iow pontroot gemokut. E. 11....RAWLET. EDITOR VIONTROOE. PENBI'As WEDNIIIIDA Y. 001'011E11 23, 1872 DIMOCRATIC TICKET. FOE PRESIDENT, ' HORACE GREELEY. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, lIMPN.TAXIN GRATZ unown •Etnrrona 11=.1.T0111.1L. twat CowAN, of Weatmorlcand. GEonou Sirmr.r. of Fraklin. ISEPILESESTATICE. Arr.moN dfanrrx. of Eric. AMIN S., of Huntingdon S. Gil°Es FEY, at Philadelphia. 13. D,Lowlnb3rg. 14. J. arlinicht, 15. Ilenry Welsh. la. Henry J. SW,ley 17. R. 11'. Christie. 18. Wm. F. Logan. 18. It B. Brown. Thomas 3. Barger. Stephen 3. . Anderson. 3. John Moffat. 4. George 13. Bureel. 5. [Not agreol upon] 6. Isaiah B. Haupt. 7. Samuel A. Dye:. - • - - 8. Jesse G. flandey. 20. F. 31. Robinson. ;0. 11. B. Smarr. 21. J R. 3101 ten. 10. B. Pato/. T. H. Stevenson. 11. John kuneld 23. .Tohn B. Bard. 12. V. W inflater. 24. Gnome W Miller. No' Neutral Ground. I== MERE are questions tow before the people which must be met by every elec tor. The truth presented by the Holy Teacher of Christian virtue, "That he whio is not fer me is against me" 'conies with.poiritcd force unto the consideration of every American citizen at this time, and the future hitory of Republican in stitutions will approve or condemn his action in accordance with this just crite rion. Flatter ours lees as we may that we can remain neutral, and occupy mid dle ground between the two contending political principles now striving for ascen dency in our country, and relieve our selves of responsibility, yet future gener ations, and the future history of our po litical-condition will hold us to a rigid ac count for our action to " God and our country." For the brat time in the histo ry of our Republic, the question of the sanctity of• the ballot, the enfranchise ment of white American citizens, sec tional "reconciliation" with impartial jul tics to all men, and the vital necessity of au immediate everthrow of corrupt rings and centralized' power which threaten to engulf the liberties of a free people, and stifle their power to avert it save by that, last and terrible necessity, revolution— I has now become an all-absorbing tissue. President Grant and the -official rings st which surround him are responsible for the present condition of things so far as their opportunities bare been, and hence we are left with only one of two alterna tives, either to sanction it or oppose it, and the only possible way to oppose it is to array ovrselres in distinct hostility against it by performing an imperative duty, imposed upon every American, that I of casting our votes at the ballot box.— The sin of omission of political duties, is visited by the same penalties as that of commission. This rule holds as true in government ob.igations as in moral I Ms. The Reform movement, conceived in °the necessities of our condition, born at Cincinati, and adopted at Baltimore, is embodied in the leadership of Horace', Greeley and 13. Gratz Brown, andsaripport- ' ed by a large majority of 'the purest lead-', ere of both political organizations, plant ed upon principles-which demand the 'coutmendation of every citizen and which are admitted to bistmequivocally essential to the perpetuity of our institntions and the Union and the prosperity of its sep arate sections. Now the question nar rows down to this simple fact. Ulysses Sr Grant or Horace Greeley is to be the next President of this nation. President Grant, notwithstanding his pretensions of reform in- messages and party platforms before elections, for political effect, has been Billy "tried and found wanting."— Horace Greeley, a man untainted and un charged with dishoneaty, stands forth to day, pledged-to the - purest of reform prin• oples, backed by all the personal acts possible Or him to perform at this time to show his undoubted sincerity, One very marked difference in the men is, that Grant has been tried, and notwitbstand in; all his professions of reform, has con tinued, a rule of corruption in office, and _tyranny toiard onesectiomand has made most gigantic strides toward a centraliz ed aristocracy. Hence, taking the mat contracted view possible in the premises, every honest man can see that his reelec tion will certainly be a Continuation of , these evils, which will grotr worse instead of better, whereas the election of Mr. Greeley presents, if not a certainty, the strongest probability of a reign of need ed reform. For we certainly should give ,a candidate for office the same latitude that criminals have before a court of jos; tics, And presume him _innocent until be, is proven guilty. Every act of Mr. Grtes I ley thus far proclainn his faithfulness in the movement, and his masterly ability to 'airy it out should he be called upon by sip s people co to do, 14 view of these rents we say to every deutocratiu Snare henna county, canyon halt for a moment 1 between two opinions"' We undertake to j 9 say that you cannot take a neutral posi tion. Yon must Vote for.U. S. Grant, or 1 ler Horace Greeley. If you ora:t to vote ;eon give one-half a vote to Grant, and we ,4avy in all charity that a man who will not perform aduty so important as that ( II havinga voice hi the government of li:s1 country 'is not worthy of its pnitection : and deserves only tote the, servile of a tyrant. Is thereon° democrat. in 1 this county wbo will -take this debasing I position liceausesforsooth, the Met! 4.1 his principles is not to be brought about by just such a leader as he would have personally desired? If there is wo are certainly mistdken as to the material of Which our party is composed. Wo de mand of this day "to choose which of two masters you will serve," corruption, peculation, fraud, thieving, and centrali zation, as embodied in U. S. Grunt and his hydra rings, or honesty, reconciliation, with amnesty and impartial stiffrage,as em bodied in Horace Greeley. - The fifth day of November next will compel you to take your position.. Mohatumcd:Nat a Vilac-Ribber. Know-Nothing Wilson, the radical can didate for Vice President, made himself ridiculous before the world by 'his pusil lanimons attempt to whitewash the in temperate habits of President Grant, and admitting " that he drinks too much," and expressing the wish " that be would sign the pledge." Mr. Wilson, after writ ing one or two letters, clearly saw the au omaly in which they placed him, and positively refused to write any more let ters this campaign, which, as he is a can didate for office, under the circumstances, was u wise conclusion. It being danger ous ground for candidates for Vice Presi dent or any other male citizens in the rad ical ranks to tread upon, there comes now to the rescue a,!‘gushing"feinale of Roch ester, Miss Lucy E. Gamey, who has pumped a little evasion and hypocritical ! cunning out of of those Philadelphia radicals, who of late have proved them,: j selves imbued with christianity from the top of their heads, upward, and from the soles of their feet downward. The editor of the Montrose Republican havine espied this radical temperance egg, which Miss Lucy has layed, lights upon it "like a hawk on-i Juno bug." It ap peared in the Republican last week, purl , porting to have been taken from the Roch ester Democrat. How much of a cackle this nester may get up among the radical pullets, we are unable to say, but there is but cme Radical "rooster" beside the ed itor of the Republican it seems, (And that is the Rochester Democrat,) who assumes paternity over it. Here is Miss Lucy's specimen : PRILADELruta, Sept. 25, 1f..72. MISS LUCY E. GUESSEY, Itocheger, New DEAR MISS GEENSEY—In reply to your communication in which you say,- 1 . It is commonly reported here that the PreSident is in the habit of getting stu pidly drink every day'. I know you are well acquainted with him, and should be glad to have the story von.traclicted on good authority'," l'huve to say, that since grant became commander of the Ameri can army, and during his Presidency, I have haefrequent opportunities of 'seeing him, at the front, in social interoourse, at the dinner-table, in the White 'louse, and elsewhere, and have never sten him "stu pidly drank," or under the influence-of liquor in any sense of that phrase. • * s•s•k s s • * GEORGE IL STUART Now this man, Stuart, whoever he is, on being set upon by this Miss Lucy, has dune just what those Philadelphia bank ers did in respect to the Yerkes affidavits, by certifying that the foe simile litho graphic signatures of Yerkes, made by the printers, were not made by Yerkes, which any goose knew without their cer tificates, as it was only the original one in the hands of Alderman Dougherty, that Yerkes vote. 110 states that " in all his social intercourse with Grant, at the din ner table, at the White louse, and else where," he " has never seen,liim stupidly drunk, or under the influence of :liquor in any sense of that phrase." Now what does that prove? Simply that he has never seen Grant when he was so drunk that he was obliged to lie down to take off' his "pants," or allow some one else to do it, nor "in any sense of that phrase," tacitly admitting thatbe has seen him in toxicated with liquor. John B: Gough said, and it struck us very forcibly at the time, that some people judged men to be temperate by the amount they could hold. If some poor youth, unaccustomed to the use of liquor, takes a glass or two and is intoxicated, by it, he is pronounced a drunkard; while an old whiskey tar, whosit stomach has been "copier-lined," and who can bold a gallon wghout get ting "stupidly drunk, or in any sense of that phrase," he'may be called a temper ate man. Yes, and we find under certain circumstancte he may be made President, and his party apologists will certify to his temperate habits. . The Rochester Dana:rat, as copied by the Republican, says that this Grant apol ogist, George U. Stuart, was "the widely known philanthropist and organizer of the Christian Commission" during the war. We do not know, anything about, Mr. Stuart's character ns a "Christian or ganizer," but milt this specimen before us alone, to judge from, we beline that honest men will say that party zeal has led him to act the part of ,a hypocrite in this caae,'and to attempt to deceive the people by an artful" dodge," to apologize , for that in a political leader, which he would denounce in att,htimblo youth, as a sin against society and Christianity in' his own city. The late election shows every honest man who'loves the sanctity of the ballot,. and "honesty and carabil litY" in office, that that sink-hole of polit jj ical corruption, the city of Philadelphia, 116 Cursed with a full measure of this kind lof"christian organization." Of what use is it for ministers of the gospel and leaders in the sabbath schools of our c,onntry to proclaim temperance and hon esty; when, (giving them the full benefit of charity/ to .12 3' the least, • they, unarit: tingly, if not knowingly, are so blinded 1 by partisan zeal as to -excuse and distin -1 guilds. between political, 'corrnption, the Most damning of all, and common mor-' ardepravity,-and are adopting the debas ing.nnixim that " ) The King can do no wren." Our christianity and politics both, should teach us "to render unto Geezer the things which aro Cenzur's, and unto God, the things that aro God's."— And there are no per Sons to whom this precept should apply with greater force than to those who claim to be the Vice gerents of Him who taught it. When party instead of purity governs those who assume to be our religions us well as po litical leaders, our religious as well as po litical institutions will drift on in the tide of corruption. which is now flowing, until we shall be finally swallowed up in the maelstrom of national degretlation. Bnt let the same qualifications be required of our political servants that aro demanded of our domestic; let sin be denounced with the same severity in " high life" that it now is in the "common herd ;" let the Jeffersonian test be applied to appli cants for offibial preferment—" is he hon est. is he capable %" and by our votes show that " none other need apply," and' the ship of State may again be moored' in the safe harbor of official purity iu which our foresathers left it. 7' ORGANIZE: ORGANIZE:: Let nobody sink into apathy because in Pennsylvania we have failed to do what we 'hoped for the general cause. It has oth er fields iu which it may yet win the day. Here We may yet make a manly struggle for it. We do not say that in this State we can prevail in November against the mil influences which yet remain uncheck ed, and are'streugthened by success and impubity.' But we need not discourage othersi, who under better auspices main tain the fight. It is beneath the dignity of manhood for more than three thou sand democrats of Susquehanna county to falter and despond in a just cause. Let us act as men who know their rights, and knowing, dare maintain them. A mouth, a week or a day may bring forth new cir cumstances. But it is not to sluggards that opportunity offers itself. We must be ready. prepared, organized, if we ex pect to take advantage of the ever-ehang in,, events in human affairs. It is but four years ago that the Democratic party standing alone revolutionized the city of Philadelphia. Ihe times are ripening for just such another revolution, not on ly iu that fraud cursed city, but in the State and nation. All honest men, all tax-payers, all inhabitants of Susquehan na county who give intelligent thought to their own interests, acknowledge the necessity for it. Last election man y only meant to postpone it, being willing to sac rifice the cause of state reform !o their Presidential preference. Never was tl ere a better time to put our house, our party, in order than now—just now, at this very day and hour. Self-respect forbids us to take an attitude of submtssion to wrong, The call of the whole eauntry mouses us to activity. Let no man say "It is no use." If we gather in no immediate bar ' vest, there is a sure one awaits us in the future, if we stand ready to reap it. To do that we must now, at this very day and hoar, begin to Organize! Orzanize! Organize ! An Appropriate nadt ere I Gain PitmanEutfitA, Oct. 9-2 p. rn.—Hart ranft's majority in the State is over thirty thousand. We gain Biery, Ross, Baker. Cessna, Taylor, Richmond, Moore, and probably lose Shoemaker, for Congress.— We have the Senate sure, seventeen to sis teen, and eighteen to fifteen if Malacy is An lowa watermellon is said to havt contained a horse-shoe and a mule's ear.. elected in the Clarion district. The House stands, probably, sixty to forty. The Re publicans have also live majorty in the Constitutional Convention, as they carry the font Senatorial districts here. RUSSEL ERIIETr. We clip the above important item from the Montour American. It was evident ly written by the editor under .trong ce rebral excitement, but if it be true that in addition to such men as Hartranft, and Cessna, the Republican rarty of this State propose electing to important ofllces, " lowa wittermellonP," and such mellons, too, as contain horse shoes and mule's ears, then have we reached a de gree of political degredation which it is extremely painful to contemplate. We hope the statement may pr:ive untrue.-- Such candidates should be run by the temperance party if at all.--Bloomthurg Columbian. c.37'.1t is truly gratifying to note the fact that many of the staunch old Dem ocratic counties of the State increaaed their majorities at the late election. Clearfield, the home of es-Senator Bigler' and Senator Wallace, came up to the work nobly, and gave the largest majority ever cast in that connty. Berks, under the lead of Hon. Meister Clymer 'and others, added more than 2,000 votes to her majority of 1371; while Cambria did better for Buekalew and Hartley than the did for 31candless last year. In other portions of the State like results are observable, which show Mat the Democratic party is still alive and ready to make a vi e rons fight against Grant despotism an fraud in November. rgr Ho Daniel W. Voorhees says, in a letter from Terre Bride, dated October 14: • - Mr. Greeley bastpereenally raised him self in this canvas a thousand fold in my estimation. His course has been all that could be desired, and I believe he would, if elected, be Perfectly true to the purposes be has so gradually proclaimed in his vote address to the-public. I shall vote for him in November, not only unhesitatingly, but with, pleasure, as a man who .has claims to my admiration, netwithettulding my strong previous pre judices. Es-Governor Perry. The returns of the South Caron eleetion indicate the cheenng fact that ex-Governor Arty, the anti-radical nom inee for Congress in the Fourth District, is elected. The radical majority in this district at the last Congrzesional election was 3,304, and if Mr. ferry is really suc cessful there is double - reason for congrat ulation : first that•weare to have for• the first time since 1860;unliopest man and a gentleman in Congress from South Car olina; and second, that as the same caus es operating in his district Wust have been at work in the ethos, the disintegra tion of the radical party throughout the state has fairly begun. So long as it stood intact, domineering unfortunate South Carolina to its remotest corner with un unbroken negrb majority of 30,000, there was no chance for such a man as ex• Gov enter Perry, and vet, of all men, he sho'd have represented the state, and con d, in represeting it havo been most acceptable to the North. Alone, with we believe, but cue exception, among the public men of the Palmetto State, he withstood se cession, and it is vet a remembrance in many men's minds how dauntlrasly he championed the cause of the Union at a time when that sort of an advocacy in volvtd not alone contumely and • insult, but the wrenching away of oneself from ones own people. As the Governor wt..'d rise to plead even in extrentis against se cession, the sneer and scowl ran round the chamber, and more than once upon adjournment of the convention's daily session the boss and riff rail' of the galler ies threw fruit-rinds and nutshells and other refuse on the one man who forbade a unanimous secession. On the triumph of the Union cause it seems us if this man should here had some recognition of his devotion, but the reconstruction scheme of Congress trampled him down in the mire under the negroes hoof as remorse lessly as it did General Wade Hampton. Senator Chestunt,and Congressman Keitt. It is only by " rehervotes that South Ca rolina's greatest Unionist seems assured a seat in Congress to-day.--L-Nete York World. . The Prestdenttat Contest Is Not Lost Money, unworthy influences, and the corrupt use of official patronage will un doubtedly enable the government to turn the scale in closely-balanced districts, but there will always remain enough of hon est purpose in the body of the country, if it be rightly stfrred, to carry the day in spite of any fraud. For this rtvival we must now look to the democracy and not to the liberal republicans alone, fur they have done more than could have been expected of them. It will not do for sullen democrats to say that Greeley. should not have been forced upon them as a candidate, fur it is clear that Mr. Greeley has cut more deeply into the re publican ranks than couldhave any other candidate, and they have now but to support him cordially to reinstate them selves iu power. The first thing now for them to do, therefore, is to take" the bit squarely in their mouth., and instead of leaving all the appeals and all the watch words of the hour to Mr. Greeley, to assume the lead of the campaign themselves. The true maxim of the crisis is the one-term principle, and we warn every man who loves his c.aantry that, limier the issue, as it is now made up for the fifth day of Not ember next we are tb decide whether this country is to retain its republican independence or to become a de,potism under General Grant. Let everybody bear in mind that the very corner stone of the liberal republican cause was laid by Mr. Sumner on the one term princi ple; Let them also call to mind that this essential principle was solemnly adopted by the labot men's convention at Columbus; and further, be it recol lected, that it received its final sanction from the dehmeraticliarty at the Balti more convention. These declarations, which are in historical accord with the appeals of Jackson, Jefferson, Clay and the most distinguished fathers of the re public, find, now, their only opposition front the acts of men who have bound themselves slavishly to the fortunes of Ulysses Grant-114es Spirit of Um Time& O'CoNon DECLINES AGAlN.—Thrice was the Imperial crown offered to Cmsar on the Luber eel, and he did thrice refuse what be afterwards accepted. Thrice dirt Mr. O'Conor refuse the nomination of the Grant side-show at Louisville, and now he : peremptorily declines for a fourth time to the face of the throtnittee which wait ed upon him in his office at New York. One declination by letter, two by tele graph and ofie:to the Committee itself, ought to be enough to squelch the most importune schemers; but the pesky fel lows who did the Work for Grant at Lon isville, are determined to renter some re turn fur the - free passes and the money which was given to them ; They announce th4intention lof running O'Conor in spite of his four declinations. It will be done :for the solo : purpose of helping Grant, and no Demecrat can vote for O'Conor without directly aiding the re election of the President and tbe perpe tuation of all the evils nntler the nation suffers. WaPresident Grant has issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation. Ile dors not say expressly that it. is fir the result of the Pennsylvania election, bat he puts a "stiinip into it, in which he jocosely yeas That "the citizens of the United States have,reserved to themselves ample. civil and religons freedom and equality before the law." Th e p ran k s played by his'Deputy Marshals in Phila delphia, in aid of the frauds perpetrated in his interest, show trill' what reckless in solence the rights of citizens can be inva ded ander an unconstitutional Federal law, passed by his Partisans to secure his re-election. For the security of their rights, the citizens may well pray on the day fixed, rather than give thanks for their present condition, ' Ciuciunuti exhibited an unusual and gratifying amount of Democratic arid Liberal strength at the late election. Hamilton county is generally held to be Republican. It gave a Republican mit . jority last year of 1,516, and the year before of 2,797..8ut on Tuesday the Bth, it gave an opposition majority, whieb, in the vote for Secretary of State, was 5,646, and in that for Supremo Court Judge' was 8,876, The entire opposition county ticket was elected by majorities ranging from 3,000 to 5,300. Both the opposition candidates for Congress—ond of them Milton Sayler, Democrat, the other Gen. Banning, Liberal—were elected—the for mer over Ben. Eggleston by 3.571 ma jority-in half the county, and the latter over ox-Governor Hayes, by 2,097 ma jority, in the other half. The united ma jorities on the vote for Congress amount to 5,668. The people of Cincinnati evi dently understood the issue's of the con test, and estimati,d - their importance at a proper value. t .W — Daily proofs .z.otne to us of "bow the thing was done." Thus in the Twenty fifth ward we have learned that the true vote for Governor was: Beckaiew 1,751 }fantail ft. 1,731 But this the Return Judges hare alter ed by shifting two hundred votes, and making their return as follows: iiattran rt Bilekai,w 'lls little trick makes a difference of four hundred votes in one ward I The same game was carried on throughout the city.—A gr. ' Luzernc Election. The whole-Demecratic ticketof Luierne county is elected, except Woodward, for Congress, and Lewis, fur Coroner, by the Pfullowing majorities: D 2,092 Hartley I) ........ ............... 1. 434 Thonfpson. 1) ......... 1,305 Woodward, 1) 424 Delacy, 1) 1,133 ( uigely, D ......... 1,028 Kisser, 1) 1,239 Koons, D Rowland, D... Duffy, D If ig.gins, D.... Getshbacher, D Seibert, D Seamans, R.... The Bolters Discouraged litmshurg, October 16.—At a meeting of the Bolters Executive Committee of the State of Pennsylvania, hid at the Bolton douse, in Harrisburg te!oher 16, 1872, the following tvsulation urhs adopt ed: nereas, The result of the October election in Pennsylvania has fully den . onstrated the reef, that the State can un der no circumstances Le carri:d fur the Liberal „tit-publican candidate for the Presidency, Horace Greeley, and there is not, as was anticipated in case of such en overwhelming defeat, a disptot;on on the part of the Democratic leaders who have affiliated with the Cincinnati movement to retina to their allegiance to the Dem ocracy ;a»d Thercas,The nomination 'of an electoral ticket in support of the nominees of the Louisville Convention, Charles O'Co,nor and John Quuincv Adam., would emtuil co..siderable trouble and expense w iih mit any hope of success or pin to the Democracy of tin\ State; therefore Resokeii, That the committee recom mend to the delegates here assembled that no electoral ticket be nominated, but that the honest Democratic - voters of the State refrain from taking any part in the political contest now being waged by the two wings of the Republican party, in the interests of their respective candi dates, Grant and Greeley. In accordance with tile above recom- Mendation of the State Executive Com mittee of Pennsylvania, the committee adjourned without making any nomina-, don for electors. The Indiana Victory. HENDRICKS' MAJORITY 950--SIIAN:IS DE YEATED-TIIE STATE SURE FOR G$ EE LEY IN 'NOVEMBER. [By TcZegraph to the Nem York T,ibunej INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 12. A desperate effort to count Hendricks ont has failed. He has 050 11m:4:My safe. with a part of our State ticket elected. Shankst, who thought Civil Service reform a specimen of Western humbuggery, is defeated by Neff. We are jubilant and confident for November. Jong N. PINCH, Chairman Lib. Bey. State E. Com. Address of the Liberal Notional Cow- REA ARTMS NATIONAL COIIIIIITF.E I.IuERAL ItgrunticAss, G us xi HOTEL, Fifth Av., bet. 21st & 22d sts.. N. Y. City,—Oct. 15, 18i2. To Me Electors of the Unita Slates: It becomes a duly to appeal to you in view of the uppalliim frauds perpetrated on the ballot-box in the great States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Inuiana, on the I Bth of October, instant. Let the facts be submitted, that jitsig ment may be pronounced. It is not even denied, that the parti sans of Gen. Grant have been furnished with vast amounts of money for election eering purposes.. The taxation of official stipendaries, the coutribututions of na tional banks and of wealthy . monopolies dependent on the Administration for favor, and the aid of heavy . Government. contractors, have furnisher, thitOvealtli which has been used to corrupt 'tire peel. I File, or by fraud to defeat their will. • A large number of voters were broughk from 'Cy:Micky and Illit.oisinto Indiana; land their ballot illegally cast therein: in favor of the llitdieal ticket: , • In Oblo.the work of colonization was carried.On from Kentucky, but perhaps not so extensively. he id the adjoining States, • In' 'Veriosyl vania so stupendous were tho fraud% that the election'was a: fitrOp,, Colored men' were brought from Aluryland,Waslilogton, and even from North-.Caratia, by the, thousands to vac in this State: The railroads were crowded with laborers from other States, :whose only, duty, : was to cast ballot for the 'Radical ticket.' Re-. Footers by ih.onsandis from New York City thronged the streets of Philadelphia on the Bth of October, and did the work assigned them at the polls. These meu were pointed Out by detectives to the authorities of Pennsylvania, and their arrest requested but refused. Notorious New York politicians were openly. cheered in fhiliidelphia by squads of these New-. York ruffians, on their way from *poll to pull to do their criiiiinal work. All this and much more is susceptible of proof. The unparalleled registration in Phila delphia carries its own °ride= of in tended wrong. . Prominent men in the dominant party j openly . -boasted of these contemplated 1 frauds in advance, and defied prevention. Emboldened by success, the crime that' Mtge was worked in secrecy is now openly perpetrated, and publicly; beralded as a ' stroke of genius by,its perpetrators. Yellow-countrymen, you are insniting ly asked by those who have so successfully worOd this iniquity. "What are you going to du•about it 'r" The answer re mains with you. • Be not deluded with the response that both parties are alike guilty. This is the weak erasion of the enemy_ Let villainy such as indicated be erushtd,whoever may stiffer. Let no one for a moment believe that the Liberal Republicans participated in these acts of violence against an honest election. Ev ery suggestion of such nature was con, deluged, and so far as known such - acts were in no case attempted. The Liber al Republicans party was organized to re sits this very abuse, not to encourage it. Fellow-countrymen, the Ority of the ballot-box must be tkfetled, or dangers the most momentous threaten the Re public. 'rite ballot is the very corner stone of our national existence. When that fails, ruin envelopes all. Unbounded wealth has been the bane of milieus be fore our tune. Has this disease by which other States have fallen attacked as at list in the most vital part, the saucily of the ballot? Our people will boy iu sub ' mission to an honest election, but who shall declare • that an Executive chosen by dishonest means, which a»»uls the popular will, may comtimnd popular olie- Metier ? corruption grows with its own success, and wi may be exptcted, let tliMc base deeds of the dominant party be re peated in November, and who shall say that the, hour may nut be fast approach ing when some energetic spirit shall thunder in the willing ear of an outraged nation that physical resistance to .such infamy is obedience to God. - . 1,931 . 1,551 Fellow-countrymen, the renwAy is in your own hands. Rebuke those uho in open day so shamelessly bring this dis grace upon us. Our 'national ' security demands your action. The rote is yet to your hands, and the insult to these three great Commonwealths may tie avenged. In spill of the fra u ds perpetrated, we have carried Indiana, reduced the vote greatly in Ohio and lost Pennsylvania only, by startling con Option. The future is full of promise. Georgia proclaims in her great majority .that the sulfering States, in their desire for rrynal rights before the law, will give 125 electoral rotes to 114. race Greeley. An honest, Christuin sympathy in the North will add to this more titan enongh votes to make his election sure.. There is every cause foriencouragcment, and every reason to hope fur success. Let there be no laggard now. fle'is traitor who falters as Wt. combat opens. Forward along the entire line, and by un overwhelming v;ctery in November, not only declare fur .National Reconciliation and Reform, but at the curve time let the 1-sson be effective and laqing, that man cannot purchase the office of President, nor political infamy go unrebultad. RTHAN ALLEN, Chairman national Com. Lib. Rtpub. 94u 1,040 155 1119 791 941 391 Grant needs more Paymasters. Now the Administration is recruiting with postmasters. 490rding to a des patch ennui tit ng frilidWash i ngton, "the expansion of the service' wtll compel the immediate establishment of "hundreds of additional post oniees and the appoint ment of more route-agents, postal pg. way clerks, ect." This sadden "expan sion" just previotrr to an election is a peculiarly favorable incident of the growth of our postal service, and by comparison to that of last year its practical . influence in the canvass may be estimated. Then the extension of routes was something over 7,000 miles, and 2,400 new postmas ters were minim! ; this year the addition onal length ;a 10;000 miles, with about 3,400 new appointments and an addi tional expenditure of some $1,500,000. ft is almost a brigade, each sworn to the service of Giantism; and coming into action, as it does, just when the veteran troops have not exactly shed their blood, but certainly been bled through campaign assessments, it will doubtless prove a .valuable reserve force. 'Thirty-fur bun dreu new postmasters ought to make every Grantite put on the smile of. satis- faction and of hope. 4DMIN/STRiTOit'S NOTIttE —ln the estate of bilk. Try S. a tontitn. tato of Di idgr water, Suarfe Co., 181., deeeaocd. Lctr,l , or A duiltriotrathm in 08 wad ‘OO5lO havioV.roo grlllt,e to the widorAgued, 011 peniont owing 14111 1x1.41e, 410 requested tactual:o Immediate. payulut, and all perm*+ baring cl.inin nrainst ea Id eata are recta erted to present thew, 01150118 delay. JOTIN A. STANTON, Adixr. Bridgewater, Sept. 411 i, Bat -rat. FSTATE ThOm et , o f ttni Lit hmo Stißtrileanun &molt, Pa., deck-amt.—La:nen. of Ad etrat leo open the eAtatu or the obey e nem kite. tient, tallit; beca gront , ol to .the ontleretznett. all pee. *ono indebted to fold eltate tiro hereby notified make Immeattte payment; eq. thoikt having +•iitlln aphiet the pante, to preeer.t thew duly au t Iteinicated fOr aelF went. 11%. P. cif...Qum:4i.. Adaert Lothrop,Pa., Sept...lth. 1972—w • ArDITIIit'S.NOTILt.—The nollernionn,f,havlnp: bona Appointed; the Conn. of 4.'ornotou Plea* of So.- quehnnon County, nn A thlltoe to di4trilnito the food,. In bandit of the Sheriff from the ealo of foil E.ltsto of W. T. nod nobranutt Morel. wlu et, rod to the /inlies of hie aptoleftuent. at Ma onloo on %Walter:lay 0tt.14.13714 nt I u clock, P. ht. Alt persons in trusted will appror and prreonrlhrlr clalmr, Or bn forevli• do• bartcn.fruta coning In ell told toed. U. L. LtA LDWIN, Andltor. Montrose. Sept. 18, 1.912-11, 4. . A reIIINITRATOft'S the. estate of Lk Daniel 33. Vito:tr. deceased. letters of Adlutols. *ration In the rale estate. bare been grabled to the an. dt rehrned. all pereous ludehred t. said Wale,. are there. hp moiled to make Immediate payrucut the Admin. inrat or ;and those (mein claims egstost the ratue.are reqessted to prevent thaw at theoffice of J. U. de. A. Siceennea. JUI.IAAI.IIIf/f.LNY. Adder.- .Urtd;rewater, , . VIE'2•UTOWS NOT/CE.liitteni testaliventAry to the elate of Z./ALM' Ahirl.t. tato of Itroohipe Satquebanort enemy. have been grail's & 1 , 1 the stthreriber.altpersour Indebted W the said nstate. are reqnee ed to melee hntoodi tto payment. soul those her.. Itszclalms, or dtmandiatotlnot the estate of the Old dr. , rtalatO v lrt Mao tincon the lama without deity. Zuni: Ahßt4tt. Executor.. Preolityth fepf.lB;thlSTS.--sra • 11 4 NOTICE. Letitia testatir-ntary tin the 4.4 egate.of James Raniom, itea•tteed. law of Ltri;a, Suoquellifnll.lotht9trMa.. have been ,pninted to the substrltieta.trOPoon Indebted to thu;gatd e2tato.• Aro ta r gin d jo a ne k rVA 'n e ett i : t ?hOrne.,tn:i and . th e tum t4 h tl y .: codatst, to mato kno t.t.o sawn. wittfutil.v.l4l - RANSAni, EXeCutOr,. - G. • ELEcTiros _PROCLAMATION.. purialuto Or ID let of *be Gaerai Maetribly of tbe t•clanionweeth of ratuuyirsan, 0 , 4100 du act r.• Utter. t the elections of tho Caw Mon wealth, lapprov4 tho 2 ' 1414 7 or JEO7:A. 11.1EZI, I. Vtt,Lk:l./11,0h Sheriff ort3ttagovitaonaCoant,r. to 'Aid Cocorstsvomlla. do hereby giro notice to Ow' Zlettora of am .rouuty aroresolO.llut tlotterat,lileezton ytat Ito ge.d-tu Raid eouttly on . • !rue ol 4tin4M . Far of soritubei, 2872. [beteg the 't'oteitay next tart thetirst Monday Alma moutd;) to wit; • The Median for the district Composed of the tows. chip of Apelawn will be held at the house of JOK Welke to said towoshiP• The Election fur the district composed of the lowa.. ship of Ararat will Ile bold at the school boom DM the Proebyterbin chant in veld townrble. • The Election for the district composed of the towashlM of Auburn will ho hold at the house of James Lott to veld tuenthip. The Election for the district composed of the township of Bridgewater will be kohl at the cowl liotlllo to the Borough sal Montrose, ofootton ter the district composed 'of the O. chipl.lrenklyn will be bald al. th e lump of James Os Lollard to add township,. The Riverton for the illitrict composed of the towns stile of concocus will he held at the school house Isms Ldwaid Clark's in acid tea - 101dpi The libellee tor Om district toms:swell of the towels ship nf Catlin! wilt be aid at the house . late Jobs tileiretson to ante tomnbip. The Usti ion Nettie ill.t tie* cowposeul of the nt leindeff, Will tie hold at the Doudstf Note ! fa mid boron:lb.' • Thellintlen 4 . 4 the dietrlct t01139111 , Ed a the tows. .1410 nt Mooch 'rill tut held ht the Accra late of T. J. Babcock In raid township. The Election tor the dirtrict tottposed of the tows. tblp of ram* lake will be held et the boars late of J. 13.1'nwne in Paid townidilp. , The r3ectionfur the dWirlet compared Of tbelowaship or Ymnkiln rift lm tt fit et the school bowie waif /*cob Allerd'e Sneiltl ton orbit,. The f.l..ei lOU r r thedtetrict tom pored of dm Bonnet of Frinuderilte wilt be:tattle* the ',Moot Yonne tothrongh. ulg TDen:/erllue fertLfdiodeStompoPed of the of Ileza Kill be held at that:lmmo Late. li Zad Dy David l' told Dervegb. El , •ctlon foribe thetrict cbmpoottd bf the talfa ,en:p art.t Mod v. Ins heal at tilt haunt:lite Occept ut Fly if It frown. dec. both,. 1 1/.llltlcturfeeferlof lbefontrtrfp of IlltmatWilt I. bold to the .Ic.olem7 trielditsu to said 100 0.1.14 r. n f.o the dbtrirt nompo!ed of the township of lizr,to,tl u llt he to not tic house late of 24. W. Wet& 7 . 00 to .old town , bip. , Ili,. Munk., tor the ft:ofeet e'snifwed of the , Wen. 011f1f of 11..rmolty trill he laid at the boost ut b. Whiten/ io A. 1 ,1 Tee ltk . 1:0:11 , .r11•0 Slate& compoped of tbq 01,11 f of 1k reek wilt Ift Itoldat tbu Lienleketntorsebool lhon.n. In nate towin.nie. for the tliitrict composed of the I aworblp id J: ckmm %Ili . * held at the bonne of Jateeph Gm, io .aid Itm-hchip The faecth.h. Llf fhe uhtrlct compoeod of the town tt-hp of Le, up wt I im held et the house of Diablel itof to tonlohip. The t ter the dfettlet compticed of the township of le tovx a lil he to Ltat the honey of thole & Brothers .41 - 11... - 11.1y1p. The ell etiott tot the Mel riet eomOmed of the taws hip of .t.lbtrtywill hu held attlia StiltlxdSchtotlhottao hi tteld9owitthlth he hlketion for the tikttict composed of the els ht of Lethrop edit he held at the UUloonlo 84001 to rah! toolll'illO• Cheelecf am foe toe ahttict competed of the Borough of Little Mc:Morro teth he held at the Stleol Mane in eakl Itorottch. 11m elostoin for the district composed of the townitily of Sitddlebowu will bu held At the house of Oils Rosa IA said tgotemehtp. The Eh ellon for the dirt riot compared of the Borangit of Pio:arum, will be held at the Coart flow. in Kid Borough. The Election for thedlottirecompastd of the Botatijih of New LllmN will be bold at the boosts late of John, renrot In raid &tract,. The ulection for the district comports& of Omicron:l4lde of Nets bitiford will be held at the house -of Phibander Blunt:et.. In the Borough of New 3111fosi. The election fur the district composed of the town. slop of intake& will lie held at the house late of Thos. as Munson in add too The election Inc the ott.ttict osropored of the town. vin of nosh will Laid at the Unto of N.D. hinder in raid township. The election for the district comport& of the town ship of Springville islil be held at the house late e boner, triton In refit township. The eleetiott for the district compered of the tent. rhip of Silver Lake will be hold at the hoer* late of It. itctiortgler to veld townrhip. Toe Election for Ilse di-triet wood-Ltd of the Itimegh of Sustineinititm Wyatt alit he held at the hoer., lately occupied by Witilato Smith In said Ilorongh. Teo election for the district composed of the Wen, chip of Thum - porn will be bold at the beam late of Chest(' eStoddard in said township. 1 nice make known tutu give notice as , in and by the 13th section Of sal.. net or 7nly Y, till. directed, `'Thal eery petstoq c„cts.lll Justices of thel'ettee, who shall 001 any .dike or ekholninont of 1041 or trust ender the Culled starer, or of of.'tate, ur of any city or le corpora e& district. whether tatcentnlesioned officer N nese t. who iros.r shall he. eat tiloytalllndel the tee,isistles, illtchtry. or extentire derortturtot of Ws Utitte or United Slaw,. or nue city or Incorporated district; and loleo Cost coo member of Congress, and of lb. Sion. egisknure. nod of the select or common etincell of say tits. or Contnitesionere ef any ineorporated dl trict.l* bylaw Incapable sal bolding or exercising at the Liza time. the Ol2ne or alleilatment of Jutlp7. Inrpectur or Clerk. of Any election of this Cutemooweanhotod that au ioltccior or Jrulgo or other officer of any Pre% election, shall be ellgibie tu any °Mee thee to be 0.114 for." Or the oe of Ae•embly of July 1, 151(1, It Is a:tornado n ty of every Moyer. Rona Alderman, Jolts. of the r e m e„ cortotaide. of every city, county. townihtp or district within thio Coatmotnictitth wheorret relied upon by any ridicer of an election. or bj three calla elector. thereif to elear nay wlng`our or attune to the window of the pierce 64 - Ocrorst Election which oall °hots uctod in etch a Way ao.travrerent veal. feteri prom:Wag the same; and it shall ho the !Cary or every rtarectlee Cotiotable of each wart. district or township within thin conmedun eolth, to be pre* nt to person or by Uatmty, .ht the or of Loldli , electioe.. In such word. diotrlct or tuornohipi fur the porinnts of prmervlng the prncr Of afurraoia Alto that to the 4th section of the'act of Atoraddr entitled "An act relating to aerutions mud fur otter purpo-ter„" aperoved le. *tral„ It Is enact d nut, the aforesaid 131 h ordure...shall nut be constructed sr tope vent troy militia °Meer or borough Cdtierr from nerving rr Judge. inspector or (lurk at artgertoral or apeclal etettion ht this Commonwealth." Pursuant to the provisions eratalned In the :GM stetter!" nt the out oforreaid. trio Judges of the aforesaid the frit% sloth respective!, take charge of the [etagerec ore turn of the election of their TerpertiVe.distrrir. and produce thou eta meeting of one Judge from each dtotnct. nt the Court Douse, to the Iturouch of Vora. rm., On the shini dor after the, day of &refine brisk one prevent par. on ridgy. the I Olt it, of Oct. nor. thine to do and erform the drub e required by low of said Jtulers. .tI,o that where a Judge by riclinete or on.tvonta . ole accident It unable to attend aid torettor 0: Judges. thou the cortideoto tr natant aforesaid Oral ho takon charge of by rote Of the taper:ore or Onto of Ile election ~1 N4l district. ato ball do and perform the duties required or said Ju .ge onahle teat-toad. By au Act of Aareeihly ap?rartel the I:th day of ANT, ISO 9. Ir It etoeymil that ne—ail eiretions herteetr boa. Cinder thet lows of tblo Cornsolrealtb.rhe Fora rLdl be eitsnrd betuern the boors of all and seta tech CO. a or.. *ode/meat :o'clock . . P. re. sty on Art of Atteratitt7 of Stara :SJ:ISA. a Oriels Act re.fiesalaelLit.• roots of voting at :el eleCtiotid lam orvoraLtozotirsof One C00:0000 wraith, it =arid u fullatat.. Sharma i. Ile 14 emoted by the Sennto and Muse of Repromenteat lop of the Cmmon. relitt -of--Fins.yl - kt. fa- Gat cm? M ottly mei, and It it bemby e ye ed by the authority ot the witne- 'That the quanta vote,, of the stterol.-manitSes ot Ilia Con:Mutt nlll. at all Yetorti. totywhip.hoeina.da,eud optimal tient... • nee hereby. lierratier,*ettlhorieed OW required to bar. It r ifebety. primed.-co written. *eternity elarettled sr (oboe et. One ticket >bait the name, of ii! jolter,. of fauna voted tor. afar to he lobled , outride. i -Judiciary ;.`' one I ickni 'hall embrace the names of 01 nate .Moore lotted tier. so !Liebe:led, °mate; one trim j ehall embrace the name, of all comity ottleert Toted fa. • luclittling ram, ot recants. member. mod Memben el a‘embly. If 'toted foe, and members of congetw.l l Y.'" for and tee khalcd. - comity r• one ticket gel embrace Ile radar, of an totruehlp elllcert toted fm, and be labeled' tow nehip ;" one ticket Atoll eMbratrun • i "WO. 0* all b 0 , 1 ,14 1 .1 ollictri , voted for. and oh.? be Landed . b.ottereltd" and each eiroarttall be depralua is aep_arate ballittheixem.° vCrnattem: Illy Fifteenth Amendment of the Co2l - Of the t`nlred .tatcie It so filliteten : *remelt 1. Th.. eight of citizens of 'the Vatted State* to rob hall not he deeded or abridged by Ws • Linated Mahe. or by oily State. op account of noe,edni. or prow - town condition of servintdo o , • .cc , Cos 3. 1/11. COTlgri le 1.11311 IWO . POWei to afar. uji• arriele by noon !pride loglelation: And 117urvite. The Coil:tree of the Vetted Stab. n the net day of, March. 140. parted. an act. entitled- i i Adfornibreear Hya el catmint./ biendted erg. • do con to IF. torero( .11affs of the. Calm and feral! , P , ITC.C.t." the beet end tono of obleh tow foltow•; . . . o nacnom I.lle if rinerrred rig ale SAW* and go. of I:epeninfolireinf the ('oiled Akita of America to dm Fix., anontled, 'rhat all ctricena of the United bunt , i trimmer. 0/ . 014/ 4o (tamed - tee qualified by lair to ta? i &Wetly viccatob by the people. to she Slate. Tame'. i ditorlct, citrn', city, pariah, township. echooldtruio. Manicipalityta- other lerritoratenb dinghies. gag to f ambit d and ~hatred ha vote at all inch dealer.; rid i out doubt/31.0 orraire.wr, color, or promo= roman • 6 tef.eorntittle,. boy Couettltdiun . Mir, rectum. tee!' a' rnmiatitio of any Stateor Territory. or knot uncoil. authority, to the eoutntry two withdandlog. ' -9Ccriox 3 ...4*4'int U/nrllarenaded. Theft! id , ' , Mier the mothuri is of the honetil Mho, or Ines a al, A • State. Or the la of any Aeritor,, any act le or 034 , be required to bn dim r as a prereqnlilte or qtalidemuon 1 1 for't ming. and by stitch Constitutiou Or law, polar or Wilma. , urn or shall Ito ehergoo with the porferwayee et I duties In fatninting to cltizototen opportonity it la , 1 lorm ettcb pr• requtalte, or to become qballifted re " 1 .. .1 It ahnillto the duty of every snob ;torero, and r l F't , t° 1 wit m give to 111 eltlzeun of the Unite States the •• equal opportunity to perform inch pedalo!' become qualiden to vote oil hoot dlrtinetto: • or, or provioni condition of aorritnde; and h. penult !ironic.; than or knowingly emit to Otte feet tot{ e ect to to be shall, for etorY emelt WY...L. OS frit and pay theittiru of dye hnuslred dollar* to the pre ' con agr,eleved thereby. to !recovered by au anion °oar c. care. with full coats mud teach en allowance for recto' .:.., fees as theeourt dual deem Amt, and ebelt oleo. Of il teary Foch 'Renee, be deemed guilty of a mi.dectommor. -ii and 011011 on conviction thereof, be deed not ler dui ,1 flee hundred dollare, or h, Intprironed not Ices !Loon! i. monthand nut more than ono year. Or both. at 11 '' al. '' eretion of 11,e conch' , • And la declared by the second iodic: el the T han,icte of tizidlotintltulion of dm United I.ttOti thatoThle Folotinolon."at.d the area of the 'Ad.! Suttee Whin shall be made in puriconce thereof. Wre road, be the runrosto law of the land. • • • • ant do r' l ', Cite Con4lltufka or lairsrl any Staley to the molten AA , '; witiutartdiFg. , • .:?. Arid tchfs:o4 The triglelal ire of this Comm mace% ~ On Vie tAlt day LI April, A. D., WA paired an net. -de 1., t itted"A fa it ',','; itiljplement to the net relating Wrier ? - _,i thus Pa thlq Ccminontirealth.l` too tenth teetlea d ",,•. trlllchoprtnirle* nafolidro :' ' - IP S w 11,.. ;Y. Tblf e. much men set of Arterotal c. ne Provuei Hut one. it , bllefro 01111 be entitled , w , C oto or to ttiVreghtoren an ?mere, or as etaludy . te V,. „ o vatty goneruf by er,wetel eletlion of !hie COMM y ,3 !.. , ,, t, j , cod thetiore 4 - twitchy repealed. artft lhot °°f"g:. 1 3 .' a l, freemen. trghu Mdlet Motion of color. sattras CO hT ~d and ergt.tattdricaording to tha procidono of ta ~,,,. . gi rd : tic ton of the ace approved eaten/with Apr; . 4 ~ A y.,11: - elditt nil odn bet further unpulment4 to th_a!t . ut ,„: to Lyn ortyclioac or dd. connuounrann ' c r,,. :. ~,,I n othera . t o quadded underrated.: lawn, be .0 . 1. , ._:: , c . hewidoet all , gcuoral and special denial* In UP,.. - mmono pith.' . Thee:lid him*. recited nmeadinent and acts of r enecntritaki obeyed by all nyvennrs. regifter• of viV .. , ! tore, etc.:Pio ottloetd, aud.othera, that the ei:bt . 0 ;t: Z' privilege* guarranta ed therby may be neared to al) i..'-.,, ottiteini of tide Comatorrect alt la entitled Whitman*. e .3. 1 Mit whim Judgea- for the ttonnyesekm—l dd.. _, .. toroporna of the =unties of Suirptchounnand ladtn..„;; yid meet et the ..teart noun, ittAbc,till of Wlikt ibiz% au Taredny, Inn. i. - Tho 'return j oil Owe ler the sereiltutstPre c l ' ui6 ... r i ' ' computed or the coontaaPt LW/Winch- I d= eed Zg a° r 1 leg still Metl et ' lloortq - th Tauthann r•ii 1 Tuerany. Octoborl.:th. Itra.. 5 tilV.. Moder nit hand at my In the .•'" 36 ,., ai ...s. Itontrote. the Slot day of Angina. Aso* flostol.. eii:' thdihthayna of thOCcratmenwecith Itta biltetLaN i,,.. ' • W.% T itor c I st '''''' ''''"