mnicnigence. utratirous.sratvicEs. tlPTlST.:Ciltritql; am J. , Cats rams D. D. Prodor; tt•hath Serleci ' 10)(8. m, and 1 N•ber•th Sand. • ........ .•••—• .. t rarer . 3a v A.,tlg, Wednesdel Ell:tans Ix. CATHOLIC catracit • net. Otartzwe eiibAsiti Services -Setund bundsy la cacti %tenth Sistitutb BtLoel Inseleillstrly Mute dace _ . . crtscOPA-CIIIIACI!...rer. r.- ek. Whim:art. rector. 1-,,,bt.t.h Service. • 1 ii•' iti. sett IN p mt. ....a.9, Schad. ~..,,, ~ —.. ..... . . Itm. \%•,,.-tiay Servicea—Wedneedare ' ...To. m. . .• Z. • i• si zinooIIiTtITSCOPAL --Roy_ A, D. ALizt tuna F•nt,b-sth eervles— 10.0 4. - m. anA 1.3 , 7 p. in. ei..i.bete Scheel " • ..... .7 lii. re. 7. er .11ceti 3 i-v. ng. Thurtdsys ^ 0 p.m., V it Ei,llT-T6T:111:1 CEIGTICII 10.a r.c m e .vnd l i X l / 4 0Li .n tl . I,,NV4.ericee . Sabh.ith 4i .11001. 2.73 po m. Vrtly, ettle: Ttmrsday Ercule , ipo iroii..... . special . i;octitro to young , On Loons . day evening, Deem:utter the Bth. 187:'2. the Pcr, J. f. Cheshire, D. D.. - pastor tit the Basig Church: - of Montrose. will preach ,..ravin to Young 'gen. Sabie•t; " LabnOlis mit: emir= or h.snpiness and pr wpeeity." Young men am especially invito. The lire idyl ilar3ccer at the Lao Hop. Horace DMeley, will 1.. brought out in this sermon. Divine set. to commence :d 7 o`eioult. Cheap Temperance Zeal. Sher the election is Over, any amount Or i I be political solons and very e.kotp t'lrorifsts :he Radical persuasion, ore spiliiog ono ant of inkatod pouring out their brains :',r 14h the Montrose HoptisNela apout on the T • a, -r Lae , oth:stio.t.. It seems to be consider ,: 1 n ra a very safe time to show their zeal, ats t I,,re ore not at :his time any Radical cantlidahs tlel 1 hi hz lajara I. p 'title ;By , by their r.•:.a.e.ildiaeassion, Oa? mare =Mei than the who scents tocoma from among the of Gr.tat Bend, lannetim torth this very,-cnt idea -Let us make the Rep:ilcan p to ioer tan p trty," to all . nf which we ..aezrely sic Atom Bit before we can join It must interpose this proviso, that if it is to be the stn a; the "14 tdical, Grant, Hartranft, llrungs, Temperance party" of the past. that W 2 ill ba dtonolfo 4 It mg' oar temperance hsr.p on the willow," in sorrow, far we shall be mentally, morally and , coastitutionally debarred Isom affiliating with It. To the best of our knowledge and belief, W 0 "couldn't bold enough." 'Farlimas illents Toe -Quick Cate" Irma Luzern° county, out for the third wcuh of Court, was contin ued on account of the sickness of Judge illay nir 1, counsel for the plaintiff: fl[k\se:[vf\'a day wits pretty generally oh •rvel in Nloutrose, a lark portion eir the busi ne.,+ plaers being closed,and a good attendance at t eaurch serri,es. Rev. Warriner:Rector ,v; St. l'anfs Church, deliveret a very practical as I appropriate discourse Or the occasion, fr.on trxt in the Book of Ruth. when she was ripen up to glean, Boaz c.,ennanded the youugnien, saying. Let her , evoi among the sheaves, and reproach .end let Ell also same of the bandfults of mtrooce s for her, and leave them. that site may gssn them. and rebuke her not." After.very forcibly presenting the Church in trot capacity, as a gleaner '•among the sheavel.".and adverting in a very pnintel man ner to We anta_•ronistic. jealousy now existing in ,ar country between capital taut labor, which ,tens oar peace and prosperity, unless s; nc.lily settled upon the braid principles of t',lnatian cJatervatisat charity, lie elated a tract beautiful and soul elevating an of the text., that as tie ern reaping the g eda¢ grain of wealth to lif s bray field, there a erre a)prlpritte way to express our Al:nig:sty Gal, 'data to "Lot fall a f.nt . or tae has Ifa;is" n clinr We dark sal ni,ry way W.; in II; .13 I a tf,ring, wan may hint lerWri . p.22 . 4.1p3 mare deterviag yet less f4rtunste. Oen citizens on Tues - lay evening, the were arouse 1 about 10.30 delock, by the altrin of fire„ which proved to he a bara belnagin to 11 C. Tyler. For lie's. of water the firena.n were unable to h-41 ttre.ll in o (ran coat nuni eating to an ad.toluiaz bur.t, the property of Avery Frisk, and alsrs,a shop builaing, contain ing ahoutlo,olU feet of loather, all of which ware deatruyed. The fall of dim? snow that day still lying upon the roofs of other buildings preventel, un.loubtelly, a grater cal unity. M-. loss is partly covered by insnranee. Mr. Tyler loses about $333, his insurance having ezoired a few days previous. Tim whole lass of p , ,ileety,ls c unite.! at $1233 or $l3OO. The e of the fire is not known. A nr.i.rini, ;tit:etc.l bete mart week, that Mr. N D. Snytier; of Rash, Pa., hai ahantllftel ho• let Scipio„ is eatir,tly rail, an un Urea c Ily startc.l by eno.ny - to him. Mr. s icier w A4 at mu- 011..4 'Lit w c, a:11 itt u I ctrl: tor New Year's Perty," Wedattil.ty, January _ A BA ILN to4ether with its ca tteots, helargia; to it. W.3l3r2;ey, of New Milforl, Wu deetr e I lyr fire on Fritty tuiroinz IssL Sir. .31tr...zzy I,ft .1 gr. barra, Waite fro Wetit t kr tter atdrOc,e[id oa - rotoriuug. rounl thn .bui;atng bOiLlinz woo 13:urcti. N OVEISU:O, 27, the Lact..auraans Valley EfoOse of ScrAnton, wO7partially destroyed by fire. The furniture mostly srassivel Thin loss is ^stitnoted akabout g 16,000. , Fully covered by IntigUlty , ol Buckwheat CakelL A parigtaph has been going the rounds of the 'tress Shane t to buckwheat cakes season was inaugurated, which claims that the delectable but itch inducing article of diet was wholly known until sometime during the sixteenth century. In a book published in the twath century, entitled — Ye Delightes of ye Breakfast Table," the following occurs `•Ye come named Back wheat, ypon whyph-ye Deere dothe much love to rode, ys deemed to frome cakes of rnyglltya gudeness. Ye boyled Saps of ye Lynden (maple) Tree dothe much ymprove them. Bade stomaked ones ay that to eat of these'tbsti cause theta much scrateltynge. but this fayles to stop the eatynge of theme." The Fire ie . the Cent Mines. Although the hre has been brought under control in the Rig Lick eqlliery it IA Still burn. log to some extent. ne - amount or coal de stmycd is inconsiderable, hut Oa dsmage done to the slope by the burning of tha props and the consc(plent hunblitla down.of neks and earth will require several months to repair sufficient , ly to InaLe the resumption Or the ordinary mill ing work possible. At pies♦nt it 10 extremely dangerous to attempt to remove ebb ;debris; as the sulphur arising fmni the slope, hotuldned with the stench of thirteen dead mules,is al; lnost surest' kill 'unions exposed its its Will:- elle.). fe..."ll.'inenFho had been 'engaged at repairing thedtunage here taken out. of the slope 41a yeryexhatistell condition. 1376,00 f) atitfisb fair ;AL. - • ••• We call the atte439o of opr readers _to the itdrertisement in aticalfes colours of the Nebras ka StateVrphan Ahalloss. Tlere is a chance to ysto &fortune to a totals Legal Praying, and lb ° ga z a# WO 4e/9 Obi! it;risiar7 fkm, “Ciiitia foram Do opir.” Te viestion whether passeng,ent -may "lay aver" and resume their journey at pleasure, or whether, when they do so, they have forfeited their ticketttfor the remainder of their journey, is still lieing discUssed by the newspapeee. To settle the matter, we will state that the /corer courts decided that a passenger had the right to "lay overrbut the case was carried to the Su preme Court, which reversed the decision and said he had not. final. This decisiori,of nurse, does not apply to those who putchanc a ticket ono day and go the smite distance the next. Truth In Small Parcels. An irate !hill/deli:mitt father dosen't approve or the present siitein of school-teaching. He der.larea flit it is farbetter that Ju vogue thirty years ago, and that it Is malting candid:tit% for the insane asyldin. and piling up u heap of tins cry in many fornati lie desires that thereshould tie reasonable flogging in schools—beginning with the teachers. One thing winch especially rouses his wrath is the why in which tired pa rents arelorced to tench their sleepy children during the evening, the lessons which they go to sehoal the next day, merely to recite. Ile de• mum anti with reason, at doing the mental dradgery fur which he liberally pays others who are flue(' for it. It Is nut alone trout Philade p'tht 'hat this remonstrance cons - s. it/ all our cities, parents tire eomplaining bitterly of the studying at home to which Weir children arc forced on pain of frilling below" their No Mtherwunts to teatirseltrad -elf his leisure hours, and no child should be compelled for spend su Much of the ditylit bialn-Work: Few er studies and strict discipline in the school would make sufficienttime for the ineinoriing of lmsoaa at_ the dealt. Ii 1s the great faith of mu school system that it demands that children should occupy themselves with more studios at I Use time than they am able to master. Harrisburg Early Honey. In the hands of tho city treasurer says. the Patriot, are two'Harrisburg relics ut 1888 and 1841, the former three dollars in borough scrip and the latter a twenty-five ecOts note of ahni- Lir kind of a circulating medium. These me mcntoi of a part of the early financial history of this city were tranantirtecl in hitters, of which the following are copies: "SPARTENSWIRO, Crawford Co., Pa., May 2.9, 1872.—Dear I take . thetberty to enclose one of your city. bonds, the history of which is as follows: In the month of October, A. D., 1841, 1 passed through Harrisburg on my way, us a home missionary, to western Pennsylvania. I spent a night at one of your hotels (I have for gotten the name.) In the morello: I paid my bill in silver and rimmed this note by way of change, Tln: landlord ;aid he had limiting else but it would pass anywhere. 1 tried (tut noon and at night, bat no one would neeept it. I laid it aside and have kept it over thirty year.. To-day in looking over some old papers I found it and the thought occurred that •1 had keit it long enough, anti that it is a relic of the past not seen or Mend every day I tlcterufmed to send it to the city fathers far redemption. pritx cipal and interest. and cis mach more as they may see fit by way of premium, whether five or twenty five, to the subscriber for his care and fidelity in boldly, these many long years a doc ument wide!' is a true index to the former his tory of the straightened borough, now the wealthy city' of Harrisburg. Respectfully,• AWN& Putt.Arkir. rrtti, September 23, IS7 —Deux :sr : Inclosed you will ilnd ;3 of city scrip of Harrisburg dated ISUS. Please send the money with the iatert.ut. ILT.IANI C. 11CASELL, - SOUVa You Strvet, 1'11D:1t1l 11,14 a. [We have no doubt that the "wealthy city" of Montrose rui;jlt be culled upou with eimilux script, from various parties ih the county and state with "metneat.s" Cr its h s:-try, on the Bank of Susqueltann t" end other later in stitutions. If letformedthat they wilt be cubed with inteies! furaigi a lively' baguets& and will gvaraatee that only 6 per cent. will be ellaz1711) Benefits Derived -Vous Scenes of Distress. Some periods of sadness have, in our present . Ilitatifil, a just an I natural place , and th , y i nod requisite to the true enjoyment of pleasure. ' Bat I shall, at present, lay aside the subject in j this view, anti etentine myself to . pint- out tbe.,l direct efteets of a proper attention to the dis tresses , tf life upon our moral and religiotts oeliaracter The writer during, his intereouse, with ,liderem classes of rattle. sad many times among strangers; has studied their characters; Loth moral and religious. how often is it the ease. with many of us, 1411 when ultile 13:i I 1 , /.. fliclkm fails upon oar Ont.:, that we gig., up in despair, wad beeoute a slave to merue t v i,it,.th ; ,l entirely untnans es for the duties of coma; life There are dark hours that matte the his', 0.. ry of the Mightcst years. Sian is born a Ler., and it Is only by darkness and storms that heroism grins its greatest an I best develop meat an 4 illustration ...then it kindles the black Wed into a blaze of glory, and the storm bears tt rapidly to its destiny. Despair not, then. dis appointment will be realized. 3tortilying fail ure may attend this effort and that one, hut on ly he honest and struggle on, and it will all work well ila the end, flow often it is the ease, with the young taco, when he lenvel home, to mingle with trials, and earls of this cold on• friendly world, to becoout art ranger in a strange land, that he soon becomes lost. in the many temptations that are thrust in his path. Then when the hand of adversity Is laid heavily upon his shoulders, be will realize what agent he has lost. Then how impoitant, that some scene he en:tete:it, that will arouse him to immediate ac tion for Lis figure life. In the first place, the house of morning Ls calculated to give a proper check to our nathml thoughtlessness and levity. The indolence of mankind and their love of pleasure, spread through all characters and rank some degrceof aversion to what is grave and serious. They grasp at any object, Tither of business or an:nth:neat, which makes the present' moment pass smoothly away, which ca rries their thoughts abroad, and saves them from the trouble of reflecting on themselves. Witb too many this pates into a , habit of dis sipation. If their fortune and rank allow them to indulge (bpir inc,)loations, they devote them r,elves to'the pursuit of amusement. through ail it forms. "Tbe ... sitilletl arrangement of its . sue• nessire lanes, alai the - Oreparatmly study - for Olivine in each. are the only exertions in which their understanding is employed.-, Such a 111011 C Of rile may liecii, alive, for ii white, a frirjlpu.i vivacity. it 'tnatictionstro Man iti *nue of 11)O'Ae exterior aneump;ishraenti svhiets Sparkle in the eyes of thetidtlynnOraliOntt it,ranst sink them in 'die eiteeto 42f -an the,triieauti- e pod . firtsuleri them etnin.ers , tor. th! . - n,.'''.o.oti„ . . . 'smelts*, jf'not , ,Orttiolees - to . the .:soi . L - They - - lose every Riallyk - prioiplei their, ' tlxlienothe rehuteil mt() gffemniste. , . All alai ifkgrrtit pr. re spixtable ;pi tli4:ll4tra47.,miti4 - or' - character.: fa some meet trZes . mid i:',lhiliek. "..lf %ate niettatrelMigli3 tothis- takt4Vifor- resrairtg fthe mind from the disit- - levity . ..Mt .some PriCutplpiMviillei VOW 'Vila' my- Oro Men Ott )7:awl 11104144010, 449*-14* ....;.-- - • - ,am Ximsettobodooluniforiliot,a.uraly„-im„ Alm houseof feasting and pleasure, where every ob ject flatter the senses and strengthens the se-. ductions to which we are already prone, where I the spirit of dissipation circulates irons heart to heart, and the children of fully mutually admire and are admired. It Is in the sober and serious house of mourning that the tide of vanity is made to turn, and a new direction given to the !curreut of thought., %Viten some infecting In cident presents a strong discovely of the deVelt..- tulneas of all wordly joy, and rousts our sensi bility to bunion i'vue--wheu we behold. those with whout Weinid httcly . mingled in the . 'mese of feasting, sank by some of the sudden vicissi tudes of life into the vale of misery—or when in sail silenceove stand by the friend whom we had loved iii our own soul—stretched on the bol of death, then is the season when this world begins to appear In a' neit ligilt, lion t 1 heart opens to virtuous sentiments, and is led with that train of reflection which ought tq direct life, He who - before knew not wind it was to commune with his heart. on any-serious subject, now puts the question to himself, for what pur pose lie was sent forth into this mortal transi tory state, o hat his fate Is likely to be when it concludes, and what judgment he ought to torn of those pleasure, which amuse for a little, but which he zoor sees, cannot save the heart from 1 an,laish is tau evil day. Touched hi the hand of thoughtful tuelanclitily, that airy edifice of bliss which farwy had raised up for him van .l-hes away._ He beholds, in the place of it, the I lonely and barren desert; In which surnrunded I. with many a disagreeable object, lie is lett nts f ing upon himself. The time which be l*s Lois spent,and the faculties Marti lie has inisimprov -1 ed, his foolish levity and his c -Loinsl pursuits, all rise in painful prorpeet before him. That unknown place, and state of existence in ' which, race eller rare. the children of men pass 1 strikes his mind with solemn awe. Is there no , course by welch he can retrieve his past errors? I Is there no superior power to which he Can I look fur aid 7 Is there' uo place of condUct which, it it exempt Hui not from sorrow, can at least procure hies consolation midst the dis dn-ssflz/ exigencies of life? Such meditations as these suggested by the house of morning, fre quently produce schange in the whole charac ter. They revivz. Conk sparks nt goodness wial:11 were nearly extinguished in the dissipa ted mind, and give rise to principles 01 conduct more rational In themselves and more suitable to the litnnan state. The mother, as she instills the lesson Ii t piety and tilisl ,tfiliention in the heart of her infant son, should always feel that her labor is not in vain. She may drop into the grave, but she has lett bzhind her, intlanences that will never fade away. 'lsaacs. ISESIN ES LOCALS A Trial of Fifty le.ani.—The NEw Yonr. 012t:RVE1t has passed throu;ll the ordeal, and *tat: t our anuw ,Jl.l the seCol.lllll4 . with a 16t of reuderd and more numerous friends than 'ever. ',ltch a Ste3 , ly comae of prosperity is noexautpled, and iuspct. con3dence. We heartily rejoice in the great success of ti paper ad Vtie.l/e0 sound pH/tri pls that underlie the found:it lour of society and 7.‘d,1 goeera,uent. Orlltucul It. the truest Sk•llLt!, 11.1111 ill Cllllreii and State, IN illthl4llCCS ways good. its publishers propose 10 I,IV , hd array difoscriber for 1'373 an appro• - grist:ly etnhollished .Attifee /3"dit Thole who subscribe nd ill [Live no cause to regret the step. $.3 a ) ear. Sidhey E. Music S Co., 37 Park Ite‘r, New Vick's Florist Gulde For 1878--110. G is i D E is now tiubli4lied tluktrreic..r, C. 7 cents it.tys Ictr the car. I, r liono)er*, which is not Ilia ' Li r,e trite4fterwurtis send tiny I. t',,,%Arat)l)ca of Otte DAL' , or runre lur bets., linty also order Twenty-tier C.-nts worth extra—the ne.c, pat i Lot Guide. The Jiininiry untie ris beautiful. givinir Lens tor is Run,' ILint lltatigt - ta for Dining 'rah,:, 1S inflow etc., and containing a niSsl of intOrorit inn in t:nu:this to the lover of flowers --One liun.lreil and Filly paws, un line tinted paper, some Five Rundle V Enffravinca and n superb C.-Aor tal Plat, an 1 Clionno --The First E , lttion of T wo111311t111,1 . 1 . I10(1,111.1 . illsI In Eng list! and licraisn, and to ,tr I oat JANIES VICk, Rochester, Y. Tfte Iffts%Crated Chrixtion Wcrekly for fte72.—\) • ill cuntiuuetomerit the claim of its emits to be the -handsomest illustrated puller is tlie world." New portraits of eminent men, equal to lilo.e slrearly gives of Beecher, Spurgesm, Loy. eil Niast,n, and others, are in preparntioli' - work,- - at borne anti abroad, social and domestic life, scenery in this and other lands, events of the day, arc among toe topi,is which, will he illustrated in the hest manner by 'such artists as Dsrlmy. Herrick, Bearii,Di ton, end others, Eneb °moiler of the i4rr urull rontain serer' or more finely execu ted no .zrsvi a. . In the litentry department, Dr. C. S. Robin son, woose oriental sli.ettlies have 'Kam an :ie• eptable feature of the paper the present year, will furnish a new series. descriptive of life and "customs In the East. On the coi.clusion of John S. C. Abbott's fascinating "History of 11 • itli.un the Conqueror," other historical( from the same cat .sterlv pen will lie forih..ming, S. E. Told will give us designs ot' in.:.littirtpri4.l . linus?s, 'Mid' show homy trt build them clitetply. Contritmtions In ty also from llre. Drs. TIIOO Ion: L. Cuy• kr, Howar4. Croiliy. J. G., Craighead. Cyrus Hamlin. J. E. nankin. Prof.;. H. M. Baird and \v. C. / I L, Noble, Mrs. t: L'Reera, Ate;. A. E. Barr, 3lrs. M. E. Miller, Mrs, M. A Denison. and other popular ter - Pers. Twelve pages weekly. Two alnll irs a year. Tile diet:Kist foully paper in the world. Agents wanted. Specimen cosies fret, A.SIEftiC.I.IT TILACT SoiL, Pitlifishena. NassAu-streel, New York. Institute.,—An Institute An' Te.sobers *ill La hell at .Frienditrille, Dec. 13th and 14th, corn ineneint at 10 teektek, K. an., of and dltising• tit 10 "'eloek of'6otorb,y All Tech• era of tidJoining, Diatricti will he expected. W. C. TILOZ,N. C a. Snot Forest Lake Centre, Dtx... 3rd, 1872. Medical Ilectlna.--A. meeting of the 5.n%.• quell:tuna Eclectic Medical Society, will he [add at the house of C. 11. Yelvingtort. Gibson, on Tuesdav, December lith, instead of Dec. 10th, so it will better favor the attendance of some. at the members, and It is important that every mt.:ober shall be present. All liberal practition eN favorable to reform in the practice of inedi ,ine, arc cordially, invited. A ethnic will he held at which the sutt.iring arc invited to lie present, By order of E. N, Loomis Pres't.. C. 11. YETA•rcAtow. Sec. AFTER CAREFULLY rending one of the demi lo.of Welk' Gntnd Distributions, which takes place in Bri.hteport. Conn.. Dee. 10, 1872, we have become satisfied that it- is an enterprise worthy the at&ention anti palronagc. of all. It is a soma o affair. endOm'ed by all the leading eiti yrene BridiNinort, and the 0 - urt amount of property to be given away n iii alford an oppor tunity to hundreds of securing valualtle gifts of various kind, Including Houses and tots,Horses and Carriages, Bank Stock, Goveruniant Bonds, and many artiolp we have not pans to enu merate.' All we advise to send , ' early to tile Crest Central Office of Wells' Grand 13istribe. lion at Bridgeport, Cimn...and accurc' 0. hand some Chrome or Engratrinu, rang ing in price from $l„ to ss,ned u Allure the Grand Distri tdition for eadt dollar's worth_of pictures pqr chased. Mateo In Bankruptcy; Ia tiro MS! I'l a Cou rt 4' the Uratal State"; for the DlNtria of Arnalyranta A Re Manly 21r, Walker Bankrupt, ho 1103 in Ban try,, NOtlco Whereby given that there Wilt be •a' second general Maki. or the Creditors of the -above named bankrttrZter the purpmes content- Oozed In the 27 Section of the Bankrupt Act,on 'the 10th day of December, 1872, at 2 &dock, p. TO., at the oil:Woof Edward N. Willard, Regis ter in Benitruptch and all creditors pito have. proved their debts, are hereby notified to be present - at old tneetin . tiqpnaimi;l*,-Nar. ilB7%—il Ju-VA-ersAiwnler.mr4hekflob , :tthtro It is Known, and tiler° ar4 tawlndeed: - *herd - It is not, Ilia Mstrices tatits precedents) of • all similar preparation!. Its transeedart merits.haye obtained for ita popu larity Selaolllfached by tiny proprietttry`modl- I tine. In Its Infancy the flat ofits success 'ices drononnett in the wide spread, endorse tent which it received from faysloldim veterhairsi surgeons, horsemen and the put tic genet-ally. N. one avat thinks of questioning us claim to be considered the Standard Liniment Of Ameri ca. F. ebbreblll. Jnatlce of tho Peace! office Geer L. B. Len- heim's store, Great Bend noronglia Stts . nuebau., nn Cu., Pa. Lies theAeltleinsat itt, OA . 00c)r,ets of the kW Jane-Recklifini; - dederixd: {Mee hours from 9 to 1S o'clock, n: na,..nuti fronazi to 4 o'clock p. w. . Great Bend Oct. 2d 1872. , Vallee to Builder*. Proposals will be received till thelltir of Der cerabcr next, to build and. procure All the ma• teriel4, for bulldingE pastorfal douse, near the R. Catholic Church. at'Auburn in' this - county. Tor plans andspecifications.„ apply to Rev. Thos. Brehoily, 'Pastor at Fricnciaville Trtouss 13neriorror. Fricndsvllle, Nov. 20th,1872,—wS •. Notice .to The School bireefors of-Ft:silk 'township, to ilt meet at the•DavikScluml !louse, on Satur day, Nor. ilfith, 1872, at ten o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of lor.atintea school house, and let tint; the. buil ling of thu same to the lowest and best bidder. Plans and specifications with the Secretary. . D. D. 1,13, Sec. Nov. 211th. 1872. --we. ("'• For Sate A new- Louse well furnished, good writer han dy, I,ki acres of land, and 20 or nanre good fruit trees thereon. Is sitnated miles n'rthot Mon trose, nest Beach's Plainincll, niso,rt Woolen Factory, Carriage and BLitt:smith Shop, Grist and Saw Mill, near by and n few rods from school. Any per.on wanting n good place can get it ant bargain. Call on James E. Carmalt, or the proprietor. S. C. JILLEGESS. Jrimtrose. Oct. 80th. 1872. ' notate nod Lot for Sale. Thu subscriber Doers for sale, his house and lot. 1 1. 3 mile north from Birclardville, on the middle brunch creek road. SAO lot contains six acres of land, and is good for pasture, being well supplied with water, them being a email creek running its whole length und passing within one rud.ot the house making it very handy for washing purposes. Tbere...js a good hous e a nd barn oo the premises, aril a well of never failing water within a few steps of the door. It is u suitabls place for a ,nian with a trade, Rucli as a Shoemaker. Harness maker or any such business. It is very handy to church, it being 1-2 mile north of Baptist Church at Bircharilville, and 2-2, mile smith of M. E. Church at Forest Lake Centre, In fart, It is a pleasant and convenient place for nay one that %silliest° rktirc from business. Forsale cheap. Enquire on the premistemfrho ImDscrib,er, or Z Cobb, Mbetrose, Pa. - CIIIRLES DECKER. Birellardolllo, Snag's Gy Pa., Nor. d, 1872. An Companies represented ba the undersign ed, are Cowing through the lloston Fire nun - thank The 'Aurae, Nets Fork," psys 0800,000 The Old iiitrAirtl, of Cone_ 500,000 The Franklin Fire of Philadelphia, 500,000 Tile Ins. Co. ni North America o f rhti..,4011.000 The Pmnsylvan!tt Fire of Philadelphia, 200,000 Thelna.-Co., State of Penna., of Phila., 100,000 The Union, :ilotn,fl of Plulatle 34,000 The National Fire ant; ,Marine,orPhiln.,2o,ooo The Rdyul Cl London, 1,250.000 The Lyoondrs, Mutual of liturmy, 14,000 The above Companies pun theo lone% and leave a large sorplun%, with their Capita! f:rfint , - pairoi. A little over n year ago, they passed through. a eh:nil:if Fire in CiTteugo. and 4111 strand dent asn Kock. . . _ BILLr.;CIS STROUD, Ag;int Nontrose,lZoc.2oth, 1872.—*Z Liberty Township Bounty State. went Tor tsre, Atuomit of Town Bond bell by S. B. Coon, ¢,3nn oo lawust to N0v..1,1972. 253 0G By nmOnnt mild by L.A. Tompkins $9.00 00 By amount paid by Ira 3t. llawiny; Amount kp band or L. A. Tompkins, bite Treasurer 24,97 linomit In hands of Ira 31. Limviey, Treasurer • V,Zi . 04 • Amount to be provided for, MO 03 Jon A. KIVAP, r Auditors. J AMES DOWSES, Liberly,.SA.N.q . ll, Cu., ra, Nov, 13, /872.-,w3 Opetint Ths Great Pictorial Aimnat, flottanttne. 17nItot1 Roues Alamo, pie 3.4373. ttr r.ltenton °KATI!" thrtn.non Ihr Lnlt II :n ate-. Iml .11 eI Moo, ntonntrintt.ttf the We-torn tknal , th , re. • now yount.ltt and road, for Auttribiliioll: In the Mlg tel, ttt-em tn. Fretwlt, N.wttnlflatt, We.b, netAdiAlt I ttpl .0101. DoSr.iflattt anJ tipattlrb itntrlAT.A. and ell tohn of - ph to nn3 r Mtnt the trne phitteephy of Itratril .mould enrul pond',' the to Atie.Astinne It cnntaltet Iu *4.111.0-, man admir thin 111A-.lcAl Welke o I'o'4cooAnA_liroA.tni,lsa,ane cant of 4 grit variety ‘ lo ' e - A 00 IrTice., fit I ,Afgh.III cunt nrsnfortii tit on Intro-atitits 1./ th. mornn int. the nr•ehnellc.-rho minor, the f tile pi tut ate. hod nnt, e t ...tonal Ulan ; and the oxonLann o t have b-on malt for molt mAndians anti Lit tole, tante tnottt nnhlethlo for It cornOtt and compre bent.l IATICoteI.C.I4I.e.e•DALL The n.:11 .and writ totaltvtry sanitary rffenb of tlttooftt-en Stoninch &item the staple 11,010 and eI. ti-rellett 411 morn I h Ili tie Chrlotlin maid. are Ali 13... t forth In i.A pap A. trhiet err nitna itate , pereed . ,r , tn plottrial Alen, vatioshie ,ret igen fir the and farm. Itumernit• anectiotAit, nod other In .truet Ire Ant) titrinAlng recalling matte[, original and .e -land Among that Annuli* teelpvtrAril.ta theopenlng of the yet} thin nill ht. one of Ilia moot Il.etul. and nay td hod for Me aging. The proprietor*, hicsArA, ittAttAttAr and Smith. Pitt-burg, I n., tin recopt of a, t„ -to cant cramp. fernntd a ropy by melt to any prr-on Adio cannot p °vire One in his own Ineteltherr. heed. The ern sold in entry cite, totvn.and ril• I.ce and 41, extnnelYely usC4 I hrongliont the 'entire THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. pesusii.ED as a warning and for the benefit of y0m01.9 11 and otb.rri ariouinfror kola Nervoirs- DobAlty, L.* of Afauboo4 ..S;c , Popplx,in: THE utaNs OF SELF GUILE. Written by one who cured himself, atter on der,,n, in , considerable quackery and sent fine, on recelying, a pou-paid directed envelope. Address NATHAN MAYFAIR, Ilnloklyo, Juno 11,":!. 6 n. Brooklyn, :L T. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN rrhomffered for ymre faun Nervous A Ilehillty. Pottnntere Dem', end all - the oleo* of yol , lPful ,adinect lon will for che mke of imilerfek by; inanity. semi free to all n Ito need - It. the receipt and di. rmtion for makfez the Pimple remedy by Nehlela he %rue Cored Solforge ertahlr.:Wpropt tie adv.,,,:•PlPeri cute can du te, byaddrueslo;, 11n perfect I , 44Dl.ftirov, • Jowl D. "OMEN: , NO. 42 Cedar *Wet. Ziete Xork.. The Waining has been Heeded. diem the expoienre of the attempts ands by certain onecrepulone lucid 21.1eN. topalm na their C 031•110 AP. I.lllr madie fremshitip nod Impure inf!erlato, In the pt ...eel' the erest it. 11.1131 tunic. Ilneemer's ritrou alit Bitter.— public "pinto. hoe set , ittongle +goblet thorn emplries.mid - their preparations: Their uremia. dor; fe Rome, or enter o , llLhe.. When the light is/to tis d (spoon It rioon Wilts 'down, Vitreous who trade with their awe health. by H 4 lanl i kliownerreP with no gotgralllce to onetain thefts. when an eemblieh I irt ' , puerto. provairby twenty gets cCpuriallee to he eYatab n bar it Is claimed In be. Is within their reach,. are nu, to 0 pent theic.temerhy. Moot berth detia - rets in thle meteor,. but it is hoped that the hop pistols 'Token ha. 4170.5 tel the evil. lathe us marina the. do. Artnil tar the leaditto protettive cud reiteritive elan of .eoserics.was timer en somt as II bag been Liii. emenn, . From the fiver and rine dietricts otetionvirl. *HIM vest.aod tooth. refs Therslly riverwhelmlnm and It may he said of too advice. from alt puma' tie+ room. fey or the minis It is effect too in dyspepeia, billlnus ciitopisinirs; and throttle ersortipstlan. that 'thole name it legion... Eicrywhmv the akk and feeble seem 10 havevesilzei lb.. teapot rose or .. holdlng (to; pat which tolfslotr'ond Of eveldlof what fa *Periods and dattarrene. ' - . - ' - Tale namittotte .'"flitters." - • cadet Tarloo - 11 .which Mercenary dealers endeavor to inibrlllo4, for Ijoststter's tibentich shotild be Oveldtid...foe their own tokoL, by theilielstmd - IfleAI; ' Isrge, IlatiteeesSiturs Aro progaribl, 4517,43* Oft SOldlutilart • NEW 7 0118 PIIOD4C6 il'l/1113' Corretted vnekly 1)7 114tdin; - . ti.Yden Co- V.s.ll'asbioguni hew York. Butter, pall ... - - ~..,...- .. ~ -SINU iS , " - firkin:::. - • • 11,.•00T ' . Cbee3e,clalTy,pef , lb........ 1114 014 " factory. ... , .........I.4gO•in. Eggs, Pet -do! ......4 ...... 4.-,. :..... tifialn Flour, per barrel - ..B.9o®l 6 Corn Ineal,looibs. • - 0.104/13.00 Wheat, per bushel , , • . 1:76 2 0 Rya .e 5 ... .... ... 4 ts .. - - --- -- - - 49e150 Oa . . " -'03069 Corn Hops, trop of ll* _ ' SOCA Tallow o• ' ileb. .. .. Lard per lb —' Potatoes per bbl:.. .." i;;;L: ..?..... • 11,000 2 . 25 Poplin .. "- -..-- • ••• t —... • • .... 7005, 00 . Torksli,pet lb ,_.......... „1,... • 16018 Clackens. ...... :. ' '• .. ;• ••''' 1 4 0 16 .Docks " • ,'" ' ' ' IffalG The Weekks , Stn.: ONLY $1 A . YEAR. 13' PACES. The Best Family Paper, ; ; ", ' 'The Best Agricaltural Paper. • . t The Bost Political Paper, . The Bost Story Paper, - •••• ' The Beet Fashion Reports." The Bert Cattle Matket Reports. The , Best General Market Reports. The Best Paper Every Way. TKE 171tRitt't NSW YORK SUN.. Right enlumu.. soar, Or teas '2 mat* a lumber.— Send pour deter. Addreia . Tan Stilt, New York City. MONTROSE GRADEEMIROOL. 0 AL Za TErIV . 7IZI AL 14. • FALL 'fruit Jicgan,..-....5ept. 1 24,1872; WLITELL TZIII/ Litni s ina. Jan. 2d, 1872.. Sruttna Tan ' 21,184 TUITION—Higher Department, • '156..00 Secondary 'Depnrtment: 0 QO. Tho cocaina Instruction includes the ENG- L. 1511 BIIASCIIEB, the LAZIGUAOES, MATamer-- tcs, and the.ti.quat.t. . , 7 STUDENTS ARE FITTED FOR COIUGES r6IISIIIOIIOIIS And SPECIAL Arreis-no:r GIVES 'to the Preparation of Teachers. The Building is Commodious, Plets Lint, Lind well-arranged for IMPARTING INSTRUCTION. Students can eutrr at at, any time, and Tuition will be Charged Proportionally 7 Itoginszati be secured 'fur those desiring to board themselves. For further particulars address A, U BElllar A Principal, or the Sccretais o the Board. , . _ W 3:. U. JESSUP, Pres TUATCHEE, Scc'y. Nipntroioa, Oct. 30. '72—ern. 1554. - 187 GUTTENBERG, ROSENBATTAT & CO . _ CLOTHIERS, IMRCHANT TAILORS DE.LI:IIS DRY 000,95, AfIbLITNERY FA C Y GOODS, FURS, ROPES, ELITES CAPS, HEATS' A LADIES' FICILNISLICWG GOODS, &C., &C Our AsiOrtment of DRESS 000/Ds,stivia, cioastsioe. MIES. CLOT.IS. A:q1) DEAVEII9, In Cc:exist:ale:4o. FL ANET.I.L. BED BLACK• STS. W. ofLEN HOSIERY. NUBIAN. HOODS.' MERINO UNDER.GAR3IENT 4 _ FOR LADILS AND CHILDREN. GLOVES. SC.. La Great Variety. Tann= and lrxrnrisarso Irwin for Lanier nnil Cita p:ver)thing Indonginr, to the 1111.1.1NEIIX l'unDEostlk and Cndnn Velvets In black and eoloth vow's*. Flowers. Ribbons, rcztharo, ressuci. Ewes • sr., Very Lart.e. MCcrissicas.oopizig Gooch,' Tow, Llnene, N.pklns, Toweling*. Csalti, WOW, Tlckinv. In Every,Llne. LADIES' ruleasamo GOODS. rontaLova,. CORSETS. PELT ANG HOG? SKIRTS, SNITCHES. CHIGNONS, HAIRNETS. ESIRROIDERIES. & STAMPED PASTEIHIS. Colon-sr: Lute.. ZEPHYR WOOSTEDS, TOWN WOOLS, CANVAS pnrandss. • -All Colors and' ' READY MADE CLbTHING SPEC lALLITY 1 WE SIANDFACTIIIIZ ALL OUR OWN GOODS, and fAIiE UP CUSTUU WORE TO UJIDEB AFTER 31EASURE. Wz keep a large ►nortment of CLotns. Cutnntatt BLITZES, VArrtsaeritc. on handler that pulp se. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. HATS ASTiC4S: Intl LinC: GLOtTES, TIES,' , ` - HOSVE; COTTON. A.TD WOOLEN SHIRTS. COLLARS, INIT JACKETS, _ . AND VNDER.GAII3f.ENTB; an Grades sad Sires far Men, Boys, and Large Infants. rievana„ ruzs, TRUNKS, SANCIIELS;' IJMBRELLAS. &V, • • • . We sr cif everything in cm line ala% nap as tb next. arta i,canocren Lyman:on to be 4s SCPaT, lOrrnsssay tr,lo Wo meet =be - ants:Wm un. 9 f ow, vulva Maas of Gbutif.. - as *nay are boo numiqoas togiro td one ad!: line, tint would rcnnert ell to call and catelare Fie.% and quail ty. wad tone be conflated or ibrtrath of Oar s.eroonr. • aUT L'EN BERG RQSEIJEAUX CO 114-ustcre.Ncy. 13,212. - • • • • WAN TED . . t IN SE C TS' At.- HO RI ait , ,00 0t . .,-; opwirdiorili-cato: 21 15:11 tozi.iniiii. Ings.... , Just.tho itourt. , r ,intorlzoot timitimmeo,.... ono draulugs ars fdfltfarteptvstlitAtiotlf of !Osier• slid_ p lair . • scut for ctrevisr. ;Add.e.; '438t04011 asulas -1.0-7forstrorresith surd; "' PI ititr*- 1, iota 1 • -19111*191.,; ''. • ..., ar 7"..• '' - -- Hip_Hurrah ? . ~•.TH E. • G.R.E _ 0 _ p. I NEvr • tad '4, Andinc:o. EXIEVLET s 'Tam T. • • In 11f10,0310 . ... 1 4:1 1 C..EZ •Tia c ti - it" tl " Harrisburg Patriot. THE WEEKLY.. 'PATRICTIAIRAM.I_ erery,neser, to rag PArmor-pr as year" 11573, vitals stain& CCarVern' fed: 11 DOZ/a7l, reet4PXreiffer , ait .draP4 andPr l DT. Alm_nart, tog wawa al Mir for the ICE RR 0,1973 GRAM.. : • - • Thermo:tilts:Weekly,. =B. HARRISBURG. •PA.TRIOT, nowarHANARYIII FOL'lCcaud contalns,moteßeaditigidatter then .axry.other paper published hi Pennsylvania • -' l ‘ It fornishetrulltherPoitticsitutd-tleneielners trf the earrent week tpstudensed Wirt , It gives an aetttritesetecirtot tliti3lAßßErs I ;en 7 York.. Philsdelpllll,,•;Baltimore, Pitta= tuirgand Harrisburg. ,••• . • its Literary llepartinentscontain 9 Vika, otayb,Toktry„etc.;,•by• the but American: and Eurostnn ;writer?, . It .trill gifre full and accnrate4epoitact Ikrl, halve Proceedtugs and_ ot the .-eiehigite of -the ' -Constitutional Converithen. , - During the iseesion of theio lihdleit-it petUllar - Interest to efrery Pcutvlvanian.', It w 317 at rogirea'com~ plrie resume of the Tliepolltival aim of Um Pallilo 7 l l Irwin t. on, time to be the elevation. l e nhoring,, Classes, the protection .0: ,the the encroachments of .Rings an . Ainnopolita, Electoral Ileotrm, the establishment olte:sound aysteru of finance, the r&enfitinehisenictit . of disfratichised-American citizens, ited..last • but. not least, the fllatorutlanot Local Self - Opvern , . meat. The tenoning rates,-,unesampTed :In cheap ness; have been lisod for spbstriptioh to the • • WEE . KL'Y • . , •• • One Copy, one_ yeir -' ' '- , 00. 'One Coo - , six months' ' . Four Copies; one year Ten Copied, one . .. et...`l So Tweitta 'Copies, one year, each, ..... . 1:25 Fifty Copies, ar,d-ttpentrds qns,year, each 4. OtC AniStraciSti!,'‘resZß thitisliddttitligAgeht sendinirin clubs 11 lin or liiiori: - iretipto - nrtla BAILS' PATRIOT will he sent, free, to the Agent sending in clubs of fifty OP more. All papers will•ha separatelss addressod, ,but ?must go to .one post on gee directions below.) . • „ THE DAILY. -PATRIOT Published VERY ..MORNTISTO - ,'Sundititi . eX-. cepted, is a, first elms newspaper„... containing Mil telegraphic reports. special Washington ills:. patches, the most Complete end accarato.dsarket, reports, full'accounts or proceedings ;sr the Cam+ efttutional Convention, Congress and- Legiila ture, spicy edtterals, etc: One Copy, one year, by malt, 07;'FiTO Copies do., $B2; 'Ten Copies, do:, ;GO. Larger Clubs at the last patimetratea: Papers._ may be seuaratelynddreieed, but must, be tilt• in one package. The money must accompany the order to Insure attention. DIRECTIONS—Additions to Clubs may be rn ede nt Shy time in theyear at: the eboyn Cie rates. Changes id Clnlaists made only on re . quest of persons reeciving ..packages.. „Ft/sting date of subscription, editten,post 'oqlee and State, to which It has been prevlonsly sent. : TERMS—Cash in advance. Send Post Dace Money Order, /3ank Draft or Itegistered , Letter. , Sills sent by Mail vi . 1111)0 -the' 'risk i : Or3 tender. •• . wi3E.VI) 'FOP. I'ROSPE CTES SPECIMEN CO PY. , - Addresn • , /1.1T1110T," CHART'S PIM THEI Tai... COrtiiti4.l NATURES GREAT Rt4E• thto - at.,o l i l :l**4-„-. It is gratifying to us to inform the public-that Dr. L. Q. C. Niflshart's Pipe' Trtt Tar Cordial. for Throat and Lung. Diseast*.has'gaiiietf. en' enviable reputation from the Atlantic to thuPuf-. rifle coast, and from thence to.some of`, the Ara families of Europe; not thronglillte preis itlotle, but by persons actually benetitted and Mixed at, his °nice. While - be puhlishes ts so riy our repOrtcor,lic: Is unable - hilupoy It gains and holds its reputation— First. Not by stopping cough,bat by loosen• leg anti alsistinglihtiffetd-threWart.tWttic healthy friatter.collected - aliout liviethroat-und bronchial padiegothely cause,' Second. It . removes the Cause of trritatliin (which proclut.:es cough) of the mucus membrane and bronchial uties,-assiati the' Intip. to att abtl' throw oil the unhealthy. secretinc.s, and &tines the blood. Third. It is tree from Teals, lobelia, ipecac, and opine", of tfifieb - moit thew arid - Veils illetlies arc composed, ve.ll6h ugay cting,t - only, and disorganize tlitilstotnscit., Ithas a soothing effect on thc stomach, acts oritlie•li neSs-luld lYmPlintie and , nervous regions. thtis reaching to every part et the systemr and in -Its, Invigorating and purifyingeffeets tuts 'gained amputation azi.i.itratast.hciti above alkothers. In the market- -0,-.MOIX I XOIO. • TZEID PIM TREE TAR CORDIAL (heat .limertan -pyspaisia WORM SUGAR 'DROP'S Belngunder uty Immediatodyleetion, they 14111 not lose their curative qualities by the use of cheap and hbßure articles.., • HENRY Ft, WISHART I rnoriuzlog• • :::7..-..:r.:-:!;4::L,3..Ta - t- . :4 . 1:;.: . FREE-9F CIIIROK _ . Dr. L. Q. C. Wislotrt's alike p ;F tors Ire one V on Jlondays,uesclays and W i ecinciula - ys, from I/ n. m., to 5 pt 5n., for consultation:by.,D.r.o.ll.VEn. T. 'Stave. With him aro'associauxl two' coti, suiting physicians of acknowledged sthillty::!-- 'his opportunity is not.oiferetlly any tither hit stitutiou in.thiscity. • ALL Lrriitta 14L74.11D.ADD1T5'151).20 L Q.. G. .WISHART, 23 - •:-SECONO•4 1 titir; _'• •,•-•: • •'X33MLpith.7073044 11 ,7X=V:411. 14r. )8 0 125 / 1 211 1142 X., Wil,flo4 boso Id at LATItOI.P.LI _ Onmry and Privi46ii,e_2dre 4:.1C, `. .a. " 4 ti ' AVWATIO.V Ue It CbojeafVbrat Hoar. end Se perdue nt di at pat bbJ EnetrArneat Tlonr. Corn ' Meat and Orilla:a. , 71 . 6 nr:' Vra. ollaare.Plll44;Clienao and Cracker, ' ' 4 . 404 'TIMIS:wane coat): jiackuig. Wads or Intriw. • dehOol Pooka.and• stationery. toss , l , it* Ltd ?a ad!). Tonne* and • Civets., yzakee gotta. _Spkes of el Wadi. Codre. etkoloo einslll7 ar' at ne New TicaLnad lalryioW ,-,, Argoad Rep lett:Ott/aft 45 and al 150 'Pea fortlCO„ .151 40 a. 6i.1 5 Tailor g 1 ,43, ete. Paper Collars, a lane btu 1 :and Low Prnlts and Vegetables of all idsole..lntne jipahoo....Senket Potatecw, Cranberrien,And Com/Mad , A new end kegs Aeaorttnent of Canned Pratte. Yip nan, etc.. eta: 1L00.000(ortete other at ticlektoo non:mons to men elan. that mry body I.lkb I 4 and can hire Lora soap mad a ilttle att.* throes.: clump,,ltacuzglurr. fg; Starch 'for el OD, at . pciara 13oxi. 'Loser Resitsdbr W tuid; esest:tidsig , 'ebid .'ocluedlyJovt . PAID 'tot Edda aro 1 7 ;krt Pro=.ol; as ;, 2 . 1.2 BrIsAARD'S. Sabtnto..44.i9sl:lLity 1110,4(3 • • ' 0,0404i AllAitt4o ,g40# 1 41, Aro:tinsDhweorri St,i'•SiGo aack 4il4lsao2line, ZO dr. - SaCtIg9I3itSE.NEW Ettcron.--inrici ern?. tens?, 1111111 r Deposits. •Dboat nenlDankfaQß4* i;;Ait'di"rtatriii—:Nrcaomt - "srluntexi 3 • • , 13,../Ittlngeottnecamalaster. nun gpotac .1.•• jlodd & CD', DedlartlaiDe7Ckeda,liitr. 6 P' Boob and Shoe,. and general Illertd*ndtre, orr street, wand doorbel)* the4ppsA Chatch.! L"til9N 110TEk keptly miLufacgurrll, cailf444 .troet, be tbs Depot. , —A , • W. a. 44 SAD. Pau ndryjta d dealer In Plows and ot!". a atalitils;oholoot Mom money 00:04 14104. 5..7.420.11D'E1t. Carnage liakeinnd Undettaker, Sn'n ,fittest, pro doors below Unlyiers Btote. - • NeCOLtilliDesairijti tr,oieriei 1114 Protrislona, 31atioteet.• •' • - •• •. 11. DaDram asa Dealrs' In oir: Feed.' • Salt. , l.leas.;Cemeot, Droeeziei Aral , Thoitstout 4.0 '.1314n Sueot i ppposite.the Depot. _ - W. EV T: TINT DEN; Mantaieturenv of Clout a A .Wholesalo -dealer* In Yankee liotlon *And For 'Goods; on Men titrent, beloi Zplicova Muth. • OSS & 'SNAP. Leather Idanninetureif and den:. to in 2.1 c van Finding., se., nu! plteopni Church. • AINEY ' EIATDEN; Dealers In Drojai . and Medici u. • and Manufacturer. of Cigar% on Main Strad, 1 . , I • the Depot. - • Mc ertNICNS. IditOStroet. tomb of the Odom -- t • • Oyster in Machin dflip ava Clotbztg,Brisis Stops. ad_ n me et, - L. a. LEISITEI.M. Itanallmtnrct Leathet. sad genrral .11arctiamille . e.ort gala litreeLf • • 1 1 ..r1 i5b u g7 0,0 7.3..z0 nx4, 074/ .. 7gr iy l o a Tu ttn. i. :l 41tR Manttricittrer *laid &Wilts In . ; or Plowurgl. esratzurr: - • 11. 1. TI2. G LAY—DeCer".ln -Ftocer, Tio. Copper. Itr.. and Rheettron• 'Ware; apac .&t Atm.manatee,.- er otel4eet r itettletoord , r, Ciro Trappe and Lead P 1... ,ybeettiets attrbdect to at lair . prltes•—Gibeon - Yeatartrar.fa.-1.2.... •- . . . . CDSVAtin't d ISICTAA A V, - .llendfao Caters of Wo:o o I andSleths, iac.r the-In:OW Store. - . • . 0. fi.liftlir.;—Coontr Snivernr: of gavrintninin Conn LI. °Mee In %be Court Maw, liontraso. .I.I3ELTURRELL, Disler tn. limp, 1 i. Paints: VIII, on stusr4 Grocerseest.tcro . JASIFS Oast,try at Otter e•. l daarbriemTsecedi ratal.e Aierme.• 'WII.II. COOPER' .Is-CD., !tankers, sell Porein 1... • 'qv Tisk. ti snd DraftS Engliteds 1=104104 Eon.- , „ „, ~ . , • . • , • , .. . , • , . nt LLTIVIS tor'11.01111: Urioiri . Piro' ',Wird Llfe (0. , - r: orter'lkortiri 1 aloe. aril Ratiroun so d'Aerldett 'SU k. - • In Sew Turk a nd rtUndiaphis, °Zoo. volt dour e.g.' Odle 'Mot. ' . . . . . • , , CM:SMM. Geverallmarinc.oanlSoaineXio . T.lllDedSca..Publicesenue. • , „ . . - . . tiVIINS. eb 51C11014, tbc istacetcgei DtcolUld z‘fcci .oi ,- . Clicri, Tobacco:Pipes,' Pockht•Eboks. Spt!ct,. ..41e , i'atitec NoliOng: ac.,,VrtratSkr.k.t" •-. . -. . . . , . . - ' WM. L. : COX...Mane.* melNr AndAtitiar to, tiattMly krytby tbi trade. oprlbiltetbb Irarkk. .; • 130113. &.',COP, Tealet . * In Sfores; aluill.rmnfactneerrt ot.Tin audlibcdkun xecn, con. I 0f.11 . 4n.An4 Taw pike • . S. %OMAR, Mortlimit • %Mit and deal/ ' I'3 Clot Trmurtnge, and. FnlntOhin: - 0001. 'ant Itcvds , ,Msdo Clothlax. on lifnin Strftc, t. fAt. duo • —lowLßde end Ulakelolia LB7 °Mee. - - „., A. W.StitaiAntl.lit to thacterilli. monks, 4fitatlive ngC..- uMull:43Alle, Noti9F4. IaII T. FLPOttli ' Diklers',lq Btu ;Ultra war. A griiiiTterat cdplemont.e, rapt and 0 tousles, up pc. site Tatt43 '••• • • • - • Vhiri "p - Old gs ave astir) Away. batlepit into of the off Metbisd of treatlealbs lons abused and much ittteed•himmo body.. it lea/ lonvittotteldered willow put sentient to the briars t o fuller to cure him of • tilectro In which pain la air. of tandem - I[oog the et:rattles ortllP 'yearn. Truo fanuea Itself on the side of nature. and aeoearto,, &hist her fp her Iluht against disena e. This le the ',lnce of lbstettefs Simmer Bitter& the nuts Tarn ryt tel tonic trestle's's:tiled to this ColDery. It may he commended as a- tall mediator. par excellente; for ti to SU Ibritallth,l drupepril. andinttlurtratr •fulurr gra especially preraleot. The - frame, cabauste .by the heat. of lamuter,ls relaud and feeble at -its tune. Auld requites, we toot say detrulade, artillciat Allard It that assletutigo looceleloosi de s e ot Dug et le e.storttiell I:lltters.'and the"elf"' reft r.r.l to tau bee•caped,„•Tbronsbout the far WeTt.• anti :ow the steaming alluvial of the .lootheru rirurs. the 0:- flews of a stqltrdleat Otter ate prOltably rife to d.... Undo courechf llostetterillittLlW been emumeitatul the sutler. re sulopth aeo,,f..e..'betom the unl,naittY ar, sod sot fur/keret-025mb of them amid In all buttlitt: Ito to Utile luau.' health at the present time. *e ;oath of want of fotrea.te. -,110 mach for not 10,:ring I u tau brautr, and using daily, the bat safeguard a:ALA .P tllletMC oudecom l i s e UJeks of imposterrand itoltaters . ate tryln; to 141. low Snit* wake of thegruat.Ataericart remedy'. fore be ems that the ati itle yea buy Is genuine and tr aded by the proper trademark', The true attitht eau ouly be obtained In Uttlos. Beware OE, tha bluets suld by the pitch or In lIIEME=iI TIOWN TOWN ;NEVirtiC.', ".g/21"47tC0.4 71.5, ,eLolo Street. 11.11siore below pold'a Opener. 14cotn/ FLOPN GROCV4ES, .6.241.) - rizovisioxs; ~ t, .r r . Waite Constaitljimi trial i mow Da' ortmw freob stpcir. of floods tti. UMh sorlitch we wit:ea eIi.BAP CEISAII• tora6sV,or4ichilge asproduc*: • ,-; -:,60(12/ '• I.6I:IFPBIi*,BUOAR;'... , SPICEic 'PORk ° , - FIRE, LARD,' _ RAMS; DRIED FRUITS, 1iq.1,01 . GJR tk TIMOTHY ; 'REED, . _ nro.ti ereflatdsodmado iddltionsto oar A tot i; Path , t dare oow roao3o torward Batter to thy 1 , 9. comsat;' on hOnsto In New YOTI,Itee of cbir4e. Sir poke I hon.lgnrticbt, Can And e Waiutipit Stock Eorore porcksah r .rhereompannostryOurselso. oftb• '6oolk 'QUALITY •Zs LUNG PRI CES vronx was'. 0, mutstr, 4; .1 11 % CO4 l O U /SIAM 1. - 14:iti(1. ..• ' . ti".aIV.II:LLFORDA Gittkr 13=1). LENOXVELLE. GreSO.Z. itONTROS? =MET
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