taut Had Peat. now To r.trrrai CSIc E 1 R. It is hopeless to attempt to fatten chick. ens while they tiro at liberty. - They must be puq in a proper coop; and this, like most other poultry appurtenances, not be expensive. To fatten twelve fowls, a cqop may be three feet long, eighteen inches high, and eighteen inches deep, made entirely of bars. No part solid neither top, sides, nor bottom. • Discre tion must be used. according to the size of the chickiins pot up. They do not want room; indeed, the closer they' are the better—provided they can all stand up at the same time. Care must be taken to put up such as have been accustomed to . be together,or they will fight. If one is quarrelsome, it is better to remove it at once, as, like other bad examples, it soon finds imitators. A diseased chicken should not be put up. The food should be ground oats; and may either be pat up in a trough or on a flat board running along the front of the coop. It may be murex' with water or milk—the latter is the better. It should be well soaked, forming , a pulp as loose as can be, provided it does not run off the board. They must be well fed three or four times 's day—the first time as soon after daybreak as May be possible or con venient, and then at intervals of four Hours, Each meal should be as much aneno more than they can eat up clean. When they have done feeding, the board stiouldhe, wiped, and some gravel may be spread. It causes them to feed and thrive. After a fortnight of this treatment you will have good fat fowls., If, however, there are but five or six to be fatted they must nothave as much as though there 'were twelve. Nothing is easier than to allow them the proper space; as it ie only necessary to have two or three pieces of wood to pass between the bars and form a partition. This may also serve when fowls are up tit ifferent degrees of fat ness. This requires attention, or fowls will not keep fat and healthy. As soon as the fowl is sufficiently fat ted it must be killed ; otherwise it will not get fatter, but will lose flesh. If fowls are intended for thn market of course they are or may be all fatted atonce ; but if for home consumption, it is better to put them up at such intervals as will suit the time when they will be required for the table. When the time arrives for killjng, whether they are meant for market or otherwise, they should be fasted without food or water for twelve or fifteen hours This enables them to be kept for some time after being killed, even in hot weather.—Besfen Journal of Chemis try. low TO UNITE THE ENDS OP LEAD PlPE.—Whatever the size of the pipe may be, procure a block of lard wood, say four or five inches long, and four inches in diameter; bore a hole straight through the centre, so nearly the size of the pipe that the block can be driven on the end of the pipe with a light hammer. If one has a set of anger bits, it will not be dif ficult to select a bit of the proper size to make a water-tight fit, Let the block be driven clear on the pipe, so that the end of the pipe will be flush or even with the end of the block. Now place the two ends of the pipe together, and drive the block off one pipe on the other, until the joint will be in the madle of . the block. If the hole in the bldek is mhde of the proper size, the block Asia fit so closely that the joint will be water-tight And, if the ends of the pipe-are dressed off tree and square, the joint will be so strong that it will sustain the pressure of ahead or colimin of water one hundred feet high. Iron pipe may be united in.thesame man ner. Should the joint leak . a trifle, let shingle nails be driven into the wood around the pipe, so as to press the timber firmly. around the pipe. This mode of ioining pipe will be found very conven ienh—lndusfria/ Monthly. ELL:CM FRUIT ix THE SELILDP--A Triter in the Fruit Recorder, evidently a clergyman, contributes the results of ex periments in raising fruits in the shade : A parishioner objected to planting rasp berries because he had no place for them except the north side of his barn. In 1863,1 planted two rows of rasp beniei about sixty feet long, and three feet apart, in the rows directly west from a two-story bpilding, and under the north side of a tight board fence, so that they got no sun till afternoon, and -not more than two or three hours of any . day ; and from that plantation we have picked two bushels in a.season of Bed Antwerp, and Brinckle's Orange, that were the admira tion of our neighbors.. The finest Black-caps leverzaised were directly under the north side of a high balm I hare raised a full crop of strawberries —Russell's—in the same location, and thaa lengthened out the strawberry sea son, as they ripened a week later than those that had the full benefit of the sun. St acserrox tar Pr AIM—M. Fignier believes that a plant has the sensation of pleasure and pain. Cold, for instance, he saps; affects it painfully. We see it con :tract, or, so to speak, shiver under a irio kat deforession of temperature. An ab normal-elevation of temperature evident ly causes it to surfer, for in many vegeta ble; when the heat is excessive, the leaves droop on tee' stalk, fold themselves to gether, sad Wither; when the cool deco fling comes, the leaves straighten, anclthe plant. resumes a serene and undisturbed appearance. Drought causes evident suf fering to plants, for when they arc water ed alter a prokuiged drought they show signs ofsatisfaction. The sensative plant tonchld by the finger, or only visited • by a mint - of unwelcome air, folds its pe tals sad contracts itself. The' potantist Desfontaineiaaw one which be was con veying in a carriage fold its leaves while the vehicle was in motion, and expand them *ben it stopped --0 proof that it Was the motion that disturbed it. Sen sation in plants is of the same kind as in animalicsince electricity Ms and thrush es them w sit does animals. Plants may be also put to sleep by washing — them in opium, dissolved in water, and 'hydrocy anic acid destroys' their vitality as quick ly Ds it does that of:animals—Journal of Lforficuliare. , • , 'MOB= TREATMENT OF A= They never'ponish4 . lence, amide that in the bands - of a foreigner, would-be not only useless, , but dangerous to every one about it, becomes in the posession of a Chinkman - as (a let as a lamb awl as tract able as a dog. We never beheld a runs .way, a jibing or a vicious mule or noisy. HOLIDAY GOODS' • 1 tare added to WY entansire ettrOrty of LAMS and TABLE OLAEUWARII. - _• • Or MOTTO CUM and BACCERE. MOTTO MUGS ad TOY TEA WITTE In_md . Also. YAM and FANCY YOILET of the owf df OPP. AEI Vine goodsl bare Imprrted directly :from Earope. and my prices are as low as any Importer ean the tam goods la either this city or New York - . A. J. WEIDNEIt. Nos. 111 South Second and is st drr rawbas.Sts 8.-117 .tack of crtasszuens, especially adapted to Churches. Overt large. Books of drawings showing the design of each Chandelier and Bracket, will be sent on mutest. Tor. AGENTS WANTED • FOR INSECTS AT HOME.' r g ..PV.ri t ," "td % a at i 7? fgglg a gn P tlrogrl " a The drawlngs e arn falthflal representations or Intent and plant." Bend far cirenLar. Addstes GEOLIOE 111/00101.114 Worth sersnth street, Philadelptds. • Soy. 611171—c. w. ‘i The Great . Cause • ZE1Cu.23342.22.. mmicserry. Just PubfisAtd to a Ekativi Eurefops. Pries Six Crab. .111 Lecture RC onn etrhnea NatUrt y Treatment and o m i mvo an a o rylmission ha nd s nPed m alls WlMn . fi lg:l i rgll:g; l7T. and Fit.. g from Be... Abuse, ac.—By ROBERT J....EiLv M. D... Author of the" Green Doak." de.' Th. world-renowned author. in this admirable Leclerc clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of iselfabruse may be effectually remort d without medleines.ead without daoserous atnical op erations. hoagies. lostmments. rings, or conlblo, point. log out a mode at once certain and abetted by which every WA co re matter what hi. condition mat be. TAPAT-Neggli , ro l lllo l lTralt i t i :24 l o[T s . SANDS. Bent under seal. to any address. In plain gelled envel ope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps , Also Dr. Culverwell'a "Marriage Guide, 'price 50 cents. Address the Mashers. cHARLEs.I. C. min cO., LT/ Bowor7 New Irak. Yost-Offiee $l,OOO REWARD MIGHT ALLEVANTOR. is competed of Ammonia. Chloroform. Spirits of Camphor. Tincture of Topallne, Oil of Jumper. and Alcohol This compound is on equalled in the annals of medicine for the mire of Ner. vane orSlek Headache. Nenraleia, Trembling or Twitch. wantsthe Nerves:and all Nem= Diseases. It will ract alipolsons, banish pimples, cure ectly crop tione. itching. humors, &C., it equalizes the cir9lation, invigera ex c i ti ngtem Increases the action of Reheat, without he bran, arms Eleartbrun.Palpitation and Flultering of the Heart. Dyspepsia. &e. Briggs' Allevantorabsoluttly possesses more curativepropertlee than any other preparation. Physicians, chemists and others are rentneeted to examine and test the remedy and $lO3O will be paidif found different from representa tion. COUGHS. te z. a elha m s n y See n t o . d ti v t; bean offered for the relief and cure ad throat and lung diseases: bat nothing has been so eminently successful or obtained such a wide celebrity, an Briggs' Throat and Long Healer. COIFS. by 'r': ex.7`,.'12 4 /ri a n a gM i r trans Itnnione. the piercing, &stressing pain from in growing Nalls.cannot be described. Thoustaxats Ferrer, not knowing there le a mare. Briggs' Corn and Benton Remedies are no acid or potash compound,. but ore re. liable soothing, and effectnaVand just merit the raceme they hare earned hea l ing an appreciative public. Tbe Curative Is a healing ointment: Immediate relief Is obtained by its application, and it will positively curs the worst cases of Festered Corns, intlamedand Ulcerat ed Banton., the unrest Inste p. the largest and severest Misters. the most extensive Wlesiticuson the soles or heels of the feet unequalled in the mire of Chilblains or Frosted Feet. The Allevantor for ordinary corns and pteyenting their formation Is absolutely ueexcelled by anything known.' PI LE S cave been terror .I..7antlfrmdpi'g care them has been baffled. By notteaslog etndy and experimenting. Dr-Brig:step dlecovered and absolute care for Internet, bleeding. external, and itching piles. 110=1' File Remedies are mild. safe and sure. ens, Bunions, Bad Nails, Diseased Joints and all ,diseases of the feet, also. Piles. Cancer. and Scrothrions Humors. elelllthly Rated by Dr. J. Briggs & Co., cr. Itroadvray„ N. Y. Sold by ADEL TURBILLL, liontrOte, Pa., and BURNS a NICIIOs,S, llontrose. Pa. June 19 1921 EXCELSIOR FUR EMPORRIE. Witer.Wholessle end BMW. " • " Raving imported weery lint andjrplendid•assort. meat of all the different *Jade of FURS fruk drat hands to E Europe , would empeetrally Invite the J readers of thle =per to cell and examlne the assortment of Piney Furs. lam determined toga at Steil:Welt earA Prime. AU Foos Warrants& So misrepresentations to giftcl oast. - FURS ALTERED AHD REMRED . REMESIBERVID: STORE .- 418 ARCH ST. Oct. MIL 1822-10 t PHILADELPHIA. 11 1 111 LINGS STROUD. General Insurance-Agent, SUE, LIVE AHD eneteErr ISISTS O 43C3, 3312.0zstrosise. Hartford Tire Ins « Co.. r.spitsi and Surplus tX0.009 Home Ins. Co, N. I', Capita/end barplas, 000,000 Royal Ina. Co. Liverpool " VOSSO,OOO Liverpool. London &Globe d1t,000,000 Franklinlns. Co.. Pairs - $3,150.000 Poi Co., of North America •• 13,130,0(0 asybranta Piro Ins. Co.. State of penn'a UM= Union Racalmoo* Ly eomtng lac.tnumeport co. 8600 .000 scom 111 X 3P 37 . Cann. Minna Life Ins. Co.. Ass!tt a s'= .000/00 American Life. Phu's. • $3,500.01* AL.ezicrincomari e r. TratenrsJas.Co..fisiford,Capitalarid Surplus 50.000.000 Hallway Passengers 5550,000. The onderaigneel hasbeen well known In Ibis eonnty.for Mensal 17years.as an Insurance Agent. Looses sustained by bls Compalnlea bare alsays been promptly paid. VirOftlee drstdoor east from Ranking °lnce of IV. /L Cooper 6 Co..Tdropike at. Montrose,Ta. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CHAS. H. MUTH, Solicitor • Montrose. May 51.181!. j _ERICH VALLEY RAILROAD. -Li On and atter Stine 10, 1812.. trains on the Lehigh Wiley Etailroad emu follown - norms. P. v. T. X. 1.1; • P. IL T. 74 T. X 3 45- ICO 910 2591124...... - 1145 . 613' 945 1111 130 945 Waverly, 11 00 535 900 325 137 10 00 &heap... ... 114'5 625 550 420'105 10 40 Towanda. —.ll 03 467 310 511 11 30 Wyalsulng ....10 23 715 545 303 11 50 Leyvilla 943 405 661 614 12 12....ltrahoppen .... 920 629 41' 12 20....51eb00pray .... 915 635 665 360 12 43...Tanklainnor.k... 841 310 650 813° 443 ' 1 - 150 • Plaatha' ' 725 2el • 460 4115 5,00 2 15...WIlkes•Barrei... 700 315 -.430 ... 130 4 35...Marmb Clank_.. 1545 185 r.s. 833 1560.....A11eat0wn 4...7. 10 47 12 20 640 6 05.....8e1b1ehem .... 1030 12 00 916 6 35.......Ea5ian • 1005 11 35 lOW 820....Philadelphla... • eso. 145 i!CM:1!1!1!1!=! No. ZS telmea Towanda at 'IL 10 a. in.; - Athens. I 50 ; WaTer/7. 805 s. m.. aniring at Elmira at 9 60 a.m No. 31 leaves MADE ar..5113 let Wwerti7. at 015 m.; Athens, at 640 p. m, anteing at Tow 'oda at 115,, m. Boom Elmiratac to trains and Minting through from to Philadelphia. B. A. PACKER, auperintautent, IVXINAT 3F',XELM.I NEW GOODS. • nib. uodendened hiring ratted.; rettindatted end .L restocked the tdere. formerly oteepted by U. Iteo pm. Jr.. at Lawirrille Centre. are seer prepared to torts , Mt the ;septet with ea OW: MU rastety - - D,RY G . O 0 DZ.! GROCERIES 1/ BOOTS, if ato' tr • - . ..• CROCIZERY ifeofe. adt IA brae lafsrbri cod .0 41 .!; I t'_ ll Pi "1' GABE ar.' lustra. tawnint C0ate.b.,144111, 7171 o.X.Cust. put gultutionutnto. -Ib-11. ilO PER DAYI Ames waate2ll , :- §a . LAJ co &MP All dams aro, people, u either tax, yaaagor old, make more mon at work for as to their spire momenta or all the Um that at anything else. Particulars free. addram STlN scor,a co..Partolid wane. 1118 PMade Slioy„ Torcry clerk amd atc• chant can Darn It once. Zook marled. SO cents.— _ U. GOULDING BRYANT, Danko, N. Y. iITSCII . B - IM M PERIAL BIIRAN Gilgrustparia.—Wholsiale , to tbetrade. fines cans sent. postpaid, on receipt of ft. W. T. FRILTEAUFf. Heading, PP. AGENTS wANTED EyEitygillEßß um, to Berl the best low priced Corn• Sheller ever patented, ffanners and evershodt who has Corn to shell sea3d or airman' . to FAXILY COII2i.BIIELLEIt CO., Oarriaburz. Pa. • CIREAT OTIOSITY —A 10.11ega the lA/h -ill; eat order for $l. Arent wanted inf er y town, on parpctuat income. "end 10 cents (or Becl_men_. to .)myth's Drilar .Ifcgraine, 61 Liberty S t., N. Y. 1823. JUBILEE 1873. OF THE. NEW YORK OBSERVER! The Best Religious& secular Family Newspaper 13 a Seer with the ram= YEAR BOOK SIDNEY E. MORSE & co., 37 raru Row, New York. SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. A GENTS WNNTED—For Harriet Beecher Stott/ell AACampaign book. with Svcs of The candidate* and leading men of all partici. TA STEEL PORTILaITS.— TAto 1.10 a day rap' sly and easily mad,. Write ana see. Particulars (re*. WOIITIIINGTON, DUSTIN a-CO . , Haitian% Agents Wanted for Conlin:es uifili n comili m AT on 0N THE BIBLE for the HONE CIRCLE. I,VM) pares, =0 Regrerlngs. The beet euterprlre ur the year fur agents. Etery Emily will hare 11. Nothing like it nom published. Fur Circular , neldrees li.B, Goon arzstp &Co, el 'Park Row. Now York. GOOD COUNTRY TALLOW WANTED 'Hottest price pald for prime quality by L. M. ELK IN N. Soap and Canoto Manufacturer, MO Margaret as Street, TOSadulptda. 01 chsomEßE TONIC Is unsurpassed as Promoter. of the Growth of the flair and Whiskers. It la neither stielor nor greasy, yet It softens and smoothes the Unit far better sod moropermanently than any Oil or Pomade. Used as a Gale Dressing. it produces the most beantlful and buttons gloss. Warranted perfectly harmless. Its esquistte perfume Is quite wish - ailed, being distilled from the world renowned Roses of Cashmere, Large battles, ouly 60 cents. Address ASCIIENBACLL 61ILLS.R. 400 N. 34.1 St.. Phifailehitils. Pd. A. Great Event ! Vi'ehave decided to dispose of our immense stock of BILLIARD TABLES at urines a little above cost.— First-class bulk New Tables. comslete.s3 ,l o. Second hand Table* made over neer.5201,1215. s=ue, de. A great variety lo suit oil buyers. Scu DEC K Catalogue. EAVAZIJIGH & ER, Car. Canal 5. lentre Streets, New Yolk. A UPHAM'S ASTHMA CURE STIIMA : _ relieves dm most violent psi' . °sines lofty. minutes, dud effects a speedy core.— 7s. cents a box, b mall. Circulars Imo, fiddelphia, Address S. C. UPIIA3I, :5 South Elzhil SLreet, rb Pa. Sold by all Druggists. 3E1E40.1E1.1=1.1331_83 0 .' I 'tam,' with CATARDEI thirty year,, and tens eared by a simple rauctly. WIII send trope pontage Dee. to all ailltcted. Bey. T. J. MEAD. Dwyer 176, Syracure, N. Y. T. isAAcs, Itnceessot to 11l FAIGRA. 18,-Anca le Of the Block, lib & 8121 etc .111LADELPBEA.. Inter and liannfao tura of Drug!Store! ANCY,FURS ladles wad Chlldraeo zirrxtivret ttt wxclzr.cridal. BRICK BLOM, MONTROSE, PA., Sign of the Golden Eagle and Mortar VITIf. Desire to inform the public that we bays moved Vl,_our Stott: of Drum Medicines, Paint., Oils, Brush e',..VOinbtl. Perfumery. Fancy Articles, etc.. lulu the Brick Store, formerly occupied by Guttenberg, Rosen banm it. Co. We have rucently fitted op this store 10 Modem Style, end shalt endeavor to km? well supplied with all articles pertaining to the Diu g Businere. We extend to everybody a cordial invitation Is call and see as when In want of anything In our hue, and when no. in want, give os a friendly mil. To all out old customers we dash,' to express oar thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to ns. We shall emicaver to merit a continuance of the same. Very Truly Yours, A. 11.-BURISS. AMOS NICUOLS. bloatroee. bet.. Igll. MD Gill ME Postponed to December 7, 1872. No, No. No Si 1. is - mrssECONDGItAND GIFT CONCERT in aid of the POIILICLIZMAILY or Kearecar, anoonneed for September S. has been postirmed to December 7, 1872, bemuse the accumulation of orders the few days before the dressing made drubi pysically Impossible to d I them withold a few days . and as a abort postpone meet eras Inerltahle, it woe determined to defer it to a timt that wield Make a fail drawing tore by the sale of all the tickets. The mom neeereary to pay in foil all the orered ens Is now upon deposit to the Farmer's and Drawer's at,. as will be seen by the following certificate of the Cashier. - - - - • Firturns. AND MOV o ERS' DANK. Lon tir. 1.43, • This 110 certify that there is now on deposit in this Itankower full *million of donors to the credit of the Gift oncert rand, t 500.400 of which is he Kentucky bank. as Treasurer of the Public Library of to payoff gifts awarded at Re g o dwing' . . 'MACH. Cubler. ICO 900 • two prizes, Amounting to 500,000 ...IN CASH. wlllbeaskrded.the highest Flare beine 1100.000.150: oatoz.ooti...nne down In regular gradation to elto j . which to the loweet. • The drawing will poititely and uncijutrorally take , place December 7, Agents- are peremptorily required to close tales and make returns Notembdr 15. In order to glare accipl e time for the anal arrangements. Orders for tleketi orapplicationa for circulars choeld be ad &used to • Gov.-THOS. E. DIthItLETTL' - Agent. Public Lititur7 of EClltatky, . LOliletthe, IE7, BlATeraltrs • Foa 1 - XPEtVED cUcullßEa WOOD .4 pump. A al:melee,. Durable, r Melent ti and Cbeap. The best primp for the • I I •-• least moneY,Mreotlon Is especially invited to Blatchler's Patent Darrow - I rd Bratket bed Xew Dry Check ji • i I ,lllre, IthiCh Can hill/ithdraVrn Oita. out removing Me Pumpordleturblut _ thololnta. Also. the CopperCbember Which never =CU. 11,11101 PElll4lll whereer. Par tale by Dealers every Send for Catalmme Frio Caug.D.Deaecin,rr,WPr, ' =Commerce St., Phila., Ps. Der, IStb, 1874.—1e0. • . HARDWARE COLD JEWETAY7--A.:::Fme.'Agmirt -11-A 'meat. aall other frartettis of dcirelty. few Gold asartUter. Casa Wotchrs *tad Watch - Matas, Eirrer sad gainer plated Doom", FOOD,. ohms. Do., Amason. irildarsortmaat of Ironer (Rada, Notions. Perfumery. De. Drags and Meacham • taiga (tack. • Dovroge, Fa.. Dec. fO. 71. 4DA TO= f THE EAGLE PROPRIETOM 50,000 IN BAN K 3'11:71:1-101 igiviCrll.3o AT WILLIAM 'SMITH'S Exterielsa Fenn= Werr a," mjott !lad the largest FIRST CLASS AND COMMON I 'UIINITURE! • To be toned In this section a the country, of hie own manufacture, and at prices that cannot fall to give astir (entices. Lie tales the very bon EXTEDISION 'BALES la tho Choutry, and WARRANTS them. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of all kinds done 11:1 th• neatest manna M = " lit IsT ta• 76 79 : OF VA MOUS EfiNus. LIME NO.I MATRASSES, COMMON MATRASSES UNDERTAKING. Tito subscriber all! hereafter make the undertaking specialty in his business. llnring ju.t completed a NEW Ind the mutt elecnnt HEARSE in iho State. nil nettling his cervices will he attcodtd to prumpuy nod at satisfactory charges. WPI. V. SMITH & SOI\I. tiontroaa, Pa., Jan. t. 1672.—n05—tr. 110101,11NG • War:a:MD. Ltcronsn 117:,1 TS Claimed by nor best Judges. t meet. te necess hi ity nng felt, of a Convenien o t. Praeti h cal. Our e Gate, no indorsed by the hivlie , 4 nuthorit v in America. Is entirely different f , orn and has many ad co n,eure, over any other Onto ever Invented. to l'hean and ensile conetructed anti for convenience cannot fail to please all Can he l.peer I and cloned without the oppernlor changing bin ponition. Winer or pen, a polind. and If ' desired canbe easily arranged to be opened and cloned wltlfunt dismountlng. occupies I , omrrcground when opened then two postn wi hunt gate. thin tontine it very deoleahle ever one other Gate to rant:tern and those tiring in Villages end Tl,ll, In in orner rvery day to the year. no nnow te chute! In winter. It can '°lllnuortrhger.tpaanrtti"ccila7s'a'',l;trenn the nada retgned. who will en tar as: petwilde villa the several OotntPm in Pennswicanla and adjoin leg Staten. for the purpose of exhibiting and Mira the same. Permern and enterprising moo generally will do well to give thin npeckl attention. &stills Gate certainly will go Into general tte. GEO. S. MMKZY, Frovintor. Wyoming Co-, Pa. Jrm• 11. 'T.4--tf. ~:r_n►.~rs, VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR .~ ,~ A` ~~ IZ►, ^ ~~ Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to Merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; end it is the only reliable and perfect ed . preparation for restoring GRAY OR NADER Hun to its youthfid color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical HAIR DRESSING ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy aypearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents arc pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST FnErs asrtox for its intended purposes." sad S Drugs/isle, and Denkra in Jiadichus. Pilo° Om Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE warsmens. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we hare prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will rpickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is,. easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by 11.. P. HALL: & CO. STASELVA, NIL flyer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood: It has stood dm test of years, with a con stantly growing rep , utation, based on its intrinsic virtues,' and' sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching, as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous . and syphilitic contamination. impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system foiyears, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful euroi, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers,. Eruptions, and eruptive din ordmi of the skin, 'tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose Erysipe• las, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ritigworm, and internal 'ecrations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cams other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, DY•spep. Ma, Fits, Neuralgia; Heart Disease, Female . Weakness, Debility, • and Leueorrhtea, when, they are manifests dons of the scrofulous poisons. ' -, • ' It is an excellent restorer of heidth and strength in the Spring. Sy renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive 'organs, it dissiptges the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better. and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The syitem moves li rsith renewed vigor and a now lease of ; • , • •••04k.'.1 \f/j074, PREPARED Dr Dr,.I,9.AYER & CO.; Lowell; Mass., Practical and Analytical Cheatistrt soiDur ALL uutrGolsTs mannivuzazt Sold by Abel TiurelLond. Burns & Nichols Montrose, and all druggistiv'tind dealers- every where. - [Dee. 21, 18*M--3, igAnLotrs'limoo BLIIL:-. le the ebeeipese ead ben levelo- .the tnaiket .tar t icg Pebere at bcr g e..urtigStore. No. M 3 North s exton, phis. D B. WILTBEIWER, Propri Tos sale bt Deesztal , •ed(inxebb GM US lOU Witibiliii DO YOU WANT lAMIE; 33 EST Sewing Machine MO old the emd patrons ot Surpnehanna count) .— IL again In the add aolttlting your patronage tor The Original Howe Sewing Ermine ESTADI.DRIED, MT. IMPROVED, WO • Pleue call and see tt, with the tinprneement_s. suo•d Itemembur the Outline llovre haS no medallion head. ROOMS AT- 56 Court Street, Blughampton, IV. V., lsorDt_atore, Montrose, Pa. Nontraga, Jan 13. 1J72 AGENTS WNTEO SOF:rutt.e,tpa.s,t;urit.ireil;lona --tvith tat lllnvitations, likenesses of the Presidints henna:4lly boned, and printed on tinted paper. THE NATION Its Rulers, and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND G.ERMAN: Nothing like It. Strikes everybody As loot the book thry nerd. It Is on Encyclopedia of the Government. Single rages In It. are of thetnrelvn worth the price of t he hon ra k, Orersoo pages and any rll 50. • A Bich liar vent for Canvasee— ladles an gentlemen—limners.. trackers and students. tins agent took 75 erdcrs to afeu j days, TWA circa:dr alone. Dr pre the book appeared. 821 a day ran be cleared to fair tent. ory. Write at enee fat CLrenlsrand information NEW WORLD puntSIIING CU.. Corner ith and Market Streets. PhiladelphlL. No vembet 1. 1071_-1v vow ArrivaL—FRESII AND SD 1.. PERIOII TEAS, twit tredve.' and rar aile low for Cash at 11. J. WEBB'S. vow Crock ery —FOR SALE AT IT J. WEBB'S. Glassware FOR SALE AT H. J. WEBB'S 231 12 i , e/ 34 01 Ashton Salt FOR SALE BY EL J. N% ora:iges and Lemocn.,;llA,T LOOK.IA.)( 3 K C:10 MERCHANT'S AND TRADERS ' IN THIS COUNTY AND EYE WHERE:I DC* V 3311:7"ir M. C. TYLER 79 XBl DUANE ST., N. Y [wren is Conn Co.) AND IF 1"O7'. IVIIY I'O7 rt_EXERAL II MIDSVA RE. Cattery Shovels. Lookind Clltmtetb Lightning and man.. thee X Cut Saw., Steel. and tend pole Axes. (the best to the World, every kind of Brushes. Door Locke, Pad Locks. Knobs, hone. Hummer, Plaints, Ilesulyers, Faucets. Ottlico ter'• Tonle Blacksmith's Benno. and Tools. Pitted liniveo, Fake and Spoon, and everything u•ually kept In a First Class hardware impairing andlobbing House do Nlistakel I My mincers anks are tendenage. as also to the m red tn the many In my own County, for the kind pltroany In other Coantire. who may read this. .nd a general Invitation hi hereby given for a continwell a• to thrum woo are willing to give me trial. who hove ant dada so, by orders or cille Trnly, PIL C. TYLER. Montrose, March, 'X, 1672.—U. SUSplill 9 In% 3:111N) TUTS berme Is now completed and me, far eecorno- Motion of •lalton end the treatment of Ingele The following ere among the Airmen known to • bean cured,by the ascot the Satqaahenna Ite.tel Water. DISPEPSIA. GRAVEL, DIARETIS, KIDNEY DISEASES VENERIAL DISEASES, DROP SY. ALL IMPURITIES of the BLOOD, LIVER COMPLAINT, ULCERS PII.ES, CHRONIC ntAnnmts, FP.II ALE DISEASES. RUED. 31A•rism, ERYSIP. ELM% SALT RHEUM, CROFCLA. C7ll3Lt Ci•XLOC:Vlisti 7aiSIOCI.OIOOI. • To those• vsbo contemnisto visiting the Springs, we would nay tbaltbaliOUSSienTlED with a YinWAille of our OWES No:awe shall ewe so pains in loottog to their welfare. We goarautee a cure or decided help, or nu par. For further parilculari enquire of, or Address ii. D. BUTS aI3I7:CIM, & Tiro April, 11,157: -si3 WOOL-GROWERS TARE NOTICE. strOIET, WOOLEN MILL Ts runelov, sm OPnal. mnk 1.11. log gtll wain Ilanne checked and white; el-o cotton warp flannel. the best ever made; oil • wool tweeds mud catmlrneres.. A lame let n't cloths on hand, for sale Of to ezehango for wool. Plea*. , give me a Im before illsposlna of rum wool elsewhere. MEL ell' miles north of Montrose. • J. W. NOM Montrose. Jima 7. IE7I. • lIDWARIY,SANITARY AID A:SSOCI For theßelief and cure of the Erring; and rnfattutiate,On Ay .. Principle-r Chriatlan l'illtantbrapy. Bantle On the Eworrar Youth end the Follies of Ant to relation to Ilartiace end !aortal Evils, with 'antler aid for the eflUcted. daft free, in Healed envelope. Ad dterailoWA.l3l3 ASSOCUTlON.l3oi.P:l'llllaaolehle camp. INV E S'T 31.1 E N Dianiclpel Bonds- fot Sr,le; 'nate trOndsure tuned by virinra'ar the titian Consil. Cations • granting the Legislanaras the right to emict taws authorizing Ories,Cotroties and.TOWLIS to Wane ars colitis , in accordance with /nth lawn for Certain inter• nal improvements, and tannest tanned there Is no pow, tribal .= legally defeat them:" Staten may repudiata; Ilatsteltud Kiss cannot. .These bonds aro a drat ties op., on sU hop properly or inn iseltiding Itallroadsandmorigaged pr mina. lihrowd; far -Anteing investors are ebanginir their Goireinintl3l and alley !in grain intalleserdssirablo bonds. Joy : explanattoo wall.trayborialiyersn.snd Bonds in denominations or liloo,ll=4oC . Mlll,lO/eith; for atoll Curds b.ticscillalosta::; winduknas Depot, Aig.l4%/8114—W3 AND AT H. H. DUNMORE WATER CURE. COUFORT and EASE Susquehanna Ilineral Springs, Rush, 'Zest!a. R. R. R. , RAtIWAY'SfiEIOI PREF In from Ono to twenty ffiimitoo. NOT ONE, HOUR alter roathogllAA wit erti.rtntui ..e.:awy ens K.II.TER IVLTII VAIN. rutnr.vrs r.r.APY r.cittv IN 13 A YOB I'A. otattho erg- eml lo • The Only Pain 'Remedy that Itutisolly stops the ovrt tutvelathig la , mays 11.1;$10., and cam. Ct=nin. ..0. , a the beeßt.. BWreet.b, Urnsts, or othra ' cram, by ow, optic. FROM trim To TiII:NTT MINTTTN. Etriartar Loy elolern ee einnintalles the toript 11.4 IttfEEL TIU, Deflfidtien, (nerve, Crlt•plctl, tremens, Neur-2ate. Or leeteindeel 'rah atom maystftf, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INBTANT MANE. ENYLAMMATION or TUN NENEIN. INFLAMMATION BO WE L SE r,LAnnr.R. INFLAMMATION ONTHE CONtiIe3TION OF TITO =_:G& SORE TEHLOAT, DIFFICULT LINEATION° PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CUOCV, INYLL'ENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHAPITF— NEUNALCIA. r.utt3ILTISII. COLD CHILLS. ACME- 4:1111,1.1. The application of th e Reedy Mellor he the had eT inlets where th e pain of. dliteulty ova. riratloni eau and antifott. ffAIT Anin.‘,11723001 f of eat., F 5. i•YAS3IS, i I nto s fee LA DISENTERTt COLIC WIND IN TU. DOWEL.% W INTERNAL PAINg. reenter. , Shonkt slava fatty a Lottla of Hatltont'a MtnifllfiThillefanth them. . few drops in to v. raNtele=ilcdra;'=V:it*lgnillf,. FEVER AND AGVE. 1I other AlatrlMlN, 1i1143 , 1 4 . 5c.1 , 1 , 1. Is ;boll, Tallow and other Vey,. calcled I , y ltA 'MAY'S ri/J,s, ao cola,. as RADIVAT'S ItELLE.V. kitty c.ula per Wan. Bold by pruczilts. , HEALTH! BEAUTY!! xTrtosa AND PIMP: TUCK VIACM—INCIIZAsN FLESH AND WINI;NT-01.F.AN E.NIN ,‘ ND k.:A.1.;• TIFCL COMPLEXION brA.:UUND 10 ALL.. DRa R 'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT 11A5 MADE VIE MOST ASTONIhNINO (TEES, at U at t l n ;a s VllMlTil l i:9; A ll 'l n/E T l i t n; f l lPlT lVE,alan OF WONDELD'UL 'lll4g EVory• Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD . PURIFIER. Elver,' drop of the SARSAPAra htl AN ItESOLVIINT communicates therm& the Mood, Sweot, 1.74,1:11.1 ether Adis sad Jokes of the intent the vigor J Co. for it rstwtia IM wastes or the body with hew awl Anciii rintseitt. Couannaption. (Plod ie. dhow% Ulcer lb IS the Tome; Month. Totem% Node. li to (Vane/ awl MU/ parted the syments Sore Eye.. litichtri 3 from the Easa end the word, totem of disc:wen, kart, _ ne n to Fever 8 , 41:o, Scald Item!. 10en ore, can !into , . t Ery4palsa. ARM Week Spot; Wont.a In the 11th. Tone ,•, Conners In Hoe Wornhoutil wwilt ermetsina tel ;:,bolo! Gls ehAttee. Night:Sweat; Lots of Sp, Met nI es...earth, lire principle, too within the enrollee ,acre of tlab wood, of Modern Chemistry. and a few day. use eoili prove to Alta' Wow. e o nA4o for elder, of Musa forma of Nee.. Pe nt . l ' Orlet;:11; 4 1=Irg reamed by the wastes mid decomycaltion that Is andlitually fropissniing% ,tucc.otol mentan i x thne emote; and repairs the eons woh new mare, , DJ Made from healthy blood—nod OD the SAIISIDAIIID LIAN will cod don DWI". Not only don the BeleAreattataor 11121t.rttct erre all keWell and agnate NI the cure of it Serofolons. l'estatlttAtonal..andbian &emus; bet it Le the only FWD,. Wet. Kidney & Madder Complaints, Miriam end Womb Mantes, Gravel, Meier., Detipsl Stoppage of Water Incootitience of Ernie, WWI I * IThesiei tn.:M Atoeda. and In tel mows e here Marro brictilow poets, or the water Ls thick. timely. ratted hlth enintancre like the white of not eye, or threads It '.a elute sub. or there D. morbid. dark, biliousppotwarme,. l ll ll uhtle bonwitiwt &panne. and when there to pil e seeiatten wyen peeotne water. emd pain troth. boson of the Sack awl Aloo_Lthe Ismott. hice, 41.0, 11110ErS.—Tbe only known 2456 soon Remedy far Vorms— Taps..tte. Tumor of 1 Tears' Growth Cured by Elndway , s iteSCATCTII. Brestar. C 1..... /sty IA rate. Ire. P.h,s a:-1 Mtn Ind Ovanut Tumor I, 4 . 4 bew.l.. All the Onus,. ea - am et es hate fAr IL.' leol • nary Wee than onto monotarroloolt let o.Wre trl,oot no. 1 raw „"r7.ra s'tW Itosiintotowt4 ono box et Its,nes I,llt o 3,1 boo isaiirs sr year Patty Reid; sad them te est • cr. to-oor to to torr.r an, cod 1 Gat Fame. mno, see bern , w 1... - . t, two,. The ...ft Umer wee ta Owlet ed. se the %re 1.. e. this eir yes fa tho 141141 a *tn. 1, on, a,;:, u roe olustoo. tt.t:CO.lll ' FOUST. DR. II ADIRII *..1) PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectli tasielegi,eleartatir [whet with ser , ol rain. r.nrevi rignlale. purify. &ewe, an I Oren 00th -n. r.oloav'e riVw for th e taro of Mt Montane. oft en Jton , -oh Lierr. Unertla. Kittery.. Milder, Nerrogri Slieses, Itaitect - Lou . Son Thiritireetendi bell.ltwollon, welski>. 114:011.0sys, Al- Fever, Intantesittlen nt Se litiortneettia of the Inteteal Viezer4. Wemetril In effert • petal. core. Atrelr VeSetiblei Mtheralt oretanderhms Amp, Oherree the 101100114; esetyleTaz rou:tterg teem Di.s. • ordered the Dlgeettee Oiputs: Cnweirstlene Tinned nes, Tonnew of IN. Maid totile 11008Artaity ef the 520002.1, Sums, Itearth-aa, teapot of reli es:or teefeet In the Iturentre, Sear re w eeolana,emlOir at lint.- AW Pit of W Stonwoh. tiwlnewilazof ti. Mad. rt¢nlN aod lt Onathine, negating et the Swot, Chaim, er 5100011..8100th. when In I.stv,e Sewn, TRI.OII ef V,Ow. hie elf Web. Wry ti. Seht. re 1,11 non le the j C6OOt, Ewer, and .044 e 11.2100 .1 1104, hon4nd to tr. A few deers et P.ADWATS 111.1-5 eetil Ate the petted (non nil the !shove-mind the,./rders. nice, 45 cent. per be. SOLD 11Y Ditt7GUISTS. HEAD YALSY AND TUVE: . Send erre letter om, In EADWAT A CO.. Ire. 6/7 Iletten Lane, tier-Yak. Information worth thocteavde will be had Seth April 3,1612.—y3. THIS WIT, GENTLEMEN! 11.Eorpc>c)xL HORSE HAY FORKS! L. Z. NELLIS' PATENT I:IPUOVED t Twenty-Two State Fair Fretuf nma Awarded This Fork In Fifteen liontiorluGn and 19:0. ALSO S WEL FILLY, Itn, Implement that Peery .Farmer, Carpenter, Meson and Painter &Wald nave. NgtoNvolcriams HORSE RAKES Thinditakc", Scythe", Smith", Grain Cradle', Iron, (A chef Brand) Axle', S Syringe. Carriage Dolts. Cirri Ban, (Steal and Ina.) raCMlltar 41 ::: CO Ns Iv 33 13 •ND CO PM That iwersys d t•ea an A ARM ,WRINTLE! when the Cafes Is Ready for she T de. TRY ONE and Son .wW And ilso Cod e Aln - ays Right Ate,. <hind, limes, Batts, Pieta. Rasps Lock,. firms; Fars, ' Knob., Draw %salves, . Scyeb StODes, Litebe*, Psints,, 0115 Veinslslt. Stoves. Tin-Dare, Lampe,de; iloatrose, Jail 6,131" . .41. 13 1 3rD .14 6.n riq neidi..2l.23auzara =tom . . orroniz Till corn? UurlL, " LIDNITOSE, PEN:VA! , Jour? . 8: TannELL. _kreTri!ior. Eight Siam kaTo - itits nano' 6 / 1 7; tin:media: vli ji t the D. L. 111 W., Erie,land the Lchlgh V. 117 t ced-aMirOyid-tria-T—scrZPOison or riie v s . c lrre7 ooatd pot_ e il eY'4 l l sitit t atl f or it. /f Ti tuna of . the Chu; • Sam Ermudicins of the Stemarb, BA Tule N= Ni eetill Atucks, Palpitation of the Heat. ( h o Lan, Pam Is the means cif the Kidnerkend a tandrea other pamful eymptores, are the ofraPeleP DIV*" IS these complmets it has no,Mmal. Bed bail* _Owe Letter ettarauten of its lamas thee a limply serecteement, Per Female Complaints, in yeast tweet tentrrieti or sinks, at • the dawn:of rtmenhood, , t d. Of Übe these foci: Bitter, display ao decided an infinesar Bat marked iropmeement hum perceptible. - Fee lattlemmetory amid Minced* litturesase, Ham .nd Gem Edimm. Remittent and latermitunt ems, Dimases of the Bleed, Laser, Kidneys and Bladder. them Batas have no equal. Such Diseases CM 110.44 by Vitiated (Peal, alf.ch is generally !Madam& hl deraniadais i of theDigestielrhans- tr . .rfuhr"'"' • - sheE=... M t or.g. tr—f—alv7,4-.7-41 . i.t.C"rndfrr8VaDiseziel:gd . lk: Skin Diseases, 'Eruptions, Teter, Salt•Rhemeg. Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Boils, Carbuncle; Rinteenu,, 5e:W.11.4 Sore per, Erysipelas, Soot* Dtam.slere. (lona of the Skiry, ;donnas and Diseases of the Skaa, ahatever name dr =titre, are literally dot cm end - owlet ant of the system in a short time by theme of these Bitten. cleaseite the Vitiated Blood sebearrer eon fiat its imporiiies looming through the skin IA Pimple; Paw boos, or Sores cleanse it when you_ find is obstructed. Grateful Gililous teerhite - Varacea ikrreas mat wonderfullns ignrant elm known. ,WALICER, Prop'e R. U. SteDONALD We Druggists and Gen. Agin. San Francisco. Caßfanaia, and comer of Washington and Charlton Ste" New York. Sir SOLD SY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DRAMS. July IP, 1874—t0 lii q , ViSa t eßea \ Sk. t. l' , eaSa l a t i o it s! n ic , : r r , ;•' „ l ease i traLETSN In ''''' 1 000 t, e i t ets : 0 0 0 ~.. ..r Or SoGor-Coatod, Coneentra!oa, Boot rod 11 , erbal, in ice, *All-3111one Groot'lce. TULL' "LITTL:. cvrza.tn - ric, or =nitwit in PSZVO rhysie. Tee norehy of eloCeen ?latest Chemical and Thar m,e,all6l licien., No WO of say Wager takittr,Lao large. repuir•ho and oandeouS pill/. compoun d of cheap. cru,:e. no , 1 I, alhr 6::nallrabs,Trhon hOCAU by 4 c.i.ite of ~ Le a l i.fattentical ...mice, estract all ilia 6tbaii.c aml ..t 6 r medic mil irrehettics from t h e want ',Atwell.: nogg and herb:, bed cuntentrate them re, ly tarter tr eed to nal:aril laved, Mat rtut be readily Inaleethatel by. Owe of tun snort reneltiv4 sutaucla and lastlOloas. 1..0 , .. E.lch Dolt Po rcotivo Penelope/soma. is a mret aoncetitralint form, as Latch estbarne pawl., a. It colho.lial in sue of Dia lar,ro pills foututtot to.s in tho - ern shop.. rzorn their wunderfol ealharro pace. In pnyortion to Welt . ilia MVO Veto ham not vied them aro apt la soppo-e t hat ay a a harsh ne drastic hi effect, but rteh to rot at all Illa Ca.a,taft eiTercut an: h a ineelr it al tanc.pleitof Which they Ea en.irpoori 1.1111 re , harmonized anal:walla...it. aim by Via oth ,, , tia. 6 pro , tuco a moot seare tsi fig and syinron .1a; yin grotty and kindly opera snag e.itliartle. f. 190 Seward I. hia - city Gelatint by' tho n, rood. trn' of thhoo Pellet , . In any chemlet sell.. re,..an sa l:did., will fahl In titers any Calomel strutter torah ntratrcury or any other mluetal poison. ~ - 4c Ing entirely Tete:able, no partlenlir cal° .is roluirell telaoo as 04 them. They opanto rlthbnt dicurbanco to tho tomlllatlon. diet, cr Go caraion. - trot' Jou ndlee, illenstaebe.iCon. otlis.:iion, Intpore Sllood, - lentti in toe shoo idero,lllutsttleoriot the Chest, Mt xineso,..S..rir Errictntions of Ina bloat. nein, land taste in mouth, C 111011" nttneks, ['sin In rt•gion of Rid:rays, Internal Foyer, LT:looted ferlitiit about litnlnneh,terisholilloOtitollead , U l g h Cialoreit Urine, 'Unsociability and Gloomy rorebolingo, soot s.c.-11 Yiensant ['argot's. , relief In rap :ion of do remtellO power or any Doeptlve isille , their greet a cut of diveases, I wieh tour , their action upon "Liao animal o f it tar lc nisi vera-d, lint n gl an d or t o erse aping their anisallso impress Are doe. not I:wink them; thalr suger•votlng std In: . encloAcl In it:a.i bottle, roomer. their virtues Ma, t iny fur on f lonzth of time, lii ny emote. that tiny aro aleravA fnah anti rellabla. whic h Ls of Ms c heep ith the - pITII bond Its foxes: storm. utopia c wood or pasto-hord boxes. Decal! %that for all discaect where is- Lersotive, Alto tlya or PnyttAtic r o In enpla n ed, awl O•1O P Bets will ? giro tea most perfect 'ttraction Wall who tbs.. They -Are 'iold. by all enterp blitz Druggists at SS co uts a bOttle. / • Di, rot allow any drom,...st to Indoor 76 - ti to tabs anythinr. I.'eo that to may any is lett to good as my Pellets become de tialonso lame, rpthat oo thatwhic4 he torommerhl.. If yttar dromist cannot supply them, smckoo 15 cants and receive than by titan mall floe' D. 7. rzzaOr a ar. D., Trrjer. . TXTYALO. li. T.: 43.7311. T., 01"17.12t11.3iMar.e. D3VOGIST, MONTROSE PA eotal3nally reedviat "'UV C:lb Clo 31", A o2 , ; r t. ,n p: n c t o c t , rsi , r2 . 7 band a full and dvirabla BUDD% MEDICINES, CDEMICALS, t I P.' Pal tits, Oils, DI u-Staffs. Tea a, SO cry, and °Diet On uczie,.staria tt arc, and N tuduw Paper, Ulan ware., Fruit Jane, Mirrura. Lumps. Clillnurys, Ecru retie, Muchlatty Oil, Taitiirra' Oil, ticai shun Oil, Its Olt. Sperm OilV Olive 011, Spirits Turpe tine. Vurujihert. Canary scud. V ill r Cancer, tented Lye: Axle Uruaiit,Triiiiier. tluppurttr•,lleilirs Shoutiler Dritric;;Whlrr, Out., Yi.tult Cnnrtdgrr. Ponder. Stilt, Lead, Gun Cspe,Diastitis l'uirdur, un LE String*. Boas. tic. l'ltu es Fifes YiPil Hooke m d Liam... Hat an,l Toilet Soaps, -Dalr . Hair Einitrere. llair Focatt bpovus,P Knives.. fie. Uwtl.t Articirs, a ccurralawartrutat at FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY. sod PERMILIi All theta:Wing and beat kinds at iATENT • In. sbort, neatly eNril .o iettoretbe sick, to ylusu tut, trett..tu uoutilat tUltuic. lu artatill the two atat aI.O tU cutoomo to too I, 011iollOilinditOtiatt UllllO. tuutuctulta. to iturt.teusbit, Yit trusts al ituritpout. 4.211 ut ttu thug unit autt) Mutt. ut :MAL M0utru5c.J . 46:5,16: 2 DOWN 'TOWN - NEWS. ILINVB Ar..Nl) cvA Alala Steuut.s du.4c, bulow BOYd's eon. , • ).alto FEU Ult, AiItOOEItIES, AND PRO iki./().. Wear, tonilanikrran tslaL,ai Dew . lisvo oahat freeh stuckoi Uood. in niullt wilisel wiLar clix.A.l.l CHEAP tornetrh uxchile nritednce. GOOD 'TWA COFFEE, SUGAR, ,MOLASSES, SPICES, - •PORICi - FISII,. LARD, HAmS, DRIED' FRUITS, CLOVER tif 'TIMOTHY- SEED, d We.tutwe r etitted end use do editttO Oet IA MOO Pplls. and are now toOdYWI,(4I(aWBOW, to "Pt b " comodnAtonhonsee In Near Totk.ltee of ettkrg, took , ' therotarl..knesziont, or...meignamoko.• • , eon an d X44llnentr stock Isetote pnr.4 1 4 1 0# 1. w 4 where,anduinvlsteiyanrietTee Olttd, .GOOD QUALITY. ati LOW Pgiegii of tro; 004. . . 1.111;F.R - • • . • W• V • c*ii. G . .„ . . MatittOge. AP/1116. 866. ;" IMPEROVED CIRCULAR le! WNE Xl4 X.A Wg:thilD" /3481775'nruntoo;itrotgi 811=3, 1 8 17141)M14 WATER WWI „ . roitablo nil 13 tatiebary PROues,Vaa...pteetrtella tot pale, by 14tootralla Val Feb. ltrys.—bPgel• '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers