TWkaUTT-SIXTH AffNCULL PAM OF Tilt SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY Agricultural Spciety, Will be held in Mos Tunes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Sep fember T 711418114 mid 191h, 1872. Premium= Salient. Drruntor I..—Horses: Best Stallion. tire of hest yearling colt raised to the county 8 8 3d 83 Best bray draft Stallion 6 8 Quick draft Stallion 6 3 Brood Mare and Colt 6 3 Best single gelding over 4 years old, rained in the county . 3eaCtiirgA - Mare over 4 years old. raised in the county. 3 3 Best 'lngle horse not raised In the count y..... 3 ' Best pair matched Home. or Mares ra sod in • the county 6 a Best pair matched Homes or Marrs not raised in the emmty.... t 3 Best pair three year old colts 4 3 " pair two year old colt! - " three year old colt (gelding or mare) 3 •threeyear old Hanlon Jj ..• two year old colt G 3 6 . one year old colt 72•12.44 , pule, of walking horses la harmers, twiceamund track Fastest single horse under saddle or in tor- Iles! David Summers, Mew Milford, Gardner Irabeoct. ilarford, ) -.11111,2r9 Enoch Cool. Bridgewater, • DIVISION 11. Class I.—Durhams. Beat durham bull two years old and upwards ns !ed Brat (Maim cow four years old and upward. 8 Hest ddrram bull one yrarold and npwards :I durham heifer three years old 3 8 " durham heifer two years old 3 3 " dnrh DT heifer one year old a " durham boll colt " Madam heifer calf Class :.—Grade Dur Lams. Beet bull two years old and upwards $3 3d te • enw four yaws old and upwards 3 2 " heifer three years old 2 heifer two pare old " four yearlings " four eaters " boll calf " heifer S 2 2 - Edward Beebe, Franklin. Henry Sherman, Montrose, tJedget M. J. Harrington, Br Idgewat er, Class 3.—Derons, Zest bun tiro yearn old and upwards bull one year old cow fonryears old and upwards •• heifer three years old " heifer two years old heito one year old " Dal =Ur tieilarcalf Claes 4.-13tarlik Devoa►. Beat twill's° years old and upwards cow (harp:are old and upwards heifer three years old hater two years old " fortryearllngs " roar calve' " bell call " halter calf Win. 11. Jessup, Montrone,) Orin Pi ichard,Springslic J. C. Morris, Scranton, Clue s.—Ose" and Steers. Beet pair working oicti over I years old jC 51 $3 pairsteers three years old 3 9 " pair steers two yams old 3 I " pair fat tattle 5 " cow or steer . Claes 6—Alderney,. . Beet bull 5Rd . heifer I yrs old 9 •• cow 4 4 . baler calf I . heifer Syr. old 3 5 '• bull calf 9 heifer 2 yrs old 3 , I. • 7.—Ayreldres. Best ball 5 :NI 7I heifer I year old " cow 4 Y " baiter calf 9 " heifer 3 yrs old 9 " bull calf helfer9_yrs old 3 2 Horace Brerrster3ridgerrafic, J. Bankers, Franklin. 34 adgev. Johnß. Wilson, Middletown. Class IL—Herds of eight. Best herd of shorthorns of devone " of Alderners ••• ' of A,trshlres of grade short horns of grade derons " " of grade Alderney's Of grade Ayrshire,* IL L. Catlin. Bridg.evente_r, ) David Mandl. Franklin, ',Judges. W. T. Armen, Bridgewater, Class I.—sheep. Derr fine woo! butt " three fine wool owes " three line wool lainbo "mane wool buck " three wane wool ewes " three cone wool lambs " middle wool back, " throe middle wool cone " three middle wool lambs Clara Sr-Swine Eat boar • 4 a " breeding, sow 4 8 " four pigs over three months old 1 2 - John Begun. Forest Lake. Levi T. Birchard, Blrdtantridle.}Jadites. E, T. Tirem,tr. Dlmock. Class Et—Poultry. Best trifle turkeys of dark brataruts .• " of light bratimat " of Mack of darkirs " " of !iambi:Errs, " of legborns " of duets Maim Beek. Montrose. Robert IL Rose. tither Lake, Gilbert S. dolmen, Bridgewater, Clus I.—lloutu Products Bestial, az Orkin of Jane Ratter $1 bl Ett ,tab dr Arkin of September batter 4 2 .. , Rea lbs. batter made trr etrl ander lb years 1 1 " &sew not less than 25 lbs. 4 2 - Class 4.—Seeds. Best barbel corn la car • build white winter wheat " X bushel spring wheat " X bushel rye X bushel oats . X beam] barley Wm. J. Malkin]. Montrose, 1 ~11. M. Jane.. Itarford. Wedges. . C.ll. Bliss, Silver Lake, . • Ch., IL—Vegetables, etc. Best assortment fall apples assortment winter apples' assortmeut pears " assortmeatquinces " and greaten variety of Cegetables • three cabbage hods " ten rutabagas . three winter squashes " three pumpkins " twelves onions three heads cauliflower 6 ' ten heels " ten tomatoes " X boatel potatoes • assortment grape. grown In county a 00c " cider vinegar not lease= 1 gallon toe . " 10 the. maple anger honey 1 Reed, Philndelphia, W. A. Creasman. Montrose. fledges. R. J, Turret, Montrose, Class 1.--Cabluet work and Carriages. Slid double carriage f elngle carriage G " !unbar wagon 4 " democrat wagon 4 " double elelgk s Cleat—Farm Implements and Illachmithing. Lest pro etinnl rawer .1 "barrow 4 " firkin 50c atlliratbr " home rake 1 corn libeller 9 . weettogmactine 1 " straw colter . " betterpall Goc 'lngle sleigh 3 table • •• bums •• cluunbcr set 4 Class 3.—Leather, etc, Best pliz tine boots - Sil t 1 " =l:i l eS tm tl i iiuncsa leather 2 .. . " _.• upper " 1 sole " - 'I " set d oa ble home I “ set single harness S Cyrus Bard. Springville. ) Thompson Perm Brooklcn, •Jadges rsrettoSTery. kantrrse, ) DITIBIOII V. Class L—DommUc litanufactares. Best 10 yards of tunnel lb yards of woolen carpet • 10 'nude ran airpet • pair of woolen aoeln patrol woolen • woolens/ticksseinen " 10 pude of linen cloth • loyaiderneatmeto cloth " 70 yards toweling " heartb.rag • - - Mrs. L. Catlin, Bridgewater. Ildre. B. lianington, }Judges. Mrs. lame Butte, Liberty, . Claant—Ornamental Needle Work, etc. Best Maturate's:l4lo= .4 rank work quilt . quilt of d any kind amen t idy embroidery chair cushion " knit ebawl collection of dowers " rase of Mowers • bouquet exhibition of engrirringe • lamp mat specimen targeted work ornamental needle watt - " /P.U.OlatdP rs. O. V. Bentley. Montrose. J. }Jedgee, Mrs. 11. J. Webb, - ;Ciao s.—llnenemerated Artielea, . .. . . _' j.. g. trons,lBontrose, . - 71 - M. (7. liattao. reiendPiine. jdi —.. ...- - Mrs. P. B. Chandler, ISoayoue. ..7' Mn. Diatiel espy. - ~ IliB iloiitng Meth NIB be belies — tbe tem 4# J. 4, Tmoben. an 'flicaday, the Atzt, 4 lAT ct . tbe.rat $8 Yu,' premlup • •". ' , 28 - 8 • :4 " . . .... .., , A. d. Snit« EridieWgt. I '• Willis 88609e8, • " - .., Jar , . ' • Julin /Imam:. Role= stfb I. The Committee and SeereMy have an of rice era tlinGrounds, where' the Judges aro re quested, to meet at 9 o'clock on hUe' 8d day, when their names will be called and vacancies ; and they will be furnished with the Books of Entry, when they will proceed, to decide up on the merits of the articles and animals entered for premiums, -and report In writing 1 . at ono o'clock, third day. 9. It is important that all persons Appointed an Awanlingionnuitteta should be present at that hour. The Judges can resort for 'instruc tions and to make out reports to the alec. 3. Any animals entered for exhibitions in one class, cannot compete In any other class, except ns one of a bent. The awardin committees will be turnished with cards, d esignating first and second premiums, which they gill atllx to the animator article to their award. 4. The Judges shall In all cases withhold pre iums when the animals or articles are not wor thv, though there be no competition. b. Exhibitors wishing to compete • for premi ums must have their animals or articles entered on the Secretary ' s Book before the close of the second day of the Fair, and a mini, 'which will be received from the Secretary, IL C. Tyler, must be placed on the animal or article to be exhibited. They must be on the ground for ex hibition by 11 o'clock, a. m., of;the third day, or they cannot receive premium. No animal or article can be removed before the close of the exhibition, except by permission of one of the Executive Committee. Superintendents of the different depart ments will hare all animals and articles syste matically arranged. The officers of the Society and Superintendents will be known by their of ficial badges. 7. No preeitiura will be awarded to any person exhibiting articles or animals not entered In the name of the Lona fide owner of the same. 8. Premiums not called for before Jancery,l,, will be considered donated to the Society. A sufficient police forgo will be in attendance, day and night, to protect the property of °Ails itors. Arrangements are made for keeping stock over night in covered stall& There will be a committee at the entrance. of the Fair Grounds to direct all persons driving in stock over night. Entries may be made any time precious to the Fair, by calling on the Secretary, H. C. Tyler, at his ofliee over Wilson's store, as no•entry of ar ticle or animal will be made on the fekl day of the Fair. All the Judges and Superintendentiihat are hero In time will receive a ticket for a frm ner. DAILY ORDER OF ARRANOEUESTS. The gates will be open from 7 o'clock, it na, until 5 p. m., each day. September 17th, first day, there will be a Free Fair, for the sale and exchange of all stock, cat tie, horses, etc., to commence at 9 a. in., on the Fair Grounds, and all persons are Incited to at tend free of clun7e.„ At 1 p. in., the Flowing Match will lake place on the farm of .1. S. TorbelL t 33 It' • 3 8 9 1 9 3 9 3 5., September 18th, second day,' at 11 a. nt., n mule race will take place on the Fair Groutlns, no man to ride his own mule. The drat premi um of V, will be awardedlo the mule coming in last, awl a second premium of $3 to the mule nest to the last. At 2 p. m., a Sack nave will also take place on the Grounds, and a premium of $3 awarded to the best man, and $1 to the second best. At 3 p. tn., a premium of V 2 will he given to the man or woman who will run around the Course in the quickest time—not less than three to start. September 19th, third day, at ten o'clock, a. m„ a "rand cavalcade of horses in harness, will take pl ace on the truck. At 10 1 ,4 o'clock, at the call of the Superintendent, d cs first will as• semblu in front of the Judge; stand for exhibi -tion and final inspection. At 11 o'clock, colts. At 3 o'clock. p. in., the address. At 4 o'clock, announcement of premiums. To conclude with an exhibition of general driving on the track. ro 10 10 10 5 There will be no badges or exhibitors' tickets issued, but all animals and articles entered fur competition free of charge, except horses. For each admission of adults, 25 cents will be charg ed, (except to life members,) and 15 cents for children under 12 years of age. Also, 25 cents for each admission of double teams, and 15 cents for single horses. All tickets to be taken up at the gates. 11. 11. ILtnnmoxozc, Ex „ Axe . F. AD9ITIN, Committee. A. J. SHELDON, JAMES E. CAHMALT, President. H. C. TYLER, Secretary. latA LECTURE rc. a Morse Jug Published in a Seated Eaveiope. Prize Biz CV& A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Care of Spcnnatorrhtes, and tint:anal Weskrt nets, Invoinntary Emissions. and Impedimenta to Mar. rine rencrally Scroonsnesa, Constunpiloo, Epilepsy, and Pats. Mental and Physical Incapacity. reonlang from Self-Abuse, do—By ROBERT .1. CUM - EWELL, M. IL, Author of the.. Green Book." de. R»s I 2 2 2 s 2 Thr world-renowned author. in this admirable Lecture clearly proves from hi, own erperienre that the awful convonnenca of self-abuse may be effec:tnally remand without medicines, and without dangerous surgical op orations, bough.. instruments, rings, or cordials, point ing out a mode at once certain and effectual by which every sufferer. no matter n hat his condition may be, mey cure himself cheaply. privately and radically. THIS WILL PROVE A 110 Lair. CO THOUSANDS and TLIOLL SANDS Sent under steal. to soy added's. to plain matt aped. ape, ne'l he mete pt ut nix rents. or leo postage stamps. Also Dr. Calrertrell'a .. 51arriatte Guide," price 50 cents. Address the PnbllArn. CHARLES I. C. <NE & 127 Flowery, Now York, Poit,OBiceßoz4,sBB. TO ALL MOVING WEST ! BAGIAGE CHECKED THROUGH gle Doc Bac GOC Lie GOc WEST, NORTE-WEST AND , 80171ZWEST ! FOR SALE at all principte stations an line of Dela, ware, Lackawanna& Western Railway. ii n.l W4Orri. AtrxemicvErza. N. • Ag1.20 - 3CI 33...41...MELAJ8 i QPECIAL PSDUCEIIENTS to Final/CP and Colonies PN numbly, wen can obtain Tbronzh Tickets to ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, LEVENIVOTIL ATCHISON. ST. JOSEPII. FT. SCOTT. DENVER, and all points in lillesonri and lianas. aftbe very boxed rates. and have their honvetiold goodeand freight abipped at vpneialratet g=l FROM MON - 1110SE, AND ON LINE OF Delaware. Lackawanna & Western Railway. umi Please tat'. Donee. that a Direct Connection le made at lIIIIGIIA3ITON. with all express trains on ERIE RAILWAY. TITRe faro ton& for Tickets ids “ERIE BAILwAr -which can be procuroi at Waco of RONMUSE STAGE LLXE. MONTROS-E. PA. L. OBEIALXILLIMI, arr., At.scaat A PROFITABLE BUSINESS ! LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS. AT ONE•EIGHTH THE OST I taiient b Erikxted. Xa chimney or trio' t mod. NEN ileelslni a 15WPITAL12 DUSINESS.can voters the EXULUSI% E HIGHT for the enlo of DTOTTS PATENT CARRON GASLIGHT DUILNEIIS AND OIL for COUNTIES and bTATES. Write for Information or call on " Na,114 SOUTII SECOND ST, PIMA, pa. IL—Cburclas furnished with au:commas and LAW'S at Every devertpttou, 25 pet teal. curare* than at any other establyhment fa the country. • Mara 20.1672.-m3 M. IN. , S WIT HI DEALER • HARNESSES ! SADDLES!! • . TRUNIKS !!! COLLARS!!! WHIPS! SPURS!! •. - LIGHT LEATHER!! • - assaascauelawituask Xattli ' • • - A IRV VIEW ACADEMY:Perryville Station; Jek Pa., R R. tFor Male S Female Papils.) Lone established, thorough.. snecesetni ; location healthful! accessible; community social. moral and relleons ; buildings large and costly ; a hill corps of able teachers, mountain air, ems water, safe bathing, due skating; emphatically 0 home school." WbOlo expel:major Board. Tuition. Boom, Fuel and Washing ger 40 weeks). less than two hundred dollars. Winter session begins Sept. a. Send for Circulars. WILSON & P.tTTRUSON, Part Royal. Juniata Co., Pa. Presidents of Colleges . , Ministers; Suc cessful Business Wen, TTiryor TO TOT MIXT AMAX - TAG= C! Acia[my ACADEMIA, JVNIATA CO.. PA. sending for a Circular and Testlmootala. D. D.:Scilein, A. M.. Ph. STEUBENVILLE, 0., FEMALE SEMINARY. This widely-known School affords thorough Chrlytian education. at a cost of Milo mom than ;la Yrs ek ; one fourth off for clergymen. 'rho With session Ca 3 weeks) opens Sept 11th. 'rho addnxs of all former pupils Is requested. A creed re-anion at tho clam of the next var. Se nd for parttcubra to Rev. cnAntes C. BEATTY. D.D., Ltat, Supt., or ROT. A. 31, REID., Principal. 'VIPODDENTOWN (N.J.) FEMALE COL, LEGEr-Thorounb InOrnetten. Ileattlitul and beautiful location. One of the most carefully conducted and best sustained Institutions to the Stott. For terms, etc., address OCT. JOLIN A. DRAtIALEY, Ph.D. EDGEIIILL MILITARY SCHOOL, I,SCAILORA PBKAZE 13EMIXABY,. Academia, Juniata Co., Pa. MUTUAL Fire Insurance. The Mutual Plan guarantees to the mutually insured the greatest security for the least possible Ma. The premium notes notes ore the capital. On this no dividends are paid to the stockholders, but II is simply asseward to pay deficiencies arising after the payment of lessee and expenses, which lu the COLUMIIIA IN SURANCE COMPANY, daring the tmat ntsy paean of Its existence, have averaged but OM per sent= upon the premium qptc, being lower than the rates ,paid in the bat solvent stock companies during thagame period of,time. In insuring at stock rates, the Mused must proncruece to himself that he _pays every year enough Ist. To font an accumulated land for cmergencicr; Ildr To pay la ro dividends to the (=pleat Invested In the Company ; ad. Rune the risk of a -Chicago fire" com ing and wiping his Company out of existence. In a Mutual Company be keeps his own reserve lb hand until needed, and pave no dividend to capitalism. The mutually insured, being themselves the capitalists, look after theta:wines% its character and its character and its agents in all places, thusprotectlng cacti other. For Insurances or Agencies. address J. F. PRICBAUPP. Secretary. Colombia, Lancaster Co. Pa. /nausea Wawran for CTIAIRTIERLIN'S GREAT RAM/ PAWN BRUN, the STRUGGLE of 1872 • A Novelty In Pall& and Popular Literature. A CRAPUIe HISTORY of the Republican andDemocrattc Parties • a mey eketch nf the so-called Liberal Republi can Pazip, an lusido view of the Cincinnati Convention, The minor tickete or Ode stion - # of the almpaitm. The thicet I Inetnated Book Published. A book wanted by every American citizen. To pectin, territory at once, mend Si forontfit. UNION PUBLISII CO.,Chicago. ILL, Phila.. Pa., or Springfield, Mae*. • CAMPAIGN GOODS N iI CPT 3.872. Agents wanted for our Coltlittilom goods. SELL AT 81011 T. PAY 103 PER CENT. PROFIT. Now I. the time. Send at once for D.crlpt lee Circular. and Price Lista of oar Fine Steel En;.gavlugs of all the Candidates Campalgn Blographles, Charter, Photograph., Baolgea, Pins. Flags and everything salted to tho lime!. Ten Dollars per day easily made. Full samples Foot for is Address MOORE & GOODSPEED, E 7 Park Row, New Tart. CAmPA-IG.N Thirty new mad beautiful derigna . Get prite-lbt et BADGES ! 11 . .& 1 11 ,1 The Chemistry' of Divine Providence in. never precaccd a mineral water whirh colablueS in such perfection the qualities of mitt...billions tonic and othartic medicine, at that cf the Selmer spa: and Tar r/IST.* EYTZGTEDMIrr SELTZER APECIENT is the equivalent of that mat animal remetl7. SOLD Ii ALL DRUGGISTS. $l.OOO REWARD! $l.OOO For any CM, of Illindilleedlng. !whine or Lit:crated P. that DM WIG'S PILE REMEDY fall. to nure. It in pmpnred ox oteudy to earn the Piles, and nothing, else, Sold by all Draglste. Price $l.OO. , KEEP IT HANDY.—The Reliable Family 33e.Bane, for the prompt cure of Cholera, Diarrliera. Cholera Inhuitum, Dysentery, Cramps, Sommer Complait. de. Jurdella'a Compound Syrnp of Blackberry linot and Ithnbatb, on °Wand well tried remedy, entirely 'eget. able, pleasant to take, quick and certain to effect , can be depended on to thermal wzent cases ; may be giVeo to the yonagest Infant as well as the to the aged. It Is readily take. by children. Keep It In the house. and M. In time. Hold by Druggist., tar:SELL L DUO., °SID Market Street, Philudeldhla, Try ‘ 111: DHOW, CW gdvatiamento. inelrehataltwllite, N. .1. Four mths from Philadelphia, ormerly located at ccton. N. J For. B. N. HOW E LL, AP.In. 31., Principa .) l.' Fortj-fourth Anndual Circauins Sept.loth Scu for r. THE EAGLE :L e ~¢ ' Drug 43tc:•re.! 't ; St7Rimp!... t ' j 33 , tmx,Tea fdtr ZJIOBOILEII. PROPRIETORS RENCK BLOOIC, MONTROSE, #W, Sign of the Golden Eagle and Mortar. WDesire to inform the public that wo base moved oar Stock of Drone, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Brush to. Combs, Perfumery. Fancy Articles, etc.. Into the Brick Store, formerly occupied by Unttcnberg, Doren bean &Co. • We bare recently fitted up this store la Modem Style and studlendeavo: to keep well supplied with all article. pertaining to the Drug lialuets. We extend to everybody a cordial Invitation to call and see no when In wan. -of anything In our line. and wben nor in want, give es a friendly all. To all out old customers we dal:a to expreas oth , lhanks for the Tay liberal patronage heretofore extended to no. We chat! endeavor to alerl.a continuance of the tome. rely Truly Yours, A. D . . lIVUt!S. ldontrose, Dec. BUM. AMA/S r 4 C3UVIT 3PIPLIILIC NEW GOODS. flbo anderilyned. having refitted. reftwrdsbad and JL matt-kat the gore. formerly oncepted by Lt. Ken yon. Jr., at Lawavllle Centre. are now preiatradto turn• kb the people with as destratdo vat let? of • • DRY GOODS-!. GROCERIES BOOTS & SIIOES I f ' HARDWARE I ! CROCKERY! (fr., &C. .45, an be found elacwhess, and at se Dealablo' Prices. O. X.Vasr.. . Ek. C. Exint ORANE - ft 'SEIM Contcr, PL. April 24,10, - —7: Nola rtav rrricr PLIES AT WILLIAM SMITH'S IlUttenelve Furniture Warem or will find the largest n FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FURNITURE! To be found in this tertian of the countryalf Ids own manufacture, and at priors that cannot fall to give awls. faction. tin make, :borer, beet EXTENSION THEMES 1 In the Country, and WARRANTS them. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of all kinds done in the neatest mantles. lel .1=" FL X 7 Cie 15 3ZI OF VARIOUS KINDS. • PURE NO.I MATRASSES, COMMON MATRASSES. UNDERTAKING. The enbscriber will hereafter make the undertaking a specialty in hie business. Having o,i completed a HEW and the matt elegant HEARSE in the State, all nettling his ferrite, will be attended to promptly and at satisfactory charges. WM. W. SMITH Et SON. Montrose. Pa., Jan. M. lB72.—nos—tf. r--'l l 'JP 1 1 0. 46 171 4 1 ' :;."4i=j MOM CAME GAIL [PArrmyrr-D, 007015131 3EI. 18T1.1 Ts claimed by our best .lodger. to meet the necessity I so long felt, of a Convenient. Practical, Dur,ble Gate, CO lildorged by the hiAiest authority in America. le entirely different from and has many advantages over any other Cate ever invented. la Cheap and easily constructed and for convenience cannot fail to please all. Can be opened and closed without the opperator changing his pusit ion. lifting or Pulling a pound. and If desired mu be easily arranged to he opened and closed without dismounttng. It octmples no mom ground when opened then two posts wI. bout gate, this making it very derimidc over any other Gate to fanners and those Ilvtag in VD/awry and Towns. Is In order every day to the year, no snow to shooed in winter. it can not sag or get ant of repair. For further particulars address the tinders Inca, who will as far as possible visit the seveml Counties in Pennsylvania and adjoining States, fur the purpose of exhibiting and introducing the same. Farmers and enterprising nom generally, will do well to give this special attention, as this Gate certainly will go into general use. GEO. 8. ISACKEY, Proprietor. Nicholson, Wyoming Co., Pa. June It 'll.—tf. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to. Gray Hair its natural Vitality and t olor. A dressing which i s once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. - It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original .e)C.: color, with the freshness of youth. Thin .4 is thickened, fill'ng hair checked, and 'baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing'can restore the hair where the follicles are de greyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; bat ouch as remain can bo saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to tbo hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not oil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.; Practical •na Analytical Cluniatal; LOWELL, areas. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla • Is widely known if ; :lc? iy as ono of the most „, 41 4 ~,,:: ). effectual remedies ,r'h.'s .s' 74 over discovered for cleansing the sys 4'' .:c, ) ."., 4 tem and purifying ',, 4' , :l e.,,..0 the blood. It haS Z" -- ;" . \\9 ,- stood the test of A A ' --,\‘,... ....-o , *--... years, with a con ,::"--%:4'-;,..77; stantlygrowing rep . • , station, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor rnptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that hare larked in the system for years, soon yield to this poweribl anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cnresemany of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcer's, Eruptions, and . eruptive dbl. • orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Bose or ape. • las, Totter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, 'and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach * and Liver. It. also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dymp. sla, Fits, Neuralgia, Beast Di Female Weakness, Debility, a Leueorrhcea, when they are manifest* , lions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health. and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it &nipates the depression and listless !en gem of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live !miner, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PII.BP4BRD DY Dr. J. C. AYER &O.; Loivell, Mass.; loradiad and Anatutteal Chemists. BOLD BY ALL rlauGaisys mamma= 'Sold by Abel Turrell, and puns & Nichols, 3lontrose, and all druggists and dealers every. where. ' [Dec: 21,1870—y TEA Every kind fTettnamtketjadardied.ima for salt Erer ,rk volt oletude price. AU* Spa"' aortmeat of COFFEE. ;Boy of am sad sare_tiprellf an Tar 4 3iardi 20 ' , in% trUn GM US YOUR MEN! DO YOU WANT 11 1. 4' , #.4 1 •nik=imo{= , 30A sewing Machine ? TQ old friends and patrons nt finspnehanna ennnty— agaln In thu add soliciting tont patronage tot The Original Howe Sewing Niacin°, ESTABLISII ED, .1817. IMPROVED, 1671 Wib Mare call and.see It,rrllb the ma's atom. Remember the tleboine Rowe • hai no medallion head. ROOMS AT- 56 Court Street, Binghtunpton, N. Y., AND AT Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa' 11. 11. DUNMORE Itontrosa, Jan 13, 13:3. AGENTS WANTED !Zirmth.,°,;;llrtY —with GO Illustrations, likenetWit of the rresidents bomlifully bound, and printed on (Wed paper. THE NATION Its Mere, and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN, Nothing like It. dtrikes everybody es Jost the book they need. It Is an Encydopedla of the Government. Single pages ID It. ore of, themselves worth the price of the blkok, - Orvrooo page.. and on( ys2 !a. A Bich Har vest for Canvassers—ladles and gentlenwn—hartorrs. teachers end students. Ons ayeal rook 15 orders fn alert days, with eirralar Wane, Wore Nu boa alavarred. 1.2( a day vein be elvared in tab ter:ltory. W rite at once flu Cirentarand Information. NEW WORLD PUBLISHING CO.. Corner Ith and Market Streets, PhtLudephia. No rember Neva Arrival.—FßESH AND SIT -L. PERIOR TEAS, just received and for ratr tow for Cash at B.J. WEBB'S. New Crockery—FOßs.SAlgAT Glassware FOR SA LE AT H. J. WEBB'S Ashton Salt FOR SALE BY IL J. N Ear. Ora: was and Lemons AT , U. J. WEN'S LOOK. LOOK MERCHANT'S AND TRADERS!! IN TEM COUNTY AND ELfEW/LEDE!! 7:7430 17 331712" ClO3O M. C. TYLEP, 79 &Al DUANE ST., N. Y I. rn estyn, Conn A Co.] &ND IF NOT, Will NOT? GENERAL HARDWARE. Cutlery Scythe., Morels, Looking Ghtesee. Lightning and mans other N Cot Sul...Steel. and Iron pole Axes. (the hest to the World, every kind of Brushes, Door Locke, Pad Lock,. Knob., Runs. Hammers, Pistols, Revolvers, Founts, Cornett ter's Tools, Blackomith's Bellows and Toed.. Pitted Knives, Fm in and Spoon.. and everything maall. kept in a First Chive Hardware Importing and.lobblng AOU£O. Eu Mistake l! My sincere Thanks ore tendered to the many In my own County. for the kind pntrona.,,, its also to the many in other Counties, who may Mad this, and a mere' Invitation le hereby t,dven for a continuance as well a. to those who are willing to give me trial. a Ito have not donee so, by orders or mile. Truly, M. C. TYLER. Montrose, March. SUSQEHANNA MINERAL SPRING WATER CURE. Malin house I. now completed and reef, for accomo• dation of viabora and the treatment of lontilds, The following are among the Monism known to have been etinnthy the nee of the Sneeptetuanna Mineral Water. DLSPEPSIA, GRAVEL, DIADETIS, SIDNEY DISEASES MITEUAL DISEASEB,;DROP• BY. ALL DIPUBITLES of the BLOOD, LIVER COMPLAINT, ULCERS PILES, CURONIC DIARRUZA FEMALE DISEASES, RUED ELAS, SALT RILEIMI, SCROFULA. CPaalt nam.oc.l.xelp 131. is oa, mom. To those who contemplate •letting the Springs, we would /ay thattho DOUSE to FITTED with a •lcw to two CODN'ORT and EASE of oar GM rs.and we *ball spare no plat in looking to their welfare. Wo guarantee a cure or decided •help, or no pay. For tortherparticulars enAnlreof, or address EL D. BO Susquehanna Mineral Springs, Bush, renn'ii: April, 17, 1872.-m3 WOOL•GROWERS TZE NOTICE. ILIOTTEI, WOOLEN MILL Is ranntng as usual, mat I[i tag all wool flannels, checked and white; abo cotton warp flannel, the best mar made; all wool tweeds and carol metes. A lame lot of clot ba on hand, for tato or to exchange for wool. Please give me a 13f before dlsporthe of - your wool cliewheret. 11111, miles north of Nontroso. J. W. MOTT - Monism. Janet • HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOOD ATION, For thelteliefand cure of the Erring and Enlbrtunato,on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Eno:sof Youth and the Ponies of.das In relation to Manisa* and Social Evils, with miner • aid for the aglichaL Bent free.ln sealed enves, Ad dress HOWARD. ASSOCIATION. Box P. PhiltUinida • ri,ROOMITES.—Tens In great vanoty vvi as& dunk. tot Um qualities. Dried Patellas. en beert In market: A uko outlay of Ilotamet, Sugar,Cot• fee. ands MI assortment of tiplces, Az. Monne, Do. 10, AUG nuutru; R. R..R. "RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURE. 4 TILE WORST PAINS NOT ONE lel fromno to Twenty mutes. HOUR after reading tisN advertisement need nay on. NTIFYEIt WITH PAIN. =MATS ILEAD7 VER TtELIEF L 9 A CURE YOU It EY PAM.. WU the Era and 14 Tlio Only P'aln Ilomsdy ma Instantly stop. lb. moat esmuclatlng Was, alLays In fammatlon* and Finn COrgGIOAX. whether or lba Stomach, Limrch, or lace itLlmiss ear apylka, Wm, FAolf OITE To TwENTT YINUTEI. , or matter how violent nrelemetaling thy pain the Ti hrostrau4 od wi t h , dam. may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF ITILL. AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION 0P THE 'KIDNEY. • INFLAMMATION OP TILE HLADDEIL INFLAMIATION OF THE BOWEL% CONOESTI ON OF THE LUNGS: SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT MEAT - 111.V, PALPITATION 01 , Tll2. HEART. ursiznics, CROUP, DIPIITHETIIA. INELL'ENZIL. HEADACHE, TOOTITANTE, NEURALGIA, HULTIVATISM. CR . D . 7 . llgai VEL; CHILES. el., perm whet the pale or dll i ortlia erißtgllt ' oorarel mended. Twenty drop le Self • (ambler of orator ortil In • tow numerate onto CHAMPS, bPASSIA SoUll STOMACH, HEARTHURN, 111 CK HEADACHE, DIARIIUEA DYSENTERY - COLIC, UZI) IS THE DOWELS. t ul trantNAL PAINS. Travelers should a1..r0 raft? . I . lll eof Radmtol R,,say Relief stth them A for gtmvs le yrorret Meknes, or pale. from * ehanro of water. It Is beater than Fnachllrondy or Balers so aotlroetoet. FLIVEIZ AND AGILE. AND AOUE cured fw Bhp mute, There boot • =WU/ agent Itt thls at vre e /4tne,. end WI other lintarlom, ernrlo ItIIIMo IA T Tet,hnnid. letbror, and nther Freers (aided be DwAni wee qukk TIA DWAIN 11E.thr TV , , T.Y. Iltty was per bottle. 13.4 , 1 Dengglte. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! ITMTNIT A'no rrnn Turn 111.000-I:WITEASE OP PLFATI ANII WF:11:11T-4•LEAlt TO IN AND StiAl:• TLFUL COITLESION' bF.C.I.IItEIt TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT_ HAS MADE TIIE Mail AtiTONISIIIND erns's: 50 2ggir c l , ZingiiM,Warffrirpl ' lNl3lo l E or THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE * THAT Every Day an Incroaso In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the BATLAAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT enrumunlestm thronolt the Blood, Bacot, r doe, and other golds and Jukes of the wet., the vigor of for It meal* the wastes .4 the body will. now not *nand materiel. tiornfula„ STpbWy Comanwpiton, I:la/Molar ammo, Ma* In the Throat, non., Tumors Nod. L. tt.e Glands old other pats of the ars... fore Eyes Strome. from the Ea*, and the worst forms of 8.10 Mamas. Erup ton; Y.. Bums Said Head. Tang Wm. Fall Rheum, Eryalpeb.s. Acne. Ills. Suote,Worstsin then... Tumors, Cancers 0. the Womb,. eat all we-staling and painful Ala. charges,,Nlcht Sweats Lou of Sperm...A all waxes of the Are prin.:llc, arsthe carat:. rums of thl• wonder of llodero l,hetnlstry. awl a few days' to will prom to ex,pceson tslog It for elther of these ferias cgasesse Its t power to cure them. Uto SUM. , " daily beemoing refaced try the wallet and demenpostUon tma Is rogressing. enmesh lo arrestbsg Um. wastes. and readra t h is aantowit new mater ial made frore n healthy blood—and the 5.1.R.5.12A11.1L. LIAM anddoes scan. Not *media l tha B.IkMAIWCILLIOI TITIMLYIST Scrofulous, lumen agerrts In the cal of llswnle. tloastltsUonal,sminklndlaawat both is positive mew. litdney & Bladder Complaints, Urialry. and Womb diseases, Growl, Diabetes, DTMor Moppets of Water Incontlnence of Urine, !fright • Maass of and In all soca whoa Mere ere brlekchnt do peetta.or the water bthlek, snited with subetaneca Itkn thewklieselsym,oe threads elks white eels or there is& martdlfolark, Mo. Sups:mance, and white boar dust &palls, and when there Is n pridting, bondsg araudlon vb. ptestog water, end poloist the Mali of the tack and w_.4 hhr iroio so. WICZNISs — The Only known sad ems liessky for War ia, Tor. etc. Tumor of 121 Tcnro' Growth Cured by Itadway'a Resolvent. ),Ire D. Ds. t—t lave Ist O.t,U. Snore t, the *vertu mg fowls All Out tilt old "titmouse dt• help fur It." t teted ...ay aim Out use rommotrodedt Net ouhtnit balowd vs. I maw U g' stal 1 1 a s !TA' Rashest, tad ato lux el ltudiesy • MM. two o 10ttlente body LOW, to thee Et out • ste of Om, to to ergs am Itlt, sod Awl 4t tUar e es*, sod heffier Ono hen fsr Iselre yam. The worst tams sea In the left Ode of Me baud, ewer S. ,retto. I setts MO to yes fa the lasell of others Toe ••• pshllth 11 If fee Aft. HANNAH T. IMAM R D. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, pafeetly tal i ereleprtmted gth .. ro=ur i gs . rw9he euni of all dlsonfam of the hhonsch. liner.' Bowes. Kidneys, Mulder, :terms Dimness liendsehr. Cussllpa tlon, Costinmeas, Dullgestloo, Dyspepsia, Billow.. El io. Fever, Inthromattoe of the Dowels. Slies.and ail De langernents of the internal Viscera. Wsnanisd to effect & suallve cure. Dusty Vrgetaide, contalulag no mercury, sdnesals, or deleterto. drop. gar - Obsess* the rialtos* result.Mg Ere. DI. orders of the tAinstice Orton. CMlll)Fathti, fneas4 Mr,1114.* .4 Tli44 C.* Ms& Arillty .4 the s***.xtb. llcznaram, Vinnal Fan. sou W.1.41:4 In a. sa.aa, Re. ICra-ht1ea5.5...11.4 or nsvn leisi the NI *I Stesescb. Selannieg tliv Ikul. Muria WI 1.3*..11 Cre..l2.ln*. Flutteriel th. ••• Surmains &urges law In • 141** Mares* .1 Viol., MU a* K.L. be. tbe Fed, F.... sea NCI not. IS* I lead.ll•ls4.ty Pknpinaleus, Yellemian. al Mite Vs 1,011 a. lqa• Clue% Limb, szt.l j I.!** Mat, Canta‘ t* A f alr go.. or C11)17.1.TS P 721.11 will free the ITltero from an the,nl illauedrn. Pau . , cent per box. BOLD BY Durmiu , rs. _ /LEAD "FA ISE I; . TIII.T"E." Semi nne letter damp to RA PRAY er Nn. 81 ;fish:en Lone. Nete.l'ork. Information worth lltousatota rlll La .00t you, April 2,lia-y1 THIS AT, OREM! Flat ma cacizi HORSE HAY FORKS! A, J. WELLES" PATENT JMPUOVED. Twenty-Two State Fair Preminms Awarded this Fork In Finnen Month s --IbUI and UM. ALSO NELL IS GRAPPLE PULLEY, An Implement that Fray Farmer, (..Yirpenter, No.soo and Painter Should nave R0v01v1326 HORSE RAKES Band flakes, Scythes, Smiths, Grain Gridles, loan. (A cher Brand) Axles, S Springs. Carriage Dolts. Ctrs Bars, (Stec) and Iron.) rolcozoltops" CCOX' M" XI El X* CO 1 1 , ES That mways eyes an A ARM 'tvrtisTLici when the toffee Is Ready for the T. de. TRY ONE sad yon 10/ llnd thn ect.fl a Alwayslgttt! . & Bro., .__.. Picks. 7 Kapp, - • . Locks . . Have, rilre.Knobs, Maw Knives, Keyiit Stemes, Ladies, Paints, bite. Varnivh, Stoves, TWAY nre, Lamps.&e. Blantrgeo, July 5, lrr .-tf. BOTD S COIZITIN '11.A.3EL33331aXa . 31301.17.f31E1 onliran Tits COLD? norms, JOAN 8. TAABELL. Proprietor. , Mehl Sta„ Imo Ws cohneiting with the D.lO W., tbo 4tlo, tied the Le_ Grind !tones, set desist:yea byatirstral pones or 'till, max* and the tried ernus wasted beyond the pant of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion.- Headache, Pala In the Shoddas, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diadem, Bose Ensmotkon aofftheee Stomach, lied Tuts in the Motu*, Rama Attacks, Palpitation of the Dead. Inflmonniem el theLougs, Pain in the 'moos of the Kidimmend a bunko& ether panful eyroptcons, are de offsprings qi Dyspepda. In these complains it has no equal, and one bottle wiS forme *Lem:guarantee of its merits than a lentil lalaertimamit. Dor Wsznale Complaints, in young or old, married ir sines at the dawn of womanhood, or the into of life. these Took Bitters display on decided on *Soma that a marked improvement is soma perceptible. ' Por Inflammatory and Citrouto Mamma. time and Gout, Baum, Remittent and Intermittent Fe. yens, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. these Bitters bare no equal. Such Diumses are nosed by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by dcanguamt of the Digestive Oi ; p.n. They are a Gentle Purgative as welt as • T . 221111 psseeasing also the peculiar merit of acting as agent in relieving Congottion or Inflammation of the EZ — and Visceral (*gam, and to Bduss DISUSE. Skin Diseases, Eruptions. :Team . , Salt-Rhea, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Boils,. Carbondes Ring -aonas, Scald-Head. Sera loch: Sc outs, bix°/.2- lions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever neon or *sore, are literally dug up and carded ma of the system Ina short time by them of these Bitter. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you 5.1 Lo impurities bmstin. through the akin in Pimples, Erep- Sons. ot Seem ; dale it when you fed it otraructed. Ureteral RlBticans proclaim Vosges Bryn= the mom wonderful Invigorate ever known. j. WALKER, Poop'. R. U. IicDONALD Ihaggins and Gem. Acts., San Fraoctsco, California, mad corner of Washiiactoneod Charlton Sts„ New York. sir SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. July 10, 1831—my N - i ) '' ; l ,i e eex . V ,z, , . „ ., 5 s t a i k ii g :tSt e pa..-, ux , \ 00 0 , el, to 4 00 0 - Or Socar-Coated,Coneentrated, Haat and Herbal Juice, Arytt-^llion. Granule.. THE "LITT= GIANT,' CATILILIITIip, or Militant In Parro PLnlc.• . The novelly of modern3fediral. Chemical and Phue. =malice' Science. No ;an of any longer taller the rcpnisice and nauseous pills, composed of cheap. crude, and bulky Inermileutr, when wo can by carved application of chemical science ratrart all the ca th artic and other m Wichita properties from the most Tastable moth and herbs, unit concentrate them Into* relent° Granule, scarcely lamer than an mustard steed, that can ho readily swallowed by those of the mom remiiiro etomnelm and instidiotts tutes. Eisch Stith Purgailliro Pellet,, gr.sentr. in • mom ermeratmted farm, as Matta cathartic power as is embodied in nova the large pills Seoul fursakr In the drug shops. 'From their wonderful cathartic power, In proportion to their size, people who have opt tried them are opt to suppose that they are harsh or drastic In effect s bat inch 19 not at CIS. Can.. the differcntsastrei medicinal pribeiplesalwblch thoyare compered belog re linrineniunl and modblmi, one by the others, ea to prodnce n znn.t sonrchlnig and thorough, yet gently and kindly opera. [try: cathartic. $3OO Iletvard is hereby offered by the merle.: for of these Pellets. to any chemist who, upon ap. lends; will end In them any Calomel or other toren of mercury or any other mineral poison. Doing entirety vegetable, no particular cans le required while using, them. They operate without disturbance to the constitution. filet; or oc cupation. Yor Jaundice, Headache, Cott. stipation, Impure flood, Pain 11l ttO Sh ou I ders,'arl han c.a o f C best. Dix zlnefr;SoUr .; ot tpe s usu. nets, fad taste in mouth, nitiol23 attacks, Pain in region of - Kidneys, Internal Poverolloatcd feeling about Stoataels,ltnsh 011131 ood to Head high Colored Urine, lUrisoclabil It s, and Gloomy Forebodings, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In ezplaat. thin of the remrsrsal power of my l'urgatire I elks orerso gnat a Yarlety of Olreares, I wish tO my that their action upon the animal ccono. my Is universal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sanative impress. Ate does hot Impair them,• their seramreattng ru.d belag enclosed lonian bottles yrererre their chttles mkt= pelted forany length of time. In soy climate, so that they are always fresh end which is not the easel with the pills funnel in the drag. stores, put np in cheap wood or pastesboard boxes. line:lett that fur ail dlseisca where a Laxative, A Iterative or Purgative Is Indicate!, these little Pellets will give the most perf e ct eatishetion Wail wheeze them, They aro sold by all entorprialng Druggists! at 25 touts a bottler. Do not allow any dru=lst to Induce you to take anything cho that to maysay Is just as goad as a Pellets because ho mates a lamer profit on that whloh he tecommenda. It .your drunrist cannot supply Om. enekao 25 ants and metre them by Mum mall ft= D. P. PLEZier,3l: D., Prep% • , BUFFALO, N. r .ELMMMI TITXIXUI3Mita. DRUGIST, NONTBOSE PA., • 1* continually receiving:. iro-iLyztAiLie3A.Z4.7l_,T=l ♦ nil keeps conatantly en band a full and destrabla li.aesortmental genuine D 1117133, 'MEDICINES, CIINMICALS, LI QV CI P. Paints, Oils, Dle-fitn ITE. Teas, Sp !cat, and other Gin aeries, Stone Hare, Wall and M tallow .Paper, tales ware, Fruit Jars, Mirrors, Lamps, Cialiuneys, Nero sane, Machinery Oil, Tanners' Oil, Ncatefoot Oil, it. fined %Vitale Oil, Sperm Oil,' Oliva Olt, Spirits Torpen tine,Varulehes, Canary Secd. V inegar.rotash,.Coneett trated Lye. Axle Grease, Trusses. Supporter, Medico Instruments. Shoulder Braces, Whip!, Mont, Pistols Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Load, (inn Cape, Blasting Powder and Faie, toltni,Stringe. Sow., etc. Slates, Fifes, ete.„Fiett Books seat Lint's:Remand Toilet Soaps, Harr ON, Clair Restorers. and Hair Des. Ranters, Pocket linives.Speetaelee,Sliver Plated Spoone,Forks Knives. &c. Matta Articles, a general assortment 01 FANCY GOODS, JEWELRY, awl YERYDREEY ell thelcading 4,tid best kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. In short, nearly see ry hung to restore th e SICk. to please the taste , to delight the eye, to gratily the tapes and also to conduce to um 'veined substantial comforts Ennmeratiou Is impracticable as it would Al newspap Cf. CABAL ale Drag and Variety Store of dittL TUURELL. Montrose,Jan.s:l672. DOWN TOWN NEWS. MINER AND COATS; 'Adoßeect,s doun below Boyd's Corooradootnl • • FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND . :PROVISIONB. Wears constantly - rev ITlng nd now bave opined. a fresh stock of Goods In our th e ,whtell we w Ills el I CHEAP! CIiFAI CHEAP torcash,ortnhaVo :GOOD TEAS, - • - COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, - • - LARD, : HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER& TIMOTIq .SEED,• ik Wii,,bityereAttedaud made additions to co o Palle, and aro neer ready to forward Dotter to the bet comrotaslontiottitcs In Now York;troo of charge, oar tookellbcraladvancemenll OD COASICIIIIIOO to. call and oxonatneoor Stock -before parChaaleg ells rthero,andconviacoyoureolvea otthe • - GOOD QUALITY & LOW - PRICES of our Uooda. ' O. MINER., cans •., • • Mona9se, APtIl 10. RM. • • - . . (I OLD . Fine Assort- V 1 mew. slid Mbar nulotlea'orJewtdry, ..d taw add and Silver Cued Watchca and Watch puma,. linver aadonver platadSponna, nauCfittiTcs, de.,aad a den 4 and aascatraest Fancy Mad+, Notion , . "1 113 rCl. dm Thula end landlelno, alazgo atock.' • • dkildinaa, Mil/cc-41,114% TUBULE.