antettiorno. aysLiorous-ssavross. l Turnip Cgpai...lita../4.6szamal).li.Pastar. 84*th Serftca ' I.IOX M., sad 12 m. abtattiSchool rkt ri ItccungdkobcF44TEreal2o • Rh' CATHOLIC Timd. gtarriarr sahhath Sallee% Second Sunday he each Meath sabbath School - Immediately Wore lanes ETWOPAL CHEM'', .11x7. - E. A. WirmaraLtletbar. saht.M.A.AAma 10X 6. M. and We, m. FAndAy School ' ' . Le. m. wetk.D.,47 Bervlces—Wednes4LW - • 7.. g. p. m. METHODIST EPIS COPAL .....11LA. A.l)..4l.szAtromi. B.bbsth servirelz 10.434. m. Mod tea p. m. 831Abath School . . ' • - A - P. in. Player Meeting, TM:mays. ' T2O p.m. PRErsIITTKIIIIN'IMULteII ller...T. la: Must'. 84 hhatb Serdemo - ' 10.43 a. m.guld 7g p, m. tiabb.etb &boot. ' ' ' 12.13 p. m. Pm..MTVedthc,Thanisy EvadAge , 7.g'p. m, , Or - LTley' ;qi grown Club. &gofer meeting or tin Greeley 5. % - Vital, every Thursday evening, at , 7 o'c The ball a rolll4 - •. - • Turn out and keep I modal - - "- rolltleal.Bleetlngs. General Kilpatrick of New Jersey, will 04- divss the citizens of Montrose, and surrounding, tag towns, on the political issues of the day, at the Court House, in *Ontnose, on Monday CVO. rang, Sept, 30th 11372, meeting to commence at 73, o'clock. There will hex meeting. in Rush, on rrittay evening, Sept., 18;2, and also, one 'zit Friendsrille,:fiatutday afternoon, Sept, both of which Will bo 'addressed by Senator Fisher, and .Others. , • ' - The people...of _these, places are expected to make due preparations for n good turn out, and proper accanmodations. Bo Livcl*. Koski-- Be LirelYl Various Hems. Remember the,fass Meeting Saturday next Let every man interested in the glorious objects of reform', organize himself into a ealmaitece of one, and ruse the latent energies of his neighbors, as if success -alone depended upon his individual efforts. Therotrill bo ,no meet ing in the evening. Rally in a manner" worthy of our just muse. Let old. Bridgewater, and every other section, far and near, be heard from by a fitting demonstration. - - - The electors of Brooklyn" icho are anti-Srant, arc earnestly requested to meet on-Friday eve zing, Sept. 20th, in the schoolhouse, at Brook lyn Mare, at 7% o'clock, to arringe hir 'and perfect a tbOrough organization and CIIIIVII.9& Let there be a full turn out. It is desired that the Bridgewatet• Cluli *shall unite witiNontrose, under thename of Bridge water and 3jontrase Club. Rentember the meet ing to-morrow (Thursday) evening. - - .Let there be a full attendance. Time Is passing! ,Work must be done! General: Albright in Lis speech the other eight, saftl,that he "loved Susquehanna County —he worshipped it." His passion is easily ex plainell2 He scants to go to Congress. loves rummy the same ciay, and it led him to commit suicide by "bounty jumping"*Ontl Lat in:, $5OO as a private fur one day, with a . Colo.. ners Commission in his imektt at the time: Ile did not tell us of his Dishing experience in that kind of love atraira. Mathew Baldwin, a thrifty Bridgewater far mer, 1;13 left swig stalks of cont with us, which he has reared this year, measuring 12 1-9 feet in its stocking Jett" It ineasures"6 feet op* to the fin; ear, lie says it is Greeley and Bro;wn rota. That is pretty tall corn., The editor of the lkindile.zn needs some of " i.5..-117insliiir's Soothing Syrup." Hieing ap plied to Dr. Thayre, his medicine seems to make hiul indie cebrae. Dr. Grant ought to do some thing for him, or be certainly will commit Po litical suicide. Card from Dr. Thayee. I 6CI, tied my name is again brought before the readers of the Rep t&limn by the ctliter as sisted by Post master Stone, backed by Joe. Shipman, W. IL Coatca, and E. Bullard. Fra zier doubtless would like to pmlong the dispute far the capital he thinks he can make out 'of it. While thelnatter took in the names of such men as Jteige Falcon), and Rev. W. M. DeLong it bad a shoic of respectability which it now lacks entirely. It is an easy matter to deny u transaction or allhan a thing to which there are no witnesses: I will therefore make no: re ply to the matter in Its present shape. nzurct do not Lie. This old and oft-repeated, adage. .was once supposc.,l to be a truth. But let me bring be fore the readers of the Democrat a few figures clipped from the New York Timea of August 19th, 1812, and also .° few undeniable facts, and then let the public decide whether the old max. im be truth or fiction. Were the people of Sitsquehairm tostrallow all the distorted and exaggerated statements which are crowded into the - columns of the N. S. 71w,, without ever being reminded that figures were easily made, and that seventy thousand sallaried office holders 'were continu .any grinding ot► administration domnnents without a semblance of truth about them, they might easily be led to suppose any elfOrt they might desire to make to cast off the' chain that now hangs about their neck, sin:tights them along with tile Present corrupt Administration, would piore futile; and in consideration of the enormous majorities which the editor of. the rim. , heaps up before tbem,,would rather with butt their ballot, or cast it with this 'pretended lsaion than suffir the iguominious,deicat which the LincB so lucidly pictures to them. ' • Appearancesto a great war, in the human character, but in ftgurts they ainount to noth view of this fact I submit the follow-,. estiMate of the Times with another estimate of my own, which, when Carefully 'examined byuny faltering artimid Liberal, will shoat' the usual incongistancy of the Times: editor. -And the thinness of the material he uses to conceal. the real facts from the one hundred, thousand dupes who read his paper. is actna4 disgusting when yon once attempt to peep through The estimate of the Times, I Infer, was :Wane. ed front the returns of, 1803, and be foots up.the very modest majority: ofabout: 23,000 Joe the - State of Pennsylvania, and in so doing dis plays an unpardonable amount of icmorance, as I will show by the 1011M:ring estimate of the Liberal strength of our own County of Busque= henna, based upon tin coons of Susquehanna county , hasabout'two.bnudrod . And seventy school districts, and allowing one- Liberal Republican - for each: dislitie.i—and that would be modest for thenines, givsk Pennsylvania 24,847 Liberal Republicans. Rut 'Nem will reduce this andisk for, only, one hun tired and ninety, and those sie bate, and that I sUL glee the State 17,605, allowing Its poppla,- / 401. 4 *carding to the last fxnsas, to be -3,521,- PIX>, in ronud !lumbers. Take this 17,605 Lib erat lia"piblecans from the old ranks, and Mid tbeallo the new;and it makes a. difference Of 8 214--authelent tg.wipo pat Gmtit's majority of 28,168 in 1808, besides leaving anilifelluaret! for pcasibleAlisaffection among Reamer:Uzi! , A ItErcinuc.vj.: Gibson, Pa., Aug. 4 41st 1872: - - • larWhenour readers have read this fos; rims it over to your neighbors and so on., Ift Pi be posted on both aides of the .-queetton arid tbea upon tilent zCaposiblliry . _ The Great nustcdco!i..,.. Increasing opposition in the _menagerie and circus business has resulted in the 'organization of combing 'Moira of really mammodtpropor- Sons, largee.than any litilf-doien - of the best ones . of even less than a dozen yeats ago, .Tho truth of, the Ow% !,`The' More 'ono has' the' more one wants,"., Is strikingly illustrated In this i connection, rot , the public, :whose appetites for the marvelous and sensational has been Inerms- Ingly catered to, have be,conan regular amuse• meat Oliver Twist; and though once imgelY dti lighted with a -spangled , pad riderand a - poin't :ed titan , now . elamoi for more, even vihen the rarest rosoumes of Nature, the hippisirMne and the uninasium. - are spread befiire there, Sian agera Imorder. to succeed now, must keep 'up with the dematial of-_:tite huge 'appetiteieblen their own rivalry has stimulated, and year alter year pretent a more bountiful spread With - W.loh to .feast the eye and- Muleistantling, Among the. most marked results: of-- this ' canipliance with' thihnlnutable laws of-dernand - and ;:aup plY,- IS the gnihdzoologicaliand itrenle:Mimad lc tatahlisinnentor BOsstian, - Springer and Men denion,'. announced. to exhibit heipoil the Seth of this month, and which will Strikingly -illus. tmte the enterprise and conakehensiveaess of the -new cm, NO such - eollectlOn ::of 'animal wonders, - natural and mechanical- curiosities, and' noted circus performers, so admirably clas sified, has ever visited. Oda section, and tiro in variablelexperienr.oelSewhere, of immense an diencM, and a concentration upon' the'. town of almost the entire _rural,: populadit, be re peated . without . ..doubt,' ceitninly it iswertlin long trip to sea - . the Pompous r_Proemsitni Orin- Arabs i - gorgeous „cages, fine horses and gay retainers ; with which - iii great Mastodon" will signalize its adient, and when to thisis added the thousand and ono hidden Cl:attires - suggested- by: the bills and advertise ments, it cannot *respected .that the paying bead 91_ any tinily eatf.planhase . - peace On the momentons day at 'less than the price of admis sion for the wife and little, ones,. • . Leaving the menagerie; nutscum, and circus, to speak for themselves, It is - worthy of note, that everybody isinvited to inspect- and talk with the strange Arab Mohammedans, who are the first to visit this , country, and whose feata of strength, daring and skill, trench close ly upon the marvelous. These interesting Infi dels arc more than a whifte show in and of them selves, anti religious curiosities as well as mus cular phenomena, in this Christian len& . They will appear at each eshihition in the large sep arate circus tent. Temperanee Convention. Wo.-Were presented List week with a report of, the doings of the Temperance ConVention held at Montrose, Sept. 2d, awl as we Julio been pressed for room . this week, nod inasmuch as we give ift,another column resolutions and pro ceedings of a Convention hold at Franklin Forks, which were similai to the ones passed, we believed that the members oUktt body we'd feel Just as well satisfied liy a rl...tfttee to that report as fur us to occupy our space in repeating time. We will say however, that in addition. to poising those rmlutions,.they nominated a full County ticket. - For Congress—j.l3. Gregg, of Susquehanna Depot; Delegate to the Constitutional Conven tion—Wm. J. Terrell; of Montrose; Repreien tatire—M. L. ilawley,of 3Zew Milford ; Sher iff, A. D. Corse, of Jackson ; Register and Re corder—Wm. Emery, of Sesquelmen.s Depot ; County Commis toner—,l. Churchill, of.Len oxville; Coroner, Dr, - Calvin Halsey, of Mont rose ;• Antlitor-LA. B. Tucker, of New Millord. After which the 'following Vigillanco _Com mittee Was appointed: 'Auburn, .1. IL Cogswell, E. L ; Adams, C. E. Davis; Bridgewater, Win. )L Tingley, D. Me-. Wm. Roach ; Dundatr, G. W. Rogers; Franklin, D.' C. Bryant, Andrew Watson Great Bend twp., J. W. Walsh, Wm. P. Day ton, Anci.n Chase; Great Bend, bum., C. S. Ilamlin, D. C. Bronson; Gibson, Samuer 3[c. liartord,Geo. Tingley, D. C. liandrieks, Fowler Peek ; Harmony, 3L V. Norton, Noble Thumns;G.Y.ciatig; llerriek, S. o.. Church, ill ; JaCkSOll.. B. :F. Lambee, J. L. ' Williams, Erander Tucker ; 'Jessup, E. W. W. Thdles; Lenox, J. N. Habits, A. Churchill, Jesse Row. nrd ; Liberty, G. W. Robinson, B. W. South ! worth; Lathror, G. S. Mackey; Little Mead• ows horis.,ltev.-A. Brooks ;, .New•Millora born., E. K. Richardson, E. K. Sturderant, P. 31cCol lum ; New Milfurd, A. B. Tucker, John Wil liams. Stewart Mead; O f, John Craig'- ton, F. U. Decker, J. C. Cciunselman; Susquc lianna Depot, Irving, M. L. Riley, A. C. Purple; Thomson, 31errick T. ‘Vhitney, G. D. Blanding. R. TRAXR.E. Quarterly CortVetrtiort. The Eighteenth Quarterly Convention L O. of G. T., of Susquehanna County, Pa., Met Ist • the Baptist Church, at Franklin Forks, Toes day, Sept. ftd,1872. Order being called at 11¢ o'clock, by W. C. T. Handrick, and Convention opened in duo form, the necessary Committers were apt - minted mut reports adopted, after which many delegates reported a goodly number oT Lodges hopefully Dhorhvz, in the field, and san guine in the expectation that tlie Climax. of the harvest will be Pmhibition. At this point we were favored with the priv: -Res of initiating, into our noble order our much respected Rev. Bre. S. - W. 'Spencer, of that place. The public lecture of the ciening, by .1. Lor ton, Dis. Deputy of Green Co., was well attend cd. Well-timed remarks were added by Elder Fish, and. Bra. E. Weston, Delegate from the Luzern and Wyoming District The second day was maihly occupied with resolutions, viz. Committee on Resolutions offered the _follow ing, - which wesr:read, and discussed seriatim, add adopted. Wherea—The. great evil. of Intemperance still exists In our Midst, &Mg its - dreadful work open tens of thousabds of its victims, and iu. directly injuring everyman, woman, and „child in the County, and nercak---Iti.roP,:nsible to stay its progress fn consequence of the Licence law, although nine-tenths of the people might desire to do so, I Timrfore _ Rosigred—That our present License system partakes of the rut= of:a despotism In as moth as It puts it in. the.power of one AMA at the request of twelve other men to obtain Ll eense;; to sell intoxicating drinks, although ev ery, other individual in the County should be opposed to it. • - Besolved.--That the - License system is a re markable instance of framing Iniquity by Law.. Revoked—That the presentliaieis propitions f o r te m pirsaeowell‘ds the quesiicinfLieense or 150 License is to be submitted to a vote of the people the coming. winter. • IF7a ,:req.s.--Our political records of the past present - nothing that isnin=tes that the great Politi=l partite of our eeuntrrare in as m peaty with the ,Topperance Beforra,—There- I restolmt—lhat looter, judgrient the sips of„, the times actrtand that every TemPerance voter breah all former pelitical ties and support the psinciplesetraubibitlonet; the ballot luss: Fgrthir , Rusgfrosl—That zrhile in tee lankuiige s t r ato gdit, Worthy Grand Lste, ire Loll this Order At Osedfiemplars 4- not a political Ur aztni.tetioxit is our I%*lthaate tsork and duty as Teliok:ol4,eo,3..bgerottuttd'ls_?isillt. and spirit of our order, to commend for the sup. Port of Gadd TomPlars,' all movements - 'outside of the . Order, calculated to premote the cause of Temperance. 'ffewleircf-44at IVO adopt the resolve of the IL W. G. Lodge—" That we hereby renal , our expression of confidence In. -thq feasibility and 'ultimate success of the Istailonar Prohibition Party, and earnestly recommend all temperance people to give it their moral and political sup- Rewired—That we think the formation of the Prohibition Partrin Pennsylvania will be high ly. conduelie to that eduTeation. of. „the people - In Temperance PrinelPiciarid mcianieS Which will at no distant day, overthrow the Immoral li quor traftle. therein, and .we do comiatstal tltg 'nominees of that 'pitrty, einerienced, .tried, and true friend of Temperance, Hon. S. H. CiamP.4 l ?r-he! many yehrh.t49 hour, Ored - G: W. sa."'r: . .af dur.ordee—at 'lts thead," - te 'the earnest support of all voting friends of Tem. :Peranee; -* -7 :7 • . Resolrerf 7 That we do condom .the action of the Phitaticipitiallenuldicra',donvention opting the anti-Christian, infidel thought and practice of Europe, In adopting the Sixteenth Resolittion of that platform, which in the lan guage of Herman Raster, its tallow " was ad opted by the platform Committee With the full and explicit understanding that itsptirpose was the discountenancing of all so-called temper ' ance (prohibitory)and Sunday laws, Bemired—That the thanks of this convention are duo the members of this, Lodge, as well as to the citizens of this idaCe, rot theiropen-hand ed hospitallity in so well entertaining the dell. gates - and members of this Convention, and also for their free conveyance from and to the Railroad at New 31ilford. On motion, Convention adjourned to meet at Great Bend, on the Elm Tuesday or December, 1872. J. S. "W RIGHT; Dis't ll4bottom; Pa.,.9ept.lBtb, 1872 Ilan► Meeting& _ aßy uthority of the State Central Conintittee of Pennsylvania, we are enabled , to-.annonnee that ,Ilon. Charles It. Dnekalew and Daniel Kalbftis; trill address a series of Mass Meetings .as' follows:1 Wellsboro, September Towardla, :Montrose, Stroudsburg, Wilkesbarre, • "'' • Doylestown, Also, that a meeting will be held at Nichol son, Wyoming County, on the last day of the Falr,-Sept: 27th, which will be addressed by lion. A. K, - McClure, and „Gen. ,Kilpatrielc . of New Jersey. Ilan. G. A. Grow,. of - Texan, is also expected to be present. Now Express Itirand'exitent. ' Parties in this faction, ordering goons Philadelphia can Eince extra charge -by ehipp ing via. Philadelphia and Reading R R. Ex press. " L srar.u,jr., Agent. BUSINESS LOCALS Two Dundee() Alen Wonted On the Montrme Railway from Tunkhannoch to Montrose, to drive it through to its complc tion. ' l'nuns MAncv, Contractor. Dr. E: L . ( iurilnev Wotildinronn nil those *hem It tnlyzoneern that lie teas left Ida inatea, , jrttkonentsr, - nceaunts, and, lases, in the hands or M. S. Wilson, and requests ailcrCditors to pity over to Ithu their respeetive indebtedsts as they tali due. • Montrose, Sept. 4th, 1872. The Sixth Annual Fair. Of the 'Nichol-9mi Agricultural. Society. will be held ou Wednesday, Thursday eel I . .' ridav, September 25th,:tliith'unt1270, utt the ground of, the Society: N. Wthces, bete . y. Nicholson, Pa., Aug. 7111, 3N2.41,3E1.E1-211611:3.30Ei. HOLLtSTE.D.-41-lit the residence of the bride's father, in Brooklyn, Va., Sept. 9th. 1872, by Rea.ll. Boughton, A. P. 11‘111ister, (if Scranton, and Batik., only daughter of Charles Kent, Esq., of the limner place. a~a~~s. Ilourssox—ln Warren, Bradford Co., Ang. 430, Edson, son of Actual' : and Sarah Robinson, of Formt Lake. .1:4e.;'21 years. EENvox—ln Libert7, on the . 5 4 , bit., Mr. Rog. er Kenyon, Ser..,;aged t B 3 year , DEPSTE;-In Jessup, um the pat inst. Cyril!, _ son ,of T. J. and Martha Dose, Lissa 2 years and 0 months. Amnacit—ln BrooLlyn, Sept. 7th, Nathan Al dad', eked StS y&trx. perial goticto. Valuable Hints. A valuable habit of body is absolutely essential to physical health and clearness of Intellect. Nor Is this all. Booty of person cannot co-exist with on Unnat ural condition of the bowels. A free passageof there lase matter of the system through these mannal waste pipes, is as ner.eperr y to the parity of the body on the fry passage of the odal of 804 through Its sneers le necessary to the health of its inhabitants. Indigestion is the primary muse of moat of the dis eases of the Meth:leafing or guns, and one of Its most common results Is constipation, Tills complaint, be sides besides lacing dangerons In Itself. has many dies yet:able okin, concomit co ants—such as au unpleasant brea th, sallow ntemlimib if- blood nod bile. hemor rhoids, headache, loss Of memory, end general debility. Ilostrattcr's titomacit Uinta s remove all these coils by removing their immediate Ingo ha the digestive