JEMOCRAT LTNIIT isr.DNEMIDAT MOLINLNO .VL Younmen, BIIINIC Ir.U.S.NXI co., FA., nT E. 8. HAWLEY & CO M at p einem to sarsoce, or $2.80 at the end of) ear. BATHS OP ADVBRTISIXO 4Thresiberel Snob of apace), or Ins, make a plume.) One Einar°.3 weeks or leas. $1.00; 1 month 01.15; >t months t 2.50; 6 months $4.50 I year. WS. Quarterly, half-yearly and yearly adver tisements inserted at a Ilbere I reduction on the above rates. When sent wit bout any length of tinge speeidad tar publication they will he con- Omuta until ordered out and charged according,- Auditor's Notices, $2.f.0 rxre10 ,,,, , , an d Ad. NoticeA. 113 CO All c o nimanica. Valli of limited or individualinterrAt 10 ern t, Ha& Obituary Notirrs, lo colts pat line.— Ilaniaga aad Death Notices free. JOB PRINTING atconaled neatly and promptly and at fair priors Deeds, Mortgages, Notes, Just.tors', Comm Wes' School and other blanks tor sale. Pivalanroto. A. Queer Trick ——o— Our foreign exchanges say that an American adventuress, giving her name as Maria Graindorge, has been arrested in Paris on the following charge of im pudent and ingeniutts swindi;ling: She appeared very 'aell dressed, and with a handsome baby in her arms, at the house of a wealthy Parisian, asking to see the proprietor. As soon as she was admitted to his presence, she would rush at hint, exclaiming: - "Traitor! wretch! villian have I found you at last ?" At the same time, the handsome b.ll:y. having been trained for that purpo ,, e, would extend its little arms toward the astonished gentleman. and cry: "Papa! dear papa:" It may be imagined that ••pa7a - pre ferred to give the swindler some MOWN in order to make her leave the house.— When she was arrested at her in the Rue Deriver, no few.r than seven trained babies were found in the house; _also, 9,000 to 10,000 francs in monev.— Mile. upon Leong closely pressed by the examining Magistrate, confessed that her real name was Oaks : that she was a native of New York, and that she had been before at the St. Lazare prison. The Parts as.,izes f. , und Ler guilty, and she was sent kr sei'cli rears to New Caledonia. Endcrtakers' Adveri:semenis THE "Funeral C-aupall4.6 - a:ver:l,- raents are quite a fcatur, Ole Lon,: papers, and in co n njuelio , l wi:11 tl,• Mr. Moulds, so pleasantly satiriz,-1 I.v ens, they will linry the dr, , as,d I. ere iu any style Mr. instance, has the meri.t of 11,e "lowest charges uith IL: , beet , P. ments," and Mr. Stock tv,:U zonduct all funerals with --, , c.,n,•my not despatch hut -resivctable." tthtch last, in an undirt..;,:,r, one would il11.1:• azine a supers nuns :11111 , 4:IX, 711c:1 t. i 1: : ,. "'Funeral Company - rs funerals at less thin tie uFhal Cll3' dead occupying the !,,,taut not, c,of -an "open sanitary hearse," of which the company is the inventor and own- r, and the mourners being acc ,-, ram , da.ed h private carriages instead of mourning coaches "to suit the mcrireinents of the day - "—which is doing things handsome and genteel On the ether hand.another company has "Reformed," as if it was a drunkard, and advertis s the • - at, ht. , 11 of all superfluous clirlay," Is :t any wonder, in view of this ghis-tiv mortali(v advertising, that Diek,-ni had such a hoz• for of formal funeral honors ? Revenged As Essex street man hilled a lieu -belonged to a neighbor ltectit-,? it flew to his yard. The neighbor made no de monstration. But he went around ume,n , r the juveniles, and told them that the oar among them who could say "i-zlioes an d socks shock Susan" four times rnimiim, without mistake, would receive two dol lars from the ben-killer. So thrP in tit sip to his licniSz, in the gniltlest.tie.. childhood, and filled the hall and die stop, rind d the yard, a,d tdade up their in -7; they would earn that dollars cr d And they sailed in, and the man tried to d.-ive them off, hut couldn't, and then he went up stairs, but they followed him. The air resounded with "Shuwack snoozen seeker" with hid eous variations in the shrillest of voices ikeyed to the highest of pitches. In vain the victim appealed for mercy with ink bottleNand hot water, and mustard box es. His arguments were unheeded and his cries were unheard, and be frnal'v scaled a fence and fled, pursued I.v Moat he was firmly convinced were a score of domons. The hen was revenged. LAttwe and attractive signboars are a great feature of Chinese shops, and the words upon them ate a strange mixture of the flowery literature of the land and the advertising instinct of a corm:lel-vial people. One or two Pain signh ,, tirds will illustrate their general char:l4er "ti-thop of Heaven-sent Luck -. Tea slop of Celestial Principles;" "The nine Fe licities Prolonged ;" "Mutton Shop of Morning Twilicht ; "The Teu Viriues al l Complete ;" "Flowers ris , to t h. , N 1 way." In those feigns we see that the Chinaman can combine the soul of a poet with the pocket of a shopman. TAT most matter-of fact story' of a ghostly interview that we hate e - cn f.r long time, comes from l)es M o ines. A young woman at breakfast, t+.o other , lay, said she was much troubi 1 by a dream, and continued : "My little niece came to me, last night, and saye, `Anntv. I have come to bid Too am dead.' I said: 'N'. gips V.l are not dead,' and took hold of 11,r. • Y(.s. 1 am,' alio repeat.. .1 at 1Y o'elvk to night, and have got to i li , .•aryn at 1 o'clock,' and said •Goold,y. aid disparsed. At noon, news tef the (Lath of her niece at miduiabt Cztne A grpvirna on Lake hiiohigan is fro zen into a cake of ice seven mites long and one mile wide, which goats about at its own twist will. farm nud „fireside. Hints on Feeding Neal to Cows. —a— The fk 'Bowing valuable article, from the pen of 1.. B. Arnold, we find in the col umns of the Lice Stock Journal; "The stomach of ruminant animals is a com pound organ. It is divided into four com pm-tments. When grass, hay or any colds,: food is.eaten by, the ruminant, it passes, after a partial mastication, down the esophagus or meat pipe, and is lodg ed in the rumen, or first stomach, more commonly cid ed the paunch. It ia tho re coptame as a reservoir till the animal has :eisure to remasticate it. It does not lie at mit, but is constantly stirred up and kept in motion by the peristaltic action of the sack that contains it, and is mixed pp and softened with mucus; by his rmans, and by a moderate fermentation, preparation is made for the work of di. gcst ion, if it is not in the strictest sense actually here begun. For the purpose of reNtiscitation, according to "fourth, it is gradually moved into the second stomach a honeycomb bar, and then, by a spas odicmotion, to the mouth .m "After suf ficient mastication, it is swallowed again, but instead of going back to the place from which it was raised, or to the recep tacle where it went the first time it was swallowed. it now rocs, according to the authority just cited, to the third stomach or maniplus, where it undergoes a fur ther and matenal charge, and thence to the last division, or fourth stomach, where the process of digestion is completed. -Though digestion pi oper is only car ried on in the fourth dkision of the stomach, it is evident that the action of the other divisions of that compound or aim is useful to the digestive process, or they would not have been placed where they are. That the changes wrought up on the fond in passing through the sev eral cii‘i,ions, hasten and perfect the ac tion of the true fourth stonmeh,can hard ly be rpiestioLed." Mee to the Frames. ——o— Tho Market Gardener writes: A few ago 1 notic,d that some of my cab ha4,e plat.ts in the cold frames were cut off at surface. and that the depredators wuru mica, uli ch elidently the cold iv, zither forced into these frames for shel ter and food. During three dues sever al hundr,d plants were destroyed, it'd of c , tirse :oniething had to he done or thou ,ands more would suffer in the same e. AntHpating such visits, I always had on hand .t mlxture of phosphorous and lard to I, fund in any drug store. This mixture was spread thialr on piec...s of br,ad on inch :vary, anti theu. smeared Os , r n ith molaszes. Thirty or forty of El, pieta s were put into frames, the d side up. In three days' time. •len dead wE're fi uud to the frames aiol sine , Then two more making in all t. Throe or fur shallow tin Teasels w;th water were placed in the frames at the ~:sine time with the poison, accor .: r, etioas, fr it is stated that t ki...! fp , t-on always cane m thirst. Ilitt r may be, it is a fact, fran.e. were pAsoned,thers hale i-t.r. no more cabbage plants des t base I eNer known this rem do in the seed roan or garden• er ul I'm - Tsai :Manure for lines. I hare n lark quantity of grapecin a 1.,:.:11101 it, ;he op• t; ground. In planting • a 1 thegruuoil dug abont2sinches CI; p; I then threw into each hole, sor 6 s r.f ol;1 planter, about the size of my dy'. I II rear a lit tfe earth over these lumps. and tlunt planted the vines in the usual may. The rrvtlt has been wonder ful]; the vines, which were not half an thick when planted three years ago, are now two inches or more in diameter and bear finely. The grapes are also trim disease. Other vines, not so t a d. are much smaller and produce less, the trait bin also mo e liable to dis else. Tu try the (Act of this plaster, in p'ai.ting two American black walnuts, we put the plaster to the one and not to the eii,er. Last year we dug about the roots f Mc one to aii ch no plaster was put, and we threw in SPVCII or eight lumps of plaster among the roots; the trees ate now both of the same size, and though only tour Tears old. are sixteen or seven teen feet high.—P. I'., lbay, im the G,trden. Harris Lents on Farmln: 1 - 14rris Lewis, a well I,u• wn dairy-man in Herkimer county. N. Y., deliver, d an at:dress on Dairy Farming at the recent meeting f the Massa. hitsetts Agricul tural Board, at Barre. Mr. Lewis has made cheese for twenty-tao ym arm, baring from twenty to forty cows, and 131y5 his record shows be has averaged five hundred pounds of che, se per cow for each year. This is sucte,s in practice, and entitles Mr. Lewis to tat{ lit ire consi leration of his dews—some of a hich are not in nc rda• ce with thote of very many other da,rt men. Mr. 1 wis adrucates turning cows on g-ass as earls. as possible in the Spring, continuing for a time to feed roots and 113 v. gras,," which he s. ems to think id , •ntteal with the Kent! cky Blue grass, he thinks the best for pastures and white closer the poojest. lie does not b, in sowed' corn ns food for enwr, iu tirilk.—tt'cslernt Fanner. - now to Water Honied. One writer sap, never water imme diately be,ore or after feeding. I say that if a horse it thirsty always give him drink. and he will thank yon for it. 1 have often seen horses put in the stable at noon Ger on hour or two. and not eat a ponni of hay or grain, but looking w!blkfully for water, and then their care ful owner, who would not tit them have water when warm, will coma to give them enough to kill, and drive the remainder of the day on two buckets of water and no feed. Ten ilauces to one h's horse gives out u:11) him stir mat sick before night. Now, 1 say. give the horFe water if he !t , evtr so warm ; give him a swallow, r . nse out his month and nostrils, give him a little mere water, hot not too umeh. If he is watery(' several times, a little at a time, until he is satisfied. he will tint drink tuor • than half what he would if you let him gulp it dcwu all at r. Tribrtne. As Illinois magistrate lately fined hie own son $lO. forgetting that, us the cid• prit Was a minor, he was himself responsi ble for the 1111191;116 Printing. THE "MOITROSE DEMOCRIT" THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY JOB PRINTING. We have made barge addition to oar office in type and matafial or all kinds, which enable an to do all kinds of Job Printing at the Lewd Prix& Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Printed Envelopes, • Business Cards, Visiting Cards, • Wedding Cards, Posters, Horse Bills, Sale Bills, Slip Bills, Pm:grammes, Circulars, Labels, Receipts, Notes, Tugs. Paper Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Certificates, ' Bonds, Deeds, ae We Lave on band NOTES, JUSTICES* AND CONSTABLES' BLANK:. Printed and for sea. Give us a call and try us, and you will be con. winced that we do our work well, cheap, anti with dispatch. All orders, by mail or other wise., promptly attended to. The l'anni.c)orcat is published woekly in the borough of AIONTIIO3I, SCSQUZZANNA COUNTY, P►., On a large folio abect, and contain TWIZITT.SIGIIT COLUMNS or BEADING MATTER Its circulatiatm is increasing crery dsy AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM It oilers rare faeMtlea to MERCHANTS, if AN U.E.A CTURERS, DEALERS LS 'ABM IMPLEXIRTS, EACHLNER J, PERTILIZERS, to reach a dostrable class of customers. Advertisers will consult their interests by making its columns the medium through which to address the public, na the paper reaches all elasus of people— Farmers, Mechanics, Ilerehants, Proles- :lona! Xen. dc, etc. Terms—s2.oo Per Year in Advance. MAN3OOO ; HOW LOST, Iny R i E , SJORED, •• i'll , te'll n ,', I Fi!i( ~ L V:if: , HI L: ,Tri)E._ 0, 0 4,1 - is nl Weatnese. Inesdonsary bentnovi L..-.s. In ' Mental and Payment !neaps:elm : traperils.s• o p. s o v orr r. artottism. eitillep-y, and ?its, tut:laced I : j .s is 7 Winl i lu ' l ' g'e tu itt n e ' l an iemint extratairmer. iblid lstidispe. stair n ri:etv. itcieT: . .1i); 1 1 n Vif' ' e x otbor, In tisiv .stitalrablit stisiay. ritnr. iy &Moabt ratan from Ili bitty yearetra u et tertissl prusa vv: that the :skinning coneesseetsee• or •eif Alm., may Ite radially cored within.: the dangrrove ere of Internal medicine tot the appiivatlint ed the knife; pointing, out • mode of cdrr at once el:mite s cerium. and etioelual, by means of which art ry stutterer. no matter what hit condition may be. mat' 1.7C.1, lA:lmeg .amply, andradieully. , Ver This tam:tare vlstmld be in the hands ef t very yo t z ,n thr .. d. very imam 111 the land. det seal, lii a Main en rnlstpa. to any addreav, postpaid On tenpin( i lqx .. Ceuta. Alm s Dr. tal I 1 arrlao (laid.," prieed.icts. Address the Publlshette• r11.48..1.11. ri LINE d l'O.. 127 Buatary. New York. Paist.t/diste box 4 LS. _ __ ____ .s. ,rI A LL KINDS OF . . AM- All communisations should be addressed to E. B. iI&WLEY & CO.. Peaususas, Drags and Medicines RADWAY'S READY RELIEF vtazu 711 E WORST PAINS In from Ono to Twonty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR aftnr 1104 n,1% ertt.erro . r: ~• 41.1 Any ortt rtrI , FEI: %VITO rAIN. HAnwArs RELIEF , IN A C. CEE rOll Evrav PAIN. vu the Int mot l* 'ho Only Vulii llemegly that It.arstly tho ele natal . In exam:dim, All 4 CallA4 1 1.11,{5 4 01, the.. Pf the 10tn.., Stomach, thortal,ur urc,uto, Ly .tot Coq IN PROM ONE TO TIVENTT INI*TES. o matter /JAW excroow,g the ..,le Om 1.11 , .•• RATIO, 114,1,14.1 e., 1,41-, No ono, NeLra prustnted Whot rueor. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFIO P.M V. 1.% NT CIPLAMMATION ok I: lUN IT +. IN IL AMMt TION ”r"rni. INFLAMMATION BOWF.LN. . . - • . tIoN Ole TIM 1.1.\C!. BORE THROA.T, DTI. 1 , 1 1111 PALPITATION OF THE urAr.T. NM A. cATACICIL IN PLUTNZA. TICADACITE, TOO TIIA , Tr F. COLD CIIILL.q, AnCY. 1 II pplic-“Inl r V. , . ItNviv Seller to the pmt ve parts irtigni the pain “ 4,4.2 • 6--12 aid canlfort. Twenty dn. In rnt, v.:*l In a f.r rnnments C1iA121 . 6. SW,. 11, if KARTIIVRX, I/I kW:III:A. I , YRIiNTE6V, COLI,', WIND IN 11,./ LL, .nd all INTERNAL PAINA. Trireleraa , n,141 als , a;lnn la Wadr itAicr ~th tI7r: "T A " prvven nichtnnn nr pnllo. fr..ll:cha Po 7 " " than French IlratAy ItAtcra " L. L.. FEVER AND AGIL E. e.v an AND At.e tvi-.1 nn ap.t . I et: , , 1 be• quiet ' L nADryAs'v 1:1-.ADY fw per Wttlo. E. , ..1 by Dru,,,l.ty. HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! ISTMNG AND I': - m . : TOCII 111.1r..ffi _IN( H. A: , Ox VMSII ANI , WEI.O.T•-• LEAH siON A U TLFUL JEcLILEIL, TU ALL. DR. RADVIJAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT lIAS ]LADE THE !6103 Qup•K. HAND 'h t HAN••E , ,HE HUM' rl,LEictictES. 1 - nu: IS, Li' VS. I: (ll' TILLS TH,CLY 11 u:s1J1:1::LL THAT Every Day an Incroaso In Flesh and Weight Is Seen end Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. dm - ' of the Ft l'A 1:11.I.1 A N .!.V1 r er.nmaunizve, thr.usei, ' • • • r atalasaml juk-.4 L u, f tr Lt the oraeica of th a.e a 11, • .1 v • - . In the Throat, Nidatt• r• •••VA. :••••1.• 1 t • • I other part.rf •vnen, S-rk• F I • front the Ean. and the wo,t riAl •• f • td, • ttoa cr Le meen In thd Wm.+, rd ettarres, , ;•r•kt. a td hr. ptinelple, ere o • m.. r of Modern Chemist, end a 1., da,.. o Int yr,. to any porton value It P. cther .of Its potent power tn e, then, If the palleot, d 411 - becon•l. , , re toted fir the Irlate.,d decomposition that Is oo :I. !3 in arretaln, these st..l o t. • ••.. la.l lurk rn. LI A N • m nd se. •1 only 11.,1 t+ r 11e1,1 virr I thac....., i but 1, [dairy & Bladder Complaint., rrin.vy, uml W.,ntb m. firnml, mm pmm, All•timmuna. s,,4lna I r la • mnri , ..l, .2 . • • ... . . drpcalt., awl .hamn wery Is S v , ,...: I••• - .-le W+[ th, 1, .......,..” at., .1,4 in we !.........1..1 cf i . .e 11...... -.4x . I,:cc, e,c, Tumor or 12 renrs' Growth Cured by Itudwny'n Ite+:o2leni c.,.~ 1 M~.II A:1 Iw I I I. • .. . t ... I4MMEiMIM IMMIMIii DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE FALLS, reviretl, t r kldnera, 11 I=Miff= MEMEMiI 0 1,,,5t., 1 11... e..... . A ' A /" 1. • I •1' !. A, It A I.NT • MIME ild_ Sge :- ddiS*.rl ~....- '..:, ti .. 14.1 I l ti*t- - 1 - & AS'il ij vx - 4i 6 retfA tI gA f, , , 7.1:#.. .4,17;;.. , ~-01.0.., A I- -',:4;.i5,;,10 ,, q. . , A . %‘‘ V [ 3 - 4 ~,.. •::::6 - :-. . 1 k I ,t• 44 " '"'"V.:•Za r , , -., ''• fr. , E.' .t..? i " I.t'''..,T7vsk7.-'n ..".•'_-.-;.A';!%% - kirn - itt \v,-,-trki t 0 • t„.. , aiisZst4; 0, , , : f14";. -f ' '...;,- . '"-'`L'''': , ,,, - 4 -I: 2 • : a"'e•Y' ~ ....-4...-.. -,,,, ...- 1 ;5:„.. ------.. CCRES DISEASES CY IZ., .---------- THROALUINGS,UVER 64. ELK.:: In the wrmilerfill minlleine to which go acl irtsd aro above gunge! far reileg, the ills-ose-, flare, he has earriblool is hartra,oy li a Cr tore', most sosorelza carat tve pr es- lois. a hieh Grad has lostillel Into tits ve ohs . L11,1:01, fer heating the thma we-si er to one me lido:•. The evi Loire of this feet is firmed In the great ty of toot ribeit.nVe ifis easea which It It is Iwo, fund into! is, :err D. ti e Coro of Bronchitis, Severe Coo Cit.. and the early sLizr• of Cu ti•li In pilr.n, It Las artonishel Vie fatality. sod eraineht Slob n. prsannattee It lire greatest nosileal e seso es r 7 of the are. While it care. thn ueverest . 1.11,t7P, 11 attotg:thens tits poste., Si.! purifies Oho blood. Ili IL. greet mini thoroimlt Woo:. p:v.fy io eases ull its tist Oct. foot the root Scrofula I common !Slott. h., I' pie. or E ar.. pt 1o a. Mee oriel d I Nlll,e -rn Poisons. an l butt eff,elw, are eradicated. aril nrurnas health 4 - 11 a won I constitution weals. JEr ysi polo., Salt le beam, Fever Sore*, Sealy or It otlult Sltto in sheet, all the nn - nines. diseases canseil hr Tsai blood. are conquered by hobo pswerful toga.) ing anti In- TIT - Reath:Li; medicine. if yoo fe dad. ilr lwsr, ilebilitstrd. Lure rel. Ir east of akin. or yelneivisit brio, Nail-. on fzi c Or holy, fry:lle-it by laehs or dk,..1".. Isa.l to-to In Laaath. Internal lilat or eltill• alternated with hot dashes, Icy spirits, any gloomy tore!, silo:, Ir rentlarnonnta, cated, are sliTer to: from Torpid Liver to , •iiltioot. neas.” to inlay gaol, of "Li ver Como plaint oat, par: of these symptom,. are rape /tea:el A• a re n sly fir all emit] cases lir. Pierge•Giallin Me heal Igionvers lias gsgird, Salt elect/ perfect car.., the Its tirs trosigth amel and health,. For the ruler of Ilablinni Constipation' of the losivels n I. a never fall ing raMair. and t i ns, who bare used ft fur this impose are loud la ii. praise proprietor Wrens ta1.i.03 new-r 1 Go a meal ier= that rail ulna! it hir the • are of oil the dia. CUM , for cirlskh it Is rerawnweet..eil • told by druTy.l•E. at #1 n-r Prr,.2,•,1 b Et V. Pierce. N. n . +.l. Proo,oor cal Laboratory. ITO S^n,-, .o.rtvo ttaffalo. N. Y. salid your a.lirel6. for a 110111110fIlL P• • AM 'WORK, ETV.. &TLT MINTED .VP TUX DEMOCRAT R. R. R. ==2=MNII Drug" and Badicinea WISHIRT'S PINE TREE Tar Cordial, NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY EZEM Throat and Lungs. It to gratifying to us to inform the public tha Dr. I. Q. C. WiAtarre Pine Tree Tar Cordial for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gained nu CnViaLle reputation nun the Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, o.lld from thence to some of the first louilics of Europe, not through the press alone, 10 1 l by actually benelitted and cured at his other. While he publishes fens. so say our reporters, he is unable to supply the demand.— It Vlllll4 and holds its reputation— First. Not by stopping rough, but by loosen irg link! assisting [Mi tM! tic throw off the um hy Illtitter collected about the throat and bronchi tl tubes, vhi.d. cif FM'S irrtlation. S. coml. It removes the cit.,' of irritation limit prmluces eouglo of the mucus nuanbrain and branebial tube, cousin the lungs to act and throw ill the unhealthy secretions, and purifies the ll tree front lobelia. ipecac and arpiarn, or ‘‘l,;,•h 1111141 11,11 lung re. medics ar, t 0nup:,441. I\ 11111 al la}' and alisarrgnnize tiro stotusela. It has n elre , t nn thin stoinnell, iii, nn flue liver au.l %ter , • and lymphatic anal nervous rrgions, thus rata king to ry part art the et trnt, and in it: invzg”raiill.2 I.lli A•tru ., t. hi h~. rained a r , pu , nt i In n hicti it mast 4,1.1:0101e all others in fin in.u.k,t. rkl . < 2, 1 1 1 .1 Im. '_.- I=l ME THE TB COR1)1,11 Great American Dyspepsia Pills, WORM SUGAR DROPS 1.111,r 1:t Ihev I,t l:.• it uratiA t• .014:11ic, Lc LIIC • .:I 1:•. HENRY R. WISHART, l'1:() l' I:1 1:1' () II IrdEE OF Cli A li G ii_, Dr 1. QC. ‘Vi-'1 r.' , a :v. .9,1 r : To, "..1 1111111111 L It g. G. V;11:114.1j, M. D., '.3 N. sEcoso STREE P=2 Ma _3 7. MC T EL NEW DISCOVERY In Climatical and Medical Science. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Incipient Consumption. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Catarrh. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Asthma. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Heart Disease. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Curs Skin Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Regulate the Liver. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Regulate theStommehand Bowels Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure all Female Weaknesses. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Purify the Blood. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES err Diseases of the Throat. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Caro Bronchitis. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Cure "Rose Cold,"arlilayFever“ Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Cure Lung Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMEDIES Care Salt Rheum. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cam Bidney Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Prevent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GAUVLN'S TAR REMEDIES Prevent MaLirious Fevers. Dr. GARVEVS TAR REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Breast. Dr. GAIL VMS TAR REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Side or Back. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. GAUVEN'S TAR REMEDIES Restore the Appetite. Dr. GAUVLN'S TAR REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. Dr. ciAnvms TAR REMEDIES Restore the Weak and Debilitated Ds. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. L. P. HYDE & CO., SOLE .p.aoPiael3Ba. 195 Seventh -dee., New York, January 150,73. HORSE I3ZLLS jetery Size, Sty!e, and Vftplety Cr,E.IPLY NINTED 9T TLI:b OFFICE. Drugs and Medicines jpirits aro . doctored, .spiced, and sot etened to please the taste, udled "Tonics,' "Appetizers," " Rtstorers," Bc., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness cud :Alin, but area true Merheine, made front the native roots and herbs of Calidurlll.2. free from all Alcoholic Stimulants Thee are the Great blood Purifier and a Life-gyring Pnriciple, a Perfect Renovator and Invi gorator of tan System, carrying oil all poisonous matter, and restoring the heed to a lieahhy condition, enriching it, re frestunig and invigoratir.g both mind and body. They are easy o administration, prompt in their action, certain in their 'units f , safe and reliable in all fomts of diseue. No Person can take these Bitters accord.: to direction, and retrain long une'ed, provided then- bones are not destroyed by mineral least. or other means, and the tool o mans wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache. Pain in the Shoulders Cough, Tightness of die Chest, D:atineay, Soto Ern : atoms of the Stomach, bad Taste in the Mouth, It.loats Attack, Pahota.ion of the Heart, Inflammation rot the Lungs. Pam to the re-.ions the Kidney, and a hun dred other painfu. ,111Plt> , 11 , , are the springs of Dysi.eppr.ia. In those complatunt ltas no equal, and one bottle w:tl prove a letter guaranty< ofits melitl than a leyrithy advertisement. For Female Complaints to young or old, named sr single, at the dawn of womanhood. or the tun‘ of We, these Tonic Hitters dladay so decided an influence that a etarlatl hattroventent is mon percept.ble. Par Inflammatory and Chronic . Ithenma tin. end Gout, Dyspeysta or I ndit;cation. I:t.tout, Rena tent and Intermittent I. even, Diseases of the Wood, Liver. Kidney.. and Bladder, these hum have been most snout:slut. Sack Drstasc, arc by Vittated nhtch to gen eral,' rendered h 9 detantzentent of the Dtgetttise Organs. They see a Gaulle Purgative as well as a Tonle ? pouroing alt pecohlr merit of actin-at a Loseragent in Cr Crmf.:.c.tit.o or I nllammatton ' of the L.sen and Visceral I /main and in Potiout Diseases Skin Dlsennen• Erupt.on*, Truer, Sa!t•Rbeinti, ',tactic% l'inntcs, Pi:nut:es, Roy, Carbuncles. King. arrirnt, Srakt-Ileatt, S.,re I...rytava:at, Itch, Scurnt, 111,0!0(.11.111 at the Si..;, Ilunnuta and Diseases of the Stan of •1113,•Cr 1 . 1.4111 C Of nature, are Inerall du; up and rartted out of the ..vatent tn a short t.rtie by the use of these linter.. One bottle in nuch .ses unit conrmee the most increde:ous of their creative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Mood whenever ton End its nnporlt.e, burst,n7, through the din in Pimple, Erut tmn or Sore.: C:GZ:Sr4 1( '16G21 you find it obstructed and in t4e •elus ,teanse it when tt fnul ; nor feelinv te3 snn whet. Keep the blood pure and the health of the ,stn, Grateful thousands precla:nt Vpirca Errrsas Ole mon .63331,331331133,1;nnant tint sect sasound the staLtne .tem. Pin, 'lope, and other Norms, haling ;n Out ors nl so 13333. v 13303333...3.3:, axe destvoyed and S. 3 d 3.3•3333 n. 3:3n31 ; v 533.33,3343 There is scarce,' an 3333133. dual 333.33. the 3-3 c of J. ear3h almue hody to exempt In.:nth,: 13,3,w , 333 worn, I 33 not ep3333 the healthy etc ntents 333nt the I..:yl..:ythat snnuns c- 3- t, but r:ssn the tlnseax3l , 333 .3 3 3 3; 3t 13recd these 1ie3,3% nunutert i d3sease :3;33 sv 33r3n ( Nlnd 3333333 v3,3333(33;e33, nn an. thcitnannics, .31 13 - ce the erstena 13orn soma itt.e these I:33ter. Herb/2111 , ml Diseases. P--nuns n: Vied in Taints and N133.3.3'5, 3. 313 as 1•33331313er5. I 3,3e-seucrs. 13.333C3-13,3tcrs. a3ni NI 333- - s. t'33 v ad. PI( 33 to !3'e. 3,31 I3e 33,3 to anirs3s le the Rauch T- , .3rd 3.unst 13335 t tie a 3 '.•s e 33( WAllu• t nes 33n0. or :sync a reek, as 33 Pr, 11111 ons. Remittent, Dud Intermittent Fe ver., rh lu the valle•I prc-Li e tluotu.l..ut Stra, those e( tha I %M.], Trunr-,e, ( usube:lAnd, tulorado. Prut, R:. , rlratule, Pearl, Ala• baul.r. r. r‘.l , .tru ah, ~,, . Jatne.h a4ld rurrny when, erne t 1. i•ut.r.rt. thr o;!. ter our en re enunt, tc :totem., a. tl Autumn, and retnarlotit'y F.& dertntt ,e 00.. te t...1.•0al .t atot ar - tovar.ah'y atoell ••. t.‘e t10•••....,t000t, of tax e s tnntach and 1,, _ other eatott. nal • acct a.. There ate aloraoa otore or io•• .*:•troct oo• f Ole vcr, a sToal.oeca trroal..c rate of r t e so...t t a I, a ol tor,or of the bort; tltn is • ...tett at...1n...fa - ...A In Ott, treen.eto. a 1.1.17. • at,re..e J. \ c. 14 - 4.1 tl4xe YJOIII, or It ~n..l!y litarc ). c fir Om e .1. 10. e ccu•S 141,1,., as •Ile. .pecc!. 4.4'...-c.0r.7.1- ma , tor 4411 •.•h L 5,,,,n45!a44; o.e .er-et,. • .i the renera77 . restcftrz 0,4 Lcalthy luncl . . . . Serofol.r. or King . .. Evil. WV.:e Swrging , t I n, ~,,, 3 taLmtsnat,tts. I 44•14 4 14c0t I 4d. 4 4, 44 4 n A1Tdc:44 4 1.44, •/ 41 N . 44,, Erni 44. 4 4. In 'he,. as in .1.1 tailr r co” . ..tnta . Mai canes, • ai/OP•1 4144 . 4rgrcat cle, v. ,44ve: 4.4 :yr ,4 .e . .tiale and 44•I•ac ahly A Woolau . • Allrocuts. lscr fierrommess, Inn en 4 n 4 .1.t,.r nrten, a, na] 4! v,r414 - 43. cos,ort ' 4Yen 414 v rpt 4 a, r . ercra: de -14414,, rain, at the 4 14,1 :Inn% v .1 • 4.n 1.4,41 via, Inv u • t • 441 n ' . vnl ! Cevr l nles eaaned an .• ennv 4 1, 44 45, " I'r. NV I, N . % V,: tlt ons l t a, parr y cgvta'..r, a 4.1. 4 y I .<'e.iKi‘c. nre a vy.rre nvl ren,dv. . . on 1. a t: .r. It, purl v., .; ti a I: th.r e t.:50....5.g c.( tl.e ti.t..lro.r. pz,• rec,se als , l 3 p<rm.lne <two effert,l The properties of Inc. Wxr.rt., \'.r...-.<-11,1-rotr.< are I) le: .N..tra I-..- _l: e : 1/".2-evr_ Sr.-La:lle, Loup: er-irr:l.ll,L Aaera.. 3111.1 The Aperient and irld I....nadve rrnrevori of Do. VINALAIN. . 0.1.2 we gu-ini ru An ca..% a erupt and rna'zc i L....Y., her Leal. ent, and in,dliing ret,ert.e. re Ilse laintura at the Lancet. r pro d ertiet ;a n the 11[1,enm s.stem, tio , ach. and 1, ee , .. eider frOrl nut& inuiit% cranr,. r tr.lhtet.ce cateude throw:lm.! Dintretic pinperi:ei act ./(1 di, k do , y, dg and le..^,.dann., the rime of mine. Thnr ; rn d e, Oro in tbe s rteid I_, I,l,Ary dno., a•d are .upc• or an lenw ag.cnts tor cora of 1 . .5u. Fert, Yes, A. 3 A:de. too , . , Fort Ir.. - I Ite body ta=attast til‘etsse ronrylr.g a!! .ts v.:‘ tar,' I:t r yr!, No ei %rm.< ho 4of as,..tem I,,anne.. The 1.v., CO! stomach. the pals the k.dne tous y.., d the nerves az, ret.dcred dasr_au• proof by tht.,..-cat n o s .oranc The It:fficesey of 1)n. W Lean', Vt•ernAn Btrranti Chrontc Urgeireta. Farce, NCT1• 1 1/) D.L.,der., Lon:4g,- uon, arnotnry power and all tna . .ad eaaftectme the stomae:‘ ',On-to:tar) nry.ans or 11 \ tr , [ll . .ar sy•tcm, h, expenenu-d by hundreds n( thousand, and hundred. of tlunt,anda more are asl.lng fur the same rad. Direelions.—TaLe v( the Bitters on ,anng bed at from a had Co one and one-half scose-glavfolL Eat good nntari.t.herz (tux!, s-ch as beet.trak. mutton chop, v son. roa‘t bed. ands c;:etan,e, and take out.+2.nor and They ate cnolpmed ct I.nrcly re:cable invedictsts, and con tain no spiral j. Pr7p'r. It. lI.IIcOONALD & (..en S..n Cal., - wad COIACT a Ni aslnn7,tou aa,leharhno Si,. Neu' York.. ra-soup BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS Grocories DO" x Tu\VN h"s MINER AND COJ TS, Maio Street, S door, below Iloyd's Corner. Mo. t, c FLOl7ft, (;110('ERIES, AND I'IIOI7SIONS IV. %re rnn.tanll• Fee hlne, rd nn, h•ee. afresh •took nl Goma,. In earn. r whlch w t• n II Ire CHEAP! CHfAi ! CHEAP for catb,or exetui •go orproduce GOOD TEAS COFFER, SUGAR, .VOLASSE:S, SPICEs, PORK, FISH, LARD, !LENS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOFER & T 120711 - SEED, tfc. ereatted an.: made ndditinnr l Sro‘h Palle. et d are tea read. r..lartrard huller to the het Cortimi..on hon., In ieo York .tret of charge, ant mph. theriatelenncemen. nt. r..a.tgnmcnte . Callafflinz.mletrour atork berm, porchaslng els cthero,androtorloceyouraclvee o Rim COD QUALITY & LOW PRICES LEERED NEW GOODS. gibe nnler.kmrd hnOn7: refitted. n.terulstot restocked the store, formerly co-copied by H. K.,- et, .Ir , Intesellle Orleire. n.•tv pret4red to lurL• Irb the Ixcople will we dust/101e va:lety uf DRY GOODS! G ROCERIES ! ! BOOTS 1 SHOES!! 17.11:DIVARE!! cROCKER Y . ; Eff. As ebb be futinil if/sevibrre, and at a. Desirable Prices 0. M. Crane. Lawiyflla Ccut.or. Pc. March 2t.1873. HAND BILLS PRINTED AT THIS OFFICE THIS WU, GMBH! 3EXEZi•PCPCOXL HORSE HAY FORKS ! ♦. J. NELLLIP PATENT unnumia. =M=E===l2s =!n:M=S=lM MIS'S GRAPPLE PULLY; Agi Implanent tint Fvery Farmer. Carps:o4w, isles. HORSE RAKES Band Rake.. Serb... Snails, Grain Cradles, Iron, (A atter Brand) Axles, S ^. Springs Carriage Bolts. Ctrs Bars, (Steel and Irma.) C7l CI M. Mr .13 MI POT S That ..wny. elves en 1 ARM WITIWTLIC! when the Corr., Is Reedy for the T Ac. TRY ONE and pm WE flod the Con e Always Etightl I•• • iffind ;txmos, Picks, FLlpps ()n It 'Mon, Sertle , Stonal, 011. ' , LOS ep, T:n.Vl me, rooe, Joy 3, IX: .-tf. BOYD • COBSVIN lIUNT BuoTnEas, SCRANTON, PA. Wholeaale d. P.ettal Dealers In tIARI)NVAItE, lItON, STEEL, NAILS, SI'IKES, SHOVELS,. :71.1.11Elt'S lIAI:DWARE, el I c 1t.41L. CUC.V7 b.:It.IUNK T RAILAPIKR3 I: A 1L170.10 LNING .ICPPLIEti. .;.41:111 IU SKE.I.NS AID 80. 110)..T. NUT. and ITAWIERS, PLATE! , BANIns. ..I(.4LLEABLE II sruKE.s, FEL L•,K.. A Si BOWS, dr iNVILs. VDT., STOCK), and DIES, BELLOWS 11A AI tl ED:, SI.E.DDES. El LES. an. dc. Itcri, A II A SD MILL. SAWS. DeLTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS. PLASTED PARIS •):1111NT. lIAI K DDINDSTONES. DENCII WIN 1)0W CLASS. LEATHER h FINDINGS AWE'S SCALES. rant..u. March -it. i )Li. 1 7 ' IP IE7 3 WILLIAM SMITH'S tee!, Curefflare Wererre•on vela will End the Isrvost eto:k of PlIsT CLASS AtiD COMMON FURNITURE! ro r In this Faction of tfe ant:ctn. of MI troll 4,..1.. ctue, m m ad at prtene that =trout Indio give goal mt,ot, • ak, ,he very trr.t ExTrx4.s.:zeiti ;MALES In dm Country, and WAILILANTh the= UPHOLSTERY 'WORE 1.1 ali lontls Colic in the nest...l =millet x - J. x cn, 3 ]F: 579 Or VARIOUS KINDS. PURE NO.I MATR&SSES, COMMON NIATRASSES. UNDERTAKING, Th • subscriber will !tweeter =Ake "utierts•leg In hi• Hosing Ju•t eosupleted • Ni:;%l/ sua tbn must elegant HEARSE iu Th. 51•1•. YI services will tk atteudest to promatiy and as eatistuaur) charges. WM. W. SIIITH Er. SON. Monti ose. Pa.. Jan. 31. 1h11...—nu3-41. EIIIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. xJ On led after Jon.• In, 1872.treltze Oa tbe Lehij Valley Will road will MI a• fullosc• : MOLTS. P X. P X. • X. P. N. P. X. P. X 243 100 612 F 0121121 12 45 623 942 328 IMI 9 4.3 ... .Wftverly. .. 1210 633 900 33:, 127 In on ... At 18.8... . 1141, 5^3 860 4 2sl 2ot 10 10 ....1 . 081rd5.....11 C 5 4ST 610 522 11 30 WyekluAlng ...1003 115 543 203 11 30 L.),111e 943 462 eat 614 11 12.... 'll..hoppen • .. 920 660 6 V. 123' ...51.shoopany .... 913 65 655 350 12 I.l...l'ulikhunsock... 642. 830 tildi 614 443 150 '7 75 232 450 65 5141 2 15._ Wilkro.flarre, .. 100 t l5 430 ... 132 433 . . 313 ucb cbunk.„ ••• It a 116 •IL 054 3SO A1ient881.......5. N. 10 41 11 840 4,113 I.l.olo,lscen .... 10 30 13 al 913 ti .13 ..... ..CA.4.1......,. 10 03 11 35 10 30 9 20....P11113.1e1phts .., 630 145 r. x. 940 Now York . . . . No. 39 leave. Towanda at 710 a. ro.; Athena. 714 p m.: Ws% erly. A 03a. m , arriving at Elmira at fleas No 31 leaves Rlmlmats,33 m.; Waverly. at fi a m Athetes,at. 030 p. m. , arriving at Tow ads • 7 la p.m. w• Drawing Room Carp attached to trains n 4 rooting through In n s Elmira to Philadelphia. R. A. PACKER. tirwerlutend •I'. Ms -MC OCr 113 3101 - ---''•,- -- 111-7--t- -,-,-4,•,,F.,,t----w.7.0...--) (.7 7._*.,_,•;,..if1. • ---t.iiii . 7-7 L- - i",:- - - ,: c• - •:-' , Z-5,-.?:.. - ! - : , f -- -P-- - , - - ' C:.T.1''.;;;;....f•';',4%712.-••• ;...71 tf:'-; - •--'•..ii",- .: : . ; ;Z:g.,J1 3-1 - • ' ; ,--4 • 1. , tr.. ..,i..,..,?"r fC'A.:•,V,TI';'"? -.i..k•Vtlttr.c•-e.,,---,2-,‘...:,_:-.5.-: t 't-:;;;';•- • '- ' :1 0 - 41 1 11 . 1 1 1rAt:.: . 6 , 11 ,1 , 14 r V. ~1,6 T 7 1 . ...... t.if : 7. 4 -g• - ;(77 -- .. 4: , „`; -11,...E.yi7 4 1 %.1graf-* - s:•qt,*::. rlra 5 . -. 41'•.' .,1,4$ Ol..N.'7.4lf.,gririiin..' ~ . ....41••, • ~ ..,......,..-,..c......_--,..-.., ... ~.. F 7 ' .., , r*A- I ,:ti!X a - N:I4A .1 - j,17,-- -a- -k . • ,:,' 4- ' i'l4o7l:•.eirPP." 4 .4--: ;,.. • , I , . - 4. , r - 7.,::' g . CIESTEI 31ONTItOSE, P&N:V.h. JOIN S. TA tenELL. Propristi.r. Eight Steger leave this Ilenee deity, connecting with the I). L.& W., the Erie, slid the Lehigh Valley LaU Linty It. thmk—tt aueraturt [IIPEOV.t.I) CUCUMBER WOOD ilitup. Tomeleas. Miranlc Efficient tnd Cheap. The brit pump fur tha /cart money. Attention Is teepoelaily Invited to Itbitchier's Patent Improy• ad Bracket and Naar Drop (Meek Valve, which canbe wltharawa Irtito tut removing the Pump ordfetnritiag tbejointe. Mao. theDopper Chamber which never cracks. and will outlet* my other. For nate by Malan ovary where. bead fur Catalogue and Jet. Cue, Q,Btaseenaiy, , OOL Commerce St.. Pldlii, ro. • aim bat 3IIL Hardware. and Pslntor Should Have M1Lavc).1.571.22.6 Monitor Botts, Lock.. Km hs„ Latches, Vanish, Law.. itc. Eliscellaneous MEI 9(0 900 OrTVIITE TUE COVET OMNI,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers