gutelligente. 113M1010170 antvzorts. skriiirk CintRCII Zoo. L FLOM vs= ri.D. Pastor. tatptOck Berrteco K to){ WOG* &tad 'por:Koang.,Weittocian Posilooto CATIIOI3O OT Purr= SAWN Service*. tioeond Booby to esett Month SabbiOnlkbool latouldtatelr beton - Naas • - . . . griscoiaLsruncu..trir.t.A. Waaamara.lteetor. sabbath Services:— a, • ' lON a. En. sad TX p. m. Saeday_acbool • It M. Wack-Day Samleal—Wadaesdays ' 'IX P. U. . • .urrnorstsrer*coptil.....m4. A. D. Aistmmaa. labbaltiaertimi 10.4.5 a. vs. wad LBO p. TO. SabbithlSCWlol . Ip M. ?Myer Ilattiar, Ttimailarl. '' 7SOp. m„ .--• PRIVATTERIAN cuunca ' Iter. 4.0. lanais. Utast% Semites 10.454 m.aad IX p. m. Babbitt!' SebaoL 1135 p. m. leammliecitaa. TamadaY trmabms - 7.,i P. ca. Coitit lloctsc. ..170..Tremaine Bros' Operetta Trappe, will ere Mutat their grand Musical Entertainments in . theCourt House. Thursday evening; Nov. tiithaThanksgivnig.) This excellent and well irnowntroupe always draws crowded houses, *bermr they sppear, and it is needless for us so say more than the simple announcement of their coming. 'Thanksgiving Services. - Tucn will be services to-nuirroar (Thanks. living.) at St. Paul's Church, Montrose, corn =mein: at 1030, a. m. nilo:4 ThanksMclng serrlctairlll be held at *he Presbyterian Church, Montrose, to coni c:n.l=o at 11 o'clock. a. m. Seri:ton by Dr. Chesshlre of Ihe ititptlse church. • - - - - • - - A Bold Attempt at Fraud. - On Saturday, a man remesenting -himself to be Coady Gallagher, of this place, presented a cheek on the State Treasurer for 11;975 at the Win:star= Savings Bank; Mr, Peters, the Cashier, knowingeondy Gallagher es well as his 'lmitate, saw at once that the follow wasan imposter, held the check and asked the man to bring some one to identity bun, No policeman being in sight, the bank clerk-followed him to the Wyoming House near which he was soon after arrested by an officer. Ile was taken be lore the Mayor for a hearing, and being unable to obtain $2OOO ban was seat to-Jan.—La:erns Union. Impoirtoot to Odd Fellows. The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order Order of the Odd Fellows of the United States relied an amendment to the Constitution pro •idiog that when a member is expelled from a lodge.otemeampment in one . jurisdiction, he cannuthe admitted to a lodge or encampment of any other jurisdiction without the consent of theenosmpment from which he was expelled. bat permitting the admission in another jurisdie. don ota member suspended or dropped for non payment or dues. Gold In Lancaster County. Gold quarts is reported to hare been di:wor ried near Bainbridge, Lancaster county. it looks like the "gold-bearing quartz from the mines of California, and the bright specks that sparkle in it have the color of gold. • Being In the range of the gold mines ,of Virginia, it is thought not improbable that goldhere may be found. The rein of this sub:stance is eight feet thick, passing in solid form Into is great bill,and is lilted at a very convenient place to be oper ated upon. A very dangerous imitation of the fifty rent 'actional currency note has made Its appear. 'ante, Which.isupt to deceive the careless. A glance at the lettering, however, will at once es tablish its true character. The face of ita reads as follows: "The people of the United fitates, Fifty Cents" The legend at the bottom reads; •• Whenever it is due to the United States." It Is signed in the right band corner, "C. B. GM*, ley." - In the left hand is also a signature. On the back the note reads tints : "This paper Is not exchangable for United States notes by the Ass. Treasurer of the United States in sums not less than three dollars. Not receivable in pay. meat of all dues to the United States, Five Dol. Jan, not excepting customs. 12enenrtnr, Corn. Thll piffles to a crib of any size or kind, Two cabin feet of good, sound, dry corn in the .ear will make a bushel of shelled corn. To get, %bet, the quantity of shelled corn in a crib of corn in the ear, measure the length. - breadth sad height of the crib, inside of the rail ; mai tlply the length by the breadth, and the pro. duct by the height; then - divide the product by two, and you have the number of bushels of shelled corn in the crib. To find the number of apple; potatoes, etc., in a bin, multiply the ienkitihreadth and tnickness together, and this product by eight, and point off one figure in the product for decimals. Origin of Wool.enp Paper. term tocdscap,to designate a certain kind .of paper, no doubt has puzzled many an inquir er. The origin is not only amusing but Maori. Char/t9 I of England granted numerous monopolies for the support of the government. Among others was the manufacture of paper. The water mark of the finest sort was the roy• al arms of England. The consumption of this article was great, and large fortunes were made by those who had purchased the exclusive right to vend It. This, among other monopolies, was set aside by the paribunea that brought Charles Ito the sceold ; and, by way of showing con tempt for the king, they ordered the royal arms from. the paper, aryl a fool, with his cap and bells, to be substituted. It is now over two hundred years since the fool's cap was taken trom the paper, but still the paper of the size which the rump parliament ordered for their journals, been the name of the water mark placed there se an indignity to Charles. Aar Coors Proeeedidia, Com'th vs. Perry 3ylkr. Indictment, falie pretences. Verdict, ndt guilty, and county to pay the costa Cosn'th vs. Jonas Smith. Defendant convict. ee last week of assault and battery. Court or. der him committed to the State Lunatic Avian/ at Danville. Coatis vs. letthant Gardner. Defendant, who was convicted last week ot assault and bat tery, Is sentenced to pay a tine of $3 and coats ,O prosecution. CAom'tti ea. AbLstha 3lillard Defendant.who wry convicted last week or assault and battery tit sentenced to pay'ri Mutat V.lll and costa ct prosecution:and undergo an lcopritcnillout. 14 the county jail for the period of „thirty days. Margin Barber vs. Silas Hartley. Verdict for $439 St, which b triplo dattagm Ruin for ee trial. Jacob M. Howard Mt Evo 31. IV:lyard vs. Rebecca *roma Ejectment. Retdlot fius Plahula. Ilinm Holton r e. Abner Crtiflls. Apennine Of Putiol 41 4 4 Ow judgment be encored for tiwi'x'oeto Ittril to mina own costs since or. tlitretion, wig) play .otexteation for ninety dsoi. coin appli n e Ow* Eel, An Auditor. to easteino the eaeounts of the Prothonotary and thamoreral aerie, eta. . • • - Etriv4:lttalLaim!;ime4,. „- On Saturday night nitother ot th - ese rnyitet- MO murder; the prepetraters of which aro nev er found out, ' and Which-are for that and other unisons a burning disgrace to our community, tooknlade near Taylorville; ThOuusilitcNtiin ars, a mutable of Lackawanna township, who lives in Davis Patch, telt borne tin/Saturday ternoon to serve a summons on some party, and nothing more wee seen of hitn by any one who has yet come forilard, Until Sunday morning, when he was found just breithlng his last at a point near Taylorville., by one of the 'old resi dents of the neighborhokod, who was oht taking a walk. lobed just strength let Lou his name before be expired; He was dreadfully bruised and brateduboin the head and, face, and his hands were very liadly. lacerated, pridently done in ilia el:Torts to e ard off the blown -n club, or other instrument of death in the hands of his assailants, No clue has as yet been ob tained that leads to suspicion of any one con nected with the affair. McNatuarn levee a wife and family.--Seranton .7Dnes. Assasilnation, On Tuesday:evening last, at d o'cldek, Chas. R Graham, master meclutplu of the & 11. It. It., wax Shot while standing in the doorway of the store room of the company's shops at King. ston, by a man named John . 1). Hopper, of -Wy oming. , Hopper had formerly Nes foreman of the carpenter shops and had been discharged by Mr. Graham, a few &wimp. Iloppeilad been lying In wait for Mr. Graharp.all day long, with the intention-Of taking Team:lnce on bins for dlimlssal. , Theban entered the right breast near the shoulder, passing tb• the , right and about the lung an 4, was afterward extracted by Dr. Cross. A warrant was Issued by Justice Datre, and Hopper was arrested in the street at 8 o'clock, In the evening, After a hearing be was committed to jail In default of balL Mr. Graham's wound Is not regarded as dnngerous, and be will probably soon recover.—Patram Gazeite. Primer Mode of Exiinguishing Ker osene Lamps. Explosions of kerosene lamps are frequently prodired in the attempt to extinguish them by blowing down the chimney. This is a 'very dangerous practice, and should always be avoid ed. The desired result can be accomplished much more certainly by giving 'a sharp and rather prolonged puT exactly at right angles to thelop of the chimney. The draft thus emus! draws the flame away-from the wick, when the carbonic acid immediately below the departing thine also extinguishes the red-hot charred end of the wick. • A Sore Remedy for Ow done DI,- ease. - Tatzformum, November 12, 1872.-1 am just returning hum a trip to the epizootic country. 1 found that all the horses which hare been treated as follows got over it inside of a week, and some are at work as usual again. I drove to dillivent stables at Black Creek, Flemington, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore,,Linden New6erry,. R llliamsport, Nontoursvillo and Huricy, and found that in general the distaie is of a much milder type than it was in Belgium and Silesia in 1812, and that experiments made much more simple than published on the 28th of October are adequate for the emergency. Make a liniment of Spirits of hartsborn, 2 oz. Sweet oil, 1,4 az. Spirits of turpentine, 1 oz. Apply three times a day to the swollen glands; give as much water as the horse wants putting %lb. of glaubersalt to a psil of water giire 1 tablespoonful Duboy's horse powder three times a day in bran mash, and keep the horte well covered with blankets, body and neck. As n preventive I gave my horse a ta blespoonful of Duhoy's horse powder every eve plug. and notwithstanbing I drove to about for ty diseased stables, my horres show no signs of the disease yet. Yours truly, ' Unseen, chemist, Allentown. Swallowing Pennies. It is not an uncommon thing for little children to swallow pennies given them by indiscreet parents. ; If a child should be so:unfortunate as to gulp down a nickel or a copper don't give it a purgative to expel it. One who essays to know what he is talking about rays it Is very rare that any harm comes in such cases, but there is mom danger when a purgative is given than when not given. We have had get aslen to observe this many times, and no doubt others have. The first thought of moat parents, alter a child has swollowed some insohible substance, Is to give physic. This stimulates the bowels, Inducing contraction, wnicb in some instances is dangerous, and so softens the kcal matter that the penny is more likely to be entangled or lodgedin the folds of the Intestines, In wh'ich case greater danger may result. It is far better for thechild to eat freely of such lood as shall produce a large fecal formation .to surround the insoluble substances, in which trio the danger is slight. We once knew a child to swallow a key an loch and a half long, which passed through the body in forty-eight hours without harm. On the other hand, we have known a cherry stone to produce serious intestinal orders. Children should only be taught to use care and precaution In what they take into their stomachs Still, the accidental swollow ing of Manila/it) substances, if not large, should never lead trsthe unwise practice of trying to physic it away. 'The reason why there Is little danger when no physic Is need Is because the ibid lining membranes of the bowels and the fecal matter around the foreign body prevent entanglement and bears it on till expelled. Educating the Poor. The Wi'Hempen Sun comments upon the education of the poor, In language which we adopt as applicable to this locality. It says that the things . which greatly troubled the small philosophers is that the poor arc being too much educated. We are told that the sehrol bred children of Abe workmen turn up their noses at mechanic trades and housework. No one wants to be cobbler or cook, but everybody wants to beat preacher or laWyer—something ' that h "genteel." This, we Inn assured Is to result in en tinny of loafers i and unvirtuous Wl:aunt and imtnarata Wages to worknien, The I discourse generally winds up with something on the "nobility of Inbar," all of which need. give no ons alarm In other `countries, where to have been the son of a lab*or la a stain that nothing can tub nut, asd•wbbi'e A Dickens end a inassey ate taunted with titoir vulgar pedi gme,rnit tinprnfiMbio l in spend money eslanating the lOw:boni, tut with i4l! wiihave no Anc.irelass r and - whit we bait:, riot gut phw for (a Any sr* of Social _fabric to ignorance. The cgrstlowiblierll,of befrie edu&kted,..ebovo nay Wyly be left ,4,0 Work .ita own carp -6.t0. ions as the nusdet L deiroded by eat tot wn 440 man, While tbaimxii preacher oiri! 1 4'04 Vfit91 1 044.4 41 soil 014y'• oequain.. tang s lLlN*4l o 4y(l l l leber's b1ene5t4,49.4.01 Keg tit wet first et what a matt done, end etteruisrd bow his does It, the fAwirel bActaled:.bbi?yonnir for hint= digbui tben be blewelti dared bike. That prateslooris era cot 4.we1l pact ssizieciazdai Ica ne( trui to Olsoonstry std.:kr:nu& That, .thereomhrairi-7,orkentrbo.eam less' than four &Mara allay the fear rounikiverYuwiif het: there axe feiV Meefttinlorviliciatierage'llurt,V4 u tovehlelt of the two, hale - 41m ,tietter "Ash* there hi no niteeitaltttY iaeelpoly irilietrur is to bo regarded as an evil, monopoly in learn ing is no better. Therefore, fathers and moth ers who can leave no houses norleink accounts 'behind are, perhaps, not only Justified, but are doing a wise thing, in educating their children to the top of their ability. Schools-will never choke off the hewers of wood and drawers of Tug full retuine 'of the 'Presidential election show that Grant and Wilson °lectors have been chosen by thirty States, having 294 electoral votes, and Greeley and Brown electors by seven States, hav ing votes, a majority for Grant and Wilson of 222 votes. The following are the Grant and-Wilson Slates: Maine,7 Electoral votes ; New Larnpahire, 5 " Vermont, 5 II , ila Massachusetts 13 " tt Rhode Island, 4 if CI Connecticut,' 6 ' 0 ft New York, 35 • " New Jersey, 9 " 14 Pen nsyl% au in, 29 " If Delaware,. 3 II lf Virgii)ia, ' 11 " ". West Virginia, 5 " a North Carolina, 10 " a South Carolina, 7 " a Florida, 4 tt a Alabama, 10 " ft Mississippi, . 8. " " Arkansas, .0 a a Ohio, 22 " " Indiana, . • 15 " a Illinois, • 21 ,4 . 0 Michigan, 11 it CI Wisconsin 10 " II Kansas, 5 a a. . lowa 11 " " Minnesota, 5 a 1. Nebraska, 3 " a California, 0 54 /4 Oregon, 9 " a Nevada, 3 a a Total, 292 " The following are the Greeley and Brown States : Maryland, 8 Electoral votes; Georgia, 7 •it LOU 8 Texas, 8 . '` Kentucky, 12 " '• Tennessee, 12 • " Missouri, 15 " Total, 74 HENNES LOCALS Shooting Match.— Benefit "Slantwise," No. 2, Thursday, November 2Stb, 18 0. _Shooting for Fowls to commence at 9 a. m. A five dol lars prize, for the best shot with rifle—each competitor to have three shots—at 12 in. 100 Turkeys, 100 hundred Chickens, 50 Ducks, 25 Geese. - Blood Tells. Shot guns, pistols and rittm tribe used: Come one! Come all!,Near Tarbell's Farm Muss A number of gus will be on the ground for the use of those who being tome. BY Onng.n. oP Con. Montrose, Nov. 27th, 181'2. Au Essential of I.ovilnesa—To he en tirely beautiful the hair should be abundant and lustrous. This in absolutely essential to com plete Ica fines. The most regular features, the most brilliant complexion and pearliest teeth fail of Their due effect if the hair be thin, dry. or hat'sh. On the egntrarr the plainest ace, if it be but surmounted by iuxurlant and silken tresses, is apt to impress the beholder with a sense of actual beauty. That crowning orna ment of her sex is. happily, within the reach of lovely Woman, and being as discriminating as she Is lovely, she long ago discovered that LIMN'S KATRAIRON was the sure means of se curing it. No preparatoin for the flair ever en joyed a tithe of Its popularity, and no wonder, since it produces such gratifying results. Ap plied to the waste and barren places of the scalp, it fructifies and enriches them with a new and ample growth. It it not, of course, pre tended that it will do this if the capacity fur reproduction Is extinct, but so long as it remains that wonderful rehabilltant will assuredly pro , pagate the germ of the bait' Into life and activi ty. Notice to Builder.. Pmtarsals will be received till the first of De cember next, to buikl cad procure all the ma terials, for building a pastortal house, near the Ti. Catholic Church, at Auburn in this county. For plans and specifications, apply to Rev. Thos. firebony, Pastor at Friendsvtlie. TunaAs Bun/omit Friendsville. Noy. 20th. 1872.—w2 Nollee to Builder*. The School Directors of Franklin Township, will inert at the Davis School House, on Satur day, Nov. Mith,lB72, at ten o'clock, a. in., for the purpose of lora-ling a school house, and let ting the building of the same to the lowest and best bidder. Plans and specifications with the Secretary. Nov. 20th, 1872.-10. Notice. There wilt be a Union Conference and Mis sionary Meeting of the Susquehanna Associa tion of Universalist, at Brooklyn, Susquehanna Oounty, Penna., on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29th and 30th, 1878. We hope our Brethren from all part of the Association will give us their presence on that occasion, and partake of their spiritual feast then awaiting them with joy and thanksgiving. P. E. Loomis, Chair. 31issiunary Board. Scranton, Pa, S.W. 13th, 187.9.—w2. Sotto°. All Companies represented by the undersign ed, are cowing through the Boston Fire Id manhunt. Thu "Home, New York," pays wow The Old Harford, of Conn.. 500,000 The Franklin Fire of Philadelphia. 500,000 The Ins. Co. 01 !lonia America of Phila., 600,000 The Pennsylvania Fire of Philadelphia, 300,000 The Ins. Co., State of Penna., of Phila., 100,000 The Union, Mutual of Philadelphia, 34,000 Tho National Fire and 3larine,of Phila.. 20,000 The Royal nt, London, • 1,25'0,000 The Lye:owing, Mutual of Mentor, , 14,000 The above Companies pay these loses, and leave a largo surplus, with their Capital unim paired. A little over a year ago, they slued through a altmlar Fire in Chicago. and still stand drat as a Hoek. BILLING' Bratnen, Agent, Nontroge, Nor. 20th, 1871—w2 • For Sale A new house woll - lundshed, good water ban dy. 1, 1 4 acres of land, and 20 or mom good fruit trees thereon. Is situated 1,3 i miles n• of Mon trose. near Beach's Plainin,, Mill, also,a Woolen Factory. Carriage and BLackimith Shop, Grist and Saw Mill,noar IV and a Ceti rods hum school. Any_ person wanting a _good place can get it at,a bargain. Call on James E. Carmalt, or theproprietor. • )11. C. BURGESS. Montrose, Oct Path, lint. Dentistry Dr:T. ;I; Wheaton-, oP Ilingitinst4, N. Y.; wilt be at the Exchango Hotel, in Montrose, on Monday. Decen3ber , 2d,- to counsel those, who wish token him, is relation to thO .presetvation oe restorntina of the teeth. - 'now' wishing teeth tat/noted will Sad this s good opporoni: ty, as be %KW bo aupplio4 with both, boost and general atuusaltielica, enabling hint to render the operation painless and safe. No charges for clearing either Jaw Oar ertinclat 'ivierk,, but for promiscuous entrust :4g the uaual dental priy mitts charged, WI it be 44 . Emden lunel is Springville, on the 4th fur the owe - Impose, - Rememberthie OW, and glut -a car Strayed. --.. :6l , ita — Clintiiiheefielnsum of the ku bse.xlber, On' o'l*hour-the Ist-day of. Pct. 1872. Brindle Line Backulat farrow o 1 - m ntr; • about 12 years old. The owner is notified to . prove property, pay charges, and take her overly. U. BOE. Liberiii Nov., 12.1872. Liberty Townstilp 'Bounty State ment for 1572. • • Amount, of Town Bondlield by F. 8., Coon, $lOO 00 Interest to Nov. 1,1812. 205 00 By amount paid by L, , Tompkins 11* 00 Br amount pakl by Donley; . !175 00 Amount in band or L A_ Tompkins, late Treasurer 24 97 Amount in hands of Ira M. Dawley, Treasurer f 25 00 Amount to he prorided for, $330 03 Jon A. INAP; "nditor. JAI= Dovrsza, Liberty, Su.scf a Co., Pd. Nov. 1.3, 1872.—w3 Notice In Bankruptcy. In the Platelet Goltetotthe United States, for the • Western District of Pellll9frti 1147 In Es „Bank Walker Bankrupt. .ho 1503 an Bankruptcy. Notice Is hereby given . that there will be a second general meeting of the erdlitors of the nboVe trailed liankrupt,tor the purposes contem plated in tho 27 .`Section of the Bankrupt Act,on the 10th day of December. iB72,'ut 2 o'clock, p. m., nt the office of Edward N. Willard, Regis ter in Bankruptcy, end all. creditors who have proved their debts, are hereby notified to be present at said meeting. STANLEY AITCLIELL. Assignee. Scranton, Pa., Nor. 13th, 1872.—w3 House and Lot for 'Sale; The subscriber offers for sale, his house and lot. 1 1-2 mile north from Bircliardville, on the middle branch creek road. Said lot contains six scris of land, and is 'pod for pasture, being well supplied with water, there being a small creek running its whole length and passing within one rod 01 the house making . it very handy fur washing purposes. There is a good house and barn on the premises, and a well of never failing water within a few steps of the door. It is a suitable place for a man with a trade, such as a Shoemaker, Harness maker or any such business. It is very handy to church, It being 1-2 mile north of Baptist Church at Birehartlville, and 1-2. mile south of M. E. Church at Forest Lake Centre, in fact, it is a pleasant and convenient place for any one that wishes to retire from business. Fur sale chmtp. Enquire on the premises of the subscriber, or Z. Cobb, Montrose,Ta.• CHARLES DECKER. Eirchardville, Susq'a Co., Pa., NOV. 6. 1972. F. CM:treklll. .. ; Justice of the Pence! office m•er L. S. Len heines store, Great Bend borough. „Susquehan na Co„ Pa. Has the settlement of the dockets of the late Isaac Recithoty, deceased. Office hours front 910 19 o'clock, a. to., and front 1 to 4 o'clock p. m. Great 13etul Oct. ° d 1872. Lecture Courie The Young Men's Leawe Association have the pleasure of announcing that they have se cured the service of the following distinguished Lecturers, who will appear in the order named: ReA. Wm. H. Milhtun—"The Bilmillan Elo quent." Wednesday evening, November 20th. Rev. A. A. Willits, of Philadelphia, Decks_ 10th. Rev. Robert Co flyer, of Chicago, haruary 7th 1873. Moses Colt Tyler, of Michigan University, February 4th, 1873. Rev. R. H. Chapin, of New York City, in 3Lirch, date not fixed. John B. Gough, April 14th, 187 a The Association believe that names like these will ensure full houses.. There is no second rate man on the list. Every one of these gentlemen has a thoroughly established and well sustain ed reputation in the lecture field. It is rare, even In much larger towns than ours, that the opportunity' is offered tb hear such a Course fur the sum of Tyco Ihilarirl--Whlch is the price of Season Tickets. These should be obtained at once by calling on W. - A Dcanv, the Treasur er; Fo Season tickets wilt be sold after the first lecture.' By purchasing nms you will save one. third of the entire cost, as each single admis sion will be filly mitts. Surru, Secretary. llowsrui—Wicisita—ln Barron], Nov. 8, by Rev. A. C. Sperry, Grant Bowan', and Miss Nettle E. Wickwire, both of Lenox. an.t.i.sriu—Pcsrsztr—ln Sommerville, Nov. 12th, by Rev. J. A. Odell, Charles E. Gilles pie, and Miss Mary J. Penney, both of New Milford. Brrissu—Jsexaos--In Brooklyn, Nov. Ist, by Rev. J. Underwood, \Vns. T. Byraam, and Miss Mimi'. Jackson, both of Brooklyn. Quica—Termott—At, Lymanville, Nov. 18th, by. Rev. Luther Peck.. Fred. 11. Quick, and Miss Emma B. Taykir, both of Lynn. SimostiS—DEctiiiilia-Ararat, Nov. Bth, by J. H-Touley, Esq... , Lortrizo U. Simonds, and Mrs Emily Decker t both ot Ararat. Tvt.En—Yousia—A Bush, Nov 2lst, by Elder H. 11, Gray, John M. Tyler, and Miss I). A. Young, both ot Diplock, Pa. TM:MAIN—TAYLOR—At Lanesboro, Pa. Nov. 12th, by Rev. Win. A. Hitchcock, Arthur L Trent= of Binghamton, and Miss Sybil L Taylor, of Latiesboto. TOPPER—DEVISE—At the residence of Mr, Augustus Bixby. in Lanark, Carroll Co., 111., Oet. Mb, Wm. N. Tupper, and Miss Libbie A. Devine, both formerly of Rush. Suscra Co., Pa. • D. D.tvis, Sec Srsirronu—Jmks—ln Middletown, Nov. 10th, by P. Keenan' esq., Abijalt Spofford, of Mid dletown. and Emma L. J. Jenks, of Great Bend Village. SIIATEM—CASTALECE—.At the M. E. Parsonage, Ifount Pleasant, .on the 10th lost, by Rev. Wm. 11. Cooley.rfittisShaver, of Ararat, and 3liss Mary E. etistaline, of Herrick. Swtsunn—rtnnwr:—ln Rash, Pa., at the tiouse • of the bride's (hiller, E. L. Brown, Esq., Nov. 19,1872, by Bee. P. It Tower, R. B. Swisher, of Auburn, Pa., and Miss Eva 11. Brown, of . Rush, Pa. . •.; Sns.v—PATrEnsrm—At the Fairdale Parsonage, Nov. 21st, by Rev. E. Breekinridge, Edward Alkn'Shay, audlliss Mary S. Patterson, both of Jeistip. (7 • Burrott—ln Rusb, Nov. 19, 1812, Mrs. Clarin da 'Dutton, in:the 53d year of her age. DEwalo--In Nontrost, Oct. 30111, after a long Illness, Mrs. wit' : Dennis, aged n years. F r otrrEtt—At CinCinnati, Oct. 21st. Lula 3 young est child of Prank and Anna Foster, aged 1. year, 5 monthwand.lo days. ErAxs--In ApoMean, Sasqu'a en., Pa., Israel Evans, aged 03 yam and five months. Mr. Evans was lions in - Cartiganshire, South Vales, ond came to this country In 1810, and settled In tbigioubty. Glbson, Nov. 10th, )ire, Polly, 'willow Of nee. Lawrence Manree, deceased, tsgext . B4, years and I' , month's. 'NEW YOUZE PUODOCE MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Hardin, Hoiden .t• Co. • 215 Washington St., hew I ork. . • . - Butter, pail , n . 30031 " Mid& . . 25020 Cheese, dairy, pet Ur • '11%014 .factory_"....... - 1.1014 n Eggs, per . iksz ..... 35030 Flour. per bomb - 0410010 Cow:meal. tOil Ara., • 3.4013.50 Rye When,‘ per !? 1 , 1 40 . 1.7502.00 _ ....... 0001 1 5 Oats ' •• 4 ... 48e,51 Hops, crop of 1872 . ' ........,. 80032 Tallow " - 0(05% SIMAL: _ . . . LArd p6r lb ' - . ..... 80. .... 8 , h 'Potatoearper bbL • - • 11. - 00(62.24 Applixt - " • '..;',.:• 4 • • •••• • ••••• • :,•:;• -; p0g2.00 Turkey)" per lb - ' ' ' ' —18411. N) ilbiakezta • ' , ....• • - -• ' . 11143118 Rata , : ,',“,....'.. . : .. .... • ..'.. ‘... 141? IZliGIrlEf3. ar~'aTas. Avoial ego#‘4l. THF;bONiEi3SIONti Or AN INVALID. r of LISIIED tta a Tvang kid for WO benefit vamp min and others vb.) aaatattobaljeyabas Debility, Loss of Manhood in., sopp!rbali TICE DEANS OF WIMP =OM Written by one wbo cured himself' after 'un dergoing considerable quackery.:eird - sent free, on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. AddressNATIIAN MAYFAIR, grootin, June 11,"11. enz: .13tooklin„.17. The Warning has been Heeded. Since the exposme of the attempt' made by certain unscrupulous local dealers, to palm off their coarse as. strlegente.msde from cheap and tmpurematerlele, in the !Anat.( the groat national tonic, llasktterle diemsi itch- Bitten. public opinion has set %tangly ageinst these empirics, and their prepositions". Their °crams Oen is gone, or noon will be. When the light Is let to te ff.ception It moon wilts down.' Mesons who trifle with their owe health, by using unknoara preparatbsout s with nu gm:motet to sustain them, when an establish• ed specitle promo by twenty year. experience to be exactly what it is claimed to be, la within their reach, are 'are to n pent their temerity. Many hare done no. In thisinstancc, but It Is hoped that- the truth plainly spoken has arreated the mil. In the meantime the de , mend for the leading protect-lee end restorative mud!. clue of America was never so ghat s it bas been We sauna. Prom the fever and ague districts of the west, south went , and south, It Is literally overwheletdazatig It may be said of the advice+ from all parts of the mans' try of the care. it Is effecting in dyspepsia. billious complaint., and chronic constipation, that "their Moue to legion." Everywhere the sick and feeble seem to have emitted the Importance of "bolding last that, which Is good," and of avoiding whatis 'parlous mid dangeronc. The numerous "Bitten . ," 'ander micros names, which mereenery sletlers endeavor to substitute for ihntetter's Stomach. Bitters, should be avoided,. for their own sakes, by the sick and the public at large. Hostetler's Bitters are procurable in Witice only, and never sold in bulk. ERRORS OF YOUTH.- A ashrruntAN who wagered for yews from Nervous A Permatare Decay, Mid ail the ettecta of youthful inditeretion will, for the sake of =Serie:: be manlty, rend free to all who aced le, the receipt and di rection for making the wimple remedy by which be Was 'cared. Sufferer* wishing to profit by theadvieer7s experi ence on du ro byaddreasilw, In perfect tooddence. - JOHN B. OGDEN.' No. 41Cedar street, New York. MONTROSE GRADED SCHOOL. _e____ a .41. Ma 32320" MI AM. E - t a FALL TERN' Began Sept. 2d, 1872._ WnsiTint TE.IIII Begins: Jnu. .2cl, 1873. SPRING Tenn April 21,1873. TUITION—Higher Department, 80 00 Secondary Department, 0 00 The courseof Instruction includes the Eso- LIBIL lir.ANcircs, the LANOInIII33; MATIMSAT- Ics, and the tiston.u. tictexces. STUDENTS ARE FITTED FOR COLLEGES=LMSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING, And SPEctAt: ATTE:smolt, GI ; VEIC to the Preparation of Teachers. The Building is Commodious, Pleas ant, and well-arranged for - IMPARTING INSTRUCTION. Students can enter at at any time, and Tuition will. be Charged. Proportionally QU Rooms ctui be secured for those desiring to board themselves. For further particulars address A. H BERLIN, Principal, or the Secretary o the Board. Wm. H. JESSUP, Pres B. THATCHER, Sec'y. Montrose, Oct. 30. '72-6m. 1854. 1872. GUTTENBERG, - ROSENBAUM & CO CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND DEALERS Xi DRY GOODS, MILLIXERY & FA .ICY GOODS, FURS, ROBES, HATS & CAPS, GENTS' & LADIES' ruaNisamo GOODS, &C, &C Onr Assortment of DBES3 000DS, SHAWLS, CI,OI.ICLNOS, CASSD MIMES, CLOTHS. MID MAYERS M!is Clcrm.rolcbte. FLANRI.I.A. BED BLANK ETS, WOOLEN HOSIERY, NUMB, HOODS, M Ritmo UNDKILOARMENTS FOR LADIAs AND cIIILDRF.N. GLOVES. Re.. In Great Variety. TIMOR° and Unsanitary Rase for ladies endCllll- drab, Ercrything belonging to the MILLINERY TRADE, 8111: and Cotton Velvets In black and colors, Velours. Flatware. Ribbons. Feathers, Frames, Laces. be. Very Large. , 33cruta5e33.434.131aa6 (3i7coei.d4es, Tablo Napkins. 'TownHap, Club, Mnefins Ticking", Prints, At-, Full In ETV./ Line. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS. KID GLOVES, CORSETS. FELT AND HOOP SKIRTS, 7 S'ATICIIES. CHIGNONS. R AIR NETS, -EMBROIDERIES. S. STAMPED PATTERNS. comm Liras. ZEPHYR WOOSTEDS, GERMAN TOWN WOOLS, CANVAS PATTERNS, All Colors and All Blades. READY MADE CLOTHING A SPECIALLITY! WE MANVFACTURE ALL OUR OWN GOODS, Gad DIKE 11? CUSTER WORK TO ORDER AITF.R MEASURE. Ws keep a lama assortment of Cternrs, CAINFIXTILIA; Dtsstas, Vintnos. te. on Mind fertbst pdrpoae. GENTS' FURNISHING. GO ODS. - HATS AND CAPS, A Full Line: GLOVES, TIES, ROWS, COTTON AND WbOLEN !HUM, COLLARS, KNIT JACKET% - . AND UNDER-GARREeNTS, All bistles and Blies tae Men, Dolt, its:liens iidants. K i nirs,lll , ll3:4.- itATCIIIIO, IThlap . de.. . • We irtil stil everything In true Mut as chops's , tti Pest. soil Onansreess tortutrYttiSo to be drop Wis., Ira ituntsise rrronL.— • ; • * We Cannot ante outs - price Rot of our Oftelovi kinds of Good would ATCIIOO =MOUS toots° As!one odk tkm, bat rmanest sat. to eallfied• compare prices and grant', awl thus be convinced of ttintlfotts of oar attetttone... • ' *. • ' 7*? - • •-• • : tarrrEri BERG lumaznev,ii - NCO atouteuse.rm Is. rm. .f THE_ GREAT . WEEKLY • t - TECES: Haxris biirw THE GRATIS To oral, neti subsaib'er to TIE:FA27:IOT for the year 1813, f Moss name s area:lo;4W bp - lies Dollars„is received after Mu dale • and -prior- to January next ire willeend tho'poper for the RE MAUDE!? OF 1t372,, °HATES' , The faVorite Weekly ' THE HARRISBURG PATRIOT, is now a MAMMOTII FOLIO, and contains more Reading Matter than any other paper piablished in Pennsylvania: It furnishes all the Political and General news of the current week his condensed form. It gives an micumte report of .the MARKETS of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pitts herg.and Ilarrisburg._ ' • Its•Liteniry.Department contains Tales, 'F-s -a3jrs, Poetry, etc., by- the best : American and European writers. , 11 will verb!! and accurate reports of int.' h&c Proceedings and of the doings •of the Constitutional Convention.' During the teision of Huse bodies It will be of peculiar Interest to every Pennsylvanian. It will also give %Om pieta resume of the proceeding! of Cottrcss.•. 'The political alto of theYsTRIOT w ill ean; thine bn tbe elevation of the' LabOring Classes, the protection of the People against the encroachments of -Rings and 'Monopolies; Electoral Reis* the,catablishment of a sound system of finance, the 2e-enfranchisement of disfranchised American citizens, and - last but not least, thl restoration of Local Self Govern- The following rates; unexampled in cheap gear, haie been fixed for subscription to the WEEKLY PATRIOT One CopY.Mie year - • .• It 2 00 One Copy, six months 1 25 Four Copies, one yesr each... - 175 Ten Copies, one yeareach.... 1 130 Twenty Copies; one year. ...... . 1 25 Fifty Copies, and upwards, oneyear, each' 1 00 An extra copy, ftre, is furnished to .the Agent sending in clubs of tea or more. A copy of the DAILY PATRIOT will be sent, Par, to the Agent sending in clubs of fifty or more. All papers will be separately addressed. but must go to one post office.. Bee dirgetiont below.} THE DAILY PATRIOT, Published EVERY MORNING; Sundays ex cepted, is n first claw nesyspeper, containing full telegraphic reports, special Washington ilia- patches, the most complete and accurate market reports, full accounts of proceedingsvd thecae,- stitutional Convention, Congress and Legisla ture, spicy cdttorals, etc. One Copy, one year, by mail, $7; Five Copies do., $33 ; Ten Copies, do., $60.. • ' Larger Clubs at the last wimp:l44es ',Pipers may be senarately addressed, but must be Lak in one package. The money must accompany the order to insure attention. DIRECTIONS—Additiocs to Clubs may be made at ady time In the year at the above Club rates.- Changes be Club Lists made only on re quest of persons receiving packages. stating date of subscription, edition, post office and State, to which It has been previously sent. TERMS--Cash In advance. Send Post Office Money Order, Bank Draft er Registered Letter. Bills sent by all will be at the ,risk, of the sender. -SEND FOR PROSPECTUS - AND SPECI3IEN COPY. Address • • " TIIE PATRIOT." PINE TREE Tar Cordial, NATURE'S GREAT . REMEDY - FOR THE • Throat and Lunge. D. Is gratifyingro us to inform the public that Dr. L Q. C. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gained an enviable reputation from the Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, and from thence to some of the first families of Europe, not through the press alone, but by persons actually benefitted and cured at his.olllce. While he publishes less, so say our reporters, he Is unable to supply the demand.— It gains and holds its reputation= Fhvt. Not by stopping eongh;tbt by loosen. irg and assisting nature to throw off the. un healthy:nutter collected abmit - the throat•and bronchial tubes,trArchcaoscs irritation. Betted, .It removes the antis° of irritation (which produces cough) of the omen's membrane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act and throw 'off the tmhealtliy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third. It >a free from_squilia, lobelia, ipecac, and opium, of which Most throat and lung re ; medics are composed, which allay cough only, and disorganize tho stomach. It has a soothing effect on the stomach, acts on the liver and kid neys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching toeing 'fort of the system, and in its invigorating and purifying effects it ban gained a reputation 'which It must hold above all others in the market. IVOTICIIII. 'IMICEI PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Great American Dyspepsia Pills, WORM SUGAR DROPS Being.finder my Immediate direction, they shall not lose their curative qualities by tho use of cheap and Impure articles,• HENRY R, .WISRART, PROPRIETOR. ill IBM FREE OF CHARGE Dr.t. Q. C. Wisbires Office Parlors are open Tuesdays'and Wednesdays flout d a. moo u p. in., for consultation by Dr. Win, T. Magee. With him are associated two con sulting physicians .of acknowledged ability.-- Ibis opportunity to not offerol by any .other In. stitution in this city. • ••- • IMITTROl;IIST DE ADDRESSED TO' L. Q , --i.:- iiiStiAitM. 11.,: NO 92.N.:SECONID STREET Azna B .l 9l l l tog:lk • Hip—Hip—Hurrah ? EIPECM, In a fair.dalys;'irla I.lktittrixa Railroad, aad Erraraiair 'Lair liturs, - steithcr tLX ii4TrOY4 IO4 . Ptirs.Pf lIEAD OF NATTGATIO'N f K. mimeo Wheat Flour, and Superfine at $8 tO per bbl . Nov Dnek•Wneat none. Corn neat and Otani' Mari Sums, /beams. ejrals. Meese and Cracker.. Codfish, a bcpenlne qsallty. /tacked. Boalaf,- twenty , kinds or more. School Books. and bralonery. Ink and Penang. Tobacco and Chars. Timken stone. Spfee* of all kind.. Coffee, a oaten Valley 10 ,4 ' alarm so ock of Now Tess, and very low. = A good 4:+ Tea for Was. SI Mated $1 50 Tea tor $1 00, 11 40 , and $1 ti Tea for $1 etc. PspetsCollani, "lane and Low. Fruits and Vegetables of an thuds in Seaton. Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, and COCOlnale , cr A new and large Assettment of -Canned Penns, Vega., table.. Pleb, etc., etc. And 1,000,000 ha less) other al , .tides too numerous to mention. that every body .waol. and can have foe a tong and a llttle of the BMW throat. In. CIIZAP CIIKAPedI, CaCd-PEST. . • . A. rf,III:2I,AIID. Montrose, Pa., Oct, IEI2. , *I 25 Starch 'for $1 00, -131ximund Bow' Layer Raisin, tor $1 00, and every thing elai equally low at BUl.t.tßO'fi emu PAID roll EGGS axo;igle . at , • • A. utrwatini Motatnam, Pa.,Oct. 020 Mb— , sS9untll §tiAitzto givtctorp lines in this Diroctotii?n4 year, $1.60— . Pith additional lino, 40 08. - = . SAVINGS WU:6.BM VILFOIIU.—BLi per tent. latest on nll Deposita. Doty •goners! Banking Bat peso. -1111.4 • - ' tl. B. CLUBS a CO. CAYUGA PLASTER.—XICIIOLAS 510EMAI3 Dealer in genuine - Ca •zn Plaster. PEW" gransll. W. L 'lol3'g:a CO . ..Dealer* In Dry Cloodijiats.Caps Boots and Shoe., and General Machsodlse, ea Maim street, second doorbelowtbe Epleeopel Ctiwth. • UNION HOTEL, kept by Anp..141111 OkllTit, =Nab street, Emir the Depot..--* W. 8. MEAD, Yont2dri, and dealer In Plows tad oast utensils, Otld door froto.Pklntiero Itatel, Ken st. N. F. ILIMBER, Carnage Matter and Undertaker, el Slain Street, two doors below Bawler' Store. • Met:01.1.7311 umirrrEns. ieueiri;tir GrXeries eel Provisions, on Mahn Street.• it. GARRET it SON. Dealers in Flour. Feed. Vest Solt, time, Cement. Groceries and Provisional es 3ialn Street. opposite the Depot W. & T. HAYDEN, Mannfactaiors 'of Clgirs rf Minimal° -dealers IQ Yankee Notions and FUOti Quads. cm italn Strang, below Splasopal Chn.ralt. • 11095 4 .KNAP. Leather Ifandaetnrers and dealers In Ma onto ' , lndium', &e, near Episnopal Chorea. • AINEY L HAYDEN. Delltors in Drags ooditedlelots and liouotactorcri of Cigars. on .14111 titroot, aso tho DopoC . N. wrzeams. horse shooing and generalltipattlag oa.3l.atn Street, souther the brier:. -. • • 1. DICHEitSIAN. dn.. Deilet to gsneral methaadla• • and Clothing. Arlek Stursion Main 81,:cot. L. 9. LESITECd. Minatactann of Leather. sad deals, to gencral lierelandtec,pn Mails &rect.. 11. Y. DORAN. IlerebAnt Tailor aud dealer in Bead, 'Made Clothing. Dry Gooda,tirereerlea and Provisions - 31sIn Street.• . alltAll WHITE, Manufactasir *tarsi dcaloilis or Plows and Castings. TINGLEY—DeaIer to Stores, yin, Copper. Bras and Sheetlron - Ware. Castings, de.• Also, tnantfacta. er of tilre 4 Metals to order. Eve Trough and Lead Ple bulkiness attended to at Lair prices—Gibson Redraw. rennsrlegr.le,—ly. • - - - - DIVATIng & BRYANT, Mintithetureis of Vetoes Sod Sleighs, Dear the Inaralle Store. 0. S. BEEBE—County Surreyar r of Susquehanna Mrs ty.Mal in the Court Roue, Montrose. ADEL TtlitllELL -Dealer in Drags, Medicines, 1.3 quota, Paints, Oils, Dye .81ntle, Gr aeaties, Jrirelry Notices, ete, iseP, Si, 10 • JAMES E. CkILII ALT, Attorney at law. .011Ie0 ihs• door below Tuba notura t Public Avenue.• WM. IL COOPER & CO.. Rankers, 011 Foreign Pa.• .age Ticket* andErnits 9n En;land, Ireland sadpas BILLINGS / STROUD- tienirs Piro stall LIN Instr• ance Aram. ;al sta.e ell.Estlraa* mad AceldentTick• • tolkl2r Yoricand Philadelphia: Oleo Cma door nil oftho Bank. *: . P. D. CHANDLIat. General Insurance and Sawing Ms chke_Arent. Atenut• , rtbiS & NICIICILS, the plusidgetDrngc and WEI mum agate, Tobacco, Pipes,- Podcebßooke, Spec.- etas !lotto Notions. &a, Brick Back. ' . Nil. L. COX,' tlamees Soaker end dealer lo all ante.. nelson; kept by the trade, oppos its .the Bonk. • EIOTO d< COVAIN. oculars Stem, .Hardware, and Mann facturera of Tin and Bbeetiroo wan, canal .or Mein and Turnpike street. - S. IL MORSE, Merchant Tailor • and dealer t • Clothe: Trimeninge, and Furnishing Goods. 410 • GaslY-Made Cloth ing. on Mein street. next don is low Mile and Blakeleol Law Odic*. . A. R. 1311LIARD; Dealer. In Uroietles, Provialose t Rooks, Stationary and Nnakne Notions, st. bead I -Public ATtuanc• , • . . . .. . , T. SPORE 4 CO, Otalers lo Stoirek Ibutwaro Arrietitteral Implcuients;s7oorstdOsocrilito, opp• site Tarbell nom. .. - Old Things Rave Passed Away. • Thia teat least true of the old 'Method Of ticatlegthe tong abate and much abuied human bad lt to ere loaner considered lateens put a Fluent to t he torture ai order to cure Wm el a dbease in Which pain Is already undermining the chemise of hie system. Tree Wens, ranges Itself on the side Of nature, and endeavors to assist her In her debt against disease. Thiele the pie. since of [hot ette Stomach Bitters, the most appro.- ed tonle vier advertised in thie country. It may be re. commended as n felimedidne. par excellence; for t t in the tenth:ft biliousness. dyspepsia. and malarial.' fevers are especially prevalent. Tho frame, eel:insist by the heats of remeter, Is• relaxed and feeble at its close, and requires, we may say demands, artificial as. 'lettuce. Afford It that wrtietance In occasional dotes of llostetter's Stomach Ulnas. and the evils referred to roar be escaped. Vs:iceboat the far West, and as the .teaming alluvia of the Southern rivers. alt tba ve rictus of a periodical fever are probably rife to-der. Hod a evanfe?of lbastetter a Hitters been COmillenelid 11/ the *pa - eters a month oro, L e.. beim the tiebeanks season set le, seveiseightes of them would In all pre bability be In theft Oust health at the present Smelt, moult fur want of fortunate.. So much for not temple., in the boas°. nod asiondally , the bestsafeguardetabast epidemics/id endemic fevers. As U eke of bn pastors and imitatOre are tryingtolot, low in the wake of the great American roman there fore be sure that the article you bells gevalualind sal rifled by the proper trade marks. -The trueartlcis Ys only he obtsined lb battles: Dream a Ile 9arleso bitters sold by the Earle% Of tit keg. ADIIINISTRATOR% , *be Wats of Daniel K. Mote; deensaed„ lettere of Adeetet. tratton to tbe veld estate,- barn been vented to the as. dtritObed. an perverts Indebted to said estate, dry bore• by oath:od to motto Immediate-payment to the Admit bander ; end Moan beaten claims soles% the same, ere 11 11Oeetel to Preaenttbent itt the otnee' of J. D. Ze. tict.b:Abant. • JULIA Id. TIBBANY,A,Its'r; Illidgmeater, Sept.lBl.l34M:—‘6. • DIRCIITCIIII FOTICt. Letters ientimentary a tbb estate ot Hata= Aldrtrlt. of Wags two. ,Itosql 2 shimos Soutar. ra, bare been speutil -to Uss intocrther.oll penonwlndebtelt to tb* astd: estate. us , noes ed to rnAke launedlAlS RsyromS, sod those bat tog cIaIUIS or demands alaNst the masts or the said fl•- ecdant t to rusks knows thsssusswltsatgels". AtztastkEraciitoc. Brooklyn 8ent.184.13.1811.-116 AONTO': NOTleTi—The inucmgard, au AuSitoe *Kw:pled by thetepheit'• Court of Busquehesau County to thosibuto the bode% (beheads of the Jtil, notolstratoe of the estate or Lest tames, deceased, her:. byglres notteettot ho elle attend to the dotter or hie llPPolntrent, et the alma liltek dt Watson to Mort. roar. ou Thursday; the 7th day of Xbtomher, tem at **doe* whfeh time had prateall.porsont le. to rested will mace tnparn Mete etal las or be forever ille barredirom gaming trt on said fund. W. W. WATSON, Auditor. Windrow . ..Cot:Tat I=l. 710Tre8.-1a tea estate for Jilafytanton j laic of reldgelsetar. ROW& CO:. Pa, &toned. /Antra .of litholatftratioe to Afoff'se Id estate - Gavin Won mute toe. andarsivad. all parsons offing sald estate.= toantidad to make *Mediate payment; and - allvenous Maio: est** *attest leidastatasferegnestedtoprestallbefuelthaal ' • _.— • num 1.: riterrox t alii„ • acitsigewsoromipi.worm,-,Ts. • "gss.~;~ NEW 111LFORD. .GRIMT BEND LENOXVILLF. - GIBSON. 31O.NTROSE..