HL~DEMOCRAT !'" EVEIVI WZD:CESDAY MOHNEN° Xi MONTROSE, ByIigIIEUANNA CO., PA., BY E, B. HAWLEY , t 4t.prjr_eaumpri In adtaace, or $2 7 513,a1. the and ot-year. RATES OF ADVERTISECO (thieo fourths loch of pace, or less, makes egnAre.) ' • -One square, 3 weclis or less, $1.00; 1 month • * 51.23; 3 months $2.50; 6 months $4.30 ; 1 year, $6.00. Quarterly, balf.vcarly and yearly adver ',ligaments inserted at a liberal reduction on the - above rat e s. :When sent without any length of time sitealedioriMblication Ahoy will be con tinued until ordered out and charged according- ly. Auditor's Notices, fatiO: Executor's and Ad ministrators Notices, $3.00. All communica tions of limited or individual Interest, 10 cents per line. Obituary Notices, 10 cents pm tine.— Marriage and Death Notices free. cx kLettily and piomptly and at fair prkes. „ 13beelk, Droitgages, Note's, Jostlca:4% Consto bled School end other blanks for sale. glioccilautouo. Ttiasnr . e. One day last week a lady residing in this city wrote to her daughter in Mobile that on three consecutive nights she had dreamed that in the yard of a certain fukuse on .Manderville street (and in which-she resided upwards of thirty years . ago) there was gold to be had for the dig- I ging Ahereof. In reponse to her letter the slattgliter came hither and made to ins-re ,Ithe ationishing statement that she had dreamed the self-same thing. With _thilt.proof positive before them they soon shaped their course of action. - Obtaining from the tenant of - the house the requisite permission the ladies engag ed two stalwart diggers of trenches, pro ' cared a magnet, and on Saturday night ,• last commenced operations, first having ,satisfied-themselves by the use of the mag net of the precise spot where the treasure lay hid. Although they toiled patiently •frotn 11 p. m,until like a well, no glitter ang gold greeted their longing eyes. • In spite of this they were not discour , aged, but believing that the right spot - was yet to be found, they retired with a • determination to return the next night This Iliey did, and choosing another ' : site, dug away for dear life through the 'stilly watches, but with no better result, not the slightest vestige of anything like gold offering itself for their consideration. Their last failure evidently dampened (. )Iteir ardor; for they have not since been heard of in that vicinity.—.N._Y. Pica . ynne. • • Ncat thing an Wax. :The Wastlaigton Capitol has this: !*: .fTalkirt at'out heels, rather a ludicrous incident connected therewith occurred at this Illinois reception the . other night.— The Gall-room floor at Willard's was new ly vaxed, and badly done at that, so that the ihir ladies and the gallant beaux found their feet sticking to floor. While the ireaker were held fast, the stronger and more energetic produeed'n noise like Unto - shooting-crackers, as they moved ahont4g r attempted ,dance. =Plus got to,bel Seth's nuisance that thii proprietor wascalledin and active• measures taken to remedy the trouble. Meal from the kitchen wasrecured and- `sprinkled over the floor.' bang ladies hadlo be lifted bEtdily oat of their tracks, in some instan cci leaving their heels on the flora, While otherawere.pried up with pokers, utter- Shrieks as if hntt. Several ,pn taasing Illinois beanx - went to MilbUrn's and purchased pieces of chalk, _which theyrubbetlon the soles of the yoaritia diisellsoes: It presented a beautiful pie thin to see an Illinois gentleman ;with 'I) is k&es stnch fast to the floor \yhileDhe whitene:d the.e.ileis of his love, she 1311- alined most gracefully on one foot and smiling audibly to the tickling process.— One maiden lady ablit into hysterics, and frtrtithatintoa hack. She has trotlihn heaapf since? The Wool I;:nisp. i ffaVairts i;flB7oplaces Cie - 11.1346er of .she p_in,the.tuiteil SUtes at 28,4.77, "qnaiiity of wool yielded at 100,t02,3$7,,pbunds, or 3.52 . -109 . pounds peitJad:" ' Thoptepf annual increase during. She lait : •accaddwas a trifle over half a million which wiltbringthe number or shezp4ur theifiacroP of 18 73 . at 3 0,009.060, and thesitaniftsat, say, .106,000,000 pourtds. Tfrepiiitlnction of wool hi the nited State! 'has iMtlept pace - with the incrtase of The ceii,sus of 1840 glive 10,311 2 574 sheep, showing an' increase, ,of 0ntj , 9184,Y57-in thirty yfars.. -- In point of facgrthefi has been naincreaie the region emit' or the river, while the increase of population has been large. It-tddybelsoportant to those ihtCrehtid to know-that the increase"ok,sheip,in the oldif - sittiteis - hai been in 'the - direcholf "bf the sheep as a meat producer, rather than for its Wool: , , The-groiring of fine Koons not considered so.profltable a branch of faratingsisa coarser wool and a betief mutton sheep. The stomach is becoming moraimpartaht in:its - demands 'thin 'the back. E 'Mutt Not to 4Q. Dot spit floor Olon't spit at all, if ytrittark hcljiit. ,:Don't Arnro• wit') your - fitted or feet'.; don't sit with. your feet higher #nau yonichead;don'Ago with dirty nails.; don't trim or dealt your pails in company; dim% clean your-nose, ears or tet.thlethe'pr'esence,oi others . ; .don't cat with your knife olon't bit)! youstgae at MI6; don't make 'sipping ism or eating soup a vocaLexercise; . don't—eat last; don't-qin — frorange,peel oi:peach skin on the sidewallrYdon't onf6ifaiiin ; don't use profane Isifignage; don'Eviiisper;in,cburch. or ate F:oucerfiti don't Ptill jbnrlwatch ; don't sleepiri`chttith`; dOn't in debt, but if you . doxyl2n'tfoitet ;,:.don't borrojT.oirlicigbofii newspaper. PDo you retail things here'." asked' n greerrio.tting sped:den - A be poked his. aosti into, a 7 :4rog store. '_'Yes, sir," replied the 'clerk, thinking ho had got,* customer. "Then I wish you tyoultt retail in Iliait bitint ult tvo foKottill.to," frATPI itr2W aa.eu the 1144714 c.9§ l _ • to Pull POW .Cowl Winter Themselves. Many farmers are aconstorned to dry off "their cows early, milkidg theiri;onlyabont eight months. We think it irnproiet the , milking qualities of the sown ID mint than fM months, but they should be well, fedi We have a neighbor who, ten 'Teri figh;foundliiraself short of hay in 04 fall, andlainentlng that; he should hove to bay milttFarly all the product of his cows through the summer .to: purchase hay. tit high prices, to winter them. He had a moderate amount of straw, and we suggested that the product of his cows, it well fed, from the Ist day' of De. cember, would pay for all the corn and meal, middlings, etc., necessary to winter them in foie condition. lie tried this; keebing-account of purchase of feed and sales °Quitter, and found that the butter came out ten dollars ahead in the spring. 'This greatly surprised him, as by feeding meals and middlings-his cows so increeased .itfinilk,that he made 815 worth of batter per cow, after tbs first of December; and he , now says that a farmer may have the product of his own cows through the cheese seism); and then make them win. ter themselves. His cows came out in better condition than usual, and he found them mach imrroved the following sea son. This has been our experience oat mans trials, and we believe that generous feeding and ten months' milking is the best system for the dairyman.—Chafau qua Partner. Care and Manure on Lawns. _o_. .We are aware that it is a long - old time practice to dress the lawns . in autumn with coarse manure, and so make the whole foreground of a gentleman's place the apparent receptaole of his stable yard for the winter, but thanks to our Ameri can ideas of propriety, and our knowledge of assimilation of plant food, we now measurably ignore the dogmas of old country gardeners, and use specifics, 1. e. just now we apply salt at the rate of four bushels per acre, bone meal in some quan tity, and plaster one fourth. The sooner these manurial agents, all except the plaster, are now applied, the better, un less it be upon a lay of land so slooping that the coming rains, with melting of snow and ice, will cause the commingling or detrition of the manures to wash away with the falling water. In such locations we should not apply our specifics as above named until the snow and ice are gone, but that we would make no delay. The application of the plaster i. e., its sowing should be just after the grass has made an inch or more of growth. —....-.....----- New Method of Storing Groin. —o— - A plan has been submitted to the French Academy for storing wheat in por table sheet iron granaries, in which a vac ant is maintained equal to at least three -or four inches of mercury, this being suf ficient to destroy all insect life, (although more vacuum is preferred,) and to Msare the evaporation of any moisture in the ! grain. - The apparatus is of cylindrical form, placed vertically, acrd with con Tex top, and 'bottom, the top provided with an _opening through which the inlet of grain is led, with a waive pipe through which the air is exhausted, and with a gauge by which the degree of exhaustion is indica ted. The grain is removed through an opening in the bottom. In an experi .Ment. where hying insects weris'• intro duced in large quantities with thegraie,it was fonnd that they were all killed•with out doing any mischief, and ar the end of six months.the wheat was found to be in as good condition as at the outset. Fire Ways to Destroy Ants.# 1. Pour copiously, hot water, aq near. the boiling 'point as possible, down tbeir Borrows and over their hills, and repeat the operation several times. 2. Entrap the ants by means of rlarroiv sheets of stiff paper, or strips of board, covered with some very sweet, sticky sub stance. The ants attracted by the sweets and sticking fast, can be destroyed as of ten as a sufficient number are entrapped. 3. Lay fresh bones around their haunts. They wilt leave anything else to attack these, and when thus accumulated can be dipped into hot water. 4. Pour a little coal oil into their holes and they will disappear. 5. Bun , a tow slices of onions in their nests and they will abandon them.‘ For Chapped Lips. __,)_.... Take two ounces of white wax, one ounce of spermaceti, four ounces of oil of almonds, two ounces of honey, quarter of an ounce of essence of bergamot, or any other scent. Melt the wax and sper maceti ; then add the honey...and melt all together, and when hot add this almond oil by degrees, stirring it till cold.-2. Take oil of almonds, 3 ounces; spermac-. eti, ounce; virgin rice, an ounce. Melt these together, over a slow fire, mix ing with them a little powder of alkanet root, to color it. Keep stiring till cold, and then add a few drops of the oil of rbodium.-3. Take 01l of almonds, seer mutt, white wax and white sugar candy, equal parts. These form a good white hp, salve. Milk of_ average quality has in every 100 parts about the following corriposp tion : Water, 87.40; butter, 3.43 ; casein, 3.12; milk sugar, 5.12; mineral matter, (ash,) 93. Milk varies in composition from a variety of causes, sometimes bar ing less water and more butter. Very rich milk contains from 7 to 8 per cent of butter, and will not unfrequently show a percentage of more than 16 parts of dry matter, while that svhieb may be calledof a fair average quality will yield no more than 12 to 13 per cent. of sticlumatters. Ashes tor Wheat. --o.J— . A writer in - "Tho Southern Farm and Rome," deelarestfurtin a neighborhood where rust ruins. much wheat, he says "four out of five, perhaps more," by top.' dressing in March with 12 bushels of woodashes to the acre he has done well, and be adiises others to do likewise; Asbet are good, no donb‘,. but unto low many whet.growers are they arailable; To DEsritor R4l .—These 'pests am be got rid of by mixing _lire pinattt Paris with flour, dry, m ettll* IMO+ lippin,kkx iSttlyinigarwi td twin St More sought nftgr. Lay placeawnii nbunt their_barints. Wiley nnit raTetialp,- ty, drink ,alul Ale ' " cg4cLiqo ImLl4 nearly 3,000 1,),1pr00p94, IUD THE "MONTROSE DIMON" THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY JOB PRINTING. We have made large addition to our since In type and material of all kinds, which enable ue to do all kinds of Job Printing at the Lowed Prices. • Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Statements. Printed Envelopes, Business Cards. Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Posters,. Horse Bills, Sale Bills, Slip Bills, • • Pr grammes, Circulars, Labels, Receipts Notes, Tags. Paper Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Certificates ' Bonds, Deeds, dca,lc. Wit ball' on band NOTES, JIIIITICSIr AIMI COPiSTAELEW BLANCA Printed ud for sale. Give as a call and try us, and you will be Con vinced that we do our work wall, cheap, Sind with despatch. All orders, by mail or other wise, promptly aueaded to. The riern.caorett Is published witekiT Ia the borough of liosraosz, 8118417EMANICA Coven, PA., On I large folio sheet, and contains TWILTIT•EIGIITCOLITM:IS4mILLIDIROIKATTSIt Its eit' vitiation is ine ' reasiag wary day AS AN ADVEUTISING MEDIUM It otters rare facilities to earAsys. .111.VD74CITTAIRA. zataLars IN 'ARM immix:yrs, .mAcrussar, rERTILJZZA43, to reach s desirable class of customers. dive:Users consult their. interests by making ha column's the medium through trhtrh address the public, as the paper reaches all classes of people.— Farmers. Mechanics, _Merchants,' Frofes,', aloha: Men, etc., de. Terms -42.00 Pei Year la Advance. 1-i - 1 - t. 2 7 , ' 'i ' - ''...) .:::. 7 - , ;,'..; i --:1 I . ', --7 All Commoulentiens amid tmo iddiissod to IL B. HAWLEY. PUBLlsnu, .L l l : "%t Drags and Medicines. 'RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF COINS TIIE Ii OUST 'PAINS In fivm One to Twenty -minutes. NOT. oyE Hot-4R ,Acter riaLflng rri 7 senn3l netnl orz7 Om" SUFlpi 'WITH PAIN. Iit&DWAV'S REAM Itla.llY IS A CTII.E run ItTagjpka . t. The Only rant lleinecly - - loatamOrstop, tLu nvo.f,eunntlVlrtz wnr. ed., In Iltomenktlatst. and euvr. Congt.tlni utothc, erne tk.ral.. ti.da w urp.ml,l.r rya, okplir.a. Rb Tn i l E l n t g gA 4cihoyl7r amts I, It Irv. IL6T{O.Se.rlmien, Inglrtu r Ni.,” Ncu-41g, of prtalhated 141 th 1tta....0 nay sutra, • •'RADVIAY'S READY RELIEF _A - ILL AFFORD VISTAED jr-ISE. LNTLAIDIATION OF VIE KIDNEY'S , JNELIIMIIATIOIti Or, TILE lILADDEP. IrrLASISIATION Or TIIK BOWELS, 4IONCESTION OF nu LLTGS. Batt TIIItOAT, DIfI IVULT IIItEATTILVO . Ijt.LIOTATION Or iIEAMT. urstErscs, MOIL E, OLPIIT II EELt. CATAKIIII. LNELVENZA. ELILLDAOISE, TOU,TUACTI 3 Et .ItALOLL RIIEDSIAT emu. COLD CULLS, Aarr. C lIILLS,_ The nopllnUnn of Inn Sterolr Ueller to the part or Darin whelp Lilo pain 44 o W xans - LI can and ameba. drove In lulrn N. r 4 In • Par 1i...0da 1.. ClI ARP4I. PARM5.44.143 agl lNiN lxTEu. iArr Nl NAL r. 1154, ?rarelen. •Itnal slerar• ram. • 1,111...4 Inuits...) 'a Relict walt A An, ill v• rnwent or fins., •Lat... It.. bvpr L.han Pend% Brandy or 4 6..nnlnht. "FEVER A rip A FEVER AND .1,../Ullenrnt for filly es.. Than Is .1.• s 7..l r Z e.e., "d astolntr 1:A1W: A 1 it ...via Lid A r/S 'READY ItEL/LF. c.cte perb•ltle. l/naggi..L. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG ANT. rrni LIETI EIANIT , -.7N , OtErtsE rt.r:tit AND WEIGOT—oI.F:AIL SKIN AND EX.IL". Mut, CoIIPLIaIoN SEcUMID To ALL DR. RADIRIAWS SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT ILAs MADE. TILE MOST A , ToNIsIGNo ‘:•(;:trs • sO 11171.• E So RAND AUK Tor: co:C: •,/IE ROOITII:NDELLOOF.S W . LINDER THE L: IS TILVLY OSDEaGL.L. MEDICINE. VIAT, Every Every Day an inoreaso In Flosh and Weight Is Soon and Felt. THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ETel' drop or the EYARSAYA /LILLIAN of.V ENT rommunicates through the 111.hnt, hor.hd. 1 .1., ..tnl ..tcr uldastatJuices od the velem the lzur of Id, to. It tVP.41 , 1 the wastes of the hody with to re MI t i• Scrofula Syphilis, Consno.ptina (ihulular disease, rles la the Thltheh. > e Pta o h, Tumrs, No.l, 1, other parte of thsystem, Sore Eyes, Strinkoss front the Ears, and the vnnl forip.4 11>in d A S' etnt., tPed Pp.rt. l iV.7 ,y et t Cancers in the tiornh, sod all weategloa sh4 " p.snfel .g„! ofchem....Night Sweats, Lms of Sprrm, AA r principle, are within the curative range of this :rend, r of Modern ettentletrr,...l a Pe , days' usr will Tro. to nap peace using it for either of these Pons of discasa potent power to cure them, If the patient, daily ',cremator reduce/ be the me,nP , . and decomposition that Is rontioullir progre.edne. In arresting these sesstes, and repair.. Ow s v or, tat made from healthy Wood—arid lb. SA/1..h.tr.t”.11, Mks .111 and dr...Mere, Tiot. only does the SAtoar•c.n.t.Tior ran.rerre. mnel as known, remedial etrents In 111. num of 5C1,114.4, mutat:Mo.!, azid bkintllxases; but It La 1;4 utlir V C cue* for Kidney A; Bladder Complaintl, rrtnaty, 1 11",unt. distsurs, (Jrarrl., Ittorrn or , Water d , Inhalllnan,a r 4 o4L. ' om h." :l ' n ' s ". Ilk, the Chile of an cgs. or threads 11-, or is s morbid, dart, billmaa ripi,sraner, and depaCts, and alien there I, prickt,„ b•ln ••.‘ Iron passing' wale, and rata In U. uf Ito C:el nod 2/..e the Loin. Prior, ss.on. WORMS. — Ttne MIT known end rare Rernetb for 1., rape, LW. Tumor of 12 Yours' Growth Cured by Kadwn3's Ilesoicent. na4 rm..., .1 1 . It Intl. Da. tt tom taro 1,4 Peerum Thm•••• oa •a.e. ~dloam!, s. r 1 5.,.!, vors• . r • I Tnr Name I 1.1 mearel far Imam mm: th; I. Amer ItOmf aat thane I r ,3•4 • •:•+. no, in to mad f too belt., ••/••trr. sat term. t The eme. tam w am la 11.• .1.1• r 4 • I we. OM t. pru Ira tS4 tw..C.t ••• .1 7.M.mmm. 111`, DR. R A DIV AV'S PERFECT PURRATIVE PILLS, rorfoeft, tasSoless,,o/ogrotlyi ocotol totth smor Con. for, radhr4n s, for the mos illtoders o Moral r Eldaers, Bladder. her o bloss, D., AP. he. 'siottia , Usse% C.:145r00m% Dotion. Illsrosis, ierty , n to. Fortis, Inilanrosation the ri% .1. los rastrooMbi N. lrrroit Its isr.t • limilth• cum Purely Vtgailat, C0.1.11....4.4 nroils,ordeletortnirtilm,s, orders of U.. Il Oleo., looi the fillet.. ersorteins moll:hit Croat Dis ttro Orssins: 40n41,11.4..1nna1r4 Man ra1144 1,1n...1 In Ow 114., AnnkUly .4 Ow Annnitrit, 114.14.1. 1444444 1. 1 4 ..1 4 1-.1. 1.... - 111111 . ,, r.te.1 In 0. 040,11.13. 1 1, 4, 1'4,4044 •411, or rmt. , !..r_sa Cho t et lb* F. 444 14 nf 1144. 444 , t 1.111 114 1, as Ow 1441. C 14.4.: er 6/4•14.4 Arn n I,l,lbanny. I,..nren. 1 .1 .~ 144 Of lortan• th• F41.41 1 ..4 4414111 , 4 14.1c4.4 El7:7l . n.Z4 " :4l ." :l;e r •l • listt. l . '" •;l ' le:4 • 7l . nrt P . ' lll; 1: ' 11: A f Onesof 7IATEI7,I7 I Iritx.A =rt frne tbevesl4ll fe•re all the aheare.aaa thew-def.. 1,1,, 25 mute per I-ea. SOLI. IIY - . 11k.% 1 Tlll - 1"..” a plan-0 11.4.1 , TVA A 1_ ,;•• f.. New- Inr4suation ( ulll La Tor. April 3,1n1,-yl - , Vfi • 7,- , A,CYCSS teasarit PELETs. v 'tt,'' 0 0 0 ••• 0 0 0 Or Sugar-Coaled, Co:leenlrated, Mo.at and Herbal 'Safer, A-01-7117:0ut Grant:lre. THE'"C.ST7I.r. 01:073 ,, CATHARTIC', or Iltatura la rarvo Physic. 'The noeelty nt modern lisairal,artnir.: and P:1 trueeetleat ti.lleocc. No le, of at.y 'nor, tat,' t , the d lactz ia tepal.dee and nu c•••tudnsed of crilde, and bUlty I n,rretlien st • careful application or on I ah the cathartic and ether medicinal.r.ppe: t.cs fr. at the most valuable root. arch herb.. ant c. , :,rrtrtnhc tit, Into n minute OrMai.e, °carrel y hurt. r 111821 a mattord {et d, C.ct ca. I e 1,1,1 Pr td by those of the moat Seeti.LlVO Stoll,tl4 aunt figetjdirm. tastes. Each little Pnr;tettivo rpr-'seote, Ida Mott etMeehtnAlud (nude. 17 (It'll rut her,:, lumen. as Is embodied ID eel Of the Pale In the drail'ohops. Vront Vier 'lt unclean' cathartic poorer, In porportion to tticir elan, people who lows not tried than are apt to rnppo.n that they are harph tor drastic to effect, htt Inch Iv rot at nil the case, the different Ar iye rectileinel prinelple•tr a !with they are composed being, so hartattnieed aid mnd Me& one by the others, as to produce n =Stint scare Is lug and thorough/ vet gently god kindly opera ting cathartic.* $590 Reward it hc:elly offered by the proprlo• for of these relletA, to ary rtetragt e;•ol) so alple, iii Rod Jo them ar.y Cato:nrt or other fur= of roertitry or any other mineral N 1... chains. entirety Wegctdble, no' partitular cam Is rewnired n lobo using them. They operas* Without dironrbance to the couvaintion. suet, or Ex ton. .F .rt or Jnitellec, tl eauelse Con. /Futon, Impure Clood, Pala In the oulders, - Tigh moss et the Chest, Cis slateas,Sour Eructations of the Mom. 'etch, add taste In mooch, Cities.. attacks, Palo In rogiont of Internal rover, ()touted feeling about !nos:inch, Hash olnloodto Et etal,filltS Colored, Vane, ,irntortnisiiits and Cloomy - rorebolings, late Dr. Piercoll Pleasant Puri ttilve Pallets. In accarna. Ron of the remedial bower of my Purm nye !tilos ovum groat a variety-or oiseases. I wish to say that their...action, tDo-nulsoal cwcono. my Is nuivopraC, stet se gland-or - tissue escaping their sanative impress. Ago does not imptir them; then- supar-coatisixard Wag eaclosed lupins hottl7 pttrerve their virtues maim. piked for any length o time; in eny•climato,oo that Meyer* always froth and reflable,:whlch is not tin rue trith tbo pills found hilho drug stoma, put up la cheep wood or pasto•bosed boxes. - Recollect tl.t for all diseases where a Laxati v en_.4l Iterative or Purgative Is Indleated , thosu little Pelota will give the must perfect saos,fre.lon Igll-who nor them. They are lOblby nil ii , iforprialug Druggist/rat 25 cents a bottle. Do Eat allow toy druggist-to indate you to hate anything else that he moiety Is just as good as my Pellet. becanao ho males a hrger ptoflt on that whit he recommends. • if yeti., drimlst cahoot' aupply than, eneloaa :3 cents and receive them by team wallfram D., Prop's,' 13trIVAIO. N . , Y.. , MANHOOD ;IHOW LOST, HO V RESTORED. Pill illrialwisi,gg:34 net,. pp , 1 1. HAT on the naIIICAL err zov itllout mv , ll , .4!:. duo)i of• fir enwavornots, or lismlnal - • - Weakness, Insolunlary Seminal Loastc,.lmpotency. to Mental and Physical Incapacity, i ltopealw 4 enta to Mud d . tij e a V indaT:c e nTa n n m ir. " •ZUß 'P' ll '. .,.7l l"' n cir e"'°n4u" ar lirlee, i- In II acalud envelope. on . l, 0 . tro• Tbe celebrated Author. in tine adnitrabla army. clear ly demonstrates (rod athlrtyleareeincecra fin practice. Mutt the abstain:: coneagnences of collabuic may be radicol L eoirotpiunont. the dangerous use. or.tutemal tnedlalhe oftag dpiilitfition Of the knltei pointing ont a mode ci, extent . once -simple, Certain. , bnli- egret 1144 by meiud . of which every sneerer, no matter. what hit condition may ba:may ccm Momelf-cheaply, vim:atty.- And rank:ally., , . • . inirivi Imgtolo ehonl4 be to the hands of: evm7 Yoath And . Very matt in the land— ~. - •,- , • • Beat, tindet heal, to a plain exiselopc. to any address. pooped on rectlit of Mx cents*. or two poststaliaPa • Alict,.Dr, Clilw.enselrsilibuyine Gulde, , price kiinta. Ailkkenli•Wie Bp/Ateliers, . • ,_ -- 1 • • C8A5,.1..C.44,N4 C 0.... - . ..; 411Bowsirt Nets York. Pact•Oltice Box 4 5£6: 4 LL imps OF ' :- xele7sole... JOB WORK, ETC., IL EpTti ilipiTEH AT THE HEMOCHAT OFFICE EIMEMI OEM Drugs and Medicines doctored, spiced, nnd r eiseerened to plea.a the' tastetap "Tonics." ''Appetlsera," ' . ll,estorers," Rai, that Iced the tippler on to druahenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made fr om the mania roots and herbs of California, free (Mtn all Alr.nholic Stimulants, They arc the Great Mood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invi gorator of the System, cursing off all poi_vinoul matter , and restoring, the boned to a licalihy condition, ennating it. re freshinr and invigorating both nund and body. They see easy of - administration, prompt in their action, curtain its their end reliable In all fore,, of disease. No Person eon take these Bitters according to d3recnona, and remain long unwell, provided then bones ai• not destroyed by mineral poison mother means. and the rital " Wr " e ' p a e; i ! " o o r nd l ' n be dZe ' sgo% P : M. Hesdachu, Pain in the abooloers, Couglial3glaniess °lithe 4-hest, Diumeas, Sono ErtlV-3110119 of the Stinnaeln Ilinrraste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Pa'pdattlin of the Flews, Indammatinn of the Longs, Pam In the re; ons of the Kidneys, and a loin deed other pagan , avintunn•s, are the ;Trines ad Dyspepsia In these complaints it has no equal, and o ne {wide will prose a better ettarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertinernenL For Female Cottophants, m mum or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, firthe turn of I,(e, them Ton. Bitters display so decided to influence that a marked "' l l oTi ' ralt i' mna n e P t ' a r" rjr 't'b rind ' Chronic . Ithewmaw flow and Gout, ..I"PsPa t i'st a tent and Ittermittent havers, Diseases ris the moo°, atilver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Tlitters baseborn most strecessfid, Stich ptseaaes are caused by Vitiated Itlmail„ Oboto is pm eratls tir.tdeted Ly derangement of the Digest'' , e Organs. They are a Gentle Pargatiaa n well as a Tonle, pis stung also the pecolisr merit of acting an a pre-vet-Lit agent in util reliertnc_ti ill Coneention or Inflammation of the Li ter Visceral Organ s, an Dipons Diseases, Sian Diseases. •ropttions, Tettr,, Fi.dtt , Rlieum, plotches, S t y., itn4et, he:tole-I, Ski's, Carbuncles, 'denlers every where. f 21, ltrio—y HWittivitss. " PRINTED AT THIS OFFICE. Drugs and Medicines. WISHIRT'S PEKE TEE Tar. Cordial, NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY ,'throat aid Lungs.. It is gratifying to ttatoiftfimu.thdpublietlia Dr. 1,. Q.C... Wishart's Pine Tree .TOT, Cordial, frr Tliroat'and Gain Dikeiies; lini. - gtilned art enviable reputation from the Ntlantic to the Pa elite coast, andtlinru thence to some of the first fimuilles o l .t.h7urope. not- tlwou ell the press alone, lint by persens actually benefitted and cored at his office. While Irn puhli beh tens, no' say our reporters, he is nnablo to supply the demand.— It gains and bolds Its reputation— First. Not byatopping,songb,but,by loosen. irg and as.sisting nature to throw oft un healthy matter Collected nhont the thine{ 'and bronchial tubes, trhieh can.tralrrttatAirp. Second. it , removes the cause of irritation (which prtslitees cough) of the mucus membrane mil bronchial tube!4, assists the lungs to act and throw MT the unhealthy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third. It Is free from midi's. lobelia, ipecac, and opitiol, of whIWA most throat sod lung re, meth , " Sr. uornno,d, whic t li allay cough only, and ili.inzan ice dm slnmacl.. Tthasasrnnhinp effect on the stpmneh, nets on the firer and kid neys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching; to every part of the system. and in its ihnignratinin and piirtfyintr effenta it has gained a reputation which it must he krubove all others in the market. N4C0 1 1•I4C.1E11- PM TREE TB CORDIAL Great American Dyspepsia Pills, AND WORM SUGAR DROPS 13cInz under my immediate direction, they shat not lie, their curative qualit by the use el ,:heap end imintrc-artitiva. HENRY R. WISHART, PROPRIETOR FREE - OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C Wishart'sofllre Parlors are open nt Mondays, Titoid:l3's and %Vednrstlays front a TO.. to 5 p. In., for conSultation by .br, r. M n '.'.ngs • With Inta ate . ast.-ocrated two Con inning of nekni)whOgNi app, , rtuoity is not otransi by ary other in nitation in this city. ALL LETTERS ARDA.F.SSED.TO L. Q. G. wisHART, P. 9. D., No 232 N. SECOND STREET P232L.C»ELP~328. Nov. 13, IR72—ma Ayer's Cat hartic M's For the relief tmd • cure of all derange, meets in the stem. eels, liner, and bow. els. They are a mild aperient, cad an excelleutpurgatire. Vf*.. 'Being purely vege. „A, . , table, they contain •c er-r , " 7 -• , no mercury or rnitie, ral whatever. 'Much st serious sickness and . .. suffering is prevent ed by their timely - use; and every family 'tumid have them on hand . for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the sob est, surest, and best of nil the Bills with which the market abounds. By their occasional nail, the blood Is purified, the corruptions of the ay., tem expelled, obstructions removed and the • whole machinery of life restored to , its healthy . activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish aro cleansed by Ayer's Pills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease la changed into health, the mine of which chanke, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who en y it, can hardly be computed. Their sour con coa ting makes them pleasant to take,and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, to that they aro-ever fresh, and pet - the-tip - sellable: Although searching, they aro mild, and. operate. without distorbance to the constitution, or diet,Or secupation. - . Full directions are given . on the wrapir . to cacti box, how to two them u a Family P she, and for the fallowing, complahas, which • rills rapidly cure s—. • For Draper:lsla or Indigrati on,ldatlawoe nee, Languor and Loss of App.: 4ll ; o . ol er •, should be taken moderately to stimulate the stow. ' ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. 'For /Aver Coda plaint and its various syrim. toms, Bilious Ileuduche, Sick Ilea& ache: Jaundice or Green Sickness, Bit. 'lons Colic and Dallocia Ferere, they should be Judiciously taken for each ease, to correct the diseased action Or temOre the bbstructiOns whirls cause it. For Dysentery or Dlarrhcra: but One mild dose Is genenilly required. For Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Pal. pltation of the Mears, Pala la the Aldo, Duels and Lola*, they should be amen. uously taken, as requtred t to change the diseased action of the system. It hil such change those complaints disappear, • . For Dropsy and Dropsical Ihrelllngs., they should be token In largened frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic, purge, For Unppreaston, a largo doze ',Minh! be taken, at It predates the desired effect by ryas- ' pathy. its a Dlnnee-PlU;talre one or two Pars to promote dlgnstion And relieve the atimmeh.. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach anil bowels, restores the appetite, end Int - Igen:des tile system. lience it Is often advantageous , where, • ne scriousrderingeMent Masts. Ono %TN/ feels tolerably well often linde..that a dose of these Funs makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect to Vats dignadve: tl apparatus. dressing• ch is at e agreeable, Ithy, and :tual for ierving the E 7 R soon .ores faded gray hair its original with tho Pr..T.N. AYER tt CO•iThraelieel Chemfirtai • • • -.I.OIT.CLL,Ar,ASB., Et 5. A., • ! ion sALE 01' ALL DnUMILVTS tVEZYWZIEICri DOWN TO;WN NEWS. MIXER AND COATS, Nato Stmt.. 5 door below Boyd'. CoraertMOl boot FLOUR, GROCERIES, ANV Wearo constantly's,: It gi nd nu. hivd adba l arrest' stock °Mudd', In onrlts e Ira wlllsel CHEAP! 761117A1 ! CAMP foreaCh.brexcbs , go orproduce. ' GOOD TEAS; COFFEE, SVC , AR, Af °LASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISII,: I `LARD, riAars; .• DRIED - FRUITS, CL9:I - ER- 6: ,TINOTI7Y':!SZepi ' , • Twenty - Two Fair Ytemtnafsiltiarded ThLI Ye* La Fifteen bionth•-1150 sod Ira 'to ALSO NEWS'S GRAPPLE' PULP: An Imrismesit Unit Fvery Fresno?. dursitir, Moos? and Prima Should Crave. . i Ni..o‘74oCAriza.er HORSE RAKE'S nand ItekerA3ertb... ReOm crian. Iron. IA chew Rrandl Axles. nrtrig. enniage Dolt.. Or, Earl. (Steel and Iran.) 73M0.1taitcor mm'xTv 7 8 w. co or tip That a.asays eves an A .ARM WIIIST7.III Them tha Calif.! I. Ready for T go. 'TRY ORE and yet wrn • and the Co •Always Eight: axes, (hind Stones, natty picks. :. • ,Raspa. • Locks. secs. Flies, Knobs, Thaw Kuhns, Peyth" Stance. Latches, Ptlnts, nib Pitrat.h. sew... - nxi-S are. Urops, a, Stontrose„Jaly 4. 182 ,41, BOTD COIIWI N 1 l UNT BROTHERS, SCRIASTO2I:- PA. Wholesale & Retell Dealers to lIARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, - •• NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, :%7ILDER'S HARDWARE, AIME RAIL, COUNTERSUNK .37' RAIL SPIKER RAILROAD tE lIINLVO SUPPLIEs. DARRIAON SPRINGS, - AXLES, SKEINS ~ufL• BOXES. BOLTS, RIMS and WAREERA PLATSb RANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS,WE'DS,SPoKES, PELLOEd, SEAT SPL'iDLES, BOWS ,bs. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS lIAIAMERS. SLEDGES. PILES'. Ac. Ac. CIRCULAR AND MILL SANTS.BOLTING. rAcEnto TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, lIAIR E. GRINDSTONES. rarawa WINDOW GLASSARA B TIIKRIVFINDLEGS FAIRDANK` SCALES. Scranton. IdArnb 24.1543. IT Miscellaneous. vrtirt.7o. W I LLIAM 'SMITH'S ez acd•e Yarn i lunrWgrcrmnai voseirlll IL:td the islifsp . steck.ol FIRST CLASS AN COMMON FU T U RE!' To be enond In Ma ettellon nr the countu, of Me styli mroutinturo, nod et tiricrothet Cannot tall to Ore iitto• to .„I.le tuakre Cm very belt ' EXTENSION •TBELLES In the Country, end WARRAATS UPHOLSTERY WORK or 2111 kinds done intlie OF VARIONSKIftftft: " •• • .11711 E NO.I DIATRASSE . 8; COMMON MATRASSES. • U N D E. R T.AK • The sabrcriber,alD hereafter make to...laden:skies specialty' 10 his basineas. Neale t completed • 1 NEW end thfi most chtanallEft in the huta all nerdiliZ his services will beatten to promptly and le satisfactory service. • ' WILY. SWIM SON. lontrose. Pa.. /an. st-afsra—gas—ct. j EEIIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. LA On and after Jundlo.lB7l - tentne on the Lades Volley Ltdlined vellt tton as follows: • ••- • • - 145 I,l`o 610 - Elmira.— 1045 -612 945 340 61 045 ' 59476,19 15 00 695 905 335 ISi 1000.... jAlber a.-- 11 45 623 1 50 420,05 10 40 ....Tovror eh, ~..1105 , 4b7 610 -513' 11110'" W951101691.::1006 '715 545 305 -11 52 'Flovv/114 ...... 941'463 614 6 - 14 1313 Neal opren 930 616 62.. 124^ Malakop4tl9...T. 912 0s ft 53 350, 13 41...Tunkbannock... 642. 310 660 0( - 449' 150 Pr. 1.6106 125 se ~235..-Avllke6-0a57 ... 01 , 2 , L 4 $0 4 35- .51aucb 1142 73 3: 250.;:i_ f lillen town 11 — 540. 6 05...,..1121.21ebein 1030,.3349'. 15 - '635 ' East& , 11:,)Q6 1155. 10 Xi 1720:: , 50 7{S ..... . r. . Sew. York...; No: 81 Inve's Trmandg at 710 a. m„.. Athens. 760 p. Waverly. 8 05 at n tering at Shultz at II Mato No. 01, l eaven Elmira at 030 p. , .ra.; WARM/. Al / 5 I. cit. I . Athens, 0 ut.„ arriving at Towrada Or Drawing Room .Cars attached fa Wong nd... Tanning through itimi Etnitra to Tblladelphia; It. A. PACKER. BilPerintend • • ivm"vcr . ' V g rEt:NE t: , ' • NEW GOOPs , ...... ... iTibe &ilk' , blvilis -- httt.e,3 ' refterulAceiT and =I. relteked tu . a e lore, wemcrl - , ix:espied"), B. Zan f:bnitterapirwill'l24(oiee IZIf. ' . 0 .1:6 1 7" '''ltwb ' • D RT. JC+.OI).D.S ! • GROCERIES f I BOOTS 40 stra4st'i .--•:- '".' ' 71,firDweirstt All MI be fount' elsewhere, and etas rettenble Plizei O. 31.Ozmitz. ..,, - Lagravilta Oente.e. Do., 'AprO UM - 4 ......c .N0.,-.1...-... • . : - et ll. -niiit. , , Ztrr E ril ffn i i i WND . „, , "..i -,- plunN -Tasteless. /ma to.. =dent ' ~ 9 Z. and• (Pump: .Tbe• beet pimp Me the - I ' toad money. Attention 18.000111 y • , ', , -. • n.: invited icallxtedlopi Oen% Immo.. ,e 4 - Omeket and NW Omp O. __,_ --,' 1 1 . - Valve, valet' ran buttbdrs- ._ .15. C) out removing the P1t5107 .4 6 . •_ , P.m! tbaidipts. Atm, ktit„ 6 . l , 6 d= .! . 6 . irtnn. [ Mei tr tokn ILA Win °Wall 1 t1ert 41 ,917 Pallas cm, • kr = Z4:l. • .sl l t fr n!',s7Ff MiS t• tylooraacroe^cALtitzmennart,mviir, 59 "*1T1 !A 13 A—ra. a.... 7% ma ” i''' EMMI tco Ilq:,