443
Sterling Excluntge . .127 3i 8
Currency Bonds.. ......... ........
Gold .. ..... ..„ . 11 85
Silver.. ,
Agme York Produce Market.
correciesiCiekly by Harding, Ilayderi.'S, Co.,,gton St., N,ill . York'
Buttep, tp , ' 476 , 450
' Q't lan - 400 50
File.CsC, ttnizzo.por lb.. AiA: . ; . ;.• . ...... , / 50/0
per duz- . /60 / 1
AktarY! ' ; , . • . 1; . i .I:. i.. -.
!E1. , , ,,, 5, ... . ...........!... 7.....Ta26
,1101tr,skr barr;l - . ............ • 0.90(7%10
Corn meel,loo - tbs. • ' - 3.40(V.50
Wilma, per bn.vheL ... .... . ... ..... L 7542 1 10
Rye . .., . 00092
1 •0ut5::.... -i....,.......- ”---.."..:* blear,
Corn 070 7'2
ITka ll opq, crqp 0f4872 . 45@ria
. 1 3i(i•il
Lard przqb ...... • • 808%
Potatoes - per bb1.... ..... t.50a,3.uu
Al pplp ...............;. ~. 2750340
Tigkey.i. per ib......... , „ ....,.... . .., .... . • 184320
Chidkeirts. ' . , ' - 16617
Driakg '"1 • • • .•...; :.;:'.'.;
' Shelifts 'Saler
issugkilli.the-Qourl. of Commort Pleas of
Sttsquehaluia County.and Id me directed. I will
expose to Bale by poWle tendue, ot site Court
Ifrmni fn 3folltrosp.'on Friday. April 18, 18713,at
Sl'ecletelt,Lp. , to., that following pieces or pareela
of land; to.wit :/
All that.ecrtalri,plece or parcel otland cheats In the
Itmensbip of -Ararat. in the county of Sloquelimmairod
Bthicgatth.flenlideri bounded and- described -as .fols
lows, o wit; Oa the north or bode Of Clark Digis nod
Trirnee'llaillotn. On the trimcby landieof the aouth Ly.--lande of Loren Snow and
Dnyte;and On Me westby lands of E. Worth, conratti
logo, saes Of. land. Deltic same more or less..witb the
appurtenances. one log house, • taw fruit trees, and
abate SD scree bripnised. Oiciredand taken in execu
tion at the plea( J. U. Hanley aailved to EllZel Wes
ton vs. Thomas Avery nod David Avery)
" AL3O-Ait thafeertain ram, or parcel of 'lied. iota
ale Angie townslilp ofJossup,th the carity,ol SONO,.
henna. and plate of Pennsylvania, hounded and de-
Mined fla follows. northeast by lands
gate tie estate or „4. Sherman, eced.,. rind. J.. W. Arms
dielsor the mmtheast by muds of Isaac' Bolles, on the
southwest by lands of J. D. Mellneby, Ann mu the
northr yet by Janda
A. Manch, containing CO
' acres. be the same mord t o
lemooltts- the appurtenance,
1-fratuo hoopoe, one frame Amnia one orchard, sad about
SO tercel Impeoyed., (Taken In emention at the cult of
A: o:3Vittearctthailes Ythkinsand Christisq-Davia.
cod John, Tubbs. assigned to 11. 0. Cmul?.. vs. - Chart'
flethinS and Christiarr Davis.) - t•
ALSO-AU that certain piece nr parcel of tact nitro
rithe township-of Rosh in Oa OnlotySwim,
narniarind-Stateof Pennsilvania.bonnd and'Oni.ortned
.1, 0 1 10 1.!..t 0 r. 1 13 Wooing at /--paint on a public
'rent %cure elannt paid' road SO percheii to a comer till
l'aollllObr Di IW7 wheatou'i land, I.'lente along weld
lirlitytuteit lineporth degrOM{Eit :-10-perches
01 a corner tin lids of B. Osbpro'm Wed, thence north 3
pleft, l3 3 ,3 filf+o o l ea Porches to a corner. throw tooth
orgrees past its 7-1 perches to a comer on Cronle•
hd, tbenewsourb it degrees-seen 21 , t 10 pembee to •
corner. Omega south 01 degrees cut i verebee to the
place of begbiolog, contaluitig'Si acres and 81 perches
ofiland. bi the as rte mom or Ica; with. the apparbs.
Dances, 1 nrw.f.w.a.etory WAng honer., 1 ham and
other olit-buildfngs,3ll 0 . and oboist Weems tia
pfosnd. ( Takes in esectinunsetbe colt Of Abet Tu.
re 4 ra.llfrarn flebom4 .
'ALSO-All that e rtaln piece orPerMinf laird Ali:i r ate
gnx.hecriWnshly sthejprinsytile in the councrof,Susques
IMontfaa, Stale or Penn.wlmilm, bounded nod- de
tieisOOrstererrish.",mer'inteedterry-isbusm-M, gmr. - 'ARUM;
on the south by hinds of James Deckernied
Loa; tat aro be' stet AT/retts of 8.0 fowls and Ainos
Dutton, contalulalotlo acres of land, be the mem more
of lest , hith the spourtenaneee, 1 frenie dwelling
basse t I barn, I log hoem. some fruit trene. - and partly
Imnroved: oielsed add taken in ex...Merlon at the milt
aro.a.rtr. Voider:in asilgned to E 8..L1t116 ra. • n, A.
s- 1 "1? atll "1 -
AIS -All that Gotten Own prat , ' of n Mate
In the township of Auburn In the county of Susones
hum* and Ststo-of • Pestnaylmania. bounJed Cod do.
svaned anJOltwo Ktu wit •;,.On thq north by lands of
James Lottf3ottflieeftst.lnstandlof 14 - tiaiN". Sennett.
on Ito south by lauds of.lllltodi flares, A. D. Tawas.
hory sod John Sat.,, and en the, west by. binde r of
Übe'Wier, cobotathlos abonbSatios •afil land be' the
pame,rdore oxisnt. lOLA this-aryl:atonality", -3 dwelling
Eldora: 1 barn; 1 new 'FiOra bunco. a t nod arehatd, and
Itnimprovat ft3dLtedandtalfbn in exeentioo ,at the
wino, A. J. Gerrftvon cv,.F. u. cony, *tames :P.. Ben.
grinder and William' Whiteit' • '
Takediotleo-Nall bldi moths di-reaped on the day of
isle. - IL 11, HELMS, Sheriff.
'Btirlßa Citata; Ilotitrou; March AM: •
Cow Hy. Briefness - Directory
Ta 4 lines 'in this birs:itary,one year, sl„h'f)--
Streh' additional
- tine, go cia. -
' mo.vrium.
J. A, DEERFI—tom.!.7 Spficyor, of susqnebannik 'Coen
ts. Mice in the Conti llonom.'.llontrove. Pa.-404f.
l'Asttet. cicrarALT: Aturnri'.; ',dee
tau, bblosiTurt.eo House. Public- exam*. • °,
R. P C 0.., 1411kervf, tell Patelgn
see, Tlekest aSeDsitte crkii Sneaset,lrclusdand.Scat•
, - .
BILLINGS STROUD,, Genera nee:MA Life Mime
once Aeon. , ; situ, Fen Itallroso and Accident Tick, It
to Now Yorleand PlNlEdelpbts. Ofllcs one dui:preset
of the 1 .1 2
,14 6 ;11 • z.!• C.
HAUGIIWOUT, tilaterrWhol•rale mad hetall
kind•alJae rooLlDgActutrims-Pcr
=UM & NiCITOLL. the plate tO ret Druesatid Medi
. Meg. Cigars, Tobacco. ripe*. roactakwki. Specter
tIcA 'ante othnit. &e. 11r1ek Sleek.
iiCht. L. COX, ,lierneee talker end denier In eli ankles
usually kept ley' the trade, opposite the Back. •
Barddt , ViiRW berdere In Stnree,
• •end lliiiniefactarere of Tin end Bhadier:lorue, earner
- , Fitya,tn sad TarDpikokucet.
. _
it.; ft: 1101261t.,' lreirehhat' Prange tad • dealer 111
.. , l3gttig. Tapir:lnge, end. Fern:shins „Goods. gad
Reedy•Aidel (,lathing, on %loin Steele}, text do* I e
'lgtiLidle and Irglailueg Deg 0111 ea. . • • ,
nuriAltD,'lncider in' (ironerles; Prortilnn,
• .13nalin.lnationety and Teatime Notion,. at !mad • •
.Publlc Avenue..
cisvroA 51.10EMAKR,Ocal.
'erja gerialna CSR--
Plaster. Pen h grouudi- •
iier cent. (a
[mat on MI Depokits.. Does& general Banking This
nll-tf <rt. B. CUAHE &CO.
W. L nari4le Dirriondp.liatp.Caps
Boma and Shoe,. andOomotal Morehandlee. on Mal
. 41091 r bolowfho Ep10z0pa11..4.4. •
1124J0N,U0754. krPt.t7:;ll4.lA-11 $ lITU. on Mo 4
gkeatrhe Dopt.--• ,
• -
nait, Carnagb Mika. And UndcrtAker,
31111 n Street; ,two, dtidio below Stzre.
-McCOLLAIX gROTII4II3. 'Dealers" la Greccrica Oa
f Proitoldful, n 3141 n otreet•
1:1 , mut wr .1; 'ooN.,.Dralrr's In flour. Fred. Meal.
Poly. 'Lime; Cement; nroterice
I nd Provisions oa
tnalliftroot,oppositelkOLElrPot• ' '
`HOS 4" . Lcatherltannfairtalrere 'whin
itIerOXIDMIVS; 4.c.. Dear Epiaop4t Ogyclt
Aetigt . d BAYDEF. licagniillivOrve'eridUsdiefnei
- mad Nandacturara of-elgani. on Main titrect, arm
the Depot.
1. D101E1171411. Ja.,,PeAlerin_ general merchandise
and Clothing. Brlet - Store. on Main fitreet.
iv Is. IT:GLEN—MiIe' in 'Storer, Do, Copper, pore
iiod Waitron Wore,,Carrl oge,te. Also, =cofactor
'lei of Shect eider. order. Hee Trongh and Lo'ed Pipe
istisloors %Marled to at fall viva—Gib:Ls hollow.
PronsOrlsia.-17; ' .
CAWARIIS &BRYANT. f.tiontiotorcro of lir e:OL°
had Stet:hay neer the Ingelle' /there.
.- • ;GREAT BEND. • .
TESII Ent, 3tall'Oraetarr of Lealberowd deal
littecaral IlerehaadleatOn '
U. V. - DOHA:T. SlatchintT4Uorihd draletln Iteady
NadkcCiot bloc; Dry GoodsAirocericsandllovistoros
atn aitret.•
•, „ „. . •
in.RAyWutLL. ggr.nfutitrir.9f and dealcito import
4 -or Pkrititip.P- ..4
Noir Advertisements
n 7,5
BURNS (1 XICHOLS, Pi ow:l4i
Bum carns Chum= Rana aro Yams,
Xltriels. El / eels.. nltcnatrose.
We desire to say to the public that oat .tors Is Well
necked with Drugs. 31edlcIn es. relate Oils, Vithisa.
Drn.ber, Combs, ?erratum. Fancy Articles. proprlio
try and patent preparations. and ell other 'wines us&
ally kept Is Ant ehow dreg stores. We hiersolyw ottt
womb seUtlloo umd of the best quality. and will be sold
at Any prices far eo4t. lesepoctfullresre.
Montrose. Feb. U. 1611. • Ai114.21101/0,12.'
- TeCcraztroaso, X c isa ' a i .~
tk •
, .
continually rceelvirist NEW GOODS, and teems COO.,
timuMV hood'a Mil *so destrablo assortment of den
1111311DHLRIS. M F.DICIN SS: IMERlOM.SalhatkOlki,
.Dyestuff. TEAS, Spice.. and other groceries, alone.
warn. wall paper, gins ware, fruit Jere, rairrotv. Lamps.
chimney,. kerosene. machinery oils, tanners' ell. netts;
footoll.„ refined Whale Oil,. oil for lanteena.oll-dor,
groins 'medium., Olive Oil, Sperm Oil. Spirits Tuns
tine. Varnishes. Cannry Vinegar.rotark.Concesw
tested Lye. Axle Grease. Trusses. Sopportemldedleal
Instramunts. Shonlder Braces, Wht_ps,_Otine, •PlaSols
Carirldtres, Powder. Shot, Lead. Ova Ceps,Blaattne,
Powder and Fare. Viola re.Stetairs..likwakeite.:.Flutea,,
Fifes. etc., Flab Ilookaacd Lines,Bar and Tolletfklape,
liatr Oil.. Hair Restorers. and Efalr Dyed. Bruhn,
Pocket Kniree. Spectacles, Sliver, arid. Silver Eatad
fiat tiftl_elaa. a gnu
AU tbetceding and best kind! At
no people are InettedloasU at the Thus aad Varlet,
Store of ABEL
Feb.l, 1871. Fatabllabadlen.
T. M. 11.cywel3x,-
Produce and Commtalon !Wawa;
77 Del 56, New Yogic.
Cooptupienta solicited and returns sculpt Immediate.
ss . .o of good.. Send for oblpplEtz alrda and WS.
Mali:mat Perk flank of New 'fork.
North Ricer Trutt of New 'fork.
Noonan Nattental Bank of New York.
tonOrdend Bank of,ltrooklyn..N. Y.
Feb.l2, Itrr3,—Ree.
. .
The enheerther nonld annotates tn the maelealTablist
that he Is preptsrrd. to tu g all et.3l.ts of dm &bees eel.
ignited instruments. • ~ • '
New Styles Six Octave Superb !
Aloe. agent for the celebrattgb
- C. S *VAL
Feb. 19.
• .
120 Wyoming AvOii o,
. . . ,
glis AND MECHANICS.: .• • .
p;. JAS. S. sLoCirM, sUTPNIN,
ELL, A. E. HUNT, 'T. ;
JAMES MAUL pßE . suiptr 0 ;0.
Legal Notices;
ftDHINIt 4 Tft AToleft Tv; tha esesiti;ot
Daniel C. I I Mi. dred..letit :of Vest Apbarslirp:.
1. ten of Allnilnittraiton to the Paid estate hairisig
horn rninirti to the onderrlgned, all permits ovi.
Ise raid notate, Om reque.ted to make tiotoetlitto
infmrnt. and pehonit having eel Toe twitted said tatiita
ire reqnceted tn - pretntil them without delay.
IttsWol.l) CARTER, Admiolitrittlf..
Wen Auburn. heft, 19,1673.-1✓ 1 4t,. .
A natoistit.vrows !COTtelt—tn the I, estate of
l'atrtek !Jeltanif. stemmal. letters. of Mottoto.
tratlon In the wolamate,have been greeted to ,tbe us.
dtrst,lnntl.- all pereans todebtaltb *ski allot.. are hoot.
hr notified to make Immestlato payment, to MO Moto.
Istrater; nod Moos tefolnzelolom sottnit the stmr.lttl
regssoited to present them at ohs/. 'f' • • -
•J.AP , 0? - MILLY. Adot%
Chnronnt, 3foreh t573.,10v.! "
For Sabi.
Wt.. niter for sale nnonf the finest Heinen and'
tuts in the Ilunnigit of „liew .11tifonl. lb loue
lion, style anti conyenienne,,nte as desirable as
any lu that neat little town:. , For. Tattictiltas,
inqUire at this OMCC, Or of 3Tra. Ilawley. On
the premises.
FOR BALR—The farm late of Nathan Al
drich, ded, - eituated :Mout half a mile wed,
of Slontrose Depot, fn lircwislyn township, con
taining" about 111 acres of land mostly improv
ed. Inquire of tho undersigned, executor of
said e.4.tte, at New Alliford. Pa. -
attar Mani=
New Milfordatur. MOM—a
We have on band and goo eorotantly prtcttos. oval
klad and vtirlo of Illanbv.enTaldl 4 og
JUt ileffB . co ssTA nr.ns , AND COILIM.
ofona. WANKS, }ITC.. •
Au at the very -Clieapeeg Rata
• . • _ it Obi QUM