of t 1 gusintoo picerforp. o l;nes ts . !a . :; D;A - efory;onC pbr, 1:d4iflo:11:.(it e.. 14 411, NEwghronti , 11 . 111 4 71ANC, XRV p.r tvnt. tcrest nn nil Depo.lti. Putirviientl 11,,,1ne Bus 4111-1: N. 11. CHASE S CO. CrilA PIASTER.—VRifinLAS 9 7 JEMAREll in gym :line Cayngt Master. F.:Ayr:mud, F. L stn. , l aco . Peatni In DrTGoodr.thup,Cap, Pnan,aud Shoo., and Orneral . IderchandlAe, on Blain strcirOecond duorbetow the Eplocopal Church. • Ms.:TON norm., kept by WiLLtAll S. MITI!, ea Main etr. , ct. nzar Pb. Dcp+t.—e S:', q. AtEIO.F ontlrr, and d.st ler 10.1'101,-p and ut het uteopllo, one 41.10 r kora Phlnnef 110!el, Main St. E MISTIER. RArrago vakTr and Rindertaker. la.dn :deist, tiro doors ovlow Ha*ley's Store. 4. IScont,l.llll RROTttFtt9 , Ofidor* to Groceries and Provlelooe, on Math Atrot.• rv• nrrivr ja %wig. Motors in Floor. Vend. Ifni, di. Lime. Cement. Groceries and Provisions on :.i.los.atreet,oppo.ite tho Depot. llAYOßV,.Mannilictnrers of Clenr• and moo, ilr deniers In rinkee Notions sod Pane, Goods. on Slain Street, below Episcopal Church. • Ft nge k. sy IP. L.3lthcr Urtnnfirtrirert3 ar,4l dealers 1.3 Ur nee. V113.1j11.,#, Lc.. near Episcopal Church. • dIC .v k II kYI•RN. Denler• In brn¢• nod Medicine• vi Maonfactorentof Cigars, on ]loin Street. new uc Dr ..t Rohe Shneine find Teneral Repairing Street, e..nth of the bricge. J. PICT EMI k'. in.. Dn.:ler In general mere-hal:4l4r ac I elotl.lng. Witt Bture, ou U.tin Strect. , GREAT BEND Marinfa,•tory, or Leather, and dealt , •• , ral Mrreltanill.e.oll Mnai str. I. D•IR LS, ?derrha , ,t Tailnr and droller In Ready a n al,• f'lo r hi ng, Dry clout:2, GrOcerica And lona Yo Street.• LENO2CYILLE I CV WflTTr Manmticturer of rind dcalcr to fn peri or Plom raml ed.:Etat, • GIBSCiN. NT ITCGT.Vr—T , ratni stnenn. Tin. Tepper, r.,. •yl ‘l' &C. Also, rn.nuf.r.t, (T of , oc r. Llo Tnenah nod Lend l'lpc !ttolided Wil lair price•—Gabson fIW ;Rile. fIRT \VT. '.lf , ont.lottitert of Wagon. ..od Sleigh*, oe.tr the Ingalls' Store. • MONTRtJSE. 0...1".:717.11E—entmr• Servesnr. nt Rr•gneTonra rex, ts. Office in the Con I Mara., Muntrol.e., :'FI. :.CU.. Dealer In Drrtel. Medicines. Li ior.. 011,, Der gtol., Groceries, J.,'stir! ticp, 51, .79 •v. cc F CIRL k Cr, Attu-nee sit 1,.r. Office one bt.lus Tarbel Iluuee, I'1.11:1c Avenue, • ‘1 n COoPEI2 CO.. n eU Forelzn pa• and brat. on Zugl=4, Ireland and Scot .! TN , . SlTart/. ttent, Fire end Life rm., ,„ .ei-n,Pedro-an and Accident Tick., 1.. , tecr S..einud Piliell.lpnia. Olco one door cart . !The Ilat.n. !.Fri ilet•eral In.ninr.co and Sewing 11A. • AZ•lit. Public Avenue.• 1.3! - 7 , S 'crow - mg. the o`ncc to Drryz•nntiMPAl 1%.1• loon. Poact-Booke. Spect - u.a Yna.kco. Jt.c., Brick Block. "M. L. cum. Tiarn••a rn4 kyr altzt flcaler in all articles by the trlde, oppoof te the Bank- • CORWIN ` , !ore., liar, ro, 41110'2,1 titer, rf •Tri Shectiros ware, earner aad Tinrnid,,treet. s R. rani:RT.. Nl...chant Taflne and drairc h.. Trtattnlngs, arid '0,1117. Goode, and I:Mad.. II" g. 4 , 1 !, t•t T. Ili/11.CA+ C iffle and 13 akalce's Law ~..cc. TAttl , . Teller In ben... few, Trnairtn'ny. R.. ` , ,FaaTinn4Ty and Y.anlar NuLtatia. at head I i AVentla.• L no , O•slen In •, Ilsrdwnre ^.c I n-31 nl.nuents, Plonr And Groceries, uppo 51, IMAIIA A NOBLE CHARITY ! To Erect the PAM SUTE 011 Nth ~nh.Q- F .- i _irrivr. Tn bn Drawn in Public Dvt3.ll..En 36ru 1672 67 F ®, 50 5 ®O, AV ?Lied 01. Zack, or Siz lor $5. L..s:prean C. 0. D., if desi•el. $7,01.1 11.000 15,0.1 211.01r1 Z.o* 4.010 8.041 bFm IMO Z. 00) 10110 f 9 15.R05 1 Pr, e, :. 1:124 I • ••• 0004 • . . Cir,n4 'ash Pfse, 1 C . . , h Prize, e.,.h P.iaw , r.n no enrh. 4 a-b path. Cov-h Pr I>.e., 01,1101 Wi , !h.411 zus, Zed' 'mi. un " P 1.).. ~ .. in, 4:01 t,, volt rtriroy.oznoor.t lin; to t 23,5115 Thiq ter! rt.terprize Inuinrted Ty the higheft nut!loritf•tf the Si,ite nut heel hn.lne 0 men. one..ll.l 4 titir I iCk.4l,i.V berner Ont., let Ti e I'm. trd bumper to hand will Le turut.bed shove Iv; o teat, 11 :nil. be •rnt by rival. in Tteri.tered Later.. Moller Onler, or Iry Erprots. All win 6e pOl in full. Acosta WAIIII2O. oz p ortir4lDT:i..lllrCen V. PATTER. 1572. . Uctto - al Mr-11Cti, °Mahn. SO tO7NTS.VINTEIII ft,r:Tmnrov, - ,tat:ret.mr —,lth 'ia•qratione : likeonnve of the Preeldeots— tel:lek:ty'lnaund. and pratted on antedpcavr. THE NATION Its Italets, and Institutions. ENGLISEI ANTI GERMAN. - 0t1.1,g like it. ettrtkee everybody as Itt*t the boob t.e..d. It to ED Etter topeetia or the tioverament. • vie Ivan.. In IC ale of theno.el - 7, worth the -helm of h jai. Ora. ZOO pule, and only I<2 RI.. A Et c h Jar. Vefft for tlanv - s• 're—'.atile. toot gantlemeo—taem te..n4,re a n:1 en..naltd. 4.71 f cryclot toot 71ortiere Jr aisle int•h r 1 Won,. 14tee he ket rtzpeee,d. a row 4,11 tit! elated In tai• lent o.y. Write at caner 611 a teeelar and inttrlnsttrm Nfne WWII.° PCB !ASCII:CC a:0 . Comer Ith and Dlarkt.ifitest.ts. 1%11.1004015.. !Co Peterson'slttzazine tnr January, IS?3 is r.irtsoly on Oar talkie. Never true there a Land. dalaur or better number. 19 spite of competi tion - .PV11:36311" more titan holds his own. It is herd to tell wttieti of its twu.steel engravings is the last; "Chzrty Ripe," or "The Initials on the Tree:" they are both so beautifuL Tbere is a Lirge sized (.01..mrLd Revlin pattern for a• sofa nr fast-stool,-in more than a dozen eul. Ord, 0 tcdt,at retail, NVOalli euct a tbibi,r, The mammoth ie. - dared steel fashion pl l l O ds , exqu i s . ; "Petersan's"lB now the latlyilmagatine that FiFel tit Colored !A:VI plater. _The otor.es, As til.ittyd., in I:4lm;rs book, ars: tits vary tai t' Two powerful noretets are begun la this: num ell means "subscribe-to 'Peterson's Tr.zitte."thst is, liner pia bars S'atiedlitlrd to your !nand paper. Tila price Is but Twei Dot. LARS a year, with liberal deduction toelutmand a eve d'Alet crigraring to thosegetting up club:4. Re(g a lens arc sent gratis. - Addresir Craw. J. sr, 818 clacetint S WOO WSW A R ALLSVINTfiIt in comporett.of Ammonia, rh,orform. Spirits of Camphor. Tinelneer of Twpnlitte, OP of Jumi...r. nod Alcohol Tithe compound la no mottled in the ar,nals of medicine - fee the ciao '.r Net , Tout erSi. t Brodarbe. Neuralgia. Tr , emblins or Twitch. Ing of the N. roe*. Awl nil 'sous Moran... it will connterect all tmlonno, hohleh pimple.. care rcaly erup tion.. Itchirg.humers. Sc., it equaliser the circulation, I nvigerater t tosayst ent. Increaser the Action of the heart h wltitnnt cult Int; the twain, enter Iletutburn.Palpitation and Flu.tering of the Benet. Bytpephla. Sc. Briggs' Alleranton sh•ohittln nor-eases nornertrative propert tea limn Any other preparation. Pnystrians, chemist. and . ..teen. are requested to examine and test the rem* tly mid SBA/ will be paidif tuned different from rept..scula- MUG H S. t . e t h d hoe rn a t v e d td writ ten- r bare lt been offered for the relief and cure tf thtont and lung dirraors: bat nothing has been ao eminently rums:ore! or °LW:led ouch • wide celebrity, as Itrigipe Thount. and Lung Heeler. CORNSThe exernriallitg pain predated • by Corns, the nut... Aping twlngirg from Bunion. the piercing. dIettCOIPIOg pain from In growing Nailo.cannei bet cacribed. Thonsands. sutler, not knowing there is a cum. Itrlggs' Corn and Bunion Itemedieh are no acid or potaoh compounds, but are te llable wattling. and effectual. sad jail taunt th•miceera they have emceed from an appreciative penile. 'The Carative It a h. sling ointment; Bunn Male relief is uhtained by its application. and It will positively cure tile wnrot cue. of Festered Cesar, Inflamrdand Blerrat. 'ill Bunion.. the lowest Malty. tart urgent and revered{ Blisters. the moot *Venal.. s• a pesitleo on the ,oh., or begin of the feet. unequalled lu thecuroot Chilblains or Fro-tad Feet. The Allevantor fr.l. ordinary corns and pteventing their fortuutton is absolutely non:celled by anything known. PlLEhave been terror to ambled for !, centatie*. end :tiniest every attempt to runt !hem has been It-lifted. By neat-lag windy And experimenting. Dr. Briggs her dlocovered And aosolutn core fur Internal. binding, external, coil itching piled. Brigge Pile ..earthen are Ohl, sofa and sure. Corns. Bunions, Enid Natio. Dioeared Joint. and all diseases of the feet. also. Puler, Cancers hod thcrodhlono limn addlifuly treated by Dr. J. Briggs Co., 097, ' , roadway. N. cud by ABEL TFRRF-LL. Montrose, Pa, and BUBSS %ICBMs.. tint tun t a. . June la 18:2. EXCELSIOR FUR EMPORIUM 1111 FARED. 719 Amu Sr., fella a the flloat. ren 7th A Bth Pm PHILADELPHIA. or t or aLd Mounts, tutor of FANCY FURS ICIIMIMSI For 1.9111 C, and Cbildron's weat,Wholatale and Retail. Tinelnz ontorted a very lame and Pplendld sneort ment of aP the differ. at kind, 1.1 FINIS fr on trio hands in E moue, would reepectfally invite the re.aderx of title toper to call and examine the aesortment of Fan. y k nrr. I non d, trlnt...d In tell or the totrar cans All Pars Warranted. No mitre) rzuhratio. to Oct mho. runs ALTERED AND REPAIRED Ur — RCIIEn FIER THE nTOR.E. 718 A ffril ST. Oct. 9th. ISZS—tot PIIILADELPILIA. IVIRTW PrILIFLIVIC NEW GOODS. The and t t . l , ll,l7 4 l.lrze . 42 a s e s . tE , 7 ,n r.f „.4 tted, , I r T i fo r rl , i;h l s t d . ran, Jr At Lan trifle I on- tom. or . ..pared to furn ish' the people With as desirable ra.lety of DRY GOODS! G RU,E.W.ES ! ! BOOTS SHOES ! ! II A RD WA R E ! ! CROCKERY! (ft:. As ean be rebid elsewhere, and at as realrable Prism 0. M. easSEC. E. C. basin. CRANE & MAIM. Lawseille Center, Fa., April 2-1„ 39 D°"'N TOWN NEWS MINER AND COATS, Strc:ot.s door. below Boyd', Cur.,. 11001 FLOUR ) GROCERIES, Al s;.1) I" It 0 OA S. Wean cou,tantly roe Icing t ad now bate nob., arreeL stud. u I wundr lb oar 111 g.w.bleb ar alllerl UtiEAr ! CILIA' ! CHEAP forcapb.otezcl= ye orproduce liUUI! TEA COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISII, LARD, lIAirS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOr ER & TIM THY SEED, J. Wa,ln erefitted and made additf our pour Stock rail!. rf d arc fIOW reads to forward Butter to the het coal s..on hortere in New Yerk.tree of charge, am makett' era' idalere:nent, on conargurnerite. c.,41 and baler. purchaslngele. where.and:onvineve °maul, ee off he stz GOOD QUALITY &; LOW PRICES Oooda. . R. R. COA INZIEI LMIMI VALLEY RAILROAD. On NIA after June TO. Int.tralus on the Lehlitt Valley Railroad will run as fullusre : bourn. NOCT37. No. No. No. No : No. No. M. 9 7. 111. 9. 4. r. 34. • s. 245 106 910 6.llnles 1.245 6!3 945 ZO 130 9 41' ... .11%11,01y.... 12 00 535 11 00 335 1 77 11100._ 11 45 523 850 490 2113 10 40 ....Tonsmla. ....11 65 457 910 542 11 30.... Wyrilu.ing In (.5 7 15 54.4 3G 1150 043 40G 1151 614 1312.. etthr•ppvn 3333 9^l) 522 G_ 12 2 ...111.010npan2 .... 913 11 23 655 Jail le 41...Tu uktra snuck... 842 320 5511 5111 442 1 511 25 233 450 3Z. 510 2 15... W1 1 1[4.-11nrre, .. 00 215 4 121 730 435 ..115029 41016 k... ... 11 45 135 .s. 829 550 116-1061rn 4.5. 10 47 1290 40 505.....8eth1vhem .... 10 30 1210 1.1 15 6 25.......E.netun 1005 11.35 .1030 13 el) is r. a. 9 49.... .New Y0rk..... 7(0 900 . . . So. leavea l'ineanda at 710 a. tn.: Athena, :50 p.m.: Wa , erly.ft Ma. m arri• Mg at Eialra at 9 00a to No 31 lenriv Elmira to 5 31p. m.; 11aecrly. at f 15 a m Athena,al. 6 Z.l p. m.,,arrivlng at Tow adz at 715 p.m. Drusrtug Room Car' attached to trulne 2 nd ranting through tram Elmira to Philadelphia. E. A. P.ACEEIt. Etqlerlutend BILLINGS'IIi.OI.ID. kJ • General insuranco Agent, 113 E, LIKE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE, ' MitEcosstwonse..X , "‘ b. Ilsrtford Piro I. Go.. I. evital and sorplue V 1.000,000 Home In, co.. N. Y., Cnpaal eud burying, $.1.1N.M..“ 0 Royal In, Co. Liverpool •- /40.(110.1g11 Liverpool. London t Globe' . V.10001..110 Prinklin toe. Uss. Phil'a ' .13.15UAX 0 Inc. Co., or Ntri.b . d.marica .• t..X.=.00 Pennpylrani., Fire ... 810{:10 0 ins. Cu., State of `Penn's " Van.o(gn O Colon. ,I atoll . e„loO 0 Ly . condon Flee " IPLIKXI ON) Wvillatogport-Ing. Co. o lllo.nllo Mahn...Ate. Philgot'a t.:: o 4100 /intiFILIL -_ •• ea; 144 XI X 71 * 3:I - Cnem Mama] Life Toe Co., limns nor,eon American Life. $3 tin .000 AL. Oij "freemen. Inr.Co .ttarford,Capttelend Surplus #12.000.0% Ran grey Pasrenttere 1PZ , 0.000. The 1111tiorepn n od hae benn . trelt known In thletenni y s for the part It yen men u I.,puranee Anenl Law" rumeioed hi• Cempalni. , P here always been l ro aptly paid. ifirpface ttrotdoer ear! from Banking Ofilet-pf W. U. Cooper & Co..Turnplke et. Xentrusr.Pa. BILLINGS STBOUD, Agent. CZAB. 8 SMITS. Solicitor Moutromllay 22.16 AI. The Great Cause - _• -2 r ?.21C•tvaziessa. .13621.5er v . • f Jug Publistad 1. a Seals' Eerclope. Price Ms Crate, A. Leeture on the Nature, Treatment. and EviietlCorrol lip..rnadarrhon. and drnmnal area, tnrultimary Emlaatona„ and Impadinnento In Mare rhino nrneraltiz Nerronaneea, Cdnanmptlon, Doilepay. - and File, Manta! and Phipical Incapacity; re tilling tram SelgAbilac..tg —By Ito PEtrr a CM:TIDWELL; 11,. Aralint of the Green Donk." etc, The worldererovracel atilhor„ln Ala adlalrahlaTecetnre c.14,1r}. prance Wine hie, win, raw rienre tfilt the awful conarnactioca of arltahnlei maybe rercitially - rennor. d eiretbout medlehrea.and writhoute4ngerirax inimical op erailona„ bunnies. lneirmociita.ri age. ore rdlalo,pint. leg cut a mode at one. terrain and arreMed by erllch every rieerrr. hen matter what hie entdaiern mss be, mn . r eorr hitn.eqf prisafelv and radically. PUN WILL PlitiT.Dell BOUM - TO TUODESANDS to:A.II3We i,adliCp Si - undal'aeal. to any intlfre‘s, itt plilin .4.51.4 the Oreelpl of Oneonta. or two roslageatampa. Alen Calvrierell'ellailliine Glad". Prim' 60 tern*. 41dirta the Pubtlahers • „ r • as - lamiz au. . Iffi Dorm - Now Us. - faiHNlkil44.6llll ctv ArAlttatiotuunts. Agents Wanted kir Cobbin's ' *COMMENTATOR ON THE BIBLE for tho EDISE CIRCLE. Imo pttuer. 2D liugratiMgt.. The Teti enterprlz.. of the vent. mgrtito. fvery family wilt En - vu it. Xothing lite ft 'Taw pv2l;4•Atd. fl,r Clrcuor addre”. IiOtID brzra, 4.. co . 1 . 1111; How. Nrw GOOD COUNTRY TALLOW WANTED 1111 beet prier, paid Pre prime quality by 1.. N. ELI: INTItN. Snap and C2lllthlllantaacturer. 110 Alarzat et ta Street. Philadelphia. A GENTS WANTED —We gunran•re .mploymtnt LI. tir nil. either rux, nt ES n dry, or t 2. 0 yens. New works Airs. If. It StuweUu4 ohrr. Superb 01% . 10 1 001. Wren ilWay, ;11.1, at ramie n.pldl• nt work but is. Wllie and •ee. Pntilculn. lore. WinnirltßOTUNl, la SUN & CO., Hurt our O. Cl. to S9OPAP"AT: Ant unn•rmt l— a, either FPS- 3 . .. 11 "' ne0r old . make more re " tn r , k t! l e . t 7 Cur tan In their apace moments or all the time than •1 nnythintt el.e. l'articnlarr4ree. Adams. U. SON. & CO., Portland Maine. ACCIDEITS! Immo In the TRAVELERS of llntlford.Ct el LI Tt4C d9IPEIIIAL ICINSII Mustard.—lt 11..iu.n10 10 tho trade. Single C 411% OTt t k • OIL on r rotnt of 51. W. HERM IS T. FRPEAPFP. Iteattloc. Po. nOOSKEEPINO Matte Faxy. Err,• rlcrk 11.,1 clmut can barn Ilt Mat,. Hook ol 10.1. relt, 11. GOULDING DI/VINT. Unfillo. 1. Y. DONS, SINES, RES &C. Send for Illtstrated Ragalogrie to BRADLEY A: CURRIER. M S ral Dye St , New York I'SAACS, Successor to Great Event ! Wehoondecland to dlopooo of nor Inoncton, .toclt of 1111.1..tAltD TAUI_ES of price. n Hulk, to an.t F1.14-.104. Oaf° I%ow Table, c.ltto..Sl 0, ~ ..el/111i hand Table,. not& or, om &c. A grant varyty to for C 4,11110gi.C. KAVANAGH & DEuKER. Cor. Canal & Lcotre Strove; New Yoth Of CISIIIIIERE . atm TO PA!: le unboryine t ed Prinnoter or the Growth of the Moir nod M • Linker, It Is tient, r ntteky our gri yet it r.itlene and inn. tribe. the [lrk ter belt• r nod more permanently than any Oil or Prinind . and a flair Droving. It orodnree the mo-t eneintllnl ni Inet reins!{',matte.! per , rily Th. exilitklto perlntni le quite niirl,dll,ll, te e n•, drool *t tram the world nitectll. - C1 Itneee of r'n%binere. I. ti brining, aria 59 rants. Atillre, MILL .It, N. ad ht.. l'hllailelohin. 1'... The Weekly Sun. ONLY $1 A YEt4E. 8 P:.021. The Best Family Paptr. The Best Aglieultura; Paper. The Best Political Paper, The Best Stoty Paper, The Best Fashion Reports. The Bert Cattle Mat ket Reports. The Best Uenernl Market Reports. The Best Paper Eery Way. THE T:F.EKLY NEA% YOISK SUN. I tf: Col.lll, fa a )ear, or lee. than t eont• a howl., Send your Add". THR SUN. Near York Cit.( . 7:3 is - 12. g - t - 4ra r o ! 3EI7TFIMT fa db XV"X C 7 XX 62-IES ~. BRICK BLOCH, PIONTRCEE, PA., Sign of the Golden Eagle and Mortar WE DNI re to Infirm the public that vse bave me". t. our b wcc g. Prom., Log •. Iti a-. Comb., Pa 111).-ry, Fancy Atte I• s. lc. le 1...51- M - Irk Store, kamerly uccuph.,2 by Loutlei.b.rg, baum 111 1 10tYI1iG COIN GUI. IP*rresren, ournann 01. 147:0 einfrora hr ntir tntre. , l Itn• r It r to tonv of n .'nul..lArut. Pr t , ••• 11.4[......d th.• 111 had unit., It Inier.r.q. I. elviirl.lr tVir• r , i i f "In ay.tl Aat mon% ntlynTowz..•nvr nuv (Ilte .•.,• ITIVI; 1.4 la 114-41, onfl el-th r. fn. enr•trt 101 t . ,11. nn.l sr . t n hont the Arq.entor 0.,,,,,rtmr hip, or onllln • If ran h.• ••••• 11 nrren, , l he ni , ••“...1 +Ol r1"-ell 1 , 101..1 ,•• 11,04, h , n op I than Ile 11.01 trwle tr , k II 1 d,•-I nne to fatmen 11...4.1,111:z In tigtl Thwll.. I. in e,ler 1. ea , . to. Ih.• par. .° -1r is oho , el In 1. Inter. IT eon. „,,, r our „ r pnrlll-11 , ..r. I ir.... ,ho nn , 10 , 1,..,1 soh" no tor '. NUF,II. SIP/1 he and r the parr..... nr g., , ,ilVir I s' l l mfr., Ine‘, • ro.• F. mien sun loon orn nilr will ii, -p• ri .1 nil. lition. ciwtalnly wiil co Into g. 0vr..1 07.0. a. MACX.T.Y. Pro•pri.tor. Nieholacr., Wyordag Co., Pa. Jane Lt. Ayer's Ca' hartic Pills, For the relief rind Cure of all derange tmemo tit the " nett. liver, and bow. els. They are a wild irtit, nod nu r. 64, excellent Inirgatiie. being point) •- tabe, they onttin . no of or mita,- -• • • ml p hatever Moth ,ic, nod ' ,affering it prevent. by their lonely use; and evert' fhmily 01°1114 have them tin hand for the: . pionhilo.i tual nutlet, m lieu tenoned. Long expenenve proved them to le the ,af e.t, 511re,i, and lit,t of all the Pills ti ub it filch thin market ithountl•. Ity their oceai.lenal tire, too laoml Ca ',milled, the corruptions of the s tmt. ego:lied, oWtno lions trulctetl and Rita n Note maellinerY- of life rei.toreel to qtr healthy activity Intectial organ. ti Inch become eloggett and 1.1g,01.11 nro rtmuseil by ptistallatell into action. '1 line incipient ili•earo I• changed Into health, the yolueof which change, P lieu reckoned on the cart multitude.. P tan enjoy 11, can Intrill) Ito comonteil. Their r near emit ing make., them plea-mot in take, anti ro.ene. their sartue* ttaissipalrell for nit' y length of time, ro that they are ever fre.la, and perfectly 'citable. /Litho:tat .earchlng. they arc mild. andoperate withant ill•iterhanee to the co.lilOlion,ur diet, or • c..-tspattoss. Full dirertiona are given on the wrapper to earl, boo, how to min them a a I inioly and for the fullovrng complaints, m hieb these rlfte tonally core - lor Intll,7ratlorn. I.latt ILaarazuur no.l Lora of r.irctft o. they r tumid betaken Inaleratcly to itinitilato the idol.- grh. nett re-tote It. healthy tone mitt action. I it - 11.11 r wrCinette , =•!.. ItivOrlarbe, nick NI earl attic. Jaundice or Greet. Ptlcl.szosta. Ir.!. fon. Colic on.l lllillou. reset...they ,hcold judirlowey token for earn n• r, to van - Teti the action or remove um totttrut lhein St Walt e,st , e it. Yoe Dysentery or Diarrltcra, but ono I auneinlly inittil ed. lay Ilhettusations. Gnu!, Gravel, Ppls pit:lntact of the Ilettrt. Pa'n in the bide, Dacia awl:Witt., eninnt. 000%1y tat: en, :hi requt.eil, to Outsize the di-eared tenon of the system. %Vith such change thoda compd.:dm disappear. Yoe Oroteiy and Dropsical Sereliin=s, they .hint lii be taken IEI largo nail recipient tie,tis Zs) prrt.lll the efteet ale dra , ,thi purge, for inaptiression. It lame PllOlllll lee talzeit us it produeet the attntred tired by sywe pat" A. n a Dbriter Till. hi:, one or two r:rz, to promote iligestion and relieve the thnearit. An ocea-iimal dee ' , boudoir.- die ilittnivii end Lou - Mt, rettoret the appetite, and int - it:runlet the • yi , teut. 11.11C0 it it open advantrureont r here no terions 41erantTemeta exist.. One who furls tolerably wet!, often finds. that itt do, of the, make , him keel itevidedly from their elean,i: anti renovating, effect on the diZnaltre apparatus, PIWPAIT.ELVY Dr. J. C. AYET. R co., Prartiral Chenast.4 M=E ITA LT'S . VEGETABLE SICILIAN • 12SA.L Vts . .cf , v HA IR • - ~~i~ f ~ Pt ~i,~ Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for retuning GRAY OR FADED I LAM to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, end will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It, is the most eco nomical HAIR DRESSING ever used. RS it requires -fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, 31.11, State Assayerof Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST NEPA- IcATIoN for its intended purposes." sat is as Druggists, and Anders in itaLcnies. Trion One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases reqUires too long a time, and too. much care.to restore gray or faded Whiskers, Are have prepared this dye, in one preparation; Which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which Will neither rub nor wash oft Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. filanutictured by 11. P. HALL, 4 CO., NUM: M. to Sabi by Abel Turret!. nncl liturna 4.7 Niche's. 3lnntrose, and all druggista and denter3 crop where. iDee. 21. Is7o--y . Hilli BIAS.. If the elleam4 oplf beim trtArlP•in the Tnerirei tvr. Blutlng Cleats. The genntnebii bcs.4 flatipp'n tts Ilbervt'p wimp Pa the hbel. and • Is pat np,t, berveoprog store. No,27lNorittPpeAnd 6t.. l'hlredel =ALvtl Wit.TAZltUAß.nOrrkiat47o, 6011. tit -inreasi liiilllloll DO YOU WANT 'X' sewing Machine TO old Iritvd. and patrhns of Sn.pnrhannn county— The Original Howe Sewing Mactne, ESTAULIBLIED, 1817. IMPROVED. le7l. Neese cad nod fee it. with the Impt.euten to, nt • Hsu* .wt Itralb.ubvi 11, .I..tribu 110 00 hub boatl. ROOMS AT -56 Oourt Street, Hlnghampton, y AND AT Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa. 11. 11. DtNMORE. M, , ntrose, Jan 11 IA7I, .1101,1D11Y G 1 ()ODS! , have add. d to 'or er ?misfire variety of LAMI Saud TA.114.K OLAnsW ARE L ?G'l7o (CV; and SAT:CEPS, ML , VS, and 'llfe .A :••‘ S. 'ITS in ',of rut ley. VASFS toot FANCY TOILLIVrT.. of illy Atutd.otn.l +lgo' .1rNI: There coeds I have imported directly from F mope. mi my 'wren aly en low as toly Importer eau act: thc rt.mc gmnin 1.. eitio r thin oily or N.... Turk, A. J. W Noe. 13 South Sycurroi and 5t,... horn 01.. I'h llnticlphla Pa N. 11. YD. k of Cil e-perialls ntlattled to hurt on. In yen loves Do ..r of sir to 'v.., rho. Inc .In Moog. of carp Cittomm.er rt. prnet.n,, UM um rvciutatt. Nov, LOOK. L()()K .1". o MEP CEi ANTS AINIJ .TRADERS !! II TNT' CATIITY AND it; E VIIERI!! SZA Co Itt a.3.1:1 - 5r 43 0 M• VI. C. TYLcR 71'111 fIJ\N ST., N. 1 . 'wt.!, $3 , 1(111. Cnllr CO.! AND 11-' .101'. WAIT Seq.? EVIAt .L • xi:tow k!, erti GI ~nn nttn Ih., X Col int! In.. PO , b ry 6•11.1 lif II .0 en I tot. limit, flut, 1( TlIl, F.lllr. 1.. Carver , 111,1,n,iii.'.• 1..1, 4nd Ti,. , .. t.d and r.. ryth•nt-n-113slat.-pl F CI .1.: m ) ,• •,• r0.,d...m1 N Cm D 1311% in 03% .S 1 'O{llllV, e• ht. kfrpi p , tr.rquff• a• 1% ha re.. 11 1..1 • gri•a•rni v,lO lu I.n, 1- •r, r•-ntlmaaz.c.•: lo h....v. Wl." r , VI 111 ._,V.• 11/ , that, (Lase so, h)..rthl, e“, 10. Truly. ra. C. TULE.7.. Ila:arose, March. 21/, ISII-41. 1J.311',111 1 L. WATER CURE. 31' 1 •n••• woo. fop`ot• dfor ^r , o`Oo , ••1•. , vl trroto, I of 1.1,114. wee cu red. b) the h., of tom. Su-yuC133110.1 11.1111 C uter. DT•U•Erit MeAVri.. DIATtETTg. trtmarx ,ts:c E • EWA L k LI. I M LIVE!: opt. %nil% VET ElLi ELAS. And all Qutesza,.oous SZA.Lisc.aLtseamg. To t'o'e who contemn) tta el•htng the Spoor, ovoid coy !het the DOUSE iv FITTED with a view to the COPIFORT and EASE , four GCES tri.and sic shall opare xo pabe b looking to their vrelf.tre. We guarantee u cure ar tl,chled help, u .0 pay. Fur further pan leulat enquire of, or addrets A. B. BUTS LO.TIELD, t Bro. Susquehanna liiineral Springs, flush, :7cm:ea April. 17, 1672 -¢.3 WCOL-GROWERS TANS NOTICE II orr.. IrOrM.V.M MI. L T. mi. Int? ta• n•tv.l took log nil (lamp 11, cheek , d nor. white: ht•o eAten warp tl hhh el, the he'd ever nil vI tre nod ear...mere, A tort...eh tor cloth• on hmol. ror ...le or to ..,tunge fur 1...1. PICJ . ..IkVe me , • IS , i".rnr.•l.l y. Ur Wool CiaCU her, Mid viii north or J. W. IWTT . Moutrure. Jour 1. Ibli. [TOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOC' ATI ON, Farr *be Roller:lnd ontowd t Ito Endo2 nod trofhottlnatO.ot PrioCll,l, of Cltrt.nian Pirllanihrapr. Hanayn on tlo. E.roarnof Youtlt and air F. , 1 1 1...1A21 In relation to 31nrrLage nod Soria! C. ilo, whit wudtar 141 for tho Mont free. in Angled norrlopea. Ad drugs 11911tAltI) ASSOCIATION'. Box P. Pllthulotinhtt, .41161413:11.a TITII.2I.MIAMO. DRUGGIST, MONTROSE PR, Mcootlatially revelling 1 1 %7' 30W c Csoc r S luitid a full awl ex•lrable - 1,10465. CUF.4llcaLe, Ii 1 t I . Paiute, tills, Ity e.StbUt. . 01 h.r 0 " cerier,Stolie %%are. %,t 4,11 and , A iuutAt rupvt, Lax*: age.. erult Jar r, IttorP. 1,13 V. 3,l44vuilrer 1)11, re' yr). it. Wbule tin. Nal uk till. th.le C1ar5h..44 . %110. Clam. V dr. ir.hrlL tra....ty,b. 0. trAttli Lye. AY'. reneV. Truer... Zieppbrta re; SlatllCa brtottluer Mae,. 1":1111 CORM. l'i.Tl/6 bbrl. Lrne, Len Cupp, Illastiug Fun., 1, out. e.r , trtugs. I"uu kt Ir. PAU c. h'lreo vie . I th 41.6•Tuat) titetpr r Olin, Hair lull ilyir itruph.e, poc, v t •ustetitTo.t.r,totLa iiulrce. sc. Leall.tdaic.ce.a geuvrolatevrtwts,tol F.‘;`;Cli GO 6 :I.:JEWELR . Y. u.l l'EttFT:4l:l All the leading and best kii2ds ut PATENT 31,tOCINES In abort. negrly crony .101 E .n,reetnre the girt, go plea's , 'ha taw. to deElaitt thrt eyrJa ,rratify the hoc./ and ntro In Condi* , to IM, rt.sland anbstnntinl cum Mar 'nf life. En =tent Innis- I cprgalcablp. Be it would al a liaa'apapfr.. Call at Uks Drugfnd Via tidy Elm* , nr, - - - ' OLS4 ll ; r agag:' - '1towtmonfra:1,11111" R. P.. R. RADWATS 'BEADY RELIEF OWLS* THE WOIVIT i;AISrI I:1. from Orto'to Vinfonty finnuiop. HOT O.IE HOUR - • tan' rt , .:•te .hl•n :rot I,9leitt re4,,t7 oat , W rill PAIN. DADITAT'S gLally cur.E EVr.fty PAIN. It Was Ms Gr•tnatt Is 'rho Only l'uln It emetlze Cult trulAttitty rtnp4 tha 1..4 exe.velattltg Ta t,e.ttlt.arst Tn r 01111;111141(1., And Olft a I'tkl.gt,llllo, V.11111,1 . 1.111.kt Urns. rgotatit, Ittortt.t4 yr t.Lts FROST ONT, TO TSTENTS , 311:1CTI41. no muter hr.' a:Mott on rtry.tet.titl lr« pato tI n Itilt:t lllATlC.ll,l4l,lalestCrlypkt.t, Zic4.111%,:e. it }troll rant will 4 1 . 414.1,4 unty suatr, . • r: ADW AY'S READY rtELIE:7 -mil. AFFORD !NATANT EA.F.: INV-A11314.1103 OF TOE KtliNhys. INYLANINIATIoN Ill; rtAnyrn. r , FLASIIIATION OF IRK I:olrats. I'ONoESTION OF TOT: L 1.75.15. e.srtz TIIGOST, DIFFIFULT IiRF.A'RII v; PALFITATION oF TILE lITSTEGICS.cnour, DINCATAR ITUERIA LI . LINTLUEZA. CEADACITE, TODFILI,PIIII ratnuminsu. COLD MULLS, AOFE • The tetpplic .14,0, 1.4 Ih, Ite.lv Relief I. the rut rut. vale. Via 1..a1a .0 10.44:Laity rasa uIA uutrort. 411V9.1 I, Wl' turnt!tr, or rat, lelq I ino , uent. CICANIPS. Wroil.V7ll, llRAlrriltYlrl. sir% IIEADAcJI MARI:IA. I,Y , ENTEICY t COLI C , WM) LI T il l, M l, u01vr....,1 1:11 INTEICIAL Trl , etent.li.tEltl al. a , l ra , r, • I`onl• 12.1!7•4! f1.mdy , Illlr n ra al a al ail u!aLt. FEVER AND' AGUE. ,v AND etirv.lf, 1111), rrut, r..r• 'nrt ag,t Mt. wt.rld th. .411 (SIM 14.1cr plot ACOV. amt ve r Billow, Fr lgullwa. and .4th... Ftral,llle4 LS I:ADWAY'S PIL) nal EIEALT(I! BEAUTY!! s - TTfr , :o Am) rrnr, Rica moon—ISCI:F.AFf: OP AMD IVEIO r oT— ,, l.mfc ENIN AND BEAU. TIFCL C0.1111..E.X10.i ,EL'UItEL)IO ALL. DR. r2ADITAV'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT . EAS )!ADS T 1! 110 . 3 r AsTONlSlitxn erilF.S; sn AltncE. SAISII. MO: TUE THE EJDY ENDERnnES, unnEA TFiF INFLITENg•si TEULY WO:ADELVELItTNE., THAT Cvory Day an Ineroasa In Flory and I,llolglit la Soon and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Erti• drop f thefIATLA l'A N .lutes t:.OnGl3 the tll , OOl, 5411, 44 174 {I, 00,1 o•Lrr Guile 30,1 Jule, of the er•teol the vtgor aI f f..• It r-t.t'e vats of 11,0 I.oly tack at, 11.1 , 1 e 1.41 41 0,4,0% rc.. • 10 the Tlvf.t. Youth, T• 00 1 -3 :Cutlet Ir 1 a .i'anat 00.1 ether !Wt. 41 the croon,, 1O re E•ey Mr - LA:0 , 04 I (00n the EAVI. Ilb 01 , wormt rams 0f .te tllneao.o, L, Stehl liead. Ira,. I Von, 0011 ir0 1441 Erv•lptlt.. A e,e, •tltc • Sp as, W, 4 140 1 . 1 Ctueers 1 Vic Wor,!, end el, vretkcltir, f.tl•COI 141,18v0ttts, 100 of Sperm, eta a I t Ore taiorlple, ort. wlthlo the rtettlt ne,e of flat • oceder of Mo.lern Cherulttry, an., 3 toar awn' v. ..1:1 rrnve to petersy ,ervol n 0 It thr either of tlaceu fault; 0( dlscate Its parer t.. cum them. if the patlcnt, d Lite becoming redu,l Iv the vr - atesar.d Chit II Enutlatml'y rlmsting t snerced. In nrzystlnc the. en.l re 1... ., •‘: aii.•v nt,r- IJ nr•la fret heathy 1,1004-44 1113 the 14.111SAPAIILL LI AN tr It an.l duet serer.. Not eOI. iooes the Stnereetn.l.l••• Ileent.re.se elerl att te remr-litl rito , ,,t• In o.e cu 0f I 4,11041.1.4.412.1 4 , 4.1.1 bi.l3 Else:ace but It 6 the only paattt•lt care roe r.lailder Complain:9, r r•.rv. IT..elh dleen,e, Orsvel, Dee.? or Weter. Icroutlueurn at I: rine. 1;r1,,h Al , uneee els, en.f zel re., 1...1E1nhe4 .le• %Ater 14 I reeehr, n.l tol Itd ell teleee‘i lice the white a an re, er threatla 11 , e cr tn. re L. a wortaa,,t.e.. dreeelts, awl when there le • prlatee_ • , e.Wen u'1144 law 4 14 X water. 4,4 leale 111 the tee:: fled ltme hell% Prce. tataq WORM...—Tho only known suot rare rc...1, fur , Truro,. -Pim. I:ipe. eft. Tumor of 13 Venn' Gro1:171 Cured by Lludway's resolvent 11, - .et, .... 24, 1.. tat, C.•••••• AnYa AM 0:s/1,:t Tn.. • la I • e: ••.•• • 1 ).•••1:. Gm I.et •11 •11.1 . 1 ihei••••• Aaf, I' 1/_ .. 1 1 , ..1 •:••• - y 11.• :Au. as •••••• ••••1•11:1,t t•e/. In Ile.1••nt, I w.a./.I e•y 1: •L-le. f 1. It. 1•.-•••• 1•4•••1 1..1•• 1.., 1 s 1••.1.•• 1:•••41••1. led a. bat f iA11•. a-1 1.• t,ra 1.4 t:•••• •••1 • r 1 •re me, er SI; Ane 1.1 4.1 en. le, arnut, .1 I:1,0-, IL. 11 t• • f.• le, • 'wt.. T. tr:-- • ••• 1• Va• •'. l . et 1 . .• h, . l!+ I 1.1.• 11. as poa ILLia.cf.taf elLan. •• - A pre r.••••.. lo•NA:P. D. RADIMAY'S PERFECT PURCATIIIE PILLS, t a t cotr: n l to' the en, a nll 4il.4,n?ersclthe elt r, es Kleiner, Tl`,l.ler, e, I,4l.enat, It n Pe. lolemlta.ol,3 I , e 1,...,4-,rT. rti rte,,ente tle• Isoernal en,• a le,atttet• e-Ire. Neely VrgeLat,li, coutala,..; Le mercury. 1,1'2.1704 2 .r de,e,er•tna. - • nr ri 11, tainc b.., reltptetull Tesa:tirr rrr.m DG erders or the 111,estive 1 - 0 , ..«.$ of Ari..;:t. 4 2 , ... , 4,...,1, lhettl.un. r0.n.1. lu 4ur 11.4,..r. I, Awns.. Swilmou'u. a (U. 11.r.d. cud /Nll.-.lt ttc• rt. c.nrln 1 • lug cf in th. he...oary of .4 I , • ?1 , .. ite I.xsa ~,,a 1 lu.L. of IWO; Eutulug I, Iha It i A r TM? .‘ Vv. n-. 411 ,• g, , ,•••,••1• OA 1 ...eta. aj aro 14 rte WiL rar, IL .. F11...5.F. A peel one V..ttrrrJamp * •R A DIVA Y r 0 . I•jr!.,. Lane.. „2.1c...T0rk.. I..turna.as.../ wortti %Nil 2,1,12.-31 THIS I'M, EENTIEfain rpc c a HORSE HAY FORKS! A, J. NELLIS' PATENT IMPROVED Twenty-Two . ...44.3te Fair l'renoorns Awarded This Fork In Firlven llonthisLl669 and 1570 ALSO tiLLIS LP?L FILLY. An Implement thnt gym . Fanner. Carpenter, Masan ==! 11,0‘701.‘71.12.= HORSE RAKES fiend Mike.. Finnth.. Omln Cradles, Iron. (A chor Brand) 4 . KMlna C41111.1.V Bolts. Cten Ilars, (Steel nod ho s.) caIVZa..I item". • C C:0 Mo M 'l2 That I.trays give. nn ARV WTIIcTLE! erhen• thr Cone t. Ready for the T de. TRT Ps;f: nud you will Had the CO • Always kxno. lirind SIOUCS, EtiltP. Mrlo. • Ttnst. I.ocko. , a,t,r, Pilo,. Km./lip, 9r.,0r Kotres, Seyth Stones, Litrio . .., PAnt, Oils V•trot.h. ituvue, TUI-11 ire, Latspi.&.c. Montrose, dell 6,18 V IiOYDS CO 11WIN' '1" 421.. FL 13 XI X.• ICa MX 400 rr S 3 32: . OITOMTE 11:11f CM= IfilLIE, ' ' --,-,..*'';.4.f,-.7-T-c-il t2'' ' :', f_ .? .: 7- ..- S — '.7 C-.7 ;- •7.1, . 6 -7 .::: , ;,:, - ... ,- 7;77:t!' - -7,' , ':11"; -:' - ,- - '- f: ,.. - =' , .`, '. -- i;= "s ' , - ,, ----';:---- • 1 -'-= ''' ,. .-•-•: - .,-7,,, ,, ,:,: , .:.:- -- - - :iti , ^',.. _ '-',..0 . 1'1. - " - ` , .:.:37, - . :.'-t. C...*=, 7: - :.5: ; 1;.....: ,- :n.SO • • j:-,'-''':;'!-CT::,'IN,;;;;'-:.el ~; i 7 g.: - : 71"' ~,,,, P.17,_ 0 ig '... N3ll . . , - , '' ' ,- 7.. ' , P:' 4 4 .T7r{ qi . ; 1 3 , 1 :4 ' , 1 .1T " 1 ,4 : 1111,41.17•Pt7g1F0,M i .4 , 4l 2l :4 „.u )n . ns_Alniiifra4id.4loC4'l *;IOI I •PLAVI I :Ii.,,,,Att .° t I Taran .3.• i .Nk:T444t-i..t.4. - ;4:_g*^.. la ~ ,, , i ., 4 1.. . ariffit', ,- .• 13 - O .A4' -:- •..lf - —'. • . ' 1.1.•:,. --.-iti—W" ` • •-- --1*4:'7Z5,,- F MONTROSE . . PENN'A. • .101[1.7.1 S. T.11111E14, Proprtitor. Eight 6;ages leims_thlo Musa daily; cotiivietlag with .the L. L. & IV,, Up Eno, pure a , Val iota doctored, spiced, and sweetens to please the taste, milt& "Tonics' . Appetisers,” "Ilestorsra,“ that lead the tippler on to drunkenness awl nun - bra are asrue Medicine,. made boot t h e native mots and iambs of Ca!Amnia, free limn all Alcoholic Sfantstants They are the Great iPsod rootlet-- and a Life-piving Princple, a , f'errect Renovator and Invi gorator of the System, carrying off ail poisonous matter, and reaming the blood to a healthy cood.tion.enriching it, re (milling and, invigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, roomy t in their salon, certain an their results, sate and rellab.e in all forms of disease, No Person eau take these [Utters ottani.% to directions and remain Jonz,unweik p ro vided their boner me out destroyed be yo n d eral poison croaker means, and the vital organs wasted be the point of =Pair- DlaPoPulta or Itnittnastlon. Headache. Pain in the Shoulder . o. Conlvt Trghtness of the Lb.; Di 'Muth, Sour Eructatons of Om Stomach, Da-I Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attach% Palpitation cf the "Ileark Inflammation of the Langs. Pala laAlla 111:10132 of the Kidney, mid a hun dred other painful svinatoria, am the aprin:,. a Dyspepsia. hathese complaints le ha; no equal, and one bottle will pore a better commence of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaints. in porta: or old, marred or 'logic, at the dawn of vearnanimakior the turn of these Tonic Dieters display so decided an induenalhat a marked improvement is axes perceptible. For inflammatory anti Chronic IN:name— into anti Gout. Dyspepts or indigestion. DiSmo% Remit tent and Intermittent levers . , Musses of the Dloal, Liver, Kidneys and Illaddee, these Bitters hare been nardmacessful. Such Disemes are mussed try Vitiated Blood, which is gen r?;ft prndsed alipitc'antr''"e trd ive -D e ; ras "th g ° elra ' s also alas penalize merit of as aerial ncem rc miring estrus or Inearnosationli the Liver and Visceral Organs.and DiSons Digt.et gollt.y ;ad atit3 c4l.la.trilo. s.l' o l Ilea:rural 14 heron.' ofrere+l thor.foe.f. tar of tht,o te, in inozOtat han, op. will AA In them nny Calomel oruthig . t..mas • of mercury or nr.y other ral.wr.Alpti*n. Cc:ltaq entirely TrTeint.le, t) pa:ft:ET ofeo to rp/lir,•:1 ivioTo olta4 them. They' tyiifuta Nithollt tito.tirtionco to.tho conejlintlGELoert. of calm ion. l'orlf.isin.lico, in et patio[, illtapotwo Clouts, in lad NhullidermOt 1 , 4h111...0 [11 10 41 1 .1.5. bk:7 zlnris,tl4ll4* leruttattutn 0t ' 144 0 ISChp 1341 Sisal) 'Illret1:1Ott rtiLsekr, Pll.ll Irk r 0 1 ..t3 011 Internal k'aver, 5110:ate411 te.'lltutst 6.721( ' Urll,i,, 'Eau club/01Y' Oita (7,1002111,r rore bud Irro:' 0%14 bir..l.irrrrli Parsuutiv.l h 11 0 ,4 In cr.., ,ena -11(311111Mo re•nollat r r:y 1 nr01t0.,3 /ca . • over en peat in v•ni.o.y , A , Ve. /1 , lo 1.13 H a ni r ctia [Wog I 34. tt ruin rr‘.wo. Jill in it thy Iv , I al , “thi3Or *lam* ear heir en, r•rla.lirgm.rll:ll , .:l eocla , .li.tiri.l ,- 1 11014" i rev=er , “ their wiltAca . pa.lts , •l (a:011 11 Cr trip, h, gjyclbrigo,s9 0,3 tre;ei nazi vlltsh in col spry . vo.e vr,t114•11.;114.1,to":13 put rtp 171 Cht , r;lCT.i or yvv.to-b•eart Volt ra /.S.,X:3IiVC, A )I.C . ittiVe Of! 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