THE DEMOCRAT. goat Natettinence. RELIGIOUS BERMES. PTIST council Ras J. E. Catasama D. D. Pastor. Elablaath Serf fres... . a. m. and 7 . so. Isabbs:h 40/001. 19 m. Prayer Ilmung, Weans:day Esesslars "7‘ RET.S.I4.AITIIIT C Alllol.lll' CH C 7 Hell ... , . Rabbah Services See4;ad Sunday la each lliauth Mass /lab into ftbool .. tounedlately before C Pic,copAL CRiIRCR .Rec. fl A W.amams. Rector. Iy~Ya ID ScrTYce. . •. • .... .10x m. and 734 p. m. Seeder School ... • . . , . •• • • . fa. Weak-U.7 Stryttee—Wedneedays p. ASISTIPiDIST EPISCOP U. ..liermr.woz. m. Sabnoth V.ervire• ... • . 10.45 a. oi. and 7,30 p Panda in .......... . ........ p m. Aver herein:. Thursday. 7.30 p, - -- --- PHISSFITTERIAN tEltiliell .... ... .R,,../. a Ifrizas. ii..bbiab s.rvieet .. .• • . ~ . ...... m. and l'H Sabbath Sebnol ... . . .. .11 lb p.m . . rrayar Meeting, 111.1,418, eVclllllOl .... ..... IN p. et. iluslcat 9ymnaitics. The clan in 'Musical Gymnastics meets 011 'Tuesday night, at halt put seven. Wallet. The last Quarterly Meeting of the Falrthla circuit of the M. E. Church, for the Conference year, will be held at Falrdale, by Rey. A. D. Alexander, on the lot and 2nd of February, '73, First sermon on Saturday, at 2 o'clock, p. m. E. W. BREHAINEIDOIC, Pastor. Fairdale,Jahuary 22, 1873. Donation The citizens of Fairdale and vicinity, are re spectfully invited to make a donation visit, in In. 'manse room of the M. E. Church, at Fair dale, on Thursday. February 13th, 18:8, afternoon and evening. for the benefit of the pastor, Rev. E. W. Breckinritiee, and family. By aroma or COY. Fairdale, Jan. 18. 1873. Sleety'lt y of Sleep There is no rim more clearly established In she phyviolog - y of man, than this, that the brain erptuds its energies and itself during the hours Ef w a kefulness, and theme are recuperated &w -in. sleep. If the recuperation does not equal the expenditure, the brain withers—this is In alantly Thin 0,49 that, in early English huge :ol7, peo.ons who were condemned to death by being prevented (rout sleeping, always died rar ing maniacs; thus It Is that those wto are starr ed to death become inesne, u the brain Is not Loattsbed and they cannot sleep. This practical inferences are these: Ist. TWAe who think most. who do the west brain work. mts:ire Ahe most drop. 2nd. The time -need' from necessary sleep is destructive to Wad, body and estate. Schools as Ilecliantsal Tread Mills. State Superintendent Wiekershans says the one, great, all prevailing, detect in our teaching is routine_ The work of the school room runs in ruts. Lifted out of one, the teacher some (Inds another and runs on as be:ore. There is no kind ~f business in which change, variety, life, are no essential as in teaching sellout: awl yet we have in thonsands of schools to-day, in Pennsylvania' the same mechanical tread mill tramping round of nearing lessons that has gone on in them from time out of mind. Even our norm..! schools sometimes forget that while the priselpics th it constitute the science of teaching are univerailly true, and universally applienitle the tuetlitria of applying them in the SChani rooms are endless in their variety. Teaeltere trained in these schools too often learn littlz more thin the methods taught them and follow in these normal ruts until their teaching becomes almost as monotonous and fruitless as was that of the lens educated class et teacion, whose places they hare taken. A. B. C. Upon a Ball. The following poetical alph bet, which for no. labored wit and happiitesa of rhyme eclipses all other poetical product ions in i HEM was wrilL ten by Mr. Cavalry. of London, whose Fly- Leaves have been lately attracting much atten tion A is an Angel of blushing eighteen ; Li Is the Ball where the anzel was seen ; C is the Chaperon who cheated at cards; I) Is the Deuxtemps with Frank of the Guards; F is the Eye which those dark lashes cover; F is the Fan it peeped wickedly over; G Is the Glove of superlative kid; II h the fiend which it spitefully hid: i is the Ice wnich the fair one demanded; 1 is the Juvenile who hailed to hand it; X is the Kerchief a rare work of girt ; L is the Lace which composed its chief part ; X is the old Raid who watched the girl dance; is the Nese she turned up at each glance; Q is the Glyn (Just then In its prime ;) P is the Partner who wouldn't keep time; Q is the Quadrill put instead of the Lancers; It is 'the Remonstrance made by the dancers; 9 is the Supper where all met in pain; T is the Twaddle they talked on the stairs; U is the Uncle who - thought we'd be going:" V is the Voice which his niece replies:l"Na" in; Vr i s the Waiter who sat up too late; X is the Exit not rigidly straight; T is the Yawning fit caused by the ball; Z stands for Zero. or nothing at aIL IleProt of Loexti Option. to show that our opinion is likely to be veri fied to the fate of the " Local Option Law," wilirh we gave immediately after its passage last winter, that it was passed fur anything but temperance purpose, and if not likely to be defeated by the people, it would be repealed this winter, we give below extracts from the Pittsburg Gaut& and Harriabarg Patriot, to substantiate Many of oar exchanges in the state have elm meneed the aetation of the license question in new of the et.ion next spring ander the local 'option law. It may Intermit theta lo learn that prong combination is being totmed in the legislature for the hamediaterrpeal of that act. A bill for the purpose la notsinthe heads of a republican member of the house and will preba hiy be rwui next week. The apprehensions that , tlte great rusjority of the mantles of She state "rill aholish liquor licenses hare strongly in xreased since the result of the election on the Atm] option law in Cleartlekt eouotY was en noueleed.—Piroar. kla annonnEed In a epeeist despatch to the :Gaon, that a moreineut to on Toot to seral Ile Local Option Las. heron, the time die for voting upon it in the spring. It is ',loaned that the liquor ring is ou band with moues to pur chase the repeal andect. will spend it freely to ac complish the obj The Pittsburg limit (Democratlea bas the for leaving comments upon what elloold • be th e ec hos of the Demoemtle Representatives, with which we heartily agree, and we hope no Dem ocrat will allow himself to be made a iscape goat for the whisky Ring. .. We want to see this Local Option Law sub mitted to the people as the only way ot testing public sentiment, by which alone our Represen tatives should be governed, and not by the money of the whisky or say Other nag. The Demormsey of Clearfield county expressed their approbation of the law, and from what we can gather, the same verdict wilt by rendered ev ay county In the &ate. If Repub licans want to repeal the taw, let thorn do it, they have the control of 68 1 -Agtelotwo and the Execntive and should not be afraid to so cepttheresixmaiblllty. We enter our protest altaiast the repeal of the law until the voters of think /be 84et Abende /lark 1C 0/1 - 1 0t7 to say whgt they Ballow Company Election. A meeting of the stockholders of the Mont rose Railway was held at Springville, on Mon day, January 13th. for the purpose of electing a a board of Dlrectonr." The election resulted as follows ;4. I. Blakeslee was re-elected Presi dent of the Company ; Samuel Stark, G. E. Pa len, S. D. Thomas, H. S. Sherman, S. Tyler, C, M, Gem, B. H. Sayre, were re-elected Directors. Ileum, Cooper, Brown, Jessup, and Ansart, de. chutes a re-election, their places were filled by Wm. J. Mnlford, A. Lathrop, Robert Reitz and C. 0. Skeet.. Court Proceedings. 'COurt convened on Monday, the 13th Inst., and'ifter smiling list of jurors summoned, the grand jury, was sworn,with Edwonl U. Rase as foreman. Bills of indictment presented as fol lows: Commonwealth vs. Gilbert Davison. Indict ment, larceny--stealing a horse of N, 0. Pass. more in East Bridgawater. Raving gone with tho bone to Friendoville, etc:, ho returned to this place, when he watarrested and commit ted to jaiL The prisoner is apparently a rath er dissolute and reckless young man, who was raised In the neighborhood. On being arraign• ea he pleaded guilty, alleging, however, that In consequence of {its to which he was subject, he was unconscious of what he was doing till he gdt several miles from home with the horse, when be Teturned. ([he had previously stated when arrested that he stole the hone on pur pose to get sent to State's Prison. where he could learn a trade.] Commonwealth vs. Gilbert horizon, above named.. -.lndictment, larceny—stealing a revol ver frutn William Reynolds, of Brooklyn. Ver diet, guilty. Commonwealth vs. Thomas J. Barnes. In dietment,selling liquor on Sunday, on complaint of Orrin HalL Bill for appearance at April sesslens. Commonwealth vs. John Lannin—a boy about 12. Indictutent, assault and battery on Ade!best Odell, a 'boy about 9 years of age, These were boys of parents residing at Susque hanna Depot, in apart of the town too much infested with rough boys. They bad got into a dispute about driving cows, the result of which was a severe and ilangerous kick from the older boy, producing such an injury to the leg of the younger as to threaten crippling him for life. After the trial had made some progress, each having told his story and the Doctor his, the plea of " norguifty" was withdrawn, and on leave of Court the case allowed to be aettled by the parties. ComMonwealth vt. Thos J. McNamara— mtrety of the peace--disr.harged, no prosecutor appearing against him. Commonwealth vs. Edward 0. Eir--charrti with altering a note. Deputy Prosecuting At torney, after investigating the case, filed a state ment that finding no sufficient ground for pre ferring an indictment, with the leave of Court a none prosesevi was entered. Commonwealth vs. Edward Doyle—larceny by bailee, indicted at a former Court. By per mission of Court, noae prwevui entered on pay ment of costs. Commonwealth vs. Supervisors of Silver Lake towdship. Indictment. neglecting to open a new road, under what is called " Bridgewater Road Law," extended t' Silver Lake, After a fall hearing, jury returned a verdict of netiuitaL Jessup, assisting Prosecuting Attorney, fur commonwealth—Little and McCollum for de fence. Commonwealth Ts. J. D. Barber, an insur• ance agent. Indictment • embezzlement, etc. On securing payment and costs to the Comps. ny, the case was settled by perm6•sion 01 i CAM' amonwealth vs. Samuel V. Slater, Laßelle Baytiond and V alsdine Wilmot Indictment, malicious mischief in placing obstruetions on tne track of the Erie Railway near Great Bend. On investigating the case, the grand ju ry permitted to include Add Dimwit :4 and Rielmrd Stack in the indictment. On giving bail in $5OO each for their appearance at April 'miens, the young men were set at liberty. Com.monwealth vs. Durand and Abiathar Millard Indictment, larceny, etc., on com plaint of Latham Ganiner, in stealing an ex chain and cleris, in April, Int. '. lifter a long and tedious investigation, in which 'Altere was much conflicting testimony, a brother of the accused testifying that be had heard them ad mit the stealing of the chain, and ether mem bers ol the of the family testifying that he he'd declared himself guilty of the theft, the jury finally rendered a verdict of not guilty. For Prosecution, Jessup dr Watson ; for Defendants Littlest Blaknlee. Commonwealth vi. Supervisors of Silver Lake township. This was another suit brought against them for not widening a certain - Mad according to the report of viewers pronouncing it too narrow. alter some argument of mien. eel, on i motion to quash the indictment, h was quashed by the court eon the cam dismiss ed. Taylor, Wis & Co. vs. John S. Williams. Suit brought on nJudgment entered on a note given to Plaintiffs, which judgment was as signed to J, A. Chandler to whom Defendant alleged be bad made sundry payments, after which the judgment was assigned back to Plain ties without giving eredit for such payments, it being alleged that those payments were mane for extrusion of time, which was denied by the Defendant, who had paid to the Sheriff the bal ance of the judzerent. Verdict for Defendant. Various Items. Tee new steam mill or Thomas & Mack, on the Montrose Railway: near Lynn, was burned one Any last week. No insurance. Arras at Cobettsville, destwed the store of Ges." W. Benjamin. The insurance will not tower the Dna. A sun by the name of 'McGuire, was killed oa the P. L. & W. B. H., between Great Bend and New Milford, on Tuesday, January 14th, He was walking toward Great Bend, upon the track, and in stepping from one track to avoid a passing train. be came before the express train on the other, killing him instantly. CAMAY/ACTA Lodge, No, MO. AL Y. 31., will bold their fifth annual Festival, at the Ster num House. Susquehanna Depot, February 7. Tim Episcopal Society, at Susquehanna De• Pot. Pro Poss to erect a church, oa the Oakland side of the riser, at that place. It Is reported that a site is purchased, and fh►t work will commence early In the spring, Lungs' Svwzn,—The ladles of Paul's church, will give a Supper at Bacon'. rooms, this evening, for Use benefit of the Psi:nonage Fund. The public are respectfully Invited to attend. Supper at 6p. m. A mason writes for the llontnase Republican an article that would make over two columns of the Leader, under the signature of "Contrib utor," and says he-does it "with a rustling pen. should think so from the many words and few points he makes—Binghamton Lender. Tun Wilkea-Bartell* has hem discontinu ed. The proprietor, Mr. Beardskss, says he can. not afford to loose any more money by math= log tta publication longer. Me, however, pro poses to starts small morning piper soon. The Data vas as ivezdaspaper and tozdalaed no patches. Those " ThirLY-Nine Democrats." Ma. Eorron:—ln your paper of the 13th of November, there is an article written by one of our Silver Lake men, as an explanation to an article published by you in a previous Lssue,and hmded "To whom It may concern." In an swer to interogatlons put by you, this known one of Silver Lake says, "that there were 39 electors In Silver Lake, that voted at the Octo ber election, in retaliation of the manner in which Luzerne acted toward our nominee for Congress, two years ago. We will admit that there would be upwards of one hundred Demo crats in Silver Lake, that would vote In retails-. Lion to any wrong done to J. B. McCollum,esq., as he would be the choice of the Democrats of Silver Lake. We deny that there were 19 Dem ocrats in Silver Lake, that voted for the purpose stated by this known one, who pasted the bal lots of 39 Democrats on election day or autos day previous, as be came to the Election House with whole sheets of Democratic tickets, which had been intrusted to him, with the name of L D. Shoemaker pasted over that of Stanley . Woodward. It is well knowrito many In Sit ver Lake that he distributed pasted tickets, without making known to them that they were paste.L We defy him or any other person to find thirty-nine Democrats in Silver Lake that will acknowledge that they voted for the pur pose stated by hirn,and will give his own reason as stated by himself on the morning of the Oc tober election, why he would not vote for Stan ley Woodward. He said that Mr. Woodward In the convention at Lucerne two years ago, had insulted Irishmen by saying that ho could not go to church on a Sunday, but that he wan dogged by Irish for money, and he tumid not support him. Now, this known one of Silver Lake, was one of the conferees from Susque hanna county to Luzerne two years ago. Why did not be make known those expressions of Mr. Woodward when he returned from the con vention, and not wait for upwards of two years. .Then Irishmen would be prepared to hurl back any insult offered them let It come from what quarter it might. The reason he gave that he would support L. D. Shoemaker, was that he had been a friend at a time when he was need ed. That woe In regard to tht Silver I.ake Post Offlee, when there was a contemplation of , moving it to other parts of the township. If I our judgment to near correct, we think any Representative would be a friend in such a case, for mon id both parties without regard to poli tics petitioned to have the Office left where it was, and it was only justice to the people of Silver Lake and not to one Further that Mr. Shoemaker had reinstated the Rich mond Hill Post Office and all know that was on the eve of election, This known one fur. they stated in his explanation, " That there are thirty-nine Detnocnlts in Silver Lake who would not, and this is their greatest sin, and es Irish men, they felt bound to repel every abuse burl ed against them, let it come from what quarter it might." We will admit that they would repel every abuse hurled against them as Irishmer, hut it Is not so in this case, as they were ignor ant of any abuse hurled against them from the quarter claimed by this known one, and 11 he is capable of judging the greater sin of those men he in better posted than the most of people think he is. He would dive into an ink bottle up to the elbow, with the one hand to defend Iriehmen as it were, and with the other he would rob them of an independent right, guar-, anted them by the constitution of Pennsylva nia. Ile may hurl as much abuse upon• the hmals of Lucerne County men as he sass fit. But when there are a portion of the Democrats of Silver Lake misrepresented, it Is time to make known how it was done. hether there was any consideration for pasting 'tickets is best known to parties concerned. We will leave that for each one to have his own opinion. Ile further notes, that any man insinuating other wise, is a coward, dishonest, and a falsifier. Ws claim there are men in Silver Lake lust as brave, and think as much of truth and honesty as he does. There are men too, that will - knowledgc that they ,were deceived in their bal- • lo.s on the Bth of October, by this known one, who pasted tickets. We claim these facts and shag, until there are thirty-nine Democrats found in Silver Lake that will acknowledge I that they voted for the purpose • stated by this known one. When that is done, we will ac knowledge that we have done him and those I thirty nine Democrats an Mitotic*. Joamm Warm., W. J. Heart, and many others. Silver Lake, January, 1873. 812.isizaosis Zacmr,e4les. Tut: WORLD DOEA - NOT CONTAM &medicinal preparation which has obtained a more wide spread and deserved popularity than the ilarioin Mustang .14niment Since its introduction to public notice more than twenty years ago, it has been constantly used forevery kind Ofdiseaie or injure to man or beast which can be affected by a Inca) application, and so far as its propri etors are aware, it has not failed in a single in stance. Alters° long and succeasfill a term of probation, who will have the hardihood to deny its pre-minent claims to popular esteem. JUIST LIST. Tit kVERSIC Jettons--2nd week. Apolacon—Geo. H. Whitaker Brooklyn—George W Sterling •. Trumbull; Augustus P. Bush. y. CEllord—David W, Halstead, James W. Low. cr Dlmock—Thontas B. Williams, Ferdinand M. Woodhouse. Forest Lake—Francis II Boutimell• Franklin—Daniel Townsend, George P. Stockholm. Friendsville—Mbert Roy, James Mead. Gibson—Josiah Taylor. Great Bend Boro—Edward CrandalL Great Bend Twp.—.RICIIIIIMI T. Gillespie. Harford—Warner IL Wilmarth, Int Carpen ter, James Porter. Herrick—Robert Westgate, Theron B. Dim mirk- Jessup—Henry C. Bertholf, David Olmstead, John Cronk. Jackson—Henry A. Pope. Linos—Alonzo Liberty—Daniel S. English. Montrose—Frederick B Frink, Emma Rog ers. Middletown—Edward D, Galatia. New Milford twp.—David Summers, Joseph McConnel. Oakland—Henry C. Meeker. Rnsh—James Fargo. Springville—Jolth Tattle, George W Thomp son, Isaac Meacham. Susquehanna Depot—Edgar Barton, Taiyuan Junomt—lid week. Apolacce—Patrick Moran, John Currier. Auburn—Jonathan Bunnell, Noah Baldwin. Bridgewater—Jackson Baldwin. Dknock—William Stone, Leland Blakeslee, Andrew Why. Bundall—Orren P. Phinney. Forest Lake—Patrick Grin. Gibson—Thomas Evans, Almon Clinton, Jed son Chamberlin. , Harford—Hurry J. Tyler, Nathaniel Tomp kins, Ira IL Parish. Herrick--George W. Burns. Little Meadows—E. B. Beardalee. Linos—Gardner W. Green- Lathrop—SiLzs IL Osborn, Wallace J. Steel, Lewis B. Miller. Montrose_.-wpilana Holbrook, Charles D. La- AlEidletown—Myron Dodge, John S. Davis. Oaklan&—Ephraim A. Barton, J. 51. Till. =AL • Bosh—George Harvey, Major 11. * Edward.' John W. Granger, Simon Holman. Susquehanna Depot —Elijah N. Smith, Mar tin Gearing. • Springvllle--John Comjnon. Thomson—Emery A. Ormier, Bad. F. Star— t) ,ind George W. WrOtzt, Da . ,tef B. rope, WU ll azo Van Ban. READING 11003 t AXE. LIIMAUT AMOCiATTroN.- An election of officers of the :Montrose Reading Itoom and Library Association will be held at the Rooms of the Association on Monday, the 27th day of January, at 2 o'clock, p. m. C. C. ILLLIIEy, Preet. Montrose, Jens 18, 1873. DONATION.—The friends of Rev. Miner Swallow, will give him a donation visit, at the reaidena; of E R. Cobb, In Rush on Thursday, January *ant lerd, afternoon and evening All are cordially invited. BY OROEO or Cws. DONATION.—Tho friends of Rev. 11. Bough ton, will give him n donation visit. at his real denim in Brooklyn, on Thursday, Inn. 21, 18111 Afternoon and evening, all.ure invited. rty ORM* 07, Cost. Brooklyn, Jannary 15th, 1573. GOOEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR FEBTICAOY 187:t —The following embellishments will he found in the February number: A steel plate; a gem of a fashion plate; a slipper in colors ; an al phabet for marking ; two extension sheets, one of fashions. and the other of trimmings a Val entine cut, and a numerous assortment of de signs for work. F. Churchill Justice of the Peace : °like over L. S. Len helm's store, Great Bend borough, Susquehan na Co., Pa. Has the settlement or the dockets of the late Isaac Reckhow, deceased. Ofilce hours from 9 to 12 o'clock, a. m., and from 1 to 4 o'clock pa. m. Great Bend Oct. 2d 187'2. For Sale A new house well finished, good water han dy, 14 acres of land, and ' 0 or morugood fruit trees thereon. Is situated ISi miles n'rth of Mon trose, near &Itch's Plaining abto,a Woolen Factory, Carriage and Blacksmith Shop, Grist and Saw Mill, near by and a few rods front school. Any person wanting a good place can get it at a bargain. Call on James E. Carmalt, or the proprietor. 11. C. BURGESS. Montrose, Oct. Roth, 1979. Cowl , EngscE Mr.rrreo,--There will he a Conference and Missimary meeting, of the Sus quehanna Aitsociation o linivermllit, at Hop bottom, Susquehanna County, Pa., on Friday. Saturday and Sunday, January 24th, 23th and 26th, 16;11. Rev. Mr. DeLor.g, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be present, and other ministers front abroad, are expected. We hope our bretheren of the different churches, will give us their presence on that ocen.sien. Come one, come all and help make it a ramting long to ho remem bered. F. E. LOOMIP, - - Chairman 31Issionury Board Berantnn, Jan. I.sth, 1813.—w2 aFIBTS S. WILLIAms—In New Milford, Dee. 13,2872, Car rie A. Williams, Aged 7 pears and 7 dap. LOSEY—In Wyalusing, Dec. 30th, 1872, Mrs. Tillie J. (Biles) libsey, aged 20 years and 8 months. llophottom, January 6th, Erne May, only child of George and IL A, Miles, aged 3 3,ars and 5 months. SOUTIIWORTH—In Liberty, Dec. 29th. 1872 Ar thur N., infant son of Almond,., and Elvim Southworth, aged 1 year, 3 months rnd 6 days. GAIWNER—In Latlimp, Pa., December 20, '72, Mrs. Lucinda Gardner, aged 72 years. Forest Lake, Jan. 3d, 1879, Mr. Joel Turrell, aged 71 years. Another home desolated, and many hearts are saddened at the departure of a loved and honored man. Mr. Turret! settled In the home where lie died In 111, early manhood; a home made pleas ant to companions, children, and friends, by the warmth of Ids friendship arid the the activity of his labors for the good of aIL Ile was at worA in his barn during the morning of I)ec. 30. where be was taken a ith apoplexy, (probably induced by a chill trout exposure to cold weath er,) but remained conscious of everything around hint until about 9 o'clock, p. m., atter which he wan neatly insensible until his death. liten~nn—Jo~sa . 1t Steeensville,Jannary 9th, W. by Rev. M. Sn klpert Hibbard. and MISS Mash, Jonea both of , Binh, Pa. BENSON —TuomAs--In Laneshoro, New Year., night, at the house of the bride's father, Lo grand Benson, and Miss Cora Thomas. Bim,er—Nfo•axi.l.-111 Binghamton, Jlll3. IS . , by Rev. L. P Ketchun4 Charles Brant, and alias 31ary...1.. Mcneil, both of Great Bend, Pa., - r—DE.mtEn—ln Great Bend horn., Jan. 41h, 1873. by F. ChunMell, mai., E. C. Wil mot. and Mial Kate Decker. both of Great • Bend. aro oad,rzl X7cotieesi. OUR BODILY INFIIIIIATIV-£4 Physical intirmaties are the lot of all. Mil lions are ailwAys sick. No Man. woman or child is uniformly in perfect health. Much, however, of the sickness and suffering which render tile a burden to so many of our fellow beings Is due to earlessinfais and neglect_ A mighty antidote to the )(aiding causes of disease has been provided. It is as harmless as it is rfileient. No poisonous drug enters into its composition. It is au undefiled stimulant: tonic and sperle ;t, of which every Ingreplent is veg etable. Vies unexceptionable preventive and restorative mcdeciue is not " a new thing muter the sun " Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will soon have been before the world a quarter of a cen tury ; and it is not too much to aver that thou sands, aye, lens of thousands. are now ttseing it who would have been in their graves years ago had they not been strengthened and sustained by this wholesome stimulant. The rapidity with which minor ailments often become. when neglected, obstinate diseases, is well known. Ilk tonic is famous fur the Im mediate check which it gives to these breeders of deadly disorders. The sensation of languor, the sick headache, the nervousness, the indispo sition to exertion, the nausea, the confusion of brain, the physical debility, which are intended to premonish us of the approach of serious dan r, are invariably removed by a tew doses of the Bitters. The fame of the preparation as a genuine specific for dyspepsia,bilious complaints malarious fevers,rheurnatista and chronic &bill ty, is as wide as the world; and in these days of infamous cathartics, that rob the Invalid of the last remnants of his strength. are advertised as Invignrnnts It Is indeed a blesagig to mankind that Hostel ter's Stomach Hitters kre everywhere procurable, and everywhere popular. THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PUBLISHED as a warning anct for the benefit of prang n and others who suffer from Nervous Deb:llly. Loss of Manhood. Se., supplying TUE MEANS OE SELF CURE. Written by one trim cured himself, after un dergning consider.ible quackery, and sent free on receiving a post-palil directed envelope. Adire NATHAN MAYFAIR, Brooklyn. JUL., 12, '73. 6. . Brooklyn, N. T ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for yearn from Nervous 21. Debility. Pormulare Decay, and all the effect• of yonthful I..diseretion will. for tho sake of suffer/ma ha. aurally, seed free to all who need It. the receipt and di rection for msklug the slmple remedy by which he woo cared. Sufferers Wishing usproat by theadviser's expert. once ma do so by addresslog, in perfect coaddeace, LIONS B. OGDEN, No. 42 Ceder street. Now York. New York Produce Market. Corrected weekly by Harding, Ibirden, & Co., alll Wasbhigton St., New . York. Butter, pail firkin. Clime, dairy. per lb. factory" Egt*, per dui • Flour, per barrel. Corn meal, 100 lbs... Wheat, per bushel., Rye Oats •• Corn " 11ops, crop or 1872. • 'Fallow " Lard per lb Potatoes per bb1.... Apples " •• • Turkeys per lb Chickens Ducks 1873 The Weekly Age Ire noersporr for those outside of the apt cities Who Wilbur n tiler dully mall lacilltles7bot desire to he kept Informed of what la trnosplrlng around theta. coml. n ed fetus duties with domestic intrudoctloll and r creation. ITS COLEIEVA ARE DEVOTED TO t Btorice, original and selected, by the best author*: Po etic Genie. from every avallablo vonrce ; enoice leccilany. dittoing. and Instruct's,: a cniuron ut Sunday licading and licitizious Intelligence; AGRICULTUITAZ DEPARTME.NT, ennilucted by a prai(lcal farmer. gr. Thomas J. Edge, how earning a Ileing upon a rented farm In Chester county In ia Inch nil quelstlup• are consiti• oral widen lure an Interest for the tglers or the soil , Weekly Contributions for We Children ; Edi. torte! Brevities: News Items, le.; Able Edltortals, soda carefully prepared compendium ol Foreign and domestic News; Washington. New York. and Of latiellanenua correspondence ; Financial sod Com merelel Stiithitim; Full Market* • delixt Adiren tiactucuis, to which only A limited apace la appro priated, 10. With all there advantages, the natty Agf, la an. knowledeed to be the hart Family Journal printed In BEGIN WITH THE NEW YEAR. A good time to commence subscriptions to a good newspaper is at the ci use of the Old or the commencement of the New Year. The terms of Tue. Da tt.v . and ‘Vr.g.fiLfr Aoe, given below, are reasonable, and within the reach 01 every one. We would, therefore, urn upon our friends. in w hich all our readers are included to ho to work at once I:l.3ting up clubs and en rolling names among their neighbors,friends and acquaintances, thus enabling us to enlarge our sphere of usefulness by enlarging our cireula• bon, and to m age a persistent conflict in behalf of the rights of the people figninst the encroach ments of power, which is constantly tending towards centralization. One year. by mail. Six months. R=l!Eff! Fur any period less than three monde', at the rata of $1 per mon, ta Pray...nut nvolred Invariably lu advance. The pootageun the bady Aye to thirtycents per quar ter. or o:ldentity per &alum, :1 pre.pald at the of of delivery. One copy. one year, - - - $ 1.50 Ten cople• - - - - - 11 50 Ta euty coulee , - - - - 21 00 Fifty copier - - - - - 65.00 The followlnc tottered rat." will be charred when all the paper,. urdrer I are •ent to on• person and uot ad deers. I severally to the member. of the club: Twenty copies- - - - Fifty copies One cope will he fornlxhad grafts fo log a club of tweet) nr more for ore year A copy of the !toffy .I.fie will be fornla t. (gratis for grit inc sie a elnti of tiny. The above terms sr al ix rigidly adhered , sod no no tine will In taken of a subscription unit del In ad rag/'We hoes no traveling Agents am tized to re ceipt for a•. Drafte on PhiLideiphic or postoffire n ea, payable to the order of the Pnbliabora being rater. are prefers. ble to any other remittance. All who send money by expres+ mind pro-pay rap iews charges- The postage on the Weekly Age Is flee rents a qn tier. or )wooly recta a year, to be prepaid in all Cures at the orrice of delivery Specimen Clopl,ll pont on appllcatiOn. boh.crlptioua can Colll,l3ellev with no, Number of n volunana. Addrcos, Robb & Biddle, Nos. 14 and 1G South Seventh St., Phil's. 1" LIE NEW DISCOVERY In Chemical .na Aledicial Ikticuca. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMEDIES Cara Incipient Consumotion. Dr. GARVEWS TAB BERIEDIES (hare Catarrh. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMEDIES Care Asthma. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Core Heart Disease. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMEDIES Coro Skin Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMEDIES Regulate the Liver. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Regulate eu3Stomachendliosvels Dr. GAR WEI'S TAR REMEDIES Cure all Female Weaknesses. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Purify the Blood. Dr. GAIIVIIV'S TAR REMEDIES 4110 Diseases of the Throat. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Cure Bronchitis. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMEDIES, Cure "Bose Cold,"or"HayFerver m Dr. GARYIN'S TAR RESEDIES e Care Lung Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Core Constipation. . Dr. GARVIN'S TAB lIEMEDIES Cure Salt Rheum. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Care Kidney Diseases. • Dr. GARVIN'S TAB REMEDIES Prevent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GARVEV'S TAR REMEDIES Prevent Makulons Fevers. Dr. °Armors TAR REMEDIES Itesanwn Pain in the Breast. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Bemuse Pain In the Side or Back. Dr. GAIIVEI'S TAU REMEDIES Area Superior Tonic. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Hasbro the Appetite. Dr. GARVIN'S TAD. REMEDIES Came the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Restore the Weak ad Debilitated Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. To P. HYDE & CO., ' sous: rsoncomata 195 Seventh Ave., New York. • Jauctary It. Int 111(03 . 2m4 , 02 140014!.; 10&11 ii,, E.ScUTOR'S NOTICE, Letters leatamcnlall tothe li e4ate of Cynthia Jackson. drc'd,late of N. Milford, Susquehanna county. bare `been grant.) to the solamribery, all perron Indebted to the Raid" estate, ere reqamted to make Immediate payment. and those bee. trm dolma or demands emoet the aerate of the said, dee etannt, to make known the same without delay, J. O. Mecum,ux, EzeentOr. - New Milton , Jan. 1 ISM . 711 . k640 043e,g10 0.7433 DO 1.1114._et2.00 WO 1 44:14,4.50 S.ECUTPIPS N01T,85--Lettere testaceigkri WA. E e.tate o Elijah Bum:toll. law of Bridgewater tarp., daeqarlietios anardy, Pa., tutve beau greater! to. the• auta,crih o r.4ll pen°. todebted ‘to the said estate; are region ed to molts lauaollete partivat,iad Bowe hay. lug claims ar deataade &rain st the ciliate of the wad tle; culant, to lola° known the porno without daisy. BIBBY 881T.4 w- LIPONMETS, - 808;1 s B@''l4 l .^.502.1. 7.502.00 .. 12014 . 10619 ;mug e, jBl OVIMOSE GRADED iCIHOOL4 187 FALL Tram Began Sept. 241,1873. WEITEB Taos Begins. Jan. 3.1. 1873. Bram Timm April 21,1873. refT/02t—Higher Deptilitient, VI 00 Secondary Department, ii 00 The coursed' Instruction includes the ENG EM/1 BILUICIIPA, the LiNGIJACIEB, .111.11TILE3Lti - ICS, and the ISATUEAL SCIENCES. STUDENTS ARE FITTED FOB COILEGESow:L.MSTITIITIORS OF LEARNPN.G, And bPECIAL ATTENTION. GIVEN to the Preparation of Teachers. 'The Building is Commodious, Pleas ant, and well-arranged for IMPARTING INSTRUCTION. Students can entrr at at any time, and Tuition will be Charged Proportionally. fgfir Rooms eau be secured for those desiring to board themsehes. For further particulars address A. B. BERLIN, Priuoipal, or the Secretory of the Boort!. Wm. H. JESSE?, Pm B. THATCHER, Sec'y. Mr'utrose, Oct. 80. '72-om. 1854. 1872. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. - PAO - 4.93 CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILOR§ ... AND DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, MILLINER f & FA ACY GOODS, FURS, ROBES, MATS CAPS, GENTS' LE LA D/ES' FVUNISEICNG GOODS, &C,, &C. Our Assortment of DIMS 0 DODS, 1111.11W1.13, CLOAKVICIS, CABAL. V ERRS, CLOTDS, AND DZAVIERS Ls C7ctricarslotfe. PLANCLI.Q..IIRD BLANK 11T6, ilfwiEitY,l:l7BlAB. ROODS, =TWOIMO:MIM voa Lumis VIIILDRES. GLOVES, /W., In Great Variety. THLIIMED tad rwrrulorao 11... r. for Ladles and Mil droo Evcrythinn belonzlng to the MILLINERY TRADE. silt and Cottnn Yeleas In black and colors, Velum. Flowers. Ribbon., Feathers, Frames, Laces, Ver7 Large. MiensisseaLocepLimig GlecrodLoh Table Linens. Napkins. Toweling*. Crash, 11lull= Ticking*. Prints, At, Pell In Evers Una. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, KID GLOVES, CORSETS, PELT AND 1100 P SEITITS, swrrcuzs, CIRONONS. 11AIR NETS. EMBROIDERIES.& STAMPED PATTERNS. Comae* Lrairs. ZEPHYR WOOSTEDS. GERMAN TOWN WOOLS, CANVAS PATTERNS, An Wort and All Sham • READY MADE CLOTHING A BPBOIALLITY I 11 a MINDIACTURE ALL ODD OWN 000D8, sad 16118 OP CUBTOI WORI TO ORDER AFTER 11EAHrRE. WI keep a tiro assortment of Curtin, Cassiisou Ltaavar.a, Vsarmas, bc, on hand tarthat purposo. GENTS' FURNISHING 89003. IL&TS AND OAPS, A Full Line. GLOVES, TIES, BOWS COTTON. An WOOLEN SHIRTS, . COLLARS, KNIT TSCht,TS, AND UNDERGARMENTS All Oradea iod Stzes for Soy., and Largo Watt,. !WARFEL ruas. TRUNEB, BATCHED, aC. We will aril eeerythleg In ear line as eh rap as th next. and TICAMANTLI ETILZIrtIILSO to be /tea Wn►r ITS IttPTIT.SINT IT TO ET. We cannot make oat a price ilia of oar various kinds of Goods, es they ere too nonicrons togire fu one edi tion, bat would request all to call and compare plebs end quality, and thus be convinced of the troth of our assertions. GUTTEN BERG R05E:4413A1131 & Co Ilantrose.llov. IS. 1872. DIIINISTRATAWB NOTICS.—TA too estate of 1%. Elias Northrop. late of Liberty. thisquebanaa Co.. Ph.. deceased. Letter. of Admtnistmaloo to the said estate barite:been granted (who onderviirned, o il pence's oaring said estate, are rereiested*co make Immediate payment, and an persons having Claims ada Lost said estate= retreated to prernftliemeritholit , • • - 1211111 IfOrtTLIROP, %dere. DISSOLLIIOII.—The Ann of Groves* Baal ter him lit+ been dissolve I. J. &Stater has open d a shop over J. IL DeWitt's store. where he will be glad to ac commodate all his old friends sad patrons Cutting done In the latest sty's. J. IiaUTITIL Moutnem, Jou. IS„ 141-242. DOWN TOWN NEWS. MINER AND COATS, Alan Stmt. 6 dour* below Doyd'e Corner . FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. Wouseonstoollyrot irings ad now have onbai afresh stock of Goods In our 111 e.whieb wn wilLel CHEAP CHEAP I - CHEAP fornosb.oroxchs nro orprodneg o GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, , HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, 14 C 0 nen ,* TIMOTHY SEED, We hi id and made addltf one toon r Stock d are now readTr to forward Hatter to the bee. eamodet•on bonen In Igew York.lree of charge, ant inaltellberaltdrancemente °aeons:o2mM'. Call and examlneonr stock before pareballog ells where. andeonvlneevonmolves oftbe GOOD QUALITY Good& LOW PRICES s. . C 1112 1 11 P • • 11. COAL A Perri for Plato or IRS Rent. A Floe of me Intintridano tea scree la Jeans tows. W Susquehanna p. Susquehan County. Pa. Wald Ana has a "nod ham OD It. MO bin/. and a granary. two erubs , brlng aprtogrot Was: lambast. la. WM be sold at nmtag oa llbe sI terse oui um owner la to other boatman. r e.llllll.lltisock Matta; Ot Ono Daly. W yorstairConaty.P/. 1 . Dec. 14701, : Tao itnu in lids Diietterfl,Blll ran ellti)— anch additiqnal lino, 50 era.. NEW MILFORD. BAVI7G9 BANE, NEW IIILFORD,-613 par emit. . tarty% on an Depodui. Dots a tens auk!! ar 1611 ne.i. .11-II S. R. MUM Jo 00. CAYUGA PIASTEI Ca t—th*CtlOLA9 orialt6l4, titalar le genuine rus ?ham nroaaL. Vt. L A, CO ,NakTeln Diyaoodl,ll.•%C•P• Voall aid Short, en.IGCIIIeIIII Ylert.hardlss. on Wit street, atevad door belay the gpissoral Clara. • . UNION LIOTEL. Rept by WILLIAM 13=7,ca Kaki 'vett, naty rtie Dcpot.• W. O. Porndry, on d dealer to ?tows Endo**, atrosl Is, coo door from Pbloney's 130:e1, Mato Bt. susuhral, C.rnsgir Watt, and Undertiker, to 3ld. dlrret, two doors beltriv ifstrlefs Mom, u.cor.uta ralyntssa. Maori 1.11 Ground* as Provlricms, ate Man Street.• U.GORRiT 8 ICON. Venter' to soloat. teed. area,, Lime, Cement. Groceries and Provisksocos Main Street, appeal', ?kw Der(. • W. T. HAYDEN. IferainnlnTre of Ogee ere Wholcula &alert 10 , hicites A0110:11 kid rag Good.. on Ikin Strew. bolo* Bodsvpsi aba,* MOSS 0 KNAP. Leather lianasetalln EseiEsalsrs Is Mc peso Finding*, te„ nest Episcopal Clir& • ArNEY It HAYDEN. Deafen In Druz. Sad Maki's., and ILioatneturcro of Clpn, on Main_ the Dopot. S. DICKETISILN. Jn., Dealer in general iciadslicall• and Clothing. Brick Store. an Ken street • GREAT BEND. L. 8. LEMIEI3I. lisnurarturer of Lather. tai dab* to grurant llerchasdise. on lists Street.* O. Y. DOD VI, Merchant Tailor and drsbre l 0 Milt{ Made Clothing, Dry coods,Drocerlosaruirre‘llloll, Datrk LF2.cOXVILLE nitust Manarlactiectietind deahrtianert of Lb., and Va.tlont, OD3SON n. V. 'Mrs LEY—D..ler Stoves, rn, Copper. ate: and Sheet Iron Ware, Cavan'''. de. disovartMdbifte er of Shea Metals to rod( r. v. Trot:Oswalt= hrodoese attended to at fair prinry—olltera realowvacia.-1.1. EDWARIPt a BILYAN'T. MathefeetErsett Of Whoa* end hietent, nest the Ingalls' Mors. 2.IO):TROSE. O. KBEIMIC—CIot! Surveyor, of Itesquebatai, CNa ty. Office In the Court Ocoee. Itantroeck. &BEL TURRELL, Dealer In Drcitc. Nedidnil6 L. (mot*. Panto, Oils, Dye Btarro, Ofool2llllll. ainr4b7 Notions, etc. 1 40 P. 21. '7O JANIVI E. CARSIALT, Attorney at Lim. Olio door bolo. Turbo]] Homo. Public Arnoue.• „ WV. U. COOPER it CO.. Bankers, sell Pamir Pu. .a ;c Tick ts and Drafts an England, Ireland andllocrk SILLEWS STROUD. Genera Firs snail% Coat* Jump Aram; st.o.i.llßaßrosa and Actfdea*Tfrbtt to New Tort and Philadelphts. Ogles ens await of the Dank.. P. B. CifANDLERf (lemma] Iresurtato Illirwbelykt aloe Age nt,rublie Avenue.* ISPICNS & NiellOLS, the_ place t_o tot Thugsead WNW ones, Cl en, Tobacco, Plpoi. PocketWooke, Webb eels Yecilkee Notions. ac.. Wick Week- WU. L. COX, Siamese maker and doter l■ all =nip asilally kept-by the trade, nntioslts the Cask. BOYD & COMPS. In Stoves, Hardin" and lktantseturers or Tin nod Sheettrou rareopliniar of nolo and Turnpike street. 8. R. MORO.. Ilthrehant Tailor wad dodo? Sit Clotho• Trimmings. and Fartith!deg Geode. 11110 ltradyMado nothing. on Math blthel,stzt doid le low Little andtlakeleea Law Mat. ♦. N. lIIT'LL-ULU, Dealer In Urottstfss„ Prirridint Tionks, Stationery and Yankee Notions, u bol Public Arerida! "r 12161113Z1Ta SA 31EIL ClOl7 le 39 • orrostra Tu. anal ugril, YON'TROBE, PELTr. JOHN e. rr*Plieleih Eight Steps lam tiff■ Woue• Cal>t oocn•etttiwtr lac 1.1. L. & W. the ILrlo, end the, Le ri tzahry Neu LW, a. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOOI. Knox, For the Miami core ollbe Erring and rinferttutte,oe'v Prtnelples of Chrollan Ptillantkrbpy. gamy. oat tbe Ertersof l'unth and the Fontes Orli, In Motion to Marriage and Social Erna, with moltar old for the abßetcd. Pent free. Jemmied enve=ll dree• lIONVARD ASSOCIATION. Box P. Ph . . weitraptiv rrigt:riiitt , • . . •'I AT . • . WILLIAM:SMITH'S- .., Arguello Furniture R's=mon 'U lad tits ismsei . FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FURNITIIREI2 . :, To be found In. W. auction of 11.6 enubM of his w manufacture, and at prices that cannot ask Is she sops. r, (salon. 110 maim the very butt . ' ' II3=NSION °MALES 1, ~, In the Country. and Wdllll43Td Item. :, :.1. ....., . ~.., UPHOLSTERY WORE Of all kinds done to the owed msassi. ._ 03 X' Ft X 24 131. M33DS. 23 331 at. OF VARIOUS PURE NO.I MATRASSES,. ' • COMMON lIATRASSEL ". ...—... . UNDEATAKING.7" 4 „ me 'rb l i ellt RUM will beftal . .... Li e f! : a ir " I "d ecri r s ts _R a ' IA S` and the most elmot miasmas la the au . 1 Leedlnd his swim fill be attended to promptip 3 AS WM W. SMlTlllifldit. ; vauxos.. Pa.. ha, el. 1871-00-0. , . A wirsisTuvron's 1401V31.—T0 the edit* of John A. Gardner decease& late of Leon= lettere of Adestotstrettoo In the aid esttite log been granted to tb6 studendette& perm* ow log said estate • are requested to make immodfato upecnt. sod por ous Imam claims Sestost gild mails ato wonted to mama them without daisy. MAW GARDNES.MatobliStftf. Itridewolef, Dee. 25,163.-w3. • - • • • _ r. . 3 1 FOR SALE • • , .- -• • OF OILISIIPSDRLD AIM 11011 FT if Fill• Mould on the read - between Silver Lean a se llg Ulm well sneered and well Simpered, a Bond and nallillnp, etc.. an. - • • • .4. S pp lialeatef Beeldon P . 0., S .4 eisigitithaim coo., rai Jamul I lin-4111 - : •