THE DEMOCRAT Runusuer. Evan WEDMDAT Momma sr Atos - rrosE, Susquzumeis Co., ltY E. B. HAWLEY Mil per am= in &dew*. or 11.210 at the end of year. RATES OF ADVERTISING (Three fourths Inch of qua, or less, make s roars.) One square, 3 weeks or loss, $1.00; 1.. month $1.25; 3 months $2.501 0 months $4.50 ; 1 year, $B.OO. Quarterly, half-vearly and yearly adver tisements inserted at a 'liberal reduction on the above rates: When sent without any length of time specified tor publication they will be con tinued until ordered out and charged according- ly. Auditor's Notices, tr.. 50 ; Executor's and Ad ministrators' Notices, $3.00. All communica tions of limited or individual internt, 10 cents per line. Obituary Notices, 10 cents pet line.— Marriage and Death Notima free. executed neatly and promptly and at fair prim. Deeds, Mortgagee, Notes, Justaceg, Consta bias' School and other blanks far sale. tam and tirroidc. Notes —o— KENTCCKEY ships blooded horses to Scotland. TONS of hogs frozen to death in the Northwest are being converted into soap. KANSAS raised 4,000,000 bushels of po tatoes last year. Lowe will burn 6,000 bushels of corn this winter. THIRTY tons of English Walnuts were raised in Los Angeles last season. THE value of horses exported from En gland last year were nearly a million of dollar'. FLOUR it selling at JetTercontille,TexaF, at $25 and $3O per barrel. Timm is a vitstamount of corn for sale on Green River, in Butler county, Ken tucky. MERE are 1.18,422 farms in Kentncky, containing one hundred and sixty-eight acres each. A LARGE turpentine farm, employing over fifty hands, is in operation near lalte City, Florida. QULECT, 111., ground 886,000 bushels of wheat in 1872 (worth 81,463,550) iato 221,750 barrels of flour. A WAGON load of honey was retailed at Winona Minn., last week, at twelve and a half cents a pound. Tits records of the lowa Land Office show that 226,680 limes of land have been disposed of in the State during the last A CoLousoo onion, measuring twenty incher in circumferance and weighing two pounds and five ounces, is on exhi bition at Lawrence, Kansas. Ax English farmer,by picking over his seed wheat with the utmost care, and planting a grain in a place, at intervals of a foot each way, produced 162 bushels to the acre. Wrcurrs, Kansas, expects that the cat tle trade of the present year at that point will greatly exceed last year. A few droves alreadyleard from, figured up, amount to 40,000 head. LAST season the Sacramento Valley Beet Sugar Company raised 1,200 acres of roots, which have been worked np with such success as to warrant an even broad er Sweep, and this year the planting will be raised to 1,600 acres. Mourn) Tillery, of Halifax coiiniy, N. 0., who last year tried the experiment of fhite labor on hislarm, is much pleds ed with the regul-, - ays the Enfield Twills and has employed fifty white families this year, discarding the negro entirety. Tama is a farmer in Westeru New York who was born in 1772, has owng4 his Present home for 54 years, and who durtng the past season •planted, cultivat ed and•harrestyd.three acres of ooro,•eail to bi the best.iri Tompkins county. weiehis cf the heavieF t cattle which competed at the Birmingham show for the /'butchers' premiums" fur fat oxen where as follows: Ilereford,2,3B7 pounds short-h0rn, T1 2,306 pounds, Devon 1,786 pounds, and a Scotch ox, 2,686 pounds. his said that the disagreeable clicking noise caused by overreaching in horses will - - be pfeiented if the blacksmith in shoeing, cuts off the toe or crust of the hoofs onthe fore feet, instead of on the 1 hind feet,-as is the frequent practice. . At - English farmer compares the con duct of those who aultiinte only tho sur f • face 'ortheir farina to the un wisdom of the owner of a coalmine who, having six seams of coal, only works the upper one and neglects those lower down. • A BA= in Haddingtonshire, Scotland, was recently rented , for Sl5 per anintai besides, this the tenant was bound to' ex pend .$15,000 on the buildings without repayment at the end of the lease, which was for eleven years. THERE is one thing that nearly everyr bodrknows and hardly anybody attehds to, ihat is, to sprinkle slacked lime,on th9l roofskinceit year, either- in fall or,spririg. If the shinglesare covered ever so thick with mots, the Time soon clears it'6ffleail' ing the roof clean and white and ;goof). for a dozen years longer. It onghtici be ' put on pretty thick, and a rainy day is' the best for the7work. - Strong wood ashes will answerlilmost- as - well" to keep old roofs in repair, bat they will not look as nice.. To Make new.ahlogles last three or, tour times the yawl period; they need tinlY be soaked a few.days'in -s. tank halrfull, of thick lirnamaterorhii* mist be Stir. red up well before the shingles are Iwit in., • Aiartemaltsirni implements; . • Association onat of Aeon!. tnral Implement Manufacturers, which met at Cleveland, adopted resolutions to shorten credits; reduce disooithte; com missions to dealers and ageuti and fiaiag penalties. gor cutting down priees. commit** was appointed to memorialize the several legislatures oa them:keels of lower freights and express tariffs on imple ments, and asking for the passage of lowa to avoid locking up money lb Bounty treasuries that is ea much nettled in bum ncet.Oh.anrieh • • piocellantouo. Making a Fortune. —o— Samuel McFadden was a watchman in a hank. He was poor, but honest,. and his life was without reproach. The trosib . - le with him was that he felt ho was not appreciated. His salary was only four dollars a week, and when he asked to have it mint _the Presidetit;CashieiVind Board of , Nregtors glared at him through their speCtacles,.ane frowned on him, end told him to go out and stop his insolence, when he knew business was dull, and the bank could not meet its expenses now, let alone lavishing one dollar on such a miserable worm as Samuel McFadden.— And then Samuel McFadden felt depress ed, sad and the haughty scorn of the President and Cashier cut him to the seal. He would often 'go out into the side-yard and bow his venerable twenty four • inch bead, rind weep gallons and gallons of tears over his insignificance, and pray that ho might be made worthy of the Cashier's and President's polite at tention. One night a happy though struck him ; a gleam of light burst upon him; and gazing down Vie dim vista of years with his eyes all blinded with joyous tears, he saw himself rich and respeo ed. &Sam uel McFadden foaled around and got a jimmy, a monkey•wrench, a cross-cnt saw, a colechisel, a drill, and about a ton of gunpowder; and nitro-glycerine,and those things. Then in the-dead of night, he went to the fire-proof safe, and after working at it for a while, burst the door andhrick into an immortal smash, with such perfect success that there was not enough of that sale left to make a carpet taCk. Mr. McFadden then proceeded to load up with coupons, greenbacks, cur rency, and spetie, atueto nail all the odd change that was lying anywhere, so that he pranced out of the bank with over a million dollars on him. Ho then retired to an nnsurmising residence out of town and then sent word to thedetectivea where be was. A detective called on him the next day with a soothing note from the cashier.— McFadden trotted it with lofty scorn.— Detectives called on him every day with humble notes, from the President, Cash• ier, and Board of Directors. At last the bank officers got up a magnificient pri vate supper, to which Mr. McFadden was invited. Ho came, and as the bank offi cers bowed down in the dust before him, he pondered well over the bitter past, and his soul was filled with exultation. Before he drove away in his carriage that night, it was all fixed that Mr. 31c- Fadden was to keep half a million of that money, and to be unmolested if ho re turned the other half. He fulfilled his contract like an honest man, but refused, with haughty disdain, the offer or the Cashire, to marry his daughter. Mac is now honored and respected. He moves in the best society ; he browses an and in purple and fine linen and other good clothes, and enjoys himself first rate. And often now he takes hidinnint son on his knee, and tells him of his early life, and instils principles into the child's mind,and shows him how,by industry and perseverance And frugality and nitro- glycerine and monkey-wrenches and cross cut saws and familiarity with the detective system, the poor' may rise to affluence and responsibility.—Mark Twain. - Widow Smith's Receipt. —o— Smith is an old lady addicted to making "bulls," and is of a piece with the good woman who poured out the coffee to feast upon the grounds. It was a blunder, something of this eharactPr, the had just committed, for which she has comp to an swer at the police office. The cause of the hubbub had occurred in the post office, New York, where the clerk, whose duty it was to attend to pre paid letters, was suddenly accosted by is woman who rushed in in great trepida tion. This woman was the widow Smith. "Sir," she exclaimed in a voice tremb ling with anger "how does it happen, I should like to know, that when one has prepaid the postage on a letter, the person to whom it is sent is made to pay for it a An." "How it happens, madam ?" cried the clerk, "why, it don't happen at all." , "Well, I say it dons, it happened to-day —Viers !" "And I tell yon ag.sin that it is impossi ble that it should be so." "But it is a .person of my acquaint ance to whom I. wrote yesterday, and whose letter I prepaid, who says she had to pay for it, too. She was furious about it, and I don't wonder she was; for I wrote to her concerning my own affairs and she had to pay the postage. It's down right robbery, I say." And thereupon the widow kicked up such a rumpus that it was found to be necessary to call; n a policeman and take her before the magtstrate. Instead of pacifying Mrs. Smith, this proceeding nearly threw her into the last degree of exasperation. Althoug the officer re quested her to assume a proper line of conduct, the widow persisted in her fury and stamped and screamed most uproari ously. "To be told, t 1 that I don't know what I have done wit it!" she cried. "Done with at?" inquired'the mag istrate. "The receipt," 'answered the widow; "the receipts which proves that I pre paid the letter." So saying, she fum bled in all her pockets. "There rtahe exclaimed, suddenly," Pre got it ! Itere it is !" And she exhibited it triumphantly to the magistrate—what can 'von imagine it was ?—a postage stamp ! the poor lady bad taken it as a receipt for the money she.had paid to the clerk, and had treas ured it sacredly instead of passing it on the letter! A I - tarn/Man at South Adams, after earing up his-mosey for eighteen'months to buy a diamond ring for his heart's de. light, was disgusted with her conduct in going out sleighing with another MM.- Ho broke off his engagement, but; as she would not return the ring, he has sued Or for tt, THE daaghter of wealthy merehant of Boston'ts reported to be engaged to an Italian nobleman, and it is further stated that the marriage is only deferred until, tho bridegroom receives a remittanee from home to enablis him to bay a new pair of boots. Two'tioters; mho iron, reartied,4,ll* 'years ago at thiseune pllico by, 00 clergyman, now.einnalteneontlyANO sit divorcei in Bostom-on the gravid that both their hatbands lute iun !tell witti other tiomeas Prhtting. THE "MORSE MOEN" , • / THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER .IN SITSQUEFLA.NNA COUNTY MEM JOB ,PRINTI:Naj, We have made large addition to our office in typo and fttalorial oC 01l 140 c - whit* doable to to do all kinds of Job Printing at the Lowest Prica. Bill. Heads, Letter , Heade, • Statements, Printed EnTeloper, • Business Cards, • Visiting Cards, Wedding Carder -1 Posters, Horse Bills, Sale Bills, Slip Bills, Programmes, Circulars, Labels, 7 ,• q 'Bcreeiptd, Notes, Tags. Parer Boobs, • Pamphlets, Catalogues, gertificatf s, Bonds, Deeds, itc., its We havi on hand NOTL, AND CONSTABLES' BLAMES. Printed and for sale, Give as a call and try us, and you will be con vinced that we do our work Roll, cheap, and with despatch. All orders, by mail or other wise, promptly attended to. The 7Zoem.c•or a.t Is pnblisbal weekly in the borou,th of Molvraoss, Serdatrzeuaritt Comirrr, PL. On a tar=o folio stmt. and contains tr•.i.. i.on„ kt:m„.7.p Sti..s I Its chrolation is increasing arery day AS ,AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM It offers ran fheilities to MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, DEALERS IN ram! Irrizmurms. XACHLVERT, FERTILIZERS, ds to reach a dal/able ohms of customers, Advertiser' will consult their intermits try ; making its columns the medium through which to address the Public, as the paper reaches all etas= of people— Farmers, Mechanic, Nerehanti,Piolas •ional Meg, ate., etc. Term-400 Per -You lir likilvtmere AU commenicatleasabould be subywasti $ NIAIVLET. IMENESI ^Y'. :r .J. rq ; lam!.. . .~ • J!,.; Drugs and Dediclups R. R. , R. AADWAY'S•READY RELIEF -' CURES TUE WORST . PA INS In from Ono to 'Twenty inutes. NOT ONE HOUR • - .Aim nyartMA RIR ad riatisept A nard any oaa I&AIreRF.LIEE IS A 'CUM!! FOIL A MVE EdrATN "rho = poly raLti Itc•mody that Instantly Ormithn most rrerurDtioy palm , . allay.. To dammarlooa, and cora ennFettluto. whether of thu Limp, &math. Itowals, ar other man& ot' orlAhr, by ...POI.. Dro-Tolltitittv tnxt-rt.t. • Ito matter how .;slant emhrlciallng Phn p-on the RII MAIM Bedlidden halm., Crippled, :lemma IsmarAtr. mprokrated loth Mittan may ram, • RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD 'NATANT E.knE. ISTIAMMATIVLATIITA-TIOKR"g"ThE ELADDEIL INFLASIRATION OF TUE POWELk iiir PONGEHTION 0 Ltz.p.s. BOBS TRAWLS, DIFFIOISLT BREA (1.. PALPITATION OF THE REART. *writhes, CROUP. DIPHTHERIA. GATAIIIIIL INFLUENZA. TIEADACILE, TOOTHA RE, R C M' HALCIA, ItUEURATISIL COLD CIULIA, AGUE CHILLS. -Thy:what:lon the Ready rtetßalAge yart = rl rlr tra the y or e • eau en= 6;D. mo CW ' rd74, rot!.' 4 1 1%"if?Itii.:1140.'tf . .1 aIEINTERNAL PAIN.. Travelcm ohould pH.. tarry • NV , ' Ithdmal'M Itmay . 11411 of wlth Alm. A rrw 4 , 0 C, • i,l CZ " "'"" - • - • • FEVER AND AGI:E. ravrn. ;LUCK .1111 M for 1111, Tbrre, la not tinrcenal wet In ILO* arnrld that ..13 , enve Fa,roW c and all attar Ilnlarl..l2c Trphnld, Ow, and athrt Peron itided riusi paleksa RADWArS lIELLY Ilityao.ate pc:battle. Bold Druggldc HEALTH t BEAUTY!! WritONG AIM rrio: TWIT Pt 001,--TX , R7AST: 01? emEitigiti fa 4 .'"" DR... AD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN 'RESOLVENT um, won VID 110 ST AIMINP 4 III•47 ( - PE El • 51) gilleK, SO RAPID ARE Tilk: 1711ANt11:44 I'll 4 1101.11" MiDERGOES, UNDER THE 1N FirEN , OFOAT • T RILL TRULY VIONDEIVI...I,' T . Ev.nrY Day an Increase In Fiesh and Wolght la. Seen and Felt. THE. GREAT 81.000 -PURIFIER. Elt i tp i p t r b th , lttai ,, lthrt i l4 i i 1.4.-4. , 1 L Ea mit jukes 17747 e Ir/term the 'rigor - el 11 . 1i:Z7 . r ' t ‘ l 'i rr= Dia orsatna of the bwly with, sew wilt otauril ustprts'. fierrifols. Sywhlllo, Dlosonnordowdittnitstar lilted In the Throat, Mouth, -Tontursjiodra In etc 'amt. rook other carts of the partess. Born It c+ . Strottnono 14,:torg Don'S the Ears awl di: wont dardior Sido diwpwr, rrotp- Und o Pnvoc,fraan, Scott llesd. Dans Worrn, had Ilbtoor,,. £l73lpflOo, Anne, Mad Spoto. Worsts In Ile; flrA, r:not: Cooed In the Womb, asil all weak - a:Asp aml taiaro pt r l 111014 Sweat.: Lwra of.DlPnris. arl Dll nns.nfitis fifOpelple, sow within tha <maths rand or ILL* ca w arr .1 odd* CO.henoldr sod • law 1147 e 13.••• slit -pro to ti,ti m peclon It It for tithes a dm . forms of dLaas• Us t power to COTO themo. Shi p trlMally . becorlsettn44 hrtho WWI Ll , l tur warding Igloo; wades and =WI tte onT n fittinfomP • !! toßght . l= a luritht blr , Uwattnit Oda the SAlLDirAllito Ifot only Moss the Pato:, 111141l.rrtt OPT,I tnatrlt 1.114 sigentstrodhe cure of tllsoul, dandnird ; Dodd:Mutt psi, snd ELIO ; but It is du potty pood Ire 111dney dr. Bladder Complaints, EritoPW, and Wood , tlitennesciamel. Dinnetri, Alh,oo elin. W grt r li%l? "' in " Theln L ;f:: ',`• Cltr-t e ft .e .ef te e hthlc e' 4 =• te ° 4hZl l . ll. 4."'lt me b • ...Md. tliflarsPPett+snts.,*anil hr. o r t h ere &poly Awl add dere in priding. burrdng warathnn adorn passing water, wog paints the Bush of lb. Dad and idomthe nice, lust Ws. 01Miii- :erne Only knarom and sod Radar for — Worms— Tape, etc. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Owed by Radway , s Resolvent. By do, mow. / Ir. IP. Do. Jtorsort—t !ova o•lstaa Two.. I. at-sth• rM M.L.AII do Ihtetart old tttAn. trot •• trap,. ! I to. t = ^4" lr ° - :'';"17 1 "" 1, R•oAveal. mut tembar al tit•A•st I-• itt.“•••1 Ltd, goliorgwal tb••• h last • Ort. tar Witt, to 1. matt I tad t•woo, canoe., end Att.,. tn... I t•-• •••.. • I•rs Tr ••••••• Itteat ha* lb. MA oO d 4.1.0 1..,... •• or 11. i -tr. 1 wow. dts to root for gar Lwett of ago., 1., pot, t I. dd.. HANNAH Y. ix.tvr. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT 'PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly Wick..4,mM, natnl w , th rsret fmrfg SICK liffirrol•Tr , 4,(1.74! 1‘ 3T. 411 •Va1l ;)" fees erre, filltenithathen thc. OF ir Pe nag.te.c. the. Weer's! V larvra. a-ral.t.rl eltrct • poeithre cure. Pont, • Tre,tablo. etnthethe n.eraar. ththerale. ger deledno.t drugs. gar ()Nerve the tthlotrin, rvepteme rev.:l;n; !roe, DL. Sided et the Dlcrethle 0 , 1;e.e: ce.ifpat:,.. Insert 171... renew. ot ,ldlity at do hdreagl. t•lt we. te,W41,01 la 13.• Itteettartt. SIR/ held delll'ef Itareedr. frollealort of 11•• et. Ilarr•oi Meth lbeatbfw, flotterl, at No Haan, MAN:, Ratoacoala• Iroateas hom f• • Lola; Pr•tron Dimerats of Vt.., P•ta WA. w A. 61—ft Vo•ar t.d 15.11 IN, to Ow f•ftruery r.:.• 4 . 5 .555rAzy,71., 55 55 , : - . 5,t: - • _ 4 re. &v.v.+ of 11.1ir7 A T.-F. rit.i.q wit, fr., O, imrtom Iron. oil the ',owe ~ a no .1 'Mee, sso,rotn pwrLoi. SOLD BY RE k NO Tftrr.. Seal •ne Imtrr onn,, In ItI7WAT CO., eflt 7-spe. Now- Vcri. formallon worth ILnusino. wig lw ISlN,f iru o t ygna. April !,I'r. Fl Mb Cat Ilhatrates the prn. of threg , r 9trort_ prEsp.cfmns 'iambla Nasal Injectors This hestrelnent latst.;:6l7, distilled for the pa- I factappitcedion of k OR. PACE'S CATARRH REIIRDY. his the only.form of instrument yet inrented with which laid medicine can be carried aka rep ,aed prr.frelly applied tool parts of the affected nisal pr- • lo h lr e h l i=retailfferpe m en ' t7y lc elisi, Z • and from which the catarrhal discharge geuerally pro- • coedc TbeFierentof imecers in treating Catarrh here tofore has arisen largely from the Imposilbility of applyl= resocedise to these cavities and chambers , by icy Wee maim" Inettioda Thisphstacle in t i = i f effecting cures la entirely overcome by the anted fa:using .th Mehemet% the Fluid Is by Hs own selabh• po w smdling, tore. i'ap or pumping Mann menu* op one fictstril In a hell gently froWitryitnurel to thee Mellen portion of the meal paassges,paires into tad thoroughly cleensee U thetrebesand chambers connected therewith, and Okras out 01 theoppOsite MIRA fis leois Pirrakolaill o • so simple that a child can Understand It. Foil and explicit 'directions accompany each instr. • Whet % ..nsed • with this Instrument. Dr. Saga's °depth Remedy cures 'recent' attack"' of e , Cold to the head 2, by a few applications. Symptoms of Catarepe......F end-heads Vtebe 4 llTA'AtiCriste-s fuse, q, pantleal, Miami., de. . Io others a dryness, dry. watery. weak or Wanted n etoging lobser b le . tl l le i n of sera pa t er:es, u to Clear throat, taw ears % tic!en ' t scabs a lro an to ifl cc ee g recce altered, nasal twang, offehlitte 'breath, imp " aired or total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, Mut. news, mental depression, loss c o ughpette., indices . time, el:danced tonsils. tickllng , de. Onl y a few of these symptoms are likely to be present la any_eue at onetime. rri " 4 lll" l4aNtrh • • —T• le resli Doucoindaccom panted with the constitutional trea tment which Is recommended In the pamphlet that wraps each hot - tie of the Reel is a petfect specific for this loath- Warne disease. a thuprppriator =AD good faith. 8100 lowa Pita Clef ban'tott cute. 'flui reedy Is mild and pleasant to nee, oultainiog no atrong or caustic drugs or poisons. The Werth Remedy U moll at 60 cents, Rancho at CO cents, by all Druggists, or either will be mailed by pine pieta: on tessipt of 60 cents. '• • U. rIESCEOII.-R.-sr— e • hole Proprietor. - PIIITALO, MANHOOD; HOW.LOST, HON RESTORED. Just pabliatica, a new cdlttOn Of DR. 104 CU IDIt LVE ELL'S CELEBRATED ES. 4. SAY on the =mom, conr(al thont =di- - eine) Of Sernaavonntati, or.blerninal, Wcsknemt, Involuntary Stealhal Losserpteniblettcyl Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediment. to Marti./ age, too ; also, ConsuomtDiart. P.pileperitnejilts. induced bb self imielgonce'allartrull talc:if annum far Price. in a seated envelope, only a cents, ' The ealalrrated author:ln this admirable May, clear. stratt•fremoAdrty leers •euccessfurprenoce ,1. 4 : the y alarming consequence. of itelfatramrtnay be Yedicall . eared withnut the dangerous uof Inte rnal - Medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cereal orie4,IIMP4. pisitTalfin and,Cograialf by mean ` of WhielPerery' itifferet4 no matter ivth It 1 it W udpaitlcat may be. Mac mat himself cheaply. privatt-ly. • d radically. ,Or This Lectern eboplll be Ln, VA Atands,of every loath and • very WV In the mud. ke; undo: noel, in a plain envelope. to nny address, - postpaid De mole.t of six cent*. or mvolonit rump. i - .Deo. Do Cul. weir* Vdstringe likilde`,." price gas; • Address the Publiebere. CMS. J: C. HUNS & CO., . , 111 &Mel. New Tork. Poet.Onice Box • 1181. ALL BINDS OP - - ' Pup Wan, Kaitssosi. ra .IVB WORK, ETC., 9 .7:u NEARLY PRINTED:AT TilE DEMOCRAT OFFICE <.~.t.-,,n d%tM..è&•-,..", Drugs and Mediciucul. „ owe, Spirits ono inn, doctored, sp . iccd, and sweetened to please the ue, called Tonick,' 'Appetisers,” " Restorers," &e, that lead the • tippl on to drltnipgrincas and tufo, but area true Methane, made from. the matins room and herbs of California, Gee from all Aleolumatinsic Stimulant, Tin, are the Greet Plaid Purifier era a Life-giving Prumiple, Perfect Renovator and /ciao 'orator of the Slit em, carrying oil all tussonous matter, and restorteg the blend.mhealthy conddion, enriching n, re freshing and invigorating both mind arid body. They are easy a adnamistration, prompt in their action, certain in their rm.., safe and reliable in all forms of crease. No Penes eau take these Bitten accordtn; to thrections, and rernatn long . urneell, provided their bones are not destroyed Iry mineral ymonn or other means, and the rot, ergot weaned beyond- the Mot of spar. the flTdrca, l' C o oti r elts, Sour EN tacks, of sin Stomach, had , Taste on the Mouth, tbeaus Attacks, Palpitatimi of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lltirei, Pain 11l the regions of the Kidney.. and a hun dred other painful s it are the 'sung, of Drpc. pa.. • he there complaints it has no' eon.. and one bon's. WPI pines a better guarantee of its stems slim a lerrethy Nor I , exurale Complaints to young or old, married or single, at the dawn df seennanhooe ' l, re the turn of life, these Tn.m llittrfi ark , niel au deeded an tonnesco that a rnarkal improveinent it ncum pereeptible :for intlammatory anti Chronic , Rheum*. firm and Cunt. Dyopepoa or I od.geotlon, Item .tic , tent and Inierlent hevom. Disea , es of the P.c.& laver. Kidneys and Wachter, the-x fluters have Leon most oteces.ful. Sorb Ilitesies are caused by Vitiated Plc.!, eiiielt is goo era/I e prodeccri by derangetnert of the Ihgestive Orgasm They arc a Gs elle Plargetive as well as a Tonle, pas a. also the per.iotr ter•l of at ling at t powerful agent in entering Conyestarm or cd the Liver and Visceral ttrgant, sod in filhour Nitta Dis . Ecopuraor, Ttt., halt-Rheum, Botches, Spot• Pmrpics, Pustitles, e Carbi.nees, mg. womml, Setld•fleart Sore Eves, Ervdpciar, Itch, Simms, Ducoloratirms of the blot, limners anal Kliteaacs el the Sl:in, of Ittit•reer ome n r nature, are literally dog aiiP earned out of the ry.oc in a riort tints by the nse of these Bluer.. One Led tie in such cases will conrince the most incredulo. of their Curative erect, Cloanve 010 . Vithateti Biota' shout:cur yen find it, uppitnoes buratto; dironelt the din in Punt de, Erup tions, or Sores , cleanse at when you foul it obstrua ted and sluggiab in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul . your feelings troll, yell, you when. Keep dma blood pure and the health of the System well tollow. Grateful thousand* prieelaint Tines en Bennis. the most wonderful I nvignrant that env sustained the kilning " Pin, '1 aile:attdotiter Worms, Liking is rye tam of so maiy tlenundet, bre effectually destro.ed and retnfivel• San a ditunhuished uhriologret There o s,..arce' an and , spon the tare of the month w hose 1.. i vs re, mid from theinesence of wuriot I: it not opiti :lit ec Meet. of the body dui rimers ri.•t. tile, Ilse e.....eared loaners and shiny deposits that hfcecl te, vo, Murat , " cf diaease. No system of Mediune, no veronfogea. no an• tbehnamstcy .2i fres the system from sriarner like these Mechanical Dierns., Peri n engaged Psi.s and blinerats, such a. P.. 0.1, late tmlelela-atere, and Miner., as they advance in life ecll ire suliirr. topardys„ glebe Roue:, To guard attain. this take n due of ai u • glen litre /et once Of Mice week, 11 Pro- VentiVe Bilious, Remittent, and Interntittent Fo yers, winch are too prevalentin the sailers of our great rirs throughout the Lolled Stile., rqieCialay these Ili* Matteppi, M lea kin, L'inos, Tennessee, t uanbcrland, Arkanw., Red. Colorado horror, Rua Crandc, Pearl, Ala , ban. ' olade. Savam,,/, Roanoke, Jame., and tn., m.o. stith rhea act throushout our rolire Count, during the Sommer and Autumn, mid remarkably so dung of unucial lit.c and dryer's, art in , arial , 'y aeon. pained Ly ext.ris„e iterailernienll of she reattach and het-, and oda. abdominal caccra, he arc always more or kar bats--onions of the. hoer, a avealiie,t and untable state , the stomach, and groat I, , rpc r the 1a...e15, Leon; up Inds viewed areomulatlone In their if t.ilnic.nt. put. gati.c, exerliti; poncifol tolltienrc upon timer various or gar, else, rrecrkmer 'There n rtes cathartic for the purpose mud to Da. J, LaCerCe Ytnn,rc Lirret.e.,tio they will speedily remove the dark-rolierd it , .d clatter nal , which the bowels art loaded, at the came time eurrolating the letretinuf of the liver, and generally re.or,ng the healthy (onetime of the 111,-,cstive organs. Scrofula, or V.inWsr.vii, White Snelling., neer , . tryttpda, Swelled Neck, Scrofuious I nflarin.tiot.s, Indolent Inflameatious, blercurial Affeettorr, Old Soes, Eruptions of Chu Skin, otc. In •liese, as in ail other constuutlonal eaten Wan era's Yri mt. x lirmers Lae: chum their great ...vs pmyers in the MOO ob,inato and nitractabic A Westing:a Ailments, her Nara ovasnesa, and licadaches, although they teens trdlteg tomM, are real eisonteit. coitiv.s, Art/ epiitu. r•iien a. i n in the back and loins, oot nervous and riot beet! ache, unmanly of ekm, and all tomb,' classed as " complamts," Ire Wit use's Yinti thrice , ,which are portly vegemble, and may be sanely goes to the stoat delicate, arc a sovereign and cocoa! , rented, Dr. Walker.* California. V lnegiar Dittoaa act en all these cases to a stmtlar nunnet. l!v parif,o; the Vocal they remove the cause, mod by tesdc ...ay the chi e teem e left...maims (the tubercular .1.0,1 , 101 C A1CC.1.4 parts reuive health, and a panuanent ctire d effecte The properties of Da, We mass's V ineries Rrrrars are Ape t, Diaphoretic and Careamative, Noir Ono, La, utile. Diuretic, Sedative, County-Irritant. Sudorific, Altera threa and Authillderne The Aperient and mild Laxative propenim eir De_ Welgee'll Vs:cream Birrues are the best safe-guard ta all eases of eruptions and malignant (morn, their, heal. my soothing properties tomed die humors of the butes. Their Sedative propertle• allay pain m the serreurs system, stomach, and towels, either from inflammation. toted, tramp,, et Their Counter-I rritant time, ettenda tbrnerzhout the system. Their Diuretic properties act the Kidneys, convene; arid ,Ceed.lflue the flow u( mine. Their Anti•llitious properties sumulate the liver. is home ,t reio of tile, and Its discharges through th e tiling d and are superior to all lemedial agents. (Or the nits Of Blom Fever. Fever and Ague, etc Fortify Cho body against dittertse by parrs; all its fluids with Verve Stress, No epidemic can take bold of a system thus renamed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered ducts, proof by this greatinv s gorant. The Efficacy . "( Ibt. WALicut's VitteGArt rfix - rxes, in Chronic Dyspeyen, Toren( Nervous Disorders, Constipa tion. deficiency of vital power. and all maladies arresting the stomach, liver,. bowels, pulmonary organs or muscular system,. has been expeeeneed by hundreds of thousands, aid hundreds sf theitt.lldlfrlare are !Ain: for the mine relief Directionsca•Take of the Bitters en teen to bed re sight frees e. half to Doc and one-half wine-glassfell. Eat good nourishing fond, such as beefsteak, mutton deep, sem sutunant bee( must retembirs, and take outdoor ennise They axe composed, of purely enc. table ingredients. and C• 11- tile no spiriti j. WALKEN. Prop', R. 11. RiamIIONAR.I3 Au CO:, Drumm and Gen Atte, San Pranorce,_CaL , sod corner of Washirigten and Charlton Ste, New York. 131^SOLD BY ALLDRUGGISTS AND DESI-PlaS July 10, 1512-mou3 ft - 1 7, — T* ATM-XS! ‘ Y. ''' • c , " . %;"%ez VEGETABLE SICIUM OA, •. INvi. _ I L .V .V — I 3 MIR Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully , up. to its high standard; audit is the only reliable and perfect ed prep cation. fur testoxing.,,Paut OIL FADED Han to its youthful Making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and ,clean. It removes all eruptions • and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop ertics,-prevents the hair from tilling oat, as it stimulates. and nourishes the hair lands : By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In . baldness, it restores the capillary - glands to thit7iSbirtdal - tigin., and will cleat° a newgrowtll, except in extreme:6l a g o. it• is the most eco nomical Ham Dar.stuNG Aver used, as-it...requires fewer. -..applications, - and gives tho ; hairo splendkt glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes., 11.1), StotclAssayor of Massachusetts, says, The constituents aro pitre, and care- . fully selected for excellent quality; Mid . 1 colluder it the'' BTSi" - P=PA‘ RATION for its intended.purpOses.r Sold by aU Druijiits, and licakra in Medicines. Frio ptp polls:. • Bapkitighata'fi 'Dye. •- FOR 'MOT NVRISICERIEL As _our ,Tteuewer. hi many cases requires i,OO long. a time, and too much care, tovreslore gray or faded Whiskers,, we. have prepared this , dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result.. It, is easily Applied, intl. produces a -color which mll neither. rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists: • Price FifYy Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, 4, CR.,; NIL . 8 01 0* Abet iiiiWai2d .41 Ifichof 3, lifoniriseouridaß:drugglati. and.dealtra ever. Avbere. ,„ PRIINITED Drugs and Zedlanes WISHRT'S PINE TREE Tar - Cordial, NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY NOR TUB Throat and Lungs. It is gratifying to ut to inionn the public the 1)r. L. Q. C..Wishatt's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. for Throat and Lung DiSCASCII, has gained .an enviable reputation flout the Atlantic to tho Pa cific coast, end front thence to some of the first fatuities of Europe, not through the press alone, but by persons actually benefuted and cured at hia office. Wilde Ito publishes !esp. so say, our reporters, he is unnide to supply the demand.— It gains and holds its reputation— Fin t. by stopping cough,lint by Mormo n g sod assisting nature to throw off the un healthy matter collected about the throat and hronchial tubes, e-/eh rouses S-cnnd. It removes the cause of irritation which produces sought of the mucus membrane and bronchial tubes, meat-ate the lunge to act and throw off the unhealthy secretions, and purifies ;b•• Third. It is tme from srinills, lobelia, Ipecac, and ~pium, of nhich most throat and• tong medics arc composed. which allay cough only, lad disorganize rho stomach,. It has a soothing effect on the stomach, nets on the liver and kid. aeys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaeliiug to every part of the system, and in its ratio t and pirifying effects it has gained aation which it must held above all others IV 0 races.r TIX3EI NNE TREE TAR CORDIAL Great American Dyspepsia Pith, AND WORM SUER. DROPS 13einenoder my immediate direction, they ghat not I,.se their curative qualities by the use I :heap and impuru articles. HENRY R. WISHART, PROPRIETOR FREE OF CHARGE Dr. t Q C Wishart's Office Parlors are open on Mon. lays, Tuesdays and IVednesdays front J ni., to it p. ni , toe consultation by Dr, Wm. 31.igee. With Rim are asai.ciated tWO'COn ,ultiug piirsivians of acknowledged is not offered by ary other in ion in ibis city. AL L LETTRUS MUST Bt ADDRESSED '7O L. Q. G. WIEHABT, hi. D., NO 232 N. SECOND ‘7172..EET X.' =I T_....M.T/131.. /". MEI .41 - 13, 1872—mG s m.p. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of Mei Throat and Lungs, each as Cookhs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, hintallsi and Consunsigion, - rill am mg the great ... ,r, ::' discoveries of madant . .,..i" fiii:"'" .-: science, , few aro of 1 . ' , .r.i '., more teal etalne to - (2 , 1::' ~;.. V„ : :,.s.i i ), mankiatt tticuS this ef ' I ki . ,!r 1 factual meetly for all diseases of this Throat ... d . and Lunn, . A vast IC; St •• n • • jt,. trail of its virtues, thotorr o hent Al% and V'' '' Oki,. • other ' countries, has shown that it dam surely and effectually control them. The testimney of oar hest cid ems, of all clams, establishes the. fact, that Citrxicv NE-roust will awl does relieve and cure the ntricting disorders of the •Tlitorand Lungs heysod smy other medicine- The twit dangemus affectious of the Pulmonary Orgasm yield to its power; and eases of Consumps lion, cured by this preparatine ore public ly known, an sernarkable as fondly to be pe tered, were they not proven beyond . disptge. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the piddle may rely kw full protection- By caring Coughs.: the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered IlYes, end an amount of su ff ering not to be computed. It challenges trial. and Con vinces the most sceptical. rscry family should keep It on hand as'a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first, but wiiich become Incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected Ten der lungs need this defence; and it is amidst, to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid • the distressing disiases which beset the Throat and Cheff of childhood, Cnatutt FrCIONAL is invaluable; for, by its timely use, Multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love and affection . centred on them.' It acts speedily nod surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-resterihg deep. • No one still stiller troubfesoMeinfititnin and par fat Thrtnehlas, when they know hint eat y' they can be cured. . . . Originally the pro Moot of tong, 'Aaiun., aril saccessful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making ; every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. :It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of ,proincing corn as memorable as the greatest it less over eflested. Dr. .1. GAYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical land Analytical CbemhtL BOLD BY ALL toncaourrs znitilrmatz Groceries. DOWN TOWN. NEWS. • MINER AND COATS, tfikie Streot, 6 doors below Boyd's Ccirier,lliortrose FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND • PROVISIONS. Weave constantly Teo Ulnas ti now bait *stint Abash stock of G?ods in multi eOrtiel) we wiLel CHEAP! CHEAP CHEAP, forcalb.nrexebloge orprodues GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, EDGAR, MOLASSES, splcEs t PORE, FISH, LARD,. . HAMS, , DRIED ~FR UITS, OLOrgR O n TIMOTHY: SEED, Op: etetttledatidnindesddltkoii, t &oar Stock' Paflo.ot d are now ready to torword Patter to the.b o X 'commloo.onhosoosjo New YOrk.line . of chargoota r , 'atokellneralltralietatelltioOtioontgninento : gollandexantloontlitock.beforn.p l MOnl i n . o lyberd.llOdOonittnceyourildoto oftbe • cop QUALITY do Low:rnicEs •avow : w: $: COJ r C. • O audwaro. Tills WAY, GEOLMEIII llELinp coati HORSE HAY FORKS ! A. I. NELLIIV PATENT 1211PU01111114 Twenty-Two Mato Fair rrennunto Awaided This Pee In Fifteen Mootho~lfiliF tad Mei ALSO ( NELLIS'S GRAPPLE PULLT. Aa Ithplet:tent that rvery Harmer. thirprntat, ilunst and Psititer Should B.•e. HORSE RAKES nand Rakes. Rratb•.. Rastas. (train Cradles, Iwo, (A char Brand) Axles, N Carriage Belga. Cleo Ban, (Steel and Trim.) Mozzitor , Cf CI F "F 1:1 XI 1.. Clo 1C" El That Ores aft A Anil CrIIItATT.E t *alai Os Cutres Is A Hea La d Um T. de. TRY ONE aid rim VIII lb. Coo II Always Weal Axes, fiend Ames. . Lock. . , ricks, Rasps . Ssah. rib.. Knobs. s r ssr Knlscs., Scyth Stones. . . Latelos. Nint, 011 s Varolsb. Stostsk Ti..?. are. Laserps..te. Mutimse, July 5, 187 „ BOYD b CORWIN I lUNT BROTHERS, 13CRELNTON, PA- Whol male a. Retail Dcalersin HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, "17ILDER'S HARDWARE, PINE RAIL, COUNTERSUNK &T RdILSPIEIa RAILROAD & MINING SUPPLISA. CAR RIAGE SPRINO6, AILEs, SKEINS AND BOXES: BOLDS, NUTS and MIE(11157t8. PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, nuos,SPOEES, FELLOEN. SEAT SPINDLE, BOWS. dr. ANVILS. VICES, STOCES wad DIES BELLOWS HARMERS. SLEDGES. FILES. &c.n Lc CIRCULARLOWS AND MILL SAWS. BOLTING. PACKING/ TACKLE BLOCKS. PLASTER PARIS 4.7 EV ENT. MAUR tr. GRINDSTONES. FRENCH VILNIXAV G DA LASS. LE SCALES. ATHER FINDITIGI PAIR NI'S Scranton. Mardi 2-4. 1663. Miscellaneous V"1:11=L INX I' IT 3E1.3E2 AT WILLIAM SMITH'S liz saute° Furniture Waren:rem yet • II Ind Ms largest eureka FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FURNITURE! To be found to Ibis *cation of as country, of Me corn are, and at price. that cannot [Mita eat satto actl.m. lie umbra the eery Inmt EXTENSION TBALES 1 In the Country, and WAILIELSNTd them UPHOLSTERY WORK or a kind. done fn that !wt..% =DIM. g 3 TST GP'S El 73 ra, OF VARIOUS WADS: PURE NO.I MATRASSES, COMMON MATRASSES. UNDERTAKING`Th meirecriber will hereafter make completed a .e.Mlty he his business. Hevitmjtot completed a NEW lad the most eli-earit BEAWR bite Mate, ill noel:Hum ble 'enlace will be attended to promtly at eatiellactury, WM W. SMITH Sr. SON. Uoatroee. Pa—, Jan. 31. Int.--nos—tt. IEIIIG El VALLEY . RAILROAD. On and after Junelo.llll7:.truine on tn./Able/ Valley Ltralroad will run io follows: BOCTII. MORTIS. BEE 245 130 910 Elmira 170 616 943 3231 30 00 Waverly ......... 900. 333 121 1000.— /Wiens...., 110 827 830 42/ 206 10 40..—.T0ward5..... 11 05 457 810 5 It W —.lO 03 7 15 645 8 0 .1110 Laerrilla 943 40 654 1 614 1212.... IA eshoppen .... 920 682 60 12 18....51eb00pany,... 913 623 663 360, 13 43...gtrokhannock... 843 30 510 BOf 442 -I 50 Pllnelnu 70. 233 460 835 to *13...W110143Arre, 700 4Bl 731 4 113...14aneb Chspk... ... 1143 l6l :IL. 303 150. „Allenlatvn. ‘. „a. 14. 104 13 3 2 &46 6112. , ...„Dentkiebern ,;,. 10 311 7 19 0 2 916 872 114.4 106 ~„ 10 05 11 3 2 10 .1? to..s.Ptawppla 30 I 42 • As. ICO ICC. s• • • • . 14, IL. 35 le9ve• Towanda at 710 a. m. 5 Attiens, 766 'at Vera •1340• 4o.4 % t e' v E.1 °5 21 ‘ ;41 . ..5 1: 3 6 0P 1 . ° . ; Wien rly. "a t 4 fl • I. m. ; Athena,at 630 p. m., arriving at Tow, nes •1 "aqi;ma. Rom ato ottocaot ifstoor AA • running it,mngo book fllmiealn 21,%, VACKEEI, borificar.;l4 • . DrEA7iir NEW..GOODS r.,...l=s t;? , v for, , ,.. 7 44l:Zirgc=a=l7 , , Pr cr" to " 44 ' DRY GOODS! • • • anoaskres .R 00.7114 .RIOES.O • . . HARDWARE ! : . 0120CA*R Y! La can be found elsouttre, ind it asticalrable ?Am 0. *Muss. IL o. ssrs • CRANE 11 SEIM Lawinisa con*. t Apruwel, , .: Id .E . 4, namkovmtgc. WOOD 4 . 4 ..=. pump, 111$ 1 14 1 ellc DOM le. =dal .. _ . a .4 , .m.(4 comm. , Thit Iris posy tar Alm . 41 -: el =rusiLitliti t ti°4l:24P ed Bracket meo Now Dlll4l Cock ~e........ 0, pVtkaaet l y re e ela m =l ec 4' IM a t P te a wmipthdrdawu ditog es. Also. the Copper chamber * .'. , : Mega never crack", and No 111 ceded . „ ~ se say o th er. For sile by Dealers evei* '' " where, lilea4 fur catalun• and ltsD .- , . - List, , . , , ......--.. 'CZAl.*.iltitvirum,WTrt MO Commerce at., Plata, re. II inrisabei, Utk, 18TM-N0.140.11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers