',odd ,TOuttlligencr emz:s _-RELioiOIIB , _B.ERVIOES krTIST of J. E. Cuxter.mt D.D. raFtnr tanhath tienicet - min.ai:and m .4 3 blyitt, &hob': • - Prayer licetAg - , Vreda.day Earning, So cATrtOtIC CHURCII.r: • Ttri.J.StArmur ,nt r ob 9eevlriy • Second Nunday in emelt Month : , abbath Sarool Immediate!) befere :Masa - : 1.:prscorAl.11:111311011. Rtr. Tt. A Wantimar.ltector. tervitoi 0.. m. and TS R . m. unitly s iMoot - %0.1,-Day 6crrlees—Wcdne4Ays. p. in. —lir,. A, I). to..r.x.surst .io.o a ro. and P. nt • 1.1 7.31.11 r. m - METIIODTSSZPISCOPAL ..... rmycr Mcettog; Ttatrwlve • TI:EgfiSTIMI.CI CULTIteII - Itcv. J. is Mitssa a. m.nud :M P. m. •-efi7atb school ......... m.. Pns•r Vetting. Thuratisy..evehlmrs 734 P. m. Various lacins, Jtur atrellfe arc genemilycalliftne. Snore -people. notigh„rtsckem them as two. But ten IS the proper calculation of -some persons—the wife one, and the husband a cipher. Tau "freeze up Station' on the ,Montrose Railway is now erected about blur miles from Montrose, at which point the tracle, will be laid this weal:. . A cnirt,nnEttes class in' Musical Gymnastics, will be formed in tile secant' story of B. C. Sayms Hardware Store, on Dec. 21st, at 10 o'clock, A. /byments in advance. Tun Fall Term of the Graded School closed on Fritlny last. Under the direction of Prof ilerliu, our school stands among-the first lu this ~.ction. An increase of students frolu various parts of the comity,' and even adjoining coun t..., shows that his efficient manageMent and Ic;roligh instruction; is being appreciated. Our t.; hoot is a success, if other enterprises do fail. Iris important:that- those who wish to join the evening class in Musical Gymnastics, for *,-ntletuen and ladles, should do so as early ns onlyvni.?nl. The class is to be held every Wf4l. 4 114,--isy evening. Doors open at eight o'clock 'Rosiness men, and all whose habits are sedenta ry, ans - espeeinlly invited. Payments in advance. U. M. Cirwr has sold his News Room to C. 0, Uptigrove, who has removed his shoe store to that place, Greasing the Griddle. As the buckwheat hatter season is in lull now, the following is given as a receipt for greasing u griddle: Take a turnip; cut it in - half, rub the griddle with the inner side, and yoti hill tied the cakes to conic oft nice and smoothly, nn.l you will be rid of the disagreeable odor of burning fat. Pedal Decision Ildshands. jealous of their wives will be in. trr.-ted—and wives too, for that mattes—in l.o,wing that the acting Postmaster Gener.il dreide,l that letters can only be delivered to crson to whom they are addressed. In the as, before the department; a husband demand ,. letter written to his wife, but .was. refused Dradiy Discsuic .end now as an awful addition to the general inlay which has berallen many In the animal this season, we read of a disease which to n•ccn brolen out amongswine, in some the country. The malady commen ,lpid:nly and terminatis fAtally In many c,panally among large po!iera Fropa:r Pism note Cala a bran-near rho of mann:ging' };recut businws - his been intr., .• . OM Weil, which we rather like. Instead aDytiody giving the Wide spnons, napkin little mugs, - eradim and sick, the wedding elf in charzli.-and a tee uf twenty-Lre c-nni. is paid at the church door by each person Nei., attends In see the slinw,and then the money to the brill . The abpie is respectfully Going It on the Grey A facile fasbirra writer in one of our cities, says that the number of our prematurely ,grey y ing women na the streets dressed in the bei..;ht of fashion. and stele 4 attracts attention. The hair is um powdered or fkr4l4ld, but Veal: ly erey. ()Le would hataily credit, the fact, but a fact it is. that a chemicalprocess iiresOrted to Se :11rac1.3 the hair white. The reign of the ilonth.- is orer, anti the old . term " tow-bead," passes front room to room. Golden locks are at a discount. Riven tresses are vulgar, and snewy hair is the - style. The s hig,htst' priced ire are grey, and not itlaehor auburn. Such i. ilie yOung girls with I:;.tek and auburn hair are crazy to hare a bleached-heed. Nazareth Note It will bc.rememberedtbat some time last ...Law,- considerable excitement was created in the vicinity of Nazareth, by a school teacher naatPd Win. 3loser, running away city a four levn year old daughter of Mrs. Franketrfield. lb!czent search was made, at the time, for the (loners but no trace of them could be discover ( Itmently it has been ascertained that they ore married and rtnietly - 'settled down in Brook lyn, where goser is engaged as a c)ert; in a 4 17 store. Soldiers' orphans,. The number of soldier? orphans under the ear. of the State has undergone no diminution par, fulir 3rrs, the placer of those leaving shoots by reason.ol haring attired at the pre , ,rribed age of eisteen years or for other r. mrs bring filled by others old enough ro claim nuissuut. In ti, years 1109.1931 1870 and 1 ,- ; , beim-eels 3,600 itnd.3,76o.oiphans were cd e,aea and supported under the law providing the establishment of the soldiers' orphan de psrunent; and during the'current year the manner has been about the same The month admissions reach from thirty-five to forty.. Thr yearly expense of the State , in keeping up orphan school _system „amounts to from WA. , ,15.10 to f 5300,000, whichsutn will probably r,-extly reduced within- the next two or three and in the course of five pr sirs years the 11 , 111111er t f orphans will have becotee tio ; small to render the departitent .created foie their benefit unnecessary; Pencilled Promises, • • • ' • • It is a popular fallacy , that promissory ,notes 'rite, ol or signed in pencil Will not stand: , good and sense has juSi n disalissoti by .seof the New York courts, grotto/ell on that the da.14.0 being given that a nate in totaily al; binding As if in t!§tan . promissory uutes," deflates that a '`proinis- - sory note tonst isitawrititiff, eh* ki auk on Pencil ; ti.at is to My. tbe signature or the protuiser,mnst be so; tbe body-or the note may Le printed Tlgsisamelusire;,but the courts, in a great: [hens seftllout: a'dissenting udg.rnent;haTe , ciudlnzisd, tide , ...note, ;promisingn - oeitaio Ailltiltic , 4ll money is no:ro.lyNanindellteetiaoisoliii 0 - note, whimai the .iguature of. the prOtniser is- good," : , ridencetliat the proiniser - intended to execute . . tt ; that IS to say.. evidence . mentioned . . The rioti the istdebts.4. ctsy Scritco literorinA There is considerable cseitetnent prevailing, In the " of .llontroae, as well- as Uteri was, In Philadelphia. on Civil Service Reform In, our Post Office. We' have three nienabers in the "compctative cloth," Capt. Slone (the present incumbent,) E. C. Pordham tenet ',Tames Bitu mens. Post Master Stone is trying to make-lt "hot" for his competitors, and in the meantime the general public are being :warmed by which they arc gently . pleased. We Mid :a s t o ve well heated and 4110% two cards of wood in the general delivery room of' the post °Met,. which seems good to the people after having stood around shiiering for two or j three years, waiting for the mails to be Isteitentled, /Ye' all appreciate this reform. and :. ,•liope!it may coo iinue. It seems to be thought. by the knowing Radical politician's, that past master Stone will conic out ahend'in the matter, because he " got fifty Irishmen - (1a - r tllver Lake,) ; to .vote 'for, Shoemaker,", The greatest interest we have, Is in the stove and a good pile of wopd, to keep it "hot" till the fourth of March, and we would not object to n little more tight.i , Uomemade Diplowncy. . EDITOR MoICTROSTI DFAIOCIIAT Sir, in• 10 of hoe quelonals county tD dit.trituto the ludas in the hands of the Sheriff, timotug from the Salo of the mil estate of e. Dom), wilt • attandio too.datiev or Lilo appoint. men t at the uttlee of W. 11. 6 II . C. deroup,fiii Sitaatust oilFrittay. • firth, 5;2 4 o . Cklck, It. to.. When perouret ;Idt-reeled nIL prep at tlittlr vttltatali or Le for ever debarred from coming in oh-Mid fond. 11. JEssup. Auditor. Itinitroy..d . , Mi. 4th. LTITOICS NOTICE. The odderblgneableinr, been 2.a. Anditor, by the Conti of COIIIIIIOO 9.0-. 1.0 So-vac:Arnim Coheir. upon the exeepi limp 111. ed it; tilihr int of the aseliomialsof 11,/imyymo Jr.. will attend w the tint es of rile appointment et rho uScc of Fitch tad Watson In liontr..6e. on Themlay, .Teott.iry lo o'clock. a. m. Alt pcmona In terested will :wpm., and he limmtli .. • W. W. %V ditulltor. •r Ili, 11. 1471. I D u INISTILATOR * 3 9OTIVE.:-411., the 'emote "[John 3. Gardner demmamt, tate or- Lerma Matt. letter* of Mignon,. ration In 'the said -state hating (seen granted to the underatemetl,ell persona ow lel rale vacate: arir regarated to make-. Immethate ninient. cud persons having claim. seznlnst said estate btu requested topregeht then" without delay. DAIIIC GADD: 4 EI4 AdialmatrattLx. Itri..getenter, Dec. 1 1, 1872.—.-eh. VDITOIrSNOTICII.—The andereigned.having, been akeppislotedr-y the Court. or ttortunon Hose or sun. ~ quehauna Cleanty. en Auditor to diet rtbnle the fund., in heads of the ilheritrarbeng from the seloot 11eal Estate of C.l, Low. will abelid to the duties - of bit' , a eyelid meta. at hie ,edice in ktentroee, on FrienT, Jaunary 10th, et 1 o'clOck. P. M. ,1.11 vereens intereeted elk app....rend present their 'dating, orb tdrerer de barred from caaritig ip on r4l,lfaud. D. L. tuLDWIN. Abater. 3lontrose,Dee.ll. 157.1—ATL r 181 ONTROSE GRAVED:scnooL. • C/ 32) ra., FALL Tsalr Atari. .. .. Sept. 2d, 1872. Wmniri Timulkgins......Jan. 2d, -n al Srumo I=sl "; April 21,1t573. TV727OS-111gher Departthent,. : $0 00 Sceondary,Deparuneut, The course or Instrnetion includes the Ega- Bnascuts' ohe LANGUAGES, MATLIEMAT Leo, and the NATURAL Serr.gccs: STUDENTS ARE- FITTED -FOR COLIERS4u4STITIMS LEARNING, And SPECI.U. AFrE=io.N - ‘ ,.q tlAc. Prep a:ratfon ofTeAoher. The Quntmothoug:.Plegs-. ant, arid Avell•arrattged for _ . IMPARTING': - INSTRUCTIPN,ij . Students can enter at at any time,-litid . :30031 . 230:30 Tuition will be Charged"Froportionaay. re" Boons csa be secured fora those desirmg to board themselves.' For further particulars' ad frees A; IL BERLIN., Friucipal, or the Becretary,dt the Marl wx: tr. J'E.ssuli, Frei. A 111ATCLIgA Seey., - Morstros. 1 8-tk.'ls;`". Q REMIT 'S SALES.--MY 'VIRTUE OF tO writs Issued by tlie,Court of Comrtion Pleas of Susquehanna County and to me directed, I will expose to sale. - by .public.'vendue' at'. the Courthouse In Montrose, on Saturday, Jam' 11. 1873, at I o'clock, p. m., thefollowing pieces `of parcels of land, to tilt . MI that certain' piece or parcel or land etuate in-the township or Auburn. In the county' of. Susquehanna and Staten!' Pennsylvanla,lionii (led and dmeribel-as follows: Cattle north by Inne_s of 0. L. Swisher. On the east and -south l by highway, and on the west.hy lands of G.:L. ISwisficr, containing acres mote or less,witit-; the appurtenances, one shingle mill, some • fruit trees, and all improved. •(Taken Inei - ecution at.l the suit of A. P. Lacey . vs. linatield anti' J. F. :Maxfield.) . ' • ' ALSO—AII that certain. piece .or_ parcel of, had situate- in the township of Franklin In the County of Susquehanna and State of rcnnsyl vania, bounded and described as follows,' to wit: ' On the north by lands ofEdwin Conklin) east, l'hy lands of F. L. Beebe. south by lands.of Lu einda Snow, rind-on the west-by- highway-anti r Edward Dowling's land, containing twenty-sty en acres of land more or legs, with the atiparte ounces, one frame house; a few fruit trergl„ bed about half improved.: (Taken" in "execution at the suit ot A. Lathrop vs. A. 3L Snow.: ALSO. - --All that - certain *vier - parcel -of laud situate in the township ot :Auburrh in "the County of Susqueltarina and State 'of Tiennayl-; yenta, hounded and described as follows: the north by lands of David W. McCain, on the cast by lands of Patrick Galvin, -on 'the "south by lands of Joseph White, and on the west by lands of Ensile Kinney, containing eighty-five acres of land, be the saute more less, with the appurtenances, two Trame houses, one barn,iind other ontbnildingk one orchard and • other fruit tee. a. and about sixty acres improved. , (Taken in execution at the suit of Q. E. Pickett Sa rah Kennedy and B. FL Kennedy, and A- Lath: rep vs. Andrew 11. Kennedy.) , ALSO—AII that . certain piece or parcel of ladti situate in the township of Auburn In the County of Susqueharinaand Stater cif Pennsyl vania, berinded and described. as .foilowa; to wit : On the north by lands ..nf- David Rinb.-mi the east by lands of 'Samuel Ilyde, on thesouth by lands of Daniel Trible, antidn'tha Treat by Duds of Royal Carter, containing one hundred and tea acres of land, be theaamtt More or- le - as with the appurtenance:3;l dwelling' house, 1 barn, 2 orchards and about silty acrex improv ed. (Taken in execution 'at the suit of Samuel Teurkgbury use , of A. • Chamberlln. Ns.. John Kinnet) !`l-bo Alt that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Auburn, in the Cennty of Snsqnchannamnd State of I'ennsjrl - bounded and described as folloeis, Wait: I On the 11.17 1 1 i by lands of Marshall Christman, Amasa Wilcox; And 3. Tewksbury, on the'end by lands of Thos. IL White, on the smith ~by lands of John Rifenhnry, and on the west -by lands of John Tewksbury, containing fortydwo acres dr land, be the same more or less„with the appurtenances, two dwelling houses, one barn,l raw-Mill, one feed mill, and about thirty-two acres improved. (Taken In execution at the suit of 'James P. Benninger we of M. S. Whin? is." C Swisher.) • , II:0oIclyn. \,Y - . . .. . . • ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of I hand, situate In the township of Franklin; , in the county of Susquehanna and State of Penn* sylvania, - bounded and described as Hitters, tri wit: On the north by-Silver Lake road 'and N. P. Wheaton's land. and on the west and south by lands of N. P. Wheaton, and on the (Stet by lands of John Cornwell and--- Burrows, containing nineteen hems, be the Lame more or less, with the appnriennuces, tete small frame house, one large Ammo building or factory.with fixtures for manufacturing salt, one steam; •en- - eine, and mostly improved. (Seized - and taken. in exec:aim at the suit of Reuben Tooker and Emeline F. Tooker his wife, to use of Emelhae F. Timher vs. Franklin J. Wall and John S. Anderson.) . ALSO—An that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lyiagand- being in the township of Lathrop, in the county of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a p-st and stones corner of E. Bell and O. L. lialstead'a land; thence smith ES degrenseaSt. 107 rods to a stake and stones corner, M line of Janda for merly of Jacob Decker ; - thenee south 42 rods to the centre of the D. L, th W. R. R. track; thence along the centre of said Railmadtmck a southwesterly course 14634 rods to a corner in the centre of said track ; tfience north 10 degrees east, 22 rods; thence north 4:1 degrees west, 0 robs; thence north 88 degrees west, 17X rods to It cornet of lands of John Ryan„lormerly 0. L. IlaNtead's ; thence north 1 1 4 . degrees, east lob rods to the place of bminntng, containing about set acres emd.:l7 , ponchos of land, be the same more or less, with theappurtenances, one • frame Wise, one corn house, one orchard and I other fruit trees, and about 50 acres Improved.. I(Taken in execution at the suit of Utiles it Blakeslee va. Buggies Nichols,) ALSO—AII that certain pica or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the township of Liberty, in the county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded - and described as fol lows, to wit : On the north by lands7of J Camp bell, on the east by lands of E. Northrop, on the smith by lands of F. B. Travis, and the west by lands unknown. containing 80 acres, be the same more, or Ims with-the appurtenances, one frame house. one frame' barn, a fect‘rolt tree's; and shout 3,1 acres improved. (Seized and tak en in execution at the suit of E,B. Smith vs. John Driscoll and Mary Driscoll.) . . , • ALSO All that certain piece of 'Parcel -of land, situate in the township of Choconut, in the county of Eusquehanna, nnd State of Penn. eyivania, bounded and described as follows, to, wit: On the north by the Turner road, 'on :the east by lands of Daniel Conroy and lifariah Cog gin. am the south by lands& Lewis Chamberlin and the estate of Lewis Chamberlin, dee'd, and on the west by the Cliciconnt Creek road; con= taining about 15 ACM of land, be.-the saute more or less, with the appurtenances, one -large hotel builciing, one stable, barn and sheds;". one blacksmith slop, one young orchard, ,and ',all Improved. (Seized and taken in execution at Mesita of Chamberlin rt McCollum TII. L.' Me= Inertly and Leonard Scene, use of 'Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co., TS. r.„ lileluerny and • Bich. acl Meehan.) ... .__......._...._. ._ ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of .land situate in the townshi of Dimook, in the county of. Susquehanna and State of Peppy!. rants, hounded r and . described 213 r0110fr2,7`30 wit: On the north by lands ,o,f tieneSlnneliim the east by landg,of Leuxe ; Einney, on. the south by lands late of Daniel Giles,`-and on Mg west by laude of B.• Parke, containing elity'.. five acres Orland. be the same: more, cr lea with the appurtenances; one dwelling cittaeenie barn, one blacksmith shop, and other Ont build ings, one orchard and about 'thirty' tsars im proved. (Taken in execution at the suit .of C. C. Risiey vs. Benkuniceßisloy.}. . • - . • 4 )-LSO—AII that certain - piece or parcel of Land situatein the township of Bridgewater, in the contay of Susquehanna and State•orPerin. sylvania, bounded end - described as- fillows; to wit : On the north by lands of G. V. Bentley on •the east by highway leading from 'Montrose ts Tunknannock, on the south • by..-Innds of F. B. Coon, and on the west bystreet, latc .oPened, containing about. three acres of lan d, be AIM aniie more or less, with the ,appurienances,Vero dwelline , house, one abed,' and all improved. (Tnketan execution ist the snit of X. fi: Wilson vs. George Henry.) !Notice is bereby'giien that all bids must be paid in cash'on day of tale i , ', % - l' ' . 6- ,' i , . • ~ c /Sh B. riELNlE;Sberite-. ; • Sherifrii Mee, Montrose, Dec. 14,1872:! ' ' • BILLINGS QTROITIL General Lisaranee Age t, FIRE; LIFE 4ND Aeon:tear tirneriurcei list-tiara Fire Int., Co.. C. apitslandikireles . 1r1,000,01:10 Home Ins. Co., N. Y., Cepitalend Maples,: 61,000,00* Bova Ins. Co. Liverpool ,•• - • .$0.40.1X0 Liverpool. London Globe - - • - $20.000,C1X1 Franklin Ins. Co.. Pnira -•• `, • rem) Ins. co., onionnJunertca • "• r ; VZO,CirIT Feensylmsla Sire • /Atom Ins. Co., ta to et renVe • r r -$ 1 1.0.000 . Union Untnsl ' • $400.003 Lccombm Fire - - $O.OOO.OOLi %Mien...spurt Inv. Co. - - $llO.OOO ....tnthrsette,, Fb - px, , „Itiatlons.l,. • I,', . 4W O , . • ~ Ara ' 'X X s • • Conn. intim] it kilns. Co.; 4tesetts: '. • "American Life. rtara.' TrlseMrs Ine.Co.,itarfot4t,C4pltatabilEtaTyla. $11.01:0.0E6 Itailway Pnesenzent - • - rsgtoo, Thenndenslgneullumbeen knovrnin Ibtecenn i ll,for the lout Myl-rs,s. skanteirrolee 'ASPS. tet'es... 4 zln , bls Cnmpainletbsys slways,boesk p;ositlykt Flrm Mee erst.dnor Mot troM.Hankingol3cif.or ll,Cooptt &Co.,Turnpiklat,*onqxele.lll. - L : 131t4.414GS 'ST/101ID itiezt;!i-! -eass.z..sistnts*uoitos ..:Nostater,Vesk, • -L. THE- ,GREAT • gall • . Harrisburg THE' . . . , Ilicr.try nos subierslor ,(4 , ,T,gn PA TP4 0 , 2 7 60 the yenrlB/3„ . taisof nano, .accoasyglit'rd DoU." 41rocaertqfter Ala. irate „gad 'prigr: January ntirt;-tarn El and the paper for fps • - PE -1641NDE1V0.F.1871, OR ATI&A - The faitlijte Weekly. THE lIARRISBURO PA.TftItYrOS - novr dA3IMOTILFDLIO,Tund CODlGirili more Reeding 3fatter, thou ;any.. other aper published in Pennsylvania: - It furnishonratitinsPalitiratati•Generalnewe of .the current week in condensed form.- It necuratereport oLthe MA.RittS of "..s..etriYork t .Philatlelphia, Daltintorn r burg and liarrishorg, , Its Liteotrz Department 1 4 .ontalus Talce," says, Poetry, etc., the: time 'American, and . Xfiropean writers.' . • •-;.' • -- ; • - , • it -Prillgito fUll eta accurate reportS of lative Proceedingo and. orthe :doings...Or the I Constitutional Cenyention.. During the session of these bodies It silt be of peculiar - interest - to every Pennsylvanian ." also give a tOnt pleterestunopf the proceediugs Of-Congress: Thopolitie'al aim of the PATRIOT . will con tinue ,to be' the elevation of the Labeling Clsgseq, the .pronotion: of .the people:a g ainst the enernathinpatiuf Rings-sad. Monopolies. ' Electoral lierytt,the establiehment oi,a sound system 4. finance, the re-tuflincirisemeet. of disfranchised Americus citizens, and fast • but not)east, the restoration: of Local Self, ,Oovern- The follirring rates. nneXiititidett-In_thcutt., ness, have been fixed for subscriptiouto the :WEEKLY :PATRIOT : One Copy, Otte Of) One Copy. az Pitman.. .. . 125 Four Copies,one vest. - each Ten. Copies, cirteyearcacit • - ' 'I CA Twenty Comes,"one.year, each . I 2.1 . Filly Copies. and upwards, onerear,osch - 1 00. An extrileopy;frse, is furnished to the Agent sendinzinclubs of Ica or &ore. A copy of the DAILY PATRIOT Will he sent, free; to' the Agent sending in dabs of fitly' or more.,. All papers will be separately tularemia .b.ut must .!to one poStpflt* , Bee directions . THE 'DAILY PATRIOT Published t ,ITERT• iihmthiya es , cepted; is - first • class newspaper,' containing full telegraphic reports, spielanyashington dis— patches, the most complete and accurate market reports, full accounts of proceedings of the Con - stitutionta ConVentlon, _Congress acid Aare, spicy editors's, etc. • - "One Cojwy, one year, by mail, eq; Five Copies do., s.32lTen Copies, Larger Clubs it the last - flamed eal6l; Papers may be senarately addressed, but' must be-tali- - in one packk.e. 'The Money must accompany` the ender to insure attentiem. -.• - . DIRECTIONS—Additions to Chiba' naav ire - made at any time in the rear nt tho, above Oluli rates. Cbangesla Clublista made. only' on red: quest of persons: recelring, packagq., engin; date of 'fittbseriphon, edition, , port °Mee ,and State, to , whibh ithns been provinOsty aenf. TERMS—Cash in advance. Send Post . Ofllee Money Order. Rank Draft:or Reglitered, Letter. lAN sent by Mall will Eke it_ tlto kl.sk . of_ the sender. esirSEND FORPROSPECTUS AND SPECIMEN COPY. ! Address " TUE PATRIOT." WISIIART'S PIKE TREE War - eQrditik--,2.-- NATURE'S GP4T: lIESIEDY HOB TE ThrOat•and Lung§. It is gratlfvtug to us to intoroi the peildie that Dr. L. 4,2. C:Vishati:s Pine Tree Tar Deli Hal; for Throat and Lung Diseases, Las gained an enviable reputation from the Atlantic to thePa• elfic coast, and from thence to some of, the first. families of Europe, not through the pnissaltme, but by persons actually benefitted and cured at, biti office. 'Miele: hepubllslieftesi, so` ssy out reporters, he Wrmable td stipply the demand.- - It gains andholds its reputation— , First Not by stopping couth . ,bittby loosen= irg and asistleg nantre to throw off the on;: healthy matter collected about -the throat and bronchial tubes, which ccrusa ftrtlatian ' • • Second. - -It removes'. the cause of irritation (Which produces cough) of the muensmembrane and bronchial tubes; asaista the Wags to act and throw off the unhealthy sec , retlens. Fad p?rievm, . . • Third.` Tr is free frentaquills, lobelialpecae; and opium, of which most throat and lung re, medics are composed, which !allay cough only, and disorganize tho shatitsch. - . Ithaia soothing , effect on the stomach, acts on the liver and kid neys; and lymphatic and hertmos . regions, thus - reaching to every part cd the system. and. in its invigorating and purifying effects it. ha& galued a reputation which icoayst held aborcill others' Ia the market., .mac IcEL: ir3zFE3 FINE TRH TAR CORDIAL Great Sunexicaii ramiepsla WORM SUGAR DROPS pgingunditfiay immediate - difeatiba:thel sbAl ttirt losathair curative qualities* by -the use ;of clump and Impure articles: •••, - • • • z - HENRY - -vvissAßT; PIIOP RI ET YttEE OFCHARGE. - Dr. L. Q. C:lVlshart's °Oleo parlors are open; 3londays, Tuesdays and Wednesdaya front a. In., to sp. in.; for consultation , by pro' Wtn.. Mug= With hint aro' associated' two eon., suiting ptiyalciatist or acknowledged ability.- This opportunlty Is not offkred_by any other in. Bandou is tkii city. Ur' I !ETTPLI ADPnEngikto.., — le Q. O. WISHMIT, M. D AO 233 N T 6 P"r+CD, iirriUtar; : ... zlizitrici ziapipzi -. 11 3 ,-lzpg * ;',`, / 11 ?1 0 . - . 4.40140;148. g r zcil! . , " .r ;' :-''.'..'', '::: -.-'' --- --- 1854. .:119SENBAUk,t&i: - gr::;,,, C t 6 r I !P!TiNgt#ANT•TaM bes.mils DRY GOODS AtIZZINBR ' FAAOYOOODS,TURS, RODE 5 . : 11 - 11.8 c 6 OAPS; dtrivrts" 4 4 - 4 alt :.-IfyieNo4.l!Nix Goons, 4‘.. tic Our Aisortaseit of ix.1:45 damp. imams, -c.l.4)=:dc4. cr;sll4.: '-2o,'Ccs2ipiotb: ' ' 'PL - ANEGTAL'aIItiIILAIM. LTS. WOOLEN nosignr.Nuums, ..MERINO UNDEITAIARIZEISTN ' • , •0r ID . • • • • -.• • ' lIIVItAt TailitY: `' - , - ' ' ' - 2 TIIMIZZI3 WIC? MIIIITINID nal tar tekareg -o ]; ,-,1(1,1 i• dren. Everything belonging , to tha - r. INERT TRADE. SUL: and Cotton Vahatate blar,k-and-eulurt. Velonre Flowers. Ribbon*: Peatbarg, IrlaU"C . Lac"'. xrcrikx.scanoevrammorlockcial.,' • - 'T0)10 , 1412 ens.. Napkins. ?medlars. *tilt, 1i.ht.11T...; -110.1xce, /tin% Sc, Fait la galtff Ligth: ; • 11,11ii&T it:T.klitilaSil MODS, CORSETS. Pal" Alnk 1100 P BEIRTS,, slfrecurs, cErralloNem km • - • .101131101DERIE.dok ErrafPrft . I , 4IITERNS, Cozniis -Lunt. =urn WOOSTEDS, Tows. WOOLS.: Ca NVAS.;PATTEUSS; . 4/1 ColOrp sod .AZ . REMIT MADE CLOTHING BP.E-CIALi.O!Y OffliOini GOO* ngd 31 - AILE UP CUSTat enta . rvictuvr.. Wit k ceps:lo7v: Issortailmi of Currie, - Cisimtt.: , s; Trwrises, .14= toindia that porpoa GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. TS AND ()Ai-, A Full 14n ' . otsti:vEs:'3lr,s: - coPTC*; Ilx» - 3vOLEk I '-• COLLARS, Exit lAcf-13‘ - • • . • -• SNP' UNDEZGA.1,011.7!;_75.,.: AU tirades and yfset tor hies. ors, eaa Lam. 13C1t11111,:frlfr38, TIIVI , T..S,,SATcIaa.F.,, • trti will sell averithlug IrCour Hag tit cheat,, n th' next:and Grartarrus lortutztosa -to be :co Rtriumzsr ry az: . • • Nve ulna- =like gut bit of oar Isrioun):: - r-to of Goodi: at thry aro too outocrous to giro to oi:- rrd- Uou. intrytrould roquest all to all and coutpar. and quality, mud dims be caluvluusl of the truth ot our .GUTTENBERG ROSENBIUM & co. 1111:catrite,iur. 10, liZt. •' 0111A111 LOTTHRYI A NOBLE - CHARITY: ! To Erect the'` ifORhSO STATES ORMill, 1311tir.: To D. Drmmto Plate. , DECEMIEJI 3Cr1 . 4 , 18n. .$ 2.:30::,:01.:_.6::::9".04 7lickeld'sl. Eai:h. cr aim far 65: Ticket* vote, tisxpniss. 0:i 0. 0... tl gcartel , 1 Onidd Mot' " 1 Grazdeisb ' • 73. t, ' I flthnd Quit Prise„, ' •Grandll - rastrPrLte, " • '' • 1 - I:aeh P;ize. ! ; ,• • 1 cob-Priv% 4 .1 , ” ll_Cheb Prizes. 113.000 Neb. 4 k ash Prizes, sl,os9oath. covu heaoh Prizes, $l.OOO rich;- 00 Cash Prizes, Each $lOO. ' 100 "- ___ " 10, ' '3lOl . 4 ... • - BiG5 cub print itmonating • Vats Legal lieterprtia midi:died by the bbyteet emboli,. of Abe Stale, and best bnelnom men, • Ti!.Ormone-balf 1 he tickets tekettlefore Oct. Ist'• limited number 613 head .111..be'fandebed 1114.30.• apply Ant. •I) *e . , . Money can be sent by MO. Reg! acisti 1A . 1.414:- , opt °Mee ) Money Onleor Itspresee - • • • All Prime:ant be ;mid In (MI, .414eihWAtrenr..-... For font nirttenitre Address ' ' _ m: Farrel(. _ • • - • • • Dec. a I . nattger, Omaha, 3: _ Hip—itp— Burial? , • NEW GOODS And - Noro , EMOTED , !7. -Inn feiT days : via .iitontrcrie Railroad, and '1 , 6 be sold St. , EXTHEMELY- Pinata, at •ttiv grocery And Pies - talon Stotts, of , A. 14, , LARD, HEAD OP:WAV'tOkTION ; 0.-K., • Citoten :Whet+ lone. and flopertina 04400 per aid_ -New Back•Vineat ,Plmn. Corn Meal and trrr him Flour, angers, Molasses , Sjimpe, Chem sod Codfish. hitamdtla I/unlit!. Mackerel:, Soap., tworly,, kinds or mere. aennol Books: and alationery, filet, e, Ink and Penal,. ,rrottacco SSW Chars., .Tankeo„,:to- (ion., semi or all kinds. Corse, a tauter qutlitrand sierra Mock of New Tess. sad very low. A ;mod at rst' • ' Tee for Wets, $1 mind is GO Tea forsi er. al Mined • 81 7h Tea roe $1 SS, etc. Paper Collars.' ntock and Low. ,f 'Pratte and Veptabtes of all kinds. in their @mon. Sweet POL/HOCI, Cranberries, and Cocoatate./, A new and lame Assortment of Canned Fritts,' tables. Flab, etc.. etc. And 1,01.000 OS leer.> ot be r Wes too nommen* to mention, that everybody went. and can have fora song and little et the area' throne 7 a, CLISAP, coital - 1;m . - • •- • _tru...r,ca • • . - AVaiitrose: OL 672 I, ' Starch for 9}l' 00, 'Six psund' &Asa:- Lnyeritalsida tor f,tl 00, :and • esarr•tisin ' gs' • Icitf nt , • BETLLAIZD'a, : • • • . . , Cast' PAID grotaiazis Aso Iging Cargetarr4: 41 , ', • •,. Montrose, latt,trd • , T.EHIG FI! VALLEY RA11110;1 D. On end ntrar'Zuno 10. Ittatentas on !he liney.italtroatt wale= as NM= . • • • • • iMU Eximana . . . 47. 100: 110 11133131...,.;: 1142 . n 42. 310 101 •0 ~....Woverly 12 to 5'.7 v 38i 1:37; 1000:.. it 45. , itst,•;.- , :t‘t. • .4 % 153" 10 40,.....T05anda.....11 53 4ST lu • 022 .11 31 " W1ah:434.....10 "' 714 . 341 11.412 - 043 'lO3 t 1: 014 . • • 11113...„;.11441wppen..., 030 • .•.r. :.t, -14 1 , " Mcbosplay.s.. 910-. • • 5 -055" 360 13 45...Tunkbannock,;,. 40, 30, • tit RIK, - 142 150 - rialltoll :5.'0. h 4at st, 010.413:..w1tuevita1iv,,,,'1446 -2 4ta • ^3O 4 30...3,1400 Cburac‘.. - 11 , 3•• • 1 itt , ASS 60;:, 4.36.1 0 ' 340' "010, - ;...„lletolebast ; 10 33 'llxo' • 0. 1 3 33.,..413153 itt ;IQ3O " . 3.01..).511431.4,13315 .t,,; :• 33 • 7 31 , • 0 04 Fn. L 1 lams I.lAclntl3s 'll3 4.,' ; t Tim. • W 4 ,347,3053, vt„ antvirt at bimlra at .2,p. , • • leaves lacoltft 45 80 p.• cut iramter. , :; 515 nt,t Att5133,41, 030 p. tn., strl4l3; at 1'5,4„6•05" .4 715 . 2,31, - • W• 9714130 Roam 4ro 3113311 Qln n. 3130333 nuttktasttpreittveZll3l3 P1i114431013. et.f :1 1 .13.T49 11 4 20 : 5 V e V r'/14 % . . - r , c. c 4 , WW2