THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. }icligiou■ Services. The services in the several Churches of Mont rose are U follow IS l'T INT CULILCII.IIEv. J. E. Cmcsmi ins 71. D Pa.tor. h Soccicer lo,k, a. m. and p. m. I",hhlth School. , 19 MI. rro , 3,[ m taig., Weduceday grenlago 7sti ittv d St.eritatT Socorcl Sho.litt to exch Month luattactUttiely bolero 3lrs C Tlllll,lC.Clit'Reil !..lhhath S , •rvlrez. t,al,s•llllSctiool... ... • 'h `, IT nzv. E. A. WAIIIIMR.R. Ream h lOM a. m. and 7!..; p UdA) 110.4 ...... m. IVet.l.•llay Svrvice”—Wedn,day• .Der. A. D. At.eiMint.u. 111 VI a. lu. nud i.:41 p. 1) . U ETU, EPl , t'ol . ..k L. S•nb.l4 . ...... I.rayrr Mcoing, Thumlar, . Rey. 3. n 7075 n. m. and 7 , , p.m. 77 70 p. m. p. m. (1111W11 . S^.ahath Sehool Prayer 3lceung, Tbaratiar liNeutag• Arrivals and Departures or Mails. .4rrinrh De/NlT:if 7YA. emtn,se Drpot, (Daily,) 6 IX) r. v. 1 20 A. M. 10 00 A. M.. I :10 =MI C.O r. /1.. 800 A. Ni 3 00 r. Id. 10 00 A. M 600 r. tt. 800 A. SI alusing, Tunklianniu•k lEl=‘=!! (bnklin St:it ion, n 6 00 r. 31.cadmpen, 10 00 A. M. 400 r. M. The New York, Tunkhannock, New Milrord, and Wvlusing mails are daily ; the Conklin Station mail a ill leave on Tuesdays, Thuridays, and Saturdays; Bingbampton mail, ens Silver Lake, will leave on Nionday at 6::10 a. tn., Tues day and Thursday at 8 p. mu ; lik,hoppen snail amid leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days. 3tontrose Depot, trtaily,l 800 P. If. 11 00 330r.a. 7 30 A. at. “En. L. STrrcl.r., Postmaster. Montrose, January 4, 1373. :New Hord New Advertisements. Blanks Blanks!! Statement of Auburn, Rush, Mt., Poor Asy rum. _ . Wall paper—C. E & A. N. Uptegrove. Rrsistss LOCAL& _ Garvin's Tar Remedies. Pocket Diary Lost. Insurance--11. C Tyler. ilarford Agricultural Society. Pain Rifler. Insurance Notice—B. Stroud. Agricultural )Luting. • Dat—Rol. Robinson. Notice. SPECIAL NOTICES. null Alive. Pain Killer—Perry, 11.triq & Son. Britlge Lolling—W. A. Cm:mon, Clerk Blroralt Items. THE notes of the blue birds and rob bias greeted our ears yesterday rooming. Du. C11 . M1.F.3 DecaEn, or Bircharaville, is about to become a resident of 11 mtrse.. bar ing pun- based G. IL Re tde's house and lot. Ocn Auburn friend having, effertually settled the calf question. with the aspirants In the Montrose ItrpuSheon, we now think we can as electitally dispose of the egg strife. Mr. IL J. Stephens, of Itridgewater, has tell ts ith us an eg; laced by one of his bewyneasuring 9 1 4 - by 6,4 inchm ; • Ilno s. are putting in grates in the fire arch, under their foundry boiler, for the pm- I to, of burning coal. Tb:•y have also 14...zi eirarating a large basement room und:r their main bnilding, for the purp ;se of palling in see eral run of grind stones. We sanul•l nj , .itr if ,o;_rose had a for more such enterprling men. Tan severest snow and blow storm of the season visite4 Us on Satur.lay night and Sunday morning last. Jt 4t.1 not lie looz, enough in one place, solbat it coudl be incusuretl, but we should judgelt would reach the 4.1..pt1i of a loot. This makes eleven feet of snow since Novem ber last. We-notice by our Lxchanr, that it was an extensive storm, We wind doing, much damage. v rcw of the hard times fur money, uni versally emnplained of, We think we have been very modrzt and lenient in not asking for what is due us, but ire have cone to the concl.ision, that-some of our subscribers are rcry oexl,nt, al so,- and perhaps, are waiting to be asked, hence, we veil say, that April. Court will be the time when we shall expect them to respond- Our credit "By the Ettataall must and shall be pre served," and u collection of what is due us, will preserve IL Ch cap. We can furnish and print tags at New York city prices. Silver Wedding. The silver wedding of P. U. Tiffany and came off some days since. Ample and abundant preparationsorts-c made for a large and plws an: party. Some ralual.le presents were tome try diffcrent parties, while others were deprived from doing so. on account of the cold, bluster ing and stormy craning. We hear of no lack of presents, assayer was abundantly plentiful. with the lucky relatives and invited wealthy A Card. By the beacling of our paper ihit — r7c;l, sill be seen that from and after April Ist, 1d73, the Montrose DEMOCRAT, will be conducted un der the firm name of E. B. Baxley & Co., a copartnership having been formed between its former editor and Wm. C. Cruser. The paper will continue to be the same fearless advocate of Pore Democratic urincipice, as heretofore, and always ready to advocate all measures believed to be for the best interest of this community, both local and general, as it ever has been. We take this method to express our heartfelt thanks to our patrons, for the liberal and increasing support they have given us in the past, in the full belief that the new association under which the paper will be conducted in the future, will increase its claim to further merit and more ex tended patronage. All accounts fur subscription, Jobbing and ad vertising, due on or before the first day of April, 1873, will be payable to E. M. Llawlcy. E. R. 11.swtmr, Wat. C. Cuusim. Montrose, Aoril Ist, 1873. Divorces for Limited Periods. The Binghamton BepuNioni recalls to mind Instanees of divorce for limited periods, the statute reading: "A separation from bed and hoard forever or for a limited time may be de creed by the Supreme Court on the complaint of a married woman." The Reptilian& s ys: "A. few years ago Judge Baloom, acting under this statute, at a special term of Supreme Court in Tinge county, made a decree in a divoreesuit that the husband and wife should live separate far two years, the wife having custody , of their only child in the meantime, lie advised them to consider the matter as husband and wife. lie thought a separation during two years would satisfy the husband the best thing he %add tin would be to treat his wife kindly end tiairztr, and not cruelly and inhumanly. The repOrt Is quit before the end of pso years the old tore between this =Pio Wag rei4Feg INO they forgave each tither and are now living to gether happily and lovingly as they did during their honeymoon. Judge Balcom informs US that while practising law he obtained an abso lute divorce for a wife from her husband; but that they remarried each other within ninety days from the time tho wife obtained her di- Tore; and thereafter lived happily as husband and wife many years, until the wife died. Also, that the husband became his personal friend and remains so. Coroner's Inquest In Jackson. A Coroner's Inquest was held before Esquire Ilan, of Jackson, on Saturday, 1:1th nix, under somewhat peculiar circumstances. Toe body examined was that of a boy named Leonard, aged about fifteen years, who died on or ahoot the 10th of January last, after a few days ill ness. It was alleged by the father and friends of piling Leonard that his sickness and deat h were the results of injuries inflicted by a school mate about his own age, named Lewis, while engaged in a scutlle,or tight, at schooLnear their home in Thomson. At the tamest and repented solicitations of the Iriends of Leonard, Esquire Hall issued a warrant, and Lewis was held under arrest. The body of the deceased was exhumed and takeri'from the Cemetery about one mile north of Jackson Centers. Dr. Orchard, of Jackson, and Dr. Birdsall, of Susquehanna, were the medical witnmses, and made the post-mortem examination. The body was in a good state of preservation. The testimony of the medical witnesses was that the body presentej no evidence of injury to the parts examined, which were alleged to have been injured. The testimony of other witnesses was deemed insufficient to warrant further proceedings, and Lewis was discharged. The affair created considerable excitement in the neighborhood, and a large number assem bled,tou anxious to learn the verdict of the Jury, and their decision appeared to be received with general satisfaction and approval —Santa'Lon na Journal. Ninety l'enra Very few in comparison, to the average age of people, live to see ninety years. On this lith day of March, D. 1873, Itirs. Pedy E. Gere, (widow of Eebenczer Gem, Esq..) has attained to the arm of ninety years. Though feeble in health, can move shout the house with compar afire else and spryness, equally ready to main. lsle couveniation with ease and fluency. On an anniversary and birth day, a few aged friends and neighbors, in connection with the nearer trien Is, were invited to the house of G. W. Palmer in Brooklyn, and on looking through the rooms we find them comfortably fillers, with the aged,.mblille aged, and a few young people . The names of a ff. w with their ages, we here gire. Mrs. Enoch IL Palmer, 90 years and •25 days; Mrs. Stephen Breed, 87 cars; Mrs, Row• • laud Miles. 85 sears. On aocolfiri of sickness, and other unavoidable eimintstanees, a few • lier old ladies were deprived of being present, these seven widowed ladies none are under years. Mrs. Gere. our venerable and ageil niother,,ean incite but two children to her par ty, note since the death of Liter 1.. /ice wife of IL 0. 31iles, namely: C. M. Geremf Montrose, and Mrs. P. Emily P.thuer, of Broa'slya, in whose family mother has lived a numher of years. The grind children are three in number. Two daughters of IL U. Miles, one son of C' 31. Gerc, and two great-grands-liildren, Uhl-cue Squier, a son, and C. Morris Gere, one son. It -ill thus be seen that the fmnily relations ore but very kw, only thirteen in number, includ ing mother Core. Twa well tilled and furnish ed tables were set,arottiol which were those who could ample justice in the delieaeles there before them. As the ca:, es were passin;:aniund, our atirentort waittlett to some chum plates in particular, which were in use, and were on the table at the marriage of mother Gere,and whirl) are at tills time one Mindrial and elev‘m years alit The meeting and Tanning, were pleasant and agreeaddie, 30, them were eireumstanees and sets eunueeted with it, ‘videli yenta no that the like with us will never appear Time wafts the agiaL .irdy, and swiftly on and over the river. 711. Linx,lstrn, Mazda :Nth, 187:1 New 1111 lord Item'. J. M. Virile: , leis rented his hum to J. Wilbur and euored into the Lurou••!t. Wlc W. Smith, Lautlinril of the Union Hotel, intends after April first, to retire to private life. Da. Drown, of Blothatoton, will intim in the Town Drill, Sunday evening. Subject, "We are all intemperate' G. PECK and family have returned from their western trip. They give an interesting, though not very glowing account of Kansas life. Two butterflies, apparently of the common yellow variety, were tho kvn tra yesterday, by Wm. 11. Chapman, of this place. • Tiny were first seen one, Wetinetsday, March '26th, and the other the day following, near the - Window of the room in which the fandly were sitting, ar.d none of the family has any knowledge of how they came there. When placed in the sunshine or where it is warm, they fly about as lively as though the month was June instead of Nareh. They ate now In the Drug store of _piney Hayden, where they can be seen by the curl ' .R . 114. Tuesday morning, March 18th, about f • •, our citizens were aroused by an a , rm o • , which proved to he the tannery of Moss & Snap. The fire had made such pro gress when discovered, that all efforts to exting uish the flames were useless, and soot. the whole building together with its valuable centents, excepting a quantity of leather and hides stored tc the 1011, was in ruins. The fire is supposed to have caught from the furnace in the engine room. Have not learned the exact amount of insurance, but hope it is enough to cover the loss sustained. A_ W. Styli %' Agency, has about f:3000 insurance, and 11. Stroud's ORX.I. For tunately, the heavy body of snow on the ro o ts of the adjoining houses, in all probability, sav ed them from sharing the same fate. Five years ago, their tannery, standing on the site of the one just burned, was destroyed by fire. NCW 3111 ford, March 28th, 1873 ' Business Locals DP. GARVEN'S TAR REMEDIES PURIFY the Blood. bold by all Druggists. AGUICULTURAL MEETINCL-A meeting of the Susquehanna County Agricultural Society will be held at.the Court lio•nw in Montrose, on Monday evening, April 21st, IS3, at 7 o'clock, p. m. Ilkanv C. Tux]; Beey. Montrose, April 2nd,.1873. NoncE.—The member4of the Greeley and Brown Club, are requested to meet at their rooms, over IL .1. Webb's store. on Tuesday eveninz, April Bth, 1873, for the tm.:saction of some very important business. By ORDER on THE PREEWEIST. Montrose, April 2d, 1873. Amummurernan—At the Annual Meeting of the "ilerford Agricultural Society," held Feb. 10th,1873, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. President, li. Di. Jones; Vice President, W. Jeffers ; Secretary, S. E. Carpenter; Treasurer, B. T. Tiffany; Es-Committee, N. Tompkins; Auditors, 13.11 Thatcher, C. It Miils. 8. E. alum -nut, Becy. /larked, March 25tb, 1873. LosT—At Lenorville, March 17th, 1873, a Memorandum and account book containing va rious papers ; among other were notes given to the subscriber by the following persons I I or. ace Tingley, J. It. Robinson, N. C. Halsted, lie. wilt Dunn, T. D. Payne, and Norman C. Riker, The givers art hereby , cautioned u„,, , minst paying said notes, and the public against buying until returned to the owner. A liberal reward will be given to any one re tarning said memorandum and papers tome, or Silas Hartley, at Lewisville. Lenovrille, April' 4, 1873 hiSrit%NCE NoTICK.—Win. Buehler, Esq., of Ilarrisburg, has resigned the State Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, and I have notice from the Com pany, that Thompson, Den siz Bro., of Wilkes- Barre, Pa., are to take his place sto State agents, I make the same notice now, that I dad one year ago, that I refuse to reresent any Compa ivy that Thompson, Den Ben. represents. I don't allow country agencies to dictate, toy hie, inter, either in the supervision at risks or mi justing losses. I take this opportunity of noti fying my customers, that all risks in t - he Frank lin as they expire, will be placed In other good responsible companies. 13:1.1.M0S STROCD. Montrose, April 2nd, 18: a.—w 4 ""—There can he no necessity, at this late day, for the press to speak in rota. mandatory terms of this remarkable media ire, in order to promote Its sale; for it is a medi cine that is known end appreciated the wide world through. Whenever we tpeak of the Pain-Killer, as in the present instance, we do so in behalf or the afflicted, natter than with the view of advancing the interests of its prx,- prietom. Fur various diseases, such as rhea mat ism, cholera, cholerameirbus, burns, sprains, bruises, nod SO on to the end of the catalogue, we nn• eons-Metal that there is no n•mnly be fore the people taped to Davis' \ egvtable "Pain- Killler," and we know that thousands m on thousands entertain the same bend Certainly, we cannot ruler to the history of any medicine which equals that of the Pain-Killer. It was introduced in 12 4 10, anilfrom that line to this its Sale, 1.111 at 1101110 and 11116 , 3 d, has constant ly and rapidly inerettsed, and we rejoice at the high reputation it has achieved, because this reputat ion shows that It has been the means of relieving a vast amount of human suff•ring.— 'We hope the resent proprietors of Davis Vege table "Palm u - ill long live to enjoy the prosperity they have 90 fairly e on. AN:it:AL Miticrnso.—The Annual Mectinr at the Odd Fellow's flail Association, for the elec tion of ofliceni, and traineaction of other busi ness,will held at Odd Fellow's Ilall,Tuesday, April lit, 16;3, at G p. CHAS. 11. Slum, See'y. Montrose, March sth, 1873.—w4 Losr.—ln Montrose March 31st or Aprst Ist 1871, a pocket Diary and memorandum, eon tabling about fire dollars, 3140 some cards and postage stamps. Any person finding tile above and leaving it at this office will be liberally rewarded. Montrose, April 21, 1873. Sclum).—The old - Franklin" Fire Insurance Company bevin business in 1.529; has pahl for losses about "E'43.500.1111N), and its surplus exceeds that of any other Fire Insurance Company is the United St.ttits. Parties in Susquehanna County holding ladicies, and having loss there on, or desitilic any change in them, a ill be good enough to notify ll',Nut C. Ti LER, pill 2, 1573. Montane, Pa. .Trot Lts - r—.lmut. Tr:tot—Ty commence at tontrose, April 14th, 1x73: UMENZI Auburn—Oliver J. Relate!, James Devine p —l)a% 1.1 t Fier. Cliiruni—Elery Burns, John M. Stewart Jelin 81e , iilliNtm Diniue.i—Parr Simpler. Forest C.erswell. .1. 31auz:•r, Lewis Evans Great Bend Twp —Henry )lerricle, John Lan, lire at flew! linro.—lhntben T. Stephens. Ilariord—Nainem Nhtntre..e—Sohn in m Lste;.lnn. New Milf.mi) —John C. Me:m:AL New I(ini.r.l Twp—Dennii Shay. httl IL 11',..a $3.• 1 1 1..L.,1111111 Dr l ll.ll-41 1 ,i3 II Minya. ' 5 1 4.11 g 1. 11t11-111111.1 UM, i .1 r M I, Striiil an. Trwre , , Jet run,— 1.7r4 orvek.. Ap Auburn—J•uula P.:414y. Swisher. itro.itilyn—A!mtitt Clrm.b.•rlin, 1.1, ) : 1‘4. F:l7lritcr. Ciittirl—Cliaries L. 1111-4e:id, Jonathan \Vines Itinineit, Avery Hut - ilia, Jtallt.i I. Wt . iki, William IL Colvninn. ( —Willi.trn I)ininek—Nathan Hairtliek. Wit-aver. Priinialsvillt..—iteurgu Smith (treat Iku.i Ciartar. Tyr p.—ltintoni IL Tuthill Ilrewnter. Ilarnanny—l• rank Y irons lilierty—Jus. IL Jacob Chalker, Spencer W. Luce. Lathrop Harding. IVbite, .larnes Conrad, Win. Ilartley. Michael Belcher. Francis 3L Rood. lontrose—Andrew J. Gendt‘on. 3liddletown—Darius Coleman. New Milford Twp—lra D. Foot, Jacob Stod dard. Philip Harding% Oakland—E. C. Levitt. 11,.11-11enry 13 ran ev-r. Silver Lake —Lewis Jayrox. Thomson—James 11.Fuster,Satnnel IL Lewis. Tranenv Jarurs—tio-ond reek. Auburn—)Tilton Harris, jr., Geo. 11 While, Charle, liar, .kliiert G. Sterling. Ainrlaeini—Jaine , . Dean. jr.. Lewis Beelre, Edward Fullahee, George Buchanan. Bri..gewat(T-IVilliain Stark. Brooklyn—lsaac Vitn.tukten, Burdick, Oney Rounds. I>imnck—Jamcv A. Bunnell. Forest lake—Milon Birch:n*l. l'rientlse.lle—Tlitininn Gibson—Charles liessigtne, Daniel C. Brun dage. Great Bend Twp--Cieero Dixon. rin-nt Bend Miro—Tames E. Bowe. liarford—Rusxel Tatelier, William Dixon, I)enniSon li. Oakley. Harninny—Sieplien O. Irvin. Jen...alp-31:1min Hall, Thai,lore IteKeeby, Ralph S. Ilirchard. Jackson—Leander Griffis, Earl Olin. Lewis—Geor;re Belcher. Lathrop—Sidney Osborn. MontreKe—Lewis CampbelL New Milford Twp--llenry Mead, Beim IL Foot. Oakland—Daniel Matthews. IluAli—Robert 11. Ilifik Springville—Datil Thomas, Archibald B. `hidden. Sosquehanna Depot—William H. TrlPad. Thomson—John .1L Lamont, Barnard J. Whitney. 1124N.R.PL241.(3,111119. Gsfinsmix.Conn—ln Oreenfleld, March 23(1,1iy Rev. I. H. Green. Jesse A Gardner, of Green field, Pa., and Miss Isabella Cobb, of Clifford, Pa. VANFLEET—Sist3toNs—AI the house of Amaral Chase, esq., nt Great Bend, March Sfith, by Rev. E. Ashton, Simeon Van Fleet, and Eliza G. Simmons, both of New Milford. LINDIILEY-STEwAtir —At his residence, in Lathrop, by Rev. IL Jacques, Chas. A Lind sey and Miss natty A. Stewart, both of Lath rop. 33311.416T1Z19. Jonnsost—ln Bridgewater, March 23rd, Julia 8.. wife of Gilbert B. Johnson. aged 31 years, 4 months and 12 days. CnAsn—ln Brooklyn Village, Monday morning, 24th of March, 1873, Melinda, wife of B. Grant Chase, aged 77 years. The deceased though feeble for some. years. was confined to her bed buts few days. Ricnannscix—ln Barford, January 10th, 1873, Francis Richardson, aged 72 years, 2 months and 2 days. Father, how hard was it from thee to port. How gloomy the mind—bow beating the heart How bosoms did heave, how tears did flow, When in the silent grave thy form was laid low. 0, why should we grieve, 0, why should we sigh For there is s good Being Trh) dwelletb on high, Whose Will is so pure, who has such strong Love, That lie prepared for all, a mansion above. RICILLIMPON—In Harlon!, February 3d, 1873, after a long and painful illucess, Mrs. Eliza Richardson, (wife of Francis Richardson,) aged 67 years, I 0 months and 10 days. It was budding Into twilight And the stars were in the sky When our mother breathed her last And went to God on high. 0, why ghoul.' we mourn, and our tears fall like RontNsoN Though great Is our loss its her eterusi For she's ,roue to be au angel, to dwell wills God above. Where there is no sin, nor sorrow, but bappi fleas and love. Stsc—At Oil Springs, in Canada, on Wednm. flay, February LW 1873, in the frith etnir ut lint agv, Sally 11, the wife of James Sisk, and daughter of Major Seth Bisbee, of Susque hanna county Pa. She was marlin' to James Sisk In 18-10, and to Canada in 1831. Was convents.' in Belleville under the libor of Rev. John Carroll in IS4, and joined the church in 1800. Her life was exemplary, and in her family and in socie ty pie well illustrated the ehristian virtues.. In her the poor finind constant sympathy and abundant help. She had many warm personal friends, who were unremiting in their attentions during her illness. lice illness. a tumor in the throat was attended with much suffering., but she bore all with patience and christian resig 'tat ion. Iluch of her time was spent in mailing the Scriptures, and she repeatedly expressed to her skimming husband and children confident ex pechttloa or an eternal rest. Jr'. YeHim preached to a large concourse of Mho:fling friends frotu Cur, 12 Chapter antl 12 vetse. New York Produce Market. Corrected weekly by Harding, Hoiden, it, Co., 325 Washington St., New York. Buller, Inb 47350 " firkin *40350 Cheese, dairy, per lb ..... .... . .. . 15fg Iti factory".... .._f... IV A I7 Eggs, per doz ..... ........ .......... 25326 Flour, per barrel. 0.90310 Corn meal, lot) Ilt. 5.4003.50 Wheat, per bushel 1.7532.00 Rye 00392 Oats " 54355 Corn it 07072 I lops, crop of 187'2 45050 Tallow " B!iC9 Lard per lb . I•3OSi Potatoes per bbl 2.5033.00 Apples " 2.7533.00 Turkeys per lb . 18320 Chickens " . 16(017 Ducks " New Advertisements. BLANK LEASES and LAND CONTRACTS for sale rtt this oillee. Mao, Notes, Deeds, and all other blanks. nNtixtsTn‘rott's tionee..—la the estate of C0.h.1. Men:tel.. deceased. lyrics. of Admlrds• truth. In the sate es to, hate I.teu granted to the sm elt rstunml, all per.enis Indchltd to said estate, arc here by melded to tr.ake immediate payment to the Admin. i-trutor :and those 11,11.1: nlalme n,, , ainst the same. art requested to present theta at oar, IM!l!MMtli==l lif - ENSF. PET lONS —Notice Is hereby given that in , parsons., of an art a t•nembly, the following tinniest oetrott• have Glad their petitions with the Cleric of the t oar, ii( Q•Grier of the Prate for the r“tti..; 01 nasinehatina for lieenne keep taverns. rat. in t li by mea iptanut es not lens Dian•nre our loan, for whnli the) will apply April St.. In Et : John It Tar , it II It 1 'in rarken Elit ihoh Italy Jo, it son Anitirona it. anon Scirtfielt,iva Depot L U helettitn E It •• Frank Hoffman ant, Gnat I end TaTerTi 2 n e Li. 'n ue 'r e It A a t 1 liar Get N. Imam It Di pn Geo E r.-•,111en John W Da, WilnEtrth U. U. EL.DRED, Cleric Muntro,c, Niareh %. 15771. 1lir:111FP - s 5.13. E. VIRTUE OP writs UM' u or: or Common Pleas ..-tleminna imunty nn.l roe directed, I will eNTO , C to by IMblit . Velltillf. at Ila• c4airt llotme in Stunt riot. on Fri‘lar. April IS, lichnt o'clock, p. m., the pio-rs or parceli or I:lnti, to wit All ihai ern olere or to scel oWand eltnat e in the too - n.(0(10( % rir it. in 1110 c00,:13 w+o,ll l . It men cod SIAIO of I. anln, ended mot desen6ed a• II I k.n •. to wit Ou ihe moth to lools of Mark 111111. an.' Turner italdwle. on the e Ist by lande of Williani het. on the teeth he loins ol Loren Snow and -- lie! le. and in, the woo by baud , of E. Worth. con•ain• I ooi acres of land. be the same more or less,nith the cr,ln mamma', one log haus, • few fro Irma, and shout 111 acres ininniteo. (Seta -d and taken In execu tion n$ the suit of J. II 17.1ey assigned to Eliza Wee • ton Toon OAs em and Ito id A rcry.) ill !rad cry tin flee: nr panel 0f land, site. • e in Ihr too ii-hip .if Jesomp,in the comity of Su.nw boom. and slate of Venus.) ivanla, bounded end de as ro In wit: Ou the northesst 17 lends Inc the e-1 of A. oberoon, reed ~dJ, 11 It.- ele. en the southeast 10 mud. of Iwe hull., on the southwest hy lands of J. It. alcKeelay, arm on the northwest by label. 01 A. 11clittaby, me:mining Id arms, hr the same more or less, with the appurtenance. I frame bons, one frame barn, one orchard, and idiom 50 401,A Improved. (Taken In execution at the colt of A. 0 Warne. vs. Choke rerklus and Christian Davie, and J..ho Tnialis, owl:surd to 11.0. Vamp, va. Charlet Perk los and Christian Darla.) A laso--All that certain piece or pared of 1.1 situ ate in the tomushlp of Hush in the County of Sesque lunge and Stare of Perawylvania,lomnd and derenned an wit: Ilegioningat a pnint 011 A public road. thence along son rd perches to a earner on the line ct. 11. W. Wirt:3.o'e land, thence 11 1 0111? 113111 Witeaton'e line north 87 degrees east 111 7-10 perches 10 11 center 110 line of E. Osborn's land, thence uwala 3 defreas west 101 5.10 perches to a corner, thenceTouth S 7 degrees east Iro 7-Id perches to • corner on Crook's land. thence tooth 3 degrees west 21 110 perches to a corner, therm south 07 degnee cast G perches to the place of beginning. containing Si acres and SI perches of land. be the an more or Ices, with the apply. 0.1111Ce1., 1 0011 C IWt.l l lor, dwelling boo m, 1 1111111 And other out-buildings, an orchard, and about 65 act. Im proved. (Taken in execution at the mil cf . Abel Tar. rest vs. Hiram Osborn.) Aiso Ail that c rtaln Wee or parcel of land situate In I hr town-lap of Opel terrine In the county of Susque hanna ..r State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de. seabed as fotlovro, to nit t Or, the north by lands of N. W. tiottou, on the east by lands of IV, 0. Dutton, on the Pout)) by land. of James Decker and W.O. Hue ton. and on the , re-t by lands of N. a Leiria and Amos Button, containing 100 acres of land, 6. the saran more or lee, with Om appurtenance., I frame dwelline bon.e.l barn. I log house. sours fruit trees. and peed, improved. tocized and taken in execution al the salt of ft. -0. W. NVettlman areigned to LS. (Attie vs. It, A. Sutton ) Al.OO —All that certain piece nr parcel of land situate In the 'township of Auburn in the county of tinuluot ham* sod State of Pennsylvania, boun•:et end de. scribed as lotion., to :On the north by Lands of Jams Lott, on the east by lands of Wm. N. l'eunett, on the south by lauds of Milton Harris, A. D. Teske imry and John detwer. and en 'be nest by lands of John Sensor, ennisinin: Shoat t acres of land be the 01.1113 e MUM ur less, with the orpurtenancea, 3 dwelling !Jousts. 1 horn, I new store house. a good orchard. and all improved. (Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. .1. Gerritamo es. P. IJ, Corp. Jame* P. Den. °lnger and William White.) • Take Ncitlee—All bids mud be arranged...l the day or sale, M. B. 11E04E, Sheriff. Sheila - 6 Office, Montrose, Match 22, .e 73. BILLINGS STROUD. %,Genoral Insuranco Agent, nits, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSIIDANCE. UT coza.trosso. W.A. ffartford Fire Ins., Co.. C apitalaudStirples $3,030,0043 Home Ins. Co. ' N. 1., Capital and hurplus. S4.WIMMU Royal Ins. Co. Liverpool . i10.U0.010 Liverpool. London a: Globe . tal.OOO.lMO ramlttin Ins. C 0.., Phil's. . 4143150.0* Ins. Co.. of North America . $1,M0,1103 Pennsylvania Fire .. $1,114,014 Ins. Cu., State of PC1111 . 1% .. ShOU.IOI Union Mutual cl. DM/131111Z Fire $6.000.000 Williamsport Ins. Co, . • FO.OOO Anthracite. ?basis . . 11.000 National, •• •• 30,41% Cann. Mutual lan Ins. soeuo C 0.,. PUMA* emerkan WA. Mr*. 0.5110.0U0 .4161007:J:1131'0"T. Travelers los.Co.,Uarford,Copitalsnd Peeples 111.101,000 Hallway Passenger $ 1 130,000. The anderrived has beep well know to lbiseonaly.for the 'mot 17 Pa rstsan in•orance Agent. masked by Ws Compalpirs !save always beep promptly paid. roroince first door toot from rimsklop_Olka Of W. U. Cooper Co.:remota° st. Slontftse.ra. BILLINGS STEIOUD, Agent. MEAS. FL Stant, Solicitor Montrose. Mu 1t317. lIAND JULES IQ; hVO , 1 *v:l :Z1)44(61,4 EdEMIEMES eetl hr meagare Eat in Ilan.° Rr Tavern License II 4rf..rd !mop • • X. IC 7P El . County Business Directory. Two lines in air Directory, one year, $1,50 each additional line, 50 et.. MONTROSE 0. S, 8EE813,--Cormly Surveyor. of Susquebanua Cosa t:. Orfila to Vac Coati House. Mont.rosa. la.-50-tf. JAMAS K. RM ALT, Attorney at Law. Office oue door below Tarboll House, Public Avenue. • WM. II COOPER ,t CO.. Rankers, veil Porelgn Par nacu 'l'kk .and Draft• 012 England, Irclnud aud,Scot land. • IiII.LINGS STROUD. Lienera Pyre end Life (neer acre Arent.. ; Men, cell Rai trona cud Accident Tick.: to New T o rt . and VhiLidelphia., litlace one door eat orate Bank. F. A. CIIANDLRIt, General ln•nrancn and Sowing Ha chine Azcnt. Public Avcoue.• BURNS dt NICHOLS. the place to cut Deco sad Medi cotes, Clgare, Tobacco, Nix., Pocket-Boots,lapects. I cies sokee Notions. dc. Brick Meet. W' M. L, COX, Rupees ranker and dealer In eIl articles neually kept by the trade, opposite tho Bank. • noro a conwm, Dealers In 810.0., 'Hardware and ?dannfacturcrs at Tin and Shoelimn warn, corn of ]Halo and Tarnnllcc etroal, 8 11. 11ORSR, Merchant Tailor and dealer I a Clothe. Trlnamlnpi, and Farn.ahlog Goode. and Ready Made Clothing. on Mato hlreet, next dna I e low Little and limitslee'a Law (Mice. A. N. IDILLAND. Denier in tiroecrien, Prbvirlons flu./tr,Surtloneryand Nutionn, at bead I Public Aaenac.• NEW MILFORD CAYUOA PLASTICH—NICLIOLAti rillOKMAKEItat.t. er Ie genuine Cayman Plaeter. Preeb paned. BAVINGS BANK. NEW DIILFORD.—Pir per cent. I. tercel on all Deposits. Does a general lisukluir Bus nes, .11-tf B. B. CBASE d CO. W. L MOSS &„ CO , Deniers In Dry Goods, Ilats,Caps limns and hoots, and Omens] Merchandise. on Mal street, second dour bolus, the Episcopal • UNION HOTEL. kept D 7 WILLIAM BItITU, on Alain otreet, tient. the Depoii.—• N. F. IU mitErt, Carruio Maker and Undertaker, Main direct, two doors below Hawley's Store. McCOLLUM BROTHERS. Dealers to. grocer!. an Bro , lelona. on Main street.• lI.GARRET S SON. Dealers In Flour. Peed. ideal. Salt. Lime. Cement. Groceries and Provision, on Main Street, opposite the Depot. MOSS 4 EC NA P. Leather Manufacturer* and deafen in Mr rm., rludluire. de., near Episcopal Church. AIN EY is H AY DEN. 'Dealers In Drara and Medicines and Manufacturers of Cigars, on Main Street, neat the Depot. 1. DICK.F,IIIIA Jn.., D‘mler In general merchandise and Clothing. Brick Store. on Main Street. GIBBON SI. TINGLEY—DeaIer to Stoves, Ito, Copper. Eras and Shoeiiron Warr. emoting.. &o. M.o. manntactor rr at Shovt Metal:. to ardor. Eve Trough and Load Pipe buoineoe sttrudod to at lair prices—Gibson Hollow, PoriusTivas.La.-17. EDWATItr , & BRYANT, If tootaetarere of WagoL• sad Sleighs, near the Ingalls' Store. GREAT BEND. L. S. LP,hIIIEIM. Manufacturer of Leather. and dealer In general llerchandle., on Malo Street,• 11. P MORAN. `Merchant Tailor and dealer In Rosily Msde Clot hi nn, Dry Goods, Grocer ins and Provision. Mein Steed.• LENOXVILLE HIRAM WHITE, Manolhetarer of nod dealt LE ■oPaA or l'lwors god r pith.. Clothing, etc 1854. (itUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM (V, CO. CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND DEALERS IN DRY 'GOODS, MILLINERY & PA GOODS, FURS, ROBES, lIATS & CAPS, GENTS' & LADIES' runustirmo bo - Ops,.*.c., 4c. Our Assortment of DRRSS GOODS, SDAWLS, CLOAIMOS, CASSZ. se NIMES, CLOTHS, AND HEAVERS, Xis Clcomralsts. ETA, WOOLEN IfOgIRRY, NUM AS, ROODS, MERIN() UNDER-GARR I.:NTS FOR LADIRS AND CIIILDRR.N. GLOVES, de., In Great Variety Transom and Urrnearstan Wars for Ladles and Chil dren. Ererythine beionalng to the 7dILEINERF TRADE. Silk and Cotion"Velvets In black and colors, Velours Flowers. Ribbons, Feathers, Frames., Laces, &e.. Very Large. BouaolcoDyalaC Goodl®• Table Linens. Napkin.. Toweling., Crab, Nana, Ticking., Print., &G., Foil In Every Line. LADIES• PURNISHING GOODS. KID GLOVES, CORSETS, PELT AND ROO? SKIRTS, swrrcuss. cum:so:vs. ti4ru sem InSIIROIDERIES, it STAMPED PATTERNS, Coxes.ert Limn. ZEPRYR WOOSTEDS, GERMAN TOWN WOOLS, CANVAS PATTERNS, AM Colors and AU Shade;. READY MADE CLOTHING A SP•EUTALLITY I WE MANUOACTIMR ALL OUROWIT 000DS, and MIKE UP CUSTOM WORK TO ORDER AFTER MEASME.• Ws keep a Isrgi anortment of Curies, Casnmaara 13r.ariuss. Vssrsaos, /Le, op baud fer that purpose GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, A Fall Line. GLOVES, TIES, •BOWS, COTTON Alm WOOLEN SHIRTS, COLLARS, KNIT JACKETS, • AND UNDER-GARMENTS, An Grades earl Blue foe Mn,, Wye, sad Urge Infanta. SCARFS, PUBS, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, UMBRELLAS, AC. We will ern ereryeblog lo our lloe as eh eap as lb elev. and G1744.131TL1 EVESITTEUIC to be Jim Wan We Reraiwort iv To We canoot make out a price list of our various kinds of Goods, ea they arc too numerous to &it to oneesll - but would request all to tall sod compare prices sod quality, and thus be convinced of the truth of our assertions. * OUTTEN BERG ROSENBAUM et CO. attattoseMov. a, 3.= New Advertisements WM. RA110111901;7, Blatet, Wbol , malo and liana dealer all Linda o f slat° mono:, llontro.c.hs. THE EAGLE MEIJI ETREE, BUIINS & SIG'IIOLS, PRorriEross. • Stole or Tot CoLDES RsoLL szn Mortal, ~riolc 331c:talc, Mac" =Arca= a. We desists to *as to t ti• public that ourstore lo Fttia:Cd with Dritetr, Medlelnes, ralnt•. Varntrh. Brushes. 'oaths. Pertbutery, Foto y deflates, ',music.. tory and patent preparttlons, and all other n•tleles ally beta In tiro oboe d• at Stott... We Kuucattlee our zoo& grnllloo and of the bvpt qu ittty. nod roll be sold at Ana priced for coot. Respectfully Your.. A. 11. IttlINS. /Montrose, Yob. 20, 1873. AMUd YICIIULL ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, IMECOXI.SVCIESO, I. contlt.nally reeelving NEW GODDit, and keeps con tinually no hand n roll and desbahle assortmes,t of gen uine DrtuGs , MEDICINES . CHEMICALS. Paints. Dis c Dyetouffs. 'PEAS, Spices, and other groceries, tone. ware, wall paper, glass•trare, fruit jam mirror. lamp', chimneys, kerosene. machinery oil.. tanners' oil. neat,. foot 011, reined Vainly Oil, oil for lanterns. oil for sewing machineA Olive 011.Spenso Oil. Spirits Tnrpeo tine. V a rts I oh es. Canary Sesll.V Ins= r.Pota e h. COIICRa• Dated Lye, !telethon., Tel:sorry. Supporters, Medical Instrourents.Shonider Bracer, Whips, Oun•, Pistols Cartridgen, Powder, Shot, Lead, (inn Caps,Blasting Powder and Fore. Violin*. Strings Bown.eir. Pluses, Fife. ere., Fish Hooknar d Lines. B ar and Toilet Soups. Hatt Oils. Hair Restorer*. and Hair Ryes, Brooklyn, Pocket Knives, SpesrUseles, Silver and Silver Plated Spoonn, Parka. Deatist Articles, a goner al *assortment of FANCY Goons. JEWELRY. and PERFCMERY. All theleading and hest kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. The people ars barited to call at the time and Variety Store of ABEL TPRIIEI.I. Peb.1.1611. Establisbeg 1849. s. AM. El.cyvaira3a. GENERAL Produce and Commission Merchant, 77 Del Yiew York. Consignments solicited and returns suede Inttedisle• ly on sale of gouda. Send for shipping cards and sten cils. .flefeiYnerS : National Perk Bank of Nen . York. North Myer Bank orNesr York. Nassau National Rink of New York. Long Island Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb.l2, W73.-2m.. MASON & HAMLIN The saltserTher would annoonce to the musical public that he Is prepared to furnlab all styles alt, abuse cel ebrated Instruments. Nem Styles Six Octave Superb ! Al., agent for tire celtbrit‘d CHICKERING PIANOS! 1872. ,a.amply to me nest iloottoso. or addrava at If antrosa L. C. 8111T13, Agent. )lonttote, Fob. 19, 11773.-1... SCRANTON SAYINGS ROOK, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND RETURNS THE SAME ON DEMAND winfouT PREVI OUS NOTICE. ALLOWING INTER EST AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. A SAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS. AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY, DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM TILE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND" ONE WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIX ERS AND MECHANICS. o DIRECTORS : JAMES BLAIR, SANFORD GRANT, GEORGE FISH ER, JAS. S. SLOCUM, J. IL SUTPHIN, C. P. MATTHEWS, DANIEL HOW ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT; - JAMES BLAIR. PRESIDENT ; 0. C. MOORS, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M. UNTIL FOUR P. M, AND ON WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVE NINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCK. Feb. 12, 1873.—1 y j DEINISTRATOWS NOTICE.—Tn the estate of Daniel Carter, dee'd, late of West Auburn tap., letters et Adminlstmtkm In the said estate haring been granted to the undersigned, ail persons err ing said estate, are Alquested to make Immediate payment. and Masons baring claims against Bald eat ato are requested to_prerent them 'without delay. ORTAIVOLD CARTER, Administrator. Wert Auburn, Feb. ID, WiSTATE of Jlnkes 9pra^ te of the township of Lenox, Sesquaeanna county, Ps., deceased.—Lettera of Ad ministration upon the estate of the above runatui deer. dent, having been granted to the undersigned. 'all per sons Indebted to said estate are hereby entitled to make immediate payment; and those having claim, against the same, to present them Italy authenticated (anomie meet. DAVID T. SPRAGUE, Adel's', Lenox, Ps., Feb. 511418'13.—vr6* LLD3III3ISTRATOR'S NOTICIL—In toe estate of Jana ihnythe, late of Dndgewater. hazoorhauna Co., Pc. decanted, Lefton; of ddmiuiptenilon to the add estalo having been granted loan undonogned. all Krems owing wild relate. are rtn.e.lod to mat. Inamedluto paymeot. and all patrons having claims against said nitrite aro requested to preseut them without delay. Writ. C. CURTIS, ddner. March Mb, Ira. WE offer for sale one of the finest Houses and lots In the Borough of New Milford. , Its loci• Bon, style and convenience, are as desirable as any in that neat little town. For particulars, inquire at this office, or of Mrs. A. Hawley, op the premiss. FDR BALZ—The farm late of Nathan M- Mel), did, situated about half a mile west of Montrose Depot, in Brooklyn township, con mining about 111 acres of land mostly Slimme r ed. Inquire of the undersigied, executer at said estate, at New IdUford, ra. • ELLIOT &MAIM Nor 31ilfgrd, ha. ST, 1877t.—tt. tar I.ll'slars frce...aa Legal Notices. For Sale. Geo. P. Rowell & Go. 12,000 1 000 ACRES. The cheapeW Land In ILarket for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. In the Great Platte Valley. Q,000,000 Acres in Central Nebraska Now lor .ale in tracts of forty acres and upwards on avc sod ten years' credit at 6 pct cent. No stir none La. rni ntn ,t NLd Cod heittlfal climate, fertile soli, an abnudanco of good triter. I'll ft ItE,T VAREET IN TIM WESTI The great, ictloo% of W‘ooling. Colorado, rtahoted Ne vada Im.lug eupplit d by arc farther, In the Platte hOLIDIEItS TINTITI3XI TO A TIOMEATIIAD 07 eke /JUNG:IntI AND SIXTY ACRES. TLIE GEST LOCATIONS YOB COLONIES. FREE 110 MES FOI: ALL! Mttunas or Actin of Govrrument Lands open for entry or"-, the tionlestend Law, near this Great Railroad, wire, good marhet, and all conveniences of an old settled coontry, Free Passes to purchneers of Railroad Lend. t‘retional Maps, st,wln;; the Land, also new union of It,ertptive Pamph!el with new Maps Altdled Frei Everywhere. Address, 0. T. DAMELand Commisaloner U. P. IL R., Omaha, Nob. WANTED, 10.000 FARMERS To Improve 1,100.0.* acres IL R. Lawns, free from meet gave and Invited in the middle rer,bm of Western lowa - the oest corn, wheat, and collie producing boll id the West. n boors hi.tant from Clitcago. Climate and Solt unsurpassed. Siva.loer sod plow land with pure reli ning tinter evenly distributed. No fever and ague.— Average credit price, Sit per bend fur ago do. It 01.1.11 nothing, and gives clescriptions, prices, terms, map., and how to reach the lands. Addresa, JOHN D. I ALtIOI.IN. Lao d rotorniesioner of lowa It. IL Land Cu., Cedar limpid.. lona. Chicago Office, GS S. Canal 81. BLAIR PRESBYTERIAL ACADEMY BLAIIRTOWN, NEW JERSEY. Eq.l advantages for males and &males. Eamett Chris tina Induence. tbotongh Instruction and mein! atten tion to the comforts and habit* of students. render tide de of the beet I,..tttutiona of Ibe country,. Spring , lea on Commence. March =LL. Students received at any time. Trams, tatO year. Reference: °Meer* or Prioceten and Lafayette Colleges. Send for catalozass S. O. STE! lIENS, A. X., Princl9Z. $5OO IN PRIZES. FM YHA, RA ILLY VIRIINONT. Ten . Day. Earlier than Early Rope. Enormously A r, Productive and of EXCELLENT FLAVOR. b It per lb.; 4 lbs. by moll, postpaid, for 113.50. p•• 41 con ToN9t SVIELPHISt SIG both. PA IyYma 0 ' i l qui to l sa thr 4u'ralityA llttlo . O . 44 the utrzest quantity from one Foetid. Ds scrlptive Circulars of the IltiCett, with Mt of 300 rerictle. of Potatoes, free Wall. „rill" Illustrated Seed Catalecutp, 1100 with Colored CUOMO, 23 ecuts. ,-, A NelMf Tomato. tbe Early. sr , solid. and productive. nice, pet p o packet; 3 packets. $l. • B. BLISS & tal Porn Place, New Iretk. ONLY . 10 CENTS. EVERY MAN WS OWN PAINTLR ; Or, PAINTS-HOW TO SELECT AND vszlarit. A plain treatise, containing sample card with 43 dif ferent actually painted she es and tints, with lastrtio , lions for exterior and interior Home Decoration. Twenty-ire copies, bonlid in cloth, for $5. Sample' copies. paper cover. malted, pact paid • to anygiddresay on receipt of 10 cent% by the Publigher. li EN It V eIA HEY BASILD, Box 11.21, Post Ofiles. Philadelphia &e the following raluaMee.rfractafrompressnotica: A very valuable book. and no one intending to paint should fail to rend 11.-N. Y. Tritons. We did not know so math could be said on the sub. feet of painting n house, until we read this exeellent book of Sir. Italftl's.-N. r Herald. A want long felt at last soppiled.-Seim(Ve dminieetn. Not only a necetstty to the painter. hot valuable lie every occopnnt of a dwelling.-A'. Y. World. Boy 23 copies of this book and distribute them among yoer friends, If they will hoed the advice theaeln,Ton maid make no Inure valuable present."-Chiersgo Tri- Gave. In publishing th le book Mr. Baird has done a rest ear ekr to the countuunity.-Toledu Blade. We hope the publisher will sell 101,000 copies of thin book during. Inin.-Radon ddnerfleer, We have )art painted our house as advised by the au thor. and ccuctainiate otinielvee that no house to thw nelghborhood excels oure in-appearance.-Harpee• Ii efly. In selling a sample copy (or Ii mils, Hr. Pahl must feel certain that nu order for 25 bound in cloth will (o).. Inv -Front Lone. We know the town and country paints therein ft*. ommendtra.and can vouch for choir rale., sod the creel loner of thee - Harrison" brand of white lead-PA/fat. ONLY 10 CENTS. lEmpbett WWELSIIII pte GrILIFFITiii. 31.1 - Vartorn,re of Fats. RUPEIc lull TO A LI. OTHERS. Vl' EWE O,A, at WA filtA ATER). FILES, DELTIDO. AND MACHUIFXIr. „, t 4 Lam' I.IIIERAI. PISCOUNTS. • —Prim LIMA and eirrolar• Irree— ,WELSH & GRIFFITIII., ILL Dootoo, Mum , s Detroit, Web. Sowing TILE vi, 1100 BEST IN TILE worms). fz,pot rm. Addre.s. •'DOMESTIC" SEW INC/ MACHINE, N. Y. USS the Romenzur barb Lock and Support to FASYIN YOUR WINDOWS. NO spring to break, no caning or .sett cheap, dttrable, •cr7 easily applied: holds /ash at any Oleo dcrotreth, entl n sell.fattt,ver st leen the roan Is down. Send stamp for rlrrolor. Circular and ala copper-bronzed lock, rent to ouy address In the li, S.. postpaid. on reeelni of Ottg de, Liberal Inducement.. to the trade. Agents wanted, Address litttlEN( BASLI LOUK. CO., lie. 43.11 het at— Ilserleburg, l's.. WITHEREY, RIIGG, & RICHARDSON, lIANUTACITCLIII as Wood-Working Machinery Generally. SPECIALTIES :—Woodwortb Planing. Tonintelsg &Oa Growing Machines. Elcbardeon'sneut. _ Improved Tenon Mactllcts, &c. Central, cot. Ettion St., Wooster, as. S. wincnar. O. t. nCOO. O. X. .111C111IID1101. FARMERS Dealers, sod Agent*. send far our (Stalogurr of New Pots.. fnoll. Fruit Trees. 4e. A Valuable Westlse. 'MIMI frce. Extra offers. L. D. SCOTT .t CO., lioron,Oldo. PATENTS OBTAINED. No fee, maitre rnrcereful. No fees fo thane*. W. chum. for oroihulnury search. hoed tor *eircalaro... coNsot.i.y twos.. 103 8, Fourth St., Phiuhdpbll4 Pa., nod 88 Moth St., Washlngton.D.C. Agents ! a Rare Chance ! WO •ill psy an/Sonia per week In cub who will uncaps anal us at once. Ere/jibing tualibcdand expenses paid. Addm.c. A. COULTER .4 CO.. Cbarlotts, EVERY CORNET BAND. I N :l tn filn nt z y zlll . rezge 11;!endld t plr of t Band \V .11M A. PablUer, lbstanlia 5 tO $20 1 .3 Ti el D as A r T ej of rsoVrlog Pe ed p l rs Or ei th er Ira. pants , or old. make MOT* money at ir c atir: for as In tarn. %sirs moments or all the time than as aombion else. l'issiculart free. Address Os STIN SON.4 CO.. Portlaud Maine.. MONEYNadi Ropily with Stencil al Xity Check °mem Caralmamate! AM particulars Free. 8. el. Brzeiczn,ll7l.lanover Sk.Ukiterk KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP For cleaning and polishlnse metals, for cleaning aad• percents g point, fur removing stains hum marble, tar vraching hands , . and for oil bousehola clesning, ',supe rior to any other article mode. No other soap er weak , equal. it. either in quality or cheep:less. Rosy to Us* and perfectly harmleesand_pleasant. All grocers seillt., Manufactured only by. MAST/AA:4 Jb BROOMS eat N. Third ht., rb214.- 13rMITTY/83311M1.Ck. ICATALYSIDIE WATER" Is tho nearest approath toe opedde ever diamorefid for Dyspepsla y rieuraight. itheornatirm, Goat. thaveltDis hetes. Kidney. and Urinary Diseases senersly. sr stores muscular par or to the pamlytfO. It cures )drat Complaint, Chronic Di:figura. Plies. Constipation Asthma; Catarrh end Bronchitis. Diseases of the Skin: General Debility and Nervous Prostration from Naomi and Physical Esm sees. It is the Greatest Antidote doe distort - rod for excessive Eating or Drinking. It ton roots the stomach. promoter Digestion and tellevea lb* !tend almost Instantly. No - hous &old ebtotidltat ant it For main by all druggists. rr - For a history of tho NNpetose, for aisdkal repprti Of the power 01 the water name die Lee., for ranmedonsC mires, mid ior tridientmlois from dirtlngulitted men. Send for pamptilete. WHITNEY BROTHERS, 04441 . 41 44440, OS; booth Frr at It., Philadalphla, ..Uoteystitirg spring Co. $lO • 0 0 'REWARD! • if :t r itr Af:::h o o f t t i r rails to can, It In {invited expressly to aro Umtata% and nothing else, bold bb all Dinggitto. REMERIBER . TIG4T WE FWZAVIEII CUT& For. all Hassebilla that we Mat,'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers