pica gottiligences. rt-ELtotous SERVICED. RAPTiST olitrltCll...llcv. J. E. Ca Famnas D.D. Pastor. !Ahab Setelcea loytp. ca:and I n. In. qabbath School . IS ni. Prayer hrunt.ng, Wedncaday Evenings ' " , lt ' evrnot.te CIIURCIL toy. 4. St..rtrive Sabbath Senior Second Snndav In each Month Sabbath School ' linmetnatel,y before Roe S PISCOP AL CIICItCII.. tam. E. A..Wannatah. Rector. babbath services. lON a. at. and :X p. to •..unday School ' 1"m. %Vocally* Servlcce—Wadockliyi • .-IXD- ~, - , METIIDDIST 'EPISCOPAL ....Rev. A.D. Ara:. cons. Sabbath Services 10.43 a. m. and t'. My. ta. Sabbath School a p n. Prayer bleating, 'nankin.. ...... 'I SO p.m. , ...1. " PRESBYTKIIIAN cuancu Apr. J. t Ilittztt. neither., titmice* 10.45.. tn. and :x p, m. natinath &boat 1275 p, m. Pnyet !letting, Thunniny Evenings Ve P. tn. Vir When the radicals get Ibex, majority in the State counted so we shall not be obliged to repeat, we will give the official count. ' Frienilsville Fair. The Friendsrille Fair will be held at Friends vitt; on Monday, Oct. f.'Stb, 1872. Ry order of Conimittee. rrylfe. first of n series orsociahles, under the suspects of the Dell Worker's Society of the Presbyterian Church, will be held at the house of Daniel Sayre, on Friday evening, Oct. 25th. • Admittance fee, 25 cents. Estrawittlittary Growth. J. P. Harding, of New Milford, 11113Cti k his pet* this year. tram one came teed, twenty: ine crirpria, weighing one hundred and eighteen utele and anent:ter (titt,ko ett the aggregate gara vine was five linndted and forty legit. VirWe ask the particular attention of 'our ?cadet" to the article on "The Money Power" of our country,from the able pen of &all. Stuart, which will be found on our first page. Read, ponder, and act upon the vital truths there pre sented. If there is a man who will attempt to controvert the points taken, let him step forth. Propbrty In Dogs. Judo Dowling, of New York, said, in a rc cent,easc,thit a great mistake pervades the pub lic rata hi - regard to dogs; that, by law, they aresi much a mans property as his horse, or anything else he owns, and, morover, that in case of- killing a dog, unless in selfprotcctinn, the . party,could be made to pay the value of the dog, the same as though it were a horse. Sawing Wood without a Saw.. The Scientific American says that Gco. Robin inane, of New York, has invented a mode of sawing or cutting wood without saw or axe, by electricity. The galvanic current when passed over platinum wire in sufficient- quantity heats the wire to white heat. This wire thus heated does the work of saw or axe, without any ap preciable expenditure of musrular force. By arranging the wires with handles or other meant by which It may be guided, any kiad - of bunker, whether in times, logs or plank, may be cut as desired. The battery nerd be only of the simplest kind, as quantity not intensity of cur rent is desired. A child by this means may fell the kugest tree In the forest, divide It into loge. or cut it into boards, without saw or sac. Reprosentativet. The Return Judgm of the Representative District, cOmposed of tho (vanities of SilCitle banns and IYyoming, met at the Court House la the Borough of Tunkbannock, on Tuesday, October 18111, 1872, and found the total vote en Representatives to be as follows, viz: Deno - M. Jones, in Susquehanna, 4291 _ in Wyoming, ' 1519 Taint :183 Martin Brungess,in Susquehanna, 4'2137 in Wyoming. 1312 Total A. C. Bliikesice, Striqui;Minna, in Wyoming, in 27 Total. 5273 EL L. Hawley. Smquelnurns, 3433 " IV.Foaling, 1773 Tout, 31:gorily of Jones over Hawley. of Braagms over Blalieslee, -- Various Item. —On account of prccxmo of other matter, we were obliged to omit the Premium List of the flarfUrd Agricultural Society this week. ii7l will - spot= in our next. T. Hendrick, of-Springville. took the first through ride from • New York City, via. I llontrteseatilway, to that place-on llonday last . Air_ Hendrick had' •been to the city to purchase goods, and will hold tho first receipt for freight on the road, Which landed his goods on the grattatl at Sprinvilkt, yesterday. Work irtirogristedag finely, and we are assured by the contractor, that unless the SuPreine Builder, shall erect a "freeze up station" sooner, that the cars will be at or near Montrose in Decem lam "fools out fur the can when the bell rings." —We conclude by the results, that-She same " TbrThbk 1"' who figured so kovety on the election returns last year in the Montrose &- publican, is up and at It again. lie llgures, re figure', and re-re.figures to prove a tact which Is patent to every one winp has seen the returns, that the Democratic vote of this county has in creased to an alarming ettent over the Radi cal. Re says there's no change of political views, oh no 7 only the Daraecrats are more prolific titan Republicans. Isn't that nice? Perhaps, were he to ask the "Liberals" of this county 7what they know about increase," they could explain. If we mistake not, they will give him 'figures" at the ballot-box some future (lay, which he will fully understand. It Is a query with us as to what has become of that agent of the &pziblican who tray:led all over Susquehanna and Wyoming counties, anti only found one Greeley Republican. .We thick he must feel pretty "thin" about these days. Ocatb or Isaac Iteckhow. 7be following Resolutions were adopted by Art Bend.Locige, No. XS. lier e i,ur, The Great 31toFter of the Universe did on the loth day of August, 1872, summons ,our Brother, Isane Ittekhow from labor among us, to (as we trust) a seat in the Lodge above. Itadeat, Ist. - That fp this dispensation weare forcibly reminded, of thekrality of. human lifeof Osman hopes, and hnman ambit t ion, and while we deeply feel, and • mourn the fxs of our Brother, we bow in meek submis4On N. the Wfil of an All Wise God—li-This Led,gg has in thla ithe death of our Brother, lewt one or its swiss. Wmthy nectubers,,and community *nu pi' its most horlered and useful eitizeps, that as tt friend he Graf peter failing; is a counselor, safe, ever With an ittenslye car to the sufferings 'of humanity, antiiiir'sndy tq eVend the open hand of charity., • 3d, We extend in the family of our deceitied Brother our warmest and heartfelt sympathies in this ,time of their bereavernintAnd offer - them the consolation found only in lbs Inspired Nord. 4th, The romping preamble and resolutlm #all be engmssed npea the journals of 'tIM I t odge. a copy of the same sent to the bereaved and also to the county papers for publl t.ationr. , _ Oreat pts24,l3ept. 15t,1872 Sold illataelr. The only case'of fraud that we have heard of In 3lontrose was where }lll. Hawley, editor of the Montrose Democrat, pild a man live dollars to vote fdr Buehalew, and the ungrateful fellow, after poet:cling the money, went and voted for Hartmnft.—.lfontroze Republican. - We were at a 1013 for a time to understand what the above paragraph meant. but by put ting on our thinking cap for a short time, we • smelt 'em out" The Meta arc - thwi. One day about election time, we called at the Republican Wilco to pay a bill of tire dollars, and, as we transacted the business with - "Charley." -we no ticed the "responsible editor" looking sidles° at us, when we handed him the: money. The sequel shows that the editor supposed we were buying "Charley" fur Buckalcw, and therefore he puts iu the above Chuckle. to let his readers know how ensily they reelect us. Now as we said last week, people take all po litical charges nitd agreements front that paper by the rule of contrary, therefore, we were not fooled by them in the least. Any one who Is desleous can see the receipt which "Cheesy" gave us, which purports to be for print paper, hence if be sold himself he covered his shame by that evasion. As there is . no other man in this world or any other to whotn we ever offer ed unpaid five dollars, one dollar or one cent, to influence his vote, 11. IL Frazier had better "put up-or shut up." Unless he shall name the other man, his readers will Justly codsider that be Is the man who was "sold." Unless .31r. Frazier does name the person, he may be called upon to prom his charge, which, were it true against us, would be a•crinto of no small magni tude. . VOTE Ot Ilroominmao.—The following have been the Democratic malorities in Bloomsburg (the hoine of Senator Buetaiew) w the three last full elections;-1888, for, Presieent, Sey mour, 1.;1809, for Governor, Pucker, 18; 1 87 5. for Governor, Burk:dew, 25; end thereupon the Montrose P,lrublican, with its ordinary regard for veracity, declares that 31r. Buckalew ha! /rot 75 in his own town, Tut Tariso Ties.—The days of trial have Come when patresfamitio go thratigh the vex ing business of jointing badly-fitted stove irdpcs. One or two trials of this-kind will often excite a man and disturb his blood more than a dozen horse races.. This and nutting up bedstlads are the trials of housekeeping. These two distur bers of domestic peace Job never knew, other wise his patience would have given way" on trial, and he'd have Lem lost to view as a great historical character. BUSINESS LOCALS tic3 - atone Saloath Oysters have commenced arriving at the Rey - stone Saloon, [illy cents per quart, so: it meats. Buy them, try them. Montrose, ocl.ll, 187.2. Dr. E. L. Gardner Would Infbrm nll those whom it may concern that he has IA his notes, juctspnent4, accounts, and leases. in the hand.; of M. S. Wilsoti, and teqncsts all creditors to pay over to lira their respective indebtedness ns they tall due. Montrose, Sept. 4th, 1572. V. ClAttrebtll. Justice of the Peace: MIL:2 orer 1.. 8. Len heho's store, Great 11-r1 borough, Savo:Ala:a tm Cn., P:4_ Ilas, the settlement of the dockets of the - late Inane Reckhow, .deceased. Ofike hours from 9 to 12 o'clock., a_ m., and from 1 to 4 o'clock p. ra. Great Berri, 0.1. 2d, 1872. Ireaciier's Examination. The annual examinations will Ire held aa 101 lows: Auburn—Auburn Centrt, Ott. Lotes_llouday Octutrer 21*t. . Spiinzville—Centre "school house, Tuesd3y Octobrr Lalimp—Hillsdale school laouse,Wednes,:ay o,:tober2ll. _ Lt.nox —Glenwood sehoul house, Thurslay October 24th. Cliennl and flerrift—Cdfrord Qity school linuse, Friday. Or.tober 25th. 112rfor-I—Villikge 5e:1041 boase,Satllrday,Octo bt,r 'ush and .Tessup—Grang,erville school Louse 31on.Lic. Noventlwr 4th. ..A.polimon, Choc:mut and Little 31emlows— Friemtiville school Lour, Novem ber Silver halte—Dracimey school liouie;Ttrurs d.iv, 'November 'Ali. Prank & Liberty—Low seillo Centre Eehool !toren, Friday, Nutembcr SOL New MilfOrd—New Milford born. Echool Louse, £stnrday, I:corm:her nth. County.JoEfilute Montrose, Montloy, Novern ber 11th to PM. Bridgwater—Montrose, Saturday, November Diutnck—Cornets school her.me, Alenday, No N'enther 18th. Braoklyrt—Crntre school helm, Tuesday, No.. ccurther Gtbson—Kennedy school house, Weduesoay, Ishrretntoer 20th. Jackson—Corners school house, Thursday, November Ararat and Thomson—Sldrieh school house, Friday, November'?:. Great Bend—Village school house, Monday, November 2,51.1 t. Harmony and Oakland—Susquehanna Depot, Saturday, November 2&L Chapman and Forest Lake—Centre school house. Wedrnslav, November 27th. Middletown—Centre school house, Friday November 211th. Each examination to commence at 9 o'clock. a. tn. Teachers will provide then, ink, paper, pencil, and Uniou Fourth Render. It is n e et :s. oars that each one be present before the exam ination in first brancliis closed. ' The Suite Superintendant has decided that it is the legal' duty of every applicant to attend the examination appointed for the district in which he lives or expects to tewb,unlcas direct ors request an examination in another place, for a just reason. Directors are earnestly urged to be present In their own districts. Teachers still not commence to teach without a carat cate, or expect a private examination. W. C. Tummy, County Sup't. Forest Lake Centre, OcL 5, 1872. FOR TWENTY YEATIS.--3tore, Than twenty years:iv the MUSTANG litrator , ..-r made its debt in the west. Its cure of the various external tliielieS of horses. and cattle, astonish ed the planters and farmers of the 311saissppi and Ohio Valleys, and a demand for it sprung up which necessitated its manufacture on. au es 'tensile scale. Soon the discovery was made that it seas a grand smaific for rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, earache, toothache. and other enternal ailments of mankind. Then it was tried as a imaiiag, pain killing application, ia rases of outward injury, such as cuts, bruises, burns. Spasms, Se., and was found equally ser viceable. The fame of the new remedy thr sonic of the most painful ills that afflict mankind and the lower animals, spread rapidly, and Mvsrsno Lnvotirs - r soon took rank in every State and Territory of the Union as a STANDAIas Tar, 11C41:: IteoF :IND ITS Tittverirso.—lf the tnatitleserves well or Ids country who makes tvo biadq, c,t glass grow where only nec grew before, Supely ha who produms a glorious - crop ofhll4 on a comparatively barren sw.dp deser. vcs the beaky thanlcs of the otall.zedparty. - MI bouqri qients, to I'monsit E. T. Los, for tup;% - tinaablr,, Lis renowed. Ktaltl,llo2: erompiithrs this object. Gentlemen 'Wiese whiskers nre shy of : malting their appearance in force. Or, the fibers of whose moustaches, dis cirise those outagnificent distances" for Iv Web Washington City was once so famous. willfind this wan P.EnsastiAtt the Meet wouderflif en courager of fibrous &velvet:tent. that has ester yet been invented. 13,01ik sexes are fttivised to as. by all odds. it kt the held Wide for irr 4 pMing the growth and tranty of the hair. iceeplogyitfree frero scurf nod &tiding; prevent. In; it front becoining harsh....dry arid gmyl—gi v. 1:5 ft a rich ginsyti,nd endowing It with flent tnidy—that Toilet Chemistry. has eye; ensmil red fittni the Tegitable kingdom. Peterson's Biagi=lnc For November is on our table, ahead of all others. It Is an unusually good number, even for this carstchrA "lattly'a book. The principal Steel Plate, "A Game Two Can Play At," is from an original picture, and lea capital illustra, dam of cue of the best stories we have read fur months. A prominent tnature of this Maga zine is its copyright Novelette, two of which appear in this nuanbaT i 'Lintisay,s Luck." by l'anny Hodgson, and "Bought With A by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, both very (lir supelior to the continued etarily to be found in unt,ga• zines generally. Bat, as a catcmparerqs says, the stories, the fitilion, the pattern; in Mare, erery thirt,tn Prtersonsia thabestojiUkiaad, The . p rice of this Magazine, too, is another thing an its favor, It is but Two Dozzottas A Y,E.Ait. The Prospectus fur 1813 is published with this num ber, and we (Intl that the prices to Clubs are astonishingly low, viz., three respire for $4,50, with a superb Mezzotint (id latches by 20j "Ounisz Witzrztro OrEll JENVSALEM," to the person getting up the club; or six copies for $O,OO, anal a copy of the Magazine tar 18 2 Its it premium to dm person getting up the club: or eight cook-4 for 612,00, and both an extra copy and the premium engraving to the person getting up the club, For large codas prices are can (over, a choice of six splendid premium /mt.:ravings, fur framing, is given liar fitly cents extra, to . sul.seribers for - Peaerson" (or 1813 Spechneng of the Magazine are seat, grads, if written for. Subscribe to nothing ease until you have seen a copy of this popular liao . nzint. Ntitiress ettAnt.us .1. PErunsoti, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Strayed Came into the encloqum of the subscriber. on or about, the 14th of Septeinllcr, I$ 2, elx AMP() —.ll , urewes end two lambs. (one a buck.) The owner is requoteci to roll and prove proper,) pay charges nud take thebs away. .1.11 WALLACE. Diatock, Sept. 25th, 1872. Farm for Solo I anin offer for sale my farm, RhiCh is con sidered so good and desirable us aoy of Its size in the township. It contains 100 acres, about 00 improved, and more can he had if desireti,-- All the land lies grain:lllr eloping to the entail east, is smooth and dry, tree from stomps and rocks, and is well watered by springs and creek. Aden a never-failing well at the kitchen door. The house is nearly new awl well finished, and there are two good barrf.3 - find other neces sary buildings on the premises. Plenty of good fruit on the place. For further plrticulnrs ad dress me, or call at the farm 131 miles southeast of New Milford, Also ISO acres of land near lowa Falls, Frank lin, County, lowa, which I wish to sell or ex change for a small place, or Pttopertv in a rail. road town, LOUIS WRITER. New Milford, Oct. 3.1, 1872. Xt.2.a...rt.T1.111.43 , 70. YKommi'l4—BAntiEtt—At ntir.:alo Hotel, Oct. Bth, 1872., by Rev E. W. Brecttinritige, W. YC.O2lrilIM, of Seratztoo, Pa, and Francel Sdclia 13arber. of Montrose. LAnnAnkil—FitEsen—At thu isther'g, in North Jackson, Oct. 12th, 1872, by lt..v. F. ilarjillg, GOUNC, V. LarrAbcc, and Miss Viola French, both of Jackson. 13e.t.L1s—E:isttr.tretr.—At the M. E. Parsonazt', in Meshonpcn, 1572., by Rev. J. 11. Wcs:on, to Ecilis, and Mints Estella 8. Kishp.otg,h, both of Auburn, Pa. Czo. C. SNLITIT--CRANDALL--At t . ”.• re , i•!en - e of Ilse bride's. Eltber.'Oet. 15th, 1572, by Rev. I, P. Gunuva, I). 1)., Mr. Chrance B. •Smitii, and Miss Parini, E. Cr.in.l4ll, all of Binghamton. [Printer Reny,r.ibere.l. LF.ITTS-BESSOS -At the rcsi.lence of the fnthyr, Mr. Elliot BAni.son, in Jarkson, Oct. Stti;i672, by iter. B. T. Davies, I.l..trvey S. Lexvii, of Nevi Milford, and Mils Emma zeln. MARr.AN—BnEWiTnrc —la Harford, on the Sth inst., by Rev. A. .tt the residenre of Tvl,r Brewster. Mr. Deiezene Mnrean, of Wasl,lnzion, I). C., and Brew ster, of II ~rfurt NENT:raN—Trrug -In 11.trionl, at. the Prz.,l*. ter' alt P.1nv.3.1.t.7.t, ill, 9t.:1 ingt, by Itey.• Mill Yr. Mr. 'Robert 11. Ne•xton, of Mitt:iv:4le, anti Titta. of LCIMS. Wra.t.r.s—At Auburn, N. Y., Oet. oth, 187'2, suddenly, of heart dice Col. Coss. F. Welles. of l'a., age 163 years and 14 months. Ftol—ln New Milford town-hip, Oet. 12, 1.72, after a week's eontlueruent fruit bleeding at the lungs, Nathan Fish, aged 47 year... Wecets.—ln Non il - h, 1872, aft -r a short rind severe ni.r dtl R. of IS fever, Everett F.., oldest child, end only son of Iloraee and :klitrz::r•-t A. Welch, nine years, ten month.; lad twelve days.. ltoss—la Pilt , ..l3radford en., l's., October llth, 1672, Elber ii , son of Gnu. W. and V. D. hose, aged I.ttl year:, Deceased lett his tither's home in Jettup, Ste - quebanna county, a nutit seven years lty,o, and went to Norwalk, Ohio, where he was enra"ed in the mercantile husir.css Itil- about the tnithite 01 June last, when he was taken sink with lung fever. Ills friends thought he could not recsw and sent for his tlitlaT and mother.who with him ten weeks. When he ent aide to ride, they brought hitn borne with them to Pilo., Brudtorl county, their prcNer.t home, In three weeks after reaching home, his spirit left. Deceased had established a reputation for th tegTily and holin es s habits, Which is neee nary for a young man to sneceed in life. the left many warm friends in Susquehanna and Gra(ford wuntles. and also in Norwalk, Ohio, who will srmpathize with his parents in the loss of their noble sou. Coat. Jachinn, Busti's co., Oct.. 1;i, 1872, Casendania Ruth; wife of Dr. Wm, W. Wheaton, aged 40 years and 0 months, ffipeciat Notico. Old Thlng3 Have Paw A Away This at least trne.of the oil method of trotting the long abas,l and man abused heman body. It to no fouler conslderc4 wise to pat o p Merit to tee torture In order to core him 01 a dke.t., iu wit C t p ,in Is a'reafi nuderrata ter, the ctientica of I "yet... True science rantis itsclf on the rid , • of nature, apd crotiradorit to assist her in her dtzht sttal,ist d. at t.a. 'Vole the pm• vi.cppr Ijostetters Stour:anti flitter,. the mutt apprnr rd tonic ever advertised n th, country. tt, rant' be re commended as a fall medicine. par excelleare ; for it It in the fail thAt billtenences. tippepbLe. coed ttrilarlette fevers are especially prcra¢•nt. (row. ezhanited !Wee beats of summer, Is Telascd end fechie at it. cute, and rertuirre.tre mar ray