The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 18, 1872, Image 4

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    -farm,. awl Airpsl4e.. -
A Dan - feeleitanget'rpretheirly:tia . o. do
And steer provocation: m Sometimes. Pla
cable, according to his individual char.
teeter. lie is susceptible of -hatred:or - the
bitterest kind. Re is eirtieritciatittgly
lealinee, that his bocornee a burden in
'the presence of a favored rival. lite en
vy continually leads hint to eat what he
(10e9 not want least another animal should
take it, and to illustrate the 'fable of the
dog in the mange): .• Ghettony holds : out
to him temptation's under wheel: even hie
honesty lometinvirsaanninba;:lnit,otfthe
other hand, from drunkenness he is no
ble emancipated. A dug mentioned by
the , Rev. Thomas Jackson ("Our Dumb
Companions,")haYing been once made so
drunk with Malt liceuoe that ho watt un
able to walk op Scatty, ever after declined
to taste the perriioious bererage,and growle
ed and snarled at
_'lie eight. of.a • pewter
pot. Again, as to loge, Don Juan was a
cold and unenterprising character com
pared to a dog; and as to maternal affec
tion, the mother Aug feelait, with heroic
passion; starring herself to death rather
than Porsake her. offspring. Gratitude
may be almost said."to be a dog's leading
principle, supplying first the spring of al
legiance to his master, and ever lifter rec
onciling him, with'erne,magnauimity, to
take evil from the hand from which he
has accepted good. Regret and grief he
feels so deeply that they often break his
heart. Fear to a paesion which dogs ex
hibit with sin„matar variation,some breeds
and individuals being very timorous and
others perfect models of vinrage, the lat
ter characteristics and .fortitude seeming
tube more characteristiCally canine. A
greyhound has been known, aft. r • break
ing his thigh, to ran , on till- the- course
was concluded. At to hope, no one can
observe the dog watching for hie masters
step, in Landseer's :picture of 'Expecta
tion, without admitting that he knows
the sentiment as well as we. Pride in a
successful chase may be witnessed it. ev
ery dog, and even., felt, iti 'the :quickened
heartbeats of a' greYlientid - when caressed
and praised. That dogs have personal
vanity appears from the fact that they are
so manifestly dejected and demoralized
when dirty and ragged by long expoeur
and recover their self-respect immediately
on being washed and Combed. Chivalry
magnanimity may nearly aliays be talcu
hit.-d upon in dogs; and wife-heating is'
an offence to which the four footed beast
never decends. The istories are endless of
big dogs genereuslyoverloaking the insult s
of small curs or taking them into water
giving them st , good ducking as a pntish
ment for their irapertinenee,and then help
ing them mercifully back to laud. S
of property, bifurcating into both ceee
tousness and avarice; is common to all
dogs. The kennel, rug, collar, water be-
Bill, or bone once devoted to his use, no
dog can see transferred to another with
out indignation. 'Frequently he "covets
'his neighbor's liaise," and attempts
to ensconce himself in it surreptitiously ;
and almost universally he covets his
leighbor's bone, and purloins it, if he
Even from avarice he cittnoi be
exonerated, observing hie -propene
city to bury his treasures. Shame.. after
transgressing any of the arbitary rules
imposed on him, a deg'displaya• with ,
elicrons simplicity; but -of the deeper
c•nse-of violated modesty whiph in : ton- I
men beings accompanies the, iortuniesiaa
of sin, the dog evidently knows nothing
whatever. Humors, so far as it can pro
.eleti without language, ,the dog catches
readily from a humorous master, and" al
Ow enjoyment of such games as he can
understand.- Asa baby crows with glee
at '•h:.-peep, " so a dog barks-with - delight
at "go-fetch." Make-believe te e ns and
false -:aria, romps and tickelingskrolling
loam up in a rug and letting him find his
way out. throwings ball for him( to catch
au the grass, or a aticli''to "fish out of a
lake,,all gamely him - ivith pleasure per enalogons in their nature to that
which boys and mete fiud
buff and prisoner's base, \ lordly' cricket,
and croquet. Lastly, faith in a
beloved superior is perhaps the most bean
tired and affecting of all the attributes of
a do;.
Charcoal a good Farm nodoelne.
NV-IRLY all sick horgos and cows nrr
made so, in 'the first place by eating im
proper food or too much of it. As soon
as the owner finds any of - his a Amnia
sick. it is the common custom to begin
dosing with medecine. • "We most not
loave the animal to die; we must do some
thing I" and so all manner of hurtful
drugs and poisons are thrnst down the
throat—saltpetre, copperas.' turpentine,
etc., quite sufficient to make any well nui
aril sick. or kill a sick One.—" You didn't
the poor thiiig-itiough'•—you should
have giseu•i•t oftener—pop can't expect
your beast to get sell if ycniduiet do more
it !"
Ocr rule has always been to give noth
ing unless we know exactly what to do;
and in the meantime attend to every ex
terior comfort practicable:. If the weath
er is cold. place it in warm quarers,avoid
all exposure, and-attend , to pure air
and s'rict cleanliness.' Put there is one
medecine that can_neyer do harm, and is
commonly beneficial, - ;.This is pulverized
charcoal. As we have- just remarked. i
nearly all sick animals become so by im
proper eating, in — the, first'. plac4
^aze.s nut of ten the •digestion is wrong.
.!luircoal is the most 'efficient and rapid
.corrective:_ It will care in ri" majority of
if pioperly administered: at.n- ex
ample of its use. The hired man came.
in with the intelligence that one of the
finest CTAII was' Very 'sink, and -a - - kind.
neighbor proposed the: usual drugs and
pohons. !'he owner being ill, and un
able to examine the cow, concluded' that
the trouble came from same „overeating.
and ordered a tea-cupful of . ptilverized
chareoadgiven in water. .It was mixed,
.I.ticed in a junk bottle, the head held np.
. rl.. and the water with its charcoal
.. 7.2 d downwards.. In fire minutes im;
vernen t was visible, and in a few hours.
le animal was in the pastaxe quietly eat
-11,,V. - • •
• 7 ' ..: . .other instance of equal 'moose cc
-1 •- 1 with a voung heifer which became
. bloated isv eating. green tipples - atter
'lard wind, "Ile bleat-wits-So severe
the eideriweie almost'. Its hard as a
. ._
:el. The IA remedy saleratne, was
A for the inarposo cf 'correcting the
iflity. But the attenift to fait &mu
•' 11 ) 13 mi3sej col 3 gbilg. audit did Hive
I //Ws 44-cupftd ol . f . rakpowile;.
,barouul o:tfii'ven , in e)x hottre
I apkwafetet glikkat //a4ViI!P/ 224,
heifer: was well. ' "
Diattuttnt . t i
bi 11102159 of a =Hit art
1 bate idiedtio Mai an Mtre yr* of . 1.64110 ea'
CV' IIoTTO CUP* end encans: !SOTTO Stry9l
and 11)11 - 11,A lapr:fie twisey. *Alretit
99.1 FANCY TOILEL` 11=5. of the handientotah.
'Mao vxds I it Impoitid Mucci!, ?tint Ettrope,
Ind UV prates Ire a. It m ae any leveller tan WI
4.9 sum good* to eau/ thy NOW
A. a. w EIDNEte. •
Me. eSdatith Seacket =dn. Itniwbenr9ll..
Philadelphia. Ts.
• • •
a. 2.—att rteck of cnowittenk ..pectr4i,
adapted to Cborcbec !avert niece. so :Astir dealings
alumina tflodeolgo Of sack Chandadat and Bracket,
will boson on moat. -Bot.thZa.
The OresNt.
._ Cause
CO .rgl
Jest 1* a &arid recideps: Arks SLY Mate.
A T.enetude on the Mattirc e , Treatment and
Ribes! Coact literristorrheas. and timing %Vesta , .
mesa, travail:nary =Wiens, and ficipt.dimetta to Mar!
dere generally; Nerranatise.,consampaou. Epilepsy,.
and Pits. Mootal and Physical Inateseity,es airing
?ma Sof. ;bum ge....117.110 PERT .1 CULY ER WELL.
M.J.athor of the'. Green Bonk.. te,
'Maar Ida admire:detect:ire
etharif Prot*. rrain bla Own erprrisnni dist the metal
onauquances at saltablisa taay be affectedly teener. d
without andielcoo.anti without dant:none sinsteal Crp
hougirs.l notruntetria. rings. ore relele.poitit•
log oat a mode Idotheo torten and dittinal by which
terry enfilister. an runnel *bat his condition may he.
case core hanneifehel y. actively and rtdicsilly.
Sell? under seal. to a"y !Wilms. to plafo seeing meet.
AIMI the emend at !decants. or two pater. !gimps.
Also Dr. Calverweirso•Marriaga Oulde." price 60 cad*.
addrors the Patnlthea%
CHARM l e. RUN' t CO.,
1117 Bowery heti York. Pott.ollthe 80x4,688.
$l.OOO R EWARD - .!
8131009' ALLEVANTOII le compreed• of Atentoota
Chloroform, Spirit! of Camphor. Tincture of Tuptedno,
Off' of Juniper. and Alcohol This componad le CO.
equalled in the innate of meeletuo & r the cure of Nor.
sons or 81-k Utiroderhe. Helvetia. Trem'bllut or Twitch.
log of the titres. and all Nernst. Dteesees. It will
conet,acr all oenten.., banish pimple,. core scaly crop.
liens. Itchlng.lnnurra..te .itgoriallere the circulstion.
Intl:erste. income:rt. tnerraftr tbosictlon of the heart.
Without ezeltingthe brain. cares ilrarthent.Pelpitatton
and Fbatering of the Item% Dppepale. dr. Marge
Allevatitorahrolutely portages reorecuratire properties
then any other preparation. Physicians, chemist' and
tenet* are requieled lo examine And test the merely
and Iteig) will be paid if tuned dUfercut train rcpr. sou ta.
COUGHS.tro nN an h d ho rri l' a bcea
ny re n tn i e d iree d a ITIVO
been offered for the relit( and core of throw and king
;Beeper': hut polling bas been so embienity oneceroral
or ohtsford each a wide celebrity, as Briggs' Ttuttat
end Lung Dealer.
CORNS. bi T Z':.7.."J. 6 `...,l. th ce nu t ; 4 ml :1/rig
from Bunion.. the piercing. &weeping pate
growing Nati.. cannot be t emitted. Thounande eater.
too knotting there le tease Mises' lira and BMW=
Iteinedise are no sale or potash compotoida but ere re.
liable pow blitz sod effectrial.atiit net mouth. rorxoso
ti ey hare earned from an appreciative partite. The
Curative Is a b. sling ointment Bum. nate relit( to
&gabled by Its application. and it will porillre!, cure
the worst ma. of Feetereggiums. Inflamed and llteerst.
ad Bunton., the annul Weep. the Lovett and vetertet
Illteters. the noint euterisite nnliesittio on the voles or
boos of the fern tittequalled to theme et Cblibialnsor
trotted Peet. The Ailevatdor for ordloani corns sad
Orienting their formation Di abileltltcly u..egcelled by
soythlog known.
PILE,. bare been a terror to mankind for
%.1 etaiturite, and almost every attempt to
rate them has beau twilled. By weaseing study and
•Xperharlating. Dr. Brigustisedlecorered toad alwilure
cure for Internal. bleeding. external; and Itching pllea
thirce' Pile . 4... rim.. are mild. arson.. sure.
Corns. Buttons, Bed Nails, ID eased Joints and all
dlscaries of the feet. else. Piles. Cancers and Scroghtoue
Barron Wilful:nested by Dr. J. Briggs & Co.. 697,
Itruadway. N. Y.
Soot by ABEL TrIIItELL. Montrose, Pa,sad BMWS
%11.310.0 1 . kuutsuse. ga.
Jena 19 DM.
Tot tov. ins Marines
sres.r.Wholesedit end
Tievian imported a very lane and splendid assort.
term. of all ith• differ. of hires of Fritit 71r nri first
b• As In B,ope, w. rid respectfally (mite the n viers
of this wiper to call and examine the swine, nt of
rani y Flits lam determined to sell at the lotted melt
Prints. All Fero frernanleff. 10 mien, resenfadmu to
jT rtg,mvinErt TUS nTORE. 718 Allt7ll RT.
Oct. Bth. 1872—let POLLADELPIIIA.
IVIEIy 3F9C351.116E
rsonlniftweed toning [ratted. releaanted rod
r e esweked the .tore. formerly monied by R. KM-
Tot, Jr.. et Lawsville centre. ore noir relined to ftne
leD the people with as desirable vailety a!
CROCKERY! 4, ,cc.
Lena be found elsewhere. and' at u Caftan! -Priem
0. M. (Iwo. "• B. C. Siam
tawirdrie court. alne.
:tuck btrect. 6 doors belOr Boyd , * Corner Din
Wean. 0011111112 1 / 7 tom bring Id DOT have enhas
afresh stock °Weed , . ioverlit e.v . hlebseerlllael
foreasb,orexeha Be orprodace. •
- &VOL TB4I.S t.
COFFER, 5444 . --
We.tif erettietatid made addltioar t &nit Rock.
relb.m '4 are aim 'ready in forward Batter to bee
commie Dation:kin fa :Pew York., tee of charge. act
m,410 erslaileaueeatiente a-odor:meat*. - -
t7allandxcaminrear+,oek belay paretcsalageffri.
where.aad .ton el ter vaareeleee of the
1.1 On and after Inn. SO. 1872.tra1ns on Ow ',Mgt'
Valley Railroad will tan AS follows: •
P. V. r a 4 •l• • :r. it. r. t:!. iv , '
245 110 410 r 50tra...... 114 6!3. 943
61 13) 94S .. .15 . 1145f1y 1310 583- 900
335 137 1000............1143 6 ZS , 650
:110 906 ID 40.....T0wanda. —.ll 56 457 410
521 11111.....4344045: ...10111 115
545- 3 03 1160 Lacysllls 943 416 664
-- 11 14,... 1 15455pre5.... 05) a•
6u , 115 1 ... liehoopany 913 616
53 9 1 13 4 3 ...TunkbanDock... 841 310 558
15 , 4 4 4 1 156 • 5 1:05 , 15 136 414.
811 610 1 15...5171ke411arre. 10D 313 435
•790 ,4 33 ..Mauch • • 11 . 43 x'733,
894_ . 6511 1047 - 114
40 405 Ikthlehein .1010 .1510.
- 915 - 6 101 1163
30 30 30....P1Madelpbla
040" Neu. yogt,
No. 81 teat.% Vitiate% at 'f 10 a. ta.: itletit. IP ,
m.; Waverly. R 05a. ..arriving at Elmira at 4 CO a.ts
a l . 1.4. 4 .• Elmira*, 581 p. m ; Wooly. at 615
- Athtaa,iit 618.1Viaw uniting at Tow:ads st
Drain; ltbom Cam &Meted to trains laud
nutting - aro:lga mate Elmira to Palladelphta.
- R. A: l'Ac:g Avvertrelest.:
1,2 yagra nintart at tiiii ;11" ftilrpihia msiil
Ins; Out the Bank tor Interissint rural W0w."...
.TkOriwklp 4 Ar• falakta3 Proorsisn.uesii
Ad eon," tot tar rtrektar; 44444 Mika
4400 K U 1 loth nevi%
- -
olf - :Aott`tioi*lto.
Avon!. Wowed for tobblo,s
oll.lllt 'BIBLE for Ale 1101112 CIRCLE.•. 114 bratenterptizr , of fib
yearrur - Y.rery Inlay bava It. Foilang
/Lbaltnew . Pur Cl= are addra.•
-aeon t Co LW* ttowr.liow loth.
Illabeat S ap pai far prime couLty by L. IL ELK.
- uvrtni. and Catmlo Slannt.cturcr, ..Sarinuat
ta dtroot,PhilsdulpLia.
A OWT3 VTATITED gustalltee I a:OO2mM
tot all, either att. at • dal, or 4 2 .." ..r more
a prat. hew wetks by 'Mrs. It ti blow and otters—
Superb pwsniotos otireo sway. m ode
sad eaNtly at work tot us. Writ rand sot. Elnletes , a
frea. Wow , RIMOIVI. LtyIITIN d (12., Lanford. (1.
to fa uorllngnnrs,
o either act. fa
make ma, 07 at
for en in Melt op 40L00MV133 Or alio. ume than at
aattllniz aloe. Particulars fr.e. Addl.* G. ISTIIN
SON. a CO., Portland !!rite.
/*earn In tho 111A1781128 of Mai ford. et
itavis i t a vr i to Um truth,.
glee* oast. ckapohl. ou r orlpt of $l.
W. lIEUII, tt T. FRUCAUF.F. Heading: Pa.
nOOMIZEPING Mad* Zity. Eerry rlerk erd men ,
1.8 duke& cut Irate et neer. Hook re ,te.
Bead , far Illtstrate4 Catalano to
I:IBADLET 4 - CUP.2IIIIi. 5$ d 55 Dyo . Now York
A Grant. Event !
Wettaie &aided to 01.0* of nor imasen,e stork of
MLA %RD TAGLIS3 at sliceo a attic ”bore co-t
Vtrat-rissa 1110 Nev Table.. ovcooll
hand Tablas matt• or, na lint, ts.7o. SC.
gnat taziwy lAs salt all buyurs 8444 for C.tagozus.
COT. Canal & ~a,tro Talk'
Xl. C> IS 'IM
anatiromoul as a I'menoter of the Mmurth of the
Mir and Whiskers. It I• orlth-r welly our er,t,”,
7,1 It •••ftens aud tith ihe 11,1 r Mr better aod
morepermaormaythan soy Oil or Po. d sett
a Mir Messing. It produces the mo I fill • 41
bistro . gloss Wsrrored per'emly Istomi,• I.
elgoisitperoot, Is quite heloe distil 01
from thekrarld r,notrotsi Ihwes of Cashmere. I:vge
battiest, only 60 rem.. Addre-s
MILL R. 4AR) ad ht.. Philmit,lohla.t.,.
The Weekly Sun.
ONLY $1 A YAP. 8. PA H.
The Best Family Paper,
The Best Agricultural Paper.
The Best Political Paper,
The Best Story Paper,
The Best Fashion Reports.
The Bert Cattle 3latket flepors.
The Ilmst General Market Iteperts.
The Best Paper Every .11;ny.
column,. $1 a Saar. nr Ira, than a coots naabyr
Bend Tour do.I.Ar.
Addrcat Tag SCS, Nom York City.
thtv Block.
; Bth go
and numb:
Isar of -
ri xi , la g ait cz• .ir e !
33 trim zvis ei srsclsto IL, E 5
Slga of the Golden Eagle and mortar
vim& Deo. winfo,., (he pablie that we baTe meet,
V ettirStoel: or thugo..3lLcauurv. Pella t. Bruph
9?. CeMbP, Prrloae.l7. Fancy A rtelc.e. tc.. MI" it,
Mick btove, tormeety occapieu by tiutteubt. rg. Uoie.
Wu= • ea.
Wo have svcrutly attest tap tble 'tone lo Mlnirrn 1.t71e
sad aueli. 'Weaver to lt . V..p a.O valtelieu with elf article.
polo Wog w
Ke ezieud to everyoudy • c..edial luritalinn • cal.
DOD 41. ow •DID DID Saul of auylblbg •Dir D • m, Dm,
•tu SOT 40 tour. gin. Cs ettlrudl 2 .11 T.
01dC0,4113.6 we Desiteto DID.. our thanks fur Ti,.
vary liberal pitmitago heretwure ezteede• to
ebW audaavet to merit a ewntleuahte of the Dame.
Very Truly YOIDIN
A. B. 111.11L'Vtl.
- Montrose. Dee.2e. 1071. A. 11435
50,003 IN BANK
Postponed to December 7, 1872
the PUBLIC 1.1116.115 T os Krercricr. nnntinniicd for
September 93. tee 1 rest pl.t.fii,ved • o December',
litg 2. bednte the rettraittlet lon Olivier, the tem day •
before the &coli: made It phyetcolly imptletible to d I
Stem sltberct ■ orti,daye ,e
deb. sect re ail or , pool trei c
meat %Zt minims It. it *0! drlrtinlin II to fief, .1 to
t imt that soak make a fait Cretan I , lllft, by the tale o ,
all ,be Sat to. •
Tbc many arraweary to pay In fall all rff rre
ens , s near un throat, in the Farmer an , l D3.o is
B ink, as will BeO /ern brALo kn..wmg pu flange of ihe
rdEMElrti . ANT liketrEltS' t
dapt. 26, in t". f
Thts Isto ...IVO that there ;avow on &resit in Mi.
tankards ball of dorian Inaba ma 11 ,1., In•
Gin I. oneerr Fund. Esonmuot , 1011 , t to-td br able
bank - . as Treasurer of Ito Pla.itc l lbants or &anion/rd.
to pal eau gifts awa rd IL, drab try 4t.
It. N. VEAVII, Caddy.
LOCI Pr:zoo. An:mooting . to
400..000:: CASH
.10. *•.r lb. birrbsoi oda. s l eel sloo.fasi, 05n.-
1110.125.nfe. and dawn in ragalay gnidilliun to an°
ninth Is the km cart.
. .
The drawing will pot ittrtily and oneonirorany take
ptad Dottaabot 1. Adams are Mremntnrih r.gatr , d
Ultimo:eke and auks n•tarno Now•tot dr .13. in ..rder
td Stew moo a time far ICA Anai artangtonenik Order
for tickets °tasty! radon. ttir eirrenr• .boohl ha ad
anuel iv 6km.1 . 11108. E. BR. 04 LE ITE.
49at PoDyc 41,brary of Evrocky,
• IMPADIMD cucutdaglt WOOD
• , pomp .
Tome.v.. Pt:ruble. Ellla.,ot
--.- :re and Chrsp. Ti. rolo pomp for th.
• tolooor .10tentf,n
Wiled m Bl.ltater....pat..ut fthpro:.
ett Ittheket and !few Dr p Cto rk
• 03 - valve. which ean he*hbo town iti'tt•
041 rrohniug the Drrtioordiguthlog
• tholoints. Alro. the Copp.r Dtatot.ip
tt • • or tOch try rt•riel.h od 1.111
Efl.l foltsthor. For cair by Dotter* • •••ry
r ,b ;i. re• 'Pend for Elthlzpht hurl Filo
r Curs ..9.11t wet-taxi. St'rr.
.S 6vl - Cur s
. raht..
ISt% 1372.•-ff
411.0 IV
Ito = 900
GJEWELRY—A rtne- Antort
-1._,1 meat, and nth." , varlet(' •of Anna". -A for ilnlo
and Sliver Cased Wectoir and Watrh Una!na. oftrer
owsorpoT olattedllpoomi..lonk.i, and a Cr2l.
-, s(4IIII7OMMOWIC of It4ory Good.. 11oiloos, fttloopry
dte.. Drug) and Medlel no% imp sleek,
11aotoose.114.. Doc.ZI. 11. .' Arum nnrouni •
ittotiitbe boot tow Trtnitt sx ,'
4.11$ WIWI* and etenkhoel• vanha• oArn tOrall4oPd•
nt tintokt to "PAULO 0viai14114112,14102.ei
4, t
r •
V° TT 1;1. DT lA''ET RE
Annnalen Furniture War:gon na von teal and the largest
To ha found In thin enetlim of tl o country. of Ida own
ouftein re. and tit price. that ootoot Milt° glen satin.
faction. Ile took., OM very bt et
In the Country, and LSdRU.S.IITa than.
Of nil kind, done In thy neatest manner.
191 IEtI2VI3- 331133313
The iinherrl'a.r will hereafter mike the undertaking a
§t;:ettny. d
bin os . . n, MIL)
In ,0t74.10ri:d.:1
To•edhlg him oert:res wir tea attended to prompt' Kea at
lottlenclury ctwrgyr.
Itontrose. Pa.. Jan. 31. 181.1.—no5—tf.
)33:kZE ""&"' 4 1 11 3E-3E
PATTK3T en. UcT031:11 3
c o l h ,aizr : ,, n . tt f r
t he: t
th,• hi he-t . that, r I.nler
I. anti., d• T. tilti•tn told h••• advnarn2•-• 0•• . 1 .
any o r gate even Ind. In t'hean and Int.&
r nOlrtlett , rn• rohvehl• nee r °trot Tall In Wen..
• . 1 Cot ,•• opt•he nett el•••••. 1 vrthout the ot•Dernier
thenelth, hi. l o.ltlon. 11' In, or t•ItIlln • • rent,. nod It
dn•tree ran he enthlt errnapet he opened and
t. h.•.. 1 I 0 tr. rrrrnd
• ho n opened then tic • nhtt. art heat Cite. thin mlklne
It v e rn ' , v.? mm other nate to Carmen. n• d
t It. lie in Vitlann• and TearnA, In In enter ever.
eat to the yrar. tto • e ten tr nhot el In a Inlet. It can.
~,, ,do rty.alr.
rot tinier part 'en' r• n I le ••• the tinder•krned. tvt,
111 n• Inn. lett it,. ptnt c„.,, 'en in
Penth•vlvn• and nin'n'nz ere
Ihe Purl , I ae "1
ox. 1111 1 ,1•1 f vii Intr..
F..rtver.. nn in.', 7,1 t.ola hid An wail
rite thin .it. talon. an thly Ode coialnly etl I
go Into ip uer.l !art
Ore. t. inn?. P-orrt.tor.
• Ntoholun, Wyozaing Co-. Pa.
June 12. 'l2. -tf.
Ayer's Ca' 'hard° Pills,
For the relief and
cure of all deranges
CUOMO in the stem
" • aril, liver, and bow.
els. 'they are a mild
l e% aperient, and on
escelleut purgative.
ter .••••. Iteing purely vege
• table, they contain
es i u • - - no mercury amine
. n hates er. Muth
V.f sh.laess and
suffering Is prevent
ed by their timely
use, and every family should have theta on hand
for their protection and relief, whoa requited.
Loan cape:Jew:o loon tinned them to he the sat, serval, and beit of all the PM. with width
the market aboonik. lly Weir occasional sec,
We blood I,purified, the corruptions of the sys
tem expelhid, ob.t. - ni tionn memoved, nod the
whole ma•hinery of life restored to On healthy
activity later teal orgahs nhkh become clogged
and ate cleansed In A u r is rale, mad
stuuulded into action. Tints laripleet iWeare
changed into health, the value of width char, y
vast when reckoned on the multitudes o ho en o
tint hardly be computed. Their sugar roo ting
makes thew plat ant to tale. end preserves their
virtue. unirupolced for any length of time, so
that they are ever fre-h, and perfectly reliable.
Although searching. they are mild and operate
without di.terbance to the constitution, or Wet, or
Full dtrecticets are given en the wrapper to
each bee, hew to tree them ~s a Family 1•113 sic,
and for the tolloOnog canal/UW.3, m bleb these
Milts rapidly cute -
For 'Dyspepsia or Noillgenittosa. Llstlesse
ores, Lo.agaor mid Lome, Appetite. they
should he taken moderately to .timillate the stom
ach, end restore Its healthy lone and action.
For Liver Complaint and its serious meta.
tom., lleadaclte, Sack Ilea&
ache, Jaundice. or Green ilichness, DII.
too. Colic and Minoan Fever., they should
be pittllctoso•ly Wont She rant crier, to roreect dw
dl.e.tsed aaltill or remove 1110 obstrUctlons Wl.llCh
entree It.
of Dysentery or Dlarrhtra, but en*
till dose is generally reipil.
or Rheumatism. Gout, "%rowel , . "'el.
pitutlon of the gleam, Pain in the
bide, Dock not the, elioulil be cootie
newly taken, no rcaiuhn , l, to change the ilisemed.,
tiou of GOO iyam.n. With such change, those
complaints disappear.
}or Dreamy and Dropsical aerellin"
they should be token In large and frequent dotal
Co pro du •13 the effect urn Ili - alto: purge.
For 14opprthesiOn !way dose etemlil be
taken as it produces tbo desired erect Ly sym
pathy .
As a No um- rut. Mke one or two rills to
promote tedio and relieve the stomach.
An acca-i mai dare stimulates the stomach and
bowel+, restore. the appetite, and invigorate* the
system. steno it in often advantageous where
no serionn iteranee.nent One -who feels
inlembly well, often and. that a dose of these
Pills maims hint feel rierltiralV better, from their
cleansing and renovating effect on rho chseativ•
Dr. J. C. Arrns CO., Practical Chemists,
ron BALE ZIT ALL onroacsrs EVZ11117792M
1, 0 0. •
FIN vumm V s _.3
- • WEB.
Every year increases the populari
ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ;
which is duo to merit alone. Wo
can assure our old patrons that it is
kept fully up to its high standard;
and it is the only relinble and Perfect
ed preparation for ic , tofing GRaY
OR FADED IlArn to its youthful color,
making it s and silken.
The scalp, by its use, becomes white
lb and clean. It removes all eruptions
and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop
erties prevents the hair from falling
out, as it stimulates and nourishes
the hair-glands. By its use, the hair
grows thicker and stronger. In
baldness, it restores the capillary
- glands to their normal vigor, and
mil! Create a new growth, except in •
extreme old age. It is the most eco•
. nominal limn DRESSING ever used,
as it requires fewer applications,
and gives the hair a splendid, glossy
appearance. A. A. Hayes,
State Assayer of Massachusetts, says,
"The constituents aro pure, and care
fully selected for excellent quality;
and I consider. it the Bran. PnEre-
MATIO,V for its intended purposes,"
Sold Ov ail Drug :Ada, mul nadcry
Erica One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye.
As our Renewer in ninny cases.
requires too. long a time, and too
much care, to restore grhy or faded
Whiskers, we bare prepared this
dye, in one pOpnration ; which will
quickly and effectually nccomplibh
this result. It is easily applied,
and produces a color which will
neither rub for wash off: Sold by
all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents.
Manufactured by 11. P. HALL, & CO.,
zwanue., N.B.
Bold by Abel Until. and Bnnu & Nicbolt
Montrqse, and all 'Mentos end dealers every
*here [Der- 21,1870--y
ARIA it ;
, Di i 1 dill
Is ibe tbmtpesi If beef .tha tile%
re,inrwv. both flu!pqrTo and
"A UST/L. ► WOW 041.1eitlitint. litgi .P 18•96 ,
:berg, v. um , NorthApeoad
witaluutekA Fievftler ate
"stlenees tii"
.iiii:n . b:=4l•l44
ikwing Machine ?
Told fr iends and "patrons or Sn•pnedninni annnty—
again la tau dald soliciting year patronage-for
The Original Bowe Sewing Maine,
ESTAIILLSLIED. 1847. .urrnovErt, 1971
Memo cell and see It. with the Improvements, at
sun'. gum .Remeutber the thweetue llowv
has uu medallion head.
56 Court Street, Btnghampton, N. 7..
Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa
AUNTS WtiTrn !
Ilkn , • P.n. of the Pi ronleuts
bowl Ifni!, Intond. and printed on flared paper.
rs Rulers, and Institutions.
• , orhi like It +tettn. ev, n hod. no lu , the knot
nod.lo an Porn h di+ ..f the ehlt ••omen,
xl ele pnzetslll It ere of then.-r , nrth the pale,, n
th, o'er SfO) logo m.d nuly t2.'4l Rar•
ma for Car el. re— Jelin- nnn eertn•nu, I —fens• r
eteh. e• .vel .1 o h nr.,, r• ellear Irak 15 ordnra In afe. ,
lays eare.leflae Ide Le ~)!eared.b t.
• day e.n tn. 'at ter 10, if rite at nee ent
cl r eel t en, I n n elon stPO WORLD PCB, iniliSt
CO Pan,, r 'Ph end Market bleat 1.. Ph tt,
comb r 1 loll.—ln
LOOK. 1 00K
3:101. V 3E11:7"2" Or*
M. C. TYLER 7) k3l THIN:. ST , N.
Conic d 0,1
AND IF .A (a. It'[/3" NO 7 ?
1 - • n ‘l. %RIM' Irl;
Loolriox rd....e.. I ler Ore and m Ol tier X en •
Sir. I. and Irmo pole Ax.*. ``the et lull, NViikriii,
”11 r kart or MI tier Look, I'm I helo.. Kroh , .
Gee It. volver... Fare. tr. Carper
...ea Tort-, Illackaml.ll4 he11...r• real Tort..
Ksi Ire, Fll be and Sporn-. and es/maiden, n-unite hoyt
on .1 - P1...1C1...a Hard &aro Importing gird lohhirg
No ill.tat eil •
My al. core Thanks area tendered in the many In me
ON r 1 l'OcilOr. for tan kind parrrmage. a. al., to line,
In who. cow 114. r, will, may mad this.. rld a s,
tr her. he elver far • riontinnaree: Hu well a
.re will.tre to me trial. w ho hars sot
dons au, by orders or calls. 'Truly.
Montrose, 31areb, N. /Sit —if.
W 3211111 HIV. 3.'1111
rgitiTc now romN•t•d and rrdr for necomo
or ri-'rnr• and tb• trn•rm••nt of Inr~lidr
Tv." rornTri, a,no tb• di” nn•
been the ore of the 811,41nel:um. N moral Watcr
DvirErstA.. onArvi., [HAREM. RIDNET
And all
=utd .00zes 7ZII
To those who eontersellto visttlog the St nogs. we
would uy that the 1101:16T. Is FITT c T.D with a rt.., to the
.st oar GIVES Nand we shall span no pains In loohlog O
Vizir welfare. We guarantee a care or dreldud help, o
uo pay. For fa abet partleularo enquire of, or adCresa
A D. BUTT =MELD, &. Era
Sn:inehanna Mineral Springs,
Rush, P0119'2
AprlL 17, 111711 -.133
MT.. wo,,t,roz M ILL In retnuthe en nthnl. met
lug All no, .I.l3antint, rhmektti tendwhite; • •1-0
veto,. warp flennet. the ben eTel made; On
weniA and ren-inteter. A Intse i tnt eloth• 01, hand,
for .1.. or to rzettansa fir lewd. NM..• eietl ate a 1.34
n-rttre tlinti.olog or 7. or wool din:niter, edl
mile. , north or Athntrone. I. W. MUTT'
Monism.. Jun. 7. 1871.
Po[ thelltelletend enro Mahe Erring sot Unfortureeta.ot
Principle• °VC:Ur:ellen Philanthropy,
Pleenye on the Errors or Yonne end the Polite* otAdt
In rotation to Marti/um aud Social Fyne. vtith gunner
del for the or3letect. Sent Wee_ Invented envelope.. Ad
dress I.loWAlln .ISSOCIATION. Box P. Pnliodylohey
Iv continuity receiving
NSW Cra "T'''
ut:: epj . r s u otr g t t uu t ., l on Wait. a lullaud dtArabla
castA.I3.II.IIDLCIIi,EB. eIIEIIICALB, 11 • • 1
Paha., Oil.. 113 r-istuttet t iesoNtSpir.. at-d othri Ott
t.ctt. - •.Btuutt ‘i are, I% • /1111.11 H 11.1,111 K 1 • 1310t•rt tilsre
wale, erten Jar*, Marta.. Lump.. Ltlll:44r)r,
ilucoluCl) U,l, Tatalcri uU, 1 1 1=1.1.44. tN, 14,,
th•t•tt It Iltsirt/0,1511U11n 011, thAt 41, by,nri‘t Turpeu
taut, loistuiplate, e..ttitur) bee-a. itsttgac•rtt tll r it •
• r.attti 11.) C. ns34 , artaav, I
imaCce, 11 bll r, LoUlte,
Ctertritlavr, Partite, ttlto, 1.41kU, lat,L edlib,Ll4l,llPg
1 . 0..uul AIM 4 , 11**, - 11 , sisl•.M11 . 119tr.
t 11.1. iltruirl,4 et I.lLe,ltot Ott 1 . 1..11,1bu501
Ont. 1141 r Wlr Lp.. ttruptt,•,
rucitet liolvo,ttittchalre t tillvet rlatrual.emns - ,1 - utite
&o. .Leaflet Arttett•e, • tortmsalacoututtcbtal •
FANCY G00:1S. JEWELRY, end l'ElitlalLltY
attleadlus; And but kinds at
In abort, neArly 'Toby .tt.g • o restore the eleki to
plea. the (.ete. to &Onto the ere, to orntII) tbe Win/
dud ebvtto condo.* to tLe reetennenbetennetianntoen
tallre.,,Enumreetlpy Iwprectle able, as asr wait
• noirgritit... Mal itte itinq gad I:gritty itgre tri
• .
CCI:1;14 TIIC W 011,37 PAINS
In from Ono to Y viarry tit inu too.
11107 O;4E.
7 Ora
,11 1 1 . tat W 11.11
4.l.otraro tz -Dv kno.a.r u•
crr.2 rot:
_ Evrt:t
It a as 11, end sui 14
'_"Ho Only Volto nerricilTl
Ant Indtantly env. 111. Waal exc. ~c 1.111 1,, 1.1+•,1 1 .1' ,,11
Lanvarillost.i. oti.l cur. • (it.e L.lta l ,
1 1 1/.. - 1/. Latin//2,c,/ .1/.“ rue
IN molt OM: TO - ry I.llNrrr.4.
F 1
olter Lovir vl6lO. •er 11
ea Or pin 1/..
WILL Arrorti) INST.VIZT I—.."'“" "
LCPLA-1111.1.T10N OP VII: KIIINLY, .. '
Taißs s .4 l li i ileTtil i N ll i ":1;63.
sona Tur.oxr,
c. "o . uoltir r igi: a tz 1111L I IIILAILT.
i'ertaat,lLLYLL - CSLA.
nr-irucnr. TOO ftriClit .
COLD cnru.s.. Anre . Villi t l G ,""'" r " Tis ' L
Ths appite.lun .r 0.. P•. , 1. -* .ILJLI - ti In t ,
rut* trhur• Ilir itla or t:LL.......ritc............aaerni: e l'r s i lr./
Milli/ Ilnliil II let 4 Irmldrr of vrIP••• writ. •I . .
Inman.. eim CILAUPS, rPAyL.3, L. 0.1;•• 111041 .
- comc, T.L.N.,0 Li 'guy, likA. " . ' 4".
.1....-10, ~.:4
Traprt.q. 81..4%1 darn C art a MU', it 2 ,
Wear iftelier wth ti.... A I w i'rr.,.. a . 6 "I' l .
in... Ai.... or yainat...ri thot, .1 la L'i.a . I . - " .
iiiii /11....i1k D-4.1 , 1y.,11.L....r5u1a a......u1ai.t. - t "L.'
doctored. lived, - .o
Tonics,' , .Appaisers.. "Mato,.;" ar... that lou d the
tippler am to dnstikamtera and rule, tat ant a true Medico..
made front the pages meta and babe of l'alikatia, free foam
alt Alcoholic Stimulants; Tarr are the Gnat Illood Nailer
and a Life sine Prior.ple,.aPorket SLOOOI2IOO and Innis
aerator of the S:stena, oarryinn, of al miscounts matter, and
resuming the Sint - 1 r a tvalt.lty condditubertichine it. Te
rm -shim and ins:cedar.: both clod and body. Tim" Me
ram of aduttai.tratam, Inter t h that sctiert,itestain tit their
sa4 and reliable is at/ meta of disease.
Na Verson cars take throe Enter* according te
directiotot ant ~mats le &tame I, provided their horns are
pot destroyed ber tniumnl 'ovate treater means: stalk. vital
twenties-m.l bead the point Of littialr. '• •
firoltrfol. or, Ilsadtnost bons Ifeadarlet; Pah: Le
the :duns's., Cor-!..,Eightisata a I the Lltes; Dlssicem,
Sour Email ens °tile Ildommalt Lai Taste in the Itloetn.
Micas Attach., ys'oldation a sCo Haut, lidLunmatne of
the Lotto, Pain at the teifint of the la wn)', and a haw
Aced other pitiful szointorm, are thatrium or Dysimpaia.
In thew annplabitsat Llano cams!, atlame bottle wil l prom
a better co Intetner f is metitathatt a Nunt-hY advertisement.
liar litentolt. Cons:datnte, poem or o'd. amnia/
m sie, et theStmot if wornecluml. or the turn el li r e, these
Tonic md Liner. to lauded Mt influence thad Smacked
ionrovemert it (000 pererpalle. •
tor 1-a/Tatannattary: newt Otranto Chenmate
risers A nd (.set. . It/ave.:taw ladi3ruion, I.:Liono, Remit
tent and f -teresibmt I ever, k hears sf the Must, Liner,
K.idmm ant tbashLr, them iteratnive been moot succatefel
S no t, e t yma by le itiated Illtes4 which is teas
Clair I nod ad k y 4-esament f the Dice - tee Orjpaos.
The, nee n Calera Porp.saftwie ohs, min ant
Tunic. the I etc.ter meet of amine as a
prose rfol rseira is Ss seeing Lislizestiras or I,Sarieristime Clam
and Ifimenal btm,ms,and t . a !Limn DiSeafea.
shin D:.4aNtli. Ertodutit, Triter, Salt-Rheum,
Bandies, knot. row es, hismies, a, Lartemeles, 11105.
worm., Seed /load, Sve Lem, Lrysme as. Pelt, Snot;
Di colatlone of the Skin. Ilturors and Diseases of the
Skin. . f Coma Or natare, are Ilderally dug of and 41 :'
ctrtiol as of the Fie:en, Fi a short Cam by the ow ru s tles,
Raters Onn late in met rues wiD convince We coca
Lered-lons of eitir rorMire sfiCts.
Umtata (Ile iritlate,l T.tomal whenever 10to end
in harem en bursting 11-rash the al.:n Plrnplts, Limps
Cous, or Sores: r'eaase it unto you Cad it ohmouttrd and
i s the stoat eearn: it when it it ; your feelinos
ail to I yiss Ler.. the 1.40.1 pure and tho health
the Priem wit 4. An
Grateful Illtansanda procialet Vturnsot Drrheas
Lm mom wouderful Invicorant that mar amulet-tithe slain •
'7ec.e, and &Imo Warms, lulling lo the err
tent of so twiny lisMesudi are lii3CtUaliy dritiliptil
rmiloyed• S a ys a datentliiged 11mi:engirt: There hiMaretly
an individual stow the tam of therm:ft show (rely is exempt
fnm the mesa., of mums. Ii it rot epee the healthy el,
menu of the testy that sumo rest, boo toms the deemed
homes and Atur de-was:in that breed there hrinz Inmate:"
if . 240 lastaisi biedicirw,m, vermiform, no an.
'thelmoisot. nal Lve the e--tatn Erma worms like three
htenhonlent Dimness. Persons tamed In Salon
and Mineralt, web a. Ibunthers,"Eymmettert, Gohl-beaterf,,
and Miners. as they advame 10 - s. tad be seltem to paralysis
of the Douala. rmod tel Oil tale Yore Of WALE.
Caws lirrnum once Sr twice a wee:4 as a Pre
Itittone, Ttemattents and Traterwittleart. Trim
were, vetch siese revisers iu the valleys •of our rout
rivers t!..ose.luset the U t uatd sums especially those of the
kliesoari, E.h.C.Tatoessee.Cionherland,
Arkan Cokeedo. ranus, it".. Grande. Pratt, Ar
Innu., U
4... e Savowah, Iheawstejeme% and many odor.,
with their •1-11 tribsam.its. Idunorjonsit our Kite* Cetilitly
daring the Sununu and Actumns and reroarkahly to dannz
merne a unusual Loot turd dement, are isTalisti., atiOre
ramcd y eac.lve dva ,v`veenneof the stomach and listr,,
and oar, larkinitul 'moth. Then an always more or trill
Cucba:rw:ms a( Ever, a lambs-, arid irritable state of
the sornar.hti d mat t0r,..0r of the borers. ! vgtd
tr,s with taiated acaliMi'at.orte. fa emir brats
cstive, catrisl • posrezlLl i..tontice entern them
cans si rinvots3.!7yeeria3Oe. There is no
purpow equal to D. J. '.:.seems VI/Marie
they w, I ,tech y remove the siark.colared ate,
wit ea the tam.* ace Lad.% at the sisre t i me
the imsactionit of the r seronal catenary regarin.
Gine:ions of the dirsit'so n-nerv.
Seretfula. or IZlnt's Emil, WWI. Seewng,. Ulcers,
Taysirelet, Smiled U+'- fictsSisas I arammatlona Indolent
Indantmatmmi, I t temmrial AZNoirits, Old Sam, 'Eruptions
of the Skin, ett. In rlsese,r.S WI oder conatitutional Dia
, cases, Wat.wealstfrato.ta ittrreas have sLown their great
carstve tunrors is it., crest nnwinste wad home able Cases.
A. Wotan:AA Athaterats, bee Servousuesa,
and Iletadaehee. elthwes tney, rows iodine to Men,
era sval dimrdon. Poe or, tversas, dysre7sa. Evan] de
pains in the lmk si , .l termous and ark head
ache, imps' ty rf al.',, end r I ambles chased en finale
complaums." Da. WoLletat's Visits 'which
are purely vegetahle. Cut ray La eafsly limn to the meet
delinte. are a emeriti:re end need, retard,
Ur. Walker's I:e=ewatLe . %batriter Ditto/re art
on all these cams i 0 a ateiihor runner. C sOnfyinr the
Stool they tenant ii.• CIO,. and t y resooring aims she
c Teen of the iodarnruaisalLhattammulardemett , theaSimed
parts receive health, and a rammer t ern n effected
The yroperr tes of Da Wetwamla Waseca.. Era..
art Aperient. Dia:boccie owl Carnival:on, N gunmen, Lax
ative, Diuretic, Slitative, Cutualcolnitant. Sodarilic, Altera
tive. and Anti43lltous.
Tho Aperteett and old Laxative properties of Do.
.IWALSZett'S Vie At harrow tiro test see-Mao! In all
owe of corm:one and Mato - mot f.aa their baittonle, heal
ing, and soothinn pm-cm:as poirrt the humors of the boas.
'I hem SedstVe monatet the veneers system,
stomach, and hose t, ii,hee fears infanstestrxm, wind, colic.
Cramps, et. Their lsomer-losisant is-fence • camas
theo.mhout the Systent . 1 heir Donnie floss-aim act era
the Kidneys. cerrecticc wed antularsm the don cf urine.
Their Aninlic.ous annulate the lime,
orn i s A.,chancres Omen the hd inry t h d e n a
diaremble ad al t ternaalNAmte te % the Cae a Of &ri.
Frier, Fc•r r anr
Astor,ruse .
Verrill . the body aizahaet dines. hy pentane
all its fluids Ishii ViltirGalt Smote No epideao- can take
hold of a system thus becarreed. 'The Ever. the stomach. the 1 / 2
bowels. the lidne”, and the roma a s nedend disease- A t
proof by this peat ow ennui.
The'Eliteeer_a D. VltraCiat lIITTIMS.
in Chronic Dmpepaa. Jemmy Nermas Disorders. Conatipa.
dekciency of Weak a...mond all nulledm affecting the
stomach. line, bowels minimum crones or mmeeder msteMs '
tat heat aperienced by bundled. ef shousauds and hurchods
of thoumede more are atone (CO the cum relief
Dtreettone.—T.Re of the Canal int come to bed at'
tight from a half to one and one-half stinwelansfull. Eat.
veal nourislune food, atelt as ticestealt, Matta. ding, •erd.
no, mast beef and verretaCee, and take minima menhir
They Me composed of penoin vecetabla impedients. asul cola.
taSn 00 Spirits
Drunm ste and Gen. Acts. San rhea., Cal..
Imad corner of Wathlocton and Chaeson Sta. New Tint
.sly la, Lila-ml
Itr=rl AN it if I:11 curi] Gpff y 7,isis is nos
• te4441141 14 thlt tviiri tt eile•ii 1 titre
Pune. atid all ither /044.1 ii 0443,
th, liAll4‘ Wit P.L.Lsi
1, quiet W It .
loilluit‘gi:ii•% DWAl"fi READYLILL:LI4II'. NM/ 4.4,
gis Witt, L 4
EI•EN3 Altil) ANL) likat •
nru...o.tarl.r.xtu3 4161,
n A D
mo MADE Tifr: 41,TO`ili.11.V) ertMl,. cq
V:11)1" FNUPIttOri, n.;
I , V TUL4 TiaiLlr J:. D.CII: - KAN Z.
Cvory Doy art Incroos, in Flooh
end 1N31 , 3'1t Is . ^
.001 arld ;Pair.
TIIS CrICA 21%.0J0
ar.i .1-, lit'. V.l Pniots
Ins r wL.I
11. wag,. a tvtir ‘l4l 0 e I 6.. rt...r
1 4 ,-r - fa& 11,411' 05, ii , ,lllWar IP:
UvltY. 71.4.• ,
fen part. ie e , E. r. .1"...E• I v:
(Iwo the We, turl truret .th. • f a Err .
tione, V•eur It 144 1.
Erysifrg•Tr. tl c •••• Wor . u• I T
Cutter. 1.1 J.. I r:ll..v.i.roi,e f C
tatlA .i . v..arr. Le ••• c. w.-• 1 t,l
prianole. re silt!11.1
eL,,..• ..f t, It • r
11..lerks elrr..4orre. ee.l a t e,sre
IfDIY prin.. n IS at 11... a az
tr e•ra
If the trdlzat, dd. becn ,• 11• . t . m.! . ..t V. Orl.l , l r a . d
d ni...P.lnu wed Is c•••11$.1... f ru•rer•lr. !a
nrn.-aln.r r.r. a1..1 T . ...v. , a I •• • •••
•••/ r
I LI nrule hea
e 1•
thy tl..•••••01 LLS.I.
LI AN ur 11
Not I.4iV 4.4.11111. v ia . rlllo,l2lrr •Ir
11 . . .ern rx.••11-11•Ionte ll.e tu.• s.f a, Szr .
021011fitillo.i.L9ki 4.%1C.1141. IA Is teal y pktaart
Cure Ca.
lildtvw to 1:31i dder Compla;7ll.,
renewe. W•nh elem.; °marl. Inn et., Peew7
L. • rearl4l,lnrk. me,l • h re b. , we .1
&noels. owl when theta Is • frekihn. eve • ...hen
rewhin wake,
en. pot. In 11.. Lao U.: and
nI.OO the I.wen Peen. era
T etly krawra am! sun Caned; tzw
Wen. Tt
Tumor of 13 Hears' Grown
Cured by Vasciorny's 17.4molvern:
P..reatv. ran. J
rov , •••:-41 Awn A-4 m..'•. 1.TT.•.,..
I•awelt. ALI I!•et es a•al m..'•.
I . r•AO • • • I !
1(a4 , 71 ,( eet 1:1/ was any* an t e-le.nn . •
er,ll It; it
L_ .,.. ..
I a••••I en o .:anl ( • 1••••• Ire ants II 4ea a.•as et •
Iteen•nt.noal ••••e 414 f••••!•. ✓ tn. te•T
If•ady Ita141; Aual le a .611 ei 1. , rte I• I••• • • • la!!.
n 4 I f•arl Ureter. nazis,. wat ar••• • -•• f et., •
Tha sant tumor 1115. lot • re I•..
I nita 4/1 TO4 .1.46•••• 1 1 IR. , I" ,
vs chew, 1,11N.11l P. \...1'1•.
LW?. ri AD 1:1 iIY 'S
pre..ntly truOnlenrc olennntlv frcort 1 0 .11nTn•••1 r•Ts.
teignfit., pnrifr. nom... ffrentl6 n. r •
,r env •of all in-nottn. fhn Mon 01 [
Knioern„ Wander. N0v0... 1)1..••••‘ fin .11.-!•. f'• rn•n•
Ixottzenhon. Inny on••n. ...v. r.
inun Fere., lo:finnan:lion on V., finn t;‘, :
nntnnnonfo th , Peer"! 1,1 I f of , et
• nonttlre rnrely• I;e•felnifi., cvenn:l.l- en.rtur,y,
Fie O'n•errn On• 1•••nnt orrngtoms fesn:tn.4 fret. inn
nr•fres of Oa Dif,natiTa Orp.un:
re's.) rr 0.•
4161.. r ft. cu.... h. ti to. 11.snIass. Pt,. 4 r.. 4. IJr
*4ll 0. weew Ft.seses. /nes Freal.
.aerlrer F . [ona .
11 " efr . 1, f r i t1:.72;r11 . s. " V
Farestostt saws Is • 1 sr,. lostsro. .1 Vlsi.s, lorta sr
I. •..1 1,11 T 11-• P.a. ['starer)
A FtreArsttre. a • ste Is ne
Lens, and eull,s nen, Felting Le S.
A ef rt A ' , WATS r!LT4 +-rn r-..
boLn n the 2sreut. itr Los..
fly 13111,0ISTS. . • .
IZZ.II, U-sE ANI. TV rr... Serif
Ir lIADWAY at CO.. No. F 7 logriela lacy 21%.4.1c.
1,•fo-mauua ...nn 1,14.12‘.4.8
April 3,1.17.1.-y
Twenty-Two State Fate Promtains Awardad This For:
balttan 21at40-1f42 and
I , I /Pi( ittit
An Implement that F•rn Farmer, Carpenter, Munn
sod Nista Sbotild !lave
Quid Itn4eg, Rrythmk. anidh., Canto Cradles,
Iron. (A etinr Brava) As!es.,
• • .nr , rro
Carliags Bolts. CV". Bars. (Steer and Ima.)
iVrovz-f item.
That a.va7• eve. •n q ARM wirprrupn when the
Coffee to Iteedy for the T I. TRY ONE end you ..111
and the CO v dlwa)•+ Right!
.<,.. 114 find 'lope', Tufts.
MS.. • itn•Dp T.oens.
Svgs. Ft). s, ' Kw I,s,
Drs.. Knives, Revih Stones, T.lteloo,
Points, nits V4enl.ll.
Stoves, Tin-17, ate, Lsuips./en
xonuolie. J u ly el, iv .-er. porch .ti oat vt
-6.,134 1
-d on
r -- 445.1„4
reA l z .;?.;
• ill li•A
Ttrinifto - 6:- :
I , , °v_;._ - :--- . .-.. t.0.-
i v... •,,,..:..:.,
~, - - - • - •
7 • tIONT/tOSC,
7 ,10117 C TA ItylELI... -p,roprletor.
ES tBl lave thia "Immo 114127; totinectinpvitb
%be IN sue, the Ed t
?, ptl the 1.14 .4 - pilaf kill
arairM - firolek
Si.t la''A I rrefe,
~ ,TAP, VfA.
et opret
t 7.-•10;
VAS -3S t hlt.
of s ,. - Act.", 3 .16. , ,,,,t , (4 ,
FiatiTS.V l3 . 74,51"-- " or*
Or PnSar.Coßtr.4, noot
:1114 Flrrbal
CVTE.2.7;"I - 11', err 7.lrllnln In 2.4.—,r0.
Tni , ;ionOi 7 riflo;!;• ,-, 1 Z.!relent. Chrtrirentoni r oe--
It • • eivi:•,.s a tI, ,trn» rt
erf, Dr
(-I.l"t e ,
lie aini .1110 15 t..l:t Ll.l Urn. gio.
o; ,- 4, thol ciorl'i;;;egaii.i.. l / 4 4
ioo oft rtinoncto our
ItiC.lnreo tan rltist i go,
;Inn ririceninoot f onn i r. tnsrh 4,1-Vepara
r,, sas of tit. la ,b 1 ills R ind vett
la t'm dnr,; photo• Turin l;:oz g.nn.lC:ll Leintinoio
riv,r,lie votio Roo°
li•41. 1 t1 tii-or Ivo ant to rnp.o BttttOrr to
o- it .nolo to trit Lot
ir.miit net't d rin!li,nnt iriitenlii,7.;.&„
I 1101 j. e 1141:111,1,1174,111111.11t1Miart 011.1 to.. •
of nron r-‘ l,,,l t t enr "- Wrea = 4l
' , loony; ',.'t zeta:: y w 1 itlattly opora.
tlng . e.stbArale.
Ptesvritset Illrelry ofNre4 11 , rao pmfrtto
tnr of the*s 1,11,1 A, to a. y ttiene..4 g.l O . VI,:l
o'ymt., teat !Ina In eint - 1 Llticr brtssa,
et 111.!..C3.7 Or any ett‘in'atilter.ll 110/./a.
- ter; etalrely_srem:mhte, pit portleoltr
ezto to I wl.t!o. that, ado, iiioe:nin
tAconit.4l» orbAnco In . 04 5.,0,411 GUI. cr -
gito lon, Yot .t.“l.ta I lc^. 64.44k:eat, Colt.
t rlst .
ot.p.oth Parts tho
sthoutstees.i. L•thtnr•sat sZseChest.
9 4.. tar aot.l Stows of Vet Warn
.etch. Ma; I'l victual, Idttloos
Irt r glort of )ruiner!,
interrct rhottl
t4tts.outott, o/ .5100./ to ProcitlLll h
[tutor. Il CI clfto, C4zuanlabill!i find
CI looting roifgbi:tillniiNo- Ina- [tar. 4 . lerr,•to
tetras, us 0ur:4401,4 Ircl:cl , .. In ci; , latio•
;Inn of inn tc•on p••trer of In, Yurrottro 101'4
o e r ro gntot. I (xi I. It losAy 11:1
gjt.l:, action npoi% Thu anlmal Arrow , .
my Is nialsrrst Inns es pi.nti listing
rso.splrtr ..ttntivo Imprctre. 4gd
Cops netl catslh. tN•mt tacit ear -.r-reattrtflu d.botee„
rldonl to pionrto otahno Unica" ,
WyO ' , van.' loiV l l or Coon, I
s py Orval°, tat, ,
a LOO.III Mkt* *roil C9i rrs9.o which Is Lot tbo
icOmoillit ' 4 l o ll .l. l nnEt In VA dru shoe& rasp La
chnso croli or pt,to4 , eri Taal:re' grit for
sit tiliiiozi.og Oi La sat isre,..s ise,rtslsto De.
horrastre It tnitir god, {hello nolo relLts Sill
6lvo the tarot 041,11514tth tt Wall who ase them.
.. They urn . cohl - by - ctn. entoratTlehr4
Depr,glthailt :.;,1 yenta tsbotile.
Po ret . allotesnythest to andatei'ytes to ltiiO
ouythlnz 01.4 to it.lyrly is jnotoognwt 07 7 1
Potion hmanrebotn.4o , 4ol4: - .r. rpmtic on V.,
ha tonosamends, your drumnrt-co:root Amoy:3u
thenacl oo o t 4 Csat4 and Astsiscstleta.tly nth:*
'"r InNTALCv*