ocal - Alitelitgence. asLittlioue SERVICES. axi•tist 'c no ncipiff. Curaaanirat radar. Sabbath - Simeon - - and TD9 Sabbath School.• - ni. twee Seating, Wadric Aveillage "i • • ^ M CATIMM.6I4jIIIIII66 -Rte. J. 14471607 'Sabbath Scree:to... ...... fitcomitlstatlay lit each Month SabhatikAchool lintacdiatel) before M. 6P - F•COPAL c17611.911:-.Thra-,E. A. Wknnviza. Rector. sahhatb Serricee,. ' 10M a..na. *LAIN p. m. Wock..l.My . ~ p, •sigTimplAT A„: - .IILLT OMER. eabhath ..........10A5 a. huiatAt P. m. Sabbath Irr•Yer Meeting. ThEiredaye • • - e.,:.7110 p. tn. TWTERIASCITECit .... 7.irusn Fat.tisth tklrtflettlt • 10.:14c,nt:Aad p, m. sahltAM - • ••rIS p. rn. Prayer Meeting, Tharseay,EvenlAga4; . p. tn. . • 'Various Items.. • • ; :Ths thennonieter on Sunil4ieiritilitg . :last, marked 6 degrees below, zero. • Wit have this to say to parties who-propose t °furnish the people in Ills vicinity with' coal, Inca the .Rontrose Railway, that consumers are alt very , " green" in the coal burninglialitess; Tuey,kniiw the difference between thi'burning of elate, and dirt, and good coil.. , They have ha 1 a thorough education is the elate and dirt badness. front the D, LE W. Conipany. ,It is f the interest both of t e ciiinititY: and •,co•l agents. to rurnizir a rod article. We tatte,the liberty to advertise itliccOrdini to its merit. We hope a greed, for g.tin wilt. notaead 'either into an iree!,iu thistlireetion. • l'rol'albttorY retttione.: • The temperance - Itiople of 3iilleistrail arc circulating a petition praying the ichnetitional convention to insert a prollibitoryliquor lin' in the new constitution.: They-a:Tail - so pronttrinr, signers to a petition waking-'tire iegiatatarn to supplement the election liquor liw,.'with a 'sec. ti m prohibiting the sale or itilnxirritlnetlrinks until twenty !bur hours alter the closing of the poll& Petitions of this chitracibr tiro likiencige being circulated in many other 'portions of the State. Constinz Condemned. The juvenile practice of (set/fling on sidewalks is fpe fraught with so mach danger to Alto walk ing public, especially' to titTe with tottering limbs, that it should be instantly discontinued. The constant running M . sleds on the snow picks if and renders the walking so slippery , unit unode, that pedistnans are in lintninent of Edling and receiving injury, 'When ria. aninse mrnt ceases to be innocent and harmless it ,cases to be proper diversion and . thottld be abandoned. To noted* Templar Knights Tempt:as3h this vicinity maybe in teresled to learn that the grind -encampment b. the United States has ordered the enforcement of the diet of 1862, Therefore now and hence forth all metallic buttons must be remorml from the oats of Knight Templar and the black frock coats worn. Those 'buying the present sit lc of military coats, buttoned up to the chit , . need make no Ibrther change than the 1-te,stit in Lion of the lasting button for the brass one. But all procuring coats hereafter must have thou of the total arm - day pattern—simply. black track cows. Economy In Coal. The nio..t practical suggestion yet made to ward economy in coal, seems to be the use o bottoms in Gre,grzttes. It as assertcd.and pr red, that in any tire not erAtedingly rt plate of' iron placed upon the grate wit' b.tve the consumption of coal, reduce thesmoke and leave a cheer:hi, free burning fire. Quite 74111kient air enters thrmag:a the bars, no poking t. necessity, ana the tire never grws out till the coals are cousurntd, Any householder can try iii expc,itnent, and reduce his eaal bill, say Carty per cent. at the cost of a shiliaz. Don't Tic Then►. The Sotc:iety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has (let:tided that its ngents shall prose cute ell persons who bring chickens, turkeys or ducks to market tied together as has been the practice from - true out of memory by our jar- Meta These agents exist in ever, town in the Rate and , re constantly on the wAtelt for offen d, rt. 'The object of the Sod ty is to - prevent needless cruelty to animals of all Mods. mud its members think that chickens wheri trormsporMAl with [Leh - legstovber - bm,i **:100 ali necessity . - Motet -Barn Burned. The barn beiongingluithe borel• , kept•by Hi ram Jackson,lol,tribilt,'.w.i.4, ilestiOYetlhy on Friday oightlast: ;rive horses, one:COW; a nrchiler's wagon, containihz. about ViC4' / worth or boots and shoi, one pair of bolo and a ;le ourc ,leigh,were all burned. The alarm was given shout 1 o'clock, a. to., but too late to save any of the mtiteals or property above men tioaad. The loss is estimated nt $2,501 ers3,- 000. The cause of ,the in-unknown ) but eusnicioirhaa arri.4en,that.it wAs tite,..work N,me-i.rptanfrom fnallnitltn - clot - Were seen bank ietbo barn ondatottniditanfiltlAVOl;iiints wiicre tone one he'd climbed over the fence. one track leading tom theharn where jt cross the fence, seetne4 - 1604.1n6 - inade hilt:burry sad on tip-toe; No OMOeleitkiiii to the llotel had been in the barn Mt:several hours. The Late! property is frivned by P:3.Lialmonk. No insura.ucii be the Barb Deeembii. The clays 'of 1813nretgst drstrinite a elm The usbering,in atiotiiir year , .4tt IClrShOrt days will be eensuremaled, and*ln:thairuile round of months and,-irceka. and days' yin' be goa t over, but-nnt,bi all who are . ntitiCrijoying the blessing. :White speaking of December it may be interesting to sonin„.of our readers to know the origin of the terni December. When tbg year cessAirirleil by tile 'Floranes into ten months this division-inns called December, in reffrenFe to its - ratinerienWei.to in the calendar. By the ancient Saxons it was called Winter' 'rennet, or Winter month ;l:hui.'etter their con- Ternjon to chrlitianity, they de:ignited dleiligh mount, or lIMy month, from the which 'neetins':ritirit; of ; fhdi birth -of !-/triet. From the came clreumstanee' theivbii rn Germans distinguish iv' by thn by of chritAtiObta.: In this month the Ro man saturnalia, a periOd marl ed by" general 11- cease and away How inicirrisro .„ Tiie ni[ale - 44' tijlittt She: pity w4etil'and dr 4 w l "g the ji;ron, is knowt(to - vel'Y' - few ip.dirjdnal-, • e,,,,trt •nf Common Mese preceeiling tiine%for the fillinn of the wheel,. auling new. the ofiniber or names to tio s-leated flqr the' rear, asseesed acee.ling to the.tiutilrier.of . Vetrail in, the Whtli.th4l"pceasl4,ia ,- for the gelecQon pf.nenee, pie le :adir arid two e4atalsainais ' rich-tut lista pr.ovioegly made out for euci! .tnivft ehip„ 0 1 / 1 .• 1.11461111 whiiin Int iVeini; qualified le serve as it jurot; aed 'NS name on a slip of paper. Mier the attetti.d tmmber bas thus b4en Secured, the . slip are tolded atOrdiag t 4-) att , ,tteriat'assfni bly, and , plane& sepirately- in the Jury sterkidtettca they are drawn. • .... Oittirtitist: ' ••• = IIOE,",%.IBE . PETITIONi'i.:-.;lotice 'l3 - heriMY A novelty In gentlemen's dress sidrti Is aboUt • 11 given that in pursuance of , an Act of As sembly, the following named persenShave filed to be introduced— The bosom of -the shirt is to • ln' 'Mittens wiTh the' Clerk of Quarter have a few bars of music prhtted tipuit 'lt 'ln ' sinus of the Peace for the county of Bmq-ban'. !mine caeca with words. • Gentlenien isearin nt for license to keep tarerns,eating lionses,and thoie kind behind piMairtO be sung and sell by 12111[SUre in Turnstiles not less than played. • one quart, for whica they will apply at January - • Sessions, 1873.„ P. S.Jasbeock, Dlinovk, Philip Wm Buffum • Ilieka.l Smelt, Gt. Bend Born. Henry Ackert, " Tavern license Dennis 31abony-, • " Felting house J. 11. Brown. " Twp. Charles Kirk, Harmony Tavern license C. 0. Chatilm, Susquehanna Depot Thinhas Kelly Tie measure Martin Gearing, Eating' house Eliza McGrath. P. 0. Donal!. Allan .llcCiuro •• E. T. Wow, 44 Dennis (.!asey b Ducker, Jessup, ' Tavern license bll/13 Howell, Gibson, • O. H. ELDRED, Clerk. Montrose:Dee. 215t.:1512. The Cluistmen Tiec • The Origitt of the' eltrisnias Tree, which smthatty of ohr citizens have in• troduol into their households for the . etijoyment of their child*. is. 'OO giv. 4:11 In Gerinatty Wittily . years n4u, tvhen t he- It hhie's Veit; detiorate.d w it .e we l'or the Christnistitideot• nits the tom to o,liiet'a la pe liuugh fun a con:gm:mots likteo,Mid tut trikere. placed the presents the . children:l:Aft,r a-tinie.the bough beCaliie 'a tree, dressed with svmh,,hcli• offitimentsnittl itdertied with,,g t iFts for the huusoiluhl, of, which 'the uhtldritil had atileh'the largest:share. ~ • The chStoriiwasittipoited inth 'Fitgland :it'd this "-catintiyotiaMnis now' become itlintist univerml, aitiTt4ch,year - attlds fresh marvels and delights tti thin inagiial'huits of this tthe. .. , ~„ The tuystery of itipreparation is half of' th . o.34iiii.m.' The bright eyes of the tie.ottes.turu wistfully toward the look ed doors of the.stioin that contains d e wiatidtStialtic'v they king t(1 ttilte a peep, not' fur tire iverld.'— N:tt they t • Some stilt retain' the Christ rims tree in :Is form,liiiit.ts, 'after the: oritanients are cat, spfee is left for ille.ebildreit's pres ents.;. place all the raitayiills on 'lr nude:lilt-tree, Mid after - thiaile of the children tire distributed, the little ones Aistaiver and prest.ot the gift of the older members of the family_ Others a4atti. make iif 'Cli ristoine trees, itieiVlll ow ineees on which -Lo arrange artistically the glittering butiblee, the stars,, nn'e:st etc; art.ale often aieConipahird s by knell cb=tly ornamt tits that such atoe with out gilt tot it will cost hundreds of dollars. Stith ma,guitieenet; must of cottife• be on exhitntion, for it.is entirely too attistle and ees.ly tin-affair to be throwo Can , on the eltilnron alm.e•-• so it la adve Lad privately and all the acquaint:met s of ite family vim, it lwtnieett Christmas alai \e\ I! . rui. - It Is, m truth, a chola to fattiily vanity rather Matt to family affec tion. Che second plan seems to he the no-re desirable. The Christmas tree is then Whet it should be—the home cent re- -En creel to the famj s, itroithd which eat her di and young litat , tl to elicit by loving reinetObtataies. 'lt 1131 - the'lftes bel tug csievially to 1.1. . • el) Al Celt. Cut-it is well that they should reel that the lest it not.entirely their oWt!, ithulliti he led to the an ter t•eit. all I pleasure 'in the gilts taut Ili- Merry Christmas of the grow-a folk. and io short share their Christmas tree wit h UUSIN .I,OPALS. Ni tea ce..—The slip of the Baptist:Chatril,nt . )Inntruse, will be rentsni Jal111.1• 18711, as 2 p. ni. Notice.— Ilva secokl cotartt.rly Meeting. of the Itritigewn Brln .I.4.mehtion, with the Liberty Church, Saturday mid Sunday, Dec. 28th Anti 22n1. Rev. B. T. I).tvtes tvflt preach the opening sermon, at 10 ti cluck, a. m. M. 31. 31orr, Clerk, December 25tb, 18,71 Muni:A neellilia.—The. flti3ll) annual meting Of the 0.1,1 Fellow's Mutn.d Life Insur ance Company of 3toltr,:se, Pa., wilt bo held at Fellows' H•:It, on 3tnadnp' Ere, Jan. i:til !bit), at 7 dcluel,jor the election of a Pre.' dent, Vice Prot lent, Directors and Autl.i.trA, and for the tninsaction Of the ttenend tentini,s of the Conip:llly. Co ts. IL Sum, 3lnntruse, Dec. 25th, 1.472 seats in St. Paul's thatch will -he ,told on Thursday, January 13.1, 1872. at It/ o'cloci4o. Ill.; tut oneyt-ar. Alt pe4r.aa4 ;who have not paid their pew rt•ats for this year will. do , so inonedimeli. H. J. W.r.nn, Treasurer. Montrose, Dee. 21, 1572. I.ecturo Anso,clatlnzu—The. Ttev. Rob ert Colfer7or Chlengo," the third I:eture or the course, at the Court llouse, slnntrose„ Pa., Thursday eve, J:uivart• 7, 1873. Subject, "Our holies and other Folks." All who to limy the Great Lecturer a the Aie, should not fail to improve this opportunity. Montrose, Dcc. 2111)3, 18;2. • Bleat Meal: 110 place to buy your meat is at ilenstoekand Hawley's. A No. nrirket. Prize Mutton.' Beef, Porn. Poultry. SausageollWays OM hand; unit Venison when it can be obtaine,l. Arrangements ore nta•le have fresh Bulfilo meat by express every bight. Don't fail to give them a cull. First doorabove Express Office, on Public Avenue. 3joutro3e, Dec. 25th. 1873. New Firmf—C. E. & A. IL tptegmve have opened n Boot and Shoe store, and New.i ()Mee, at the store ; lately occupied_ Ity C. 31 Gere, Peale Avenue... Boots mid Shoes made to or ler, and rep tiring done ego.d to the heat* Ad kinds of sae work of the first quality on hand. Every thing kept in a News Office, if not onhtml, will he ordered at once. Lire and let live," IS the motto. The Susquehanna Ar:ricehural SG elety. will hull -1181' Annual 31 - eating ut the Court House, in 31natrosp, on Monday} eve, January 13;1873, for the clmtion of Oilacers. and such caner b4,ine,s as maybe presettica. -Hlifditrc C. T:str.rt, Secretary. Montrose, Dee. 25th, 18f12.—w2 Strayed.—name into the enehriare of the subscriber, one red yearling heifer. Any per son by proving property and laving charge; can tithe' her away. Jonli utr., Jr. Forest Lake, Dee, 25,1873._ Elect! oft . Notlce.—The Stock holders nt the Montrose Railway Company, ese hereby no. titled to meet. nt Springville , on the second 51ondny of January. 1872, nt.one o'clock. p. for the purpose of holding an annual, election 01 one. person. to serve the Comonnv as President, alid twelve persons to serve ns Directors, for the ensuing year. Be the statute of Pennsylvania, under which this einupaiii , " is organized, no stock-holder, being more then thi.ty days in ar rears of payment on stock. is entithA to vote at nail election. By the Company. Coe& L. Bnown, Sec'y. The Justice of the 'Verdict rendered be the public seats ago in favor of the Slexicin gushing . Liniment - must be apparent to ell' Who haye used that fatuous preparation Or seen it used. Its healing influence is irresisfible. The must obstinate formseff neumigie on rheumatic disease are totally cured by it, and that In an limrteelvably. short. spa co a time; , Genial. bijrniciror soma, Whether of Mau or - beast, as well as all equine or human maladies fir which a liniment may housed. are speedily renualied by its use. Remember it is not metily a tire bit au of disease. _ Tar; lauller—Ls._ to lecture nt . the 11. E. ChurelOn -..aluntrose.thrjahnas evening for the tienefit.prthe - MO Centre IChurch.— Subjeet4.." &ply, lielaillina.' , •...lte;,scas 'Bu s siotuiry In bras At the - tiniairultt frpeaks tro l n aetuaLerPerleneo: will elan lecture 'at the CbutvliftleaS , Auburn Curnehi, at 7:30p,A 4 t 33. 51YA14.015:. Stevedo32le;Pir. 1218 n. 'eneinsirre ' the su w er ft to ,4 2 ,o 06M-the ffist lir-October lad, one 114 , 1 f t -red yentlifigSteer. Any, person prnv ing property ani,.l paying charges, cun take. him away: - • - SIMEPIC LEW/13. , A Alec tI War Present.—A George Wood & Co's Organ. For ode by .1. F. //RON. soli, Montrose, Pit., with L. B. Lubell. To Whom It May Concern,—Ttas is to Five notice that I have leased and delivered to Zophar Betts, Of Lathrop township. Susqu'a County, Pu.. one bay horse, with a ringhone or tumuli On tent tore foot, and a simiLtrylnines on one - hind foot.' Also I truce leveed -him a light covered market wagon, pn tty well worn, and a tine horse harness: All persons are notified not to interfere in any m inner with said property, as the legal title to ttivainie lielon , s to me. MARION 13. BETTS. Dec. 18, 187,2. Dedlernion.—tne . new church built by the Free Baptist Stiety nt Sax-nry , Corners, Jack son, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, will be dedicated to the service of Goa, on . Thursday the 10th tlay p ot December. Services will com mence at 11 o'clock; a. m. Dr. Dunn of Hillsdale, Michipn, is enZeUrd to preach the dedication sermon. He Is also to deliver at lecture in the ecenintr, snhject -rntv. els In the Holy Lankl." A cordial invittition is given to all to meet with us on that occasion. BY OIWEIt Or Co. Jackson, Dec. 11, 1872.-2 A. new 1101).40 well tiniabed, pod water han dy, Ilj acres or land, an - .t id or more gam! frail trees Garcon. Is'dtu•ted Milts n'rth nt Mon trose, near Be uch's Plitinin; alsos Woolen Factory, Carriage and fitaeltuanitlu Stipp, Grist and Save Mill, near by and n few nu& Crum school. Any person wanting n good place tan gel It at a bargain. Call on James E. Carmalt, or the praprietor. 11. C. BURGESS. Ifontros::4 Oct. gOiL, 1872. r. ch tirchill, Jne.lee of the Pane: °Mee over L. S. Len hcio, star Sos niehnn na Co., Pa. 113 S the , aitlement of the (lockets of the Inte In ale -Itec%'how, 'I ceased. Offle , !worn from oto L 3 fiellri.t, 3. tm. , and from 1 to 3 o'clock 13. In. Qreui. Bend OM 24.1 1872. Muse and Lot far Salc The subscriber tillers for sale, Lis, house ant' Int, 1 1-2 mile non!: Wont Bircharovilte, on tin middle branch erect: road. Sai•l Ito Aix arrts. Of 1.1116,, 3114 in glxvi ror pasture. being weli sUpplietl with water, there beim a stied) ercek running its whole length ult.( 'lia.s.s.inc within on: rod of the hose niat.ing it yen handy for washing purposes. Then• Is a trod noose an I barn lin the 'n' nut, and a well o never Initial; water within a tew blips of Ile door. It is a suitable pl to fir a twin with ituale, such an a Shoemaker, Harness maker 01 any such bnrintxs. It is , t . ry hantlt• to chinch it hying 1-2 mile north of Ittptlst Church /0 Bireictrtivirle,: and I-2 mile south 01 1l E Utturel; at Forest Lake Centre, in fact, it is nie.tsaLt arel'conveilient plan: for any One that' wish, to retire from liminess. For silk cheep. E iquire On the pr•ntiseb or tia. or Z C d,b , Montrose, - CILIRLES DIX X ER. Eireliardvige,.,sl9%l Co, Pa., Nis. 0. 157.1.. Temper:trier Illeel:ng..—To the fi or Teni.writ nee in i • 6.111 iwii, loci, liiie.. G. %V on of Ilse GrAn.l Lodge Lectures; will deliver niiiiru;d upon the subject of Temper ance. 03 ft)iioVoo: Uniow tale, Tlinrslay. " ',touut Plenstint, Fri 1 to I lerriek Centre, S.tt Ira ty " .tri rat. 1l trplay Th e felerutg of Tentia..r.tnee in each of the above named ioealities, are n.goeste , l to ::ive no tice.of the appointments, and allo to st..a that a fit:wets iit re:iitin&s for the meeting': S. li. (311 tam, (1 W. C. T. Micalona neetlimr—The animal mcetiror of the Medical Society ',if Stelleliannn County. ',ill be held at the Mike of Dr. C. C. Halgey, In 31..attroge„. on Welnesday.-the Ist day of Jamul re. 1873, nt 10 o'clock. a. in... nt - wifieli all rezn lir practicioneni ar , e..rne.tly regroNtell to be tircient. The troal Clinic will aim) be held Th • Society at tliv.lnne meetinz •accept tirl Dr.' D. A. Lathrop's. invitation to tithe with hint. it will he in a favor if those who purpose to attend will 1w mall notify the limier signed, C. C. &c. Pro. Ton. Dec. 16, 1572. New Tear'm Pnriy.—Thrre will be n N e n- Year pirtv nt the linnse of 1). Wilneath in lioithottotn."9n:Werine.o,r 11- 1. 1873. 31usie by Tiffitny's Band. Bill. VI 50. Wr;r-gn-"nlly invite the arena:lnce of the dancing public. "D. WiLmAnra. • 1/0111V410111. Dec. 18,1872. Thee.e.rt.vt.xA,.cs-166L ItensirYi - rltst—BorD"—ln Hush, Dee. lgth.hy Eld H. It. Gray. A. E. Bensroter. of Auburn. .Susres Co.. Po., and Miss Borth J. Boyd, of Hush, Susquehanna county, Penna. Anal--EVANS—On the loth iosr,, by ft, r , P P. VanSveltel. 'Herbert L. Abel and Miss Sr,. rah A. Evans, bon of Union Hill, Gib,ion,Pr. SlAxsrix--7ifity.At D-1/1.14'11.7, .Dec. 19. 1872, by Rev. D. Pe:me. E. A'. Micsort,- of Seran ton, and Miss S. of Lenox. Sil.rfrA—RnosnEs--In Lathrop, Dee. 19, Pt 72. at the bousti'ot Nathan Hill, by Bev. J. B. Sumner, Jesse Silting, and 311.51 Annie Atltlia Etioades3otli of Lathrop. Crrwirr.tityx—Josts— At Waverly, N. Y., Dee. ISM, by 11,7 y. Rr.II. Rites, Henry Cham berlin. of libtoYfiell, Ohio, tormerely rf Montrosr,,and Miss C•o-ril E. Jp Cu, of Mice nixrbityep.o N: Y %11110WCI . .17P—Ilon.ToN—At Catoptown, N 90th, by Rey. r: Eprologiin, • Cyrus F. Bar rim:lilt and Miss Mary A. Ilorton, el Ede vensville, Pa: HEArtrr—Bunn—At the M. E. Parr-mince, lir!. shornen.tts., Pet 17i1t.-hy MT; .1. H. Wes ton, Jnbnl,l. Hewitt, of Jesson,and3llix Bif ida E- 'Burr, of Forest Lake, Pa. llnmExcr. , .ty•--Fnr.Nrrn—Attlie rt!sjlerli'd of th e sister: in Bulb.? •Centre, Tows. Noy flibil,lB72. by _Her, E. L. Shinier, C. Hem , eusvuv: of Bone] , fl.nitfe, Town, and Miss Su ralt F. Ftencb, of Jackson- Pi. - ' PrlEsTrm--flotr. 4 4 . —in Ertiolticn, Dec 1110872', Rognm. B. Preston, of Rine,. .•Iruntori, N. T., and jars. B. Green, of Brook- ) xmasza.;rree. Sitmr—Tn.Ra.h. Snapmhinln onmtv, Penna.. • Dee. I'M, 1971. 3tel. Urahaoritii of Samuel Smith, aged 41h IPnrL - . • Pcnem—At 114 re:Pend% to Newark, Nov. 20th,1 4 17?...Pmierviol R. Porter, in tb o ;nth vogr nr big 'lv—formerly otSPrinoilia, Ntalueliamia enmity, Pa, Co' xtre-rto TiOr , ghnro. 'gm; wile:nt iigetl44.! ears, Al:tven ,- --_ Sinnialte:-Towa,' Snit, 11t11. - = ft Allen. wifl.4,oneare - ; a w l 41*W of,4l,frod lirsns aged 91 Tads .: ptc td` ` jO#i~c T .; .;:: , . The Great Pictorial Annual ' -Itestetters %hatter Pintail Altoona* for 1873. for distribution unarm throOghOrl the CntLo bilge, And Ci Oaltrriee of the Wetter: tlemisphere, 4. tow publirhtil “to ready for distribution. in the Knit jib, liermin. French. Norwegian. itiol.h. bivedish' flatland_ Bohemian and ltpani•li lamps tg ....sod oil who inlnh 10 Und. t-t 41 1 ,1 the true , philosophy of hrtolt •houlti read ulnd pond. r.thu -valtishie no; 41 , 110. It contable. In atillttot turn altuirattio Ind lent math..• on the aura, provention send earn vtrlety of dl. t.e.. It vanbrurev larr,a ara .alit of Inform aloe Inter... Ming to the couretia C. the Mechanic. Ito roluer. the (motor, the pi utter, and um evflltinl In.; au .t tie. caletilatiotts have 'boon snide for •nch_tnerullatts Int lindrel seas. nuitt +liftable for a eorrpcl and camper hentdve NATIONAL 416:MAU • t The Men o, 0v.4: and est rterlinary a mltary effect. lit: ill/starter's Stomach ft Item. thilaitapre lute taut al lentils'. of noire rho, h II ('tar Cletri to tvortt ar • MI iv out forth 111 - Ito pag 311.11 inter-pereell wm i.icrorial thin, callable, ter lees fur the hote-rhold and tarm haatnr tit totectlote•. and mbar is. ruerlve , 114 N(1111 , 14,. veldt oa wet tig , ..bititif oat a rid 'se lentil; Among ihn AnIIP-Is klpear Witlithe openly,. of the ',it. ono of eh., moo to.ebil, and may Ai 11 , 4f.fer:illie tuk447. Tha•proprietore, dente" ler end'gralt h, tbt recerpt of It two cent .lamp. will torwatd a"rop . illY. malt to any' :lemon who culprit procure one In hinsiern neigl4vor• hood. The flittem ore yobd toovery elm:town, and vv. hire and are 'Oxptfitively timid rtrrotiihaat the entire civilized world. ' ' ' Tavern license By measure ERRORS _OF YOUTH. AllE.,:41;11.;€115N, whoan armntary i lteeed for 711 Yl . ervenv i y on t ?ti i• jl o n p:k of l otig i ri . n c tr ' V4. mollify, vend fro oil' who need It. the secelpt end ?retina foe mak.. 4 the elmpin remedy by which he woe ennli Surtercr+ wivhin7teprol .hv e thV exporl• enca eau iw by Ad drevoing. In trerfenntid,neo, Jilft ll' , KIDRNI. No. 43 Cedar hreel: New York.. THE CONFESSIONS OF AN PUBLISHED as.t warning and for the benefit' n end, ..tters vv/ - .ostrdurfrom Nervous po,lity.l,,nss of Mauhood• d 6, fuePh'ins • TIILMC%NdOFMT,CLB: 'Written by one who cured himself. after un dergoing conzideruble quackery. and sent free, on ucciring a latat-paidl directed en} -elope. • Aildreki NATHAN, mAyr,lirt. Brookl) u. Jdno . 'DI 6n. 111,4146. S. Y • . The Warning hat bean Heeded. Since the expivutu of the attempts wide be certain lin.crepulon. Iota) de item_ t, p dm All their coarse a. +Willem*. made Irmo cheap and linpUremiaterioln, In the pi lees! hioe ere it n took, his; tiers pbblle opinlo Illno set nssmscl s then,' empACK:III-fl their OPClipS o ion iv gone, or cent will ne. hVaeo the lig,tiLle let lfi• d reptlott It.• 0011 wilts down Credits who trine with their own health. by il•lald mike... &prep iratiiin, with tin it inrstace•oo Pllnt%in them. when an m 4,13114 1. n p[MOVIIC by MrPtill/ Vents cillotrieuco to he runml .wh it it is defined to hp. I. within nu fr reach are sure to n peal ill toun,rl.y. Man, time in this'll...sV. but It l• th, the truth -p -acre-red th., .evil In tit, Mentitlnle de- Wool tor He. le.dotz prolectlen mud 1,14, 551 Inn 01 Anemia was 1, ter pa. gro at no •I licco I Pnon f ear mil new: of the -.nth s eni. osi the ll , er illy oierwridatone, sue. Inns to. . el If ...Mill T. tr nit ail is M. or moo r? of thg, on vffln•• I e w 111.p,1 4 15. I. nil chromic. cowslip ot Imo ti n t - their nano 14,loo." Everya In re the rick no I treble t“. to to ,nre rn Wind th Importance ..1 1/01d11 b., the which 4 .00412' an of Asuitilt.z . ithat It rpurl.ma 4111, d,ll 1,P•11, - . nnnivrool,‘ {Utica. - ..nlvjpr ,rativn• nam widen m.q.c..,13ry .1.1a14.t0 uderar , to Puh.ttl.st fog - , 10.tt [tro'n ti, Dii ten, ph. ;r111 , • bv. ro. •twiF 14:V the', (.1( /1111 (to public elf lar,fe •Ar pn•canOle Ili t e•uul,, ;Ist , I I Ilk h IrDfrows Sterler..— the tionc4-r.; el. no , oppowit d ihr ,I,r16“1114 11,. 'OW Itao.ht or the Ao ninktraor of 11.. e•Latt• of Et1..31 flu 41 ho. deteii. Item hv ,Ivoo .o.ltre I h h wlll oft ro tie dune. ar hl tal, 01 the. ln , W. In 514,a r.hr , lnT. lbn ffih dutOrpr .fathuiry .:3. I 0 , 0,4; /. m.. xl tallith time:lll4l4c, nII .0 In re, -I will la •Le khown their ct dm* or at rat:vat ue I.4rthil from coattu4 lu uu .11.1 J. T. Mt:Lim:Ds. AskLi.r. How rope. Dec. IS. 1.72. • •., • DITORS NOT ICF.—Tfir atjtirent,tieti heelei, Ia en ,11 iiiirtiatril by lire Court nt Citottieist Moto, of -in tuebuo a pant.. %11111,OF I ,li 4 t °burr the Pi It- it nr rho Shortie. nrit.twor front lititioiakt It' ihr nil Pero:mai nroliorti J.L oar , `OLIN, wilt ottplot to rho dart. ..rt11.4,11A tntmern, at Ws Miler In lltiu;rorr 2nth. Pitt. it t p al. - ‘ll polikttot Intrmtod trill ;ppmr any preee t their in...so he I.ortivertirharrett fruit ruinin non ..att. . rW. 11. Jee.3ll', i MoalitO.C. Dor. f t 471—,v1 & t•nrrows NOTFCE.—TIO nolierotfthett, ota .i.odtt- Ll. or Lipp:011110r by ttroheute tern:A.4 eualttetto .. Cowin,. to dt , rtento the fund. 'ft the-nand. of tift Auint.rtfor of tiro eet. tte .at fro. duce....rd. win an end to the active ut tag :4,1,11.Eu:ea. et LL o, tit. fu Ylo•rtne.e. 01/ Monthy. Ittventfter the ZVI. o'eueft. o In.. nt ven.rn aubl in:Le4 :13iCral.alli v iii k. 041 thetr toms er hu loniser .lettfttre4 (.oat Cu. on Vll.l NIA. Lt t.. 1. eittft.ASMAN, .loftituA. Moutftur. D. r, Ath.lhl.A. rlJlTsllrti NI) Wl —Tee urd..r-Itzuen, at: Aran ue alpeautetl h, rb.• 1/rohatt • •s:o Iq el U-ge sul Cuittuy. tut elreptiutur flbd to the parliaiaces.s..t or t„E. A. M , u - tou, L.. 4 .etrur.r. P.a.. tur- -I rot •ire - d, unit a,, 11/ Ibe IL gm. ut tl e tettert• 01:11 e'er. Utorr l toThe ' le .t , a..tt .1 n . itr. seutatikee ut paid ..lre.uteut. cell all••nd 0 11m dulter , ,..! .11,...0 met in II alt• rhatrottay. 1). eetarlear . 2irh I +.l n 1 I O . CIO/:/:, n/ reltu h A//i• ./.1141 plire all VI ry../mo totere-laal to aL1(11./.1M,L 0././../11/1 kr cwt. or in: tureeerdea re reu •10111 /./A.l. /a, lt, l/U,11.41/1 (1.11 F. S. Moot run.-. tke . • 1:111 I tealle Ol'lt - The muteretpled. en !tetdi•or aphemateet I,J utr cow: '..'etcrenlou Plw,‘ of yurLauiu , totally to all-tribute the :Lauds fe, ate hittis of the SL •rut. artvlog Cr,,,.- I hectic of the veal tou Ste alt I'. J 1ie..., mill att.... to tlieritiLleolie hie osit.elot• Merit at Inv ...reef W. IL S. II C. JO-up, its !1..., rm... on Vri is: lec. :rat h. 1,1. at 1 U . 1:4/0, la.. tu.,,wben all pe - rehu*, It.t. revrett a. Ui pm , ' ?itt het: eleltille Ur be rut ever de tourteJ !rule Carole); th ell Adel L.' Muntruee, Dee. ith • & The untli.rol,ned h •ving born Au.l..r, 1.7 , the ll'ortrt of COMM.. •.1 nu-porn nn, lli.• ox. coll.nl-61 41i • 4. CU Liu nin Jr., will int lid gond inn u• , 01I•410 , ippoitittinint at tin. entle, 0; Pitch oil iVut•ou :374 Licl• k. a. tn. All t.7.ins ler,. 04 will app.; mud W,, ,, AATtiON. Auditor. Montrone, Dec.ll, IS'72;=tve & D - AMISTTIATOrni w the- watt, ofJeltu A- Om - deer. Latooi Lett.ti two leltv= 'Of - Athena, re , In ton ". , elrl i-sine. li,g o -‘ll muted to Uie teler.lentel,nll pereoe, nm 10 s..ld etoeto, ere rotiato , ted maker Mute., rod tt.lturet. ete.tpueoltis leo.; dleitee tgeln.t sud ..lore ato 'eget-lA.I to pre+eet thve withoat dej&i, Al - A - RX DAM/Ult. ithatutni - retrix. gevraler, Dce. 11, Itne.--4(L. • 11131T 4 11r8NOTI(1. , .. -ThuqndiTalnvect.toartnr, been App.intett y tttu Court of vouvuou fleas of q aelutun4 County.,lsd llort4 dial tibia o of tim .heriff ma, frOkathlS ex..LlUf 114'd E.Ltme of C. L 1.41w.Nv11131,10 !WIWI Oftileo,of- ennanot• Roma, ho oLicv L. 58UWALw:. ou Erlany, JivinJry 10U. 10:4,v AN tron.ant Itgerc.ced niyenr.i.lip:a.-5,,,11,1t , rintme, or trtt (Ord \ cr 01:- . hartrU from connio,t tu 0a einlTaarl. Montivao, Doe.• • . , - • . A r ONT2OSE"WiII b ED SCII6OI. 111 • Le g 7.: FALL i'Effll Pcfm,.....gtpt, 21, 18f . :!. IVecrttlt TEutt Sromo Tuttat 4 4ptii 21;11573. Tt'ITION-Iligltv Department; ICO E4e.in(hiry DepArtflieta. " U 0 The coarseof.ln iwi On includes the ENG -1.1311 1111.ViCill'2 4 , the LA.N.C.II3AOZ4, ..11.1.T1ILIT4T- Ics, end the STUDENTS Alt Ei - FITTED FOR CiIIIEGES.::NritiSIIIOIIOIIS - or„.LEARNts G And. SPECIAL i ATTENTION - - 01V ES: ill° Preparationof T6aehers. The B ildinn is Coramodnius; well•arrattgedfiir, • • IMPARTlifT:1113T11110111.1.: Stutlents can ,- enti4 -at -nt anytimre;:tintl - Tuition wilt be • . _ Chuged:.l::!rcip.or.tiori,4.ly. rff= - Mieins'izitife se s eurect: tor those desiring to biiriFtlii.inselvvi. fiirtheii)Artienlliii address A. a BERLIN, Princjital, or tile: Slyeturrot the Wilt:rd., . • AVa..l. - JESSUP, Lies~ , , 11:1 - nnortER, , aeos4„ E. 872: GUTTENBERG, ROSENfiATJAI & CO. CLOTHIERS, RIERORANT ;TAILORS AND top.LEtts,-1;.1 ."DRY GOODS, MIL44.,VER,t. • :PA Cf 00t).5 . i4T4.; , ROBES HATS 4t• CAPS, GEXTS' LADIES' DUUNiSLONG GOODS, &C., &C. Our As.lcirtna en DaC33 (MODS, suawu, cLoAsINGS. Qum NIKES, eLOVIS..&AD BEATER!.., Xis Gomploto•, D tr€ , OLEN HOSIERYnE BLANK.. lOODS, MERINO I , NOER-OARSIENTS FOR LAHMS AND CHHAMEN. OLOYES,'S.O., • ' In Great Variety Tioarmen and VNrmrntan lIATI for Ladler and firli• rhn. Everything lielotqing to tho 1111.1.1-NERY ritAor, Stlit and Cotton 'A nivel,. In black arid mine?. -Volonrs Flower.. Ribbons, Panthera, Frames. Laces, Very Large.- • . l ErCail.eifita l s.ool:423.6 . ol4=lCadiEll v Tuttle Linen.. Neptitne. Toweling,. Crash, Medina, Printv_An-. Full in Every Line. LADIES' FIIIINNH IND GOODS, EtEt GLOVES, CORSETS. FELT AND HOOP REIIITI3, CHRTNON S. HAIR NETS, EMRIiOIDERIES, it STAMPED PATTERNS. Court:rya Lints. ZEPHYR WOOSTEDS, GERMAN TeWN WOOLS, CANVAS :PATTERNS, - All. Cgioni anti AD Shade*. P.EAOY MADE OLOTDIND A SPECIALLITY 1 WE MANUFACTURE ALL 0112 OWN GOODS, aad ME CP CU3IIII WORK TO DILDER AFTER 3tEASURE A's keep n farce o4sortmeut Or CL urns, CauMtnt, ar,vtne, VrITINGII, &o. on band . fer that purpose. GENTS' FURNISHING EGOS. iIA . TS AND CAPS. A Fnil Litle - 7 —.— GLOVES, TIES, SOWS, COTTON AND WOOLEN WHITS, '2OLLAI:S, KNIT JACKETS, AND UNDER-GARMENTS, Ir Crude% nr..l '414, Psr lynx, I - 1071.44d latrae Want.. W:LJ)F3, .211 LICKS, SATCIIELS. SC. H pv. , roblng In nnr Una n. ah ~p n. th 21. nib t• VA.. IRV LIIITLUNO to Le Jc.r WHat 0! If r1•1tt....1 , 1 IT TUVE. tV,. cannot nll,. Out 6 priretist of our rarinu• kin& •if Goott.. s. tiny ire too totonll3llo WO,. In clue edi t", Inn , wutil.l r , lnclot 01l to e.ll dronit , ro pr•c•n 0.1 ytrvli~y. lllid t.olg be um• Ineed of the troth ul out arra B littO:R 0 SEN-BAt &- CO I it.n.v. Iy, ItS2. - f ,, fTVNTft ATOE'S. - NOTICE —ln tha todato sf E i n . \ orthr , It. Into 1/C I.lberty. So.tin henna p,,Lettor, of I,lmint-Itzl lon It .1.1 1.0 w 0 Mt." In lIIn under . ogo.d. owing said Prtafv. are requeoted to mat. “onl. &are p ”nn.mr. and nll ipwroup , 100001 o•Ima ...id caL2te are requested to iortneld Lbelu ior It SALE riF REAI. ESTATE tip dp,Nt. u liyitirtne.of a decree-of the •••mhao'n Court of So-quell:lona theni call he cietned to ett.iitc toile. on 'Verdi,. Jtst pary 11th i en at z p. Jn i the Court fluent!, in 'lint. n itnn, , ohtrel .11 inirt nitwit.. to It n .k SUknnen.ll.l2 County. Pa . b end , i s o de critted as to his, to wit : fitt the north ht land 1 A. V. Mein. rant by lend of Peter Strupler Bed • iirhs.T Tnif coy, south by land of Milliner Diann. and west try land. of War Runnel? tote A W. 'Arian; Con ttilelog tag at•nw t•to • 7slierchen. he the won, noire or It it. ttrgether with the apperteeattcen, tine (Inure, two !tarns. nod ether tonbuiltilogs, an Orchard awl about HO acren_lotp-oicd, .Thlt 11 , --titte homirteildtatiestittti-tlme ofenlei the `cal its, of ow- fourth on cootlrmation of rale: one Astro in two .gent flUnlint payment.. with minuet ',rent nod one half at the deith of Theban H G 4 r olth Internet pit3shie annually, to be sneered by bond and atortgego clothe premises. A. J, GERIZITSON, lioatroae, Pa., Dec.lB, 1871.-3 w. A Farm torStdo or to nont. A pl.co of am, nonarartntut too ne , e. In Terrup town• Sk - s1 te.ll4lS.l.lCnatity. Pe. .Satit fans Laws anntl tinLnu II two b.artt, anti A granary. two ewer-lying r. of , wa:er, .ortbartl, te. Will be eold. or rented the oknor in other businetr... Apply to C. C. Male. Ditua:g Comers. or 1./Irea Daly; Wyntoll.y.Conety.ye. 11 14 Va l. ppen. (MAR LOTTERY, A„'NOBLE CHARITY 011P1111 'ln by Drami la Public. DECEIBER, 30Th 1872. $230,6u5 00, Tickets $l. Eack, cr St.z idr $5. ' Tle9elp Pent hy r.tpress, 0. 0. D., If desired. Greed rAph" Prize. '575.000 .t () r at,' f.nsh 25.00:1 , :eoel Caoh I Greed r 1 es,tiplop: I DA. of Pte.' 0,9 Pelee...92.PM eselq , " 4 Nixes, .".' • Ca.h Pcixe., /4b Pnsh Prince, Each 2000, = —E •_ 6.0f111 rt.o(o " • row. . 6 10, ' ,:. 50.09 SIM " • • 6 5, 35,501 bl6.l , ehob prizes amottolin: to - »t Tblo LPgfli Roterptize le rodoiTtd by the higheet uutti,ilit‘ of lite-Slew-3.yd best tni.iot• a Men. Over 1 7, 11i-bell' tbF ttet.4.lntkep bermt• Orr, 14 -, ,,The limit. d number co boot' \till he lutolthat tbOsou ho Moors , can be tent by mall:- In- liteloiered ort.o6lco Monty tirder., or by. Xrpreatr. All Prizes will be pod lotted: Aabort - Ablyta.—• Bor .folt p.rtirular. roldros*-- -_ • J. DI. YAT,TEF:. ' - Geocull—lle.autit,Otttalt, No 1101,IDAY;000DS1 . 1' - I have tt , idrd trilar'• etteitPre videty of LAM'S pod 1 4 ,{111,E CLAt 4 9WAux. - . .• - • - 'O7" MLIT , TOCUPi and BATTCPCO. VOTTa Mr IR -and. TOY• 1 PA MiTTii May, VASES end:FANCY - TOILE r •of Ole Acfnctonnutde.; The goods T Pave Imported froiia Po r.Oe, anti my price* ant a. low e* ,any.lint.rwr CAP 1191 iPe tame goods In Other tble - eltri. or Now yn t k. ' J. WRIMCIP:II. Nov, ..pktiiitqls Seeicad col 'JO- fi n - 3%OmM FPI.— • ' • - .; , •• -•- PhlpPleloPla, : :or CII INDP.TiB4 4 2 eipeelalti .aikVii-4 to el - arches. to vecr lame. ItoJk• of drawings • ebvol.lny destgo gat* 4110itigUer nd idneektit.: " - -Povie--ttO4' 4ogittu. iico tines i4V4ii Diratgry one yias,4l.sf 4 sad additional/lac, 50 dr. • . 3111S01111, SAVINGS BANE. NEW MILYORD.-4 , ll . priet serest - on all DeposEz.- - Eocr a tvartat ks.a.kina ncrot •nll-tt• • b. 1.31A31: CO. cArechi • PLA.STER..4—.VICTInT.A3,tOF.M.I REIC Dealer Is% pnialne Cayuips Mater. r 4•01, ground, L mnss a..co Denten, to nrr Good•; ISati,Capr Booze and nhoer, and General II enAtmatre, on. Dinie street, second door below, the Episcopal Church. • , ONIO;k: ROTEL, ktpt.b4r WILLLIII. SMITH, oftgaic i•rcet !mar the Depot.—• -- - - MEAT% Vomadr.r.*not Aonlor ta - t•lntra had nth at - .pleatol la, nue Onor.etont7 - 11ancy'a ittolltrat; Coning° %taker and Itrdertaktfr,r , ., Biala Street nWo 0 , 101 . A pslol6 1411447 . 1 s . •)teCOLLUNt tmorirens. tfroders'ini Orpeeitri art '• an'ltaittlotreet.*, " , • • CiATIR ET s MkC-11.41in rotiir. 'Vied; .Vta].. . tslt; - Cimo..ut.llo:icertk..ctud Trovhilons , .11Aln Street. opi,misice Deppt.:, . W. it T. 11.tv0r,7.. !Lienencturere of„Cinnre. sod Wholeanle tleaere lb Yankee NOI1(11111 'and:l,oqt Goode, on Zan Stroet.J.ielme Cohen},ll Chnroh... - MOS% ' O 4; TlNAP.Ainthnr dlanuttntuiirs la Callers In Itc one° ClArnit. • AINEY S lI.AYDFIN. Denier? , In Urncl andlreadnen and Manufacturers Or Cigars, on Irlttln Strent,,ol.6e. - ' S. STEP.a.ENS., Iforoo Shuntna, aritrctuuraltcpalrlng un gain Streut.uurr; or gm! I. DICKRIINI AN. :In_ Deatertn.trenerst mertduindlse and Clotbing. Brick Store, on Blain Street. GRE A T L. S. LENFlSlM,..lfttiintactilii.r i,I. 1.6.1bei/ikitd deals! general Mere11.n•1ic9.1)10141114itr..0...., 11. P. P0R.i..1, erclui.ut Tnligraild4ealer I.n. re Jinde (Tot Good.,Orkeri v. and ProvL.l4,to Main ytrnet.T - . LENg r VaLLE. 11111A31 AVlllT.g....lannufaciuror °rand deule.rin vutmrl or Pleue Catt.l=. cmsolk: U. u. TINC:I.Er-t-tteiter In FioitA, Da: el/ T rsl4. and tOeetirnn Ware. CdAline!. de- Also. nutr.oL , Atne er or tlheet Vends to r. Eve Trong, PI, Inaxineaa 'Attended to at Lair pricol—qibuniAthno.v.. , Pcmurlrgcla.-1.7. , , ' . , ZDWARDS fi RRY.tSr. Minn . f.laturers•ot: ICsigtit • and Sleighs, ucttr , tte Ing.allieStorp,' •' 310:STRUSE - 17. R,TOIRRF—Conrev grirreynr. of Srtillaeltrinnt: rout if.' °lto 113,the'Ciro , t If ono Montrose. 111:—t0-11% SaRL TITRItELL. Peeler . . fo Tim*, Plipto, Iwo- tirotvrles. distvclp otlari,cte. 1 4 r. 21.•'1M • JAMI F.. CA PM LT. Atttr,rs pt 111r. - 02aCq. oti door below Tazbi.ll House: Pub* Ascitiae.• _ _ mar. u coorrm CO.:'ll.)nivprr. p.ll Vorecr ,:kge Tick. to and Druttsbn 411,101 land.l° - ' BILLINT:s sTltilt7l), , 14'cperrt Fire .alfd Life ,Innar once Aunnti alko,reff 11.11rrto and Ace•dcitTivitl to gory V - and P4ilndelpbre. 01}1cu . Lon dour war ofthe 124 F. R. cIi.VinLER. General 111%11 -arse aw.l Sewing En cbine 4.7nt, ROlic awl Pc.' s - „ 111111N8 .t NICEInTS, thentner to gni Drntng and 7.1.41 1 r.ne.: Tt.baccn, Bocket•tkiuks, lipo.cta cite :4irclunr. Sec, Urick Blo ck.. WM. COT, Harms's:maker ni..l tie:lle:4n ell article livany ‘ ,.l4ryt by 14cLrycle, oppull4 , lllo t4nt. • • . • corn /6" COTIWTIC. S ' tbren. Itr.lwrirn and Mnrinfacinrer• Tin andShentirtnirntare, carte of Main and'otarnpike et • 9, if. nrpnsE, 119rOwant 4. .www. , •-•_994:llc9Tiri, I w moth', •Trlnten wwwwa: Punifsbtag inwiwa9 . ;.anw 9«„di.now.r 9991 g. mlVitinTirctt, ¢r at Cod .t low-Little and.Ble.kelue'd, Law Onitth - . N. 13tti.T.A1M, Dealer in gtre,e.ies. Provtalne. 71...t,..Stationeryasd 'auL.ce Notions. at Lead ' public •, T. SPORT CO., .I"l•nters In Store•: Trnirdsnlte ierlenttnynt omotementsvirloartud titonerice.oPl" Otte Tarbcll flung.. GIVI'llS'lOllll ATTHITIOIf :DO. YOU "ligM • • • 0.. • Thi. .ottitiEit Rowe Sewing -11aelne, ESTA3LISIIED, . , 7 Please eeii end sec it..0,11.h tho froppmemant, .- wds stuto tGe Howe wirdalllon heath -•—• - ROOMS AT.... 7 = :1 , v .. - 12 h., 56 Oatirf..,Streoti BlegliatalktOe, .7 • ; Asp . A.m• •Wllscal - Store; itroxitmeei •• " " trc.e. Jan i3,l@'3, • • „ BILLINGS... S TROUD,. `•6 , " General Insnianco Auent, 173. E, LEFF. Alm mora?.zu 31z0r.34.c . cA, 1 • nacma.trciato. .11ArV6rd tiro Joe,. • :3. 11 ."6.07•C Irmo Cladt ttoyol Liverpoiii lois:1m C. Londo)t ; ~ex.a.4,), Fran kllnirm. of Nowt 4totirioz ' •• •.; ju x• l'eritt.ylvonLl Fir o •• •• • • :Lig coicti;at TO Pere& " - r.54110 , A. m00t1 , 11.14 i; Ls•cotning, tiro - Williatailoor top,. (7n. • .• • 81:0.ort. Anthrar, PI:01114's atiouol, • - - " • ' l . r.:liMt .' :l3; 7 • • donn:lttitnll-1.111 , "Aigtityi. " rocrlcon Lile. Polta. ". ' - 43-cicrim)Exclv,i , . ~ - . Traieicirono.Co , ..ttarord,Cokitolond SiiryloottnAtct Itotilray,l'ouengiFo —; $3.10,0 1. 0 . TOontidoiripicii a,'‘ been wellicniorn In "'ON coo al olio thornier. tlyroritot'on.flirciranreitioo. Line•tontiqitard C-I,7lllOliOks have oloays heea IroonNy fold. - rilrOCtler first &o n. eiti4froit; [linking Office of W. U. COopyr itieo;,TornoilliOsti Montrosit.ra. - • BILLI GS STROUD, Agent. OSA9. IL ounr; collator '• • • liontrin4.3l3r=l4'l3. - " di The GreFrt•Cauti -. r icv•m , mai.% 1ia2r494, atk .• XiMi. o ,71 . 1; PolllMed in a Scc:€4l pr f rop, .r:freat etnn 4 1, - Lecture on thin rinnsi6Treauriicii. and riadindenn , of tipet tfil lit-whoa mt.*, Invninntery, KruDt.iuti*. ;4,1 Im;irdllnvait• tt. ?lace cvnerAlly: Nervononc.:C. , n.natption. Mid Pak._ !%lentat and - Phipl,ol.lncapnvity.- Itr. '144,1 from 5011',1,1,1D.; c.,—lly (I).Farr tAILY.EItWELL; N. rx. A othiw of Om° Grebn 11.42. ; . Th. wort , f•rettfrome4 ahth4r.lLl • adnzir,ibl:Lettnte tletrly worm , (tomtit% corn t•nioolcorer'lnt the aril. Omomouencrt of sal f•aboon mity Do; Offirimally ivrnor. -I_elo, =ma Blll= ttgdtf, .. , • Sip of ttto titldetC,l4gio.or4 'yE to in tnttn 111 , tim1.11c ancrfret t cvnwr, PrZilaatry: Farley w t , Ittnttliturm s turpetly ocenplutl UJ ;i:ll:autn.ri;, Irm Om .16 CO:- • - reir'llll3,. atter( rip 111.1,1 ttyl- 1,0;1. [rl p and abalk‘ndezeurtu.kr.p rtairtlD2l,r IZIO /11111' liurlur e. . ' • tYuezread tu 0%1704,4 ti c,r4;.41 and 800 col 10/.11 In wahl ..Ara .Nye IU vtapt, trv.lA c:1. 1 • 04 i c'3 ,. ..1171 , 111 Vkia tlt•slteriorltrt FIJ rt!t • Vr !t'l% VOL ,petrunazdAetetu 0,41r,E 11.1 s kli:111 41.1thglirtlY torn. -Vary Tralylunro, - ^ ' - • . 31,2 1 44r e li tPAIR:P r ik:F; 1 4 41 , 143:ZiWi114 00. ==l T. ISAACS, -.181114 CAFET,I4- 119 Awn Si., 15%13 `. ~~~: -.a .. ~ r a.. ... irtorntlivits, MESE