The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 23, 1872, Image 1

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    -g.,._33:; -- . ,HAW,T. : , - giy, .Proitpr.
ptoincoo Cab.
. . .
11 A. IreCIZACKEY. wienea to Inform the pnblle that
having rented the Exchange lintel In AtontroN, he
le nom neepaleil to aced =oilcan the traveling public
In EriXclas,vtyle. '. . ..-
, I.' .
Saddle. Mende s and Trout: makers. 'Shop In C. impend
/tore EMlMind. Itrookkrn, Pa. 0* Idarnemee, heavy
and light, made to order.
' Brooklyn, April 3; Isa—mil
IL D. SM ll9[
• .
Harlot:toe:and at Stitoincbquita DepOt, Ifautifacturor of
and dater to I ket an.l heavy Itarnete.-.,(1o1 arx,Wllpr,
Trunk, Sadd hro,Sc .hopiaz,br rtriet attpollon to burl
tress 'and fair doallu;, to bare a thro•or
Starch 4, 149.—n010 —m3. " •
BERNS I' NlcuoLs,
06n...3113 In Drugs; Cinetnicals. Bye.
of Faints, 011 s, Wurnis.h. Minot", riplcer.•Funcy
Irtxlen,Patentllndleines. Perfumery and Toilet r•
tides. • taliirProscriptious carefully compounded.—:
Brick Block, Montrose, Pa,
A. B. Brims,
?JU.I3 A. vernipar.
Adel:l4lliter+. ELllCCROTarataikr.TlArni,At the Foot of
Chcitnnt street. C4ll and cooralt In 811 - Chronic
- Disensci: -
Itonthose„ Jan:l7, '72:—noll—tf. •
" J. F. SIitOEMAREEt. .
Attorney at L. Monturre. Pa. Office nett dont benne
tie Tarbell llowLe. Public. A venue; •
31ontrose, Jan. 17, 1812.—n07-Iy.
nATTon.vcs.culdcormuzor.ier Law, Grist Rend. Pc
nn '
ATTOTIXtr ar LI,K. 3faalruf6, ra (.7111= vial James
R. Carmott, F.rn.,
, 1311. it.
i.oonls Ltsfet.
Attorneys at Law. Ottlee N0.e.21 f.sOtatennna Arenttn.
Scranton. Pa. Practice In the eercral Clatrig of I.u.
nettle and Sit•lnehanna Couutl.. .
F. It. I.anto. : - Ws. D. iratc.
non uton. Sept. fth, MTl.—tf,
Attorney at: Law. Wino at t9e Cciurt {tong•. In Itte
rornroiss:nuee. o lc W A. Caoisx‘ia.
Montrose. Sept. Cat, IS7l.—Er.
MstiENZ!E, & CO.
eller. in' Dry Goods, ClothlE4, Ladiril rind 7.llltiper.
tine Shore.. Um. agent 4 for - the' lytc+lt Amerlenn
Tea and C0a137. :10mpany. p!rnitro.,c, July 17; '7,L)
Dn. 11% %Y. wra.Tra,
DENnirt. RaiimA at If fisreinolt. boxt• door e3o.t of the
I:cpubll'octs prtutitganice. Once it.mni from 9A. :I.
to Ir. 11; Ikt,lntroAe.Maf -
TI-IE tlat
Chsrley Moms lexbr barber: who can chive Finer fete to
order: Curs MAvn , War]: suit grtn.'ev In Me
orneejn+tstAlre, 'Dere _pm- will find him, over
Cr re's store. below 7tTclitrizicg—JoA too door. -
31ontruee,Junel . 114.-11 ' .110P.M1S.
S: B. - A; A.' IL 311eVOLL1331, : ,
ArremtcTs itgr....ollle° ovatrthe'lLuk. Itonlrooe
Pa. lloritttme,3tat 10, 11:71. tt
3. D,; V/1114
fie nrtrate Putescoss A:gel - Sono cos - , Man perrinnently -
Jo.tni liiin&elf in Montrose, Pe.. iv he:11 he will prnnpt-
I) sktensi to In his pnifessinft +rah which he 1141 C
ec Ossore,L Oftlen and reeleoonee .went ,of the Connnoise, iza: Fitch SS Wars'gr. ,
Fob:nary& 1:1;1. ,
FTT 4 at tar,•ht tlx 01l oticc
..t antler th Fitch. Vaistrate. Pl. " - • -
s., . rt - cca- "Mr Ir. V. li'Vrool4.
Dale? In roots and 'Snow", rfatsand Capri Lcat/loran&
Finding,linla SI tent.' dohr Day d'a Sion".
Work nialn a." order. - and rtpoirinj don": uniuly.
ontr,"sn, Jan. I
snavlNG ALAI) .11.1.131 DUESSTNO:
Shop in the now Vintontoo Itultding, where he wilt
to round' reathy to attend ull who may want anythilq
fa hie I ikke. Montrose Pa. Oct. 13. 13(:3.
EGESICIAN t SURGEON, tender*' Lis 4.CCP ?7 ,
the citizen. or Great Rend and vi. roily. (Mee Pt Lis
rink idence, onne.ite Barnum Lionse,.G't. Bend
ATTORNEY Ei I,S.Vatotatty Met Pay. Peat , 100
end I:roccrd. , on Claims attended to. Glee Or
door below Lloyd's Store; Weettore.l'ot. Idn. 3. •G 3
ft V. sinToN,
ILactioneer 3 and Insurance Agent,
vriosiegirsue„ Pa.
Great. Bend, Pa.
17. S.
angi off
41111 .E LY, •
la, St. .21.1.a.ctticrsznoar.,
Ace. I, 1V73. Address, Itrooklyn, Pa
461110NAIILE Monfrofe t edulc.otor
Mandler's Store, A! , ordure Mind In drat-raiz stpc..
Lungdono on allarc matte. and winaudad to,
of Main itawi, Sluatroact, Pa. - ' )au;. 1. 1669.
lash:ten a ttended to promptly, on fair t crma. 0 race
Ira door north of "Iloatroso Dotal," weal , elle of
rubllc Avenue, Sloan:18e, Pa. [Ang-1,156 - 9.
7ay 17,1872.] • • - DziLtaaa larsiotra4
D -ALEIt llrthyri., Patent Iledleaux, Chemlcate.
Liquors, Paints, Ou4l.lye tuffs, Yarldeller, IA
tirowerlea, Glass Ware, Wall dud Wiudow
per,Stunairare, Lampe, lie:rescue. „Machinery (Alm,
raseco, ' Guns , Ammunition. •li.'UlVts. 6peCteMinb
itralLmq, Fancy 930 , 11, Jewelry, l'erfu rv,
being lone oftlre most uamerveg, ,xtenalre, and
e.lneble collect loaduf Goode irr uml erluuda a Co.—
Patablirbed la 1b43. (Montrone. PA. ,
D.W. saie.Lz,
TTOBNET AT LAW, utnce over the Ste= 'et A.
Lettrop, in the Brick Bleck...lLonitoee. Pa. Laurel
OIL .111". L.` ItICEIAR DSO 1,
RTSICIAN • SURGEON. inidtda hie riok+. lol3ll
iittitee to the cdizene at Mantrasa and siciatty.-
0 face id hi s raaldaaca, au tad+ nurner cast of t±eyre.e
;;os.ltr,cmdry.. , • • Plug, 1, 1567.
iliondide Fiatall Dania:alai, • '
; PLATED BANDS. .514.LLg.t.DLp : .-
-SP 13 L.V.,GLES: BOWS, he. • -
WE ictignow LASS.LEATIIIitta FIliptCGS
&apt. .I{arth -11. 1643. • if '
PATanaz nonr.,AtAlStriOrtrica:
IiIdNOEABLE Sueed' and ihnyideDrise - ft
hol,ts the - Great .Zi t
ew 'fork StAteXatiottal Premium I
o the Great Ohio National Pre ettlumai,held Maus_
„ .
4i the Pehasykshis, hisOlund uttd:Sirgutiu State
a:m . 413,1'1s simpti, corn:putt. tesairtstfetiiiiel)rfrol4
amts Wheels, end enclosed in a swat. case: is the
re of the Machine, egectaally.seeurlog it from grit
operailon can be el:Logi:till teetotal? from If high
to one n thlid.sloorr. without -stop; thus adept-,
taw ts bad piles., and light sod hear) , gm*. '
ratio: Apparatus to perfect. - .No broke and one
tkuifeheadi- besood doubt .tho strongest
the in the world, sod you earl depend open - it, Wog.
reliable to aTOrrpl3-4141,.11, 8,- •
. - 1344•TEZ
. „ .
From the
csati•Alax sosa rott 1872.—Air-Tramp Tramp
...Front SasMinaes - plalns beton.,
Tolllagarn's rapid iloW—". .
Frous - the prairies of the red man back to here—= -
. not the thrilling_cry
Plercathe portals of the sky, . . .
Bring terror while it Smote the bigot's ear. ..
entntus--Shout;thout shout for lloracGreeley,
Sound his mune ye mighty men and free,
He is just the man we want ~ .
In the place of Useless Grant, ,
So boys, rally; and elected he shall be: :
For base England'icnrsed gold
Our honor _bath been sold -r. -: -.. • .k .
The" stars and stripes are humbled to thedust,
13ut the slavish, brainless not : ' ‘
31ay nowpoelmt.whst: he's got . -
And lay aside Lis varnished' sword to rust.' .' ,
, .
When rank.bigolry and hate •
Burnedrainpani in the Stnte •
And the foreigner endured the odious brand,
licanl ye not the Tribune's tongue •
Ilou• it tierceiletlance flung
Still preaching: golden tolerance through the
• Ctroncs--:: , • '
(.;ice us him whose bright career
Went untartii,hetl year by Year.
Who by honesty and energy Las won
The millions-kind applause , —
Fighting, in cacti ngbteous cause,
An&arting,Freadonfa independent.son
Give us bins of Wisdom. sound=
Jtubpnent temperate and prolountl,. "
Who tltrors not a party or a elan,,
But switup the amtlea of right -
In the wage face of inight—
CUTTIe, thrice iveleoine, notate. Greeley, you're
the man..
• Citoucs--
Alt. the Times or gall is fall—
Filthy organ of John. Bull.: •
And the !Linters still their Is'i*by trade pursue,
But their darling Englidt.put
A sonnd flogging cure will get—
Yes, he'll rue the day that Horace first he knew.
enountiShout, shout, shout for Horace
• •• - Greeley—,
Sound' his naincye mighty men and free,
• • Ile is jest the 12.1:111 Ace scant
In the place of Useleis Grant,
• ' - So, boys. rally, and elected be shall be.
t' Lowittib, Mums., August, ISM "
Li:ma: OF A. IL 11. STC7I.Ia, OF Vll2-
otxt.t.. • •
Alexander H. 11. Stuart, of Virginia
the dish distiaiguished.publicist,. has written
a letter aeon the political issues of the
Preent campaign which appears in the
St:innton (Virginia) Specialur. 'Upon
tho relition of capital and labor to the
Prseddelatial ques.tama Mr. Stuart writes:
31y:friend, rt., 3f. T. Hunter, in his ad-
Mirable.Spe ! ,•eli, recently delivered in New
York - , Jias :clearly exposed the tendency
of Crenerat. Grant's - administiation to
cetitrulizution .- HeAnti, also . directed
pp bile . attMtioirs :to. the intlaesice Mid
agencies which are at work in 'sapping
the lie of our republican insti
tutims. I concur in al that lie bag so
i well presented . (o . the thoughtful Consid
eration of the 'AmeriCan people. ' 'he
had chosen, he.nught have gone a step
farther and disclosed :the hidden Power
mhiela underlies and stimulates into action
the dangerous elements to which he re
fferrcd. That hidden poweris the money
power of the north. A few words of ex
planation will:utifuld - my meaning. The.
two great interests-or every civilized
community are: labor and capital, - rep-,
resented-by persons". and -property. The
laborer:seeks einployment and the capital
ist furnishes-it. :
The one is the hirer anal the other the
hiree. The interests of the laborer is to
get the:highest Iwages he can s for his la
bor, while on -the other hand, it is :the
interest of the capitalist to get-. the lar
gest anioniat of service for his money.
It is obvious, therefore, :that between
these two iuterestas . there is a natural}
antagonism. One .has labor to sell for
'money ;: the Tither hasmoney• to sell for
labor. Etch-Fishes to get the best price
for hii commodity; and their interests are
tis'opposite as the poles. - .This'-antagon
ism is not 4 - neer:Ss - drily one:-of hostility,
though hy.injudicious'regnlation.. it may
be made, to assume that character. Prop
erly understood: the relation is one: of
mutual benefit aml..-of harmony. These
great interests" 'naturally impress= then-',
serves on the institutions2and policy of
every "country.' Labor is : the interest
which is 'most. widely diensed,
.for, by.,
the fiat of 'Heaven; Melt, - every :man is
ra:rpaired to eat his-bread in the sweat of '
his 'face. 4,lapital' is the': aCcumnlated
product ofdabor;and - is in the hands of
a fortunate feW. -
- •
- The normal tendency, of labor_ h• to
ilemooracy or the Of unnibers--
of capital, to the Concentration of power
in the hands of .the feW. The reason is
°brio* Lithor - is `the interest - of 'the
fdw. ‘Yhere.lalior firedoMinatei numbers
will goyern, Mid the institutions. will, be
Where capital s the - controlling
'est poWer will be in the' hands of- small
minority; It is oneof the highest Wilcox ‘
of statesmanship to . harmonize and
erre the :proper balance . between- these
great interests. By. Wise- regniatinn .411 e
antagonism may be made like that of the,
opposing 'side - 4
of an., arch;. and element 1 .
of. strength 'rather than that of • weakness.
lipt if- either'he alloired to gain . amine,
prqonderauee,` . .mischief -• and danger',
must ensue.; Before•the.ivar. capital. and
labor Worked together In harmony. The I
proper - 'equilibrium existed. I
- paid fair wag Oslo labor, and"tendered=
Just equivalent of .seridee to capital Not
the least i.isasterons of
.the consequenCes
which hai . e . folloWed im.the train ‘'of, the
life war was the'disturbance of .the bat. .
anie between" labor: and _capital in%the
northern ,states;• The , :masheroom.:neca ,
=l'lll366ll'of. caPital i growing- opt goy- _
ernment oontraota i speendations in- hom,ll
nutEstiickti,iltietnannis the enrreney and
the: creation.: of. thous:mils -of ',national-I
batiks, founded on "national premises tai{
pay,7- hat:cir'eaused an' enormous- tlevelr:l
opement ofcapital, ; and given to. i ts pos-1
ses'Sors-an undue:-oScengenev- over
;Thisraieentlan4it:ta 4 :inatin'4 ll l 4 0 t 1 .1141
lo . preieri.e,' , .consolidute•and . perpetuate..-- 7
Teo::muneypOver din;
trot tat- Iho."l.xP4utive and 'or cougre e-1
IDr,T. c 7 s nrrlarat.3
m()NTRos E,-PA.,- p(r.eoEvin ,2 3, .I,S 72.
The meansmilloyell to aecomplif.ill these
results are ti,o %tell to requite spe
eial- enumciat ion. . - , _
• ' +Splendid gifte.have been made to men
he office. Icings, hare- been--'formed in
• congress for purpnees of. 'Obi:der—a gig
gantic System of - United: Statekhabk' La
beenincorporated, by which 'bondhOldere
- havebeen enabled 'to receive not only
interest on their 'bonds, :but :duplicated:
interned on bank notes, issued, on. the
of theie bonds. The rates of .iuter
' est have been greatly inereased e and all
state battles have been crushed out of
existence, so that the" bondholders may
have the monopoly of money lending at
double interest. Monster railroad cotpor
ations heve been incubated_ in congress
and endowed with millions of acres of
'• the public domain. Partial tariffs have
been framed to pot Money in - the pockets
of the few at the expense •of the many,
and other devices have been- adopted,
which itwould he tedious. to entunemte t
for the-purpose of swelling the gaiUs of
capital. The laboring , population hare
seen and felt these evils: Probably with
out understanding the ingenious procees
by which they were eppressiel, they Inter
nevertheless felt the fact that they were
oppeesSed. Hence the- wide spread dis.
ecietent that pervades the laboring classes.
Hence the labor unions and strikes among
tradesmen that are of almost daily cc-
carrenee. Hence, in a word, the eon
shuttle- recurring hunt futile effortiot labor
by local coitibiriatielis, to rid iteelf of the
exactions of •capitale It islime that the I
laboring masses should - understate:. the 1
true source of the evil, and the only eill
cient means of arresting it. It shunid !
be explained to them that capital has got'
possession of the overnment, and is 1
using its V3.5i, posters to the injury of the
interests of- labor. It is vain for !le i
unorganized maeses of labor to struggle 1
against the disciplined hosts of capital;
aided by all the maeliiiyery of the federal'
government: • It is this great money
power which has put. into active motion!
all the agencies which are "rapidly. con. 1
concentrating all power . , in the hands: Of
the President. It is thee; power, by artful
manipulations of- the currency,- has op. j
pressed agriculture, commercteund mann- 1
factures.- It is this which he, depreseed
the value of property to enhance the value,
of money, It is this which has inaretv-al
the rates of interest to the injure of i n _ ,
dustier in 'all departments. It is -this I
which has subsideed the government
itself, end new sneepliee the sinews of war
, for the Presidential contest. It is this •
' which has multiplied the hordes of office- I
! holders, and now eeeks, with the people's
money. to hay up the p‘ople themselvee. I
In till arcs capital has been timile It i .
dreads the instability of public opinion.—
It fears change. It shrinks from, the l:
struggles and coneedsione of turtmlentl-
democracy. It delights in the security of a ;
strong government.- It wed gladly repeee. I
in.' the :shadow. of .. e un imperial throne, I
rather than hazard cite reetoration - of a!
government founded on the will M. the
people. Them ar . e. I
.., the ideas that are
daily giving strengtfe to centralism soil
causing the ship of state to drift towards'
empire. If any one doubts the sound--I.
ness of these views, let him o to. the I
north and converse with tie wealthy j
men of that section. He wil find, in i
almost exery instance, that they support!
the present administration because it. is 1
favorable to theirpecaliar interests. If I j
were asked what is :he remedy for these 1
evils. I would not hesitate to• say to the i
laboring men—:-the farmers and- meehau- L
.ies of the uorth and south and :vest—if!
it be your ebjeet to uphold the interests'
of labor, and to rescue -the country and its
institutions from the danger. that ,threat
-ens them, the only effeetual mode. of ac
complishing these endg is, not by. form
ing local combinations, or labor unions. I
but by recapturing, the government from l
those - whd are perverting lire powers to the l'
oppression of lebOr. The fact cannot he i '
diegnised that in 'the present Contest e j,
General 'Grant is the representative of j
this grasping, centralizing money power,.
Mr. Greeley, :on • the other banu,. stands i
forth as the champion of the it:du:grail
intrests of the (emu try.! Born in. peyer tvd
educated to lith . or, lam For a farmer antl;
mechanic, all, his interests' and all his I
'sympathies are in harmony with .the, in ; J.
a uspial pursuits. of the:pee*. e TIMI'
9pportunity will soon be afforded to ‘; the
intelligent . masses to - choosii betttreen I
NOT rar e Grix:iii) Err 02211..,::
. -
' A council of 'leading,ilemnerats ' bight&
ing seven members of the hational e.vecit
tire Committee;and a dozen nr'more'aiis
tinguislted politiciitir ti.iie held, t_the
Springier house . yesterday..... lAtriong
others. present werellft-L , Srs, '-,Angti stus
Schell ) of. Now Yitrk ; Aho`ril: -of
; J... 0. . 'Thompson, o.k;l;rral.
Ilrinekerholf, and George IV. lAtittiold of
Ohio; AL' W.'llansoin, the onbrl 'soutirit
representative present;o. IL Set.`urmitelt.
of Csi-Clovernor Randolph; of
Now Jersey W. A. Moore: of;ittn;
.1?: O. Prince and Gent'Tat Banks,' Of '.:llm
sn usetts ; lien ir W.,Sloeuru, Sam net J.
Tilden, and Senstor 1?e ul ten 1.. Fen to f
New-Yoilz; of'
Inds; John A. Finch and Mr: .}../asGel"., of
Lidi;uiu; - and Mr.,: Campbell, of :New.
Ilatapslure. - , - ' .
It was el:dined by the 'Ohio rip:es-el:II:-
lives that from - 11,000. to 8.000 libentii
ftistat Co:rote for the candidates at the late
elect ion,iand in-the lower t {MS Of Cup litie
there 'are from
. ...1,1 - ?00 .to .. denno6rats
who :sil}...lint vote for Mr. Greeley - links;
personal e.tertions of - lending - democrats
induce them to. It 8% - as . : , etateil that Z 1 ash;
'4l.l.eati,.(leorge-,IL Pendleton and' St',.lla
'-tor.Tlturntan had agreed- to enter upon a
i)crsonal clinvassef thotionb tint districts'.
: The German Note's paS repot..
?edits tieing eightit.ptir..cent for the Ether : .
articket, pwing to the ;fact that
the - candidate for goveruor on tTie 'tleltet
:was a German, is elver:lALl - that tugs
votes will decide the contest in
,farm of
Greeley and
Mr liansern;! . .tf
the result - of- the elect in'
if. it 'were not for a-fear. that New York
aml,COuttecticut had given-nk the collest,
. .
the south wouid - ,be,.furGreeky, - !
IL w a s iippeoenswe that New Y.,oek and t
Connecticut-Were renderer' by
the'resalflin . Potinsylvardit.'.-. Messrs.
ten atia Schell-Sconted tit& irle.vand inado:
the most pusitisit and assaring stAtemen Is
of tb: ability of the (Ism - menus, aided by
the sixty thousands liberal repablicims, to:1
carry New'l7orh,.wliile Conti cotient • was'
aSsurelthy the' reSnlt:Of its own hite town
eleetians; - ,, • `.-
The entire t onunittee was, of- opinion
that New Jersey was safe, though slater-
nor-Ittindolph, said that ilere had been a
conliderable importation of ,iiegrocis into
the et:Maties bordering on the ratiroatisi
Wial6flSill :was announced for. areelM , I
anti mreli doebtanti hesitation. Onlie- r
lug asked how it was tobe Carried; the
delegate :deelarcl.'tthnt *lll-
wank - cc:alone' worth' do, it?! lit'his state
the Germans.:Were as thoroughly'
as in Illinois, though they' lital—tro
incentive to ,exertion asittamlidate.on the
libetal tiehet. Tht• cure fof :the'Octofter
ehetrons was not. go depressing at the,
west as here; becausc'nd skit 'eXaggerated
hopes Of succz.-7,s -had been indrilged in
there— World
ON THE STATF; OF 25 - 1:1V -
10truzcAr.c.rits, Youtt laintitAL
Etruntacxx 06113111 - T.E,;Sr:Ni'9IIOIS lin
tel. October 11th, 16 . 14—Coinfattrinti3L-
The, results Of Afic October. - elyertion have
.fultilleil our ] just -.expectations.
Though Indiana is ,fied,l..iVith a .liberal
' governor and of edec-ation
chosen by decided. majeritles, while -Ohio
has so-far reduced the ,:uverse Majority
that Qttr brefheren,iti: flint sin te Con !idea t
lv hope 11:;
6-%lsflceessful , at -the
election ; while Gelik,ia . ..dee/artid fur .p.:3
by a majority which tillituT.s the chotee. of
Greeley and Brown_ lectorS Li nearly ev
ery southern stat,,yet the
_enormous ma
jority cotintvil nguinst ,us hi Pennaylviinia
huts given our ittlVersaries &it orttne,t that by
likolasish disbursements and fraudulent
practices they nifty carry almost: any-state
they cheese,.hielteliqg even „New York.;
There is no intelligent citizen 9 1 .:wbflter- '
Cr Party - Who doe:s not realizelhat:the 3S - ,:- ,I
(t 0() majority scored upin that State I' furl
if artrau ft over I.3itchlew represents,:not
the convictions of the Voter.bilt,thp vast
sums whereby those convietiensbaye been ,fff
overborne, and that this majority' could t
haVa just as ea its b,Nm - given to either of t
the two undoubted gigaittio speculatorst
who were pardoned out,. of felons ceils„f
where they haft spent but few Months, in I
order that their testiinany infght 'salooth
the wtty'to Ilartra ff.'s. election. ..
A contest .now fare 1- ripan U 3, be
tWecti money and in:tattoo:l. AU the e:r
pendi trace sitall parties in former presi
dcntial elections not etical_.aggre
gate the rest 'With e*ry con
te4ted s.tate is slidettl in order to make
them went to desire and' cOnsent lo ithe
retention ,of the pre; at
.NOt only. are holders,land
grant jobbers, PO ilSi4 . n.fotiql.sra goY
erniireat cub traeters ut all'kinds assessed
to promote the re-electitin of Gencral
Grant, but we are.well astinral that Eu
ropean lamil-holders and, fund, nwntnns
tu never saw this country, wiles?. rights
We never questioned. Whoso iiiterests ire
never aiisnited, have been intitied to
scribe and contribute lionntoonsly to this
end. We .eannot raise dimes to' r;l6it the
dpihirs thee poimd out agai/rst. us. No
erect i t ;in obi ter nas iltfXterettsi transferred
miltions to ova. pockets • and fteiteentl' a
corresponding dent Upon: they idustrY'
-and property:of • the tit ug massy-sc.. ~No
secretary-of the-treasitry'stands -ready to
Belle us 1111 our poctfets or our; campaign
chest bv• stock
,gambling; 'in . which he
loads .to,- make - At' certain:
that we shall win, - In, short,AVe; have
nothing:but the'few dollars , .proffered ,us
by those who bare honest ly__carned-.thent,
and we mast make therewith - . the ' ; bet
tight we can, Mide the venid,-the sordid,:
the , rapacie ris , eagerly Supply their tens of
- thousands to antagouiSt
periti»gtlitir - -return with:large usury
t rottgli : the - :• I e - gisl ati o and johbery,
_whereby the few are enriched at - toe'-cast:,
of the many. Of ,course they,,are." all
glen tin; in chorits that . .we..are„alt6dy
beaten. But we,itre not : Menton.;- There
are twenty states, casting nearly ,titlO (dee
i'oral votes, that we can stiltearry 'it We
w;11. • We are in,. danger: - of,' defeat
beinoiSc . i.ome faith. hearts are die
botingeel; A late. the
A pecide - realiaa that: we stand on
the right:Platform,: and thet.ot- - : - letli4 'AR;
sire our - succeis.: etys t rq i ve
perfect, national. reconediati on the Les-.
isOoittiversal: aniticsty d impartial lib.;
They also; national purifica
t hitt, arid a genuine' civil. - service. reform. ,
whereby:. the freedom of- election-shall:be
,profeetecr and &defiled front the enOrmi - ;iis
porritptiini:patrultageof the federal °menu-.
ti - v
-e. 'lf We shalt 'aterliornai iil"this
eleetioiii it 'will . gr,
,Merally conceded
, a - year that the re!brms for which
we, strug;led were gentqueiiiiil necessary:
Irt .every (tautest betWetm Money turd :min
heed the latter - is6rtain. of ultimate: if
not'instant sae.cess. ' .
Tref hreu,•we Mlizt.nbk be beaten. Oar
01101 . 7 haz•loo maelrat-sfidde bn the is
br this contest: - 'Resolve witlins•this
day thiv., by.ynur ton lieai•t•;- and strolie.
air. 9.3 1 litr.m.tle ! itvie and •eaiiilidatoi.siadl
be te;;l'stiessly burcht oumird to a•deeisive,
beheffecnt triiimph.•
On heti:ol'of the liberal iquldleall state
c‘mimittee. • Jutt•-• Cocutt.tx.L.., •
• • -
Wir.k - Seeretary, -
.A.,!•sifizant Secretary.
..racfs" ilziire4
ECorreslio;:slenc . e of V.-attiot,l
- _ .
infinentinr - un.W hi' the. ktutd,:-. who
tho : Stizte e`ections' which carne On the were with 'us then, 111-0 gone.'over.-to.tlie
St!' inst.,' invstill or ov;:iy, ei2i!11137 . Wit h their I...icronnt'frionds nild-1.;04
ofipOrinoit y-tti !earn the oiiinion.§ of .the roteii from
tn,m of birth OirtieB 'thc.ite.lllie-' , ' 0110 . 1 is lk Prt'CIC.Y
at ion," and nv:re cripecially to - - learn , the I to. Start , . iii liiPbir _against witpti-the
proliith!e tnetie.i of .tho__C mitt iies : g thitu pOiisi4l4
the 'renntining - wceki : of. the Can. , 1 t 4-. L'ha ,4
. • • hinf-tm: :considered.: . • 1 t.utkme, may infely..cloirn for Crant
cyery whiei; 1. Lou not. -
(i.scelpy 1114" Ir him;
art: mess
urtthl • ." • •
DETI:1;311N" CD A N .CONL,I4)IiN'T
. „
13 rc:gards :Ow ..,,:uprprters of Giveley
r an,tillhowl4 I fluelliLit thu
f . , nforliwit„tlic•y- are the
lc a di:...-vonnigt.i4l they also Tio very
tiO44 - anti. Bien Jr' the - "Ch;inner,,t lc
ha N. :•11 - 51iiined. the.Ciff.
.etanati :old :Baltimore. nominations. innst
ably Ant:licit - 4114.11y voie , i, pen and: 1114)--
,ney—telq,raph, natt elfeutiragingly
to the . nonl : lossinniti . ,i.lonitnitton„front All
pirrts of the country, ciinn&ciling'inerenr:•-•
e(1 tiothity anti - e'xprt;s.lit* ciitifidence iu
tho election ortfOraeo.Or4 , elerin.Novnin-;
a li
phcanu, Qn the other hand,..,. •• - •
Tnt . pnINT'VFNDMIS ATTnalr,' , Antycnt .
wlienjhey fet toguthey.:in.sceret - c . nicire
a'dityngli they hare isgrcia.l :do .assunic, ;13
a matter or course, that thelaistelectitMs
IMVe - VirtuallY tailed the'l.l ) 6Sidentiat
question, and that the yoto'iniNoyentor . .
will het a mere' mat ter of • form. 'This. of
court; for the•frelsie- - purp4i :3aletrtir . -
aging their own•rattk,and .file, ~tiseortrrig
ing the liberals, ancleuticin7, to ; tite.statt- - 0
dartl of the party of hate,
_retieuge f 'cud
guilexal •discura; the timid;:the wavering:
tlie - "ituoratit,' and' every • "unprinuipled
scoundrel in th lan doritO -, yegardluzata.
Ids ownconvietions f -iftut has a11Y,.tc.141"4,:
a.point of alwapt Voting
probaltsuccessful cantlielitil: '
ALN' A.11:10rA1:D.1,0•
Let tp ► httle,,incidehtwhicle
will serve, to illustnittv the critical fiestien
of the Grin) tites, as Viclived . and, detailed
by one of their strOti 4 64, - rteli Onii day
last week, as 1: was Sitting writing.. a/I
alone tu a semi-pritateparlor.of,
some seven nien;sannter,vl in, one.
afterilie other, at slioit interVals, ; all of,
villorn I reco.,), , iii-4.dn's Tehiling . tlumiiBtra-;
litar men, and personal rriendsof Grant,
Men who orighmte-.camiliiign-
. tnettintes
fur the linrcess Or liw,tparty„ saperini end
their exec:n:l , m, raise an tddlstribu fuo , ; ,
NCO- ,
dent?, 1141 li=tifiW each Oilcan: ,
.conversa floc" soon ;fount:2 . llp on
'engregsing topiei tincatim,-,tiliepojitical
un reset. se: t11;1). - 1".lia.:A. confident : LI; ey
tools it fer - geenteil U . 17;13 itr - nympathy...
with thous, eaeli ' Pisec•intnei. that
one or more.of thdotheniknew
sure von I felt sameT:tutt. at : eicse, din t
cis l'had neither forced mcself"lncaiii
them nor stolen s !iiittiOf
inimical on . ine• - -and a.; it4o . hapilenial
that ray position in the roelu' was - suah
lint I await not leave it withont uttraet.
.ing general attention, 1. conk:laded - 1.0 -.te
m.:tin and lalce, the few notes. from WhiCh
I coal msc.. onin ion - Of
A LEADING G11A.:"..T .I.lA7:ii catEr.i.:ty's
. . „
. . . ..
"NoW.gentlemen" said the silealteri who
b . ,i4 beet- midi, dilbir'ed ti daring u full
wing destiltorj interchange,
ot_erw vieiiS'of
soine 'twenty-minutes; anti lyas . - i rifted''
to giro the. (;. , :,trie iiis . real .opitlion;r7as
among friends, ;tad. williont.iiity 1.-serve
I, whatever, on the, respective, : praspeels or
, the two eandidateJ fur - the l'res.ideney
-I "Ntiw, gentlemen," said be,"let us look ,
at Ivhat , l 9ouceiy%-to b , e. a fe . w.tmil , elliab , le
f 1..A:(.6.,.51:pien it will nut
_0,0:4175C tor tvepno- .
I liearis to ignore in deciding upintt lie stray
1 tegy to be pursued by the - . party - diiring
1 the remainder -of the' campaign. Loi,lt.
tat the figurc.4, and ..I think - you will arrive,.
1 however reltictantly,ht the conclusions to
I which I haaie been forced lir theta-4that
t rrn can't Miura tcplese a...grogle -poiiit fit
Ithe game. ' If wo - du - we're .gone: - . We
- must not ret:t_aii effort:-".We itiistortirk.
up to the rely last hem.: .- - Our mep.inust
be - made to understand- that. Ifibirr.ef
..foris to diseourage:the'6' reelefineii by as
'iintuing to
.be invincible, - we -mai :cause,
some of the - into desert their stand:ad. and
A lake no.j . nrtlier part in. the contest; and n'
I felt , of them" ici,iotn our t: oltks; but..there
is reason to believe thatilieci defections
will be inconsiderable: '. Let its not rely
I upon - then': . .I.;et us father take care that.
tiits.bra,,, , tringof 'ours dbeittnit - .have the
effect, or.maKing the republican masses
'1 oiler-confident , std eensertuently.les's ac
live and -watchful than lliev have hither
t to been, and still'oUght tit lie. Gentlethen
i Jot us henceforth base stir hopes RM . !. our
1 , vatiefnutions_upou eakailatiobs _deduced.
p:ag SURVEY 02-Tin:yl(3mi
reput4he.uis dpwai• ti forget
Ily that Urecli'is ; mor4lly eertaiu of the
leieeteial _votes or, / tatt l e -states, south. a
Mason and Dixou's line but two—South
bare.lifia awl This mill give
him the following eleettirai'vot4;a---;-
... . .... . . 'lO
, =Delaware,. 3
Florida, ... ........ ....... 4
Georgia.— ... . ... ... .. . . . 11
Ken tueky, • • 12
- Louisiana, • -
. .
North Carolina, ' • 10
Teintesseei ' • 12
.Xirgitiia, • 11.
Wezt ‘,
= Total; (14-
'wai ever:any. doubt or gree
-14.s g ettin g dit..vot6 of the alwy.l.
: rrt) fate,, bore eau ;be unlit; now. • Tio:
Georgia idectiou- . as• :settled ttlat,•que.. , : tiou
is my mind; beyoUdli—doubt., It i$ uo
use: to toll inc we called Noi:tli: • Ca.rOlioa:
in .Augug; • Vre t•peut'aluip.. aroo ltl ft - o f'
money, thero,., inuudated tho,,•state .
with s,ipea!:ert.; MI6 eauttia; te-aiff W'spu
Lv go dole. plitjqr
;iy mas inii:gu4ieaut.. - ..tesid.•: , ; • ,.iiille(!
A0„ , ,,11 , ..i . 0jeeti0u,e, - inie tht;..inwi t ,aetive
. c
Neratia ,
New 11.ampshire,-;;,.
Tat:d"" '7l)
Now;•actitleinen, I put it to yoti;eatidid
ly, whotlier•Oreeley's getting
61 of • these•;9-votes arc not fair, are•they
not more than_ fair? ;Is he net certain .to'
o•et 411c;ra untes.s :ye _work; even .bardei"
halt 1:111 . 9 worked hitherto'? Nita:
York arta'Neri JerseyWere'generally'eon
.ceedtal_tii biol . before we got intoxicated
• over the I'emisidvania election; tied Lam
assured -that_ Iletulrick who•hu.-t-•jOst de
feated. as'in Indiana,• is_ going to .strunp
his state, and thre' the whole WC.ight - of
his personal loan - elide, - which has:' Lech
laigely.increni e ld by the prestige' of his
late Bacons. iu Taver. of .I.coritez , pa w ,
- 4
New Yorli . ,..Nely.lerses,and•lndituniovu'd
give Greedy, 59 of the 111 _rotes_ _tic eezisari•
to elect him. ...For the - Other' two vetei he
Would lnive-ierrely . upon Cidiforaia, Con
..nectrt;nt, NeW•llantp . ill ire:. Or -r
hate tint::_kept:the Tun -ta7' polities hi' :the
lat!pit - Btttc., but of .the -three'-other;, I
Skou'd, say„that Co - o
act:tient. Itidgilig
the recent elections-hi thitt state; will
thinly 'go for'Grerlcv iu November,' u 111 s
we Teave'olif •bOgging,' . and gd- - to work,
and. thatCalifornlia rind New."Llianp , ,hi
will -each- give..its vote to the party : ilia
works hardest to obtain it.". -
- At . this point the speaker .waid nferinp
by-t4 eutrineaof t!free. - ny font.-
publican mas,mates who". had jn:it. arrived
frorp.theia:e. battle .i as . ,in P.enn 3ylva
nid, and durin,g the. »nise - and eaufwilon:
"InY -note "Groh
end - ilippd away nnobi4ervol. A: Id.
_•. , .
. „,
Ir_ , ,
I '''.4. tima tlicra aq
yr., the fildie - ar reign
,• bags n, When - a -ni ein h‘ar of.". Col igress wits
i allowed •to be - an , honorable man. ; Litt
iaow ." when.vita" provalls- and An:titian:s -
Menleat:sWay, (he post of lionar is it pH
) va;.e s.taticin. Within
,tho . ixtrilas
1 the.itignidtion of hsanrch in; eanl'aza has
ibiought tOt,ght almost incredible . discita 7 ,
Isar:as,' As,fiva,ai t ix,' Pru.:dential' candi
t, tlateS are r.oncerneil; ibis may h.-, 6[4 0 1 as
r thd . ro knit (if :t It es.! revelatioas; that Grant.
Oa as -I rented thb palraitaga of •th a gavel.] 1-
F Inept as hit Personal.preragative, acid has
1 beep' thereby iinmensdy iir,,fit,2d:whilepn
I the.. Other. hand There Eves, not-,the man
1 . -who It its or cal.lillaTis.stully charg4 Iforitiaz
1,. flisaiiley with volawfol-reciertion or reteni
j lion of, one siagle:pemic of the- pablia
t tails..."iff ire step into:llla' broard , r pal
!. dte . of :official life, into tho - Congresinonal
Ipc.iot; the corruption iq no ‘rer. , -;e, brit only
=mait:- Tile main bughiess • of Con
f. gressis jiihhiag legidation; for' the per
soma 'interest of it's many members. 'Prue, -
. thin is; - Otlaasionally, genertil'-'le.gislatitim
i brit it bits n venomous, partisan parliaie,
t inch. •irert ho liosttlta' enactments against
the South. .•-.' ••.-. -,..., -, - :-- •-
. . , .
The'retlilo l'rhinder, snsioile4l
by - the'reongfeisii,ni . al planginrinit;Ji the
hare lieen
nated'to railritad'eorporations,
.14.1io;t:e. lines
uninhabitell.gentlynJ 4
are:tweaty-fireyears in ad , ianee. of lee:Ll
...!Or Cooke:Lite banker,:in hie
- :l4iOvectifs Lite 'Urea tr.val tie 'of the
. bends .of . the Northern Pacific.' Itailread.
i4iserta- that ! hind: grant-.
to this etiinpany,exceetla hturea the whhle
0f . . - Ne'w,Enirlanal - with Maryland ineltl
any'saiie man presurne that, Con
ess - considerinr; the future - need's of
growing population, and the • just claims
of ;the hualess:settler, has :the power, or
nuthoritv to lavish upon a single-corpora
tion "millionS of acres otottr choicest put).
lie hinds? - - • :
We;.rre, not left to presumption in these
Matters... Old members of Oong,,resS ven
tured New - England Sttcs to brave
expoSnre arid - seek re-election.-. An notice
Canvass called out the proof of Many dis
.Cretitable acts; The.moSt notable of: the
eamlidate,s was Blaine of : - Maine, the
'Speaker of the.nottse. lion. Oakes Ames:
engineered.threngh Con ^Tess -nynelt !
lotion iti' the - interest of the trldarfl'aeit
lc Rend. : In connection with this road?
occurs an institution borrowed .from 601
corrupt regime . of Napoleon Third—the I
Cre(lit -The - rase:day' ,of
ozotic, like 'the SyndiCate; flonlished fort
awhile-on the - strona tlrof its inysterY..-.-
The jobbery that hooey-combed the brie-.f
sonar government of .the Emperor, .and
reached (Mtn its imperial bead tlifeti,7lll
his' Whok' military mass, deidroyed the '
empire, making -tit traristo - eracy hail 1
'mercenary, the wattle jealous:mil bike -1
warm, ripe for the Gemini' sickle;
When rogues fallout .honestmen come
by their own. -The rascals of the Union
Pacific quarrelled over th - e. spolls 'Of 'the'
eictlit . ..ll79.ncr. Litigation enstied. flit'
paper in the suit embraces the .names of '
Henry ZS it nit. N. N. candidate ,fer , Vice
President, - . Cantwell ? ' f.zi:erc.triry-'of - the
Treasurv, and . .111aittc. et= Maine . ,Speaker
.the flati::c. - `tip re , eipients ofAlni
der.- Just heave) ! "can snots-things-be;
and overt:cane. its - .like=a -
altbonr, our special - 10'fo:Ildf.!r.?"
Mit fluitthe - various numbers of Congreis
intplieated by the Peters tiled in CoUrt.
have made :plausible clenials.e SO. ‘lid
Tweed, sei
,One . fitot ean
tiat,tai oat. - Teti ' years - .ago
Speaker, Blaine - Was Et man of verymoder
'ale famine, tewlay his wealth, exceeds (Mel
million' of '.dOlbirs. nary-. 'of
-Clairte as was . said the - Miller.' there
arc two factSoarte which everVbody.kno we,
and Ond,,which rerPrylio(lV don't,. that . a
drives a' fat horse. in 4 no I
whCTo lie lays his grain.
-Mr. Speaker:the day ;nil! came, - 'when;
7r(Iii111)1 . 40t illi(n)eCT to atinei t it .white
washing .6 - ntrimittet.s.. , That day of Wrath;
floatdreadful dov.w ill ii.rl:?Tv.n . yertako Non-.
To-day it is litAboint . to.ealtri - ofait
inarkr t w . f.) ttr people Will regard: iiet7,
iOnable tOcall. a; Man Tlt ,Oongressmatt. 7 -- -
Exchange,. : =
1 '. - -7. - It L v don't ' - the gentliliten , in -Ife.-•
T.c f riiit4 3 fist
• Iri, the hack of. 04kes Ames's
kttetterer tii the lattt:tr_peraous in. their
demids ? . ....-11 ai
leY have tYant 6 wat of abaft .
------c.- ...a, 4.-- ---. ' lerelk t tOnpapers and Iliii "Greeley - slaw.
-,The Sixteenth Pone,resAlonal dittriett(ll,,,,t 'is- i tll4 ' lO7 'fitjltl6if 7 th in ts ° ! cha lla rge n ;
luta,•‘fnin returned tt d ' • '
, ~ to- einagogu°, ves 3. ' "t_i t alt' r -
na, to til , ?'.ltiatipaal Itonie. cif &like:vain . - • a ''''l l ' s- i' to •,
fit ' t .'l4.' N and Cfreswelfen iiil bin be able t'-. .: :-. - -7 -- . - " ,. u ---------- .. ..
to vti t. iliti= i ,Cherrnning ' elaTtn. , throunit - -- .Sylin i-9) saide Y;Sm MaCaltiil ,61keti
flu ' ,--: - . ,-. . ... - ' like :.I . bdull ill br:viga.. •
.• The nalicale gcottntirets. who have been .
engaged in , thePollutiuti.of the Lelia-boar.
itt Lancazter - are - bein , • • brattglit'tiii to tho
rttek. au example`,.whicli.shoultl. be fellow;•
td in.this every without delay. Let the'
-parties who have hen • &filly of bribery,
repoatinig end-other election. frinids, be
iminrdiatels arrested end thekr - .niinlwork
laid t e r theirvisinrons prosreatien. Erie
dettees ntL
fraare' numerous; arid man,y
or tbdpe4:tratord aro known. •
The Lancaster Inteliirencti• refers to
the Diet arrest rend° in that. city as
. „
: -WO have alreadY 'mentioned the ''cliarg l ,
les bredglit 'alminst' Jacob ' unpson :and
I - Dr. lleury lt. 31.uhlentnirg,, the former of
'an OtteMpt to bribe an elOtiOn ;officer.
And noW 'a:l)6oler' of oiler:Wig:4l. .oftlei.als
i's le:far - red .With- it t tering fap.6 b'aturaliza
• " —l - following'lld .. t.
; t:on papers.. • t le a i as' was
I made bcfurc Ilk Honer Mayor l'yfet. last
( - . , veliiii: . - . - - • -: •
~ .•• . ".. •., . -",-
Lti,lrtis-kr e•s . 7 - :" -- ' ! • ' •
. . ,
'll.lwe ine,-Treil: S. .Pyrer, pcisonally.
c:tine Fortuna:Ws J, Frey,. who, being du
'y sworn.' dePoses_ and says that Elias
'Ulla in -did, on or about the 30th day of'
, SepteMber, come - - to :your' deponent and
I obtain from - your deptinent 'his deelaiation
I Of intention, of:becoining . a citizen of the
United States, stating. at; the time . that ho
would get his naturalization 'lapels, and
furnish the Eatile . fo hitu.'That on the Bth
day of October,' ..t. - li % . 1872, ' said . :Elias
31'3Iellen sent to-your depOnent a 'natur
aliaation ;paper,. which _purports • to - hare
' keen issued by the court- of quarter
sions.of the city and &nutty of Philadel
ulna; 11;41ell cleclares • fhat your .deponeht:
has lieon exminned in said court and. ad
milled to 1.4-' a eltizen- of the;.
States.. :, Your deponent I,furthor says that
said certificate of naturalization. was
fru ad tile tt tly:f it rnislicd. hi in for the • put
poise-of being fratulttlentty, . used. • that
yourdeponent . .was not - ekamined - and
sirorn7in, open .eQuit ; ihat he - never was*
iu . the court. of . quartaz :s.eSsions: of the
ivaCe ift;tind for the city of .Philadefphia •
that he itever'ivas zweru - in any Court -to
'otit:.-itt - Said certificate :of <,naturiilization;
that he knew tiot hint. about , -said '•deitifir •
'onto ttotil it was haMled to him "On,."..the
dor ch.c.tio. --, • -- • -• _ - -
- _ Fomrts'Atn . s J. Firkat.
: • Sivoiii stilseriLell before the, Oct*,
her3s; •Tamit.S...PfrEß,
:IP:Milieu, it will be. remembered Ist
the, select
.cOliceilmin for the Third
ward;nrlio was never selected to the scat
who:so - title to the sent will be cOnsideied .
hy.sci..•et tottneil'when it reorganizes this
aiteranon. Ire trlfs held to bail in the sant
of E.. 500 for a hinricg„on Monday evening
• nekt, of the charge brought against' him
by Mr: Frey. * -
- Dr. 1f....E. 'Atublenburg - and Benjamlp
Ellr . :Th:4, thalkst chirged attemping
to brit.... Iteinheri...l:einer;_jullge 'of .eleo
-dohs of the Eightli - ..wartl, and the second
charge:l with acting as the tleetar'angent
its thd matter. appeared before Alderman
'Amwe7, yeAA!rday, waived . a.hearing, and
etit4r,il trul itt the .sum of *5OO. to -an .
The Williantipurt -Sta,rlarti' contains
the full..)wing sensible and patriotic -views
coneel nine. the duty of thi. fiemocrucy iu
the present eon teat. 'l'o-fail-M. •the " stip -
port of Greeley and trenorl, aud to - give
an' impracticable vote for irnEwssible' can
(Elites would merely increase the tiinmpla
of an insolent 'Partisan foe:
. . . .
- The officers of the, Liberal Republican
conitnittee. and, indeed; the whOle organ
xation,, ‘vorkod - aft the - ,most determineil
energy for BaCkalew and the .wholel
et. The Democratic party. 'therefore, •if
for no other motive '
-Aphid Make every'
effort for. ancl- Brown. As thc . lib--
er.ll repahlicaus voted for all - our Candi
dates,. the Democracy-owe it to Ahem to,
vote -for their : candidates. -It ,hopeti
every,De.macrat in the country will recog
nize ibis honorable- oblietion, no matter
how any 'one may - have =felt-about. the'
propriay of - nominating - Mr:Greeley:-
1:h, editor of the Slamlard hi one of those
who slid net approve the poliey of accept.
leg the- platf...rin or nominees of the Cm
cipna vefition—lieriot and does.'
not . ' believe-that it wits -- tri . 4;ii or:yin:Ter to
do eb, but, over-toiled, felt ehslaty bound
him in. such case to vied to the jtidgMent
of the ma,tority. Now bo feels more in.
'climoT;to yield to theactioitof- the-Bilti-:.
. •
more - con vent ion, Li:cause .
of . the goad !
Nith of, the liber:4 of Tivcoming,connty
in Alm- recent
.e.oritezt. The nemecracy
Owe it to the liberals to ha C. 23 attlerCila to
tlierll . lid they were to mi..: • • . • •
:The elvet - oral lielict :in Opposition to
Count Woi.'noinimit.‘d :the demooratio
- coo yen:ion' at,rcuding.. It Is' coniposed.
of &meet:it:L..= It'etivht,.therefore.. to be
supported b fevery.dilp
o'in.` in I yeaming .
cnaiaty _
-•_ • .
. _
I,eCtlie - disaster of o . etober
no:mart froldtlischarginf; bis - du4' to iti3
.country . antl If 'no ether
can be .accornblished; let our votes its
I coiled tt stawling" protezt "egainst :the
l• tirong-clein tbe tiranfatiministratfen.:..
Let out• united vot.e . stuil. or
lire, to. warn &Ur:country:lieu 'against,: the
tli. , struetive action of Um - . present federal-.
iauthoritiea. „Let every Jan n r anil especial
-414 i is ri
and tlien if ill erjusequ‘inees 1- the
action of tb tratjorit',..lii-eut. least will not
be:to - - - •
. .
tlrulocritts . , rnr „your. ,
ti Sliciy thlt tlinngt t
j'Qii at u-dert;ated; yoa. aro. not disniayed.
and that if you are in o minority,s.ou stilt
illtvb : the manhood ata.theconrGe to, dis.
ei.:;ygg yaur duty: ' •