The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 19, 1872, Image 4

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X3.3rc3l3.l:usxt. Maiest. • -
1:(1? TOE §I.73VESIANNA.cganv, •
Ilela Sept. lith, 10th, and 10th, 12:2.
Divbieni 1.-llorses.
Best Stallion tiro of best yottrlipg . colt,J.
• P•' Tingley, . 40 00
2nd hest, It S. Searle. . ' • 000
Best I I eavy Dratt. Stallion, William Carpen
ter. 00
2nd best, I). V. France, ' . - ,3 00
Bent Quie sl. Draft-Stallion, E. L. Weeks. 600
nil best, 3lamitall Chrisman.. 3 00
st, Brood Mare and Colt, Gcorge.Cool. 600
2nd best 11. C. Conidin. . 300
• Beat Single Gelding over 4 years, Jerome
Bush. , OO
2nd bent, Wm. IL Cooper. 3 00
Bert Single liars, over 4 years, E. L.
Cool. Diploma
2nd best, If. IT. ?railer. 3 00
Bent single horse, not raised in the county,
James E.,Carunit. 3 90
---`,„.. Brat pair matched horses, sloes In county
II C. Conklin. 6 00
2nd best, FL B. Vancott. 3 00
Best pair matched horses rbot raised in coun
ty, B.l'. Stark. 5 06
- Beat pair It Tr, old colt, Samuel iLorton. 4'oo
2nd beat.,J , ti J. Young. , 200
- list 2 yr. old colt, (gelding.or zucam,).Ederin
E. Tilted. 3 CO
Best 3 yr, old colt. (gelding or mare,)
00 .1
.'tamp Reynolds. • 3
Best 3 yr. old stallion, L. T. ilircluml. 300
•, Best yearling colt, Borneo Brewster. 200
fastest pair working horses, IL IL li.arrin- ,
for. ' 5 0i)
Fastest s - ingle trotting horse, C. IL Chap-.
David 'Snorters, Gardner Babcock, - Enoch
Division IL tlass 2.—Durliarns, ~
Best &rhino bull 2 yrs and upward% 11. C. 1
Conklin. , . .s.'i
-1.1 001
`r 7
.._ 3 ay,
rtgrrill u e 21:01
I Bust 0:111m10 hull Iyr :ad cipTcards, IVm.
9 00
It Jessup.
nest thirluira heifer 3 yrs old, A. A. Church. 3 00
Best oarharn heifer 2 yrs old, A.A. Church. 3 00
'l3csi durhum heifer 1 yr old,ll. 11. 6kiuncrs 00
Lest linrinun bull calf. A. A. Church. 5 410
13c*t thuhntu heifer calf, Wm. 11. Jessup. 2 00
Class ll.—Grade Duritams. • '
Best uruic cow 4 yrs and upwards; F. M. 3
Bet grade bsiter 3 yrs olcl, H. H. - Conklin. 3 00
Best gra , le heikr 2 yrs old, 3 00
2rid best 2 00
Best 4 grade scallinV. n. IL Jessup. 300
Beet 4 q-side calves, - 1.1. C. Conklin. 800
2nd host, Vim. IL Jessup. 2 00
Best grade calf 203
Best .rode 'heifer calf. 2 00
1111. Fisir. J. Tewksbury. IL-—
Dirisirr 11, Class 11L—Dcrons.
citld and . upwards, J.
C. Muter..
2nd best, E. T. Tiffany. ' 3 00.
Best devon bull 1 yr old, D. it. J. Banker., 3 001
Bes,t-affrOTl TOW 4' yrs . ma and upwards,l).
J. Banker. 001
2nd best, C. J. Pollster. R 00
Best deYon heifer 3 yea old. D. &J. Banker. 3 00
2nd best, D. J. Banker. 200
Beal, (loon beifer 3 yrs old, C. .1. 'Hollister. 3 00
2nd ,best, E, T,,Tiffsuy. 2 CO
Best deron ha 'r 1 yr old, J. Banker. 2 00
Best deyou buTl calf, Drinker b Noble. 2CO
Best daroa bolter all; E. T. Tiffany. 2 02
Class W—Grade Devous.
Best grade bull 2 yrs oid old and upwards,
W. T. Austin. oo I
Best gradocow 4 years and upwards, D. aca
J. Banker.
2nd best, E. T. Tiffany, 5 00
Beat grade heifer 2 yrs old, C. 7. Pollster, 3 00
2nd best, C. J. Pollster. 5 00
Best 4 grade yearlings, D. &J. Beaker. 300
21 best, C. J. Pollster. '3 00
Best grades calves; E. T. Tiffany. 300
2d, 0,1., Hollister. 5 00
Best grade bell calf,ili. T. Tiffany . 2 00
Best grade luiffer mlf. D. st. J. Banker. SOO
Cass V.—Oxen anti Steers.
P,u4r,tr woritin Qum, Joslsag. Pettis. tto 00
2d, P.C. Coit 3 00
pairs years, E. T. Titrany. 300
.ad, Wm. Austin, 2 00
Pest pair steers 2 'years, James Calph. 3 00
2d, M. A.. Wiis=rt..l. 2 00
Best nail' tilt eUttle Horace Roberts. 5 00
• CleV,VlL—ltyrshires.
Best ayshire hi311, - .1. F. Butterftele
13est ayrshire cow, Christopher , By
ayrshire heifer 3 years, J. F. Butter ,
Sekl. 3 00
2,1. Christopher Byrne 3 00
Best ayrshire ItelPr '2 years, Christopher
Byrne. ii 00
Best nyrshire heifer 1 year, Christopher -
Byrne. - - 900
Best ti . yrshire bull calf, Christopb'cr Byrne. 4.0 t)
Horace Brewster, Georze Harrison, E. C.
Potter.—Jutigm . .
Class VlTL—lterds. •
Best herd 8 short horns, MutiLs Es Bra-
• StO OD
Pest herd 8 decons,D. 4,5; S. Banker. - 10 00
Best herd Barrsldres-Chsla. --- rn - me
yea, uera o glad - C.short hots, a C. took
-5 00
test herd 9 grade &eons, E. T. tiffany. 500
Best herd S grade ayreldres, S. F. .13, utter
fieht 500
David Marsh, M.. L Catlin, W. F. Aostin.--
J udgas.
Dlvistela ILL—Class L
Bc.t Inn wool buck, Wzn. Taylor. , #.3 co
Best 3 fine wool owns, Wm. tnylor. 3 00
Beat 3 Axle wool lambs, Wm. Taylor. 3 00
Asst course wool buck, MorriA & Halpin. 300
20, F. U. Bunnell. 2 00
Best 3_courso wool ewes, Morris & Halpin, 3 00
21 lllo:ris & Halpin.. . , 200
He 3 warn wool lamb. F. IL Bunnell. .3 00
Ben middle Wool back, I). S. Gregory. 3 00
20, Wro; T. Austin. • - . .2 00
Best tl middle wool ewes, F.H. Bunnell. 000
2d, D. S. Gregory. 2 00
wool lambs, C. MS; Chapman. 3 00
Class '
East boar, Etltvir - 400
Sohn Brown, L. T. i3irchard, E. T. Tifrany.—
Best triolurkeys, Drinker and Noble:.
2d, J. S. Yount?...
Best trio dark brabrank, 3. F, Ilattertield. 200
teolSgtit bralttnr.s. P. . 300
ly nu
.. -organ
box ffi
k Jenne.
2d, IL C. 3 eaaup. •
Best trio hat;aburv, E B. Anstin.
2d, E.
Best trio lognorns. J. P Lyons.
Best trio ducks, Drinker and :Noble.
2nd, Lind3er..— •
Drinker oblo and Dr. Latkrop exhibited
some finc•lloittleps, Dr. Balky and J. P..... kora
immo fitic 'Bmatams, and P. V. Contain:a 'nor Of
Cochin, all of which in their class 'would have
. ...been worthy or a premium bad one been offer
ed, and I , :e weldd recommend that Ibese mem
tits be addcdlo the Premium. List - another sea.-
6Cra. r3.l ' _
It 11. Tiost , ,*thouy Beek, D. S. Johnson...—
aor ea
V; snore;
ratio ix
out the
Division W.—class 1.-73omeKlucts.
Best June bluter, Mrs. John Brown. t 4 00
2d, M. Ball. 2 00
B e st. Septenaber bOl4nr, notate Brewster. , 4 00
2d, 11. C. Conklin. • .1-- ' 200
Best butter nniflo by girl less than,lB years
013, Melissa 2 00
21,Thuusa Dare% 1 00
Bat slew:, 3'. F.. Butterftell. 4 00
Class U.
- 44 east to
. 11 in Is'
rir raft
t ly
. _ -,..... _ .
821 bushel cora in cur, I', O. Colildli, '-_"' 07
d, Joseph. Vowere. ' - 100
=lent white =winterwtttracBainuel Ilorton. 2 430
21. George IValker. . 50
Bost spring wheat, 1 I. Lindsey: 2 00
.2d, ITm. IL Jessup, - 0
iltst oats:, W(n. Scriber. • 1 00
D. Brews - A(7,l)lmM Sayre; 14; .V. Babcock.-4
Cots nr.—v(l.,tcabit.,
Best ossorttarntiodt apples, M Catlin :,
t d cs' tlssnrt j t cs tigtw 'Bo
f a icr 4311 . en.1 II? I
2d, P. wheaton . .
"test assortment poor, _
2d, 1 7 ; For . ham.-
ssortraeat quittees, Atm Tames B
00 `
JeesiiP, 2. 00
:t,:....;i.w t~twvt~,llll-.UhJ.~iUU:uyf...,~::w~:,,-.,,,~1td{,.~,K.Dur -Nxis,....:a:-a
ten .3 cald)ams,..lllrato Hibbard: -.' -.: -- -, -1 00..C.'.--....:::::-.16;,; , E a A ., , ,.- v ,i., , ,,,, ittni .. ip ,...,
do. winter squashes, Z. A.Lludsey. -1.-D) c. ,,,. do swwk., " ,..,.,..
d_ , ,:i. , pumpkins, G. 0.11111; , -'r'• ao , ...„.,..,• --...,-..—:,.....-.,,—,..--
go.- j2.0at0a4.,,mt, - ..:callin. . . ... - ao . Lpouplocrows 1ti..1.) V ii111.14.1t COL
. d 0... 10 bets;
Z. A.. Lindsey.., :: • _, op JUP LEG IC.—ltiotati4ll lAttructiou. ileallts(W. a , . el
10 . Opt a tht tno.t eArcfraly COI. MI6 1
• t °3l3t°e.s' 114 A. ' 13"8'9.- . . ..
' . ' '',513 ',
anduini.itu:alus°c;'a'inc",lta.tittato , to t. cbtat,. For ttrata,
do, .%-balliel potauica, Z. A. thidgey. ' 50 . 1 ete„ address 13ev. JOLIN /. VII Al - et-LEY, rb.D.
-- do ass.)rtineuiy , * trays; S. B. 31.1z804 43 06 '
:14, ICIP, - ,.),Vlle , iton.' _ . -50
130 t eidervinegar, Dorado _Brew' st cr. - . . 51)
1.1(1 maple 5u,,,,:1ir,-.,..l..Adanis. 1 60
1.!. F., Bead, W,....X.: '
(IniSsrunn, W. .1., Turren.
--; . =.luilmis; .' ' . .
. . ... ..
- ~ -DirWOrl V.-.-Class L—tarringu.
Bast-double carriage; W. T.110%105. - . t. 6 CO
qlli ,, la " f:. d. licnt, 600
- :.,
"- BeiniCcnlt I.:non, 31 Is. t.Latlin.
ClasS Ir.—Tat:cuing Tools, etc. plow, Seyraolir Iron. Beam, S. 11.. k. D.
Soym -
__ . 3 00
Best cultivator (Curitartla Pulverizing,) L. 300
D. Peek. -
Best horse rahe,_. L. IL,Peck. - 100
" washing machine, Barringer's .Trojan '
Steam %limiter and Bleacher, W. R.
Whltheels.. - 1(0
• Class JR.—LeathCr.
'nest 3 shim sole leather, J. U. a . g.. P.
Hunger: 1 Op
.1. A. liowoll, L. Campbell, Ifyde Crocker. Jr.
--Judges. 1
- 'Committee would recommend discretionary
1 premium to W. W. Smith for spring bed, ai
-Iso B. IL Sayre it . 13ros for well curb.
Division Vl.—Classt.,--Domestie Mnnufacture.
Dist 10 ;yob flannel, Mrs. O.N. Tiftany._ 1 00 1
2d. Mrs. Dr. Kent, .
Ocst woolen carpet, 'Miss Jesse Bissell. - 200
" rag carpet, Mrs. Pr. Kent. 1 00
2ail, Mrs. Orville liancock. ' . 50
Best pair woolen socks, Mrs, M. ITall. 50
" pair woolen mittens, Mrs. 0. D. Titus
" linen cloth, Mrs. James Ilunnell. 1 01
tcareling, MTS. L. T. Smith. 1 On
" piece ei.irnere, !time', 31'. Tiffun*, 20 0
Mrs. 3/..L. °Mlle, Mrs. ; 11. 'IL liarring,ton,
111 . 25.,„W^
Miss /L—Oragamental . Needle -groat and Vine
Best patch work quilt, Mrs IL Kenson. 200
a. quiltot any kind, Mrs. Lyman - Ely, 2 00
" spread, Mrs. Oliver Trowbridge. 2 00
tidy, .hiss Annie C. Searle. - 100
" fine embroidery, Mrs. M. Harrington. 50
" collection flowers, Mrs. A. N. Bullard. 200
- 4 ` vase flowers, Mrs. 0. N. Tiffany. - 50
" bouquet flowers, Mts. M. lltirringion. 25
" exhibitinn engravings, E. e. "V` o rdham. 200
" lump mut; Mrs. L. C. Carpenter. .50
specimen worsted work (heautiftilafghttri,)
Mrs. Jahn 11. Dusenbury. 2 50
Ornamental Ileac-Trutt:, Miss Ellen But-
tertield. . of
Penmanship, Elrs. C. 31. Chd - pman. 1 00
We would also recommend discretionary pre
mium to Mrs. Z. A. Lindsey on Penmanship,
als - o discretionary premium - on bed spread to
Mrs. P. 0. Conklin. -
Committee tind it very ditllettit to decide on
the merits of ntantr articles, as they Were all
beautiful indeed, but Marc done the best they
. _
cs. - fi:V. SIM - 5;13. - 3leCzillnsr; Bfrv.
HA. Webb,—:Judges.
Class lll.—tinenunaerated articles.
Tour Comm ittee on looking over the list giv.
en them for examination, at once came to the
conclusion that the time granted thein:for that
dui . ," was far too limited ttecven hunt up some
Of the articles entered, much less to Carefully
compare the merits claimed for such and to
Judge according, to said merits; in fact - trial of
souse could oulv wettlieir merits. •
And in the outset your cummil tee would rec
mumettd that in rutin° fairs the articles com
prised In this class, or in the most of them, be
entered in the classes in which they would nal,
artily belong. :radii nn pout= is offered leaf it
it discretionary with the Judges to give preud
, tons for the same, or give them honorable Inca. ,
ilion, as the several cases would merit. . .-
The foliun•ing articles, etc., trete altered and
i examined by your committee, viz: ... ~- '
sos 1, 9 and.:3, Toilet set, artificial floweriTnad
snowballs, by Mrs. X. M. Nadakin—nice: •,
No, 4, Specimen was work, by Mrs. P. T. B.
limmons, which was 'elegant mist very beau-
cer Trowbridge.
No. 8. 'Pair slippers, by Kitty Start:, very, beau :
tititl and cAntiortnble to have in tbe
Nos, 0 and.lth Ladts nitlltdres.a, rery oteO ; and
the on/vAult Sound wtth`tbe.zatue tra4 'twrts
• a pity that when worn its beauty shone unre
vcaled ; and sonic nice stocking yarn by Mrs.
gals, Smythe'i 'Went, to be ap
preeinted must be seen, novel in its structure
and deskrn and open sesame at command, by
Gen. S. Mackey.
. .
os. 12,13 and 14, Toilet *set, heirti rig, and
)either basket, very nice, showing. ‘mica pa
tient application, etc., by Mrs. P. C. Conklin.
Nos. Viand 14„,eluderson s agricultural 'steamer
deetati by your Committee worthy. of trial,
by our -promsessive farmers; and Eureka
mowin; machine, by B. A Haddon.
No. 17. Le'ht William mower, by L. R. Peck,
Ctildnet organ, "Silver Tongue," .by
a Isbell. Your„Committee could not judge
of ifs merits as liras locked, mid apparently
the key lost. • '
Nos. 19 and A - Wreath bar flowers and speci
men kurr,wc a rers_fi. 4 c...lo , mug, Lau. wit-
No. 2t, Patch work guilt, by Mrs. Orville Hall
eack. elalorate.
No. 2:2, Cad , Mge afghan: comfortable for cool
riding, in fact just the thing, by Mrs. IL
No, al Tyro pair stoetinP" bY 3 inL • 11 -
C. Conklin. very line null nice. "Iler husband
shall rise up and call her blessed." ' I
No. 24., Kirby mowing machine, eS. Maws
• of Tompkins Co. •
Nos. 2G and 27,"T0n yards fulled cloth and twen
ty knots woolen yarn, both deserye special
mention, 0. N. Tiffany.
No. 28, Two mots pletures;sery pretty indeed,
by Mrs. FL S. Conklin.
No. 33, Three-ymr old chuntiletoninn colt, by
- . Dan, McCracken, shows Ms merits as be
No. 20, Huhn or Syrian tbreslalugmaeldne. by
Rev. Sauf)Jcs:supi orolui the ,enriositie.szt the
- fair, and worthy of mop mention than your
Committee can give, yet still they cannot roc
' ommend it for purchase
,by our farmers for
practical Plabo,'ll%.. , •
co; 31, Variety vegetablesji, C. Jessup, such
ds Syrian squashes, cueunaliers, etc.
Nos. it and Chase hoop road pres, an arti
- &sour 'fanners 'would to well to emantino,
try, and purehnse, owl by yotr Committee
i flame& worthy of a premium, as also the lew
rack exhibited by 3i. ,Stamplicr. of Battle
Creek, Mich. •
No. 3.1, Collection of paintings, by Mrs, llelen
Smith, very true to nature, as true as art can
! mato thera,ani. deemed- worthy, of "pedal
, premium.
No 23, Wax work by Miss Melissa Wells, very
• No. 33, broeer tE Bafier sewing machine, the
old tavorite of the Public:with 'all the Modern
• improvements, by, F. B. Chandler;.-,it works
its own way through thotroricilikekgenuine
No. 39, Peppers,, looked . - very peppery. but
your Committee - .taste, by :Anthony
, No. 40, Hope Ifose, Carriage, lion! orseTito Co.
No. 2. Hope iedidn't - cost tno Mbeh.'
There were many other articles on exhibition
entered too-late fur prorniunts: 'the 'owners: of
which are frothy:of Praish foe:adding to Mae in-.
tgrest aotryariety of till (air. , The -mowing
1 machines your conteuittce wouTX O'er no com
ments upon as they could not pretend to -Jude
as to which was the best without trial, leaving
: that to the good judgment or our worthy far
lAll of yhich Is. respe,eKally ; submittal, ycith
the regret that our tithe was.too limited to 'do
justice to the soldect.. •,. ,
J. B. Lyons, M. C. Sutton; Mi. Daniel Sayre,
+Mrs. W. A..-Creston.--Judgm •
I Foot race, wen by Fronk Jones', 59,4110
Oa& race, Ist prtmaluna, Z, A Lindsey ,
.." ' " 2d
," C,ll, Chapman 1.00
11. 3. Ilarrington, 11. Sherman, W 1
4 tin:—Judgts, - - :
Plowing Mateh, •
istp - =lam . Leyilt. Peck, with L. Omen
2a premiuM t I', C. Cotato, same plow ta 00
~ 1.1, Conlaie, •"- - - 'to
The judßs found h decide,. as Me
of the plowing was the fi ely bmt. . The Heap
p4teht Side Bill Mont used by Hodge set
deem worthy of especial mention. •
11 Kept fY. Babcock,
Job ..Ptuttter,
Aueutt Wanted for Cobblre3
%tit BIBLE for 0,41-. gala
Cee;ravlegst. The beet entelpeipe of Itte
ezemte., Lccrt t, ‘ „Dy , 1 1 1 b uvt
ake welt aliittd roe Ciecubtet euldre:s 11. S, t..luelu m , .• . litsr
A. orsTs h mar -n-rot &Oriel teeel:cr Etowea
Campaign book. with 11,'5 ai ibe cltmittate:e and
lendlpg men nt STEM. VORTRAITS.
A 5 !a tri a day rap' aly and wavily tnada. \V rite auu tee.
Part Ind Ir. fr,.
WORTIIIVTON. DE:STEN& co•,rtuttord, Ct.
Gunianteed Blonds
r,„,..mtla Now York Clty, for sale at prlces that hill
pay orhe l 9 per eonA an thh tnachlateut. 131.1NIC;11'.
DONDS et thh highest graata always on baud.
711105, V. ELIA 4, ek.
ItAtilirlta.l4 Plant-A., Now It'ork.
„ ~.•.. .
.. tlilliAßS Oftlliiiiinii
ERIFOIii Of EfiliTtli.
stove Gloss.
~5„-,,,:„„-,-T..,,„„r ,„„,,..!,„,„ „,....,, ~,,„„ „,
Ltns Than Nine :ion ais.
.. Toth STOW:AiI!: 1:1 . 1:11. FOR IT.
It he don't dare R. Co to the next 'am,: lett don't
wilco ' u
1 into
getoto !Ming . or 'ea :v.4 any (Aide ad pol
C1117 . M.13S OF COMFORT
At the Same Price.
Every robber and Retail Dealer la the l:11:ted States
has, or .111 too.c It for sA . C.
It A. Blatt I.V.TT ,S. CO,,llannfarh:iade ta
Plyhla, Pa.
Orb° Sabf critnrsVatmfirtarcee.or R
Re..r• 2;4111N1.1 r.L11. , .V.ib.c 1 t ree aly
far .11o.thort yet dr:covered. 114ata n-bet ter raw e d or south:ow money refunded. The r.l, vp
In three eizea. Willett retail for tSa:
eowitetnittfro4 price will ha,: ft , e by
Will ut earn zet. Also vetopte. Neer iree to s tay ,1
- i11.1D.'1,4,1111.t.r. it, at t.. w. Y.
Alflitt tiiii-Mit nig
hal provml ir-Mf to be the
Sample curd of bezel:cut rolur , um{ ru ..ue t turn,
from err uere of the she eurtsv,ty fur
Lathed free Ity as tl....turr. t.tutl
AVERILL nkiNT co .
reo,t2,;; Torte, 0,:ct, ,, 1240, Ohio
Milton! , of yialug. and oUt itearlo (b,:th
daily with I.ll,oratoro,l t,
Lty.r, F.l,lfley e. 1 ,0 1 ,11 ^ •
Siva, gialatue , t. drovrtlna., , ,un vnt ar, di-p,1, -Irk a
the 111.1.0,10. 111.11.1110J:hi. hr, hi , rt.-
so". Sa *tr. tV CV eumms :al sun
GULDEN Nevvr fol. in, Cur ;t
Dant.ribe yt , FT clittll.3t
INFIT;II, 6 , 11.011 - 1!. 01,20.
Ls tt) chenpnEt and 13:«t art:clo in too m.ttly . : for
Blurt:l3 Ciotheg. The ts. nuille tel.l Wit
t'i.tnn-ne.. num , . on the I A bel, 111.4 is lett rt,s at W,n,-
.bergeff3rn , ntuna. N41...Z13 Xtorth St. {llo,th I
plan. ni..1V11.1'01.346Lit, l'conricto:. Vet anin
Llrng,:„itts and CrUcura.
&grata Waated.--Aqrnfi. nrittit mum pointy at wort:
Cur aslant, et ao) thing cl.u. 111..1°,6 Itant and
permanent. Particular. (re,. G. STI,EON is Co.,Etna
Jta.t.t.iplarn hitt:and. liatne.
. 4 %.. ,
301 , 'lSt co - x.* a !
Sign of the Golden Eagle and flortar
Derfrato Inform the pnblle (bat we Isee mooed
IT our &tuk orbrugr. Calnip i -011e.Urteqp
ye. Combs. Perfumery, Fancy Artieleb, ote.. into the
Brick Store-, lorracrly occupied 4,y Guttenberg, Koval
boom it Co.
We Imre theentllated ap this 'tare tit Modern Stele
ano aballendeatortuketp welleupplied with all .artleler
pertahilug to the Drug
We extend to everybody n cordial ipTitillort tit ealr
and eCe ad Udell iu want of anything to our itrM. nod
when NOT In want, give as a friendly ON. To 4EI urn
old contor.tere we decamp to expreva oar -Mania -for the
eery liberal .IPatronage heretofore extended to ex. We
thud endeavor to =zit 4 mm 11144444 41 the faate.
Yeti Truly Yourt,
A. 11. DOWNS .
Ilontroee,Eke.q% 1871,
500,000 IN BANK.
Postponed - to December I, 102,
MU= S=OND GRAND GIPT coNcr,rcr in nit Or
the bee n Punuomer or Iltterroget, 001-11 M.C 4 for
fp-Et/weber IS; been behtrneed to DeeeteDer
18 , 2, beemem-the tmenmeletlon ntonlere the few c.` , %3'.
bernre the drawing made - tpbynlcelly bnpne6lble to ei
theet tettbeet d tctrdaytdrltanandnaa t-hort poytpone
meat wan Inevitable, It Won deterettned to.defor IL to
tint Slat media make II theoeteg Mlle by tbe taco of
all the ‘ tlckete. • - -
The motecygienertery to pa y In fop nA.tbd offered
Ittrie - tis tom:upon depnelt lathe Part:wits sad Prort - t'n
.13Palcoie will be seeo by the Intlowlag cerelleete of the
Cottbler. - • - • •-• •
. .
- ., Ky.; Sept. 31, 1b7:1:
"Vide let° ceetlfr that therale naiv an deposit le this
bank peeri.telf amtlilou of defiers, to the ti edit of tho
Qm l °Peen rand, o.o(Krof fe 'held by
bank, ea Tle4eoret of the Public Library of,
to sap off all zif altar:tett at the dretring:'
- • • ' lc. 0. V.BACCI, cattier.'"
1,000 'Prizes. Amounting" t 0...
. _
Z 0:.00 0 I C ASH,
wlßbcawardcd.tLohighest prir");elliz $lOD4fO,
000 f .t23.tonD,' and down -in regular. gtarlatton to litlAt j
Which la the lOvrett... -
The drawing will pordthely and unequivocally. take
December 7,- Agents are veretnptortlY ryquirtd.
20 also mica and mane returns:November .5.1 n -Order
Waiver:n=le ttrne for the llnal arrangements. Order 4
for tickets orappllenttona toreircnlera IFhatzla he ad
armed to ,Gar. 7110 S, E.I.IILAMIX'I7E, -
- :I,brarktitdic Library or. lieetneki,
az ,
Sx!enstrc Funifture Wateronm von Crllo...thitie.ta mest
To be Conn.] In 11.11: cor,ntrv. of 1,14
LI.LOLO:stt .03a C.llOtOt Lott to give tulip ,
faNt. , tn Its mak, 14 ,, ry n , et
V . P
In . ;Intl t mat,.
Linde done 111 tbn TC:ltt , 3 l . Munro.
25 X.. FL X XST Vr• F 3 =I ,
OF V. 5 ItIOUS !Maxi.
I`l3llV. NO.I .M.A.TRASS I . 7. ..S,
1:1,v m iII titer Mali" IL.. r.n.lertnktn ,,
in to, triliOv.^. 11.0t1), )11, colopkOted
mot tlto ro,t WEARO,F, h. OW 1 , 1,110. Gil
wt.: neta lv pwlitpuy-41.1 at
101101:: ,
gitk. -- rj. &MTH Et SON. •
nocaffne, ra.. ,In. is7l? —aoz)—tr.
Ti ...--„--,...„-3-r.a.).
fitTi- j iltAil qpiliffl: EATi •
gi v.-...ii.. , , a b.,2it :atl. A .
1,11.1 •
a uatcae.lll, Ott belt •lert, n,rer.itt
OT ft. tate, . rrart teal. Der ble
1.1.10 , e lan,,icy 1 , ,
it otot...set‘a ,
a. h h p u „a
t; c„.„,
elr .t ,1 tbuitt 11.0 ..I.,.rntor
..-.1100. 1' littler ;0•, , 0, a h .01.1 11
t, 1. •oro.l to
o tthobt ye a.. re rona.l
ovvr . V ),11••r as;l
tb.,....11..11 a, la , .rder triely
. tn..• at, Ito il3 !..1,1 /.•1 r,
•• Ont of •• •
rl•r ;•• 111.11 . • 1..1•1•1'. all.lorair.ed. erbr.
will RI nr 1.0.-1 1 010 11.0
a0.10 , 1). - 0. , 11:1 S b
t .r tee 10,111000 tif
10 11.0 -
• ea
Farb• • labl en!, 10 , , •• .....ral l .y will <ln well
LO ;:ive 0.14 .rv , , Al.l
Iran rtre.
(t - P.O TifiCiti.Y, Proprietor,
N.ol.olsoi, Wyoming Co.,Pa.
...i., ,13
ri ,. , _MALES
-- ik„,41;00 , ' ~„ VEGETABLE SICILIAN
i NlO ' '':.! HAIR
~11 i' .
Every year increases the pof Mari
ty of this valuable hair Preparation;
which is due to merit alone. •Wo .
can assure our old iiittrons that it is
kept fully up to its high standard;
and it Lithe only . reliable and perfect.
ed preparation. for restoring Gala ,
on Faoxn li.tra to itsyouthful color,
maldn,L+ it soft, lustrous, and silken.
The scalp, by its use, becomes White
and clean. It removes all eruptions
and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop
erties, prevents the hair from falling
out, as it stimulates and nourishes
the hair-glands. By its use, the hair
grows thicket : and stronger. In
baldness, it restores the capillary
,glands to their normal vigor, and
Will create a new growth, except iu
.v.tre.ll nni ..-• lt:q timtlipSt eCer:
as it requires fewer applications,
Alva gives the hair a splendid, ri,,F,ty
appearance. A. A. IlaycA, M.D.,
State Assayer of Massachusetts, says,
0 The constituents are pure, and care
fully selected for excellent quality;
and I consider it the Busr Pnr.e,t ,
nxrioN for its intended purposes."
541!pi .11 Dmgatez, and DinPri in "ladicine.s.
PZIOO 0110 Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye.
As our Itenewer in many cases
requires too long a time, and too
much care, to restore gray or faded
Whiskers, wo have prepared this
dye, in one preparation ; which will
quiekly end effeotnally accomplish .
this result. It is easily applied,
and prodUces a ooror which will
neither rtd) nor wash air. Sold by
all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents.
nicnufacturad by R. P. HALL, & CO.,
TTA Saab., Zr.a.
Cherry Pectoral,
rm. Discazes of tha Toat and Lunns,
annn Counhs, Cold hr a, Wbooging
Coach, 13zonalutis, Jiattunn.
and Conauroption.
Among the groat
discoveries of modern '
science, few ore of
:, , ,,,p1 more reel value to
ret f;t " u k a i l re. ndt 4l t nv "kis of
discet‘es of the 'rigout •
rued Lunge. A vast
trial of its virtues,
throughout this end
other countries,' has
shown that it does
surely and effectually
control them. The testimony of our best citi
zens, of all classes, eqtadishes , the fact, that •
Ormuz rzo•romts. will and does relieve and
'cure the afflicting di=orders of the Throat and
Lungs Leyomi any otaer naedicino. - The most
dangerous afrectione ,A• the ruiruotrary Organs
yield to its power; and cases of Consump.
tlon, cuted by this preparation, are pubhe—j.
17 kumvu, eo remarkable as luirdly to' be be
laved, were they not 'proven beyond dispute,
As a remedy !tie adequate, on which the public , •
may rely for full protection.lty curing Conks,.
the forerunners of, more ancients dislVe, it saves
unnumbered Bees, nod' an riMotint of suffering
not to be'commtted. lt,challeago trial, and con
winces the most sceptical. tlyery family should .
keep it on hand as a protection against tl3e - early
and Ituperceived of Pulmonary Affections,
which are easily met at fled, but se!del, become.,
.Incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected Tent'
der lungs symi this defence4 , Juni , it is unwise to
be witlymt It. As It safeguard to children. amid' ,
the clistnessing,,diseascs,„whlch bead the Throat.
andcitest. of childhood, Cututty l's.ciunau
. Is invaluable; for,. by Its lintels( wee,, multi
ladaa era , rwaeil from prenatitte grovel,, Al4'
sawed t' the Ivo -end attection emitted net them
It nets speedily rad surely o„laintt ordiouricolds,
security , . mund awl , t , ringAlvrep. „ Nes
one will ItiCYdciiza
hit Bronchitis when 'Viet know cosily
- titeLean be cured.
; - Originally the:product of loag, laborioni, and
Successful chemical Investigation' no cost. or Oil
Is spared In making , every bottle lice slimes%
poits:gible: perfection: It TITS cenfitleetl,y Te,
1164 apart aktin4asitingsaraci clitisiPalevi ever
ezlattel, and capable of priiiaelug.'eures as act grat.etlt has (au terz.o.4
•., .
. „ .
Dr.). GAYER di 'CP:, :Loh% Mass,,
Practical and Ansi:U.4a
parsircr ALL Dutcoista BvzsYvrtiznz.
• -• .
Bola by .I,bel and Duni &
Montrose, and ail drimsistz - nnd dealer 3 ercv
wbore, - Etta.. 21,
Nubl i ,F,ll;ter;
Eummetsvale, ncer 'jams .t'alph, 519ndui, July
, • z, bt, 11/1.1.1"g1111t, . Supurvuo7u. •
A-vEla - ' •
prldwraterjuna 10,1872.4-11.' ..; •
US irith
fiE2MN.M Mari'
'6 .
evving 31i3chine
no old friends end patrons Snsnuel nur.s cnunt7— . -
L again iu the field sqlieftinj. yols ilstr .e.J..;t: for
The Menai Rowe Sewing thane
F.sT4tausuEn , tar. ntritoVED, vm
l'lcate rnll mud ece It, with the inarrllve , ne•os. ttyld ganemiwr :vlittiuc
11..^a rpolnllloo head.
1100NIS AT--
56 Cond. Street, Ilingharapton, N. Y.,
AVI) t
Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa,
Montrose, Jan Ill=
AOC. iiT-8 Wi-iTF,DI r V errr 'U o: . 1 „.‘.7,ri5,7,?‘ . '3 1
—Mt: 6.1 ilin , rationo, ' like , ooeo .4 th , . ).A,...a,,,15-
beaullfally l.ortnJ, awl iti .nr ad ce 6.41. a ' , fp,.
Its Rulers, aucl Institutions.
scall).r, 111, In A:rikra .v 1 ,0110,1 - or loot clan be
they need. It le an Eery , ',incite nor 11? e 001,enocenr.
Slltaie page , * it, it, ere of ri,einoeleeo In c,rlh the pan; al
, the Weir, (tree ro, pore rued only @s - tn. A Eicla Ma.
Vat for CIIIIVA,,(I*-4ttineo anal c...itar lateen — ferret , .
ranchero and ot a Llnall-o. C:oo agent 1,4.73 ordrre 14 op.
dayx, with cirrwictr cerm a, 11.. tiol: allow, od. 621
A day cut I>e clearer.' le ran , tern e. Nitro nt , ow. GA
l'ircutar moil infer:merlon, Nl:lti NV in11.1.1. , P1:111.1iolliNe,;
10.. Corner l'i In ova Market Streets, l'lnnineiciptila. lao
•ecmber 1. 1E17.-1r
rratior.Tl S, Pet received anal", -ale tow ft,
Gat.h4t. IL J. w LaurN.
N ow Crockery—For: SALE AT
H. 4. NV NW'S.
I lassvcrareFo it S.-k I . C.
J. %V ; AT
11. FIiTS
A slitork 'snit VOR `6A LI: Y 1
/ 1.1 Lll3
flra-ters sad Lemons AT
/11;rHIS cotwa AND ELSE'
J=o C! , "Er
41.-C. TYLER 79 31 OtlitiE. ST., N. V
. .
UI.:NRItAL Out)rry Sl•werlr,
I_,Atin, G 1 t-rr... I,ltbmin, r.ntl mat": rtht,
Ir. n ; ... .
err, ktn , l ol Brltrbe., ; .01:z
10,1, F.:rrrt, ('lrprn
tr7', Tore IM. 11:%rt.r.:tlf1 201 Tl'l 11.1. Pl.. Ira
311 , ta1 , I! t1 , c1.!1,0.1 Mat.) . rny
C'nll).ty. pyr k pi: st, nlno to ther.lky
to 6. o, 1,.t.t •to nd a v.,•nr , ml
in , ;title!, I. ber, fr;r a• 'sell a•
It , h•••t Wr.ll aro n, , ,n a hot
lit',lo en. by 4.4:era mt.:,
rg. a ‘ii.-1.7.L.,1323.
Mvatrorw, Mara:, V, 1,71_ - tt.
SUS) liSl litiiN3 f.:137.1i:0
mars honso snot complot,ll and roller for nerorno
dnrhol of sl.ltore rind the tri,trooot of I.vM,
The forol% 1,47 Are atooog the - knno'n have
been the eve .1.1( the Saf , - - (l , whab. 43l iuiTa l Water.
31 iTts34. EILY:4I ,
CS ti:az:Loouo Xallts 0
To these who contemplate TS,lting the Smiup, we
would eay that the 11011 SE le - FITTED with a view to the
of our G C.ES I'B.l;a:re ettall Ppreo pa Int , la toottiog to
toeitirrolf.tre. IYe georantee oritT6 or &Wed ttOrt,
ror farther pattleolareougelre of, or asii!re.,s
8. 13. UrPESI.I2..VIELI3, c.. Bro., Sintral Eprings,
April, 17, is73:—m3
AI OTTS. 'WOOLE77 MILT. 74 ralwill l 7. as rr , aaL .tntli
4az kll wool. timid., chrrksal akil slilte • al,m
Cation warp Naar'. Um ba-:t Cy.' node; 01l 1 , 001
tweed,. and tarwlturTar.. A taryte l ot or. 61.1114 Ott hand,
forrain or V} cathaogolor wool. Plante Ova Dean 134
bvtaro flikwing. or peer wool diet. herr, MIL tyll
Titer Wirth of nantrori.e. - • J. W. MOTT , ' -
Moatrosie. Jur.t: T. 13:1,
, . .
..., . .
.. ' .. .
' .
For 04 nctirlnntictirn tfin'ean•ln; nnfi.l3nrettunned,on
Prinelpinit of Ovmpv.
errureof Totali and the Fultlo!ilfl44t
In relation to Ilarringth Itrol snulinr
aid for the (Matti. nent tree, Iti euTale. ,
dm.. W . /WARD .54.5.001tat01i. - 11or P. wind.
. . -
CArti , P.NTF:lcti AND- quiLont:---311*-.41*.
& OToNt, efro propaind to do utt {dodo of litOt O.
00. and (320;Tc:in:it Vott, • Stiok•.l l lork,...!.litenory,
AMA r,ozine, 14 Our Job nr lo Any nianucr Su•vtUt co-
Lemon , . AtAn, ouih Sliudg, 1)1).11; 111421 , 1int0.. of nil
Muft, un4 Whitlow that:llo, to order. VI Ito I..unant
toxierauf Is nu Laud. 'Snup fu l'ork. Factory Butt‘ling,
1 1 / 4 _:W.C.IIOIXI!, -•- = ' STAN:XX STONV. • ,
Mont reani - 71.-52-Um: -
• .
• • . .
F' OU •N1 . .. 6. ! -'•
~ . _ . .. . . . ..
.. ,
i' the 0U .COUTIT 11.0C5.8.; In 3101..4Titi141,'n
-1 ) 1, • rAsmoraßLE-ORESS•ITAXI2I, - lato or 11o7r
York tap,- .Entire vailfOoeforrarlit be fovea mall Taw
will favor nor kali ha on. - rtrri.,lo2: 51 , ,,Wi1ai done
in tbo 2iEn.1.7.-n - ls 2dAti2ali...
.. ~, A . , . ViFfielCattlAtra .-"
..*Di ef 5 572 .`" - q* -.•- --,.• -: - '.' ' - .. t.' .". __'a
• .
REtt. s 2 nstiEF
froi•A Oniz>Y CNC,- 'Ptie n n ute3.
.• NO , HOUR
r.A.DwAvs cc:tz For:
Tpwytim List cwt l+ •
Itemootiv :
6. r.1..4 Irl
r,llitt , a7:oll , 11,1 i CPZO. elkll6!),•tp,s..v.hettcrt.t Its•
, tt gal,. ca. orva,, ty aa:l , ,
TT.T6t ONT TO TWTNTI" 13 - 1n7:43.
etz , ci-Alvg vuiti
110A'cii.1:13c.;r1,1,......n, Intim, o''l4ll, 'Nutvout,
protrat.l.+l:ll luAr Icr.
v l Tn\ UP "Eet' l. : s Zl -1 ;:. '
13 ' 71: " A2'" ,t;,,rt.AM'hlATt9iti 'C'fa'Z. BLADDER.
rsrialnlikTiuN Oro' Inv imnos.
6°"g rg,iTATNlfit.n IfitryzEltrr.
C1101:1', Dik'iPlls~Et i.
uzataonv, roorrtAmm •
I:V roomtar.Kriax.
Tho appllaVlott tha Ret IC•ttitt to th 6 Vo , t
coat what. LUtl4ll3 as
0tt.41.• wal a te tta• 144
.d"P' `-'7 l '
li S l l;:f,''. &IS I, l c
frintlaity. cu hictz
COt IV VISA) 1% Tab littlOrriel.'aad
oil i.stErSel.
Trarrlerot th4tl4. Croat, MIT a iatt/a Itslvri?'•
Ready gala gith then. A IV,' .I,ans rvotar
tleaholtt Por , fo , o. thuttra cf water. It I. hoots:
thou➢rea.ett Itrairty or Illttrts
Ftve.74.A.hat AI/V eo,: f. , r Lew trate,: llitoott ore
t . rtho tt,t a t ra.t U. 0,4 world Vitt mkt eh re era
Agar,.... , 1 all other , hlVortlipa l
ii ' , l l.l. ' AV 1 . :4
11E4111'11 1. BEIIIITY !
V.-Tr:ONO 11 l tr. r,:ra ta,oop-1N,7”.R.551,, (.7
WhltillT—t' slits: till r,k.:41:.
tit? !falltll r. 7.for A<Tonr , tit-a) - erat - 4•. iof
ccip•K,eti (11.0i0L.a.
IfY U TISi a `J D C t rl I.l' x ttil) or. ;) l Ll r lA..
Eirti,-Dsrt.are-Inaveralseor- in Flash
and Wola,lit IS Sedn and felt.
F.,try Loy of 01, SA Its A P,oRIr.I.2AS I:F.SOLVG , :t
thfc , to,ll lht 11:o 4, S
r v,eat, Vito, • .1..1 [l,l.
aohtiwal Jo ho.t Ur, oyire.t U v ighe .-t I.fe, tor
4001 e. „ f fiat hew tool he trot 14 , 0.1 0.0
Coh,amptlon, trauslolt,
tot the Ihrtat, Itttutt, 'remora, hobo ha t 0444 ant
r t ttr..a n. .g ;R. nrruna, Epot :grarnont
Into th, Parr. to,l thr w.g•t feta,. of rare,
Srala Llrrul. Shag 117 , 0 , .., Colt Illletlm•
1110 1 , ,, \til•gr.4 h the 11e... T .vortr,
C.;043 In toe IVrat,, aot ri werLerana mat totinh.l
dS- Scared, Lon at apern, ant/ tit rf V.,
114 use trahla ear accelaca ran;-e of 0,4 visa or
Itt.lern chcm.trtr.r. 4 , 0 a fete a to
toy prraatt 10.1az It lice e l .tliee theaa forma rr.r. lts
pohnit twat, t.• 014 lb.,
If tht Vela:et, tttl,bret4oht: regltent te; the lenge. et,l
th. r .,,haoslll , or thtt trOgreVall. SUcer,il3
airo:ha 11100 oh, Cho tare wit:ll,m ‘n.,
ante fro et healthy hherl•-std Vas the S.III:I.IAV.S.3ISL
LIA.:i sago . ..ors
Not. 0:11!. t.frrn 5At...1,6101,11.% P.ZYJCVCS”. <l,fl oil
kap-vs - to rtree,l4l coo,. In t), , a cure allt.:goele. B.ereftenta, '
o ocatltOtuatol,aatl hat 11.4 the o.llPalatt , o
r an r.j . ed. r.ladder - Comllnts,
tlttelagt, Co - wet, Dlot•ttet.
of trate, Inconttocaos of here, Vaalts4 tt4oo e.
at to all r•lttge there rat , lalrtott..l
pago tt,c, uaterVolch, 440 . 1 Ith rottlohrrs
14,e lUD 01111,10-1 at ter, or 0.4 . .u1a /1-t, whl4 orlthers
Oct Vilhrto ancatmeee.rat 1 a lgt.• be-.04 , :rt
4•4,11., WI wheat them to ••••01,1111, :t r..,
vat, paatleta water , and pall% ta La af
sltror, tho 1004.„ t co, .
IFVORf.i.S,—Th tahl, V.ora as Fara neraely
tvra.a.r—V:,a, lupe, CIO. for
o:nP 32 Tears' Gr0ir.17.3
Carrel by nesolvent.
fte,tettor. Mat., .1-1, It. tar% A
TOO. ,-1 1,41.4
,loot la, tOI
trt•••,. ait 04 that,. gall P.M.. 0r5....1.!./,Ar It I
wen.). Ina: nen3 , t 5,•
it; C o t t g it,
1ta1... I tes,ll,ll'..p.S.f , Votstel t t, at ee
14 0 •1•.,,t. tog too 1,1,0ttr.1 ti. 1- 01
twat. %.l:,: sal 1.1..0. Is n t rata 00 • , :t er 0,10,
tot I f ,a,vor, Vls• n , n . twat • aa , 4 0.1101 L".l, at
1 wear 0,1), t. Iva t its ethay. 1,4 enn 5.0,5 'III
yxn eon.. 1,1 , N=.11 1 . . nni . Z.
DR. STA DV - Iff?-1 1 / 9
toe , l wltb
tleiVlh•te. elvorg. t rtrorttia,t. 10.,, ':ire
41.11. COI+. id alt illnonlrrn or the biro: kr!, Lye,. IS ,
10. 0 .01 t .
Van, Voltleoo-0, Dy•heagot,
144 Fever. It,fe‘almatto , ot the th 4,1.... 1140, T. 1,1 ,3
1 . 1:17,100.1..5 1.11, VAC CV. Wrrr.ttl • end.
I.,tlve Ihttals' Vcots.l,le, ccuUrar,F, to =rout,
- Cr' o....aveth••flOtht•tra n-grlto=s reaatrz tram Ins
i.eprl_n of t Orr.tnn:
Pan. Volter•• of tte Me-,1 In (0.17,4.
•,/ Nan , en, 04014..,
Oil or lho•tra...•,s4titewr biller
ka r attt. Va tie Ia•••orzt, a.goutn4a of tt • Oat, Ita•rha coal
I , loots ter+44.-. ro. soa.rser,
6 , w. ..A at. e to n 1 Ora N0t,41. fugacs V 41.4. IT. Of
.11. 5 f',nr ea.{ I nal to the 114 a.
•1t he 1.4 a 1,. 111 g
A T! ... nr."AT''P PILLS .r:” Nn thoirerso
t•-• 1!..1 I'n,, r 5 ccuta
litter Camp
I u, .14Lo cr.
Sp~U x , 1'2.-~'
A. J. Iik:J.L;S , :PATENT
Tisenty-Too SCAM Pair Prrminms Awarded This roe:
Zn Fifteen Slunthis—V.Cs and I 371).
An Irap:mant that Feet' 'Fanner. Carpenter, 34Pnn
Tutu? Rake". Scythes, 'Snatho. Grain Cratlle3,
livn, (A cbor Brand) AWN,
• tv I. 4 (Trtar,v. '
Cardiac Bolts:Orli Bare, (SO el and 11'041
c•• r: .3p. co we;
Eush, Pealea
That ',Avast+ circa an; A. /11131 srhen-tha
voC‘ait.e k..11,1r forlheT pan arqt
.4, •..
Orloil 3toccei
NO.. :- .. T1..14...i. -' • .
Satre, . . . F .11.,., .: •,
Timm lit'rif...S, , F , ..Y14. Sklar.;
l'ilibto, '•• Oil.. •
Shiver, - ; '- - • Tilip•Vimici .
Ituntroic, Zuly 1S; 11 , ,rtp Sr, C 3 It SV.
xx:c> - cs
(tt.PO4ITC T/IL C9ltZr uova.
_-11.f-,-.- ----,...,,,
_ - -,
-.,-4-.--,,'_,-".;.':-- :::,--:‘ '
_-..* ---;.-...-4 ------ ., - .= - ' ,;',l
-:,-;.;1- -:',..--.57:,:----.--L.:,--..,-,--i...... fE,
....:-.. ~.t.- 7 ;-', ••••. ' s f . ; l':'- ' lVA'Tr i-,- ; '-.•
- I' S '' ,,:r ,; - i 71', il f :r.;:;'t, '.,- -i :',.;‘ 4 :.: 114 - -1
Liz ...,:.. !" -2 ,.! ''l.: „:1-:11:::,, - p :1- 2 1,1 ,
_'.;f4i:-le-Tif^:;l4l-54-1,.::: '1 : 71,
~:-.(--,•-`-;!•,;;-",::- • ...vf: 4 ' -?•,•-i...qr.--;--4;:I't.= 4
i':-i".--",:••`,3i';,'-',.---A-t-V-;zlis:6.---ii:e.-i il
t, , ...- - - - -:.,*.1.f., ,, ...,=,i',..;.; IW.el - tilli1:1 4 ; 1- ;•! ;- 1 , . :i
CZ4.'''',---,r.:4,,;"-',--' .::,•'tT.t.*".::' .-?4 ,, ,; 4 11A, ~ 4., - *!`. ., , _ .-41
:—.:4--- .1-6,.:,..,....4::.,,,...!....vir4i:',7.-..?';
• - •
',:. - ;!•,- - :2,::
.- '..",
, ~ . .: . I.l.olTritCoir., PEN'N'A".... ' - . -•
. ,
I._ JAM. El.: TAILLIE,LL, PrapriOlOr.
F.1,,1ta Sittes te.ave tiais lionsi J.l.Aii, 'enrtcetlei with
the 0.1....4i . W., Ow Erie% 6.l3dltte Lchigb. - Valle/ ' nail
wave. • - _ . fanirti.,l4 - 41 , ..44 .• . -
- r,?
and Painter Should have,
M.oNrc.2. -, cri=a
end Ow C. Alg*T* PIZIA
Ug irrilq j 611141
,P 4
not &suoyed by mineral whery:cans, .
tans wasted beyond the pdrit 4.1 repalr. ,
• ,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, lindubs, Nip%
Cie Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of th. Chest, Dindarostly
or Eructations of the Stomach. Lad Taste the Kau*
Billet,, Ntaeks,plpiwk,,, of the Heart, Inflammation of
the Loins. Pain in the retie.. of the Kidneys, and a !Imam!"
other painful symptoms, us, theeKspriw , of Dyspepsia•
these complaints it has no equal, 33e , 3 3 . bottle sill Manic
a Letter varautec its menu t han a tenth, advertiser:tonal
For Earned. , VoraspLishats , in roes Muria*
tit tioak, at thtt.tiaatt of taltaisabond;ar t4:11p321 . 3 . 0( 14.
tittle Toni:: Liners dienley so decided an inane.* that At
'narked improvement is soon petcemlble.
Vey ArstlnsnlstnaneP Amid Chaplain Itheultellset
t o m oast Gout, Ultimo, Remittent and Intermittent .
rem Dime., of the farad, Liven Kidneys and Illadder; '
these ,Bitters have no equal. SucltDiseases are
Vitiated [Pool ulis,ch fa genmally produced by derangement
pithe Digertive Oryant.
They nee p Gentle Purgative a* well as
Tonle. poateuing also the pecolur omit rat actin as a
•ettrui anent in relies-in; Coviestion or Inflammation of tit
L 10
eer and Vi:4er3lo,oo, and in Bilious Disease... .01 74
Piths Mattson.. Xruptions. Tette, Salt:Maine,
Blotches, Spots, Pimples. 8011% Carbuncles, Rinyroterd.
SealtHiesd, Sore Drys, Erysipelas. Itch, Scurf.,
tiers, of the Skin. Humors and Diseases of the. „Skin. eJ
whatever. name or rotor.. are literally dux op tall welsh!
en of tha system le a shalt tiosebv the rise of these Biagi;
clew:son the Tialstsql Mood streams yen Bud.
its unpuntiet biirstinr ltirom,h the skin iu Pimples.
tines, or Sin-ey I cleanse it alien yen find it obateucted.
G mufti Millions pn.claim Vitrannis
Bursts des .
• men st o oderfut tfisly.tirant ever knosta.
WALP...KR, Prop`r. It. U. 31cDONILLD ,Clot
Druyyzis;a and Gen. Agra.. San V , .... , ,Ceif.r*L"..
and corner of - Washington and Chariton Its.; blew
U York..
July li, IbV•Z—lna
••z.T7R-CE,' -
• p•-•-' 1— ZIT' r •-,-,,-.= —, Dc - •
- ..,..-•-_---;',l ' IP.Plrofves I.
c' I lilli!a: g,t-- . 4 )htirit ,
~,, f gl , ji.y i f,..3.1., ,
,:_ • ,„,,„
\ iii e l„.,l '-- `:"...,;l•"',,',,',:i''',''F t• • •• • *t , -.1, - ,
:,..-....:‘.1 . , 111
i ,- h... - .•;,....i"...5.:„.• - ....!3 ~ .4....". - r .
1 4,...,1 . 4
' ' , 11F,' ,1 ,"i •• ! 4 ...-1': -'' .:':','• '", 3 N-4 ' o, :) . •'' '' . i l 4
r.4'... i 'i f , .:;;; i: •.1' -; ' ,':;:::; :',.--.c•:-;•.; '',.."'",.. • .
.: , :f•,•,' , , ::i r
. 1.. ,:.: -1,-.:.1.::: '-;;" :,,',.: .:t;-,'',.:-•":1;Y:,1,.•:,,c,- '':.- 1
j;-.3 ;.,•%: ,-; .-''' .'.. ,'..;i.'-'•--4 ... •-•.:•:-; -"! :. ..'.Z' i ? ' .- , 7 .V 1 S '
:.'4"; ; ' ,- -; 1. I• ; z ? f•'' ' ,. . Z.• - i '2' . i• ; • ;,::" 1 1.....7i5i, r g ~.7' -I
••..f.:.:::..,; .: ' :4 , `.. .- 11 ';'' ;.i . i'.:'.:7;•-1,:::-, ''..-• • • :,,,:,-:t.V,1•11
• • , ::' .! , - - : , :7 ."; ; ,';',••' ,1.:.-f_74;-.4.:•;--rvA' _ '
- '' - ' 2: .:1 : 2 1 :-,•:-' 5' -,
',.. ...4,
-,,..-_--. 'f
-',:-..• .-.......,
.... : ..:.w::.,l= - 41 , t- -
;s :r:'•_ - • 7 - : - ' ~" " ,,, :" -- T=?-t: .; . 14(
_;; - .'zi. - -,• : '•'•f' .: - :, - ., - .:C l'' - .• . -:"',.,-;.-•;•",-..-
th 2 wo•Y•larftl rroliftn7 , to which the adtieted
n',aen tmlat•-1 bon
Imr,n, ho h 3.3 c 7 , 6 h . 7,17677057 , .7 67 C Of
-71,7t . -r c. 1 . -31 ire ppopertio., which
God tint in se•,•.e table kingdom for
21.^.1:1 , 14 C/11 warn ever before coniblned,
to o nt up117.1.111_ of this fact la
foam! in t 4 -7 71,7 t rartot; of rtp.t el.tinate dra t
• lica 7111;. , 1 f I-7 coneltr.s: In tba
Cum nC rtroitehilf fiorcto RRL ti
n a l li, 6.L6 of Cotton to aeon. 6 , n. it ma
waaal,4a-1,1:11, -1;m1 ft- city, not elnineut pby.
*VA.. man.nn, it Ma greatn , t medical cilloone.
ry of Cut a{,. St r it torn V.lO eeterentenclAN
It xtemtalMai Von .rite n and pa rt teen I 0"
0 -. .A- --1-.......•••••••••••••I•tlnuomAl dood p orit y n.
- r. 1,4 ea atom °TIN from tA77,
win; Nora fn la tan common Cilotehi Piro.
arri f r ): -tn. 317,7,77r1711‘117,7177c.11.
t. 17 l'At , 7 77. %.,1. th.tic efect. , 6, an, eratlk.ved. and
t batitp tv6i 5,13:1 constitution otab.
Itch, I, :Ira - Alpe] s4lt Tr:tout:is Fever
liltr”, Sealy or It ouctqt 51It1, In 'abo•rt,
• t•. 3 nr.ini Can't,! .l. , had blood,
ar3 cla 017.7 this p.rerrel purliying anti
If rm 71 , ..77111inted, bate tido,
tam or atria, or hroe - a 'pot. on racoon
lao ly. 73,,s 7 or tote in
.taq..11 . 1.1 , 1t-trall 17,7: 77,. chl7l. 7.llernalthl vita bat
C 1 .1.1 forrllo4llllo. It.
n.ll toaano couttil, yen are seer.
Pr; fc., d I.lvor or
aLlaa. , ` ".t . iv amid.- of ~I .lrer.
plat,,a ,, Fray 17-7,t 77f 777....0 fm;l777ntet ace tap"-
- i3aaa.a. A. a 1,11 , if for all lath two Dr.
Pieccen Gil In Mt Dierotety has no bquat,
mit eahemplcf ,•;,t Mr . 1 a, Imtibithe.lireretbinzth
elmi a t Por tan mire of Ilattollual
Cotton Vaall It of the hotrels It Is a never fallc
Int: ra• - ntly. amttlm..y ,•hp Moo wed Ictur this
p3nr.c•C arc load In its prnicl.
'Pa proprint - 3r --otrtri ei,tYl3 reword fa: it tasOr
edit, that K!1! It for the cereal ail *had*
WO• fir able% it in recommended.
SPid fry, drat..?-into- at $1 per bottle. - Pros
B. V. PI erne. Ir. Proprietor. at his Chao*
• cal Ishorstntr. 171 drneta oreet "tallalo.l4.
aelLa year iddrela a tompt•tat.
APF.IPGGISI, 21:QINT2,01£ rl.,
T ^, 72.111 jai flr-4Z?C)11-I,
4 td htt Trirerge ttO ire!, band t full and dc•lrablo
I.ll.t . ..evrttte,:tot ztatiut
- Paiute. OH e, Tcne.Sylc.r, And *other Grt
cerien,Shthe rasl Wl4,luw Paper, Gloat
f'relti Juror, !‘tlrror. fierci
oi.le,Afneitiocry Oil, TiIIIM . CA! vtis Twat- 011",,Its:
1teA16'114.1 . 0 tftl,Sperill (Mee Olt, Spirit* Turpen
tion,Vor, Lather, Carka el ; Set jorear , ,F.,nre h. Co oteil
crated Lye. , Ar It arenre,Trurner.- h:ophorterevlledirri
Inolennioulk. tilvoct;ger rracepOrhiro-, Gone, rlstolA
Cattrslger4'ortrler, Shpt, teed, ( itisCADr, Tartan?.
Co trtir r And - Stet., hill ret.Sl t Dote. MA:ear
Fah* Itnol,tat It I.luve.MAr 311 ‘o'ol)tt Sapp*.
Thar Chin; knit I:eetorrcro.DCVn. Grethen,
Xitive , -tSis...etai . les.slleVr Plutt;ot gpootte.Yorko
.Eutrro..r,e.- Deaf i Artltle At a ):.raced atearizi•aai
and lieet l:ludc or
t'.tTJ T'a:t:DlClti£S~
lu thort, uttatiy . ctoti .tung to .trturO • tkO
$.ll. tame, lV .i.loot;Ilt uo .)c, giAtAy tLa
putt tx,t0.11.0:
1-11 1 1. b.
tiottpal...,r. ISILIt Yi tLC lit Ye YLII Lt ti.ty
al4lb YS
1.4/Lia:toL •
Knob .
1 Wo'brs.
•ii anii h
Lamp ofic
• 00::1 -"-'
al4lll areq,s.iluuribeluw.llostri COTO t MP'
INtaxo coMitantly rov- triug, thAtltsce 01 , 104
il.Ccestiltucicatioudr in ticalli'embatt
.0.1.4Ea.r t• 1- 2 cuLat*
for cuti,ov +gt: 4tptoduta.
• goat)
POP 17311 LARD •
HAm 5, plaE2)_FlEl77r2,
CLOvER TnirOnlY SEED, 4cf
. .
VircilAlterOntiCa and made PdaltiOtte 10 i , nn" SlCiat 0
rAilA4an.likro uuw ready tu tumartilluttur t tho bof
orttnilietuu bousub to Num. l'ork,lrce Chratu,stui
zru*PlibarAladvancuments hp COUFlglltil COOP
•COI ato exayalpcour aut.!: Woru pyrchasOgaV
wltproomd,:ouytuccyoartchow o(tha - '
GOOD 'QUALITY & to VT. FRlcke•
„G..2XINEU,•• 147 R•CP-PP 3
Moaruse.i.prti KO. „ „ ,
mat: nal ct blher tr .9 of .3 evcclrr , A fteVe Cold.
tWd 131.1.irer Cnacil WOrt.p.-a and Watc4 paalna,tinny
and ativrr rdatai3S 00,1., rerke 1:1,1ve.,4a, and a gra . .
ar.autenfiniant of Panay - flood% Nolioas, 'Pectuintgli
'ate.' Drug* and hlrditllle*. algae atock - .• . ,
- , 4louttax , Pc: Elct. 20. tii.. - vrata.p., t ,