Ti41J1)11CO - CRXV. Religions Services. The WI - vim In the several Churches of blunt rose are as follow : B trTIFT VillniCß.Rxv. J. E. City....luaßD. D. Dalt.r lialMsthcerrgres —.103a and 7 p. Pabbeth sthciar. -- " Pi en Prayer Mvalug. Wednesday Evenlsg. 7, CATHOLIC Ur, Berrzor habbath Per•ittm, Eccond Monday In each l.. Month Sabbath school Iramedlaiely beton, Man. PIACOrA L CMIRCIL.Res. S. A. W Aataarin. Radar. Sabbath . ........ .10.1 j n in. and 7}{ p. in. Acp.lnv . . . ...„ . ~WrAk;...llst liery4s— .SlKTllolllT Ertscorm. . .. Iter. Sabbath Services 10.15 a. m. and . 7.11011. m. Sabbath S•rhoo P Yrayer l ThuradaYa. 130p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ...... R ea. Musa. Rahaath Services 10.45 a. m. and '11.4 p, U . ........ . . — l%'lsp. m PntPlEeeßiellueseiss Sseninpe p. d. Arrivals and DCparillrei of Mails. Arrinais Departures. Vontrose Depot, (Daily,) 600 P. AL fi 20 A. v. Nen. )11101r1, " 10 00 .. . d. 130 r. s. Wyalw.ittg, " 7CO r. at. 300 A. M. TunktiaMnoCk, " 3 00 r. u. 10 00 A. 3,1. 600 r. a. SOOA. IL Conklin :,;14Alion,, 700 P. Al.. 7.00 A. M. Ita,cfo; fop;; _ :6 OD r. Nl6.l.Poppen; i 0 00 A. M. 400 r. m The New York, - Tunkbannock, New Milton], end Wylusing mails are daily; the Conklin Statimr mail will leit‘4onTuesdaye., Thursdays, and Saturdays: Bingliampton mail, rid Silver Lake, will leave on Monday„ at 0:30 u m., Tues• day and Thursday iit 8 p." m ; lieShoppen mail will leave on Mondays, Wcdneadaya, and Fri days. •. alwrrloNAL STAad.. Montrose Depot, (Daily [ ) GOOP. n. 11 00 Nen - Milford, 330 r. n, 730 A. Si. GUI. L Sllll.ll, Postmaster. Montrose, January -4; 1873. Neu' Adveritartartnita, rrad the following advertisements, new t his peat , : • Strayed—J. F. Heavy. Arlministnstor's Notice—W. C. Curtis. Dissolution=-0. Cenne d 2 E C, Smith. Public Sale-3f. M. .oi. A. Willintns. Brat:cats-a 1...0cai.5. Gamin's Tar Itemedies. - lickaglsledgment., The members of 3lonlrose Fire CompanT, 'No 2, tender a rote of thanks to the friends, citiremt, and Brother Firemen, for their attend ance at their late reception, also to the Ladies who hci, them at that time. J. IL ILkvisFonn, Foier.mA:c, IL Smrrn, know-Bound Sheep. At Alhert Lea, Neb., seven sheep were com pletely snowed infor ten days eluting the late answ....Qarms. 71bey were discovered be lefr. Nelsonla'seeitiga little coluttin of steam-like stislne' front a snow bank. The salnu ion the slidep • was broug,lst about hp th e ir healed Lre.:44- .rluising and melting away a bole in the top of the drift sufficiently large to admit air The alcep canto out alive, but they were a lit tle tar kas so Wale good onnton. Not tbe ircrwL L... b.r.azi s cc-ar tonic:o4e for th.i screw) of the weather it ei .121.3111111 g in c0w 1...1.:50n to that tritiettrrer . n3ed whei• there wic titrrnity o smatuer et all_ 1-'n.e.ta prurallod.l.o ercr: Ta;s4 pota . IU tbo ..9" , cx iorbu. fOi in Maine kin r.ihe e.y. sna an Or. 105/21 of Augur:. ;cc to tic I:act:am, of- proiaorr mallow gin , * fw:: l2 .- ,1 in ihe open 2.1.1 rropr. .a•c•re tS;;M, .1 TI ,ur seta at SIG per bunt-0, wJ scot oara In 4ealand $4. $3 per Irasltti bro. day of August, i372,aceytrtling, to Ow tersts WoplLll Sc. 1100; : 0111cc7s. t rot the contract. and o we had every reason The Constitutional Convention, of cr • kw: believe it wo ul d have been at . the lime we made o , lukte on the,"woman qheatis, - a lopt.d in oar lest report. Oic tonowinci Women of It is but justice to the contractor, 3Er. .)lar the age . of 2l 4 y4.m.vs and ups . =,., r3all ho elegi- cey, to Mato Ms! no hlanta can be attached to bie to any office of cantral ra assaagetutod un- him in this matter. as ho has prtisectaed the elle'Sateto! of this Style: These words , work to our sntisfactiOn, and nith meat credit tuttird in t:nmmittecofthaConstitntion ol Convention list week as a new St.liOLl for the ...srganie law of Penn.y/e.tuia. Women are now cligible.thitteßoyrtly. of School Direcituy in lEssYlaild:and . the sVstoto has Watf‘ed very weli- - - CZlltre " A number of cattle in this rielidty have been au:het:L*l9th a T rliseasuanppuoadjo Le ervebr, mcnintitis:or . infiatnati to of the mem- Mme envelipinz, thei brain and spinal.eord„ a said trybesimilar Ilk diseithethai-attittA tmrots and proved to fatal,': short time an, e trt the epizootic was , prevalent, and hras by h me-culled - a relapse of that disease. if this rhttledroemme siostid become sitsvidehpread and prrhslent PA the epizOotic was, it will canoes:6 erhouhres was to the dairy interests, as well as a serious inconvenience : to ionimmers of dairy products.—ltiagliorarrei Republican. A Tblef Nabbed. Two Erie Hallway detectives, Crum Elmira, Leuagtit a thief to klunuose on Sunday morn ing last. whom they bad arrested at Su.sonehan- ZA. in We act of robbing the Railway office of shoat ps,ooo, which was found in his posses sion.. The officers had been On MS . track for some time, and by well laid plans they Were en. aided to nab him at this time, In the very act a' escaping with big iU . gotten bootie. He is well known to the detectives, to be . one of a numerous gang of expert thieves.altd meander along our' tboroughfants to perform just such eoblaerits as the one attempted at Snaquehannts. Ile Asides in Buffalo, N. Y. He wis committed to jail to await trial a: lite next Court of 4 tarter &malaria -----.4...w Dr. Braun'. Leetnre. Ih. T. L. Bro*n, of Binghamton, is lecturing si oh great effect in various parts of the cone tr.. OPIMAtic stiVeti or totoperollcm the peopl e is this vicinity may be favored with a visa from lam. We copy the fb ktvtaa :Ohm of his lecture. from the - Chernangcr - (N..Y.) American " Dr. T. L Brown, of Binghamton, delivered , • lecture on temperance, at Good Templare Hai in this village, on Priday evening lk litou d hattdle2) hirkenlrfeck in svinatineiiiit term. from these we hare heard advocate this tame on A:inner oecissionv.„ He did not "54a Irau - those who sell spiritous Niers, froi even dtaxtlivir tionrvietiins•up befort his audience but impressed upon his hearers the. raiiiortalanti' l d , ltitsing„ that an appetite. for strong drinks illanst-he created. In other words, to be tern perate in diet, ant! keertera in that state health that it will ,not rehire _atiroulatda,4 111 / Lamm to bolster it up. Dr. Brown urges fr ulPenutos an aIL things. .lie is 1,11 enemyr!PT va; toffee. and alyaoco; . as, as "those poi. that may befasted on all tables.—nnistrird `luegar sad popper; Tha Doctor, Its tear Jaffe* m*- 111 is ratitertacileal In many a his: vieirs,tiat *ht.' a pleasing, linpnnalve and - Instreintir, kiarer, and though sfeinay differ 'an' Yg n P point!. Vel:Ols, Omit . that he fortified Ins • krghoeqt/ with pinta that are not easily •atist! The bill . initiCigtigthe Tiny oN Jnicas in this eactunotiwealth to two dollars per day, has psssed both the Ile„sinture and gouc to ; rlic GovernorfOr his akproiaL will with out doubt become a incr. Small I'oi lir Scranton The small pox is raging to an alarming ex tent in Scranton, as we learn from private sour celt, although nothing .I.seatid about it through the public Journals, "lest It might injure busi ness." The disease has assumed a most malig nant typcAnd proves fatal in almost every ease. Did Not fail. The Lyons Republican Is still published, not- NY ithstanding the incident which Tinsley relates, as follows: "A. former subscriber who discon tinued his Republican, because he could not make it say jolt such things as ha thought it .ought to say, has, we learn, recently expressed considerable surprise to his friends that the pa per should keep running--since he has with , drawn his patronage. It was pretty close work tors while, we confess ; hat by omitting to put sugar in our tea, iusct by reversing our paper collars for the second and third time, we man aged to 'rub along until a new subscriber came to take the place of our respected but disgrun tled friend and then Richard was himself again. Nothing but rigid economy will carry one over such a calamity as the loss of a subscriber l" Interesting Mblieni Sin es. There are contained in the Bible, 3,580,439 letters; words, 773,692; verses, 31,173; chap ters, 1,189; books, 66; the word "and" occurs 46,277 times; the word "Lord" Is contained 1,- 835 times, and that of "reverend" but once, which occurs in the 9th verse of the third Psalm ; the middle verse of the Bible occurs in the 118th Psalm, sth verse; the 21st verse of the 7th chapter of Ezra contains all the letters of the alphabet except ".1 ;" the 19th chapter Second Kings and the 37th chapter of lotiala are alike; the Bth verse of the 9th chapter of Esther is the longest contained in the lishle,nnd We 35th verse of the second chapter of John is the shortest; the Bth, 15th, 21st, and 31st verses or We-107th Psalm are alike; cach verse in the 134th Psalm ends alike; there are no words or names contained in the Bible of more than six syllables; average number of letters in A * word, four. The Odor of Flowers. Many of our lady gardeners are doubtless looking forward with eager anticipation to the time when they will be rehtsed'from close rooms and enforced inn risonment, and con have a good time arorrod their garden walks, trimming borders, planting slips and seeds, and preparing for the summer campaign among Ute roses_ Iles it ever occurred to them that in the ardor of flowers there are laws dimly shadowed, and as yet unwritten, concerning the accords of frag rance, the harmonics of sweet odors, and that there harmonies see governed by rules as fixed and 11.9 beautiful as those that Tule the play of colors in the prism, or the vilfmt ions of sound and the relatives of the diatonic scale. Th e three elements of floral beauty are color, form and fragrance, and the flower which corninnes these in the fullest proportion is the rose, whose pure and penetrating odor has been regarded from all time as the type or all that is b e autiful to the smell and most charming to the sett', It may perhaps yet prove the Ley to the gamut, of ordors. nontrose italltrny. u H.Kpotrr ur vis flo.qu of I) Inv:( - 'mug or vin MONTROSE 11.,11 C..ai•ANY T 4 . TliE STOcKAtiq.ar-us, JAM:ARV MITI, /57.1 ac Stackla.'l4rs of the .I.ThAtro,c Railaray : GP-VrtelLEN —ln prese^ , ing Uti, nnr Secund Annual Report, We are reluctantly counpellett to state that our road was not finis hed on the to LitauwlC The ;rant of Well aud money Loa th.r.n the true reason ulty , the road ului not tin isLect au:con:ins to our expeetnti,n. The winter of 1811-2 was no severe that but little :nia,gress was made in the work, except in snowed the deeper rats. In the months of Maya:rad Jane lust, the work pre:rue:red fisvora bly, but about the Ist ra July the men at work on the road generally kit for the hay and har vest fields, and did not reams until &runt the tut of October. The months of October arid November were very wet„rintrlcring light sur face gradieg.very stair and expensive work. Under all these disadvantages, the contractor pushed forward the grading with great vigor and perseverina Our want aluoney has occasioned as con siderable enalatiftassm'vitt. According to our agreement with the Lehigh Valley Railroad Aikimpany; we are not able to borrow money, so that we tire compelled to de pend l,r our revenue upon the sums' collected from our stock subscriptions. Many of the Stockholdera have made great arterifices to meet their payments, and are &serving of much Praiser / am sorry tasay ant others appear to make but little effort to pay their instalments— some; in fact, trying to repudiate theirsubserip thins 'altogether. These subscriptions were re ceived in good faith, and Influenced Others to 'tactibc, and upon these total subscriptions the Directors were induced to put the road under contract The refusal of any of the Stockhold ers tomeet their engagements' is looked upon with surprise and regret, and I recommend that snits be brought against ail such delinquents to compel them to meet their obligations -1 would almost recommend that until money is raised (rout this sotirce, all futikir 'work on the road rcnrnin suspended- A large amount-lots already been expended on construction, and the want of good faith on the part of a portion of the . Stockholders, has been a serious loss ter the Company, as no rev. enue can arise until the road is completed. The hope is exprmssed that all the Stockholders meet their engagammtapromptly, and thus re lieve the COmtainy. The gradiusispattpleted to - Minter's," a distance of about twenty-one (211 miles, and the useklitYto,aeie didoortit Too fowl is in runninr, order to:,*aingynle, a distatiisC of about fourteen (14) • Thugs's(ling from "flustroses" to Montrose is ray light, and aM lie completed by the first of JuneiprerrldM; the amount due in Stock ;nib- . soxintionS le paid, in which ease work may be .resumed in the apring,as anon as the frost Is out .elf the geouncL If these payments had been made4s*Ybecaniredie;the raid, would, be fore this:Ust been 'completed and running, thus yieldlnke revenue to the iitockhiilders. The laying of 'the Track was slotted to T. G. Walters, who Os tines. far giving entire ettlstac. lion to theteinriany and done credit to hicaselE He shus doengte transportation business on the road whibs Ispirx to track. t_ • boVietifil ios niivt, two ate box, itsiolitioit con now otiltie road. The • emotive was tiolit of the Baldwin Locomotive . 13Voricidiiidlbetititiiii the eh* of r um out'. vir manna courpotTi" ott No to be pit! for lii'tbe bonds of otir Company. Wo have a tom-table, engine home, and pockets with same 2000 feeting of siding at Tunisian", neck for the shipment of coal; we also have one *ate; tanlialaiut ten (10) miles from Took harinock. We'were fortunate in purchasing our Imi- - road iron before the advance in Iron took place, thus saving about eighteen thousand ($18,000) dollars. it was thought advisable to adopt the 40 lb. rail instead Of the &Sib, upon which latter our engineer's estimate was based. The change In creased the cost, but In the end will be found economical. In addition to the amount of money received from Stock subscriptions, as still appeu in the report of our Treasurer, Rm. :Cooper, esq., the "Lehigh Valley Railroad Company" have advanced on aucount of Iron, Spikes, Splices, etc., one hundred and twenty-five thousand (025,000) dollars, for which we have issued to them 2500 shares of our Capital Stock. They have also taken six thousand (6,000 dollars of our seven per sent. Bonds at 00, the proceeds of which were applied in part payment for our lo comotive, these bonds being a portion of the po,ooo which we are authorized to use for the equipment of the road. It may appear to some that the engineering expenses are heavy in proportion to the mat of the work ; this Is partly in consequence of try fig to avoid heavy cuts and fills in gradlng,and thus avoid a greater expense, but more in con sequence of the slow progress of the work. Had the road been completed In September, or I even in October last, the rest of engineering would have been but little more than It now is, with one-third of the length of the road still unfinished. All of which Is respectlidly sub mitted. JAMES I. BIJASSLES. President Springville, Jan. 18, 187.1 To thr Stara()tiers of tht Montroao Railway Co: GESTLEMICS :---I herewith hare the honor to submit statement of the financial condition of the Montrose Railway Comyany at this date, December Slat, 1872: DEBIT. - To tatal Cash Subscriptions paid in to date .0°,141.91 " amount received trout Lehigh Val ley W R.1E1,000.00 " amount received from Freight and Passengers 20518 " amount reed from Intereston the - deposit from Messrs. Wm. H. Cenper kit Co., bankers By Amount paid nn account of Construction, Right of Way, Equipment and Expenses,viz: For Grading. 1161,409.23 " I.ayi g Track 4,051.33 " II It. Ties .. 13,000.00 " Engineering Expenses.... ...... . 11,343.95 " Preleminary Survey and Incident al Expenses 1,771.30 " Right 'of Way 4,331.41 " Equipment 637.00 ' Superstructure 207.70 " Officers' Sslories (two Tears) 3,050.00 " Error in Entry, Dec. 13, 1871.... 5113.48 $n935.42 Wm. R. Coorm, Treasurer. Officers or the ?,lontrose Railway Company, January 13th, 2.473 :—Pr...shlent, James I. 11lakslee; Treasurer, Wm. U. Cooper; Secreta• ry, Chess. L. 11nrala ; Engineer, Felix Ammrt, Jr.; Directors, Hebert Boltz, Chas. 0. Skeer, S. 1). Thomas, 11. K. Sherman. C. M. Oere, Wm. .1. 31ulfort1, Sam!. Stark, G. E. Palen, lienj. F. Sylvanui Tyler, SoinL H. Sayre, Azur Lathroll. Silver Enke Election The following communication upriraml in the Slontrrwe P i eptiblican the week following rice Mg. Earroa:—Election being over. I Imre concluded to send you it fun - lines about the re- atilt in this town, tidal:Mg It might be of inter- est to the readers of the A..;nibticoa. As you are aware, th- dam of dee ' wag eery stormy awl , disagreeable., bat, notwithstanding the severity 4: the day, our Republican and Temperanoe fr:ends were all at the milk, 'and not only car- I tied all the principal oSlees in the township,but,l gained a growl temperance tictory, the town , shin giving only I:l rotes roe license and 81 t, against heense. We elected E. W. Rose for Jus. , dee of the Pence. T. Sullivan for Assessor. and +, I other township officers. So }on see we nre not idle in this part of the county. Silver Lake has done well and bids tairyet to become the banner I township. The men who have bronght nbont this ', citing*: iteserve.well of their Repnblican friends and of the friends of Temperance and good order. I might mention B. M. Gage, Esq.. !le- publicnn, and T. Sullivan and some of his friends of the old Democratic party, who crud:- edbard to bring about these good results. Is the above an idle boast of some Radical croaker? Or is Mr. Sullivan, who is so daunt ingly presented thrtnigh the columns of a Radi cal "ring" orgaa, a RKPCIILICAS? Wsa it pub livlted with, nr without his consent f There are questions that need to be answered. It is not because we have any misgiving as to the future of the true Democracy of Silver Lake that we ask these questions, for she will be knard as true as the needle to the pole. Any attempt to vent personal spleen by deserting to the enemy-has not of late proved so disastrous to like Democ racy in this county as to the person making the revolution. Renee we allude to this case at this time only that a correction may be made, but may attention at our readers to it in a more pointed manner in the future if compelled so to do. - 11 v their fruit ye shall know them." riar.a..xtxtx.a.Ca.ENs., Dix—REED—ln Jackson, at the house of E. W. Diz, March 4th, by Rev. A. 0. Sterns, Joel Dix, of Gibson, Pa., and - Miss Emma Reed, of Hannibal, Ma. CawLttzu—Pocr—At tho residence of the bride's father, at Angelica. N.Y., Feb. 26, 111 , Jacob Milker to Miss Sandi Post only daugh ter of Captain Post. 7:13E1.0..'g.1atE11. Da.saa—ln ILtrford, on the sth day of lk,tarch, Chas. W. Deans, of Lee Mat.or, St.. Marrs co., Md., aged 40 years and 21 days. Business Locals. DP. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES REM: late the Liver. &Id by all Dranista. BLANK LEASES and LAND CONTRACTS f er:Ae at this office, Alm), Note..., Deeds, and all other Blanka. ANIMAL MEETESO.—Tbe Annual /Keeting 01 the Odd Feltalie liellAftociatlim, War - the eke thin of oflieencand transaction of other busi nese,will beheld - at Odd Fellow's Ball,Toesday, April lit, Lim, at 6 p. rn- Cuals. IL Start, t3V. Montrose, Marettlitii, 1873.—ar4 WE hare Just added a new Half Hearn Gordon Press to our office, and we are nostrPre pared for *business.' Our facilities GU job work are now unsurpassed,. by any one in this see , "lion. We propose to do all the work that our friends shall feel disposed to given; as 'good as the hest, as quick is the qakkft- ti and Is cheap as the cheapest. Prove us by a trial IptusrehtlL Justke of the Pisice office 9fer L. 5. Lea beitn's store, Great Bend bortfts., flOsquebso tos C0..,-Pa. His tbeiletticsomt Otitis - dockets of the Ws Lau licethow, deemed. Office boomtown 9 ton o'clock, a. us, and, fro m Ito delockp. m. . . Grist Baia Oct. Yd Donssion.L-ne friends of Rev. E. W. Breekenridge r vrillmsakethn &donation visit at the house of Hrs. Bertha Warner, Forest Lake Centre, on Thursday, afternoon and evening, of March 13th, tql., A cordial invitation to 11V ounsn o Con. Forest Lake Centre, Feb. 25th, 1873. Pmarrgn I PLA1171;11! I—We have on band an ample simply of fresh ground Cayuga Plaster, at $8 OD per ton. Alan, Lime for land and ma sonry, as cheap as can be purchased any s r bete, this aide of Binghamton. Ton na/ & Cuascen. Montrose Depot. Feb. tali 1873. New Pork Produce Market. Corrected weekly by Rordlo_g, Ilavden, & Co., 323 Wo.sbington St., New York. Butter, tub " ftrk1n......... Cheese, dairy, per 1b... factory" Eggs, per dos ....... Flour, per barrel.— . Corn meal, 100 Tbs.—% Wheat, per bushel.... Rye Oats Corn Flops, crop of 1872.... Tallow Lard per lb Potatoes per bbl Apples ' Turkeys per lb Chickens " Ducks " A Disease) with a Thousand Symtoms. Dyspepsia la the most perplexing of all hu• man ailments. Its ',lnatome are almost infinite in their variety, and the forlorn andileireMdent victims of tiredisease often fancy themselves the prey, In torn, of every known malady. This is due, In part, to the close spmpatbv which exists between the stomach and the brain, and in part also to the fact that any disturbance of the di gestive function necessarily disoniers the liver, the bowets and the nervous system, and affects, to some extent, the quality of the blood. A medicine that, like Hostettefs Bitten, not only tones the stomach, but at the same time con trols the liver, produces a regular habitof body, braces the nerves, purities the fluids and "minis ters to a mind diseased," is therefore the true and only specific for chronic indigestion. Both is the operation of this famous vegetable restor ative. It not only cures dyspepsia, but also all concomitants and consequences. Moreover, It is invaluable as a preventiveof indigestion. No one who chooses to take half a wineglassthi of this agreeable appetizer and stomachic habitual ly three times a day will ever be troubled with oppression after eating, nausea, sour eructations or any other indications of a want of vigor .in tio. digestive and assimilating organs. • The de bility and languor superinduced by hot weather are Immediately and permanently relieved by the Bitters. and persons who are constitutional ly Inclined to look upon 11th "as through a glass darkly." will be apt to take a brighter and more hopeful view of the situation under the gerbil influence of this wholesome medicinal Satan lan t. $48,935.42 THE CX3NYESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PUBLISHED as A warning end for the benefit of rung and othen who soder from Remus Deb Silty. Loos of NUntlood. 2c., mapplythr • THE MEANS OT stir CURE. Written by one who cured himself, atter un dergoing considerable quackery, and sent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Acllre-..q NATHAN MAYFAIR, arooklyo. June It, 'U. Goa.lra, ERRORS OF YOUTH. A frfOlTLlfilhif arborniffered for parr lanai fferrcas e Pernsatom Lk•mty, and ell the effects ni youthful ladireistlan Will fur the lake of suffering hu manity. rend free to all urbo Geed It. the receipt sad di rection air making the Pimple remedy by veil& bruin tun-d. Scacrwr• ortshancto prod. by themdeireesexprll mite can da w byaddreasia:, in protect mandillenee, • Nem Advertisements. 7AND HILLS PRINTED AT TIES OFFICE igcr oTirE TO SETTI.II—Ttte sada rya', tat,. Oda marittai at rtality. sollea to all ihotto who •ra la da to ta to trim to call and aroma* the IMMO ban+ The Ow day of April sett, as by to doing 'Nes toll) at tC thrfZl•eitel COM/. t. lIICHIGY. ht. Joacph, Mora 7,16:3.-4w fthOWEI: AND TIMOTHY n old' ettAlomer a: Those that wnnt seta on credit I desire should call before the 20th of March in order to be certain to secure it. CiLAI received id 'only time. Call at the Store of 11. J- Webb, Montrose Pa. . O. D. I.4,:rimor:, 26th, 1873.—Gw. e — - - - trCTION BALE. —rim sabsertbsr •411. it tea o'clock; a. m.. 00 W ednesday. March 28, Matteis, viz : One pair ho;:hs. aide* Om, beer powtr. with stirs tra rssrlee. sod thresber tordtlasashlnd. set Istatilfid• near. set tears I.arness. Angle batons., market w churn dog. giltdotatte. bees. hikes, .forks.,=: els. double Sarre/ gun,. ',bat, chairs. -tiddri.tred• Wborcauf,stoods: storgic - pagoseparts.. G CZQ rge Wood entn, (unit/ saw) winegcr. eider: and port, In bursts. Ac.. Ise. • Sak on D. ISt waxes Oirst:in addewster, one sod • brit miler from Montrose. on h prontb: time he toms or sslnd cm , r. wrib a:vowed security. A. C. WEDGE. " ootruse. Xtretrl-1812.' A REPUBLICAN SNAKE CBJ:ZE scam. Tin Covey emus:animals *Mari far sale. AO Ms grounds, thellallAlse at Rildge ACROSS Till SNAIL, CREME, IN LIBERTY Town suir.xeml TOO PIONS'S ULLA...! to tbs lowest owl etas %dela: o MONDAY , . MARCIE MS. s S o'clock p. La. The plte and sterAltiertlakia Are mat Bt2t will be read and et/dialed on that dar.and can bo area and ex amined by all Interested at tba more of WM. U. Bort. prior to that time. All laterrsted !arid Bridge. at/m arnuacties• tor tbe balling of Um wIU pima at lend. B, (Mitre Caws cuccuasotil Ceti. Ceemilmilasere O.o3.4.llriaram. llama S. MIL a . . M. Produce and Couruatsioallerchast.' Cormliana& satiated and swath stead. la mediate ly on aria of goo& Bead for /tapping code and sten Alert-nen : }Gallons) Pak Hank of New Tart North thrtr Rank of New Talk. • , Narian Nallmat Bank at Nrw `Tart. Lung Wand Dank a! Droattra. N. T Fob. 12. 11Rao nrusuag The rutwalber would utkeetroce to the west& publle that he le prepared to lerrdeb aD rtytes of the above eel. clouted insthumattta. New Styles Six Octavo Sat Abe, for the quidiet4 —' - CHICKERIN6 PIA.N9jB! - arareatandrer.jge yji. . Apply to use moss loottoso, or oildnoo at Illootroor. G. C. MTN, *scat. 'NoWisoN 18arg.-4w. . 34036 ....115401 0.90010 .... 1.7302510 14092 54f45.5 074g72 434P0 eig - 834 115(0.75 • 75W.00 Y . 31 16618 Special Notices. =2== 71 Der et, !few Tens. .` New'~ddeiilse nee ts : `... _" NTlCt.—Tbla le to ta0 9 90 Ma public against trust. lag Michael harry on ray account, as I will pay no debts of his contracilng atlsy thte date. WIL BARRY. I=2 ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, nicozstrcosse, .IPeosasx'a.. Is continually receiving NEW GOODS, and keeps con lineally on hand a hill and destruhlo assortment of gen nine D RUGS, MEDICINES. CIIE.M ICA LS. Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, TEAS, Spleen, and other groceries, stone w•nr. wall paper. gloss-ware. fruit Jars, mirror, lamps, chimneys, keeoxne. td.#lllllclf nil., tanners' or. nests. foot oil, refined Whale Oil, foil for lantern.. oil for sewini machines, Olive 011,Sperm Oil, Spirits Turpen tine, arnishes. Canary Seed, V Inerar.PotaPh.ootlcen. tested Lye. A sit , Grease „_Trusses, Supporters, Medical Instruments. Shoulder Braces, Whips, Gans, Pistols Cartridge.. Powder. Shot, Lead, Gun Capsßlasting Powder and Fuse, Viollns.Strinns, Bows, etc. Flutes, Fifes. etc., Fish Rook. and Lines,Dar and' oilet Soaps. Rote Oils, Hair Restorers. and flair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacl,s, Silver and Silver Plated f PkviladlrXe t ., tpii,llm (to-Rad luipqrtmehtbf PetiCrT ddi:IPS, LRY.-arid PrtIPPORY. As, iheleading abLa Skit froa: Or "- PATENT MEDICINES. The people are Invited toeall at the Druz and Varlet, Store of ASSL TURRItt.I. /eh. 1,18 Z. Eviablii.hed 1849. NIONTROSE GRADED SCHOOL, 08 24 . xa A. r-t. FALL Tana Began Sept. 2d, 1872. WrSTER TERM Begins Jan. 2d, 1873. Branco TERM 'April 21,1873. 717/910N—higher Department, -) • -$6 00 Secondary Department, 5 00 The connect' Instruction includes the ENO LIAR BILSNCRES, the LANGUAGES, MATGEIIAT ICS, and the NATURAL SEIRNCES. STUDENTS ARE FITTED FOR COREGES:=MSTITOTIONS F TeNIW.G- , And SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN to tho Prepiration of Teachprs. The Building is Commodious, Preis ant, and well-arranged for IMPARTING INSTRUCTION • ' . • Studen ta can enter at at any lime, and Tuitiowwill be i Charged Proportionally Rooms'itaiv.bc secured for those desiriu, 7 m to b oar d' hemselves • Foe furttre particulars address A. B. BERLIIV Principal, or the Secretary of the Boaid. WIL H. JESSUP, Pies R. THATCHER, Sec'y. : 111" u trine, Oct. 30. .I•2+-6m. cdr sale WE offer fur sale one of the finest !louses and lota in the Borough of New Milford. Its loca tion, style and convenience, are as desirable as any in that neat little town. For particulars, Inquire at this oftlee, or of Mrs. A. Hawley, on the premises. FARM POl2 PALE OFOSE U 1 iDBED A'SD, EIWITX ACRY.f.. Mlttoted on the rusd bet‘een !Meer Lake - and Mad Lake. well watered and well ttrotxred. a rood &chard and balLangs, etc-. etc. . Ebel dot 1.4 D., Z 314 4:: ra Jammu a. 11111. —ln SALE--The farm late or Nathan Al 'clrich, de'cl, xitunted about half a mile west of Jlnntrose Deput, in Brsz...kJya totru9hip,mu tninine abobt - 111 acres of land innalfir improxs ed. Inquire of the ondenliimed, exetittor ,of said estate; at New Milford, Pa. . . , EuScre New 'Milford, Jan. 25, I£l73.—tf. For Sale A new house well finished, good water han dy, 14 acres of land, sod 20 or more good fruit trees thereon. Is situated 14 miles n'rth of Mon trose, near Beach's Plaining Mill, also,a Woolen Factory, Carriage and Blacksmith Shop, Grist and Saw Mill, near 1.7 and a few rods from school. Any person wsnung a good—place cnn gut it ate bop dri; crall-utiaszuot-E. Oinnalh or the_ proprietor. R. C. BURGESS. Montrose. Oct. 30th. 18:2. ADAHNISTMATOM'S SA.l4.4.Tha uriderilcuadi ad. tubilatrator of Mary & BlatlLo2. dectaaed. Fell, at public sale, at the beau* el the late liczoklaa Bullard, le Eiridzeorater. at eve o'clock, p- to , OM TOMMAO Y.MIAMCM, W,'. the MI eAttz describe ;sleet of land, canted to Dlmock. boorsdrd as follows.: Beellsnlng •1 tomb east corner of Samuel Shereer, thence by the came north 667-10 perches., thenceporth jr degree. MiatA pereb et .o • pail? liaribebat ' amber of end Shrive.; thence by lot late of B. McKenzie .00th WV degrees Mot 29 perches to line of P. Wells ; thence by the cate• • 1% degree. nest 69 perch... to po t to line of late Ur. met Diraiyid• jaadithaFrea 4y liar swam aarnr stif a.trtt's tIOM &rebels to place or beginning. coettlelet acre. and 43 perches of laud. ill ant oproned. TERM S—Tsents-Ove defies* on day of sate $1133 on confirmation of We e cod balance In sLi : month. tbereafter, etch Iciterhst. - • J. A. 6 (ANTON, Athol . . Montrose, March 1, 1612. 3m. ORPHANS' COURT BALE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court pf,Busquelranna Crwurty, State of Penn sylvardarto turdirceted; there will Sir e.tfaisetilo public sale, on the premises bereinather describ ed. ON SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1873,5 t two o'clock p. m, the follpwing.derribed real came, of which Samuel Estes died Mend ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE PARCEL AND LOT of land 'Boatel In Lathrop Towortilp. County. and, Sloe aforcesdel. Bounde and detmiLed as farm,. viz. Beginning In the centre of the Abington and otrrkrd ropfkAlloada,Tbease &long./mid toed Ettodh dye and j one-half degreeei;yrett 'MIS) tight rode to s corner; ' chertoeslong Earns arinth Oven degree., nest t 8 rods to corner In centre of Mild Hoed; thence along the mono Stoth 21 deco,. wart. 111 pcmhea ; thence along the mote South am degrees, wet, 18 Id perches; thence South 77 Id degrus Ktuttjta 610 Anther sow= odd atones nentirtge brick BOCA, In line of a tract In car rel:dee name of George Heider ; thence along the eiltris north onebolf degree weed 71 porches too cherry slob' corner of mad Ilrplrr tract and thence slot g Undo Mt -..--Scoth , norll2ll.l2.deVynnotteet Vig .perchli2: tor the plars - of Inning containing nesty : nctes ppm trg Imo with the hoproVerneu4init Impost mince* there, TlOSist OS SALB.---Filly dollars iillown,mr day' of salc. and halt the balance on final confirma tion. and the balance in six months from final confimxation scab interest friym confirm:44 . laq, tale.' ":" • W. Bitisgag; r A dmes. Nicholson, Feb. - 26, 183. I7BLIC BALE—The subscriber having sold 1 his farm, (situated two miles south east of Montrose,) will sell at unction on the premises .VROPXI4 I . Saab' 11116 P 103; at 9 o'clock, a. m., the follotking property: One One tour year old colt, 1 brood mare,one 2 years old colt, 4 choice cows, one 3 year old heifer, roar 2 years old helms, rreittling Buil, 2 yearl ing heifers, I dog, 1 lumber wagon, 1 top hu=y pearly new, t open buggy, 1 lumber slel6, nice mar;Setalcigh, I cutter, rnotaitigniiitgline, 1 horse rate, I fanning mill, 3 set double bar -ness, I set single harness, I saddle, 1 corn shel l". buffalo " 4 ± .elll . lO Fhilliraoce. shovels, rakes, forks,'crow 118, cha ins, scythes, axes, Ttheelbarrow, hand sled, grindstone, and a gen etal varietYof faintin* tools and fixtures. Alsor-Aquahtlly, of hay and straw, about 150 o'llll'l , 4'rd' Wahl, a quantity of corn In the tear, pork in barrel, potatoes, apples, etc., and a quantity of hemlock. ALSO—Feather beds and bedding, bedsteads, chains, tables, stands, bureau, carpets, looking glasses, U. B. map, county map, 1 iron safe, Vol" pails, pans, churns, and dairy liaturn, barrel kettle. 3 pail kettle, anti a general variety of househohl goods too numerous to mention. Teens—Ail sums under $5, cash down ; 113 ted over, nine months credit with interest and approved security. 14. C. Burrow, Auctioneer. ROBERT 11 — It:Wrote, Feb. 26th, 1978.-2w' Rowell'fito. W-E I: Sil- 6 1111 1 -Vl/11 7 IT xi s, P >' ltauuracturareo of. Pam. IgOTHRIOR TO At MIMS. EVERY NA IN WARRANTED. ~$: PILES, BELTING * ANT) MACHINERY. 0 7" LIBERAL fillticollNTS. Oa . —Price Mrs and Circular. Freo— wW, ELS II d:, GRIFFITIIS, lioatop, Woo, & Detroit, lillrb. LargeetPrgan Estahliahment in the World , • 7 Etacnslvo Factories. J. ESTE dr, COSXPANS, • Brattleboro, Ilt.Vll_ , ,e-A. • rsi e 3 cica.i.biveiLloet gsieg ptottage Organs The Infest shit best Impreisemcnts:Zvel7khles that Is new spa ostel.Thn IsMing linsturassutsba Omits 'trate lutroduccdlrst'ln flat astabllahmata. BEND: FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE .11id-qcMis la pulatehed Quarterly. 24:cehlajfertfor the ymr. Irma u ett half toe ma. Thom, trho j iatcf; leads *end money to n. amtond Of One:Dollar or more for beerle ma also order 24 cents', Irorth,oatro7; the wire pald for the Guide: Tis. Pint Number to Mao t air/DC-Ph= format. tog Rural Home., Dining Table treccrattoak...Wtodow Otrdene, etc.. eed-a maze of ihformatlon Intrelhabth to the lowa flown. Owelteretre4 and DOD parer. rortoe tinted paver. some Soill eagrowlegs, end a noperb Colored Pfato end Chromo Ctirer. The first Edition of tAttluittat printed In English and Gerona. .t • • JAMES WICK. norhester, 'New York. ONLY 10 CENTS. ' EVERY MAN HIS OWN PAINTTER; Or, PAISTD-11.0W TO SELECT AND USE THEM. A plain treatise. containing, sample card with AS dll. term; &tinnily paltiteri .ha cs and tints, with Malmo ems for exterior and in ItirloYlicinse Decoration. • .Tacentylira copier, bound 'cloth, for ft. temple copies. payer carer, trottreil,kost raid; to any naldrene: ccrefpt of, 10 coot.. by, tOol T .abllihor; • r llt CAREY Dux 1021, Post 011 ice, Platioilentar Bet foilasarnytilatialeartrttefosfrr*firtssnotieco: A.rery voluble:book, and' no 01,4 'tiredly: tialmit' should POI to rand It . Y. Yrit..o.- SOd did not know /0 morn coned ha said oh perm, ector othating ts house. matil we rand- MU blecaent book o( Mr. Baird's:col , . Y. Herald. , • • wnht km:riots at hrsteepplied.--rolenriffe Arnorieven.: Not only • necessity to the painter. bat valuable to every wary:alto! • dlr. Iling.-N. Wprid. - Bay 25.eoplen ofthis hook lino dinfribute them among rails friends. they will herd the advice therein, ypo amid alike to more caltable present '•-•Chicago Tri bune: • ..• • - . _ in publishing this hook Mr. Dalrdhas dolts a resksmr. virt-to the community.- Totrdo - Rtes. • We bone the patitisher wfo scli 100.Y00 Mao* of 111111 Walt during 1613.-Baden sathterfisrr, We have Dirt painted our tutor asodoloed br the star.` thot.•and cr.yriatolate ourneloce that •no ham to the nelaborbood excels our? In appearance.- Harper Harper:l y. . In coifing), sample, copy forldoodn. Nr. Paled moss feel certain that no 'order Tor irt Cloth' still fol.' Low.-sik•suik Lahr. . WEE .. -- . . Vie know.the.tomp and Muria paints therein zee osanienderioand can conch fur their rattle and - the exec?. lona of tt!o , Liarriton" bnind of white lead.—Phila. ONLY 10 CENTS LOCAL-OPT lON as v!cued by the celblartaran or Lb, Liquor laten.Ma. fiab-rriptiool:l per year: Mato or 10,4 - 25. Aare,4 AMERICAN LIQUOR 2klh'S Va.:AT& CO.. No. 100 Litkorty btreet, RhtNibbruh, I a. Rv sEsnitivia near 25 cents to J 19. WAIRIUNG. TON. itt..blutwd.rilb.. ?ilaribbil Co. To..yub N 4 rn n.velro by rettan mall GOO urea] . CSE the Ilelsenr,er Sub Lock and Soppoet to .FASTEN YOU 3 WINDOWS; orprlnc to break, up hitting of eash r durthle. eery caally aitylie4:.hold4 •e5. , 11 at , any _place doeired, arid a olelf.faiteneetthen the nob Ilidoten„Searl .tamp foreinatne. Circular and els cobotebrenitof lock. nett to ear addrene la the U. S. pontotul, nu receipt of fifty Liberai twiner: et: to to the - tenet/. I.ieSte wanted. Adtittots REIST:NGICK SLSU LOCE:CO., No. .11a Star. ket St.. Ilesrieharg. • .. • . WITHERRY, RUGG, & RtOWLDSOII, itaarracriTiil4 0? Wood-Working llacfiinerp Generally. sitc7lvnE9,—isciodmolih 'Plintring,') ; (Adenff end • liroovipdiSlachtne., Itlchintemed ratedt Improved '1 estop Mac Lido, ! dc.' one, Utdd St_ NnYnerstr. O. a. araa. •. N. suctwunox Stationary, Portable. sna Blast Aav c P.l . opriug,il.l iU ;Rd Biala Von:lace Ilachthely . 11'.4 P 111.A:CIES% !fermi*, Ohlo. WORKING CLASS lint .011 r Fltkl&L.l6 . ! .6y a.ircek mirAtterNl. • I:. • pecbthl4 -etriplopacov ar j 000•, day or evening 0 rapiaarralatyttl; rail tie. time ttodVllciable pactyge or fr.) b null.. AilArroe. elth Mt oda n tarp stamp, 21. YOU:s:0 & etr.„ 3 Curibu4dl St.. kJ. Y. $5 to' $2O reciDna,' .Ither am. y,atig zuid. make more tartar,. at %ark for CU la alazottita or all the time then' at aaphing Ppoicalma Eft% Adattist U. BUN. SON. & CO.. Panama Statue. • - • - 33.1").Wit...1=1.XX1X.1331. • •-1 I .nerated 1.-116 Catarxh.thiril fear.. Awl ono cat x{ by , r e medy, It Ili wend rccelpt Otninge (rem; to - Rh Rcr. T. J. 11 R.D. Drawtr:llA. Blrpeaq•,N. btiGABSTIPS TAR,BERIEDIES: co;ipient Consumption..., Dr. GARVIN'S TAU Cure Catarrh. Dr. GAMINS TAU REMEDIES ' Caro Asthma. - Dr.:GM/VMS •TAllt RIMIEDIES ..Cure heart Disease. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES. elm Skin Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR RIMIIEDIES Regulate the Liver. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Regulate theStanuteheuttil Dowels Dr. GARVIN'S TAR =MEDI**. 'coot all Female Weaknesses. Dr. OMININ'S' TAB REMEDIES - Petsili the Mood. Dr. GARVIN'S. TAU 11011EDIEll :are Disease's of the Throat. Dr. GIATtVCIPS Tlll REMEDIES Caro ' Eir.IiARVIN'S TAU BEIMIDIESI Cure IllcisettoldVor"Rayiretiere liir.GAIIVIN'S TAU ISENEDIES Veto) Lung Diseitsm. • • Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Ocos-Constipution. ' Di. GARV*N'S REMEDIES Cuz Salt Ithetna. . . • Dr..GAIIVINis ; TAU EtEMESIE, Ousltildiary Diseases, • _ • .• ISTA/Ter 411. ire PP , Vasir oft Tin township otLe46t. ' De: -GARVIN'S TAR 1111211101EI tr. Sumnaatona o may, P 4., trt•imetl,- 14.1.1crctt 4.11 , , mialMndlnti:insniii the -Ostateur the nboto adtm.4 &et : . lekeleratkirellowEevegi ''..`glfiltglr,..l=7.T.l74lrtriONM'Olgtre ClisitklL TAX: REMEDIES i nin n u lst e : v pouent ; nod those baring oteeinat inhaturio..lreurorm • the same, to present them duly autbraniented fur ...pit.. voos Vent: • , DAVrIiT. SPItAGVh. r.. Mr. UMW , 1....nex. P... Feb. urn —tttl• • ' ./3441i0y0 Pain In the Breast. • - Dr. tiAUQI.Y ' S REMEIPIEII ikv.p;m4P,ain tito Sldo eitr Daek, •-` '' Drr PATA I v.INI , TARIIEMEDIES' Aio ekSaprrier Tonle. '' • -' • , by:GARVIN% TAB, REMEDIES • : Rutin the Appgilte. ,;• • • • 1 , 4 6 A 10451 % TAR. MINN= Qum the Fociei to Dlottg,„ Dr. GARITINVVAIIIIIDIESIEIt i k•UDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Tbo'bett - rviened. Atoll. g w ,,,,,, ho w eakt an ebuisai _. AiL mingintod by ibe .Indeepolt the OrpentaiNtilt:: .e in and for the Court,' of A 40'11:alum except... . yr. GARVIN'S TAB 13EMEDI1Erk ' • isk,d the Widow, Inventory In 11.0 la , tato of Samuel .Irstent._ W. Trne.4lll. Onceased , etteurt to the dut ,. l.vd ! Tone &wawa T i t;_iv a iDijr. th tt ft t=t t elb hl L; f 7tPH i a ll t . rb l . l V;nt eb n : EITDE & CO., • ...tack it. kuulternnon. All nettle. latereetedatetaoy• ; , .1: •• • '.. oza .. somnirram reeiniredPalpp.ar bud pre4v4t their' !IMMO. at , 61 ! . 1 = aIUI Pl 4" or be fere''' . f'kb."'d". ' - 19 S Serenstrs¢vo.,Nela York. • P:A. CABE, uditor • lalontroenjeb. la, ISM _ • , . . $lOOO. - REWAR • For any cuur.'of Mud. Ittidun. or. aced Pile.. that Us Dau's ear. 1 ZXIDT UPS to cure. It to prepared . TV". s•IT 1.. nom lb. p • and no!blni chic. Sold b 7 all Lrn,glstu Price. $l., ADhitharSTRATOWS , 'NOTICE.V.V.-fn the estate...l l Dudeleaner. dec'd.,late. of West Aaaarti top.. kites, of Adminittiation in the 'said estate , birieve been granted,;(o the undersigned, an peraona our. Inc 10,3 esiets, afa ret natied to make immediate vannent. mid .. person. bee g elatmeitaa said Mate Are requested to oroseet I cm withmst debsy. olttsvrOLA CARTER,Admihialrator• 1 West Auburn, Feb.l9, IM—we. ' _.. . . ADAIINLSTBATOIrd ISOTICA.-10 . ' Zelda .ar f . Yosi'llirrdi:c'eciaDed • letters . of Addlinoindlos in the said erlatblunitsu ta.di panted-10 tbotipder•lrn.. ad, all pe-sons oaring sald CPUlte, are trquestell,lo make lounelAte paymegt,4nd all persons twang slaima against said-estate art reithrsted to preterit' than with- t out delay. 0. P. I.I.ANDIVO:K.. • - 011.500.7: - '1101.0 oth., • 1 - Pgreat : pilasi ; ' t 'O B I I I2: 4 STio u NF. 9 II:A n Ze. I ° let ' r il b ie 4 %Pa li. d r ' t i tref lm perst i 7n d al propertF.ol Andrew La - pit:slit @timid tn. Otio ditties nr his appointment at Lila °Mee la Mo.stram ottl;seaday. March Itith. PIM at one oteinek.p.m.„ alum pesssm s tosi.pimmtit timir tlalzap orbe.lbr.ver &harm". •. ! D. O. CAXP,Aodltor^ St Montrose. Feb. tt, IS ITDITOWB 170T1CE..-The nnOccileid.ce eindliny appolnteilbr the Conn of Coleman fied•c or ens , ent•ti,intei Contsky. to dheributp the4antle In the linear of tbelibetilr. aWln Dom :girlie'. tele of teal e•ibla of Satib 8,. IGKEatiedy.. h crubj• cline melee Ihat tin' yllickiend to klin dollen of his appointment; et be. 'Mtn! In llontronr. Vi nanny. lull, 'day ntnlnAh. 11.7.1, at one cictecji..p. , ea. s lebeit end inhere all pennon Interest. rd to said fowl Pelect {hett ntalinnoir,no detnehnl (tent comfy; In en told MAIL' A . O. WAIIIIEN.AtidItor. ,- 111oneeee:It1,i. Intb, 1873.—54 • knuncisrevrops Nance—lD 0. tstoi;i:nr.' 4.470.2i1/5.0r . -r;:.. , ;- - i, kii, Mirth a -Halt hereixed. Ivliers. of Allml Or 411. .. tISSItIe 10.10 eiatjtae pare tvms.trrantied to Ilio‘W ~ ~. dt fol ill votvoti Wel:Aka to. Pad IP tan% war": s• • MP v ,JO Mike %ft:alto payment to lOW . . , 1 torn-. JU if iTOitei r :: Isusicir4 so d Vow havt re Wow WWII • tbesamoire '. • • •-•-• , - •,•• • • •,- - reqlr4 44l° I' r e!"•; ° '1 1 ? c o A t c t ~.. wo, it v A i t i- , -.. ~, + . , ii, ti, NIL , IN wa si - ~ ,-...,i, . , 1:111•TLY TIZEiTED gi•T SU DrAOCRAT ant' ci nositei. Eotibliehed taiß *oqr,terf tau ENGIN ES. Legal Notices. ich , e'4loooiionui• THE EAGLE - Aoki: BERNS .fsAVICIIOLS; PROITIZTOSA SION or THE GOLDEN ESOLZ AXD lloaran. 313x-lols. t3icr car- TlScoixtramo We derby. to 1.31' to the public that car store is well slocked with ,Orsuitx Ue,diciocs. Palate Otis . WWIISh. Brushes, Cornbs. Perfumery. Toney Articles, lastolit tory end patent prep:m.oone, sod all other attle,les est ally kept does drat; stores'. ' We amitatitee oar Kooda r opat., loiter the hest iltatllty. Stull will bwattlit al Zip prim for tag. Respectfully Yours. A. B. MI MI. Monhelse.Yet.. !STY. AllOB NIC1101.16;' IL a: Lyons & britifi 13 DARPETSJOI CLOTHS, HATTORI% DRUGG ETS, TR.EN KS, SATCH ELS, WALL AND.. WINDOW" . PA PER, WINDOW' SHADES, " Dry 60943 ! Oroceries, lIADDWARS. AMER& . - r , PALVTS An, ORS., .__ _ ~ • : - . „ 17NDERia KERS" WARE.' ' DR. 1 ArNlrti EAMILY aixorcnirs_ ; . • ETC rTU 2,,TanOvar. Jan.:3. OM. ~ MEN SiIVES Mk 12!0! Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COAIPANIE'.3 AI 1) 144.13IVID UALS, AND REXURNB 2 THESAME ON .ICEMAN D - WI fIIOUT pnEvi- MIS NOTICE_ .Atiio WING INTER-! EST 'AT 81X PER CENT. PER AN. NUM, PAYABLE .-LIALF YEARLY, ON - THE ' PSYS„OF JANU ARY AND JULY. A: SAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN; •111INERS,., CHAN3OS, AND 3IACHINISTS. AND . FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN.' AS WELL. •DEPOSITED OR BEFORE THE ,TENTII WILL DRAW INTEREST; FROM , THE FIRST DA] ~.OF THE MONTI'. THIS IS IN ALL ILESPECT.S •A HOME IN, - STITUTION. AND ONE WHICH IS, NOW RECEI V INtI THE SAVED EAI3.);LN GS OF I' I !ITS AN DS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN ERS AND MECHANICS. ' • ' DIRECTORS : JAMES BLAHt, SAN FO h I) GRANT, GEORGE FISH ER, JAS. 6..5L0CU31,1. IL SUTPHIN, C. P., MATH VS. DANIEL HOW, ELL, A_ E. 11UNT., , T.• -HUNT; JAMES. BLAIR. BEE4DENT ; O. C. MOOR.R . CAstII OPEN DAILY . FROM NINE A. U. FDT: IT P. M:.; AND ON .WI.,T -NEsoAv AND - SA'FUBI)aY ,EVE ITN'I TI. FTGHT O'CLOCK. Feb. 12, 1873."-:-IT.. • NEW DISCOVERY' In ausoles/ and Itlelllcal Science. Jti.B ATOit;
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