,tann and fireside. "One Thing at a Time." The National Live Stock Journarnotes that the history of stock husbandry in Europe and in this country satisfactorily proves that few men succeed in any marked degree as breeders of more than one race of domestic animals, or of more than one variety of a single race. A farm er well situated to do so may attain a cer tain measure of success in raising and selling horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry—his operations with each may be profitable—but we believe there are not many instances on record where remark able eminence as a breeder has been at tained by one individual with more than one class of stock. The maxims and ar guments in fa - vor of a mixed system of husbandry alone. The practice of mixed husbandry so often advised consists sim nly.in growing some grain, some vegeta bles, come fruits, some grasses, and some stock—the proportions and varieties of each to be determined from year to year by the surrounding circumstances and the prospective market& For the general farmer this is unquestionably the safest and best, but it is not the system which gave celebrity or fortune to the Bake wells, the Collings, the Bateses, the Booths, the Hammonds, and others now living. "One thing at a time as a leading specialty, and that slimy," seems to be a good law for the breeder who seeks dis tinction. Rasping Horses Feet A correspondent of the Canada Far mer, speaking of this practice, says: Rasping down the feet nicely, as they call it, is quite a passion with some people. I have often rasped the hoof, and the own er of the horse standing by to tell when it would suit him. This rasping ou the hoof thatlappens to be - a little ill-shap ed, until it will spring under your finger, is far too dangerous a plan for making things look well. I often commenced on hoofs that had a beautiful gloss all over, and given-them a thorough rasping g not that I could make them Ay better, for that was beyond the power of any human hands, but they bad to be rasped merely because the owner's mind was a slave to fashion or fancy. This rasping takes the strong surface off the hoof, and-nature, trying all she can to make for the evil done by injudicious hands, forms a hard, glossy surface to protect the foot. This glossy endue takes the place of the pre vious tough horn, and the next shoeing of the foot will probably split a little at the nails, and not unfregnently the nail punches a piece out before it. Care Of Winter Apples. The way most farmers save their winter apples is to hole them up like potatoes, or pile them up in a cave or cellar. By this method you not only lose much valuable time, but lose very many apples,and what you do keep over winter are in bad condi tion. Apples may be kept in• barrels that are trite open, but the beet and cheapest way is to keep them in crates or boxes made ia the following manner: The ends or head pieces should be ten or twelve inches wide by fifteen or eighteen long ; they can be sawed or split ; nail your boards on the bottom and sides, leaving places for ventilation. Inve your boards --- - When you gather your apples from t. e trees pat them in these boxes (be careful not to bruise them) and lay the boxes on each other ia your apple houses. Two men will bundle these with ease. You can look your apples over in these boxes at any time with but little labor. When you are ready to ship, just nail a board over the top and you are ready. In this way you get your apples in market in good condition and handle them but once. Have your house as cold as possi ble at all braes, without freezing— Fir mest Farmer. How Clover Improves the Soil. Professor Noelcko explains the action of I clover in, increasing the fertility of soil ILI follows: All who are practically ac quainted with the subject must have seen that the best crops of wheat are produced by being ,preceded by crops of clover grown for:seed. I have come to the con clusion that the very best preparation,— the very best manure, is a good crop of glover • • • A vast amount of miner al manure is brought within reach of the corn crop, which othewise would remain in lock-up condition in the soil. The clover plants take nitrogen from the at mosphere, and manufacture it into their awn substance, which, on decomposition of the clover roots and leaves, produce abundance of ammonia. In reality, the growing of clover is equivalent, to a great =ten t,to manuring with Peruvian guano ; and in this paper of mine I show that, you obtain a larger quantity of manure than in the largest dose of Peruvian p lait, which a farmer would ever thinls of applying. • • It is only by Cum cal investigating subjects like the one an der consideration that politive proofs are given, showing the correctness of intelli gent observers in the field. HERE are the latest Irish agricultural statistics. Three thousand eight handred enumerators, selected the Royal Irish con stabulary and, the Dublin Metropolitan police,having visted six hundred thousand holdings, declare a decrease of 134,915 acres in the extent of land under crops last year. The decrease in cereal crops is 33,361 acres. The returns of emigrants from the several ports of Ireland for the first beren months of 1872 record an in crease of 5,640 persons over the same number of months of 1871. In 1861 the number of fourth-class houses in Ire land, each of which had but one room for the entire family of every age and sex, Yee 89,374. These were occupied by half a million human beings, Mr. Fronde thinks that home rule would be the ruin of Ireland. Is she not ruined already? Mara'. 1872 was so extremely rainy fn Englund throughout the summer and autumn that the cereal. produce was in ferior in quantity and quality. France,on t'ie other baud, was favored . with a good harrest.• Mr. James, a practical and lit erally s.wricalturist formerly M. P. for a Scotch borough. calculates that until next September the ,British Islands will have to depend upon foreign sources of supply for their breadstuffs to the c tient of 12,- 000,000Anarters of ah , at ri.d flour. bat that as France will not be a competitor this, prices will be kept within reason able limits, so that the four pound loaf will be obtainable by British consumers during 1873 at the usual price—from 14 to 16 matt The grain and flour requ'red will -be supplied by Prussia, Belgium, Holland, and tits.Unitrd Stabs. BILLINGS STIWIID General Insurance Agent, ETRE, WE ADD ACCIDENT E1f61711421CE, ThScoza.tronso. Mon. Tfartford Fire Ins., Co.. Capitad Supine $3,000,000 Moms los. Co.. N. Y., Capital end aorphas. $4,C00.000 Royal Ins. Co. Liverpool $10,000.C00 Liverpool. London & Globe " .M. 030,030 Franklin Ins. Co., Flute .. In a. Co., of Nona America " , ZO,OllO Pennsylvania Fire 1.111.000 Ins. Co., State of Penn'a" 1 1, 600,000 Union Mutual 114110.000 Lvoiminz Fire ' •• $6.000.000 " Williamsport Ins. Co, FITO " Anthracite. Ptillad'a moo - National, " MATO - xi x me E . COllO. lantrusl Lire Ins. Co., ANatlll f 17,000,000 American Life. Pall's. `. $3,500,000 - .A.CfOXX3XCINrI 2 .. Traveiers les.Co.,Rarterd.Capltal arid Surplus f 2.003.000 Railway Passengers 11.450,003. The undersigned haslseen wellknown In thlseonnty,for the pest Wrowkasan Insurance Agent. Losses sustained by Ale Compalnles Ann always been promptly paid. pr.:Mice Arstdoor east frotrinanklngOgles of W. Q. Cooper &Co.,Tarriplkeet. llontrose.Pa.- BRIMS STROM), Agent CRAB. H. MTH, Elollattorl MmMee.MqtLUM. T EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. 1.1 On and after sane 1.0. 11112.tratna on the Lehigh Valley Railroad will roe as follows: 150IITII. No. No. No. 33. 0. 7. .2 45 160 910 Elmira 1245 613 900 525 130 945 ..,... Waverly . 1140 625 850 .4 2 0 105 1040.... .Athens..... Ilos' 4 5 5 B'lo 402 05 1016 - Towards. ....II 05 46 7 810 5 V 1130 W painting —.lO 05 715 545 303 11E6 Lacy - rlll° 943 405 654 614 12 12.... M cshoonen .... 890 582 825 11 2G....21 ehoopany .... 919 6 Z 055 250 12 45...Tunkhannock... 849 920 556 0 (1( 442 150 Pittston 725 292 450 835 600 9 15...Wirkesavre,... 700 910 430 .... 750 4 V,...liatich Chunk... ... 11 45 135 .a. 823 5 50.....A11ent0wn.....4. a. 10 47 1230 840 805 —.Bethlehem .... 10 30 12 00 915 6Wi Easton ...... 1003 11 35 1080 so 745 •• r. a. • 940 Now York-- Ito 900 r. A. 11. A. M. • No. 39 leaves Towanda - at.. 710 it. M.: Athena. 750 m.; Waverly, 8 0:I m., arriving at Elmira at 000 m No. 31 Imo. Elmira at. 530 p. co.; Waverly, at 616 a. m. ; Athens, at 630 p. m., arriving at Tow nda at 715 p. to. gar Drawing Room Cara attached to trains 2 nd miming through from Elmira to Philadelphia. "R. A. PACKER, Smaerhatead EXCELSIOR FUR EMPORIUM T. ISAACS, 111141 FAREIRA. 718 Anca ale of the Block, cen 7th & Stb ste PHILADELPHIA. 'otter Manufao tutor of FANCY FURS For Ladle! , and' Chtldren wear.Wholssalc and Retail. Deelnz imported a Tory tame and splendid alseort mcnt of ail the different kinds of FIRS fr.,m first hands to Entrant, ovoid respeettelly Invite the leaders of this taper to call and examine the assortment of Fancy Pore. Ism determined to eell at the lewd! cash Prim, 411 Farr Warranted. No Iltbretruentation4 to Beet horse. FURS ALTERED AND REPAIRED RESIESITIF:R TUE STORE, Di ARCH ST. Oct. 9th. 1572-10 t PIRLADELPIILA. AGENTS WANTED !F7rth;lgipl47i::..os rreetu Zo —inch Ilhstrtione, likeneveee of the eete— beso tfully hound, and printed on tinted paper. THE -NATIO'N IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nothing like it. Strikes everybody ac Jut the book they Deal It Is an Encyrlopedia of the Government. Single pages to it„ are of themsol7es - worth the price of the book, Ora . 500 pa ger and onlyS/ 10. A Bich Ear. vast for Canes• era—hdies and genthinert—farmers, teachers and at...tents. Ona aped rook u order, in apnea days, trithiircular afore. be/me the book appeared. $2( a day can he cleared to fair territory. Write at oneo for ttircnisrand Information. NEW WORLD PUBLISHING CO., Corner 7th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. No ember 1. 1511.—1 r GOLF JEWELRY—A Fino Assort =en and other varieties of Jewelry. A fcw Gold and Sliver Cased Wear. .and Watch Chains. Silver 5..1 • fiver plated Spoons, Porto., Knism, be., and a Bess. weal svmartment of Fancy Goods, 'Notions, Perfumery, &c. Druus and Medicines. a largo stock. Montrose. Ps.. Dec. 20. 71. AB 1. Tweterci Ftervvoll c Co. The Weekly Sun. ONLY $1 A YEAR. 8 PAGES. The Best Family Paper, The Best .A.grottatural Paper. The Best Political Paper, The Best Story Paper, The Best Fashion Reports, The Bert Cattle Market Reports. The Best General Market Reports. The Best Paper Every Way. TEE WEEKLY NEW TORE SUE. Eigt Pages,so column,. $1 a year, or len than cents a number.— Send your dollar. Address TIN SUN, Few York City. Agents Wanted for Cobbln,' CEDI COMMENTATOR oN THE HUME for the HONE CI ME. I.aq pave, 20 Engrayloge. The beet te rp rise of the yeor for agent& Ever, Lamtly will here le. Nothing like it non , pubilAed. For eirenters addnere WS, Gotta Immo 2t. Park. Row, New York. GOOD COUNTRY TALLOW WANTED Illzhent price paid for prime quality by L. M. ELK DiTON. Soap and Candle Manufacturer, UG Blurt. tet to Street, Philadelphia. 3F1.4C10.e•M Of CASHMERE HIR TOME Is ensnmassed as a Promoter of the Growth of the flair and Whiskers. It. Is - neither stickynor greasy, yet it . ft ene and smoothes the &dr far better and more permanently then any 011 or Pomade, Bred as a Heir Dressing, it prudence the motet beautiful and !patrol. glom Warranted perfect) hsrmte•s. Its exquisite perfume quite , being distilled from the world renowned Roses of Cashmere, Lsrge bottles, only 50 tents. Address ASCIIENBEI AC 41)0 N. lid It., Philadelphia; Pa. A Great ,Event- ! Wehave decided to dispose of our Immense stock of BILLIARD TABLES at prices a little above cost Firstelass Beni...New Tables. comelete.s3llo. Second hand Tables made over new.s2l:o; oz. $2 c. .te. A great variety to stilt all buyers. Send fur Catalogue. KAVANAGH & DECKER Cor. Canal & Centre Streets, New York. DOORS, SASHES, RUES &C. erns for Illtarrated Catalogue to BRADLEY & curanza, 61 &66 Dye St,, New York A GEM WASTED.—We gnanneee employment .t.S. for all, either sex, at f. 5 &day. or 1.9,001.1 or more a year. Neii works by 1t,,. IL B. Stowe and othera.— Superb preminmeuiren away Money mods rapidly and cagily at work fur as. rite and see. Particulars free. I'Voctruxurna.Drrror t Co., Hartford. Ct. $5 to OD Pall AT! Affents wanted!— All eltesea of worklt," people. of either flx. young or old. make more motley at Work for RS In their ,pare moments or all the time then at (writing else. Particulars free. Addreiss G. STIN SON, Ic CO., Pottlaad Afalro. ACCIDENTS! Insure In the nAvELEBS of Ilartford, Ct. GL IT SC II '3 lIMPISBIAL nirasis N 254CUJIIItt4rea..—Wlio:atsle to the trade. Siegleeene postpa don tive!-t, of ft 1. W. ligaxim 7111YEAUFF, Ending. Pa. WEV • P m fllarTveeigalaet . l i.a1.)e,1. I GIIIILDLIO DRYANT Stiffalo, IL Y, MS WIT, GOITLEMENI ITa,rxicpc•xL HORSE HAY FORKS ! A, N. NELLIS' PATENT UNPROVED. Twenty-Two Stab Fatr Freatorras Awarded Thi. Pork In Fifteen Months-IS6O and 1670. NELL IS'S GRAPPLE PULLY, An Implement that Fvery Farmer, t.hrpentev, Mason and Painter Shnald Have. No, No. No 04. 1. 4. DEILEIGEI HORSE RAKES Band Bakes, Scythes, ennt e, Brain Cradles, Iron, (A char Brand) Axles, • S Springs. Carriage Bolts. Cies Bars, (Steel and Iron.) 0 30 1 „ , 1E1 3EII PO TB That sways elves ►n A ARM WRISTLE! when the Coffee Is Ready for the 7' de. TRY ONE and you will Axes, °rind Stones, Batts, --„ Picks, : Rasps Locks. firtwo, Flies, Knob., Draw Knivm, Sevlb Stones, Latches, Prtints, 011 s. Varnish. Stoves, Tin-NA we, lAmps.ste. Successor to Montrose, July 5, IST .41. BOYD b CORWIN LOOK. LOOK. 4:3) MERCHANTS AND TRADERS P. IN THIS COUNTY AND ELSE WHERE!! =ACP 'Er mrcrsr cor. M. C. TYLER 79 8181 DUANE ST., N. 'I [wITII birrrn, Cony d co.] AND IF NOT, WHY NOT? GEIOERAL HARDWARE, Cutlery, Scythe*. Shovels. Looking Glas•on, Lightning and many other X Cut raw., SteeLand Iron pole Axes, (the ts et In the World, every kind of Bmehea, Door Lurks, Pad Looks. Knot., Guns, Hammers, Pivtolo, Revolver", Fattens, Carper! ter's Tool*, Blacksmith'. Bellows anti Tools. Pitted Fo.ka and Spoons, and everything usually kept Ina Fleet (loos Hardware Importing and] obbing Bonne. NoStiotake 1 My oincere Thanks am tendered to the many in my own County, for the kind patronage. as also to the many In other Conntlce, who may read thin, nod a general invitation la hereby given for a continuance • ao well no to those who or, whim to give me trial, who have not T X Jialdiki. :Aqui roee. Mont. 3:1, 18D,—t1. HUNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON, PA HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, 37ILDER'S HARDWARE, MINE RAIL, COUE'TERSCNK d 7' RAIL SPIKE., RAILROAD ct MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, SKEINS AN I BOXES, DOLT'S, :7777;9 and ASILERS, PLATED - BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. HUBS. SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPLVDLES, ROWS. efe. ANVILS; 'VICES, STOCKS and - DIES, BELLOWS [LAMMERS, SLEDGES. PU.ES, the. AT. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWA, BOLTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER. PARIS CEMENT, BAIR & GRINDSTONES. MILNER WINDOW GLASS.LEATBERSPTI3DINGIT: " ?MEBANE'S SCALES. Scranton. March:4.lBra. It HOLIDAY GOODS! I have added to MY eateralve variety of LA 'S MO TABIAi OLASSWaIitt. Mr . MOTTO CUPS and SAM - CERN. MOTTO MUGS and TOY TRA aIiTTS bum* variety. Ale*. VASE'S owl FANCY TOILET of the handoznest 64- These roods I Vora imported directly from Snrope, and my prices arena lOW na any importer can se4 the panto goods in either - this city or New York, A.S. - WEIDNER. Nos. itS South Second and N Strawberry Ste. Fhlisdetphia, Pa. 2.--Ify stock- of CIIANDFLIETK. especially adapted to Churches, Is vers large. Books of drawings showing the design of each Chandelier and Bnichrt, will be sent on renoett.". , AGENTS to ton. The beat lout toteoll Com. Sheller ever Wet Let fertaers and crenitiotly woo boo corn to thell.cerid for circular to •• FAITILT COILN-811ELLER CO.,"— Ilarriutuars. Pa. MOM CARRIAGE GUI LPASTENTED, OCT.:Urre ad. MIA Is claimed by one beat Judges to meet the necessity ao ong felt, of a Convenient. Practical, Durable Gate, no indorsed by the litehert authority in America. Is entirely different from and has many advantages over any other Gate ever invented. In Cheap and easily constructed and for convenience cannot fall to please all. Can be opened and closed without the °operator changing he position, Mincer pulling a pound, and If desired can be easily arranged to be opened and rinsed without dismounting. It cectipies no mere grayed when opened then two posts without gate, this making it very desirable over nay other Gate to farmers and those living In Villages and Towns. Is In order every day to the year, no snore to shovel in winter. It can. not sag or getout of repair. For further particalersaddreas the undersigned, who will as far as possible visit the throat ConnVes fot Pennsylvantivand adjoining States, for the pathos° of exhibiting and intithinehig the same. Farmers and enterprieing men generally, will iso well to glee this special attention, as data Gate certainly will go into gamma tire. GEO. 11. =MET, Proprietor. Niaholacn,'S'yoming Co., Pa: June It "lt. —tf. A: Faith for Sale or to Bent. . „. A place of one onnarect ono ten acres in Jessup tpwn- Surontbalititteonnty. Pa; Said fans bat a g.od house on It, tiro borrer, and a granary. taro even'trlua *Pningn Of water. °reload. am. Will brk told or On' liberal tem. a. Int oirtter fa la other biudnesarent.W. Apply to C.O. IrilllCflinsookcomers, , or Meru Daly, tfranoppen. VirtomingiConnty.Pa: - DPshoymn. Dec. in, 1872641/ ObTO, 0 3il.e"gralNrisLa Ilaco=Litcor rind the Cod a Always Melt! Wholesale di Renal Dealers l¢ IhtEceolalssory. t , .71:c1 napuovED — Otlaiiiitft WOOD pump. Tastelmo, Durable, Efficient and Cheap. The beet pump for the tenet money. Attention le wpeetally Invited to Illatebley's Patent Ire roves ed Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn with out removing the Pamper di/trichina. Viejo In te. Alto, the Copper Chamber which never crack*, and will outlast any other. For rale by Doalera.every where. Send for Catalogue and Prim List. • etta...s3l.Brdacinir,7l"r4 606 Commerce St.. Phila., Ps. 4-71 R. R. R. RADWAY' T S UE READY RELIEF i CURES WORST R ELIEF In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR aftat candle' this adentlm TII ment nand any am NUTTER WI PALN. R&DWATS EXAM RELIEF Id A CURE FOR EVERT PAIN. U ma the Ira and la The Only Vain. licinetly Thai Innanny nap* the mod exenntanni plena. ana_ra la Amman/ma. and curt CongclOons, or oh. DeP4 Plena h, blemna, or ethos glands or organs, by ma ayyttem MM. IR FRO'll ONE TO TSMNTT Ea miter hoar Mime or emendating the {Wed. linr.r )LATtU. Ited.riddm. Imam. Cat DWI. rm.; lieuralate. ar prostrated nUb dbeaw may aura. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT ELM. Dr/LAXMATION OF TI( E EIDNETI4. _LNELAIIMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAADLATION OF THE BOWELS, CONGESTION OF TITIC LUNGS. INNIS THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING._ PALPITATION Or THE FIEART. anrianice. CROUP. DIPHTHERIA, ITEADACRE, TOOTTIACITE, CATARRH, INFLUSNIA. NEVI ALGLL RZIEUIIATISH. COL MILLS, AGUE CRILLS. pp oppli emlon of Ono floods ILrltor to the put parts whom the pal. or Adaoulty galas OW Lama ma* sad comfort. • 'Sweaty drop. In half o tunoldor or erator wlltla a ftw momenta core CRAMPS, APAIS/dS. SOUR STOMACH, lIKARTBURN. SICK 11EADACHE. DIARRHEA DY INTERNAL SENTERY COLICP AIN3. WIND IN TUX BOWELS, gaol DI Travalen should always tarry • bottle of Ito dim v's Erady natio! wdb them. A few drops Iv wter ola pnrront Adoe.. or polo, from thong° of valor. Itl. brow Rua Fnuach Brandy or Bluer... atirnalant. FEVER AND AGEE. TETER AND AGUE cored for My yenta. There Is ant A matallal &Rent la this world that trlll g enta Fat e r r mat ttlir "d e l t :st th . F r 'et 'l " ' ro l ltn l ' of " rrbit' ' . ll ^ 4 T a l :tj ttit . Tia RADWA x" , 4 READY RELIEF. /lily c.a. per po Sabi by Drugging. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PRIM RICH 111.00D-INCRWIE OF 1 , 1601 t AND IVEIIIIIT-CLKAI: SKIN AND SEAI:• TIFUL GOILPLEX/ON SECURED TO ALL. D. RADWAY'B SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT RAS MADE TIFF OT ASTOXISUINGII.IN CURES; so QUICK, SO 1155 M 111 S ARE TIM 4 - Ots lIE BMA' 17NDERGOES, UNDER 7111: INFLUEN , E oF THIS TRULY' WONDERFUL 311:WINE, THAT Evory Day an Ineroaso In Flosh and Weight Is Soon and Folt. THE - CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Eno , drop of the BARNA SILVAN' RESOLVENT rommualcatn throne. the blond, Ha.. Erb* sod mho Sedds and Juices of Um eydont the rigor of 111. sir 1T1` 24, The wastes of the body wlth new end m Scrofula, Syphllle, Cemsomptlon, Wanda. dices* *sees to the Throat, 110021 f, Tlfhtleell, Nod. In the Wand. end me•of llts .3 stem, Bo re Eye. Simmons 1/14thar.• from the Ear. and the worst Ames of Skit ellsean, Erv p. time Fes. Sore. Se 44 Dead, Rho Worn, Snit Ithenro, Ecologies, Lone. Black Spot. Worms In the Flesh. TIIM,S, Cancers In the Womb, ent) all weekwallns end taintul dls. abuses, NlAbt Swab* Lo. of Somm, and all won tea the Qfe ottnelple to. withlu the curattos rams of this wo4nler el Alca/go Chemistry, and a few dap,. use will prno to my person using It for Miler of tbe. forms of 41. a. Its potent power to core tem. de lL . th p =tal t iya , lgtzl u nz i ;celeg g eLbj ... tbe . : , castes . an h A , arresting these wastes, and rcpalr• ,r,„ new nal.. lel made from healthy blood--. 4 Ohs tee PA ILSAPAILI2, MAN .1 1 .4 does serum Not only does the Smoratrotew Emma., excel all known remedial mob In the cum nf flerotnlone, DoMtltellonal, ad.amen ; but It la the only *Mb I Mee for Kidney & Bladderpomplalnts, Erleary, and Wants Alamos, Cl., el, Dlabefelf, prow Stoppage of Water Inonotlnenee of I;rine, I trig Ws Mono. Albumin.* and I al l coo where there are beirkilnet de posit.. the water Is ck, clomly, !Mita Vlllll eubstanees lite th e white of en egg, or threads nee whitetail. or there Y. rtbrbld,derk, I.n ou. apposweee, end whits hone. dab Atheist* anti when there b a pricking. hurnlng seuestion when r”..lnz water , and pain Mem Becall of the /lack and along the Labia,. Ric* Stem vv n lyw,-Tbo enly kimews and no Dornedy for Tr , '" T.pe. etc. Tumor of 12 rears' Growth Cured by Iltatlway's Resolvent. litscsat, El sash, holy Is. tIO. D. lltstmo t—T have 11.1 Onalee Tume, In the °twist Ise Movie All tb• Deeten " co ea Ob.. " 0,44 *eery thing wee nerreneieledi het •attleg n, I rof reer teefleent, and du:n.o4 weiald tr, 11; Ifh., Wel 1,1,11 e. Meows I Led offered be t.to ram awl es ratio st the Thwalons... .or Or 4 Melee, • Ml* oe los twidw of ”se Sealy Vella; end there Is eel ten., I. sad 1 fea hotter, amen, fuel hefe4elhan ha, f, te.elve The .ant tamer on le a• let Oda the b0we1.... da I one this le yea be the Lamb of Yvm ,11,141 it If yea &eau- 11/nNtl.nll DR. R A DVII AY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, patently batelesn, a:exactly mated with nrret run, pm - gm regulate. prify. Cloud, Polo In the Shoulders, Tlnlstuensof the (31061. ();Z -ziners, Sour Eructations of to stem. noh, Dad tasto in mouth, glom+ attache. Pain in region". of ;Lid neve, Intermit Fever, 1:lontml reeling t)011r. Sto.nnels, Bush of Mood Colored Urine, Vissorinhillty nod linOotny Forobodings, tats [is...Pierre's Plcasaut Porgatlvo Pellet% In ex;.!:ina• don of the remedial power of ray Purged:iv I etleii °repro great It variety of /VA: it to any (hair notion noon Coo itinit.tl crane. inf is tuilmernsl, not tit ¢hind or tl-suo eacapluir their stanntive linoren. Aura dons not latintir them,• their sur.ix-crd air iti.d bring anclresid in glass bottle" pecrerro their 511t005 unim paired funny length of time. In say thlmate- so that they are always sash and reliable, which is net the C 650 with the pills tuned in the tirnctonee.pet urcio cheap wood or piste-board bow lieesllect that fur all diseases where n Larntive, A !Metal v o 'or Purgative it Indleated. theta little Peil, to will give the most pct rot satisfaction to all who use them. They aro Bold by all cialorprlslag Druggists at Y s coma a bot lie. Da tot agony any druggist to thildeo you to anything aloe that he may say is Jmt as pnvi rix r, Pellets becanso ho malts a largar prott t. 1.3 feenoimeads. If your druagl•t cannot mthily them. enelona 25 - Ceuta and reaeivo them by mturn mall from . . _ r. P1717:.C.E, 37. D., r Lvo FAIP, Y ALL EiNDS OF' • NEATLY PRINTED ATTAR DEMOCRAT OFFICE. WISHART'S PINE TREE Tar Cordial, NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY FOIL THE Throat and 'Lungs. It is gratifying to us to inform the putolte iha Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Pino Tree Tar Gordis!, for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gulped an enviable reputation from the Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, and from thence to some of fire first families of Europe, not through the press slaw, but by persons actually benefitteil and,suredas his Mae. While he publishes leis: so say' otir reporters, he is unable' to sigfitly the demand.— It _pins and holds Its reputation— . First. Not by stopping cough,but hy loose:t -ire and assisting nature to throw off the an healthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, which causes &Wagon... • • Second. it removes the cause of irritation (which produces conghLof the mucus membrane , and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs : to act and throw off the unhealthy secretions, ad puridds the blood. Third. It Is free from squills, lobelia,ipaar, nod opium, of which most throat and lung re, medics are composed, which allay cough only, and disorganize tiro stomach. It has asoothing effect on the stomach, acts on the Beer and kid. neys, and lymphatic and nervous regions thus pe3clll ff 10 every part of the system , i stem. and n its ornzoratinz awl purifying effects it has gained a reputation whiCll It. /nun lots 5ab5•......31 .M=ll in the market. ATC)OT I 3tC3III.- PRE TREE TA CORDIAL Great Acterizan Dyspepsia Ms, AND WORM SUGAR DROPS Being under my Immediate direction, they shall not lose their curative quolithz by the U2lO 4 cheap and impure articles. HENRY R 1 WISHART, PROPRIETOR FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Office Parlors are open on Mondays, Tuesdays nod Wednesdays from a. in.. to 5 p. m., for consultation by hr. Wm. T. Magee. With him are associated two con sulting physicians of acknowledged abilitf This opportunity is not offered by ary other in stitution in this city. ALL LETTERS MUST BE ADDRESSED TO L Q. O. WiSFIART, M. 0., NO 232 N. SECOND STREET I'XIL.X2.".Xi.I32:CX..PIEEET-EL. Nov. 13, 19 2-m6 s.m.p. $1.00,0 REWARD ! BRIGGS' ALLKYANTOR to composed of Ammonia, rh:oreforrn, tipirite of Camphor, Tincture of Tapatlnr, , OP of Juniper. and Alcohol Thin compound In as; equalled In the anaila of medicine ft r the cure of Far eons or Birk Headache Neuralshs, Tremblini or Twitch• log of the Nerves. and ell Nervous Dioceses. It coulter - act oil 'saloons, banish pimples, corn scaly erup tions, Itettleg, humors. Be., It equalise. the dßalallaa In v Ilzrrat se the eletem,in creases the •ctlon of the beart, without exciting the bode. cores ilurtbetrn.Palpltation and Fin.tering of the Uteri. irreeldbt• Le. ikirr Reran t or absolutely poesettees mars curativepropert se than any other preparation. Physicians, chemist• aid others are reqnseled to examine and teat the remedy and $lOOO trill be pakt If Mind different from rert sesta dm. COUGHS mach hoe been raid and writ ten, ten; and testy remedies bans twee offered for the rrficf aed earn of tbnell and xOOl Mere,* : but nothing lies been eo eminently 'accuse:ll or OhLAllled ouch a wide celebrity, as Briggs' 'Meat and Lang Ilealet. - •, NS.. The excruciating pain prhatieed COR• by Come. the tincemting twingir.g from Bunions, tlw piercing, titotreertue pads from In gmwing s a ii„..eunnot be te ocrilted. Thentemds suffer, not knowing there la a cure. Itriegs' torn and Bunion Remedies are oh cold or potash crmpoends, bat are 011- 113b1c 000ttring, and err...cleat. and }wet merit the memo they have canted from lea eppreciative patine. The Curative le a Foaling ointment; immediate relief LO obtained by Its application. and It will poaitlvely mire the worst ens, of Futered Corns, indituedand ed Bunions, the ,oecid Instep, 10e lergeet anderverest Blisters. the most exteneive Valles/oes oe ibe soles ert heels of the feet. unequalled In theatre of ctiliblairder Frosted Feet. The Ailevanter for ordinate cone and resenting their formation to absolutely IseXcellell , anything Moon. hare been a tenor to maokfud for p iLE , centurloo, and alinnet every attempt to "nta them has been. batted. By tutmenelag, study and experimenting. , Dr. Briggs hoe discoteredand absolute cure for hiteritaj, bleeding. external, and Itching rise. Briggs' Pile Remedies are Mkt. rare nut nre- Verne, Banton., Bad Nolte, Discseed Joints sad ail Olsen!. of the feet. alert, Pile., Cancer, aid derstakure Humors, ekillfnly treated by Dr. J. Brlggo Bro old by A adway, N. BELY. BTITRRELL. Montrose, Pa n and BM-'.S 4 NICHOLS, hinutrtire. Pe, Jane in bra. Grrcoorios• DOWN TOWN NEWS 3f INER AND COATS, slain Street„ e, doors below Dopes Corner, Magni FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. • CHEAP I CHEAP ! CHEAP forcseb,orczctra , io orprodoce. GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGA 14 MOLASSES, SPICES, PORN, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOT "ER a TIMOTHY SEED, Wok, credited And rude addlttons to oar Ptotk Palls. at d aro now ready' tolorward Buller to Om tee comatlas,on bonne' to Yew York., roc of ekr air alnico! tberaladvoncemont, on oonolgsmintli Call and o xamln emir Stock before parch* gong whette.andoontlncryourselvel °lefts 'GOOD QUALITY a- LOW PRICES -- Goods. G. !SUMP . • wg. COAL TOTIMIXT NIXPLAIC ! NEW GOODS. m ita) r. watlersixaea having ratted, retarralshtt _semi! is il sVl o e.T%n ro te n c7a now Pi r e e d a i r y sti li t . o t:a the ' , at people with as cf .- salmi° vatlety p ot DRY GOODS! • . • —EROCERIES I ! BOOTS & SHOES r HARDWARE CROCKERY! tra, cfc. As can be Drawl elsewhere, saa at as Desirable Priv* 0. CuAxs. E. C. Small CRANE a OUTS Lawarille Center, Pa., April KIM