THE VIONTROSE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XXX. E. B. HAWLEY & Co., Pioprietors. Business Cards. B. te A. IL ..IteCOLLU.II; ATTnIifTTO ST LA. Warr over the Bank. Montrose Pa. Montrose, May 10. lan. tf D. W. BRARLS, ATTO/LNIZT AT LAW. office over the Store of A. Lathrop, In the litriet. Block. Montrose. Pa. [tot 6D W. W. SMITE; CABDINT AND CHAIR MANIMPACTURIMtB.—Pnet of Yen street. Montrose. Pa. hug. 1. 180. M. C. SUTTON, alettoneer, and Innrance Agent, Prlendoville. Pa. S. GILBERT, Cr. EL, ALlzemticionoor. otr Great Bend, Pa A If I EL 7", V, B. .Baomot - 14o , rvoer. An. 1, 1069. Adtrese„ Broolzlra, Ps. ✓OLIN GROVES, Y ASIIIONM3LE TAILOR, Montrose. Pa. Shop over Chendlcr's Store. MI orders died to Cost-rate etyll.. Cutting done on abort notice, and warranted to St. J. F. SHOEMAKER, Attorser at Lew. Montrose. P. Office next door to J A. DeM7lit's store. opposslte the bank. Montrose. Jae. 17. 1t171.-003-Iy. B. L. BALD iv r,v, Ames re AT Law. Montrose, Pa Offlea wlth James E. Ca malt. Erg. .kugint 33, 1871. lf. A. 0. WARREN, • TTORNICY A: LAW. Bounty, Beek Pay. Pension sad Stem, on Claims attended to. (Mier dr deer below Boyd's Store. Montrose.Ms. (Au. 1.'69 W. A. CROSSMON, Attorney at Law, ()Mee at the Court Hons., to the Camm lonioner'• Orrice. W A. Caossnox. Mootrome, Scot 616.1871.-4 f. IfeKENZIE, & CO. Dmlers In Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies ■nd Misses /se Shoes. tl.o, agents fur the great American Tea and Coffee Company. [Montrose. July 17, ll.] DR W. IV. .4.1f/TLf, DISITTST. Rooms at hi. dwelling, next drinr .et nr the liepublinn prin. ing ofrire. OMor hogre from 9 • N. to 4 r. "Ann.-nee. Slay 2, LAW OFFICE. !ITCH & WATSON. Attorney. It Lav, at the old oftlee or Bentley & Fitch. Mont , ... Px L. r !ITCH. Wm 11. 1 ' !.! w. w. wrrwsx. J. Si UTTER, FASIZIONAIILR TAILOR. Shop over J. R. Den"ltl'o •kore. ABEL TURRELL, Desist. in Dram Medicines, Ch , m1.1.. Paints. Oila, 1 , 7 c stn? , . T.-as. spices. •oci, Jewelry. Per. ruciery, Sc., Brick 8.0 ck.., Montr,se Pa 6•t5:..1.1.01 Ist!. (Fri,. 1, lea& DR. W. L. RICILII:DsoN, HYZICIAN d it:Itt:EON. tenders his protessloph rricse to the citizens or Mons ro-e and 1. icinity.- 0 thee at his maidsuce, eh the corner cast ii ti.s•cc grad. Fosodry. fAng. 1. litG9. CHARLES N. STODDARD. Hazer In Bow. and Shoe.•. Hate end Cap.. Lent-her and Finding Ilain 'etreet, let door below ISolo'• giorr. Work made to order. nod repairing done neatly. outro.e. Jae. I. MO. LEWIS KNOLL BRAVING AND HAIR DRESSING. Oho, In the ocw Doelorfice bliildino. where he 0111 foood mod, to attend all who may oythltag Is ►le floe. lloutruse Oct. 13. 13/19. DR W. DAYTON iN t SURGEON, tender. Ms gervieee ro tee e Us 'Os or Great Bend Jod 11 , lelty u(1.1% relddesee. opsaidte Barnum,t..% Bend village. Sept. let. U DR D. A. LATIIII.9I', ♦i*talatera Et.ccrr, Ter:ma, lianta. at the Poet or Chaatent atzeeL C. 1.11 and ceose/t is all Chromic lal 1115 BAIRBER-11a! Ha.' Ha!! • Imley Morris Is the barber. who can ehere your face to order; Cuts brown, bbtet and artneley heir. in hi. officejeat op sten.. There you will find him, over Gen , . Inure. below MeKeuzles—ju.t one dour. Montrose. June 7.1.5:1.—tf C. YOUR'S. H. BURRITT. Peeler .• Staple and Fancy Dry Grlode.Proekery. rd• Ira's. Iron, Stoves. Druz, Oils. and Paha.. Boot. sad Shoes. Hats and cap., Furs, ISUffale Hones, Oro series. Provisions. Sc. Sew•Mtitord, la., Noy, 6, ":"I—tf. EXCH39GE HOTEL D. A. ToteCRACK.EN, whine!. to Inform tbepriblie that hattne reined the Exchange Hotel to Atoutroee. he le now prepared to seotaantudate the traveling public le era -class Kyle lloutreese. Aog. 13, Int BILLINGS STROUD. ? IRE AND LIFE I:I97.rIANCE ACENT. Al! bosiness attended topruram l). falr terms filet Ir.t door east of the bank a' Wm. 11. Caaper A Ca. anbile Arouse, Montrose, Pa. [Aar 1.1569. I'. 1872 j BILLING, arnoup. J. D. VAIL eldi*LeetrTwto Pe tract efl Vitt firlittrewl. Eft. perineriently iticeied hirrietilf h Ilantetwee. Pe where he will prompt ft anew+ Co ell calla In his profeeeloo with which he may frweree. Witte tort rweldence wcet of the Conn noose, near Fltcp t Watton's ode.. Uoninow. February FL IS 1. F. CHURCHILL Jamie. of it. tkeaccf.