FIFTEENTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE trATIFORD AGRICIITMAL SOCIETY, Will be held on the Fair Ground on WEDIVIDAT AND SNIIRSDAIL Cletcolzoor 2 del 8,1672. Premium List. Crass I.—llorses. • Bob•Divislon 1. Beat draft or Gam stallion over foar years $4 3d $3 road stallion same ago 4 3 pair of meta ed horses— ............ 4 3 pair horses for all work 4 3 singledrive hors° . • 3 9 brood metro and roll 3 2 C. B.,liallatead. Burford , fames Decker, Clifrbrd, James Goodwin, Bridgewater.—Janors. CLUJ I.—Sabdivision Cold and Mules. Best pair three-yes told colts s3 96 9 pais.two year old colts 3 2 three year old colt "colt. I 1 two yesrold 1 • yearling colt 9 1 pa nudes 2 1 G. M ir . Read, Ilarford. Chapman Harding, Lonox, nor veyGrinnell, New Milford.—Jmoss. Cuss 2.—Cattle Bloods. Sub.dirlalen Beat dnrham ball over two years old 4 3 do • over ono year old 3 I do one year old 3 2 do calf .2 1 drutam cow over three years old 1 9 do heifer one year old 3 I do heifer calf 3 1 Sub.dirlalon 2.—Derrona. • Brat demon bed:lover two years do one yearold do ca1f..... dorm cow overlaid yea r r••• old. devon heifer one year old devon heifer calf 3.—Aldamejs. Beat ball over two , years old boll over one year old heifer over ono year 01d..... . .... Caw over threeyears old ball call heifer calf Bab:divislon 4.—.4lyrelgnm. Best ball over twdycars old 4 ball' over ondyear old. 3 better one year old cow over three years old 3 boll ma 9 !Lettere-1U Wm. E. Tingley, Buford, Oliver Lathrop, Now MU ford, J. L. Gillett, Glbsen.--Jtwass. Sabdivislons.—GradeDarbams, Beat Miliaria? two years Old. bell MO year 01d.... ball calf. COP. three year old heifer. two year old. one year old heifer_ heifer calf three yearlings...... three calves - A: J. Adams, llarford; Homer Tingley, New Milford; EsenJenkins.Cllfroid.—dtisons. • Sub•division 6.—Grade Delors. . .-. Beet ball over two years old 3 2 hall one - year old. 3 1 hell ealf • 3 1 cow 43 91 1311 three year old heifer *1 1 two year old heifers 1 one year old heifer 1 holler calf I three yearlings I three calves 2 G. P. Wllmarth„ llarfogl, Hiram Stevens, Clifford, 11. Marti*, Lenoz.—Jewass. Subditisien4L—Natlres. Bast bull one years Ohl cow two year old heifer—. three yearlings three Mini Sub-division B.—Oxen and Steers. Bcstpsir working oxen. ere years old or over.— 4 3 pair working oxen four mini old 4 3 pat: fat oxen pair steers three years 011 8 2 pair steers two yearn old •• 8 2 pair steers one year old. 2 1 pair steer calves xbroke) I 5.13. Guile Barron', Lewis Brainard, Gibson, IL II Harrington. Bridgewater . —Jmnrs. CLASS S--Sheep and Swine. • Best due wooled book three Sae wooled ewes do do lambs middle wooled buck three middis wooled ewes do do lambs. coarse wooled Stutk three Warm wooled ewes. . ..... do do lambs hock lamb of cub boar , h p ui r Miow 4 - 3 3 fail tot leas Manion* •3 1 R. N. eater, Buford, Robert Elba, South Gibson, 11. P. Robb Bridgewater.--gtmaxs. Chasid—Poultry. Best pulr turkeys. pair 2 Er t geese u flee toja tiro spring chickens Cr s= Best peck winter wheat Dpeck spring wheat rye peat oats bait bushel corn In the ear hall bashel buckwheat........... peck dare:rimed. i . ........... peck timothy ser peck flax seed. Class 6.—Fzuit and anotables. ' Best tall apples, at least three sarli les, not • lees don ono dozen of each. ....... ..... 1 X whiterapples, ditto 1 X peaches. ........ ..... ..... .... .... ......... 1 X .1 X' pears gqu d in r ces I X s tinshel potatoes, taro or more tariaties 1 1 X X winter squall X p pumkins three heads or cahnaga....•.— ..... . ..... .. X x twelve =lons.. ..... ...... X six beets K six tomatoes Lints Mane, llarford, T. D. Deese Clidcal, Ell Barnes, Jackson. , Cris 'Z.—Batter, Chem, and Baud. Best &kin butter 3 loot wisest bread.... .1( pail butter ...... .... 3 1 loaf grab= braid.. x jar butter. 2 1 Indian bread x a heese 2 roll butter ..... ..... 3 1 Oda bbscult. X c Cr es B.—, Vac= esur, Mary. and Sugar. • Best eider sbueuur.... X 1 sugar 1 X rack wheat. fluor__ I 10Ibs drsittedeuger. 1 X V) rbl i =cii itlit;t4l l X °l4/4"371.? X , Flour tote manufactured is the entity. In= Darlik CU arc M. J. Decker, Lenox, Loader Grills, Jackson. .. • Cum tt—Lerdher, Beattie, sides bassets Matter two aides oppar leather two sides sole leather two calfskin assortment °tub= er fine boots pair coarse boots carriage barmen aet team Luness Artieles Intel elm* tote mainly:tared In tbe emmty. Cuss 10.—.2grieultaral Imputmears ind Cardagei. Best mamma ploardeultiratar, corn abater, 'trim enact. horse nike, and charring iw.ta33. • Beat open bo= l e alarket wag= 1 3 1 double easM — ge 3 I lumber do 3 2 single do 2 angle aleigb 2 Wagons and =inn to =wand embibitetiby the Cutts 11.--Clablent work, lludware, etc. Vest specimen of cabl• I batter pall 1 net work 1 butter Mies eet of chairs 1 set horse shoes X M rocking chair 11 lot tin ware 4 sewing =aloe 1 cook 'tore for coal churn 1 parka. stare 1 cook store for wood 1 E. U. Osborn, Ibuierd, S. W, Breed, Brooklyn, Y.L. BUM. Ileidgewatcr.—Jonah. Ccaara 12.—Doakeztic Goode. Beata yea* woolen Mane 2 1 I yards plaid flannel 2 1 &yards hal cloth 2 pair woolen blankets . . 1 50c 1 2 2 pairs wooed socks palratrool l en salami 1 1 Mc soo sample weedeo yarn 1 52c 15 yards llaea cl oth 9 I I yards Barn towelbra 2 1 10 yards woolen carp,d, , 2 1 Jo ra se g y=ltiants, narbanl, Clatiln, 0 2 11000 1 . 31Lni.JameaTeartasti„ Flarford.—Jentua. CLAM 12.—entioneloal Noodle Wotit. Beet patelowork quilt 2 1 swains= silk en. ui It M q of key other broldery .X X ud X nnet • bed spread l 1 X la bo X dles' moque x X troakei akiit 1 x knit hood x X X do collar - XX f tidy carer yu X X .. men worsted On . • due shirt X X broldcry Cuasls.—Paintings, Flo w er, etc. Boat oil paintlnl 1 1 pktore frames 1 = l4"yr 44jr-r 1 XI ru l dlesigt awent 1 1 Craving - 1 X exhibition ofitylittclel exhibition or photo. dowers and ban 2 1 graphs and =lam:peal 31t B. C. Bo ,xley New Idtrord, Mary B. SeohloS,Clßord,; Latin Brainard, Glbeen.-4cxxate. Clan 15..—Pletriag. Beg plowlog. I Sewed beta _plotting 2 Third do , Fourth do . 4a Fiftb do , Sixth • 2 Urbana Tingley, Milord, Otte Grinnell, Itary or d. 21. S. AI varrord.—Jeocuoi, c,, EO WM or Anzartartazae.—B, Pe Mae, A. J. Steams, J. o,lloteltkisa. BCPERINMDMITS. ___ Genoa Superbstendent, Amhetst Carpenter. Superintendent of Horses, Ebner Teat Superintendent or Cattle, G. A. Lindsey, Iler- Superintendent of Sheep, Swine and Poultry, IL L. Tittecy. Superintendealpf Floral Hall, E. FL P. Mine, G. L Payne. Assistants, Miss EtUe lEno, Albs Rada Tingley. Superintendent of Mechanics Hail, John A. Sophia. ' • •.• hSuperintendent of Dairy Hail, W. L... Thatc- • cr. Superlgtendent of Vegetable Ilall, Jams Tennant General Police, N. Tompkins. RULES AINto REGITLATIONfL The plowing m tcb will be held on Levi R. Pecks' farm, near ilarford Vintage, on Wednes day, Oct. 2nd, 1872. to commence precisely at 2 O'clock. p. m. The entry fee will be one dol lar. ($1 00.) 4. Exhibitors wishing to competitor premiums are requested to have their animals and articles entered on the Secretary's book, on the first day of the Pair, it possible. They must be entered and on the grounds at 10 o'clock of the second o animal can compete for two premiums. Superintendents of the several departinents will have all articles systematically arranged. The Officers and Superintendents will be known by their official badgm. A sufficient police force will be In attendance, from 1/o'clock of the first day until after the reading of the premiums the second day, to pro tect the property of the exhibitors. No provision will be made for stalling stock over two years old. Persons exhibiting full blood stock for premiums must show their pedigree to the satisfaction of the Judges.. No animal or article shall have a premium awarded it unless it'is deemed worthy. Judges reporting at .the Secretary's of fi ce be fore 11 o'clock will be furnished a free ticket for dinner 4 3 3 2 2 I 3 2 3 3 3 I ...9.eirmisilsolcbsa. Single tlckets,2s cents; children under twelrci years, 10 cents; team, 23 cents; single horse. 23 cents ; colts under two years, free ;iclergymen and their families admitted free. .4 8 .9 3 2 . 3 9 .. 2 1 ..9 1 Ira IL Parrish, 5 Executive D.L Eine, Committee. Jackson Tingley. [NEAT DL JONES, President. S. E. CAnrmerza, Secretary. A LECTURE gmic. Jar/ Published In o heated Envelops. trio taz Genic A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrlura. and Seminal Westin. nem, involuntary Zmisaiona, and Impedimenta to Mar riage gen Men Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits and Physical Inesparity resulting from Sell-abuse, dc.—By ROBERT J. cuolzwELL, M. D., Anther of the.' Green Book." de. The world-renowned author. is this admimbla Lecture clearly proves from his own °experience that the awful toseqttemes of selfsbupo may be effectually rumored without medicineaoind without dangerous surgical ors nation; boogies. instruments, rings, or cordials, paint ing out a mode at once certain and dreamt by which army sufferer. no matter what his condition may be, WILLre himself chesplyrbratelyand radically. THIS PROVE!, BOON TOTEIOUSANDS and THOU SANDS. a 2 S B E7 Ed ld ..... 3 . . Bent under seal. to say address, in plain seeded carrel- OPO. on the receipt ol 111 mats, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. thilrerwell's "Marring Guide , price 60 cents. Address the Pabilobers, ClliitLijl J. Ye ar. ra 8120. 127 Balmy New Pest-vmaeßox.4.sBB. TO ALL MOVING WEST ! BAGGAGE MEC= THBODIFE AND TWEETS AT LOWEST BATES! WEST, NOILEEL-WEST AND' ISW7II-WIST! FOR, SALE at all principle station', on line of Delz ware, Lackawanna & Western Railway. H in I N.C>FIL Thirslassocrcrlnt.2 No • .A.X 4 O - JD .13...ELMJELELEB : OFECIAL INDUCMIEN. TS to Families and Colonies 0 noosing crest cam obis= Tbrough Tickets to ST. LOUIS, HA NS CITY. LEvEsworn, ATCHISON, ST. JOSEPH. FT. SCOTT. DENVER, and all points to Missouri and Kansas, at the very lowest rates, and hays their household mods and reeled shipped at special rates FROM MONTROSE, AND ON LINE OF X X X .X X Delaware. Lackawanna & Western linaway. Wiil Pleare Vibe notice that ek Meet Connection Is made at BINGIIANYON, with all aortas Mina on ERIE RAILWAY. 11117 - Be rare ask - for Tickets vta "ERIE BAILwAr , which nbe precuredatOlineo of me sTaus STA(kraLLNE. M O NTROSE. PA. Mae ErELALFILIaZI, •Tr., 496,G0at TEN , 7R CIs7NT+ INVESTMENTS Municipal Bonds for Sale. These bonds arc issued by rirtnre of the State Canstl. tattoos granting the Legislatures the right to enact laws authorizing Cities,thinnt tee and Towns to lartylse collies In accordance with Putt laws for certain flier. nal improvements, and when to loaned there is nepow er that can legally defeat them. States may repndbto ; hinnicipalltles cannot. These bonds are a drat Sea up on all the .property of the mnnlclWlty. Including Railroads and mortgaged pr Shrewd, far-seeing thresh:as are cluzneror their Garumment and either So norities Into these desirable bends. Any explanation will be cheerfelly given. and Bonds in denomination', of $lOO, IWO, POO, $l,OOO each; for sale by • - Coons S Malian, Bankers. Buquetanla Depot, Ang.lith,l9l2:—w3 MU/111808 8A1.731—d farm of slaty-two arm U. pining the Dore of 3lontroee on the Sarah, I. offered for sale. It ts well watered and Das about ten seers In Umber, thelndtror a due grows of _beach and maple neat the dwelling. Whig the Ina erialcm of the Samael Gregory term.' For forthes_particultrs engulf* of J. B. Canaan, ER, or P. Linea. Yontrose.'Pa. Feb.. 7. I.l3M—notirtf. r 2 2 1 sl,ooo'. R EWARD! BRIGGS' AL.LEVANTOR 11 cattaled of AMMOnia, Chloroform, Spirits of Canapes. T elan of ?apnea, Oil of Jumper. and Alcohol. This compound -Is lual equalled In the numb of medicine for the ewe of Nes. Teas °snick Read:ate. Neuraisis. Trembling or Twiteb.• In: of the Nerves. and an Ferro= Diseases. ft! will coruateraet all poisons, banish pimples. care scaly enap. Cons. Itching, humors, de, it equilmil the circulation, Invigcrates the system, Increases the ACM= of the heart. without exciting the brain, cares Reartbuni.Palpitatkel and Plultering of the Heart, Dyspepsia. 6c. Bd. Alimentos absolutely possesses more curatlropropettin than any other preparation. Phyllelans.thermists and others are requested to examine and test the remedy and SID2O "gibe paid If !band different hom representa tion. • COUGHS guallbe mss e be r said e t d s bane eesoffered for the . relief . and cure of throat and keg ' diseases: but nothing has been so eminently roccessfal or obtained mach a wide celebrity, as Briggs` Throat end Lang Rake. Th• CORNS. t 7 c th.'"l l P 4 . " ' W ing iw m i d aging from Benham, the piercing. distressing pin from In growing Natis,carnot be tosaibed. Thant:lnds suffer, not knowing there iv • cure. lkings' Carl end Bunion Remedies are no acid or potash compounds, but ere te llable soothing. and effectual. and Bust merit the rums they bare earned from an appreciative public. The Curative le a boning ointment; Immediate relief Is obtain:4h, its application. and It will positively cure the wont cues of Festered Corus.inDassedandlt ed Bunions, the- sorest instep, the largest and Seamen litotes. the moot extensive Callosities on the soles or beds of the feet.rampaged in theatre of Chilblains or Frosted Feet. The Alienator for ordinary corns and perenting their formation Is absolutely unexcelled by avything knows. PILES cent uries. sued !Impel t° attgllt tare them has been bathed. By unceasing eta/ and experimenting. Dr. Briggs has discovered m in a cure for internal, bleeding. extemal, and s plies. Briggs'. Pile Remedies are mild. safe and sure.. Corns, Bunions, Bad Nails, Diseased Joints Aid all diseases of the feet. also. Pike, Canters end ficroffuhans flamers. skilifely treated by Dr. J. Brim a Co. Broadway, N. T. bold by ABRLTURRELL, Montrose, Ps.. and Milt= NR:IOr.S. kbardnase. YD. June 19. itcrr. DROVED =non= 19 .411., 'VIZ* IIaSC.X S=ir new IM=S' PATENT, the latest and Portable'iiikattein es, Manututated 'Ana ker Elide. by - . Lints a BROS Xgrarake, Feb. 7, 121t-ng6-41. .• dew advettiogmtuto. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, At Chester, DeLiaare County, Pa. (For Residents Cs• dets only. The eleventh annual session commences Wednesday, Sept. 4. Thorough Instruction to Civil Engtneardsz . Mathernatlenl and Natlird SdenCOS. Too Classics and English is Imparted by West Point gradu ates and other competent professors. Circulars may be obtained of • Cm.. THEO. HTATT.Prest. P.M. A. EATON FEMALE INSTITUTE, On Phila. ,b Balt. Central Itnt, Sennett fienare. Ches ter Co.. PA., offers all the inducements that constitute a home in connection with • thorough English Educe. lion. at $l4B per school year. No extras except. for in. struction In Wax, Thule, Latin. French, Parma l 4Psint legend Drawing. Fastens teachers, geaduales of our best Newlin:band schools, hare been employed for son. oral rears. Inotuire of EVAN T. IiWAYNE, BALM W. litiltAXNE. Principals. BOIIDENTOWN (N.J.) FEMALE COL LEGE.—Thorough Instruction. Llealthfril and beautiful location. One of the most meetly conducted and best sustained Institutions In Mediate. For term, etc.. address Bar. Joax A. BfalifiLSY. Ph.D. DVERTISI'NG AT LOW 'RATES!! For 170 per Inch per Month. "Inw" 'a reV ent tcagn Fo l ig las ; EPOn erb4 l Agont.,. 41 fari zio; Y.. CAMPAIGN GOODS 3.1372. Agents wanted for PER CE rends. - to AT MONT. PAY 100 PER CENT.. PROFIT. Neir the time. Send at once for Dentin tiro Circulars and Price Lists of our Fine Steel Engravings of all the Candidates Campalma Biographies, Charts Photographs, Badges, Pins. Flags and everything suited to the sent for Dollars per day easily made. Frill samples seat for $3 Address MOO di OOODSPEED, ST Park Row, New York AohavolVauvez , for CHAMBERLIN'S GREAT CM PAWN BOOK, lb° STRUGGLE . of 1870 ; A Novelty In Political and Popnlat Litenttnre. A CILIPHIC HISTORY of the Republican and Bernadotte Partlea ; a racy sketch of the toadied Liberal Replibli can Parry, an Imelda alma the Cincinnati Convention. Tho minor tickets Or tide *howl of the cunpnidn. The ducat I luetruted Book Published. A book welded by every American citizen. To secure territory at once, send SI for wattle. UNION PUBLISHINti CO., Chicago, 111.. Phila.. Pa.. or Sprintield, Ma POLITICAt GOODS, Of all lards. PIRETORIS3. FLAGS. LANTERNS, TO HE BADGES, lINIFORM,, de. JOSEPH IL PURDY. 32 and Si Malden Lane. Established 1849. New York A SURE CURE for this distressing complaint is now mado known in a treatise (of 40 octavo pages) on Voreign and Native Rerbal Preparations, published by Da, Poses I)nowa. The prescription was discovered by him In mobil providential manner Mg& ho cannot conscientiously refuse to make it Ihnow it has cored eyetybody who has used it for Pita. never having foiled in a single cue. The ingredients may be obtained from any &nee et. A copy Bent free to all applicants by mail. Address tin. O. Purami 8113. X, 21 Grand Bt., Jersey City:N.J. EICHLER'S RECIPES FOR LIQUERS Contain the improved instmettune tors mixing Brandies. Whiskeys. Rums, Gins, Bitters, Fancy Cor• dials, Fruit Syrups, Bay Rum, etc.. et. No ono engng ed in the Liquor Business can &Cord to do without them. Mk for them and examine them at the book stores. Delivered by mail, on receipts of $2, by Ascuminscu a Ildxku, N. NV. tor. ad and tiallewhill Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Index and sample sheets scut free. Nothing; llico It in medicine. A luxury to the palate, a painless evaculent, a gtmtle stimulant 'to the circulation, a persplratorf prepatatlon, an anti-billions medicine, a stomachic, a diuretic al ltka eb a n nd o wsnl ad e mit abl e dgen.zven t p a op ve t , e S ot TAIII t ST n Lrren e v. d iNT art. zee Arzunmr. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST BAELOW'S INDIGO BLUF. Is the cheapest and beet article hi the market for Blueing Minkel. The genuine has both Ilarlosee and Willberger's acme on the isbol. and tenet op at Wilt berger's Ding Store, Nn, nln North Second Si.. Philadel phia. D. S. WILTDERGER, Proprietor. For rale by Drug:lsta and Grocer,. 1.000 . REWARD! For any or Po of Dlind.ideeding, * 11 .000 Itching. or Ulcerated Pilen thnt DIL DISC'S PILE REMEDY DID to core. It Is prepared ex. mealy to cure the Filer, and nothing dn. Bold by all Dra=tsts. Price $l.OO. • A Beats Wented.—Agents make mom money at work 1 for us than at anything dm. Dnalnesa light and permanent. Particulars free. U. STEM* it CO" nit et Pc/Asher& Portland. 31nInc. INTIOnViT 3UEl=i-Iter. ! NEW GOODS. Tcmderstrned haying reetted , ecreentebed and .1. restocked the Flom formerly occupied by R. Ken yon, Jr., It Lawatitte Centre. ere now prepared to tarn ish the people with as desirable tuclety of DRY GOODS! GROCERIES I ! BOOTS & SHOES ! ! HARDWARE I ! CROCKERY! & e., tfc. An an be found cheacre, and et as Desirable Priem 0. X. Ca/M. E. C. Bern. ORMIE & Barra Limning (7,eitta. Pa., April 21, THE EAGLE 3Dov us fat co e 1. =I., -7, = tr• :70 ,` , r = b 7,1 PROPRIETORS PRICE BLOCK, MONTROSE, PL, Mtn of the Golden Eagle and Maar ^TUE Deetre to Inform tie public that tro bare tiered - IT crurstock of Druga,lfedletnes,Palnta, 0 1 1 1 03n:ea u„ Combs Perfume:7, Farley Articles, etc— IMO the Deck Stor e, formerly =opted - by Guttenberg, Bonn boom &Co. • - n We barn recently Attar apthia store in brodern Stile and oballendearorto keep wit cupped withal articles pettalaing to the Drug Bnainces. .We extend to eTerybody • cordial Imitation to WI roes see ea when lu want of anything In our line, and when any to want, giro ea a friendly eel . To all out old customers we deaf= to emotes our Musk/ for the reap liberal patronage heretofore extended to ca. -We oat endeavor to imerft a contlnuanos of the same. - Very Trig, Vona, - - • - ' A. B. BURNS - ' AMOS:IRMA& ap•cr . .rtiv ristrrtio AT WILLIAM SMITH'S Extensive Flirt:ilium Walr: c e k m e rra will end the largest FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FURNITURE! To be found ID Ibis section of the counim.of his own manufacture, and at prices that cannot Canto give satis faction. lie makes the very beet EXTENSION TEAL= I In the Conntry,and WARRANTS them. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of all kinds done in the neatest manner. N" XL X IS Cr 13 3EI =EL OF VARIOUS RMS. PURE NO.I MATRASSES, COMMON MATRASSES. UNDERTAKING. 'The subscriber will hereafter make the undertaking a Ho -daily In his business. Hai ing Jed completed a NEW and the most elegant =Ann i n the State, tit needing his services will be attendbd to promptlyand at *iiittsfactory charges, WM. W. SMITH & SOIL Montrose. Pa.. Jan. ai. IK2.—nos—tf. r_=-1,M*="4614# MOUE MINE GATE. PATTOITED, OCTORIM &I, 1871.1 IO claimed by onr best Judges. to meet the necessity sot our felt, of a Convenient, Practical, Durable Gate. FO indorsed by the highest untimely in America. in entirely different from and has giant advantages over any other Gate ever invented. Is Cheap and easily constmeted and for convenience cannot fall to please all. Can be opened and closed without the oppemtor changing his position. lifting or pulling a round, and if desired can be calmly arranged to be opened and closed without dismounting. It occupies no more ground when opened then two posts wLhoet gate. this making it very desirable over any other Gato to farmers and tboseliving In Villages and Towns. Is in enter every I day to the year, no snow to shod In winter. It can. not sag or get out of repair. For farther particulars address the nndcrnigned, who will as far no passible visit the several Count es in Pennsylvania and adjoining States, for the purpose or exhibiting and introducing theirame. Fanners and enterprisingmen generally. will do welt to give this special attention, nothin Gate certainly will go into general use.. GEO. 6. MICSEY. Propristar. Nicholson, Wyoming Co., Ps. June if:. `72.—tf. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which i s at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original _ _ _ color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, faWng hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead fnmahl et dm 1.6 ar'ith a pasty wadi moat, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so =- cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju• rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothingelso can be found so desirable. Containing neither ail nor dye, it does not soil white cainbric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytieol Clunalsts. LOWELL, DIAS& • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rar Diseases of the Thrust toad Loam oath es Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough. Bronchitis, Atreusle. and Consonetion. till Among the great -, ~,,- discoveries of modem .- 1 ' -'4.•o_,re-,_ science, few are Of .A.,g4 . 4:. ..., ' nzaßea, more real value to -W 'tilitt mankind than this ef :4fsl :-.. • ' factual remedy for all . , diseases of the Throat and ngs. A vast ,••I ji • trial o I,u f its virtues, / -7 % throughout this and / 1 1, L'A , other countries, hes / shown that it does surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our test chi. Cesarall classes, establishes tho fact, that recroars. will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of tho Throat and Longs beyond any -other medicine. The meat affections of the Pub:nowt Organs P c tt gu elts .power; end cases of Comtehow cc, cured by this premation, are public. rem,known, so remarkable - as hardly to be hea• were they not proven beyond dispute. Asa remedy it Is adequate, an which th e public may rely for full protection. Cy curing Cough,, the forerunners of mere serious disease, It saves ummmbered lives, and an - amount of suffixing , net to be computed. It challenges trial, and eon. trims the most sceptical. Every family should keep It on hand as a protection against t ee enly and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at Ant, but which become Incurable, and too often - fatal, If neglected Ten der lungs need this defence; and ft Is unwise to be without It. As a Lifeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, thintnx recroaat. Is Invaluable;' for, by Its timely nso, • multi. ludas. are rescuelefrompremature graves, and saved to the love and affection centel on them. It sets speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. originally the proiluct of long, laborious, and successful chemical imestimion, no cost or toil Is spared in making every Milo in the utmost possible perfection. It easy 100 confidently to. lied upon as possessing ail the 'statues It has over exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest It has ever effected. '. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and AnalitUTO Chemists. BOLD BY BLL DIIITOOJBTO EVEDIMDDOL Sold by Abel Tnrrell, and Barns & Nichols. Montrose, and all druggists and dealers every.. where. (Dec. 21, 1870—y WrOTICE.—We, the undersigned, will offer to let the XI building of a Bridge, on the Prank ladle/ to 13cunmetiville, nest Tames Calph, ay. July .22nd. Int . . . . IttitlY BEileFtL, Z. N. BifffiTEß, ' SiaperiliOnl. JANES CALPII. pridgescutet, dune 111, Mt —w2 GIYI US YOUR MENTION DO YOU WANT or3mm BE ewing Machine ? MO old friend' and patrons of Sorpachauna county— .ll. again in tho Odd soliciting your patronago for The Original Howe Sewing !Satin°, ESTABLISILED, 18117. IMPROVED, 1671 Please call and ace it, with the improvements. at Nil eon's store. Remember the Genuine tiowe haS no medallion head.' ROOMS AT- 56 Court Street, Singhampton, N. Y., EITZEI Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa. H. H. DUNMORE. Montrose, Jan. 19,18:4. AGENTS WfNTED!.r.r — t - e _p_tliteg,2l —with ai iftst., up , likeneetee of the rresideute— hem:Whiny boned, and printed oat thstrdpayet. THE NATION Its Rulers, and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nothing. M Li n dtrikes everybody air Just the book Sneed. I Encyclopedia of thee Government. inle pages o th ft. are of themseivet worth the price of the took, rer 6CKI page: and only pry°. A Bich HAT , ttat Sur fLeir . . -- " m" 4" gentlemen -r4n4"4. teaehen and . Ons agent ersokl3 orders in oleo, dayr, witheistrodar moos More Mc tool appeared. 82( a day can be clearest In fair territory. Write atone° rot Wulf: and information, NEW WORLD PUBLISHING and iv Market Streets. Shlkule.'phta. No Toro" b e er I.llfh. New ArrivaL—FRESH AND SU PERIOR TEAS, Jost received and for eale low for LYish st 11. J. WEBB'S. Now Crockery—FOß SALE AT U. J. WEBB'S. Glassware FOR SALE AT H. J. WEBB'S Ashton Salt FOR SALE BY v. J. Vo E 1521.. Orniges and Lemons AT 11. J. WEBB'S LOOK. LOOK AND MERCHANTS TRADERS!! IN THIS COUNTY AND ELSEWHERE!! ao •cr mrryir N• M. C. TYLER, 79 ft 81 DUANE ST., N. Y ((wten burro. Conn it Co.l ANDIF NOT, WHY NOT? ENERAL HARDWARE. Cntleo, Scythes. Shovels. G Looking Glasses, Lightning and many other X Cut Saws, Steel. and Iron pule A ses. (the best in the World, every , kind of Brushes, Door Locks, Pad Locke. Knobs, Guns. Ilan,mers, Pistols. Revolvers, Fattens, Carpels ter's Tools. Blacksmith's Bellows and - Tools. Plated Knives, Fmk. and Speen,, and everything usually kept In a First Mass Hardware Importing and Jobbing House. So 31Istake it My sincere Thanks are tendered to the many In my tn, I he many In ether Counties. who way read this. and a general Invitation is hereby given fora essotinnance as well as to those wno arc willing to give me trial. who bare not dons an, by orders or calls. Trudy, M. C. TYLER. Montrose, March, Kl. 11311.—tf. SUSQEHANNA MINERAL SPRING WATER CURE. MIMS house I. now completed And reatly for Become- L dation of visitors and the treatment of invalids. The following are ninon g the dirmmes known In hare been cared,by the wee of the Stnniachnunn Mineral Water. DISPEPSIA. OEAVEL, DUaIETIS, KIDNEY DISEASES VESERIA DISEASESJDROP -131% ALL DIPURITIES of the BLOOD, LIVER COMPLAINT, ULCERS PILES, CDROM° FEEALE DISEASES, RUM MATISM, ERYSIP• ELAS, SALT IBIELISI, mCROPITLA. 'Out naaocnais 731eitc•aso is. To those who contemplate sidling the Elp:lngs, we would say that the 110 USE is EITTED with a view to the CODiFIORT and EASE of our (WES 1111,and we shall rpare so pains In looklnto their welfare. We guarantee a curd or decided help, or no pay. For farther particulars enquire of, or address A. D. EU A. Susquehanna Mineral Springs, April, 17,11M-m3 4 WOOLGROWERS TAKE NOTICE. MUTTS, WOOLEN MILL Ti ionnlng as inmal. mak. tog on wool flannels, checked and white; ,alro cotton tram flannel, th e best ever made; all wool tweeds and cuialmeres. A large tot or clothe on band. for sale or to exchang e for wool. Please give me 13S before dimming of your wool ebewhere. NW. call miles north of 31ontrose. J. W. MOT T. Montrose. Jancl. 1811. HOWARD SANITAIVZ AID ASSOCI• ATION, For the Benefited once( the Erste:and Unfortunate,on Prlntlptes of Chriptleu Pldhulthropy. Esrey' on the Errors of Youth and the Mlles of Age In reLatloo to I.l.arriego and Bode! Evils. with relater aid for the afflicted. Sept free, In reeled enrels. Ad dives 110WAILD ASSOCIATION. Box P. Ph LtaMehle Now Weirs 22. fIARPEN. TEES AND BUILDIS--MESSES. COOLEY '‘.l di STONE, are prepared to do all kinds or Dunn. mai and OAUPENTXII Work, Brink Work. Masonry, and Palatine, by t he Job or in any manner to salt cu. tourers. Also. Sash Blinds, Daum, Mouldings, of all kinds, mad Window Flames. to order.- - Pluo Lumber constantly on hand. Shop in Pork Factory Building, Montrose. Pa.. - M A o W tr C eD Y ner.27.ItriI.SSTArNn.LYSTONE. . , A T the OLD COURT 11017 BE. in 1107113081{, d or g w ir r i A,4l rialtrae ItwM ID the REATEAT MANNER. . • Mrs. COLEY: • Nay lc 1872.—ta R. R. R. BADWAY'S READY RELIEF CCRES TUE WOItST PAINS In from OOT O no to NE FtOu R Twenty Minute*. • - N Mter renal this adrerthentent need any one ttCPFER 15'1711 PADS: ILIEMPAPS ILEADY RELIE M. F LS A cam Ton EVERY PA IL wee the Ent and ta "Ma Only Vain' Ileffindy thaetnothhtlyMnp• the' tout cammolatlng pew. oli o 3n. ftsnunsilons. end cum Conteralotal. whetter of RD Lena , e sonnach, erch, or OMR /WO 'or wpm, by atm mbar IS sit= MI TO TWEET! Flometter how stobrot or extruMetleg paltrthe ILDEU UATIO.Dcd.rfeIdon, Wm, Crlppled, Norma, Neuralgic. or promratml disuse may trader, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMILATION OF TUE KIDNEY& INFLAMMATION OF TEE BLADDER. YMARRAT/ON OF T D ELS. OW CON HE ONSTION OF TUE LIMOS. BORE TEUIOAT, DIFFICULT ORRATIIINO PALPITATION OF TUE IMAM. urnmares. CROUP, DIPIITI4ERIA. CATARRIL nITLVEN.I.I. READLCRE, 700711 t . E CIT T I A _ MIAs AREVILATISIL COLD MILLS. AGEE (MILLS. The epulkcalon of the Ready Relief to the past ar puts I/theorem polo nr =may clistssrld adenl u.o LA comfort. Twenty drops In Int( Mohler of Weer will to a few Imams me CRAMPS. SPASMS. SOUR STOMACH. nEAnynnor, PIER RI:APACHE, DIARIUMA. DYSENTERY. Como, IVEND IN TUE, BOWELS, and ell INTERSAL ?melon should alwatv carry a bottle of Midway'. Beady 'nth t f hem. few drops to water •111 Ei r tit m cgiri or d rgw . ,,...a=e . r. It la batter FEWER AND ACME. 1. hYhlt AND AGUE: aired fur etty ants. Thera is sot Somalia Astra In this wadd that UM Funs and /MM. Sad all ostlier . MaLtsious, Indous, Benda, Typhoid. .174=1741714WIRPMPrufgEa par semis% Bold by DstditistS. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AN rnn RICH MOOD-INCREAST: or FLESIL COM P LEXIO N ER TO ALL. AND rrEAU. TIPUL SECURED TO ALL. DR. RA A) WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT RAS MADE TllEllO5l' ASTONISIII NG. CURES•, SO *WIVE. SO RAPED ARE THE rIIANUEII THE, SOOT ItieDERGOES, UNDER TILE INFLUENCE CF T 111.64 TRULY IvoNvEr.rut. 31EDIC1NE, TEAT Every Day art Increase In Flesh and Weight' Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop.of the SAIISAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT oommsnicatm through the Blood; Sweat, Brine. end other fah:tetrad palmed' the metes the vigor of life, for It repalre the wastes of the body with, vow sl a, r , Isafrrisl. Scrofula. Eephitis„Cteenmprion,filands diewomt. Ulnas In the Timed. Booth, Tunamajodes In the (Amnia and other parts of the erslem. Sore Eyes Strnmom Llscharre foss the Ears. and tae wont forme of Skis diseases, Erg. Coos, Fever ftereg, Scald /lead. Riot Worm. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne. Slack Spots Wo r ms In the Flesh. Tamers, P W Pater* In the Womb and all wealtaAng and painful die ehetTes. Night Sweats Loss et Spenn,and all wastesof the life..principlo, are within tito curatlve of this wroth* of modem Chemistry. end • few gays' 'me CS/ rove to gay person mint It for either of them forms ha parse power tornne them. If rho n lent d rir, beaming reduced by the wastes and is and mein rgreWhy.. mama In weeding these wastes, ano metre t rune WWI new outer. PI made from healthy blood—and Ms the HARSAPAIII/.. MAN will and dots memos Not only does the Smaermszuer Regotormie easel aR k1Y31.11 remedial agents in the cue of Chnsde. Scrofelous. Cortelltullonal.andliEtil acme/ but Le the ooly potitive Imre for 'Kidney & IlladderComplalnts, trrinatm end Womb distaste, Gravel Dialetes, Dropsy Stoppage of Water, neontinese* of Urine Br i gh t 'sDiseamt Albundamie, and L• all man where there are Widener die or the meter Is thick, elandy, mixed with pub.:Lances like the whits of en egg. or Wade Rae white Bilk, or there Li • morbid, Mom eppearesee, and bon whlt• ed.% de podia sad when there tea prickles. bermlng ansathra Rhea Saming and yelp tithe Eimallat the Bach. and SlantLo toe ntsk , llice,a/. 1r oPo.. MC , —21.) Only was ieee Rs mer the Tumor of 101 Yams Growth Cured by Und.woy , a Itesolretit. liegtagg, hfeee.,,leto MUM TM. Itooteevt-1/ lots lb& Orsrlese Taw. to the arse. smt %welt All the Dagen tald °am wes es help for IL" I tried me, Was OW one rocoessoesultd; ant aothirg helped I so M.ltioodmi, tad theoght I woold try it; ht ad tie talth to It, I lad taffand for twelve outs. I Wt .10 snare et W literalust. Set toe toe el Retway's Pib, sad two Unto arca. lido HAM, gad thug is we • elm at lon.. et Ile rat et PR, T T I I/el Uttar. smart, mad happier there Ilion fee brolve ynn. The wont teaser .0. 1, the lett eSp the be.tlb ea* , tb , II write this Se yea far Ms kw& at ethers Yee ratito. is if rs• Meow. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIU PILLS, perfectly testeless,eklematij o celed rwigitrAW C, the e, cursTilf - dho ts rtfers of lir Stcfs4 Llrer:Dowels. Either; Bladder, SUM= Von, Ctetlrstewr, IteUgollesa. Etttellates ir lillionrame Perer„lnthentamteer ef the wels. Ites.and all D. ringernente of the Faternal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive oure. Purely Vegetable, andalning ineruns. ot oesals,ordeleterious drop. CIE" Observe the following symptoms mooning thorn Mr Were of he-Digestive Organs: Canals woos, horsed Tilta. Tallgele of the lltemi to the Red' Aeldlty of the Names. Thert/ona.Plorlot of Teal. felt. totte erlfelght ta the nalogah. Soar Egrotteleag.gballer Fhater brat the I'll et the Ftemach. Soloartleg eight/ IteaA,llenied end DltScolt Dreetlaleg, Iflolevieg as Sh• Erse. Chellog or soLe.-- , 4a, Ilematlee• sato lo • I.vir; r'rearte o.! Mb et. It be, tow end Pal le the Heed. lholtrldet7 J Pet-spina:a, 1,11..0cas a the Filo god E,04, 1110 to the Fol., Ilea. limbs. sod aut.dro 1 loan of Mal. Londe; to lie A fear doses of r.AITTrAT"4 rTLIB sdll fees the node= from al/ the stem-named Lowder. es cents per Mut- FOLD UV tarttGlitSTS. ItF.A IFit LSE_ AN tt . 7llllF::Send ono knee rap refo=jeteat April 3,lM—yl. THIS NY, WREN HORSE HAY FORKS A. J. NELL'S , PATENT IMPROVED Twenty-Two State Fair Premiums Awarded This Fork ALSO NELLIS GRAPPLE PULLEY, An Implement that Fiery Farmer, Carpenter, Mnsan HORSE RAKES Hand" Rates, Scythes, &Whir, Grain Cruller., Iron. (A char Brand) Axles, S n, Springs. Carriage Botts. Clow Reis, (Med and Iron.) EOM MiLcsa.itco C MI Mar 73 13 X* CO E 3 Rush, Venn's. That *mays gives on A AEU WEISTI.EI when tho Coco to Needy tar tho T no. TRY ONE and 7ovi wt l Cadthgco e Always Right! Aisa, Grind Kongo, Knits, Picks. • lbsops , Locks. - Saps, Files, ' Knobs, Draw Kalrca, Hayti' Statics, . Latched, Paints, Oils. . Varnish. Stoves. Mu* are, Lamps..te. Montrose, July 6, 141%-11. LIM ,t canWIN 'V -EL Nit.3323X.Ma SOvas3lll. • '.49 1 4 1 4 'ff• T4Pufl+. frerriPor• Ble (tent- ClOllOlO v iLlro catineetbagy 4th -the D . Uttl. W., the Erie, Lchloth —it Vac/ nal wan IMrarpocom In Fifteen Months-ISW and 1610. and Painter Should Wm Picsi7c)3l.37lxis OPTIAITS . ran COMM wastedbelted thel t t , mad. pe Is or - In esttossa. if mamas. is& hit die Coughs . Ti am of the Chen, Dining, Scar Er actatious of the stemach, Bad Tests_lsOs= Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the H IsgsmrWho the Lens. Pain in the regions of the lad • other painful symptoms, are the odsprinp them.complaints it has on email, and ens will pmt • Letter gomantee, of its write than • lewdly adveninanat. , For Female Complaints, in ar old. Ira ° those ttir tirtgral4 , • ' or = Gal li % tanked improvement is socultreeptible. Hoz out, Remittent and Internsitteall Inglanunaterey and Chronic ilhasnatein ttsm G T rem, Disea and ses of the Mod.. Liner, latwasind Bhig& eo r• these Bitters bane no equal. Such Disoneasse anned fry Vitiated Blood, which is gemeraliy Pcodnond by &CUOMO cf the Dillow* 0 .rwns. They ore a Gentle Purgative as war war .11:31e- t al so the penalise m i esi d =es • ggrani a .Ve i fal Ongte?,==Discase• the Skin" Diseases, Bruptlottter, Salaam., Blotches, pots. H . hspeMtle. Szeddiud, San Eye ' s '''l4 ,ts=t. letb, de b, Gans of the Skin, liiiMors and Diseases SW ► of whams name at mom, ate literally dug me and anima out of the 'glum in a short tirne_ y ilta_oaa &then Cleanse the . Vitiated Mona. whemane g=l to t.p.isk e bursting tluougb the skin, in a=rlll* Scan, or Saes; cleanse it when you find It Gaston:Rl RUllions , proclaim Vannes Inraisli 1. alast.vondaral 'wigwam ever known. J, WALICER, Pro" IL EL. IIIeDONALD & Druggists and Gen. Ans.. San Trandem Califon& and comer of Washington and Charlton St a., New Teelke tfir SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DR W& July In, 1872-ssan9 • In the wonderfel medicines tairldels the aftlictest are above pointed for relief, the discerner be. Peres he has combined in harrower MOM edXi ture'e =it sovereign surefire. propertl which God hos instilled Into tho vegetable lbs herding. tho sick, than were ever bettors. innalleall la one medicine. Tim evidence of Me let Si found in tho great variety of most obstinate dies asses which It hos been found to conquer. In the care of Bronchitis, Severe Cciagbsa and tam carly 11:37,C1 of CO11111131: piton, it= astenishol rho medical flashy, and eminent pp. etchers pronounce it the greatest atedisaillicares rysofthorcre. While It corn UM revered It strengthens the system and part Ho= blood. By its greot and thorough blood pmta% lng troperties, it mum ail Liti mom Roos tbs word Nero! ilia VIII common flioteb, PIM pie, or Earn pit an. Moen:dal dierase.llllbeis cot Faison., and their effects, are eradiated, and rigorous hmlth and a round constitution - Webs lished /Erysipelas, Salt Ilbetrat, Fever Sores, Sealy or It ouch Skin, r ef nark all the nun mesas diseases canoed by bad Mood. aro congoured by this powerful ptudirtogand ttgnrptlne tae, If pm feel dill, drowsy, debilitated.ttaee lame color of skim or yellowish brown spots on Wear heal, frequomt tootwebe or diadems, bad tote ta attratts, Internal hmo or chills alternated With boll flushes, lov spirits, and gloomy forcbodlr. roprohr appetite, and tonguo coated, you am tag from Torpid, Liver or "IIIII•ste. nesta.i. In many. cases of "Liver C. plaint Pr only port of thesis symptoms as mps. Renced. Ara rensily for all inch eases Dr Plerco's Golden Medical Plscovery bus no eas): /3lteMlClAperfOCLCUrei, karingthelhell`StMaribe cued awl heolthy. Fur the care of itabitaiall Constipation of the bowels It ts a neverbils log remedy. and those who hare itsod It be this porpoise aro land In its War proprietor offers $1,603 mind Ste I moth ciao t h at will equt It for the am eta= Or • eases for which it ts nroondusmded. Sold by dna:rests at SI per bottles Pfera c r4f. IL F. Pierce, It. It.. Solo nropletor, at his al Labod youra ratory, 133 s Senfa eca yomplOct 'street, Maio. Al Barddra, •VC . R.FU=aZa. DaIMOUT, MONTROSE P. Ix continually receiclog -mvir And keeps coanantly on band atoll Ina deslrablo ilsortment ol =nine SWIGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LI grime. Paints, 011 s, Dye-Stn ffe,Test, Spice*, and other OM aeries, Stone A are, Wail and Window raper, alma ware, Fruit "Jars, Mirrors'. Lamps, Chimneys, Here sane, 3laehloery OH, Tanners ' Nennoot BS fined Whale 011,Sperm Oil, Olive Oile Spirits Torpea tine. Vante te., Canary Seed. Vlnegar.Potash. Conceit toted Lye. Axle Grease. Tray s es. Supporters, Malta Instruments, Shoulder Ileaces,Whlnt, Ouse, Pistol, rt Caridges, Powder , shot, Lead, Gan Caps, Blanks _Powder and Pate, Violins,Strings. Bow, , etc. Flake Fl fee, etc.,1 4 1 sh ookaan Llars,rlar and Toilet Soaps, Harr Oil., Hair: Restorers. and Hair Dyes. Brasile', Pocket KlliTC..Specincles,lslPrer Plated Spoone,Yorks . Knives. /Sc. Medlin Ankles, a general ueortmart of FANCY GOODS, MAMMY, and PHIRMIEISICT All thole:inn.; aad brat kinds of PATENT MEDICINES, In short: neatly evett li thing 'to restore th e elek, law ' plcaso th e taste. to del dm the eye, to gratify t : L e ta:a l And also to conduce tot e real and sobstanUal 0111 In. Enumeration le Impracticable as Impala/I a newspaper. Call at th e Drag and VarittyBtore of a. , ABEL 2111t1IELL. , Y0nir05e..T4:65.18:1.- DOWN TOWN NEWS: MINER . A2VD COATS, Main Street, b doors below Boyd • s Corner, )Notre FLOUR, GROOLRIVA AND PROVISIONS. Waracoustantly'rett 17logi vd now have onbasit, •(reek stuck 0(0,304. In gunk e,whichworrlllsell CHE6PI CELTAE CHEAP tor clell-.ot C XChßi gc orproduce. GOOD. TEAS, - • COFFEE, SUGAR, • MOLASSES, SP.lOr it g ; - '!. ' Fk,3,lA- •f 4,41 41 10 HAN:S,• 4410 _. CLOVERTMOTTfr 4gP,- Weboooreattedandmado addttloitOtO on? Ikto et erl pos,iind oto now roody_to torward Bat or to Int b ocontotttilorittonsos to New Tork,ltoo of cbarge, ant mok.ltbertilagtturtaVonto on conotgrOxicins• • . Call nod extunto °nor Stock botato parthating oat ittuaro,nadconitoooyontsoltos °Ube • -• •• • • •• • GOOD - qUALITY : tt - LOW PRICE 4 . •1 •: . t; oar good*.• ' • • (l. SANER, •• • W. R.COT 3 ' idontrittO.ADrilltr. , SOD . . _ O ...OLD'JBWELRY-A Fine. AesorE ment.'andothervartetleeofScaelrqf.. fa* Col and Silver Cooed Watches and Watch Cheat. 'Mita anti s Ilvet plstedSN - rons, Porto, Shiro), Sc:, and a oral assortment of Fancy Goods, Notions, Perfam Sc. Dta,la and 'Medicine*, a Lugo Wel, • •• - NoLtrtme.l'4.. Lee. 0. . AU L T11115L1246