The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 30, 1872, Image 3

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    gH fal! , Int4Offe_nq.
- ." , ', - z RaLta . votra AzOictir -..-,"
; : r ii;_.• , -,:—. , ?..k,i . :
11.k00Ert CRURCW , ..itit4. E. Ctitasiiiip..DlPEolor.
gstOtlk..SerOceltg•kA.:: ~ .. :•;`,...:.10,1i. m. tad 11,. m.
, tallbath Stllnql..:: ....
_• -•', -., i . . . :,....
..... ~, ., 2 m
vr4sgt:lfoaeßs, ille:lFokaayNxelybk4 ' ,', - t
.., -. 4
c.:Tniude-enundfi.,....2 . .. , . , .... It - .o%:amuty
Sabbah'Senflecs. - ' ' 'tieconV ria tandny in iAciv - Mulitti
Sabbath 4f..4.90.: . - -- = _ limatectlaels I:re - lure :does
. . .
- . .
c rrsconA I. cticrnt , n. Mil: E. 'A. .W.o.PM*!i,' m. Rector:
sanballi Sent p. VW a. 324,334 IN p m
f arida. Salmi - - , , ..... .... . 1.3 m.
Wevt:lMY Strylecit—Wedne,dl79 . . ......... ... t}i p. m.
MitloDl s 7` SVISCOPAL .:..n .1, - . a. AkriAADEn.
Sibtmth ticniCes ......10. A.M. AntAtal.ll). M.
poiliap-liintml - - " " ,Ip m.
pm : peg..Miming . . Tbamdly._-.• . ..... .... , ..... - 4.7-w P. m.
ruM4l3 EXI/t2i enUnet.1:...,,,.ncv.4;011,..
s.hbarsPcmlcas , ....z.• •
' 3,, ,4 134 : 131 • 1 1nta 'Dip. m•
sabbatbeebool ' ' .. -, 44.....".i.42 3 p. m.
Etdifiddetilt4. 7 hliMaA7-Eykt/h50.... .. I " /3i P.• ro•
,510tIot Sat urn.
The plaint Saturn is visible ticita immediate.
lifter dark until about Midnight in tho
soutli, in the constellation of Sagitarius. It is
the Most brilliant star in that quarter. Jupiter
rises after midnight. These are the only plan
ets now:yisibla to the n r iked eye.
Sabbath School Convention
A Sabbath School Convention fai taique
bonus county, will be held in Mcintrdt,`'<nt
Weaaesday and Thursday, the oth and 7th va
Nov:m her. Rev. (len.A. Peitz, o r phil a da p hi,
the al;tinguislteti Sabbath School Chatopinii, will
ronditet the CICITISC9 All Sabbath Schools pre
tutted to send as fon 1 •n. as passible.
Corn Oinks,
The-husks of corn are well worth the trouble
of saving. When dried anti torn Into strips
they make excellent mattresses, clCan and
sweet, and very soft and elastic. Plitited: into
's rope and Wound round it central ppint,'llicy
make-serviceable door wt...., the manufacture of
Which will furnish pleasing and Meth{ fireside
etunloyment for many a stormy day when out-
side work is inipnaqihle, or tor the long evenings
of winter. They are worth saving fur these
purposes alone.
Hoyt* ItypocLo ttirlaes.
11ifehre sonic nent)'e who hate everything
tltjiilstright. Ilad they made the worth, the
OS Weald 'always bare been lead color the
flowersahways black; the grass a sickly blue:
and the sun would have shover( but diMITi if nt
all, This, tote sure,is mAyitp3rtri ochisani y.
but it Ilene the less oiserates like a wet blanket
upon that halthriai cherrfoineas which Fl - mid
be the antosphero of the household. Let us
guard against the kitsetuut approaches of this
New Way i?-girAve IlicZons. •
A man in Indiana eoinitlalnn‘LtoiTriend that
the thieves got so many or - bia[ttteions that it
wasn't worth hts - svhile to raise them, 7 . -
"I'll tell Tau hoiv to savp.youg melons," said
his friend.; couldn't na'y findons nor
other fruit,. But a little while ttgo a tniisionary
of the Snallay School 'Union got up a Sunday
school here, and I haven't had any melons stolen
since: lie just keeps telling them they'll go to
come cisrftil hot place if shey steal, or lie, or
cuss, or break Sunday, and then he gives the
voungsteM such nice pictures, and teaches them
to sing such pretty songs, that they'd n heap
sight rather go to Sunday-school than eat mel-
Ems if they had them."
Rerostry of Voters.
The sth section of an act of Assembly of
April 4th, ISSS, entitl”.l, "A further Supplement
to the Act rcl.tting to the Elections of this
Commonwealth," contain thin provision with
reference to the reeburs of voters to be nsed ut
the Presidential Election
`Sec. 5. On the clue, of the polls, the regis
try list on which the memorandum of the vot
ing has been kept as hcfore directed, shall he
wailed up with and preserved in the name man
ner now required by kW as to the tally paper,
and ant taken mat until after the nest meeting
.it the legislature, unless requited in the hear
ing of a contented election, or Mr the parpose of
bring used at 'the election, of Presidential elec
tors or preparatory thereto., as hereinafter pro
viand, utter which it shall again be sealed
And carefully pruaerred as before directed,"
Bad -tor Bound,
The iashionalde ladies hat for this tall season,
taltigi..trowned-- the crown tapering pyra
tnialcallT7it is n recital of the style, worn by
llltl MilesEttosdish, of Piymonth Rock memo
ry, and Mrs: Rolfe, better ktrowa as roc:.ato.ilas,
of hun6to - tin ntemoel. Rs origin i. lost in
obecurity.The brigands of the Appennises wear
a similar bat. The gipsies once wore it, and alt
together it has a thieriogre_putation. Both the
Illytkittlt Rockers and the Jnatesfowit - treople
indulged in this style of hot, and all the world
knows that they rivaled tacit other as to wit()
alton!d parioin most Mai tr9tu the Indians.
Too Mach for Whisky Stills.
Scvtyi4•rosifof litaTitcra Ten nistee &ast
cd in having four whisky-stills. The son of the
man who atartel the first . one went into it one
Sunday morning and detail: co freely as to get
skunk. Lie thccutsent to a distant church, ant,
made ouch a di,rbance that tltey •seers com
pelled to tura hit/L . 6le - .
Going into the woods, he reinathedialone
til he god sober. Be then resolved neverioiet
drunk again, and to Work until the whisky stilts
were all broken up.
Sieeting with an active agetitt of the Ameri 7
can - Sunday-80061 Union, he necured his tuleiee
and sallsuulne in organizing a .good union near these four distilleries. They
hate all'sinee been closed. The owner, .ns, he
shut up the last one for want of business, said'
- That Soindny-school is too roue.h for tn. Any
thing but this ringing the Bible into folks. Its
no use to fight that." ...
New Flay Cent "ElMoles."
Merchants are be nn the look-out
fork dangerous bultation, of the fifty cent frae;
tional currency bill, a production elaixirately
got up, and well calculated to deceive. -
wording of the inscription wavers the idea
that the originators of the iraud are niider the
impression that they are working AV akin 44.
dew, for the bill is aotcounterfeitla the:curetnoll
,use of the term, which is that . the , had bill doll
be a fac simile , as nearly as possible, of the
gefiulge• 'llitn4" has.alrthe distingulati
in; marki - or a pcife'etly gond bill, -but an close
scrutiny it is finical that the bead 'of Stanton is
co .rsely engraved,- though a close likeness is
preserveg: . The wordin g of, the bill,
people Of 4re" In the same.:
tiolial' — ml r ircncy.!:,nii: 'O"M - I:genuine;
. ''United
States" is just the.seroe r Abet the' banner car
rying the l 4enomintition .'.lifty : eents'l, is precisely
similar in both notes,excot that. tint fraudulent
one has the!sonia " pay" on tbo reza, and
"for 3.4 dollar' . below IL The tieunry seal is
well imitated, but the sigtinttlres - are: John 13.
Brown, rice president: U:13; Greelry 4 . presideid, -,
the latter written in-tbe style of Treasury Spin
ner's peculiar signature, wideb ti -bill.
pore , traudillknt tithnrWiali be,
(1:414 , 0 blue on the right. lontVt - ad; th.c.:;#
a copy pf the genuine note, except that - -the
arlitollnOT it intreldll64 ,bcfigi" thW, if;
rkftategile ack ' d "meivable,"' The plate L lS
pitied" by "Candy eerappy," . instead sI, the
osProxican Bank Note Company." 'Of course,:
aapbs*.l,4ok wOuldesposaabe intinVimie d'ri • Ike - )
bufrYgof tisi ti e l ,i 3 :! l /0Fr0it 3 0,4 . 0. - ,tegtatice at
the Ida (4 ,4 o tcratier forks** l
early thr*# lo .4.o4l2'driiier: , - --•
In Memorial/I.
WxtEns4s, It has, ple;.pleas ed Ma Grand Master
of thtillolverse. 036 froi Oils" our
Brotlter,liarnuel Owotis. Therefore
'Pearitve 6 3,"Thrit la 11 . 1 a tlemisu, the Order of
Freemaons,'lMilost - OntiOf its'oldcat.membera,
Alta cost ardent aup . poiter. Tim community,
an upright citizen, The foully, an affectionate
. s ßeistrod, That the members of Leitay Lodge
No. 312, A. Y. M. hereby tender their
sympathy to the family of the deceased, in,ti.ds
their great bereavement.
Reso!ra. That these resolutions ,tra. fafatilici
to the Bradford Ikporter, Argus, .21pritrose
Dastomtkr; and-Bs : dependent Repyl,!icais, , for
publication. By orderr Leltay
8: W. Lrrn.u, M.
B. W. Dace,: Secreta7,
Le Raysviile, Pe., Oct. 2Cth, 1872.
- --4 - IW-4r
COll/111V 111111,111i0.
Wlll he held at Montrose, commencing at 2
o'clock, p. in., Monday, Nor. 11th, 1872, and
continne flee days. -Prof's F. A. Allen and
Chna.' IL Verril, of blansfleld, are engaged us
instructors, giciag pledge of good instruetitin to
all. Teachers of the county should attend
through the Wirdle session,:feeling that the In
stitute is held fur their benefit. Efforts 'trill be
made t o o secure accommodations for teachers at
Leasonablo rotes. r•
Thursday atteructri will he allotted to Direc
tors for gurstlurts p - chool business— •
LectUresaitcl 'lliseuss!ons ) (in -each 'eVening ;
eels* drill eacli tidy. - Directors and - friends are
earnestly invited. to be present.
W. C. Trtmix..Co. Supt.
"Forst Lake Centre, Oct. SOW, 1872,7
The list quarterly payments fur seats in St
Paul's church, arc now dun, It is Very tieces
ary shut the seine should be paid withou4 de
rev. 11:7.1. WEBB, Treasurer.
.llontrosc, October
F. Churchill. '
To'slice of the Peace: office facer L. S. Len
heint's store, Great Bead borough, Susquehan
na Co., Pa. Has the settletuent of the dockets
of the late Isaac lteckhow, deceased. Office
hnuFf . Trout 9 to 12 o'clock, a. in., anti front 1 to
4 o'clock p. tu.
Great. Bend, Oct. 2d, 1872.
A (Delight itSurprise,.
Ladies whose faces are clouded by suncifieial,
discolratinns, and who ifn.VC resolved to try
HAGAN'S 31 AnNOLIA BALtI as a remedy, have
op Idea Of the ueleCtnatutprise ,thou atilt re•
eeive front their miners niter a few applications
of that itealthful,purdier of the complexion. If
at all excitable, they will scream with rapture
on beholding . the change: whether the blemish
it is desired to remove be sallowness, !flora e ,
pimples. freckles, roughness, or On unnatural
pallor, it is h-fund to disappear under the:- tonic
operation of the wo:) , (lerletl agent. .To
Out , the blemisli•disatmear, does not Ifhwever,
convey any idea of rlfe Creel imirltMetl bi this
celebrated. The unsightly tinge. whether dif
fused over the whole countenanca or in spors.or
patches, is replaced by a unifiwth, pearly bloom,
to which no description can do justice.
For Sale.
A. new Muse well.turnisbed, good water ban
dy, 11j gerekof lend , and 20' or morcgood fruit
tines sit tiakii mi/us,n4thni won-
trine, near Beach's Mining Mill, 'also,a WAvien
Factory, Carriage and Blaemonitb Shop, Gri4t
and Saw near by aud a few rods. frum seln,ol
Any person wanting n good place cnn
it et a bargain. Call on James E. Carmalt, or
the proprietor. H. C BUROESS.
Montrose, Oct. 'Nth, 18711
Teacher's E stunt utttlon.
The annual examinatisns will be held as fol
Rusltatel Jessup—Graugerville school Mouse,
Monday, November 4th.
Apolacon, Choconut awl i.iltic Mellow"—
school house, 1VeL1ut.....1.t, ;No, eat.
Silver Lake—Brackney school house, Thurs
day, November 7th.
Franklin & Liberty—Lawsyille Centre school
house, Friel iv, November 4t It.
Nvw Milford—New Slilftirl born. school
holse, Satur.lay. November oth.
bun'y Jastitatr :Montrose, Monda, Novein
ber Ilth to I7,th.
Bridgewater—aontrose, Sautriny, November
I6i h:
Dimiselt--Corners - .6h00l house,
venther - Nth.
Brooklyn—Centre school house, Tue, , lay, No-
Vete her 111(11.
(;tbson— Kennedy school house, Wednesday,
Norember 20th.
Jackson.—CO - ruilia 'acbriol honk, „Thursday,
November 21st,
Ararat and Thomson—Aldrich school house,
Friday, Not - NI/her 22.
Ormit Bentl=fTillag,e S2llOOl house, Monday,
November 2.511).
Harmony and Oaktand—Susquelianna Depot,
Sazurday,..±i,...ber 23 , 1.
Ana Fared. Lake—Cenlir 'sido;)]
home. Vl, , ,lne s dav, November 27th.
Middletna n—Centre school house, Friday
November 20th.
Each examination to commence at
a.. in. Teacher, will nrovide pen, ink, paper,
pencil. and Union Fourth Reader. It is neces
sary that etch one be prevent before the exam
ination lit first branch is ,itecz.l.
The Stair Snperintentiont has deckled that It
is the lelzal duty of evay• applictat to attend
the examination appointed for tne district in
whieli.lte lives or expects to teach,unless direct
or: recmast an eptohiation in amtther place, for
a Jost reason.. •, ;
Direetors'are'earnestly tiegef to be present in
their own districts.
Teachers mill not commence to tenth without
a certidcate, or expect it private examination.
W. C. MAIN. County Sup't.
Forest Lake Centre Oct. 1:1873.
Tntratett inettf . r*E5rTl kick-310n3 than
twenty year ago the ANC; l.rsrtes; made
its debt in the west. Its cures of the narimis
ezterna) cliscasta of „horEts and c..ittle„, itstonisit
ectilmplau*rAnutl Ur:tiers - at tits 3ILS81541:0 and
Ohio Valleys, and a demand for it sprung u,a
which necessitated its manutiteture on an ex
tensive scale. • Soon the discntery Was• titude
that it was 0, grand specific far rheumatism,
gout, neuralgia. earache, tombache, and other
entemal ailments of mankind. Then it 'Was
tried us a healing, pain killing application, in
rases of outwartt injury, , sach cuts, bruises,
burns. spasms, &c., Tatind equally ser
vicelble ' The faille unite *err icth — ed:it-ihr sonic
of the most painful ills that afflict mankind and
the lower animals, spread rapidly, and 3ITSTANG
Lrkr3lENT st e m took rink In every Stile aild
Territory of the rnion as a STANT/AIM trite.
. .
TIM lit - M.IIC floor AND ITS THATC=O.—If
the man deserves well of his country who makes
two blades of grass grow where only one grew
before, surely he who productsa glorious crop ,
of hair on a comparatively barren scalp timer-,
ihe ltearty thanks of& obliged party. „411,1'
boaor, therefiwc, to PitorraSElt, T, Lycra - . for.
unquestionably, his renowed lisrusnox ac
complishes this object. Gentlemen whose
whiskers are shy- of making their appearance
in force..or the:fibers of whose nninstaehts, dis
ctuse distances"' - Psi'
.Washington City was once so famous, Will find
this uetn, PEIVICADEIt the most wonderful en
courager of tibrmistlevelopement that has ever
yet been invented. Both sexes are advised to
nV01 , 1.% 01:AI. it 11.111,f1
Impyiug thegrowth anfa beityt,y. - of the Bair,
keeping it free from scurf and dandruff prevent
ing it tram beaming harsh; dry and groir.z.—giv
in# it a rich gloss and erolowing-At -with, flexi
bility—that Toilet: Chemistry - Lies' ever' eavol
.voil,from.the vegitabje kin:oom ••
Jury, •
• -
For the term. of Court ;o - optimum <at
Afoutfoio, on:Monday. Ntivinber 1?:Zi '
: 04aum/ Oruiria. -;;
44 - buP „La .
..;a.ptgatout-4rTha,-Jants, ;.-
Araratl-;F.boltutor D. Tyler. '
Ch eonl: "-EiturarelUnclarsvoW't.
CI iffOriii4;uther , tordirk: , . • .
Dimock—Perry C. Conklin: , col:
•Flstradja74c*f_oti L.-24errinp r ji. ;t o p*.
FortLake—llaimaa Dow,
• Grye.allkiatt)*tefr,Wnt. ,firftSGrapf
. „
Triisirbridgecßeubral Ta•Stphelnat
nerrieki-rian6is F. Hayden. t s . :)
PaeltsOn.-CoininodOrelW Perry
Lenox-Lbreb -- Miller. -
Liberty-Calvin Markham,
3100 intse:l-Ito
New Milford twp.-Gabilel - G. Ely.
Oakland-Thomas Canovan.
Springville-Charles Giles.
Thomsot,-Jytm.Larnb, -
Apnlacon- Ansel Graves, jr.
Auburp--Thomas Keogh' Andrew Hagman.
ilridgewata.-Malthew J...Hurribgton.
Ciiillird-hian Carpenter,
Dinmek-Philander A. Stevens.
Forest Lake-Henry F, Hendrick.
Franklin-Noble.B. Buck:
Great Bend boron-Michael Williams, Henry
• Great - Bend twp-David Banker, Robert Col-
MAL.: I • a,..
Gibson lames U. Bennett.
Herrick-Alonzo A. Carpenter.
Harmony-Lemuel A. Bualinell
Harford-Lewcilyn E. Carpenter, David Van
Lailimp-Martin 'Bisbee, Wm. Osborn, Wes
ley Reese.
Lenox-Philander Bell, Martin Conrad.
Montrose-S. A. Pettis.
New .11ilfurd twp -Harvey Grinnell, Russel
Tanner; Julio Manzer, Win. B. Rice.
Oakland--John Hilharui Joshua K4 , Grinica.
Silver Lake-Alpheus Whipple, Lorenzo
S , nne.
Springville-Lewis S. Taylor, Henry Wil
liams, jr., Thomas Thompson.
Seaga Depot.-John C. Cook, Jas. Vuuno
strautl,,Rubert Curai, Jr. ' 3
Thomson-George A. Stoddard, Nathan F.
Trt.i.vens.c. Junons-11 week.
Auburn—Sainurl Dean. Lyman G. Cogswell
Brooklyn—Samuel B. Eldridge, Edwin Good
alch, Edwin P. Mack. • •
Clifford—Martin A. o:miner.
Choconut—LaWrence 3idnerny.-• • -
Dimock—Elislia W. Tiftithy.
Franklin—Julio Boyd.
FortrA .1/, Rice, Jos t &Strange.
G bson---DI Ward Pone,: Willlatn: - Piekering.
Great 13eucl born—Nilo Gurnsei.
Great Bend t Wp—inmes •AfGretti.
harmony—Darid Taylor, Joint. D. Shutts.
Jessup—Jess Sliernwtn,
JUC.6oll—Ansel Page.
Lenox—James Snyder. John C. Decker.
Lib,rty-ltussel S: Luce.
Montrose—Edwin Lranrop, GeOrge V. Bent.
ly, tVilliani If. Cooper.
.ifittltlown—Egbert Stedwell.
New ifil!ord twp—Frank E , Cole, Horace
New Milford Iwo—George Pratt, Wusiugton
F Boyle
Uzklnnd „Ifnrgan ,E. Slia;ta, Jackson
Rush—Daniel Gary.
Sitirynclutnna Depot George N. Brown,
Gilbert U, Sweet. -
Sifter Lnke- , -Nntlintiel Wakeletr:FWin.Boircs.
Tiviinson—Stepben It. Gain, Win. Jenkins.
TitAvlatit Jukons-3d week.
Suuunonctl to attend on Tuesday, nt I o'clock,
a. in.
Auburn—DeWittC Titnaatanrenzb
Bradley Lacer, Cllaril^J Thayue, Emmet
Ten kNhary.
liron'..lyn—Bradford 0. Watsous.
Bridgewater-- Ci4spin Vau,7lV: David D.
Ilin , ls.
Choe ,, nut—Pntrirk .4feYanial. -
T liqui as J. Wells.
wlnn .1. Young
Furees Lake-6.llotuon Brntlslusw, Daniel
Franlefin—.Rufus Tuttle. • -
I:ibs..)ll--ilorirc W.
Eta Penuel Carpenter, Wallace 'L.
Shmv. Wakeman Hendrick
Little leatlowY—Silds Beardslee.
Libertv—Pltilip Cage.
Lenox—Martin W. Ron.l, John Clark.
Latbrop—didni TilTdliY.
Mon tro.e—Ed win R. :5,1111h.
New _Wilford Lwp.--Charm Brushy, Walter .
S•tsquehanna Depot—George Adams, Wel
linzt,,r t William, •
( Ira A. Striek
lanl, Wm 13 Hand: e:1, Samuel E. Sutton. Iti
Farm for gale
offer for ,11:: me `arm. ,111,11
nil I , Itni t as 11131: of it, sit”
It LenLtm..
Uti 1:111401 . C. I. zintla3lt, IV. C.' n Lte had if tlebirtl.,.-
Allllttiltnd lies fltsriuilly .41,3ing to hi. ',nitro.
i?, antooth an I , It,c run slcnlpu anal
rat hi, and t , II wok-redlty sprinp, n i t (I'l4k,
Alio a neetr,fniiipc. well at the Ititcht.i
ro. lieeste it `lfekly ne' and
anti tli , rn ;ire tttn 5 0tt.1 barns and other netts'
try buil.httag on litt• pn.ntke-s. Panty of
fruit on the 'lice For forth,r p.trtieulurs tut•
dre , , , me, IT C . 1:1 at the firm I milcm -n•utheaat
of Now Al
Alan 11)0 nem-salami near lowa Fnll%, Frank
lin cbunty,,lrewn, which I wish to sell or.
ehnnge fnr a small plae;c, or property in it rail.
roam torn, LOUIS WHITEIi.
New Milton!, Ort 3,1, 1f57-2.
F r lay—At the 7
Mon , rose, •Oet. 18:2, by Bev., A. D.
exander...u.isi,ied by Rev. P. Tower.
110 Faucher. of tißier f tlw,anti -ilia , Bridget
Flaherty, of Chueuratt. Pa. . •
VANSCITZEN-131:NNET r—At the reciaenoe
Mr. 11. Bennett'-. Montrose, Oct. 27 , h.
by !cr. A B. A le.:ender, Abraham Vant.en
sten. and Mils Hat tie Bennett, all of Au
burn, Pa.
.7=l ...e.. r 1 . 3C2
Cosvrzt,t,-1n Liberty Oct. 12. 1872, sir. Sam
uel COS% ell, aged 77 ye.tr4 awl 7 months .
P Ciat ., 6 1 t401 4
Old Things lia7e Passed Away.
Thou l• A: Irani trio of ;tan .2 m.OlO-1 of treat lug
abutted Intl much abused huntfon boar It I. to
I.tottLy cut rattlered teem pat n patient n, tau torture to
ord., latuft, hen of 11 , trLe la trl,cll p tin l•
hudartu tn./ the e•nerr.e• ut Inn,. -yet eel. True mcleace
it.,11 on the rid. ct, c Van, aod enaeuror. 10
vg,-1 her In h-r flih• •;alust Tot. IA Inct pro
rluce or ii„et, :Cer;S:s.*lntkitittcrt: thnltioat
d 0 (Imre eoll'atlCorlf:arfollif; tonfite7. IC ,„&3;1*,,,
enletetelltll4l no • Ed. medicine. parezeoliontu for it le
Id rho fall IllaLl4l.ionott,et, itytTepe ? la and Tilt - ion,
I , rtir Staltatettli tin. tittliar.3
by tholluattf at .ntrttort, Le tVeIS , auT lota, oat its
c. 0..... nod regu roe. hoc ar ray tirmy WA. t theta! a•
"rll.llT , y l l7"llJl.tittlirtut . ltaantat Int IPX.lKlanal d.nce
IfOrterlors SUM:arta Moor.. nod the n,ila r..f. ned
I o 1i1yb....1-Apo Tlrrom. , lloul lb., for Weal. Sni.4ll
tine etre et lent alltirl ti•talllera rivers. all the 00- ea of en pct I uttneal lot er nrn prnbOLly rife [...d tr. -
Hod o rOtlr-y of iio-tester ^ Raton , tu on couttue neon by
the patron rs month ntro, e belore the unhealthy
Ittettan tlo, ouvott-ow tun In oil pro
Itahilltypo nothot, rotttel tvottilh %W. , rrrresa th , .c."do
mnclr kir riOat , of Lfareeaet.... So meet 16rt,,,t , trve ,,, M1:
•i” t h e [pm.,.l .. host catezuard attal yet
eptdeenteetent ebdemie repo.
A.II et. of Ihtp...rters and Imitators mc trying to Arl
ine.- tit the wakes? the Groat American remedy. there•
Ann he sore that , he article you buy el:amino and no.
ridedity time pAapri. Ilte trite nOtlele
aody ohttinod In Node* 1:10Miro of th,i ?porton.%
bitters euld b) the gallon or lo Let,.
;elm-v.06.m1] dir /ears front seiv - gias
LSDrbility. Petmatare !Neely, nod ail the effects of
yorn Vat indiscretion trittitor 11W mike, of, StlErntin.Y
nianity.sendleco to all - Nytol Aced it. tbo recelnt and di.
rection for waking Mc, sttnitin ttftedy by which be was
cured. So.Tercpe vrisbluykproAt by untidy blot•koocri
cocc can do's? . pladdlerang, Ip perfect cunddenco,
' +YUAN. t)GDEN..
o Gods'. street s New York.
A I.l:drOlte :COT/CE.—The annoror.ned havlog been
npNiolodpy, tea Pnart p . Lcounmen glote.4l
.queldin roe conntt; in - Anditotto dirtribututhe (node In
.odeod.tbe ebe lbo tele uf V.eal
Bonne' of 11;41. 1111011 tir.
ardoeUr4ttend to Up untried WS
10 . c p ° ... 1 4 2'1. .-IFI r pelni1 6 tt o n o ,.. r tt i ren
ion .pp.prt..ll‘. tonfrofisime , or'bo r zoltiver de.
'bitsen fru= comim- Su. on mid land.
• • loStge CA.H.VALT.-Anditor:-- - ,
-Montrete.aept.ll3itita4;, • . -
117.3LECUTIlire NOTI.Oft ..:SVIIXRCLICArettere, testa
iiseetary tette estate et tease Uuteltair Lttc urfareat,
Beg dftlemukid, kacu been greeted ta thetutaicti berg.
alt proem, 16,4414 W ultimate are reqa.e.te.. - to intik&
imine4late .parraesa. and _theoi-Ilating.tteme,ur.Ar
tuaude spinet. themes, irpt . pr!l , 43t , teem e1t4.34; dee
44.1DITOR'fillOTICE.—The underelgnel eo enZitor
• 41 1. Appointed by the Court of,Conamon Plonne of atte
irlehernon County, to-Allotribura rho thuds, tri•tno hands
of the Sheriff, arrloing from the Rimini wale of the
real mute of Jacob Declff.e, hereby elves tmtice that he
will attend to the &Welter hla appointment, at his ncico
In 'Moo:robe. on Frtoey,'lnra day Of Ott.: 1f at
ono o'cloth. p. AL, when nod where till pertOrmintereat.
ed to Feld fend will pre.m t claims or be forever
debarred from coming in on sold fool
A. 11. Mr Comex, Auditor.
Montrose. septomter I U 143572.-111
A cyrrows NOTICE,—The urderrtpned, at A nal-
Aek. tor appointed by the Judn'es of the Orphan's Cone?,
1, 4 4 -Tid for the County of Susquehanna to distribute the
Caudal the trouts Of the Adualeletrater cf theestnto of
Sispb. Memo deceared. etteed to the MOW. of
id, ointment. nV pia °face. •fo Mortroile. on
Friday. the 2.lth of October. tb72. at one
o'clock It the afternoon, All pullet , interested are here.
by required to appenrsitta •ureattnt•thelr claims, at the
Above Jena and place or be hircver drhsrred.
'Ai3y r
Montrose, Oct.' 2d, Ihl2 - .
AIIDtTOItI NOTICE s-The noderelgned.'an Audit.
or appointed he the Orphan - i Court of Fumnehrtn-
Ate County, to ilittrihnte the (Untie In %he hatolt of Joi]
O. TlMui,t.edtalnlet mine of the entail of C, a. Tanner,
elocento4. attend to the doting of Mr appointment
el bin office In Alontruse. on naturday, November 2d,
Urn. ;it I o'cicwk, p. to., at tehleh time and place ell par.
none 11, trerrt t li In Raid Nod must pre.ent their elation or
be foreverdebarred trout conitun In on said fond - .
D. W. IiEIIRLE, Auditor,
IJontrone, Oct. I, 1811, • •
VSEOUTOICS NOTICE. Whereas tut ten testemente.
ry to the seism f Tbnewte JOhnvnn. dee.sed
have been !zranted to the tuiervignett, all pervnnt to,
deined to said eat te, are nhtne...teti In tootle immediate
irtyment. And those Ettinc cta me neatest the Mime.
are r* , :pleated to present them without delay, _
ELIT,t JOUN:iON. t Esawatort.
Bridgewater, t'ept,,tatti, Lilt —Ara
LrDTTOWS NOTICE.—Ttin rntlerdgroal, an Andtt•
tannul hind by the Orphan.' Court of Slnainehannit
countyoo niatrlnuta tba foods In the bonne et J.C.
no', Arlmlol •11 taut c•fote ceteris: ..r John Irwin. Jots
of Oakland township. dere:wed. hereby Ovea notice
that he will attend to the duties of hie aponiattnent. at
hi. oiliest In , /us borough of .Yuequehnuua Dean, „t en hot.
urday the :d say orYbeember next. at 10 erloal. l u tha
ion:noon. when and whore nil persona interested will
tnnaebt their clolnta. hr leirOtaver debarred rtOrn
thg in an ,tll (WO. 11. deb arred
dad Roc,
tinagnabanna Depot, Ott. 5, 1n72.
4, DoINISTI: kTOR'S the rotate
Olt of Now.ll It , •cter deecaecd. late of Middletown
letters of Adminborathun 1q Thu valil 'estate having
lug' been granted to the noderAzned. all prntont Ow.
111 y sald wan... - are n•rineme-/ to make Innneillnte
.‘arl,nt. and persons having claims a... Must said estate
ale requested to present Inctu without delay.
M ARV E.KELE lt,Administrat
iedd'aloorn, Oct. 9, 'l•2.—Acti.
1..7 Writs kdied by the Court of t;omm on pl eas
of Susquehanna County and to me directed, I
will expose to sate by publh• vendue, at the
Court Hulls? in Montrose, on Friday, Noy. 15,
18:2. at. 2 o clock, p. tn., the following pieces or
parcels of !arid, to wit:
All those two certain pieeel or parcels of
hind. sittun ein the township of Jessup, in the
comity of Susquehanna, nail State of l'eansy
eania, the 111°,4 piece bounded and described us
finloa s. to wit . Beginning at tt c , titer of the
I t end of a •totre will on the west line of
Da, id Ohnstend's land; thence by the said line
north 1.5 1 ,i' degrees west, 165 perches to a post
and aurae , writer; thole: by la w ), of• cud
cnne.t e ad man Pleltett north 27 . t. 4 : de
en( s, casts..ll.'pereht.e to a post anti stones ;
them e south 33 degret... went .perches to a
ost and stoue3 In n sutairrnitz' thence by land
, of It. 13. Downer. south, 3 de . ;rees west. 4:4
( relies to a post and stones, and ...Julia 27!,.. 1
groe meat. 114 Out-half- refeliCS to a post and
so nes ; thence brhands or.tiarks Bolles and
1.-14annalt Bolles, south IGt l degrees cast, 1
perches to the maid of a stone wall near th e
northwest Mutt.' of the Wyalusing Creek ;
the nee south, 43 degret..l west, 18 perches into
the Very road; thence utong said multi south
21!4 degrees cast, lUts perches: thence
north 74 t'a.grecs east, perches by land of
Hassell Very t a cherry corner , thence by the
sane north 21 I ,74lcgreei east, 42 perches into
the Told; theare along' the road north 81 lie.
er-vs east, 14 perchi s; thence by lambs of Very.
Shay, nod others, scurlt 63 degrees east, 11 t ie s
perelita to a jest and atones; thrice north 2:
degieva cant, 02 peff.;:u.s; thence north ca de
greci. wed, N 7 perches to a li::::110ek corner of
Thomas P. Meeker . " , kiwi: thence by the same
north 27 de ernes one, 20 1 .4 perched to au Iron.
wood s ; iptiog ; thence by land lately sold to Da
yid Ulinstcad, south loss degree est, 41 perch
es to n stn dl yelhlw biri-11 in the seal iteast bank
of the rre , ti ; thence by said Oldistead's Lind
north 21 o...vss.s wed. lit) p-retie... nod north 20
decrees West, 17 3-lUtlis perelies to it post unit
stones corner above the Wyatt:Sing Crt,....k. road:
1 t,..„„ by Ibe m a ne 14 degaea west, 110 2
perches to the plact, of laegii J ning, c.,ll.,tainja2;
167 S•ltnits serene 01 twin Ilfs ate :+:lltie
with • the, two awclling
tioas..ts, 4 tiaras. 1 bog It ,use. 2 orchards. und
ab..ui 120 sue, itnl run 0.1--The Beyond piece or
past ui 1.1 d, locl.n:ing the mild, :old min
tit-rvon„ situate in tae ta . ..vusl.ll,
v t _„,,, p. Cl' Rusouchanna, aa I
state of Veonsylvaail, horinded and jo•
tiriluw, liegint*lll2 at a pnit.t .111 the
WvArsirit;'Cr:.-At rniot, Rd , : 'rnt
Beene;. land; thencertrlong•thc , rdad tinrti 63
decrees we•t,:,!pert.ites, anti north 46 tlc4rus
221 printed to a e thence scuAli 44
degrees west, It parches, crol,lng the creek l,
:0, the tridge, end in line with rut apple tree
oh north aide and beech trre on coin') hank t., a
Pont west side of ron.l thence south 46 degree's
east, 41,t.i pereheu south batik, of the
Creekand Mill pond Cu a small umple, IhenCe
serene the era tunvi, north 4 deezrees cast, 02! , c
pct elieg, to the place of beLintilitg, , , containing
dime and Ms, quarter atm of land, he the
.-ante more or leis, with the appurtenances„one
thevlling-' house, 1 coopekshop,,, 1
~$ w mill. 1 nog, 11b,1.13e , and all int
iin provisi. (Tann) In rxemittnn ut the stilt of
Sandi Carnialt en; Thomas.). Depue.)
ALSO.--111 that tertaia pitVo or parcel of
lao.l situate in the township of Rush, in the
cotta ty ~f Sus,ittellanzia. and Slate of Pennsyl-
ralja, tztorrltAt. and- des:Abed -na,.-follots, to
e tier On the rnwth by I:Mils 'of 3ame4 51eDer
inot, on the cast-by lands of . As. Logan and
.loin C, Graham, tin the sou is lands of Syl
vester Bowers, and on the w by lands of
Freeman' Ellsworth and Edward Fliali,contain-
Mg about 2,00 acres of land, be the
,sine more
or less.witn the appurtenanoc,ldwellifig-house,
I - Trame barn, one small" orchard,und g r out 40
acres improved, anted 14 exeraatitiri'.at the
suit of Petersallies, assigned to tko. - P; Little
vs. Henry Greco;
ALSO.--,111 that certain piece or par - 61 of
land situate hi We township of Clifford, in the
county of Su.unehannit; and Stott. of Pennsyl
vania, Wended and described as follows, to
wit:. Beginning at the southeast corner of C. P.
Gillimd's lot ; thence , along 'sold CritTorfs ' lot,
north, 93 1.2 degrees west. 00 perches to a Leal
-1,,c11 corner, the line of Pulaski Chamberlin ;
thence smulr, 441-2 degrees west, along 'said
Chamberlin's lands, -I0 perches to a stalik an:!
snes; thence south 431-2 degrees east; GO
porches to a stake and stones it. the line of:Ez
nt Trueslrde ; thence north 90 1-2 degrees cast,
10 perches, to the place or beginning. contain- 1
ill fifteen end ti9-1130tits-acres of land, strict
measures, be the same more or less, with tlintip
purtcuanci.s. 1 frainc-house, 1 barn, 1, small
orchard, and shout 12 acres improved. (Taken
in exetationat thestlit or Hiram Stevens usy of
Joel 14T:4.y va.A.dolpll4lille.r.) .' ,„,':,, , 1
ALSO.—AII iirat-eurTain piece tire parcel of
land situate in the Borqugh of Montrose; in ;the
county of Stoonehunna, and StattLef J'ennkyl
yenta, houtisiedantl.deseriLed as (uncoils. to wit
B..sginninrinothe amitheast:eonterrofolot con
veyed by EZralldebe hnd'.7irlte to naritialf 31.
Bliss, on a public street; thence -not - th 51 -1-2
degrees west, by the last mentioned lot, 8 per
iti the line of flue Old - Thilork'rot; likvace i
by Att,,cinic,pcutti,;3B ..1 2 .4egtopat eaati.A perch-
es,-lfoot end s'half to We northtriait- earner of
a lot; conveyed by S. W . 'S:tyre titict',?)thep" to
said Ezra Bechp; thence by the satue.sOuth; 51
1-f: degrees east, 8 perches to a post orrnspublic
streetmfdresnld, the tont - hest eornet76f s the' last
mentioned lot; theuen by said street south; 28
1-2 ilegrecsw, 3 perehea 1 foot , and 6 half to
the-place of beginning. centainitls3sperelleit of
land, be the same mere or less, wathrne apPur
tetianets,4,,founc,house,,l, "Immo barn, a few
fruittrmi, and all iropmred.
,t,Talten In Meru
tioh et, the Suit' of A. - Lntlirpp;'*&"Folly ',. L.
. ALSO..—AII that ecttaln piece or pareel of
Mod situate irethe,Borough of Great .J.3ond, - in
the county of Sustmehanna, and State of Penn
sylvania, boundedetbd dikeribed as follows to
wit:, N.ttgick r iy. ky-ghte•cit.itrget, ..taterly by
Ituittc - Of Jelin L. Briiitil, southerly by Erie
'Railway Oottipatif;Viands; 'a ' westerly by
Grace I.llinrch buryingzrountlosotitidainothbut
I,' acres of land, be the same more or less,
witlithe appurtenances, • 1 Foundry building,
=aline shop, ilieds;itilil all imprivo..,erakffr
in - intectltkin at 114. snit of The tycorning: rite
Insuirtnee 'Ctitnpany' va. T. D. Estadmiolt,
Charles Simpson, H. P. Doran, IL Kilrow, 1.
ReCkhow, V. Churchill; L. 8. - Lenhein • GeOftli
W. Drlg...L. cteal). T . ; 1). flays, 11: . .T:". Ste
p_tiethr'&S.'3lclrianeY. partners as Cie—Great
Bend Foundry Company.)
astx.:-. 411. that' pertita ,reo in pixel
Of-laiiil ; altnatelnAbe-toitinshlp --of Auburn ; in
I the county . .pf Susquehanna , and 4 , tate.of Penn
sylvards, bOunded end di.scribed as follows, to
wit 13.0„,"inuing oL atm.-road- rtuanieg,esst 20
; rods ; thence south 8 rods ;.thence west 20-sods;
thence north 8 rods to the place of `beginning,
coutaining I:acre of laud, be thesame more or
with the appurtenances, I. frame. dwelling
house, 1 frame barn. 1 stare house_ and out
buildings; o few fruit trees, ,terld.; . Improved.
(Taken ineaccution al the suit of G. /1. IMOIII-
'.vs. ) Law, : it,Eitrtis, G. tow, and "Xli4
AI• A ,
iSO.-LAII the following dmcribed . pieta or
parCel:Of land 'situate, to Springville and Auburn
townships; comity:ol Susquehanna; and. State
of Pennsylvania, boubded , and described wr fol.
lows. to wit : Degiardnttrit beech 'the sonth
east corner hereof, and the n'orth'east corner of
leads sold P.,..?3athantrei G. Ashley ; thence by
lands of Zopher - Bledoesiec, north 9 degrees,
west 122 perches, to a post the northwest cor
ner of Ass Packer's -thence by said lot
north thirty-three perches to a. peat the north
east corner hereof; thence by lands of the
I Drinker estate and lot formerely sold to ' Taber
Sumnert north 80 dcgreeti west, thence south 1
dkree west, 153 had c•ta perches, to the ilorth
line of Amos bennett's lands ;. thence by lands
at and Nsthania G. Ashley's lot
south, 89 degrees west, 112 and 710 porch's'-in
the begjoning, c(intsiulng.. 95 . acres and 127
perches. more or less. .
- ALSO.—AII that certain piece nr parcel of
land lying and being fa The township of 4atturn,
in the empily of Suequelstltirke-1 Ontf%, State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as:folloWs,
I to wit.: Beginning at a nost.thc northeast cor
ner lot fortnerely mill-eyed to .folin Oakley:
then& by the north line of ,said last mentioned
lot north. 8(.; degrees we,t, 37 perches - and 8-10
of n 'perch to a post the southeast, Corner of a
lot, Io.SID on ilenry artrilter's 21eshnnpen
I num; thane* tiv the enstl littd_ , of ;Said lot 19
perches, and of'a lot of Samuel Brundage north
42 and one anal perches tO apost t thence south
89 degrees cast, 37 and 8.10 perelics to a post on
the line of lot. Ni. 98 on the map aforesaid :
thence south along the'line of the efOresaid lot
mentioned:42 and. one,third 'perches to the
place et beginning, containing two acres, more
or less. together with the appurtenances, d two
story brick dwelling house, 2 frame barns I
frame hog; house, 2 orchards, and mostly itn•
I proved, [Taken in execution at the suit of Geo.
I".j,ltile, Adm'r of S. A. Loomis, assigned to
N. C. Warner vs. erfield.j
:Sutler is hereby given , that all bids must be
paid In cash. W3L, T. itiOXLEY
Sheen Office, MunTrose, Oct, 1E1,1812.
0 writs issued by the Court of Common Pleas
of Susquehanna County and to me directed, I
will expose to sale by public vendue, at tha
Court House In Montrose, on Saturday, Nov. 9,
1 , 3',"2, at I o'clock, p. to , the following pieces or
parcels of land, to wit:
All that certain piece orpareel of land situate
in the township 01-An'otten In the county of
Susquehanna mid State of PCllll.iy
tied sttd de..qcribed hn follows, to wit: Ou the
north by lands of A. D. Tcwksburv, and on the
east, south and west by lands of John Selzer,
routaining three anti one fourth hens of land,
be the intne more or less, with the appurtenan
ces, one frame hous'e. one frame barn, one was
one blacksmith shop, one appla and
peach orchard. and an improved. (Takeil in
e•ccution at tit, salt of Sterling & Son, vs.
I' BenningF and Andrew Young vs.
,1,111101 I', Bowling. r.)
.ALSO.—AII' dna ienriniti - pleco or parcel of
land situate in the township -of Gibson, in the
county - ot Susqueltantin, and State of Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described as follows LO is it :
On Cho Borth by Junta of Solomon Pickering.
Thomas Iteesq and Archus.44trd, on the east by
lands late the estate of - Eno'i . Owens, decd, on
the south by lands hue tile estate of Edwin Ben
nett deed. and on the we.,t, by public highway,
containing acrt... of land, be the same
more ur less, with the appNennoccs, tineframe
house, three barns, one corn lions , , one milk
Louse, throe orchards nos about eighty acres
Iniproved. ITakett In execution - 1n the'sult of J.
L. Holmes vs. Wm. E. Tait.)
AbSO.-111 thole twocert.iin pieces or par.
eels of land situate in the township of Liberty.
in the connty of Susquehanna, and State ul
Pennsylvania, the first Mt ce bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit: On the north by
binds of Joseph llownol, on the cost by hands of
Thomas Webster and public highway, on the
si..uth by the land, of Mr s .l.limar.l ur cii:ge,and
on the tre t by lands of Nit's!. riti Gage,
containing about ten OCR.", of land , be the saute
more or hero, Willi the Appurtenances, One frame
Loose small 1141114 OM! SOW Olin. one Orchard
and all improved The second piece bounded
ami described as f1,110w. , . to wit On the north
'v 1.0 1 11, or Al- xatsi.T \ ely,..ter. F. Traverse
sin! ./. If: Howard, on die east by lands of .1.
W. Howard, on tile south by lands ot B.
Sou thworth and Ale:eau:ler Webster, containing
ahont thirty-tire acres of land,be tits 83111 C more
orless,w 1111 the ni , ;, hotvert !
few fruit trees, an 1 alazd ten neres itnprovcd.
(Taken in eccution at the suit ut the Lveum-
Mg, IV: la Cutn , ,htne rl, tic°. N.
c..r:ain_piecc_ or parcel of 1 1
I Ind ‘li....Ate le the brii-d.ip of • Artrat, in the
,'aunty of St:sou:ham:a, and State
boalel,l and cita,enbed as ibit o w s , t o
wit ; Vn the north by lauds of Cornelius '
righte; on tile east by : lands of Win. Blox.
lam, on the ..ontli by:lands-int Eli Avery, and
uu the IA tat by lands cir.. 1,5 1 5. Sartell, contain
ing about sixty acres of land, be the same more
or less, with the appurtenances, I Statue house,
barn, a few fruit trots, and,aLamt 40. acras-4m
proved.. (Taken in'-execution at' OA- dttii - - of
Elizabeth Taylor vs. Daniel Taylor.)
ALSO —All those three certain pieces or par
cels of land, (comprisieg ono • farm, and lying
contiguous,) situate in the township of Bridge
water, in the comity of Stisquelianns, and State
ot Penngylyania, the first' piece bounded and
described of follows, to wit Beginning at a post
and stones hilt line of 'Benajah 31eKenzie's
land, (now Wm. 11. Jotehi .1 thence east by
lands of Susan Wallies-07 - Perches to a stake
and stones corner: thence south by lands of
said Susan Wallace 27 and 5-10th perches to a
corner; thence east by lands late of Phinens
Amos, Jr., 45 perches to a stake and stones cor
ner-, shiEnct , uotalel jrlvrds hirineraly of" iktid
Ames and land formerely of John Bon, Jr , 157:
and 5-10ths perches bark post and stunts corner;
thence west by lands unsold ton post and SLOTH'S
corder sass thencesoAh by hut tisof Beenjah.llle- I
Kenzie, (now 'lltanTl,Jcinerea ; l•l4operell& tei the
place of beginning, containing 105 acres and 40 j
perelsor s of, land, be the sate more or Itsa.;. The
second piece or parcel, bounded and ilestribed
as follows, to n it: Be ginning at a post and
stones the northwest corner of B. :McKenzie's
old fano, (now of IVto. 11. Zones;) thence .by
lands of John Young north lid degrees east frJ
perches to tqpost and stones ' north , line of
iVal/ace's Inlet and south Him of 'Drinker's
land; thertop along said linesouth e43i degrees
east ICi) perches ; thence by l:tnd surveyed by
Janos Shang, south degrees west 92 perches
-to it post 54 stones; thence by „lands of B.
MeKenzle,(ttow Wm. 11. Juries's) north tid 34 ,
degfecs treseloo perinea to the place. nt..begin
ning. containing .5 acrd and SO peiaclt of
land, be the saute more or lens. The third piece
or parcel, dteribetl as follows., to wit; Begin
ning at at post and stones the northwest corner
01 said James Shaw's old farm ; thence by land
unsold of J. W.& H. B. Wallace north 1 , 4 de.
greets:etc 28,Ferchel u`'pOstrandi,enniais in
north 'lint 'or tract; thence Mote said ' tine' by,
land belongingto the estate of H. Drinker,
at(: I.,'Sqh *TXt egre4 perches' tic' po:Is
#inlptdites4Coriter of Kinglefsland;
thenct-ht4.110 - 6i , said IC ingsley soutft
green west 6 uerches to a post and atones;
thermairy lartkolL•realtl•litegsley moo:,llt::.§o,vtle
grecs east 49 perches to corner of itcilic - a alkihe
northwest corner of -Well's farm, where
he resides; thence by lands of said Wells south
lax qgrees west 17 perches ton ?het ; the, rterth
eisr, tOrnen ;Males., Shaw's; farm; thence
along .the north. line Of. She salve north 8831" de:
grecs west .111iperehes.tO a'place of ' beginning
coati 10 'acres AndltierclieST of land; :bp
the s:inte more or leis. making in all .182 acres
and's4,p6rehes of lansi.liet the 'saute more or
V** B ; *ltetille:aPnerienartCes; -1 'frame lionsc;'
ram, Shed, 1 cunt lionge;4 trails - Infuse,
and other out-buildings, 1-.. orcharti,.- and about
150 acres hupTorcd.,(lnkea ineexecution at the
suit of Ann Kum . to the. use of Margaret
Wright, Nellie 'llomson,and Isabel Conklin vs.
James Shaw.); • '
!LSO.-Allthat Ogriaiii . pieen - or .preef of
land situate le'the township of New Milthril;
the county of Susquehanna, non State of..Penn
sylvanik, Winded and 'described Cs routines, to
wit; Op the nortivhylands-lato, the estate of
Beiibeir Bitch, deed ' on oast. 'the- b3O Oreit
' Mend. h,Cochectoe,7 einpilteated on the south
I aiidoe B t_bl r lauds 14: 13,' ::4411.11A.,Ai1it w:
Boyle, containing about eighteen,arses of land,
be the isms. - thorn of lsos i 'veith the apptirtenutt-
g es . twin Ou'rellingheu4o, - nee barn;:. ono". °rob',
aril, and itilluaproved.:Z::(TakUn. .eitceu.tien et '
the shit'of.ll - Xaolsoy vs: 13.0111:-Plembig.)
A1t00...44 UtiktatM . : , ► Fleck : or revel oT
land situate in 'the township of I -- • - • 014390.- Fruit apd VegetablWa - , 5. , -
the county of Susquehanna, and State of Venn- • Best fall apples, E. gasper, ,_. - 1. - 00
sylwthin; bounded ancrtiescribed 'as (n110%114'40 ' 2nd,,Jhoso chute, . .:, .i . ,60
wit; On the - north by lands of JohrrYoung, On Best winter app o les.E.lliirper, • . 00
the Cast bv lands - of Truman Stone, on the smith - lad. - E. Et- W ma n... - -^^ •-....... c:,
by lands Of GeorgeDeekermad IL C. Baxter, and , Be s t peant,: . .lirs Washburn, • :,., :t S. l'' 1s •
owthe west by lands of 11. C: Baxter and John I Best quinces, Joseph/duck 1 016
Youngs, containing one hundred and thly-seven ..
, U.N., Tura". - . ,
.; , , .. do,
acres of laud, he the same more or less, with the 1 . Rest peaches, D. I`,,ilon, .. :' ', . ' :,..1 fife
appurtenances, one frame house, 2 barns, 1 corn 2nd, Wh e n Al exan de r . _ • , go- - ,
house, and other outdnnidings, one orchard, and Rest gnipsq, D. B. Oabley. . • - - ' . ,, -7 „'4.4/0 \
12Z1 acres improved. Taken in execution at the 2ncl, P. Brewster, .. •• - • t -50 ,
era of the School District of Bridgewater vs. B es t i n do ws n e i potAtoe.h.EATAco L. p ec k;l on
James Turrell. Hiram liortrzi, vs: James 'Fur- 2nd,E II: Wellman. • T - , , ;,60
rail and Wm. L. Beebe vs.. James Tarred ) B e st w int e r squash , S. B. B ar t; • - - -.-. • .. 50
ALSO.—AII that certain piece or parcel of Beat pumpkins' Eli Barnes, ' ; '". -10
laud, situate in the township of Llarteolay. in Beat 73 heath s cahhage, W. S.:Sdpfalts, ~-..!: ....SO
the county of Susquehanna, tout litattkor 8100! -Best 19 onions. E..r,',..• ..,
• . - -• -,1••-, ~,• 6 0
syleania, bounded and described'as follows, to B es t 6 b e ets, W. S. s ap td a , . , . Au
wit: Reennhig- at a post on tlie sottit - side of Beat 6 toruatues,A. T. Sweet._ GO
the old ca Creek road : thence ,by other Linn.; 31oere, Tar. Re e,; 1:11' Barnee..-
Lands of the Bald Taylor, south 27 degrees_and jud ge ' ' ,
40 seconds, east 10 perches and two.tentlisol et Class 7.—Butter, Cheese end Bread.' '
perch to a post ; thence by lands of Adelbert
Best pull bolter, A. T. Sweet, • ~ 800
Robinson, north 60 der, ees and 4 seconds east,
2nd, John 3lanzer, .
- ----•• .2 00
Si perches to a post in the west bounds at the
jar butter. Miss Bell Carpenter. :•II 00
Erie Railway Company's track lands; thence b 9 .. n*d
said west bounds north 40 degrees .and 20 sec. 2nd, Mrs, IL C.: (Al WI lOO
tater, Mrs. A. F... Sherwood,' ' 2 00
ends west, 10 and 9-10 perches; and thence b!. - Beat ball .butter.
1 2nd Sweet,
100 •
the south side of said road south 69 de arm 8 ,,„1„,, ee -m e i 'nary Sophia, : :.!• - 4 . . Bco
•10 6ecolyls we s t V, and 9.10 perches to Ott,lace n _
..., ...._:._........._._
_ ln. • ,
~ 4
of beginning, containing ern. hundred and ten "a aI,P U r •Di TILL y,
perches of land, be the same inure or less, situ Best loaf wheat bread, Mrs. R. M.•Eittditey. G 9
the appurtenances, one farm house, shop. - a Class 9-41iteger, Flour;.llVmeirs4Sugar.,
few-fruit trees, and all improved. (Taken In ex. Best cider vinegar, Elias 11. Wellman, 6 . -50
wution at the suit of 31. S. Taylor es. F. E.
Best sack wheat Cour. Martha Crock.- ''• -; l-to
Goodman and J. Schlagcr & Co. vs, F. E. Good- 2nd, Babcock & Newton, , . BO
toss. WM. T. 310XLEY, Sheriff. Best' 9 pounds honey, Bev. A. lillei.„ '' '.'l Co ''
Sherithis Ofilce, 'Montrose, Oct. 12;1972. 2nd; Rev, A. Miller; . ' • • GO
Best 10 pounds caked augur; C. 11 'Palmer, 1 00
2nd, .1. J. Adams,
Rest 10 ills :drained sugar, LE ter, 4 to
.Catie: n.
bad, C. IL,Paliner,
Best 31apie Syrup, Mrs. C. F. Tinglei,' ` - ‘ 1 - fill
Leander Griffis; Isaac Davis, M. J. Diclier.-- ,
N.Z' OMI 1.1.32 i List
Held Wednesday and Thursday, October
thuland 3rd, 1873.
Best bear; draft stallion, Wm. Carpenter $4 00
2ntl, L IV. Sinsabaugh, S 00
But road stallion, N. Grumnions, 4 00
2nd, Frank Carpenter, 8 00
Best pair matched horses, H. C. Conklin, 4 00
2nd, Judson Stone, 3 00
Best `>t& horses, for all work., D. Quick, 400
2nd. G. 11. Bend, 8 00
Best single driving horse, S. B. Guile, 8 00
2nd, D. & J. Banker, 2 00
Best brood mare and colt; A. J. Ad.. 1139, 300
2.1, Wm. Bonney, .. 3 00
C. S. Flallstead, A. Trowbridgc!; ,,, Nellaco
Barnes—Judges. z 7,
CLA I.—Colts and Mules:.
Best pair 3 year old colts, J. J. Youngs, 300
2.1, Pardon Barrett. 2 00
Ildst 3 year old cult. T. B. Grinnell, 2 00
2.1, Oliver Lathrop. 1 00
Best 2 veer old colt. J. 11. Slusabauzb, 2 OC
2.1. Irkln in E. Thrany, 1 00
Best yearling colt, Joseph Bronaige, 2 OD
D, C. Oakley. 1 00
G. M. Read, Harvey Grinnell, J. 11. Kent.—
Judges. _ _
CLASS 2n:3 —Division Ist.
Rest bull over 2 years old 11 .; C. Conklin, 4 00
2nd, .1.. M. Potter, 8 00
Best hull, one venr old, 3 00
1.14:A bull cult 11. C. Conklin. . ..., 2 00
Rest cow over 3 yftara old; It C.Conklin, .8 CO
. . ,„
2d, H. C. Conklin, _2, 00
Best hotter I year 411.1, J. M. Potter,— - -. gOO
2nd, li, C. Conklin, ~ -2 00
1304 heifer eatr, J. M. Potter, 2 00
2nd, 11. C. Conklin, 1 00
Etc:ston 2nd....Devons, ~.., :,'
. .
Best bull over 2 y,--itrs old, E. T. Tiffany, 400
2nd, J. W. Wright, 8 00
Best bull calf, E.. T. Tiffany, ' 2 00
I',cat cow over 3 yr.are. old, E. T. TiljanT, 800
Best lwifl.r, I rear old, E. T. Tiffany, 3 00
E. titlanv.
Llcit lieiler calf. E. Tiff.nv,
Div6loll OrJ.—.%.)deriwys,
Beit bull over 2 pre ul4. Wm. 11. Lamb e/044 00
Division 4.lll—Ayrshires,
Balt cow ovcr S rears 011, D. J. Tourj, 311
Wm. $. Tinglily, Oliver Latlaup,J, 1...
Dicta: la i—Gr.tde Durbams. •
Best Lull over 2 years old, L. W. Peels, 300
2nd, Oliver Lathrop, 300
Be,t bull I year old, IL S. Dean, 2 00
- .
Best bull e:;lf, Dever Peck,
2nd. Ferdinand Whipple,. .. 100
Best Cow. John G. 1)c.7..0, 11 0.1
2nd, 11. ('. CenMin. 2 00
2.rd, J. M. Potter, , 1 00
Best heifer 0 years old, H. C. Conklin, , . 2 00
Best heifer 2 veers old, B. I). Slier iroodi ' -; 01
2n , "., N. 11:Tingley, 1 00
Best heifer I year old. J. M. Potter, . 2 00
2nd, D. P. Brewster. • _ I''4o
Best heifer calf, J. M. Potter, 2 00
Zed, S. E. Tucker, - 1. 00
Best three yirlinf•rq,.J. M. Potter. - 100
Best three calves, li. li. Conklin, - .2 00
2nd, 11. 31ureey, 2'oo
A...T. Adams, homer Tingley, A.. J.. Ilitar.y.
—Judges. '
Division MlL—Grade. Devon,„. -.,!
Best brill over 2 years old, Freeman Thiilc; - klt)
2nd, Peattel Carpenter, ,_ • - .2 00
Best ball one year old, 11. ]Lacey, 2 . 01)
2nd, D. P. tittle, . • 1.00
Best - ball calf, Fowler Peck, - ' 13 CO
2nd, E. T. Tiffany, 1 00
Best cow, E. T. Tiffany, 3 00
2nd, Fowler Peek, 2 00
3rd, Ferdinand Whipple, .-' _1 00
Best heifer 3 years old, E. T. Tiffany. 2 00
Best heifer 2 years old, Mrs. Geo. Leach. 200
2nd, Fowler Peek, 1 00
Best heifer 1 year old, Jno. B. Tompkins, 2 00
Best heifer calf, E. T. Tiffany, . „.......,.. 2.,00
2nd,..N....11. Tingley.. ' - -.....,.. 1: - 1.00
Best 3 yearlings, B.'l'. Tiffany, 3 00
Best 3 Calves, E. T Tiffany, 3 00
Tyler Carpenter, Ibrana Sterens,ll_ attrucy.
—Judges. •
Division 7:—NativeL
Beet cow, IL 3/arcy,
2d, Jacob Ciatk,
Best. 3 yettranga, IlMaroey,
Division Bth.—Oxen and Ste)sts.
Best . pair oxen 5 ye trs or over, J. ‘y. Guiv,4 00
2ml, Ira Carpenter, 3 00
Beat pair oxen 4 years old, R. S7DeSti, 401
Best Or steers 3 years old, Fowler Pock, 3 00
2nd. E. T. Tidally, 2 00
Beid pair steers 2 years old, Orrin Wilstin, 8 00
2nd, E. 11. Goodrich. 2 00
Best pntr steers, 1 year old. J. DI. Potter, 200
2nd, Fowler Peek, 1 . 00
Freeman Tingley, Evi Dewitt, Lewis Bruin
CI as 3rd.—Shccp and Swint
Best . 3 - nue ;Wooled errea, - A. 31. Leslie. 8 00
" midtile'iiioled buck, G. L. Corwin, 800
2nd, D. S. Gregory,
Best Zintddte w001ed,ewe5, , ..1..; 31, : korter, 840
2m1;17 - ylef Carpenter, - 2 60
Best A middle wooled lambs, G. L. Corwin, 2 00
2nd, .I„.3l.;.P.ntteri ..; . . - ! .‘,B 100
Best coarse worded beet, D. Stuart, 8 00
211(1,1). S. Gregory, .. 2 00
Best 3 CORlfie wooled esCes, Thos. Randall, 3 00
2nd, A. 31. Leslie. 2 00
Best it coarse 'wooled lambs, - - - - ' ,': 7 2 00
Best buca iamb of each, J. M. Potter, 1 00
Best boar, .k. 3. Tucker,. 400
. .
2nd, E. Harper. ' 3 00
Best breeding sow, A. B. Tucker, 4 00
2nd, 4.:_t3.:ltzeker; r -..- .• ,-... , : • 11;00
Best spring pig. Mrs. Geo. Le' tub, 8 00
2nd, ..3tre.• (leo. Leech, , • , , - . • .2 00
E. N. CaTcuter, N. P. Itodbinsi .Fettilnand r i ew x r,i n k.„ ro a vvo; 71A . 13
Whipple.—Judges. -..— . , . _,. IXSTII.
Class 4.—T'Oultry. Corrected. weakly' by filardin•g. IttliAsit 4f c , A
iesliyiji tniiie34, P.O. il!ineal,-- -;.it op .. as Wakihlngunrst.; ictv.Vo3l4 , ...
' air of ' ' geese, S. J. yorings. - 00 Enttex,el ''''' ' ' "- ' ' - " 1 " ''. • .-R.V.11
2nd, Freeman Tingley, . , 80 r kit % t'-- . • • - f:. - ... .. .... os esi i,..,
Best 4 ducks, D. P. Liitic,
, 1 r,.., ' Cheinso, iistry, per lb. .....'...:'••••••:•.: ' 11310- 4
5 fowles, D. P. Little, - •`" • -" • fgtorY ". •• •• ~..m. ~ . •••:•,:•••Itnitl4
2nd, Mrs. - Mellon Tingley,.' .. - . ' 50: E; , gi, per . doz.• .'.. :. , . ....•......' ..:... - .223201,;
Best 5 spring chickens, D. P. Little, :1. 00. Fr,otr, per barrel: • ''' ~- 110V0.; 1
Cins.o.--Grain. ' , Ccirn meal, 100 lbs. - ' • ' ' '' -" ' 1 1.500 , 18.4
Best peek 'twinter wheat, N. T, sutfet . • - 100 i Wheat, pe: hoshel.. • .;;:i...•„('. - '. . 1 ..':(312i;,'•:1.01
Best peek gllrly/11 wheat. ZAs Lindix/y; ;,,,,f 00 I Rye - to ":-. 4 ' ...., ..... . •.'.l. :4. —4,f..ii-,,,m78
2nd, D. Is. Little. '5O Ceti . . ''' • ..... -....• ' ''.. MA*
Bat peck rye, D. P. Little, . *OO Corn. - ~ .- •....,. ”::,•,...••••,, ; ,:;:04t" 1 1
?'.2nd, A:Flrmism owl, n.-: .• .: '•'...1 , , :iv,,-;, - .5(t i Raps, crop rif 1871 . . - :'....:v.. - .: ',-., .•,'„:, t .' ir,••.t
Bat peck oats, Eli Marne", *n . -_, 1 - Tulin*:.. •', "; ...:v..;•::'••:-. . .......,:.'. .f-? , t,el
2nd, Eli gimes, . o 'Lard:pet lb, .-..--,. i::/.,;; n n
.n.;:n . ''':::, - ning
~ . . In 5‘,..._ k
Ilest4 nit bmhel 'cora' in 0 1 4.1 h Tty: rocli; - t.1.N0 , l'ota;oiss per ,4b1.... .. .... -.,..., ~ , ~ ,..1 2 . 1 0
2nd; Joseph' Po_wers. - - ''-',• - "' '',' •,. -•,•! "lig ; Applell " •...... ,e, t rc , .i. , , , tis - T:f s icteht.. 7l l.
Best. halt b 1111: huthwheskt H:W*lllli*;:ij•De :Turkeys per lb— .
.- - 1:V4,41,
Best pate fhishaett CC' b l'lthee t ="' -- 'l'o6;o4lam' . ' i l l . , ...i . . .. -.- ..... k,i...., LA,
ka,Erninvist: • • -
...., .
r9..R .1 '?.4 - - - ...4 - t•t•••!"_. .. !. Is fait* , s' .
SA - , .4
, L ., •, • ' .. ,,, ~• , '. 7. ' 7 ,i , ,;:.;, ,, ::: , .',-, ' - . . . •'.
~,,,....,.....;... . ,
Class - 9.—LeatlietiMckts, dret,-,' - ';' • ,'.• =
Best pair fine hoots, E. M. Osliurn; - ==2 00
Best pair coarse boots, E. lit- OiburriVJ 300
Best carriage harnecs,C.Lepttin i . 00
Best sett ttuon hart ms, Myrouti. unauk , 200
Class 19—AgriEultural . Impleannta,ard.,Car.
Best con Sayre Bros., 1 00
Best cultivator S.yre 8r05.,. . 00
Best straw cutter Davis Bros., 1 00
Best horse take, D. W. Flee, 1 00
Best open buggy, W. Quaterhout, . 8.00
kod, J. A. Sophia, 2.00
Befit single carriage, J. A. Sophia; 8 00
rest market wagon, W. Ousteshout, ^ 8 00
Onsterhont, • - . • -3.00
Class 11—Cabinet work, Hardware, &c..•
Best sewing machine, P. W. Kramer,. ;•1 00
Best churn, Davis Bros., •• !1 00
BM; sett horse shoes, Myron Barnes,- • 0 0
E. M. °shun, S. W. - Breed; M.
. ,
Class 23.—Domestie -
Best yrds wool tisane:, Tiffsny., Mrs. Jackson Tingley, 1 09
Best 0 yrds plaid flannel, Tiffany,ll 00
2nd. Mrs. Freeman Tingley,
Boat 3 yrds. full cloth, Mitt. O. N. Tatty, 2 00
Best pair woolen 'blankets, 3rri. - Freeman
Tingley, • . 1 00
Best 2 pair woolen mittens, Mrs. C Mat
thews, . . 1 00
Bid, Mrs. Lyman 'Ely, • 50
Beat sample troo/ert yarn, nrs.O.N.Titihnx,l 00
2mt., Mrs. H. C. Conklin, 1 • ' - 50
Best 6 yid., linen cloth, 3113. lames - Bun , '
cell, a 00
Best 3 yrds linen jeweling, Airs, 'l4 re •
Whitney, Q 00
2ndi Mrs. A. E. Sherwood; • ' '1 00
Best rave:at-pet, Mrs. Ira Washburn, • 8 -00
lied, Sirs. James Tennant, ' , • 100
Jo.rph Williams, Mrs. N.
Tconar,t. - -Judge.
ss 13.--Omamental Needle Work,
Best patch work quilt. 'llrs.l3 . .W.Blierweaiid,2 00
2nl. Mrs...o. R. Pop, • 1 00
Best quilt of any other laud, llrs. Lyinin
Ely. 100
to 1, Miss M. L, Pwswell, . 60
Best bed spread, Miss L. Lindsey,_l 00
knd, 31nry Iv• riti
Beet worked skirt, Mrs. James aing•OP, W end, Mrs. H. B. Ellsworth, ••- "• 60
Best worked collar, Mrs. Jamez - Manson,=. 60
Best sposimen worsted embroidery, Mrs.R.
' Chlll.9ik, 50
' 2 - 111, M.A. ILese.
?lest specimen Nilk embroidery; - Mil A-
E. Sherwood,. . ' • ' • "•;' llO
Dest breakEist slotarl, Miss Frank•Alllinr,t . ' 60
Best tidy Cover, lutss zrzie t 7. AIM; - , 50
2nd, Miss Ells Vittlakin. .
. . .
Class, 1;•-• Faintin,ss, Flowein, (te.•; 0
oil pain( H. N. isey, . , • ,„14xL.z—
,11. tl. Li 2147, • • jk49o
pmr.ting of any other 1itad,"3134 ) 5,4
13.(dt dravelnz, C. M. Chapnual,'• ••' a'>j'Tlo 1y
2nd, 4 h Liacsec,, ~,•
irmbibition pliotognpltibund . 4. 1 /1404 , • :1* f
types. W. F.lF,..lerwood.. 1.00
lit varlet) , of 11,(n•trs, 31rs. 0. N. liffAny; 2:00
A., B. ' ' - 1 00
&P. iTnrai cialgn; :Its. Joseph Lilacs, ' 200
20(1.7Mi5e.E14-A. - ..0'12ny; I'oo
Zest ((stallion artillolal brOwna!so l lfo, V 4
'.1.73 ; 152!: J. 5t4:11.i4M14 • 7 -5,00
Bieirstdr . , ' • .1
tliOs Mnry , :Dener, 311,a Louts Bralhiud; H. (J
C. 1,1.0x1ey.--3udgess • • .
'Class 15.:—Pkneing..; - •
Rem plusving - ,L. 2: Cnrpenter,: r iwith.
• Batmen " SP
2(1, DavidAndreays. iron htram,pioax. • 640
IforaceSisTel, r, r'revn 4QO
' Marci7,' Green plow; 8 - 00
Ltii, T,. R.'Peet4, L Green pliko . ; . . 2Ou
Pntig Tiffany ; L. Greet:4lov. i Cu
Urbane Tingley, Otis Grinnell„ laworth,
The .premtunis criil 'be j0(.1 IyIN e TiLisstirer.
E..T. 'Finny, if called for. before Jarraart
1013.1'vOtbenrise theyswill be.bonsldired dohs!.
ted. to: the Society. •r. ' •
C.tars.spro, Oecretery.
1 !: ). istaf i tit i thit 114%1, o tramcar 41 4 7# it IL D4
Nr .. . t .? " eine' of SIMOUTOIngef), Of SO:M/1W -
Wekuess, Involuntary Semple! Intact, Impotettcy
Mental and Phylleal lacapaolty.l.ropenitueuts to Marri
age, etc: also,ton enropt on. Epilepsy, nudcloltajuduce4
by eel:lndulgelce Mad dltratugibc a
Or Pelee. le a sealed envelope. only cents.'
The celebrated author. to this admirable teal.
ly7demo oct mine fro= a thirty yearrisucceraftal thini
that the elarmlonh conimmences,ofrpolYalmen yop
cured without • Dar .tlangeroue ova of Interval
epedlChie.or the appmatloo of ;hog t r.
anl of cure a t . once simple, cortaia,.and, etreoltml.
by m aim of *ble n
b - every:veter:oo - matter eclat his
eoudi lon may bc.m?av curs, hla4elf cheaply, WITIVAre
O und le'Ttle Lecture thottla In. Din tatcla`4,4o try
yeSit lathe land;
utidet veal. Itt a plain covetipt, to any atlgtrest,
poutpali et rerfpt of elv. cents. ortwop9. 4 l atsUDlt
Also. Dr. Vulwerwell'a “niarrlihto,Glhin." Out VSetil
ddlreve the, PablliMere. . • " •- •
POW Nooz.Poet-Offlco Box j 109
17dPIOVED clicurißm Won
andToners*. Doranla. Entetron
and I.:7mai4. ,1,140." far pa
hart monoy. , AttriftYlo repoolOsy
Invited to Illatehley's Patent tumor...-
NI Lrocket mt. - Som. Drop • Clieek
Votvo. whleti eon r u witAdmorn
nmrommloptho inpordl.tOtOokr
hdOnte; 41.5n.t eCopt4CrAmphoo
leh'portr troeko; and will "Ontlaik
nrrxhrr. - Fur ~k b‘r .Ibakr , - ,
T .lra. Send for Cotnloyoe and Air!'
CO All. iniLATCII3,, VT. tr.),
eiiCigntnered et; '
'7 1 ± , 7/ 40 : 2, 3•71 t :