I*.ircimAipA.2o. Limit. OF THE SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, AGRICULTURAL SOCIRTI, Held Sept. 17th, 1864 and 10tb, 1972. Diviaion I.—Horses. Beet Stallion sire of best Yearling colt, J , P. Tingley. • 2nd beat, R. S. Searle. Best Heavy Draft Stallion, William Carpets. 6 Op 2nd best, D. V. Franco, 3 Beet Quick Draft Stallion, R. L. Weeks 600 nd best, :alarshall Chrisman. 3 00 est Brood Mare and Colt, George Cool. 600 2nd best 11. C. Conklin. 8 00 Best Single Gelding overt years, Jerome Duals 0 00 2nd best, Wm. H. Cooper. ' 8 Us Best Single Mars, Ow 4 years, E. L. Cool. Diploma' 2nd beat, H. H. Frasier. 8 00 Beat single horse, not raised is the county, James E. Carman. 8 00 Best pair matched horses, raised la smutty H. C. Conklin. 6 00 2nd but, EL H. Vancon. 300 Best pair matched horses not raised in court ty,ll F. Stark. 3 00 Best pair 9 yr. old colt, Samuel Barton. 401 2nd best, John J. Young. 9 00 Bst 2 yr. old colt, (gelding or mare,) Edwin E. Tiffany. 8 00 Best 3 yr. old colt, (gelding or mare,) Aaron Reynolds, 8 00 Best 3 yr. old stallion, L. T. Birchard. 3 00 Best yearling colt, Horace Brewster. 2 00 Fastest pair working horses, a IL Harring ton. 2 00 Fastest single working horse, C. M. Chap man. 900 David Sumner*, Gardner Babcock, Enoch t/ool.—Jorions. Division IL Class L—Durhamt Best durham bull 2 yr* and upwards, H. C. Conklin. 63 00 21 best, Wm. 11. Jessup. 3 00 Best durham cow 4 yrs and upwards, Win. 11. Jessup. Best durham bull 1 yr and upwards, Wm. H. Jessup. 00 Best durham heifer 3 yra old, A. A. Clinrrh.2 Os Best durham heifer 2 yr* old, A.A. Church. 8 CrO Best durham heifer 1 yr old, It IL Skinner. 2 CO Best durham bull calf, A. A. Church. 2 00 Best durham heifer calf, Wm. IL Jessup. 2 00 Class IL—Grade D-urharns Best grade cow 4 yrs and upwards, F. M. Williams. 3 00 Best grade heifer 3 yrs old, H. C. Conklin. 2 Do Best grade heifer 2 yrs old, 3 00 2nd best - 2 00 Best 4 grade yearlings, W. H. Jessup. 3 OD Best 4 grade calves:H. C. Conklin. 3 00 2nd best, Wm. IL Jessup... 200 Best grade bull calf - ' 200 Best . grade heifer calf. 2 00 ~,_ A: IL Fish. J. Tewksbury. 11. Sherman.— -JUDGES. Division 11, Clas.;lll—Devons. Best devon bull 2 yrs old and upwards, J. C. Hunter. 2nd best, E. T. Tiffany. Best devon bull 1 yr old, D. ,&. J. Ranker. Best devon cow 4 yes old and upwards, D &J. Banker. 5 00 2nd best, C. J. Hollister. 3 Utt Best devon heifer 3 vrs old. D...t J. Banker. 3 00 2nd best, D. A - , J. Banker. 2 Is Best devon heifer 2 yrs old, C. J. Hollister. 3 00 2nd best, E, TlTiffany. 2 0. Best devon Leifer I vr old, D. A. J. Banker. 2 CO Best deron Lull calf, Drinker & Nnlde. 2 ts, Best devon heifer calf, E. T. Tiff-my. 2 00 Class TV.--Grade Devon*. Best grade bull 2 yrs old old and trpsrards, NV. T. Austin. 300 Best grade cow 4 years and upwards, D. & J. Banker. 3 00 2nd best, E. T. Tiffany, 2 00 Best grade heifer 2 yrs old, C. J. Hollister, 2 U 2nd best, C. J. Ilolbster. 2 00 Best 4 grade yearlings, D. A. J. Banker. 3NI 2d best, C. J. Hollister. 2 00 Best 4 grades calves, E. T. Tiffany. 3 00 2d, C. J. Hollister. 2 00 Best grade bull calf, R T. Tiffany- 2 00 Best grr.de heifer calf, D. &J. Banker. 200 H. IL Skinner, P. C. Conklin, Orrin Prichard. —Judges. &Clam V.—Oxen and Steers. Best pair working oxen, Joiuds Pettis. $G 00 24, P. C. Conklin. 3 Di litst pair steers 3 years, E. T. Tiffany. 300 2nd, Wm. Austin. 2 0..) Best pair steers 2 yews, James Calph. 3 00 2d, BE A. Williams. 2 (NI &Ist war fat cattle Horace Roberts. 500 Clog VlL—Ayrshires. Best ayshire bull. J. F. Butterfield_ Best ayrshire cow, Christopher Byrne. Best ayrshiie heifer 3 years, J. F. Batter. field. 300 2d. Christopher Byrne. • 2 0-1 Best ayrsture heifer 2 years, Christopher Byrne. 300 Best syrabire heifer 1 year, Christopher Byrne. 2 00 Best ayrahire bull calf, Christopher Byrne. 2 00 Borate Brewster, George Garrison, E. C. Potter.—Judges. ettEe VIIL —nerds. Best herd 8 short horns, Morris & Hal pin. $lO 00 Best herd 9 devons, D. t J. Banker. 30 00 Best herd 8 ayrshires, Christopher Byrne. 10 00 Best herd 8 grade short hons, H. C. Conk lin. 500 Best hard 8 grade devons, E. T. Tiffany. 5 00 Best herd 8 grade ayrshiros, J. F. Butter field 500 David Marsh, 4. L. Catlin, W. F. Austin.- Judges. Division W.—Closs L Best fine wool buck. Wm. Taylor. $3 00 Best 3 fine wool ewes, Wm. taylor. 3 00 Best 3 fine wool lambs, Win. Ttiylor. 3 00 Best coarse wool buck, Morris it Halpin. 3 00 2d, F. IL Mainell., 2 00 Best 3 coarse wool ewes, Morris & Halpin, 3 00 3d, Morris it Halpin. 2 00 Best 3 coarse wool Lamb, F. 11. BannelL 300 Best midille wool buck, D. S. Gregory. 300 2d, Wm. T. Austin. 2 00 Best 3 middle wool ewes, F. IL BunnelL 300 2d, D. S. Gregory. 2 00 Best 3 middle wool lambs, C. M. Chapman. 3 00 Class EL—Swine. Best boar, Edgar Harper. 4 00 John Brown, L T. Birehrsd, E. T. Tiffany.— Judges. Class lll.—Poultry. Best trio turkeys, Drinker and Noble. $2 00 24.1, J. J. Youngs. 1 00 Best trio dark brahmas, J. F. Butterfield. 2 00 Best trio light brahmas, P. C. Conklin, 2OD 2d. H. C. Jessup. 1 00 Best trio hamburgs, E. II Austin. 2 00 2d, E. R. Austin. 1 (10 Best trio leghoms: J. R Lyons. 2 00 Best trio ducks, Drinker and Noble. 2 (e) 2nd,'Z. A. Lindsey. 1 00 Drinker & Noble and Dr. Lathrop exhibited some fine lloudens, Dr. Halsey and J. R Lyons soma fine Bantams, and P. C. Conklin:a pair of Cochin, all of which in their class would ltsve been worthy of a premium had one been offer ed, and we would recommend that these varie ties be added to the Premium List another sea son. R. IL Rose, AntLony Beck, D. B. Johnson.— Judges. Division TV.—Gass L—flome Products. -- - - Best June butter, 31ra John Brown. $4 00 2d, M. HalL 200 Beat September butter, Horace Brewster. 4 00 2d, IL C. Conklin. 2 00 Best butter made by girl less than 18 years old, Melissa Wells, 2 00 24:1, Emma Catrell. 1 09 • Best unease, J. F. Butterfield. 4 09 - • Class IL—Seeos. Best bushel corn in ear, P. C. Conklin. 200 2d, Joseph Powers. 1 00 Best white winter wheat, Samuel Horton. 2 (N) 2d, George Walker. 50 Best spring. wheat, Z. A. Lindsey, 2 00 2d, Wm. Ll. Jessup. so Best oats, Wm. Scriber. 1 00 n- Brewster, Deed BE WIG Wank.— Macs Clan M.—Vegetables. Bet assortment fall apples, IL L Catlin. 111 00 2d, B. C. Jessup. 59 Best assortment winter apples, G. N. Allen.l 00 2d, N. P. Wheaton aU Best assortment pears, IL C. Jessup. 1 00 2d, G.T. Foram. /lest -ssortment quinces, Mrs. gaines Ban ner!: 1 Go *Greeted Tutity ireptables, R. O. hati;p. I DO 2 I, La Vada=a, ' 3.-st cabbages, ttiram tltLbanL 1 tiv do winter squashes. Z. A. Lindsey. 1 00 do pumpkins, G. C. Hill. 50 do 12 onions, M. L. Catlin. 50 do 10 beets, Z. A. Lindsey. 50 do tomatoes, H. A. Deans. 60 do % bushel potatoes, Z. A. Lindzey. 50 do assortment grapes, S. B. Halton 000 2d, N. P. Wheaton. 50 Best cider vinegar, Horace Brewster. 50 do maple sugar, A. J. Adams. 1 00 C. P. Read, W. A. Croistuon, W. J. Turrell. I —Judges. Division V.—alass I.—Carriages. Best double carriage, W. T. Mosley. $6 00 " single " E. A. Kent, 600 " Democrat wagon, 31. L. Catlin. 4 00 Class IL—Panning Tools, etc. Best plow, Seymour Iron Beam, S. IL & D. Sayre 3 00 Best callirator (Carhart's Pulveriziny„) L. li. Peck. Best horse rake, L. R, Peck " washing machine, Barringror's Trojan Steam Weaker and Bleacher, W. R. Whitlock. Class IL—Leather. Bats sides sole leather, J. H. & E. P. Munger. 1 00 J. A. L. Campbell, Hyde Crocker. jr. Committee would recommend cliscietionary premium to W. W. Smith for spring bed, el ! so S. H. Sayre & Bros. for well curb. Division VC—Class I.—Domestic Manufacture. Best 10 yrds flannel, Mrs. 0. N. Tiffany. 100 2d. Mrs. nr. sent GO' Best woolen carpet, Miss Jesse Bissell. 200 " rae. carpel, Mrs Dr. Kent. 1 00 2.nd, 31rs. Orville Hancock. 50 Best pair woolen socks, Mrs. M. Hall. 10 " pair woolen mittens, Mrs. 0. B. Titus " linen cloth, Mrs. James Bunnell 1 01 " toweling, Mrs. L T. Smith. 100 " piece cassimere, Mrs. 0. N. Tiffany. aOO Iles. M. L. Catlin, Mrs. H. H. Harrington, Mrs. J. C. Morgan.--Judgcs. Class IL—Ornamental Needle work and Fine -Arts. Best patch work quilt, Mrs IL Kenyon. 200 ‘• quilt of any kind, 3lrs. Lyman Ely, 200 " ~),ead. Mrs. Oliver Trowbridge. 2 00 " t:dy, Miss Annie C. Searle. 100 " tine embroidery, Mrs. M. Warrington. 50 colltrtion flowers, Mrs. A. S. Bullard. 200 " ease flowers, Mrs. 0. N. Tiffany. 50 " bouquet flowers, Mrs: 31. Ifarrington. 25 " exhibition engravings, E. C. Fordlium 2 00 " lamp mat, Mrs. L. C. Carpenter. 50 •• specimen worsted work (beautiful afghan.) Mrs. John 11. Dasenbury. 2 50 Ornamental needle-work, Miss Ellen But terfield. 50 Penmanship, Mrs. C. M. Chapman. 1 00 We would also recommend discretionary pre mium to Mrs. Z. A. Lindsey on Penmanship, as discretion:l premium on bed spread to Mrs. P. C. Conklin. Gainontee rind it very difficult to decide on , he merits of many articles, as they were all fad indeed, but have done the best they Mrs. G. V. Bendy. Mrs. J. B. McCollum, Mrs. 11. J. Webb,—Judges. lll.—Uncntmemted articles. Your Comnuttee on looking over the list giv en them for examination, at once came to the cot:eh:sift that the time granted them (for that !my was far too limited to even hunt up some of the art tries entered. much Jess careful'y coutp,re the merits claimed for such and to atToc , ling to said merits; in fact trial of some c.vild only test their merits. .11.1 in the outset your committee would rec onm , nd that in future fairs the ambits coin . pri-ed In this class, or in the most of them, be -nrenst in the classes in which they would nei n die , s-long. and if no premium is offered 10-ve it discretionary with the judges to give premi un, for the same, or give them honorable turn. tin". as the several ,cases would merit. The tidlowing articles, etc., were entered and examined by your committee, viz, Nm, 1, 2 and 3, Toilet set, artificial flowery and snowballs, by Mrs. & M. Vadakin—nice. No. 4, Specimen wox work, by Mrs. Emmons, which WILY elegant and very beau tiftil, furl voted worthy a prethiutu. No. e, Specimen bead work—tine, by Mrs. Oli ver Trowbridge. No. 8. Pair slippery, by Kitty Stark, very beau tiff! and comfortable to have in the fatuity. Nos 0 and 10 Lady's nightdress, very Mee; and the only Nutt found with the same was 'twos a pity that when wont its beauty shone Imre yeated ; arid some nice stocking yarn by Mrs. If. a Goohlio. No. 11, Farm gate, Smythe's Patent, to be ap preciated must be seen, novel in its structure and tle*ign and open sea une ut command, by Geo. S. Mackey. Nos. 12;13 and 14, Toilet set, hearth nag, and leather basket., very nice, showing much pa tient application, etc., by Mrs. P. C. Conklin. No:. 15 and 16, Anderson's agricultunti steamer deemed by your Committee worthy of trial, by our progressive farmers; and Eureka mowing machine, by S. D..lladdor.., No. 17. Light William mower. by L It Peck. No, IS, Cabinet organ, ••Silver Tongue," by L, R. Isbell. Your Committee could not judge of its merits as 'twas locked, and apparently the Ley lost. Nos. 19 and 20, Wreath hair flowers and speei men burr work, very fine, by Miss Lillie Wil ber. No. 21, Patch work quilt, by Mrs. Han cock. elaborate. No. Carriap afghan. comfortable for cool riling, in fact just the thing, by Mrs. H. Thayer. No. 23, Two pan wooting stockings by Mrs. H. C. Conklin, very fine and nice. "Her husband shall rise up and call her blessed." No. 24, Kirby mowing machine, IL S. Blowers of Tompkins Co. Nos. 26 and 27, Ten yards fulled cloth and twen ty knots woolen yarn, both descry.° special mention, be Mm. 0. N. Tiffany. No. 29, Two moss pictures, very pretty indeed, by Mrs. IL S. Conklin. No. 29, Three-yore old Ilambletonian Colt, by Dan McCracken, shows his merits as he No. 36, Ilulan or Syrian threshing machine, by 'Rev. SanelJessup, one :of the curiosities of the fair, and worthy of more mention than your Committee can give, yet still they cannot rec. otntnend it for purchase by our farmers for practical VUMOSM. No. 11, Variety vegetables, H. C. Jesup, such as Syrian squashes, cucumbers, etc. Soh 32 and 33, Cheese hoop and prees, an arti cleeux fanners would do well to examine, try, and purchase, and by your Committee deemed worthy of a premium, as also the bay rack exhibited by 31. Stampfler. of Battle ('reek, 3lich. No. 31, Collection of paintings, by 3fra. Helen nm it h, very true to nature, as title as art can make them, and deemed worthy of special premiem. nq, Wax work by Miss Melissa Wells, very tine. No. :In. Grover & Baker sewing machine, the old favorite of the public, with all the modern improvements, by F B. Chandler; it works its own way through the world like a genuine Yankee. No. 2n, Peppers, looked very peppery, but your Committee didn't taste, by Anthony Beck. No. 40, Hope Hose Carriage, Montrose Fire Co. No. 2. Hope it didn't cost too much. There were many other articles on exhibition entered too Lae for premiums, the owners of which are wothy of praise for adding to the in tereq and vat iety of the fair. The mowing machines your committee would offer no com ments tmon as they could not pretend to judge as to which was the best without trial. leaving that to the good judgment of our worthy Ea. Men , . All of which is respectfully subMitted, with the regret that our time was too limited to do justice to the seet. J. It. Lyons, 3LC. Sutton, 3fm. Daniel Sayre, Mrs. 19." A. Cn;mmon.--Judges. Foot race, won by Frank Jones $.9, 00 'h' ek race, Ist premium, Z, A. Lindsey 200 2 d " C. 31. Chapman .1 00 3L J. Harrington, IL Sherman, W. T. Aus tin.—Judges. Plowing Matett. Ist premium Levi IL Peck, with L. Green plow 00 2d prconum, P. C. Conklin, same plow 600 " A. IL Conklin, " 300 The lodges found it diO3cult to decide, as ale of 'the plowing was the very best. The nodga Patent Side 11111 Plow used by E. C. Hodge, wl deem worthy of special mention. Ju 2l l . J. Kent, W. Z Babcock, John .atinter..... dges. Our Fair pamcd off very pleasantly and (piet y, with no disturbance of any kind, The weather proved propitious, and every one seem ed gratified in looking over the Stock and vari ous articles on exhibition, many of which were unusually fine. In some classes not quite as many entries weromade, in others more, than in former years. The orator of the day, Rev. Theodore I`...lifung!r, of Massachusetts, enter tained us highly with an address. We need on ly repeat our remarks of last year—if you would have the County' Fair a success, [you must sus tain it. Let every family contribute stock or articles to the exhibition, attend the Society's meetings, of which due notice is always given, make suggestions, and lend a helping hand to this highly important and laudable institution. Ilcsatx TYLER, Sec'y. ply atirtrtiornituto. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY ; At Cheater, Delaware Comity, Pa. (For Resident. Ca dets only. The eleventh annualsession commence. Wednesday, Sept... Thorungn ystruction Cird Engineer.ng, Matheamtleal and Nei ; cal Sciences. Tile Classics and English is imparted b West Point gradu ates and other competent professors. Circulars may be obtained of Col.. TII CO. MYATT. Prest. P. M. A EATON FEMAL WiTITUTE, On Ph:b.& Silt. Central R. It., Kennett Square. rhea. ter Co.. Pa., intern all the Inducement. , that treenail ut e home In .13111,11011 with a thorough English ttlut than, at SIAS per aehool year. No er.trua o :crept for In atm-lion in Wax. Moyle, Linn. Preto h. German, Paint tog and Drawing, Etat , en toucher,, gradual ea of our best Nen aaagland schen a, have been employed for no•. oral year , . Inquire or I.V.A.N T. nWAY.N.k., SALLIE W. 122WAYNII, Prluelpali. irt OR DEN TO WIC (7i.J.) ERMA LIE COL. L —Th et Ink ruellon. 11.-idlifol and irtratur al lugtlon. One of tLe inord rind he. aniiiinlnrd In-titntlons In rho Sinn For rite re.• Hey. JOHN A. LITIAIi.L.LLY. Ph.l), g DVERTISING A T Lew !a ES:: At 1, per Welt per stputts. wo xlll Invert an nd'e 14.mont In 11) Firs t On! PaWil in Pam. Lib{ et on iteplicat ton to t} EO. } RU ELL 6: CO., Ad rtising Agents, 41 Row A. CAMPAIGN GOiDS XEV72. .krents :rooted for our etkujorkm Atomic SELL AT PAY lOU PER CENI.. PROFIT Nou L lb,. tiro, Scud at onto for DE:tulip tive elroultar sort Price Lirtu of our Fllle Sled Gorour too of nll the Cooilotater Vrtmtotbrn Httorroph Clotrt.t. Phottoutthr, Ituttoon. Pins. ?leo nod evurr Mi..: tamed. to the limes. ion Dollar, lor tiny ett..ll. mode Post Aumplo. boot for $3. Addrets .11UOICE . E GULIDuPEEIG furl[ Row. Sco York ALIT.NTO WANTED for CITAMIWRLIN'S GUSAT M PA IGN f'o the STRUG 'of 1872 ; A Novelty in rotitlell and l'optear ml :re A of t.i. niiand l)etnoreiiii Partit.; n ruey retch of i•.• • Lite, il rein Pasty , on invide leer tif ito l'itentotat, tionve.ition The zuliior lit Leis or tdde ritiot - of ,he e.tus, The furl I lu-trilled d. hook wine Evil 11) orrry Aulorioan rit,..ra torritor! oure • P,end ton/WM. UNION 1M 111.1,111Ni...1U.. U1:11.o,ro 1'1,11a.. I's.. or our , og/1,1,1, POLITICAL CAA S, n:ll.lndq. FIREIVOW:'. rt. LATFRN3 TO6CIIIi. lAD 17%1- Ac, JOSE el PUIID 32 4 . 1 :71"d eu Land., .. Establh 1. 'York - r * - 0 _ AL- _ kStl.ll(7. la: 1.. t 11 4 r-ts t.-1114 cont,daint Lout Ma re Icaott 0t trt•att, (.1 I , CI. t.." on Moroiat nt..l N tt'va .. ltrt IltstwN 11, a ttl I.titttl .- t.s. tl by 111 , 11 In -.U. 0.1 prO, .nt it in inn, 111 II lie C.IO , reft,s tidtat, ft ~.,11.n,1 it .rtal •Iyhtt.lt 11...,1 Ii rt. r.. 1. d The 11.,r , u.• at, alat a. 10,1,.. lima aitv A fttity t all a 11 : , i,'1,•1,1 11) mad. Atl.lsst. , lit:. U. 1 Ht.,, lirjn N, 11 Grand St Jur,ey ilia. N. J EICHLER'S RECIPES FOR LIQUCRS Contain th.• trt-t ortli.or • I 111 , 1-I'l,, 1., 1"1, 1 1.;, 8.111, Wh.-key.. Iton, Lt Itn • vr.. tat y ..r. Tie. Yunk row.. It.ty Man. et. .111, Nu tole...et:lz tql In the Liquor littehotet to lir tot Cu do tv.itoo.: tht.n. Ask for theta . 111111: the hook -,0r4 • Delivered I. !call, 011 'IV 14 . - of s 1 11, .1, wlt L. 0 N. %V. roe. :hi mot t.., n nE A ., j.“ :,,,aelpn to, Ite. lodes. tont sample .*lteet... . I. PA ri.• • t• t iv iro •P l r , • W4C , '"--7YeM, kA P V We"*s.4. Npthlnz 114 c IL la I , i LI al rte. n p.wol c7l, ...‘t. 3 a" ti Ito h it ,t . I -a.. 11114,11 ',are t..J.n a 21,1 pro, pr.ptrtiesot TA a , Ere..r.‘ aNS 1., L. 1.0 LEII Arix.LaN 8V1 7 3 4.1113 !„ the tbnapest and brat artn-lo In the merbc: fo Blueing Clothes . The gni; u ;he has both Ilo; to o ;;;. Wittbergrr s name on the lahnt, and Is pet np at W; It borNer's lltaht blare. No. N;;:t.; socond St.. I•id ind.. phts. D. S,.WIVI I BLIttti..It, eroprlctur. Fun talc b Drugalste and Grocers,. $l.OOO REWARD! or For aoy ca.r or Illttol.glcerP . roz Ellie to care It Is pe. red t pmsAy to core tI Filer, cud outbing eh-e, Sold by all Drug,jets. Fro, gent, RIOII. Motley 3t work L 1 no: re than at enti,lurr rlae. Buirmen 1.1/Li permanent. Parthml ire her. G. ramsnos t 10.. /in* Art Publiehere. l'urt nod. 31sine. .THE EAGLE 7CI ru. 0 IS tore! 13117.1‘2'J191bN3C CUZCO x-slef' PROPRIETORS BRICK BLOCK, MONTROSE, PA., Sign of the Golden Cagle and mortar - - - mooed co, Combs, Perrome, Furry Articles, etc.. lul 1 :u Vac Brick Store, formerly occupied by Guttenbuw, Rosen boom & Co. We bare recently acted up thl e store In Modern Style, and shall endravorto keep tee)l supplied with all articles pertaining to the Drug Business. We extend to everybody a cordial invitation to call and ate us weep In Want of anything In our lane, and 'when nor in want, give us a friendly call. To all old customers we desire to express oar thanks fur ore very liberal patronage heretofore extended to us. We shall endeavor to merit • continuance of the came. Very 'Ertily Poore, A. D. BURIUS, Montrose, Dec.2l, 1811, mlatlM FOR BALE I—A farm of 'sixty-two acres M x joining the Euro' of liontroro and the South, offered for rale. It la well watered and has about len acres to timber, Ineleding a fine grave of beach and maple near the behag the homestead dlvialon of tba Samuel Gregory farm, For tarthc.tparticubn, enqui re ,y, g.c anx id t. or V.3,lltes Bagnirose, re, . t an. — a o C — tt w_ ttf• rat M 1 "1:1' Et. DC' Z °X'll7 .M AT WILLIAM SMITH'S Extenal, a Fartatn.-15 Warfra . m o rou wll.l gad the Lirg,ast FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FURNITURE! To ha found In this section ni the country, of his own manufacture, e nd at I,ri( el that caUnut full to ;fist, Asti, faction. Ita makes the very best EXTL'IVSIOrd TDALES in the Country. and WAI:ILANTS theca. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of all Linda dont en the neatest menet 13 M=.' Xll. Mg* .IE4 7:4 OF VARIOUS KINDS, PURE NO.I MATRASSES, COMMON MATRASSES U I 4 D E R TA K I NG. The .111..erlher will hereafter make the undertaking a in be.. , :nel•ollll.lrted NEW nod the most HEARS• In the Slate. nil needle:: hie ecr. ire, Will be allot:411A In prOttlptl) uud ut tati.:iatiory durge.. Wll. W. SPIITH & SON. Montrose. Pa., Jau. 71. 1`r72.—n03--tf. DIZ • rr3 VV II" Pg ILI L L gii [Plrrrsrrn, Ts claimed by ohr Ilevt .:u/t'.,. to tr.-et the necessity ong felt, of a I Otoll4l , nt. i•nctu at Itur Lle tie. ho indorsed he•t Atueri.o. et:11,8 , 1 , 11.h'. N.lO .and lose I , .•10 a I•atita,,n over a ny oth, Gate r ;slier:ter!. 14 h. an and ert.oly a...a ?het...a:Lt.! f.r eta , Pttleaee slot of fall to Wham: ll tin hr open ant elo.etl vv.thout thu opperntor thato , lt ht.. ir o, I .n:r. or puilo! .1 poona, and If de+iwea Can be ca- ly arratt,zl to he opened and hit/red Ithont tilpult..unt•ttz. Itno 01 , .05',m0nd s•hc.ll oiretwil Slam poota 11041 title. Oil'. making it very t.a.,..irahle r also oth• r Oath to farulcrl and - • • tt •••• an , l To;; °rat, esrry to the year, Lao In ht,tliel ill winter. It rat, trot rt.- rut r"..atr, F„ r r. ,I.lr/.... the who nun no iar 11,It thy Lltl„l'k, Pror,:.l,:tr, Om! ,t t t.e exitthttlug att.l int./ I" . nt.: F.lrstt , r. t0,.!•.1, . •.s. 2 Ito, _ . •••1•1-111V x tll do w , !l lu tti:.. 1., kir 6.t11.4.1.1{1.11, on ILI, c , rt..111.11! %%1.1 •_,311.10 CEO. S. MACZE.7, Proprietor. Nichalzon, Wyoming Co., Pa •71.-tr. Ayer's Oaf - b.artie For the relief and (ire of all derange ment:, In the stow , c.e." act, liver, and buoy. els. They are a :told • Zr operient, and an excellent purgative. Beingonce - •• table, they runtala no mercury or Mine rat what. er. Much 114.11006 sickness and I suffering in prevent ed by their timely one; and every family should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when remdred. Long experience tom proved them to be the sat. est, surma, and beet of ell the Pills with o loch themarket abounds. Ily their occasional use, the blood input Hied, the corruption- or the SV6- tern expelled, obstructions removed. and the whole machinery of life colored to Its healthy activity. Internal organs which Imenme clogged and shigebb are cleansed by .Ipre'll and stimulated into tirtion. Thus Incipient ill , eroe In changed Into health, the value of which change, when red:oood on the ton multitude, who eimoy It, can imrdly lie computed. Their sugar meating makes them pleasant to take, and ime-ervm Weir virtues unimpaired for any length of time, no that they are ever fraoM, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild. and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or Occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to ire them as a Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these rapidly cure:— For Dympepstio or lodlrestioo, Listless ness, Lam-nee and toss of Appeal., they should he taken moderately to +thimble the an/m -ach. and restore its healthy tune and action. . . FOrWV, Complaint and its mune,. e•yrrip. terns, Bilious Illesadache ' Nick head. . ache, Jaundice or Green ftichneas, lona Colic and 0111otta Fere., they ,hould be Judiciously Liken for each ruse, to correct the disenNed action or rcumre the obstructions which [awe It. For Dysentert or Tlllarrheen, but one For Itlsentnatt.na &one, Gravel. rat. pilotless of she Heart, Palo In the elide, Hach and Loin., thee should be reunn uou_-ly taken, as required. to 110,0 the iliqetsell action of the sy•tern. With such change those Coroplands illsappehr. For Dropsy and Elleormleal they shell hi be mien In large ".1111 frequent doses to produce the effect era dractie purge. For Soppreaston, a large door should be taken, no it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. Asa Dinner rill, take one or two Pills to promote diiestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dote stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and mrignrates the system. Hoare it is Wien aileariLageothi Where DO venous iterlitg . elllent exists. One who feels tolerablywell often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him feel 41eviileilly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. A 10-ary to Dr. J. C. ATE R CO., Practical Chemists., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A ran SALE ISY ALL DIIUGUISTS E:VELLYWKEZE. Mi l air Vigor, For restoring tq Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. ". 7 : A dressing ''.-......; which is at 1 . . ~ti- once agreeable, -f./....-, healthy, an d 2.:".V...f.":"7.4... effectual for . .."P` . ..- ::.-.... preserving tho sat i,„„ - ,- 1 114' , hair. It soon it...-7-,: ei ! . it i..,::- . - - , o restores faded -•,. ~ , ,V - • , 7....7.,, , or gray hair ,• : " :•- , f';',.:r- to its original i%••••• - :"24...... color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can bo saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi mont, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Tho restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the farina. tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which mako some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr..l. C. Ayer & Co., pra.u..l and Mollifies' Chonniwth LOWRLL, /MASS. Bold by Abel Turret', and Burns ez Montrose, and all druggists and dealers orery where. (Dee. 21, 18711—y ATOTInE.—We, the onderatene,d, trt:t offer to tet the /I building or a Ilrldge, on the Franklin road hartine to Summereville, limt James Calph, on !tondo', July 22nd, 1,972. rci REM ItITNSKL, Z 11 1112W8TF.R, Supervivers. • J AXES CALM, Bridge sunter,Juns 10, Iri 9— lY3 .... . IlrriEr_D By Ayer's GIVE Os 101111 DO YOU ItANT inA*4:D•=4l:D.irgd @ewing Machine ? adVd".n.TL",l.^,! The Original Howe Sewing Muffle, ESTABLISIIED, 1817. DILVIOYED, 1971 Please rail null woo it, with the Improvements.... Wil Bon's inoie. Remember the Genuine Howe ha 3 uu medalLiou [mud. ROOMS AT- 66 Court Street, Binghampton, N. Y AND AT Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa, 11. H. DU SCORE 31 on! rolse, Jac. 13, Isll OTS VIRTFD! _w3,„ 611 IlltNtnatttatet, liketteeee, or the l'reetdente— beautifully bound, said printed Lm7i.tted papers. THE NATION Its Rulers, and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GEIZNIAN Nothirot like It. Strike 3 everybody an jail the hook tht-y ne..tl It Is an Env ye lopetii,tr of the Got erutount tt,11.1/.lgen , to It Ire of tlrtntteltr , worth ht.. oriro of I lie hoot. Otrr".Ant pagen wail on , yt,2 ho. A Lich liar rent for C.ortoo.t . t.-4.ttlit-t nod I.trno r.. nod ottoloot.. fort,t.t.n rAtt /tot<orttl. ,e day .111 lie ttrvil to Lir ter:l tity. IV, upp N. a 11, 1..3 informal lon NEW WORLD l't r ltlL !SHIN t. 0 ,Cirtlier :114 and Alark.ut street*, youth, I, Now Arrival.—FlZEsll AND su rert 11..1 %% nu',. Now Crockery—FOß SALE AT it. J ..... . I lassware FO SA 1.I: AT II .1, \V WI'S. shton Salt FOR ;•,'..\ Ll, hi Ora icon and Les-alas Al': /I J LOOK. T 0 ( •F• •Mo in THIS COUr Y AND FL E 7171 , .!! =.! MT S. "V' C) C. TYLF: 7) 0!J J= ST., N. Y ! AEI rV IP• r. n! u . . 1 t t'.7. It i , nre ' . ,-• I 1,1,. •• 1:•,1 in in :b• r`ilns •1• - • • . 1... ti !ii6oilt,l:•turt •:” `.!‘• it•ntlerrd in Ow ma,' in 171 T :oi e ca. ,s TroS. ow., Starch, 2V, !J 2 2 1A A -1,1 A:11 U. Z ? . I ....:0 WATER CURE croft p‘t hoo•r In now completed ttod' retie:: for ocrorno. nod the tre.d.atent of Lovolobt 17 1, ore twoonz the k rowel) to lot, been co rod,by the Oat of the Sup urbalt Ina At Meru] ir. :der. DISEITESIA. GRAVEL, DI.IfIETTS. KIDNEY L 6 E AsES 3' EN Elt/AL DISEAsk.S. DROP. SS. A U. 1311 . 1'it rru.'s of thit ELI/OD, LI VEII CI. , 3II'LA INT, 111. l EIZS PIL.ES, CILEDNIC DIARII ILEA, PZ,IIAI,F: DISEASES, I:11E1:- MATIS M. EILI ELAS, SALT 1:1113:11, ICisteks:Loaia.cai DiEotsaoe. To those who contemplate •leiting the Spllnv, we e.ay that the DOUSE Ir FITTED with a view to the COMFORT and EASE of onr CI - ES fti,and tee •hall epare no pa Inv In looking to their %rein,. We guarantee a cure or.clecoletl help, or no pay. For further particulars enquire of, or address A. D. ntITT JunrIELA Bro., Susquehanna Mineral Sprinss, /lush, rensa'a. April. 17, 1872,.-m3 WOOL •GROWEKS TAKE • NOTICE. II OTTS. WOOLEN Min Is running a noun!. mftk -75 In;; all cord Ilannek,checked a 14J al-o rtvm warp flannel. the heel e. er otado; all wool and can•lmeren. A lam, let or doll,- On hand. for nate or to exchninro for wool. Pleane eto a hefore tltsporlt, of your wool el•cr.hore. Y.l e c.ll adlen north or Montrone. J. W. 31011` Montrooe, Juan 7. MM. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOC!. ATI ON, For the Repf:ripd core of the Errinr:,odynrortunate.,ol3 Princfplcp of Clir/rtinn Philanthropy. Earaye 011 the Erri , or Youth and I /IA FI.PfIiCI, Or Aze In relation to Nlarria;a: and :social Ea Ile, aid for the sill ic Sent free. In pealed envolopt.a. Ad &era 11(tIVAILD ASSOCIATION. Buz P r PI; Itoinlra.i. Now M.'lz-zo.. CARPENTP.ItS AND 1:11.DIIS Ettsß.S. COOLEY Jr, 11re prviiiirtirl to do all 1111111• 01 [11:11.0- INO And CA/1P.171M `.Cork, Brick 1 1{iirk, and Ethan..., by the Job or to too , 1010 . 10 r to 01111 .1, Alto, ~a•h Doorr, of oil lawn., mi. 'Whitlow Patna, * to order,' 1 . 1110 I.tonto.r emol.totly on lutntl. Shop to ruck Fat:tory Moutrooe, A. W. tiotaxy. STAN ;EY STONE. Atuntrute.D...aember. 27. 1871.-52-titn.`. FOUNDI A T the OLD COURT 1101'8E. In ItONTTIOSE, a d FAMIONABLE DRESS-DIA.ZEIIi Into or NeW York City. Retire aatlonsction niU ho Or.; to ell wt." will tarot her with a call. tw - PLAiN tiLDVIZiIi dont; in the NEATEST 31ANNER. Nay 0,18 Mrs, COLEY'. 7A-10 R. F 2, E 2. . . TIADI'itIY'S• EEADV RELIEF '. CE/LTA TILE WORST PAINS In from Ono to Twenty ENlnutoS. t 101" ONE HOUR etty narli-.. Ct , tivert . e-ment eon! any ens nUFFI..It /Ilt eL. , I. ItATMATTr - I - LELIA( '‘ , :r1,11..r If. A CL - T.E ron EVEIZT 1 . A1... Ti In= Om. tett cod le The Only Pnln Itenlocly mel lednutly tar the mart es...Lt.:l:lt, pate, elteee 'le teettmetion, and curt. u .. ,W i en., •holter of the buret fitotnattt, Low els, or utinor glauda er ury,,Qt. by un .. e;.;:1.A.: %Wu, TN ruou 03'n TO TITP:XTT IdT:ft - TT:.I Jgn matter hove Coket or eterrortallee the p.'l2 VIC eflEr. MAT1.....1101-11 , .1en. lettrm, Clipp!...l, Ntreeue,1,,:0.,,,,, yr prteArateil with eli.cee. tet.y lIADWAre READY nE!....11.7.7 \ WILT. ATTO Il 1:.47.1NS 1.A.,..i.. MTLAIIItATION onr. lIT. RlD.,kry . ISVT.A:.:II TR):1 oi.":HZ. lILADDT2:. INFT.AISILATIoN OF' Ti.,. itn , 7F.c. , . coNt;Kstit,:i On TPF trNas. BOR.L . TIIIIOAT, DiEFIITIa WIVATIHN.I VALVITATION "r' }ue ill"..'d.T.T. IITSTERICS. CE01112 . , nanril, FM A. ATAI:Itit. r.ii7_t:f...57-1.. lIMADACIIE, T00TUA , P7 , ... T:T.T g A te. u., nu , :.m.t•T:s3t. COLD CIPLTS, _sort: eii.i.... Tire appl . igation . m.. . . r:eltertft par. WikCal tha talc or SlC..uipy V)...441,..1 .2 - ant tad comfort. Twenty drop• In half a torntler of w: ter Lrrl In • f•••• LnnILL,Lto [We C1LA511 . 3. hICASSIS. R , •EIL SeLLL4Ar•:,[. Ii SICK 11I.A1•.1. rti. Dll YSENTKIZY COl.lll WESJI IlulL ELS. 1 INTERN Tranlers .... L„,1,,, of an !„,„ needy [teller wall then.. A fro dr...7,f ;TL AL. •I. chasre. f IL s Le than Irtr.Lll Fl I cr I.l.turs FEVE& AND A Cr - C. FEVETZ ANL , t: cur..% for Alt) ~tl. r.,-r. la rnt a r,atellt:,/ thla wt.rl4 I t Apia, ALA all .41v , , !v ot.r. re, rr. (.24,1 vI: I 0..;.% h• wsle!‘ m I:A DIVA 1 - ',l READY itl-1.11:1 , . I Imtle. te,,,ht by Drce,gl,+. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND MIRE Turn nu)01.- TN ,, :r...A.F57 AND W: AND • TIFel. CU.IPLLXION St , •I7DED Tu ALL, DR. RAD 17/3, 1 1'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT nAS MADE THE Mss A , T0N1 , 111,0 or ;MS. PO $O RAPID AU,: 811,1 - Vo , .s I of: Vooy yNI,EttOoiN, FNOF'': 'NH: I O'I,I"FN , 'E: OF THIS TRULY wo.NDEnyl TIIAT Evor Day an Increase in Flesh and We!gilt Is Seen and Felt. THE CHEAT BLOOD purzr- - lEn. Erery drop of the SAIIi.APARII.I..IAS enolmo , l.t. C.r ,11.7% the 4 l, I ••' -r 11131.11 and Juie..s of the a . ,-atesn the fa 1: r••.‘:-.4 the Aradas or the ho.li o I , lt tn.., rt., Scrnful.a. Septa!, Court:NAL., Clun•lolar I lu the Throat, Nt.utb. .le3 It t o t. OthlT y .pArt.nf ILI al .1 , 0, S., E., Ctr....n0..? I from h, E.rt..v.rt the aunt tams t.l Ilt.r.a, Fever F.. , .rra. •Szal.l lire,, .12 I:1.. •, Errslpel.ti. Acne. 11!,...t. tt0•F':,,,,.1 Cnneers In tha rto,l all w... 11.4.4, ay '.! .• chargra. Swo:ltg. to." sprrm,• life prmegple a.10.1,, th e e 4$ x. r. 14 r of Moder,. ( a hem a..tr,. and a 12 wr an, pen , . 11.111.,. It to of thcba et dieva,o hts I.toteut power to earn them. - . If tt nation%daltr bnonnlnz nntlarnnt In• the aanna and deentnynnltinn that la anntb-nally pnvrenlynt. lune, it la armstlna then. wan., and rnt.a.ra al n at, n , tv r tat tll.OO ffnm Laalthy bik.o4l—..antl this the tt.t./t!..11 . ..ikti1.- LI A N wit and an In, . - . . N , l ~ t .1,...el the ..ke,..r.• p.m, TA, ilittntyr, - ; enr.l u!I known rtquotllal µsepta 1tt1.4 r:l.r. rf t .t.,, 5. , .f.t -. a, Cot,. atthtut.ti. awl hiladLtuasco ; tut It Is the out, pudit I, I •tHe fttr Kidney tk. Madder Cornylaintq, Farm's. 11 W , nts slls.sss N Gm's!, th , ITst,r, Inroo,ent s ss A lbasaklssr, 2'l Srrsr hrl.k• -r poslt s th s Is,ter Is ,rl n •I ssc-s itir the white sr t,reas s et:, or t:,..ra s dark. 1a.,. • 11 •st ricpcsas. asrl husk tlwre is a pri,,se. 1,,5-'. O so• , Ls,, s suer. and ps!rs In tho L Lc-, and Fr s ., St yt WORMS.- The ou.ly krz-stst and sure Rectsly nr Worms—lL, Tape. et, Ifumor of 1/2 Vears' Crown Cured by nutharny's 11. Da. RAI,. r 1-tre 6•.1 nr Ttn , r .4 I • Post , . II.•••• ;M. u.l. r Too D E 2 A D 47, 7 3 PERFECT PUri. E.VITET, r:LLS, clrrsthtly cul , ./. I r - "`" •—•-• n 1:61 .rl.l. ; r,.. c et.. I • ISMIBBIEM • I.aa.ft•a• f` • ;:ct•.,. ra. fa far• 01 - .lc•ra of Inc Or.;:sua • C••••••••.t m, 1.....1 •( 0.4 f f to 1 .• P.-4a In I , O. 1 • fa V. 1.. ..fa.. S•.eia, .14 0.. f 1 ...1 Ic...nary af - • aftf f r t-Laat.a. I L.,14 .1 t...t. al. rr,all.-,7 A fo , d r r A••••• 1.1 1•;•: • •-•", ! A I lorm S VicY Cr':TlPill ~ LtilL-ilil. .h IA . rz ez . i''V , C) 4C2s 21 HORSE HAY FORKS! A. J. NELLIS , PATENT ENPR'OTED Tsent3-Two Sitat Fair rtemicans Awnnled T 614 YorL 1.14 I , llxceu 3lonthe,—.lE/0 ucd I,IU A LSO lIALIS Cila-FL FILLY, An Imp:ement that Prery Former, Carpenter, :lla,nn ttud Paiute: Should Have Stovolvi23 HORSE RAKES Band Pales, Scythes, Snattis, Orals Cradles, Iron, l• 1 char Ilnind) Axles, S •, Carriage Bolts. elf., Bars, (Steel aturlrou.) WI c. =1 t 9, x• C. C, FF 23 n Fc)a. o That zlves an A ARM WIIISTLE! when tha CoCee Is Ready for the T de. TRY ONE and you will land the Coo e Always Right! Grind Ammo, RV., Irnspe Loeb, }Niro, li m. 1,.. Scrth Stoma, ' I.ltrb..a, Otis, Varni.h. Tin-11 are, ' Ldmps, ,tc. KIIITeeI, Stoves, Montro.c, July 5, UV .-tr. ~ 130 Y Ca It :VI N riC. 424. X1.33"E T-2 La 23 iCel7 43 M • orionra TLLE COVET WIESE - '..t.-.- ,:-,---_-P r i ,:-:,,,4-,...-7.----:_-77---,_.. ::: .„., .-.-: -94,.i:# -;:-..,,.....,- ~ ,-.-. _ ... -..) --, :-..-.- ..,::, .11 - . Y,...:1'i - ' -::-.,-. .--:.:.-- -,,?-, ~ - .:'.•%''cr-'141',..-.•:- -,- :i ';!P',---;',1:0,-t7:11- ''-'l',:—;4 4.7-4"4;17:3-,,q-i-',.'t.:23 4. ...:.' , : i '- • - • -::`41 - D v.--,,,-;,-...n.,.;•.: t: .46,,.: r.,.-- - .. .. 1 ,..... 1: - .1‘, :-,e-e,-,1.eil kette , .: ' kldi `..' '''''--';•':'ziti7,'i.42:':'j'in,,l74' 11.11,16:4-!;,•::4;-! 4...1'•':71,-.l' - -,„,....,a,;z14.4.1'4?-..--_&•,,,4;„ • T.' . ..- ....,,,f-,,,._*:,-,.--4,:u. 0 -h-,t-igli,-,,,,,s 310:VPIWSE, JOIIN 'Proprietor. El,^ht Stages kayo ilsli !lowa counecting with tho D. L. 5 W., the Ezio, aid the Lehloh %alley Hall *arc /July 11.17—tt rot desit;7;4l — binsiner;fion - on - oe °therm:us. and the Mad okrum wasted brood tile d /mint of relAii. Draympala or In Igestlon. IleaUhe. Psis I. the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dirsioww, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste m Mon* Bairns Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, InEamotataos of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Xidors. ands bandroll other painful sympnans, are the Wynn, of Byte:raiz. It. these complaints it has on equal, anti bottle rams Eerier guarantne merits thto a lengthy advertisonent. For Female Complaints, in ye rang yin. d. noosed or single, at the dawn of wutuarihnod, or lin] hfi t „, these Tonic Bitters display it decided an induenca that a marked improvement is coon peoseptible. For Itsflrstrontrilory and Chronic Rheum*, Gem and Gout, Ilthons, Remittent and Intomlittant Fe- VS, Diseases of the Wood s Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. these Bitten have nfr equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vittated !hood, whlct is generally protases! by derangement of the Digestive Ornate- They are a Gentle Purgative as well a. a Tonle, possessing also the pectiliar merit of oorg as a posmonl agent iu relieving Conr,se, sonn or Inflaannami n of the Lteer and Visceral Organs. and in Bilious Dinner Skin Dissesaiew, Eruptions, Triter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Nooks Boils, Carlameles, Staid -H cad, Sore Eres, Erysipelas, Leh. Scarfs, iriscoora tions of the Skin, Manna and biomes of the Skin, of whatever name or nature. ore literally dug tip and carried out of the criers in a short time M the ore of O.< Bitten, Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its inapurnics bursting through the aktn in Pimples. Erup tions, or Sores; cleanse it Shen you find it obstructed. Grateful Million. proclatra Venoms Berms da most nonderful I tolgorant erer known. J. WALKER, Prork R. U. MeDONALD & CO.. Druziats and Gen. Alta.. Si.. Franca.; California. and 0:41.7 of Waal/log:no and Charlton Sta., N. Ye*. zir SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS J,A) to, I,Lt- 3 • (This Cut Illustrates the manner of Using „DR.prmp.a.E.s 'Fountain Nasal Injector, DOLICHEIay: T . .-.},'. ) : 1 t.FIA Ip , i j A'''''. 11.1 1i i.' . U . 4 \‘4 l 4 .17 , , • • • • • • feThpis fnstrnment is Imperially derigned for the pa , et apl.cation of GACCM CATARRH REIMZDY. frt.lA:• only fin-rn of Ina trio:land yet invented with raw Reins can he carried ALA up and a,t0.',. , / to all tarts of the adected paw can. war •t, a I I ta I chamber or cavities comrr.eulcaiind the:, :ma, In wawa taaresand ulcers frequently eznik 1 and Iron s nth In.. catarrhal d.cltarge generally pry. teed, .e.mt 0( Mile Ce.. In treating Catarrh hero. torero - has egiaen lan-,-el; moo the Impoesibillty of applying roma:llea to those mettle., and clamber* by any of the ordinary method*. Thlitobstaele to tan war of elite-tiny elm* to entirely overcome by the it:condoner the Douche. In using this instrument. the fluid Is carded by Its 0,1 weight) co entdrag, fore. ing or paomPug iminy regairal.) op one nostril Ins fall say flowing otrea-n to the highest portion of the na.al paaeurea„ payars into end thoroughly denten nil Inn tnbc. and chamh erA ecurnecled therewith, and flay:10:d id the opposite taastril. lta are b pluussotsua so epic that a child con vedendand It. Foil and explicit direction. accompany each log:mama.. When n'ed with this intlonment,Dr. Catarrh Eamealy cures recent attacks of .• Cr, id In the blend 9 ' 4 few applkalions„ Sy mi )tats of C.tarra. rmanent bead. 11...e.mrge tallier Into thrust, sometimes pro. Lae. leterv, Cdr . .: nouns, purulent, offeaslve‘dr. In ottt..^ a dryness, dry. watery, weak at Intlarned e.e.t. :a...o.meg on or OVitrltClloll of nand wow.. rlnglr.g In ear* ileafneys, hawking and eunghlatt to ci-or throat. tiltutruttunt. scabs from nicer* Yoko nag 11 twang, off.n.lve irerath, 'unshed at tom: doors ration of ven.o of smell and taste, dint. nes,. mynutl d-prearion in!, of apr i t . ite, nn. o enlarged tonells. tickling cone &c. Only • fr..l of tame symptoms aro likely to o present in 25150 r.se at one tine.. Dr. !SaweNt Cattltrrh Remedy. when eget! win Dr. Pie reels di•nsal Do u elbe, and aceton e-label with too eau•titational treatment which le row, n - n , :nded In the pamphlet that whps can bot tle of I'm Itmzedr. I. e perfect rprxific for this !ma rrow. dreraeet.llll4 tin proprietor offers, bagood faith. 8504 roward tor a care ho can not cure. The Reww.ly I, mild and pleasant to use, etactsinirg ue, stronu: or caustk dro:rx or poisons. The Catarrh, Remedy le sold at to cents., Ekmcho at 00 ant.. by all Druggists, m either will be nulled by pro prietor (IA receipt of 60 cents. IL V. PIEIIIIE,NI. IL. t • Eels Proprietor. /11IFFALO. ABEL '1"0" RMI.4 Ma. L.F.IIGGIST, moyrsoz , E PA le continually retch inz N.FT C3).F3) nd I:eer conptunt !Ton bard ■ fun and defirable 4_a_ar,uttnnait ot geuutcle DItUGS, MEDICINES. UTIE.MICALS, LI Cr OS!. rahits.. Olio, Ten,, SIACCIP, and other Ott canto Stone it :ire. oil toldiudow raper, Gls. ous M Foot dor, Mirrors, Lumpu, Chlumels ero ucliloory Tooturro' Nualoroos O t t. it. vii, Sprt to col, Oi,,t till , Spirit. Tarpon ier. 1 .111 A, C:11.1.3 Sr, fl. V ibtl:lll . ./ . ..413141, CULCeII truett I.)t. A.le Trusurs, Sappurters,lledirs I n -toolico Whlpe, Vans, Pistols unri Poo der, FhW, Load, (km Caps, Bluetits Poo doi now, N ion us.Striugs, Bon u.el.c. Flatca vie., 1 , 1. h 110g.U...n..(1 Lint nod Tollei Soups 11.1: r 011. , Hole at...ton:re. and Bair Dyes. Brabbes, Poturl finis .• Mated Spoone,Forlia Dedtitt drticles,a general assortment al FANCY GOODS, JSIVSLTIY, and PERFUMERY All theleadlog And boot kin & of lu shvrt,,aearly e 1.., aung to reEtorettto tick, \ 9 ple.as., lac tu,.. , tu uc,l,Li•La.t etc, lu htulil) Mu tauL4 alill ulna., a.O ,uuLt... c au L 1.... I aaa uuuculmauulokl culferp ut ate. I.I4LAWAVI.ttIaiI• lb tu.pcuLtat al.:, 0111 11,0 CI 0 4 LL I+ vii epaimr. Lull al lla: Dalai, uLU % urltl) - btUl U toi PATENT A:EDICINES, Slontrove.Jao.3.lb79, • D OWN TOWN NEWS MINER AND GOATS, alato Street, 5 door* below Boyd's Corner. Molar* FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIUS4S. We are conetnntly rev Iviuri nd now have ephliPd, a fresh stock of Uoud.l n Quit, e.ahleh we willsell UaLihiet CHEJU GELL9I) lOrCllib,orozelm.ge prKotlttcp. GOOD .7'.t.;.,4 COFFEE, SUGAR, OLA SSE S, SPICES, PORK, FISLI, LAIW, 11.1315, DIdED.•FIWITS, CLOVER d: TIdIOTMY . LSEED, aro We bore reacted and made othiltiotsv to our Stort a Polio nod a r.u.pW mob to jorwUrri filltlar to ;be hot c000•tho.loOhnoter• - lo New Vork.irre of clolfgc.allf o , ornbrivuneernento rothOznroeurr CAI and axonkint our flock bcforr, purasulthgalif Isherr.aticl :govinevrobrtelvet Otto, GOOD QUALITY LOW PRICES of oar (hods; - • . W. B. COATS fl ontsUrtt, April 18. ex 9, ;y~Fi f y . l OLD - JEW4:I:RY--,A. - nue Assort. ravo. And other Ssriotag ,fo Ji kw Gold apd rilyer Vatted Wn eltrs nod Wot s tis Outbid Silver a.ol‘ilver pitted lio:rpo,ds,, _and pa. nrsortrn..nt of Pansy Goods, Notions, .reatuaay. de. Drugs sudlledlelnce. slurs antic. Itootrote. PM :71.. _Ur' ABU =liar's aJ LL '1141t;4:L4
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