g4viii - . 404 girtottlt. POISON LEAVED. Sows.ladies brought US Pea with an air of triumph, this evening, some of the most gorgeous leaves of the season. - We disliked to drsturb the chant of their rev . citing in bright celors, which were :effect ed ea their cheeks, as well as from the poisoning leaves, which they bad gather ed, and stroked, and prepared for preu• Mg. But the earlier the •application of remedies, the less danger of being kept indoors for some weeks swollen hands and facia, end burning. sensations of pain—so we broke the spell, "and 10, the change Inina pink to a blanched white. upon their faceri And as gathering leaves le now quite the rage, we wish to say, for the benefit of the fel:gleaners who may not know the poison Itr to beware of its attractive habit, and scan carefully the three-leaved climbers covering the fences," trees and walls, where they.row, with, a blaze of beauty. This leaves may be distinguished by their growing in threes, by beingsbin ing on both surfaces, their broad ovate shape and sharply acuminate points. The vegetable poison in this plant affects dif ferent constitutions differently. •Some can handle it, and even pull it up by the roots with impunity, while others are poisoned merely by the wind blown from it while it is being diaturbtd. But so many are dreadfully poisoned. by it every year, that a work of caution may net be , untimely.- The remedies recommended by the bot unist, Dr. Bigelow, are acetate of copper and corrosive sublimate ; but a physician should be consulted on their use. With the ahem, tbere is equal danger from the poison sumach, or poison dog wood, as it is sometimes called, both be longing to the same genus of plants. This has leaves scarcely el:walled in the autumn for their crimson,brilliancy. They closely resemble the leaves of the common, sumach, both of which are common in this region. The poison species may be certainly distinguished by its light ash gray stems, the .harmleis kind . presenting an iron brown. The former is confined mostly to moist, swampy locations, while the latter is a habitant of dry situations. If the fruit of the latter is to be seen, it may be at once distinguished by its being in velvety, crimson heads, from six to twelve inches long. The. flowers of the poison kind . are in loose panicles, and the fruit is as large as pews Them beautiful autumnal days, with their overflowing wealth of brilliant col oring and delicate penciling, are • quite enough to attract one ta the hedges and wood.; and only a little careful observa tion in selecting the leafy treasures, is re quired to do it with safety.—Vorrespond enceof Providence JournaL The cases of poisoning from autumn leaves the present season, are more num erous than we remember to have noticed an any precious year. The Workman , . ntradhe. , SwrrzzaLasai may be termed, in one sense, the paradise of workingmen, for employers, the authorities, and private persons vie with each other in zealously promoting their material interests. Po litically and socially, all are on a footing of absolute equality; education is alike for all, and wealth is very evenly distri buted. In, no other country are land'and property so equally divided among the mass of the people. As there are none very poor, so there are none very rich, and there are not more than three per cent. of the population who return themselves as being of "no occupation." This is partly due to the thoroughly democratic spirit which prevail, and-part ly to the small and manageable size of the republic. It consists of tweey-five can tons, each having ita own peculiar laws, manners and customs. The principle of decentralization Is carried to ite extreme points, and everything is done by mutual voluntary assistance, friendly combine tion,and co-operative societies, in which masters, workmen, and indeed, all classes meet on equal footing, and in the moat fraternal spirit, to devise schemes for the general welfare. The Swiss operative lives in his own heme,surrounded by his family and at 11131176 :times cultivating his own land, while the Swiss agriculturalist, in his leisure hours, works at some handi craft or trade, such as watch-making, weaving, toy-making, or woodcarving. The mutual relations - between masters and men are excellent, and though they have in one or two instances been disturb. ed, it has always been dge to foreign agi tators. In thmea of depression of trade the employers keep the factories going, even at a direct pecuniary loss to them selves; they subaribe to the sick and pen sion fends and the schools, literally assist in cases of accident, and when struck down by illnesa the operative may be cer tain of being as kindly treated as if be were with his family. It is stated that the result of this considerate benevolence is visable in the almost invariable good conduct of the men. They are likewise attached to each other, and any quarrel among themselves is usually referred to their employer, and his decision.is con sidered by them ultimate and binding. The hone that was Banned Assts. =ice. A Bonn, whose stable was situated a mile from Dundee, had been for some years regular shod by Mr: Gow, and had also undergone several operatioris by him us a veterinary surgeon. Years, however, had incapacitated the animal from execut ing his wonted tasks; but his' master, grateful for past services, had humanely tended him in the winter, in the hope that spring might bring fresh vigor to his aged limbs. Some time after ! - Mr: - Ho and his workmen were astonished by a visit from their old customer, without env attendant. The afflicted animal stood before his former benefactor, end com mented lickieg and biting hitiown sideN accompanying the ,action with a low moaning, as indicative of some interne! commotion. Unfortunately, however, hie dumb eloquence was lost on the person he addressed, who, unable to conjecture what this meant, shifted his place. His petitioner, still following him, met with rebuffs, and was at last dieglis' ted.••Poil. ed in this, the distressed crestnre totkirn ed as he came, lay down in his stall, and in less than fifteen miikutet afterwards expired. It was found that in the agonies of death he had broken a strong -rope by iyhiph he bad been fastened, and dispos• ed of the stable-door according to his mind, before he got on ih search of 'that relief which, after ell, was Unwittingly denied hinr-,From "Oksfor Dogiti HOMO, ek." By Shirk? /Went. , IN three days, rkeetitly,l,93o,ll4lrash. ele of grain Were shipplx) pc is p by water. . HOLIDAY -GOODS! . , I have added to air uticcidts Voter Of Sid. TABU 91.ktlaWAl3. mom CUPS and SAVO CIL M tartar. Milo. orro 11M49 and TOY Tech deTTEI ist yams and FANCY TOILST of the lleadeseasst do. , .. . ..1 1 014Veg.tunnigitif ii t listo tr itg. e r. .,:t: Ca saiso goods IA slaw Mt* *lcy or raawsArs, I .- - . • - • - .J. lUDNER, ~_ - Nos. t 3 Smith lova and IS Suswbcertilti. Phtlidelphia.7a. If. stack ettnAtiblitltifni, atpetitn, mitred to Cbutbok Ia tarlarm _Boots of drawings 'Wilda* **dodge of narkChaUtlio, soil Vratkot, will knot on Must. • Mr/, &-2a. • - ,AGENTS WANTED ` INSECTS AT HOME In~e Jue the Beak 7 133 tatif 1 ' Nn E n j rairo j rrr sat dnietings are fallgegtarse i ntauens furor. end plant." Send for circular. Miles*, OROROR BROOKS. 114 North seventh mad, Philadelphia. 61871-Kr. w. d 1 c0..-t7 CThe Great Cause:cg Z zzi sz3l.. 3. Eikes cosezT.M. Ant Mashed in a &slat Eltiffigis. Pries Eta Data. • A Leeman on the Nature, Treatment and Itsatical Can of tipermatontema. sad dentinal Weitz- oats. mvolimtary Emissions. and Impediments to Mar. riami _generally ; Nemosumess. Consumption. Epilepsy. and Fits, Mental and Physical ineapselry re .nliing from Sear-Abuse, se.—symosEnT J. IL D.. Author of the" green Book." te, Theworld-renowned author. in this admire:4 Lecture elearly proses numb!, own experience that the awful consimnencet of selfabuse may be effectually tumors d without medicines, and without dangerous surgical op. or hoagies. instruments. rings, or cord Isis, point. tag ant a mode at ones certainand efftetstal by which *say 'offerer, no turner what his amdttion ma* be. WILL hituseittlimPii. orintelyand radically IS. IiViLL PROVE A BOON TO =MANDE and ' pionSAND3._ Bent under stal.'to any address. In plain Sealed ens. on the imeetpt el sit cents• or two postage s tampr Also Dr. Calrenr•E's "Mintage Guide." print 60 cants. Address the Pithilsturs. CHARLES J. ME CO., art Eqsrso Haw Ya k. m lk Ice t-0f1ez4.688. I R EWARD.! nltluOT ALLEVAITTOH ts composed of Ammonia, Chloroform, ft pitite of Camphor. Tlnetare of Tapaline. Oil or alper. and Alcohol Tble compound to an equalled ha the annals of medicine for the core of Her. enamor Sick Headache. Neural/Ix Trembling or Twitch. trig of the Herres. and all Nervous Dierares. It will counteract all patrons. banish pimples, care scaly crap- Cons. Itchlng,namoni, it equellsee the circulation. Ineinerates the system,increaser the action of the heart, without exciting the brain, cum licartbura.Palpitatl on and Pla.teriag of the Heatt, Dyspepsia, Oa Triggs' AllevantOr absolutely postessesmore curative proper:le* they say other preparation. Physicists, chemists and other" are reltamesd to examine and test the remedy and $llO3 will bepaldlf found different from regiresentie than. COUGHS Moth aw a y said and writ • tea, and rcithedles have beau offered for the relief tad cure of throat and lung diseases: bet nothing bas been so anthently thccessful andtained such a *ids celebrity, as Sins' Throat Lung Heiler. • CORNS• The exilic . laths pain ponduced • by Coma:Bt. unexaelug twinging from Bunions, the piercing, dtstressing pain from In. gnawing liails.tannot be Cescribed. Thousands neer, not 'mowing literals sense. Briggs' Morn and Benton Remedies *rano acid or potash compounds., but are re. liable soothing, and effectual, and Jut merit the anemia they ban earned from an appreciative public. The Curative is a healing ointment; immediate relief is obtained by Its application. and It will positively mire the wont cues of 'Festered Corns, failamedand ed Bunions, the sorest Instep, the largest and severest Blisters. in. most extensive tbdiesitias sole* or heels of the tech nneorielled In Omura of Chilblains or Frosted Feet. The Alienator for ordirout corns and pterentltheir formation is tbsolualy unexcelled by PILESL have _been • terror to mankind far cutleries, and almost every attempt to cars them has been baffled. anceuing study and uperlinentlng. Dr. Briggs has discovered and absolute ears for internal, bleeding. external, and itelingplies. Briggs Pile Ransedlei are mild. safe and Emu Corns, Burdens, also,ai, Mused Joints and an diseases of the feet, Piles, Cancers and Beroffelons Humors. abilifely treated by Dr. J. Briggs & Co., 697, Broadway, N. Y. Bold by .LBSITIIEBELL, iontrose,Ps,,,andßMlNS & Meatuses. Pa. Jess 19 Ira. EXTASIOR FUR Emma lAN FAREIRA. 718 ARCH SL, Idle of the Block, xn 7th & Ittb ste PHILADELPHIA. sorter sad a Kanntsa Ma weer.Wbolesale and Retell. Harlem tnrported a eery Doge and vplendle assort meet of all the different kinds of FURS ham drat bands in Europe.. .avoid rrspeetfally invite tae readers of tau paper to stall and examine the 11111011213,11 t of Fancy Platt lam determined to mil at the inn* cub Priem 4Ln:a Warranted. leo solierpraentaffeat fiNg solo. • TURA ALTERED AND REPAIRED AlEBNlfilet TEM STORE, PHALRDE STP HIA. DITMIIPET MnrlFlLThlt NEW GOODS. Th,vgrergar/4.7rd• reartriil led nod:" i::;:i,zers,dtztv.-wrrod turn. DRY GOODS! ' GROCERIES ! BOOTS & SHOES 1 ! HARDWARE 1 ! CROCKERY! &c., tic. As nu be found Curwhat, and aims Datable Priem 0. N. CLuri. E. C. Bm7. CRANE tr. SNIT& taysrms Ouster. Pa.. kali It. trIL LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Ou and after Jane 10, MUM= on the Lehigh Valley Railroad will eau as follows : sown. morn. P. X. P. IL A. N. 7. 1. 9. 1. 9. 45 100 910 121m1r4 1945 2113 943 911) 130 945 Waverly 19110 635 900 333 \1 ST 10 00-- .Athena...... 11 45 615 800 tIDII 05 1040 T0w52145.....11 05 t 57 910 623 1180 2122194ns . —.3005 715 545303 11 50 Lacyrlll4 943 03 414 13 11. Meshoppee .... 921 • bas 617 1112....112b0.11591 911 613 55 360 12 43...Twalchtnoock... 643 860 566 2 441 1 24... 746 1 all 450 813 600 3 15...9711ke5-Darre... 700 119 430 730 4 35.. Anna ... 11 45 ISS 9.2. 856 6 60 ......A11ent0wn.....t.2. 10 47 1940 840 05......852122eci 10 30 13 I'o 915 .635 .E 54299 12103 1136 ID ID D M....Plllladelphls .., I DD' 4.5 T. IL 9 40..... New York-- ISt 000 A. a. dl lama Towanda at 710 a. tn.; Athens. 'T BO a. to.; Watorly.•osa, m.. arriving at Simi's atS gloat 'Bro.lll lava Molts at ti p. to.; Wand.r. at 15 v. 71502 t. no. • Atheasoit 11 1 10 p. na., arrivi ng arrivi at Towanda at Malvin /tom Chi attached to trains land inning tbsongh from F.lnttla to Philadelphia. R. A. PAMBB.,bnpetiatentiont. BILLINGS •SITOUD. Geste:sal lalmtilice. iagelat, . 21:12. LUIZ 4WD ACUDEBT IBM Wm. Mit cinitrace. Po. ... llsrtfbel The km. Co.:tanfal sad Steeples $3.000400 Some Ins. Co. oll. Ir.„ Cap sad bosplas. gLeOO,OOO Royal Ins. Co. Liverpool . $10.010.000 Liverpool. Loud= £ Globe . gM 000400 Fsaikno Its. Co.. Phtl'a . Fro.= 712.C0..0f North gentle& " AG Penbeylvstils Fire i. . 104.000 i Les. Cu" Bata of PM, It . S rO3 OOOO I union Minna - . Ito= TU st L L Co. . . g CO) 11110,032 Ta Z 23 . 21 e • .• • Coms. Mama Life lea. Co., 'Amps WIXOM& AlPsdkan ig l4 Phil'', - ..zsacrszotalsrezt: - ' '- • Ttaveleis Ins.CO.Xmlbst,Capltalaeg Bergin $200.000 Railway Passengers • • . IS I 000. The asdendgeed bai bees meg known In els county.tor - the.p.ase II reams* an humus b by Me Compelalss ban sprays um litchi. Losses eur.ibleg s e amiltlYPSd: • • tar Mai Irstdosr *lin from eduathirOglos of W.. 2.Cospir 6 C0.. - Tesnplbe M. Kbetzesecy's. _ l 3 - QM) Astat. - , CUL IL 1112:14 Islidtirl . rpsowith iv 111, snit ... . gdEtrtionntuto. $5 to $ 2O PSR DAYI Annum wanted I All elutes of working people, of saber set. ottne or 'old, make more more, et work for cm to their moments or- all the time titan at anything else. Particulars free. .4314rees G. 1111N .50N, At CO.; ot:tlaud Melo*. I:IOOEREEPRI Zang. smy rk irrtl JLP chest enn lear G Made n at ones. TooAnialled cle . fA cents.— IL GOULDING BRYANT, Bulialo, N. Y. GLlTnt:tt 9 131PC11111.14 avasieN 3v i c u l a itamect..wenutimie to the trade. Btu& Can t. oodtpid., on receipt of W. Al* 511.USAUFF. Heading. Pa. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE to tell the treitiow prteeittotTelibeller cur patented .Let farmers and eversbody who bap corn to shell son for circular to cons.suzuza narrishorz. Pa. CIREAT CURIOSITY—A wi tted lna of the high s...a est order for Si. Agent ln every town, an a porpihrea Indent, trod 10 , tenta for Opedman to " ••ait.ft's =tar Ittanaine." 51 Liberty at., N. Y. 1823. JUBILEE 1873. OF THE NEW YORK -OEt ES ER! The Best Religious& eeeular Family N wepaper &Tear with the MELEE YEAR 00K. SIDNEY E.- SIOIZSE CO., 97 Park Row, New York. SEND FOR A SRELPLE COPY. A OUSTS WANTED—For Harriett Bomber Stoves 11 Campaign book. with liars of the candidate' , and leadiog inen of rtNpasfies. 20 STEEL PORTRAITS.— AS to PO a day rap' tily and easily mad.. Write and see. Partleolaw fee.. WOIITIIINUTON. DUSTIN a CO% Dartford, C. Atents Wanted for Cobbln's CHER COMMBIVTATOR THE BMUS for the ROBS CIRCLE. 1.100 pages, ISO &virtual,. The best enterprise of Ms year for agents. Every family will bare it. Sating Park fitaite l ueepubtlehed. For Circulate address 11.8, Cloot. tram t.c. UT How. Liew GOOD COUNTRY TALLOW WANTER Richert price paid for prime quality by L. M. ELM INTOPL Soap and Candiallantifacturer, 116 Margaret ta direct, Philadelphia. 3El.cosim Of CASHMERE HAIR TOHIC Is anal:roamed as a Promoter of the Growth of the Hair and Whirlers. It Is neltbrr sticky nor grata', yet ft softens and emoothea the Nair tar better and moty permnbently than any OH or Pomad Used as a Hair Dressing.' It produces the zoos; beautiful and Matrons gloss. Warranted perfeatly harmie-a. Its eaquisite perfume is quite unrivalled. being distilled from the world renowned Rose. of Cashmere.. Large bottles. only BO cents. Addreva ASOLIENILteII MILL .11, 4uo N. ad St.. Philadelphia. Pa. A Great Event ! Webave decided to dispose of our Immense stock of HILLIARD TABLES at prices a little above curt.— ilret-clas# lald New Tables, eemslete. Becood hand Tables made over Ciew.SZA IS e 5. szo, &c. A groat minty to salt ell by ea. Send (or C.talogne. &WAN AIGH & DECKER, Coy. Canal & centre Samoa New Emit. A VPRAIIII3 ASTHMA CURE ASTHMA : _ relieves the boat violent pap °Mime In minutes, and effect. a speedy ear,- 15 eent• a box, by mall. Measly free, Addrese 9 C. OPEA,II, LI South Eighth Street, Phlladelphla, Pa. sold by all Drlzglot.. MX CP I:I3FLIC E. I .offered with CATAR.III7 thitty yertv. mod tree cured by a etmpl• remedy. Will send rector outrage free. to all afflicted. Ber. T. J. 1181tD. Dnmer ITf, byracuee. N. Y. ISAACS, Boceessor to Drug ISt ca 2* e, I. FANCY FURS BRION BLOM, MONTROSE, PA., Sign of the Golden Eagle and mortar WIG Deers Windom the public that era Dave moved TT our Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Brush ea Combs Perfuihery . Fancy Articles, etc.. Dan the Brick Store, tortnerty occupied by Guttenberg, Rosen beam a tdr. We have recently fitted cp this store In Modern titre and shall endeavor to keg) well aupplied with all atticlep pertaining, to the Drug Itosloess. We extend to everybody a cordial havitatlcra call and see us when In want of anything in our I me, and when am? In want, give os a friendly call. Tu all out old customers we desire to express oar thanks fur the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to as, We iihal endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. Very Truly Yours, sts. B. DIITCNS, Montrose. ffee.Sti. dllO2l kIICLDILS. 50,000 IN BANK No. No. No IL 2. 4. 6111110 GIFT CONCERT : Postponed to December 7, 1872. THE sccoNo GRAND OFT CIDIWERT In aid of the PtitilrOLllltiolm CIF Keirrittler„.annOilloted for September 23. tel been perettemed to December 7, 1512. becalm° the accaroulallon of orden•trie fete dap. before the drawing made It pbyelcally Impossible to II I theta without • tewdayrdelar end a. a then perathone meet WV , Ineellgible, it was d etermined to defer it to • time that woaldlonake a roll drawing cure by the rale of all the tieketr. The motley netersary to pay In fell all the offered gifts for upon &porde in the Fatmeee and Droverie Dent. as will be aeon by the lollowlng certificate of the Cashier. • FARMERS' AND DROVERS' DANE. f Lon!nine, Sy.. Sept. VI, leT2. Vila fa to certify that there is now on deposit In ibis bank over ball am flllon of dollars Lott's credit of ills Giß(oneert Fund, V. 01.000 of abtcb Is belt, by this bank. as Treasurer of the Public Library of Kentucky. to payoff &H efts awarded at the draln ff. Pt 8. VRACEI. Cubic,. 1,000 Prizes, Amounting to 500,000 IN CASH. 'al be aw.rded. the legbest prises Cent i lOO . OOO . $ 5O , 000,1M,u00. and down in rrguior gradation to =ID % which is the lowest. The drawing will positively and unequivocally take place December T. Agent► are peremptorily required to cloae rain sod make returns Fermi:dr ill In order to give smote lime for the final arrangement*. Orders ( Pr tickets or application. for circular. ahould be ad anned to Gov. TIIOS. R. tiftAMLETTP.." Agent Public Library of Kentucky. losisrlle, ky, • Ea Burentinis .1 t Fta n r 9 T h _l p ta 1 gg C l ti ni a ns i gt t E I RT .t b OD , :4 Bmi 4 tamp. * The best pump for we t I' kW money. attention Is eepeetaßy • a. invited 10 Blalcble y's Pa_et atimpre • ed Bracket andl:eve Deep Ch.ek r , go Valve, which can he withdraws wi1d _..„1...., eat remcorlaz the Tramper dlrturblng the i joints. lite.the Copps:raw:aka ern eb Deter macaw,. aml will outtaet y 41 inlotber. Poe We by Dealers every )•", '''' I . wbrre . Bend fur Catalogue and la . LW. , 4 ., i . - ___ _ s.,Cius:ll.l3l.4yentirr,lVC t , v cm Commerce et— ?MIL, ht. Ow v. 'moor, 15tb.1811.....90. lx—yl GOLD JEWELRY-4. Eine Assort; lac xt.andlottiar var%attra of Jewaki. A Gold 'sad antra Cased -Watcao , and Walaa Math". -Mint sae ellaerplatea Spew, ?oda. Eta foe. Itt— rad pi. - ariamcomes t et Yw" Haab.' Wakes, Itienum 11114 rs ill woman. Cliup Mak. -.- 110. ddi AIOL . " 1 7:7 ) , - t • AL .7•••••• • THE EAGLE PROPHILTODJ Isstrinzer NAM' 11,T WILLIAM SMITH'S ihatillialreFamltnre Wararonte you will dad the largest stock of • FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FUR U ! To be fulled In Ibis motion of the conalu, of Ms own manufacture, and at price. that cannot !Mite give sal.. :salon. Ile makes the ray best EXTENSION TBALEI3 1 In the Conttip, and WARE&NTO them. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of all kinds done in the neatest =nom E 3 Xi. X Xl7 C 3. X 3 El 7:1 33. OF FAMOUS KINDS. PURR NO.I MATRASSES, COMMON MATRASSES. UNDEATAKING., The vubscribm will hereafter make the undertaking a crol 7 3ld l 7bV4,o b lltrgilirgigL io glt, "" s P .V. d A needin g his aervices will be attended to promptis and at ullifactory charges. WEI. W. SMITH lk SON. , ldontrose. Fa., Jan. al, ISt—no3—t!. ISONGIVS?"I I 3aC".. MOM CARRIAGE GATE. (raTTCNTED. UCTOILIM Si. 197:1 To claimed by one best Judges. to meet the neresolty eo oog felt. of a Convenient. Prartlcal. Dor ble Gate. so Indoreed by the blithest authority in America. Is entirely different from and boa Many advantages over any other Gate ever invented. Is Chean end easily constructed and for convenience cannot fall to please all Can be opened and closed without the °operator changing hie poallton, lifting or pulling a pound. and If desired can be easily arranged to be opened and closed without dismounting. It occupies no more ground' when opened then two post• xi hoot gate. this making It very desirnhin over - an• other Gate to farmers and thou, living In Villages and Towns. la In order every day to the year. uo snow to shotel in winter. It can- 1 . not sag or art out of repair. , . , For further pertlenlen. address the nnderrlgned. who will es Inr au possible visit the sevenal Conni'es In Pennsylvania and adjoining SW.. foe tin purse of exhibiting and introducing the some. Farmers and enterprising moo generally well do wen to glee this speci.ti attention, as this Gate certainly will go Into geuer.ti nee. GEO. 8. )51ACKEY. Proprietor. Jane M. "a —tt. Itiotiolion, Wyoming Co.. Pa. Ayer's Cat hartio Pills , For the relief and cure of all derange ments In the stom ach, liver, and bow els They area mild .41111 1 14.`'t aperient, and on tilfq excellent purgative. 4.. Being purely vest , • table, they contain t- o '••••••: 4- no m ercury or mille • ral whatever. Much `iy serious sickness and suffering Is prevent ed by their timely use; and every family should have them on hand for their protection mod rellellew ben requlrelL Long experience bas proved them to be the saf est, surest, and beat of all the Pill. with which the market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is purided, the corruptions of the ITle tem expelled, obstructions removed and the whole maehinery of life restored to Its healthy activity. Internal organ. which become dogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer's PIM. and stimulated Into netion. nuts inclpiesii disease imanged Into health, the value of which cha when reckoned on the vast multitudes who e njoy It. can hardly be computed. Their sugar coat g makes them pleasant to take. and preserve. thew virtues unimpaired for any length of time, to that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild. and operate without distprbaneci to the constitution, or diet, or " F C ' l iff u t i l ' i;e " ctions are given on the wrapter to each box,the how to WO them as a Farling P y e, and for following complaints, which e Pills rapidly cure:— For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listless. acne, Lane norand loose of appetite. they should be taken moderately to stimulate the atom. *a, and restore its healthy torte and action. For Liver Compplalut and its Varlintleytttp toms, Bilious Headache Sick Deeds ache, Jaundice or Green (Headache, ions Colic and Bilious Severe, they should be Judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructiotw which cause It. For Dysentery or Diarrhowt, bat one Mild dose fs generally required. For 'Rheumatism, Goat, Gravel, Pal. saltation of the Heart, Pala la the Ilide, Dactrand Koko, they should be tontine tiously taken, as required, to change Om diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical lierolliage, they should be taken In largo and frequent dons to produce the erect of a drastic purge. For nonpreeeloa, a large ,IOSO should be taken, as it produces the desired erect by spa patty. As a Dinner Pill, take ono or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An oceamonal dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the animate, and invigorates the system. Hence it Ls oacn advantageous wheal' DO anions derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well often finds that a dose of these Pitts makes him feel decidedly better, from their clean paratus.sing and renovating effect on Ihe digestive ap Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical Chantsta, LOWELL, 1[4.311., V. 11. A. SOR &ALE DT ALL DRUGGISTS - Ag — r" , :nif , ITA...LE fit ‘... , 0 ' OO 1 7 - -- - 1 VEGETABLE SICIL,UUI 1 , I , A 4 n:.• -- . ... , 3 . HAIR ..\. - . /IN: .5 "% k " ,-•-. 0 ...P. . ~;;;,•—=--".., .. ' "..-. -3 i • • • 2..: , „--- ,--- Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only, reliable and perfect ed reparation for restoring Grist OR F ADED HAM to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its-use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Hun DRESSING ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the haiia splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D. State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, andearo fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Bun Pnam- RATION for its intended - purposes" Sal by as Druggitte, and Dealers medicine% Price Ono Dollar. BUckingham's Dye. POE THE 'WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many ems requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color whiCh will neither rub nor wash o 0 Sold by all Preggista, Price Fifty Cents, MAnlitectVel by 11 .. P, HAIOn 6 064 Ii44ITATA4 ZIA Bold by Abet 'Vomit and Burns & Nichols, Montrose, and all drur,ista and dedera every, wham (Dec 21,187 Q--9 BARLOW'S NORIO CLUE. . _ . le the cheopeet and hem totiele to the market tor Npulti r tthee. The well:whet both thulosoo sod Wthtor b pates ottSbe lAA. and boat op at Walt prier* p atom. tr..= Nottb %wood Bt. PANedelt 1.1.2.F1LT Ptpirdasir.Var ale lry 111 .1 11 P.. w . GIB OS TOUR MUM! DO YOU WANT 10 . 1.11i#41 aitc=iraf-'71.1141 Sewing Machine ? T 0 old friends and warms of SurTnesenets et... 11117— stein In the geld soliciting yontystronags for The Original Howe Sowing Moine, E5TA8L1511139, 130. • DintOVED. 1571 Please call and sea It, with lb. Imptayeatants. at BOWS suns. Znaembei the Ganda. [lows Ilia no modallion bud. ROOMS AT- 66 Court Street, Binghampton t N. V •ND AT Wilson's Store, Blontrotte, Pa • IL H. DUNMORE. Ilentsose, Jan 13, Wt. AGENTS WNTEG! and tu t ee hyit i x i n —with ra ploateationa, I kerma. at tee PrZsuluenta beandhilly bound. and printed on tinted papa. THE NATION Its Rulers, and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nothing like It. rttrikes everybody a. Joel the book they need. It I. an Eney. lopedia of the Government Sleek. Dag. In It. are of them.el-in worth the pe t e „ of the book, Grer 500 pages and oply” m. A Rich Bar. visa, tor Canvivaeern—latlie. gentlemen.—larm• n. teacher,. and et edent•. cos neva took 75 ardente aftu d a a gy .w a " n h rac i" l:e ..' rec e i r iriat i Tr.ll; l 7 k W a Tr ea r . t %Tenn ' , and Informati NNW Wutcl.D rttuLISIGNG CO . Corner 7th and Altus tttreeta. Phtbdephla. Jo comb.. 1. 1871.-1 r LOOK, o LOOK REEDOHANTS ARO TRADERS ! ! IN THIS COUNTY AND EVE WHERE!! 3:101 zr mstr-2- caw. M. C. TYLER 79 RDI DUANE ST., N. Y . i;rITO taste, Cons .t CO.l AN 11 0 NOl'. WHY IVO7 I' , ENTERAL ti ARMS , IItE Crtlery tteyt he.. bhnvets kJ' Looking GI isee.. Light Ong sod man. • thm 'X Cut , a.m. Sims!. and Imo? pole A i•e, (the b. to In the World, fer, ry knot of Brushes. Door Lock. Pal t ocks. Knob, Gone. ll•rontem. Pistols, Revolver.. Faun Is. Carpet. ter's Tool.. Blacksculth'e Bellows and Tool.. .ted K01e..., Fo k• atiel Spoon.. and everything nenatl• kept Nit Ftrst Cl loath:lrd ware Imponl ng •od Jobbing tows. o Mistake:l Ply sincere Thank• .sre tendered In the many In my .we Count,. for the kind rmtronago. as also to the ma. In other r'ou vim. who may read thls.. nd a smarm! Invitation Ls hereby given fora continuance . ...se welt a lt. I hoot Who ere vrilltog to give me trial. r ho have sot dorm so, by orders or calls. Truly, Ms C. TYLER. him:trove, Ilarett. , US2ltill I HY. S?:1141 WATER CURE. TAT. Armes I. .ow completeil sod rem', for stecernn. r , ••1•1n of •I•lter. send IS. treatment a Invalids The fol'onine err among tb• AI known In hen. been etired.by the as. of the Stmaneheena "Dean) Water. D/SPETBIA. GRAVEL. DIARETIS. SIDNET DIS; AIMS VRSEMAL DISEAB34. DROP. Aff 4 LI. IMPURITIES of the BLOOD, LIVER COUPLATVT. ULCERS • COROFIr DIARRHEA, FE d.AL4 DPIRA46. RI( EV trism. suriu , ELLS. SALT RHEUM. teIItOTIILA. And ell Chiltoel:l, WEI Digs To those who eostesaolate el Whig the ilptiligs, we wOO%l say that the HOUSE is PITTED with s winr to the COMFORT and EASE .1 oat CUES tnAnd nne Cull spars no plans to looking to their welfare. We guarantee $ cure or decided help, or no psy. For further partici:dais env:area, or address A. D. BUTT Susquehanna Mineral Springs, Rush, Penn'a. April. 1T,1812 —me WOOL-GROWERS TARE NOTICE.. 11,1 OT TS. WOOLEN MILL Ti tanning nrnal. mak Ing all wool Cannel., checked and white: al.° cotton warp fennel, the beat ever mode; all wool tweeds and coesharres. A large lot of cloths on band, for pals or to carbon:a for wo.sl. Please give me e before dirporina of pox wool ohms here. MM. call tulles north of Montrose. J. W. MOM Montrose. Janet. 1111. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI AT lON, For the Rellefand CPre °rem Erring and Unforttmato.on Principle. of Quinlan Pollanthropy Hangs owthe Errors of Youth end the Follies of AV In relation to Marriage and Social Erna. with soultar old for the afflicted. of free, to sealed envelope.. Ad drum HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Box P. Pitilarlataat,, 883Illia TITFUMI:IM•7-11. DEIMOD3T, NOSTECISE PA.. heattlytaally retelying " Vir GOO r) Aod keeps constantly on band a fullaud usuriumsaul geuuthe DIst.IGS. MEDICINES. CIIBIIIC.ALB. LI ( 1 (.1 : . Palms, Ulls, othrr Gat c.:ries. blows Ware. Halt:old Nluduw kuta, Watt war:4 Yrutt Jare..slltruto. Losopt. I:tre 11:/v1.14:Cri lituuto . NIL ticut.,(.,o: Oil, i. fluid Whale Uh.b(irty OIL J% Indio • T.rimu true, Val rullatelo, r) bard. y tratcd L. AO kireave,Trusurs. bupporia rw, luttrtunvots,Dhontler Uracre, ‘4lO, kotul. Carltll4t*. rumba : , bhut. Lrud : but: Ca v,1111111:11:8 Puwavi Vuor. Hoits.vtt. !In is Vacs. etc., Fidt: Dock's: a Lit:4 .„fiat ullte tittupg thUr 011 F, Usk Itesluruto. *4O Lltat !qr.. 1tri1.1,14: rocket EfliTv.,Spre:4l:l,,,Bilvel b:P. 2 . 1 04 4 0 1 IlWll,lA7ticica•aatelxttdaewttµa)dul FANCY' GOODS. JICWSLUT. •nd FElt/UllEltr ♦ll Me I esdlpg spd boot kfftd.o of 1 4 4 TEST DIEDICIRM to 'bolt. watt, elms ante NI restore tbe tack; to tuttv. 20 delight toe use. to matt the foot/ suit IWO totood ore to lbw trolaud ogybottapttal curntoW, OtOto. SOOOtorog op ip Itoptatlttigge, st nottoroikot. VIII II s4ool . ogOVlTofttlYetOto Mairertelsahaltill RADWAYsB fiEtlia BELIEF EVES.% THE WHILST PAINS In from Ono to TW,Hry tAt nutoo. NOT ONE HOUR tSn reabnir t1.1.4,1•••tt,5.-.llt tctl tWFVErt Wll H FAE 4. =WATS CLAM' ItELIEV, i.l .t CCZE TOII EVE1:1( PAIN. "1! was tae Cr* SW 1. • • Who Only l.'uln IlcmodY tut Instato:y imps On ! L oud em - tulaalne ne, DIV PI 1.1.03112..1k1K. and anus tw-Fe.41.1...1.1.•th0.,./ I:xneusoa uttua jr,.... u Or.. a, ilea,. sys.auur rf Tl:o3f ON't TO TIMSTY 3113L - TS.9. Winner how Voatot tacrodallug Ow p. 411 Oro neer- T/U, Crip9l.l. Ircruu, rovu4k. etpuntrual elt4 due., lazy ruCce. RADWAY'S READY nEt.tav DILL APTOTtD INSTANT Lug. . rem-aanuloN UP' VIC KIYs. INEL.IIIIIATION Or' TV= DLADD:2I 1377.4113111T10.3 Or TOR ROWELS. CONGIOITION Tflr Lrscs.- sons Tunoxr, DiVFICt/LT OLUCATFU,NO,_ , PALPITATION 01 , TUE =AIM cnour., DLPUTUEID - .1. CATAULUU, ITCLOACCE, TOOITIAML NEW:ALMA. rtmtliallslt. COLD anus, Actrz ?jai spplit.s.k.* et the Reedy 'tenet N th. pater partstendo Use_pale . or 4=024 Oz.. • rlinTent vase and wheren. innAy Amps In bet a lennt on. at wain 111 few wows. enn bPASSIM. STONIACII. 1111ARTAITIM„ MUM II EA 11A111E. DIAlt/tIIEA DYnliNTEIrf. COLD'. VaND TUL 1111.1WLLA, a/1121TEIMAL Tray*lsm slonlld ale•.n are, a baffle of Ca 1,111101 Itegu ILelle.f nlAll.ll , m. A fele Elf 0,•431 •1.1 knew. itelirms• Or pal". from halve watur. It te lee tar IhaAhluch 111.ndy to Musa as a Arthontax.t. WEVER AND AGVC. FILTIN AND AGUN mug fur SS,. cent, rim Is set & Mufti u ,t thls worl2l Oro vl I ems Yrrer 0n..1 Arts, sadther Milos, gatri!l., T•pholeL Wk., and nth, r e v ers (W I.y DADIV.AII4 SILLSJ snick as DADWAr3 READY itiz.u.r. rin7 .04 pa WWI. 0.4 4r DruLgLts. HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! {THONG AND MIMI 'awn noon-TNCIIEASE PP FLESH AND SYS:D/lIT—CLEAR SHIN AND ESAU TIFUL 1:1111PLLZ/ON SECURED TO ALL, DR. RADVJAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT D.AI DADE THE HOST ASTONISHING (THUS; SO WWI( SO NAM C AID{ THE HAIVIEN flour Imasitoons. trinzie THE INZELUSID'S OF THIS . TISULY AVONDLITCYUL SIZDICINY4 TWAT - Cvory Day an Incroapo In Rosh and Weight Is Soon. and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Ea.,' dm) of the SARSATARILLIAX RESOLVENT emnottialeatea tnnturb the El.reat, rrt,,and other 0 olds =linters of the Gleam Me VIVA' ..f Eft. for It nimbi Om wades of ilia truly anti non and ~rod tuaterlr . . Scrofula, Syphilis Cutonmptinti, Glandular db., t ta Lb. Thoeo, Moatb, Tu•norallodes I r t • banes sod other pant of OA 5c. , ..,. Poo tra. Menem. I I <nate from the Etre, and the runt tome.( Stitt Caen... Cm, lima, Peace &was 8.1.1 Mad. TJae Won, Pan Itlour, Eryalpalvt. Acm, Rant rip as, %Tunnel, tint Firth. 'noon, Cantu, in the Womb, and ad neatening and yainfai eiGlra Nicht Stmoda Ines of Sperm. ant • 1 wants et Oa Id. primal., ere nitlda the curative ranee of Oda Ivarcultr of Modern Chetalttry, and a foot dal. v.e sill rm.* ft my proem in•lna it for intim, tf {l.ll firma of dime. lu Went worn to cure them, If tlAztath . dtll i y tco w ialnit Induced by the van. ire i t nndby ypeceoWny. aneeetds fa . a.rn7lng them mutes, Gni meant Onmtna uto nen mom m N ad. from intently Lbonl— ..ad Vas the SALISSRaItif. LIA and dose seem, • .. . . . .. . . . Not only WWII Cad liastartanst-To. ill:novae er•ol all knnlrn ...MC ae..ta In I I. eu.• of c......a1e. Ilarnfooros. . onalltutaoaal, alai bkl. dlataata ; WC It la C. only yodtly. Staniar fildnry Fi 11ladder Cornplatntst, 11 binary. W a t t.oro db..% Orme!, Dllletee, !Doper WIT.. of r.•lncontlecnoll Of 0 rloe. Dr4-14Vr o. AM:mined; and s'l.ool ell,. 110, am brtrlolo4 OA water la Mick. t hrew! . lth or it the whit* of an Cr:.r threw!. o 401111• ark. or Mi. la* enarldololark, 1411ort• appearanor.atol whlte 1.00400.4 &Tag.. and when them la a PNet ina . I.otlng 10.eallon orbat paring oraler..drealariath* of the Desk an 4 S/1., the Inlee,_ WORallSeThll errly knOvlr and sore Daroar for TrOrmr—ran. dye, etc. Tumor or 13 Itenrs' Growth Cured by Ilachrry's r:esolvent. 8:gar...11 le, DD. De. !Leeway 0-1 100. e 1,4 Orarlaa Tam.). I . C.. feat. r,l bewela all 0111 /00a Arlan.., telol-4 0.0.1 .. eineoerered ;100 -ra'ee .01 I eor r " wes litMeaL eat Dowel I .04407 trtl ate f•,Sin 0. hem. 1 aaa ralfeel teelee rem 1 I.le Cs 1 or C 4 ane 4•11 1111 4111d1/111 . . 1 , 1111. ,111 tee 10.4 es rf veer limey 11•1114, eel Owe hSA a Ore 10 1. 1. reel .dell, ear l Gel leo, moo.. 65-1/tarelar 014.3 1 e.e. f r Pee-. Dena. U. Ineal to." oar Sella left, errs af an. 04 Ima LSD pos. beta. 1... La evs rel 1 1 A lf, yes elem. 11.011!..r11 1.1. r arr. DR. RADVVAY'S PERFECT PURGATIIIE PILLS, Prrfrollr tarok., eetrealr cocelol welt ....I rm.v. lerllfr. c'eanoe, 111 slroortle o. I,o'eay. trgle moor all 111.01 ors a the titer. ell Deer. 110erla. Mlftarl l . uaa _ ID-rdror, lrervoo. 110-eler!.. e... 0410.0 r'ealetneirs. banged:ln, Derierela, 11 . 1100.045 x. 11.1. 1.1 Derv, 1011annuatIon 01 Do 1100,1, Nee,v.d 1.11 ortrerorota of tho Inlornal Tlecore. 1r.rr,1,1 ,1, 4 4 Tritlf • cure. Phroly Verel.ol.lr. ocaloll.loB La ....um .1 era.ls dolotereele dregs, Olneerro the (011 aLlor relriptoma reralllor fro= Vs arras of rho Dlreiloo'Orylos: Canaq./1, Inward Fannon./ tlw 1 , 1«..1 la the Pawl. Aclolt, nf the &work Fame, Bawler, Vitanul of Yana. Falk ow 8v WelaSt la the !Inman. Ave, Prams Wes. alaiLaw =Om Plt &wawa, Fowl...ming 4 Ow U. Ilzrrlai col to finnahlw• Flattering. the Melly nv s•Swallag Sawlloan wk. I. • Lyle. NW., Mesas 8: VOA. Pala ar s:rlit i hr erz, e i t L •aal. dam. aad "" ralda Ilea; tardlli la 4ha A he , dews e renwArs rILLA err.) Per 0...n1m fr , neW the ahnir...an-ed et...orders. Wire. 23 renta per W. SOLTe TIT TeRtIGUISTA. DRAT , `FALSE AND VIDE." Rer4 rert Jeerer gimp I. RA DWAT A CO.. No gy ilaldrie Nere-Tark. Inferreallne wane, thieurnAere vale t» nal re. April 3,1672.-71 THIS WAY, GENiEMINI Harpoon ITORSE HAY FORKS! Twenty-Two Suits Per Premiums Awarded This-log , & aro- In Flfttea /Ituak*--1569 and 1810. ALSO PILLIS MIL FILLY, An Implement that Ferry Farmer, Carpenter, Mason and Painter Should Rave Ml.osrcal•criaaa HORSE RAKES Mind Retell. Scythes, Smiths, Grain Cradles, Iron, (A chnr Band) Arles, n . Springs Carthage Bolts. Ctrs Darn, (Steel and Iron.) 1V1C62) Atom- CA V' X° if MI .IE. Clo ir. EA that •.ways glass an A ARM SVIINTLE 1 when the Coffee la Unsay hie the de. TRY ON and you will and the Cod • Always !light! • arra, Drina Dann. .. Pleas. Dam, Saws. 1 , 11.-a, Draw Halves, Seat,' Mann. PAntr, oils Stores, TarD are, Neatrosa, July I, irr „a. 1:101%3 bO3 , VI 3 'r .6. rt.I3ZIIIC.• Ma XX Clila St = . OPPOMTZ TOE COMM UDCII JOIN T4MIEL I 4. Rrortel"! s~rthl~t~e.lYn'•WU Ltutl i Marmxrith 4 4 . 1 44 , * &ors v Fe. R. PR. 1.6 ell• Et" by. I. Oh. Varolob . Lamps. &A ..elytteastra,“ "Iteortut" tth.. tint Ind the tippler on. ta Orunitermenazd ram, be me a nee IdeeLeitte. nada from the eativs recta end Labs a f CaSfencia. Inc from alt AMheao SErnulanta. The y arc t:.. Great fined Puritan mut a I..i'e-eiciuy, kriteple,a Pe-let It:inner and Inn. Lora.. of the S. cram. Carr al a lioinnents mann, and retuning the b efial.Crtilalinl it, fa. &ninny and is+ i and body. Thay are easp . of atinuni•trat , e,, I rent t till altlia date rem is, Cafe and car.abe is a.. (min of disease. So Person can tatr.o,l :toss Meters naming tp ditntiotts, and renta:a Inag . rnae I, rrnided thth tot destrond S i mince:A cotton Clothe/ piplia, and Man A v mean nested lerund t.,:toatt of repair. Drapeppmla or Intltrteation. Ifeadaebe. Pais in the hien:arra Ctn.:l:N T. atnervaf tut. tleac Dlsisiusta, Sam Ertnat ma of the ;:orates, '1 ask, I. tha Ifemb, ili.ions ra!,:tatio, of Si. Ltent, leflametatien al the Lt.:V. ece re.:'.ona of tlre K t irineye. and a base dreg other enreteent, an 1:13 arinn,.... of In then camp:- it Ilaz en cad one Leda a limner ruatenten of is merits thun a nattily advenisament. Fur Ventr.Y., COlinallailltE r in yammered, marring .cteurie, at the tea.. at womarthoo.!. or in tern of ;blob T.,. Muer, re influmee thas • wind. imuneettett is tint parerpt:We. roe 17ctlarnutatorz o.utl Faranie (lam roil Disron..3 or Ilk:Cal:ONkrmit• ins and I uertar,:et I Geer., Litman, el en Voolf. Liner. nod Vad.llr, iota 1: tie,. hare been rant emetaaftd. S Decant caused by Vitiated rood, stick I. gee.- crily ; I Y ~ t an- n ucnt of the Vze-tint 'fa -7 alto rt Gatette 1.11r.:fti.1110 as 111•11 as /a Toni/, rosraiLr.,-il.ao the faunas our:. of acting a a • yowerul tt-nt . ft .Ca:n: Correa:inn 1 - farmmatiOla atlas j.:..er and tr,,eiml Ur ant and to D:seaam. Skin D:400.11011. Tenn, 5 c ! t .gb,..... trctehes, Slegc Zoo 'CI, Carboneem.l..ies. nonu•. Eta Son Lyn. I..rmen. Itch, eh. Seer* • f II un,nes and Iguana at the Slut. f rettettr tarn rr nature, nil en. lap snit ear•ie.l,l t:. ',ten is., a churl Erne by the ma ef dune Muer,lots• in suet ctues aria ewving'tbs yoe I.icrallaiiiiti a .1 Vo.i.r rivrai:re a 7ert - . Clatataco t'...0 Nl/1.0.:otl Clocol olsecover iiiti EMI is a importict Irst.7:ltt: ti:rot.7% isalOos in I•orriss,_ Xfortr t .,,... cr 5,-co ;t: car,a it .:,en you fild it oils:rooted =a cit ic C.o. VC a.; c'ose- it su'tec it it fade Vent fattier. ill .1 yll I tOo,t. 1:-...1 C. 1,:oott rt.-2.1 and ilaslutaltla of !ts if: ter. vi 1 fo _nor Crateful tiy.csanals rrnr-Lti. Vtxr.G.• rerun* ,',...: ma .t yu.:.lc”..i Inv . :scoot t',..t over soccaLuesi the sicking 1 ty•tr, Plu s 7 ovr. araaosa .2:‘.r ra'sartsaa, larlits, in Ito ap. tr., of t0 1.,....1 I ..:31:- . ..:, tre e:.c•Gi...2::y ectlfl2)4l .4 I ..,, , ,vetl S 0 . ...3.31.,..5:V . 1.! I 'ors.o! . .ntst: Shoo ts ..,.teed os 7 !...u1t...1 tu rut eta tut tit% a car... victsso Roney esecopt ttit O tow . f..e.soitu.t ../ ovum, I; I•re I v:scit tiro /smithy *ler rotot. . t i to I.'s, Volt awns a..-1, Los c . :son INI diaWtil Iconlom ard 2, ~. e.,..-os:ts l'vli It-red etc. - sr - 14in merman .1 C.tersr. 1:-. s uuect t f LI e.!:c:nv, so vernsiforr.s. va stt . •,.. .. tn. os ...I Ico inc ep os.. Lan canna like OW* 1:;•1171. 7iechat :cal Disease.. Taurus wowed itt Paints .t. 2 I Mo , s. s, tuc:. iit I . ..outto.rs, TITs-coUccl, Cu.:44reaorra. t., osi • 1 no. -. t trr c..consc i t 1a:at...11 ea-Inert 5. to .-: :tie 11:., . ", r".. - 4 a-airrot C.-.1.t tc.Lo a. l'erSS • f ViAl er c . s Vr .. , Dirvotts ..occa or huts a c - ittls, ea I. re. , •I •rl• 1.11/ions. lisellif cut, it el ralternattent L'.. tors. itrit.ll it ••2 i rcva crst a.t'tlut talk." ,f cra as ,r vort tit tru,ott.t 1 , 1 I.lni:ed SM.. .recii.). I'm. . Bile '1;..5i....,,, 0.1.0, ! , :.-• , ...i. I too %Tarot-taco, Cuanlntr!ar4. Atka:s•-., 11-,1. Cmorz4, 4 , ..,..„ rcs Crans!.., Pm!, .44. ~, 51 , .1... e :i.vn 41., /luctua.c., J ac t, su.lotar..cothen, tears •• - •4 I, lA.:, t. titrocr;locot cur entrre cooscr, r:nrinc s',. It...contra r-4 truodi!ca, and rooasrlab'y an loran sorso, .I ' r 3 . ...1,11 I . • - t t,I erne,. •:.:o i.tratia`.4 mots. t-icl I f art .5 vs e •-.::=,—to or 11:o soeuth avd Inn,, I,:d enher-r.1.4,1:n-zi ,::.r.:. Thee are a'sas:s nose owlets cits:roc,:oos ti et. Ecor, a tofra tad irrral.".• seats.? •sa a: . a:1, a ...1 rnnt leant Cl tha brnren,lx.".l2; o'er:ad t-, so th v*I:otorl cr.tovr'•.....salt: 1, thc:., treatment, a wr ro...ste. otort:cc a ircood..l i..f.re-uce 1:70.1 Otse Vatblos or In% 1, et,ent,..y t treas . +, I.llcr. is co cltharoc fur Our firma ec.l, In p., j L'At.u.,e.r,...c . A.< I:ccuraat s . as - .tes• sr. I fl-toc4: 7 re-.e.,. em ‘Ltt-',..ci.orod 'cc./ matt e stint w!.. On Luc a t:1 in. 34 , 1, et 15•3 rata* runs iv:a:nearer' the ecc,o.inus ..Itlte I.vor. r.c.l I-onto:v - 7 rucar:oz, A. Irsallll7 fuuccous of the .1......-c . Art r.-,,,, Scrofnia. 1 7 44 e tYre:4lV. Wm; scv! . ..l.3.luffugnations.l.Al.leat L1e47.111.1,4V1N t:eryvt:.ll Arca4ms. 04 Sue%=6llas r.f SL.-. at:. 14 i all oho runkity (Ate., WA: ICIVI . S Vl` , /, It 1:1T1T3/1 Lae, %hems their vut c‘rat.ve n.ers i restr 4141.411:e Intncable fiat A AVonsy.32'.3 A.:l3.atrit 2. her 51/71/111211211K4 sail neadaelleee s:Lis,u7,!) they seem trifles to ere real disorders. Icr vv.:Jet-nes; eit r ept.. gerund dr. Laity, rains in V, lie crd inio...nevirsos sail 'la bead. spa 17 s' al ,t tr,-uLlis cla.gra " (.110.• Tfa WA1.1=13 . 5 rllllro.ll Irrrnane arepore.y a.. - .d'ay I soft!, rives to tiu mast delicate., area sorriv.i, end .reedy reereiyi Dr. Walker's LaLfOrnia =teen are on a I ilizeo coves is a tosilse menace— Ity . rovilying dos B'etai'' 'bey remove C.: nut; and by resn:inng sea• Fecrs ash< intlevonsai.on Giro hibeverdardeposilartimsdletsi pets retort Itca!ily and a per , anr,t rive or gimlet The properties et 1)x. %is t.esa's V.enterot karma are dorms.. b..nhoseee end Cori-livaiive. Harmless, L.a. :bee. Ceen es-Irritant Sus:Writ; A 1,.... and Ant, Daisies Tito Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Da. W n:-ate's Prxarrs InTrtis a:. the best ado-punt ist Nl ones of creptues end =la.:gnaw Loess, their betaussic. beet. and soothing proper-.es Proton us, Ist- yonof tba Enos Their Seder's, properur al.ay n the screws span; annum:, and linnes, either (run Inds:on:mien, wind, caw crunps, tie Their Connter•lrsitut Mouses sestastOn throvillund the system 'their Diuretic rm<rtics Sc. tan the no m 's. correcting pad telralataz the few of jartaa Their A fro; cedes atitardstotha lime, in lb* etts avian of bile, and ns trisoliatros thronyb the Lamy darn. and are seven th In a:I seinebel 2.. - ents. far the Oath et Fere-. Fev..r and A 7:ne, sae Fortify the body nzalisst disease by pani us. all its dolissi.h VlsteGsat LiTTlea yo epitome son sale had of a system thus forearmed. The ear, the storenda,tba bowels. the ItiOneyn, and tba urges ars ratdAntel dame. proof by dna Veil Inv coma. Thal Eilleaey of b. Wm-raiz Tanana Itrrewat, in Chronic Dyapepkia. Form, Nervosa Dianders,C4s4ltpla Lion, Mummy of •dal poser, and all analatiies ft•nrig' rho comae, Leer, lames, pulmonary organs or ownetdar mina s has been per used by har.dreds of ther•-•••os and letadasia of thousands more are asking for the same relit[ Dircetions.—Takt of the Bitters on gulag ta bad at ht trona a half to one and onedulf sindyglandull, Zig good nourishing ford, rub as beeritisak, =aeon them wad• son, roast beef, and se:vaults, sod take oat-doer antetnn. They u r compered of purely vegetable inztedianta. Nadas. Lea en %thin I• WALKER. pray r. R. 11. troDONALD • CO, Drugging and Gen Ago.. San Vrnsneco. and corner of Wasitioven aid Clawson Sta.. New Tads. cirSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALSJAS Jaly 10. 111=1—m1 `fit letek•S fp eraSalttls wikatkve ggg'''-keNtets Or Sozar.contod; Coneczitratod, how' ant Ircrbal du cc, c; raavle.. Till: " Lrrvz.r.: cz.vsyn C 17..:2.12:711V, or =ulna= In Parvik 17 bride. wp • orelly of modrfflrelllral. Mendota and ?too,. t,onkre. N4ll-.3 ur any Pragt.rtsli:orll.ll- 12..rr. typol.l‘4 11111 , , c - .. - ntam.rd' at thenµ color, talLtaky ta4rcuiocki.., tu Lea • • tan by a re r. 41 a; ri3.1..11/ . I r eztw i ,t l'ie oot:iori lust ..tter s, est 1ca.111. , 1 mitetwat Me 113 t 1,1/IP 4-1 nc ClA:c.a./110 Iliono 111/ a ra!natu 333. y I' than to 0.4 tr.t at. 4 . , ti at cal irltgly razlloavri 17 I.to, of 10 I: nn. PPI:t31111 P1,1113;113 tu.l W.-14:1MM liarallttla I'a rr.l:tal vo h el t..t r pr. , rtst., la a taa*t W Iceotrate.l fta . .a.p nr.ch rach...c prucre aa ,, ..-1111 la Oov .411.11a-;o vino t.iluit I. pada 11 Cie ilou rnupr, rrsan their wooderrA rEltartia ist , Tar. townnin, I. Cwlr • Ize. tm ban alt Plc] them% 10 apt 1 o ropnova i!•at 14 , 11:0 111,41 u• donee I. tut roc's 441 of at all Co cam tr. 412drol:t tiover!ral a fir ell)te.rf which ttmy r , ...12;..r.1 IV:11110 113. - 1110:11P011 a nd 111.3111111 A WIC 11 utter., as L. pm taco It La.,.4lmar..i t ina.., thorn!l A. r- 1 g. ,1 “ , Y. 1 1 ,4 binitly °atria, Ling c..4410.1:44c., Sinn newarel I. theprozartill. tor of 16,4',0 1 ult. It. 13 IC y alts. 111.1 11111, will Lad In Colo n, y Culoowl of otlow (awl Of utt,Vairy or any otact , 11V. 1 oW colirniy - I ,, reinhie. 4,0 ;animist e.IA la 1 , 1 , 11r , 1 14s1.0 them. Tticy opon.lo " I.lllinut tliworbooto 1:011.1111/1111TI. eat, cr topii cool lull. furi.t mill:ye a BlealLsclac. 11.au.k taipaLlon. Impart) rota in *llO tatuoicler...Lighto.,o4.l th0.C12441. Dla Llll, sl,ttar ErOct•alunn or tuo *WM, nots, tablo lit woo th, Claws* nitactot, 41.0144 111 r- gluts 01 Fradlityv. Internal JF,yr... tilomed ferllts4 !.Iro n Ni0.n0c11,7114,144,1 tquodisolleon,lligh Color , .1 fig Urint Woe lability' mutt Gloomy ir , troboalngs, ate tat. Yleyets4 lelea•Ant Voroatlvo 11elluta, •I 1 explalk ilma of tha rolta.litl I.u - or or soy ll:man a wawa Intl( r 0 rraat a Val iofyiPt tll l .ioutio, h tun, owl ;h o l t . 'wools upon the a ula4ol yeoman Lay Is isolv-als a, 1101 41 Vlond - or libtatto . 000.1.1441. u..nasivo Impress. Agit duos not Lay& them; botdooronniu tbeirtiltm units. ;aired r 10 , 1111 vt Vas. 1. , any ollnattk.g.te4 the/ ire 41113 7." faIN and rei!abto 'Mehl* volthi CZIKEIC it% plili 000,110 113 drqz stunt. pi:4okt" Cheap 11.1.3 0 r vialo44r4 Dorm: limolact 0.14 tit etata.taionto f 11. iircit 1 re._4ll Ilona Ivo ea Parzattro Indloovl, tionfliole Past* vita 013001,m; whotaltho6l., Tboy itro -Rohs by nit Ontorprtalac . Deugaltulcut coullita inattlo. , Do rot snow any dro7:iet to Indere yeet t. to ml 'mythic V, ft %SI t o sae/ wu is jlit es snort as VOCIIIMII LUZ:l2'e* 0 I.srlet prott thstwl I •be r.comtuend.. If yot.e - 4rienz , ,tlimot. sup there. a laze 3 txnta Oyu{ ratite telei 5 1 14il 4 r.ergScr, 4 1 4.r.VM00S , .44 1 , IRMA WAD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers