The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 11, 1872, Image 2

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    tit he Poston gtmoca
.PElitre.ll g
.4i 1872.
Maas Meeting at Montrose.
It will be seen by "announcement , in.
sunothercolMani, that a mass meeting will
bo held in Montrose, on Saturday, Sep
tember.,2lst, 1872, to be addressed .by
Hon. Charles It Bucknlei, and thatoth
er eminent speaker, Daniel Ealbfus, TIM
meeting will convene - on 'the Public
Green, and will commence at two o'clock
p. in. Due preparation will be mode to
make it a grand affair, and all who are
desirous of hearing the man who is the
people's choice for Governor of the "Old
Iteysterierand whom, we firmly believe,
will by them be placed in the Esecu
tire chair at the State Capitol iu October
nexl,,abould turn out in NI delegation
from every township and borough in Sus
quehanna county. Honest and frank dis
cussion of the tree issues now before the
people of this State, is the characteristic
feature of the speeches made by these two
peppier speakers, who aro addressin_ the.
people of this State in various localities.
-"Down with the Rings" and let the. peo—
ple rule, is the motto inscribed upon their
banner. Honesty and capability in of
fice, "just laws and public virtue," are I
what the people want.
Leo RDller, Esq.
The Court House on • Friday evening
last, was comfortably filled to hear one of
the most candid, logical, ;and unanswera
ble speeches in favor of the Liberal cense,
that has ever been our privilege to hear,
pointing out the inconsistences and false
position of the Grant party, in a bold,
chaste manner, "sharp as a two edged
sword," but very courteously. It ar
raigned the Grant party as wholly inca
pacitated for the 'mission of peace, recon
ciliation and unity, which the welfare of
the country now demands,being born and
reared in hatred to one section of the
country and kept alive by it alone. • ' He
showed that the 'all holy" party could
only claim the emancipation of slavery
merely by an act of necessity, and not as
an avowed principle of the party, calling
to mind what is fresh in the memory of
every school boy almost, that Abraham
Lincoln issued his memorable Emancipa
tion Proclamation ns a Military necessity
in direct opposition to the avowed plat
form of the party in power, hence it can
not be assumed by them as a party vir
He presented seventeen distinctive and
demolishing charges made. by 'Senator
Sumner against Grant and his corrupt
administration, which he said are very
grave, and remain in full force, tieing un
answered. We cannot give an adegnati
idea of all the pointed truths presented
by Mr. Miller, in the short , space which
'we are able to devote to it, but we sincere
ly wish that it could , be heard in every
school district in the - county and State.
The editor of the Republican has made a
futile attempt in his last issue, to rally
his band of haters, in attempting to per
vert the speech of Miller by the use of his
accustomed slobber and Slime in the way
of misrenresentition.. We do not.wonder
at, this time that he is-unable to, give a
true report of the affair, for he and his
"fuglemen"; were so much engaged in
loud talk and whispering, to the disgust
of the audience, and the annoyance of
the speaker, that he could-not do it if he
"Da Tell:,
We are constrained to believe that "Cu
riosity:: under the cognomen of "cantion,r,
wito so startled the people of this county.
ky n 'communication to the Mon brow
Republican a few Months since,asliing fur
a copy of Frazier's publication entitled
"Is the 11(gro Unman," appears in that
paper this week with the sage (?) asser
tion that the Democratic electors of Penn
are ,noPpledgecl for Greeley.
What a lucid idea? It iewell Worthy the
;mthor. We may expect to hear next
week that the Baltimore Convention did
not nominate Greeley. Or that the Grant
electors will sell out and vote for Greeley
as we hare no doubt their honest incli
nations would lead them, as onthe same
hasiethey are not plodged to Grant.
"caution" and "curiosity'? ' are not the
same animal they are of the same species,
toed will cause the dame p6rplexiy in po-
Mimi 'science as Barman's "What Islt,",
did in natural science.
Lon!amine Convention.
The convention, at Louisville, was
marked by a large amount of riotous dem
ousEration,.amt held for two days, break
ing np without finding any one in the
whole country deemed fit by
.them, who
waled bear their:Standard, and adjouined
ai no ilie'vrithout making any nomination:
We have hail all due respect for the opin
ions of every man, whether they coincide
with ours or not, provided he is honest,
and we have ne disPositimilo impugti his
motives, but the fate'of the Louisville af
fair is alessun tricky politicians.
The Grantmanag,ers engineered it; the
Grant organs puffed it; and while abus
ing the Detiiogratic - ,Parly, professed. the
highest admimtion tor those affecting to
be. ultra Bourbon's, who had.learned noth
ing and forgotten nothing.. The whole
proceeding was such a palpable "job" that
every sincere man - shrauk . from it, as a
gross iinixafire ! Among the many Rad
ical devices it is the last, and the *rat,
Attu has covered its authors with ridicule.
It is in short the most signal - Radical fail
f this !amPaign:
Tammany for Greeley.
-Tammany endorse:a Greeley. Greeley
IS the Tammany•iutlidate .. . We have
heard all possible changes ring on these
and all similar phrases, as though there
was any law, human 'pr divine;hy which
anauditixite ding - prevent men' from vo
ting.for him if they choose to do e& Mr.
A. T. Stewart opens his store , and :sells
goods to whoefer wishes to bny,upon.his ;
terms, and asks rio questions of his cus
tomers as to how their money was got.
Provided it it' good. .Wby should Mr.
Greeley object to receiving any man's vote
provided it is honest?. 'And - suppose -, he
did object, bon , could be help biniself?
But when the • Gruntitei accuse- him, of
having the. Supped of Tammany they
mean - to convey the impressson that the
unprincipled and criminal set' of men
who ruled and robbed New Yorkfor a half
dozen years, and whom Mr.. Greeley did
so much to. cerivict and bring to justice,
are now clamoring and conspiring for
his election. • They-have not the common
honesty to'say that tho old Tammany
society which the ying got possessiqn of
and controll for a number of a years, is
composed of some' of the . best men in
Ntiv York, men who are' everywhere res
pected for their character, intelligence, so
cial standing anti worth. It was ruled for
a while by men like Tweed, Connolly,
Sweeuey,.Garvin, and Mall, not ono- of
whom supports Horace Greeley, or regard
'him in any other light than as- a high
wayman looks upon the honest citizen
who helped to bring him to justice. Tam
many that supports Mr. Graeley has for
its leading officers Augustus Schell, Sam
uel J. Tilden; Sanford E. Church, August
Belmont, lloratio Sep:hoar, and Charles
O'Conuor, men who distinguished them
selves by their efforts to bring Tweed &
co. to justice:. When people accuse Mr.
Greeley of being supported by Tarainau,_
as though that were a crimminal offense;
why do they not tell what Tammany it is
that supports him, and who its leaders
are. Why not tell the ^simple truth -in
stead of telling what 'seems the truth,
but is in fact a very black, cowardly,
mean lie? And hirthil, why not say
that the one man in Now York who has al
ways in all possible ways OpPoSed Tweed,
and.all his clique, and all his doings, is
Horace Greeley, and the one man. the
whole Ring most feared and hated was
this same •Horace Greeley? And why
not say that the special friend and part
ner of Tweed, the man who was deep in
his complications' and enriched by his
spectilations, is no other than Thomas
Murphy, the most intimate friend and
trusted associate of 'President Grant?
Why not add that the members of the
Ying, so far as heard from, support Presi
dent Grunt, who is the centre and sap
porter of as many rings as Saturn. '
Oard from W. Fisk Conrad.
Representing the seventh district of
Pennsylvania in the ouvention assem
bled in Lonibville under the call of Blan
ton Duncan, I made several attempts to
day in the convention In be heard. This
wag dented me, and in the most discour
teous manner, by the president, who
himself occupied at least two hours in a
foolish gasconade about Dieken's Dolly
Varden. My object was to expose the
treachery of the Cameron-llartranft
thieves of my own State. The pennsyl
vauie delegation was composed of all
•Grant men, except myself, not ,ouc of.
whom•ever, intended to vote for the nomi
nee of this convention: • Their transpor
tation to this convention was obtained
and paid for by the Grant people. My
own and those of five others, each rep
resenting a district in Pennsylvania, I
procured, in the office of the, Grant state•
central committee of Pennsylvania at
Philadelphia, !corner of Eighth and Wal
nut streets, over a well known tailoring
establishment. For this transpertations
I had an order form Sipes, chairman of
the Bourbon state central committee of
Pennsylvania. That order was obeyed by
the state treasurer of Pennsylvania, Bob
Mackey, who is well known as one of
Cameron's subjects. The band of music
that accompanied us was fnruished end
paid for by the same Grant people, and
our little hanner that was carried by
George Montjoy jostle same that desig
nated the scats ie the radical convention
of the sth of June of the Pennsylvania
delegation that r.orainated U. S. Grant,
and which was presided over by Thomas
Settle, the rebel of North Carolina. This
is the sum and substance of what I in
tended to say had the 'president allowed
me to proceed, and I now assure all my
democratic friends who May • chance to
see this communication that what I hate
Stated hero are facts, all of which I Ma
prepared to prove. _W. Fret CONIIAD,
Seventh District of 'Pennsylvania,
--Now is the time to complete your
township organizations. An active and
efficient empaign, without organiiation
is next to iinpossible: 'Them should bo
'at once an anti-Grarit club -fOrmed in
every • township in This county. ' To work
then and labor earnestly land zealously
from now until the second Tuesday in
Oetoberiand yourefforts will be crowned
with success. : Buck.ilew and the wbole
State, ticket will lie elected, the' Harris
biirg.snry thieves will be routed, and
Boas Canieron be retired to the shades of
Lochiel.---Organize then for victory and
Reform. - •
. -
pw - Backateer. and Ilartley are admit
ted by Itepnbliains to be honeit • men
Ilartrauft and. Allen are denounced by
itepublicinil as 4xarutit, and unworthy.
.13.' Fife, arsininlit collector of
internal revenue in Grand Triverae 6on
ty, 3finhigan, bus foroirded los; leolgua-.
!lon and come out for Greeley.
To - alt Democrats.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 4, 187:.
Muck care tindindustry has beCti ta
ken to inipreis . the, voters of. the State
with'the billet that ati unustiaVand ex
cessive majority will be given against the
Democratie and Liberal Republican State
Ticket, at the October election, in the
city of Philidelphia, This boast is based
upon contemplated.frande, made possible
under the infamous and partizan Regis-,
try,Lawit. Tbe object of these statements
Are tri_ encourage the • Radicalsiof the
State, and to arouse a revival from their
present depressed and hopeless °audition,
to secure that they now lack, eneigy, and
enthusiasm; during the tanctiss.
.Our friends in. this Sind other .States
need have no apprehensions as to Phila
delphia. It is true, schemes of Ruud aro
being arranged, and wilt be attempted on
the day of election, butthey will fail of
execution. Vigilance has already been,
aml will continue to be exercised to op,
pose and prevent their consummation.
The result in Philadelphia, with the
aid of thonsands of high-minded Repub
licans, will be's surprise to our friends
and and to our opponents. I am, without
fear in this respect. • •
One plan of fraud commenced I will
mention, with the view of exposure and
overthrow. It has come to my knowl
edge, and is snseeptible of proof, that
large numbers of colored men—generally
young--have been brought into the State
from theneighborhoods of Harrisonburg,
Va., and Charlestown, West VO., to vote
at the election in October and Nevem
ber. 'The former squad were ticketed, to
Harrisburg, and the latter squad toCham
beisburg, in this State. Numbers, in
like manner, have been located in Erie,
Clarion and other counties. More are
'expected. - •
I now call upon the Democrats in eT.
pry election distriet t iu the State to form
"Vigilance Committees" to watch and
prevent the success of these cheats, and
meet all kindred efforts. Under the
Contertution, these colored people, not
baying been residents for one year, are
I debarred from tbe privilege of the elect
tivo franchise, and in every instance such
as are unknown in the comumnitiea
where they seek to vote, should be fully
questioned and made to prove their right
to - vote, before allowing the depeeits of
their ballot. I call upon the Democrats
for vig,orons-organixations, and I invoke
special vigilance in the northern, south--
ern and western border counties of the
Victory in 00i0ben.13 certain. I make
this declaration with full appreciation of
its import, and the weight which should
attach to such a statement, when emana
ting from one in whom high conEdenee
has been placed. I state it from cowrie.
Lion, and it is made after careful know
ledge of the condition and tendency of
the public mind throughout the State.
The contest is simple. II is an issne
between capacity and incapacity, and
between honesty and corruption in the
future administration of the State.
The people will make overwhelming
choice in ?aver of future good govern
ment, with a majority beyond the reach
of all ballot-box pointers.
Sintot.L.T. RAN DALL,
:o — Joshua L Simms, Democrat, bas'
been chosen Mayor of Wilmington Dela-
Ware by a &tided majority. is • a
signification of victory. Since 1860, the
Radicals have retained pOssession of .the
Mayoralty' of Wilmington. No 'Matter
what changes took placein other !locali
ties, Wilmington remained in the hands
of the Radicals. When the ballot was
put into the hands of colored men, the
party in power received heavy reinforce
ments, and considered their position im
pregnable. But correption undermined'
the political edifice. In Wilmington, N. ,
J. as in other places, the Radicals became
corrupt to the core, abd that came the de
feat, Honest men in the party refused to.
Langer sapport their candidates, and the
result was the election of a Democratic
candidate for Mayor. This is a ripple of
the mighty current of reform which will
sweep the Radicals from power in all
parts of the country and put honest men
in their places. We congratulate the
Democrats and. Liberals of Wilmington
on the result of the late election in that
Pon MasiEns' SALARIES,—The Post
Master at Lockport, has had has salary
raised fifty dollars a tear, and a corres
pondent of the Rochester Courier and
Union says it is julethe amount assesse4
tipon the P. M. for Electioneering pur
poses and that other Post Masters are
assessed exactly the simount . of the in
-crease of their salary. lie also pertinent
ly inquires tiller° the money comes
from? Of course it comes from Vie pub
lic Treasurer as Uncle Sam is rich and
therefore must pay all ,the expenses of
the effort to - re-elect Grant. But will
the people, Whose money is thus, stolen,
be satisfied with this arrangement?
• Ar t ARMINGLY •Incssm—The lore
which', the Grautites are now manifesting
for e ,
what they used to denounce. as th
copperhead element of the pemooratie
party;is really alarming from its ,very
16tensity. They aro alluded to' as the
slit of the earth, and the
-only really pure
and unadulterated patriots in the emntiy.
Men who' were alluded to, mily. . Jew
months ago, as traitors of the darkest and
deepest dye, are now "patted on the back
and eare.ssestra the most loving 'ferret+,
all in admiration :of their; devotion to
.11arTim Brant orpni poF .
ging the Gemuu2ti to return W-9,0.A.F.147
New York State Convention.
The joint efforts of the Democratic
and LiberalHepublican State Convention
York? Traduced' the_ _folloWin'g
State' tieket - GOvernor— , Francis Hei
nen, Dentoerat - Lientenant-Governor
Chancy DepciV; ReiMhltatn`; Canal
Commissioner-4Ohtt • Hubbard; Demb
crat'; State. Prison Inspector—Colonel
Enos C. BrooK' Ititublican ; Congress-
Man at Largo:4oo4 S. Cos, Democrat:
,Theabova-munea.awtlidates,are„mert• of
"high character and great: ability. These
qualities will be universally , :concedell to
them by allfair-mindetr,iiten. •Mr.' Ker
m" is a prominent lawier - ;aijd has more
than once been returned to the Legisla
tnee from. Ina native,,countY. He Was
also a member of Congress and is re
markable for his eloquence. 'He took tin
active part in the lymocratie "State Com
mittee, and has been an earnest advocate
of pure arid honest government. He; is
popular with all classes, and will be elec
ted by a large majority. Like Mr. Ker.
nan, Mr. Depevf, the_candidate for Lieu
tenant-Governor, is,apromileat lawyer;
has been Secretary of State in New York,
and one of the most prominent and favo r .
ably known politicais in the State. In
1865 he was appointed. Minister to Japan
a position which he declined. Ile is, a
fluent and eloquent speaker, and possesses
great influence in his party. Their col
lounges on the ticket are gentlemen in
whom the pcpple of the State have the
fullest confidence, and the combinatma
will poll the utmost Democratic, Liberal
and Reform strength in tho Common
wealth: The 'election of this ticket is
certain by fifty thousand majority."
Noogi_er or the lUu: No:ranee%
Gen. Chas. Albright, toile of ComerOn's
Congressmen at Large, has been charged
with being a bonnty- itunper as'•ivill he
seen from the AOlottte , cliped frcim the
Carbon Detuasrat, a paper published in
his own town : .
ik remembered that General
Albright at the - time of- his musterin,
bud absolutely :niceived flit commission
as eoloiel of the regiment, and this fttet
he concealektbat b is, graiping avaricions
handi might cliisit the 4500 bounty, !in
tended for 66iri0 'poor 'soldier, not .ra
officer. lie entered the service of the
United States asw private with a Om
, missioner
colonel in his Pocket, IP:I re-,
ceiied the money of the goiouttent And
of Banks town/trip - for 'isetWe lie , nicer
performed and never intended to perfMm
laud he was mrstered out . ' the following
day, his greed having been satisfied ; and
his experience as'a private Isivinq already
been sufficient aristocratic Sekisi ,
bilities. The td unship was defrauded,' the
country was defrauded, and the wrisay
was 'derma-idea, by tbisuction of General'
Albright. And now iu conclusion' we
ask of the General,' dkj, you or did ,yOu
not go as the stibititate of A- L Muni
her ?"
Yeiznont Election.
- .
It has not bee n, - deem e d possibl e by
any one that there would be any change
in Vermont, as eyery DemoCratic anti
Liberal Itepubrican: journal and - states.
man has conceded the state by about
the usual majority_ anti the deereasie in
the majority in that State from 1869 with
the fultset Iran ever polled, is any thing
but cireerinil to- Grants prospec4'3
The Radical majority in Vermont will
be about 25POZGtanrsrnajority in 1868,,
was .32,ddi). :k is of 1 . ,,00p. 'loci not
show, an ,in'arejm . 'a popularity on ;the
part of General': Grant. The Verinont
per (village .of- loss will sweep 'New
Himpaliii!,,ll4o(l6loland and" •Conneeti
ant away from - tbelf moorings in
“The great' head centre of corruption and
fraud, Simon. Cameron, is now in Wash
ington, disgracing the - Republican party
of the country by acting as chairman
of ifs Natiemal'CoMmittee. Ifis presence
there is more dangerous to General Grant
than would be a Democratic victory in
"Brigadier amend Charles Alb
right, of Carbon county, is not a proud
man if ho" does sport a high sounding
Military title. -Ito was willing to-take a
bounty of" tiro hundred dollars 'as a
private in company-A, 202 d regiment, to
fill the quota of Banks, township, Carbon
county while !lidding the commission of
colonel of the regiment.
w — The New ilampshire liberal pa
tiers •nre continually filled with letters
from prominent repnblican who proclaim
their adhesion to Greeley and ;Brow.p.
;11'0"Colonel G. y.
.Swearinger; post-
Master at Sidney, /ova, .for twelve years,
and chairman of the republican County
comraitte e,has declared for Greeley.
me - The Grant national committee- is
daily receiving priinte appe-41s fOr. money,
The applicants asserting ''tbat they 'Must
!ince it imniellititely,roill will be lOst. .
madO Groht stagger in . the
streets of Washington ? hada mind tq,
ask. hint to join congres;ional tent-
• •
r:F:Tirenty-fonr out of the • twenty-
MYCJI*OII/112:114)neidar.cmutfiN , Fw York,
'Sstere fully' represented •in the : .Greeley
Teptiblieun county committee at Utica on
leriday " last, • ' '
e preacher who 'divines his.sernions
into two many .Imans. wiirmiturally - .Dun
it difficult to , procuro latently° - tiara for
all of them. _1 • • . ,
Sevorbundreitlropublicuut of Ihe
O r ty_ort have siine4 a call
0.4 pidiuizigOtiag4
pointedadventureni who have from time
to time attempted to run their worthlesi
potions against DRAKE'S PLANTATION
Brrrrus,vow that they:catiiiiit understand .
What foundation there is foi its amazing
popularity. The explanation is simple
enough. 'the reputation of the world-re.
nowatenic is founded upon a rick, tho
ROCK.OP EXPERIENCE. All its ingredi
ents arepure and wholesome. How, then,
could tricksters and cheat expect to neat
it with compounds • of - cheap drugs and
refuse liquor, or with liquonsh trash in a
State of aeebens fermentation ? Of thunie
the charlatans have'comelip grief. Their
little genie has failed. _Their contempt
for the sagacity of the community has
been fitly punished .,. Meanwhile PLAN
TATION .13IPPERs seems to be IRA fairway
of eventually supergeding, every.. other
medieal_prepar.ition included in the class
to which it belongs. In eery State . and
Territory of the Union it is, tii•diiy the
accepted specific for nervous debility,
dyspepsia, , fever and ague, rheumatism,
and all ailments involving a deficiency
of vital power.
Of polumbia County.
Of Erie Comfy.
Of Bedford Coin) ty.
OI Thiladelphia.
Of Aneginny County..
Of Luzerno County.
DROWSE IT-WoiiDwArtp..Philadelphia...
t. Mrstsrass BIGLER, Clearfield_
4. W/ J. BAER, Somerset.
WlLLtass IL Ssamr.....4ll*lterry
-45, IF. Gmwmt, fitriadelEdua.
Z. Jo%ss DL CasummAs. Mls&lgatirs.
8. S. IL Rr.sicorma, LANtASSIER.
10. S. C. T. DODD, Wallowa
IL G. M. DALLAS, Phibulelpliiii. •
12. IL A. LAMSERTON,'TIauphin.
11. A.. A- PotissAN, Greettit
It 'ME 31. Cont Err, Clarion,
Ebotrt O>wAN, of iVestmorTenod
GEonou W. BILMNER, or Frakiln.
SELDOS Ettuvra. of Erie.
.cam S. 11111.LER, ofl Ifunting ton.
S. °Rasa Fite, of Pliiladse*.kia..
13. D. Levrtarteig.
19. .I.:3l l Knight.
15. Henry 1 1 101311.
15 Henry J. Stabicy.
17. R. W. Christie.
18. Wm. F. Logan.
19. R. B. Brown.
20. F. 3f. Robinson.
21. J. It—Molten.
22. T. H. Stevenson.
23. julin 13. Bard.
:H. George W
• ThntulS J. Barger.
9. Stephen Anderson
3. John Moffat.
4 Geory R. Berry).
tF Pot, agreed upon]
B. IsalA R. limp!
7. Samml A. Dyer.
P. Jesse & Hawley.
9. If, R. Swam
ICk. R. Riley. .
11. John hamtge.
12: F. W. Gunter.
ELECTION prequumtAxtoN.
INEN pannattee of an net of ttio General Areembly of th e
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an art re;
lotion t the elections of the Commonweal; h,.appenved:
the to day of July, A. D. la3a.J, W. T. MOILKY,IIigh.
Sheriff of Saaquebanne County, to said Cotrunenertnlih,
do', hereby give notice to the .nlettont of the •eonnty
aforesaid. that a General Eicetiou_ wilt be held in said
ContltrOTl ' • ' • • ' • "
Tneftlay t the. 01h pay of libctotmr, 18T2.
(bang the second Tetrads/ in said Month.' at which,
timo he following collars will both:Med, to wit: •
One person to All the office of Governor of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the offitib of /edge of the Supremo
Cott of Pennsylvania. , .
One person to the ofdeciof Auditor Genenijof thet.
State of Pennsylvania.
Three persons to all thtr glow of
Large for Pennsyleattis, -
Twenty-eight person. to 811 the nab:not Delegiletat
Large to the, CODlShlltiOtAkCol3Tetitl.ll.
glee person to Sitthe tattooed Representative in den
grws for the dlitdet composed ot- the counti tfus-':
criehanna and Lucerne.
Three persona to 811 the office of Delegates to the Con:
etitutional ConrenOun for the district composed of, the
counties of Susquesinna, Dradpwd, Wayne, and Vol&
. . .
Two persema to 811 the offices of- Members Of the
Nouse of Itepresentadres of :Pennsylvania for tho dla
tett etareposoi of the Counties of Susquehanna and
Oneperson total the alto of Sheriff of the county of
One person to all the office of h 6 !stet' and Recorder
and Clerk of the Orphans' Court o fthe county of Sus
One person to 1111 the office of County Commissioner
for said County.
One person to MI tbe office Of Corenerforsaidaminty.
One person to dll tint office of Cormly Auditor for raid..
I also glee official notice to the Electors of Snigni
banns County. that the following proposed nmendm act
to the Constitution, haring been passed by two sun.
cessive Legislatures, will be Natant tied to the people for
adoption or:ejection at Said election:
Proposal Amendment to the Constitution of Penn
eyiren la. Joint resointion.proposing au amendment to
therConstittalou of Penneylrania.
U nroissd atria Senaleand iloneeoflleatlres
of Penerpfranio to General Airedale, ma, That the
(Slowing amendment of Um Constitution of ibis Com
monwealth be proposed toyho maple for their adoption
or rejection.pursuant to the proristan of the tenth
article thereof. to wit:
Strike out the slith'iection of the sixth article of
the Coustltotten, and Inert In lien thereof the follow
ing; ••A State t romurer shalt lie Omen bt tbe quail&
cd electots at the State„ et Etch times eta for 'nth
tern. of service as shall hoiareuerlhen
13 Mknfof - the Ilottra of Itcpresentatteee.
•' : ,-„ apstEs S. ELTivat; .
• Speaker of the Senate.
AyPIMP—Tim twouta•temod day of Nardi:Mato'
Domlot ono thousand idea. bau
'Wand ovent.piwo
U-4 . GRUM.
Prepared and eartltted foi publication nureatana to' tbe
.Tentlt Artkie of thin Canstltullon.
Secretary of tbeConunonweallh.
omen Secretary of the Comanuncualtb, • •
Itarrieburg, due° Itatb,ltsta, • -„ •
.. : -. . . - ,
As dee to authorize II ep eV sato opon the question
of cullitet a *megaton amend tha nonitUation•of
lennsylvania: , . , •
At the mono timo and places, oleo, en cleat= le Ell bps ,
held for the dele.gree to the convention to amend .the
Constitution of the Mate, In conformity with Act, CA
titled ..An Act to provide for calling a, convention to
. end the Conetltrulon." approved April 11041. As
rev:titled by sold set, the following rake and ran, ba.
*pinball apply to sold election, and the to utrips or the
At the enerd: election be Width/3 aCelia
Tuesday of October next, them shall be elected by the
aaalliled electors:of this Conanonwealtb, delegates to a
convention to rale° and anandtho Constltatien of thlo
hate; the said convention shall consist of ono bandied
and thirty-area members; to be elated be the tanager
fuUowl.g ; Twentrelght. =embers thereof .00 Ito
elected id the dude brgo. fellows • loch voter of
the State shall vote' for not. snore Chet fligatet i alt ,
dictates and the twenty.aight Vat est yobs 11 - bo
declared elected ulnety-sins dclerl,Alea shall bo's
poinualta end elected frosts the tiMraheonatorbil 'n..
alga of the elate, three deleysta to be elected for each
banatortherefrom ; and to chooslagnli disuict deleDre...
'each voter shall be entitled to A COW for not Imre than
two of the 14CW No to by chosen Irma hie diatrlct, end
the three candidates highest In vote shall , be declared
electe.d, except to the county of Allegheny, farming the
Twenty-third ttenatartel District, where no voter shall
dote for more than sizain&dates:atid the nine highest a Tote shall bo elected, end ta the comities of. Laura e.
Ara and Ilke,lormieg the Thirteenth eenstortal
District, where no Toter emu row for atom s thsa , font
candldates,snd thesis highest to vote shall be elected.
and six addolonal delegates shall be chosen Dom the
city a PhLtadaphia, by a vote at Imo in said they sod
thelr elections no rota shall rote ter rare than three
candidates; and the sintigheal in vote Shall be elected.
&reed. The ledges and Inspectors for each eat tton
&arta shall provide two salable boxes for each poll,
one in.whick to &pail. the Dads Toted Cdi Delegates
at large, and tiro in Which to deposit the tkkete
voted . .for District Dele*tes •; which boxes than be
tabened'zitspeeti7eiy. ' , Polygon,' at largo" and "Dior
Wet Delegates; ' end to each district in the city of
l'hiladelphlasu culdltional box stall be pruvleed for
each poll, Int/bleb to deposit the tickets voted for "My'
pelcrateal" and told last mcntioucd boxes must each
,be labelled ' , City Delegatyx"
SaJd'eleetion stun be !tea and aim'eiacted t
nytho proper election °Dicers of the several election
'erlotti of the Cecentonwealtb, and shall by governed
nod regulated In full respects by the general electlon
laws of thy Coginionwcalib. so for as the none shall be
eppllonbid thereto, end not Inconsistent with, the,
provisions of amid yet.
Axed. The llckcisto be voted for mernberiiii Large
or the convention shalt hers on the mast' e the "D el-
gates at large." and on the inside the name. of the
candidates to be voted for, not exceeding fourteen In
Fria. The ticket. to he voted nit district members
or the convention shall have on the outside the - word..
"District Delegates." and on the inside Os name :or
names of thopindidates mated foLnot exceedin the
proper number Bruited as the aforesaid : L iit any ticket
wbteb shall contain a grouter number of trainee than the
comber for which the Outer shall lotr - enttlied to vote,
Abell be relented.: 'arid to 'taw of the delera. tee to be
chorea et tern_ the'words..-Gitypelp
gat isr elfhillth On th Gatti de of the tkkr.t. - • -
.Earai. In Ills city of Philadelphia:lhp. return lodges
shall meet et The State - Douse , at tea o'clock on the
Thursday next following election, and make out the ro
loins for said city, of thelrote• can thereintfoLdetTate
.at Mtge and City aod dittrict delegates, , to be member,
of tbo,.eceiveution t. the tetras Adams of tbo several
electionAistricto each aunty of the State: cr.
cludirig Philadelphia:shall 'Meet On Friday nextfolints;.
tug of who reliwahldgestpf their County, and. Make opt
full accurate returns for the connlY.of the motes that
therein ter members of tire eenventhin and fot district
Members of therametand the pronmalluyrof thereto=
judges of the; eatdcityof Phibidelphla.and or tbel sever
al coal:Besot the Canitnotiwcalthi In the making - of their.l
reteme. shall be the same as those preecribcd for re
turn ledges to the case of au election for Governor;
except the Totems traiarmittedStri lbw Vemaineronsith.
shall Iniaddreased to that officer alone - to the
Speaker of the Senate:
The Election ferrite district compobed of the town
shlper Apolacop wiU Os held at the house of Joseph
Beebe in raid township. , „
The Election for the dletrict entoPored of the twin-
ship of A mrat will beheld at the school house ricar the '
Presbyttmlan church to raid township.' •-1
ThrTlecilanfor Bindle:stet coraposedof thatonnehtti
of Auburn we! he held at the - booso ofJacries' Lott In
sold tostrinhip.
The Election for thodistrletcomposedef the tomtit',
laidgewaierwill be held at the Count florosc in the
Borough of Montrose. - •
The Elettkon fur' the district composed of the town;
ship of Brook Ira Will he held et the house of Smart GI
Ballard in valid tricauship.. • ,
'rho Election for 'the district rimposed'of tbe fawn
ship of Chotomit will be bad at the school house 'near
Edward Clerk:sin said teseshirs.
Thu Election for the -district torrposeit of the town,
shlpel Clifford will be e.d . at. alehouse late of John
Ifewetson in *aid triernebip. '
The Election forthedletrict composcdOf the florenifh
of Dundaff, trill be held at taw Boxidal, Lintel In raid
TheY.kitition Coi
ll coroprised of' tee town-
Dimehelit ht thehota late of T.' S.
itahcock to sold p
The Election tor the h tl composed or 00..tows
phip of Forret Lth e wilt
eld 'at the hoeso tutu of
S. Towne In raid towriatifp. • _r . .
It of the townehlit
of Franklin will be It Id at Mu er mitring: near Jots
Allard's'ln raid' township. - ' '
Election Parte dbtriereacoposed of the Borough
of Friendsyllie wilt be held at the school house In said
Thu Election far the district composed Of thollorow7h,
of Great Bead wilt bo hekhat' the boom late occupied
by David Thomas In rialdßordagb. .• ..
The Election foe the ilistrha,worposed of the Wien 7
ship It Great Bend held, at the house late oetripl
od by E. Barnum; deer. • -
T 110 Election for thedh-t rictioraftd of thethintabip
of Gibson will tot
,ticktlndludoa saW
township. -
The Electino forth,' district compewed of the township
of Burford Will be helder the house late of 11; WI Wald ,
son In tall township.- -• • - I
The Election for tee &sleet ei tapered - or the tenor
ship of Ile:moony ban hell at the house lag So.liflutect
The Electkvi r theri rd& cempueed .oilha iownl
Ship vt Ilerrick will be beldualitellerrlektionterlachoet
Boma. to Bald townie - Ip.
Tea eketion for the district composed of the totem-411ft/
of Jackson will at teahouse of Joseplitlearyln
said township ."
The Elixtlon footl e district eolopeoed ef the , toWP.
ship of Scsrup - will be held at the house of Daeliil Golf
In said tOwnrhip. c :'
The ler the district compered of Me fownehlp
of Letter PEI ho lieldat the hones, of (iron C. Brothers
in sari township, - • " • • '
The Cleelhisi tor the district composed of the town
-11/ ir or 1..11.rty wilt be held at the titalfordSchool home
Sit said township.-
The Eketiou fur the district compii•eii of the town.
ahip el Lathrop'whi be-held at the Ililisdale School
bowie. In sold township.". • ,
ftioclettluttfur the district composed of the Borough
of Little Meadows will be hold tit the - Sellout Douse in
raid Borough.
The election ter the district composed of the township
or Middletown wilt* !mid At the houneet title Bora in
wild township_ • - •
The Elctiontorthedlateteresmlmwddfibeflorouash
Of Montrose willbe held at. the 'toast Molise to eat/.
. The Electiln for theilisttiet composed of lluillampagh
of Saw Milford wilt be held at Chabot* tato Ait.leha.
Iffionat'ln told Doratuat
The electiou for the district cornixord of the amsoshio
of New Milford will be *hint the house -of
4 gal:toilet
!gooney. in We Iluirouith of 'New' 311:ford.
The election fur the Midget composed of the town ,
stupor Oaklnutt.will.bohelikut me heave taint Timms
*Munson in sold. lowest:0o- 1 • ,
The election for the district .Oompored of the tows
ship of Stub will held et the boric of Mi D. Snyder
said townehlp..
The election for the • Alstrlet =noosed' of the town
ship of Sisingville will be held at the !masa late 0,
H two.
eleertilo a rlitt t' ailetrl t 2Catmpo' sett or the town-1
yap of SLl.vcr Lake-will by held at the Won Into of IL-1
IRO arias* to ea Salta must its. .
The gleci ion for am dirtria composed 0 t theriorwegb
of Susquehanna Depot tattle belirat the bon* lately
accepted by William smith In mid Borough: !..,
The election for the asides composed of the town
ship or Theiiipson `will be held at the brownies* of
Chester Stoddard In sold township.
I also make known and give notice, 06-'o.2nd by the
lath section of rad act of July 2.1071, directot,..alint
- every ?Orson excopt Jmnlit* of the Pears. who' ehatl
bola any office orapnointment of profit or Wort under'
the totted States, ora thientato.Or Of. any city or in
corporated dhitrict, whether a commis:tinned. officer or
agent, who le,or he,eraployed codex the legislative,
judiciary, or ors-cativo department of this State or
Culled slates, or any city or lucorportited,dlstrict; end
also that evesy.aemOcref ffinmyrese; mad' of the state
Legit tante, and of the Bacot or common council of any
oily, or Coni l P4tibinotO Or any bmorPoratnedl Viet. is
by Ism ineapahle n! *Mtn or Uric tstar, at the same
Mew, rite office orappolatrucial, at Jadge,luspector or
Mork of any electron at IbliCcuitelonwealth, and; that
no Inspector' ol•itrid„7l rot. other ottlenrof any. each
eleMlon, shall
k ri ellgVitit to, toy office tbark to toted
Dy the act of Ant Stably of alini ' llade
'4be eaty or every Msior.Shorl Akierman.Stistkool
the Cease. Constable; of b!'ory y octoosy.:Agromul
or district within this Commonwealth: whellolct =bbd
upon by coy officer of en WOW.% orhythreottitalitlod
meet** thereat to clear any Window or avow° to the
Window or the plaboof General Election which **ll be
obstructod to tech 0 way an to provost voters (tom no.
prop hang the stone ; and it ekell he the duty a cr'-ey
ft-vetting Constable - at snob ward;' district or townehlp
tannin thin comtoonorslth, to be present 'person or
by Dchoty, at the place. ; Of tioldlog ' elections, An
tuck - wool. district. or townehip. forAlOt perposa sat
preservingolo7..e4C6 00 " ' .
-Alto that In the - 4th section of the, .act at Assmithw
entitled "An act relating to taseattana'and fur' Wirt
r=re ce irt ' inaleVitfif!Likill n4Atis tis iottge l d bl a:
to oreventotip militia, offices bt bomugh Officer horn
'erring 1115 Judge, 1041011.01 or Cleekat nity general or
In thls Commonwealth,"
Pursuant to, this mettle* contatted to thd , 7611
I section al the lettiformed. Out 4Udgett'orf 4, orur e "'' l d l
district rhelli*Dectiralytake char.-3a the tertllikate
ern:tarn of the election of their nary:emits° Illstee 4 ,
and prodnce them at a, meeting of ono Judge item each
diatrlct, grille Corot noose, in Abe Borough of Moot
tnee, on the third tlar after the day of election being
the prescutyww, nu.griday, the IBIS day .or (41 - 717 *.
there to do and perform to duties. roquirod b y law a
said dodges. , ADo - that where n Judge by alobtere or
unatendable @cadent Id • tumble Wallet& 'tad meeting
of Judges. then-thocerthleate Or foturo attworaldstraU
be taken charge of by out. of the, inspectorn or Clerks
of the election of raid district, who eh allclo pod perfann
the tholes required oratid Sartre unable to attend.
By)-au Act of Agreeably approved'. too-11th day of
Aprll,lBoo, 11 , 10 Mitten:4 that at nil elections hereafter
nuder the taws of Ws Commonwealth, the pats
than be opened betwoin the home of ale and 502 CD
o'clock, a. in., andel.° at 7 o'clock, p. m.
By an Act of Aelembly of Morels 31,14011, entlticd, an
Act • nuail* the mode of voting at ell eleeti Dustin too
terem rei t counties of the VoMMuntreath. tt Is °14111441 as
ti Burma - I. Bp it chanted by the EiOnato Mid Iloilo
of. Iteprmentativen of the Vommonowilth*of Pentinyt
Imola in General Ateembly met, and it la hereby smil
ed bylbe authority of the saowi'llist the 1 12 41114 d
voter. at the etveml-Ammation of the .Climmotiwtwith,
St all general; toterantsriboroegli 3 Ond aper.h4 Gott Ions;
are hereby, hereafter; Authorised mid' to SOWN
by tickets orbited, or written, loyettilly Mortified Ar
follows;bun ticket shall embomothe *Men of
Polgos of cowls 'rota OW allaPit be labled,,outsido;
ladielary ;1' one tbekertnbal embrace the molten of alt
auto officers voted for, find 'abided, "Mae.' ticket
shall =Dram the name* of all county officers voted for
,offiee of senator. member, and members
assembly, if voted .for, aud :members, of convene. If
voted for. end 'be labeled;''aonnty ono 'ticket abaft.
. embrace the ram* of all township .opens *obit!. Or.
and lit lithol Oft l'imnottjyttorp dad shalleinbratetho
biro* at 411 borcongt officeralveted for. and ,chill bn
bibelod ,I fointonh ;I? and each dlassialihtll badopostted
separate ballot-boars." ,
Wristlets; Tho Filtitenttr Amondment of
at of thy - rated Sloths b an follows!
• klr.wrgow 1: The Nett eloicos of [be floVed
• Makin to vote ihallttot• be!.dslitedotit 1 1 1014cd by the
Staten, or by any Stale. on itiectuntia recootelor,
or . promOns cenditherof• servitude
. `Dui tow I. TheConmentshalitinveyotrer onfonte
thte article byapposprinte.lo74 l4 itoV " --1 "
' And. 117ierego, C•oogr t ,s of Me Vol fOdStitteli.Oti
the SIG - thy of March, lea pawed en act. eattleak:
1.4.0 4.effo espies gerlyk4 qf.cititens of fAiii Untied Wes
'ffi tors in , (4o sortie! States Gie- Union, and for of r.l
fimor . s : „' t!yo flqa and coottl . a =l9l-p . l low!!*
rirctionl.'ffs if artoctcd'by 1/1*- Bmatt Oa
/14PrWataatiforqf tit Fulted".Ylds.l of.Amerien ,
grew rtereni2ted..Tbar. all chisel:* of the - United Staten'
who are, fireball otherwlso qualified by fan to vino
at any olection by the people, to any State, Territdry,'
' diOnet-e olll n l 7. city. Dylan:township. school tilt/Wet.
muolciptilltyor other territontlstib dish**. shall 'be
entitiml and alloweilto rotontall rucb electlougwlth.l
.orddlettnetion of nter;or calor, or provlOne-oondltlori
. of sissi tilde ; oof commitut too. taw, mown, moo, OF'
regulation of enyStaro or Tewitory, or by, Or Qadositil
authority; to the contrary notwithstanding. '. •
'lit.crtnn 2..-',Aud furth e r [nada Tblt'lf by or
wade:the eatherity or the Constitution *Uwe' or- tidy
State„or the lowsof - anyTerflimy,. aay act ip - Or Shall
be requitil to bodoueass prerequlsiteshr qualblospoi)
for voting, end brooch Constitution Or hinqpersona
officom are or shall he chatirowtth the perlonnapee of
dation lulanilshing te,elilzensen oppotpinlty toper;
,1011:0 each prorequinito. at to *cam* V 33111204 to Vans ,
-It shall be the duty of • Every snob octavo end office* to
• also ta all claminsoftbe tinaftl Stalest* same find
ettnaopportinity to prating *nth perrottnintte, am/ tP
become quallflad so sate wlthopt dletinetfoo of we of•
or, or pievtoqscondltlop or Miratllllo sad If aDt "et
lotion *officer shalt or knew] ogiy omit to. ettnt all ef
fect. to title Section,* o
forvory such Violet), for,
felt sod pay the sam of Storliondroddollara to the pars,
eon auricrial tberclfyi to becovennlby on action 00.1,4.
ma with fell cons and inch anallowasse tercets's'
fee'as the court ahall deem jut and. shall also. tot
',eery ouch offence, be deemed rbtyotamt•datiesart,
and shall on COUTICIIOD theme „ he sloednot Um*
drehnodnal dollars, or be Imprisoned Mabee than one
month andnot more ttutheno yeekotbottiomma eta.
entitle of, thecourt.' :
ittel whence, It lidectired by theeetand Melba et
theNt article of tfieCieniriltetton of Um Milted litat t
thet.Thle Constindloe, and. the bire Of the Vsi
Stelea w bleb *hall be Made is'pnraaanee thence, shat
he the senteme law of theland. 0 - o =ing
faactioaturianagenfief aloydfddet , eg , MS ON ,
Witheanding•' -
.And whereas. The Le•ittlatart dpesvomeeenrodaN.
'on sheath day. of act re.
What.% ferner sapplentent to the act Watt to elec.
(lona In MU tknornonwealth," the. tenth section 9%
which provides se follow. ' • - • - •
.peor lw"°2 1 1 /1 . 1 1. 4 4 1! " 41 ° J u p eiv z,„f t .t k tea% •
L I ME . or l on be t
or ae e erdera; or as clikiga Um,*
stony generaor special election of this Cornmeewitallik,
be and the same ta hereby repealed; and ihar bails •
all, freemen. aithentdistinetiou of color, shall be Mak
ed and registered eacoollno try am worisiour Of the
tint meriors - of 'the act approlad ersislimel spru,,
lefe. entitled ...An act further eopprometailteassater•
laths t to the election, of. this gomnionweattlie. sad
schen *therm* et
al c t
, o g s e ild n e e s d t c et o a der l e o n se
. • l ts•
,fledta voteetom
Aesaldaridn,tediwratmdiontMOMS.S ' Onste e
th nt l a a •
ementedandobcfed,te ISSMI" rlbrifak-ot,
ten, rjeCtiatt Orkfti, and othent, that the' 4so
privileges ctramudeed thorby may b 6 PilltUV4 roan Utir
citizens of title Commonwealth entitled 10tbe mem. -
'rhenium kedges fore .the dlitlnermiteell dittleto
compeeed of the unanties of ttemsithano and Lamm.
will mere at thereon Moen to the city of wuzabart6
on Tuesday. tictober,ls%
The retires ga for the reenestmst.tver diabbet,
convoyed of the mantle* of flenneturetta'and •Wyom,
lag wiltweet at tlie Chan name Tanknoitock
Toonloy. October Mb. -•-
GITcII nadirs.,handed mieface, tattle Boo:netts et
llontrom, the Met dap of A amt. Anne Domini lftlir
and In (Lamar el the Comtrumwealth the ninety dith.
• WU. T,BIOXLXT, ithena
Adealalstsator's Sate of Beal Estate.
virtue of en °Wet alba Orphan Coart of limps.
batten County. the underafgactl. administrator of trio
relate of Isaaa P. rant= demactl, sell . at
harsdny.tho2tih clay of I:telpher, ,181% ,yoa
o'ricet,p. ma, the following deactibed. Real Nalak44,l•
All that cethatafat of lama - elfish" fn the tenni hfr of
mar, Crusty of litoiatehanna nootli tato of runny e n.
ntaolearrthett 15 to :0 :VI: : Matadi: on the !koala
hy a poblth highway:on the esatlP lasafe of ' Andrea
.11aTateaa exesoatfely Riede- of sod on
the writ by lauds of the cdtato of Jahn Erste Amur
eontntuthiy. shout PAW OCR% OLgod, by ttlo say
otaryorteratrith the opyrtrtetattaam - '
Sale to take plats on the padres. 'This pas
knorn on day of sale.
&novas Drama. Adii%
Laws, 'la, Sept. 11,1613,—w4.
A uprrows NOTICE—Tbit trodertfglieir, an lI=MUT
./.1 appointed by the Court of Common Phase at Ear
gni:haulm County. to distribute the !hats to the. bias
of the Sheriff. nu-Iring from the Sherbro sale of tha
real sante of Jtumb Decker, hereby :Imp notice that tar
all fonond foam dat ins of hlnappsdulment;sithln edlan
In Montrose, on Frt. ny, rdsl - day of
one o'clock, p. m..Trhen nod 'ober° al penal:adman,
ed in 'Aid fond will prnsest. thslr Maims orbs-teams
delarral frosnaotnioz in on said sod. -
A. 11. Mccaszars.'Aciatter.
316itiose4acpteinbiilltb,15 '
. .
-W-da OW end afar Aim MD= tedhe el the Leddab
Valley Italtrna4WllToskAsjepoirs
• 7.
_ .
T. A.S. • _. • T. 31.; Por
, 245 100 910 1246' 9 2 90
3M 171' 941 .....Waverig 1260 515 9019.
881 181 10 00 Minos. '3141 131 810
420 2 05 1010 Towanda- 05 467 , - 810
-1333 111313.....152525etag....30 05 716
345 SOS —... 242.415 UR
614 '72 12....1Re5h0pper.......1122 - ~0n
92.6. 12 24....Ideboopany 915
60 3511 3213...Timikbastrook . 1542 - 510 510
- ROC 442 769 Mama. 2= 2152.:4.10
00 Sun 2 15.:-.91Tibr00art,....115) 71$ ALM
725 426..".1datmt. Chunk—. .. 3145 183
O. ' '1219
- 840 6119,....8ethkbam • 30 0 is Cog
• 915 Loam • 1005 11104
10M ISl....ll4lsdelpida , -14 M
r. u. 940....-New - 760 1110
/11. a. IL.
No. 23 leaves Towanda at- 710 I. 0.3 Al 6 /211. FU
a. m.: Waverly. 805 a. arriv Int at fnmira 0119104.0
No. 31 iravca Elmira at 583 p. m.t.14 - avaly, at rt.,
t. m.;
Athens, at 6'173p. tn., 'smiting at T 041314 at
.15 p m.
gibr — Dmvring Room tars; ttached to trail:4l*f
nantag lluough from Elmira a to Phlladrlphle; 8 11
• '
A. PAMER:Snpuiatcadeiti
dust pobliahodi. a 134.11,..eriba et AA.,
evismewEtws CELE,BUNTBD,UI , 4 , ‘
SAY on rho hatotaicolot(ro.t-losasiedf; :
tint) of Ser.asalvasar.a.. as 97.7a8ml -
Weahoes.,. • manta . - •Sesdent, ioeroco...itapetea”.
Alentalard Phyeleal Incspaelty..lrepediihniis to Muff.
cte ; also; Von onupttoa.lfpilepsy, and alt.
ludneace nod sexul extra:masts, • Ind' ',
Ina sealed eareletxr, only G ends. •
' The celebrated author. be this admirable may. dear ,
deseuustrAtra Gam a %bitty pear eesseceaefelrattles
that the alarm tonseg- ocettel'of 7 , elf abase sool Ds
radicilly cared without the .dun Binge
,hoe of Internal
ondleint-or the epolkatlon of the knife; polotleg one
ne enc..% one* shnids, certala.and of etas{.
113[1.116 aC sablett toemosbeter: no .thalter
tolalzßutorokl bar , l26wczra tazoarstasii4adityitely.
TITD fkr:ola• sfassen 'help tios.losato ot may
path sod verysalso.kotoreamt • •
beet, under eedt,itt pi.the enee)ope,la sax address.
posorold on rerips of *lx ends. or two pest staesps_
Also, Dr. 4 11l eme1riv•315u1aci43.4.41.!,r2440 CPS
' 'Address the Pobliebers. . - . ,
. _ . . •
. enisLa:c..aare,ti
DTITii. 'New York- Puat-otiar Box 4 .461 i
. - .
Vigilance .
:"'The - folioning.L.ciarned persona are' affratitutert
viglianse committees:` - • • "
'APOlaten- 2 -Wra.dttigh,
Mixer( Byrn]. • • -
• .Aufnum-Wra. Wria, White, L. C.
Swisher. •
Arerat,- 7 4, • a
Bridgervater-03„34e, - .C. J, Curtis; Ilenly —
Itraotyn-4Aid Efly `laifirai D. IL'
CliSlirtl-"--31rtrtinDer.,4or;l4n - 893iett;7 01 4
Stephens.. - • • • . •
Dimoelz-A., W. 334113,11, E, ..11010-
egeeby. • •
-Dumblfr-J.' 6 . 0- b7isicika; i'hhiney, A.
H. Ayers.
Purest Lake-Isaac Strange, E. Crißla, - 310.
Frank in-P. W. Smith; E. A. Williams, '.
ti:- . McDonald.
Eriendsville-linex Jailed '
Tiacunes,Halm. - •
• Gibson-Gea Miliken, A. C. Screet,J.L.Dlr.
Great Bend 1 3 0 1 3 1-" T. 1 3tePbeuir /Au'
haat Tiftzenbari.
Great Maui Trowbridge.
B. W. Borpett, •
11:14cirii,Dtliat Westgate; Wad
liormoisp-li, I, 3a belt, WlilarZinstln,
"Richard 3Lartin, - .
llorienl--Peter Willirans. T. J. Carr. Watley
Osterhoue. _ ..• .
Jessup-Z. Sinlth;John Smith, J. C. Bartley.
Jackson-Louder CriOU, T. W, Clinton, $.l.
Lenoa,=-Wra; Bartley. tlimul Initon . A. S.
Latitir.DL Tiffink, ;Lyman Sada%
• yer, -
Liber ' ty M -Therun daub" Chalky.
Daniel North. '
-Little 31eailows,-.1).- .13adoll, Shomas ,
(Mond, Lewis O'Doud.
1111111e1own.v.r. Keenan, Newell Keeler,
Charles _ , = • • - •
31entrose,--A. 33 - cOolltim,A.' Lathrop; (.
new DilfhniTyvp-4.." Banding, L Dr.
Foot, E. P. Bradford. • -
_ Now 31 i Beni Boro-tleci. B. MepoliFt
Boyle, Wilt Smith. -
Oakley-J. IL Tillman. E.G. Levitt, MLR
Westfoll. • - '
- Rush-Geo. Ilarvey, N. P. Sander, E.
Springville-13. T. Ilendrisk,"
: =
- fttiustlearstine pqmt-44.1ir.:P311', 1 47/P!aP 11 11
Fernan, - Wm; 31, Wet. ).'- • -
Silver Lek e-...Tosepti., Weed: T, 13n111 , 013 :
Thos. Buckley., - • .
Thomson--Cheater Streldanl,
L. S;Aldriell., ?ij ; :1
mow!. • ,
ATP.: .Vre. - • ,
eitutecitaom',ll, l ,oo_ll lo t