THE _DEIVIOCRAT. goal EEL 10 lOUS SERVICES. BAPTIST CTIPECII. Ttr.r. J. ii..* Curnsumt I% D. Pastor. Sabtutb Srnin • 103 i I. en. arld 7 p. m. 9abbsth Sehool 19 m. PnyCr Vettln. W ednesday Beentim , - 51 - evynOucVlll I A II:rg r-1:- 3 , ar t N.,,4 . Sett e.%..... 1..•6%%%1AuMgy ,f cac ti 0.0 ISabbaOtßahoul .. .... ;,.::....-% ' " lanmedlatelybenneXana RFD:COPAL 8. A. asmrara. Rectal:. babbsdb Aerated. tOM a. m. sad 'IM p. M. Canday School Um. IX P. Watk•Day Scnices—Wedueadaya tt. XR7RODIST EPISCOPAL ....Rev. A. D. ALTlttanat. Rieman admicra.. .. ........ ...10.46 a. m. and 7.0.1 p. m. Raabe/ISt-anat... V p m. Prayer Vdedug, Thursdays. 7.30 p. m. . . . , PRESBYTERIAN CIIIIRCII Rev. J. (3 Ntimixt. Sabbsl3 Services.... ...... .....10.45 s.. m. and •Z‘i p, m. balobsid Scheel 1213 p. m. Prayer Sleeting, Thursday E v criisiv ....... —IN p. m. __ .._ Saud to Your Names. We laclscnly two anmes to. complete the club for the New York *Tribarae. - Those who rune not paid in will oh ligo mond themselves by doing so, and we will Send in the names. Your Soya. There. in nothing more rally ansured than this —that 1111i1T5 Something is done in behalf of the generation of boys, in regard to bellies (or learning trades, ten years hence such a thing it& a .ula:ed American workman will be a curi mity for Barnum to secure at any cost. Don't Swear Profanity never diikony man the leant good. No'man i . the richer, or happier, or Wiser for it. Jt minuends no one to society. It is disgusting the reined, aborniable to the good; insulting to thou. with whom we associate; degrading to the mind; unprofitable, needle*a and injurious to society. Six Day's Work A series of iotere.ting experiments made in England and Fr.tnee have demonstrated to en •bsolute certainly that it is better„ to work a horse ei;itt milea a day :or six days in the week, than six reds r. day far seven, and that by not werkme on Sunday a saving of 12 per cent. is effected. File Your Clain:A If there are soldiers in this county, entitled to additional bounty under the act of July 28, 'GO, they should Me their claims at once, as it iyitl Le remembered this act, giving _sloo to every solder who enlirtal in the army of the United States after the 19th day of April, Ib4ll, for a perit,o of not less than three years, and received hi% co for tato years enlistment after April expira on the Mist of the pr:sent month, cones: a'o Laying on the 23d of April last passia, an ant prelon,;ing the tnue for filing such claims urtil lottery ill, 1673. Arregled John S Pardee who fbr several years opera ted under the minie.of L. B. Pardee Co in prize gehmiiies- strillt lottery certificates, was ar rested at Biti?t, tarnton, N 'Y., January 4th, on the complaint of ',mei McDonald, a special agent of the Pgi , t. Ofticx Department, on ebarge, 'of Tiolittittg the laws of the United States Pgnin4l lotteries in fraudulently using the United Santa Par,lec had n prelintiary xtmitmtion I,fute United. tak.,Commis=ioner Hall, and was held to bail for a farther examin ation lty the:tatted S.tate,± Di,trict Attorney. The soem.rd has opperated very extensively in all the Odd FeHowe' Mecting The Fourth Annual I.l,,ting of Um members of Odd 'Allows 31;10111 Li.n insurance Compa ny of db...atrnse, Pa., wens held i 3 Odd Fellow.,' Monday ere, Jr.nreiry Gth., 1878. ituilardcwns re.eiretzd Preuident,ndla Henry Sherwin, Vice Proddent ; C: F. Read, 0. S. Beebe, and Appurkz Stone, Loma] Dinxtors,and N , .n Resident, Directors: Repurt of S_•cre tary and Treasurer, shows bale.nee in Treasury, including !vented interest 0f ii. 1.961 GS. Amount of Loss,. paid during the year, ii. 8,081. Total membership, 1204. Number of deaths during the year, 8. The reports shows the Company to be in a sound and prosperous condition. ieeldent. A distressing accident metered in Athens on liondiy, Dee, la, resulting in the death of Dr, Morse eldest chßd,"a- little girl of two years and seven months. She was sitting in a chair near the stove,when by some unaccounta ble mishap she' fell from her alit against the EDIT- In her fall she ladled or upset the ha kettle containing boiling water upon her, fear fully scaldngber thee,tteek,arms mid chest erything possible was dune for the little snifiler, hut atter lingerinra week death came - to her re. lief. She was a beautiful and interesting childrsnd this awful death must be peculiarly painful to the hearts of Ler parents and friends. Aacus Gicarier. Lass by Fire. On Christmas night, my barn, stored with the past summer and Lill harvest, was entirely consumed by sre. Fortunately I had my prop erty iusurea, with A. tF. Stiles, of New Milford in the Orient lusunutce Company, of Hartford, and on New . 17 ear's ETC. just SIX dap' after the tire. hn was on Land, and adjastod the lees per fts-tly satisfactorily to me, receiving the money in full for my insurance.' 6=h promptness is very commendable, and I recommend all who have property to inarare, to apply to . 31r. Stiles, as wlil be sure to meet with prompt and satisfactory adjustments. Ills line ot companies .are emelled by noun iu the county. RILL B. BAEHACEE, :gest Milford, Pa., Jan. Gth, IN./3. . *. OS: Sing to De Softly Dear Slater. FOR 7118 DEMOCRAT. ' binz to tn.. softly, clear Slyter, And on mu, bowl fo enctnnpr.:::=l,cll.l darltnoas And Ault from the kingdom of light. I walk u life's valley:or shadows. • Where Llie runataih'i lnur murmurs ate still, W her , vwiril7 tiiroagli gray mist and rupor, Are gliding pale iIL Thy rota, like the clear th=d of silver, That w hula through. the still grassy &tall steal through tray hart's ailentehanabera. And waken their music again. Far sway from the cloud: of tLepresent. In the Eden of memory's Isle. • What rivals of peace atul of 'newly, Shall my &pint of e3IiIICSII beguile. Once more I will rove with street &Adm. And }Link the sweet thoughts of achild, Once Mord . r will githeeyouth's roses, The fairer because they are wild. And the light which I know is immortal, That shone on young: IVA dewy hour, .61511 from its crystmline portal, And brighten fair mem , ,ry's bower, ' , When t toatteardtr. dear Slater, And puur sir out thy heart in thestraut. 111114re= that the beautiful voices, £ll childhood arc.singing (ignite: 80 my limn shall grow triter and purer And stiingat to us both shall be g iven. To woik cam j):riciitem zolvation, &d oing with ourloropet iniumyea.. • • 5.;E: pawn. . Ws, bate given the Governer's Message in a "boiled down" condition. Bolling dosen't make water much stronger. Important to Builders. Ault of great importance to builders has been decided in the New York Court of Com mon Pleas. A brick-mason agreed to, build a horse, and charge six dollars 'per thotisand for laying the brick. When he came to measure this brick he measured all the oPenings,wln don a, doors, etc., as solid work, ranking the bill e 2,800 larger than It would have been had be only measured the solid. The man for whom the work was done tetuscd'to pay this $2,1100, and the mason brOught suit to force the payment, pleading the custom of brick masons In fa vor. The court decided that his charge was il legal, and that he had no legal right to charge ror brick that were never laid. This decision Is important to builders and contractots, as eth er Slate Courts would be likely to follow the decision and precedent set by the New York court. • Illfthogutay. Mahogany, though for centaries used by the Spaniards in ship building was first tried in England in King street, In the last century. Dr, Gibbons, nn eminent physician, was build ing a house, his,brother, s West India captain, who had brought some maghogeny as leillest, scot him 501:112 of the wood as a curiosity; but the carpenters, finding It bard to work, threw it aside. Soon after this Mrs. Gibbons, wanting a candle box, sent Wallestop, a cabinet jniker in Long-ere, some mahogany to make itlrom,and would allow of no excuse. The box was made and liked. The doctor then tried a bureau, which his friends, especially the Duchess of Buckingham, tbonght beautiful for color and polish. The Duchess begged some 'mahogany, had a bureau also, and the fame of it soon wade the fortune of the new wool Mr. Timbs says that the present doors of a few of the better class of houses in King street are solid mahog any.—ela the Year Round. The Silver Mines. ' We learn by one of the proprietors of the " Young Anierica Mine" of Mnbleaburg, that on Monday last, John Jesup the Instigator of the precious metal theoiy in this county, sold one hundred acres of his farm, lying along the Susqueirmna river, between Ilanlnek's Creek and Shickshhany, to a New York City comps ny,who already are erecting funnece,,etc.,and do Monday next intend to begin mining for gold i and silver, of which they have indications of a bountiflal yield. Tht,se new mines lie about three miles cast of the lands of the Young Americs Mining Company, the ore !tom whose ; mines arts tasted by the tr. S. Mint at Philcalel phi; and estayed ft 1,411 i 1 to the ton. .The mine is very rich and large amounts have been offered for it and refused. It is the Intention of the owners, we understand, to erect. crushers, furnaces, etc., themselves. in the spring, and run the mine to its full 'capacity.— Wyoming Y'affey Journal. Susquehanna Freshet Predleted. The Williamsport Gazette gives the following warning: The possibility of a disastrous titled is apparent to all Who give the subject even the slightest attention The unusual body of snow which now covers the ground in the lumbering region of the Susquehanna should be a sufficient re:tsp . 's for adopting every pm-mutton a, ; .7.inst destruction of property by a sudden rise of the waters. A gentleman direct from the woods last evening informed us that the snow render ed work almost impassible, and what was done was acssuoulialleil under L-ceit crsadvatitages. night years ago, all will remember, the river rose to a remarkable height, and the destruction of life and property throughout the country cur- Passrxrtbat of any flood for years before. At that time there was a heavy body of snow, al most equal to that of this winter. It is there fore apparent that every protection should be afforded, thus saving in such an event an im mense amount of property. ?Me Church and the Selma! !lipase. - It'was beautiful illustration of the benefi cent work and results of our holy religion to have the thuich and school house placedsida by side wherever the standard , of eltristianhy has been planted. Civilization,: eduattinn and moral elevation are the concomitants of ehris tian missions. No mare striking, contrast be tween heathendom and ehristendosa tan he found than Islamist:tea in the direct and legiti mate results of the two distr.atritally opposite systems everywhere apparent. Naturalism, ra tionalism and all the forms of inliidelit r stand rt baked in the presence of ehristianity with its heavenly fruitage,in striking eontrast with all the other forms of religion found through all time. Wherever faith in the Saviour of men as .the only means of salvation, the blood of rd4tie ment as the only means of cleansing and a ho ly life as the only fitness forl4tore joy are held cillierence in other points of itti may be safely tolerated consistent with chriltian fidelity, mat and honor. All may join the prayer, "God speed the work of the Master.r Hotel Sold. The Mopsion lionse at Manch Chunk, has been sold by the Lehigh Card Navigation Company to the Mauch Chunk lintel Company the stockholders being composed of the Lehigh C. & N. Ca, the North Penn. It R. Co., the Le high Valley IL R. Co., and the present occupant Mr. Booth, who will retain control under the new organisation. Many radical improvements and additions are to be made at onee,consisting of a new wing on the earth side of the house ; 51 feet deep by 8S feet long, and five stories high. The first story will be used for a billiard roan; rbich . will be furnished with new tables, balls, etc., axesturant, offices and stores. The second floor 1111 be used for a - Inning room, - Which will be 88181 feet in size: It wi I seat fire hundred and twenty-five persons. TlicAlln :ling room and kitchen will be eotnpletctl by the ist of May, and the new wing ready for &cu. paney a month later. The addition wilt add seventy-two rtnas io the house, besides ;•• large reading rnom, private dinning: mum, etc new building be - about seven reet, higher than the main part of the hoe.,—Tituda The Death ora Dtshoaela gia It is over. 11e was buried to-dsy. not live to be . awl yet Lis life was short one. Re did a great dent or was widely known. The flaga hung. u mast for Las, because be bad bten pro end Lis name had been a good deal be Yet nobody respected him. lie was n t hon est ; and that wee the fatal drawback Yr al ways kept.him ender. Ho was shrewd - ongh and smart enough ; but yet he never h d any solid anb4ntial pnisperity. And the sole rea son was becalm he had no inborn, abiding in tegrity.. Providence so ordered things that dialMnesty thwarts: the most cunningly devised salaam for making money. ' Were it no: so,thkylvs frconld become rich; but thievfe never 6 boeome rich, i n the trepijsenie of the word. Their gains aro uncertain: and:theii hem lure evilness well as unhappy.s' , ' . Apart frau hl reference. to a. futire state . of existence. there_: is no` better gatreint workj, siobeger basis .p do baslosis ,U 14414 • A Madan fined by llfinself ror Drunkenness. There is a Justice of the Peace In Otsego county, in the State of New York, who is held in such exaggerated esteem by his fellow-citi zens, that they claim that his equal for honesty, Integrity and Judicial decorum cannot be found anywhere in the Union. And yet this estimable man got drunk_ Pol itics and whiskey were his bane for one whole afternoon and evening. With the dawn of morning and sober reason, came shame and remorse. He bad sullied his good name, lie bad set a pernicious example. Ills friends could no longer brag on his deco rum, Happily the Otsego Justice was equal to the rehabilitation of bis social and judicial status. He went to his court room, solemnly opened court at the usual hour, and culled his own name as defendant in a case lu which "the peo ple" chitryd him with commtting an offence against the law. -The stern old Justice then entered upon the trial of lihnself, in which he acted as judge, prisoner and witness. The trial was signalized by its solemnity and impartiality. The prison er was found guilty, an ordered "stand upon his feet and receive the sentence of the low," The sentence of the law was that be should psy ten dollars and the costs of the prosecution. The court was then adjourned, and the judge bunted up the poormaster of the town, paid hint the ten dollar fine, settled the costs with himself, and was more believed in than ever by his admiring tellow-citizens. BUSINESS LOCALS. CONFERENCE IffErrusa.—There will be a Conference and Missionary meeting, of the Sus quehanna Association of * Universalist, at Hop bottom, Susquehanna County, Pa., oa Friday, Saturday and Sunday..lauttary 24th, 25th and 26th. 1872. Rev. Mr. DeLotg, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be present, and other ministers front abroad, are expected. We hope our bretheren of the different churches, will give us them presence on that occasion. Come one, come all and help make it a meeting long to be remem bered. F.ll Loomis, Chairman Missionary Board. Scranton, Jan. 15th, 1873.—w2 THE GREAT lIAIR PRODECRE. —flair Oils, Pomatums and Pomades have had their day. They belong to the musty past. :..body that understands the chemistiy of the hair and the Instead of Its growth thinks of ustug them. Instead of dogging the pores of the scalp with thick onguents, and thus obstructing the insen s:ble perspiration whieh is essential to the health of the fibers, we now tone the surface of the head with an invigorating application which I.enctraics to the roots ut the hair and stimu lates them in the s.nne way that the agents spread over the meadows stimulate tile grass roots and cause the blades to spring up in myriads, coasting the earth with verdure. The inrigorant best adapted to this purpose is Lens ' s R. " (TlLlineri. It may wall ba diked she fertaker of the Aced. To the barren setlp it comintini cattN vegetables power. It the hair is dropping out or becoming dry . and withered, it arrest the process of dilapidation or blight. The hair thickens and becomes glossy and flexible under its genial operntimmoul as a dressing a is omit, prom:hod by any preparation that has yet bean laid on the toilet of Fashion. Jury LIM.— Grand and Trastrse Jurors, drawn tor the term or Court to commence at Montruss on Monday, January IStb, 1873. GRAND JURORS. Drunlaff—llennj Brownell. Franklin—Javan D. Hectic Forest Lake—Michael ,Mann. Gibson—Calvin Parmeter, David Rees. Great Bend Boro.—Cyrus Decker. Great Bend Twp—Wm. S. Barnes, Samuel 11. Shaw. Ilan:luny—Herbert Bushnell. licTriek—Martin G. Sweet: Ilarfurd—Levi R. Peck. neksou—.llunzo Barrett. Liberty--d unto B. K nm.p. I.atluop--daine3Jeffero. Lenox—Nathstrlisnsont. Middletown -od3 Russ. MontAse--Elijah Backus, Charles Foster, Jefferson New Milford I)mo—dames Southworth. Mew Milford twp—Edwin 0. Floyd. Itusli—Jusepb Shathluck. ilernard Brutzman. Silver Luke—Etiwunl W. Ruse. TRAVEILSE Jtmons--Ist week. Auburn—John Place. Joalahller. Ararat--G. W. Bhucham. Bridgewater— Nicholas o.Passmore, Moses S. Tyler. Broolden—Eseck P. Bailey, Andrew Roger!, Jahez Ely. Ralph Sterling. . ClilTord—Gilbert Lea. Dundaff—Ne6or. Cok ruan. Ditnock—Albert H. Conklin, Amos Burdick. Franklin—Daniel Davis, John J. Stockholm. Gibson—John B. Great Bend twp—Lewis Parke, Joseph Mc- Cloud, Leroyß.Crook. Great Bead Boro.—William S. Simrell. 11.a - ea—Walter Lyon, Lafayette Lyon, Elli ott Sweet.. ilarniony—Eagar Thomul. Ilarioni—James C. F'..dwards. Jc.sup—William Walker. Henry Shelia. Jackson—Ebenezer W. Liz, Austin Benson, Theodore Galloway. Lenox - —Samuel 'Roland, Little MeadoWs—Ansel Fox. . . New Milford ttvp—Jolta Jennings. N. G Bishops Herbert 13Ianding, Robert Gillespie John J. Smith. Rash—Robert Reynolds. Silver Lake—Ben j amin M. Gage, Herman In clerk kL TILAVERSE Junons-2nd week.. A imlamu—Geo. K Whitaker. linmklyn --George W. Sterling. liridgewater--Juhn Trumbull - , Augustus P. Bush. Clifford—David W,ll3lstesd, loots \V. Low erv. liinmek—Thomas S. Williams, Ferdinand M. Woodhouse. Forest Lake—Francis H. Southtreil• Franklin—Daniel TONVIISCM.I, Georgo P. Stoekholta. Prienthrille—Albert Ray, James Mead. Gibann—Josiah Taylor. Great Matti Boro--talwarrl Great Bend Ttep.—ltiebard T. Gillespie. Ilarford—Warner 13. Wilmarth, Ira Carpen ter, James Porter. _ , Ilerriels—Robert Westgate, Th2roa B. Ditl3- 1111.11 i. Jeesup—Henry C. Bernelf, David Olmstead, John Crank. • Jdekson—lleziry A. Pope. Lenox—Alonzo 1301. Liberty-I)mnd S. English. Montrose—Frederick S Prink, Erastns Rog ers. Middletown—Edward D, Onlntia. New )Direr,: twp.—Darid Summers, Joseph MeConned Oahland.—lleury C. 3lttiser. Hash—Jam. , Fargo. Tflttle, George W Thomp son, btt.w 31eatlism. Susquehanna Depot—Edgar Barton. TictvEnsu Junor---31 week. e did Ht a 0, and half linent' ,re the Allot:mon—Patrick Moran, John Currier. Auburn—Jonathan Bunnell, Noah Baldwin. Bridgewater—Jackson Baldwin. Dintock—William Stone, Leland Blakeslee, Andrew Cathy. Duuda—Orren P. Phinuey. Forest Lake—Patrick Gritlin; Gibson—Thou/2s Evans, AIMOn Clinton,Jud. son chainberlin. Harford—lletiry J. Tyler, Nathaniel Tomp• king. Ira IL Parish. Ilerrier--George W. Burns. Little 3l , ..ndows—E. B. Bennis:cc. Leribx—Gardner W. Green. Lathrop—Silas IL Osborn, Wallace I. Steel, Lewis B. Miller. Ifolbrook,,Charles D. La throp. Middletown—Myron Dodge, Jobb H. Dario. Oaktan.l—Epbraim A. Baton, J. 51. Till man. - . Rosb—George Harvey, Major R. Edwards, John W. Granger. Simon Holman. :Susquebartha Depot -F4ijah. ti. Smitti, tin Gearing. Springvine—lohn Compton. :Thomson—r.ntery A. Crozier, Benj. F. Btar iLird, George W. Wrigtiter, Paid PpPe, William Val; 1/o:rti. - " Deesavo . .s.--Tbi - friends of Rev. Miner Swallow, will give him a donation visit, at the residence of E B. Cobb, in Rush, on Thursday, January ii3rd 1873, afternoop and evening. All are cordially invited. BY onoca os Copt. DattaTum.—Tho friends of Rev. 11. Bough ton, will give him a donation visit. at his real dente in Brooklyn, on Thursday, Jan. 23, 1873. Afternoon and evening, all are invited. BY OIIDEII Or Cost. Brooklyn, January 15th, 1873. GOOEY'S LADY'S Boos FOR FEBRUARY 1878. —The following embellishments will ho found In the February number: A steel plate; a gent of a fashion plate; a slipper in colors ; no al phabet fay marking; two extension sheets, one of fashions, and the other of trimmings; a Val entine cut, and a numerous assortment of de bizos for work. F. Churchill. Justice of the Peace : office over L. S. Len hcim's store, Great Bend borough, Susquehan na Co., Pa. tlas the settlement of •thc.dockets of the late• Isaac Itivkhow, decmised: Office hours froth 9to 1:I o'clock, a. m.,' and from l to 4 o'clock p. Great. Bead Oct. 2d 1872. For Sale. A new Loose wen finished. good water han dy, 111 acres of land, and '2O or more good fruit trees taerecm. Isaltnated miles vitt - hen Mon trose, near/km.ll'a Plainiog Mill, aLso,a Woolen Factory, Carriage and Blacksmith Shop, Grist and Saw Mill, near by and a few rods from school. Any person wanting a good place can get it at a bargain. Call on James E. Carmatt, or the proprietor. IL C. BLIIGESS. Montrose, Oct. 30th. 1872. T ICENSE I'ETITIONS.—Notice is hereby 1L../ given that in pursuance of an Act of As scattily, the following named pen:ohs have tiled their I etitions with the Vieth . of Quarter SC3- sinus of the Peace for the county of Sustrhati na for license to keep tavenii,eating houses.and to cell by numsure in quantities not less than out tiirtn, far which they will apply at January Sessions, 1873. P. S. ttnhcock, Diunack. Tavern license Philip Ilyun, Fricntisville, Wm Boirdni, " . By measure Richard Stack, Gt. Bend Boro. • Henry Ackert, " " Tavern license Dennis llahony, " 14 a Joseph Doyle, " " Eating house J. R. Brown. " Twp. Charles Kirk. 'Harmony Tavern license C. G. Chair, Susquehanna Depot - " Thomas Kelly By measure Martin Gearing, " Eating house Eliza Mr.Grath. o '• P.O. Donald. " Allen McClure " " E. T. Deptty, Denals Casey . Jacob Decker, Jessup, Tavern license Silas Howell, Gibson, G. B. ELDRED, Clerk. Montrose, Dec. 2151...1572. 3111E1A6 6 .t.MCES. Trunku.—ln For,mt Lake, January 24, 1873, Mr. Joel Torrell, ag,ed 71 years. ILT.eI.7SI.2EILX.OI-4G-70 CONELLIT.--CATLIN-At the resideneo of Martin Catlin, Eq., the ildher of the bride. Jan. 7th, lav Iter. J. G. Miller, Albert H. Conklin, of liimuck, and Frances A. Callin, of Bridgewa ter. WILLIA:I9—CARPESTP.II.—In Ilarford, at the residence of Ira CiuTenter,on the Otithy Rev. A. Miller, Joseph L. Williams, and Dlics Ida Stiles Carpenter. 317-sc.not,E—Owr_v—Oa New Year's day at the Presbyterian parsonage, in Montrose. by Rey. J. G. Stiller, Win. H. 31.-!gerole, and 3laria J. Owen, hoth,of Springville. g3r)o , oin.l. Notiooes. OUR BODILY' INFIP.IIATIA. Physical infirmities arc the lot of all. 3lil. lions - are always sick. No Man, woman or e tl.l is uniformly in perfect !malt. Much, WFever, of the sickness and suffering which retitle!' lila a burdca to so many of our fellow beings is due to carlosness end n.gleet. A mighty antidote to the leading, causes of disease hes Leen pmvidet.l. It:is as harmless as it is efficient. No poisonous drug enters into ita comm,sition. it it an undefiled stimulant, tonic and aperi,m, of which eve,r: ingredient is veg etable. This unexceptionable preventive and restorative tnedt.Tine is not " a new thing ander the sun." lioatctter's Stomach Bitters will soon have been before the world a quarter of a cen tury ; and it is not too notch to aver that thou sands. aye, tens of thousands, are now useing it who would have been in their graves years ago bed they not been strengthened and sustained by this wholesome stitnulault. The rapidity with which minor ailments often beccone, when t,eleettal._ obstinate, is woll known. rids tunic is fatnotts for the im imsliate check which it gives to these breeders of deadly di:orders. The sensation of languor, the sick headache, the nervoteme , s, the indispo sition to exertion. the nave, the confusion of hrain, the phy,ical Ilebillty, which are intended to premonish us of the approach of senior dan ger, are invariably re:noved by it kw dtw.,, of the Bitten. Thl fame of the preparation as a genuine specific Tbr dyspepsin,bilimis complaints malarious rev ers,rbeutuat ism and chronic debili I.e. is as wide as the world ; anti in thew days pf infamous cathortics, that rob the the last remnants of ids strength, are advertised as inviuorants J.!), it is indeed a blmsieg to mankind that liostet ter's Stomach - Hitters are everywhere procurable, and everywhere popular. THE CGNFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. pUBLISHED as a warning and for the benefit or yaang a and °Ouzel who fuEfer from Xenon. Deb.ll , y. Lo.. of Efanliond. an, eniqdying RE MEANS OF SELF CURE. 'Written by one who cured himself, after un dergolas codi.l,rable c i tinclf.m . y. and Pcnt free, on receiving a pod-plitl directed envelope. N %THAN :UAYFAIII, Drook:lo, Jaw, I. 'W. BrbolOyo, N. Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A 0 ENTLE3I AN • Lm coffered for from .Nerroui Leltitry, Fermata,' Ibre.l.y, and nII for effects Of rulthrol for t4e r,f sufferin,e tm nastily, send hee to on WIDUJIV-Vi it, the receipt cud di pectic] for tuaizing thc r,coedi by which LC wt.,rerc wirblngt.,pn:ffi by the stdvisceatsperl• 4.IICCIAIII.N, to byaddl,,sili4. a . 1411,t ,uotl4l‘ , nte. 'JOHN K:Uw.N. 90.42 Order sine.. New Turk. Wow York Produco rciarkot. Correctel wevkly by ILirditi,s, Ibyden, Zt Co., 3'23 Watbington tit., .New York. But tcr. pall Meal " firkin 2 2 Ciliese,clairyoper lb 14(14 1 .", factory' . „.. „ . le(ta Eggs, per, dta ...... ...... ........... Iltitolo notr, per barrel. 6.90610 Corn steal, 100 lbs. 3.7.5V,3.90 Wheat, per lasbcl 1.7502. 11 0 Rye " ....... .......... UtSao3 Oats 4..•W0 CAT. flop, crop of 1872 Tatiow Lard per lb Potaton per bbl rkpph-i " Tttrl:eys per ebiecems " Ducks "- Tl, ARM FOR. SALE 12 of OXE ILIADRED . A...nn EIGHTYACRES„ Shunted on the road bet weer, Silver Lake at d Mad Lakt arePwatered nod welt adhered. 0, c urd orchard, add buthalge„ C.c., etc. A. J. EIiIiLDON, Sheldoc P. 0., thecelehdraact Co., re, January 1,19:13.-3.i EttCENTreit'S Noll6E—Lettere tmtamentery to the eebttuot £21311x-tinnuell. late of Bridgertater twp., !imam:haulm comity, Pa., bare been !treated to the etOrnertber.all perstoneindeinod to the said =date. aro mines ed to make Immediate psi:neat-and !beet hay intei4 lins or dematum main et site mute or the wad de. wise!, to dist.e knoiroMpe mime without - delay. KIItUY Bat:SMELL, Wm. MIN:CULL. (` - ' l "'" utz • • Jimmy 6, UM. - . IEOOEIII ES. —Teas in - *mat variety 1..4 Lai cke.lV for die . qn410.10: Drioi Pestling, On beet in inatkot. -A nice guilty of llolasner r Auzar,Co hutuaatiiiiiavaaapt of optcsetAL. e, rim 30, AAP:II7IIIIELL. 1873 1873 The Weekly Age Ira newipsper for there outride of the Civet cities who ere w:tbnot re. oar• daily to.til (saltiest, bot desire to be kopt ieformett of whit 11 triumphing around them, enrobi meg Lome dotter with oomestlebitrodaertort arm . ncreation. ITS COLUMNS ARE DEVOTED TO 3 Stories, original and aolectod, by the teat authors: Po etic Gemo. from every available Coerce; Choke Scleralde, A mooing, andlhotruellve ; a column of Sunday /trading and Iteligiond Intelligenen ; an AGRICrLTURAL DEPAIITME.NT, conducted by a practical farmer. Mr. Thomas J. r.d,ye, no' earning a tiring upon a rented farm in .Chesuir county; in which all questions aro consid ered whica lure an interest for the tillers of the fall , Weekts C.mtribintoue for the Chliticirn ; Edi torial Brevities; News 1301111, .tr. AbloAlitorinle, and a : maritally prepsrmi compendium 04 . Fcralun and .ltilllettle Washingibu, New York. and Mlreellaneou, correspondence; Financial 'and COM. mere's' Statistics; Full Markets Scitic). Adorn. tisrtneiPP, to AVIIIC3 Obir a limite d apace tia appro. prtated, With all these advantage•, the Melly 4 Is ac• Itnowleduell to he too best Family Journal 'printed 10 BEGIN WITH THE NEW YEAR. A good tithe to commence subscriptions to a good newspaper is at the close of the Old, or the commencement of the New Year. The terms of TUE DANN and WEmmy AU L'. given below, are reasonable, and within the reach of every one. We would theretore, urge upon our friends, in which all our readers are Included to go to work at once gAtizrg up clubs and en rolling names afnmg, their neig,hbors,friends and acquaintances, thus enabling us to enlarge our sphere of usefulness by enlarging our circula. that, and to wage a perststent conflict in behalf of the rights of the people against the encroach ments of power, :t•hiea it constantly tending towards centralization. Id EHH3 OF THE DAILY ACM One year. by mail, - - - - gs.en Sin mouth., Three mouths, For any period iess than three months, at the rate of $1 per month. Parnient• required Iri,dienly in advance. The po.tege on int Daily Age Is thirty cents per quer. ter. or .1.30 (vete per nalitini, ttpre-peld et lho oftre of delivery. I=l Onc copy, nne year, - - - - $ 151 Ten enalen - - - - - 1150 Twenty cattle, - - - - - 2Y W Fifty cop.aa - - - - - 65.00 The fallowing reduced rats trill he Charged whin all Ito P3ttern o•dere. l nee sent to one perean. and not ad dressed 1 , t,e17.14 to t he members al the. clot : 'Twenty caplets - - - - $l3 03 . - . rlfry talploa Beirr) One copy will b fornirha! palle fur rattier, a dub of twenty or more for urn year. A copy of the Do:1v .4g4 will be NlT(abed gratis for gettiwz yea clah of I ipv The shore ter oar evil fie righllr adhered to. and no no- Oen will ba taken of a antweripilun a. In ad 14nce rOnre have no (myelin: Agent. authorized to re ceipt for ua. 11r.:Ps on rbitsile:eb!.e. or Iso•totHers er.izrs. parable to the enier of the Poolf•h.trr. beinz safer. tn. prefera. bit Is at./ other remit:sore. All who send usury by es veers 015.1 pre-pay express charges. Lie postage on the Il'eellyJye is toe cents a go trter, or moury mute 0 pow, to be prepaid In oil =Cs 111 a/ ordeo of delivery. • • • e.peelmen cupieu sent no n optima on. Sub,cripti,inA eau commeime with any Number of if volutuno. Address, Robb & Bsd3lo, . Nos. 14 and 16 South Seventh St., Phil'a. 3CLEt NEW DISCOVERY In Cbrialcal and Medical Science. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Incipient Consumption. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Catarrh. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Cure Asthma. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Cure llcart Disease. - Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Skin Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES liesulato the Liver. . Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Regullio thoStoulacheudElowels Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Caro en Female Weaknesses. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Purify the Blood. Dr. GARVIN'S. TAU REMEDIES 421 , 5 env..e3 of the Throat. Dr. waintirs TAIL REMEDIES Cure Bronchitis. Dr. GAMIN'S TAU REMEDIES Cum "Rose Cold,”aellayrever e Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Lung Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. (LUMEN'S Tin REMEDIES -.Cam Salt Rheum. - • Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure ILidney,Diseases. Dr. GAUVINSMUI REMEDIES . Prevent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GARVEY'S TAR REMEDIES Prermt Mrdarions Fevers. Dr. GARVIN'S TAIL REMEDIES Romero rain - 1121 the Breast. Dr. GAIL YIN'S TAU REMEDIES 11CMILM3 Faire is the Side or Back. Dr. GAILVIVS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior 'Ronk. Dr. GARVEY'S TAU REMEDIES 'Restore the Appetite. Dr. GAV,vres TAR REMEDIES Canso the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIN'S Till REMEDIES Ileethro the Weak and Debilitated Dr. GARVEY'S TAR REMEDIES Giro Tone to Your System. TN P. rrnetra sr, co., SOLO PdOPRIETOIO3. 195 Seventh dye., New York. M=41713,14'1. ' Eli), 11 2.21 . 7 . 42.7& GO 12@14 . 1tC11.4 trrOft'S 'NOTICO,.. Letters' testamcntnrp to the „Es estate oresuthii Jackson, deed, late of N. miirs.rd, tuttriutahanutcouuty,Pa.,. finite been granted •to the enborrthets, all perrOLl In d ebted to *Aid 011Ulte, Atra requet•tod to make Intactsitate p trfnect. and those fist leg olattns er contends the estate or the sald - elt.s. cedsut, to tanto touwa the same without delay. • .1.13. )IpCou.t.tx. Executor. Stew =tote, Tan. r, IST3. None% The udderaidned herlng been appottiletcvn-Aeihtut. by the Court of CotonoukOlga..of titirpuelt snug eatiats, upon the exception' fli ed agrlort [no actuant of the Itmotqnees of U. Kenyon Jr.. will attend to the dude* of Ms appointment at the oillre of Fitch and Watson: in 31ontrese. Tannery Dtlt. 1443. at Yu u.puna in. tereated will appeir and be - beard. . • . 7 : • • • NY2.l2l34.eurlita.. - Itasitrose, Llcc.ll, 1572.-1,1 ONTROSE GRADED SCROOL. C 7 M INT 70 49. r-t. FALL TEAM ' Began Sept. 2d, 1572. WEtiTEIL TERSE Beg,ina. Jan. 2d, 1873. Bruno Tara . .April 21,1573. TU/27011"—Iligher Department, $0 00 '• . Secondary Department, 500 The oeutaeof Instruction includ6 tho ENG LISH' BILANCRES, the LANGUAGES, MATUESEAT ICS, and We NATURAL SCIENCES. STUDENTS ARE FITTED FOR COLLEGES4g2,IIISTITUTIONS OF L - OA R N And SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN to the Preparation of Teachere. The Building is Commodious, Pleas ant, and well -arranged for IMPARTING INSTRUCTION. • Students can elaer at at any time, and Tuition will be . Charged -Proportionally. rg - Booms can be secured for those desiring' to beard themselves. For further particulars address A. H. BFRLTII, Priuoipal, or the Secretary of the Board. • • Wit. 11. JESSUP, Pres. TLIATCIIER, Seu'y. ltinfitrose, Oct. 89. 1854. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. CLOTHIER'S, HEROHANT TAILORS A iD DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, MILLINERY L.O F.4,ICKGOODS, FURS, ROBES, MATS &11'8, GENTS' & LADIES' EURNISDCNO GOODS, &C., &C. Our Assortment of DEPS GOODS, slums, CLOASLXGS, CASSI 31ERBS. CLOTLIS, AND BEAT elitA Ls Complate. USS=Mt= ETS, WOOLESZ NeitlAS HOODS, MERINO I'NI)EIt-ciARMEtif4 Iro3 LADIES AND ell MORES: (MOVES, &C In Great Variety. THINNED and rrrritcraren TIAT2 for Lodfer and Cid]. Aron. Elr,r3thloz belollOog In Ibc 11 4LLINERY TRADE, Sib: and Cotton Velvets in bier: nod Colors, Irmr. flo.‘veri. Ribbont, Founeft, Frauger,,, Laces, &r.. Very Larze. =crtiailiols. , oorkizligCreicado, T.h;e Men , . Napkln.:Toweltnzs. Crash. Muslims Prlute, lc., Full fn Every Line.. Lintmr rtrirstsmNn (3o003.1:1D GLOVES CuiILSETS., FELT ANO RoorHITS, etuqxoNs. II Ale NETS.,, EItUROIDEr.IES.&,STIVSIF.'ED PATTETINS. ColirLrrc TOWN WOOLS, CANVAS PATTMLNS, AS Color& szul'All Stades. READY MA - DE CLOTHING_ A SPROIALLVrY!!' WR ISANtFAOTVRRALT., OUR OM? GOODS, and HALE, UP CUISTOD WORK TO ORDER .?.FS . EII atE.tstatr.; Wz keep z large arsortinect of COVEN, Citezninu, Dzarzna, Vrarinne,.tc. on ba.nd ter that paspoia. GENTS' FURNISHING GODS. HATS AND CAPS, A Full Line, GLOVES. TIES, BOWS, COTTON A WOOLEN HURTS, COLLARS, KNIT JACKETS AND UNDER-GARMENTS, All Grades and Stars f.r Afen,:Coys, and Larne In Atte. Amts. , }vas, MUSKS, SATCIIELS, UMBRELLAS, LC. We will nal everythlni: in oar lino ar chrap as' th next, and CUJOULKTEI: KYLIITTUINU to be JUST %VAULT rtL REMIVEXT 17 TO Ist: . w. cannot 12Olkel .rota prlES lift Or our carter It Mods of Gooas, otstray arc too rooncrons to giVu la one ct.ll. don, bat aror.l4 rOtillOnW all to co!' and cow .arepriest and rfna (ty, and Omaha &unstated or.the troth sir oar astartlor.. GUTTENBERG ROSENBAUM & Mcutrose,Nor. 1; 1672. ADMINISTRATOWs NOTICE —ln Me estate it* Mt* Northrop, Irate, of Liberty. litibqnrhanni ' Co. l'a., der.e.s.Ped, !Alta, of. Adrniab•tratlOn to thelasid ammo harto: been grantee to To underogmA, sll pemons owing said agate, are reqaertre to moat fromcdiate payment, and an peratma turrlak • clsitna azalnat said estate ant revigeted to present them vittuiat delay. — . lIIJTIi NORTUROP, PARTITION SALL OF RRAL ESTATE OF fIL'St. ry Gent:You. otee'do By virtue of a decree of ths Orphan'. Court of tinrquehannn County, _theta. wlll by exonaed to ptuttle sale, em Saturday, Tacusry- ILL at a o'clock m.. at the - Cunt: flume. to Bout. rose, ell that certain piece 6,lv:reel of tool situate In Dlm3r4: tnanahlp, Suoquesanna County, Vs., bounded and de-crib - 4 ae tollo-xp. to wit : On the norh try land of A. W. Miln. eant try laud of rater St mplar aud Stll.t.a T. Tlffetty. oath byLtu.l of tinmoar Deana. and weet by Isads of Wm. Faitnell cod A. W. lUD, cog. tall:111,g Iro merep oaull'ipereltes. Da the same none or leis, together with the appurtenances. no o flouter. two Rams, and other outbuilalutts,au OrChard and about Ea) onte, Intp,oced. TRUILry--One. Sandra-4 doltare et the lime of axle, lb* balance of One fourth on .centlrtEurtlon or role; on. f.rirth In two wpm' anneal payment... with anneal In tercet and one toll at the daath of Theresa 11. t4errlo too. 61111 hAkreal nun:tally. to be iectifetl by bond and morirgne Witte preualre,. A. J, GERRITSO.X. Montrone, Ps, DeC.16,1571..4w. A Farm for Sale or to Rent. A plata or ono naaaren Ana ton acres In Jorrtui Inwit ohrp, Sumurhauol County. Po. Sala :Um Ca. Is good !mono on It. two 0n0.,,, alai a granary. two oror4l 'oprlogt or water, orcluird. Au. bo vola'or realcil ou liLtrat term. a• oho owna rIA In nthor. bu.lortr. • Apvly to C. C. )lii#. tri mod: Col arra, or Coal Daly: 3.lcloupon, Wyoming C..unty. Pa. iiroboplois. Dec. IS, :1i72, - .lsr, • • . A IniTOICHNOTICR.—The enuiretgnerl, an Audit& IL appointed by the Orptuth'e'Court of Iturneetutena 'County to dioisthete the teeth In the hand. of the All , 112iIiirtlria(ur of the ram. , of t0 . ../0.1 Motet-II deed. het*. by glens untie. thy h • .e1:1 attutd to the dettea of appeletcont. at the entre of 14 A. el , enstnen; In !lima. enee,• ou the nth ciny 01 JannarY 1.7 1 . it 0 . 600: P, m.,121 Whitil Ilea 1114 A are henaene tereeted urthe known Mete clattua or he Cuevas de barred (rota coming in on eatd tend. -J. T. ItICIIIATInbI, AmentOr.: lientreet.Dee. • A VD} TOR'S NOTICH.—Tne .Cl appointed Lc the Cone: of Coninten 1.14.111 of buf. yuctoluon Ceunty to INA/Mete the fender in the bend: of the tihrriff, ariolng from the sale of the fen/ ertate : HU attend to Wit. antler of his appoint. went et the °Meek,/ V.. U. deosna in 'id On I woo op Friday. she. :7th, WU, at 1. p. m., when aid perboucloNrcrted wilt presi ut their clews or his for ever admitted from comieg io on raid feed. • , • fit C. JE.llitlyi Auditor. Vont:use, Dee. ith,lsll.—mi ZErtzes - 6161161:331/rOCICCIC3F.- Two limo' i» thG Directory, dyla yam?, gi1,56... each additiona:ltyy, 60 ceie, , SAVINGS BANG, NM PILVOIID.•; , -Slx per mit. tercet on all Dcpollti. Does a general Basking Dal mew. • -all-tt . • li: B. CBASIC c.tyrta PLASTER.—NICTIOLAS . sr:onto:v:4 Dtitier It vnuize Csynn PLAN r. South grouud, N. L MOMS L. CO In Dry GoodM,llats.Caps Boots and Shoe,, and General Ilerchandlaam. an 341 a alract,recond door Luton' tho EplimpalCLCinti. • BOTTIL, kept by WILLIAII 'llll/TU. aet Mita street; soar Ake Irepot.--s • W. 8. ItE.A.D,Poondry. and daaller In news and other a ten tilr, ono door from rbinnoy'a !Wel. Alain Bt. R. V. KIIIBER. Carrw:tot Maker aml Vntlertaliori on .Main Street, two duon below Litt:lora Store. • • NabOLTATII ISTIOTTIEJOI. 9rocerlei and Provisions, oa !Isla Strect.. S SO:I. Dealers let Pose. Peed, lies% ,Salt. lame, Cerateit. Groceries sal Proslaicals on Hain Street, opposite the Depot. T. HAYDEN, Harmlnetorers ot. Clcars-"And ITSolbolo d•Jalers In Tan See notlon* and Tftney Goods. on nain Street, below Epleeopilehtdcb. • • MOSS rk =UP. I.•ather )laUctrActureit and dealer• in Mc •cco Bindings, d..c..nrmr Episcopal Church. • - - 11!;F:TTRYDEN:Dcalers Fa Drugs nid3redletnes and Manufacturers of Civrs, 02 Main Street, beat the Depot. , J. DICKEICSIAN, On.. Dealer In aenond reereberdisie sod elothlrg, Seek Store, on Hain litrce;. . L. R. LENIMIN. 3tannfattarer 'of tether. ant &slot In ge oral Siert:Can oc; on Maio ,Stroet.• • . . Q. P. DORAN. literedinnt Tailor soil dealer In Reid, Made Clothing, Dry G nods,Cirorditles d Provisions Main Street., . • - 1572. cunio,t MTITF.. Manrillactatrar of arul dal/aria crus or Plorrx and Czallnus. . . - . Poe 11, TMGLF-4—Dealor to Stoves; Tin, Copper, indflhet-tiron WAre, Caettrim&c. , Also , mandaetnl , tvr ar beet Stetal*toorder. ET,i Trough and Lead Pips bnytinesi Ptlendoil toot Lair prices—Qtbson Hollow, reunarlvacia,—ly. • • . EDWARDS & BRYANT, Rinntactarets of Wigan' sad Sleigh., newt.. Ingalls` Stare. J. R. BEEBE—Cone Sureeyoi; nr Scequebenne coax 01111 c ,in tbo Court brouer. Mouttoee. Pa.84141'. ABEL TliriDELI., neater la Dress, Medicines., osors, Fnlnt. , OH2, Dye Stotts. Groceries, Jewelry.!. otioos, etc. pgeit, lAME.I E. CIEMA.T.T. Attortcy at Law. 011 . 1Iae anik door bi:loWTarbell House. rub& n conrzre S CO.. Dankera. Forel zn Pas. 6.age TICk. to and Drafts on r.rgland, Ireland and,Sceite BILLINGS STROUD. Genera PITS and Life thine; euan Nzets• ltallroa* and Aceldeptrtelcas tfiNeir Ydrlt ead rbilsdolplda. (Mee one dour gram Bank. . . F. R. CHANDLER. General 'lnsurance andBewing.litt. chine Agent. Public Avenue.• BURNS t NICHOLS:Chit olatetri oretDroca and Modl einev. Cigars. Tobacco. riper. Pocket-Books, BpestY elca Yankee 'Natio:on dc., Brick Block. ". • • WM. L. CC , X, Ibtrof cr. moor Ind Seater In all irttclel aonaUY kept by the trpdc, oppo# lie the Bank. - MVO d CORWIN. ReWerx In Store*, Thwelwari, Bed Illtnnfnecurczn of Tin rind lilwetWon ware, totneJ at MAIn had Turi:pik.t It. IL 1101ISJI. Merrchnnt 'lngot and 'denier- Trirarninno. and Furnishing Goods. 'and Reml,liade Clothing. no Mnin Ftrset , next rico_ to: lox• Little eoJ Vakeleet Law oMcc. A. N. BUT.L.ti:U..nt-tler - In War:erica. Proviolomr. Ilook.e.fitn:lnem - acd Yen Lee Netions, at head 1 TA XIL Et= X's T. a MC CrCT $9 TIZZ coca: uorvi -41$"+-,..e.,- ' -,- ----.1-`. •- • ~....„.„,:„...„.......„..„..,„,„,,...„,,...,:.__,.:,„. r e „...,„,..,..„.....,..,,,,,,.„,...„..,..,,...„..,,,0,,, „.....,,,,,,4„„...,„„„ f.i..-i - -k . ,-g 2 L0.4 - 4 se "..-.....r.g.Zi,:1. 1 d.;: -..--41,:.T. ' ..Z ,:.... ' . .,P),,f, - -Fijr-;;Itli-'•:-., -14'11:--,1-.--:".ifg%-...c.' -;" ; ,!.!:,- 5-2 ,riZ.. l . o . 4 tW iW;g er*..lz-.,-....-.I.:T.CP"---4:::>-- :74 4. __ ,',.!..' .." ---- ---', JOU! P. TAUDELL, proprietor. Ettlat St alms leas norm daily, coaaettingaith the 1). L. i,C., the Edo, and the Lehigh Valley Hall wavi. . lIOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI ATION, • ' • . Far fleTtell fan d cure aftlic rrtltur end rnfortattato.l3i .PtincittiCt of Chrintitin Luau nit the hirrc.rto of Youth and the ofA„.tt in relation to Ilnrriaur and Voutal Evil.. with annitar nid (qr the nl7.ll , ituct tient free. In Fealed envelope*. Ad dreea7iOlti.liW AhSOVIATION.Itor. P. PhUadatnltlns Xrl l ll7ll.' ,AT , • 'WILLIAM SIVITR'S sz:erds Ire rartatere Wale . . t r o o& o mlou yid And the lArAut FIRST CLASS AND co3l3pli. F N I T.IJ B, E To be found In ibis ion of the country,. of Isis ova mottitectu re, ausl et tutees thancannut 411 to g1e . ,.) setllo faction. , Ile mane* thel%Zy Lett ,ExTEDISzOiq TBALra Itt the Couatry; 'and WAP.11....NT0 thew. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of ell kind+ ttena oitno fuff:fa mattuf. Ce t 3 3:3 x), OF VARIOUs iiINDI, .• • • 7 P 1 RE NO.I.3IA.TRASSES, ; " ccotk!Sx,llATuSssEs. --. . UN D E 13 . 7 T A-1( UN G Tno suLtetiner will hereafter mate the I:Leaf...tette n. Ir£VerlnPlitellet' tUultt..del thzvenne pie err. lees .114 be attended to proco2tlyano setletectury cllntzcs, , w. 8011 , , ilontrete. Ps— Jan. SI. I=-7ne3—tf. • k I) , IINIsTitATows -Nog - ma—in • no ez,tnlcr tt nfJottr,' A. antler deceeh , l, Into of Lnnor. lotere of Adintutitratlon , In inn tuld enskte booing ing heen Granted to the undendgned, hit persons ow- Inv paid eetate. are requested 10 =Aka iinalpilato - nod reti out haying eplmo actilLIEL fald catalo d ,r.fent them Welton,. doln.. %V , req4":" I mm,y kdrali trlt I la r I. Bri2govxater, Dec 11, , A t iITOTL'Bi.i IT:K.—Tito urolots tqrat.barlog horn kiiappolottsittiv.tho Coml. of Common Plats of Sods quebanal Conrir. au Auditor to rEsttlbate the funds to Lauds of the SoarlMarising front tho sole of Itoat Estate'" of (1.1.. Lou, trill attend to the duties of his appoint. moot. at' Pelee to iitoutrors. nit Friday: Januar. 1144, Fan At 1- o'clotit,.. I', I.t. A lt persona interratsa 111 apprucand present ituis claims, or Ito SurtASS dos. barred from coming to ua said fond. It.i.:llALDW,lS,..Attaltdr. - 'UOZI/0110, rico. 11: NEW AULFORp GREAT BEAD, LENOXVILLE. orßsoN. MONTROSE. lIONTIIOSE, Pn2VA.