2Zltt ffiontrosc pjutotrat. E. B. #sivLry, EDITOR. inolvTitosE. IpEl(N,4t vvisrmisiliv. - sEE4rAttnEll IS, 187. DgMOCRATIC TICKET ITESIDENT, ITORACE GREELEY FOR VICE-MESIMXT, BENJA3IIN GRAT2 BROWN Fon Oovvison, CHARLES ptr6E4LENV, Of Columbia Coutity. Fon JUDGE OP THE SUPREME COURT, • HON. JAMES TiIOMPSON, Of Erie County. Fon Arnrron W.U. HARTLEY, Of Bedford County. FOR CONORESSMEN AT, LA nu E, LION. RICHARD yA I UX, 01 -Philadelpltii. JAMES IL\HOPKINS, Of Allegheny County. HON. HENDRICK B. WRIGHT, Of Luzern° County. DELEGATES TO TOE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 1. • atonar.-W: WOODWARD, Philadelphia. 3 I nATu S.lll..scx, York 1r....W0a5A31 STOLE; Clearfield. 4. Witwar J. litrte, Somerset. 5. Wru.ram Sttrrn, Allegheny. 6. F. B GONMN, Philadelphia. 7. John 11. CiltrßEl.l„ Philadelphia. S. S. H. liftrNohns, LANorts-rEn, 9. JAMES ELMS, SChtlfkill. 10. S. C. T. Donn, Venan,go. 11. G. 11. Oaths, Philadelphia. 12. R. A. L.turintrroN, Dauphin. 13. A. A. Ptoor.t.N . , Greene. 14. Wu. 3i. Conan', Clarion. EI.ECTORS. EESAVOIUSL. TDOAIT. CONV.VIC, of NVUnorlcul. GEORGE W. SETICIA - Ell, of Frakliu. ItSeti.at-NTATtVE.. "Setaxer 3luivrr. , of Erie. JOTLN S. 3lrtame, of fluntingdon. :S. Gross Fur, of Philadelphia. 13. D. Lowenberg. 11. J.lVlinight. 13. Henry Welsh. 16. henry J. St liley. 17. 11. W. Christie. s. 18. Wm. F. Logan. 10. R. B. Brown. 20. F. T. Robinson. 21. J. R. Molten. In. T. 11. Stevenson. 2:1. John 13. Bard 24. Geortle..W Miller I.:Thomas J. Barger. 2. Stephen Anderson. 8. John Moffat. 4. George IL Buret. !S. [Not agreed upon] G. Isaiah fl, floupt i. Samuel A. Dyer. 8. Jesse G. Hawley. 9. IL U. Swarr. 10. B. 1111r.v. 11. John guncle. (2. F. W. ouster. ANTI RING COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, • J. B. IticeOLLUM. Subject to dec6ion of Conference. For delegate to Constitntionpl Convention R. B. LITTLE. Subject to decision of Conference. For Assembly. M. L. HAWLEY. A. C. BLAKKSLEY, For Sheriff, • E. S. KENT, For Register and Recorder, Wax. EMERY, For Conn ty Commissioner. C. C. 3bILLS. For County Auditor. C. M, (lEEE. For Coroner, - W. L: RiCHARDSON. ICOVNTV ANTI RING WICKET. Wo present to the electors of Susque hanna county, a ticket whlch is unani mously endorsed by the representatives of the Democrats and Liberal Republicans of this county, and also previously en dors4by the conference committee of the Temperence Convention, and one which commands the respect of every elector of. Susquehanna county, for the moral char acter, temperate habits of its members, and their unquestioned ability, for the of ofices to which they are named. We are unable-this week to give any extended ! history of them in detail, and we do not I deem it necessary, for the most, if not all of them, are as well known to the people I of this county as to us. We can say this however, without fear of successful con tradiction, that a ticket of better men, every one of whom the office has sought, instead of their riding the . county and conniving with "cliques" and "Rings"' and bartering in delegates to secure them, never was presented for the suffrage of the people of this county, and through them the voters have an oppor tunity to punish the corrupt -dealers in official patronage, and send them into a biased state of olisearity. We will give our views in a more extended wayat a future time, merely asking at this time an in genuous investigation of the condition of our county. affairs and the candidates presented. rgrA Radical paper in New York .says: "There is only one argument to the Democrats;` rte fought the rebellion, yon fought te To which the New York Express gives this answer, which is quite as applicable in Pennsylvania: . "You fought the rebellion; and pray, who are you? The DeMoerats by tens ,of.thousatids fought the rebellion. while thousands of ;your kind, and party were gyring the government with shoddy _knapsacks' and shoes, shoddy hats ana coats, and shoddy aimunition. The his tory of the civil war is full of frauds and wculatioias of men made rich by plunder in the name of patriotism, and honored isith place, in the name orunion. The creatures who thus grew rich on the spots of office,nnd prosperous on their cnes pf purity, are now for Efslltnm b the war All over assn, and for hiding -their own crimes and avarice by assailing their bet= ters. Ono listens to these harangues only in the conviction that they are conceived in bate, spoken in selfishness, and inten ded mainly for personal gain." " 70 ' GO:ti S!;tll+.7.‘: :it . - 3 1:3::'; Grand MOso Meeting AT MONTROSE, SATURDAY, ‘2lst 1872.. ' aDMIEISCII xi. %11.0N,CLIARLES IL BUCKALEW . ANT) . • DANIEL KALIiFLTS, • • • Rails!' From every Township and Borough, to hear our honored standard Bearer. - Be Ito:IA:Boys!, Be Co4nti Ciiinmittee Meeting. 'Wilmot 6 the call of.. the chairman, the Democratic county committee met in Montrose on Saturday : last. '3leetingwas talled.tp order by:the . Ilawley,.fourteen districts' were roPrekent ell by-the members ht.persou, - and eight Others by letters, stating their inability to be present, brit pledging their full acqui escence in wimtever notion . should tie talc= en by the members frivsen't: The chair man stated that the first taiiiness fOr which he had called them together was, to snpply the vacancy of Representative in the county ticket, caused by- the resig ' nation of Wm. M. l'ost,-Esq., of Srisque henna, which had been respectfully tend ered to the committee, as published in the last Montrose DEnocnAir.. : Upon-re quest the chairthan read letters from the committee,' representing. Susquehanna, Thomson, Ararat, Dundaffand others, strongly urging thenomination of 3L Hawley, of New Milford, as emphatically their choice., The best of feeling prevail ed among all, and a candid and dispas sionate discussion of the duties, and eh , ' curnstances of the hour took place. All were desirous of acting in - such a man „per as would be best calculated to redound to the success of the grand 'principles of reform which are rousing the 'people to action, and tlidt which - : would he most certain to demand.the;stippOrt of_ all the true men of the county, in.battling. the "Rings” in the county, state, and nation, which are prostituting their .patronage and power for their rersonal interest, without regard to the * welfare of the masses. On motion to proceed to nomi nation, the following names were presen ted: erns Barlow, of lien Milford, nomi nated J. H. Dusenbury, of Great Bend. P. H. Tiffany, of Brooklyn; nominated, M. L Hawley, of New Milford, whereup on nominations closed. • The roll of districts was then called by the chairman, with the following tesnit: M. L. Hawley received 8 votes, :end J. IL Dasenbnry 3 votes. M. L..Hawlerhaving the majority of the Totes - cast, was de clared by the chairman as duly nomina ted. Upon.motion of Cyrus Barlow of New Milford, the vote for M. L. • HawlCy, was declared unanimous. Various other important 'matters were discussed and acted upon. The chairman enaeavored to impress upon the minds of all present, the importance of thorough organization and canvass in every district as he firmly believed upon this would in a great measure depend the certainty of our success. The committee representing the Liber al Republicans in this county, were invi ted to join us, who did so, and in stirring I speeches ratified iu full the action of the committee, and declared, as we were all of one mind, and striving for the same object, therefore we were no longer two parties, and as representatives of the Liberals of Susquehanna county, they would now strike hands with us as one body, name signifying nothing save the principles which it represented, and as "a rose would smell as sweet 'by any other name," hence let us be called Democrats, - Lilierals..llebels or traitors.it matters not, so long as we fight manfully side by side, I for honesty and capability in office, "just laws and public virtue." All, as the le gally constituted representatives of the t Democrats and Liberals of Susquehanna county, pledged their hearty and undivi ded support •of our ticket., and that .Down with the Court House Ring" of IMontrose, °Down with the Treasury Ring" of Harrisburg, "Dorin with the Military Ring",of. Washington. lillp With honesty and capability for office." "Just Laws and public virtue," and "Unity and Reconciliation with Amnesty," and Uni veml Suffrage," is our motto; and BY THIS -SIGN WE WILL CONQUER. Oa motion the meeting adjonrned to assemble at mil of the chairman. Radical Key Note. Mr. Wendell Phillipabas made another speech, under the charge of Gen. Butler, which be dosed: in tbisjoyoua and lyric strains: - • "The reason Why I support the Repub.. lican party is that, to my utter, surprise, to my unutterable surprise, to my nide scritrable delight, to my relief, I- have at last found a party that as willing to eie cute all the laws, that are gilt:them. It is for that reason that I say 'Long live Ulysses Umiak: May be continue to be President of the Vnited States -.until ev ery white man over-10 years of age who lives south of Mason and Dixon'sline has been forefer put into the ground.' here pia have the Gran C.Platform in a ,'hut shell. Wendell Phillips leads the face tion that ruled the action of the . Radical party in all its tyranny and fanaticism, , during the last twelve years; because .it I had the Ixdanee of power. _Wendell Phil lips is man who of 'late has been de=, nomlcing Americang+rntrient from his aristocratic niche in Lpridon,and extolling theirs above it. Ile is a a epont to pour oat the determination of the administra tion "Ring," to make Grant a dictator • for roan:mins which is eqUivalent to life; as there might be a southern White man now: forty years 'of affe, who - would RI . Gnus 10ng... Having got &intro' of thie ma y, by centralizing capitarin the 1311, Hone! Banks and other porporations, in four years more they have Complete control'of the railways end telegraph's if Grantis re-elected. and 'with a military chieftain at the liead!of tho:army, what will hinders forty years rule ? 'Wendell * Phillips Speuks : because he dares to, and they dare not, the full gist of the Ecliptic of the political cormorants, who aro tow polluting the Temple of American ty. Do the Oople of Susquebatinficeun ty or any other desire forty-years Tiran ny ? Then vote for Grant. Albright and ScoWeld. - . The Court - Atolls° vratrwell on ThtirstlaY,eieniug last, to hear the above mined' gentlemen speak in - aerated of Grant; -11artratift &Co.. The audience was mado tap ofpersons' of all - political parties, age,,sex, and , We heard only the diming-part of ,Gen. Albright's speech. 'We think we can say with truth that no new or startling:l' . ads be arguments were presented:Her - hug the usaal clian: ges Of: the Radical speakers and preo up on the scenes of the war, Whiph happened nearly eight years .ago,-, none of which was new oven to -many of 'Abe -children present. When he Camedown to the is.: sue of - qrpcbticiliatioti," a vital poidt in this campaign, he didn't .feel exactly at home on the Grant side, which is not to be wondered at. He started with a Prop osition to reconcile it with the Grant par ty, by saying or iufering that Grant had saved the country, freed the . alaves, paid the national debt, made peace with for eign natiOns, find the rest of the Indians, Which stretches thifaith of a" large, ma jority of the pedple of "this- country; but to cap the clithax he said that the ;cruel traitor, Gen. Robert E. Lee, and his ar my, Johnson and his army, were par c olled, and that Jeff. Davis, the wickedest Omer on_earth, was set at liberty, ,equally with any of the Iva' soldiers of the nerth,and undoubtedly would vole forllorace (freely. lla prelbandly asked what more of recon ciliation do liberal Wipublicans want?-and said that the Riet.,'Buc.u.; PA UT ' lIAD DONE ALL TUTS. That Jeff Davis would probably vote for llontce Greeley; .being disfranchised was a clincher. But'when he assumed the fact that the Radictil par ty set Jeff Davis free; n - e looked at our neighbor of the - Republican, with his hand over his eyes, and we sincerely pit tied _ him,for we thought where will .be the thunder-now in his battle cry, "Jeff Da-, vis' It is released. . Mr. Scofield is a pleasant speaker, gen tlemanly and courteous, but 'with his adroit manner with the doubtful "if" and. "I make no charges," etc., he drew a cor cringfor the ' Radi-ml corrupt "Ring," which ills very thin. It was very much like covering a hetchel with tissue paper. It might make it appcar all smooth and safe, but it would not do for the people to sit down upon it c‘ery heavily, as they might feel the points pricking throlgh. Ile_bore down heavy on the fiaancial policy of the country. lie told the far mers how prosperous they weir,' what bigh prices they got for produce, etc., etc., and what a blessing' the-National Bank system, was and he didn't. say, but left the audience to infer that Grant had done all this,- therefore he and Ilartrnuft ought to be elected. Ile forgot to say that Salmon P. Chase, (with the assistance_ of Sumner, Shorts, Banks, Farnsworth, and a host of others,) was the father of this financieL Policy, all of whom happen - 10 be in the ranks for Greeley. That would drive the betchel through.- Nth speakers were courteous and undoubtedly did as well, as they could with ,tho "tools" they had. Wm. J. Tutmll: Amman of ilia meet. thg, whose back-bone has been stiffened sip a.little straighter on the Grant side, by.' the nomination as delegate to the Consti tutional Convention, accrued to think it' necessary for him . to arise iu his dignity and vouch for the veracity of these men, and seemed to impress the minds of the audience that a man must not have the audacity to come to Montrose under the modest name of "Professor," acgaired as a faithful teacherin an academy, to all dress the people, unless he is endoised ) in troduced and vouched fur by Wm...l:far m% Esq. Great men might differ, even on that We think however' it was somewhat necessary, for some one to vouch for Albright and Scofield. Al bright-toots $5OO fur bounty jumpiug; Glcni Scofield with Congressman ,Kelly, both of Pennsylvania,- held - 2,000 shares each, in the "Credit ,ISlobilier ofi America," as given iu testimony in a snit -against the "Eon. Cakes Ames and others, directors,calling fora further assignment of stock in. that most lucrative corPora-- tion'or "Ring," whereby the Union Pa cifie Railroad -was mainly constructed, and the'United States bonds voted. by Con gresS in 'aid r thereof absorbed as Profits. Mr. Scofield wants'.to' a to Congress again as if is IncMtilic.brrinct3, and Wm. J. Torre% perhaps, can `-tifford to vouch fur him, for'lie . vvarititOgo: to ' the Constitutional Convention) •- 'We tall attention to the • positive proof of Ilartrantt's infidelity to the state, and his complicity, with the 'eonnpt Treainry "Ring," which is pnbllihed our first Fig.., It is his own lettem Mid .the affidavit of his accomplice Yerkes. We have in our office fae simili photo graphs of' original letters, which . aro now in theliands of alderman Dougher ty, of Philadelphia, that we invite Repnb= licans to mill and see; which places it be yond refatatibn. Hundreds of Republicans in other places have seen them, whoare ac ipiainteil - with the hand writing, awl they are convivial. ° Croir for Tio—Northern iapere poke fun plentifully ; at s the beraocracy for having "eaten crown ia nominating, Gree ley' They 'forget that the time Will come wir the 61 .Chalatkleer in November . Tv' crow orer a victory. 'Crow for two V' Frazier's Crow. What dwondorful fatherly care - the ed itor of. the licpubtie - anii" taking of the "pron Cold. DemeeratiCL''PartY7 : pf this county,. •It is true be: has', tilways called them eVerythini but boast; decent mon heretofore, but he is terrilily.. frightened now for fear they aregoing tebisOld out so as to elect Grant. We ere forcibly re minded.of . the ;fable ' . of the Fox and • „ , Ciew,.Where a crow sitting • 1 11 high ' triv . , is said to latie secured a flue' piece Of meat Whioh• - the "fox." witotedi.' :The -fox . said tocrow, tho peoPle:haito .bien &ring:yen, ,mying you , cannot - .sing. Now 'know yon ure: one of thii . sivietest of singers; and I tvouldlike 5-cry tench to hear.yom. • 11, hereupon . the foolish crow, holding the meat in her hill,flatteriii-rby the hypocrisy' of the Icor,: opened. her mouth to eing,.when the meat dropped to the ground and the fog seized it and rim off, not waiting to hear the song. Now we would say for.the information of Mr. Frazier, that, the' Democracy of thiS'county are not crows: You can't fool them out of the pure meat that way. It is a little too thin for this climate. O'Conner. Mr. O'Conner . has. disappointed those who'wanted to nutkon tool ,of him, but has • not advanced hts — oWn reputation for practical sagacity bay his course in the- matter. ' It is. easy, especially for an orator, to fire ofr vague,: wordy com - plaints about an exiiting state of things; but with those who really Stiffer from "A the question is (kiwi° mend it. Merely to string together denunciations of all that has- been done, and have them represented by a candidate who-would be beaten by an immense majority, would be no remedy at all.. A great number . of Democrats who disapprove or the' mode in which many things have been done, nevertheless know that they have been done and cannot be undone by any reaction ary policy. • The Democrat* party has long state reached that conclusion: The future - ttd- Ministration of our . verument now of vastly greater importuned to the citizens than. verbal disefisions about the past. To bring honest' and conservative men into power'is :the first step for any amelioration of the condition of 'things that Mr. Q'Coner dem:Kw/crs. while. lie "rrattotialty proposes to keep.poster- the party that produced it. Tl , e meted of the Democracy with the Liberal publicans promises an immediate benefi cial result to the country, which must not be lost because some wotill like some , thing better, and - it they cannot' get 'it, prefer total defeat and overthreer. The Louisville movement eras unwise in those.who were sincere, and it ivas a dirty piece of trickery-in those who: weir g,itreering it in the Qulical interest., These have ilone;howaer;some good hl exhib iting it in its true light to the Democ racy. Grecic)'s pea c e Propos?lions. For reasons which are doubtless -satis factory to themselves; the clever gentle. men who have undertaken to write down Mr. Greeley B,,inis to prefer, attacking his past record and utterances to showing up the weakness still wickedness of his present pos.itioa. One of the points which they urge ag.,ainst him 'with the greatest persistency is, that during the war ho paeached: the idea of securing peace, based upon the'fall restoraticr4 . of the national autlierity . • :and universal - em ancipation, by:ii payment out of the pnb tlo' treasury for the staves. This seems to be reg,o.rded iii MT* quarters as a erimo of such enormity:thatfits perpetratoiii is 'morally AisqUalitied to be a canablate for office. in the country tishicli Genesal. G ran( I saved. Yet there are some things to be said in extenuation:: -if the people of the two sections had fallen in with Mr. GreeTer's idea and acted • upoii it; we should have saved a great many s. million it money, a great many. 22443 millions' in properly destroyed in subsequent military operations, and ecrme 'hundred thoomnd of lives. These were .eirtaiulYavorth ing, and moSt;peciple ' will agree ,that it was neither unstateiinaulike nor iinpatri- . °tic in :MT. d reeley3c. desire and endeavor to save them. 'Biff."iiiiiitcrer-triininality or odimit May Uttaeli:to thc - ,inggcstiori of paymeut for shires; 'tile :clever, gentlemen, base got the iron'' , Man in' hand. This suggestion is not original With Mr. Gree- I ley. The rear culprit. is one Abraham" Lincoln, in biS Message Of . March 6, ISt 2, congress,t,Opa.ssai joint .res! oleticin on the subject; aulfurviisheik the following model:- • • - • . = Resolved, That the United' States ought to co-operate tyilh aut Efate' ;41fich may adoptgrailualabolishcne tot . staiery,giv, ing to such state peeuniary aid, to he need by Such - state; at its, .discretionk,f.a.:com peasafilor: the: . inconven ietees;; public And :ptiiate:,prativacd by such d change . _ CLAPrrue.sko-C4 - #.—lnvalid read er, if Yousare unwise enough PA pntyour self outside of any, of the nini-h tonics - guarenteed to epntain "nodinSea saran aht3" you will wetitabli: come to grief. Ask your physician lains. liquid prepara tion, destitutesOtimellatiore properties, is worthy of the Lame . of .a b tonio, He watell - - Shnu , all such nauseous catchpennies. Pumstiox /3rxT,Eris, tho most wholesome inii . gerant ;n the world owes the rapidity, w;th which it relieves the disordered stomach and the shattered nerves to the diffuse agent - which conveys its medicinal ingredients to the seat of the cetrtPlaint. That agent is, the .spiri of the sugar cane, ,the Tnost uutritiont nud n„frreeibla all,- - tho tarieties of alcos h0t..,. Tho medicinal Ingredients, of the J3itters; 'valuable as they - are, would - be comparatively . nieless without this dis tributive bans. They . would ferment and sour. 13eware, as you hope for health, of, the horrible compounds .of refuse drugs in a state' of fermentation which humbugs are endeavoring: to foist upon the 'Mille as medicines. • ! The largest Vote ever polled Mainel . at the Governor's election Nias in 1868; prior to the Presidential: election... The vote then stood - Republican, Democrat ..... . . The . present vote- must be estimated neon that majority, which will !lemon-. strata the gains., " . The vote for Grant in No*embor, 3868 was 70,846, end for Seynionr 0n13 ( 43,497. giving Grant *majority of 26,38. The highest majority now claimed for Gove rnor is 16,000 which with a heavier vote polled than that for Grant 41868,. givei a loss of between 4,000 and 6,000,as com a pared with the governor'elcetion ip that year, and of nearly 11,000 as compared With •the Presidential. In; 1808 (Inuit • had. to tight - Jelinsou's administration with all the power, of his ,patronage against him. while now he hls the reins all in his own hands, with tne power of Treasury and tVe aid of patronage.' Now if with all 'this ho loses nearly 5,000 in the State election and 11,000 With the largest, vote ever polled, as compared with . his majority in NovemberllB6B, where is the victory ? Echo answers, where, The percentage of on fi nch victories -in ,the very. Thermopylae of Radical strength will overwhelmingly sweep the country for Greeley. in Novemlsor next.— Maine must be rather a cold state , for red hot Radicalism this year. ! Gen. Farnsworth on Political 14ec °eds. This •-eittleman who has • heretofore been considered a shining! light of, the Republican party, can't stand Grant's per sonal government and has lately repudia ted it. Ile is now advocsdihg the election of Greeley. Iu a speech he lately made at St. Charles, 111., he potired some hot' shot into the ranks of th'e 'Grantites, stripling some.' of the duck-dews that flourish therein. of their borrowed ft..atbers by appealing to the record. lie 'Went back to the session of Congress, of 1861,. and proved that some of thess•eharlatans whci are now undying in theis lave af the negro, wero " willing then .to saYMort an amendment to the Conatittilion which would put it out of ' the powelrof the people to abolish slavery. -Gen_ Fans worth says: "They proposed to amend the consti tution by forever_pretting it out of the -power of the people to amends:tea to abol ish - slavery thus fastening the chains upon the blacki' - forever, by ti provision. of the constitutiat. What was the vote upon. it in the house - of representatives ? 1 - wgl read the names of the man who voted for it and against it. Of those who vot ed for it, the first name I notice of much prominearo is that-of , Schuyler Colfax. [Laugh ter.] • • Well, he is a pretty. goott republic-Anis he. net ? Yet he was willing to fasten the chains of Shivery forever upon the slaves, in otdertoursoM, war. Who-else? John A. Logan. A goodire.pahlicap., and Grant man sometimes. ' M'Phersoay. of Pennsylvania, the man who gets tip poli tical mannali for the republican pariy,and now clerk of the house of representatives and a Grant man. And then, too, there were Morrill, of Vermont, a good Grant, man ; and Dan Sickles, ant.t Maynard, of Tennessee, and Witicluni—all Gran+, men. They all voted for that, with a good many others. Who voted in the negative? I will mad a few name!. There is Ashley, of Ohio, a Greeley man to-day. [Applanse,)- There- 1,4 Itlair, of -Ms sours—Frank Blair even voted against it—another Greeley man, And not- to speak of him as a num, Of- any promiu ' enee, perhaps you may he. interested, a little in knowing.aboat the- vote of Funs -worth-03f Iliioais. kApplame.l He vot ed against it. And, then; Fenton, now n Greeley man—.coed against it. Then there was Sedgwiek,of NeivXork—anoth er.Greeley man, and Tappan, of New Hampshire, whoa as •on the .committee, and made a 'minority 'report, he voted against it, sond'he recently came oat for Greeley: Both liickman awl Grow, of Pennsylvania, voted against it, and they are both Greeley men to-&y. SO much fur the record in the honSe of representa tives. How was it in. the senate? Among the members of the senate who-voted ,for it, were Anthony,. of Iltuide Island, and Harlan, of lowa—good Grant men. There are notimany senators -now who were in the senate at that linear Thep of those who.voted.against it, were Bingham, of Michigan,-who is now dead ;-- tle, of Wisconsin; Sumner, of 31assa ehusetts [cheers] and "Trumbull,- of 111., [cheers.]•That is the record made in those days, and now you dentann.r. Greeley be cause he was ..willina; in 1864, to pay 6400,000,000 for the `emancipated slaveS and stop war— Would to ' , Goa - he: could have saved. 81,000,000,000 and 106,- 000 precious lives. [Cheers.] • • " Naturalization laws. , As giiide_to our foreign bern citizens we publish the following ; synopsis of the naturalisation Allens.whe arrived in the l'lnited States before they were :eighteen years of age s aild - who have continued ta reside. liere,,are not requireq to' take out any "first papers" or certificate of declaration, but may re eeive their qullpaPers" after having re sided five years - in the "United State's - and beeoine twenty-one years of ase. Soldiers who have enlisted lathe regu lar or volunteer arms r ell the - United States arid been honerably dischargail; do not require any - certifioate or declaration. All other.persons Must procure a tier tifiCitto of - dehiration at least two, years nrior to v , etting their full papers orcertifi cate of nattiraliption, and no. length, of time or residence will obviate- the neces sit of precuring the first papers. lirst papers'may be. obtained at any ,imo by au alien ge of the a or Viventy :olio years or upwards, arid no teetittiony other than that Of the applicant la - 're- To obtain full. papers Abe applicant must - bare resided at least twa years in the United States,after reoeiving bis first papers and , tho whole term or. his. resi dence in the United States trilistAMVe been notices than fire years,and - vine• in the state where the final application is made.: • • • JpOn making 'application for full pa pers the 4ipplicant must ,bring into court his first paperiand have with htm - 4 wit titis NOIO bras been acquainted with him live years, • cqftestify to his ,good character and tha is attaclied to the principles . of the constitution of the Uni ' ted States and-Well disposed to the good order and.bappiness of the same. 'lf first pa Pere been lost copies-may. be obtained by writing to the clerk of the, court from_which they were issued.- - When'ti father receives his-.foil papers his children who pro under the age; of twenty-one years and.Whosi3. residence IS then in the Vsited States are considered citizens. . • ' • 20,403 gnu gAiltriWmento. • YECUTOIt'S NOTI' OE. Lettere tratatasularitoater EA estate or Jamei Ransom, &veered. - Into or Lenox, Susquehanna county. Pa.. hare been grouted, t o to o 'abet:then, all pereon Indebted to the said estate; are mucked to Wake Immediate payment, And these h•tv tug claims, or demands a:poet the estate of the said de: cedant. to 'make knower the same without delay. • ' EL.T11,121 Ita.usex, Executor. ' Lenoxrllle, Scot:nth, 1572.—erc, • VXRCLITCR'II NOTICE, Lettere testament/Iml° the Es mance: Bataan Aldrish.• late of Brooklyn tern. Susquelunina county. Va. - have been 'granted to' the *subscriber. ell make indattal to the said ,estate, nee segues ed to make Immedlate paymsot. end those - hay. lug clatme or demands 11—^aitlIt the estate of tbo sisid de calant, to-make hewn:tile same without delay. • . ' • Eutor Aznmeu, Executor. - Brooklyn, 1;,t.18tb,1.972.—tet , • - . - 'A DITINISTRATOTrfiI 1-COTloit-Ln. the Mete a 11 Daniel M: TIMe; iicressed, lettere or Ado:drily. Dation In the said extate,' hare been granted to the an & relpied; ell persons ledebunt to eafd estate, ere here. by Beaded to matte Immedlete paytesna to the Admin. le trator ;nod there haring anima e*lnet the mar. are reanetted to present then. oh the- oak* of J. D. .t. A. IL McCollum. • • JULIA M. TIFFAN!', Bridgewater, Sept. itch; 11..7:—'—wq•' • •• , • - - UDITOWSNOTICE.—Th-eundcralkbcd,baelattbeeti AdLiippolutedfay Um Court, of kommim PllOl *1 SElS quebanna County; an Auditor to distribute rho fluids In beads of the liberilf arising from the ante of Reel Estato of %V, T% Howell aud Sobrashl Howell. will ati end to the duties of- ble atipolatmeet. at We office ouWellocaday 'Oct. IC, Itria. at) u clock, F. N. An persona Interested will appear and present their ciliate, or beforever dew barred from couttag - to on staid funds. - • • B. L. DAIDSVMAceIItOr. • 31ciatreae,Scier. Lt),. •-• , : , • ArrotTom:colice.—The andera4g,ned bavilig . becia appointed by toterCoint of Co m mon Pleas, of Sae vett:ulna county.an Auditor to distribute the Muds In handl; of thOnerlff. anteing from the sale of the - Heal Estate of li. C: Illideadoalll attend to thoUut les of his apptintment, at hie *Men in Montrole, on Tuesday.. Oct. lib 1822,nt 1 o'clockyi. — m. • All perteane interested ntit appaaramu preseat their claims. or be formes de barred front cumin in on said:fund. • • •-•- • I 1 CA.IISIALT; Andl tor.- nontrate, 5ept.18,34:74-1p1,.. A rprrows it'oCii,_atoatlditor appointed by tbirCtmrt or Common. Meow of Stir ibla qachanuo,County, to. diattte tbe tandatro Ulm hands of the erift. rrivlng. front the nherbris vote of the seat estate of Jointb.lkeker, berebyglyea nbtfce that he will attend to top dance of bto appolutment,at hto °flee -In .51ontrovei - on Itrti 22n1 eV - of -Oct., ,1t42, at one o'clock; when and where attipercocottnterevt d In raid fund wilt provost tluir tdaiusc or be forever detoured from contiogla oni said Anvil: " • A. 11. ttleCou.rat, Asottltor. Montrose, eeptexibeillth.lB7l.—.W4 - • ELEtrrioN PLIOCLANATION. , IN perrnairceof ad act or the General Asnentbly of tho COM milulrcalth of yenutylveubt, cutitledan, act Ce lla/its, t.tioreicctions of the Commonwealth, approved the trdsilmstrf July, A. Or PM, 1, W.T.. SIOXLMillit Sintlir oriqueb.anna County; to caid_Comrinmrealt do - here tu r by glve notice to oho dlectore of the 'county aborts-ad, that a General Election will be befit in said 1 Cormtport Vutssdrty; the Stli Day of October, 1812: ' ' !being-the sivind Tuesday to said nionth.).at -which time rho follon'ing other re will be elected, to wit: - Mem person tot:bribe oftlCu of Clovenor of the 410 . 1113. , monwealth of Pennsylvania.: . , - ' , , .. , Ouo person to 1111 oho otlcetl4tulge of the Supreme COnstof Pennsylvanta. • - . '„ : , •- . One person to MI the of Atialltor.Cleneral of, the . . :irate of Pentietivania. . ' . . - Threelersous to -All th e Masts ot : Congcssmen at Largo for Penusylvaub. .. , - . - 1: o'olV -eight persons to flit Offices of Delegates at Largo tothe Constitutional tronrenttoo. Lmeliereon to fill the uril -UNA leepresentellve to Com gresir for the dlstriet couipeted.of too commie* of Sum op...henna onitLascroe. '. . . Three persons to All thoorice of Delegates Mr the Com *LIMO Onal COUTOUIIOII for the district computed of the c ,,,,,i,.., of ,i,,,,,,, , , , ,,tvA,2,13,-;,4forrA, Wily's.", and.Wyora ! tag- Twm pcmasiS to fkl: Ma. ofneme of Ilieenbc74 of-the I house of depreseutatives ut Pennsylvania fur the db. Idol composed of 'the COUTILIC9 of Mompvlanintand Wyoming. - , , true porton to All the omie of Sheriff of tile Comity of Smpoeitturti. . . true pensoo to All thrsoflice of. Xertitier and. Lierrrler cod Ciest of - the tirphaner Court of the county of Sus micitoroca. One pereoct to fill tbc Wilco of C Mint): CidlinirAtide • for sold Comity. ' - ' " .' • • One person to illltheoriloe or Coroner.tor eat d Corlett. One pcmonto flathe uthrse tel County Auditor for said County. - / also Oro of Icial notice to tho.Elcorors of Samna haulm Cortirty,that oho tottering proposed ameudin wit to Mo . Constitution, having. been. passed by two suc cessive Legisistarm,tvill he retimuttsd.to the people Mr odomtlou or rejection at raid election t Proposed Amendment toatte - Coustitnaon of Penn sylvania. Jmnt resolution. prirposingaitrumilduient to the Constitution of Pennsylvania- ' Be il.reeolced 67:11 ', e Seater (Ind Ilentee c f Repreemlatires of Penn 'Wank; in Geeetral Arsenbly, wet, 'Pant the i Mcosine amendment of the Coustituttou of this Cum 'mono-matt bo proposed tcpho people for thole adoption or rejsctloa, ponotant to the prat - Word of tits tenth article thereof. to wit: • . Strike oat the. sixth secilea of the sixth article of, the CoasilitOlerf, and invert to lieu' thereof the tufty lag t ...A 'Stale lirraeurer shell be chant; by the qualitl. edelectore of the State. et each times acid for such term of service's& than be prescribed by • IVILLI.A.II ELLIOTT, Speaker of the Emirs of Itepresentstires. • JAMES S:ltliTAlkt, .Arrnota twenty-mond day of Match. inn'', Daudet UM: thuarand eight hundred and eerenty-two ' ;OLIN W. GEARY.. Preparrd sad centred for 'grltiv.dar.fh puictaht to the Tooth Article of the Cuarldrlion; • PAVANS Jourtix. Secrete of• ' oak. Secret ri a im the V 1.7 the f"8144"W"Itil Harrisburg. dare Ihtb, ,?,411,".,434'..- Ax,Arg to.atti hod= A pODUAIt.‘O2O ApPAAO4 . I2 cation of culliprt a coargutloo to *mond 'the coostitallun of romar.tr+.l2Ja: ' - • et-L.NSTITVRONIX CONVEY..7IO:.i. . A% the eime ttmu and.'plicci, aloe, an einctitio will to held tar the delegates tolhe M11VC1211 , 1.1 1.6 lirLlClla • the Conatitatitua of the Mate, in conformity with Act, en titled An Act to provide tot milling a convention to amend the Conviltution.." approved April. 21, itga„ As prevcribed by avid act, the following rides and. regala tions shall apply to said election, and the came of the At the general 'election t o te held the second Tuesday of October next. there shall bc:clected by the qualified clutters of this Commonwealth, delefxates to a convention to revise and amend the Constitution of this State; toe said convention shall consist of onalmadred and thirty-three members; to be elected to the muter foliate, g Twenty-eight members thereof shall be elected in the State at large, at follows: Each rater of the State shall rota for not room than funrtern gun- ablates. and the tirenty•lght blnheet to into chat) be I declared elected; ninety-ohm delegates shall be 'op. pointed to and elected trap the dijrmut Sengwe r adE,.. recta of the State, three delegates to be cleetHi breach I Senator therefrom; and in chousinglill district deleptes. I cacti voter shall ha entitled td acute fur not - more than two of the members to be chosen from bin district. and thd time candidates highest in vote shall be declared elected. except In the county- et/diet:hews., farming the Twenty.thint Senatorial Dialect, where ma voter. shall rots for more emu siseandltiatra, and the nine highest • in titer !WI ho elected:and in thecountles of Lemma. Mourne and Pike, Conning the Thirteenth senatorial Districlosheze no Voter shall vote for more- than four candidate/fated timid; highest In rote shall, ho elected. I and six fiddutonal delegates Shall be 'chorea from the city of Philadetpidn, by wrote at LIE :a in said vitiated I finthel: elections ruler shall rote for more than three candhlates, and the eix highest in vote "hall bo elected.. Etrend.- Thr,r4 edges and fropectors fox each election" district shall provide two suitable holes tor each poll. oue in chid', to &punt the - tickets voted for Delegates at huge, andtharolher lo,Whlclito deposit the tickets voted - fus District Deleglief , t which boxss emn, labelled respeclively, "Delegates at lams" and trier. Delemtes.;".ind In each district in the city of Philadelphia annilditieual box' shall tie provided for each pal), - tat which todeposit the tickets vetedfor ty Delegates," andeatit last rachtioned bores. be labelled "dry Delgates.''' •• - - - - Third. The sald election skill be bell andcondected, by the proper Ulestion- ogicera of the several election, disirlets al the Connouvrealth, and rhea be governed and rc^n,. tiled in fall respects. by the generalatlectioti laws of dammonirealfh.le fares the same shall be applimtdo 'thereto,. sus:Vent Inconslstctit" - .lyith the provisions of sold act. •, ; . Forth. " The tickets to be voted for Mini hen' at Of the conveneon shall hers en the oaten thit 'TOD gates at large,"' and on the Inside the names Of the candidates to be - tared for, heft eteceding..tottrtecn number, )7/74, - .The nett*" lei be rated fai district Members of 1114 CODWllliOrt malt burn CU the outablettle, Varde, "District Delegattes.'"and on the inside the mime or names of the candidates' voted for. not exceeding the Dlnfrit h XT Uglier! AN the a raretaid ; tint aPY,Of 'et winch shall contain a greater number of names than the numbearbi whiehltak wter Shall be entitled - to vote. than be rejected • - and In-we - of thz delegates Id. be 'chasm at large la Philadelphin,' the - Words. "CD7 Dole wadi." WWI he en the Vidal& et the ticket, • - • Ara. In thn city elf Philadelphia the return judges shall meet at the Stabs Douse, at, ten o'clock_ on the Tharintal zteE tonol , ing slew n; and make out the re Imre, for saAl City. of the vote; cast thereinJurdel , tats at targeted city and alstrictilelejetter. to he inemivrs of the Fenton; the-. {elem./afters at the_ sererni. 'election' districts wlthtw each tontitt ot tho State. et [Whig Phltee.lphis4 Atilt tenet on k day - OW - fall ow lee of she mitten jadgel et theircennitY, slut rinakit Cut fQintentatn retornsi ter - the meaty, et the- - Votea plat therein fps creeper ot.theeouventl"o end' for dlitriet antettrere ot_lt it woe ' and nod the proecenten of th ;roma iidnet orthe maid ci of -PO liaaelptits. and of the tater, - at wand es pt . the Continanweeltb, in the melting of returns, 'bill be the - Kam tic thooe . prescribed, fof ter temludoe' In. the tale of Walt:Mon (or lauT4ol4 race= the rowel traninuittaill to the Comatennselt eh.tif he kdded , Peil to that UOt . . . .. _.. .. . . The Election for the dlitect competed of the towns; ship of *Macon will be boa at tba house!. of Josep Beebe 'orate! totnanithip.'_ - ' -•• _ • s , The Election for the distriet•composa of the town ohip of Ararat win be hold at the school boasts am Mar PresbyterLan church in said township. ' ' - - . The Election far the district composed of th ft tiortiabip. of Attbarn wilt Oa hekt at the boatel of dame* Lott Its *aid townibtp;•• - • .- • . .• ~- ' • . The Election for ttnedistrict composed alba toweablp• or liridgewater will be held at the Court lleuso. 41 the. . Borough of Ifontrosa • • • • ' - ... • ' The Election for the &Strict mposa of the town. ship ti f B rooklyn will be bold a the butt' of JO teco 0.- Ballard In mid township. - -,' , • -,- • .•_- • • The Election for the inside., ccreipased of the tens ship of Chown% will be bold at the schoolhouse mesa Edward Clark's In raid township.' - - " ' • Tholtlettluafor the district cotapekat.of the tetra.; ship of ClUTorti will be bald at the house late of Jot= Ilowetson to mid ”,,,..., township.. , --- _• • ~ n - -- - • Thu Election for the dist tietotinpresed of the of Dendalf will beheld at the Daimler llotal-iii7 The):lection for the district cemposecT'of the tows ship of_Dlmoole will- be hold ht- litcheinse hide Jho Babcock itt said .1 sandilp. - • " •• The Election for the district composed of.the town editor Poresrlate still be held thrliones late Of - Jo S. Towne ID IMI4 township. . -- • • • . . The Election Ms Ow district eotriposedef the townships Of Franklin will be h le at CM school house near Jittob• Allsrtre in said township. • • • • • • Thohltellon for thetilstrict composed of the Boniestb of Frlendseillo will ha held at the school boom to aolo Bosons*. Tho nlealun for thedlstriet composed of theft= eb of Great Bendwill be Watt the loam late occupted by David Themes In said Coronyh.• • • - The Election teethe district composed of the town chip of tireat Bend will be held at the immolate Oxarlti• td by E Bantam dec.. • . . • . • . The Elation for the district composed of the ken of Gibson will be held in the-deurlany hG4dlDg W Sala towntbi " • • - • , Tho Eketlnnfor the . district composed of the townehlys of Hotfoot will be held et th e !muse late of 11. W. Wit*- son (*said toismship• - - • •—' • The Elect I ell for the district competed Of the - town ship or Damon will beheld at the house of S.Wlnitenia In told township, - The Elation for iho sSsUtr ruin* r ett , of the relire.- Ant or Iferrict *tittle-U[lot the Derrick Center &bode Boast.. in said tesenthip. • • . • • = • •_.• The:election for the el istrietatoposed of tho townships of Juts= will be held at the house of JotephOomilia cold township. - *The Electleu !bribe district comPased Of the 'town ship of Jessup Will ho held at the house Of Disnieluotr Ile sold townthip. • - _ • •• • ' - - The Election for the dtsttictonspoied of the lownahlyt of Lenox trill be heldat the butiseof Grow & Ilmitherir So said township.. • The elation f or the district anivred . Of .thelciiitr. Afoot Shively Will be held attho StalfordSehool honor fit sold township: - • „ • - - -' • TS* El;•ctien tor the district composed of the town-- .ship of Lathrop will he held at , the 11111sdato Itch°ol l home to raid township. ' - ,•L theelection for the oistriet composed°, the Botha& of Little ItradoWi On held et the School Ilease said Boronh.. • • ' . „ The etection for the district eon:posed °Lithe toinuldp of 31 iddletownwill be held at the haw of Otis Br - 14 said township. • The-Bleak& for the district composed of the Beroesit of Mantles° will beheld at the Court house in OW! Thr Weide° fiir the district compesettof theft/Fronk 'of. Now .11111ord will bc held at ttrhonne• hats of John Yanrot in told Borough. , " ' ' r -Toe clection'tor the dietrietcomposol of lbe kremlin, of New Blllferd Will be held et the house of Philaudem l'hinney.tn the Borough of ,Netr turd. • The election for the district composed of the .toetro ship of Oakland will beheld at the hour:it:de of Thom. as Manse° in, sold township.' • . • • , The election for the district comp osed of the town el s l of heels will - held at tho.lionsts el Ni D. Studer firs 'file election for the district Camtoried cif the Winn thltrof Sprinvrille will be held- 41, the hour We co Opeacer Vieux is said township. - - . • Me elation air the district eompmed of the two ehly of Silver Lake will be held at the hours Late oL IL. Sieliorialia in told township. • . The hiestion fur the dstrict amposiiDsrtho BO k of Susquehanna Depot old beheld.,at. the house Ludt occupied by William Smith in said Borough. • The election for the district, compwed. of the lowa chip of Thompson will be-held at; the Louse late of Liberia Stoddard salillowashly. •. ,• • I olstimake known mid •yeiro notice, ail to and bOus 'l3lll section of rats attoatobtly, every person escelt illttstices of the Prate. who shall bpi- , '411(11osc,-Ftelninmnt-of molt or trust under the hitch Si:lute-or of-thiststale, °red my city or in ; eoryomicOdistrict, etheiberrecertictletionctir oter ageat, ntoie,ror shall be, employed moles the tidielerf, or esteatlec deptmericht of this :State or 'WWI States, or any city or tneorporaled district; and also that 'eery memberof Cot:rots, and of tho State Lettbdature, and of the Select or common council Of any sity,to annadstionerstmy incnr-,Aratc4 dl by law hiespuble el bolding or cxerehrry, •at • the same the idles or appointment of •.le.4e, Inspector or Cho: of any electfoo Si 1411 Cullrmonwaantr, and than no Inverter or Jadge or other oflcer.of any such election, shall be ell..thle to 4.117 Oake then to be voted for," • • • • • • AMENDMENT Spetiker of the . iieriato Dr the actor As:mobly of July 3. the It Is also nude "the rimy of every ,Mayer. Shedd', Aidennao, Jeetice of thelPeace..Constable, of every, tity. 'county, township or district within this Coniuwitwealth. whenever called open by Any tinker of "an eketlon, a by three octane& tioetora thereof to clear any wineow - or avenue no that trindow of tho !dace of,tioneelSteetlan which :dell bla , chart:mei In each a way as to erect-narcoses Tromso procithing the-some ;and It shall be the dray oftwery. wept:mite Constabkr of each wad, district or cooped:llw whole this trammonweanti, to to ores at in person: or • by Deputy. at the place of touting - elettlons. to cosh. ward.. 'distner or township, fur the purpose of I"th, ,, trirg the team no eforeodu , niloo that to the Sth Section of the set of Assembly enttttett 4 -Art am relating to executions and the other , ce." approved April Is. tent It be cchet. d -that ghee[resaid ItUti scale it."-Shall not be„ conetracted ea to peer ntunar militia onicer cc bornugli ogicer from , sealer 13. ,hole's; Inspector or Clerk at any general or special election in this Controofffaith..” " Purratut to. the provisions o utalned In the :6th: Feet fun of the act erne:told:the Judges of the aforetaldi dier.et ehallseepectively take chle.ge, of the certificate or &tam of the election of their eatproti re 'distects, toad prodneethem at a meeting of one Judge from each district, at the Court Ilenec.lothe llorormlt of Moab :rote, ontlie third day after the depot etc:ale* being the protect year, - ou Friday. the nth ilarttl (let. next.. there to do; and perform the iicticio required by low oft said Judges. - Al. n that where a, Jelge by oichneta oe onevoidahk. 'occident 1 =attic teattend wild meeting of Judgra theethe certificate or retort) eforeetid phall be trikenteltar.to of by nun of. the tuswetort or Clerks of the oketiou of saki district. so hostel:dean,' perform tlaed:alre wntilred of ear II Jo Igo actable to attest& ny an Act of Aectultly approved the l:th day DV April. *to, ft fa enacted that at -all elections hereafter held. the Inn's of ON Coractorweditt. the polio shay he opened -between hears of el: andortan riche:4a. ut., awl el...tat p. M. Dy an Act of Assembly of Motel, ro, IWRI, cAitled, ant Act tegineting the mode of voting at all elections In the' semenalcoUntios of the Commoterealth,.l: Is imacted.a.s. [alleles.-- - , "Sorrzos4: Be It s meted bran:- Senate sionfouse I of i:Qrs.alle of the Commonwealth of l'eMellY l - :W ts c.null General A:Me:ably znet,,and ibis hereby ease d.byy the. (=triunity of the sante. That the widths& voters of the eeveral smiles of. tbev Commanwealth,,. at ell general, township, borough and special clectioall.. are hereby, hereafter, antborized and required to sate, by ticket,. printed, or written, severallyetassided aro follows: One ticket shall embrace ilsowarnes. or all. Judges of toads voted for; and to be tattled. outside:. judiciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the tamer 670111 suite officers voted for, and Libeled...este." one nears , shall embrace the names of all county oaken voted Lor, including office of senator, member, and members of aseaubly, If voted . fur, _aud members of congress, /f ' voted for. and tut .labeled, "county ,;" one ticket shall embrace eh , Fame* of all townahip makers voted for a end be latteleir - township;" ono ticket shall mar:teethe names ea all boronati °theme voted for, and alai! Labeled .-borough e and each does sbaU be deposited lea ,00parale ballot-boxea;" Wuctems. The Fifteenth Amendment of the COO-. sti tenon of. the United States vas fellows: ..SPernos 1. The right of eftlzeua of the. tidied) States to vote shall not be - den lcd or abridged by the Volted,States, or by any State: on ace:outdo! race, color, or previous condition of servitude?' ' Seco ink 2: The OCA,TC3.lll , hllllaase power to tleorea thin article by appropriate hxylalation." ' • • Awn 1 7 ,0 X411. The thlncreas of the tailed Stales, on the- Met day of Harsh. Int. vowed an act, entitled— ' "-Au dalnen/Perrelhonlghtqf ediretsrf the to lled Mato 'Ousts Ladle. sacral brae" of tto Urdu:4.74 far °Via' ranynars," the are: and eecocdsccttons of which emu follows: Strrins S. De ft enaCied 'by [41.-seenufts and Ifoure Apresentatir,anf, 10. nerd &stet f 4vullas fa 0:05, urea atatutUed. That all citizens, of the totted State* who are, or shad be Ml:anise r,pallfied by Law to Tato _at any election by the peoplo„,la at State. Tel:lit:Mk. , dlerriet, county. eity,..parish„ ternehlp,school d istslirt„ tratinleipality or other territoral tab ilivivions; shall bo entlilty,and allowed to vuteat all such elections:with , out distinction of race, or celor,or previous condition ef, servitude ;Any Conatituilon.'hvg,enstom, unite, or, re:Xi:alma anyStato or - few:tom under or by.or der its. nothenity, to the contrary, notwithstanding 'Screw" it slhatlasilloritirrertorrek, Tint ff by or.- tmder the authority of the Constitution =laws of any State. or the Laws of any Territory, any set :rive shalh barely:tired tube donetwapsereqolilia or quallamtkna, for Tiding, Ord by each thotattetion or.law.pcTsona or: oticers :weer ohall-be etorgerd seth the performance era dillies la flunlshlng to oilier: Lean' opportunity to per.. torn, such prerequisite, and become qualUded to rote,. ILehall beam duty of every such prreoa and Ofillaer, tot, gleo to all Citizens of tbo tnitel States the same and( equal opportingry to perform each - perrequi sad Wt. become go ali tieetto voter without distinction of rice col or, or precious eondltforat te:Titnda: an: Ir onTnt-t4 ,' person oral:Rode atoll or kneed:anti:mit to giro 0'24 reel to Ilia epsilon, be rhall.for every such mho:meant kW and hay trio sum of tiro hundred dollara to the per. .rein aggrieved thereby, to bccovored hp an action on the care, with full eanasiol *nib anemic:tate coansoa fess autho court shall deem jou, and shall also. Ice every anal teenca, be deemed guilty eta mlrdemonner. sad shpt ou contittlon thereof, be need net last th an lye hundreddeltr" er to imprisonedget teas than one month and not mere than,oue ye:troth 40,0 the die. ':eertlon of thecourt' , . ---• ; iAtedirtstrae, BlJOleclatedbitly,lseccaid vellim Of • the VI articleof theConstltuttem of the tilted SAtg it that.Tl,l* Coast and- the lawn ttiO //latest:llkb shall bo mute In pursaanentlocreot: altal be the supremo lastof Cho land.. • • •unythlngls IAS ConelertionCvkntirpiasySZatesifea 'coatoio* Her withataadiept I. !And teliercos;Thtt Legislature of this Conitgoaweallit • lib the Oth day o[4p:it, A.1).,1/11),paesed an act, en titled "A further Impplement to rho act relating - Melee: trons its thaw Commonatealth,"tho tenth ii.cc:lOU - of " 1 1 . 1,%1T0e,itfurit"oTticli of - Y act af ie r Senthl.f . at provides that only ' white Nemo; abou. lac ratified to L' vette or to be registered ea voters. ores claming to sold at any gragralorspeebltlehti o noLthietemmonweeltb. , sod theism Is hereby repealed. and that heresfer all freemen. WllbontdistiodYin'of pier; shell be ittooll. Led and rent:devil reeerdingla the lwarlsbni• fnit 'it i Vit section - of' the , net „approved liereareetilh ra t inarrrribil....hl), net farther supplemettal to the set. er. Mine to the cleciihne Of' Ude Cornett:nett:dab," and whenothertri et qualified ander ezlatiog Inter, 110 entW ticd td'volWal alf ‘ getteral and epeclal el/ethane In ibis .Tlietiaidabove recitedimendiutat mid Oil matt be theoltedaid obeyed by ell artactrons, regime; Of TO. ,tere, election ontleera , and other*, that the rights Sod piffle:ea gbartaldeed Marto: may be Elated to all the eltisenaof this Commonwealth entitled bathe/Imo. return Induct felt the Congressional district, eploposed of the Montle/ of holquehancaSTlll Lerma; will meets: the Ctiurt. /loose ht ploottl ol lllllkesbarte, on TuesdaY. Uctober,ls,lB:J. • .'The return,Pedgeil. tor tha:rcpretentaflvi'dtitrietj compared of the touritleeof Susquehanna and .Wyorn log will meet ell theCoort liouso Tnrikhantince t Tuesday. October lab. 1311. 1 ilium under MY 1,4 04 army Klee' 'D ja° Ithentrore, the alat dal of Anictirt. Anus Donthil ist and 1.4 the r= of te.6oeptmenwellth_the ninety eflh. . ' T.40234474MmiaS