The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 08, 1873, Image 3

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    goat 4idttitgei(c:
SELTOIOUO sinvlcE.s.
. •. .
_.. . - . -
fIaPTIS'P'CIi tractf .7
ttarr., B. Counts= D; n. Pastor.
Sabbath SsratO6s - - -10 ti a. to. land 1 13.1 a..
Sabbath School' • - - • 1 4 at.
Prarer (ortsols,,lVestarstly Evenings - • - .ti•
CATIIOLIC CIIVRCII. ' litv..l:Sterrairr
Sabbath Seta Ire a. . ' .... ..'...Ssootttl Sondar looach-Mouth
Sabbath &boot • lintotalistalt lactbro Mass
. , . .
eptscorpi CrtintCo...ltir: E. K. Wattrunr.n. nectar.
Sabbath Sevelata. pt...amd 7Np m.
Salvia+ School r ... . • 13 m.
W ca t . ....e.craptilH.Ntizanc . f.tair.-.. - .........t . .7ti_ . p .
IifritIODIST EPISCOPAL: ...May. to. A rti.VITSII.
ftabttath ten -Ices m. and 7.51 p. tu.
Sabbath Stiuml p m.
Prayer Sleeting. 'rhurada:is. p.
. . , - J
Slbbat...,lSczalc.ta pl,c, It. m. mrct Vi p, tn.
.Sabboth Sebool 11V , p. ni,
Praikr Slevtluf., Thundly • li, , t enth 2$ 7.!•4 It. to.
. _ _
. .
Firit-Guu for Local 0:)tion. •
The tint election tinder the Local Option act,
of thelast sesidon of the Legislature, took plate
in Clearfield county, on Friday, I)ecetuber 29.
Ariirafority, of upwards of .six hundred eines
kds ,tst ; against liquor %Tones. We think the
" all holy' radicals of Sti N gitchanita county,who
prate about the " tebiAcy Deniocracy," 111tVe
got an example set by that ohl Deinceratic
atriug hold, that it will puzzle them to • beat.
DtaKieracy mean what they rote.' They do not
say (inn thing and rote another.
Out With tho Doctors.
we were out with the Doctors, on New
Year's day. Nut the I). D's., bat the D's.
t o l d we here arc ready to proclaim that, we are
the living mountnent either of their meter,
charity, generosity, or exartftsy, or of all, and
we leave our readers to decide the paint cacti for
1,11„,,5, Oar friend, Dr. D. A.. Lathrem, of
" 'Electra Thermal Baths" notoriety, invited us
to be pre-eut with the rest of the doctors, at his
residence about two o'clock, of that tiny: Now
we had often published in tht;ir notices th a t
during the session, there would . be a "clinic"
held. We eontis.•g that we Invi a little suside
iou In that that ',cord tattett cover a instill odes
ofsins," no J a - ho knew but that we ritizht be the
victim to be "clinieked." But as it requires some
pluck to be an edhor, we concluded to show
some, and we went, and will assert right here,
i n ail candor thatwe are not sorry. if such a
feast as the doctor and his holy sot before us,
consisting of roast turkey, and all its attendant
perquisites is a " we don't blame the
daeters ihr holdiu; one erery time 11,1 meet.
11...pimt that we have not betrayed any Kcrets,
and tendering friend Lathrop and La,:y.together
with the whole fraternity,our sincere thanks, see
rotain—tM be chnicked a 47 tin.)
Merlin.; .of Medico! nor lel y
The annual nu.stine of the SuagatiLatina
nountr eiaiieal Socicty was held on the 1F.4
of Jana3ry, at Montrose, end wa.t celh d tt,t,
drr Prrahltait, Dr. C. C. Edwarat rc.
.acre Kest•nt, nienthrrs Jana ' iontre. nituft)rd.
Nr.v, MHforl, Oreut Brooklyn nod N
1 1lsom tt :10 Met each other With torilit,l gCm•t•
Itip of a Ilupp:y New Year" end rto.•.zieti
pigs of interest in the welfure of our
The result of the ele;.alon of ofrrers ts, for
lir. W. L. Riehrird3on;Vire Pre:: td. nt
Dr A. C. Slakes. fee; St..creutry, Di .C.C. Laizey ,
and Tr.,.sarer,. Dr. L
The ..I:hlres , .. Ts ot the retir",n;.: are,
l'r , kients en. Irief and will netive.i.
Tie taterteirtnent of "ta•vcro-ri..ll: , 'Lcit.l 3 r,
Latbrou anti lady ,wag an ete r rnnt and moca
enjoyed affair, for 1, hick the 5(X.1•41 - teni:e..roi a
LeAriy vote of thanks.
Among tee °e'er incited gri , stit
oar friend, the Editor of the D.En.e1tii.",7,1 ,- bo
eNbrt..N.icA blinseir ri-s much better plca..eil atith
Doctors than be expecte:l to be, ailtertmrinn
Vac assured _hat ~atue sentiment was mkt
tined by the Dolt.ti towartl the E•'.itu:. A
clinic Ira= had.
The p. m. se3sion xrus g busy one, and a 'al tle
after fonro'ehr.l the SotietY: ndjolrned to Tn , et
at Pldnuey'a Hotel, at New .11ilford, ta3 the tinq
IVedneslic of Jun'e nest..
Tarlon% Itemm
Gold 111%
GYSINKSII - 11 fur 0.43.wee1i, Mumlay evninss
-Henry en huttr;'n nt ten 'Der
cent. Worse at thirty.
2Cow is the time to select.: the for the pmto
cm.aTt at the beginnini; of the year.
WE lean'l that Julti" W. Walker_
Principil of the New Milford Gr.ided
School: • ,
6171%1A3/113 L. VAirra, of Fransalin, has been
apptilni&l Mercantile Appraiser, for Sus-Louth:tn.
na fkoloty.
Time Western Union Telegraph Company am
eartairttcting a "loop" in their telezraph line, so
as to connect Montrose with the train line. ,
Tar. WiiitciTerm of 'the Montrose_ Graded
'School openealm "Ilpur.scisi: last,
,_with a gaud
atteadsmee. We are . pleroOde n , 'n
?tiee u
crease itu.:popnlariik, In every sneteeding
i -t., n.. ,
1 .s. I.l.lyrual—Tke ti
Tub Spring trade will soon smarm:Montrose i condition of the roads
provided the•peoPle know that tin , goods they 1 necessity of come aeon;
want are kept here."-•:-We I piiblfsh a ;rood 'Medi- ', have bt en 7.,r.rwing xvo
um, through which merchants can tell them : Different Ewe have be
j ust what they' havenn handlfor 'sale. • I western section of the
A HAIM bekMgiet,g,- - to • Piul •'l3nrrager. who a " sul"r' l4 u In'''. anti I
lives a s h a i t , di .st.m. ., b e l ow g ammers .,..m e, was I
, havejuiled.,
destroyed by fife ate ChriitmaS Eve.. The cattlel tile roe It bave'dcicri"c
were rescued. ..It'LS supposed to bevel-sten fire i chcrked or delayed In
from the exploion of n kerosene lamp. LOSE, 1 Gave beta c ' bfaln ?" l u r - 1
- I o,nm:runt—tor injury tit
by insunmee. • '-• '- •
rtiatis whin have .1) , JI
Tmtna la More talk - of .n New.lleituntio 1
tie. Ing
..ear l
Church in hlmitritsel„Mhemecied On' he site of - = 1
the old one. It is understo4tl.thit some money tra
- v ., —.
• If idle'' - Book lan
has already been subscribed: ShOttid this enter
roads let us hope for Its
prise succeed, wouldn't-the old church make a I - been ;,, d ,,, p - ted thr0 . 2 . 4 ~c ,
good ' Academy of-.Busir s 7 or In pluin 'Engbsh, -
.: . 41 . 5,0 v,
x ,' i
II " TOAD Hall" for our berougit. What do our
. ,
Co mQ un n' ty . l and whsle P ate ' )
euty Fathers think:of it?'
• ' • tem had become futoterz.
BTESCEII6IT...I3I:IS, §alOon keeper at
. ..1110 I trill told a brief c„.1,.,
junction of the Jefferson Hallway, near finals- ) 2 . ,, T.
boro, was seriously injurecltou Timisday. Den 1 , ituontv,s; 1, Requiroi Cl
lltth, In attempting to jump 'upaka. chat train, '; vhled lute three districts
while running-Ye iris url
r3 au'l l l l ' t u -t illcr - 1.3
I i.c:i2, Requires the el
ter of amile. Ills thigh and arm were creator- , 5 .;.,,,,,,,, or public ra ,,,th . l
ed, togaher whiled:Cr lajniiin - ., It Is, believed i , 2 . 4 .,„.. ;.;., E.tuptiro , the Anpervi,ors to give
he will recover. - - I Sufhrient stein - By for the performance of their
Tire Menlibers of ". Montrose" Na t l.% stet at I duties, and fillOirg *1 !ii) a day for cervices whfic
their engine 'nom, 0tt1414,Y eVeniog ...lost, and l superintending, and int.pectiog roads.
alecteddhe hillotving olleers t.' rortinert; .i. it, Szc, d, Itetisdrei, algal to diride' tile public
Raynsford ; Ist Assistant -reiettain,• dutriter O. muds into acctinas not
~.. exceedieg . one mile , in
Taylor: thadiAssistrat Foremen, t Clitinyoui length.ilitiiiiiniVer ail deSerike l them in a
Treasurer. R. It Tarbell t• • Secretar‘-; Rob I 't' IL book called the road btspk' of Brooklyn town-
Smith ; Pipeman, P. • Moran ; • 2il ASslsiant ship; • :
I l ipemax4 - 0, lilr: Blissi WardeuSG. .L. Steve, 4- ',!Requilta the , 'after stating whit is
J.B. Tarbell, 5.1.1. 'Wilson; - ' - -'• ' " l'.
r.ecessary, for theunpro ement and repute of the
Ova whole town,' city bathers and all, svp i rinids, on due notice at 4 Public • hale, to sell to
think mut have been out sliding detun , hill. on i tie lowilatt . natlbeit NI ur; thi said roads,. one
Public ANOl;luctOil•Xonday night Just: :We saut bettiinti at a time,. to he ' .pt in ictiair . .for. Ave
ourlligb Constablegoine. up the street, with a vents: Praiide,cf, ttiat no one : person. can buy
basket cud lantern, and.we stippose he intended i mote than . ..eve sections ' -...-- , ----, -..,
to capture thn.Party;iiid,cerry them.up to the 1.. Sne...B,:.P.equires "that n,y . suction: remaining
"cooler." Just
. tis-be reached :the suromit, a I utisold„br held:bel l y at In exorhitant hid, shall
ilelgtiCamPfe l tely blackiith Men . and hiiis',end • -Lc Workettuittler
n direct , on Mt hesupervisoM l fur
cc; 4u4"*-cf 441 .liap",ru:biugdl s :l 3 ,l ra ,
. 41;1 4 :otio year; and then sgtio.Tered for 5a1e.'. , ,,2 ,
us guest; Its„Concludedrinttn arrest" them; for ''' Sea. 7, 'lleOulies any irebrpt6 ,. iiii or cod
theze Ware mote : thin "lilt lkisliet would • hold. t trading fur any section ito record Lis Dame - in
This; prodded no ono gets killed in 1 thoinad*h aid give proper security - . ... ~., .
Otto flizahtion. / , . .
.1.)3gc . . 8 4 — Stales IVliiit,4l,l be: I:Pil1P - It'tr its a.
.„ ... . .. .
... _ ,
Stiddeu Deoth:itt 'Brentieiellie, ,- :-"' '," - Via eciedltioilot the•rtkida and of repairs,' and 1 --.'• Uptearove & Brother have got- rhe
..., 'hands of Smakingle•
A deep o ne i n .. wee Th rett „.4 . .. over t h e &tile:. requires the - sup,ervisers orr :complaint of any' cLurgest Stock of FulleY
nelglibUrheed, by the sudden death of -an inter-1 section, to iambi, i e eht. ei e i le . e; _ end ,i eileire ibaccOrt cowl'. -- Aliu, a choice lot et cigars..
estiu3;ofitli, hi. tats 20th year otitis lit3e-;' wit. I the purchaser or eontraetor'to Otale 'it 'good, •
liatnil. Granger; son of J..W..•Grarger, Esq., and in case of . his failure, the supervisors may
retired Satitiday night, December 28th. aPpar- make it geed charging to the contractor double
lently in good health, Sunday morning about 3 the cost for the same.
o'clock, Ills brother, sleeping near him;-was 1 3p.. 0, Allows any contractor to dispose of
awakened by an unusual nolle,bespning from bis the unexpired tern of his 'Contract; with the
1 . bed, thoyarents Were called,•n - physician was consent of the supervisors,
i there in a few tninutei; but no earthly power Sac. 10, Requires the supervisors to inspect
all roads and bridges at least once in six cotild bring Ititmilltick to consciousness. WU
' lbm was dead! This is the fifth child these par• mou t hs.
cats imveheen , paileti to part with,- Luton° sue-' Sec's 11,12,13, refer to the responsibility of
vives. They have the evmpathy or the whole superilsors, etc.
communit2.. May Pod biters 014 bereaved ones. Sec, 14, provides that new roads, when order
" :
i . 11. i f. G.. cd by the Court, eh:tithe built in the same Man
ner in which repairs are made.
' Sen. 13, requires contracts fur tom roads in
Ruth,Juuttary2(l, 1873.
A Curtolls Mania, ,
• The peculiar vagaries into which the lottery
mania will lead people are often as interesting
as theY.nruyiliable for contemplation. The in
brxicaticm of drink ;mita hippo are equally fa
tal to success in life m, hen ton much indulged
in one will work - nearly as much ruin as the
other. A singular instance-of the, destructive
tendency of the " policy" lever. And of its ten
acity, too r has lately come Inlight in one of our
cities. A tow cearsngaa grocer died there,leav -
lag his with. the store and property worth about
V,OOO, on which she managed to live comforta
bly. One day a customer mentioned Whet that
a friend had made 8100 on a lottery ticket. and
. OA; su worked upon' her, mind that she began
investing in that way Im:ll'in a short time she
land expended all she owned' and land received
nothing. Since then she hus opened a lodging
room for men and boys, Where a bed can he had
"for Mixon cents, a bench for ten cents and au
old blanket or; the llocir for Snit. cents. The
room is nil , tilled every night, and as affording
shelter is the rumars of doing some good ; but
that in not the motive for which the establish
" mentis opened. The poor woman is as ardent
1 at ever in the belief That she will one day draw
a torttine, and she requires•of every lodger that
he will try to dream of the lucky numbers, and
must tell her of them in the morning.• When
t ever she. draws anything do such information
ishe gives a part to the dreamer. In this' way
shelives along fmni day today, putimg her few
cents of surplus into worthless pasteboard tiek
i ets sari receiving her regular dividends of dis
The flood Quesliorr, •
Vfe are eital to rind that:the buil condition of
the roams. and the: I tominer in which work in
dant- upon them in niftily parts of thin county,
1s awakening as interest in the matter, and that
the people are generally kit the opioian I hut
some remedy:sin-41bl be opillied, and -that imote•
tliateli. The "Ilr,rd,lera 1.11 V" beet/IS t o
111,:t the of the people generally, ip it
1114!11 finintti • cliort hi iii be matie
It 3 cuiii.ty law, the in-condo!:
Lr Ittalatute, for it atioptiori as stiels. That ionic
of the .retail of the 1.,w r.tir'it Ito:haps Le let
proyt,l, is 'eery likely, bat ithe main piiint to he
ghtued omit is, that winetane shall . made t
for the tvorkinql hf the mots in a
good mariner, stud ales that Ittonopoly of the
matter may lie aro:di:l,l4 competition in hid-
G..; the to altaia
ti n other r,lty but ,to key a money tat:
Err that put p.A..e. As moo we have both, a
tOX.. and a I,rt‘ottill laltor to; The
groat trouble is, that wha I is erl'tr r , btrl3. 'S Is
ine;.s tot worit.done upon road,
geni.ralts dam: to Liii timlt, and work out tit , -
. tax. itataral of laintrin; 4thrtllli to belltdit the
rtati,:. The :rite...l Ittmettt a Lich sue can sta. ,
:rumorfrom a direct utitay tax., pral the tin
, plaiying of CnitliA,ZOtit [AIIAJUS to keep thep.a.,ll3
Cis utmost inVdtr., 10.1!OrtlittEt Stipaltoll Sp,
<mfiut:s is. that iestemi .ir teerely " kiilio;;' cu
m tit thus on the oasis, It mill Le to tin Ir
tete_st to S3C2 En-8001e,1 ,-, rk I. ) fttd„:
s 11A:than:I witch any little ork is
need Ito I: it - tot a iergal port lea .1 it o.ti
wat,hol such Ps ttint,., : g the water ut
the top of "a hilt, msatieg,a sluice or clearing a
' sloes, it will tic ititerest
1 - 1:1 1.11:”N ji, MAC .1; V. 11: 11,1.
5;1-111kill.l. Una.. r
Se. 11:, nclually
:0111.1C-I (91 n S'. -c• Ir roz,d
0,,t i;u2t in;-t1 fur the f., k ssl
slick " stitch in ,r
ha,l;Ar.-0: the tray-
«r_nalanity a:— lufl l j,Jit
until tri,g rvmrs
UPAIZI tilt:: to Sty i Any per
-sou ealii,ee . that a s4-freui, of tl,ie kloil is more
exprn>irc4Lan the ritliee I.celil:,o Po
ranch, Ivor% io.imentioo. With iimuney
LAX, y:ti goo‘l rare: by w Alert faith
ful num tlial,ur,, it, aij:l nr L,: re sluts
1'0.04: Of IL . ,
1. , 1111:; ill
pane order. Lut errn Gt rt p.. 1 -04,. in the
;;,7,sregate, that) to reutaii in their preseut
eundition,unewr circuultrlncx.Ffia
Clue is money, triletlier rpent on the road or
delving tLe coil ut bade
'17,10 126:id I.ticir.
euuntl show: the
hon tl. I:ttlijert. They
through recent year&
adopted, but in this
county, both the old
ttie " l'uth .M e ter bin"
Jialre . inereased, white
ed. and travel bar, been
some ins;un.ri damages
'dust townsthips, as is
lc , on the twain rcrad..--
been, ihroagb many
in a fit condition for
give - tza better
pas.sage. This law has
. 11 , 21e.t.tatt , s .t Lich are
ted that: Sugiuebanna
km:As ender ale old us
'wary of clic Broolayn
[iet the township be di-
ectitm of three super-
writing, etc.
SEC. 16. It any repaintare nemAsary, by rea
-2031/ of Snow dribs or oilier natural ageneieg
tanking the rontbn unsafe or impassable, and
they be not provided fur nt the thou of letting
or selling the mode, then the supervLsors shall
mal e such neee,...sary repairs.
flx.c. 17, the final section repeals all lawn in
consistent with this.
It is high praise of any road law, to say that
it has worked well, and this law, which is lit
elleets through whole states, when once well
understood by the people has secured ado.]
roads and reduced tuxes.
0 +a-- ---
The Local Optsoa Law.
An act to permit the votero of this canoom
wenith to vote every three years on the
yu a
lien of granting liecuve to sell intcbxiLating
Sfat•rtoN 1. Be ile:octed, rte„ That on the
third Friday in March, 18:3, in every city and
county in this commonwealth, end at the annu
al thuniciptil elections every third year titereat
ter, in every such city and county, It asdl be
the duty of the inspectors end judges of elec
tion in the cities. and coultha to receive tickets,
either written or printed, front the letati voters
or said cities and COUnties, labelled en the out
side "license: . and on the inside " for license or
" against Iteense," and to di posit odd lii i.k in
a Inca provided for that purrs,: by said ittspec
turk and Judges, as is required by law in the
case of other tickets received at Atte% election ;
and lice tickets so received shall he enontethand
a re.urn of the wore made to the clerk of the
matt of quarter session of the peace of the
proper county. duly certified as is required Icy
law ; which certificate shall be laid twiiire the
judges of tin: said court at the drat tacetine ~r
.said court after said election shall be held. and
shall he tiled with the other reeonht 01 said
court; and it shall be the duly of the tuayor , of
cities; and the sit riffs of cc dories, or of any
.ptLit.ruflterr, velu,e duty it may be Is perlonn
such service; to give due intlaic notice of such
speet..l election above provided b , r , 11l e
previous to the time of the saute, anti also three
wreks la fore stall election mere tithd cc or : Prorided, Thal ilds net shall u he
construed to repeal or affecl any s p,et„l!,,m, p ro .
bitlifing the sale of IntoKiealtag.kitior,. or pro
lathing the granting of Iteen , es • Pen-, 1,4:1 hat
when the municipal and township chs,t ions in
any count rot. (iv do vat 0t . 1 . 11j, on the thit
FralitY the election provided for
this section shall be held on the day fixed lie
the municipal elections in said county I I rll
pY , lrided priArr, 'Mat all license , zia nit d aht r
the first tiny td' 4/t .uary, one thorr.and eight
hundred end seventy•throe. shall eto.:,. th•ter.
Ilttee 1111 , 1 ht"..ollle V(3 , 1.11 the tirat day of A;,dd
one thou, eight -.•‘ent hr,
if th e i limri,ts L.r , s _routed
..lelertrilr., against the _rani in : and
:lie treasurce of the prppet Co. ty then re
fund 0 11:e. hohler of sorb license i.e; Illotiers
tttl paid therefor, fur triii,h the nail treasurer ,
shall iy eat ided to ervdit iu their accounts with
the ..11111:310OWeallli.
1 4 Ee '2, That in re., ;yin.; aid enunting. :oil in
notkire:Tetnetts ni the votes east. It, . in-pert.,
and juttp c and clerk' of said eieetiou bh,ll he
u•ine,: by the l.rns
regniatinl general eieeihno.: tool all the penal
t:, of cable!. ii bn laty4 s tc, itere!)y extende,l in
and elerio:, rutin:: at tool in r.:tend.tate udoll
the OM inna lit hi under the provkinte, of ink
Sex. tt, Whenever, by the return of 11,6,11 n
ht env city or colthly nfot,raid, It shall appear
that there is a nirito,ty against lieetete. t:
no: fe•rial) court or bt•ala of 1,, ;L:-•
to 1, , .0 . at,y Lm:-e for the bah.
of spiritumes, ritmtra merit or other into:, it 0
li•mors, or nt: admixture thereof, in still city
or county, r.: any time thereafter. tr, an
electittn an [ran i. 10.1 ti majority shall vine
ref of tic. oset Pr..:14,1, Thar nothin.;
tat. in the provi•tiorti to this act Alan pre, :.t the
l i imin7 of linear arttgaista htr the Nei, .1 .
1..1":111: toe Inekliein.ll and frltMll6,Cforill!. n tr•
It. tree-. • P o ,tt...t. The ratite:, t.f,,:
A - rAion ry . r . apon Coe 0". tic
thitri 31,:vh, one m•en•l bor•
tired awl•nty•titree on 11, ra.uc oar 3:1 , 1
the tort nst.ipt of the wont)' of
LA41111.111 hill their sprint; ektet ion;
Approvetl—Tite twenty seventh nay of
)larch, :114110 nof• thousand eight lain
-41ne,1 nt: ven.t a, LOCALS
ra3 er.l.-6:nme into :be eritins.tre oaf i 1 e
s.L i lreriiier, one red yttaiingll,ii.T. Ant- per.
, son by ptiieirg propm ty j r lying t-liarge.,
ma ink!. Ile: cTray. Jun. Jr.-
The liin.iquehanne, li,e,rieutt eras Se
will hold its Annuli Slerti,tg st the
Colin 1 - 1...ti%0. in 3.lrtntro,e • on nt,n.l,v,
.I:,;)uary 13, for the ,Ivetion of Oil.levric
siun4zell other hinine.,4 as may be rrernt ,L
ilr.ntv C. TTLEJ:, 6t•tr4.•tary.':::
Montrose, Dvs:, Ilitf2.—w-2
V. Churchill
Jui.tier oI the Peace office over L. S. Lim
beho's store, Great Band borough, 13u.simehau-
Da Co., P:L Ilmt the settlement of the
of the late Feew Iteckloo.r, tlecenfeil. Otliee
hintrii from 'J to 12 aeloek, a. m., and from 1 to
.4 o'clock p. to.
- Great Bend Oct. 24 1812.
Lecture ASKtbeiallon,--The iity. 1101)-
ert Colyer, of Chicago, will deliver the atoll
lecture of the eour.;;;, at the Court liout,t.. iu
lilontrose, Fa., Th - trsday eve, Jannary 7, 1t 4 73.
Suhject, "Our Folks and other Folks." All who
deNire to hear the Groat Lecturer or the Age,
should not Cid to improve this opportunity.
Montrose, Dee, 2.5 th, 1872.
For Sale
A new house ,well onislied, good water han
dy, 14 acres of land, and VJ or more atiod fruit
thereon. Issitaated miles n'rth ei Mon
trose, near Beuelis Plainini Mill, abei,a Woolen
Pactory. Carriage and Blain:smith Shop, Grist
-nd Saw Mil, near by and a few rods front school.
Any per!..un wanting, a good place can get
it at it bargain. Call on Jantei E. Carnfait, or
the proprietor. Er. C. BURGESS.
../fontrose, Oct. 2011;1872.
Itilmlntstrator's Nalc.—The per .onal
property of the Let tte of C. S. Tanner, do '=l,
wilt: be sold at public sate, at it'ai kite reahlence
in ilarfora, on Friday, the tOtL day of Jarman.,
I'47:3;erontneneln2 at ID o'clock, a. to.
propetty coneitting of horses, cone, yonng cat
tle. aluttip, Cowie., what, ryo, curt", oata, hock
wheat, rotatoe3, appler: hay, SIMS', Viigon
sleighs, Horne ea, farming tooli,gugaringutan
f,il4, household furniture, etc., dr.
J. U. TA EU, Muir.
- S.;trr, Auctioneer.
Ilarrord, January 1, 1873—w2.
A lljoiromat Article of FOlth.—ln
thine dare of religious contentidn It-bas been
thouglit impoisible to n.rt lele of la ith
upon which et sects and classes wine "nnitel.
There is one,however, and a wiy notable one
viz 13, belief. which N itnpliclt and ValiCerSal
in the paramount efil.cricy of that matchless
Iloueznoto Tonto. AND ntctrITEANT, PLANTA
TIOS 13ITTV:11% The CGElSlatlay !amazing pat
ronage n-?llchit rceeiro3l,as, it is true, wetted
the vity easy of certain t.- - plenetle advertisers of
of pinchbeck. panaceas, who hope to make a -
market for their own stagnant.*watery ware?, by
decrying all spirituous medeclual preparations - .
But the poldlo can stomach neitheritkeir argn
manta nor theirpotatioas, and colisminently,re: ,
jectlliese tery_weeln igOtailcas9f the cum,y u
culirelytoa,Atimi •• • - •
I .Eleetion;rioilec.-LThe stodk -holders of";
the Mintrose'Ritilivay`CoMPany, tire hereby 110-
MIMI to Meet at Springville, on the second.;
Monday of ,Tantiary., tt72,,at one o'clock. p. m.;
; for the phrpose of .holding au annual election of
One person, to serve the Company us President,
Mid -twelve persons to serve as Directors,for the
ensiling Star. - By the statute of Pennsylvania,
under which -this company is orl„runized, no
I , ktui,ii•hol4er; lining mere than tidily' days in ar
! rears'ot payment-1m stock, is entitled wrote at
1 said election. .
... • Sy the Company, .
cuAs. L. BROWN, SCer.
ICIINSEPETITIONS.r-.Notice is, hereby
LI tilveirtliat fnporsunned Of an Ag.t of is
"ehltllY, the folloWing named persons have tiled
their i editions with (be Clerk of Quarter Sot,
Mons of-the Peace fur the county of Suscithan.
tin.thr license to keep tarerris.eating hrinsts,and
to all by measure, iu quantities toil less than
hne guars. for Which they will apply at January
roNdons, ts 73. ' -•
P. S. sabctick, ; Dimock,
; Philip itvan Frientisville
Richard Stack, Gt. Wald Boro.
Iteury Aclwrt, 'Tavern license
Den! NI 111,,Ery,
Kirk, 'la rin(nly Tavern Imenae .
C. 0. Susquehanna Depot
Thomas Kelly • "
Eijljt ra I
• I:. T. thinly.
I Ictlni: y
Junth Der;:er, Tavern license
Sins Rowell, Gi1, , 11,
G. R. ELDRED, (Ant.
3lout rase, D. 21:4.1811
Jury Li4l. Oranl an 4 iniverie Jurors,
ariWn for the, Icral of Colic( Lo
Montrose on .)ionday, January 13th, 1613.
TninclAlT—llenry BrowmiL
Fratinlia—Jav:ln 1).-Beebe. .
Form 1,1:e —Mielmel Mum.
G:b,km—Calvin I'Lrmeter, David Wes,
lire: t Rend Born.--C:.rus Det.ker.
Great Bend Twp—Wm. S. Barnes, Samuel
1 far mony—llerbert 'Bushnell.
ILrrci:—Martin G. Sweet.
Ilarrurcl—l-e•.l R. I'eek.
.lae4:.on—Alonv , narrate.
Liberty—lllllSN B. K. mrpp.
TA•IIIA Yn than Ransom.
I Midair:own—Otis Itss
3 , lontrase—Elt;ah Backna, Faster,
New Nllliord ,:mu--James Sontl.worth.
it ford 09.,----Edsv in (1. Ilot d.
:•11 , 1; 1 :4.7 mud - Brutztmtn.
Silver i .akt F.l r.l 11.
• Tn.krnn.-4: initon- , ---I=4 neck.
1 / I .tee, .1(1411
rnr:kl—G. 14. Ithrslmin.
1:r I.l,;ewatet - o.Passmorc, S.
.c% Aitarew Roger.,
t" , ,l•man.
Cniklin, Amos 11 , 1r.!ir:1;..
Frvahtin—Dunk I D tyli;Jttlltt J. Slot klinitn.
(qt.—At—John it. ;Ulm.
io •.1 t Pmrke, JoA-ph Mc •
Clot:. I, 1,, , -“y (-r o de.
Co mil lit 714 13,r1).—Willinni F 4. Sltnrell.
11, all:" Lyon, ette Lynn, Elli
ott :•••I‘.
I Tiomults.
1. 111Wardi.
`.V.,11,-,t.r. Henry Sitel ,
Lenox tn.l It JI-InAl
\ru• V Slih.ri.l ,1-11:411 J• n:
G ger.4l4il Ir.
r .
jl.le.tts P
' Cl,lfortt—llari.l W. latilOtcol, Jano , A IV. Low
r,reA !... I “•—tr-vd:. l .: Fl. 1.10.;11.w, 1 1 -
Pr-r , ;:.. lift ---atr: TUW!).s., , pl. Uvorge P.
Friewlsvi;ll,-- s lll.tert tours
0 artl,Cr.i_n 1,11.
T. (;114,1 , 1-.
II rd Wa.r..,,r FL IV iILIII r :1, Ir I..'ari•tfli
ter, JarrlC'i
I iertielt—ltutm. et \T em . ! TIVATAI
In it -4.
- li,zry C. littrtaolf, 'David 01.rst,,Ic!
.Yo'r r( r In
.1 , ;k7N. , 4,D-11.nr7 .1. Foos.
Lih,l v—Dacit , l En:xli. , h.
Molnr . o.,—Fr..lerick 7 Friuk, Erastui nog
Mb.l.llM-onm-L,1./al D, Galutia.
t‘r , rli l 7. , lll , Im"Tuttiv, Gcorge W Thong,.
1•••• fr )1,1 , %.111,
Dtp Barton.
T ‘-s•m.t. 2 J wt,a.
.A.pol:won- Patrick .11 , ,ran, turrior.
Atilint . n.tonatlian'llunrnil, Noah Baldwin.
!atone, Lctaud I. 1, keakti,
Andrew• k., 3 ,11,y„
fluntla3- 7 -Urrim r..Plartney.'
i'0:,..-:,t.Latio-Patrick Griffin.
I Diana, Almon Clinton, Jud•
son t:irantiprlat.
liarcnrl-henry J. Tyltr, Nathaniel Tomp•
kin". fra U. Pariah.
MerrickL-0:orgl W, Leona.
Littln illeatittits-E._ll.llrartiglee.
.I.tatus--Gartlugr W. Green.
Lathrtip-,Silas 11. ()Amu; Wallace J. Stec!,
Lewis a Oilier.
Maittrax. Kiltiini flolbrook,Clutr.l.6 D. La
I , 4l,falatown-Myton jnhn
Oakfan.„l--Eithraini H. 'Till
iluatt--Georre. hovel',. Major R Eli
JOM W. Granger. Simon Holman.
rjumnelotnna Depot -Elijah N. Smith, Mar
tin Btarina.
.1 4 1hantshu-Emery A. Cro , ier, F. star
florga• Daniel It. Pupe,
William Van horn.
t7ptearore' ti..; • tEraftirr have got the
Lirgeat stock of Famey.,llrantib of Smoking Tu
b:Lewin town. clo,fcv lot of ag,ini.
T:3=.43,.."1" 5 ECE5:
Sitmitv—ln Gibson, Dec, Gth, 1672 Johnbud
ngett 63 yvat-a,g months, att:2l days.
Sttrrst—ln ..ibing,ton, Pa., on Tiotraigy morn
-61,2,D,...te 2604 of brain fever, Laton an itit,
ap,‘afatiot.2l. yeert.
Tosymnt:vt,.—ln Wedneadttyntorn.
inz. Nov, 2 - th, wife of tforaer) D.
Tov‘aentt, agett 63 year*, 7 norott4 anti D.
. , .
BOWI:LL—P , YITEM—On tia12511111.14„3t ,
If o!ow, by Ne.s..P. a V3nS3Tltet,Alfttd, Bow
,ell, of Ararat, arid Emelme Pettis.
To.urnitvg-:Tht , ..k:vs—ln - .l.larconl; On the Ist
hy - pulsitt C. Tompkins,
and blais,' Floret:Q:2r, 'l':4u;.'..
Ir.fa:LONY. 4 L-TrActi.Er==in limos; ,T.Ttuary -- Ist,
1a74, D.• Arunloue, of
ritipbeituta;:lintl3ll:o TLagley, of
• • -
W.tur.or—DaT.Er.—ln .Grwat - 13etni„ on
the of Jan.. , llb, Igl3, by_ E. Churchill,
1:; , a...1„ E. C.ltilirnott„antf .Niss Kate . Decker,
Loth of Grelx Bend, -N. •
JtmE.-I.ltiarAnO-=-In Keranteit, flt thr re§illence
• .of the Bey. IA Peek, D.,
Steplfen Or'Scrsatan;atd LIIs Kano
o.lldowanY orLenoz. - No'otrds„ - . .
Amid loticcot
Physiel hifiematies are the lot:of all. Mil
lions are, always' sick. No Man, woman or
child As "uniformly In perfect health.... _Much ;
however' of the -
sickness and salfering:'whicli
render life a burden to so many of cur fellow" I
beings is due to cariesiness and neglect. .t
mighty antidote to the leading causes of disease
has been provided. It is as harmless as it is
efficient. No poisonous drug cetera - into its
composition . .. It is an undefiled stimulant, tonic
and aperient, of which every Ingredient Is veg= l
etable. - This unexceptionable preventive and
restorative mcdeeine is not " a hew Thing Under
the sun." llostetter's Stomach Bitters will soon
have been before the world a quarter or a 'cen
tury ; and it Is not too much to aver that thou
sands, aye, tens of thousands, are now uscing it
who would have been in their graves years av
had they not been strengthened and sustained
by this whniesome stimulant.
The rapidity with which minor ailments Often
beeoinc, when neeleeted, obstinate diseases, is
well known. ['his tonic Is famous for the im
mediate check which it gives to_ then breeders
of deadly aligorders. The sensation of languor,
the sit h headache, the nervousness, the indispo
sition to exertion, the nausea, the confusion of
brain, the physical debility, which are intended
to prenundsh us of the approach of serioni dan
ger, are invariably removed by a few doses of
the Bitters. The fame of the preparation as a
genuine specific fair dyspepsia,biliona oom plaints
malarioun ferers,rhentuatistn and chronic debili
ty, is as wide us the world and in these class rf
infamous eathartiei, that rob the invalid of the
last remnants of his. strength, are advertised as
invilorants et it is indeed a blessing to mankind
that' hostel ter's Stomach Bitters are everywhere
procurable, and every where . popular.
Tavern license
By measure
Eating bomse
13y measure
Eatiag Louse
PII3LISIIED as a warning and for the benefit
or vaeg n and others who suffer from Nations
Deb:ll ty, Loss of Manhood :to., 'applying
Written by one who amid himself, after un
dergoing, considerable quackery, find suit free,
on receiving a post-paid directed envelope.
Drool:lyr', Juno 12, "11.
A f i lr. e aL r E.w.). m I t tr ,a ttgcred ,t ro . r n rivi n (R e nt
~? . 4 e te r;o11 , 1 1
'enthral Indiscretion n for the mite of snireriu: ha
tonnity. send free tn who need it, the receipt and di
rection for mating the simple remedy by which be won
cared. Sufferer. Ir prod: by the adviser's expert•
once rum do so by addressitt:, in perfect cent:Menne.
.1011:1 D. WIDEN.
No. 41 Cedar st.reet. New York.
rtTour Work Froth= Market.
Corrected weekly by Harding, Hayden, 5; Co.,
Z 2.5 Washington St., New York.
Butter, pall
Clie,e,,tairy, per lb
" factory"....
F.Zgi. per
Flour, per barrel. .
(',ern meal, 100 Its..
Wheat, per tnhel.
Itk-e " .
Hops, crop 0f.P31"2
Lard per lb
Potatoes per bbl..
Apples "
Turkeys per 1b....
!)irks "
iv the rue. roved bittween Silver Luke avid Mud
Lek . wiltered and welt tlmOtred. agcmd orthard,
lad bt116,111,4e, eta.. vita
i — ecu•s NoTICZ-I.ettcre teetamentnry to the
F:hjah Bennet. late or TtrnizenWter iwn••
CMlnty. 1 • a. have been grauled to the
.0,..r. nil perloug Indebted to the raid estate, are
rwym ed in make Itnailailltre ;1.17111 • int, mad throe b 3 e.
W., rutin,' or tleallar, A , :610 , t "the estate or the tab.' do-
Clddlit, to make known thermal', without delay.
DI. 7 ".:NELL. XC r n446 '
J / ult.', 6,
The Weekly Age
le 4 ". 0 eyaper r“, ortdide of +tagrorit 'rho
or: rritit.t ra ran, &alp swill ftel;ltiry, hot dooire to
t, ,+t I ,fortord n 1.41 trAn.plrin: around tutrrn,
"ofathir,.; bow:. antler, with uomvstic lOtrodilLtioit And
F:r.rlro, neigloal end erieeted, hq ate beet annum.: Po
etic lime, from every nv.ilable coerce Cheire
teethe y. Fdria I Vic, A muslug, and Inert-active: a
colt:mu ut Sunday Heading and 13434;10u Latelllgence ;
conducted by n practkol farmer. Mr. Thome., 3.
Edge, 4nn• carninz 4 livink upou n rented farni In
l'h, , cr ronmv : In %lock nil quealnn. arc coneld•
reed whim lotto •an Interest for the tiller* or the
roil, reLly Contr.batione Tor the Children; Edl•
oninl Br, ole.; Nrwn Able Editorial.,
end e c.trernlly prepored cortinendlulo of Fonign
And dom..tic Weehinglon. New York, and
Ii i.rrlt menu. rorreentiodenen; Finenclel and Oo
mrreset oted.olro; boll .llerketa ; Selrot Adorn.
tt.rm.•u:n. to ehlcu only A limited space in nriott
pristrAl. &r.t.
With ell tba.a. advantage.. the Wan). A7e to ne
k wl.rdzql io L.r tan bcat Farad/ Joht..] Printed IA
A g3d time to commence subscriptions to a
good newspaper is at the close of the Old or
the commencement of the New Year. - The
terms of Tao DhLY and WEEKLY Aug, given
twiny., are reasonable, and within the reach of
every' one. We would, thereterc, urge open
our friends, in which all our readers are included
to go to work at once jetting up claim and en
roll ill namls; among their neighbors,frienda and
ammauttsnres, thus enabling us to ettlar,ge our
sphere rd usefulness by enlarging our eirenlm
two, and towage a• persistent condict in Leitalf
of the rights of the people against the encroach
inenti 01 power, which is constantly teudius
towards centralization.
One year. b roan,' - - - ;MOO
Six. month.,
T Love menthe, - - - 2.23
'For lin) period Jere than Aire' month', 01 the itirr of
per moat. • .
P.oll3.lSregnlred Invariably In adepoen - -
The portageohthe 04 Age fa tinny cents per own ,
ter. or glar COlll4l per annum, if yre-pahl atthentace of
Otte . copy, one year, - - • 'SS 3 .' 9 '
Tcu eo,tes - - - - - • -• 1150
Twenty onples - • -
• Vitt,' toptes • -
. , . •
tl Tta follow - leg redeem : l Oatee rZe-et
be ahe. when all
ad,e4l are cent fa one peraori, end' slot 4.1 . •
- 4,lta.tod easetally to the Lumbar" of thnelat , : - .
Tnality copies • - :-$ 21 0 3
s Ylus . wide* - .- • - . 50,a0
nue rap). wilt be farphlart vette CA' gettle: a atah
at 'swami
or more fee ore year. . -•-
A copy of. the Agl bo feraislie4fgratte for
gettiag 0, etaliar
The above tare sill be adhered to, sea wino
tfae will In, taken of a sabealptrun nutty paid ' act.
f* We barn no,ltatrikos • Avots • auttinilata to re.
ntnot rtn us.. •
Drain oo Fbli.rotelibln: or rOPtrtfeco ordllll, payable
to tbn order or the Puttltbcro. belb4 refer. ote,Prtr,rt
bly to soy otter mmittnnee....l.ll trtto send motley by
expro4 mart prt-oly *tin ent cb Argo*: , •
:Ybe porovie, , oo the Met:vei9:lle live code n tiOnter•
or tototy certr a year, to bo ptewildta all ewes *1 Uto
• •
"titian of , • ~
pecimok to?,es rent no ityplientino,-
bobt.ctiptloo* tot until say Sinter 'Of a
. ' -
. `s' -; -',-.'':, 2,,c!b:&;:BidOliN:.
Not 1. : i,ant1..1.4. .iptttli §elie-4,h §t, , ,P4lVa.
... ... . ~.... .. .
Brooklra, N. Y
11 1 14
6 10
1.75,,,0 flO
4. - k, 53
63r 400
... 80'5 0 1
2 00(0 , 2
75;42 00
.. 12014
141Q . 6121
. Itnsl6
Sheldon P. 0.. buellachatina Co., Pa
10 writs issued by tbo Court of Common Mess
1 e s Vo ia t i gdP ° l l ,7;gin t9 :,: i)
. ' 2l .. .n c t, ed i
Court un 3 usout Un.SrAtinb3 • it , t). IL
181:411t 1 o'clock, p. the following; pieces or
peels or land, to Vitt ; ' ,
All that certaiu piece o'rpareel or land situate
Ia the township of :Arthisra. In the, county of
litssquehanna add State of Pestamdvauht, boun
dedmid liesCril3Cll as follOws: • 0i the north by
lauds of .G. L. Swisher, On the east and. south'
br i ldihway i and on the west by lands of Q. L.
19Wisher, containing 13 aere.s more or less,with
the. appurtenance's, one shingle mill, seine
tots., and all Improved. (Taken in exeontion at
the suit of A. P. Lamy ye. 3taxtleld -and
J. F. :kraxtlel.l.) '. '
_ALSO—AII that certain' piece. or, parcel of
land situnt, its the town..ltip,ipf brenitlin lathe
County of SLISOL,11111SOO: (Me Peenutyl
vania,liuunded and docritted ns follow'to.4-..11:
On the north bv.houla .of Edwin etinislin;_east
bit, lands of 1%. ttebe, rj.x.
cttall SHOW, and on the went' higitsvuy and
Edward Dowling's Mud, containing twenty-sev
en arms' of Innd snore or l"m, with the appurm.
natters. eine smite lmuSe,' few fruit, tretvs,, a n d
about half insproved. `.(Taken its exec:lllOn at
the suit of A. Lathrop va. M. Snow.-
4L.9.0.—A1l that Certain - piece or parcel of
Land Attu it° in the township of . Auburn in the
County of *m.111,1.1E1:1 and State of Penusyl;
.vdnia, bouds:4 and de:lc:tit/0 .as• Mon s : ~ o n.
the north by lands ofDivid.W.Meenitt, on the
east by lands of Patrick t3alyin, on the. south
by lands of doaet2bWhite;and on the ivret
lands of Elisba L.lnuty, containing , eighty-fire
acres of land, be the laanrn morn fess, with the
appurtenances, ties frame hotricr4 one barn an
other ontbuildhrs, ci t e orchard and ottier fl it
trees, and about sixty =MS improved. ,(TaLeu
in exe(mtion at the snit of 0. E. Pickett vs Sd
lab Kennedy and 11.11. Kennedy, and A. Lath
rop vs. Andrew It. Ken:teas%)
'ALSO-111 that cerbilis piece or parcel of
laud situate in, the township of Auburn is the
County of Susquehanna - runt Susie of Pouisyl
vania, bonnded and described . as failon 3 , 1, 3
wit : On the north by lands of David Raub. on
the cast by landsof Samuel flyde, on the south
by lands of Daniel Trade, inn) on the west by
]:suds of Royal Carter. enutining pee hundred
and ten acres of land, be the same more or kles
with the appurtennuaes, 1 dwelling house, I
barn, 2 orchards and about sixty acres Irnprov
ed. (Taken in eseetitionnt.the shit of Samuel
Tewksbury use of A. Chamberlin vs. - John
ALSO— All that certain piece or parcel of
' land situate iu the township of Auburn. in. the
County of Susquehanna and Sten ~f Pennsyl
vania, bided and de ribed as follows, to wit:
On the north by lands of 31;IrS11411 Christman,
Amass, Wilcox, and .1, Tewksbury, on the cast
by lands of Thos. It. While, no the south by
'lands of John ltifenburY, and on the wait" by
\lands of John Tewk4bury, containing forty-two
acre:, of land, be the sc.uze more or lesa,with - the
i appo rtonaneestwo dwelling-houses. one barn,'
is:tn . -mill, one 'feed mill, and about thirty-two
1 a e rc.,, improved, (Taken in execution at the Wit
of James P. Iteuning,ct use of M. S.- Wilson vs.
L. C. Swishcr.) - .
ALSO—AII that eektain piece or parcel of
i land, situate in tho township of Franklin, In
the county of Susquehanna and S,tate of Penn
i sylvania,,boundeil and dmeribed as follows, to
1 wit: On the north by Silver Lake road and N.
P. \Vheaton's lanl,and on the west Mill , solith
1 by lands of N. P. - Wheaton, and on the'enst by
)Itols of John Cornwell and llorrowr.,
I containing nineteen acres, be the sarne . niore or
llron, with the appurienances i ole small frame
house, one large frame huihhng or factory with
fixtures for manufacturin^_ salt. one steam en
-1 gine, and mostly Improved. (Sei.ted and taken
i in exepolon at the "nit of Reuben Tooker and
ll:int:line K Tooker his wile, to use of Lanoline
F_Tookcr vs. Franklin J. Wall and John S.
Anderson.) '
ALSO-111 0131 certain pirce or -parcel of!
land situate, and train, in the tOwtedtio of ;
Lathrop, in the connty of fittogneltarota.nailt
State of Petais-I:ania. bounded and deser:liel I
as follows, to sit: Beuinninu; at a p- st and
stoner, corner of E. Bell not 0. L. Holstead's
land : thence south cl;7.rees east, ti rodi
to n stake and stones corner, to line of lands for
merly of Jacob Decker; thence south 43 rods
to the centre cif the D. 1., tracit !
thence alon7 the yen!, or :.11 , 1 Railroad tracks 1
southwemerly coarse 14. 1, 4 rods to a. roenz,r In I
the centre nf track; therlci. T.:or - lb to deuree ,
cast, 22 rods; thence north 45 dezr.-e , '
rods; thence north 88 tleur•co Wet, 17V, rod t
to a cornet of lands of formerly
llalsteUt; thetire nOrtli It e-,Ff
Int! rods to the place of hozinui-p.f.
about 13.: acrcA and 1r; ptreltes of Hurd, he U.
same more or lrss, With aoporbtnanci-., rm
frame house, one corn honse, one orchard and
other trait trees, and about 110 acres improved.
(Taken in excention'at the snit of Littics
Bkikeslee ra. Boggle., Nichol:.,,)
A LSO—MI that eaulain piece or petrels of I
land situate, lying and being. in the L' i, c ll-4 1/TO of
Libert v. in the counts of Suitcoteltanna and State
of Pt:tipsy - Imola, bounded and described as fob
Lars, to v. it r On the north by lamb of J Cutup
on the east ho lands of. IN.Zottltrop, ant he
south by lands of F. It. Travis, and the west by
lands nnknown, SO litrCS, be the
same more or less, with the appurtenances, cane
frame how , . one frame tram, a few fruit tastes.
and about to acres improved. (Seized anti tak
en in °se/union at tha suit of E. It. Smith vs.'
John Driscoll and Mary Drb colt)
ALSO All that certain Niece or pAIN.I , I
land, situate in the township of Clutenvott, in
the ennnty of Stisapteltanna, and &Muni Penn
sylvania, Numbs' and deseribtal as folloWs, to
wit: On shit north by the 'Turner root. on tilt,
east by lands of Daniel Conroy and Maritth - C.4-
gin. on the south by Linde of Lewis Chamberlin
nail the estate of Lanvis Chamberlin, tlee'd, and
on the Ncest try the Clue - smut Ctvelt road. con
taining :them. 10 semi of land, he the same
mots+ or less:with the appurtenances, one large
hofebbudding, one stable; barn and sheds nrir
lA•leb/lAIIII SON , . one soling ocebard, m l ill
improved. (SeTZ'll mitt tato-a Li mention at
Mesita of Chamberlin j.r. , IlsCollern vs. T.. c-
Incrny end T..conanl - Scur;e. ova Guttenberg',
Houmbaum &Co., vs. L. Melnerny and Mich
ael Mixhand • •
AI SO—All thateerlain piste or- parcel .of
land situate in the township of' Dininek, in the
county of Susquehanna and State of Penasyle.
conic. luntoded described 'no fellows, to
wit: On the north by lands of blew Kinney,oe
the east-by linde 'of Isaac:Kinney, on.- the
south by lands late of Daniel Giles, fold on the
went by hinds of It, Parke, esintnining eighty ,
five; aerosol' lati'Llte the 'saute 'More • or tires
with the appurtenances, one dwelling honee,ntet
train, one blacksmith shop, and other - out build-
Inca, one wheal and Mann thirty acres im
proved. tTakrrtin r-VCCIAiOrr nt(bo unit of 1 . 1
C. Risley re, tkhjamin Risle y .)
ALSO—AII that certain- piece or parcel of
land sitnate,ln 11/C. township : of -Bridgewater, in
the counts' of Busiptehanna arid:Slide of 'Penn
sylvania; bounded glut dogeilbe.tas fellows, to
wit: On the marth by lands a 0.:v..11.1.t1ey.0n
the teat 14. highway leadini; troth llontrwe.t
'Purtlinannock, on the total% toads.
Coon-. Awl on, the' westlty. street. lately
about three nerea of jand, - , be, the
wattle more or h.... 4, with the74ninnrlf-nobees', - (.ne
thvellina•bov.K., one shed, caul. ati - •improved.
(Taken in eiscuiton at the snit of II ; S. TM:sea
vs. George irons.) .
Notice Ls berates 'given that Lhls 'emit ;Le
paid 3n melt on day of sale. • - ' - •
N. B. TIT.LME. gtorit
Sheriff's ofjee,'3l . f.intr+e; ritc,14,1572. • '
a. 11,31 1,•11'S NOTICP., Letreri tratScrcninterPto the
ICJ rtetettot Cytanin3lo.l,oT. erect- IMO of 15*.
tree,terhanneeenery. TA.-." been 'Neer prentel , to , the
ettheortripre„ell piafsfin J(1.11341.1 to the raid erlete, Ire
fa-quent•ed 41stSks Inmedinth payrOeut.arut thump his.
inz fiallabt or demand* exanst the estatelf the, brad de
nedont, to mete Ituesru the +erne 'Anima
rrLi7. -
- • ' U. NiCl;utl.l:7l; srentop.
rely 1111 fort. Ja r et. 1- " ' •
. .
, ,
A UPIT0119; NOTICE, toldernfrund w
h biz been
1. - A.,,nrrhniturd tin ,Atuitt,r,uy :the Court et cum tAnin
pkoo, or so,poolt,hooc.,ootv. 'moo the euenutl nun f
eel Aplrt.4. ths 11% . 01113 Or .llten 4 ;4rore. rt(U Kunutio
Jr., will natnud to thn dot et , or Vit. npholutet nut a: the
otEce Fitch nud Wutron.ltt 31entrese. ThurPtnY,,
J4rosary 7th. tit 10 ..efock,.ll..rn, Alt- pernoll.)
terestcd wlll appear and ha
• • ,• • • W. W. IA ATSOI Auditor.
JdontrOnn, tiC:ll,
'A DIAINTSTIIA S Toß' ' the- cetetu
ofJobn Otrdnoe ftk.V.,•^4, of Lenox torn.
lettera• of ..Admlnleteatlon In tho 'salt(' mutate haring
Int; been granted to tlin andortlrtedoCt petanaa
eatd eatate, era rreineateil to went lunnoalsto
payment, hat parental havi4 eattne At:Sittig said eetato
Aro requeited to prnseat ns vllhcr.S dotal. -
• T,I,NItY tl..l.llDNElt,Adnitutitratetx.
Inievanater,Thte.,ll.l£47l.—w6. .
, -
A CD 2 7OlVTS , rflet.—Tiannulle , rniznefi,ll6nlagb6an .
t 1 ,6 enurt,
_or Cnnk rams Henn or
gothnuna Omni r, nn tn:lintattnrip W e Made Sn
Itan4nr4tt:n nto:;n'nrininn from the no to of Itaat I.:•nitn
nt C. I, Low, *Mat; 61,1 in thn (!nrien nr lan ki, , ,,oin!•
moat; at uglec. tn trorifrorr, 'nu
1611,,,, SATS, 6t P,
wlti at,r,nar azit,yr6nut tbrlr :rtaima,•or Suivr6r /tn.
b6cr6o Crow_ conuag is Da paid laud. - --
. _ - I.l4LWintl.
Mattrii, Dee. It - - • •
Z9=014. _ •
-- PALI. 'frau • 8er..11 Sept 2d, 1879.
- %VINT= •TEari Begirts......Jan. 2d. 1872.
6P/ILNG • 21,1871
TaTlON:4liglier Depaitment, $ 00
• Sec;ondary,Departtnew, 5 00
The conme of Instruction includes the Eno
,Mitt nittveur..4, the LANOVAGES, NATTI2II.Ia , .
ice, and the Xstune.i. 6cIENCEII, . _
2ronaration of Teachers.
ant, and well-urrangeti for
Students can enter at at any time, and
Tuition will be
1711' Rooms eett be secured for thou
tkairwg to board\ themseivoe.
For further particulars adlreti ll.
BERTMT, Principal, or the Secretary" of
the Board
tc3l. IL JESSUP, Pres.
Montrose; •Oe . 30. '72-6ut.
kg )
- •••••.-*,,`" •
CAPS, GE-4 7 7,157 rf LADIES
ruuNtsacsia GOODS, &C., &C.
Our Assortment of
Tas vacatroplolte.
RTS, Wt oLux nosrtn.Y.MIBIAS. FLOODS,
r311:4:0 r.vinDI4;AIatENTS
POI: L.fDIES.ISA i:utim GLia , ;ria, ac,
la Great Vartetr.
'famish oral rHTILIIOIIen Trams fur Leaks and ems
dret, Ev,rythitm ludolicitix to the MILLINKRY
E. stheand Cotton ,Vrtrets le black and cola*
v,!,otr. rawcrs. I:Ihbooa, Feathers; names, Lacel•
Very Lr.r.z, - '••
'rssle Lls..ns. Napalms'. Tasseling,. Crash, Mullah,
in Evers-Visa. •• -
Clusul - .:rts Lux,. woosTEDS, GIMMAa.
All Calors and All- Slut**,
31ANCkeTC.14.4.iL bUROTVNGOODO, and
Arr Er. 31E...3 RE
.I,Ts !peep a lurae avarnizaent of Cum CiartxtaZa,
ilz.vrittt, rats:cud, &4:, on band fez that MpOsa
1,1.1.T6 LVND GUM kFtill Line :
GLOVES: TIE 6, -bows,
All rad. mid 5iYaY Dir Men, tioys. in d Largo Infitzta.
UntqtELLAS. • ' -.
FWe HIII ieP vTtryilolng in onT line vribiisi, se tb
nest. r MUST - 11e hVIIITTUIXO to be Jurt.intas
*.orz. livenzeLmsi. IT To Dr.
r.ionot Innkc ollt a . prlr.) list of our 'isztOsieliltls
ca Tee) , arc too ItttOICMIII, Cosies 10 ale edi.
tine, Lan. w 0.1 1 ,1 Vliplu±t .11 t 4 call and eampiro prices
eusli y, tit set, suovlciced cif the trunk of-Air
gvtst,se,n,v, 18,1E7.1.
, A EftrlNlSTllaffnit'A 'SUMP: —to the *Oslo et
fate of Liberty, finannebstma
11$. Lae tyre of Administration ta
lea rsfarriiiive gratifyt lotto unolerviraed,
atl t k •r,tin. PelaTO, are roggehted to mike
itorardaiot..psWiii;nr, and persons, basing claim
,irate ore reqnortrd to proton:Ahem isithont
NOTiTILEOP. Adizt'rx.
. .
-t ry CierritAou, ner....1. fly yirtne of decree of the-
Oriau.o -I of Stoner:hmene 'County, there Hill he,
eroo,,en to pr.eine Nth, on betardav, erevtuiry
tslll. et 2 o'cLek .t the Conn Ilanie, Mont.
ivoe. thvt Certain p'ee,e parcel of lend situate tin
mnca Suequehenun Couuty, Pa, boteDnen.
n.1.14:,..,14:1.11 iononv, to nit: On the north by leti•
of A. Vele. emit by lead of Peter litropier tot
Int.ey4l`. •
Thrall, south by lankfor Ivrimnet Venn*, nrLf,
• w,..4 by }mid* of Wm. Ontintill eon A, W. 'Unto; coo.
tetntliz lied acted and T•perchs.,Lo the me more or
tuzcther with the AtiparlonnoCee, one MUM, two.
lincno, and other nothuilaings, so Orchard We hbact
Fla sr rOr• imroven, '
TKItIP3--One Lundeen ;loners at tho limeM ,t',11 , •
bniencc of one faith on enutlrtnallun or tote; ono
(mirth in two cone; annual pnymente. with errittotl
tenon •oat ounhilf st•lhoZe.astb of 'Theresa id. (lora
ton, with Sistvltst•piptb!o enormity, to ho Heated bly
bond and :ncrhnga anew promises. • ' -
Ncntroie, Pa., Dca.lth 1872,4 w. . .
A. Farm tor Salo or , to geol.
44 - ono wonted annual scrag In Jessup
ship, tinrAlehualCoanty, Pa. 8.314 arrak has *pm!
10ufe nr. fe ,Iwo brim., and a granary tru ete1 , % , 1 1 .
fptn !'rater.i, or ter. arehard, se. . be 1414 or rtutaj l4.
011 rot. as 111COalleibi !flouter buoinur, :
• -Apply tai C. Q. MitlO, DI melt( ( 7 01IlieN, Of 041ra - Dialr
e,hopp,r ‘iryeecito, County,
rDITUIII4:+:O7IC7.—The erterser r e cd, an Anal'"?
apporilttS - by tiwthillimi'a•Voiirt et Seognebeen
yenta) . to ,11,StIbtitutl.n ho , l , ltc, the hemte or the
tuleil.tratoe of the e.iatc of - E:larred Donnell eteeeci.
ty givevliutlco 'that Will' bs Unlit,. of Ws
;4111.,114( ens, Lt thilcitlkrut , e11.00.1.1 , A, II; tiOut •
ne'. nn.;Lati,l4. iL , .9 . .tt 11,1 y of Ju..nary
1 O . ClOt - ic WhiCil 0.0 and piece 41 gereune In.
lor,stell - .lllA2l:eknowtt their ellleeset ba touter ee.
barrel frvtatin.logliltt,/ rsid rand.
• . . 1 , T. - .
31onttnee.t.ce. .
A Et Dai,cit NoTirk),,.. Tn....) , exitimet, an A0...1u"
apliatniell by t ttit Court 11lati.ti Yi¢re oi
quebuttui, tl7nunte to diet ilauto U 4 tutda iu the WO,.
of LGJ Aitettit, nit oii from lb:ie.:h. or ely Poll, 041" of
T.' J.' Depue. wt,t atten.l tot:mil:ides of als not t.
inv.< G e oldie utyJ, If. to It, ii;Js Opp, In
ultet, Diu, al o'clock. &Mt,
101 pet - ,nr I.tert - ocd will pre& lir iltale el Alai .P
ovcr dc C.c.) r*.n . .»n: 3) , CO 11:141.
• )3. C. JESSUP. At
• .-3lnitios., Dc3r."3•l, •