The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 09, 1872, Image 3

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    goal ittriligenct.
ania rous shavuse
BAPTIST C MICH.. Xs,. J. P... Catmints D. D. rotor.
Sabbath Services 1O) a. ha. and Z.p tn.
Sabbath School. 12 tn.
tamer Strewn', Wednesday Ercolags 14
- • -
r kTITOLICI , Rev./. Sherri=
s,bhath Serrices Second Sunday In each Mooch
t. , 3bbath School Immodlatcly before Macs
clittltCll..lisr. E. A. Wannrsvn. Reetor.
,3bhath Serrires 103 a. m. and 'TX p.
m m.
School 11 .
Week-pay Bervicee—Wmthoedays p. m.
F:TTIon NT EPISCOPAL ....Rev. A.D. ALEl,oentrt
~abb.vh ..10.43 a. m. and 7,10 p. m
whbat O p m.
Prayer Meeting. Ttitirsdlys. LSO p, m
in ,, li3th !service. 10.45 a. in. and `7)O p, m.
t ., , onta S,hntsl 12.15 p. m.
realer Meeting, TtintellAy „ „, , p. m.
Friendfaille Pair.
The Friendsville Fair will be held at Prieads
on Monday, Oct. 2fith,1872.
Ry order of Committee.
Nemirow IttaAway.
An enterprising merchant of Lynn, Pa., on.
Monday last shipped a load of merchandise by
ntl f rom this place to Lynn. He reloaded the
lame car NN Ith freight for down country. De
„illhave the honor of holding the first receipt
tor :might paid to the Montrose Railway C4M•
patty. Thi. 4 business. We can see no reason
shy our railroad will not drop coal and other
s upplies at, or at least very near the doors of our
Montroie neighbors, by December The cant me
wl-, and track-Ivens are bending their energies
to that end.— Tusaaiannock Rdpublican.
Church Constituted.
A council composed of delegates from sever
si diuretic , of the Bridgewater Baptist Asso
ciation, and others invited, met at Great Bend
rllaer, on Saturday, Sept 28th, to consider the
propriety of recognizing as a Baptist Church,
and assist in organizing as such, a hand of 'meth
-7n and sisters who had covenantett together iu
diurch relation, After hearing the eireilmstan
en which led to the movement, and approving
the articles of faith and covenant, expressing
theirbelief and designed practice, the council
unanimously decided to recognize the org;ani..
titian U a Baptist Church, in fellowship with
the Bridgewater Association, with appropriate
!labile services, at 2 o'clock, p. to., selecting the
f„ lowing brethren to act in behalf of the coml.
c.i, and at the time appointed the services were
renducted as follows
tiennou by Dd. Lyman Wright of Bingham
ton, N. Y Text. Luke 12,-42.
Hand ut fellowsblp, by Eld. A. L. Pont.
Charge to tee (lurch, by Eld. W.C. Tilden
This meeting, was held in connection with the
Qoarterly Meeting of the Association, which
continued through Sunday the 20th.
l'n Stind.y :norning, after a germon by Eld
I. Po,t, Iwo deamus were ordained.
TLr chur..ll is small' in the beginning, but
prove. t r . , yront.ise a work for good, under the
biv:ue W. C. TILDILN.
Wedding Reception.
one of the most brilliant wedding receptions
jtl ris en in .11ont rose, took place on Wedner,-
'2,1i4,,0a the occasion of the marriage
el 21,-s Katharine E. Searle, the highly accom
r.:,bed danyhter of Leonard Searle, enq.,
to Gen. Wm. hi. McCartney of New York
tU qnr Muldoon, of the New York IVori..l.)
Tat marriage service was performed in St.
I".nifi Church. by Rev. E. .1. Warriner, in the
ea.t beautiful and impressive manner. The
se,iding march eras played by the organist, Mr.
Wm H. Cooper, , a.sisted by Miss Fanny Beach.
After the ceremonies at theehurch were ended,
a , ar,re untnber or invited guests assembled at
tbe Tautly residence and tendered their congrat
c!atkos to the -bridal pair, and partook of a
lalurous and bountiful repast. The spacious
ro.,ms were handsomely g,...T.tooned with ever
grems and ornamented with flowers. The bride
es, dressed in a magnificent snit of heavy bilk,
m:cr to order in Paris, and all the ladies ap
pear,l is clemmt costumes. Among thegnests
In the Rector of the Episcopal church,
ve,e G. Miller, of the Presbyterian
Doctor Cheshire, of the Baptist church,
sal Rev. Barr Baldwin, formerly the pastor of
the Presbyterian church. Mr. Charles Perry of
Lagbamten, and Mr. Joieph Williams, of Mont
rose. acted as ushers, and everything woo con-
ducted la the mostperfectorder and style. The
seddmg presents were very numerous and ele
pai At half past twelve the bridal pair took
their dedarture for New York, and on Saturday
IViro,-;nc. sailed for Europe in the steamship,
(:::y of 3tontreal. All their friends wish them
10'• voyage, and a bright and happy career in
are_ COM.
Chapter of .4leeldealit.
we ropy the following from the Susquehanna
As VI ideal occurred at Jackson, on Tuesday,
tee pole raising, which has east a gloom
niter the ',tire community of that place and
sa --,, t , thrg neighborhood. While the pole
vas , e•nz raid which was to have been the
, tonat , , , catient of a political meeting, ; one of
1,,e ;Lr rdpea, by which they were hoisting the
rort to its place, broke, letting the pole fall. A
:gr o ve t roved of people was in close proximity,
in"! a general rush was made to escape the un
fa•ro:tn: diinger. All escaped but Mrs. W. W.
on alio with the rest attempted to place
it'r•elf hat or danger, but instead of which,
r•tu-t ht-vtly under the falling pole, which
h-r entailing her head, breaking her and I..ihng bier almost instantly.
toon after ibis terrible accident it was an
Itrthet , i that an meeting woald be held, and the
rrou i , !no- r , ed to their bomes,shuddezing over
the ter-tt,e and unexpected scene they had just
The funeral was attended to-day,by
a itrze number of the friends and relatives of
the N,l,efl
M hr morning last, ateng,b2ecr on a
cnrenra, :,nn :rain, named Simms, met with a
dr.,t b. by being run over when near
"atm, N Y lie was standing on a flat car,
sh, a hot wheel, and when near Cirey's
the whey.) burned off, letting the end of
r3r bib which threw him under the wheels,
and wren) car, passel over him, cutting him to
Lut , . tn a shocking manner. His remains
*ere taken to his home in Elmira, for inter
seat Ile Irate% a wife and two children. -
—On teonday night last, two dill:lra:ref Mr.
ltreloe n ,iding about two miles from this
Pi.'" near Turkey Hill, met with a horrible
d.....v.1 4 by burned alive. It appears that
uteir parent, had left home early in the e v en in g ,
tine in the hutzet their three , children, two
boys and one girL By some means, the building
estellt fire from the stove, and' in a abort time
au wholly enveloped in Barnet. The oldest boy
attout welve years old, suet:ceded .In escaping
tem the burning building, but his little brother
MI sister aged reaparagily nina 1 313 1 1 seven yotrs
Leretiad in the flames.
We learn that Kr: Bigelow is a poor man, and
lsitlitt this terrilne .11111111 ml by Ma untimely
awl or his children, he has lost hip entire
tirlotn Knevii of:Elemioek township, Cot.
zbis county had two valuable cove killed on
• .%.turday, by breaking into Xs apple or ,
and eating apples to ezocrl,—Blow fist-
About ten o'clock in the forenoon of Oct rah,
John T.' Perry, of Brooklyn township, was
found dead in his son's barn, a little west of
Mack's Corners. Mr. Perry was a highly re
spected citizen, and a worthy member of the
Methodist Church, but for some time previous
had been out of health and laboring under men
tal depression to such an extent, that those who
knew him hardly regarded him as sane. But
for two weeks previous to the tragic event that
ended his lite, the members of his family regard
ed him as improving, physically and mentally.
Mr. Perry had been for many 'years a wagon
maker at Brooklyn Centre, but the eventig pre
vious to his death had gone to the house , or his
son to stay. In the morning he ate a hearty
breakfast, was cheerful in spirits and sociable in
manner. rinsing a little business to transact
with one of Lis customers living a half mile or
more back, he proposed to his son that he take
the shot gun to kill some squint:is, whirls were
numerous and troublesome in the field through
which Le was to pass, and his son entirely un
suspicious of anything wrong, gave hint the
gun and ammunition, and soon after started
for Brooklyn Centre. Not long alter this the
.son's wife noticed that the docir of the barn on
the opposite side of the road from the house,
was chased and not !listened upon the outside,
as it ought to be, unless some one was inside.
This occasioned sufficient suspicion to lead to
listening at the side of the bam,silien the Toler
of Mr. Perry was beard within, apparently at
prayer. Unwilling to disturb hint the son's wife
with her sister, continued nbout the house-work
in the back part of the house, occasionally Coin
ing to the front to see ii anything was wrong.
On listening again at the barn no sound was
heard—the doer was cautiously opened, and
there lay the lifeless body of Mr. Perry, Lis face
in a pool of blood, while !4"t'e brains, literally
blown out by the gun, were lying near by upnu
the Doer. An alarm was soon male among the
neighbors, and Coroner Jhalsey was summoned
to hold an Inquest.
A small strap was found attached to the trig
ger of the gun, through which a stick like a
cradle linger was passed, by means of which
arrangement the gun could be discharged by
nressing on the stick with one foot. The left
hand was someitat scorched undoubtedly by
holding the muzzlu of the gun to the forehead,
so as to make sure work. Death must have
been instantaneous as the skull was broken in
many pieces, and all the brains were blown out.
Mr. Perry was sixty-three yeses of age, and
leaves a widow and several children to mourn
his untimely end, while the tragic event brings
sadness and gloom to a large circle of friends
and acquaintance.
The report of the gun was beard by a neigh
bor, at work in his corn-field, but rot by the
women who were at work in the rear of the
house, close by a noisy dog power churn, which
was in, operation. 3. 3. 8.
A scrap of Ilbtory.
In replying to some wild assertions of Sena
. for Morton, the Washington Patriot finds it to
the point to revive the following in :reference to
General Geant's refusal to exchange prisoners
during the late war between the States :
The exchange of prisoners ceased the hoar
that Gragt became General-in-Chief. 1113
avowed motive was that he could better afford
to till his army with green recruits and his rap
lured men lie rotting, than by an exchange re
plenish the Confederate ranks with trainee' vet
erans. It was a good policy perhaps, but it was
policy that murdered our unhappy prisoners.
The rebels offered any sortof terms of exchange.
They said they had no bread or meat for their
own treops, much less fur theireaptivm They
submitted to deal with Butler. They consented
to waive their claims on account of paroled
men. They begged for an exchange. They
agreed to exchange the negroes. They de
madded it for mercy's sake and hutnanity's.
They cast formality and punctilio to tho winds
and Only said: "Vonr men are dying on our
hands; for God's sake and for pity's sake help
ns tett:bele them !" Itnt no, Stanton feared
[borne coils of the anaconda would be relaxed
if the hand of mercy were permitted to touch
one of its scaly folds, and the implacable Grant
sat and smoi,t4l, determined that Lee's army
should not be reinforced, through the shrieks of
Andersonville and Salisbury mounted to 'way
It was good policy, and It was policy that won,
in the end. But it was cruel, bard policy, and
perhaps deserves to be considered the work of a
"mom' monster." It was the work that nearly
drove kind hearted men mad. It made Lincoln
weep. and deepened the melancholy lines in
that sorrow-furrowed face. It racked Greelev's
heart till he cried "this must be stopped." The
nation is dying—is bleeding to death. It even
awakened a suspicion mantling of remorse in
Butler's brazen cheek and ranged him, writh
ing, to publicly announce that be was not pur
suing his own policy, but that of his snperiors.
Bet Grant never paused nor faltered, nor hesi
tated, nor turned aside_ It bad cost him 90,000
men to mareh from the Rapidan to Petersburg;
should be raise a stifle of Out city because :10,-
000 more were in danger of starving? Never.
"And they did die, and their bones lie buried at
Amlersonville, and other prison
pens in the south."
The Royal Insurance Company.
The annual meeting of the shareholders of the
Royal Insurance Company was held In Liver
! pool, England, on the 2d ult. The Chairman of
the Company, C. Turner, Esq., M. P., presided
on the occasion. The annual report showed
that the receipts of fire premiums for the veer
bad amounted to .£597,261 12s I Id, ($3,480,205)
and the lasses by fire, including Chicago losses,
to .17,:.9,-1: ,OGO Is sd • pi:1;920,300) After provid
ing for unexpired liabilities, etc., the net profit
for the year amounted In £08,851 15s 7d. (.y314,
265.) The business of the year showed an in- 1
crease 0f.,C151,42.5 in fire premiums alone, (937,-
12,1,) A very large proportion of this vast- in
crease of business in one year, has been produc
ed in the United States, where the Company is
rapidly extending and growing dai
ly in popular favor. The tire reserve fund of the
Royal now amounts to £488,450 .W. 1.415,330).
This places the Company amongst the most se
cure and solvent fire companies of the world.—
The total assets of the company are now 173,-
230,923 .9z Bd. ($11,451,015) to meet its life and
fire liabilities. The chairman in his speech, mov
ing the adoption of the report, referred to the
progress of the company In America in compli
mentary terms, and expressed his belief that
the people of the United States were patroniz
ing that company, and others from Great Brit
ain, because they had been found prompt in set
tling all claims arising from loss by fire—even
in such extensive losses as those of Chicago.—
The entire position of that company (daces it
In the front rank: of insurance organizations;
and while the business of the year, 1871, must
be highly gratifying., to the United States agents
.of the company, we have no doubt they will
stilt further increase their business during the
current year, and appear in et - en a still more
favorable position in the next anneal report
*aroma Times.
A. W. STILES, A3ent.
New Milford Sasquebann3 Co-, Pa.
The .Latest
Certain sanctimonious charlatans would fain
persuade the world that diffusive stimulants
have no medicinal value, and that detestable
slops, composed of griping acids and drastic
purgatives, are better tonics than the finest veg
etable ingredients combined with the purest
and mellowest products of the still. lint this
sort of thing won't go down. The stomachs of
our common sense rejects it, as the physical
stomach of every man with an undepraved pal
ate rejects, with loathing and ahherrenca, nau
seous abonainations,'lrce from alcohol," which
Untobugs are trying to thrust down the throats
of Temperance Invalids under the pretensvhat
the fifth wlll do'them good?, It is not likely that
while Pr atersytost Brrrras 11.e:Standard Ton
ic of Americo, Is anywhere accessible, each sick
lining frauds can make much leadway, but it is
as wato put 06144'0_4.n their spinet
Insurance Notice.
The undersigned, out of no ill-feeling to any
one, published an ometal ateteinent some weeks
ago, of the impairments of the capital of sev
eral insurance companies, represented by some
tour agencies in this county, one of which was
the Andes, of Cincinnati. At the instigation of
the agents, or some other person, the President,
J. B. Bennett, wrote a letter to the editor of the
Republican, denying the statement, which was
published in that paper. We now find the fol
lowing statement published in the New York
Timm, Sept. 21st, 1872, which akes the Andes
Insurane Company $280,165 27 - worse off than
nothing. According so this statement parties
in tills county, and elsewhere, holding policies
in this company are nut insured. Mr. Bennett
is also President of the Amazon and Triumph
--companies also doing businms in this State.
I would recommend all parties who desire
safe insurance to apply for policies in old, relia
ble companies . represented at this agency :
The North America insurance Company, of
Philadelphia, incorporated 1721,
Franklin, of Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, of
State of Pennsylvania, of Philadelphia.
The old Banton! Fire Insurance Company,
of Ilartfonl, Ct.
Home, of New York.
The above companioo lost over $5,000.030 in
the Chicago fire, which was promptly paid, and
the companies are in as good condition as they
wore previously to the tire. It costs no more to
insure in good companit:s than•it does in datbt
tel Ad parties applying to this agency
will gut reliable insurance.
Tamura Fon TwExry Tc,sns.—More than
twenty years ago the SIesTANO LINIMENT made
its deb: in the west. Its cures, pf the various
eltcrual diseases of horses tie, astonish
ed the planters and farmers el the Mississppi and
Ohio Valleys, and'a demand for it sprung up
which necessitated its manufacture on an ex
tensive scale. Soon the discovery was made
that it was a grand speritic for rheumatism,
gout, neuralgia, earache, tootlinclie, and other
cuternal ;diluents of mankind. Then it was
tried as a healing, pain l.illing application, in
eases of outwanl injury, such as cuts, lituistst,
hums, spasms, &c., and was found equally ser
viceable. The fame ante new,remedy for some
of the most painful ills that afflict mankiniriiiid
the lower animals, spread rapidly, and Mrstsso
Lis:vat:yr soon took rank in every State and
Territory of the Union as a STANDASID CEME.
the man deserves well of his country who makes
Iwo blades of grass grow where only one grew
betbre, surely he sdto timduees a glorious crop
of hair on a comparatively barren scalp deser
ves the hearty thanks of the obliged party. All
honor, therefore, to l'noriti•stat E. T, Leos, for
unquestionably, his retiowed IiaTiIASON SC
COMIIIiSheS this object. Gentlemen whose
whiskers:are shy of making their appearance
in force. or the fibers of whose monstaches dis
close those "magnificent distances" for which
Washington City was once so famous, will find
this on PERK:Ant:a the most wonderful en
courager of fibrous developement that has ever
yet toes invented. Both srit's. , are advised to
use it, as, by all odds, it is th ha-4 aril isle for
improving the growth and la my of tile -hair,
keeping it free from scurf ma alf, prevent
ing it from becoming harsh, dry an gray—giv
ing it a filth glass and endowing it with flexi
bility—dial Toilet Chemistry lias ever envoi
red from the vegitable kingdom.
Farm for Sale.
olTer for sale my firm, which is con
sidered as. gond and desintide as any of its size
in the toss mhip. If contains 100 acres, about
00 improved, nod more cut he had if desired.—
All tile land Iv's gra sniffy sloping to- the sooth
c•t.t. Is smooth and dry, tree from stumps and
rochs, and is well watered by springs and creek.
Also a never-flailing well at the kitchen door.
The Intase La nearly new nod well finished,
and there-are two good barns and other neces
sary building.; on the pretni-cs. Plenty of gond
fruit on tile place. For farther particulars ad
dress me, or canal the firm southeast
of New Milford.
AL-o ICI acres ofland near lowa Falls, Frank
lin County, lowa, which I wish to sell or ex
clian,gt fot a small place, or property in a rail
road town, Louis Witara
Now Milford, Oct. 3d, In:.
Came into the inelosnre of the subscriber, on
Sept. 2Sthi a dart. 3 -ca aentr,'aiaan. tuna: ,r a ,,,,
old. The owner is hereby reques , c+.l to prove
property, pay charges and take her away.
Dimock, Sept . stun,l 72,
Two glimdred Men Wonted
On the Montrose Railway from Tunkbannoel:
to Montrose, to drive it thrott!=li•to it:: comple
tion. FEun MAnct, Contr.tetor.
Dr. E. L. Gardner
Would inform nil those whom it may concern
that he hai, left his notes, judgment:, account:,
and leases, in the hand.; of 3i. S. Wilson, and
requests all creditors to pay over to him their
respective Indebtedness ni they tall due.
Montrose, Sept. 4th, 1872.
F. ChnriphilL
Justice of the Peace: office orpr L. B. Len
heini's store, Greet Bend borough, Basimehau
na Co., Pa. Ilas the settlement of the docket=
of the late Isaac Ilcc!chow, deceased. (Mice
hours from 9 to 12 o'clock, a. m., and from 1 to
4 o'clock p.
Great Bend, Oct. 2d, 18M.
Came into the enclosure of the subscriber, on
or about the 14th of September. 7872, six sheep
—four ewes and two lambs, (one a buck.) The
owner is requested to call and prove property,
pay charges and take them away.
Dimock, Sept. 2.5111, 187.9.
Ctrter.—Rocoirrox—ln Brooklyn, Oct, Ist, lw
Rev. 11. Boughton, rissistts4 - by Revs. L. P.
Porter and M. Caldwell, Mr. Albert P. Chace.
of East Dainesville, AVyonung Co.. N. T., and
Francis M., daughter of the of clergy
Dix—Bret:—ln New Milford, Oct. 2, at the
house of the bride's father, W. Rice, esq., by
Rev. A. 0. Warren, Mr. John E. Di; add
Miss lib G. Rice, all of New Milford.
Tonn—DlexErtstAN—At the residence of the
bride's father, in New Milford. Sept. 231 h, by
Rev. J. Cl. Miller, ,]amts J. Todd, and Ella J.
I4ickerman. both of New Milford.
110111,•"FON—BELE.--At the Universalist Parson
age, in Brooklyn, Sept. 14, by Rev, 11. Bough
ton, Mr. Arthur E. Robinson, of Bridgeville,
N. J., and Miss Ida L Bell, of Jlopbottom,
Bustumt.t,—ln Aalturn, Oct. 34, 1873,
wife of John Bushnell, aged 49 yearn.
She rests in Hope.
COZME—In Forest Lake, Sept. 11th. Mrs. Sarah
Jane, aged 34 years and G months, wife of
Cornelius Come.
KEELEv.—In Middletown, Sept- 27, Mr. Newel
Keeler, aged 51 yews and 7 months.
Corrected weekly by Harding, 14yden Co.,
Waslunston St., New York.
Rutter, pail c"...i027
" firkin— . ....,...... ..... 23025
Cheese, dairy, per:ii) . ........ .......... 11012
Lam,' ••• • • .... ........ 120_03
Eggs, per doz 24025
Flour. per barm1........ ........... 0.00e0.50
Corn meal,loo Ina , 8.7.1rte3.85
Wheat, per brawl 1.0101.65
Rye " ...... ...... ..... 11.15.
Oats " 410 ,:g 4 7 5
Corn 63004
Rope, crop of 1871 4050
Tallow .
Lard per lb • 75
Potatoes per bbl 1 2.541 75
Apples ........... ........ e
Turkeys per 1b............
Ltnekti "
A Tab:table habit of body Is absolutely essential to
physical health and clearness of Intellect, Nor Is this
all. Donut; of parson cannot co-ealet with an unnat
ural condition of the bowels. A free plague of tho re
fuse matterof tho system through these natural waste
Freels as Ilerts..y to the purity of tbo body as the
free pSseano of the offal of a city through its sowers in
necessary to the health of its Inhabitants.
Indigestion Is the primary rause of most of the dis
co,s of the dischar In; of coos, mai 01:10 of Its most
common recalls Is courtipat 1011. Thin complaint, be•
Ode. beside. being dandamorto In Itself. ha. many tifra
greenble rpacomiLint.—.nett an an atiplettannt breath,.
Winmv hie. contaminag hg blood and bile, Lento,
rh old.. heseache.los• of memory. and tionersidelolity.
lioltetter's Stomach Millet s removes!l there oils 6,
removing their Immediate came In the illgestiSe oagsns
And g egtdat Ing the action of the Ilareggi ISM Tim rotn•
binat lull of propg•rtles In tt. egileitrated preparation I.
One of to thief merit.. It is tint merely n stimulaut
ore tonic, or an and bilionq a t rynt,,o7 a nervine. or a
blind ,p•p t o• g o g t, a r a ectparte, but oil the-c curative cle
, en!. juditil•mrly blended on nil.' poirerfill restorative.
It lend. activity and vgg cc r to tire Inert and corrected
goo :nada. relieves the i.lamputry cant of Its obstruc
tions. nod give tone to the membrane which Ike. It.
g••ntly iambics the liver, braces the nerves. ..t
-eller,. the anglol4l sloth.. NO other remedy 1.0/4,1 , ...4
inch a variety of hygienic virtue., It to to the... Cher
wino tit lc virtues tart It ow, SA prestige a. a hour'
hold medicine. F-tmelg•oce lia.proved that It is It:
hartnle.r an It I," elliGl,oll.. and hence It In as nnpulo
n lth the weak, •es as with the stnittger.
Hostel ter'. stnits.teh 11.11g.ra ere void In bottles only
and the trade mush Mos. In the gip , . and engraved on
the 111;c1 I • the the test of genutneness. Beware of
counterfr Its.
Tes,timony of a Prominent Physician.
•• the part eight yearn I have had fregnent
opportnottle. of trill - leering the effect of MIFILI-Ell . ll
!Iron rorrrit4 n;.on persons col:feria,: from Dpipencla,
L ott of New ms Eliergy, ticxnal Wimknees, Dlarrtama,
.te. I have Ittowen It ho prove enceeerfol In many
CA.44., where Mlnphatle. llotorimparltle and Ilyilroptutt-
lc treatment had fulled. I rill' continue to one It in
anch camp:Mutt n ith uniform !TIMM", and have no
breltanry In pronouncing It the 'mart efileaclona come.
dy yet discovered foe direares artrin2 from adiyorded
Stuntach, Liver, licducys or Ilostels,
'Vaunt, very truly,
GENTLEMAN who suffered for yrarr from Nervon•
/2.Urhillty, Vermatan , Drmy, and all the cited of
youthful Gultocretlon u 111, for the AG, of rofferlrm hu
manity, wend free to all wha need it, the and dl
rt.ctiou for maLing tlic I , llllplU remedy by n hick he was
cured Stawerw o ,4111,1:4 to prod. by the advl sar'oexperl
fmce min do e o by .11_1n...wing, ln pwrnwt contbli.nre,
AtDITOR'S MOTU - 7: —The onderxlcned. an Audi
tor npp..i noott I,v 'lto ... oft lie Orphan', Cott t,
In itul tor Lim l'ottol• of • h in tr.t. In tliFt ohot ‘ • the
fond , to the hods of It,r,ttor e,.tte of
Stephen Contan i 1 nttond to the ditto, of
104 appointment, at his ottlee in Mantrooc, on
Frlti 'l, the 'rah thr or 0,-,ober. 1-11. at one
Wein-I: in the ofternoor. A:i Itt,re,ted for here
required tontprsr and y., thef claims, at the
AL. e .I me and place or Ite ron - n , 411 - vd.
A, W, HSU Le, Anditor.
Montrose, Oct. In 2.
4 untrorrs NOTICE —The ted,r.l7,ned. an Audi!,
11, or appointed by the Orphan'; Coort of erNnehan•
urt Connty, to diatrb.dita the 1800; In the handl of John
11. Tanner, allot In lot rator of llt • relate. ,of C. S. Tanner,
doreared. wilt attend to the tintiet, of 111= appointment
teat 111. odler In 3tuatroar. on Sattml.ty. Nrox enthre ttrt,
LSI: at 1 o'clock, p. tn., at whirl, time and pi tee ail per
son. totem-tett In alld food most pre-cut their elainta or
tat forever debarred trona contina In on RAM ftrnd.
It. W. n'.2.A.TtLE, Auditor.
Itlontro2c, Oct. 2, lsn.
XECUTO NOTirE. Wheenit. let tern letternenta
I'4 ry to the ntrhte or Thont.ot Johntoth • tlettentnn
h zve been nr . lnted to the untierpi7tetl, all pr-rttunt. in
debtell to eittl te. are nhitt...tett to nthlot tannetilatt
p tpnent. out tht.e h ttintt rli tn+ /I v. in • t the mate
are requertoetl In neecent •t without 11,1. q.
ELIZ JolrcsON.
ti•LBEnT E'eent°r''
Bri•lgen ate, Sept. ttn h., lilt? —wet
£ r a n .oo l u r ti ' li n te . .l \ ot .n k r oittil E o;r r ts ' 7l 4„7r t ' rn fti ori t" tir. ' l7 , 2 "
Sueeptetutica l'uttety, dist...ld:de the I.&
net-in:front the of Real 13-tale or /I A.
T , .. , rk“ , •nr "Merl vo, notiez oh to he n - 111 attend to
the 61110 of Ws Apt...done:it it his this. In Montrose,
November th11.18:2. at 9 o'clock to. to:, at winch tlmc
ant. place, all per:tons interetted dot extend, or be fur.
ever barred from coaling .10l fold.
trDlToll'n NOTICt. The tultic,i.toctl h,n lc: been
rota neh ted noon toted an Andltor, by the onn of Comanta
Plra, So.prpar to dlrtr C lnote ?ha Altair to
the hand. gibe Slt-rlr, arniatt tram the titterifra. 1 , 31. J
of the reel vont, of It C. lin... IteTeLy •• .ea notice
that he will attend to the tint en of hie appolottnent at
bin rare In Itontrare, o t y yt't. at I
o'clock. All per , oct Napo. and
pr,eot their claim, or . 4 -- --
on fain to,.a.
1.371—5 r 1
r SE'I - TOWS aTien. Letter. , I,tana otary to the
a, of .latni, itpoaa. Llee te of Len•tx.
Sa.anettanoacoonty, Pa.. bore hen vranted to tie
.üb , criberA, all per -on intlahted to the gild oqato, ere
mot-dill 1 n ispncoiate plyment. and tho,
Cl ittn. or rtetnatl+ :I=l,t rho ...tate at the itattl
c,dAnt, to trialta hootsu thu tall tputt delay.
ruts tiuxa t t fizeautor.
Ltnaxvitto, Sept. (Sib. —we
r 4 X E'er S NOTICE. Leorr• tectamentary to the
e•tve of :Carton Alrt-h. Ilse of Brooklyn hop.
So.losshausse , essnosy. - Pn hare been granted to the
auhs,rihrr. all perro, inde'ssed to the raid estate, are
renne,s ed so make I.aasdltte paym-nt. nod' those hay.
hsd 6-11111 S or n a anoint the osstate of the said de, to maize known tbs. tame irifh(11111 dehl.
Ato.dczt., Elect:dor.
Brooklyn, Sept. Idth,lt.-00
D'U7stSl.l.%Toll'S NOTICE.—In the e.tate of
LEznlel M. l':frtnv, derea.ed. hitter. of Atltnlnle
trution In thn note petite. hare been chanted to the no
rst,,,ed. all pe,on • Indebted to ,tni t i c.,5110. pr, Spec.
by ..,thiva ht InAke huni,linte rtyntent to the .Acltnln..
t rut ant tunic hiring claims Sitailloit the satneJare
to present them at the "Mee- or J. It. A. A.
U. !Ilet'ollum. JULIA M. TIFFANY, Adair.
Itridge.senter, Sept. 15th,
A I - DITOWS: , ZOTIC'E.-Thenntiorelkned.hriving been
nopointedi .y the Court, or (*optimal Plea, of San=
qUeiliallfll Coady, un'Anditor to dittritnve the fait& in
hunch , of the Slic,lfrurieltkr Dom the sah. of. Ratl Eotaie
of W. T and Sobraidtl tlmecll. dill ati end to the
&Weil of his appointment, at bin office ou Weilnesday
Oct. In. 1e72., at 1 o'clock, P. N, All pennons Intereeted
will app.-stand protein their claim., or be forever de
barred front coming in on told fend.
B. L. BALDWIN, Anditor.
Montrose, Sept. 15, 1872—w.4.
A UDITOIII4 NOTICII.—The nntlentlpled biller berm
1-1 appointed by the Court of Comm:11 Plead. of Sad.
onehan nu county. an Auditor In dt..tribot e the N.A. i n
b tads of the SheritT. aridin: from the redo of the Real
E..t A t e of 11 C. jillibard, will attend to tho glades - of his
mutt intrnent, hid in Mout - rose. on Tuedthty.
Oct 1.1 1: 4 •74.1t 1 o'clock' p. m. All pervona Intereoted
o ill app ur an.. pre, :1 it -it claim,. or be forever de.
barren from coming In on -aid fund.
Montrone, Sept_ IS, 3.112.—Avi,
ArDtron's l'caTicE.—Tto; umderAtzrzed. an anditor
appointed by the Coon of Common Ilene° of boa.
grit-h may tlmot7, td d.Ntrtbote the fond:tin the hands
of the Sheriff.front the Sherifra 4.3 it, of the
real ep , .nte of Jacob D.,cker, hereby gives notice that he
vql nt tend to of big appointment.= LlsoMee
in Ilontro,. on Frt•ny. Wlrd day of Oct., 1572. at
one o'clock. p. in.. when and Whereat) peroone Interest
ed fond trill pre t th,ir claims or be forever
debarred from coming to un *aid fond.
A. It. alc4.7butri, Anditdr.
Montroxe. eeptenaher 11th,1572.—w4
DSIINISTit.t.TPR'S NOTICE —7n the eitate of
11. Mary S. t• Lytton, late of Baidertester, Susq's
Co., l'a., demised, Lettert of Administration to
the raid estate havlo r ; been granted to the enditrAlttned,
all prn.s owing relate, are requested to make
Immediate ',arm ent, and all perrns haring claims
neatest said estate are regnened to present theft without
3011,i A. STANTON. Adm'r.
Bridgewater, Sept. it b, —wG.
174 STAT E of AnetlnThotenaorthe to washlp of Lathrop
seNtlaermea enmity. Pa.. rieemL4ed.—Letters of Ad.
120thipLibti0:1 spew the estate Of the above Datatll time
liCilt, bstrithz bccn ranted to the anderetznetL all per
as Indebted to raid eat:R.32re hereby sortlent to make
Immediate payment; and thee,' having . elalme agalatrt
the game., to present them du 'y authenticated for settle.
meat. W. P. CRANDALL, Ader.
Lathrop. Ps.. Sept. 4t1:41672—W
moo MT to 1 Ise vsta:o of lease Itectzttow la to of Great
Dead. derclased, Lave breo granted to 1 11 , ....obnertbr-w.
ail perral:l9 inde4terltel raid metztea re requudett to matzo
Immediate payment_ awl tho,to In slog cla.toP or do.
Maud. 4ViUnt the tame, will present OM Without do.
vls A. Be.raiWlTTlnecTlNzall, cm . ton :
Auz. • .
Municipal Bonds for. Bale.
Thoo bonds are ',mei by ?Irian! of the ElMeConpt
tallow' greeting the Legoalutures the right to enact
laws auth Cid es. Conn iiet and Towns to tune an
carillon in acconlance with ench law, for certain inter
nal Int prorraionts,and when no ;paned there is no pow.
et , that can log-ally detest them States may repudiate;
Municipalities CaPDOI. Theta bends are a And lien up.
on all the
_property of the municipality. lactating
Railroads sad mortca,Ted pr mite!. Shrewd, far-seeing
Ramora are chinking t heir Goveroment end other hh--
entities into them. desirable bond!. Anytexpiapation
will he streorthlty given. and Bonds in denominations
of 4100, ISA $1,003 each, fur tale.b,r, -
edam & Maass; Bankers.
finstpieltensa Depot, Any, 1011,18:2.-14
c special goticeo.
Valuable Hints.
J. T. DAKED, M. D.
P. o. Pot. 116, LatlC4lf ter. Pa
.1 °LIN IL. “GligN,
No. 4L Color ntrcet. New York
ouittg girtctorg
Tao lints in this birectory, oat year, $1.30
each additional line s 59 cte.
. . . . .
tercet on all Bennett,. Donna general Banking Bun.
nees. self-tf bi. B. CLIASI:
Dealer In genuine Capron Plaster. Fresh ground,
11055 & CO , Ei,calern In Dry Cioodo,liath,Capa
800. and Sitooa, and lieneral Alerchatulloe, on Malt.
street second door below the Episcopal Church, •
..rcr-t, ueur rhu LcpoLt—•
IV. S. MEAT), Fonndry4 nnd dual, in Pion.. nod othor
ntenxtlp. one door froti Phlnney's lio!cl, Main St.
N. F. EIMIMR. CArriaito vator and rtdertaker, on
Motu S.trect, two doorp below Ilawley'n Store. •
MCCOT.LUM BROTTIETiS, Dealers in Groceries and
Pm/rt....lawn, on Main _trcet.•
R, o kr:REF at HUN. il , dars la Floor. Feed. Meat.
Salt. lime. C.-mrnt.iOrneerles and Provisions on
Alain Street, oppo6lto file Depot.
W.. 4 T. 11AVDE , I. Aanniacturpro of Mare. and
tloalerA ll{ Yankee Nolions and Fancy
Goode. no Skin Strcat, below Episcopal Church. •
MOSS KNAP. Leather Manufartarers and deniers
In Mt acco Vinalnzs Se.. near Episcopal Church. •
AINEY Mentors in Deng, andlltedielnes
and Ilditoc,tcturer. of Cigar,, on'Main Street, near
the Depot..
STCP.IENS. linr.v:Slinelwz and general Ropalring
on Slain Sneer, g:Alth,of the hriGge.
J. LTICIZEII%I.I.N..Tn.. 1,8.1er In nenernl merchnnalso
and 1201.111111 r. Ile Itk 5;111". on A1:1111 Klreet.
L. S. Liffi n Man ul'acturer of f Father, end dealt
In gi netilMt-rfiLtntiLle, on Main Slrct.C.• -
11. DORAN. Merril:lilt Mellor and denier In Reads
Made (Nothing, Dry liCaKti,Groccric, and Provlelo.
Mein Strevt.•
HIRAM WHITE. .Manutlcturcr of and dealer In rulyeri
or 'lour and Csrtlour.
H. 11. TING LEY—Dealti In Stowe, Tin, Copper, Dna,
and Sheet iron Ware. (11 , S 111. Co. AiNO, mannfeetn,
er or she. t Sletel. to odder. Eve Trout:hand Lead Pipe
litlethaef, Ritello4.'d to di lair prices.--Of Won Hollow,
Pen be TIV4LIII.—Iy.
I:IIWARD-r.t lIRYANt. Mannfaetnrere of Wagons
and he, near the Ingalk-Sturo.
o s, ISEETlr..—Cnonty Surveyor, of s gneb t o Conn
tr. 0 filer In the COOT noose, Mont ro.e,
11111. TI'IIItELL, teller in Druea, 11r4liclees. 1.1
l'aitae, 011,, Ore Sieff+, Grocerice. Jewelry
Nut tone. etc. - .17p. el. '7O
JAMJF.. CARMALT: Atforavy at Law. oMca on•
door below Tartarll Hohre. Public Arcane •
WINI. II ( , n)1•1:11. Banners, .11 Foreign Pa•
rick_ ta andDralZa on Eng Lind, Ireland and Scot
11LLINUS STROUD, thutent Ylre tied Life fun:r
an,. AL'enta ,ilroao and Accident Ticket,.
to Nem Volk tad 1 . 111611,10,1 a. Utica ooe dour cart
of the rawk.
F. B. I.;tioreil and Sening 9 3la
chine A,:ritt,
rvis e 5P,1107—.4. lite place to zet Dructrand
ner, Tobacco, Pocket-Cooke, lipecta
cle4, Yankee Notion; 4,e., Brick Mock,
W 1.. (OX, ilarneralnaker and dealer to all articles
n.nany kept by the toule, oppoelte the Rant. •
I:OTII ,t; COT IN; Drnlcre In Storer, Tlanlarart,
n (1 V nnnfartarere n and Slioatlron ware, corner
or Main and Turnpil4e ,treet.
tg /I. 11011 Cr., Mercamt Tailor and dealer t a
(*bth*. Trimmlenee and Furnl+hlny Goods. and
11,... , 3 Made 10:111t4. on :Onto rlrpec, at IL COO to
Jo. Utile and 111a 1 kAtnfe , I.aar
A. N. DULLARD. Dttalor In Oratories, Provisions,
tiaakx, Scat ianexy mid Yankee Nations, at head
Public Arenur.•
sP0111: G CO., Deal - re In stoves, Hardware
At;r knit aral I To dlements, Flour and Groceries, oppo
rib Torben Itouvo.
500,000 IN BANK.
Postponed to Docombor 7, 1872
Ott Pura.. lailltArtir or Enterect:T. annonneed for
September has been postpined to 33130001bn . 7,
1872. beran-e the nett:et:llolton Of orders the few thy.
before the 01,0 int: treole Itjohyriellly iroposllltio to d I
then) ST illl.llt n I‘. tt.1),?1 EMI CIA 0 rhort postpone
nt wa- earns determined to deter It to n
(hot that %,t old Taal, nlfoll drawing MN by the sale of
all .Ite tleltet,
The money uree.earrto pay
lo full all the offerel
now upon d.leiet In Farmer.. Awl Drover's
I; u di he t:co 4 the lollowitig ceztiticate of the
I,tit.,llle, Ky.. Sept. 20, 187:.
Thlg I. to -.v.' ry that then. I• noir on depunit to this
Tuthit noon !toll n o 11100 of Elution. to Ike credit of the
ittla 1 oh,to Vend. . of tit Glut. In held thi•
bank. on Tie tourer of t in Ittuttlle Library of Kt:ottani:3r,
to poy atilt gilts awarned of the drilivtitz
It. S. VEAVII, Cashier.
1,000 Prizna, Amounting to
- 500.000 IN CASH.
will he nsv,..rded. l he highest prier, being ,SlOO,OOO, M
x . and eoWli rrgular gradation to S3(A
‘vh , Lll 11, the Inp-r.t,
The dratrinz pOsliirely and unequivocally tate
plare Decera Agents are peremptorily required
toll4l, pales and mate returns Novembilr in, In order
to glee ample time for the Goal arrangements. Order,
for tleittels or applications Inc eircnlsrs should be ad
dressed to Gor.,llloS. S. BRA NILETTE,
Agent Pnbfic Library oLKuLs.nT6c.kliy,
Agents Watited for Cobbin's
zn EntTratithen. The bunt unterptize of the
venr for nguntn. firers , larnily.rill hare It. .Nothing
II noir inal. , Afd. Foi Circalorn addrens Lis, Goon
en A: Lc. , i Perk Noy,. New York.
or.Nrs WANTED—por Harriet Ileeaber Stowell
xi. Campaign book. wit live, of it camildateit Tina
learlf rift men of all park t. itt) STEEL PORTRAITS.—
Vito ft:tl a day rat/A.lly nod ttafliy node. Write Dna see,
Particultirg•ree. _
Guaranteed Bonds
PayablAn New Tort:City. for sale at prices that will
pay o'er Id per cent on' the Investment. MUNICIP
AL BONDS of the 1114hestgradftg always on hand.
BANKERS. 14 Pine Sc., New York.
stove Gloss.
Over Twenty-Four Thousand Gross Sold in
Less Mari Nine Months.
It he don't have It, go ;lola* next *tore; bat don't
be bumbierged into buying or netts any of the 014
lobes mime you Can get ,
At the Same Price.
Every .TobbZX tad retail Dealer In the Untied States
bar, or will have 11 for *ale,
B. A. aurrcrriy .s CO., Kanarsetturia,
The Subscrtbersere Mirenlictentr's Agents to R. w.
Read' cenbrated AWNISIA RELIEF, the best comely
for-Astbeut yet discovered. instant rend gqxrantexi
or perchase money. refundetL The bieditinel t , nntt op
to 'bre* sizes,wbtett rrtatt for Ze..soc. and $l. Per -t
sots tvininterprice wiThhave the medicine sent free b y .
anti or express. Also simples sent free to any weed°.
tin. ETHRIDGE, TVJ ti. &Ct ~ Rome, N. Y.
ARE — To
bee proved Itrel to be the
Ramplo card at beentlfill cigars and tecotnnendatlen,
tram owners of the anent reeldenegs In the ceuutry fur•
Wetted free by all dealers and by •
El Burling, Slip, New Yorli,, Or Clareland, Ohio,
mimon„ of young and old people tboth ..s..)ttrU 30 ,
tared ,1 ply velar dloortlered Stomoth, Dlavi, heart,
drowslue,.. norce,zy, dl.p•p+la. Ca
in'ril. rliounwlrm, neonozla. glAver, meal: frit k. con•
atlrAtlon. pitet, A.G. We n•li^TunnyJ Cum/11111d our
GOLD EINTACU.LI3; NCTtrf it I. che t I
D. erribo your room. Circular free: Addreni
CI rT INFTELDINRY, Yourtzsumn, Ohio.
Administrator's Salo - of Real Estate.
Ay v I tette of an order of the Orphan Court of Srtrque
hanna Comity. the undersigned. adminittrator of the
eatrue of tenon P. Vornhatn deceased. nlb MI on
Thnraday. the YPh don of October, A. D. 1 , i71, at one
m., the tollotring kcal Latate,to
wit :
MI that certain lot of land altuato In the torrnab 1p of
Letter. County of Surimehauna trod Scott el Petaitylva
134 , 1, deArritool ae follom, to wtt Bounded on tae north
by a public highway.on the 40.1 by, tarts of Andrew ,
1131f•tead. en the veal It by iambi of —Ctley. and on
the we.t by muds of the estate of Johri Itrazto deerat.
ed. cOnlethalog exalt Pon . aver. ollaud. ho the ea...
More or Icon. n I th the appurt eau nres.
In take place on the pretel,es. Tor= raado
known on day of ante.
&Lorton DEassu, Adm'r.
Lenox, Co.. Sept. 11,1512.—. w./.
I:mtp. Taste/es... /tumble. £.lllelent
nd Chrsp. Tle..be4t pump for the
orod noo.op. Attention Is w.peeltlly
liflted rn DloTchler'oPeteLtlmptoi
d Dzsektr. and Nevt Drop Clark
;Ave. uttette:m IK.4thdr:ore tr1;1,
ut removing lbo Pomp or l.l
he)ofots. Aloe. Coppir
loch never eraefo, and win ontbivt
hy other. For talc by Detlers every
• , 11,re. Send for Catalinue and Poke
Ist. _ _
eft A, G.DL17,r11.77;
GNI Com:term Si.. Mita, Pa.
Zaetteet -Alk C r ilsrea,l
.e.xl3 ous'io3i won't-
Well-known Store of
• Establllobed 1855.
o'C l l l V l Egt hed L!'s n crAgiVlT°l.
; SAY on tne mamma, cencywithout means
cine) of. SrEctearomor.s. or Seminal
Weakness. Involantary Seminal Losses, Dalpotence
klental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Maci.
age, ef c; also, Consumption, Epliepiy, and Fite, induced
by self Ind eig,ence and sexual etraraLranee.
(Or Price, In a scaled envelope. only II cents,
The celebrated anther, in this admirable essay, clear
ly demonstratrs from a thirty ycirss stmcmsfal
that the alarming conseguentes. of self *Note may_be.
radically cured without the daiv„orona use at
medicine or the application of the knife; pointing:but
a mode of care at once simplereertaln, and btfteittal,
by mean t of which every sufferer, no matter - what his
condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately,
and radically-..
Or This Lecture ahonld be In the hands of oval
youth and t very awn in the land.
Sent. yodel anal, id( plain envelope, to any address',
postpaid on recipt of 'six tents.DftWo poet stmnpo
Moo, Dr. Uula•ertrell'a-l±llaniage Gnitle,l'price Zeta
Addreie „ • .
J. O. KLIgE & co.,
L7l bowery, New York- Post-Waco Box 4 WO.
On and after Jeep 10, 1872.tralut cc the 1 ; 42110
Valley Railroad wll.l re sr Callow
Plc.. No. 199
ZS. 9. 7.
340 1 60 911ra 1245 613 945
320 131 941 Waverly 12 00 5 CO -
325 1 2.7 1000 Aldrue...... 11 45 513 2110 ,
420 205 1041 Towanda- —.ll 05 467 610
522 1121 Wyal cal vg —.1003 215
646 3K. 1110) Laryellle 42 40 65;
6 14 " 12 12....11erbqopen 920 6:111
6.. 2".....1teb00r.any .... 913 - 84
6:5 350 15 45...Tnekba onocl. - ... 942 9 M 529
809 442 150 11;1000 I - 2S ' , 4381
8 5”.; 560 213...W111ea41arre,.., 260 215 4
. 230 4 35..11.10cb ChunB.,. ~ 1143 125
!.S . B'a 5 50.....A11e010wn 12 4? " 147511
40 6 .... 1000 •1190
015 6 S..— ....Easten -1003 1123
- 1003 8' CO .R 43'
r. 0 40.... Sex York...-. .5C- 900
A. 71. A. N.
No. 22 leaves Tonna*. at 776 - a. ra.; Athena. 756
a. to.; Waverly. 865 x: ra., arriv log at Elmira at 000 a m
No.Bl leaves 'Elmira at 5 ..S1 p. m.; Wavietly, at 6i5
p. m.; Atheniott Qui p. to., arriving at Towi.olla at
/15 p.m., /Yr Urwlag Roma Car 3 attached to train. 20.i69
'tanning througb from Elmira to iPhtlidtlpala. •
U. A. PACKER, Sapellatamlaut.
. • . . "'TRUNKS !! 2,
St)IHIS u ..
: .LIGfiT :.
- • L LEATHER!! Ls
istiontritco4444244 =44:opt. ,
. .
• , rivapnov;u,;! •
. • •.
. .
1 1 A:
ecomethlninew'BASSETTEP PAM
0 beat in nu..
Port,thlo and Stat.losutry Engines, „umiatturrd end 1
b 7 bAYU.4 i DAUS.
Mourroee, Pa., Feb. 7. 1872.—n0(1--tf. . .
$l,OOO. R g VVA RD'
T.LtVAICTOII. Is tompostd of AmmOnts,
chloronsms.l 4 pirits of Campton. Tincture of Taps:line,
Oi! of Jump t.. and Alcohol Thla
iqoall,ll in the annals of nannlcinc for the Ouro of Iter•
sons or SI, 0 ilr..t.larba. hlearalcla, Ttamblinfi Twaself•
Inn: of ton clad olrtiervons Mumma, It will
conutcrant all pcl•en., hanlals pimples, care wily •
tlons. Ir.-him:, humors, Arc., It via:tilers the clttuletlies.
ins lfi•3etes the iyr ttga.ll.nereat es 111.W:flop dr Cm hea.-1 -
oxcltingthobrain, cure. Ile.artbutn.Yelpftetlmi
and Flo teeng of Ito 11‘...xn,rfyipepaLudt.:,
Alleracmnals.olutolypomsasscsmn.. comilreproperpra
.ttan any other pr,parstion. Physician& oliensist. nu 1
otanri nse rs,sl-.ind to examine and teelr_the yranysly-.
10,1 13 lend null he mild a Ira cradlfferwt fridatepterhas4tf;
COUGHS lfuelfhas heal said.aod'ts-rli -
• kis, nod many reinedlce ha'ress
linen offered for the relief Anti CON of throw ; nr.d,hin-'
sli•eaono Lot pathless has been en eminutij ttleetnlrel.
or olltallltti snob a wide celebrity, u, Drlggo' Tote, t:
nod Loop Healer.
Q Ft I\lS p ai n
The crtruclettoz pr0411 c ,..,
• by Coronabc, tmenasing.tiorittibe'zl•
from Donlon., the plerehg, titetreselair pain from la •
gro,Ylng. Nalle,cannut be i..e•cribed. Thoutand• auife4-
not lonowlng thorn Is ii-cure. tbrigra' Corn and
Retretibi• are co acid or potash componado, but ste't? , .
llnhic etiotbing, and erec toal, and just intuit the vaece,e%
they bovo- canted from an appreciative peak. 's*b
Curative n hinting olctmetit ; immediate relltf
obf•isel l y its application:o:nd It wilt. podlively arth - 9'
the ‘vorg ea.teit e/ Feetered Corns, inflamed and t •
I:notate., 11. e eortel instep, the largust and aevercv:
Plletere. the meet extetitilec Callosities on the yoke ,
heels of the feet, nI/N.llvtlln the etwoof ettifhlary•e,y -
FroAeil Feet. The Ailinantor for ordinary corna ca d
pievenithie their ferwatlon i 9 abeeltitely ,
anything known. . -
PILES .h ,17:1',7'..1).7.70.",,, t 0e:','''„','e1 d ,j‘i.‘, -
care them ban beat balllcti, liv uneetteleg dimly and,.
. C ur e riment Dr-Bria;pi bee discovered and'ativolabi ••-
Ce for Invertal, h
ies external, nein/thing pikt:
Dri,e9e.' Pile Ilemeilles are I .foot:tillers.
lienbitta, lied patio, Dlecaced Jolutil led all
disc-espy of the feet, glen, riles. Courser and Scrotibier.:l
tri.uted by Dr. J. lirlggs & Co.;l9.Vrp •
Ilroadtray. Y. •..-
Sold by Alt.E.l.TUßLiFiLL,Montrose,,Peou4 Briti4
NlCiio.B. Montrore. Pa.
June 19. belt . • . .
The :
undem4med having refitted', retarafsbed and .
re.tocked the store, formerly occupied by Et.. Hem
yen, Jr., at LA:mai-111e Centre. nra now pre_red to run.'
WI the people with on desirable minty Of . • •
DRY G 0 0 DS:!
CROCKERY! &c, &c.
As can be found elm:admen; and at as Dadrabla Penni.
0, M. en.4.nn.
CRANE ft. sarra' -•, r
Lrtnvllle Center, Pa., April 21, 1872. • •
21T. "2" c) ill. ILX c.
Jug Pul,Wed in a Sealed Elerdcw. eria 41x- CAW.'
A Lecture on the:Mature, Trintinent and
Radical Core of SperninforiLn-a. :tad , Brunnal Wale
invoinsoary Cmi..inris. and Impediments to Mu
riaca Gencrully ; Servim+nc.a. comtimption. ENlepay, .
and 1 , 11.., Jlental and Pilytdral lacaraeltv.~ rennin,
from 501..Almer. fie.—I:TT:OBI:11T cvarawria.,
M. D.. Aathor of the. Gunn Book."
- Tha world-renowned author. in Ibis adminbleLenare
clearly prove, from him own experience that the awlal
Cun,coacnec.l of vcif.annse, may ho effectually' stmoin
witbout racdtrlnea,and WirtIOUI d.lll4 , llKti nnylent ay. ..-
ertnerg. hecvm. rn
troent,fin4., orcordia I,,potnt
oat =vac nt.once certain and einnael by uhich
a very ca,:vr. mifter what bin condition maps.
may case Itinv.eticlinaniv.nrh , EeiNtwideudiranY. 5: '
I'll 4. t'llnVE A LOON' 1 . 0 Tuousi.xps T
. . . ,
Sm. under seal. to 8...1 ,- addrers. to plain r eal {ansel.•
nrke, on the Tvcript ol .117 C c ent,,
or two poillt:,ro stamps.- •
Al#n Dr. Calvrrnett's “Slarrlngq,DrOne." Prate 1 50 teatt.l ""'-'
-41.41re55 the Pabi iP.lttro. " , .., .
- . . .
II)TALI.3 7. 0, Krawn co;;
tz.7 Bmary N . 277 Yak. 'Fort-Offies .176.7.4488.
7./3 JILL riiOV3INIG WSS29
PEST, sronm-cast AM)! ECriTlNTait
For SALE at all principlo stations. on line of Delac ,
were, Lacizawanna S Wcetarat -
rk I X . CIOXI.
NO • ZLINT3I3 1EG.41.21713.111.13
.rnorina wen tan obtain Ttirringto Tittets to ST.
ST. JOSEPH, VT. SCOTT. 'DENVEP.. and all point/ 1n
Illesonr: and KA[1.351. at the vino? Liman Tat., cad have
tneltbinweno!d good. and nretzbtaltipptd atapctitaratint
Delaware, Lackawanna & Weitern
Railway, •
11 Plenee talrn notice , that a Three!. Calmetlicni fir
niida at BINGHAMTON'. with alrrxpres2 trains ma
13111; ItAILWAY. Zi.trik , sum to art for Tickets Ada
~, Eftnt nATl,var. which ran be promtrrd at 0111 co at
L. 191X1LiSTILMVE3, Sr., Arson:*
No. lio. No
LI. 2. t.
4~~+ - `~
Sewing Rffac,hine
T .
O t M roa
Mewls aid patrons or Onspnebrui eocnty—
avin in the Acid soliciting your patronage for ,
The Original Rowe Sewing Ipcine,
Plesee calf end eee It, nab the Imptormente, VW.
lon's lILVIe.i ittatelll l .l' tee Gaut:duo Moire
- • b 3 ao mede-Gloa hcad..- =
. .
6 Vourt. Street, 13Ingleampton, T,-
• , -
Wllkon's Store, N.on4try Pay
inoltDENTlFicv* (cs.) PRIMA Cote
LEGit,,—(thorough - llcantifel and
baiotihiVieeatlcitt. One or the meat rereCIALT coedeeted
and out 4m:tined le.titationo. In the st,ite,Vor taus.
ste.. iddieta Item J70021A. BRAILIMEM _
3r-.lC:a ..T.—
AN't; 4.7,. t , /: - .L4'.: 1.):._,..:.',...3