;P:avill and .f.irith.. lie Value or SHOW to the Soil The following beatin fed r r.,etks ni on th- value of snow \till read with interest by the rrad r. It ii from the Fon of the etlitur of the rmrr. When the snow comes early and ee mains through the winter, the rots of the grain and grass ronlain , reen and suc culent and r.ady for en 4.arly start in the spring. The snow also protects the snrfare from the sweeping winds. is h dry it and re move the soil from the roots of the w.n ter gmin. When the snow lies in n deep body on the gronnd, If we have occasion to dig into the earth, we find there is lit tle or no frost. People say the snow has taken_ the frost out of the g This is not exactly trite. The snow lia protected the grortntl from the cold alr, and the heat radiating from the earth has melted what frost there was tinder the The white color of snow prevents the absorption of the sun's rays and flat tr transmission to the ground, so that the alternate thawing and freezing does not take place in a snow covered surface, 'which does in ono on whiCh the snow does not lie. It is often said that the snow 11 the .poor man's manure. But it is the rich mums' as well. for it brings down elements of fertility from the atmosphere, and ro tains them, and when it melts con Vt: them into the soil. When the snow is converted into water by the genial influence of the sun's says, it penetrates the soil so quietly that it does not displace the seeds or disturb the I mit lets of the plants, but softens and swells them, and at the came time dissolves the elements of .nti trition around them,whieh they are thus enabled to into their circulating vessels and convey to tkeir tender shoots and buds. Thus a good Providence supplies ns 'with tlic means of life and comfort. It scuds the snow to retain the warmth ( . 1 the earth, and protect all \eget ahle Without it, iii the digher latitud,:s. the earth could not be inhabited wan. ground would freeze to such a di pill that it would not lie thawed till mid :ustur.or. We would raise no winter 'grain, :he short seasons would limit ,nr colt:Nation bra few of the harili,.r plants. Th. 2 snow, then, is not only "a hcanty and a 2: n." but it is a safeguard :mil protect EiJll to ail Negetahle life. ft adds largely toil:, fer tility and prod act ivenosi of the soil, and enables it to produce a much greati•r ya; riety and abundance of crops for t sup ply of man, and the thenslnd animals which contribute so largely to his neocssi. ties and comforts, 'than it would other wise do. Whiter !utter liahlraa An Ea tern Pentisyl‘ania farmer', w:f thus gives, in the G «iql \,,r For,{ , r. result of twvuts tcu - cars CN kCri : Commence to L , ..at the milk wlttii :be cows are first gi% en c_an•ftlder, a Ili, it i manage in this way: Strain the nii!it ii tin pans, filing, only, half fill—a Ittl. more or less will make tie dial :mice: 31:, ii as soon as cut:Se:tient set the pans.ol milk on the stove, where let them remain n 3,131 a roughness or w rinkled appearat,e, on the top of the milk is nutieol tic the In It gets too hot the only harm nil! be less cream)then tall it 313 the milk room or c , .1-lar,in lar,in &cool place untslnext MorLi:ll;.tv io II bring it up in a Ivarin room and I, tit slatol until the next Joy Is lt, n it is g 3 :bt I: ready to skim. Whig, treited it, tl.:s our it,will not do to skint much nn ler 1 . ,,i - - eiga hours. Me plan is to skim m :,r.nin I aud night's milking limb at the same tint in winter. It dies not li to t Liter for :!n• LI), cream to sour—rather aids in eimrii Mg. „ l ,; ..; , making butter come cornier. 'the creara kettle I keep in the cellar until the dire or It e eveninl before I wish to churn ; then, if - , conveMent, set near a coal stove or One that fire is kept in all night. In the mor ing, before churning, try with ither- ----- - mometer ; it'should be at the tetnp-ra t ,-, re The Weekly Sun. of 62 de g . if not convenient to set the cream near a warm stove, setting the ken- CHU $1 A YEAR. 8 PACES. tie in hot rater will answer every pnr- . Th e n ; •„,. r - • Paper, pose, 5 ,sper. posf). The Beg ...:zneilltural nip,. Idany persons object tu bearing the mill: .rt,,• ;:,..., I , ..lisival Paper, because that milk sometimes burns t„the The Best tltory' Paper, Th bottom of the paw. To avoid this set the The 1.3c8t ra,bion Reports. e Bert C'aitle Market Reports. pans with water on the stove and lace The Best General Market Reports. the pans with milk in these, and the dtf- The Bast Paper Every Way. tienity is at once avoided. TUE WEEKLY NEW YORE SUN. Eight ragea,SB r , e.:7 ,. n a n,..n o r r L i a ., year, or ..n. than - Cents a number.— If butter needs coloring, I prefer carrot, . which is prepared by scraping off the out- i - 5 = 1, ° ,, side and trashing; then grate into a Entail ---- portion of the cream and strain this into Agents Wanted for Cobbin's the whole. For a churn Spaine's is a good film Ott villivir3vg A !NIT) one, with large opening for putting in the Unl i t) 3 . • LUILIILIi IA It'll cream and te ' iing out the butter; also can oN T.,. BIBLE fee n Hota CIRCLE. take the dashers out, wash and clean More I.Y-90 a2c.. 2150 Enp-arlt,,. The beet eaten- 1 41.e of Ilia easily. i year f o ra t t.dit•. F.vety fandly sill here It. Soiling I would say, never wash. butter; use as -1 ,17,,1r 1 47& 44 „,':',,t, I'L''',,,trr e ,°,Atl'elr”' 1 - 1 - s• ""'' little, water about butter as possiiii,e. , ' GOOD COUNTRY TALLOW WANTED. This is' my experience', kit ing washed llittheet t .rce paid for pr:nle quabty by L. IL ELK. butter to my satisfaction, aluays having. 1 ,. . ; • , ;T , ::: ,.. 5itp , a , t , 14 ,, 1 1p 11t,c1e. Mantdacterur, 116 to 'go strong in a tew days after. I ha% e -I .: tried many ways to avoi.l heating milk - ;&.1:),:" in winter, but have found nothai:: :la satisfactory as what I bate gi 'km.— Prat- of i l - i ri i HAIR Topic te Fernier. t., tii ll lea: ra , laaf.l.l aS a Promoter of the Growth of the I flair art{ Whiskers. It 14 neither kick, nor greasy. - y, t d. ...news aeti eta• othee the Mlle far better and _ - nod., I,rrneuently thee ray 011 or rimed-. reed as As told weather approaches, fowls that it ,,, : . 1 , t0r Dre,,in g ,. l it pro ,, ducce the moot btatto Hal and hare been cunning at ho - etc Lind their stip- exquielle‘'l l, 7rt;nte ‘ hl 4 7ullVplV-ell. i ttlT' g d7etl/l i e L tl plies of insect food partially if not wholly• rbr,n,,T.,..?`,‘,n,7„144`.:7,7,‘,.'dZir",,.,.%`1Litigi514.,/:.fgef. cut off; grasshopper . tare minas and cri , .:k. -MILL .11. ~.) N. ad Cl.. PhEadelt.hla. ra. ets becomings scarce, and the entomologi cal book is .bein g closed up for the ;:into. • Now, when charms arc not folly ere wit. 1 (4 rent Event ! and adult foil is nut receveril,f. f..,13. the ;.;,''' tare d'' ..4 " t'-' diV"" or our Immonac .cock of tedious process of iniiiiin - g . i s ti:, lin, if 1.1,`;',.. 1 ;:,'-',"c,, T i'ii"k2': , 7„ . ,,`,7„'7.'0 1 „.'1,1;..Vg.' ,CI , TI ever, when a little • animal food wil l ~ : hand It.ldee terse over nee. .S0o..11:5. Sea, Se. A "' • `'.' great tarlely to rat:. nli haver, Send for Catalogue. a larrte dividend on the is Int-it t. Fll- j KAVAXACriI C.: DECKER. car. CLa.L.! a be-.tre threele, Now York cy arid valnable chickens will grow L. to. r ' , , and - stronger by a moderato anemia:nee at , this time of the year of sheep's lights aid I 11 ,,, iri , r, Ae ii i : s Biiii,Ds &E livers boiled and minced or our other ' " !, I e11,,W ii, / lOW ss.. —1, I similar cheap fresh meat bits. l song fee I.lll7..tratod Cat.llor..o to It is well known that nearly all birds ' 0:L11/LEY a cumusit, ti a cc, Ilya St . New roe`.:. when young, live priticipallv on annual , . food, though some change their diet at . A GENTS WANTED —we sucom'ee , rePlcve:mt Maturity to herbs or eteds. Th, r e . i , y„ f „':';;',: 1 , 1 , ) :;; L :t; i t rt . :V. 6 l.7'bi r :gT,ff, e T" fore, partly glltrivii . eltieket,F, tuft ice, i '''‘', ''' r '""'""'" ''''' n cove, . • I ''''''''Y w 'r. thr " P l.„ al ' ducklings, &c.., that find their aocto.taineil ; 7c., ''' \ '4',.':',.,L'ccs•:,,',r f);;,,, r dl'C.“4lll.:;;:f.).:daret'' tupplies of insects stopped by the nurt frust, ! must be artificially previa.. d for, (..r they '''..;!"' tO ("' `,.... ) il ~ . ..tt Amen. crafted t— will become .stuute:i more or less, ae- N ?an, -ts,r,.-Ya•tliet:lt'k.:int of "rt.ikthg.t.r.t."Pl_t'l cording to their age, those lar , est hatched 1 f o r e e in their epe to Canaltlll - 9 ar all i.ne u' t mt.? ' Lsor r a,. in 1 va , t4A . l y CO-, r tA z ar ,, a d 'lt - L i fza. .4,lflr.sn G. STlN tuffering the most. We do not mean that unitnal food sl•rnald be provided in such quantity as to form ; luo F - N . si any considerable portion of the 111 i to be consumed. But a little only steins' • to fill a very pressing need of th e System. I tiaras to the TrAvzl=3 et Ihrtford.Cl. Just atilt Winter,. the . feeding of a few i 4 -1 - 1:1T„,, 1 ., -----7- T .,;;;.7,.,;.7 .-- n , ~- c T. ,„ roots—beets or tairdips— n ili 'uffeet the I "or I.V.ru.saitadt.-.'-ii,tes-it.irt:ZienSj. thrift of cattle jtept 011 hay to a a1t. ;:r ,..„ ''".7: l o'-'4,l , '"'. , :mr'd , "'u r '"lPt ' ./ et lt. EEII-44.N.T... ria , E.ALYlP.l.lcading, Pa, out of proportion to the actu n i nutritoits ' --f-L- - properties of, the -roots, as totnpared *WI f lr - the dry fodder.' So'ehickeitsuill be ben-. t Fall Feuding or Poultry e ti t , bt• animal food given id moderate 4 I Han itvg.—.lnwricult letityg Home. 331/I3tEi 0 , 0114%210 CalLiCt. QTRoun I) 1.1 General Instranco Agont, FEET, LIFE AND ACCIDENT Issuidicz, 1../1 - orlstr•c•fmc. X.e4. ..s n.,tortl Fir, 1n , .. ro.. Cr.1,11:11 and Isciri..lns $.3.(1 , 4,n(50 11 ,, n11 , 1r.,, 1.',1., N. T.. Capltal As"! JElrplue, .S4.Q.POJKXI It •y-ii Inn. ,',. !AN erp , :ti ... $10,,;,41.c1l 1.,, , ,iw01. London &111141/14 " VII 0g,, , ,i , t) Fat,111,11,•: , co . Phi'., • $3.1.111,01N1 In., Co .of N0.C.1 Amerle3 I . $3.1:111.00 , llntryl,,ml3 111 re " ....-- -• • $1,1i1.01 0 I , 1., Cu-, Mat , tor Penlt'A " $ , ,,00,41 0 Union If vI,Tal $0,11.1001 1. ,, ,,,,,1T1r. l'lre " E1.G.,0.11,110 Nl' , 11:r.nwri,,,, I ro.. co. II $110.1410 . Anll,, , tylle, Ph il.,l'a t 3. 0 1430 Si Iltlolllll, .. e...-ou,tou - I.a I r• . dant , . Mut!) I.le, Atontte America:l Lite, Ph . C 7 ib=ll2.l.j.V. Trarcere Ine.Co •Ilarfurd,Capllaland Surplne '2.0110.000 Itallwny P.lr-zengere $.130.0:10. The nudertly.-ne.-1 has been well known In Ihitennoty.int the pant IT abe.-1,..n, nu It sunnee Agent. Loser. enainmd by hlo Corupaill its hate alwayel been ro - mptly pa)d. 44•'OMee drat door Cant from Banking ()glee of W. D. Coobur .ICo..Tarobikoot. Mon tro.e. Pa. BILLINGS STROUD, Amt. CEAS. IL MITE, Solicaor Idantroge. Sf u. 7 IL DM f Elircri VALLEY RAILROAD. I On and after June 10. TEM :mire on tho Lehigh Itaitrund w 111 run no fut:usr.. ISOLTR. Nu: S., 145 I IrJ 910 Mtn .12 45 6!9 945 S5O 19n 922... Warvrly . 12 u 0 555 900 33i IS7 11100 . 11 1, 509 850 4 2!), g O 5 10 19 Tuwnnd.a. . 15 05 457 810 524 II 'LI 51'y...104141g . . 10 KS 15 549 975 II 51 ... Lary, inc.._ 949 4 . 05 654 611 111_ . 514-1;91,04 ,, 070 639 0- 11 .11 .. 91,10-8031 y .... 019 631 55 !A 11 II .1 intkhannvot .. 10 940 656 891 412 1 511 .. I'f.i,U .. 25 1.11 450 25 SIC 3 19.. W:ike..ll,art., 700 Rl9 4:01 So 4 11..51a6c6 Chunk . x. 6.'+l 611,nt0. 6. . 14 .61 611 ....114461c6461 915 g Sl. .... Ezeton . 110 S CCM= P Nn. 37 !tarn, Tim - nada at :16 a. tn.: Athens. 50 g t , , l 7Ht " .T 2 i. ` - l6 a tit Athrnt, at 6 p. arriving at Tow tida nt 71 , p in. ii t f — Wlltr. ROOM rare :MOO 111,1 to Irtlintt 9 od run.. 114: thiuet-11 from Elmlra to I' Ittlailelphin, MMliial EXCELSIOR Fua Expo-Timm .4 . • Sacerscor to .. : • : ki .' 4 . ,f. A. ,.1....:: , !1.. *-i4 :. „ . 71 , 1 _1 grit St., X . fij l 4- 1 : -- t N:!..ldie of t',o P.:ocir , ~,, 11., Ti.j . : : :" 7 :. ; : 1 ' ' ' . ' ..k .' 11;;1.; : 1 5 ! IA: \ i, S , `...:'Z , ~ .3 .V 7 : q 41 1 . -1M ne •,..i , .. -1. , e' , -.{,.., , 4..!.,-A, r"port , zr t z ix .. 7 ; a all—sa -‘,-- fi ~. ...5t:,, , ...-r. .. - .. , ;.:tz..-- ...,..-- n."..." - 7;;:3 FANCY FURS --,------------- For La 411., n . .-,1 t ht:C.r..tC• T. IS A A CS, ..•altt. , tt.t.: sl•tre assr m frs. t.: I :• ::r Ir tat .Ir.,t :• ''' rt . ; !fl% Ile ..I.t rt htl• rt• : •• tct ca'.l a: d t adtt•ltte ts•worttn. tit ttt •. 1 Lai dt 1., /111 uctl to ..51 at the to•r•et,'• :1 Yet rs Ira/rat:4d. Yo ml.tret rezentatit n. to Ft TF:11E1 , AND REPAIIZI.II ;711 -- uP • , 1 TLIE: ET , -)RE, 7:P; ‘ItcII , T. U.:. :•:4-1 n 11111..\ 1)1;1.1'111A Ar37.ttiTS F.... a the I.,aidet.ts— t,...-. 41..! itu:z pup,. THE NATION Its Rulers, aril Institutions. IN"' , EN(H.D;II AND GEIBIAN, : ft. fir h.. , meryhmly no Jo-I the hoot. Ih. y t emf I. ni. V.f..• -Of.. of the ttocernr.aent. Siez!, in It are or theme. , fm+ north the Klee of Cf. 1,, it, 01 et paae. and , ply i.! :0 A ni,h A . CAW rrn t zentlemen—tormero. trortfem ^ Cni also' 1,4 15 n a Cr ir d.y• onn, '.:lnn tl.r t.ck ypeared. ba fr. daTl•.r.i roy Wrltr ut once foi ......NO% WttIZI.L. Pt - firlsfit NG ft Ni..ritet ttill oche. rhtladu:ottut No • I I EWELIIN—A Fine Assort ; hed vs,rne•le snr lerre:r.r. A few Cold Sn•••r ~. 5.d Wu sde • and WrOch ellen, Sneer assi •I!‘ • rSsn.l.• •r 1•. Ko• Re. and a ;en nr, tirr.d.. Notions, Perfamery Denzr r 3L„ La Nri:t in'er.:ll.l,,re sunk. 310...ru5e. i..n. Der. Z. Ilt:cl. nierarrer r I ..c.-co - 431.1 do Co 7:1i: STJN, Now York Clip , , 410,1 ratrINGIQe,p . iy. tretv lerk n.d chau. tiara one.. Book naled, ..10111,111:50 T., E1111=t11=IMMI! THIS WhY, GENTIEMEt II EL I'l3 C7i CP la HOP.SE HAY FORKS! et Pa 00 $3. 0.100 A, 5. NELLISI PATENT 111 PROVED Twenty-Two Outs ?Mr n•mmm. Awarded This Fork 13=1 NEWS'S GRAPPLE PULLY. No. NO. 31. S. 4. An "Implement that Frorl F.stmor, Carpenter, Mason HORSE RAKES 11 45 133 a. N. 11)47 12 20 t) 7;0 131 a 3 1015 11 3.1 Band Rakes, fir ythee. 9natbs, Or Cradles Iron. ~k clior Orand) Axles, S r , Carriage 11.1113. Cars, pars. ,Steel and Iron.) DIEM ,co 000 Thnt a .waya Ore en A ARM WHIATLE I when the ('o! la Ready for the T de. TRY ONE and yon will led the Coa a Alweya El;:h11 iiiMENI!!!MEI LOOK. LOOK. rx. MET:CHANTS AND TRADERS ! ! IN THIS CUNT ANN ELSE WHERE!: C=o "0' ..IEVE7"...r OF M. C. TYLER 79 &Al D'JANE ST., N. Y rrn Ssnrn, (Oft .t Co J VD NOT, WHY ..YO7 EvrilAi.. I lARDWArs F, Cutlory ikyt hug. Shovela Loo 1-u:inning and man , • lit, X Cut nan.•. ieni... . ii und polo he In et ill tbn World, tu Gin,. and of litu,ln e. Door Locke liu•I I orßind,., G:111, lininmore, novo], Float.. Carpet: Toole, Woo kert.i•tfo unit Toole. l'iiird Knivr, Po ke and . ."110,1)•.11./.111,rrything neualli Lunt in .1 F,NI L14:111VIre Gotten No Mistai.e" oo Th mha are tenderm! to the many In my nun ‘'nhaty. for the Lind paironaar a. al.n to mon, In other ton lit, uho may react in,. • lid a gm mol Incitation In hert-hy given tar a tont Ina mu: as non a. to those oho ore yr:llma to :Aye me Irml. ph ° h ave act dono!I/, by orders or Mae. f rely, Nontrose. Ntrth, N . 187,1—tf. I P BROT!IEUS, SCRANTON, FA Who' caale .S. Retail Do-Cm, I a HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, TJILDER'S HARDWARE RINE RAIL, COVE TERSUNK & 7' R IL SPINKe RAILROAD d XINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, 4E - La's, sNcISS AEI BOLTS, NUTS and WAsILERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. !NUBS. SPOKES, FELLGES, SEA T SPINDLES. BOWS, de. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES, & c. E. 0 LECULA It AND MILL SAWS, BELTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. HAIR A GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS,L RATRERS FINDINGS ' , MASAN K'S SCALES. Serzatork, March 24. 1.56.1. la HOLIDAY GOODS! I have addud to MI exten•lve variety of LAMTS and TABLE GLASSWARE. Cyr MOTTO CCPS and SAUCERS. MOTTO MOOS and TOY TEA SETTS to 'real variety. Alan. VASES and FANCY TOILET SE'TTS, of the kmdsemnt do. egro. Mess goods I Miro imported diroctly from Rumps, and my psis. are or low no any Importer can sac goods in s,thi.s this city or New York, A. J. WEII/NER, No.. Sooth toad Strnwherry SU Iniladelphil. Pa. N. B.—My rtork of CITANDEISERS. mood/lily adapted to Churches, I. sect large. Books of drawtogs showing the des*tt of each Chandelier nod Bracket, will to sent on regnort. Nor, 6.-2 m. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, toss!! the best low priced Corp Speller ever patented, Let farmers .d eversbodv who lass ci.rn to shell send jot circular to FAMILY Cths , -- Ro SUlvaoliL.l.3marp. om.-427.1.x.xy1s REYOIIIIIG CIRRIIGE GITI EraTTLlctLD.Uciontlii Id. IS:IA Tat claimed by our beat Judges. to meet the neve..try I no ong felt, of a Convenient. Practical, but-able Gate. Gate. to indented by the hither! anthortty In America. Is entirely different (remand hat many advantage. over any nth, (tale ever Invented. Is Cheap and molly connirneted and for aitivenience cannot tail to plea.° nil Can be opened and etneed without. the opprmtor clanging Id. Petition, lifting or pulling a viand, anti If dt , imed can be enaily al - rat:v.l to he opened and cloned without di-numuttng. It veronica no more groom( v hen oneatd then two poet, wi hoot gate. title making It very derivable over any other Gate to former. and thane Ilsing In Villages and Town.. la to order every day to the year. no snore to AbOTel In winter. It cad ent Eng or get cot of repair. farther nertlettlare ad:frets the undervigned. who v, ill an for ea partible vinit the several Coent'ene in Pennnylvania and adjoining States, fur the purpo.c at extPh:tiozarvi intecenscing the same. • Pormera andenterwising men generally, will do well to give tide aped .1 attention, as this Gate certainly will, go Into Mara' use. GEO. E. ILICEEY, Proprietor. • Nishoimm, Wyoming Co., Pa. Jane 12. '72.—tfl 4 . BLATCHLF.V.3 cr.• , iktPIIO7ELI ccirarant. WOOD pump. Tnsleleee. Derztb:e. Elllel, Lt X 3 and ett.p. The beet pump for tl cv Imes luaney. ;tte4l.loll le eeree4 l 4 )1 flivltNi 1.1 la b asebley'll Ntect ottavv - .... .-- eft Bracket awl Nov Dl9 , Ch' c:k ' Valve. it b 'eh ...an be w:thCrarrn with - - `01, • oat remov in... 1 tbe Punt:, or ‘ll.lnrblrg t ' - , thohlpt!.. is.leoleCT j per i Nba s g i tr t ..,, '4 st w F! ' y c ote h ' r ' . e fur eal: “ b a y n De4 w leio terry i'• r" ,21 . where. ,Serld for Catalcole and Prlet '4 i- ''"' ri Lig. t. , ;• ..:a,... - . E ... . Caii. 9.lh.aretrivr, 31Tr, . 573 Commerce In., 11:11a., Pa. beptesn bet, ISII3, 1371—N0. 3g.—yl • , - WOOL-GROWERS TAKE NOTICE. 51/271. 11 1% ,, 0 0n ws .. 11 0 1 . 1.1.Z . r k tryr n rwin w tr o n .r 1 :7l ak . cotton wore ranalel. the tIOn or c all wool tweeds and caceloacrca, A lama Int or clothe on. hand. for sato or to wx.thalwv for wool. Please OTO lOC • calli Dolph, diepoclng of ° y - cur wool - elsothernmilts uorth or Noutrooe. J. W. MOTT . atoultose.JanoT.llM.:. 3FlLotrol - criaa TVL ca= 1 t cs Grind itones, Eutto, Pl.ps Lnekr MIZE re!. C. TTILEB.. _ 1 71:1ria.mon3acl. 73.2c.d10015i.0550. R. F.'. R. HABWAY'B EEADti RELIEF Cltllol rur. IVOIZIT PA INN In from Ono to Twenty Plilnutna. NOT one Howl !ter mr-lutg d• I , OW .7.0 P K 11: 1 , IT II PAI: 4 . E-1.1)7f Ara lOU.' F IL .1 et:llE lIVEIZY PAIL It v.rtbn to a 1,.4 is The Only l'a I n *At trutantly otos wr rtto.l, eanrualm:bg r..•, h tanunal4o.. .rut Czong.t.W., *.,aNrr of lb* Lave*. Mntruch, 11ov., or ctLcr pa. 1,41. c.r orzsue, us.• xprllza. Lau, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY 3.IINCTE.I. Ea tn., nr eccrnc'atln■ pd. tic lIATII CrlDplikl, Nu eau. , Neural,,., ur 14.44.1e4 disea.4l.l7.urfer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WII.I. A FPCIII.T/ INSTANT CAZE. DIPLAIIIIAISIN tot , ' 'nu: IC WHETS. _ . . 150.1....0.111AT10N (W TIIC INFLAILY.I.II.UN 'TUE! R0,VE1..4. t•ONt.lal . lON r.rtcci. BORE TLIUOAT, Ltlr.F..t (1100 • PALI'IriTII , N t/C . )23_tr.T. lITSTEMICS, CROUr. _ llElD.tcll2,.roortiAc - RL - gCIIAT:SLIt COLD CHILL.% Atlt7;'?:'i. Tr.; opultrUTL; or tit; ituntlc ' ReIN( to tbo put or P uts °Moro tau palm sr ortool bum uol °antrum. I Twc•iy drop. In half • tun.l.l, cr . ..s.tv• will la • I•vr Olotema,n wire CRAMP'S, H . ,1M1. SoCII wr"mm . u, II EA RTRIIIIN. SICK !lAA DAt; E I,l,l,Krai EA DYSENTERY, COLIC, 'WIND IN TUN. 11J1 , LL B , 11 INTERNAL PAINS, Trara/ers should al ws.v• carry • I,4ttle of Ra2vrave, Ready Relief wall Meru. A G.. Crop. In vn:+nr g,f L, ;.z. It Is Ws. FEVER AND AGES. TZVER ANT) .&01.71i eurad for dfly C.LII. Mora la not • runaKtlal azent In thta world tS . at t Y !var 4 x t v d d 4E;e7a ' l , l ' airo:ni4nlVZ I! ' rlirfAVll% r iTiL4 atecs as R.% DW A T'S HEADY 1:U1-MY. Flfly a.* par botlla. Buhl by Lhogglais. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! . . STUMM AND TIRE. Ttl , 11 1.001 , -Mritr.AFF. ri.Esii AND wEv.l.l—. hiN A 11/ BiCA.• TLFUL COUPLE] lu:1 11) DR. " R 111 A ' SARSAPARILLIAN RF.SOLVENT RAS MADE THE t'l'lts:9; so wri,K , so ItANI , lii rIIK 1101.)Y 1 - NDlElloog4, UNDER THE 11Ft.i'Escn TULU TISULY ViUNIJEL:r THAT Evory Day an Moron:3o In Flesh and Weight Is Soon and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every dthp a the CIATLA I PA 81 Ili EN T . C0M17411.51 , ,11 r•• toh trio 111,,, .et„ riine. an I mbar Pula ini,l In, the •Astern t;.• • f I it owns thewakes of the Lode whit tin* and a. rsati,n, !scrofula, s,phi , , nninsiiiipti,n, dleenra. s In the Throat, M eith T e , re, N.., In .:,e, Romparte of the ovation, Erhs At,,, , ,, r from the Ear., and the worn ft, ~ ,- tSk:a dlarnros, lions, Fever ti Aeefinale Um!. Mina WI rote end, Khan', ErTeheihte. AAA.. 'M.A. Sten.. Woi in the Plea:, Tnnie-e, Conran In the Wont, and ell •nehrodng shit painful Ahs *bargee, Night iterate it,,, of Speen., andereveacriha We_ iirinelpin, ern within the Conti,-,'ain't; the,. Modem Chemin', and a 1, or Aar,' mei ;rei• to person ualhg It fnr eller of these Ihi-eus ,t ,Miaaae Its poteut power to ei,o If the patient, Andy 1o:co.:ling mailers! he thawan.* tad deenrupontion that I. ciintlitunde enc.. 1. la erre:sting these waste, and repaid the &nue with he••• n,ater- IM wide how heatthe Id:hid—and We SAY-SA l'.11:1 MAN w ii ehd 11,1 Hine, Nut coif , •ta..r•ral not, nr, led knutrn r.o ags 1.. t f t F.. c. L onsttluLtutat , , ; mkt SCc db...., but 3 ...I 1:4,3 un:y ros:t.•• Cut for rildney & Bladder Complalniv, s-T.l NT , rr.% •t., tf.n .v.a, Is I liks , ho , ki , " of ogr, tit.. r or • rasr..i.l,4 h hrt, ell then Is a • 1 : , 1%1,, nr,l run La L. b.., ..f r WORMS.-n., aaly ktosra na..l sure r r.. f,r N.LO Tumor of 12 Year•' Gron - tia Cured by Itadway's -T t..a F.l n on! +l,t I. I .•• ; DR. RADWAY' .67 PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, peremt`r 1 e , • I • - IT. tegul.e, .1 a• • C. the cur. 4d . all t • IL,. a.... Nerve,. s t IN•alt rec., c.f 11, 1, 1 e•.II re nnf.~m to of the ...em e"' py-lUte care, v r • wen-urn Cllneral•,nr delelere, env,. CT obn“, th• C , We.b , C •7.;..z...5 ter.. Cr, L of the e Aeul,l, Nana., rf It I <, 11...~.~ a•d r l i. ..\', 1. .i I~r . .I~.v f (: w~ _....a~.l 1... r. • mow ~ 1~ W. A PWA T'S 4 l'.e I. 1' -F ihsE A I I. f9,..a, , • . ...sit, 1,1,1 ea seat ,u, MEI SLIS2IIENANNA KNEP.AL SPRIt-10 WATER CURE. frill!' hone,. It now completed and rertey far worm, Oaflon of v and the trea , meni of InvalHa The rae. ing re an the .I.•ogrce keen, PI have been cored Eby the dwa of the Suetinehautaallmeral Water. DISPEPSLA. GRAVEL. DIAIIEAS, KIDNEY DISEASES VENE.ItIAL DISEASE., DROP SY. ALL Es ‘,l the Itt,non, LIVER CoMPLA NT, ULCERS PILES. CHRONIC nrA It it 11 RA, FEMALE DISSA.E.. talk 1.7. At ATISV. tl ILS SIP. CLAS.E.LLT /tLIEL')I, St ROPULL. O'zita.xvocus 31:10.1.eva C 11101.13123. To lt,rte who coottoranhto virdttnz tho Spunr. we would say that thiollOUSE ill FITTED with a vlitrr to the COM'ORT and EASE of our GI:LIS 2".6..5nd wo shall .arc no po Ina Is look's: t 4 their welfare. We guarantee a curt or decided help, or no pay. For forth at parocolsrs acquire of, or 'demo A. D. ETITTL:BriELD, & Bro.. Susquehanna Mineral Springs, flush, ?enn'a. Aprll, 17,1872 -222 ..9..13.171X-a 'X' 'Cr DBUCGI.3T, HOICTRfI.TE PL. In continually cc:civic,: • INT 3Ti i tGr C, CD 3 - ) IS A mi keep" rnnetttll7 en hand a full and Ca frabto 2.1.2,111nraUL 14 11.61J1c17:1. - S, C 12.1.:;,::( ALF, 1.1 (.1 t 1: . Paint,. Cite. Dye-St tiffe,Tens, Splut c.tht r Ott ! caries, Star..; Ware, and 11 ttalaw ti:art ware, Fruit Jars, 11 L. 311.1, Cl,Unnao 0. K. ru I rune, hlactsiocr, tl,l, Tanauri.• (111, !to fined %%lad,: 01i,,pt's llt Oil, 01,c 01', Spirt". Turpen t I oe. urulthcs, beet!. V luv;vir,l 7 ..larli. Cultep, trait , " WC. As It o,rter, tiopportcrs,„.lledteu I.trsnonts. uhoultirr Braces., Whips, Calf, Pist,ls Cartrldgc.s. Powder. !Mint. Lead, Gnu 4.'op.s,ll:aet}ng Pon - Qat and Fuse. Vivfint.Strings, lloura.ete. I , ltEce Mica. etc., Fklt Ifocksai d Law a,llar and Togo Soaps flair CUs, Hair Iteatnrere. and flair Drys. I:rob:ker., Pocket- K nire..tipec:acina,B liver Plated thnsuur,Fotka Karr. 6c. !Anal [t 6:liclea, a gauctskateurtruillat 01 PANCIC 13001 S. azwELar. and PIIIIFLIIILILY. All thelcadln; and belt kindn'Of • PATENT xtrozoNE3. In - short, etturly cooll htng 'n restore the nick. te , plan.. the tail.. to dont:tattle eye, to gratify the fancy sod-cf.(' to conduct to thueraland,abetric Hal comfort, - of I Ire. finutueratiOttlir impracticable. an it would Al, a nawrpapar. Callas Ito Diu Vax i stY° 4 " Uf "..;= Zolltrelfeiattlarteri.:.; ]DIII. ,o A 3:1.a. Ma. octivatztoEr. THE EAGLE 3:2• z• itz 0 t cp ze o ! 1rJ1.1.7-17173 2\T CIML Cat 1-2151. PUOPHMTORAL BRICK BLOCK, KONTROSE, PA., Sign of the Golden Eaglo and Dlortar Tyr: rbeodee to Inform the. pc:bile. that Ts, hove morro IT 11 ?turn let.4.fe, 01.1.1411..11 . 1 lam). r, .an 1.. he firick Story, forfuer:y oe.cup's.l by Gc.itt.l.lo Ilefven tbotlrf s. Co. %1 t have rerently fluted up this whore to Mod rn rule cud tuleTvur In 1:t• p ,uopliod hit all articloa port,uo.: to the Drug Luau:err We .1 to In or, nutly ncurOtal In , Rat lon I t tall 004 s c tse wnen witut an) thing tn uur 000, and inter NUT s‘nt,t. 01,e n friendly call To all out tpld Cu 'femora me drain, tu exproae .r thnoka fur Liar ,ry 1.1.0ral putrutto;e Itorotoiore xttottleh lu nn. Wr eliad .tn.1c...,0r to rust it a ctuttifotato_u of to. name. V ry Truly Vuure MIIICMEMIIIig flyer's Sarsaparilla .13 widely known ®" N as one of the moat A\ .4 . 1 etre( teal remedies ~ e‘er discovered for (,), 1 ,, ,r. "*'".,....; "4 • .;---,-; -?-...,- e ii !,. u., ' i ”, t thi• sy 4- .4 a`,, ~„, - i i , it , m , L..... 1,... ~..,..I .. I_,t . V.:o .. ‘;' , dtll;4*/ . t`t..... 1 rite l tt . .. t of N,..... Y . ,ii , ...." , ',irs, mitl .i con . ..'". -a Kant!, grtsl, III': I'll,- . • Ilt.tilllll, list,..) on its intrinsic ‘;rtnes, an 1 sum.nined by its re markable erner. Su.mild a, to be , rtfe and benetivial to cliCiren. and -o gran hr~^ as to etieetn it per ,:e out the print cor ruptions of the b'oo 1. , n,li as the ',ob. Outs t.atantirta , kn. Intitttritien, nr disea , es tlrit Ii :re I.r . krtl in the t‘ stein for years, nfson id 1 to thin Is,sr:ul anti duty, and .!inat pear. IL n, c its cure;, mac, v. ate p•ittitt•!y krom n, of Scrorli! t, rot I all serolotts Ulcers, Eriiptiontn, ,r , trti;ts da onl••r, 'ht , Tumor , , li!ut ell 13°114, I' Post v.:es, Not rs . St. Antlitniv*A Eire, ltose or Erysipe las, 'fetter, Salt it Ileum, Scald Head. I:log - worm, and no. rnal Ul ceratiu,ts of the Uterus, Stovnach, and Liver. It ako ccrct, other com plaint,. to which it ww.C..d not. seem onprei ally athipled. sttch a, ropsy,• Ilyspep. sin, • Nr.tiralttia,lleart I Pfseam , , I:etualt• \Veal:nes., Debility, and Leueorrlicen, whet they are tnanife•sta tions oi S• I Of , l;triS oi•;tttn. It in aw ••!..• It restotrr of health and tile Its rent:, in:4 the app. , ;te 3 . 1 , 1 • iz , •r ul the ors:an., it 1..•• ,It pox- ol ~t• • 1. La n nhtn•t• 1. - •• 1; , .! 1.. u, r nd lit t• l o nger, fk, IS The •ynnnn mur ca Vn Wills i,nenl,d ugur nod a taco lease of life. Pn rrAneo 71 I" Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Prarliew/ ond Amagtiral Chentists. BOLD DT ALL Ma:GISTS EVE:RIMIEN= . c,iv . ArAir, 77,5 , CNivi- '-.- 0. '"' " f . VEGETABLE SICILIAN 1 „ vi ,,,, 4Tzumw , N-r:`f , '" HAIR.; - :== , - , ,..--- . -- .a --- -- ENEWER Every year increases the populari ty °it'd, valuable Hair Preparation ; which 'is duo to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only nibble and perfect ed preparation for restoring GRAY OR FADED HAIR LO its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff; and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from fidling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and. stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical ILUI.DRESSING ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, .M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and care- Piny selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST PREPA RATION for its intended purposes." gold bye/ Drrupistß, mut Dealers in AS4icines. Price Ono Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in ninny cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Prico*Filty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, 6c CO., NILSHIMS., N.H. Sold by . 1 =refl. and Burns k Mtultroz,c, end all druz4Lls and dealers every where. I Dee. 21, 1•170--y The Great Cause 111 ,/ U. t'. az. Tka 4:3 z" "Sr . Zia a 2.; r . ,!..t Eh rrk.pe. poke Six ant, Lecture on Iln• Nnture t Trentinonennd Rodied C are of NpPlooll.arLrel. And Svoltpul Wrialco- Invotonrar,‘ and Izoredirgitot 4 to Slay. nags not : N C 0 0 0116110014 1:111111111. 01131 trite, 31V11:41 Jl,l Ph), , froi Snotortm, re•olling how —tly Itolf %lir et:LVI:IIWELL, AI. Eh. Author of the •f iteou Book." Ar, 1 he woritr.renowned antime, in ebi. admirtbla Lett nrn tly pruce• from his own ernurleo,e lint The dtrftil 'Nuance of aelbutmae may be ctiettnatly remind without mcdicint, t and without hoe corm earzleal op. era tint*, boogie, Inrirnmente. rla:p., c•oltiab.. point. Ing out a made at once remain and arcetnal by which Cary ruircret. no matter onto bin condition mar be.' mar core nitn,cf - pelrof errand ludic:llly, THIS PItOYEA, 800.1 1(1 TllOtiAND:t -TIIOE ISAND3'. Sent under reel. to our athlrin , s. in Winn enolc4 ono. on the ree,lpt of tin rent', or ilOO noktogottorapV. ADP Dr. Clare enrell'u •rtitartio,l,o Cutdn," pito 50 nen It: Aaron, Id. PabtliAttru; • . • - • 13)1.121436 7.-O. KLINE, t 10713 :7M Ni 77 York. Post-OtHi.ei ifoz4,sBe. • romm,' ptietirtm," lieimrom," that I.d tha tippler on en drunk...end rain, but an a true I:fed:eine, ramie front the e room sod herb" nf Cab:forma, free,frout all Alenhotie . Stimulanu. 1 hey arc the Great Mood PuriSr and a Lfe:string l'zinclpte, a Perfect. Renovator and lam gorator of System, carrying et ail potent°ua matter, and restating the bh:rod to a healthy condition, enriching it, ra freshi and invigorating hotlt mind and body. They are eny a administration, promrlit in their action, certain in flair nelults, safe and reliable in all farina of dineaso, !in Person inn take these Bitten aceonbrg to :directions, arid remain long . ..noel!, provided their bon. Sr. rod dt-stroyed by mineral polle orn c:ser azd the nisi oqra "tasted beyondthe poled of str..-ar. - - llyapopl.l., or lutligestlon. thiin ie the Shou lders, Coweh., Tightness rf. the (Lett, Die:ions, So/. Ertuitateins of the Stomach. itmt lest. fnthe Aloud, Att_mbv, f t licerh liPamination of the Lungs, l'a,o regiens of the kidney, sad a hinm shed ...her tainfoi 6,111,,..1% am the spin, of leyapepois. le these complaints it hes tio mpie, en.l one imMie %silt yrove better mieraigee I, incinn than lotAzhy triveßmenier,t. Far Petunia, Complattato, inyon; , , a, kA Tsingle, at the darn of yrnme,,lmoch or the tortgef life, these OOIC Petters display no etinited slitralemr.ce that a narked improvement is sow, perettitNe, . For ludatuanatory war] chronte . Ritentua. tistu and Gout, !LT.:peps. or Ind...eat:in,. Rome , Ream tent end intermittent mcorn, throne, of the Thoak Liver, Kittneyl Diet:tier, these Litters lanle !mem:oB,f pit:reset - oh Such Doeue, are culud by Vitiated Piped, ten eraßy procluemi by demngenimm of the Digestive Organs. They are n Gctztle Purgative n_S Well 4.1 n Toni, also the pete!isr Iner;t es a Useragent in reliml/V: ur I ngananatten a th e User and ami L:",. os It .sea-... Skin Vialenses, Erui con, Tr urr, t. S.:, I: 1. VA, t 1.4 cam Lt t he SLln ,Di a nt s o ar, y l.e ol,wt of ,rat short i 7 + 0 1:v tht I:.trrt 1.1 ev.ch L -.C.1 COM J.,/ a.O inn,luktnuf the:r c•.r ItA C A n 1 , 11'N.5. AMLPS Cleanse the Vitiated Blood 5011, 1 ,7, you and im Imperitiee t! the la ti in tart!, Lap tons, or S .r ea. e.r.thL, Lee 'cc. Iliad 51 r•Letrecte.l and eeir.r.; it rout. ferliop auil tell you Kee,. thepe, and the health d the Grateful thonnaridt pra'.ia ”rer:a ri - rettes the te , ,at ever ett..t.ticed the slaking " Wt. Tnpo. and other Worms. lorl.:ntaln ttm C...., arc anti ressoerd. Sa.. 4 r1.e1infe...,.1 Thete i,.1....1...1111,11 the the ear.% vi 1t...4..4y nexrept Lam. tharse , , •., It na; , ;an; do, t.eaSby meets ..1 the that 11 oT::13 r :I`l, 111, 1111012 the c1.5eA,..1 h f humors ara ~,y t'...t breed the, enc,sters N., of et" t o C.., tea rystei, aut. 1.1. e thesi3 KIIMEMMNSM 1, I I / lion•.lutcrnslitent Te r' ..I IMtll=ll othe'r alAtattnoll 1c- 7 , .ere are a to-a," more or lea. o'aatrta.•:....l of tho ! v_., lor -- ' .r. :a ata.o Lr the th-rt.mh, amt groat thipur of the a t, -enot Loa•.; 'o e,ea! potty, a-aorta:4 p•avaAfol kaill•once olao n rr gan r•aflyt•to.eo, It 11 •that c for 0,1 ;tall -goo, tq-0.1 la I'e •J att,- o'o V• o th or 2, al •.111 apectii rtot.ane ttar'. r aotol aa! zaatter or:ie u:adi ta t !..•• ,:.• - et.. t• the se-cream-a of I'm th•er, arri foot°, the ),eal:hy MEXIM fk,...,rni...;skitsr.-..r7i:;11. WY. c r«r.. II rilmn,...cns. 1ut1an,,,.”..r.*, i A• 7 <.. • I • • n:.11 .r ,i,c el[ .1 I 01 . 1, " easel. NY V. , r 1::1!1. t• ta r.Te:t yon. -t r. s.i I • A Watnan',l Allutrusg, her e rVOU-Sli and Headaches. ,•• y ..-; are real .Inorrler, F r r c dc rcbr. ••, IMMI=MI Dr. %Vialla.cr'.4 l aliforula S inrignr 11liters lice a:iGi• LS ta a I', a" t f r ~11iha rt . t'oe I..ta parts recei , , ht.., 1,71111.,,t C., The properties /, :4, rorITMIS ausc s Diute: The Aperient an 1 ran 112."% c of De. W o.Elt V7NKCS:: 1 , , Tk.it-• a ;Et.ud su all mg. and 't pro;- , ,es rrot,ct 1.. t: c• EL, hen SedaLvo , Va.. 11 in . tire mai.. stomach, and bc..ve . :. enh, fe..ns u:u.l.en cramp re 11i, it.tincs.ce extend, thrort2lsout the Vac, ropa risen ass the Kidnen. carlecting and re;satim; the slw of vine. Their An” 11,1:nus btanu.., the lircr o , in the ac cretion of bi!e. and usi.'settx , -es thr,st.h the nod arc superior to .1.1 i f...r the cure ut Bdiosla Fever, Tour and Fortify the body tv6olsor.t dltua o byplay-mit all ter thud, nLao, taLu bold of a cr.toin this 11... r. ` slue •'r.• su,acb. bom's, the Ltdoc, , . end ti.c tmel .13 . 1 ret.dered proq by thi• ems: inv't orant. The F.lfiency of Dr. WA, tar's Ihttro,o.forrosts, Cbron c 1/ s .peps.S. F e,.^•, I,.undets. Lon, dcfse.encv of vital not! atornael, ttver, boncL., put art ant.on , ar system, has been experienced by hundrei.of thous.ands, osd Luudreda thoussnds more are asktng fur the same relief. Directions.—Tale of the Potters on gang In bed at eight from a half to one and one-half crine.glaufult Eat good nourishing food, mei lecrishrak, mutton chop, reui• son, roast beef, and vegetah:es, anti tale out-door exerciee. They ale composed et purely vegtuble Leg/alexia, end con. tea' cm spirit. T. WALKER, Prop'r. It. 11. neDONALD & Druggists and Con. Av., Sao Franciwo, - _ and curs:cid Wa2h.orton end Charlzon St a., New Yak. ri'SOLD BY ALL. DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. July 10. It7l--tqB 'exitcfriar- r3-re - ' 0 . 1(10 11 .0 1i1ggirg1 1 1013011 JANO)I I Y 4411. ~ - .:3, -e s- , ;. , gtZ''': , , : ;:: : - f `-r, ?- 5.: 1 7._:ii 4.4 5 ;A 1 5 - 5 t 5-; ' i ; ..t, -:: .*-' : i. :N:'i: -...- "74! - ;?. 4: . r.i ,. ., ,,, : ' ...i' ''''''''':.; 'l',:''',-;;;_tlj."4--- r I.'":: :kr, ~.r ~, r , -....? - N. ,7,4 , ...,!,..7,k...., '.. ..-5, - ..:-. 1 ~--...- : - -- , ,,, , ,, , .... 4 . 1 . ..z. : ,:_, : y r ... 1 4 .- : ,, il',- )'' , .', 7 *- -74 :-.., e-s, '-',l-...`“ 4 ,--. - 1.- • :','-';'....- ; Vr.':- . ..- ;•: •-• -i., :1- ?,^. .. k z.;...r•x...y; - r , %:•..C...- :4".; f;':::-.?;3:41,('%''..,•''':V [ .... "1 / 4 ,.., , E;KL1.,..,;:i.:,.;4.2j7..ir, , . - " .....""''''''''"--- ORES =EASES CF THE,....---"""--... THROAT, LtiIitIS,LIIIER a EMI', In the ir.rblerrol '4l,llcm. to wti lett the are 11 . 1 ii. Ont, 1 f tho iiler4o.erer lbw°. h i ennt'i l 1 t to.fn nt e r I pnyelllCA. width (,) I 11, 1 r::1.: 1 1 i.niretalle I.lliedotu ter 112 I' , • ei erte before rionhinial ht ••t 'Vita oxiilonre thin-fact !ono! I t t 1.11,11. irl..tv of tow teoliri irato o.l,ol!r'ite 's it li t I lit.' r /3111 to rottener. In the one: or [trowel/IEI., ?revere Cortgaiw, ant t'nt en,l e aro:- 1 or Closter,' rty7 • 1 bar nrtnnl+Flat CI, ina .riciiity. Flint el/fluent phy. rchrt lierill 1,, Vll• ry of CI ft iVAZI lit 091 Vic ,n•Vcrrsti:oll:llP, IL ,1,•1:t.r. lit IL Puri flex the oi b Ja. g , : , :t it it tliornitult litinel pointy. p: tt ctr, all Hu aantrie e from tbo Sorol'il I t eo.it . n.ei Ell °telt, Plum. pia.„? I:1 z1:1t 1./ • ,3.1 d,+,•, lit 6,1 CP144,111.11. 6714 74./:/.13 h .31t4 6.1 rtiLl eMlftillllloll llt.ul F. rya Malt Ire tons, Weyer Soren, Yal y n wry:la 1-.. k lir. ~fort, all dine, law CAR. , Pitt ara coniyper.l by hin paw oribl Fora) inyl mat hi nt: iratluo tip lietn If foe (4:1 dill, dr sw.y. dr:1111113i tow,. anlroft elbe of Akio, or t brittol.llliluen t,l taco Or body, f.--r t - toot or raitio.r., bail 111,10 fu mr a'4 loiordal Ipat o: ehllti a l rrronred with hot ditahrs, let- nrdriti. awl elonioy forehorllnge. tr. ref:lLn.: axiatlt a, nal 1041.:11 / am nutter. lei: !iota Tortola . .. Ltv , r 1311111dr. stoioOr lit mew ertita 'or vein. plaint , ' oily pert of thoro , arniptoins arc expo. 1122C4i. Ai GI yen elf for ail Filch corgi ,Dr, Plerco'n ()Alai Mellott tdreosery hoe Ito equal, li It edintrip:rfirt tat m,, lo:trivia the liver rtreedth. *not nisi healthy. ...Por . the elite et eldbltual COwtippattt,n of slits howeln It In a Hofer, fall , • tell rentelY. - ant thoret rrhO' bare tired It far tbLi" • pnepoioarOlllll,llll lie limier.. to proprietor ottani $lll/0 toward for a molt. tutelhat will otinatit:lbr the cure of all hit Mei owes for width It le teeomteended. _ , Sold by (tree:tete at $t net bottle, 'Preparedb - , .R. V. Plrea,.lL-D., dole Proprietor, pt. ItleCheM l p j T aft Labtory.•ll3t3oneealtrOOL gledd 7017 thircies kraramphlot- 'aa t2,•••c rt \A Al =IK=IMM C=MM r A.,nt A TT: • “Ict, PHU TREE rit'ar Cordial, NATURE'S GIT 'REMEDY MEM Throat and Lungs. It k gratifying to us to infOrm the public that Dr. t!. C. Wi.+Siurt's Pine Tree•Tnr Cordial, To,:xl awl Lung. Dis,-,e.s, has gained an npuinti'm linen the Atlantic:to the Pa -MA front thence to some or the first fn in Riar of Eu nips, not through the press ulnas, attn.:Mir bent.litthl &hd rured at itb, nib, IVIi;lt• he publishes less, et) say our reportoiv, lid is unable to supply the demand.— It gains an•l heads - its reputation— Fist, Not hy•stopoing cough,but by loosen irg ast•iting nature to throw oft the un lthlt7 matler i•ollecterl About the throat sad 140110 . 1131 t oh,fn, ttquil irrttati!m. Frro It rvim,v, I I rnune of imitation (which tiroci terc c0n . .41.) of the mums niemb ra , e awl lit-t 1 t 1, , i6t , the m I -an d 1111 , 1 W r•lr r1:1. svrrelim, I. I puritet th.• ', Third. IL is Irt•r frotra, ...quilts. lobelia, Irreac, ' o;.joui, of .hick host thro it and lung re, rnt• ' i•S •trr ro W hich allay cough only, .;...nrc.outzr• !to, at,,noch. It haw a Anuthin: I tet t!,e the liver and la& .• anti lytu plut t !In.! nl•Millig 1171111151. thus rk7l , ling in ever part Of the sysietn. and in its ; n I purifying effects it has rained n rlutt•ttiun S Melt It must 1.144..1 shove all others in the market. :IV CWT'IiOM3. 'InEL - M ME TREE 'FAR CORDIAL Great American Dyspepsia Fills, Ati D WORM SUGAR DROPS ill I VZ . lnder my immediate direction, they 'ball :mc th-ir curative qualities by the use •r 2‘11,1 impure ankles. HENRY R 1 WISHART, PROPRIETOR Fri,EE OF CHARGE Jr. I. ():4ci: Parlors are open n I • t, I s ;nail t 1.1 rr,r 01,1 hr hr Wm. hi:it art ‘,.."4.%Ared two ens i.t,%,irinA :Lckt, 1.1., •i I C.. 1 6.) .11•2" Gale: .11:1 II,:s .4 .V 1 T. 1.F.T1T.f'.5 If CST FE :11"1741.!.."55ED TO L. i 2. D. WISHAST, M. D., NO 232 N. SECOND SkTIVEET Y.-. lA. iF72 'ZI 4 I 11 "43i,000 REWARD? ALLEN' to composed of Asoloostoe r " , r % c r. era of To polloo r 01; ,r ~rdAle .1:01 Thht emepormul Is I. ••4 : • I's I,n rh. son ..• t toe •• r the cure or Nu , to. Neer.,• • •• ••• Tren.blint or Twltolo •f the v'nt s. 0.01 uo. :St Dist-sees. It • will erm. ',het 1.1 : 01.0n "dol. ',I.t1;.!1••••, cure .tatt erup t:or... iftro c, humors Sr.. It egoa..s•-•• the cirtslittios.. It' 01 : ohm of the heart. n Lb, hr,•:•• rneen It. sli , lsro.Palpltithos hoot et U.e 11,01.10, I , y-pt-pran. / 3 dirp . IP I:1.4001,1y uore cur»tin provertors tom.. mny of her 10 , 11.0 - 01100 Pl.),ltiaor, chemists sad . emonloc tent Um irms•dy pall If h.tihrt dirrerhm from ropr' toots r'nUGHS. t• DD,I much hn e htca rcid sod writ• ninny rt medico have 4•. r, and cure 14 Iltroxit mid long d 00,..•., but to.t , fltll , , halt to to et• entihon , l3 esecrebtut or al P , .1 t e.,dc colobrity. as Briggs' Throat, I u“4- Ber. Con a .by "Utx•ruing 1.4113,2ing from (too hit,. Ore itlercuJz, dtstreat tog pain from rp zro•mg i1•.C.111,1%,i he I oscri%eti. l'botrsands seffer. not k a.o.‘tOr 11,,n, I. a erre. !trials' Corn and IJonlost itcme ii.- toe to, rid or poLooli consrpooono. but -o , .thin;. and ,irYLLIII.3II(I jtv, went the success tt ry I,rt• ...recd IcLin an appret iatisse public. The Curative is a lording ointment; Immrdtata relief is 01.win0.11.1 its applicat lot, and It svill positivity care the worpl asses of Festered Corns, Inflamed and Covet ed ftnolon•, the wareet instvp, the largeat and eeneee O B:1.1,11. the moil ortrOs',O coberities on the •Oles Or to—L. of the Met, auee,n.,ikd in the