Gountg @tiointoo @icettary. 7.:.1 !ilea in /Ai.* Diretfori,Pie ysir,lll.sl}- edeh thioigional tint, rA) da. NEW .MILFOP.D. BALI'(( n BAVK, NEW &ILFORD:SIN p.? cent. tercet en all De:walla. Doss a general !tanking Dna nca, 441-t,n. 11. (MASS & CO. CATCGA .11. 4 03.TnR.—NIMMLA3 11 , ,OEHAKIIR Laakr Sa :ozulaa OgligsPlavikr. P:s9N rotiod. r. L "Yritl CO`. Demltri , In Dry ()mix. fints.Clps Boot* awl Shnop_ and th..riernl '4,mb:twill..., op Main strert,vecomi droot belenv tLe. Epiece pal Church. • rxton VOTrt, kept by wiLuAlr smira v oo Hain scree; near eke Depot.—• ' W. R. 1 1F.AD, Fnandoe. end dealt* in flown nod other Menai le, one door frond Minutes lio:el, linbr St. tS. P. 'RINSES. Carr:age Maker and Ltedertaker, oa Iltin Street, two door. below Hawley's Store. • BROI Ell 9. Dialers in Groceries and Prot - is/oas, on !fain /street.. rikftßet. WIN. Dealers In Flom Feed, Mai. Pet, Lime. Cement. Groceries and Ptoslstots us Main Street, opposite the Depot. *. W. & T. HAYDEN . . Maw:tract - Amens of Clots and Whore.,ln dealers to Yankee Notions and Panty Gouda. S:rect, below Eplacopal Church. • 110Sa'.4T..nther Manuracturrrs and dealer. In Mc nee° Ml:jai:rs. 1 - e.. near Cplecnpal Church. • SINT;1" 2. II , t Y DEN. llo4tlers. to Drag , lan Mrdirtnee and Mannroctornre of agar', on Wein Street, netll the Despot T. STRP.MNS, Ifornn stmeinz .nanenoral Repairing on Stain Street, s...zth of the brit. go. J. THCFRII SIAN. dn.. DcAler Ingeneral oterehandlea ant! Clotting, I3&a Store, on lath Street. GREAT BEND. L, S. LEXIIF.I33, Manufaetnrer of Leather, and deaf, In teneral Mereltndire. on Main Strq et.• n. ?! ton Tailor and dealer 6t nr.:44, Matle flothtng, Dry GOOtif.tirocericslind Provision. I.lstri Street.• LENOXTILLE WIIITE, Manufacturer of and dealer in eaperl or Plowo and Ct.tffJ. • GMSON U M. T,S•a.!tl"—De+!er In .tnyce, Ttri. rapper. Praa and .than, moat:lnns , t.r of sae. t Nieral.tn 'r. Eve franca and Lend Pipe bnalaeat nfflrni!ed to at fed prlcca—Gibson ranarYlvauLt.—ty. &nwAnn4 & Tun usTT, ? , I , nr.fartnrera of Wagon* nod Sleighe, t3cAr the Inzrale Store. MONTROSE 0. S, p:SF.Trr..—Crmtv Surrey,. of Suequeblnna Cow. ty. in the Court Muntrare. ABEL 71 , 111:liLL. neater to Itcaleines. U. Tior..Paintm, Dv.. Groceriet, Jeerc:ry 2 . ,..1ti0ret. ctc. ilep, I. 'TO JA,,rFlt R. c %1r! 11.1 . , A !Mr,' IQ Law. 021ce one duortmlowTarbell lieut.. Public Avcmar.. • 17 GOWER & CO— llinkert, tell Pnre!;;n rat 'Pict.ta and Drs.lts 011 'LlortaD d, Ireland and:brat linl{• BILLINGS STROUD. .rtes Fire end Life infer oot-e Amaral , alwo,spi/ tLli!r2laa and Accident Tick(' tr to New York and PhiLtdclphL,.. O& co one door utt c: tue Bank. F. R. Cu %MILER. Geriprallnsuratce said Sewing 7111 c4ine..tzent. lanbnc Avcnne.• nunxs mcnor.q. tfirplace to pot Drozsacol Mee' Cik.,, , Tohcrcn, pel, Porkcl-Booko. dprct cico Yoakek Noilooe. &c., Brick Block. R. L. CO), !lame. , mazer ada dmicrin ell articles t.naLIT kept 14 the trade, opposite tile Vaa l•. Rf`Til % CORWIN. Renlera gtorri, llardariere, n4l llanut*ctrirvn. of Tin and Sheetlron %Mr!. corner Itahl and Teimpito Ptroct.. S. IT. I.laltSg. Merchant Tailnr and dealer Iti Trims:On:7n, and Furnialltaz Ganda. and Ren , ly•M:44le On Ya cant two to Liffle and I.am OCire. A. Ar. Order 1n tiroccrlen, Provll.innr. i. , .tltinneryand Yank. Notions, at head Arcace-• SPORE .t CO.. Helder, in Stares. Hardware. A frivol:Ural , ranlements,Fionr and Grorerlea,oppo Sue Tarbet/ 0111111 A MITTENY , A NOBLE CHARITY To Erect the fiElliSlii SIM OM .E! 4, - - : -. ';-P''. i_B=ME. To lc Drzsrn In Pal.llc. Drczimr.E. "cO - n! 1872 674 o, F.; 0 500, cc..o Tic:Z.Ws $l. Each, or Six for g . 5. , Tlctet, peat 1 13 . P.xpreal, C. 0. D., it desired. I arrabl PRO% Pr•ze, $75.M90 1 Crar..lP,l3 Prize, 5 zfra I r:r 110 t'af , i, Prl.,e, 10.001 I Przr.,l ''...h Prize., 7 , 000 1 Cash Prize. - 5.410 ~ 3 I ‘,..1. Prize. , .., . 4 mu 0 CaLb Pe:2A, 111,000 each. 6.004. 4 4-11 t .- . - 4......e.t...0.c4ch. ELMO :Carl, Prize-r, r tfr0k,,,,,,t,, . ton, ro, , art, rem's, Earle $lOO. . 7 , 0 - - - 50. tgil '. -"., • ` " " ^.5, :•,,,,•• `' " 10. 6100 ,'. ••: o " •••• 0. 11,501 Vat. 7) to • Th!s En - re:prize 19 rationed by the bizhest .brir or the State wed beet be-tee e corn. 4.1. r 0741.11i.r the tickets taken before Ort.lrt The ulnae: to hand will be funsfebed those seho sp7l* tint. can rent fiZ mall, ° ln Beriptered Letter*, rokt Otte* Your Orde . e.‘ or bar Expreos. All Nit** will be pant Tn fall. AG/Nta WATITIL— FOr trill pirtien.nr• witlrens PLTTEF:. Der -313:2. General X.r.anner„ Or:many, Nib • • A pr, t relym For the fattett r.tkiEi -14 Fl amt mot , pupa tar hot —with CO 11.1notraklont. hkeneett* of re. I....Agents— beeutifully Wang. and pelt:fed on tiara! palm'. THE: NATION Its Rulers, and. Institutions. r. 7 ENGLISR ANT) GERIIAN. • • tC 1:11t It. ritrlkea et etylanie ae Jutt the book . It i.. 00 of ib. (inlrernmer.t. It, :e.e of thena.ai , e. north the ingot of ne Oreesl.4.ptreeonr4 11101 Mr vz.r.t I:tr. CIAPV2-• era -4.161[n /1.11 ,-*.V.att.Lts. Cue 1,7,1: /auk IT. der, in cleft dale, ri.ltott . m.',/r atone. fey,te :Fr. Leek erpegred. 62t is &If t , 13 4n c:ratO l n fair t er:S' arr. 'Write at ore. r. effeniteand In forfnn!lon NEW WCIRLD PCBLISUING Corner 7111, nod Market Sttects. rbiladtlybint. Ae eenflt, If:ll.—lit Pets-mores Ritagazine for January, 1!731, are:: ti t am our t3.. , =, li;ever was there a bu t d. realer or better =libber. in spite of corupeti -Peterson" =urethan holds his own. ills Or its twu steel engravings is ".Cl;enT Ripe," or "The Initials ou the - ;':;:c." they are iota en beautiful. There t.. tined eulurtml Berlin pattern foxi• a sofa or lbobstool, is more than a doz.= col: lit retail, would costa duller. The suainutoilt tatiof,-1 ateel fashion pie= is exqui, ; "l'etersonV is now the only magazine the givta these colored ateci platen. 'rho otor.e3, as always, in this lady's book, aro ;La vary 61st. 'wo powerful niAelets are begun in ibis nusa- Jct; By ail means aubscribe to. "Pcterson's liagaz=e,". 1 hat Is, after you have Ft; ir.erilittl to soar htcaipaper. Thu price is but Two Dot, .143.1.3 a year, with liberal deduction CO aubs,and 5' trO dollar r. stii-raslog to IloseZattlllgpp elitb& .rciasaai; atist'adt prat AdOrts• thsaa. - 41slapse 7 1106 glitatar.t 1it.,1111166410, $ 1,000 - 11-E V/ AR D ! MITCIO9' ALLEVANTORts nompoted of Ammonia. rh.or.form. Spirits of Camphnt.Tinrittre of Topnline. 01' of Jadtper. and Alcohol This compound Is un citnalled in the annals of lIIMICIIIII3 fr r the turner Her- Headache. Neuralria.Trecubllnt Or Twitch log of the New'. and all Nettons DIMIPCX. It will consterut all boisone, burial pimpled. cure scaly crap ' Clout. Itchlng,lanonhac., it vitalize. , the emulation, Inolgeratcs the systme,lncrcat er fire aettan of the heart, without eiri ling the brain. curer Heartburcre"lpitat fon and fin.terlng of-the Heart, Dytpepsia, Sc. Daggs' Allarantorebsolutelyptismises more elandra pmperties than any other prepanalon. Paystrlant. chemist* and Miters are seilnetted to examine end test thir temetly and $103)will be paid!! found dlCeraut from repheenta. lion. COUGHS Istieb bat been told and writ. . ten. aid mans remedies bare been offered for the relief and care of throat and tang diereses: Ana nothing ha. been on eminently nuccostfal or obtained. ouch a wide celebrity, as lirigge Throat and Lung Healer.* The czenattaing pals produced CORNS• by Corns. thellincra.lng tirlr.glng from Conlon., the piercing, distressing pain from lu grnwing Nallthcannot be cote:ll , nd. Thousandt Puffer, not knowing there to a cure. Briggs' Corn and Canton Remedies are no acid or potash nornpounds, but are to liable toothin.T, and cdtmt uaLand Joel merit the tames they have earned from an appreciative pabitu. The Caroline is a tooling ointment: imm. Mine relief le obtained by its application. and it will poritirely cure the worst met of FettcredCome.lntlamedand Uleerats ed Bunions, the carat Instep, toe largest and scrorett Biletcr• the mint attentive Callesitles on the soles or beets of Atte foeVxmcqualled In the care ot•Cbilblalus or Fruited rceL The Allerantor fur ordinary corns and ptrecnting-lbelt formation in abtalutely unexcelled by anything known. PI LE s h ce a gnete ee . n an a d !Soma l i en th ery attempt to cnre them has Oren b"1:11cd. By ant study nod urPerancuting. , Dr. Brizra ha! diricorcredand eli de cure fur 'men*, bleeding. external. and Itching plice. Liana' Pile Remallee net mild. cafe and name. Carta, Donlon.. Dad I/tressed Joints and alt dienattii of the fret, also. Pile,. Connors .nd Scroffulout honors, tkilifuly treated by Dr. J. Cant Co.. Or, Itroadicay, N. Y. Sold by ABEL TURIAHLL. Montrose, Pa„ and LIMNS A NICHO,S, hutdrote. l's. June it IPH. EXCELSIOR FUR EMPORIUM ~... V T. ISAACS, 50000..0r to ,•",1 1';?, .1011i1 FAREIRA. t. , ,...- t? 718 ARCEI St., 1 . 01 '• Al d n .fl ti • .1 2 . — Siii.. 1 :n.l e- tg f .t t 4ll,Ts cck. "...; ', fit •l' 416, - . ", - ~ _ ...1 - .-,,, cdt):, PII.I.6.I)ELPIIIA. . k. 42 . ' . % ,- ; - z -- 4,,,:" - lmporter a'd Mancha fr ;•—n::4..!,.._ N A ~1! turer of g ' " - < - ' 4 ; FANCY FURS ,- ---, , ,,, 5 1-<_ , ,- For Ladle and thlldretio neat.Wholarala and Retail. Ravine rmported a very lnrz,e and splendid anon mem of nil the alterent Linde of Fults true first hands in E.trope, ...mid respectfully Invite the readers of this vmper to call and examine the assortment of Fancy Fern. I net determined to sell at the latent coed Pric”. All Furl Warranted. So Parte/ rezentatirn. Is !Pet ;Oct.. PURE ALTERED AND REPAIRED Fir REMEMBER THE STORE, 718 A FICI7 911LIS7d—Int PRILvADELPIIIA. IVFIN77 1 IL - FILAGIC NEW GOODS. Tae nsdersittaed having refitted, rerumished and rtiqueked the ewe, formsrly ocrupled by R. Ken s.... Jr.. at LIV.VIn< Centre. nIC flaw prrpared to lam the people With as desirable satiety or DRY GOODS! GROuERIES ! ! 8001'S 8110 E ! I HARDWARE ! ! CROCKERY ! &c., As can be round elsewhere, and at as Desirable Prices. 0. 11. Cruse. E. C. Sarni. CRANE & SMITH. Lay/vllle Center. Pa.. April 21. DOWN TOWN NEWS MINER ANL) CO.A7'S, Street. 6 doure below Boyer Ct.,nier. .Ver.it• FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND • ' pßovisi (LAW. Weary cettstantb" rev Mug t ad now Dare nobs, •fresb stock of Lio%d• So °aril) . wh i c h se 'rinse! CHEAY: CH/AI CHEAP for Ca.b.ut et"Ctla .go 0 rprosicee. GUUL TEA.s, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, DAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOY ER if TIMOTHY SEED, 6 We;h3 •refitted and made add!tloef , to our Stoat Palle. nt d are now ready to forward Hattori° the bee commis. on boo see in Now York.lree ofcbarre, ant ersladractements on coneigurnente. Call and examin eon r ock before purchasing elPs where.andeonrineeroorpelres o fthe GOOD QUALITY Sr, LOW PRICES ~.. Goods. . . W. Ft VOA [EOM T ELIIG II VALLEY RAILROAD. X... 1 On and after Jane ID. 1872.crldne on the Lehlgt Itsitrond will ran j, follow : NORTH. Ito. No. No 35. 9. 7. 245 1184 970 Prolla 1243 813 945 3:0 789 941 Waverly__ 1202 535 900 223 137 1000.... .Athen9..... II 45 5R 680 4 Z./ 205 10 40 ..,..Towontln. —.1103 457 PlO 5 t..V. 11 30.....Wra10.19g _1045 715 545 305 I15$) 1424 111 e. 943 465 854 514 • 12.12....M.0in0p00 .... 990 827 623 124 . Meht.piny.... 913 4u 9 Ili 550 12 45...T0n ktiortu Get._ 845 3 80 556 811( 412 150 I9:16105 725 187 450 9y. 510 2 15... W111:c...112ne .. 780 215 480 .... 730 4 4 ra...5122 eh Clinni... ... 11 45 1 fr., .s. 893 550 Alfalant4l4 4.0 Z. 1047 1822 640 635 Bel Igellem .... 10 30 12 f 6 915 035 1.%01.05 ...... 1005 11 35 #lOll 8 20....TIAladelphis e3O 743 P. mi. 8 40 New ... 7Co 900 O. •v leaven Towanda...at 710 m.; Att.rn•, trip p. 03. Wa ally. far, n. m, rriving at Elmira at 9CO a.m Na. 31 Imam Elmira IV 3 3,5 p. m.: Waverly, at 6 15 a. m.; Athena. at 6 7,0 p. m., arriving at Tow ado at ravring !Mom Cora attached to triina 2 nd rushing through from Elmira to Phlindelnhln. IL A. PACIIEIL 22:x.rint,,nd BILLINGS STROUD. Genera! lastirancs Agent, PINE, tIFE AND ACCIDENT rsstraitscz, 314Coaltrciao. Piz. Ilertrord Fire toe.. Co.. Capital and Supine ItILIVO.OOO florae far. Co.. N. Y., Copt:zit:old burplali, S4.(OIVKaI lloyra lc, Cu. Lirerpool *. . EH, 01000 Liverpool. London &Globe . 'iv ()moo Franklin Ins. Co.. PLII'a s.r.o.uro In.. Co.. of North America •• 1,251:LIOCI Penne) levalit Flro . . il.124,0(10 in.. Co., State or Penn's . • fr00.(00 Voion Mutual . • Sal.ooO I.scoming kire o ~ SOX* OW kl itllllaeport Iru. Co. ._ $110.101.1 Antiwar/10 ?hikes ... MlO:wortal ••Ntliouul, X-a XX•33 . Conn. 1.%1.r.21 UN Int , . Co., issette f r6n,COO American Life. • $3.5u 41:040.11:33MM571/". Travelers Ine.Co 'Marlon!, Capitaland 6 uipleattl.M.ooo ttntlwaf Pareengera $15011)0. The nn derrlgned hat been well known In th le onnt y,fur the part liy.tan,,na an thenntnee Agent. Loa.ee anatalned by hie Compaluirs 11111 C al way. been promptly paid. • glarOffice Ant door cart troy Banking °Mee of W. 11. Cooper & Co.,Tarnpike at. Slonteu se,Pa. • • BILLINGS STROUD, Agent CUB. U. sans, sonsitor • Mantra°. Mar 22. 1317. gThe Great Cause._: aumas MC 1 as 4, Jtat Published in a Bea'act Envelope. Price Ss Coat. I A Lee - ire. online Nature, Treatment anti Radical cam et dprrinatorrhera, and Smninal inwiltintary Eniinvinna.fad imperlimrntii to War : fi.evisimmaity: Nerrovaneve. Cominmption, Eplirpoy, and Filo, 'Mental and PbPical irientiaelivi - Lam Sc , (-11,11.r. RoitErrr J, CULVERWELL, 0.. Anil.* of the. Omen Bonk:" gr, world - rrimirnedantlitir.in thia admirable Lecture TimmerCom 110 oirii be One ibe awfat quencre ef sviCaboar may be cliirrintilly ;.. wit bon' modirinii, and without ilangrrove atirgiral op. "trmtioce, lion;imi.inotrneveuia,ringo, rar e silabt;poliab. Ikg oui f Mod* at minr coriain eticinvi by n bleb eV t• r 7 silt - mm.l3V rant r ''racer bin condition mar be. mar rare iiimsrirrbrarily. prirvitetTeud radienil y . WILT, ritovEA ZOON TDOUSAbiIi3 and 71.100 . - i • • . - Sent inder oral. to ant sidereal , . S n plain ormes. ors, na the rririotal eIZ eenta. or too nendaga stamp*. Alga tst. Cultenwell'a . .011rsine Guide." prim 60 Ctilti. .A.Clitou Panda...or, MAWS L C. PITS _ 410., " • • •In NKr Tag. rewmpel4•2444.. Jrw ativcrtiotnitnto. Agents Wanted for Cobbtals ::COMMENTATOR OR ME BIBLE for the NOLtE. allt7LE. y I e. 2 TPVIu _ . F4' Mn i • P gilli T y h n'tll;;;l7 l l . : ll: l 4 It nom ?Willful. For eircubtrixaddre.sll.s,Goou Mkt, t LO . MOW. NOW York. ' GOOD COUNTRY TALLOW WANTED. Illzbest peen paid tor prim quality by L. IL ELIT INTON, Soap and Con ale .11anntacturcr, Ita Margaret ta dtreet:rbiladetphia. AOEINTS WANOD.-111.3 guarantor rinployment .o*-• for all:elther six, at IS A day. or $`1.1.10 or more a year. New works Ity Mr*, Stow* and others.— Superb pretninma Oren away, Morey mado rapidly :and Golly at work for ea; Write and ere. Partlctilais free. Wonrinewron, Durrtx & Co.. Dartford. Ct. $. 5 to $2O PM. DAT! Acenta wanted I All drowns or corking people. Of either eel, young. or old. male more money at work for no to their spare moments or all the time than at appllng olt.e. Particular. fret. Addrota 43. 'STIN SON, dc CU., Portland Maine. ACCIDENTS! /Donn In lb. TEAVELESS of Hartford, CL CI LITSC lI'S 13IPERIAL 1111 1 131 AF Vfj3l4lCimisitirtra,.—WholePale to the trade. Stnile emu o.rat. umittabi. nn meelpt of et. W. mum D. T. FRUEMIFF. Reading, Pa. BOOKKEEPING Made Eon,. Every clerk ned chant an kart% nt once. Rook m4tlcd. r.O cents.— U. BOUM/MU BRYANT, WM°. N. Y. DOORF, SISIIES, BLES &C. Scud for Intstrated Calaloguo to BRADLEY th CURRIED, t j a CA Dye St , New York. Great • Event ! Wallow , decided to &Wont° of our immense stock of BILLIARD TABLES at prices a littiu above cud.— Firet•rta.a 5310 .tiew Toby, com r .ido,43lo, s,comt hand Tables made over new Vtt.i.21.3. $2571, &c. A gnat variety to snit all boyera. Send for C.talognp. SAYAN/WU S DECEETI. Cor. Canal & Centro Streets, New Took - Etc) . am Of CASHMERE OMB. TONIC I. nosurpas.ed as a Promoter of the Growth of the Halt and tVldskers. It to neither Way nor greasy, yet It aoftens 'and amoothes the flair far better and more permanently thanany Oil or Pound 1 red up a (lair Dropping. It prod.. the moat ocantiful and lustrous gloss. Warranted perfectly banal.... Its exquistto perfume le quite unrivalled. Lela: distilled from the world renowned Roses of l'arbrnort, bore bottle., only 50 cents. Addrm. MiellENl33Cll MILL. R. I'a9 \. hd ht, Philadelphia, Pa. The Weekly Sun. ONLY $1 A Mt 8 PAGES The Best Fatally Paper. The Beet Agricultural Paper. The Rest Political Paper, The Beet Story Paper, The Best Fashion Reports. The Bert Cattle Mat ket.Reports. The &tit. General .Iklasket Reports. The Best Paper Every Way. THE WErELY NEW YORK SUN. Eiutt Pare., tr) colomna, 11 a sear, or lore than Vccut, a number.— Seed your dollar. .5 &drama THE SUN, Nor York City . THE EAGLE r 3, rix g• atc)r e. ! mrcri.e..za-es e4f rrx6macc:s3....ra ERICK BLOM, MONTROSE, P&, Sign of the Golden Eagle and Mortar Desire to Inform the public that we bare move our block of Droge. _Medicines. Paiute, Oil., (truth ee.! Combs, Parfumery, Fancy Artieler, etc.. foto th Brick Store, lormerly occupied by Guttenberg. Rosen Winn We have recently ISt fed up this More In Modern Style and ehalltedeavorto kee.p ell cuppheo with article. mrtainlng to the Ltru,•• Lusineee. We extend to everybody a cordial Invitation t • cal nod ece as when in want of il . l ) ththg in our lint. nun when Icon in Wald. give 138 a friendly call. To nll out Old cl2.lt.tnere we Orrin, to elprorti our tliniiks fur lilt very liberal patronage heretofore extended to oe. Kr aball Undonror to merit a continuance of the tame. Very Truly Yours, A. B. lIVICIS, ...11outnne. Dec.2o. 1611. ASIOS NICHOLS. No, No. No. Si. t 5 0,000 IN BANK GILT CONCERT Postponed to December 7, 1872. rpIIESECOND GRAND GIFT CONCERT in old of the PunueLlneisrer or Etnrtetts, atitiolloted for Sepicmber si, hoe been porttemed o December 7, 1872, bemuse the nemimulatlon of orders the few day. , before the drawlng mode It pliyeltiony impossible to 11 1 them Without 111P%Pdllyn delay. sod see iihorrportprine meta was Jo evltahle, it ass determined to defer It to thin that , roold mates full drawing sure by the sale of oil the Oat to. , The mom?evossary to pay In toll all the °freest rift* to POW upon deposit it. tho FtITM.e. , and Dtorsr's B u*, a; will be seen by the lalloulog certilitatte of the Canliter, FARMERS' AND DROVERS' DAI4. LualsvAle. Ky.. tityt. 01,1b5e, • Thla feta certify that there I now on deposit: fn Ibis hank over ball a mlllicm of dollars to the credit of the Gllt < orfeerr Fend. *.%ii.itai of a tfrh Is h r ht 3, 7 hank. as nesse rer of the Public l jhrary of urhtacky. to payoff all alltaatearded at the drarvt na It. b. rEACII. Caehler. 1.000 Prlzco..4m9anting IN . 500,000 IN win he ate-rtled. I he hlgheet priree helm: . $100.0" $5O.- htNt; 415.1ue. had down in regular gradation to'-gluo, rishtela le the tuiseet. The dtnia ing will ponitletiy and unequir neaty take plucc Dm-tuber 7. ACCIII. arc peremptorily required le clone:o4w and melt 'Morn. Norembtir in order to tdien amp dtlme for thedna) nnungeduente. Order. for ticket, or applicatione f ur rirri,:nro .hold be ed dritsed to Gov. Tilol4. E. BILAMLEITE. • itgent Public Library of Km took?. LonlArlle. 14' ILATCHLEY'S be ThITILOVED taiI:UMBER WOOD .c. :-..: - pump. Testel.e.. Purable. Efficient :4- e cud Cheap. The twat pump for the T, • least money. kttentl , n la vopecially c. , invited lu MO aloe. Patent Improv -0 ovoi- ed Drecliti and is:e•v Del, CM ek Valve. WhlCb altklle Whh.W.Tl Wh h. out remold on the NMI, Of dhtarhlng `••• tbelolntr. M.o. tbe Copper (Thafri her Ithich never exacta,. nod - Trill azalea 14 - .profiler . For vale be Dealer. every C. whi re. fiend for Catalogue and Prlei • Vat. E. COlll.l,lll4Telltr7,ll'Cr. . _ INIG Commerce 13t— Pbtia...Pa. ~.,.r, ltilb,lTC.—No 31.—y1 f OLD JEWELRY—A ..Fine 'Assort ...-. mcnt. and other MA flatlet of Jeweler. A f e e, Cold sod Silver Caved W4tcne. and. Watch Chafes. itfirer rowcvliver plvted Simone. Forks.. Et. ite.. Itc.. sod a gem .4;/01 , 011/13.1it of Foecy Good.. Na lOUS, Perfumer y Qr.. Drcce and Itedleinc. a la, go suck. . .If moron. 1 , "*.: Dee. W. 11. - - 'AM. levrivc.vt r AGENTS• WANTED EVERYWHERE, to Oil tb 'bat too priced Coro•niller over painted, Let tenons tad ovarttway who bat 0413 to Abell *m4 t: circular to " W I 7 1105254 10.,"*. '' S I 'l l ? '` s~,;~~, '~~ rnornurrons PriCrrtltt7 tiriVICEPLM AT - WILLIAM SMITH'S Eztenalreiranattiro 'Anteroom Inn will and the largest starker • • ',FIRST CLASS AND COMMON .F U T .0 R . E To be found to this Section of the country, of his own manufacture, and at prices that cannot fall to glee sati. faction. lie Imbue Maven , beat azinnistom THEMES t .1. a. Country, end WAIIILANTia thein. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of all kinds dons in the neaten %annum. El X" Ft. IST Cir S3l7af3 OF VARIOUS RIND*. PURE NO.I MATRASSES, COMMON BIATRASSES. UNDERTAKIN.O. The subscriber will hereafter male the undertaking e Wrind ls ilie bi n n t„ b Xergt R l ANPl . n k t e h ' e 4' . ' "us k t i e ' , d ell needing bin ern Irma will im attended to promptiy and at sada:actor,' charges. wra. W. surra ik SON. Vontrote, Pa.. Jan. 31. ISTL—noS—tf. r- - 1ik14*7461 csiu* RHollitiG CARRIAGE GIE PATTLIITED. ()central Ad. T. claimedby mar bent dodges, to meet the nerensit • CO ong felt, of a convenient. Prartiml. liar Lle Gate, PO indorsed by the hiAle•l anthem, in America. la entirely different from and has many ativonotact over any other Gate ever Invented. is cheer. and eroaly omstructed and for convenience cannot fail to ptra.e all Can he opened and closed 'althorn the onperator changing hit i.ositino. liflina or pullitez n mann& and if cle•lred can hr easily arran;ed to he opened and rinsed nitbont tll•monnttnt. It orenplea tat Mons atoned • hen opened then two pools sal hoot ante. (hie makina It corn desirable over act other Gate to farmers And thner living In Villages and Towns. I. In order every day to the year. no stn's to dhoti In winter, It can. hot 'mg or yet old of repair. For farther verticalar• address the undersigned, wh will as far an posidlils visit the serentl 0,011f4. In Pennsylvania and adjoining States. for the Napo., o, exhibiting and Intrnatieing the same. Fnrner• and enterprising men generally, will do wel to give this speed Al attention, as Halo Gate certainly nil. go Into general use. GEO. It. ZIACXEY, Proprietor. Nioholoen, Wyoming Co., Po; June lit ^72.—tt. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, an d effectual fo r preserving the hair. It soon restores faded OP gray hair to its .original color, with tha gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can bo saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, eo that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSLNG, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful.perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Pradiol and Anilytlest Chemists. LOWELL, MASS. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asttuns, and Consumption. Among the great ............., . J., , , .. 4. "*. , discoveries of modem ;j - a*:- . ";,',. science, few are of' E ft „tai' more real value to Ix r m cc a t n . kird re th n a ca n y tl iff is oaf , IsZ ''''' diseases of' the Throat 4, 4 . and Lunge A vast I. ' trial of its virtues, throughout this and 141:°' other countries, has 1 er „r A O, - shown that it does surely and effectually control tl3cm. The testimony of our best ctn.. rms. of all classes, establishes the fact, that Cream neuronal. will and does relieve and aura the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; . end cases of Consomp. lion, cured by this preparation, era public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute. Asa remedy it is adequate, on which the public may rely fur full protection. fly curing Coughs, the forerunners of MOM serious disease, it urea `unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical Every family should keep it on hand as a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at Ant, but which become Incurable, and too often fatal; If neglected Ten der lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid gip dill: re using diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Cranny PCCTOIIAL Is invaluable; for, by Its timely use, multi tulles are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the Imo and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound end health-restoring steep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil Is spared in making every bottle in the utmost plassible,perfection. It may be confidently ro bed upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capableof producing cures u memorable as the greatest it has over eifected. wicvmom irr ~ - - Or. 1, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Pr:4lml aa4Sytlcal Clustnistir BOLD BY AL!. mil:maws Bold by Abel lurrell, and Burns Montrose, and 411 drunlsta and dealers every, where. . -• [Dec. 21,1870--y BUILOW'S N. 1133 BLUE.. Is Mt cheapest, and beet srirels la tbs teaks! 'tor Blueing Clothes, : The "goatee his both Ithrlosi'sand Utltberger owns on the Isbel. and hent op at Writ. bengsfsDroglJtort Pr.. 132 North healed St.. Philadsl. =4) 5. wiLTBERgii, rsepri sat if/ GIVE lIS YOUR A11E1111011! DO YOU WANT rri3E3lll .1330 °X' • sewing Machine U old Mendaand patrons of ;',177,11g.r.f,e70n:7 The Original Bowel Sewing Maelne, ESTADLISIIED, 1817. LIIPUOVED, 1871. A`Lcini R he tint9J:=Vll4,l 1310.11a1011 helm. ROOMS AT -56 Court Street, Binghampton, N. 7, AND 4T Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa. IL 11. DUNMORE. ' 1 Notthrosa, Jap 13. IS;:. HOLIDAY GOODS ! hare added In my etleaalverariety of LAIIFSand TABLE GLASSWARE- vv .- MOTTO CUPS and SAUCERS. MOTTO 11tUriS and TOY 11. A SETTS In /mat raddy. Also. VASES and FANCY TOILET bETTS, of the &Intimates! de- Th. so condo I have imported directly fer.m Europe. and me price. are 0. low as any Itonort, ran sell the rime goods in either this city or New York, A.. 1. WE.IDNER. Tue. SI South Second and el. Strawherre Stn. rhiladelphla. I'a. C. B.—Uy ,toch of CIiANDBLIEB 4 . mecially adapted to Churchef, I. cry.. lame. Bookr of lir. 1eP!...11 .howhig the design of each CI - Lamle/ter .fl,l Bracket, will basun on rcsucet. Nov, G..2at. LOOK. .x.c• LOOK 'MERCHANTS AND TRADE SS !! IN TRIS COUNTY AND EL , E WIIELE!! 771/0 V 33t7"Sr COX' M. C. TYLER 79 tr. 91 DUANE ST., N. Y (WITH ennet. tour A . Co.j AND IF' NOI. II'HY ...Vv 7 G ENF.RAL ttAltli .ltlE Cctlery 4stry the*. Shovels. Laid:Wit Glasses. I.lLilitnlog and tam, thee N sorer. Steel. 4111 Iron pule A X..s. (111 hr-er In the World. every kind of Brushes, Door Lock.. pa I lacks. Kern),... Goo,. 1140,mer.. Plroolo, Revolvers, Fate. tr. Cameo ter's Toi.ls, ILlArkstuith's bollsors nod Tends. I'l itrd Knives, Po km nod Spouts. 41111 event him: usually kept in a First CIA, hardware Importing and fobbing Roue, No MlstaLe I! My st,•ceru Thatiks ate tendered to the many in my ow. County. for the blurt pviroti.se. no ids.. to Ihr online In other l'Otintittr. oho way read 11.1., . rid a geoeral 11,111111°n Co ben - hy give,. fora IVlllittl/41,Cr n• to those who ors ,, , 5 to zIV.• the trial. oho hare nut duns su, by union ur cads. C. TIEMES. Montrose, March, CO, 15T2.=-tf. HIST:UE.I 1 111% PiAi WATER CURE. Ting hon.,. is now eontpletowl and weley for Strom., tkolon of el*ltaro n the treatment of lornitdn Tnn foltnarloz are emote! thn olipea,p known to have been cared,by the ass of the Saowinehannalltueral Water. DISPEPSIA. GRAVEL. DIAIIETIS. KIDNEY DISEASES VENERIA L DIsEASE.4. DROP SY. ALL IMPURITIES or the 111.0013, LIVER COMPLAINT. I'I.CEES CIIRONI' rdgu DISEASE-. EltY,ll , ELAS. SALT lIIIEUM. ~CROFULA. 1 . And ah Caztailn.c.crszsi co tuas o es. To those who cantemnlvto visiting the Splinr,s. w would gay that Dm 110 ESE Is FITTED wish a .Ifrir to th COMFORT and EA . uf our CUES l'S.niict Ire shall spare no pains to looklo:i their weiLtre. We gnarantee store or decided help, o no gat. For further particulue enquire of, or euldrets A. D, BUTTZBEIELD, ctc Bro.. Susquehanna Mineral Springs, Rush, Penn'a. April, 17.151 —in3 WOOL-GROWERS TARE NOTICE. OTTS. WOOLEN MILL •la routing an o.unl. mak •Ti ing all wool 11.1.14, chmked andhite: al.n cotton warp flannel. the heat ever made w ; all wool tweed. and carnlincren. A large lot of cloths on hand, for rale or to exchange for wool. Plexen glee me a Or before dinponlng of per wool else. hare. Pllll. rill miles north of Montrone. J. W. 310T7 Montrose, June:, 1871. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI ATION, For tbeltelicfand cure of the Errlntr and Unfortnnate,on Prlnclplee of Chrlallan Plitlant tunny.' EPNIT• on the Akron. of Youth and the Polllee of Agr In relation to Idaftluge and Social Evlla with annltar eld for the afflicted. Soot free, In ',naiad condoner , . Ad dr..IIOWA ASSOCIATION.Bos Phlbulenta* ALX3MILa M.II:TMILFLXIMaLs, DRUGGIST, MONTROSE PA.. It continually rceellin g IV3S"IiN7 Gr , CP C:0 nd coustantlion hand a Woad de drab!. Aaraortment of neva no DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, 111,1 lit. l'ainte, Oils, D)l. , Staltl*.Temt.Splcco.tmil other Ctt curlet&,Etunn 11 are. %Vail and V. tallow Pityt , r, tilact Itt'Sfe, *.htro Mirrons. Lamps. Chlmite3 1., Ken; ll Pee, Machinery OIL Sullen,' Oil. Ne.steloot .Otl, Ito Oll,elpoliu Oho: Oil, Spirits Turych Voriiiehen. l /wary becti.Vlininciir.rocach.eueirch tented Lye. Ash cirtiveniTchceee. tiairisiortc re, Modica lbetrumetan, Sin/11111W' Itritece. Willi c, (Stole Pinola enttritigto. Powder, Shut, Le . nd. &Wu ettpw l ' lllniting ticraml Fuor, Vlutit.a.titriutte, thms.eteoViii es Fl ft , etc. - . F Liottkoat Linie,llarn int Toth:lll4mpg flats Otto, hole Restorer.. and Ugh. 1./co. fictions* Pneket lin ty y. -.Bpectitult,lilliret rtiliett tsptiono,Etalio Knives. ac, Deatipt Aalcic.,a gouvralattotal tilt:utak FANCY doom, JEWELRY. sad PERFUMERY All tbaltutding and but kinds of PATENT MEDICINEN. . . • -, - fn short. amilly di 'Li AM( to restore the tick; to place the taste. to delight the eye, to lost Ity the fan o.i and also to conduce to the reel sad sabstsettel comforts of lire.. Enaxnenkt !male iteprsetinble, is It woeld til a sawspaper, Cal at time Drag andZspi 7 Stare or - , •. . Itextrakinviwilik , 1 . . P.. R. R. • RADWATS HOY RELIEF CUKV 4 TAE AVOTIHT PAINS from Ono to Twenty Minutoa. - • NOT ONE .HOUR BA OM nterAya ri:ADY .IPAIN.3 . CULP YOU EVT.It Y Rs,. the Ent .14.1 I. • Tho ()ray Vuln licmctly faizatly Slops lb. mnst curoelialvc par,. 611.7. ret flumuralorts. and eqi wrur her .4 th. Stomach. Donis, or other esuCA of ar0w.,14 Wu. &Pia.. FROM OTC TO TwielirT moutzs. No waiter boor villetst n.ClneLAep lb. yuiro lb. Karr. MAIM; Rnlabbka, Ig•Erm, Critryka,l(trrous.2:cir.4l4 Or yrestrated wah of k 1 May WM:I. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF • WILL - AFFORD INATANT I IgVarISTRIO K N " aqi. DLADDE” LaroAIILIA.T/ON OF THE BOWEL"! CONOFSTIoN oF TRE LUNGS. SORE TIIRO.S.T. D IFFUOILT PALPITATION ot"rau LITSTERICS. CROUP. DIPIaI IRMA. CAT.SUItn. INFLUEN2d. nurmalk, toonvonTE WILMIATISIL COLD PIIITLIAL AOrt: (' 1 111.1$•: The appliem.lon u( the lierolT Tteller r.at or rut. lehatu tho pslp .or 4111,culty cx..• ut.laro4 ease and emet. Tete fot edy &eve to t(7( totnht, of wet, vII . I la le fret m. 0.. to. CUAIIPA, PPASSIN. Pot:: SCONIACIL, HEARTBURN, NICK lIKAItAcIIK 111/0111.11EA all DYNENTINTER E N Itc, AL I AINS.'MusD 1...„; ink uowia.s. „„4 . . Traveler* ottiontld alsars tam • taiga pf Ustdway'4 gradr Relief moth item.. A fr., dr pm 114 il ter oil, ',men W. or pain. from [banger( Iratcr. It tr Eclat t 4.14 !qt.:a llratoly or Ritter* at a stinatitaor. FEVER AND AGEE. -.FEVER AND .rcti Nr Any et... Thrn tnt • 9ensedlal •gebt Ohl World Ilea .11 g-nn. }et.. wt.) A,12, .4 .11 otb, itm!•,l,•tut. Sca Yale*, ..11,thrr Pmeer• (ethics! r. PILL.) wllelc SA 11APWAY'S ItKILDI ISEIALF. flay e56:45 paln.ol. E 414 b 9 Drugthts. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND Pl7llll ram DLOOD-INCDT.A.SE 0? AND WEDour-im.F.Alt SKIS AND LUAU. VIOL CUILPLEXION tiECUL:ED TO ALL. D. RADIPJAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT MAA MADE T!IE MOST AqTOVIiDING CURES: SO guleg. & RATIO AICE TilE THE O BODY MNDElcoori, itsnrit THE INFLAEN4.{; TELLS "TEULY IVONDL'EFUL MEDICEit. VIAT Every Day an Incrcaso In Flesh and Weight Is Soon and Felt. THE CHEAT .81.00 D PURIFIER Zuni drop of the 5A11.3./1 PAP.ILLIAN RESsLtrENT rammunhades throng the Blood, Sent, Crius , and otter IlaidsandJuicrs or fite system tba rigor or L if, red. It We wait. + of the body with pen and word thateriet Scrofula. Srphilb, Coninmption, (Mandator dismro. lo the Thom.. Month. Tumors, Tislatl• t • Ponds and pans of the eyettm. Sure Eyes. Simmons I ascla., e Illnat the E... and the wand. Intros It Shin silreasee, Erato Moo; Fever Sores. Scald Head. nag Worm. salt Maur, Erysipelas. Spots, %%remain the Mel, To mom, Cancers In the Wrath Lid all wvastrine end, painful f.harges. Eight S.W.. L.P3 of Spero. not %sacs. f th e Are pram*, are 'within the enr.dare ranee of lola woralre of Modern Chemist,. and a few days' rang al:I r 11 to ower to cure them. Say person *Jug It rte. tither of thaw fun. of tlisolse its isptent p If the patient, dally beconalot ett.lactol by the waat es sod dctompnsition that Is troalnually procreator. me... 1, In arrestluP Ulm t h at mnl etirslrs the mem • a tour muter. tat made from healthy biromt—sud-thls the FAILSAP.IIIIL. Lits.N will and darns serum , . ' Tot only (awn the SJIIII•1,1=1./.1•M Ir.ra - mrc, ex,l all kto,lrn nent.ll.4 aittnts to the cure Of runr.nle. Serin , nns, l'onxlltntninal, .04 bklti 410.0. x.; Ina R is tLa truly posl:hit ettr• fur Kidney & Bladder COmplaluby Vricary, wild Womb diseases. Greer!, Plaistow, Dropki Weise , of WSW, Intoutiritece Prim% I:right:a Throws. Allionwhieria, and ewe, where thole o brief:duo do. poslis or Os wnwtor Is thick, cloudy, seized ulth eutietaners llke th e while of low tor, or threads Uke rohlie qtior More is • depotsw etasrl L ail d sklo, eb t here s e la rs aa a d h rt l l ° t lose oon a kd:l4 when hamlet tater, Rad ;aloha the &sail of tie Back sod Wont the Low . Pries p.m Obis, — The r W atly tuaan and rare P.c. - ne47 for Yaye. Tumor of 12 Hears' Crowe', Cured by Badwrry's Besok-ent. cu Ta mer ISO. Tha. R.^...R.^... T-1 Ittve .V O, q- . amer In ervi. 1..0, All lbe Ints..l 11 1.a•1011/11. f .1 teal leery therr Teat was Aneen.neAded; les re11.1.1y.1,4 me. I rad "tr,",":1, m `.7 11!..?:;%`: and see ba Itaolaray . • Rdl.. a. I tea levies el y•ur Ready Ileflefi .4 IL.. trel • alre et la .4 , se 1. aelea or fill. and 1.1 lertter. alesaAse,4s4 beryl. lA. 1,••• yearn. tune was In 111•10/4.. et the tear!, yryln. 1 .11a tl.ll t. yea La IS. leanyllef sßen. yae.l., it ly yes A... DR. RADVJAY'S PERFECT .PUROATIUE FILLS, Issfet Lashley, eLeermtly canted Lelt Yht-t rho : ythey terulats, parify. elestty an stet nstht n. • II v .. .. t fee the wren f - ell diseases of the MUM 4.1, Lite!. ROW.; BlYhter. limey 131-tehts Ceteslt PoYlernety thsrerth, re, n.t. lay Esser, Inflamtmstlon of 11 , e thwel, Piles, rud all Ur Mops - Yoh of the Internal Vls - sra. 15 , h,”:..1 eft!. • poet he ewe. Purely Vesstutle, costulttg La mercury. ethers!, nethletermy drug; =lns of the b Ghterve le tythe he flle• OtsaY: ertat.torts reso!ths from Us Cncepatfaxt. fcr.syi rim Fano-et .f t. Med. Atkr:le .1 laietwyart. r•aesex. [lame IY•drrl ,YU an. or WOrtie thy Sem.) F.m E.rd•dhe.Y,Y , a l Yß her at tea let of for el.a..A, Awleme/Ye 14 11. Ilyad,jlneiel •Yd Dielcalt Crealline. Flyteeeis al Pro Woe, teellaz Yr Satirrediat Snead**. wen la • Lag Va... elylmy.11•18 wy Wyk inn Vdrhl, toner zed fu Vain le l b. Prod. Otrylary of Perepinalan. Tellewarza rkey nd ere. Pals la th• f...de Mel 1.4=1,a, and de4.1•0 114/ye .t Nea , Engrain la te• Usk A t h e ItAltars rtu..4 wni ne• th• wwww. fr. 1.11 the chne.4.am elyadtrle. 1 . 451. , is rear rorr BOLD 1.1:VOC)F. 11C1'FA I-SF. AND Tn fiesel one teeter leanly I. RADII/AY & CO.. No. 47 Sfol:ro Lose. 1....-Yark. loforol.aloo wont. li.ou.ssucs April 3,16';'2.-y1 THIS NT, WREN 11,e%i'vc,a=ort HORSE HAY FORKS ♦, J. NELLIS , P.S.TERT IMPUOVED. Twenty-Two State Fair rremsams Awarded This Fort. In FIJI.= Months-1569 avd 1b 7U ALSO NLLIS CAM PLLLY, An Implement that Pfeil PAIIMeT, esrponter, Mason and Pointer Should Bare MLotrcalNrisa.6 HORSE. RAKES Ihnd ItAtea.Srythra, Smiths. Goan Cradles, Iron, (A char Band) Axles, Nrrlnzo Carrlaze Bolts. Ctrs Bag, (Steel And Iron.) cazal.itcox. C. C 3 im 33 .L 1 we; " That ' , wets elves en A ARNI WIRSTLE I when the Coffee Is Ready for the T de. Tn Y ONE end ran will And the Coll e Always Itlyhtl . Axm., Mind hangs, . - Arab., Picks. : Maps Lock+. - Revs. 111..*. Km la t. Draw Knives, Sartla Stoats, ' Latetww, Ponta, pile Varal.lt: Stores, Tin-'W tre, Lampo.O.e. Ifostrose,ly . s,lB?-44 DOTD & 00Z,171 Ji "V 41.1=LXIEMs ' 4co'cr OM • one•rris viz tOCIIT 116 ESE. • : JOTIVI" 8.- TAUTIELL. erppiletor. iiibt stave lays thlallonsa defy. enanictlagwilb Va l. ttaErts,-Sads74 1,01 gb Vallsi UAW Calt&LlV—tt • .Tonics, Appeosers,"Restorers," b.c., that lead the limier on to drunkenness and ruin o but area tree Medicine wade from the native roots and herbs of Clifornia, free be 4 all Alcoholic Stimulants They are the Great Blood Puriher and a Life-giving Principle,a Perfect Renovator and Invi gorator of the System, carrying aT all trisonoes matter, and rezoning the blood to a healthy ctiort, enriching it, re freshing and invigorating both frond and body. They arts easy Of itlinlOinlatkOn. prompt in their action, cuter, in they emits, safe and reliable in all forms of dunce. No Parson can take these Enters according to directions, and remain, long tome; provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral posen or other aura. and the vital ospasa wasted beyond the paint of wpair.. Drill•Prto or Indigestion. Headache. Pala I. the Shouldme. Cough; Tightness of the Chest, Diadems, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Lad Tamta be the *ouch. Lblious Atmcks, Palpitation of the Hear .. t,, Inflammatmo at the Lon., Yam in the miens of the Laney, and • hun dred other painful symptoms, am the springs of Dyspeps:a. la these complaints a has no equal, and one bottle will prova • better enaranme of Ito Malta than a lengthy aehontisernent. For Female Complaints, m young oe old , mauled or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, dune Tonic Dater, display to decided an Influence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible, For InSanimatorz and Chromic Niteunsto. nun and Gout. Dyrpetua or Indigmtton, Siltotts, Scent tent and Imemtirtent Feverst, Diseases of the Woad. Liver, Kidneys and bladder, these Do tera hare been mom sworufuL Such-W.2am are caused by Vatiatmi Mod, wh'ch is gm. emir prodrod by derancement of the Digestive Organ They are no Gentle Pswpstiva as Well a Tonle. possessing . also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in remain:Conc.. or Inflammation of dm Liver and Visceral Orr...Nand to Skin Dlsemes, Sorption., Titter, Salt.lthr ow . blotches, Spots, Pimplei, Dot . ; Cadsuncles, Rine. worms, Sald.licad, Sore Eyes, Eryrupeas. Itch, Scarfs, Discoloration, -of the Shin. Damara and Diseases of tha Skin, of whatever name or nature. ow literally dogep and forded out of the system in a shot time by the use h. One bottle in such rases will =mince the moat incredulous of thch• curative erects. Cleanse Cite 'fitdated Bleed whenever you God its impurittes burstitrz tlercamh the slie in Yunples, k:rup time,. or Sores; emnse it when you find is obstructed and slocatah in the veins; cleanse it when it is fad ; your hello. will tell you when. Keep the Mod pen and the health of the oysters, vs. 3 Grateful thousamts proclaim VIXEGAM Drente the most smisderful Inviaorant that ever sustainedthe sinkin; " AZ lope, toad other Worma,lntkinf the sys tem of so many tluntsmds, are ti t o do n and removed. Says a distumuished shYstologisa There Is Sanely an individual upon the face of the earth et hose bcdy ism:rept from the presence of worms. It is not opens the healthy ele ments uf the body that worms calm, but open the diseased humors and slimy deposits that !need these Urine mantas of disease. No sruera of ble4cise, verrnifners, no an thelminit;ca, will free the system from same fax these Bitten. • Mechanical Diseases. Person enyzed in pain's and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type•settert, Gold•beauss, and Miners, as they advance in We. sdil Le auhiectto catalysts date Bowels. To tutted a...inst this take a date of ,-- es VIN6II/IP. Units, once or twiCII a week, as • Pre setire lllnous, liemitten!. and Intermittent Pa— yers, which are so reva.ent in the sailers of our treat rivers thmenthont the United Stuns, espaially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, dlissouri, Maxus, Team:nee, Cumberland , Arkansas, Red. Colorado, Dravos, Rio Grade, Pearl, Ala ham, Mobile. Savannah, Roanoke, Juan, and many others. with their vast [abeam; throughobt our claim country daring the Summer and Autumn, arid remarkably soigneg seamos of unclose beat and drytkess, are invariably accent. yarded by euinisive derangeMentS of the stomach and lax% and other abdominal viscera. There ate always snore ot less obstructions of the 'firer, a ercaktuiss and instable elate 91 . the stomach, and great torpor of the bowel; being clogged tap with vitiated accumulations. In there matinee; a pa, pare, esertio; a premed influence upon these various or gans, i s clammily ticassayy. There ano cathartic foe the purpose equal to Va. J. W A VIXIGAIR RlTettlet, es they will speedily remove the dock-colored vi matter with which the knelt ace Souted, at the Lune time alitindating the secret., of the lire, and Deeerally ramie: the lisaldty functions of the digestive mines. Scrofula, or 11.1oW*Eril, White Swellings, Ulcers. Erysipelas, Swelled Nock.Scrolidosts InfLuunationa, Indolent Indammatiens, Untwist Affection; Old Star, Eruptions of the Shin, etc. lu these, as in all other coentitutamal Da ces., WALltAtie VINEGAR DITTFIte have shown their great Cyr.re p ert,, in the east obstinate and intrarable taxes A V. omen's Ailments, her Igervouseten, and Headaches, although they earn trifling to men, an real diserders. For tereheeheSe s dyspepsia, genet.l de bility, pains in the back and lain; nervous and rink bead. ache, timpurity_of side, and all troubles classed as "finale complaints,. 10s. Witcare's %%smut rtrrewt,, which are purely vegetable. and stay be safely given to the most delicate. are a *areal:in and speedy remedy. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Tinten so ore all these cases in a =radar manner. Ivy nchin purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by Ig away the elects of the interne:alien (the tuberadar deposiattheaffected parts receive health, and a permanent area effected. The properties of Da. Mortar Buries 'are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carminative ' NetelliOUS, Diuretie, Sedative. Counter-Irritant. Sudorific, Alter. tire. and Antelliliote. The A prittent and mild Laxative properties of Dr. WALK.... Vneecaa flurries are the hest safe-guard m all itases of cruptioto and malignant fevers, their balsamic. heal g, and soothing propertimpretect the humors of the faeces. Their Sedative, propert.es trap plus m the summit; system, stomach, and booth!, ether loan inflammation, wind, cohe, cramps, ete. iTheie CootteolTnint influence extends 6iirettrlsout the system. their Diuretic reirriertieS act 41 the Kidneys. correcting sod regulating the to. of mine. Their Antellffieus properties stimulate the lire., in the so. anion of bile, and its diseharges enough the hilmry dem, and are superior to all trmedial agents. for the cure of Daliom Fever, Fever and Ague. etc Fortify the body awainat disease by punCring all its &lids with Voracan lterrans. No epidemic can tate bold of a system thus forearmed The live, lte stomach, the bowel.% the kidneys, end the maven are rendered ascan• proof by this great tov • gorant. The Ellicaey . of Da. Wautsit's Meccas Ustress. in Chronic Ltyspepos, Wavers, NetTouf Disonleni,_Coastipa. Con, deficiency of vital power. and all maladies stoma, bowels, pulmonary OrgatO Or musculari te m bas been commenced by. hundreds of thouaands, sad ituadreds of thousands more are redo: far the same relief. Directlons.—Take of die Bitters on going to belt night from half ..to ono and are-Half wirtelikothei. 'Eat good nourishuiaood, such as beefsteak, anomie chop, web anti, roast bee 4 and vegeen...es, and take oat...door, exercise. They e cempomd of purely vegetable ingrecUtuts, and Oleo ism no spirits. j. WALKER.. Prop'r. 11. 11. IIIeDONALD is CO, Druggists and Gra. Agar, San Francis= Cal-. sad comer clWashingtor. and Charlton Sta. New 'leek. ja'SOLD TIT ALL DRUGGISTS AND; DEALERS July 10, 141—m3 1,11d4 Ctt Merges the era= of Using ( „ pan. z . x:Eal,4sr. , s Rouatala Nasal Injector, Ort D. CACC.3 CATARRH MUM 111/id:a only rani of In a trurnoot yet Invented with Wkich quid tenth:isle can be eardoi AioA op and. perfectly appliel wail puts of the seamed mind mu. sem.. wit the shainhers or cavities sinenopikstilin therewith. 14 mil iC.4, POMP 41111 SllcrN treqtworly exist, and from Wderi Ws catarrhal diseluove renewal/ Pm. Geed,. • T4J 01 I i 11l OUCCS2. in treatin it l'aterrti hers. tonne ban micro larvl r from the Icapnwihtlity of applying remedies to these swedes and chamber* by any of the ordinary methods.' This uhnsele In the way ot slatting tennis entirely Inereome by the Invention of the Minim. - le using this icistrunient. MS Raid bearded kits oast weight) en otoltio. terse il or Pumping beivi relebtd.) up one nostril In a toll . nor flawing alms n to tins hi;thers portion of the a•al tinstazim.paser.3 Into end theroonble shaft* ti tie tithes and chambers connected th erewith. and ss oul et theoppesttenathiL Its Doe is plruantand so simple Oats chill cart understand it. Foil ant explicit direction* tccomremy each Instrument. When tvwd with this Instnnernt.Dr. 6 47 a .• Catherte !tweedy . terra scent attacks of Peeld in the Fiend 3r by a few applications. B .7 l llPitotne of 0 el-firth Frequent hood. * ache. discharge tilling lota Omit, sometimes mw. Pee. watery, thick memo, pendent. tannin. de. In othe^s a dryness; My, watery, weak or teamed ence.stonoine op or ottnntetton of nasal piesares.' zinging In ears, timeless, bootleg , and consbine to due thmat. - ulcerations, scab. from limn. voice alto-ed. natal twang, Wreath-a breath. Impaired or total dmriettiou - ol sense of smell and note, Merl, tens, mental depression- loss of atic:tb. indletn• lion, outraged tonsils. tickling smug .2e. they A tow of. these Symptom! are likely to meat la ithecate at one time. . .i , . ..- . Dr. R3W4 , 4l4l3atarrh-It•tnedy, when owl' with Or.Plercete N neat ileac he,and amino. panted with the.tionstltetional Orator:et which Is razonetstuied to the pamphlet that wend each bet, deaf the Remade. Is a perfect specific for this bob, tome disomo. and the proprietor offers, In rood filth, 0304 roweled for a CVO 'twain bet tem. , nits ' Remedy is mild and pleasant to um sontaleine 04 Emus or maths drugs' or • loons. The watch Iteraisly Is sold at 60 centA,- i she a mall et ts, br • all Drulialets. 01' either will ba by pp* pith:can itailpt of Oh cents. '-- - - - - -1 ~ liiirogiattleV rm or. s t o.... ) . i.g/7140, A T.:.