The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 06, 1872, Image 2

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WE10.7138D1.1.:.;7000.281111 1 7. 0, 1872.
Death of Mrs. Greeley.
Ns copy the following from the Phila.
Inquirer : ". After a lingering
ifiness,•duringthe last week of :which her
`death has been . almost hourly expected,
Mi tionacE GRUEL= "breathed' her
last. She died , without a struggle, 'pass
ing away so • quietly that tie sorrowing
watchers at her bedside were hardly aware
of the final moment.
The sad occurrence took place at the
residence of Mr. Johnson, N0._323 W.
Fifiy-seventh street, New Yea . , ivhere
she bad been removed at her owril request
from the family mansion at Chappaqua,
in the first week uf the present mouth,
that she might have the companionship
of her most-intimate and valued friends.
MIL Qat4ET atid.his daughter IDA have
been constant watchers at. the - bed-side
of -the invalid, and Ma. GELIELEY some
time since relinquished his political work
and. correspondentli entirely, that his
attention might' be given solely to his
wife. At the moment of dissolution,
'however, he was not present, having re
'tired to his room to obtain the repose re
quired by his unceasing vigils, and Miss
IDA. Gnu= and Mus. Srzwinr were
the only persons in the rosin.
. Mrs. Gantry, whose, maiden name
was MARY YOUNG thiENNY, was born in
Connecticut, where her family still reside.
In r 1835 she went. to Wartenton,li. C., to
take charge of a scliiool and was married
to Mr. Critr.r.LEY in that town in 1830.
Mr. Gnstur, then in his twenty sixth
year, was at that time conducting the
Yew Yorker, published in New York cify.
This was nearly Eve years before the es
tablishment of the Tribune. Mrs. GEER-
. influence over her husband was
great, and she is said to hare had no
small share in shaping some' of the most
rinporitint acts - of his public life. Five
• children have been born to them, but
only two, both daughters, are now living,
two sons and one daughter having died
early in life.
Mrs. +II ItEELET has been an invalid
from pulmonary disease and rheninatie
aiection for a number of years. She re
cently went to Europe for the benefit of
ber health, and returned but a few weeks
-since, appareatfy much improved from a
residence, on, the Isle of Wight. The
hope of her recovery was not to be real.
hoivever. She soon commenced to
fail after her return, and a dropsical con
dition setting in a few days ago the dis
ease rapidly proceeded to a fatal termina
tion. -
John A. Grtswold's Death.
Troy, N. Y., October 31.—John A.
-triswolddied this evening at eight o'clock
-of scirrhosis of . the liver, aged fifty-two
Tho Mayor has issued tho following
Mayor's Office, Nevem. 1, 1572. -
1b the Honorable Common Council:
Our city is called to mourn the death
of oue 6f the most eminent and esteemed
of its-members. Joi) A. Griswold tuns
amen of honor, enterprise, and integrity.
Ile was a gentleman of uniform polite
riess,affability, awl benevolence. Among
the .many marks of confidence and re , .
spent which he received from his fellow.
citizens was that of Mayor of this city,
and as inch-was the presiding ofilcer of
the Common Council. It theiefore
.botcreti you to offer to his monitory such.
tokens of regret and respect list's char
,ontertind the occasion demand_; and for
that purpose you. are to invited meet in
special session Friday evening, November
atAight. o'clock:
'Dennis 0. Laughlin, President Com
• musLOckuncili
. .
- iron9g x2.,-4 correspondent of the
,Buffalo 4urier %%Tata us follows to that
-paper. -A perusal will give some' idea of
the nsticaliWand outrageous fraud which
:Mademp lititranft's so, called . mrjoriry in
rlii/a4elpiiia. A more disgra r ceful record
we /rife lieier seen.
•. On
a, my Mal home last night I fell in
_With company of Beddy's boys, and
fourid,their company rather entertaining.
They were just home from Philadelphia
having stmeeedecl in mating a little - pile
by visiting many wad . leaving the
'name of Idr.llitrtrauft., with the people
behind ,the rail. One party: of twenty
,fire tnelf,living in the eighth ward-of this
'city.:.,dro,re.artmnd the city of Millard
omnibtis..drawn-by four horses,
,And Vetted at'fortpure dirarent polls, and
wound up the day's sport by putting in a
,epOint,4 ballet at - the poll 'when) . they - be
tati. operations: ',They were sopplied.With
hsts of natiiiihi The. Anvil to :answer
to at eaelt.polling list, and were only one
,Ittif..,tniegaues from' the Eighth ward of
fthiß City. Af the ethers' did as well as
phistheyinlone added 4,500 votes to Hart.
unft'littamcwity. - One -mini. 'Who didn't
belicte in crovds .but " met •= - business,"
Admitted - to voting 41= times-;--or rather,
aa-hemorivetedlituself, to putting in . 61.
.ballots. He supplied himself with the
4tames.qf fonr:or tire men in each Adee
,tiotrdistritst Cf: a wealthy . ward, and went
At sap z%He - .Lvoted for one,.stepped-out
sidethe 400 r and-allow.ed two or. _three
„others vote, then cants. hack and voted
this - -Chqrlies, trouble
Masked.. - .‘t,You're. /ado-green
ane,..•Theyaltritys told me -whoa it
to leave for unetherpel/i.
,generally left.'!. But the.steries they:told
-apf their.cdverttlates 'would not ha
. .11 - rePtirter trim went : With unser the
:,gnngs Toted at, thirtptiro polls. He is
writing A - partiphfetorhich will be pub
Itext Week,Ciiing the names mid
47esidenOS At pbtMt - two hundredfold fill.
'repnters - frem this city; with - a - full ear
,posurottf,the.difrercot methods employi
, ... • • • .
rg"Electio' n Eon - rns next
A Washington dispatch to the Herald
, department of. State has received
a dispatch: from VieLi Consul Saunders, at
Nassau; announcing the loss by fire of the
steamship •MissOuri. The only additional
information is the names of the twelve
persons saved, who formed a - portieu of
the passengers' nd crew.
The steamer Missouri *as .calved at
$200,000, half of which was.. insured in
marine insurance companies. Her cargo
to'Nasiati 'consisted of •dry goods, boots
and shoes; and butter and provisions.
Her cargo to be debarked at Havana, con
sisted et provisions, lard, hardware,:sew
ing machines, hams, butter, appled luita
toee, onions, stationery, and other mind
lanectis articles, .
The cargo was valued at between • fonr
hundred and seventy and five hundred
thousand dollars. It is not yet known
how much of her cargo is•insured. The
Missouri was 1,180 tons burden, and was
built of oak and chestnut, at Mystic, in
1802. She was metalled and copper-fast
ed in August; 1871. The Missouri ivas
an A, I, propellelof three decks, drawing
seventegn feet of. water.
Her Dimensions were, length, 216 feat;
24 feet beam, and depth of hold 23 feet,
She had directing cylinder engines of 20
feetand 36 inches dimensions, and was
brigantine rigged. She was. overhauled
in both boilers and machinery by the
United States authorities, just before the
:Yetis disaster, and was pronounced by
them to be in good condition. Her chief
engineer, Mr. Islip, had just left the same
position on the sound steamer Escort.
and tills was his first trip on the ill-fated
vessel. The Missouri bad six first class
bouts for sea service, ail in good condi
tion, and her officers and captain were all
men of experience and skill. Each of
the boats eloitld hold twents-five persons,
or 150 in all.
The steamer Ann, which, brought the
news to Key 'West, is a small vessel be
longing to the Atlantic mail steamship
line, and is only used tc transfer passen
gers and freight froM the bar which lies
off the town of Nassau to Nastiau
At first the ne-we was not believed, but
the fact of the presence of the Ann hav
ing been confirmed by telegraph relieved
all doubt at once.
A clerk of Mr. A. E. Outerbridges,
who is saved, was manly frantic last night
at the supposed death of his employer;
and rejoiced when he found, on inquiry
at the company's offices in this city, that
he had been rescued from the burning
wreck. •
Abaco, or Lueaye, the largest of the
Bahama islands, is about twenty mites in
breadth, nnd eighty Miles in- length, and
has a population of 3,000 souls. A nat
ural perforation in the rock at its south
easterly- point forms a landmark, well
known to seamen as the " II le in the
Wall." The lighthouse which is situated
160 feet above the sea, is visible ut a dis
tance of eighteen nautical miles. Abaco
is about forty-five miles from Ivey. West,
and the inhabitants of the smaller isl
ands call it the mainland. All these
islands are formed from coral reefs, and
their inhabitants are principally wreck
ers, and many of theta, lead unlawful
lives. •
KEY WEST, Fla.. Oct. 31,--The follow
ing particulars of the burning of the
steamship Missouri haver been obtained
froM the survivors who arrived here:
Wheu the boat which was saved left
the burning ship,pne boat was seen with
its keel npwards which had two men on
it. The rescued lay for two hours by
a swamped boat containing nine men, in
cludingqhe engineers, firemen, and ship's
As there were no seamen in the swamp
ed boat, they were unable to properly
manage it. A pail with which to bail
was given them, and in this condition
they were' left. It is not likely that any
of them were saved. For forty minutes
after the rescued left the Missouri, they
saw the passengers and crew who remain
ed on board crowded upon the after part
of the ship.
It - is Said the fire Was first' discovered on
the floor of the locker in the pantry, and
the cry- of tire:was'instantly given. Wet
carpets were immediately put on the fire
by the pantrymen, anti others, and -the
stewards reported to the- passengers that
the fire was out. Within two minotes,
however, several Toices screamed tire from
the stoke-hole. All was then confusion.
Within twenty minutes three boats were
launched: In the rescued boat, with the
exception of a few pieces of sugar-cane
there was ' '
and only itto small oars and a large one;
neither were there any sails or. anything
to make them of.
It was from nine o'clock in the morn
ing of the 22d, until twe o'Olock in the
-afternoon of the- 23d, before assistance
was Obtained. At that time the schooner
Spy was 'Sighted; and 'the rescued party
pilled vigorously to her.. The .Spv took
the survivors to
.ll2pctown, on tlbow
Key, where - then arrlvetlabout sever, p.
on, the 231 ',On the 241..:t a schooner
was sent towards the burning Ship with
charts and full directtons . to find her, and
whit instructions to look for the - ship - a
boats and to skirt the coast. The Selleon
eiTetureed abOut midnight on the 24th,
and report - 4 having seen, nothing of the
.boats or passengers. The sea was then
breakingheafily,-on . the reefs.'.. •
Within fifteen minutes after the alarm
of fire. was given - the twelve. survivors
were the -boat, and the flaines Were corn.
ing froin the stOke-bole e in. ,
Only three boats were . launched, -two .of
which. were
.sivampeil; It is said that
seven,ltiotnen and seven children viere..on'
board the Alissonr4 none of whem get in.
tO the bode:: -
When last seen paptain Green . was
working . With,
.Pniser „Ilempstead and
of the crew trying to get off the'lea
boat, surrounded smoke and flame:
Ete,ven of the survicotti tat that the boat
woe never launched; but' the itwelfth,
Captain Curmer, - Says it Iris lannched fill
'of people • but that '.it woe `ThstnediUtely
swamped.• • . '''.•": , '
31EAN COtiDLT'i' Ok prtA..!!",e6'4E;v , ZATriS
The , iMly;C • xpenie it-lopped .-
Key-. the little English steamer; Anna
:belonging:to the Atlantic Mail Steamshi p Company, which bronghtto that port - the
surrtvors ottlio ill-fated steamship :t Mis
souri,-was forced upon her . . 4 tits United
1 Shttei Cktstomselicers, who even chrirg
ed sher with :tonnage diteri fore twelve
months in ndvauce. Every one e se"witit
whom the Anna had brunuesit worked evit
and gratuitously.'- .
' ,No_onettcquainted' with the versAl Can ,
conjecture how the fire occrine4.-_, Every
precaution ha teen used to prevent tire
and to extinguish it ITNALIStarta ".
The riciiie Disease.
. _
Ti.egeneral aspect presented by the
horse epidemic throughout, the city . yes
terday, was about the same as on the day
previous. ~The horses were evidently im
proving, and were nearer to a complete
recovery tinui on :Wednesday, although
thare did not apper to be an many ant
mats able to do work. This was doubt
less owing iu a measure to the dull and
diiagreeable weather as compared with
the clear sky and warm sun of the day
previous. Many of the street-car Linea
Were using four horses to each ear, it be
ing ascertained .that four sick animals
can draw four tsins easier than two can
draw two tons. This is explained by the
fact'horse fails fur a short
distance the other three carry him along,
and When' the tired animal 'vetivers a
little he is able •to assist his brothels.
There waa.a smaller proportion of horses
running at the nose and eyes, and scores
of animals could be seen n Mei appeared
to be entirely recovered save the weakness
which inevitably follows the disease.
The curious stage tied car lines were
running as' follows at noon yesterday :
Fourth avet.ite, forty stages ; Fourteenth
street, twenty-four stages; Fifth avenue,
thirty-two stages Oladisun avenue. fifty
three ituges; Twenty-third street, rum
live stages; Fourth Avenue Railroad,
twelve cars; Third Avenue Railroad,
one-quarter usual number ; Ninth avenue
ten cars; Eighth and Sixth avenues, one
half usual number; Broadway line, one
half usual number..
Sante of the lines put on more cars
towards night in order to carry the up
town tide of travelers.
On the Second avenue line continued
improvement is reported. Only eight
horses are considered M* unfit for work
and the aggregate daily trips are but tit ty
less than usual. AP better state of atfleirs
is else reported in the stables of the Fourth
Avenue Railroad'. In the Sixth Avenue
Railroad stables, the horses are recovering
their appetite so rapidly that from fifteen
to twenty barrels of feed a day are added
to the amount lately given. Thirty of
the horses were taken front tt.e hospital
yesterday and exercised by driving them
to Central Park. This morning none of
them appeared to be any worse for it, and
they Were placed on the down-town jour
ney. But one trip a day is exacted front
any of the horses. The number now ill
the hospital is about 150. The Broad
way and Seventh avenue line report. their
horses•as improving rapidly, but that they
deem it expedient not to work them too
'soon. The Eighth avenue horses are
said to be much better. About one-half
the cars are running, and five extra cars
are put on at morning and night to re
lieve the horses when the amount of trav
el is greatest. This plan was considered
preferable to the doubling-up method.
Coleman et Volk, a firm who employ
about thirty horses, have it is reported,
cured them completely by the Russian
bath. This treatment was suggested by
its eactual use in curing Mr. Volk him
self cf influenza.
Some of the Broadway merchants made
a very good hit yesterday by sending out
large numbers of porters and junior clerks
to draw track-loads of merchandise
through the streets to he shipped from
the varions depots. As each truck seen
thus loaded bore an ostentatious an
nouncement of the business of that par
ticular firm. people begun ta suspect that
it was a dodge to advertise their wares.
At a private meeting of the Board of
Health yesterday the following was read:
The Sanitary Committee respectfully
submit the following report upon the
petition of certain parties to be allowed
to deposit stable straw upon recant lots:
In the opinion of th, Corn tnittee the
straw accumulating in the stables of this
city since the prevalence of the present
eptdemic should be regarded and treated
. 10 infected. It has received and becomes
saturated with the discharges of the sick
horses, and is hence liable to aud undoubt
edly does contain contagious or inn c
thins matter. This errs* should be so
treated as to destroy such contagious
matter. Simply accumulating this straw
on vacant lots would not only destroy
any contagious or infecting material con
tained within it but by the process of
rotting such cootagin would doubtless be
greatly multiplied. Again, the necessary
handling of the straw, both in its trans
portation and overturning while it is on.
dergo* ig the process of decomposition,
won tend to liberate and disseminate
suet titt contagion.i There aretut two meth
ods of treating this straw so as to effectu
ally destroy r ffecontaeious matter, via.:
The most effectual method is by cm
bastion. lithe straw could be burned
at the stables, and thus avoid all trans
portations, the end proposed would• be
best accomplished. In the railroud,stages
and large livery stables, where there is
ample, yard space. this method of divos
ing of - straw Could be entbreed without
much if any ca. anemvenience.
But the straw of the private stables would
have to be conveyed to vacant lots. The
second Method would require the
employment of -such
as have
the kabwn power of destroying all forms
of germinal matter. Such are carbOlie
acid, sulphurous acid, chlorine, gyp . s um .
itc. There can be.uo doidit that if these
materials are: thoroughly employed the
.If the stidw.were wetted with a proper
amount gypsum ; -tho_; result would he
egitally favorable, and the straw Would be,
much improied as a manure.. " It is also
importau rt bat all Stable-keepers he cam
yelled to, take proper saoitary preean t ions.
fhe flours .the:stables and_ stalls should
be sprinkled over witit'zarbolie acid of
the ustial commercial standard and dilu
ted-With twenty to - . twenty-five :parts of
water. In addition: to,the carbolic . acid
the stable. gutters, and fluorin , ' • of the
stalls should. be strewn over with plaster
to 91. e-eighth or one-xixtb - of
.an inch in
thickhess before the straw for bedding. Is
put dchrh; '.The sprinkling with 'carbolic
acid .and"_application of, plaSter. of
paris to.b6 reritoveel every twenty-four- or
thirty-six hears thinOgh the duration of
the epidelnic..and.the straw used 'for bed
ding changed Ut least as often:
. After the, reading of the above it Was,
Ordered - that the, owner!, proprietors.
or lessees of all stahlei ivithin the citv
New2.Tork biaatl are hereby required . to
caus?.. the Stablee owned, leased, occupied
useerty - thetn to be - thoroughly.and
daily cleansecl,and.the flours thereof effec;!
tually tlae_free.:. application.
ofcarbolic acid of thii usual comtnercial
Standard; difuted.with iwenty,ive parts
of: water, and the floors of the stalls . nsed
in eneh etableo to ,bo' yfoll oosiie4 •with
plaster of Paris to a depth of at least one
eight of an inch before.the straw or bed
diog Khali be laid thereon.
'I hat such Owners, proprietors, or les
sees shall also eause 411-straw.or other
material used as bedding for horses iii
the stables caned, leased, or occupied or
used by them' to be destroyed by cotu
bastion u pen or' immediately contiguous u
to the premises where the same has been
used, or to he thoroughly disinfected by
carbolic acid prepared. as. .hereittbefore
specified or by the freeapplication thereto
of gypsum or quick thud "befon;' the re
moval of thelsamefrom such premises;
and that hereafter and until the further
order of this-Board no straw used as bed
ding for horses shall be transported
through the Streets or public thorough
fares of the city unless the sante shall
have been previously thoroughly disin
fected its bereinbefore provided.
Ilmolted, That the City Sanitary In
spector he and is hereby instruceed to
caner the foregoing order to .- be properly
served upon the parties Weeded thereby
and to secure the proper enforcement
timed—N. F. flora
Mes. FAut.—The acquittal of Mrs.
Fair on her second trial, ut San Francisco
is an outrage to.which words do no jus
tice. The annuls of crime do not furnish
a case where a mtirdere'r more clearly des
erved the severest penalty of the law or
where society was more interested in see
ing it faithfully administered. The only
consolation to be found in such a mock
ery of justice is the fact that it tills the
path of the licentious man with perils
from the most sensu4l and reck
less may well shrink.' Every such man
is at the tickle and• unpitying ua•rev of
his victim or his paramour.— Tank/um.
not.* Ripublican. -
Thanksgiving Proclamation,
By the President of the United States of
Whereas, The !evolution of another
year has again brungnt the time when it
is usual to look hank upon the past - and
publidy lit thank the Almighty cur 11 is
mercies and I1i; blessings; and
Whereas, If any one people has mere
occasion than another fur such thankful
ness it is the Cif izeits of the United Stales.
whose government is their creature, sub
ject to their behests, who have re:erx‘d
io themselves ample civil and religuns
freedom and equality beforii the law, who
during the last tuelve months, have en
joyed exemption flyni any grievous or
general calamity, and. to
. whom prosperity
in agriculture, tuMinfactiires and com
merce has been vouchsafed.
_ .
Now, thereG/re, by - thus considerat ions,
I recommend that ouThor.iday, tle 2.8111
day of Not - ma:r next; tin- peop:e meet
in their respective places of worship, nod
there make their acknowledgment to God
for U s kindness and bounty. In witness
whereof I have hereunto-set my hand and
caused the seal of the United States to be
Done ,itt the city of liashingtun, this
eleventh duy of Octohet, in the year of
our Lord one thousand - eight hundred
and seventy-taro. add of the ludepend•
elle,' of the United States the unity
lie the President, U. S. G 11.1141%
1i11.3111.T0S FISII, Secretary.
• ••
;4jrtti A, drerxottiteitto.
-§ , r ,,, -- 4-, („rg 9111 PKRRA i . i & XVI , " Malted !
T./ VW W amil ll Ai: C. 1.1,,,, of It orkitig pvi.glo
i. g, i hgr ~,, S. ynung or nni. make more inn, al at igt.rk
far uti in their by .ro :no:ovals Sr ail thg lifllt, than at
anything cite. Pariiculare free. Atitire,a 1.4 llvirvi•
SON. d: GO.. Pm tlat,g .51aing.
BOOKKEEPIISIG Eaxy INery Nc L and cirr
chant LAO IVOril al.. .WV. Book 61111.1. (0 ce•sta.—
' 11. GOULDING BILYANT, Iniff-do. N. Y.
GLIT lI'S CIIPItitIAL ItlvesgAri
Martz's, t huh:rale 10 tlit =du.
rvelpt of $l.
W. 11EILM 1 , 1:11131.11'. livatling, Pa.
La.„,:LLLL,L,2,,L low priced Corn• •• ucller ever pmentod.
Lrt I,lrutere nurruvcrotroty cybo to eiull tend
for •trcular to ' - I•SAILY 4.3.1L'i-b11E1.1.711 '-
11.trri..burL„ f`q.
Gitnar cu it to 3ITIC —A $3 .11.2tatrioe ot rho bigit
rpt ortirr for $l. ngelit Wa01.3 in Lrrry too un
a p-rtylud O-CrOgr. 1,114 rooll. -or Opertalrl3 10
•• Smith's LV.I.,r JlagaNna," M Liocrts ot., ro. Y.
1823. JUBILEE 1873.
The Bait Religious & secular Family Newspaper
7tur atial.the 711DILEE YEAR SOGB.
_ 3111NUY It • t 10281: .a, CO.,
37 t ark Stow. Now York.
librbc-4 prim. paid for prima ryrvil:ty by L M. ELK
tyros, sa.sp am! Voncito M4ustroctorer, 1111 Marzaret.
to &tett. rbilodolpbbi. •
Ie unoar•eu.ud as-a roost/tor of tha Growth of the
'lair soi Wlalokele. It to. urn , : sticky ear greasy,
sl,t it s..ficis and snosollo, the Itsis tar belt, sod
wore pstg.:lowly than talf Oil lit Poulad•. I Pest as
II Haw tetra-tug. it productsilts oo, t l `erettillal a.. 4
lustrous glees, Warr-Jsh:4 porfectiy- -hat:l,llo.s. Its
esilaisituptclamo is quite ttoriss/itsi. boia;.; instilled
(rum this storill renowned Roses of Clisliattre. Logo
bottles, oily sil coots, Address ASCLIFIZILiACII
MILL .It. 4so M. 11.1 tit., PodsOolohla,
A Great Event
Webise decided to ill"rove or Oar lowneliee stock or
BILLIARD price* a Halo alawu cart.—
Fir:it-dab* Now. 'rabid", cnus:etu. ads IL. 15ot:owl
halal Tables tondo ore{.( bow. Vila, ),2 F= +a, Ae. A
i:rtat Taratly knit an boyars. Said our
IsAvAbatill Dimsoc.
.• Bor. C.141:41 ,Olitra t•Arvois, rico Toll/.
8141 41' LTPll.Ol'.q . ASEMIA, CLUE.
Al .0111 repute. tliolnurt Vitlicat
olll , lllllllfireinitiMeg t acid l'lrevt. elivay
CV/11e o box. by 0ka..1. Claulare,At:dress
-IL; 64ultt-1.:1;;AUL tercet , Valudripqbk.,
0)-411 DrO.:4l*1 0 . -
MT.O-11. 3EL X 33
•uff,retl *lila was cured
by *Unpin lone‘iy. - R 111 ecit4l teCi r c plaint Div. to
Au art:4lW.: Iler. :Y. J. 'MEAD. Th, r..y 4c
1101,1 D NY GOODS!
' T ham trddt..d mnireztensfro carlely . eltAXT and
TABLE ..• „ . .
Eft'. 3101141CUN pad SAVCRIIS:.itcaTti MtG
dud TOV'Enik-ON.TTS higrol variety; Ai.. VASF...
and rAtiele TUILEC. bk; Land:on:o4 di.:
, .
Thi:Ae gundal ItAvc:ltnported iltrectly from ruropE,
A . t i - p,y ',Twos tin: u. Ittvl ts* WV I m P e al r f o f,t° • "!'"
ate gaups guucts In ittivir !Gls eity"r ' , New
.. ,
. .-, -, . A.J.• Whitt:SM., -• .
. .- son. ps 59titb:"Secput3 and 24.1 SSr.ttcburty Spi..
, . •
" ' " Plitfactulitttls• Pct.
„. ,
, . .. ' ... .. , .
iq"....13.--'ili "..tomk 'of eft ANDEmEIt.4. - ooprololty.
adopted to Churellet.;l ,, owl , lam 0.- , It Joke of dotty...go
Fb ,,, ring lbO tlyigo of. etch - C4oodullor , nod Itt,,elet.
' , Ain he sent on rtg.,!akit4 ;' - -' ' . ' - - No, 6,2 Y.
. •
. ,
. „
'TW frigfirillPirurdiitifitn rat? t. el nao 0, ,fill.ty.
Nes. •••Justibe Dur,Vior, Intulitgrot rural borue. , ..."—
'•Tlie drirrfop are' faithful MprUllClA , tiOtti of aura
and- plant" Scud fur circular. Adds*** -.GEOUGE
DUl?Olp3,l2f North tonna etreat, 11.114414, •....
M =lt •
FALL TEnu Began Sept. 2d, 1672. -
WISTEIt TIMIS Aiugill3- —Dee. tO, 18;2.
Brum) Trutt April 21,1V3.
TV727o4Y—Higher Department, 00
Beenntlary Demimon% 5 DO
The enurneof Instruction includes the Exa
men BIIANCEIES, the LANCIUAOL:3, 41(.1a112.1fAT
tea, and the Nartrun SmmteEs.
Preparation of Teachers,
The Building is Commodious, Pleas
ant, and well-arranged for. , • • "
Students can 'entpr at, at any time, and
Tuition will be
Charged Proportionally,
ate' Rooms Can be secured, for those
desiring to board themselves.
For further particulars address A. H.
BERLIN, Principal, or the Secretory of
the Bourcl..
W3l. LI. JESSUP, Pres.
Aluntro:,e, Oct. 30. '72-onl.
Hip--Hip--Hurrah ?
Inn few days, via Xoni rose Railroad, and to
he sold at EXTREMELY Low Pntentt, at the
Grocery and Provision Store of A. .:'..1, I.IIIL.
LARD, . •
Choke Wheat bar. and Superfine ut $.B 00 per 111.1.
Near flack Wnent FloUr Corn Nte,l nua virllsam
Flur. Mola.a.r s3.rupa. Ch. eat; and Cracker.,
Corifirh. n Nolverline qual.ty. Moe!, era]. Snlp•, twenty
kinds or more. tiehord Itotsko. and stationary, Slater.
Ink nod l'enello. Tobacco nail CI arr. Yankee No.
Spin of all kimt.. C..T.e, a eit tie" qa.lity and
hap... ' ditch of Sr. Ten.. and v, ry low. A gwol $1 $ l,
Tea for awl,. $1 2.5..0.1 01 50 T.. for $1 W. $1 4.1,11.1
.$1 1 , for ...51 la. ern ' dmr, 14r,:p "toe;
a..d or Fa Oats and Vegetable- is l all to their
5e3.011. :Wry!. 11111beri t C
A nen , and lame Asaurtturiit of C-1111i1 . 11 FrOlty.
181111. M. FI•11. etc.. etc. And 1.000.0,410. r to liar •r•
in.!. a Ono lltlneTotv• in 111.11101L,' that s very hod,. ...Alio.,
nod cola rave for n eon.. and n.llttlest the ilea= 1111 - 0 , 111
CUEAP,CIikLSTrir, (.11111APESr.
, •A. N. BULL:Ant).
irontrCse, Pa., Oct., 1872.
el 2 Starch 'for $1 (11), Six pound Boxes Raisins for 41 CO, and evern• thin, clsc
egtkally low at A. N. I.IIALARD'S.
gma.t r.t.u, FOIL EGGS AND NMI." CUESTNUTI, at
- ontrotc, Pn.. Oct. WI, Ist:.—,o
p^YOITOit•SHOTI^F. Thenndervlgned.nn Auditor
211 apprilowit by the Onn•! et coinire... Plato .4 •o--
q t.-I.4mm connly to 411 , 41.11.1 e for lithrin in ihe Inotitn
°line Sto•rltT. ariwing fro, Inc .11, of Vie nail rvatte of
W. Gille .ine, will aitteirt to the Anticr or hi- npnotel•
niont of W. 11. & 0,0. Jenup,
;Ant. left. oh I tiCIML:, p. I,jlen
all potion• Ittll.l,..tvi: %I ill prod 1.2 thrlr elnnits or be for
over deb:lord from coining In in ral•1 food.
11. C. JESSUP. Anditor.
/Tontrose Ott. fib, If ft.
I'D ITOWS NO CR:E.—The uuouruigoed. Analt.
LI or appoint ed by flu. Orphan . •
I mut f no-tinehun
on Conuly. to dl.tritene tun fund. In tlo• of the
Adulluionrator of the .-nate of Jane Palm,. dm...ed.
On attend to the duties of hi, t r n i , I a t I.l' al.
E...e its litnintraloo. on rti.molrty. Nowt-tuber the :tit. 142.
at t ti clack. 0. m.. nt wit all tine anti pl.led till 1.1.,.1116
Imermell twill make k' their elahn. ce i.e ferret.:
dobru - rrd from coming I on raid fund,
Ilfoutetuu. Oct. lily MI.
A VP/TOlll 4 NOTIC R.—The onrirropterl. nn Aro:1110r
LA a ptrorowrt hr the Ornhario Court of Sorquehavon
Count) .to ritru, the rand , 10 I lir 11.uoIS of lOu NI
01101.0 n for Of all, e, tote of 1,1,i Shirr, th!Ce.tatll.ll6(l,-
4Y notice 11110 h n 111 alt.-red to the clutter or-into
apiadatt era, at the rktTfre of tit, It F R'utrrulnalopt
nu Tithr,,lay. the 7th ear on November. igl2,. et
1 'fend; e. nr.. or, v. hic6 11010 or .% Pine , trrrPor4
ter.ertvri will or roc known their cl-rituour be to ever do.
Lorrorlfront craning iu ou cold mod.
W. IV. wArsox. Aud.tur.
Magna..., Oct. 9:h, /1,71.
A DIIrcNTILITOIt'st NOTII•F.—in the e.tnte of
11, Mary S. 'et3riton. late of 1311147Walt!r. stiP4'.l
Cu.. ilmevett. I.utt , r. of Attaailiptrytt,t. iu
t'‘l3 .‘ l . l .I. l e 7.1111 ,, In ILO an4er.r,thetl.
nil 'lmam. °Wing !Aid cstatit, sire refi:iv:lrd tos
ttemttl , ate paynteitt. null s 7 per.oll. b.seteg C
Clitt cc tittt are ttvit.eletito prt.lseltt them vttlltittlt
Briktew2ter, Sept Ilk, 1e72.--IrG.
rSTATE of Anton Tl;om n pot the t.,iro.hit, o r L g ih ro ,
stvu t o.owom eg.tvoty. Pa- 11CC , 11.-(l.—Lvlient of M
mittipt rut ion tipoo the e-tre of the nhot.e nnm. 11 deco
deot. hal 1,4 13,eu gtant,i to the ototer4ll:nett. oil per
,hdehte.ll to r. 11,1 eAtAtettru hereliy r.otlatut to m be
Immediate payment ; and tho.o barhuz
the ..tme, to pmeetat them duiy anthem Teat of rot oltic -P. CRANLIALL, Adair;
is sinpulutril y the Court: or common, I , 4pft .t
qtivfninini ronoty.un Auditar to iii•drilin'e to
Inunh , from 140 a liu Ito,' g-tAin
or". nintrurni. loin 01. wttt
itinirs,or hi' Atlpt,9ll.LlCin. 00 fl' ioe,dnpp
bet. tu. Int 011 o cTocY, I'. AI. AU nuu.lun. tuiey,t r a
wilt npuilir nod preersit t4rir elaonn, or by (orcrt.i da
burred froui coming IU uu r.ini fund. .
IL L. LtALI)WIN, Auditor.
Monitore, Si:pt."l9. 1572—sti,
Itaniel B. 'r!trtnv. decenled. letioro or tttlevlttha
'ration in the ram eruao. have leJen to the 00-
111.r.hroed. - all I. Ikl4lestAle. are here
by ...titled o. make Itaruedisite payment to the Admin.
1-Crater; nod those hiviogetnlnta tignin-t the game.. are
mio,t o t o preeent thee. at ,tho .dire of 4. B. A.
McCollum. 4V14 A M.TIFF.I..".I*Y. Adair.
Bridgrsrater, Sept .18th. 1572- , :ern. ." .
usc , streirrs NoTier, Letter, treamentary tt, tlm
Nrtaaa Aldri”h. Ine of Itrooklyr twp.
Itanqueltanna vutnty. l'a, hare U ,, 1 gnlA • rli to . ` ,ll v
imitseriber.lH Verson% iarelasl to the raid e-alts, Arc
Sean , . LAI to Mika inaTtAlt to isl)lll.3r, and. [hate lia'S•
I Israltlls or dela:111(as ofthe said dt. ,
tudut, to matte kuostu th. rame trltivtot 'delay,
Ewa?it14:11t1(11, EXatiltdr.
.Droa.lyn. Sept. IS:11.18:1.'—wG .
L' , XE , '''ITTOCS NOTICE. Lettere tr•etAtric.rttary loOte
erlatppt Sontro Ratteron,drc,. tole. of I cwoi,
r , n+gorlopoti county. hove- been eyttiterl to r
per-or lode-hie-I to' th e ,ref,Ce..titte.
pliorptr.l to !tithe Immediate plyrtiont..and then -
IIIL!dalta• or ovorinth , 11!..711.1 thn vothir or the fit] do-
cedant, to make known sritrioat A- toy.
El.• -Toon fle.xe 72, Emorator...
Lette=vlEc.S,pt. IS , . 1'...72.—5tC•'nn,ilmr
/Z.:TP.1. 88 '4 1 7 thy Court or ColUnVin l'ion4o'or sno
ntiollabox 00101'Y. 10 dilotihnto the fund*nl toe Ilan&
of ItioslBB.Blll, puj u of 11 , 0 ,
read .mc•.b borkor. bi , rvby I;ly.ltiotlcv 111:0 ho
ulllnflon4 to thollllBl.Bnr3llinppolidUlt. Cathir olncit
In Mullin., on Fn. or. 23r81 - tlur ,
otllttl . !ZlOCk. P. In.. IVIIVO 41.1(i wh..reulllBB , r,gong turtrBr.or.
edbfralt) food u th•lr cl./Irop tor be foiercr
dobArrodirom coral iu on 0.81.1 riot
A. It. AtidltUr.
Aloatroro. reptembor 11114
VIIITOIt'S NOTICE.—The underelnetl, - no Anal.
Ll. lorAppolnird 11% thaJodger .41hr OrphAteo t
in no for the Counlg Qt Somici,b tin& to let tin le Use.
Stunt. Inibe- leind.n: the Annttnirtr:dnrtt Veo e.netent ,
Stephen. colnAtt detertred. Intend re thedottee nr
lii, appolhitnenit... at his :ottice _31.1.1tra.44 . 011:
- :nth: day or to 1". hL %
loik hi 11W ahem - w.: Alt panter intererjetierebc re ;
ly requirvi to nepenr nod ne'rent their 'elnlnte.:. at tbe
aborts .Itue and place or be h.reivecielotrrecl:• •
• ' ~ W.lSED, l llol.le,:.4hatiot,7,„
. . .
31ontrote„Ort, 2d, 1812.
o h. UDITOTt'S 510TICE —The vtadro , ignefi.• aft
ilLor appointed by the irphloi*e Court nr..-n,an..1 4 .,
no Comity. to tilrititoite ?hot - code In rho howl! or Joh.:
ILTannrr.udrmnlerndnronto e;oroe - ore.
ilocrierti. olltlitt to ttgi ..,c n p i ,ot y 0 ", t
01 - hletillice In "ill'eutruir. otri•ehirlty: - yoretote , r
.1•311 it I o'eloeici to.: at wlll , tl limo nod room 'ii her.
etinitiliere•ted In !gold hoot rows pro t eut their elolute or
he furererdclurre4 troth conllh.rlo on 4114 '"
4ti. AtNtOr.-
; Shin, roro, oOt. 2, *. - „
IXECUTIar2.4 Noprt. Wherea% totter,' ics'Aintstg:
g •
ry to titts• emelt! or'rentiros LJolooton. deti.AW-;
bArelwerl t.lmoteil to ttfo titacioActirtl. 'n II t) , •n•owa
Ilebtra In P4illeti are rttre.4ll ttt make Itttwdlatt.,:
wtymtott, 'add Ittemo it .stitit 'chi n+ ogn10•1 thy' iAlAer•
arts rcqrmt4lllo uresen{ orithout 1E431117; ;.• •-•
ELtZ .1011NsON,. -t • -•
• • GA..IIEIiT a.acnixsoN,
Prgzovrcar. ttpr,4slb. 1572.-19 •
. .
.13131701. ; t1NOTICE.—:.tfin under•lttr.,A, uo rlonHt.
IS appolut ntl by tlio urpptnual, Court of Busquenantut
County, to dndrianto the lo.tdr In ins hand,. nr . ..4e.
I saw Adinlot-trator tho 1,404 or ir9.1,1•1 , 10
11t 041104111 i tot .t Serra-O.' herrby.l,..7rtatr, noire
that ba uflt amend rho Itarles or his aupol• tumor,
hls borotuth el Susquehanna DrriCtt. on sat,
sudsy tho 91 dry.or tior•orlber noXt;ut 10 o' , lark In itur
forenoon. when nod all por.oS4 loturvsto o ld
'Ppre...l3ll4oe rlaloot, or butorovs , r delarred Iron, noni.
o In on veld fond,' AL robr.„&toutor.
latunagnlnns Depac;o4:44eta, 1.
iilDlTO'fa 4 NOTlCK— i nitirnefetneStott tatting limn .
uppoloteti by thu C,Part nt Gammon M.O. of ~ U .
quehnntio cohntr. an Antlltor to dhotilotte the fillet. In
h I ut-I4 f the Sheriff. erkint. from the unto of the Heal
Eertnte or 71. trill totem; t t thin . aria: of tile
ARV ititlr.rn!• qt bir Witco In Atitterovo—on Tnend-ty.
ttet 15,1872,1t1 Wein& p.- nt. hereon% intrrertt d
nr3ll epp-ct r ooh Were it their ctatma. or. be forever tit•
barred from clueilo;ite on .414 food. .„
. • • .tAlt ei K. C.I.IIII.ALS, Autntor;
- Ideetrote, Sept. IS "tls74—ore.t. ' •
rgerTltlVS ZtOTlCS.—WnsuhAt Lettere tette
-11, incelaryhtthesstwo or tune het-time , Eiteut tined
Berm, evetatml,tereit-been mewed to ihesuhecribere.
.‘ll perm , ,e ineeettal to mld eetate are reque•te 1b1511L..
Immediate payment. au& th.,soisle„“ dams ..r glt;.
elude 1 .11. 1 .e1. the tame, win presott them elthoot
- /1...- , tx f orgi
Inscrar ikteKllolV4 '
:tog. 11.—wG. • - •
. . .
A DmINISTR (TOWS — NOTICE.:::=Id • Owl!" - egad.
4%. nt Nardi Km•ier drcenscil. 13t , ' ..f
t h it hhf of ton. In -the". Pahh c.lotoc h ethic
to.en greeted to the A r tlap•loted;iit-prrrone
1114 calete..:Are ce0ne..15 , 1 to softhe lamed too
oriment. end pereone liticluzclahniiiiurteell3 Vetthe
rcrocettil to prerfo I them whltoth delay.
31313 V KliF.LEll,AdmintAratrt x.
3edtretc3ro. Oct. 0, `71.....0t G.-
6.08111.0. - 01V0t0t11
11114, .in tlyisDirectorzi,ont year,aViN
cach.addiaMalin!,tA cts:
NEW ••AIILF9rtn.
sAvlsmi-DA NfitY.l7ll. - F0R1).,'92 {"'ram :
110C'N1 11-.l.kittu Urn
trmat Dr 0.0.14," I*.N
oAyuct pIA47 vyCDOL.V4 V. 6131.5 KED
Dosler lu gcnoine Cay up Muter. groond,
L CO • Dealers in Dry-Good*, Dae,Capo
Mole , and 410,x1, , And GrncrAl ;tiorchandlee. oil Moir
etrorL*ocand dooy botow Ito Rpirrop4 Church:*
UNION HOTEL, kept by WILLLIOI 3311T17, on Main
greet, near rho llcrot.—*
W. S. MESll,,,lThnn4ry,.ginii denier in Flown and Mho',
Mental'. one door Anna 17sinnel:n Arpin St.
N. F. Ktmnsn. Carriezi s'nker end Undertaker, se
Slain etreet, two trojers °claw Hawles'e
McCOLLIIM TIDOTHERS,, Dialers ea aromales zed
Prusisleer. oil Male street.•
R. (PtilltET B NON. Dealers In Flom Feed • 31 en I,
Salt. Lime. Cement; arocerfes end Provl.lune on
Mein 6treet, oppoelte the
at' T. HAYDEN, Mannrantarera of Cldnr* and
dealere tinkrellona nod Fane7
a w d,. on ?ail! Strvd, Wow EPlce'Vul Church. n •
MOOS k K 74 Loallwr Manr.flennTs and denter.
In occo'rlndiv,:•.'itc.:neur E l , 4 6copal Church. •
AIN P.l * Ib. II AYI/EN., and r i cdi dn r o
and btaisurricturere. 01 cipri, On aldifl ptru: D " ,
RN'S. Ilona ghmenzond neplifint ,
on Maio Strbvt....uthbf Ulu bflt.v.
1. DICK1:1111AN. Ju.. I)valer In general .111..r.tautafe
Clutblug, Lad: More. on - '
V. S. 11C1}1, MAndrarturvr. 01. Leaner. And deal.—
fu Ceuecd NlvrelgAndire.oti Halo Str•
IL I'. DIMAN. Mumlnita 'Nitre :old druler In -Riad,
Main Street,
LIMAN WHITE, 3tal!,uracittrirorand dcaltifn taxeri
or rioa - a and eavtinar.
IL :!-T. TINGLEY—WahI In Stove.. iln. Corp., T moo
end Sheet Iron Worn : (Ninon,: doe- Al.os Is 4 sun Alan r
pc oiShe I McloOPto nnL,r. Ect: rrete,eto4 I,.•nd Pipe
ettedt:ed to at tali ptlcee—Glbe.o follow.
Peimnylvacts, —l,y. , .
EnWA ,t TST, 111.nufs,etnset# _of Wagon..
and Sleigh... no.a. the I ez,ll4o•Sturo.
D. S. TlFF:llF—Connty Sttrreyor. of littottfletietottx Cnn t
t 7. (ttlirtlu tint Cott• t lionw, )Iontro•o.
ABEL Pc.nlrr in rirng.: 11 coicinre.' 1.1
Paintz., Wt, nroccriec
rte. ' !a; t7ti .- • .
ZAMES R. CKIIMALT.' Attornov at Low. °face cat a
door below Tarbell Llouaa, Publfe Aarnae.• •
n COOPER v.rog. - tstp
' , Sgt. Tick. to and Limita 04,4,31.10t:41re1aud and taut
, . = - •
lIILLINGS srnoun, - iii4 , ent Fire mid Life rfirnr.
Agollt nntlAtwiler:t Tlrkr
t" New Sark and Plillmletphia. Olrce utt
of Mull:auk.
P. D. 411.1.NDLE11. Oeurntl liimpuacuaud Seschag )Ia
ell nt Azent. ftblic Aieu ue.* '
BURNS lilCEttlt.'4, the titacc to Rrt Dreg:end M,41
Ciptv, TAlcco. l'ocket-Butottf, tipettit
tier. Irentket , iuttunr. .tc..Utitk Uleck.• „
WM. L. COX,. Ilarnere m aker and dialert n,all'artider
nenaky kept by- the temie, oppollie the Bonk. • '
DOT F _CORWIN. Pv.iler. Irk Stores. ;larderare.
and 111 nnfictarrra id' Tin and Shertirou were, corner.
of Win and Tarnpike . •
14. 11. MOttgit.. ll•rehAt . - and &Ater, t n
Trimmlr,7”, and V•ttnlohlir• (loud*. and
lirluly•Mati•• clo• Intr. 41. ir•• I.‘”. • •
hnr Little mad Ill'ul•slm'A Law (Mitt:'
A.,\.::Dt poter tn
10ut.., Stationt•ry aLd YankNo Nutlnnit. nt, head
Phhile Aeenite:. • ' • •••••• •
SPOII.E" it CO., bra In St•;ce . ..; Hardwre.
A2rictiltoral nulat. Mar and 1.1r00.r.e.'.000 0
alit. Turban !Inner,
Gen Aral liesteranco agent,
iVEcraxtroisc•. P' a. .
IlartfordFlro Co., f- zplialsa rifl SUNI.C4.II
Home vo„ N.Y. Capital and nurpina,. $4,10 00
'loyal Ina. Vo. I.lrorpool •ILIUM 0,010
I.lvorpool. London .% " $:47
Franklin lap. Co., PlOrd• $3,130.111 tt
Ina. Co.. oi Norma AIIIttiCII • , 0
Penaaylran La •• V.-111.166 0
In.. co.; biota ut Ponds% 4 4.0 PI II
e ycvht.! .‘ Ulna 6 . *A'O.tNO
L mpg: . Elre •OCU
Wilimnirpoit In*. Co: ' • , ,ellO,O O 1
' • IJCZ V I 33
Conn. lino.' Cir, Ina. Co., ' V.11(1)).tCO
Oninrsi ..{10,11111'4: •
4 :::::1C570=2.3Ta •
• Trlrglero Tna Co -Hai - kind:Co pHO and So nydna Ster o .NZ
Midway Poonarera " - • rt.%oooo.
" The andrnd goad bat hne o"wall known In rh la con ty.for
the lanq tlyrara,a.anautanna Agrnt•
I.lCuu.p doh d twvii Moors bcon promptly pal&
ILlala — ,Once ittatdoorsa-t from Wilco of W
toA9. ' l 36Errri, Solicitor •
.Itouiro'so. may t): ' •
meEvana rua EICIPORIIIttI.
. .
'' • • 7.• . ...: ... ' . ; , .. • .r.V.. , • IS A•AC: S' ~
'' . 1 . - I'' , suree4,s; id ' --'
' • '' ''''') '.lDil'il . FAtEIRI'-.
,:,....—c.,- .• • _ •
/1 .,
,• - , , e . t",,Etv, , %.
• t • ; f .. *V., ..,.",•-:' , 4ldflio "of the Mak', -: •
4 - 4 t, 11 1,4 7 . , ~,,....swven lii ..t.Stbsors • :• ..
' . r- r•:- ..r‘r lel ,','-'-'• .Pllll.AitEt.riltA.. ..
--.4..,., - '''' '''' ',!, ; •`7 l lni • COitoinia - tin x ,il:.
E • F,. - -% . 1 3 .....:•.0, ', 7 ', • turcr of % . ...
I '.-:-;........?-'-' `... - ? f',... — !! ' :' FPICYIIIRS: -.
.•' .- ; ----; -. 7 .- 1,5. " - - - -. 4 roi. iniltee hail 7,bllertiee,
, -...- . . , l
.;•. r .-.'.,: 1 . Nit ear,Whol.r+.2l.l:;uirl Retwn,
.. ,
- tla'rtn,eilhpaitafro.seia . tarte - tld opt:1)111A tot•ott-,
anant.,,o.r n:!.. I he' 011frohte .I:lnde 4 FL CS :tt tea, atat
hhai!e la C ii , ope.,l r..apectrally Iy, ha the 11 - 114•16'
' iir sli.'l4t.,:r. I.y k-.111,4n.1, 'cYnllliae the - nisilrtm 31 t 7 ut
-1. % 1 " , T1NT"..,.. 1 . 4 . - . 4 . 1 .rn .. tinVa , Aril at fit, &mut orp/4'
PPP*, ' ,t/tFarelltrievared. 'No inf4.7ei rerentari:n., co
..- :: , FURS , 4 1 1.;:gr-11,PI)..ND,ItITAIliF,1) -' - . .. •
.a!" (tßil r: V DER I'IE STORE. 'lle'A hell ST:' ". - -
' • O t t: telt.• ISTO-4. , R. •-, ..'• .---;••: - 1111-LA.0.41,11.11A„' ..•
Gold ;
rr : 9
mggt. and tti rarielisi d e.U.e litvu:
Woich. - Nto!ipc, river s
plated spoon.. Fork+, anti h.OT.
is •14.8FlitiMt•Ut Or F.. nry Nottooo;.etlture'r3 , .
4C., , prig:A . 4ld Stotilrino,al : ozo gook; • •-, • ,
:V. . ilia, TTIOIIMr•
4 , I O CIrION 11191ILA1EA11OD W.
;r ne fin Orni , 6l.Art em n t Ete
'ototoutimittth Or.Pent./IVElac - C , l4Vedbb , irt
_haft; lAl3lllttp4' 41411:11i 4,`lmonobvt , entlt, Opp . mVeal
Wt.'l% MO LI:1.114;h
"41411131481n/qUrtlal..b4,-;lluply , .. luiildSlont4l.llwklibb.•
'do in rt•bv vivo - notko to- to,: of thu ci,Uut r y
~t,it..Alo: lb .1 4 clultratElVtl[Mt Will tic 20,41 . l a 'bbl
• - • • •
XueoilaYi - tba,4th Llriir No.viiislier,
h. tw.s the, -74;74,czafte,t.the r; told
toAitt: • . . • -
lattittizi tot tha:4 Omit
• kilted ArsecA *lnto itlil; 4 !!lbe
0. in_ .114 tospwp• ,; • .
The Election for-the district Compeatal of flagman.
itiOnf Aro ro t - will Filibeld at the seheed lipase near this
.Proattlivittile•r.rch to saint( woehip.
Tito EN•etinoler the distrig tem pee..Tof iheintroshltt
•of n uhurit. valt be 411 - at the house-of Jame' Lott ID
~14 1 tolvothlp, '
111 , • I.:10010o for the it emo posed of thetearorhipt
of I cf.:goo - me, will holteld allho Coryl. Boma ft the
twinge et Montrose: " .
- The Ehtlien for 010(11411d CO1111)0Sed of the town.
chip of nrpnklyu.i..sll be held at the Mode of lames 0.
ton sti tire .td termattilt.. -•
't he El ettuu for Ike 41110 e% I otopitied Mike town
shloof Comment will be to-Nat this
,aehool house near
- hdaraelCicrt's in Cold tostufhtp, • '‘..y
Thu el.,tiun for the Ol.triec otoporeitA the town.
hip . I CIIRpoI will he 1•C d st1:1 by tome,: late of John.
Ile.ratein in mid tOwortop.
The kleittott thr district emortard of thenoreadlt
of nowlar, trill be bold at' the Dundee hold In old
ThaEh•clinu fiir the df.tdel cotonorld at the tens.
hie et Unlock 1.111,J1C MUM. the honest l at e . ori . . J.
11.fatiek to mid tcernahtp. - • •
The titruieniettlet distrtct cOMprated, of the-lows.
chip Foreat Lace Vir be hell at the hood hrett
ti.Teiree to salitteenattip. -
'l he Election ter the dips rig composed of the toirmhin
f,Vrenkiii!wfil the Setteol house Thar Jacob
tennsato. -- • ••
. . . . .
Elec . :/on foe the elertict erimpered of the Barangb
of Frei:dm:ilk will be bold at the achuoi time In utd,
lilmtiogh, • • •„. •
.Tote election for thc district mlinpoted of thetterietlet
of Grret.livrol will tor hold et the boucclute. Occupied
by Wind Thome. to raid Borough. . • „
The glee,' Ott for the ttletrlet competed of the r iolfil
.rin, of itreiit I\lll.bal held at the Lusa° leteoccept.
eti by N. !brawl.;
The Election for the,lt.trieteemlistillif the tolntobtp.
of - wilt ter 12.4.1 d Ira thole.; my lowlldletnln
Toe Elect lontori Itr dfoirlti ciMpp•edtii thatownitip
of 11.1rIn d will he hwi.o.t.
raid Wisn.l3lp. - .
l'ho. Election for the dettricio - Mpoted of the town
- ship of Il :retool will lic hold at theta:elm of B.Wlnterft:
In lowochip.
• The . etertion fort:teat:riot - cointemed of the:tnwn
chin Oftletrlek will h”,Lk.rtiekttlacrEicheoll
-11101>gi.f.11, n 31•1 1.1.....b.44. • ,• • . •
Too elecinm for the illetrlct composed of the towasbfp.
of 4,lekcon wiL W held at Jhelum:a of Jueophilearyin
t op. '
The election teethe r.t.trict competed, of the town.
chip of Jew beleLLet.the houswol Seedcl MIL
tn 'l. , - .• •
The Elvoion for the rict tempoted of thelownthly
of tAIMX. 4111 be I.ltlktat the huum: of Grow 68rothers
lit .ot town-hip; • ' •
he elcetiot :or the district competed of the tows
trip sty will bo.bold at the warped School home
ht tmtdtaworhip. , • _ „
1 ho L• t• ohm for the-di...Wet mil:mooed of the town
chip ol Eveiop .Lt. he hold et the /IGledaltrEcheel
Lou.° in tuhrtournehip. - T• 7 It..
rot:elect inn for too chitrimcronpoted of lb, Borough
of Unto iteidewe will he bold at the bcheel 1i0,51611 is
-aid Burengb. •.
The ,bettola for the diatrietdornpoted of thy toireattlp
of lll&Batmen wltl bu lodd at the houttc of Vtltyllusipt
lon •
The Ei , elitsit
111 the dititi,et tompetted or the Domed,
ur Mobtr.4.l. beheld at-tho' Caul nous in•tild
Th 7 1:1,4t0n for thedlutrlctdenhoweil or thoilerotteb
of Now - htlltord trill be held at the hottso Into or /Ow
Fentot In rate ltereught. •
The:A.:moon bon dor dlutriet - Corntdoitiof thetas - whip
of Nese Milford tell , be held at the Loom erMlutter.
Cho:lo4,y. fu tho tioroottbor New Milford, •
The t . Weifon'for dirtrfel, ristopetyd 'of the Inn*,
tine • f oakl ad st ill b 7 held at Ibt, bourn late or Thum-.
ar Min./MT In uaitt toy.ualtlß. •
h o et e , for the citgriet compcoitt
-top ut on-h hill Lehi ut IDu hourocuf' , oat ktrt fit,
••1 t•morlop.
cnctioon forth° ollarict tempt:teed of the btrott
' trio:vibe 'tt be "b7ld 'the babas fate o
It , - •ez tu rand toe ronop:. , '
•or the dlutriet rontrOued of the lowla
The '"'""I', 'wit/ tu• 101 l At thertettro tatti el IL
ship Of.:biher Yrnahlte • • • -•
.11ettat, , deu in +4,0 to v15n „. 6 , 4 - o . oomtr .,
Thu I.legllo- for tb dl at the _
of s,,aquas,aon.-Depot ••••A,
lot S 7
Irtrunl. dhy Willie Zhu/lb ••
, - np , l,- - itt of the totem-
The cicettote the 4:l 4 flrt - of
1p of Innnteint wilt he hi Id..nt , on ordro tote
Ll Medan! In -aid town-hip.
bi 2 n lteo;
.13.11 :Teflon of ual ,, c r .r 1 ":1;;,',{5,.:,• who' shall
rtY t 7 PAUE' rant 0t ' 'l!l.l klt t fr rn•nt trwe sruir
!tot tt-tvl•fullnat .mt e .1101 any cloy orlo
n," libia,l r , bite7, or I ofiker
rorporat eel dlelrict. oat tb7r
a %hi. st a l l nn
jl , llCiany. thit ries ; and
CIAO Stnlo.O. nnt 'flty.e.r 11,'“"O' and 4,0
;Ye .Liss
at vet ry.t...1 - 1 , 1. Of con :M . ". r,,.ooucilaf oar
Lenildelort, rod of the ',het .or • r t „,l 0 1 j,k l.
Vilr. tor conunleoloixono ol noy lot • ! 9,'"%t,,,,,,t, name
01 bol d ing w. ur
-lime. the or,toe or um - low:at in of.'t d ;;r. ii
a aa that
Clerk of aley,..ica ol ttar Coennoo, "V o n t
tO ' ju do.
con_ yoolochnor or Judy lor subcr• otllch p,coh
lcetwu, dusti tr... cliplitc to cosy_ "
atin ` lO
B. the acint'Ai-euthly of ably f l i er Its
••tlfe may of every- Meyer. Sher 1/11; iinten; •."
the T'OTlolable. of ocery city.'contoty. t "",„.g
oor chstrkt within Bd. Btattro•na.illlt , wit. neves „K a
ninno 11/17 ~,leer. ,,leer 15f an Or three gm it:L e
elnant,!h..neol to Clear any win , nT eV.11.. 10
vand. , .• or , b, pt,to of Ono I Elretleti ithl,h shall
tifoos . Ie onn!I a Way no I ts.pinTent fonn np
petulant; the runlet, and It thrill be lhodlloy of terry
beuretive Cortutqlde of unch ir.trd.tihatlet Or toaruabip
- troottt thlt , commute ea itti, - 10 fie iTtett , it In pnnsoll or
Lt Wooly, Cl- tint plAte of I oiling elm Bons. In
totell diutnet nr tiostokip ' for tke iltrpoatt of
pre,.errlnz The Inotnento atm. tat., "
fu itor..,llhoocctlon of The met of norecably
entotted '•:tco non rtletmeg to orretkost tilt for other
horpo-e7.." uoutoved Aora In 7.84,1. It' eliAerd 'that
the ofoteual d ttkli 0 . Moe, -rktll rot be"-eohrtfltentd i.
t., preryotoott miifrla.rAlrcr rn hutOngli aner Tuna
:crying rn Jtidge. Ilonector ortlert, ellyarqteuenti
tpoclal ohoctlosso ibto cow onounrculh.t. . -•• • • ,:. •
Iturooconot to the 161'6E110hr c otaltn - d In the
Feetmo of lint.oel ,fun told, Jut l / 4 "e7 utiboitformld
dt-Irret I t k o o hnr 4 o, Of tnn,onoTinnats
I or TO ern of the el. awn of their ilYpnCileln
and OtodllT7 them et - tt m7t-t lug of nor Judge flout sorb
tfortroct, rI 121 - 0 Con+ t 11.,n-e, to - the Buivelh or Iteet
. tot no , thin{ IN: , niter the day oreketlini belot
the Ferret I per, on.rrida", the 111 b Any of 011. wit.
:Lew to do and ocrtOrrta the dna. r repair by LW at
r 4 Jaaora, tit -e re a .lOdge , ultanesi or
'wet vontable accident le nnalde to attend Mild otrertag
of Judge,. then tor errtitleate or relent alion.qadd
No took. n chug,'" Of bonne of the rto . peetnrs or Clerks
lif ebttloat of real havolnaltdiennd petit=
" dui e 7 Teo trot of red Sri ze tinchto Cocotte:at
17,0 ,4 e. litt o l . op,troved thn IVA •Cay et
1, 1 0.1 % 1 0 1 V. It It inon'cocd tout et nett n4lllllOl hereafter
notler Igo I.TATO of thlo Common conolth, clod polls
than in, uputiod het ot con the bony* of *trawl antra
TieT , CO. a Trt.. tunitelpeoatleleloeh,.n.
117 Ott Art of tterembly nt o 1111111, eatq
Ac!.rc•.ta atiug thy moody of rootincynt all 464;4.10,1u the
reword counties. of thy CuPlEnolIMO:111, cuatted at
• -
..rirettovd. Ile It rnatietthy the - 80 . 1.0.5 - sta - rum,*
of ii‘Trm•entatirer let; the , t7Onitinistintlth of Ponnryl•
14,in lion e
lanere enthiy elt•i. a nit ia..tiiy,elg r t i lre
vit- by thr
.tvrevi,tka, • %.verat ctruittre or the Commonpraliti,.
tioto.a.:b.andspeatAl clectlotte,..
ore tiereaf , Or . . - attiltoilzeo nal ,rrytilreil to rote.
ket- t prtuied: tit elaraltiod aa.
Qoo tinted - shnd %minutt the name; of-eU
jui!,,lmi of courts rived for. and to be labled:ooli1116.
ouerdekei ehntt embrace the nadiel GT all.
r.iteit tor, and labeled. —stale." oue ticket
einurivo tan 1421111. 01 411 . clu.uty of Ctrs voted for.
Including odic: of penalite. member. and meniherii of
oreentlily. If for. and cattub. ro of
Vet elk fur."ntid 'la. blot, d...conoty;" 1111eliCk r il
millirem, lit mime., of all . dlenta toted fur.
d 111 . • toirlionip; tick, t *hall anitiratetbe
name* o oil honied. iodievra voted; for.,and *hall be
*.'borott: l l nun welt -erhall be dermeited la
' " ' •
Watentas. - .Tho" Fifteenth' Amendment rot the. Coe
ttawtoi. a n follow*: '
extiltni I. Th.!. rigja .cbizoor;nt the, - United
Storr to vole rhail uot. bo.dootiNl or :,abrldgvd b tee
tirittv.d.lbt.tne *ey lnte. mat couuVor
or gin3vicatt.uubeii 1. `II of net vitide „
' , Ste UM lb. C'oogr. Ps eltal 11 . 19r , votrer tdetifore•
tl,l. tat ohs by npiin.priate tre•lat...l. • • •
Aad li' rote: rho Ittottreertd the Clara Stater. 0 0
the 111.1 Ilny a Al aich,• sred. 00 tier. eettiltd-,
Aceloesforrellie Great:every' tic UMW! Steel
-tomes ix Ms several Settlee ef eslaa.ayel - psoll:cr
•,!! the 141!1 end. deCt.t.olle et,e4ilC 11.
folio' , -
emi. 1, Ile It eaaeled LO' esnali bait Zorn at
Ilep , Sseedatlrerez, Ma Called Afalsref America in (cr of too Vette./ etntel
who are, or ele.ll ottteratro tortilled by taa,,to tut*
al ..pp 11 1.110(4 by l'e 1.1.1441; or atty . Strafe . . Territory.
droriet, county. city, pirteb, rownehlpb - rthraddlotrlet.
nun 101144 a lob orreor rahClvittiott; rhall bet
,ord nod Ohm. d to rote at all cool, eteetttiri: 01th
untrlodiuettott at edc , ;00 or preiriote.. tveultie•
. 0.-tt 441 .1.111411 W loft, tow, coOtravo.aurt,or
re4lloittnt t.tony State...l ertltory. or hy,'rir heater It*
to the. °elle ry nor adiatandinr.
ti 4 , 10 kir fieriPerssarleel. , Tll.l It. by or
latrer the outloorty nl die thturttrottoo tabor* 11 an'
egat, or the !Awl..4'l3[ly '4' :Mary; arytnettr or sluff
be tirl'llre, kit, 1. I otoktil , njn e.ignla0 1.1 Au4ll aftlion
torittill*llllllby..o6,.l. Cdtatltal tote or Nit. Vtrautle Dr
toltloor- 191 or too (tit' the p.orfoofll4ltocr.
Jot loot. to tarobblop to CILIY.eI.I4IIV. V11,1.11/111itX re per
.ono ructdpr• C kit tette, .0.40 btconie.s . eailititti to rose
h .1.11 0.. 11.,,it,y outtry rnrh pi.trulkttlid (400C1r. Igs
'givO - to eirlzoo. - ett ro• t rtlte' ritntro - , Nome and •
typal Ovvlrtautly to V.:et-eel elltb ' 9.olenetoatt , lad io dills. to vote le 1111•41{ ditt ICI , 101. .( roe, ear.
Or. Or pre tro tv. CO DILI /On ot.crviti.e.lL t o . an. 117.0 .11th
vr,au or akar chap or ktottrionly.nota a,•. 101 .0 .
lot to t tit..y. too.. ho , erall. roe Cm/y.1100.0
it 9113 pay the rout or ter I:c.3ml.l4klar-:l4_,La
son aggriretti thereby, lo to fever. d ac'trot oO.'
C. 1..., a ill. tell Cott* .111.11 Path ..13211.1•41,:ep for tottr.a.
lett es the thltte 911 - 1 4....11 alto, la
story ouch 415,:(4111. 1{0• delqllo4 ...rolLty or a all - d'of. oB t ,
nun +Oil .11 the: of, bo titled Cot to rara
pro hntotten dollar.. or is - Itritteronnottionlo.l lb•• one
SWAM. 40 , 1 oat More 111.10000;ter, or both, at the Ma-
Crellon olt 11. e
dud dtieoene. 11 to by llootecond rectlon at
tho,VI artier., of ilto t'otatltntlats ot oho C 7 0 11 . 101 . 10, 1'
that "'Phut Volvtidallon, art] the LW. - the
Stir,lei,irtdett atel , l be re ..1.1 nl purge:Mee Ibtrtet.
beth...1114 0 3e , of tbo teed. • •-• • aettbliulV
AI Ca aelelulivn al:lives!, an ~ , e4lateS la tAt roll fraty sob
I,W/stunt:Obi,- • • _
Anti warren?, Tiliq t4ls l ".tmrr one' nab.
y.,l,,full',ay • VM,vittedslit act, eel.
t‘tibtr allJoilleertilt the,t t Ike ,
laluo. , pwta4l . t . „; . the !oath - arCtlco CI
ssnhis - 91. ,1 v1 , ..e.0 Strou..:• - ' -
••St.cfso," Id, 'cid.% tot torah of every tat of Arremley
ar poor tho-tlrtt. ratty irtrlto ft - trowel, *bad ho A-tattled to
rlr t./ he'reel•kt It tolc•Vi. or mccbrbuiruildtrlC
at ;toy _donor:lt:or s.tebbiltstebtlottpl this t'otnnto otrrsd ,
to todille ram. Iterabt repealed, cud- that.hersulter
*lt frocnieu.b idiom tritslvdcp on ut.color, shall be eiln4l -
pt. .I„a‘
c or - Ohs nettappdtrot *Cretan AK.
Il l. " l 4Stritont "AU het lust her Oppl. theittriitt lb a act Pr
ant,S 2. bettor theetiodartiC-111*- Coannitairralth.t. Inc
tiMhenollozio ,c ditttatAtAtritug o ho rad•
tte— to vbir *tall goner:lt ablispeetal itt this
.llontllonoteattlb!` • • ,
• The rated:Paso miried,tuurApamt. and aet4' oust be
ittniod by tat . atointertra. of T..-
terttoloctiorrotattrat aott "trot*, that Ilto:rlghtto rod
jlrte.tott r nnarrautral theory wItY 1, 141 1 .
Oheru.ot Lid, Com nun% ott vniltled ("sin, .11411{...
Thu retort, jad.t.-1' Err 'll9l.gri cina o4 4
tito brouse,nehstotri mint tosereci
"tettrthort at the , ttatt !0004.' 111 the otti . of wirkOuno,.
riv.W.); oclob,r, is; " "
The - Teitt rtt 'cltp's tho "toprerenratlre d hied:
von:punit. 41 (410 4 t 11,14,11 1, at
own th, Cr - dirt Waite, .la.l . aulliAailoc
3519„ le%) - , , • •
artptli trotter no hautLat toy" othret
Montrosv, ti;eUlet clay ut -- Acgast."/(ol.b=ll44lalat 10 ... -
641,31Zillag,oftba , OXiaisaiweattb thefetnm y ' fn
• rE1,3111031,411,'