The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 06, 1872, Image 3
.utttligen(t. .; RELIGIOUS SERVICES. . . B k p_ti it litittdn.:.itETTE. cansuir D. n. rotor. s,t,Byth setrats.. . : ............. .-.103,i a.w. a nd : r .m. .... ettgrith ticAßKil -. • ' - prayq 3f.poag. Wethweeay Extulegs • - - .1i ' • ' .. , ~......,.. .CA rIBM,IC:CIiUTI9U ' • ULT. 3 - s3.olEnt iabblek Svrelcus,See,.nd Sunday (a ricli Voittli Sshts.itti,(.ll ' • ' Immedlittely bcturelfapp _ . R PISCOPAL CIIII4CI I , Hu'. ./k Waccutut.nrttor. sabh.ilb Semi...ft. A. 2.. til. 2u.SIX A m :•14(IdAV Settl,A.• ... ...,... • i .... ~, • • /2 au. Wnel,Usy., Scryletc--Nv mlnotlayi . • ....7x , m. METHODIST VISCOPAL ..,11er. h: O. AL! X& S•hrtaill 2orviceii ll/.4615. tn. cud 2.3.1 p. Al. Snhhlllo7.hool . '9 tn. Ivraxei. Ilevtiti. Tlitinulars . - .. ^' . "7.1 i.. tu, ritgsrirrgrtax entrucil • - Ilex. J. is, I , 4lMixn. sahlutllcf.lceA •'•• - . 20,165, m..-nud 'O4 D. . 1 . ,131.11111i.eb00l 12 'l4p. tn. l'..Tur 51110.12 z, Thew:del, Ev...” 120 ' - -x D. Al. ----".". Too ]]Deli DIKCIVAP. • . mac:: dreaded hose ephlemic dlgs made cite apy.trance in Montrose and 'vielitity.hrtl,ive believe. in a milder form than has marked Its courseln the cities. All the animals in. anc of our livery stables, are affected, as urn .thns'e In the ..tag'e..itibles. It has also made itsppptar. ;twee in tautly private stables, and we learn; is spreading 'among the farm horses thrOughOut this vicinity. We have !learn of no fatal' eases as yet, and believe that all the diseased ultimata arc doing tt - elt. • • A Retractld!T The following retraction appears in the Re publican this week: "Having becomettattsfied that the report that the editor of the Ninntro!n Doan-ere NMI amen five &dints to vote for Hookalew Is unfounded w e denim t. contradict it.. It is not our inten tine to accuse any Tie wrongfully and when we find that %cohere been misled into doing so, we are ready to make the correction. .The story Fume gatts tern - direct, or we should . not have men tioned it. ~We are glad: It proem to be un fountiedr Go and do Likewise. • When toale crew clack, and bills fell due, the merchant's &cc crew long and Bloc, 'At last his wile unto him en a t (m en, get nut of hedcand get your paper, iuk and pen, and say tie wileds , unto all . meh "My jowls I ship 'sell in yon.nnd to putt Wire:sand &nigh. fern the my prices are so very- low.t lint all will bey before they go." lie did as his gond wile a Wised, and. in Tot; Dralocroer advertised. Crowds came and bonght all he had, his bins were paid, blsdreftms were glad, and he will tell you to title day, how well di I printer's Ink repay. Be fold us . with a knowing wink, bow be was sawed by printer's ink. Where to place it Thermometer. 'A thennometertitould be placed in an open space, out of 'the vicinity or high buit.lingc, or any object-that impedes the' free circulation of air. it: should lace the north. an as to be always i t theslande,shouhi be twelve inclica from nny ntighteiYing objeet, - should lie about fifteen inches front the ground and shoal be pr(U yet ed ',pintt ippon radiation to the sky end oTtinst. the light reileeted from neiglilmrintr oblects or ranwi itself. The thermometer alionhl be read as rapidly as possible, as ibe bent from tl.e body or lb° breath influences the instrument. GoCds. The season for fall and winter goo is ltaa once more roltei m ro,..nd, and the show W indnt7s of otr various dry g n,..a and fancy stores, where articho ogelot and ornamental are kept, are dre,sei N ol o t h., num r rustic style, to attract ' the eyeand lan « the pn, ,e strings of nurse of the coromonity trho -aish ket.P p"M with dame fashion, who changer; • ''"l3.le'ng the sea sons change_ To atti:-rts`te to T. , :al; in detail of `: innumerable styles of goads . rludics rr"' turn v, and the orntm , atal L at and rare 'd re, f o tie adornment of the fair sem, wo tit ul space to describe; suffis • - ! some spot en inatrianality, as it were, which . lot talst the rashion modistes in dress has . pr - ' n'alticz fuse shalt he like. say • pt ~,T,,,,„1t y e,songh In please rer n the , 'rot• : Le: us tool: at the busy merchant, upon the fastidious, virile the milaners dis.d.s.y 4 ... 4 ,1 ,‘- I mart of nations fire in his eye, keen calculation riet( and taste in arrangement of thrlse . 4rres r. 4 ill evat7 niuselc'of bin lace, his brow tinted bonnets: which never fail to make the ~M-11e 'ith seatethinT of the cater or the ere h e heart palpitate wit' , 'es. I , .. • •Igales and pants for. ll'. inns lain 1110111en1A, .....•-•••-• —.0 .• .1111. .11.------ 1 ; ro, .n .. with moistened eyes and faint sighs, he Sudden Death. I ; •)f his chililhoo:rs ho , me. of his father's - -.— , 0,., day, Nov. 4th. jo , x ., 3 ,,, x1e , :n. , :ri 17. ii „ si it . , 31E1.11r: n there will rat up before him died suddenly at the yes of his father, the the dim . l l "Irut hand of .P"i'. coax rani"“ g ' a Slferiff of &I.:lndianan County. Less than an , past aflert. 'or. s, his Inntileeß tender gl:snee. his . . itour,prernms to his death he was about the' father's con. ' el • th '' 1 ' 13)1 ' 1 " .1 '"'" " I. a iris town. apparently in his emttl health,. airtilon,..i•ft 1 tees Iwye, mu. 'in r o mr.ri.on with Cot lost • lie was known to hare sustained some aniury ~ home. not lost . sr. u g h 132 ' 1 ' or , f ", II Y o f i ' 1 ''„,, b ,.. 17 that morning, by a f nil from a hams Tl:t..eir , 1 aw.illeWied np In t h'r v "r le: '' n ' t ' me ' " w ' '''' -sizt`ly of his hills, and bond., rn costances attending the sad event, netiittrinx the rnernent. think .. ri,. and Isis rusk se:musts; to „ i nire an inquest. the Coroner -summoned i and balances, his ma. ,:: juror., !lon. A. Balawin. J. R. Lyons, H. C. 1 and has aream will be yet to make a home and peace. nn• Tom., F. B. CLAndler, G. L. Stone and S. Per- 1 where' , iltre'sh , ill be st, tilts king, . whit is is that yonder 11, le ; tn' ' len „, t c " ns. '" u '' Ca exae at f i l 1110 abdominal cavity, a' l the midni!,+A oil! Is it for - lion'' ''''' Ihe enI I V Y large kit:Tilly ollilo. vas 'follt o thereto. re - i oPlOsAe pr, tiler, whom in in.. - he;rt of he'rts' craling, a hemorrage Iron, a rapOlvfil blood yes- !he holds ktft cfwailly ? • Ali, rn. I , 'ls stri' i og set um wily sufficient in site opini..; .l of :plc 1 tor a home. Ife pictures to him "'it t ' l ' e vine " 04s :ducts summoned as a-lint:wag. to e .,..,:5e an 1 earl porch of nurse simple cottage, 3 n e` him s elf almost immiliite Sand result,' het in this' in- I upon I.:''''tlnix.*ll4l, mills tine L. InaF at .. h er whum] stance to baec kren tile arrhria. iar'n.talinfe cause 1 '.'e love s in li".s„ antral} she beyond th en ba 1 " 11 " s tance deattiNA in asnarrdance pit h these Aids, the I • ed font) their contemplation. Those me, '•ii. ••n • Jury unanimously rendered their verdict. I are striOng to make n Inane. They may "e‘ . er . 1 Young ,;l.losley, had many warm friends, I, ic4l, the g..-vi of their nobition. 'They n l, ii wberehe,was 'known, anti r his untimely fate 1 when the IMra , ceof refogeii within their sigh '• 1 ,brings nor only core bereavement te:bla patents I .ink fainting by tin" way, or they any find that and their f :tally, but cast it 'deeit gleent ever 1, habit Is as idreng as.their , f.rat aspimtion a ft er a the entire coniumoity: .. 3. 3. 8. 1 home, and they go on then striving until tl-e i -F.- closes the account, awl gives them a Coal Pockets. Steinitack and Sammon are untie; contract with lite .lontrose Um'Fay _company to erect trestle work and coal pockets for ,1114• tranafer of wtl from :the Leliigli• Valley ltrttati tinge to the Montrose narrow r..tiage et Took- Itanneek. The pocket/1 will he loca-pitl-in the ...Jed of C.. and Fill be.reneltell . hy trestle was' running., intralkii- with themain. track. switelking : qf tin Plbe'stieei 'TlielOngth-ofthe trestle work ihcluding G coal pnetets is 2/Gilt. each poeketis i0.k01 , 18 tons. The wort: is lie in; pi:sta.-a alletWLesinirbily no the IreAllen' will permit, and will he eont.,nbtel in a few weeks. Several ;, , orvirtlas (flat-nut:9 ore expectett .. o3lls. end the company arejlittag all in their poser to ship Coil before winter sets in.. A few week..: ' of' tams:int we:st ter. vitae fteiseiertinete einii n little will accoinffett' Dittlel 3 " ,'-43 thaan n°=4 • CombnstibUley of Eron. . PriSTA°, b , lnanita:Of Derlir., Pas rcrentleqq,- is.dkbeantifti) I.7xpmintent to der4d'? 6 fr 3 t" th e eambnstibliltk of iron. Be iatten nSt rilzht tote magnet if eonOderatdepOwer arid nitin kles. i fdimm on one of its imlea. Tkte:tc.i, plinsrt. cti' clams, hrranic iltent:sAres in "nceordance with thelines oi' magtietlC - foice Vitnill slant", howevcr: closely they May appear to liti s titt'esed, -to two: of tits netalle latuents art itir4l!c l , 'A .ctlIAP4 . ] portion of alr ii enclosed, tts in a metallic sporige: : ' 'The flame of a:4 , 06'1. latnii -of gsalmrnCifeaqi.' 'l‘ ignites' theb,iciirdi:roel itim..pad it,: tolitilf ales to pur:l . liritiiiiniVpir'll.eon'ait.le .!lime. If the experivil'enter.omda Al n . , litll4. , .:.r.iii , iit' ' - atiiiir - aircilielhagiitt arzati.V4,:ilpilailiortiing I • a mat Arcent t , f.a of flie ti pro r i'neel..,Tie c'x i i . perlmeat ya 3 ilrit. liertormed in'. telilu:.llefo.ia ; Ihegallithrot Gernuty ill:0 les, ethlrt.' • vipil• i*Pnirriks6ointly . i)sear I ,, rf . :k.iiiiilizi.;"., to atio*.iinieziniin4 4o.kilittiegiblifty.c4lititi - -;witiir f . •-cortAtni*Pliteo*.el*dturlstmoes.- ; ' ,- .'---- , -i - - - .. The , Precious Metals In Luzerne. 1 -.-,tlio-rbauititit Stargvia oddly excited over a 1 report that golifand Sliver hiVett-err - forpid - in paying quanillitai in Union township, thiscoma ty, between Unnlocli'dcreek - atat Shickshinny. The report is'not a new on; but . new, accord ing to the Star, taltes' tangible! shape, and- the doubting on es. begl it to rill) thel r eyes now when the are is produced in quantity sufficient to sat isfy any one that It Is really obtained On the spot Indicated. mid 4 tvlicti they. find tiler the of- ricers of the United States Mint, et Plilladel , plus, have pronounced the- mineral to be ail ver.• To satisly the skeptical a ton of the quartz was sent to the Mint and reduced, and we have i seen the letter from Mr. „Brooks, the reducer and refiner, in: coach he says that the ton of "quartz 1 yleldsfeterteen Airlifted andfortrone &lan and ninctzpeied cepliWattb or silver and gold (the gold, of course, fanning a small proportion of the value.) Now that it is known that the gen- tiemen concerned in the exploration have die- mweredthe . preeloui metal beyond 'the 'shadow of ifi , ndrt, a company is to be funned, anti ma chinery for 'crushing and refining the ore will In phiced in: Positlior at no'distapt day. The gen tlemen concerned in-the enterprise are men of standing hi-the - corrimunity, whose character ensures the public that there is'nif deception or fraud about tile 'outlier. it silver is found so near our dour,. may it not underlie our Own soil? Rich as the Wyoming Valley is acknowl edged to be in its mineral ' resources, the half, lias,iin nil probability, not -.Vet been, told. Puzzle for the Children. Here is something fir nui readers to puzzle out: !•Hott:'4l Dublin elianbermao is said to liavo got, twelve commercial travellers iutoselev en heel - moms, ainl yet to 'hove given each a sep state room. Hero we have the eleven bed- 11 - 2 . 1314151e1•71 1 111: 1 1 10 1 11 ' 4 lintV''saja she, 'if two of you gentlemen will go into .tio. 1 bisl-ronni and wait there few minutes, tind a spare room for one of you as soon as I've shown the others to their moms.' "We%note, haring thus bestowed two gelle men in No. 2, she put the third in No. 2, the fourth by No. 3 the 1311 h In No. 4, thu sixth in No,A, the seventh in No. 6, the eighth in No 7 the ninth in No. 3, the tenth in No. 9, lint] the elerbnth Nn. 10. She then came back to No 1, -where, - you will remember, she bud left the twelfth gentleman. along with the first, end said: '-le now xecotnnoulated all the mut, an here still it MOM to spare; en; if one of you will please sup into No. 11, you will find it empty." Thus the twelfth man gl) bis bed-room. 91 course them is a halo in the saucepan s where; but we learn the reader to determi4f ecactly where the Ciliary is, who a just warn ing to think . twiee before deciding as to which, it any, of the-travefters wee the 'odd man-out.'" ditarne And ItlEnilnenueb. We are pb.,.usetl to.insert,the whetting com munication frmt Harry D. Casse.ty, one of our Susquehanna County boys. who liss spent s.eme eight years ir The WC5t. Mr. C' is it ear manufacturer, [ma we are pie st-a to Imen thar he has-become Feu efficient at the business. Ile has many unrorfrienlls in tbitscounty; nhn mill lie glut to beta of Its Fuctr..s , . We hope to bear mire from hlin at some future time.—nn.] r:-tis there any other word in the vocabulary nr natiuns that is so expressive, sn suggestive, and sn important in Its wide si;nitication, ns the word liruntl What a talignan it 13—what what nn invoention. there any' heart all or young that does not beat responsive to the sound of that onewortl? We Itsve all bail a home. Perhaps we have not all now gat_anc; but we bare certainly all Once bad fine, 6:lnge of time and eireinn4lan ces may letsC• sn buffeted us about the great world. that we feel too cosmopolitan: and in an easy oil tptation to all and to alp stirs of men. we Inge !hit home feeling which makes ;Tat, gni etli runs . . 41..1et.1, , , .mme,nre battling to re , ,,, tin a lop: home. They are he 111 a; blessing, anti treated it I ken lmhble, until it slippld free . . thent,oith.then'OtWing.itselt In' them us the shadows of ntiverfe t:iretustances roll between then' end It. • What n. jewel they have Irr..t. And home is romething akin to loon, in the re spect that oneihist'it.L.le not easily rezovered 1 agitinf: - TflistEltal:•:of inrltlith wives (in nine cases ant of ten,) we do not pity you—yon,wito go in:and out In caret es ly, asking no questions, If l and neeei r- sSiing: in a sun., eoraest _ pines, "WooLl tiiptol. that 1. eonl+l hell,l you dear trire. 3 ' I Too Who 11(111* iry to rs,nlize the clpthious /-, „ , , );' ,. ... , 7 , a ih..nvp:•toe tr ItiCa 101144 for everythin'F.; 1:"-y4:?thl is reaehoulto have no sympnthy with taiabid !esti% and no I rn,bearted ?Mother's ap frlieniionsJest ynnr tishies raaF be peruranint ly cugfurom the sympathy DT the wand—that spnryttity which freezes by the enhtne.s of its healirin• hand: Sempathy for you? What ,tin you stiller, asi3o . crow,, inconvenience, 'Think, impatient rnen,us yea; loak upon tho . fluled Corm of what she was, retnenther lien as you took htTyhenittittil-toride, aw.4y_from the beam of her Motlier,and her father's strong prot!..aling 1 - ;:f:rn- - -' , 734 - 4 fifit , '4 l llle nn'sanrillenforVir,Ntlny I that for rini Infer Shefel I erel herself with those? I .-earekly.lftelt..hai:n.rtched her brain unt4: they . riiiidcraH'knO Ive•;r slet.ler - ammitrilton: : D,o, not ,taiiieliet iii . i ,t . 4 . -X,f )n,her heart's deep 1 , ',3 have bctqrne an intauilmanet;;. stiqlict - win iln-.4inisSEntlwhenlunigone". - Pity the inva -1 IA qi44the• ilaynri locke , -itp9 . ri", her forcikqvi,; i dad , l'isi• lit Cn4irif 1, L'a 01tee nikali)rie; lore i her, ffiCl L .eliCrislr: Ile; 'an iiix ea .'' i vitet t • the i - white bri..lairvse hi her innriftressfl, ~.•,,,.idn...iiiii" , ruitrnatiOn ,()f liqth : w. , ..s.."nintS her rroY;icr.o2,ele-fl;°:SOi's2ly,titnugh SinWiyotike it (ly !•iiii it id sill6clo is Vi:ic.fra,,lv6,4cf 17111 litorP, - . 4 . 0 41, -110 Io dtvir , eTi bef , ira y".”u4rOie EjeM4l tor, 5031E* *lstlier , fevribeier btu iii!'ict L l - • qa iiP itiihmbtteliettti: idler • di -ettierii for :iiiil..'" gilly' and life was one long agony." Reader, believe me, kind words arc the brightest flowers of i earth's es:latently' They-make a- very- paradise"; of the humblest home the - world can allow. Use them, and especially round the fireside circle. They rii e jewels beyond price, and' more pre• dons to heal the wounded heart, and make the weighed down spirit more glad than all other blessings the earth can give. A happy home I Oh, , 1 what n spell there la in the words; can human ambition point to a higher hope than that, un- 1 leas it abandons this great spherb, and bees its gaze upon immortality. And, alterlll, what is immortality, and the God-like hope of Chris tinnily, but a happy borne forever. Is there an ;tlt:ng in the wide world so_ gracious to the i heart as the home fireside.' Rome voices, their I sights and sounds; IMme tears even have In them a redeeming jay' that makes them all but celestial. Years may elapse, time with all its changes come and pass, still our minds wander back to the old home of our youth; never can we forget the many companions of our child• hood days." BALMY Jeersonville, Ind., Oct, 23th, 1872. BICSIN L'S 'LOCALS lElolidny Goods Special attention of the Trade is invited to floliday Goods, comprising in part, Motto Cups and Saucers, Motto .lines, To y Sett., etc., etc., advertised in thi s I.,ne 11. J. Weldener, 33 So. Second Street, Philadelphia. House and Lot for Sale The subscriber offers fin. sale, his house and lot, 1 1-i mile north from Bir•hardville, on the. middle branch creek road. Said lot contains sin acres of land, and is plod for pasture, being well supplied with miter, there being a small creek running its whole length and passing within one rod of the house malting it very handy for washing purposes. • There is a good house and barn on the premises, and ti well of never failing water within a few steps of the door. It is a suitable place tor a man with a trade, such es n Shoemaker• harness maker or any such businem It is very handy to church. it being 1-2 mile north of Baptist Church nt Birchardville, and 1-2 mile south of M. E.' Church at Forest Luke Centre, in fact, it is a pleasant and convenient place for any one that wishes to retire from business. For sale cheap. Enquire on the premises of the subscriber, or Cobb, Montrnae, Pa. CRIMES DECKER Birchardville, Busq'a Co., Pit. Nor. 0,1872. For Sale A new lintnte well furnished, good waterban dy, Ikj times of land, and al or more good fruit rees thereon. I.bituateal miles n'rth of Mon arm,e, near De it.O's Plaining alan,a Woolen Fortory, Carriage and Blacksmith Shnp, Qrigt and Saw Mill, near lie and a few rods from qch,ml. Any person wanting a good place can get it at a bargain. Call on James ti. Carmalt, or the proprietor. 11. C. BURGESS. Mitt:Arose, Oat. Nth, ISlf,'.. F. Church:H. Jle.tiee of the Pelee : office over L. 8. Len. heim's zfnre, Great fired heretr!, , i. Soso:tett:tn. rio Co., Pt. 11. m the settlenient of the (tort:etc of the Lite !seer 11,rekhorr, tleerahetl. Other holry from to 12 o'clock . , a. tu., and from Ito n'eloe,; p. tn. • Great 1.1,10, Oa. 2,1 1671 Jur) Li4l Fur Me' term of Court to commence at Montrose, on Mmobs, November 11M, 1872: GaaND Jenons. Auburn—Cerny Lacey, Clark E. Emvis. .loves. A rarst— D. Tyler. Bnr,;.lyn—Edwin Stevens. Chtteonnt —Ed w ard n derv:nod. Clifford—Luther Burdick. Ditnock—Perry C. Conklin, Franklin—Joseph L. Merriman, L B. Cole. Lake—Ttionms Dow. Great Bend born.—Wen. D. Jayne, Grant B. Trowbridge., Reuben T. Stephens. llerriek—FnMei: F. lisynen. J neksan —Commodore 0. Perry. Jesup--Nelbon Birehard. I:avc—Loren Miller. Liberty—Calvin Markham, Mont roge—dra Ca4ati in. New Milford in-p.-oabriel G. Ely. .01klanet—Thomns Canovah. Sorinzviile—Charlea IW/111.311 — j , dill Land% Tn vzst, e. 1:0115 — Ist week. A pnlaron— Ansel Graves.. jr. A,tharn—Tuotnas ' , Krogh Andrew Dagman. livid aew al er—M it t hew .1. Harrington. Clifford—Frentan Carpenter. Dinn.ek—Philander A. Steven:. P.m.:4 Like—Henry P. Handrick. Franklin—Noble S. hail.: Great semi bunt.—Michael Williams, Henry Tarbox. Great Bend twp—David Banker, Pakert (M. :on—James G. Bennett. Ilerrieii—Alonzi A. Carpenter. Harmony —Lemuel A. Bushm..ll. • Barfor.l—Lci . Yeltfu E. Carpenter, Darla Van Lnihrop—Martin Bisbee, Win..osborn, Wes. its Rel'S.!.—Pliilander Bell, Jliirtin Comma. 3lomimse-5. .1. Petik .kli.l.lletown--.llartin Ices Minim! tum -11tirvey Grinnell, Russel Ta;)n,r, John klnitzer, Wm. B. Rim ()al:Loll—John Ili!brim, toslitri IC. Grimes. Lakt..—Alpheas Whipple, Lorenzo Springrille , —Lenis C. T,,yl o r, H enr y Wil liams, jr., Ti o 11,01 Thompson. tin.‘i a Depot—loll - a C. Cook, Sus. Vanno str mil, Robert Corik, jr. Tionnson—George A. Stmitlant, ::aticui F. Burr. TP.VVEIISZ Jrnenll;---2d weL.k Anlonrn-Sonuel Dean, Lyman G. Co well. ItrooMyn-Sannwl B. Ellridge, Edwin ClOOll. Edwin P. 1:1c1:. Clifford-ll:min A. Gartner. Chrwonut-Lawrenee Nlelnerny. Ciathek-Elislm W. Tid,tay. Fr, 'l:Min-John Boyd. • For, st Lake-Jame:l A/. Rice, Inn. S. Strnnge. William. Pickering. G . ;tend Lora-. Kilo Gurnsei. Gre _ It Bt 'td wp -.Dune:: A. Green. itam , ony- -David Taylor. John. D. Sbutts. Ilcrei k - T' c '' enen -41i16 * Jnek.son- Pu g ( Lenox-.'n men nyder, John C. Decker. Lihyrty p •s.el S. Lue - 2. Ap .inin ,, : iwin Lathrop, George V. Bent- William 11. C.L I OPer• E TL , ert Sthdff.ell.. .Frunk. E, Cole, llornee A. Stoddard. lien; Afilfrj,horo-, %carp Pratt, Wa3lugton F. I3vln. arklund, Slinitst Jackson StTitinvr. Busli—aminl. o o v. Su,nuciconot .1)e .at C,. arga Brown, Gi'hat 0. Sact, te Ge Wmaenkim TiUtTi —S l n Z JI R 03-40 wt. ?IL Stunnionetl to arteuthen:Tecattay, at. 9 o'clock , a,nt. Aubarn—DeWitt C. Xltman,l,nrenzo Cradley Lacey, 'Chatlrmt Thayr.e, ,Fannet, Tewkabary, Brooklyn—Brailtord Wntrona. • 13ritlgawater Crispin Cough, David a I Choconut Patrick 3fcifaniti. -- •eki r ti , r -James Well 4.. rit , nkas J. Wells. rtitnock I%.:etrtnn J. Toru:: Forest I..ake • Solomon. trattakaw, Daniel Grc~ury • • Ceek, Franklin—lien's Tuttle . . • Gibson—Florace W. Stearns.-II rf,ll-Penucl • . -. Carpenter, • Wallace L. Thatcher. .rersmi—Lkyrkl Slitiy;lV.ikeman Nratlowt&Silus .." • - Lenox.-3fartin Vii. !newel, John Clark: La-tin-011=40bn Titrin v.-- Nem, Brush. Walter Depot,;4c.orge• Athims, CtAley, WA; land. Wm. B. Fisu rkxi T. 60,34 a, • igeiK.:ww4x4: " Teacher's Examination Silver Lake—Brno:meg school house, Thurs. I day, .Noietuberctit.z.. • •1* • Franklin iS; , house, Friday, November Bth. New .Millord—New .Milford hero. school I house, Saturday, November oth. County Jnctitufe Montrose, Monday, Novem but 11th to 15th. Bridgewater—Montrose, Satutt e lay, Nov6mber IGth. Dimock—Corners school house, Monday, No. vetnber 18th. Brookln—Centro school house, Tuesday, No vember 10th. Gibson—Kennedy school house, Wednesday, November 20th. Jackson—Corners school house, Thursday, November 21st. Ararat and'Thomson—Aldrich school house, Friday, November 22. Great Bend—Village school house, Monday. November 25th. Harmony and Oakland—Susquehanna Depot, Saturday, Isioyembur 230. Chapman end Forest Lake—Centre school house, Wednesday, November 21'111. Middletown—Centre belaool house, Friday November 2011,. Erich examination to commence at 0 o'clock, a. in. Teachers will provide pen, ink, paper,, pencil, and Union Fourth !Leader. It is neces sary that reel, one be pre?ent before the exam ination in Grit branch is closed.. The State Superintendent has decided that it Is the legal duty of every applicant to attend the examination appointed tar the district in which he live or expect% to teaelt,urdem direct ors retitut au examination in anther place, for a just mason. Directors are earnestly urged to be pr e sent in their own dial rids. Teachers will not commence to teach without a certificate, or export n private examination. %V. C. TlLDati, County Sup't. Forest Lake Centre Oct. 5. 1812. X:YM 11!.. TIMES . Frrcrt—At Green, N. Y.. Oct. 50th, 1872, Hattie B. Fitch, adopted daughter of L F. Fitch, nged yeara. c t! , pecial potico. The Warning has been Heeded. lilnec the oxpornre of the attompta na,a, by certain , till.erntellone !area de/dept. to palm alt their coarse strirpoits. mode from cheap and impure untlerlale, In Che place of the ore it nyti mat tome. 1104/trees Sban• :nth Ihttent, public opinion tacit kitncgly n comet thence entplith.s. and their Tier oven pil lion it Cone. or snot: will bee. When the light le lel bo to /Itln It noon wilts down. I ersotts mien (rifle %rut the rup tr own health, by nt/ittu unknown prep tear lone, ottit To. 4.4,40n1ee .0 euetain them. When an et401.1{..h. apero.c proven by twenty pain eToenienCe to he elnelle what It to t Infined to be. In esithl n their ;each, In r.p.dit !h. letaerltr. Mace hire duneln this anrl.orit, but It lee Lapel am' the truill •poi. n ha- a rrnetenter rrll In the roetilltlene Ihe de co.ll.d for the len Matt prole/Oleo and rerior dire went. rine of /tun Ike lacer 1. e. r 0 C tan neathe... barn Ole .00• Or. Free, that (-Ter 01.4 .I,.ne Lit of the al - . rt. ...Alt nest ,/ire ronth. I. II ter tily t/venattelnonu, red it maytl 43 f inc nalYiet . Irma ailpertsoflit:,ane cry fo !he cores it le etTer holioos , complaint. nail cheenic cane: ipt, . heal "their two I. ' I:eery a tn., the sick and feebto torn 10 •1.11. 1:PpOrl on, or -holt:tut; feet that talt:en I. good:' and of avoldin what Is epariOns and Ilan:rot/Mt. - The numerous ••1111 1 ..1.." under earkma Dann , . 1c14.1 mitt cenrry al. altos endols or Ice anbellend far liontt neer : , tititire-1: Llltter, .herald be ay./pled. tar I Cheer own by Ow aPc'i, and The putpl l .c at lara,. Ito tees ore procurable On bottles ally, and never sold in balk. ERRORS OF YOUTH. ed.o eufrercrl for Jeans krm Nervous rend:dam Devny, and /Of the ed.,. ul 3 urethral indlorreti... r 11, for the rate of eaffering bu• taanity. vend free trr dh, Ilecti it, the reerd,rt amt recur. fdr rrinkide, tilde impre remedy he which he we, cord 44n fret. wHiting C. prod , by rhoridedi.•re expell er-Cy etude vu my atlktret.*luv:, to perfect torieltirnr,, Jritiii D. trolli:sr, No. {e. Ceder 'truer. New 17.ir2. SATES.—BY VIRTUE tfc ',Z. Writs issued by the Court of t.nrunion Pleas or Susquehanna Cutmly and to me directed, I will expose to sale 1 public vendee, nt lite Court ilo - ase in Mont rer,., on Pril , y, Nov. 13, 1879, et 2 oa!lock, p. to., the followinz pieces or parcels of land, to wit All those two certain piece , or 'parcels of land, situate hi the township of dessup. in the canals of Sub'mvitan TM, Slate of Pennsyl vania. the fir-: piece botatoted anti described as foqows, to wit : Ileginning at a c' roes of the end or a stone wall on the west line c: David Olmstead's land; thence by the said line north 15),.i degrees west; 105 perches to a post and stones corner; by lands of said Glaysten,l an.l Lyman Pickett north 27,t.i do ;Ms, (IPA 41 p,-relies to I post and T.tenes: titmice south 173 degrees west 20 purches to a opt and stones in it small run; thence by land INV of lt. 13. D:rnater, smith, 3 degreeg west, 4.t I whet to a past tool 6toncs. and-rut:10127;4 ,Jo goes west. 81 or.e-italt perches to a post and 1 s o lies ; theneety lawla of Charles Bolles and Elk:lnn:lh 1.4,:1e5, smith tel.,: degrees cast. 142 p em bea t, the oath of n stone wall 11Csr northwest I.ank of the ‘Wyalusinz Creek ; thence s aith, 4.3 degrees West, 18 perches intro the Very road:, thence along said. road south 121 , 4' degrees - cast, 10 1 .1 perches; .thence fl orin 74 tit-green east, 151 i perches by "land of. Russell \. era to a cherry corner; thence by the same north 21 1 ,1 degrees east, 42 perches into the road; theme along the road north 86 de grees east. 14 perches; thence by limits of Very. Shay, and others, south 63 degrees east, 114, 1 4 pet chins to a post and stones: thence north 21 t.cgrees east, 93 perches ; thence north 6:3 de „.,--rues tvest, perehcs to a hemlock corner of Thomas P. Meeker% land I thence I - c the same mirth 27 degrees east. 2631 goreltes to an iron. waist sapling; theni+4-wiarlf lately sold to Do via I thuttead, south 7234 degrees west. 41 perch es to a small yellow Mutt in the southeast hank of the creek ; thence by said 'olthstelid's land ' north 23 41'.grees west, 39 perches, and north 20 degrees west, 17 340i/is perches to a post and stones corner above the NVS - riltising, Creek road; thence by the same:smith 74 degrees west, Perches to the place of V./ginning, ,containing 161/ B.lfulot acres tit land. he thesume..moro or' less, with the appurtenance., two dwelling.' ',opuses, 4 barns, 1 hog house . , 2 mrehanls, and ; abgtll. 120 acres improved—The screed piece or pared of land. including the mills and mill privileges thereon, situate In the township of Jessup, in the county of Susquehanna. and State of Pennsylvania,hourided and described follows, io wit ; . 11eginnititent a point in the Wyninslng Creek road, RI line of Elkannall ; Rollins land; thencenhing die road' north 631 degrees west, 9 perches,. - and- north 46 degrees west, 21 , 4 pert:tic-slot' corner; thence smith 44 *glees west, 15 perches, crossing the creek be-, low the triage, and in line with an apple tree on north title end beech tree tinsmith bunk to a I post west side of road - ; thence south 46 degrees east, 41;4 perches up the south hank' . of the Creek and Mill pond to a- small maple; thence 1 . . 01 , 0;3 the will nond,,aorth 4 degrees cast, 2r . 4: - Iperches, to the place of beginning, containing three anti :twee quarter acres of land, •be the more or dens, with the rmpttrtenanees,oue I dwelling-himse, 1 cooper st a nc h 1 - 1 st w mill, 1 distillery.. hog house. and all itn- ' tin proved. (Taken in execution at the suit of Sarah Coruna vs. Tbounts J..llepue.) ALSO.—AII that certain piece or parcel of . land situate in thy; township -of Rush, the county of littsqueltanna, rind State of Pennsyl vania, lounged and described asfollows, to wit : Ott the north by lands of JAthea. 31eDer mot, on the cast by lauds . of las:, - Logan and John C. Graham. on-the smith by lands of 8.0- vaster Bowers, and on the west :he -lands of Freeman Ellsworth and Edward Filan,enntnin- Mg about 200 acres of land, he the same, more or - less.with the appurtenanCe.-% , ,tdwellitigdmente, 1 frame barn, one small otchard, and about 90 I acres imPrertsl.- (Taken in execution nt the I suit of Peter Collins, assigned to Gt.». P. Little vs. Henry Green. •• ALSO—AIt that certain piece or parcel of hind sittette in the tow - nal:lp or CURIO. in the 'e,:anty tit 'Susquehanna, and State or Pehn9l - 1- ~,, , ta, hounded and '4lescriba an - thllows, to wit 13Ognming„u1 ,the southeast comer of C. P. Giffert:'s ; thence along said. GiffOrd's lot, north 4b 1-2:le:Pees West. 63perehes to a: hem lock corner, the line - of Pulaski Chamberlin : , thence sC aprta h o outh,"96 'Po't; along said ritiobiliii6sctilbeliielsetaltlcol-1:-,12:Idutcotghreelirifint':Elacco's t r a E n 6 O z d , T rw siite /twice north 4.6 1-2,degrees east, 40 perches; . to l ic eplace placot beginning, contain ing fifteen anti acres .of land; strict Meisiares, he the nanlM more or less, whit the no .partenances. 1 frame house, 1 barn.. 1 small I Arc:Hint, anti alinoZ 12.acre9improvetl:ATaXen hi execnt inn nt tithruit of 'Hiram Stevens use or 1 JOei i's: AdoltA Miller)” •• • ALSO.—S.II that certain "piece or mecel of loud eittUtV3intitc-BMOtigh of Montroae:in the :county of sufsweltunna, - and6tate or: penaviti osyl;- ituis *plata iirldedcrlW a palom,, --.... Beginning at the southeast corner of a lot con- grees cast 28 perches to a post and atonal in vm ed by Ezra Beebe and wile to Ilannalt M. north line of tract; thence along sahL linc 'by Bliss, on a public street; thence north 61 1-2 land belonging to . the estate of . H.- Drinitec„ degrees west, by the last mentioned lot, 8 perch- dee'd, sunlit 83% degrees G 5 perches to a post I este' the line of-the-Old --Ftuldryi lettt.thenee: zentratoneia corner.otalistswell - &legit:44lnd i. , by the same north 33 1.2 degrees east,.B perch:thence by 'arid *of. ialirKitlgslersouth -13.rds. es, 1 foot and a half to the northwest corner of I grecs west.° Demise. to a --post and . : stottei.,'' a lot, conveyed by S. H. Sayre and others to thence by land of said Kingsley south' Si) - Ile said Ezra Beebe; thence by the same. south 61 grees east 48 perches to center-of stonewall,the 1•i degrees cast, 8 perches to a post on a public northwest corner of Perrin: Well's Simi. where strect aforesaid, the southest corner °I ,the last he resides ; thence by dandtrof-s,iitirlls- south , mentioned lot ;.thence by said street south 88 1% degree*'perthiriattia pbslollo north-1 1-2 degrees west, 3 perches 1 foot and it half to east corner of James- Shaw's, farto.; - . thence , the place of beginning, containing =perches of along thelnorthf lino orate smite north S9,de- /and, be the same more or !ay., with the appur. 'gram west 1169erche8 toes place , ofOteginning, , lemmas, 1 frame Louse, 1 trams bnrn, 'a' few conatining 18 neres-andll4•pey, Che t s-oEland,', l Fdi fruit trees, and ail improved. [Taken in ammo-- the: same more or Itv.-s; niskingln ,ll 1.M,, or,, lion at the suit of A- Lathrop vs. Polly L. and &I perches of: laud, he ,the. sattomore Fir 1 Watson.] . , less, with the appurtenances, I,,litine luitise,l:2 ALSO.-411 that certain piece - or parcel of frame barns: Shed:l:cora, houstt,l,milk - lious6,' land situate in the Borough of Great Bend, in -rtntrother out-buildlim,' 1 . orciiani, and about the county of Susquehanna, and State of Penn- 150 acres improved; (Ttikerilri execirtionqtt (lie sylvama, bounded and described as follows to snit of Ann Shaw to the •rise •of Margaret . 1 wit :. Northerly by Church Street, easterly by Wright, Nellie Thoinson',analsaltel ConkiMss. , lands of John L. Brostn, southerly by Era James Shaw.), ..".. t ... ' ' - - :- :l ' - , Railway Ootnpany's lands, and westerly by ALSO.—AII that piet.e Or :parcel . "-of, , Grace Church burying ground,containing about land situate in the township of .New "Alilfonl, in 1% acres of land, be the ramie more or less; the enmity of' Susquchinna,und Stale of Pedb- with the appurtenanees, 'l . Foundry building, :sylVania, bounded end described 'es- tenon's, -to' machine shop, 3110 IS, add fill improved: '(Token 'wit : On the north by lands Lite - the 4statet of I in execution at the suit of the Lycoming :Fire Reuben-ffiticifitlecla ,4 br ddie'-'ottst 'lg . :Great-I Insurance Company vs. v.- D.- Dittthriok„ Band A. Coeheeinhlurnpikeinnd on the south' Charles Simpson, 11. P. Doran, M, Kilrow, 1. and west by lands of 11... - 44',94aY 4 4, , E .. .." 11/. Reckhow, F. Churchill, L S. Lertheint, Cernire Boyle, 4-Anstalt:trig abotiAtighteen n4r-sn . f-1 4 1; W. Grig_trs, L Green, T. D. Hays, B. T, Ste, -belhe imam mort; or,less,,fwith 1-I.4:.'nt4r2V2a • I ph2116 &FL McKinney, partners as the Great ces, two dwelling houses, one barn, ofte,nrelt- I Bend Foundry Company.) art', and all Improved. -4.Takenin excentitirilit .1 ALSO.- , -All that certain piece or parcel the suit of GI }V: 31SO,Lev ss:,Geo. - 31.Fletning4,' of land, situate to the township. of Auburn, la ' ALSO.—AII Iliatrerfiln - Piece 'or . tlittlel , t.ol: the comity of Susquehanna, rind State of Pean- land situate in tillt,t,atimship-ef--Bridgewiater, in sy I van in, bounded and described es' foliose.% to the county of -Susquelianne;:und State of Porto', wit : Beginning at the road „running east 20 avicanin v lsountled suiddescribtsl hal'ollowt, to I rods; thence south 8 rods; thence west 20 reds; tilt: On the north by lands of- delai Yotulgt - on , thence north 8 rods to die place of beginniug,, the east by landsof Truunin Stone:on the suath containing 1 acre of land, h e the same more ors by lands of George Decker and,lL G. BaStcr. and less, with the nppartenatietn, 1 frame dwelling. on the - Ns - eat by lands oft EL ti': Baster ariddohb ' house, 1 Immo barn, 1 store house anti out- Yourigs, containing one lam:tired Jandfilty-secen buildings, a few fruit trees, and ail improved. acres of land, he the sdtne "Mote on-less, with the [Taken in execution at the suit of O. 11. Loom- appurtenances, one frOrnb house,, T. barns,l-ciirn.: 1 11 vs. Low At Ltarris, C. L. Low, and Elms Tit- house, and other oukintildings, one mideittL and ; man.]l2s acre; Imi - traced: - Taken in ex-et - alma tit the. ALSO—AII the following described piece or' cuitof.the School District of Bridgewater vs. arcelof land situate In SPringvilloadd Auburn James Turielt, Illianalleathl; vs. -Jetnis': - Titr. , l townships, county oh Susquehanna, and State ,rell and Wtn m. L. Beebe vs. JaekfTurfell.) : --1 of Pennsylvania, bounded and described awful- - ALSO.—AII litet,',cdrtailf• pieee or-parcel dif 1 lows, to wit: Beginning at a- beach the, south- land, situate in the' ton - nship •O'r - Haintbittliirr east corner hereof, and thin northeast coiner of die county of fitzsrpfelnntur, Mid State of penu,l lands sold to Nathaniel G. Ashley ; thence Ire SylSaiiii, ()minded and'dcacrilted tei folhaWs,, to' lands of Zopher Blakeslce,north 9 dean-L.l+; wit: Beginning nt a post on'the smith side:. of west 122 perches. to a post the northwest cor- the old Starrucca Creek:Toad : thence Ay other'', rmr ot Ass Packer's lot; thence by FILM lot lands of thesald Taylor, touth.27.• degrees end:, north thirty-three perches ton post -the north- 40 seconds, east 10 perches *d twodentlis:ol ti"l east corner beteof ; titmice by lands of the pleb to 7 a post; litnfleo:lFY In9as of 441 0 -' ll .l Drinker estate end Int fornuerely sold to Jebel' itobinson, north 60 degrees abet 4 seconds dud; Sumner, north 30 degrees west; thence south 1 8 . :.-4 pereitc.s to a posit in the wet bounds of the degree west. 1.53 and 6-10 perches, to the north Lrte Railway Cutnpany's trachiands; thenceby line of Amos Benn'ett's Rends; thence by lands said west bounds' north.4o deg,rens and".2o, gec: , of and Nathaniel G. Ashley's lot rinds wasti I.o*.and 9-10 perches; and theriknlby south, SO degrees west, 112 and 7.10 perches to the south side of said road south 60 degrees - ask the beginning - , containing 3)5 acres and 127 10 seconds west 12 a.rlF42-10 perches lothiplame perches. more or less. of beginning, containin g Ont.. hundred and . ten 1 ALSO.—AII that certain piece or parcel of perches of land, be the blllllO more or less, with land lying and being in the township of Inherit, the appurtenances, one farm brutse,:shoPi a' in the eoun'y of Susquehanna. and State oh few frnittremand aildmpruveil, (Tiken,ina... Peunsyl,tnia, (sounded and described as follows, tension at the snit of M. J.. : Taylors& F E. to wit : Beginning at a post the northeast cots Goodman end.). Lkhdager & Co. vs. F. E. Good ner of o lot fonnerely conveyed to John Ankles-, rams. Wit. T. BAXLEY, Sheriff. thence by the north Fine of said last mentioned Siterift:s Office, Nontrose: Get. 12 187 A., it north, 80 degrees west, 37 perches and 8-10 of a perch to a post the southeast corner ores lot, No. 61 on Henry Drinker's 31c4hoppen asap: thence by the cast line of said lot 00 perches, and of a lot of Samuel Firuntiage nert h. 42 and one third perehs tea pest; thence south" 80 degree, east, 3; and 8-10 perches to a post on the nod of lot No. 28 on the limp atiirNaid : thence south :don , ' the line of the aforesaid lot mentioned, 49 and one-third perches to the place of beginning, containing men acres, more or less. tonalier with the appurtenoners, 1 two storyliticti dwelling' house, 2 frame lawns 1 frame hog house, 2 orchards, and mostly .ino proved., Cruken in execution at the suit of Geo. P. Litiro, Muir of S. A. Loomis, assigned to N. C. Warner vs. N. Overficlill N otico is hereby given that ad bids must be paid in cash. \VII. T. MOXLEY Sheriff. Sherilf's Odice, Montrose, Oct. 19,1872. t . CL• BLUFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF t...D writs vaned by the Court of Common Pleas . of Susquehanna County end to toe directed, I will expese to sale by public cendue, nt the Court lloa4e in 3lontrose, on Saturday, Nov. 0, 1 1872. et 1 o'clock, p. In., the following pieces or; parcels of land, to wit: All that certain pleceor parcel of land situnte 1 in the township .d . Auburn in the county of ' Susquehanna and State of "Pennsylvania, boun ded and described ns fellows, to wit: On tie north by lands of A. D. Tewksbury, and on the east, south and west by lands of John Setzer, containing three and one fourth acres of lend, be the smite more or !LS% with the appurtenan ce,, one frame house. one frLnle barn, one wag- on ..:14i, one I,laeltemith shop. one tipple and march ..reltard, and ell impowed. (Taken in ' execuOm at the suit of Sterling & Son, es.. 1 James P Benninger and Andrew Young vs. , James P, Beaninger.) At. , ;().—All that certain }lime or parcel of i lend situate in the township of GiMon, in the I county of Susquehanna, and State of Penn,syl ; %suit:, hounded and described as follows to wit: On the_north by lands of ,Solomon .Pickering, ! Thomas Reese and Arches Caryl. on the cast by. .; lauds late the e-tote of Enos Oivenil, deed, on I the son di by hinds late the estate of Edwin Ben : nett deed, and °lithe west by public highway', 1 containing. ninety items or. land, be the Emile i more or less, with theappttriennuces, micro - tine ' house, three harm, one corn house, one milk home, three orchards nod about eighty acres I improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of J. Ir L. Holmes vs. Wm. E. Tan.) 7 7 " .*:_. 7- ALSO.—AII those twocestain pieces or par eels of loud situate in the township of Liberty, in the county of Susquefienna, and State of Pennsylvania, the first piece bounded and de scribed us follows, to wit.: On the north by I lands of Joseph Howard, on the cast by lauds of Thomas IVebster and public highwuy, on the south by the lands of Mrslinward or Gage,and on the west by lends of Mrs. Howard or Gage, I containing about ten nefes of land, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, one frame' house, 2 small barns, one saw mill, one orchard, and all improved The second piece bounded and described as follows, to wit.: On the north by lands of Alexander Webster; It - .Traverse and .1. W. Howard, tan the east by lands of. J. \V. Howard, on the soutlibv lands of B. W. Setithworth and Alexander Webster, containing about thirty-five ores of land,he the same More or less,wlth the eppurtenariemonnirimelonic,e few fruit trees, and anent ten acres. improTed. (Taken in execution at the suitot -the 44,com tug Fire Insurance Company vs. Fisk.) ALSO that tierniin piece or parcel of lend situate in the township of. Ararat in 'the county of Ems - quell:ulna, and State - dr Yeensyls 'smolt*, bounded and described as renews, to wit: On the north by lands - COmeligs Wrighter. on the cast by lands of Wm. Blox ham, on the south by lands of Eli Allay, and on the west fry lands of N.l". Bartell, :contain ing about sixty acres of laud, be the same more orter,s, with the appurtenanees,..l frame holtse, I .burn, a few fruit tress, anti about. acre's im proved. (Taboo in execution at the ...suit, of Elizabeth Taylor vs. Daniel Trtylor.} • Ai SO. ll those three certain pieces nr par eelsof land, (comprising MKS farnt, and lying contiguous,) situate in the township...pi „Bridge water, in the county of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, the first piece bounded and described of fellows, to wit :„Beginningot, a pest and stones in a- line of ,fictinialt. land, (now Wm. H. Jesse's thence . east by lands offinsan 'Wallace 07 perchea to'.n Stake runlstonescorner ; thentc sordJ l o l .r IPtis of said Susan IVallace.2l and o.loth perches tie corner; thence cast by lands late of Phineas Ames, jr., 413 perches to a stake rind , stones cor ner; thence north by lands tormerely of •said Ames-anti land fonnerelY of John Esna r 4r., .157 nod 2-]Ochs perches to a post and stOMs garner; thence west. by lands *amok' to a, post and stones cover and Limner:south by lands ofßennitili Mc- Kenzie, inow percheoo the place of beginning, containing 106 acresnint 40 perches or land, he the s.smeneero or less; The second piece or parcel, hounded 'and "describclll as follows,.to Beginning .tit. a- post! and 001161'01e mirth west corner: of 11. Ilelletzles:!j old form, (now of Win. 11. Jones t). ' thence by lands of John Yourig; north Ili. degrees east 0.1 perches to :t pent and atones in north line .of Wallace's tract and south Bob', of thinker's land; thence along said ling south 88 degrees cast 7 loo pe rches ; thence by land surveyed by James Shaw; soutli.l4:degreevirmt 0.1 perches lei a post - nod - stOnest thence by lands Of . B.' MCll'enzie, (now Wm: LI. 'lances) , porch 613%. degrees West 300 perches to the place of begin ning; containing 'acres iiind; 80; petelLes of . land, be the same muro or less. The thintplece or parcel, described as follows; 4amitt. Begin; ' zing rat a pOst'aml shines the northwest - corner ut said James Ehaw's old. firiiit ,thbect Whin& ritlaki tU. ILlNallrreolontil :IM-4/0; A L - DITQR`S SOlaA TOL orlorsigLAA - harloglxen A. appointed no Au,llLiy hp the Vona 'of Common Pneas, hoirelninna Comity. to • itittibuto t food/ ari•lito frolh The oherifro S tlta of rail 1i.t0.0% of E. Toolykinp,Or Ltherr,. Macs utility !hat tke, , r 21f,20 , Ln . the dal,' orro ppointmeur er his oiner. - iii )thlitroftl, :thvetther Grh,l at 2 o'clock. n:111., al . who - h tints rine ',llea. mi) Ifitcra‹(. 4 l thay a!ththl t eat r barrad rroy cmiog than sa Auld. • t.. 2. 0. N id V littft s Elq, Montrme. Septet:abet ..02r0.1672,- , A, LDlTort!e , NOTICE:7IIe underel;ned .rusg been spoint.d an Auditor, by the Court of' COII3OOII vbn•peehlun• Caen:rem dtstrlbute tbd. Dilute in the Ih:udsof the siberiff. arteing fang the nisertfCe - Fein of the teal (-tot , or 11. t 7. Broe,s liereby'.glves .benice ti,n he will attend to the dut'es 'of his Stroofirthient at hi. &Hee in 11,intrcee. on Thursday', Oet: 17iz Urdoll.. o'cieet., b. In. All persons interested' tria appear and preieot loon clailn. or bu futorer barred from coming lu ua Said fund. • Sent . 21th, P A •:sst, Aisal!cr, ff==Zl N.U.W•TOrat p.n.cauct. :MARKETS. Cori.ectell weekly by 14ftlini. I 3 tSJen kt Co., :as Wasklughp Butter, pall ' SO®3s ttedu .............f......... 'ind.l2B Cliecse,dairy, per 1b........ • 114@14' " factory "-• ' lbol4' E,cl, - IN per dor. ......_ Flour, per barrel. C(eldealb• Corn nica1,10011‘5...... ...... .. ..... f.1.5(1e3.1S Wheat, per bushel . - • 1.0201.64 Rye - " • , Oats •4.4a47 0. Corn (12.61 Hops, crop of 1971 2.013,24 , Tallow " 8 ,4 S G 1 Laql iier'llsr.,; ... .. :f....:1...0 :.: . i;./f. s - BeD I Potatoes per bid' • ' ' •, i.:•l'a . - i1.504/3. Apples •"- .... .. ... -.• . .i.::...14 . .., .. .: - 451..75 I I Turkes Chickyn per 1b....................... WW2'S Chickens " I Ducksdwitlt "••• - 20352 Here acnd yenCour:Cir - cular nntl eald, i that thb - butufr market is tlull:atid prices lower • than a week ago. 'rids state of affairs is owing I to several causes, thief among which are the I unfortunate dire:lse tawy , our 4. ltorses zliicla l'presants tbelsitnipcu•tatiotteDgrocia . intni Dfo accumulation of stock, all tend to make put. citscr,.lnpre particular, and more difliculu to Itit: "We therefoq tvmse.irnotv7lisltlintilln pails 38g40. medium, T. 3635, common 10015. selected Fitkins sa&i.i, Eclected 4a2lt tuba Oa 35. . . j VAtLlt tAILROAD. On and nftcr Juno 10, 1811.tralos on the V.tneY PAUfmtiiil P K07:713. i ~ 110. b*c. Mani ____,_. Y. 0. r. N. P. tr: 745 -1 06 .41-10- - F1u11en...... 1545 613 445. ; 340 130 941 'Waverly 12 00 533 600 335 137 10 00...... Athe,,,......11 43 511 950. 4-20 495 10 40 —.Volvo:lda. 1...11 03 467 910 , 521 11 la Wynlo.ln3 —lO C 3 115 ; 543 305 11 60...--1.,/tryville 943 401 05+ 6 14 12 12.... NI erhopoco .... 960 622' 6"_! 12 2. 3lehoopsny .... 913 ' 1113 , 655 350 124:...'reinkbannvel;... 849. 3"_o 5561 BIX 441 150 rlttrinn 7 25 131 457 ; , '... eA. LAO, 247.--IV.ll.lcq6nr .ce....„.1,99.,_1 1 . 1 i,,. ~-, 7 36 • . sa, .illatalielmtik....4..v;•••/. 45 113.5• . !.L 813 550 Allentown A. N. 10 47 1110• VI 40 601 Bethlehem .....9_ „lOW 19 00, 9 15 . 6 ''.:s ' En5t0ti , .......4 - .15 "v 5. • . ] • 10 30 ' 8 V 1:. .Phl efphla • !.-- - 850 142 • • - 'll. IL iria• .-- 'ken- at ..... . ... IEO L . O A. IL At Y. No. 31 learns Towanda nt 71) a. m. ; Athena. 514 a. m.; Waverly. 30.3 a. tn., a rrl ring at Elmira at 910 a . \0.31 Iroves Elmira n 5531 p. m.; Waverly, at C. 36 P . m.;. Athenx.xt..6.l....ncrlelai,e at Tow. ads 11l OD' Drawing Room aira 0 etnihnA to tre.lns.2 il6d' mining prong,tt from Elmira to Phlllidelphla. ,ll It. A. PACKER, finpertntenoos,t.; .-. C auss)... cz, turbzxu.... sok EVE J. -`• , duet Ftdadad In aalad.rigiarleXEdielnti; A Legt orp.on,iim_roturr,,,Trep.tment dud rtailealv.graot.speunatormee-guaJUmlual Weekne mrolmitary Entleeiona, and Impedimenta to Mart, riare,gmterahy,;-,Nereemeretetelnetamtion„ nod 'FAR: Mental and Irampeelry. motif:lnv frontdc. ItO DEM' VUIX.EILAVIALI,I `'L-ift, Attatlr ot.litelmtrcen 130ak.” • , , Th, world-renowned author. in t hie adottrabla Leefttin clearly Wye , from hie mop enperieure that the awful anmequenece of neltaitraen may bo of rooloyill without medicines, d without. Wingert:me aurglead op.; en:llona, boughs. idat=tuente , ringe, ore trliale, point. log out a modo of onno certain and effectnar by erilith awry *offerer. TIO mater unlit his condition mar-he , may cure bimeeff cheaply. prtral eiyand radically. WILL PROVEA DOON IO Tllol.76ANDsaud TBOUS sAti-o* • - - sentimerer eof tcrinf.lehiAs.'n%litaln one, on the rrwelne of *ix cents. or two postegostampte Aldo Dr. Cnirenre We ...Slat ;loge Golde."Drieu so cents:- ~ Aeldrgiqr.PSltilifiltll; CIXABLES 7." C. RUNE & 127 N4Jorars- Tinler,V9st- Off-co 80x4.538.4 Old_: Thtngssaltti-Tassed,' ' . Thin leathrn - At- IlifeaLlnl9Mottra treatingtlut long 4M:sedan umett ithusetftrentetttely. It tor 114 lonler seaside • telnoto I,„terture Itv efderete enrikletht a iltrised en erklefi pdtdlsalready t oodermtnlog the viten:lva of kle cyslom... True ecteaco entmee Itself , on the ride of more, endeavors, IA utodet henlalmersh., I, , Thi. Is the loCe o f ilt•ttetteFeeltomnetrfllttereilhe most appear. .ed tonln ever advertised In,tlths conntry. It may be me sfi •Sory are especially preset-et. • Tbst• s M tzhnoiteed by the heels ot stammer, he inland nod feeble et' /•°,1.1. e n ., an d s ie,rsednultriejelenteede. atildelnl elsmltco. Afford It Vint ossletente In oceseloual does' of Itorettter's ntomnr.,h.l3ittereteuirnts velltsenferred to noir, M. ramped. Tilv‘nghunt the fa Wert, And inn the M venting alhestil-nf the Sonthern riper', an tba thole' of a I,47rlndltal leV . nt at,: probably rota tn-dever Ilsd cone-DAIL' Itortetter • Meters been commenced by t•tier remove Montt' - erff7"tr , r. - bektre - tkra-SMtrellthY, IreJenp retie. sellereeeghttlll them stemld le nit pr ! Fbehtlity be In threw-toned , health, at thtrpresehettme. SO . tenth lest tont of Wrceast.t. ills mach for not keentog Inthe.bonso.rnol endue daily, the big,nfogisarct az4l:4t, ep(tleudgend endemic feral*. .:••", • A* d..etce of Impestereand It:Winters aro *urn to fou In-the of the vest Aserlemt remedf. there) i font be into that anicto 3 , 01,4 y. it Irethin* dent rs ethe by the proper tr•dle marks, ciao sto.Uttglei tap .1010 y be ogtotned bottles, 1101=lk :tkkilptrterds yll t W4OB . 40 4 ata klit• $l,OOO R EWARD 13111GGS' ALT.S.VANTOIt to tempted Of Atanter.::, Chloroform, bydri t of Camphor. Tincture of 'rpel.: -, 011 ofiuntuer. and Alcohol This a:top:and is el • nai iy,ireeryttrdirartartaltablartrostPEeufe-uf-Neyr vo' or Sir k fieudaclal,eiratela,TreauetrogorfPunt...., ing tblrcrees. and all Nersolle ,Dlectias. It, W . exam tenet all trollops, hiatelt r igulatest curs mar UM': lins, Itching. battlers, &e... t arptallaes tha tovittentto thoeyetena,tnereassethoactlon oft the bea;:, orithent °zeta , : tbe Wain, =hi Lleashbana.Palp i ratio ,. and - rnr.tering al tbe ilearteDynepale. 111.* AllestantorehaolutulyperstessesmorocurativoyloyOrt .• Altw any other preparation. •Ph,yelclans,Chanalate,! ruiners are regnvoted to cotaitne cad telt Lbw HOW- 4t. and 411006,ui1l be paid Itpund clahrent Ltodteyfesent t 0 0 tio been °Cared for the - relief end unroof throat end ion diocases: bat potblng has been vo anintailly teem , : or outalturd otioles - vrlde-CC 111 0.70 2 /rigilY l24° - WA Lana from•Dnolnn•, the Go plsreing. dietrasilm noml.. growing Nate. cannot Cescrihed. Tbouitadastme, not Is amass: Itetateidstato Iyeel,„, l Lte be toothln n oa n . d l d eff o e r c tpoaialtnreda just m ro a w de it , t t e e m s sn a ow tLttt haPY tweet front an apprialitlva public. Curative is a boiling clement: Inaleiter e obehina.l by as applicetton. aud h".. , • thewnisA cases of EhateralCoenti.lnfLamedsna s ceret• cd Benton% the sorevt tastep. ttitalurgest and mews - , 1111stere. the mos: sztFairre Oilleslllea on the aloles licele of the fat. unegualledla the =sof Chilblain/1r Proated net. The Alicrantor for,ovelniutry corns •a/meatier P TarMintsu PI 0E1 ' 244 V e V A V P L. ,. _ k m been a terror ter amateur. ft r tentarles. and almost Avert attempt rant them has Leto betted, 'Di asecastaz Mud/ experimentireg, • Dr. Itriguebe*diaconxed and sheoln• ♦ %alto for Inteetter, bleeding, external, anditchingplis, !St tege Phi It rhodt ea 'are mild. safe and Stalk/ Corns, Bunions, Did Nails, "IlltaMett sTPlattalle art aleessei of thereat. allot 0110SyCPCPrl* SC L O _ ./MMO,T. !Wats , treated by Mr, J. uetzis 4 e9nu 7, Elotd by , A n ßClertllDLlloatrattAlts.,artn ,- al l Z a NIL:BO:AS. Montrose. ra. L. 3621114 /FM „ - MOITIOSE irblAA:tt - . 'ta'a-test*e.r 10;-.31:4 1 T, 0 1 - ,:- --bRY-c)oo:Ag't:,-'-',',: F&VCT DEV...531300D8,1311AWL5:. Lit'S izrOsest QOM* :z4r MITE AXPIPOOLLI GOODB,TOTIONIata, 111 ILL I:4 /O. jilt , . 0 Dlt t RISIMED, AND . . 4.I?FIitIVAEP, HANS, • j .:".11 . :514133i301413,E40 . ; , . , .4cpyi:g._T_R.",,XTQAo, SE . 31a DE, CLOTiLtIVID: 51R..0301 - 9; AND. YOUTITS val, PrECi ' Goons BY Tar"?' ABA: • 414-1) CITEITOSi(ALIC •0; - . 'PEN TLE:IIIEN,:•AiiSO62I4I,IE3 rURNIADDAIH. DOODB4 - " O*N - TS ri4T,E,O 6 or ALL QUALMES..m:t AND LATEST 1 1 1.1:q RE . O -- VARIET.Y TEE Woll-krtoil ago BEROi: - 11 . 0* - 00:MA C° ..... 31.ortzot ranovED.Cl7Clt' l7ool X nnemp..7setetets. Dumbler Efficient , od. Cheap: Tbs, best pnAr Car tbs. Ist money,. Attention isrtla!ly tvited toUlstehrevaink •alrentest and 'Nast .I(int,ftbeelt whletetqf Istwlltdesseirwitb trumeottor the Pgrotrot divine:due; tejotnts. Alec:oU Coppese Mmbee.. ditch never exacts. and nilk outlast,'Fotistent , Dcalsest ye t: e. (bete. Bond tot Ciptsivotingd ytles, LUS '..'daltr;l3.ll.t.rtetttlittiar; cdtl commented% alittAi",!, • .S.AI-17i7. TOM XXI! Za rnt :P4l33:?-200-7;*.e't" ZELVINS TUBB= Warta, WAZZEI. , .. _ : . "c if " :, „ .---) `,:, " rartabla and StatlonityAAlß*Mandaptared and tog- Bak , , by.. , b'6,11,105AD,R 0 3 ,, . - .Ilpncrate. Pa, rab:7,:l . E!"4—;anra—df, .. ~...[. •:-t ~ ~ Dowx toiV . Nt • ; - - c.04T4 % • bob , lip. iiPicoo.. , , ubbizo, Vgiurt; 11.171).: eROVINoA , ?... wear. cons tautly ecru fibre • aid rio‘tieviii • 1 I.treakettlekibi9Qods in ourliii,WVailtiirinsel • CELEAS.E i r • - Ciitr ' Al ViCa4Z r ,f: iiillEatrZo4:lE.o. l 2o44.4t. (40 oirc VE4,4 • • ' • COFFEE, r . — Af6tAXSS4; : O/dY P 0121 r; Itszt .14.190 • 11A3M-intlED' CLO.VER d ZW:Ol i liK;Skt r pr; 60 - . , - • - , • We.haverottted and madis.44llloti‘ter . metStoe**,,, end aro Lure reedreit lorwarb Better/ o Lb* bet eemmleetot bouees NOW Totkaraot charge, lAA k et Iheraladvlacentntit on consignments. - - and eta mit tette:4l oo v babe* p_trlthleilig On. vbeep,endtonelteetoteseree&Ottbb..: GtSOIY (113ALIIIT''&_TQW, MICES • 4 .0: 'ltigittCOATlk Montt oza ADAiIY 'pa; '• • •••,•". • - rzrzlzw. vt,:mcvcaracro ._ Y.E.S.I"_ --E 11-T.CT $, - ' ritilcidgt . 16.... , :. it ,, o ,c o r : E v r*Aeped by vlttnr.tor tbatta Cam tla irAlon • gni , tn.:. thn LOgtplatUten.3l6 - 11. t to tout 'lave nnthorlnlna.itlitigorotlissataaTositriep tsruc H`• ..cnritica in ettnnlnuce with tarp lawn far <e eta inter .nni itoprararanntrdipatritaninieratql titiOrgtO impow , rr that can Ittnily di rat trteaf:'. St NI et ugly _reradille; .11 aptclmlit Ik, onnot, .Threo bowl, FM and Um : up ;cm , nit ill*: nr9l) , :rll-.(11 14 ": wurasip4lll74 Inaltdim • - ,rtAilroada sad m art zi;:ill pr mita Ci boort Ink lin en LI lartonorn are chituglurthelr 0 overnmy a tiondothpr Hin. cnritiel I. to Mrs& dr.str•ble be al ~ .:expluntlesr, _ $ , ,11 no rherifttllculvroi nrks/Thinds A. ,, . rinnlgnlttlntll r h 'far ',lab, • cf. 4 it i;sl °9 ' 4 . 1.P3 61 c • ajigl 4 tAta . ! izav fit, .L. , llo**.reri t S:o l3 l•._a: APPill- - , ;:,"a , .• .....- I• ..” - --,47; :..',,,,, .133"1". • . ~ . --.... '_.!, :1'..:.•.11UT. „Ltr,-I, — . i .V. -"", C' ~ .., 11.DI 4 rt •. • " r. • . ._ ~ :i FL::. . • INfil