The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 06, 1872, Image 1

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    E. B HAWLEY, Proprie:tgr„
&ointo Cado.
b. A. McCRACEEN, &ohea to inform thepablic that
itatrion rented the Excltonze lintel in Monitom., ho
to now prno-treti to MCC.IIMud *le the traveling public
In trot.elno Ft3le
X Marcie, !inc..* WM,
Saddle, Milieu and Trnnk maker.% A hop In C. Rote&
item lin!Min.:, Broilklyn, Pa. Oak liarticsaes, heavy
and Bahr, tnukt 1., miler.
Brooklyn. April 3, laZt.—me,
flarina located at Sun quehnnna Depot, Manufacturer of
and doter In IlnAtan.l heavy Ilarneves.o,l
Trona.. Saddlef.&•• .hoplnzltv .trictnrt,yltlon Cohan! ,
Otel and fair dealing, to have A libel - al ahem_ of
March e, ISll.—aolo —m3.
ARS In Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals. Iber
ia .de. I.IIIIIP. Varn (eh. Liquors. Spices Falser
::_else, Patent Simildnee. Perfnmerymid Tolle? A
tiek, -PrPnoeriptlon• cam:rally compounded,-
brick Block. Mastro., Po.
A. R. lianas,
Psb.2l. ISM
id:dottier+ Et.6',.rn&l'lllnltt nt - tba Foot nt
Chistnut street. CAll and commit In all Chronic
Idnutrosr, Jan. It "rt.—nn.l—kf.
Attorney et Low. ?footmen. P 4. Office next doorbelew
tue T ir b e n .loom. bite Avntte.
Montrose, Jan. It Int—no:l-Iy.
C. E. 13 %
ATTOMT and COONSILOC a? I.vr, Gnat Den& Pcmo
ATTOILIET AT LAW, MOnlrerfe, PS Oftlco with Jamas
R. Cannlt. E.g.
ti u .trase, Auz.kt 3), lin. tr.
Attorney, at Lao% Of3tit 4n. ttt Lackawa
Scranton. Pa. Practico In ihe eever.ll t o unr o
of Ln•
erne .o4Somorttartna C•Pouties.
F. K. Lonatot.
Sclantun, Sept. ftb.,lS7l —I r
W. t. 05115376.
Attorney . et lave, °line et the Cenrt Hew , . in the
C.reme.fen , e+ , Vor enussxon.,
TicriENZIE, & CO.
I n D r y Goo(lo; Clot Larll4.o Anti Nl•r c .
Onv 41knce , U.o. Kent.. for U n great American
T.• and CoCcr• Company. Ploutrop.a July 17.'7«1
DU. W. W. SUITU, at M. rkrellloz. next door ran of the
iqermbllmo prlmlog olpe c l
Offie y b toor+ from 9A. X
to 41. 0. nu Mny
Tll^.l RAUGEI3-111a: lint, 111:122
Charts,. Morris Is th, b3rho.Y, ahn cin slam. Tour (lien to
!'al• Artiv.V, black rind criree, hi Ms
repo nard. ' Titers ton trill find Mtn, arty
pore !alms. :11i•KenzIrt—In , t one door.
Mosarrwr. J nue T. irt C. MORRIS.
.1. B.& A. U. 3IcCOLLIIS3II,
AT LAW Ora, , , over the Rank. 3.loorroie
Pa. Montrose. May 10, 1011. tt
a. D. vAn„
Cletreercente Poretnax Avro Surasolt. Rae petmenently
teceted himAelf iu guntro..e, Pa , where he will prompt.
ly sneed to ell es,h, In Ids wial which be may
he fleeted 0.11, an-I reAtteuce West of the Cour
Meese. near Fitch n
NVAl•ocie uice.
31outri,e. Fehruery 9.1071.
►]TCA dr. WATSON. Att.rnerk nt Law, at the otl ;Mee
et Watley t Fitch, Mentn.e, Pa.
L. I' ?MIL Use. n.nt.[
Neer In *nix and Shot s. Hats and Caps. Leather and
Fla/Lazo. Attin Street, tat door below Su.d's Stare.
Work mode t • ord4r. and repairinq dune neatly.
Montrose. Jas. I.IIM.
Shop In the ewe hoiltliht. where he win
baronet' ready to attend all ...ho may whet sbychin;
Is las Ilse. Moutrotte Oct. 19.1009.
PUTICICIAN & SURGEON', tenders Ms serrlces ta
tae citizens of Great Band And ri.lnity. Oft. e at his
residence. opPosite 4.121111132 Boner, C't Baud rillap .
Sept. let. ti
ATTORNEY a. LAW. Bounty, Pact Pay. Pen,lon
and Execn en Claims attended to. Offer d
.eor below Iloyd's Store. Nontrnee.Ps. (An. LIZ
31. C. SVT'rON,
Auctioneer, and Insurance Agent,
ael49U Frleadsalllet Pa.
Great: Bend. Pa
Q. B.
aegt ad
V. 8. Attoixoti.crizao.r.
sue. I. Ito. • Address, Droelzl3l3,
Y4sIMO'NITILEr"rar...3II. Montrose. Pa. .Shop ever
Chandler's Store. All orders 1111td In first-rate styk-
Cut dna done un shod notice, and 'retreated to St.
w. w. .snrrit,
of Nen street, .11ontrAnte. . 3114. 1. 18G9.
FIRM ANL/ mew,
buslne.. attended to, OP fill r termi. Ufa*
lilt 4w:wt:fah of • !Winn.° Mute," %veld. side u•
I•ablie Mreune, '3lontruee., Ya. jAu: . DIM
Jsly . t5114..m•%,Ti1017D,
If :•LEIC In Draws, Vacant memoccs, Chemical..
Liqaers. Palms, uils,Use Stuue. Varnlshes,Vriu
wait, Unmans*, trim, Wars, Wali and Window Ps,
awae•mare, Lamps. kiertoectsr, machinery
rniltel. clans, Ammuultion. byeetatiCls
Fancy Goods; Jewelry. Perla 0, At.—
I.iat 'one urine alum unman:as. :tansies. sad
r•loshI s cal leCtial, of Canaria 5 ueynehmma Le.
Emanlishca In lats. Montroet. l'a. •
TTOMET AT LAW,. oflltar ot us' ILc 1 4 tutt of A.
Lathrop, In the lirteL• Clock s .flool rand. Pro: [nort.'9
EIT B IeIAN b t+UßUEo:l.l,4itiert. Wr, I :mit...lute
•errice. to the eltizeut of llourroer si4u deltif U....-
01U at hi I wth I4CLICA, Oa tha comer cart o f anlrr S`
FughdrY. . 107;
IFN r into
uAs ; O:4.PA
Whateule & Beall Male:kW
CILLIZIVS 11.111.DIVAttE,;.-
NINA azlyouttslea4er.l4; LIAIL
e.4lL6:Chit , t MINING* ntIPPLI I! .
174,2814 Gr: .ALLbo,
44.1 0:.11.5(111.17.8.
1•431EJ, LUXUS. .114LLINA111.6
. .
rgLGVEn. trE.l RPINDLE..N. UViIB. lc: •
ANVILS. VICLs, Brovat, tut! DINS. 1.18LIMIV).
11A1131gils. iLEIIGLh.. EILN.i..A . c. de. '
einlliarr. HAITI It-MUNI/STUN - ES.
Ileraticon. HAre.b SI, MIS,
ram= jzo:nr. nwitrricrimE: , -
Cillatiti WILE Speed and Darthin Itelvtoine4l. It
Odds the Great Now York , !Ltte hieticrnetPremtgal !
, .
Alto the °reit OhloNattoaal Pretalams. held at Mass
la I As Pannsylranla, Maryland And lrir-Inla Stets
ereaalninal ...... .. .
.. .
be pearitm la altars;catapar t, marred col treirtrairt
Zitdrive ' , hada:and enclowd la a neat eeee. at the
-titre ot %ha machine, adectually marble. ittrunigrlt
* dast. :. . .
a oparatlon tan be ebanied !natal:My 'trine A' htdh
ttl to cues third flower. without . top. Irma adapt.
Itself to but places and li tin a nd hearymee,
a epttlau smaratat la perfect. ..21 e hree and ims
Itstaat. Mrs. cad. It .be beyond dattba , l ha' ft =fed
Illtr.bbrelbilbamo*t.sndyao can depend apt= lt,being
Wee'', *St& in 'Ar. . 8.
ttri4611477.!!?1-•.•, • E!BI In
Nott'o eottur.
WECOU I crown I%•iili love is royal;
Matters not hen-blood or birth;
She is queen. and 1 am loyal •
To tho noblest or the earth.
Neither plare, nor wealth. nor title.
. .- Lacks the mon my friendship owns.;
Ills distinction, true and vital,
• Shines supreme o'er crown? and .thrones.
- •
Where true love bestows Its sweetness,
Where true friendship lays 4 its hand.
Dwells all greatness, all completeness,
All the wealth of every laud.
Man is then condition,
And where man himself- bestows,
He begets, end gives position
• To the gentlest that he knows.
Neither miracle nor titian
Is the water changed to wine,
Lords and ladies at my table
• Prove Love's simplest fare divine.
Arcs Nionou
And If these accept my duty.
If the loveclmy homage own,
I have won alt worth awl beauty,
1 have found the magic stone.
SWEET Seinmer days, whose only. ittprfetion
Is the fast flight and surcease of your sweet
Youronle Slunk the gloom of my tle;ectlon,
Born of your sweetness.
It nevermore ithould , tale your mutates. , beauty.
And nevermore be dimmed your skied' suit
Content woul.l grow, of all my doles of duty
Most sweet to render.
rOM PP mild the • rill weary of beholding
Tic forms thoraiic ei tk' your capon; Coeur's--
Tossed,ln fair Zephy ' no unit stilt untolding
Countless caprices.
Dear are your leafy woods and emerald mead
Your tender bloom of !lilies and of roam;
Your rare mosaics, wrought of bun and shad
Each slope discloses..
No melody of harp or lutb I covet,
While your gay hints their silvery aongsnre
chanting. .-.
I sat sweet natures utusic-far above it—
In nature wanting.
Glad summer days that, by divine Imnsittion,
Bring heaven's unuttered raptures to my vis
Ye make . so sweet to me,this earth's probation,
It seems elysian.
Alt, if there Were no days lint theta, all golden.
It never wintry winds earth's blossom blast•
ed ;
Anil if with perfect days, life waxed not older'
IluV3right youth lasted—
Then heaven beyond us, were a pact's fiction,
To more us like prone cam• nnr. mess story,
Only earth's Change and death bring sure con.
Of Imaren's true glory.
Youn speaking of being chased by
wolves in the Canada
. woods, recalls n
similar. experience I once had in Chit ,"
said the pioneer, as he shook with sup
pressed emotion. hot whether of a sad or
likasant nature could not be ascertained
the dim light of the fireplace.
" Lot ns hear the yarn." we suggested.
with a reportorial eye to an item for con
sideration in a dull season.
"0, it ain't any yarp, I assure yon,"—
said the old man, as he chuckled and
grinned until a glacial movement of to-
Dace+, juice started from each corner of
his month and pushed its way down the
wrinkles that led to his stnbhle covered
chin below. " . S.lit, that door there so
that mother can't henr. what's going on,
and I will tell Ton how I come to get
1113 T . •
We complied 1 with his rawest. and af
ter stowing away a fresh deposit of the.
weed that cheers. but . don't. inebriate."
he driw his chair close to us and con)-
'menced. --
"It was in , the Year - 1850 Clint I came
to Cleveland, itnilberame employed in a
Hardware store on Superior street, Iliad
-spent all my previous life on.a farm; and
become tired of tramping around over
pastures, foddering sheep .and cattle in
winter. and working still bawler in sum
mer. I won't. say anything ahrint the
ficulties I had expenene.A. in getting em
'plovment npon my arrival in the city. nor
how I tried every place in town -trifle I
could find ii hoattdiitg=pTaee-that suited
me. at List beeoniing acquainted with a
widow lady . who kept a. few boarders on
what is known as Euclid Avenue.
My landlady was accomplished. and
had evidently seen 1,4 tvr dayp. hat she
death of her Itnithandliad her in
dneed circumstances. She had two i t io gh.
rigs. both lively. intelligent. and paS=(!aal
cd of graces that only come from associ
athinAvith the .better
,class -(17. spcietv.--
They were of. extremely gay disposition.
and T had ipit been at the
.tivP a month
before I was.lwpelessly in love with Fan.
the eldest. and . though , at • times her
mentier:tosvarili me was tender - and
couraging,. she, carefully avoided giving
mean nmwirtititity to be .nlone with her declare my plytim.
The winterbad nearly pass , * without
finding me any fairther - sulvanced in .mv
snit. until -one night" iii:Fehrati*v. after. n
henry - fall ofsrmw;T.asked Faris to take
n sleigh ride with Ane. tip which-she - eon
: Rented. loc. after tea I procured as high-
Stepping a pairof horses as-el - wild he timid
in the. eity.'drove up to the house of. iny
Affinity, and in a fei'initill'es we Were
whirling iiway Oat on, the Cle r vellnd , and
3lerlica turn pike.
I h a d t a ken. that road ri.artly because it
led -bv , mv old home. and also because , it.
Was Test travelled 14 night than the other ,
llnironghfiresleading.from the cit.:: and
-We were not-likely: to Interimptetlj, in
The night laiticOld 'enough 141 . -inake it
neiessary - to - pat my arm around my cnnl
pinion; the.liormi were :friskY.Tainl
nwitiM shone with that:Peculiailight, pree
ferred by lovers to al; otifem, Unless it he
that rd `.a' parlor
_latnp -- . turned d ownlost that4aa an illuminator it re
Thrangh .BrOlilyi township we Whirl
ed ont late. the country, where - the - lights
of :the farm harms - beg me scattered, an
the baying ot - ,a; watch-dog was the-. only
SoOlidleatlit 'FiiiitlY; who hall-..previous=
laughed, sang and chatted merrily on
our ride, now became quiet. As we came
tn,o; rice in the road that disclosed a level
ship two or three miles before us, I said
1 to m - yse I, ' Before. we have travelled the
toad no v in view, I will settle my fide
and go home a hanger or more misera
ble man?
Mull Mull . come to the conclusion.
before I heard ii 1 cenliar rushing sound
behind us, and looking around could see
a flock of sheep coming at full speed to
wards us, and bellied them were two or
three dogs, which would doubtless run for
miles without stopping, and cause their
owner much trouble in hunting them
But a bright thoug ht came to me.—
Fanny was a city girl, andibad never
seen a sheep save in the shape chopps
and roast pt her mother's table. rwould
indulge in a strategy or the kind which
is considered lair in love or war. Lower
ing my voice to the note of the stmfge Jib
beitainoly MINI - 1W speaks of the death of
Ms parents. wife and friends, I surd, ' Fan
ny, my girl, are you . brave, can you bear
terriTilivnews ?' - -
' Why llenry,irlial„ is the matter ? she
inquired, • What makes 1,-on so pale ?'
Assuming a more tragic Viiice r I re
plied :
' By firm, dearest, rely on me; we arc
followed by wolves, Look behind you
and you can see the monsters, who are
thirsting fur our blood:
She gave a hurried glance backward,
heard did - rushing sonnd of many feet.,
the deep breathing, which when heard in
the forests of the north, causes the wild
est dismay: then drawing nearer to me,
`• I did not know there were any wolves
so near the city,
' Neither did think there were, any,"
I replied, but it smns we were mistaken
fur behind as are or the gray spe
cies, a Almost dangerous of any to nett.
Driven by hunger they have approached
the settlements, and our horns
can go to the stone tavern in Parma be
fore they overtake us we are lust;
At. tlis juncture, the old curly harned
leader, tired and out of wind with the
rote rou, gave vent to a prolonged bleat
which Was fearful enough to seare a -girl
less timid than Fanny. I sawed ou the
horses hits, flourished my whip frantical
ly around them ut til they were excited
and apparently doting their hest to escape
the fate hehind them, but I was socretiv
holding them hack to allow the wolves (I)
to get eleser. On came the liloody horde,
panting for breath, nearer and nearer, no
til I began to throw out the robes and
blankets. • Tilest will keep them c!teirmg I
a few minutes, and we may escape,'
said. But the sheer; had no appaite fur
the rubes, and ' were close behind as.
.1 arose in the sleigh, gave the reins to
Fanny; saying, • Drive for your life! I will
surillee my life fur you,' marinade a
movement as if to jump nut of the sleigh.
4 Never ! Never !' she screamed, we will
die together,' and ahe polled me down be
side her to await her fate. - While thus
employed. I sneverded in getting a hear
ty avowal front Fanny, at the same time
holding hack the h irses to let the pursu
ers go by. They cam:—the. monsters
separated and passed us on either side.
While I held my fiat over her face that
she might not see the dreadful deception
I had played upon her.
She fainted the moment n•e were over
taken by the wolves, and without trying
to revive her, I turned the horses home
tCard, and oniy stopped to pick up the
robes which had been thrown Out to
cheek the anitnals.
After driving a mile or two my affianc
ed. wife revived sufficiently to hear how
we were saved by a party of sleigh-riders
who met us just as we Avert. surrounded.
Though nervous and weak term the ex
citement she recovered her buoyancy of
spirit before we arrived home, and prom
ised to keep our adven!uro a secret, as
informed her the owner of the horses
would charge me a h aria] price if be
knew to what test his steeds had been pot.
That is my adventure with wolves, cud
bow I came to marry."
" But did your wife never find out the
deception von practiced ?" we asked 'the
old settler, as lie laughed again, while
thinking of his boyish' pranks,
"Not until eight years," lie replied—
'when I told her of it one evening, when
she was ironing."
" What did she sac?"
Nor much —not very. Much." ails wer
eatouro'd romabeer. but removing ~his
bat, be Antic(' ne-a triangnlar space up
on his head. such as might have been
made by a-hot smoothing iron. and with,
not a hair upon its surface. AVe thought
Fanny was revenged.
The Education !Nola Needed.
• The idealon commonly prevails that 4
mere knowledge of books is the begin-
ning'und end of cdtication. The ions,
and daughters, esfieciativ or the rich,grow,
nui with notion, in idleness, as it were:
with little idea of the responsibilities that
await them. Their natures revolt at the
mention of 'l;thor," not dreaming: that
.the parents lief - ore them obtained the
wealth they are so pima of by industrY
and econinv...llow many
_potty , meit,
Coll*. bre& though they. May are
prepared. ti> manage the estates
their fatherspossess. and which it May
have required a lifetime - to imiloireni - ow,
many young IVOITICII, though they. hat
acquired all the-knowledge and gracesAif
the hest ichoide - ,: k now how :to du Villa
their mothers lutve - donebefore them,land
which their danghters may he compelled
to do - at Some perind,of. emir lives, ?Ile
children. the poor have . to lidMr or
starve, and as fur as that gees:Aber :lie .
tidated lir be:praetical. The eilucatioti,
that sOeffsit labor, sad' pnCo.itragf;s:
nest', is'the enemy for a . girl,: man:
.ebobling, lit de;
grades ;:•it open?the road -, to - :ruitt: 'The
education that inculcates industry,hones.
ty, and fair dealing: rind strips as of - ii6l.;
the edeeitroa:We do Per 4, itod.
that which must beajine tho - . prerailiee g.
syi3tetriof the country - : before ire . can'. be
people either happy, or. prosperiia-dir:
Systemize your business, and keep
. nn
eye : on little expettem-7StaaU kake. ; stak
great ebipe
What a Boy Hnow•s ithout tobner2.
. WHEN a lobster shakes hands with you
yon always know when it takes hold, and
are exceedingly: glad when it gets done.—,
Tay have small features, and lay no
clams to good looks. When they toed
m ire they resemble a small boy shuffling
off in his father's boots. They are back
ward. They occasionally leave it row like
people, and in the mede lose a member . ,
but l have the faculty of growing out an
other. The process is patented both in
this country and in Europe, which ac
counts for its -not coming into general
use with the Inman lobster, so to speak.
A lobster never comes on shore unless
he is carried by farce. They are afflicted
with but one disease—boils. There is
more real excitement in harpooning a
whale or in leaving the measels, than in
catching lobsters. The fisherman pro
vides himself with it small ben coop,
places in it re)r d
ntieers, several dear' fish.
He then rows his beat to the lobster
ground. —which is water—and sinks his
coop to the bottom, mid anchors it to a
small buoy—one from six to eight years
old will do—and then goes back and
pulls his ponitty house, and if lee leas
good success lee will find the game inside
the coop.
As en article of fond the real goodness
of the lobster is in the pith. Very. few
persons relish the skin, and physician.
say it is hard to digest. We therefore
take the lobster and boil it tined it is rea
dy to eat. Nothing is better for colic
than boiled lobster. It trill bring on' a
case when cucumbers hare failed. For a
sudden case We advise them crumbled in
milk. E.,ten at the right (hue and in
proper quantities, lobster stands second
Co no fruit known.'
An Old Story Retold.
IF any one believes that all the stories
of the glorious old times of Jackson
and Clay campaigns have been used up,
he will find how ease it is to be mistaken.
\Fitness the - following which comes to ns
from old Kentucky, hy the way of Louis
iana. Our enterprising, fliend begins
"Yon must know"—bnt see did not
know—" that around and about the beau
tiful city of Lexington, in the state of
Kentucky, fora distance of twelve or fif
teen mike, there lives—or did live, twen
ty years ago—a great number of small
fitemers. who find in that city a ready
market for the surplus products of their
farms, and there they carry it to sell. and
buy finery and nick-Hacks for their fami
lies. One of these farmers. a poor hut
indn-trions man. had. a porker, a few
hnshels of meal, potatoes, beans. etc.,
which be wished to dispose of ; and bor
rowing n horse and wagon he packed up
his things, and, just at dusk, set oft for
town. Arrived at one or two olelnek iu
the morning. he entered the m id:et-house
and selecting a stall, he split the dressed
pig into halves, and burg them on the
stout hooks, and with n bag for a pillow,
lay down to steep until mornim!.. lie
slept soundly and late, and when. be
awoke the market people were crowding
in and lo! one-half of his pig had been
unhooked—and hooked, It was clean
gone. He made known his lice. and rav
ing and swearing, he drew the whole
crown about. bins. As he gran warm
with his wrath, he said,
I know the sort of man that stole
that pork—l do.
why not let it out, if you know,
and we will bell) find him for you,' they
' Yes, I know . what sort of a man he
was—he Was a Clay man.'
As old Henry Clay lived within a mile
of the market, and4;very man here was
ready to go to the (Leath for him, this was
a bold speech to make, to accuse a Clay
man of stealing half a pig in Lexington,
and they closed on him to give him a
sontul ihrashing • when one demanded
what made claim think so.
' Why, nobody but a Clay man would
hey done it; of he had heen a Jackson
man he' would hey gone the hull hog.'
This turned the tables. The humor of
the robbed farmer - was 'irresistible. The
lksingtonians carried him off to a eel
fee-house to a hot breakfast and. a morn,
ii *
spree, and after drinking, to - the health
of Henry C'ay, they made up his loss,
and tent him home toj*ing:
A Novel Duos.
Amongst the reminisoences told of the
Franco-Prussian war is the amount of a
curious duel between two sub Ordinate of
ficers of the French army.
-You.iiikial to tight a duel, eb r ask
ed the counuandant.
Yes, Colonel, Words lime pasted
which can, only be wiped out, with blood.
We don't watt to pass for cowards.,"
'Very well, you shall fight, hut it must
be in this way : Take your carbines t place
yourselves on a line facing the, mansion
where the enemy is: You will .mareh-rip
oil their garrison with equal step. .When
sufficiently neartheir post you
,will fire
Ytin them.. The Prussian, will, reply.
on continue to advance =Me: • When
one:Milt the other may turn,-upon his
and his retreat, shalt be - covered' by
one ut my companies.. is Wayreon
eluded the commandant, "the blood y6tt
both demand will be: spilled, with profit
and glory, and be who comes back will do
so without - regret, without th remorse of
haviitl 4 killed or woundekwith .his own
hatidt,, a, : Frenchman, at fi tone-when •
,France-needti:all defendersnd all
her Children: - If - You ho ',.4- and
,say that pint are'cuwardo4 may also add
that I thus giy.e you an -exceileut upper
tunity fur putting a couplu of Germans
out ofthe wily—a service. that , will pro.
~cure for Yen alc;l4 recomp4tmclati9n for
reward and promotion':
• ' The:mutter - Wei arranged:as
,the tom ,
Mantlant had dictated. twenty, juices
from the Walls of Malmaisonome of the
adversaries was Wounded, staggered and
fell.' ,The other ran toolli s nt rinsed hint
up; Oil 'cirriekhim 'nwal his
den amid a, regular :hailstorm
of balls—=
Ugh- - were.:thencefOrth :entitled AO, the
greatest honor andlespeotfroia the whole.
How He Proposed,
A story is told of a preacher who lived
about forty vt ars. n 0.. Ire was a bachelor,
and we could write his real name but li
reer to call him Smith. He resisted
many persuasions to marry, which his
friends were constantly making, until be
had reached a tolerably advanced age, and
he hituselt began to feel the peed of or, at
least, to have new ideas of We comfort of
being nursed with woman's gentle care.
Shortly after entering one of hiscirenits,a
maiden lady, also of ripe years, was
strongly recommended •to him. and his
friends again urged that he had betterget
married. representing that the lady nam
ed would probably not reface to accept
him, notwithstanding his reputed eccen-
"Do you think tho ?" responded
dominie, for he eery preceptibly lisped;
-then rn go and thee. her."
lie was a man of ha word his ring
at the door hell was answered by the serv
'"lth Stith P— ithin?" briskly but
calmly asked the laver. •
"Yes, sir. Will you walk in ?"'
"No, 1 thsuk you. Be kind enough to
that' to Mith P--that I with to thpeak
to her a moment." •
"Miss P--appeared, and repeated the
invitation to walk in.
"No thank you ; rn thoon e3-phnn my
bnthi ness. the new prthiclier. rut
unmarried. My frienclth thindth rd
ter marry. They recommend you for my
wife. Have you any objection?"
"Why, really, Mr. Sin—"
"There—don't ant [liver now. Will call
thith day week for your reply. Good•
On that day week he reappea'ed at the
doer of Miss P--'s residence. It was
promptly op;n:d by the lady hemdf.
"Walk in, Mr. SmitlC
"Cannot, ma'am. Have not time.
Start on my eirenit round in half en
bony. Ith yonr an t Aver ready, ma'am r
"Oh, do walk in, Mr. Smith."
"Can't indeed. ma'am. Heath anthwer
me —Yeth or No."
"Wt.ll. Mr. Smi!l), it is a very Fvrions
matter. / and like to gel oat of the
rt. , 1l Procideacc—" •
"1 perfedrg ?loiters! ithP---.
We a ill IN married tbith day week. I
will call at thith hoer. Pleath be ready,
He called on tliat day week, at that
hour. She w•as ready ; they were married
and lived happily izeveral years.
A Lizt:o Glrri Answer
THE King of Prussia, while visiting a
village in Mg country, was. welcomed be
the school children of the p'are.
After their speaker had made' a speech
for them, he thanked them. Then take-
Mg an oranD- from a phoe. he asked:
'1"0 what kingihnn does this belong?"
"The vegetable -kingdom, sire," replied
a girl
The Mug took a gold coin from his
pocket, and holding it up, asked : "And
to what kingdom does this belting I'
"To the mineral kingdom," said a lit
tle girl.
'And to what kingdom do L belong,
then ?' asked the King.
The liale girl colored deeply, for she
did not like to say -the animal kingdom,"
as he thought she would;le.t. his majesty
shonld be offended. Just then it fla4hed
into her mind that "God made man in
his own image." and looking np with a
brightening eve she said: "To God's
kingdom. slit'''
The King teas deeply moved. A tear
stoou in his eye. He placed his hand ofi
the child's head, and said, most devoutly:
"God grant that I may e be accounted wor
thy of that kingdom."
Thus did the words of a child move
the heart of a Bing.. Little children,
learn from this that even your words may
do both good and harm. A pert word
from a child may wound the :heart of a
mother; a loving one may make it glad.
My little children let your words be kind,
true and right.
- e:D.C.-•-•-- , -.--.•
Rata ei Webster.. ;
Mn. NVEDSTED, was full of fan and
good humor at times, and when in COM
pany with t) few int,;mate friends he un
bent, and exhibited his wonderful Con
Fittlaty of talent, to the delight of all
listeners. lie had marvelous narrative
pwerst,as a capital mimic, and imitated
n broken dialect to perfection. - He was
not an unamiable man, and never Said
malicious thing in all his life ; but 'when
rertnrbed or uncomfortable, either from
disposition or the effect of exuberant con
viviality, he was an unapprodeliablc e. a
porcupine,•and often indulgedln peevish
exclamations and satariCal remarks.' • 1
once heard him describe a visit that. be
Made to elder Adams, at - Quincy, a few
months before his death. The venerable
sage, then ninety years of age, receiving
him with cordiality,. thanked him Jot
his civility in ciiming to see him. He
was lying in bed, supported bypillossai
heavy, plethoric man, inclining to dropsy,
and drawing his breath with much
(mitt,: 'He seemed to pump up his words,
Mr. Webster said, from a great depth, and
spoke in short Sentences. "How are von,
51r. Adams IP' inquired his visitor. , '4'o,
ble nearly worn on t," was the reply. "The
old tenement is in Ix state - of tiilapidation
loud from what, Fenn judgd of the inten - -
tions.of thelandlord;beis not likely. to
lay anythiag.inore•out on repaire. - :
Allow) llzstrrnti Strsta.-A des
.pondent .city,' saps the;
..Tivic - 4'ivits‘ • telling hit; ' trees,.
and the proitpeets be 4 bre bid; to his
better halt the
eneourO:o hitn,advised binf to flake heart
and perserrereantlifover - despair:•."For," .
said she,
I'll tietier . desert -Nino , if - Ire arc
ciimitelletl.bilice on -- bretitl and '.crater."
"I'll tell pin What then, in dear,"
replied the liord•hearted 'sinner, ' , “if you'll
find the bread, 191 furnish the '
doesn't matter how watchful or vig
ilant a girFis, if rrnie fellow kisses her
it is ten to °rebels-111 do it right under
her nose. • ' • • '
• lifuadas to in London fitting:, up the Burin*,,
Me of business, belleve'•nie, there is
now and then a profitable ventiire in- do
iiknothing at, all. In the power - to• -put
business aside, and abiding now and then
in a perfect quiet, things sometimes solve
themselves. when We give them the ad
vantage, which refuse to Crlme Clear of all
unr trying. We all ktiOnAoli by simply
taking some perplexity into- the deepest
silence thisside of death-L.-a good night's
sleepwe can do better sometimes than
if We sat titi'aud wrought at our desk all
When Mathew Murray, of LeArrunted
to see his way through some sore perplexi
ty in his inventions, and--other efforts •of
no use, he rested dayaud night from all
efforts, save the efforts an -active man
has to keep himself - quiet; and then the
thing he wanted would steal in and look
At him, and light on him, and stav, ns
birds used to light 'on the old heimits,
no more afraid of them than of the trees
under -which they eat; • -Add mother's.
you may care and"toil - incessantly for
your little-ones, never restin g moment
in your devotion, and then,because yon
never do qnit, lint enter into your very
closet with little frock to mend,- you
shall never be quite able to takellie whole
sunlight and rum of yams motherhood
into your heart. Yon will be so fall of
core about the bread that perishes, as to
miss the bread that' eometh down from
heaven. Igo person in the world needs;
so much, now and then, to he still and
Open Tier soul only to the silence. - as tin
earnest ; energetic, whole-hearted mother.
This eternal activity is almost sere to
rim at last into shallows:
INSTEAD of 'standing in fear of a gen—
kous consumption of ripe fruit, 'one .
sliorrld regard -it as decidedly conelneive
to health. The very disease, says the
(Wintry Gentismin, commonly assumed
to have their origin in tlie free use of all
'kinds of berries, apples, peaches, c!ierries,
aria melons, hare been quite hs prevalent
if not equally destruct:re, - iu seasons of
scarcity. There are SO Many :erroneous
notions - entertained of the bad effects of
fruit that it is: quits) time voupteracting
impressions should be, promulgated, bar
ins, its foundation in common sense a.nd
and based on the common-observation: of
the intelligent.
No one ever lived longer or freer from
the attacks of disease, by discarding .the
delicious fruits of our country. On the
contrary they arc very essential to, the
preservatiorf of health, and are therefore
given to 113 at the time when the condi
tion of the body, operated upon by dete,
riorating eausss, not always comprehen
ded, requires their grateful, renovating
influences.: Unripe fruit may cause
tress, but fresh, ripe fruit is always boalth
SOME one has given the following
sntts why people should dress plainly on
Sunday. These reasons are ns valid any
other day in . the week. Here they are:
1. It would lessen the hardens orma
ny who now hod it hard to maintain their
places in society. - •
2. It riould lesson the -force of . the
temptations which often lead men tot az,
ter their honor and their honesty for
play. . • • .
3. If there were less strife in dress at.
church, people in., moderate circpmstan
ccs would be more_inclined•,to attend.,
4.. Uniyersul mocleratio.7. in dress-:•at
church -would.. improve: -the Worship by
the removal - of .many wandering thoughts.
5. ',ltt-would enable all -classes of .peo
ple to attend cburch in =favorable wea ,
they. . - '• ~ , . ,
G. It would lessen on the part. of -the
rich, the temptation to vanity.
7 4 It would lessen on the,part of' thr
poor, the temptation to be envious and
'S. It would save valuable time on the
9. It would relieve our means , from a
Serious pressure, sad thus enuble ns to do
more for good enterprises.
•• Waste of Wealth is sometimes fetrieva
waste of health, seldom; but the waste of
time, never.
Tree c4tirage is cool and calm. .The
. brave - st of men havelhe least of briatal,
bullying insolence, and in the very 'time
of danger are
,fdrind the most serene and
• Let wa take care hew we speak of those
who have ..fallen on . life's field..
them tip4=not heap scorn open them.
Ve did not,see the coeflict.': We do not
know the scare. *. •
He. Who betrays another's eeeret be
cause he has' quarreled with Wm:. was
'nOver:worthy of the acred name of friend;
'a: breach' of kindarse on one ode will not
justify a breach of, trust on the othei.'
.; r nnderstand2tha icorld is wiser 'than
to condemn it,.to stadj , the World, is bet
ter than to:shnn it;" to use . the. world is
"nobler' than to abuse it.; to make the
Winld better; lovelii.‘r and happier. 'is'. the
highest work, or loan. ~ , .• •
, . •
Jeneis and Tifinvri were lantinz
of n'yontig elergyinan, Ailiose . preaching
'they had heafd that any. • "Wlitt(do . you
think of him r;nsked Prown: . "I thit.k,"
said .I(ines,',•!he did muelt - bet ter,tiin yehrs
ago."—Why, he didn't 'leach: then," said
:Brown :'"True," said Janes, 't.hat.
Mrs. Unines, oflioston, gave an English
breakfast ttleri . days ago at . her enmmer
reshienee'-at Newport.' - The oornbanyipis
large and'aristoOratie; Ave or - three foreign
limbassadore and' attaches - of bet
inf.; among the guests. featnre'of the
affair' was the Jaiianese dhclight fire
works, ivhieh lame beettintiadibeetliviili
sb *eh suceess at I sociarentertainments
iii Londen and Paris:
• "WizA•r are you deing thero,you rascal ?'
"Merely tAking'colclf sir." "It looks. to.
roe as if" you were stealing lee." ~,,Virelly—
es--perluipsit:svill bear Abut construe-
Penznabers area bad lot, -They make
people . steal pens and then E ' ay they. do
write s . , .
A tender lielarted Chicago 'bus driver
says he hates,to run a man; be thinks it
hurts the spring.
Next to "the little busy bee" the boas
black" furnishes the brightest example of
improving the "shining hone, ,
A blacksmith in a Pennsylvania
gives notice that "no horses will be shod
Mere en Sunday, except sickneie and
denthi' •• - •
The mrther of a charmmg Dabrigne
girl would not let her marry a conductor
became she didn't want her doore'slnmm•
ed ofT. ,
"Panto . ." the 'American gondolier' ii
still the champion of the.c.snals, and tbe
first man asked for' by . every': Americari
arriving at Venice:.. • . . •
An old lady • who' had heard .that .a
young friend had lost a place by, misde•
manor, uncharitably observed t.lbereleas
alfers a woman alba tiottoni of IL"'
*A`gneer' old gentleman' baying been
asked ghat he wished for dioner repliedi
"An.appetite, good company, ;something
to eat and a napkins". - „ , • ,
An exnbi-rant youth of Pittsfield: sail
torn supposed friend:. "Hello; Jol
cum me, .1 thought you were another
man I" Laconic stranger: P 1
"Are you not afraid that whiskyli, step
into your head ?" asked a 'strange; Of . a
man he...e13.• drinking' at a tar:: . 4 47 . 0,'s
said the toper; "this liquor's.toti: weak 'to
climb.' _ ,
"Do con prefer Newport tbie season? ,
asked a wife of her husband. "No ma'am,*
paid the, ! t il" prefer old.
The wife smiled, and so did the husband,
Soon aft4r." • • .
... . . .
- profaue"jonmalistsis ‘ good enough' to
my that a.somewhat illiterate. gentleman
up town lins named his llo,g llielmerAn.
geld on the IR - position . that:, hi.. A. 71/1
one-of the . old mastife, -- „ .::-_.,-
Miss Ellen M. Wellington,:il . AtISO1;
Mastachinsetts, picked, $l5O worth of berg
ries the season. just passetl.. .116e , Mnstri
cans namesake, the Iron Duke, wouldbars
gloried in that girl- -
A lad in Michigan did not beliereliall
the stories ha heard of nitro-glycerine mid
kicked a can just for fits, • He has learn%
ed tolion about on one foot quite, well s
bat has given up base ball'and, tag.. -
"Home is the - place for' .boys," - said.
Spinks to bis eldest pride an 4 joy. "Yee .
said the yoong=ler ' tadifolly: "1 like' to.
stay at home nll the time;, but Ina sends
me to school."
.A hoy in a country school was Midi's/
the vntence, "The lighthouse is a :land.'
mark by day aud.a beacon_ by night"' and
rendered it thus; "The liOitliouse
landlord deacon _by night." •
"My s:,n," said a loud papa,: who vat
looking over' the lesson his)sori had: recit.!..
ed that day, "how did you
your teacher asked you to spill, trretenif , " - -;
rsyclads r 'Oh, father," said the - 14y. f
just stocal spell boiind,"
"Who r:aa thAlneehest roan, in , son k it _
Rail the Suyerifftendent of hoy'a Bible
class in this state. " Moses; sir:" - "Very
xyell;,nty bop; and who was the-'ineeksp,
woman r'- Please, sir, there never was no
meekest woraftp,"- • -
Private_ theatricals trill be as'' nunteriail
but nut us fashionable :as .they ho,veleen,
•The various testda colcira eeem - toi
robionable as the ecru tints were it Tyx:ua'
,The polonaise is pni ninetishortettfuni
-last Epson, being in tact . but very 'deep
liasque: ' _ • •
At a recent ai.dding in Buffalo. ,
'Were riglit blidesMaids,- 00:4 groona . ionezt
and :twelve psliem .
• .
German is getting to be the fashionable
accomplishment, occupying the place
French fortrierely - , .. •
Tire gilt bronze is nitwit used. for all
sorts of fancy articles,.. Libmry sebs . of
this Material are very fashiontible!
Work boxes are now provided with . nii•
skill machinery in the--lid,: which .plate ,
only when the box is ()nested, - •
Almost every shape of chapeau seemee -
o be a la mode, provided.that the femin
ine head gear be small and piqpan..
The last sweet thing in scarf pins ban
immense almninium ."cnpnt mortia 4
with great ruby eyes, a-frightful looking -
Heavy Etiglisb carriage, la jet black
horseS, gold plated harness and dark lir. ,
eriesseem to be the present no plus nib*
of style in eqnipnzes.
• Wedding cards this - winter still .bis
smaller and plainer than of late: Tim
daysOf pink cards, gilt . lettering and
sprawling inenogramshavo - departed;
• - A gbod many . brides liave.,theirrbridal
boqueta'conserved,.and beep theist under
a glass case, as meinentoes thn boa
event, ' " • .
Every new articles that .makes .its tip ,
peariince is named niter the new prima
donna. We hare al:eady LuCca bats and
Lucca opEra
A mania forlfaney work las suddenly
seized on young: ladydom, and' all tha
pleasant young fellows aro oversthelinedi
with the products of their toil.
„ Asniti or English waterproof is <indis
,pensiblo' to a complete , mardrobe, and
they are almost as pretty as they aro usa•
An eccentric ~ individnal :has .teen er ,
bibiting himself on Fifth osPnne thisfall,
attended by a zerrant in , fullßetionin
tame. to the admiration of.,small boy&
A great many young ladies" !fate ane
bounced their intention of 'not • going • to
parties this winter, and in proof of sin
cerity are not Laying any :party dresses
made up. - • , ;
Liteiary matinees, so popular among
fashionable ladies in. London, nre to bey
introduced in metropolitan society next
win ter. These enterMinments aro undetw
'stood to• be highly intelTectuaL
h.iiew threatens society. : •Art
eminent Prelch - cliernist nn non nces tbat
'Many of tin! new evening - silks arc color.
"oil with plerato . of lead, - andtare therefor°
liable to a, tremendous 0:plosion at unif