goat grittitigance. - EEEIGIOCS SERVICE'S. CM lIRCII...IIxv. J. E. Cturms D.D. Pastor. B$! bath Semlep. • Me& so. and p. m. Babbaihqlehool 12 m. rtynyo Iloot.t4g, Weainniltay 11:vmanim .1X , , . conottactunca MeT.J. z.nretnr Sabbath Screens. Setotornandsty In met Month Sabbath School lmmetilately Wont Morn • RPTSCOPAL CIWIICII.. Om. 11. A WAVittoMix.Rector. tubbsili Services. IS 10,5( a. en. snd 2% p m. Sundsy.Sehel. ... .. • . 12 m. Vissic•Day Liervices—WedneoWays' 7 3i P. in. 1111MODIST EPISCOPAL ....Sins, A.l). ALItIMMtn. bibbitil SCITICtS,..... ..... ...10.43 a. m. mud T.XI P. m &MUM Samar .. : 20 p.m2p no, Aloe I i ' ritiounrrentAN CIIIIRCII " U. J. O. 'III cu.sn. unbeyorac , .. via 0. in. and 2ii p, on. Plabboth'Netionl 1214 p. in Pityir Meeting, Thou:eds." Evenings - ii P. m. "BrOkein Minim Now York speculators are olleringa premium for the noteSof broken National Bunke. The .explanation is that the notes am be used . tis a 'ags fur the.organzation of new national banks. in districts where the quota of banking privil ege& is "'heady filled op: The fad stands, therefore, that a national bunk note is worth more if the bank be rotten than if the bank is wain& Anniversary of the Reformation. Thursday the 7th wits the 355th Anniversary of the Reformation. It was on October 31, 1317, 'that Martin Luther took his public step in the great Protestant Reformation by nailing up his ninety-five them* on the door of the church at Wittenberg. The Lutherans in various parts of the country celebrated the anniversary by convening in their chunchtn, anti hearing sec. mufti and addresses, atlaptot to the occasion. • Cranbemes al Susquehanna. Mr. Charles Miller,of the final of Curtis it 3111- ler,Banters, at Susquehanna Depot, has utilized • tract of land near that place, by planting It with Cranberry bushes. Ile has raised nearly 100 bushels to thb acre this year..and when the bushes come to maturity, they will produce 150 Inabeis to the acre, IViiht is still more encuumg '''lokb the quality of these berries. On a visit ,to Mat plaeo, a short time since, we saw some . or , these berries, and we unhesitatingly pro - pounce them the largest and finest quality of berries we ever raw. It will pay any one who visits Susquehanna, to call and examine them. Friend 'Miller has our congratulation on his ex cellent success. Influence of School Life on Slght There is the highest authority for iaying,that sin incalculable amount of injury is dune to the' rye sight of the children during their school years. The range, acuteness, and endurance of 'tision decnrased,by tt too close tin to school houses• in improperly lighted school houses, In order to prevent these evils the light should be sufficiently strong, and fall" on the.table from ilicieft hand side; and as far as o passible, from above. The student should sit .7ntaight, and not have the hook nearer to the eve than um iochts at the least. Besides this, (be book should be raised 20 deg. 'for wnting, • -sad about 40 deg. for reading. The proper ,;:light is most easily obtained if the school room is of an oblong shape; the windows being in one of the long sides, and the desks arranged tpsrallel to the short walls so that the light falls ;from the lett side The desk of the teacher -shoald he placed nPir the short wall• toward ..which the scholars look. Hallow E'cn Tricks As has been peustom from time immemorial, the Boys played all manner of pranks on quiet hir - useleepers on Thursday. Door bells were iising. knockers were tapped, cabbages ♦nd oth elPtrilssile. were hurled against front doors, corn thrown against front windows, and many other rdiscb i lcrous pranks indulged in. Most of these aere of an innocent kind, but a few cases of ma• licious mischief have also hem brought to our entice..., Several windows were broken by hav• idg small stones thrown through them. In a lestances front door steps were removed, semne of them three or.four steps in height. liad. the in4Mtes of. the houses from which the• st-ps were removed stepped suddenly nut of the front ticior; serious octidents might have resulted TlZkr:e Ismcifun in tricks that endanger life or litakand persons guilty of them should, if Wool oat, be sermely puniseed.—Er. Inrentous. The restless Yankee basset his wits to work again, and this time with the intention of ina pt...Mg hpon the trusting nature of trees. The bare en:ld - Lion of the trees during the bleak months of winter strike§ Lim as being far from plerkng.to the general eye, and proposal; to remWit . by a system of gleam pipes twining tunong the roots of shade trees, and kept warm lit steam 'from an ordinary furnace boiler. He doubtlt'ss thinks lie may thus cause the trees to imagine themselves in the midst of sutntnerand to suppose that the bleak winds of December are merely passing eecentricities not worth no ticing, and above all, not of sufficient conse quence to muse them to cast off their summer attire.' We do not believe that the treees can be imposed upon to this extent; but the In ten tima or the ingenious inventor, who, by the way, dwells in Connecticut, i 4 none the less com mend*. IF this gent] an would turn his mind to.some mills of persuading flies and mosquitiaes that winter reigns all the year round he irouhl.conter a greater benefit on his suffer int speej 9 than by trying to take advantage of the trees.—Er. Ilippozymosl6-111ow tt llhappened. A Canada colt, of the Cannel: kind, caught cold. and coughed consequently. Oscar the ostler simply said ''llipposgotacoues;“ bus co leb the coachman. confidently called the' com plaint "contagious catarrh." The venerable viilae retenary physician vowed Ir was clearly a case orThippotnalaria," while a rival Tetere narinn positively proclaimed the plague to be "equine epltooty," :All..the Townson' PhYVi" einns in the 'vicinity thereupon convened in a caucus ror consultation ; -bat no two of them agreed in their descrlPfisin or dingnosis, of the dreadful disease. It was declared.with j ual postiveness to he Simple influenza, epplhlppy 'MO-NAT, lirponi, mons, Itlppontinorrhoca,' and hiptoitypltoidlaryngitis. The Cnntick colt, con founded at the cabalistic phraseology or the physicians, attempted to tell his equine stable .companions what was the matter +crith him and i s attempting to pronounce the unintelligi ble and mipconouneeable jargon, jerked his law 'oat of joint and coughed himself to heath, This 'was the beginning 'or the end. The other equines!' in endeavoring to eolllCOUttleate the calamity to the outside World of horses, lacera ted and loosened their larynxel in , effectual .en deavors to pronounce,ferreetliliellundpflh° .aise.tat Antribus ithrulirtn to farm and.from city to city, the mortal malady he made its way throughont the cenntry, Otani or the pres ent time half the homes under litzren bare the eMno=imirols, blpporldnorrhOta, hippotyphold• isrynghts, or lior . no•equillyt (grade (Haase. eVite•—etdpite pa!araity A.cough.arpll spell it "It•o-f" fforses are accustomed to' MO- the simploat forms of ortimgraphr and articulation, And heneellsOpoollanchroPY guMesaiss 44 °9* ton during the continuum-of -the ' Teachers, Mullet°. The sessions of the Inslittiteclosed list Fri day. It was very suceesshal in, every ;respect, and the teachers returned to their work. ,tritlire: nerved zeal, more enthusissre r and the better prepak-ed to impart, instrunion. There were overone Mindied teachers .is rottendance, and many more were untibli to attend on account of the epidemic noviirevalling throughout the county. Profs. F. A. Allen and C. 11. , 'Verrill were present as Instructors, andperformed their part well. The eternise throughout the whole session were interesting and instructive, and, we trust thatime will soon comettheri loth 'di rectors and teachers gill see that-it je 0 their. interest to attend Institutes; then'we hav e better teachers, better schools, and better inset. ars. • The teachers were very hospitably eritertidn ,cd by the citizens, who also seemed to' take a great Interest in the Institute.' Tne . Clioral So ciety _and othets furnished excellent music. 3lext week tio will publish a full account of :Its proccedinga. - Cow. Local Jealousy. We last week copied a short article on "local pride," and below give a paragraph on " local jndousy," which should be careftilly rend by every bush:it-saI:IVA : "There Is nothing, inner estimation, so detri mental to the welfare of-our town and commu nity, as the jealousy of one business mau to ward another, It does not reire A -very care fid observation tome it every day In this town. Where men might move along up the bill road of lite smoothly and friendly, you will find them in many cases, watching and waiting for the opportunity to 'gain a pOine on their neighbor in business, Don't crowd o'nh other,, gentle men, the Almighty Dollar is not made for the grave. Enjoy yourselves as you go through the world; lend your neighbor a helping hand, for you may need it in return some day ; anti when the time comes for you to be laid away 'among the rude forefathers of-Hamlet,' let tile urn of your ashes he blessed with memory of diseds of kindness you have dune toward your fellOw turn, Business can be made a pleasure when men. wish to make it so, but local jealousy must not be admitted into either bossiness or local cir cles. It requires-an uhlimited effort, trr e; but the ultimate result will prove a mutual benefit to all" .1 That So!Moro" Monument. We have refrained from alluding to the "Soldiers' Monument" myth, during 'a long time past, that our motives might not be mis construed Into a political design. As there - nre no parties up fit'r offlce, save -it may be for a Post °Mei, and we can clearly be 'counted out as to any designs upon that, hens we shall take the responsihilitY of calling attention to it at this time. It Mu become a burning shame to the Bore of 3lontrose, that so many public enterprises have gone "where the wind Ilsteth." We personally feel it, perhaps more' than some others, from the very protniuent part we have taken in these enterprises, by virtue of our posi tirn es ti journalist,ln urging our citizens to art in the matter. • First upon the list is the" Soldiers Monument," which ostensibly !emitted a coun ty affair, and for which a large sum has been subscribed, that reaches nearly $7OO or $BOO. It is now sis years since weplaced one name upon the list of subseribers,w hich was started some lit tle time , before that. We were told last year that a new impetus was to be introduced into this apparently mythical of air, by sir. James Simmons of Montrone, and we were led by our interest in the matter, to herald his visits to the different townships in the county, and be .did visit them and succeeded hradding to the fund which has "beep placed on ieterest," we are complaisantly told. What the per cent. is, we are not informed, whether it be 15 or 30. Was this the object of those who founded this enter prise? Is it to be a perpetual annuity in the hands of some managing parties? Will those who subscribed to that fund, be satisfied by a report from year to year that it is on interest We can answer for one that we shall not. Those who subscribed to that fund, did it from patriotic motives, and to record their approba tion of the brave a tiojrs, who laid their lives on their country's altar, and for no other purpose, and they are not willing that the "Statute of Limitations" shall bar theirclatm. The gather ing together oncea year to strew fading 'lowers over the graves of these herciesdo make it slime stump speecha to aggrandize some living tailitical aspirant for official position, will not pay this debt of gratitude which we owe the memory of these boys now "in white." nor sat isfy those who have been Induced by their own feelings, and the solicitation of others to aid in ere.aitig a more substantial memorial Court Proceedings., The following is a synopsis of the proceed ings of the first weekaof court: On motion of NY. A. Crosstnon, Esq., and on filing nroper certificates, J. T. Richards, Esq., was admitted an Attorney to practice in the several courts of Susquehanna county, On motion of E. L Blakeslee. Esq., and on filing proper certificates Wilbur F. Lathrop. Esq., was admitted an Attonwv, to practice in the several colons of Susquehanna county. Conith vs. LJ. Stratton. tOn filling' • state ment of District Attorney, court permit Nee Prosequi to be entered on payment of costs. . Com' th vs. Michael Murray. Court permit settlement OH payment of costs. Conetirrs. Geo. Niver. Court permit Noll( Prompt to be entered on payment. of costs. Com'th vs. Owen 31cCawley. Assault and Battery, with intent, etc . Jane Miller .Prose cutrix. Defendants pleads guilty to simple as- SJUII, and :Yale Prosem entered as to balance. Cotn'th sentenced defendant to pay costs of prosecution, a fine of $lO, and to undergo Im prisonment in county jall for a space of two months. Com'th ST. Wm. Murphy. Settled on pay meat of costs. Com'tb as Wm, H. Gage, et al. Nolte Prole gni entered on payment of costs. Com'tb ys. Reuben Van Barrager, I t arceny. Ira Washburn, Prosecutor. Defendant !guilty and sentenced to pay fine of one dollar, costs of prosecution, and undergo imprisonment in county jail for space of ten days. Com'tb cs..3l.iclutel Carter. Bill ignored.....s ro.„ i eity, sentenced to pay costs. Coin'th rs. Richard Stack, jr. Bill ignored, and prosecutor. Isaac Hasbrook, sentenced to pay costs. Cimi'th vit. Geo. niney. Indictment, forni cation and basterdy. Settled on payment of costs. Comih vs. Morgan Byran. Indictment, lar ceny. ' Timothy Daugherty, prosecutor. De fendant guilty, and sentenced to pay a fins of $lO, costs of prosecutioadlnd undergo an im prisonment eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia by separate or solitary confinement at labor, for tha period of one year and six months. Cotn'th vs. Geo. Kinney. Indictment; ad. ministering drugs, etc. Nalle Prosegui entered and defendanidlicharged on payment °roosts. iptun'th vs. Gee. Kinney and T. J. Kinney. Indictment, conspiracy. Settlement, flied and defendants discharged. Curs'th vs, Joan Kinney. Indictment, per.: jury. ife& prosehtti 'entered .on payment of costs -; • Com'th vs, O. E. Crandall and J.;ll.'S'iatfon.; Indictment, conspiracy and cheating by, false pMtences. J._Greelf, prosecutor.- Not , guilty' and I. J. (ineeit to tat 4 i ono half of costs and fis, fandants the tither half, ' ' Wm, Foster. • Imiletihent, lama. ny.: Defendant pleads guilty, and sentenced to pay a tine orslo, its of prossentioN and' un derp imprisonment hi'coantyjaU for* pericid of threemontba. - - • cairn.; ws:cleo. Palmer and Geo., .Goolt Settle on payment of coots • - Com`tit Derman_tollin. Indietment,,preak. Mg, entering, and stealing.__ Defendant' &ids guilty to Bd couht, and rutat prompt entered of lat and ed counts. Defendant sentenced to pay fine of ten dollars, coats of prosecution, and un dergo imprisonment in county pall for period of three months. , . Com' th as Jonas Smith. Indictment, assault and buttery. J. V. prosecutor. De fendant not guilty, on ground of insanity. Corteth'ea . tathain Gardner. Indictment, as sault and Ifittery. D. B. Millard, prosecutor. Defendant guilty. EiissDayton. Desertion. Pro ceedings dischtirged.- Indian Summer. Indian Sumpter Is th c Saturday night of No tare and the Year. There is nothing more to tte , date.; everything is packed up: the ward.. robe of Spring and Summer is all folded and laid away-here and there, some in the water, and some Snug upon the bosom of the whul.—As the poet says: ' It is the season when the frost. , Prepares -to pave old Winte's way When Autumn in a reverie lost, The mellow daytime dreams away ,• When Summer comes in musing mind, To gaze once more on bill and dell, To mark how many sheaves they bind, And see if all arc ripened well. With brim) , breath she whispers low, The dying flowers look up and give Their sweetest incense ere they go, For her who made their beanttes lire She enters 'neath the woodland's shade, Her zephyrs 101 l the lingering leaf, - And-bear it gently where are laid The loved and lost ones of its grief. The Done Disease There Is nothing new under the sun. The horses of the ancients were troubled with the Llippogrip or Epizooty In their day, as ours arc now. A. correspondent of the Boston IdteNiser says : An engniving in it venerable coy of the "Editio Princeps," of "Dryden's Virgil," repro 6COV., the effects of A disease among animals,and in the backeround a gang of men are seen stout ly dragging home an immense load of hay,whlle the sick beasts are lying about, dying if not dead. The well remembered passage in the po em may interest the public at present: "Bernet from Dryden's Translation °flits Geor gia—Third Book." • 'The Victor Horse, forgetful of his Food, The Palm renounces, and abhors the Flood; He paws the Ground, and on his hanging Ears - A doubtful Sweat in clammy drops appears ; Parch'd is his Hide, and rugged are his hairs. Such are the Symptoms of the young Disease, But in Time's process.when his pains increase Lie routs his mournful Eyes, he deeply groans With patient sobbings and with manly Moans. lie heaves for Breath; which, from his lungs supplyed, And fetched front far, distends his latering side, To h' rough Palate his dry Tongue suCceeils, Anti luny Gore be from his Nostrils bleeds. "The poet recommends a 'drench of nine, given through a horn, for which the New Eng- binder unturally substitutes hard cider." ELC3r3IIIF3. Cmcstoasi—Ser—ncnn —By Rev. Henry A. Riley. Oct. 29th, Win. 11. Clemons, of Scranton, and Miss Belle E. Spencer, or Montrose. TIPFANT- 1 3lincs—In Harford, Nov. 13tb, by Rev. A. C. Sperry, George R. Tiffany, of South Gibson, and Miss Amelia Marcy, of Lenox BINGO sm—BurrPurtm.o—At the bride's filth cr's in Jackson, Nov. 12th, by Rev, A. J. Ar nold, A. L. Bingliam,and Miss Jennie Butter field. DArtsox—BcrrEninkt.u•--At the bride's fath er's in Jackson, Nov. 12th, by Bee. A. F. Harding, D. D. Davison and Miss Jennie L. Butterfield. .. KING—McLEAct.--At the M. E. Parsonage, Skinners Eddy, Nov. 9th, by Rer.P.R.Tower, John 8. King: and Miss Mamie A. McLoaud, both of Auburn, Pit. Liaunr..any—Coot.ET—At the M. E. Parsonage Skinners Eddy, Nov. 12th,by Rev. P. %Tow er. Josephus Lineberry, and Miss Mary E. Cooley, both of Auburn. Pa. CAIIIMLI.-13ENNETT—At the M. E. Parsonage, in Herrick, Nov. 7th, by Rev. W, M. Cooley, as.sNted by Rey. G. T. Price, Elias P Cargill. of Ttionn.on, and Miss Matilda M. ilennett.of Herrick. ZJE74LTMICE3. Bracamtrt—ln Montrose, November 11, 1872, 3fri. Lamina Biniard, relict of the late Jessie T. Birchard, in the 70th year of her age. CATIAN-1n Bridgewater, Susquehanna county, Pa.. October 25th, 1872, Mrs. Ora, wife of Luther Catlin, in the 83th year of her age. BUSINES LOCALS. • "OUR DARLING." A First-class Cbromo, is given to every Subscriber to GODErB LADY'S BOOS fnr 1873, Wbether a-Single Subscriber for Three Dollars, Or in a Club or Si: for Fourteen Duitars, Address, L. A. GODEY, N. E. Cor. Sixth and Chestnut Strts., Philadel , phis. ' , goatee to Builders Proposals will be received till the first of De cember next, to build and procure all the ma terials, for building a pastortal house, near the R. Catholic Clnrch, at Auburn in this county. For plans and specifications, apply to Rev. Thos. Brebony, Pastor at Friendsville. TIIO3IAB BREIECIXEY. Friettchwille, Nov. 20th, 1872.—w2 Notice to Builders. The School Directors of Franklin Township, will meet at the Davis School House, on Satur day, Nov. 20th, 1872, at ten o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of loccting a school house, and let ting the building of the same to the lowest and best bidder. Plans and specifications with the Secretary. D. Davis, Sec Nov. 20th, 1811.—w2. Notice. flier° will be a Union Conference and Mis sionary 3leeting of the Susqugthanna Associa tion of Universalist, nt Brooklyn, Susquehanna County, Penna.. on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29th and 30th, 1872. We hope our Brethren front all part of the Association will give us their presence on that occasion, and partake of their spiritual feast then awaiting them With joy and thanksgiving. F. E. Loomts, Chair. Missionary Board. • Scranton, Pa.; Nov. 18th; 1872.—w2. ' Nance. All Companies represented by tho underelgn eil, - nre coming through the Boston Fire tri utnpliant. The liotne, New York," pays 'sBoo,ooo The Old florford, of Conn., The Franklin Fire of Philadelphia. 500,000 The Ins. Co. of North America of Phila.,Goo,ooo The Pennsylvania Fire of Philadelphia, 300,000 The-Ins. Co:. State of Penna.. of Phila., 100,000 The Union, Mutual of Philadelphia, 34,000 The National Fire and Marine,of Phila., 20,000 The Royal At London,. 1,250,000 The Lycoming, Mutual of 3funey, 14,000 The above Companies pay thine loses, end ltatve 4 large surplus, - with their Capital unim paired. A little over a' year ago. they passed through - a siunlars - Fire in Chicago, and still stand tirai its a.ltock. • ' • - ' Biumos STTICKIP, Amt. Nogtrose;Nov.2oar, • , For Sale A neat borne well Mrnished, good writer ban• dy„lti RCM of land, add 2,0 •or moregoodfrult trees thereon. ratan:kW IN miles n'rth of Mon imee,. near Beach's Plaininq MII, nho,a Woolen ?acting, Carriage and. Blackamltti_Shopi . Grist and Saw dilLl,nearbyinad a few roda Bum &chink -Ann Per 4 1 / 1 ' antlPg 414 1 5 4 ' plaegrtot► get Itlit'ktaugaln. Call on James r. Comm% or Ito pinnarletar. BUBOES& .11butnte, Oct. lOgit . • - -" , Camp, nto the cast et) te,--the subsccilbci, car Or about, tbitlefday (i" "0ct..1872. , •.. Brtattla Ltrot nu* trulaftarrow Coir;" about 12 Xgara .. - Tite , qiitger..is notified *tceprove ProPertt. Pa.tFl.*OrginglAke per wiry. Libcrty, peomilotolr. Dr, T: J. • Whcatoo, it 'Binghamton,. N. T., will be lit the .Exellangeliletitin lientrose,. on Monday,.Berembtm2dp to connitel those Who wish to see him, 1a.re454 01 149. Abe , PreeervaThie or 'restmatliiirst tut teeth , Those wishing tectit extracted thftlt good' opportuni ty, as he•willi hasuppiiedmitir kith local DIA peen'', anaesthetics, enabling him to render the operation pairdeab • end sate.: No CIIIMCCS for clearing either jt fur ertificial crorle,.. 4 but for pmtitisrimuielfmating the unto! &MI price will be (*ova WI II lie et 'Brtislie hotel in Springville, on Ahe 4titior the Wile purpOse. Remember this'oot ice andAirehhn a atIL The Pcoplo•I Btutdp of !tie . The Bevemment endorithnent, which legal. izes the sale of pLASTAXION lITZTERS, Ii not the only stamp afflicli to that famous VEGETABLE Tome; • It - bears,'ln- aadithin to that official sanction, the still more valuable stamp of pub lic approbation. This inestimable vJucher of its rarepertics as a Tonic, Corrective and Alterative pro , is of much earlier date thus the Gov ernment credential; for millions of sick persons had pronounced It the Grand Bpecibc of the Age long before Congress thought of lazing proprielary . niedicines. It Is unnecessary to re peat, in detail, the properties of this wanderfill Vegetable Invigoritat. -The best reference that can be offered to those win, desire the foil par ticulars of ira virtues: ite the General Public. Ask those who have uiedit as a remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, intermit tent fevers, nervous det'fllty, rheumatism, sea sickness, low spirits, or loss of vital power, what Plantation Bitters lug done fur them, and be governed by tile icgtionse they make to your inquiries. Liberty Township • Bounty State anent for 1872. • Amount of Town Bon4beld by F. B. Coon, • poo 00 Interest to Nov. 1,1072. 253 00 • 735 00 Hy amount paid by L, B. Tompkins $2OO 00 fly amount paid by Ira 31. Dander, • ' - 173 00 Amount In band of L Tompkins, late Treasurer 24 97 Amount in bands or Ira 81. Dawley, Treasurer 25 00 Amount to be pmvided ror, 03 Jon A. gksr, t Auditors. . JAMES DOXICES, Liberty, Susq'a Cu., Pa. Nov. 111, 1872.—w3 Notice in BatiktittitCy. In the District Court.of-the !LOW States. for the Watern District of Penntessnia /4 Re Manly NUzi. Bankrupt. ` . ..Notliica in Bankruptcy. Notice islrereby.given tint: dint will be a second gcnehal meetingpr tAc. Creditors of the above named bankrupt.',firette ptitposm contem plated in the 27 Seaton:M*llre Bankrupt Act,on the 10th day of Deceutber,lo72;at o'clock, p. tn., nt themfliceof Ediv r ard N. 'Willard, Regis ter in Bankruptcy, and nillererlitora who have proved their debts, are b,ereby f notified to be present at said meeting. - STANIZT atITCAEML. Assignee. Scranton, Pa, Nov. 13th, 18711.—w3 001150 'and Lot for Sale. The snbscriber offers for sale, his house and lot, 1 1-2 mile north front Bireltardville, on the middle branch creek road. Said lot contains six ems if land, and islOcid fur pasture, being well supplied with water ; there being a email creek running its whole isogth and passlOg within one-rod of the house making it very handy for washing purposes. There is a good house and barn on the premises, and'it well of never Ealing Water within q few sitipf of the door. It isx suitable place for a man with a (rude, such as a Shoemakor4farness maker or any such Mishits's kis-very bawdy to church, it belngl-2 mile north of Baptist Church at Birchnedville, and 1-2 nithi south of 31. E. Church at Forest Lake Centre, fact, It Is a pleasant and convenient place for any one that wislits to retire from business. For safe cheap. Enquire on the premises of the subscriber, or Z. Cobb, Montrose, Pa. CHAIILES DECKER. Birchardville, Susq'a Co., Pa., Nov. 6.1872. F, Churchill. Justice of. the Peace ofErCe oier 'L. B. Len helm's store, Great Band. borough, Busquehan• na Co., Pa Bus the settlement of the dockets of the lato . Isaac Reckhosie; 'deceased: (Mice hours from 9 to 1; tn.,. and from 1 to 4 o'clock p..-m. Great Bend Oct. 2 1879.1 Jury Liii. For the term of CuA for commence at Montrose, on Monday, No: l 7*e.olth, 18721: TELtreitse Jekolt,.l-? , „week—, • Summoned to attend' Mi'l`uestlay . at 0 o'clock, Auburn—DeWitt C. Tiortan,Lonenzo Reirnel, Bradley Lacey, Charles Thayne, Satinet Tewksbury.. Brooklyn—Bradfonl 0. Watrous. Bridgewater Crispin Waugh, David D. Hinds. Choconnt Patrick Jfc.lfannth • Clifford James Wells. Thomp.s J. Wells. Dimock Newton J. Young: ' Forest Lake , Solomon Blasi:taw, . Daniel Grekry Friendscille-Biram Cook, • Franklin—Rufus Tuttle. t Gibson—l-foram W. Steams., ) Harford—Penuel Carpenter,- Wallace L. Thatcher. Jessup—David Shay, Wakeman Handrick. Little Meadows--Silas Bearclidee- Liberty—Philip Gage. Lenox—lfartin W . Rood, John Clark. Lathrop—John Tiffany. ,Vontrose—Edwin B. Smith. New Milford twp.—Charles,Minsb, Walttr. Watson. Susquehanna Depot—George 'Adams, Wel lington Williams. Springville—Jeremlah Coltleyjea A. Striek- BannieltE: Sutton, MI- Teacher's Examination. Silver Lake—Brackney 541061 lairase, Thurs day, November 7th. Franklin Liberty'—Laws vnier 6e2ltre school house. Friday, November Bth Nov Millord—New Milford ltero. school house, Saturday, Ndvetriber OM. County Janitors ; idoutrose,lidifdiy,Novem ber 11th to 15th. Bridgewater-4lontrute; Saturday, November lOth. ;* D. . , Dimock 2 —Cornera achool houscr3rocolay,,No vcmber 18th. • " ' 13rooklyn=Ccutreichool hOnsOfuesday, No vember 10th. , - --o • • • Gtbson.lienoegy aajodl how3e o ,3VfAhlef?daYt Nor/amber 20thr- • - - .Jackson--Corners school-. bowel. Theirsday, November 21st.' , Ararat nod Tbooiton—allidiieb selobl house, Friday, November 22. _Ore:it-Bend—Village acbool house, Monday, November 23th. liartoony and Oakland—Soon/I*mm flapot,. Satorday, November= .'.* - Chapman and Forest Lake—Centre-school house. Wednesday, November 270, - November dchcioi r leas, 'Friday November 29th. • • 1;1. Each examinationlo commute/I,th 2.: feclpsk, a: m. Teachers Will Strofide 'pen; Int paper, peceii, and Union fourth „fleodcx.„,..4l,,fracces. ear /hat each one ihspment fieTor_e4itc Auto inattunt that binnen is clased?r• - •"'-' The that seperio.tendallt ckegetthat it is the legal duty or every aonopot - to Attend therxamination uPP o into 414 district -in which hb liras or eapects to teacisAuloss direct ors request= cousiluation in another pluce . ,Au. ajost reason. • • - • . • Directors are elinphirowed :tube prnsentlit Teachers /lit not commence to teach without a certificate, or expect a private examination. C..Tattxxr. County Sap's. - nrede Lae Catrs Oct 6: tem. Lecture Cowie. " , " • • 1— • " The "Ir bung Dlsn's - Leann: Association have tho pleasure of'unnoUrichik that }bey have se cured the service of the Zilewing disguguished Lecturers, who will appear in,the order named; Rea. Wm. It Milburn— '? The Blind Mau Era:* .quent." Wednesday everting:Ntivember.:2othi:: Rev. A. A. Willits, of Ph ll aderphia, Decsm v 10th. -s , • Rev. Roberteollyer,:of Chleako;Janruary:7ll 1873. Moses Colt Tyler, of Michigan Untve ty, February 4th, 1873. • " - ••••• -Rev. R B. Clippie, of NcyrlN.vrit Oily, An ilate not fixed. • • ' • John B. Gough; April 146, 1873; t • The AstociatioritelleNVOiltittiMes":.likethge will ensure full houses. There brio sceend rate roan on the list. Every one of these gentlem'eh has a thoroughly establitibedand well sustain ed reputation In the lecture. field. , It. is.rtire, even in much larger towns than ours, that the opportunit offered , in hear such a amine • for the sum of y Two Dell,;trs—Nrhlch,is the price of. Season Tickets. These should j3e obtained at once by calling on W. II: Deans,' the -Treasur er; „ Fo Season tickets will be sold after the, Brit lecture. By purchasing-new you will Save- one third of the entire cost, -as each single admis sion will be fifty cents. . • C. ll.Surrtt, Secretary. — • Holiday Goode. Special attention of tile Trade la invited to Holiday Goods, comprising. in.part, Motto CupS and Saucers, Motto 3lugs, Toy Setts, etc.; etc.., advertised In this issue by IL J. Weidcncr, 36 So. Second Street, Philadelphia. ,spttial gatitto. The Warning has been Heeded. Since the exposure of the attempts wade by certain unscrupulous local dealers. to palm off their coarse as atringents. mnde (ulna cheap and Impure materials, In the placeof tho great national tonic, Hostetter's Stom a* Bittern, public opinion has net strongly against these empirics.and their. preparations: Their occepa lion le gone, or soon will be. _When the liaise is let in to di ception it coon wilts down. gersons who trifle ern': their own health, by using noknownpreparatlons, with no gaaranteo to sustain them, when an establish ed specific. proven by twenty years experience to ho easte what it ie claimed to be, I. within their reach, are sure to n petit their temerity, Many have done so In this Instance, hot it is hoped that the truth plainly spoken has errcateu the evil. In the meantime the de mand for the leading protective end restorative medi cine of America was never eo greats. It has been this season. From the fever and Ogee districts of the West; south west. and south, it b literally overwhelming, and it may he gold of the advice. from all parts o( the coun try of the cores It Is effecting in dyspepsia, billions complaints, and chronic constipation, that "their name Is legion," Everywhere the sick and feeble 'seem to have realised the importance of "holding. feat that which is good ," and of avoiding what eparlotis and _ dangerona The nomerous "Bitters." ander various name', which meccas:ter, dealers endeavor to subelltute for Mostetteei Stomach Bitters, thoald be avoided, for their own sake*, by the sick and the public at large, liostetter's Bitters are procurable in bottles only, and never sold in balk. ERRORS OF YOUTH. ik?).7,ri E lenn:t h e o rele e ea rc y d , ro a r n e*arl tramt: Z:1711"01 youthful Indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need It. the receipt and di , rection for making the simple remedy by erbich be was cored. Sufferers wishing toprodt by theadviser's experi ence can do so by addressing, la perfect coaddeuce. JOAN n, OGDEN. . No. 49 Cedar street. New Yort. . NEW YORK PRODECE PIARKETE. Corrected treekll , by Hardin;, Hayden Co. 325 Waslungton Si, New York. butter, pail.... 3:038 firkin 30038 *heese, dairy, per lb 13014 factory " 14014%7 Eggs, per duz ........ 32034 Flour, per barrel 6.00010 Corn meal, 100 lbs. 3 4503.55 Wheat., per bushel Rye Outs Mpg, crop or 1873 ' 30d32 Tallow " OW,5i Lard per lb • 1 3 4 g8N Potatoes per bbl 1.75@,2A0 S.ppl(3 " 75412.00 Turkeys per 1b........ .............. . 176813 Chickens " . 150317 Ducks " ..x' 18(3•1?2 1854. 1872. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM 85 CO CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND DEALtitS TN DRY GOODS, MILLINERY FA.h CY GOODS, FURS, ROBES, HAT'S & CAPS, GENTS' crEADIES; FILIRMISIUNG GOODS, &C, &C. Our Assortment of DRESS GOODS, BRAWLS, CLOAKINGS, C. MERES, CLOTHS, AND SEANCES, x_ Oomploto. FLANCLI.B. BED BLANK ETS, WOOLEN 110iiiEiti,141.761163. 1100D3, IMMO UNDER-OAR-ME:4'N POP. LADI.ki;!.....;ZD - Clll - 41)1ilf.N: - CLOVES, .16 In great Variety. Vane= and UNTIITIIIED Han for Ladino and Chil dren, Bistrything.. belonging to the' MILLLVSItIf TBADIL Silk and Cotton Velvets In black and colors, Velours. Flower's. Ribbons, Feathers, Frames, Loess, Sic.; Very Large. soaar•oisoepissC GI-CnCsCiffe Table Llnene, ?SapUlm, Toweling*. Crash, Ilnallns, Ticking', Prieto., Itc.„ Fail In Ever/ Line. kaki/LEW FLUINISIIIMG GOODS. EI a D GLOVES, ...istandrz-no. ....a. taws' nAlt/Ll5, SWITCHES, CIIIONONS, IlkIR NETS, EMBROIEERIESot STA.WED PATTERNS, Conixrs Liam ZEPHYR WOOSTEDS, OSIIELAN TOWN WOOLS, CANVAS PATTSHNS, A,llColoni and All Shades.. READY MADE CLOTHING A SPECIALLITY WE MANITICTURS ALL OUR OWN GOODS; and &AIR UP CUSTOR WORE TO ORDER AFTER MEASURE. Wm keep a large moral:eat of Clam, Caanazata, Vsartaos, ft, int band ter that purpose. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. RATS'AND CAPS, A Full Line.- • -- • - GLOVES, 71,E5,.. ROWS, 'COTTON Alm WOOLEN BLURTS; •COLLARS, KNITIACKETS, • • AND UNDER-GARMENTS, , AU °Maraud &tat tot Ken, Doi/. and lame Infant, beAtlttg. j rips, TRUNKS, . SATCI4O, sO ~nnitstt.As, ac. eienthtag our lino as ciatip asT.tb I!•• 1141 ?;.;,—NeT eel t OO 'next. and 01741111.11T1L1 hrEIITTIIIXO to Le jcii? Mar . ' Krzeicatite to co as. - _ Towanda at 710 a. ne Athens, 76o. meolluglot emu out* price Hit of oar TtHollal Mow 6, en.; Wavotly, a Ma, to., ;writ log at Malin' al OD a.ar 4 eir - OolddeVattley are too numerous to Oro la one edl- 10:61 leaves Elmira stet ad p. at.: Waverly, at 63S tton, but would mooed all to WI and compare Teen p. ca. • Athena,aHl p, onttlag at Totillalda at and quality, socibue be tantelated of *do snub' of Our 715 p .m. • • ateert lo . l M • , • • ' - gar DTZWItte: Roam Cate, attached .to %alma and GUTTENBER, a.ROSENDAVIII ktO. P i " iu g th i 9l4 V 4 im a n irar i % lL attr ' de • 11601111111,141*. u,1871.• • . HIP-4 1 #74 1 -? tEikgoops.azintlaore-EXPEpTED,, ' In o inn? tkap,.vialroptroserßizilroM l , , and to lie told *at' ESTRUS= LOW, PalCas: Abo Prouty and Pr:Allen - fatind A.: — N; BUT; gEAD•OF.ITAVIGATIOIst; 0. Choico3vhi l t.slotii. andsopernna at Se 00 per btd; Mae Corn Meal and' (Jeakam Vial:ln • 61,1 Pge 11416 3 .1* 4 BMWs: Ob res. and critters: - Michieh,Woupettrib odality, mackerel. *ape, twenty' kinde °emote. kichnolellooloKahClitationery; kAdim;'. and Yeterte." - Tohritar and el:;ars. Yankee No. lions. 13picesof alt kinds: Cone, a choice knal fry and slaw!. Mock of Kew Teas. and sea'? JOIC.• ilk good kl 00 TV!! Pee**•46t e b ata , ts ao TAUT 'My 4o- and klr IS rot for ' *l 23, etc, if largo Stock 4adLo,ok, • FreartangYagehotilca of all kind., Metheir Scarrin. Sweet Potalmet.Ciotakerrles, and Cocoa - note. 4 newsmilordri.4unetmenCot 'Canned Traits, Vege tablet. Fish, etc., etc. And-1,000.000 faeleesjother itz• Unice too giameretielo mention, that eery body wants and can have fur a upland chitin vif the nesse thrown In; -CHEAP. CIIZAPan, CIIZAPEST. p. $. Btiriwatto. .Irontrose,,Pa:, 0tt.:1872. 25 , Starch 'Sot $2 , 00, Biz pound — Boxes Layer Layer Raisins ilar sl , oo,:liald • every , thing ciao egttdlly lair dt A.ll. DULLAADI3, • OdSII PAID too: :N s AND SW IIIESVILITeI, at • . • Unnerved. lit..Oct.,kotb WISHES LIRE TREE Tar Cordial, NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY • TOR THE Throat and Lungs. It Is gratifying to us to inform the public that Dr. 4 C.litirt's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gained an enviable reputation from tbe.Atlantie to the Pa cifit'doifit; and from thence to some of, the first families of Europe, not through the pressalone, but by persons actually tcnetitted and cured at his office. While Jos publishes less, so say our reporters, be is unable to supply the demand.—• It gains and holds its -reputation— , • First. Not by stopping cough,but by loosen irg- and assisting nature to throw . oil the un healthy matter collected about' the throat and. bronchial tubes, which causes irrttattint. Second. It removes the cause of irritation (which produces cough) of the.tnucus n?embrane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act and throw off the unhealthy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third. It Is free from squills, lobelia, ipecac, and OpiuM, of, which most thimut and lung re, medics arc composed, which alloy cough only, and disorganize tho stomach. It has a soothing 'droot on the stomach, acts ork,the liver and kid neys, and Emphatic and nervous regions, thus reachingtoevery part pt the system, and In its invivrating and purifying effects it lips gained amputation which It must held above all others intim market. AT C)9VIC:IXEI. T2EICXII 1.7502.00 E 0025 . 42044 PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Great American Dyspepsia Pills, WORM SUGAR'-DROPS' Beingunder my immediate direction, they shall not lose; their - curative qualities. by .the use of cheapnod impure articles: ' HENRY Ri.VVISHART, PROPRIETOR FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q.C. Wishares,DineePariem Ire open - mild:ldays; Tuesdays and Wednesdays from ,a. m., to CI Q m., for oonsultation by Pr. Wnt. T. Magee. ,Wltlatim are assoe!afrd two coo aultingiihysicians of acknowledged ability:.•-• This opportunity is not offered by any other in- . stitution in this city. • ALL LETTERS MUST BE ADDRESSED TO L Q. C. WISHART, NO 232 N. SECOND STREET, 1 2 13.X1.8,9.701E1XAMMX18. Nov. 18, 18711—mO BILLINGS STROUD. • General Insurance Agent, sans, LIFE AND Accierar taBIIBANCE, -7,02 cm:trawl.. X:Pitz. Hartford pine Isis., co.. s. spiritism!Surplus toixt,coo Home Ina. Co, N. Y., Capital and narplos, 4.(40,1X0 Royalism. Co. Liverpool 4 ojxv.oro Liverpool. London a Globe ' 530 (mai) Franklin los. Co., Phil's " ta,00.1.11 0 Ina Co., of Norio America " t7,1.A1),0L0 Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co., State of Penst`a •• ". t oo: HASA: Oro 'MEW linmirportlns. Co.. 0 • 'VIVO° la 3C 3E3 . • • • ' Conn. Mame Life lams Co.,Assotta GCS 030100 American We. Paint. SB,GOU.OOIS Asia Ci=liStiZr i rs Traveler's Ini;Co.,llarlbrd,Coplialand Surplus 0,000.00 Railway Passaugers • . $350,CC0. The nadenrigned haabean Well Iroownlo inticonnty.for the past 17yoans,u u Insorases Agent,. Losers smoothed by his Compalules Wet always been promptly paid. giromce drstdoor east from Hardripg_Ofiles of W. ILCooper d Co., Tgroplkest. Itotitrose, - Pa. : BILLINGS STROUDI Agent. MKS. E. SffilTll, Solicitor lifontrose,.llay =lna: • LEIIIGIi VALLEY EAILROAD.. ' On and after June 10, 1872.traint on the Lebidli 1 / a llo7 Railroad W W ran as follows: • aoteu. ' 11011113. • 343 100 910 • Elmira 1345 013 i 45. 610 110 9.43 Waverly 1100 B.:, -Dm 113 187 1000.... .Attiene_ .. 11 4!‘ 23 90; 433 91)5 10 4 0,....T01tanda.‘,.:....1115 467 810. 551 _ 1133 " Wyaltolng 09 - tied : 5 , 43 '3 03, 11.50 7.acyvflle 949 4 6 ti ed, 614 • 191/..L Meelial,pi; _ 990 .1) . • 0211 . 12 21., GM, „3 30 , 11 1 45.i s aaalartaaaek:.. 849 BlO. 55: IVZ I A , i.4:1710 • 4 33.. :Wrath Chunk .. 11 4.5 - 133 0. 8 . ;139 5 50. ',..,..7111ent011en A;11e10 47 .13 211 .' • ;II 40 505 , ; ~, 1030 MOO 915 g - 1002 ll 115 , „1080` 8 Ig....Phlisdelptila',.. 401§ Teo l iinet Shil Directory ;int year, 111 Zr. iiddilionailinv GO eta, ' NEW M42OE.D. BAAINGB BANIV.ZiEW MILV. D.—Stx. per eat. tenet on lit Dopositn. _Doo, , liiirtntTal Banking_ Deo nay. :-.„; IL cE . IASB &Ca PIASTE-Rl-'iNtortoiik entozatmiza it'c'9glogyzmina catrwrllotvr. :nab zrouta. 14. L . , 3ioDeafen Dry Gads. llata,Cap • 13oora and h ove e; and General gerebernlleo, on Sda, . atte11t. 0 ,5 0 11.d...4.1 0 2 Mow ILA Sybooyd Chnreh. • CNION norm. kept by WILLIAM S jTU, ap 31a:a striv;i4ear . rkecput. 7 .7. o , „ tat.D, Foundry. anclAusler In rtDWa andot i r .!Itaiit It. one door from !Id nuey's ito:el, Main M. p. n. Camara Vitar lira ljndertaktr. ue 31aln Strut, two doors below Uswier.. l4ol,4 • UsCOLLUSI anoTaps. Dethits;,gst 13tOcerIcs and PIOViIiDAS; on Mtn btreet.• • • - - n.onnnsr ii"SON. Dealers L 3 Flour. viie, hut. sAtt..uirke,,Cciaent, Grocer! el and Trotlgen OD tu Street, opperettapto Delgtt. - W. dr: T. HAYDEN.' Maniacal:ll.4s Or.Clgare tad telteleeele dealers b.Yukee Nationit,and Yawl ,Gootly.ob Slain Street. Wolf EntsunialCtioseb. • MOSS i. 101 AP, Leatherltcnufheturcre and dealers • In Mc oceo kindlogoi, &S.. smut Episcopal. Church. e NINET .t HAYDEN. Dollen" Di Drmatidlindleb.. end Manatactatern of Opt*, on 3Sin West, ntet tte Depot. W. STEPdENS. lloree Shoeing end general Itepairluz un Unto street. south of the bane. .7. DICICERMAN. Ja.. beater la general "truxL►ndt•a and Cluthlug, Etrlek Store. on Shan street. L. S. LENLIgLif, Slannta,cLarer at Leather.asul In gee.tia ilerebandlse, on )111a street a, ' .U. Y. DORAN, Merchant Tailor and dealer la Deady Blade Clothing, Dry Gooda,Uroeerlesanderoebtons Blain Street.. HIRAM 3tanntattaresoriaad 'della in /urn 'ar Plow. and Casting.. - U. M. TINOLSY—Dester In Storm Ttn, Copper. liras 'And Sheegran Ware, Caelings &C. • Alao.llllllalletem er Or Ebert ?deists to order. Eve Trough and Lead Pops _ business: attended to 411 fair prices—Gibson - 14ns sr.. Penusyleaats.-Iy. EDWARDS & DRYAn. Manufacturers of -Wept.. and Sleighs, near Rio It*,,stieStore. o. . . . 0. S. BESSE—County Surveyor, of Suiqueltinno Cons tr. °Etta in the Coot Rowe, Montivte. ADEL =DRELL. Dealer in . Draw*. goon!. Palate, Oils, Ds.' Groceries , Jewel," Notloae,ete. Notions,ete. Pup. 11, 4 70 • JAMS E. CARISikt.T, MinnOr at Law: