.7 goio- Inttitigettyt. - 681,4102;f: , o,tiTi9r 'arr. L 11:25tan, Fodor. BAbbalt Servietik ~1 0)(0, and 7 r. I. Cate Selma * m. Er ilepag, WCttneadny Eve:Mims ' 73( CATITOLIC ' • Iltr./ Suerrzwr Sabbath Sarelems.........Second Sundly In cub Montt' Sibbath School Immediately Wore MAE/ s rISCOPAL S. A. Wahhhith .11ector. habboth SCITICCIs. 10X 4: In. akid 7}l{ p. m. Psooday School I. co. Wcok-Day Services—Wednesdays - tNi - Is. METHODIST EPISCOPAL ....11ev. A;;D..ALtiAxont. tabligh Services 10.43 s. m. mid i. 30 p. m. !Wirth School t p. m. Prater Yee!' nE. 'Tbarsdayo. ' • 7gop. m. .•'-.... ' • ' ritstsnrrznies CHURCH" Rev. J;11.111umn. is.hhathStratcce 10.45 a. m. and p. m. Sabbath School " 12.15 p. m. threiZeming, Thuraday Evenings p. m. Atleistlon: We hope crery member, of, Democratic County Committee, will be in his place at the meeting at Montrose, on Monday next. Dual itess of great importance will be brouggt before .it. Ordulncd. We are pleased to notice that Samuel G. Lines, son of P. Linea, Montrose, who for some lime has been a student in the Divinity school of Philadelphia, was a short time since, admit ted to theorder of Deacons, in the Protestint Episcopal Church, at an Episcopal Visitation, at Christ's Church, Danville, Pa. He was pre- sented for the Diaconate, by Rev. E. A. Warri ncr, of Montrose. Personal. Col. D. A. McCracken, well known to the people of this section, and to travelling men, as the late popular clerk in the Exchange Motel, of Montrose, has becmpe proprietor of Mil hotel, succeeding Mr. C. Korn; and will be on hand to receive guests on Monday next, the commencement of Court. A Fine Auroral Display Large numbers of our citizens gathered at the street corners about nine o'clock on Saturday evening and witnessed one of the most beauti ful and varied auroral displays that has been viilble in this vicinity for A long. time. The northern heavens, front the eastern to the, wes tern hofizon, presented a magnificent appear ance. Numberless streams of various colored 'lights shot upwards as ltigh the zenith, and vast sheets of crimson, blue, green and, golden lights flashed over the sky 'at different points, both north, east and west The display lasted over an hour. Fearful Family Fatality. Diptheria reeently.plueked five membern from she family of dohriKurtz, of West Perry town thip; Snyder county, within ten dup. On the 29th of July three of Mr. Knitz's ihmily were attacked by the diseasc. 7 a boy aged six yearn, another eighteen 3 . .trs, and a girl four years. They lingered until the Thursday following, when they all }lint' The little boy expired at one o'clock in the morning. Two hours after ward the little girl mow from her bed and laid beside her dead brother. A brief interval clasped, and she, too, 'W3S a corpse. At sic delock the same Morning the eldest brother's 4issolution took place. The three were buried to one gave. The Friday afternoon following all the rest of the family were confined to bed by the same di-ease, and on Sunday last a daughter aged foprteen and on Monday one aged sixteen years dfint On Tuesday the sisters were interred terther. The only surviving, children area son and a little girl, and the . re covery of the latter is rely improbable. '3lr. and Mrs. Kurtz are also ill with diptheria. Ten children have now been taken front this family by death. The Comet. There has Lein a great drat of nonsense ut tered about a coming comet. This comet i. charged, as is also the official in Washington who-has charge of the Weather Bureau, with the drought prevailing in some parts of the zonntry. Some time age, a crazy newspaper as eerted that a comet would be due here In Au gust, and would knock the earth into atoms. = The Objections to this theory are that there is co comet' comity/411:d anybody knows of, the German Astronomer who is asserted to have 4 7 4'i - tied out the AUgust comet having denied that he made any such discovery. Nor is there any comet now anywhere in sight, either by the telescope or the naked eft. Not even it there was, is a comet likely to affect vegetation, the weather, the solid ;Abe or aught thereon, ex cept, the fiats of the ignorant and . superstitious. The nature of comets, especially of the tail, is a matter of some uncertainty, but it is believed to be of the most teneous character. Comets are a good deal like some of our great men, more Show than sultstaneo. The tail is like a big rep utation, brilliant to-day and ranished tumor row. Why people should regard comets with dread, when there are sp ninny mono- baleful sad dangerous things on thelaro of the 'earth, Is to us a great nlysterY. In the language of John Willa as to the moon, wo have only to say to those who are concerned nu ihesubject: "You let the comet alone and the come: will let you alone."—Baltimore Episcopal Afethedist. A Temp c flood. A very terrific and damaging flout,, was caused by showers, on Friday last, which pass ed over the township of ilmokanle and vicinity, us or near Snake Crtat, this county.. A very dark, heady- cloud hung over the mountains to ward Silver Lake for a long time, about noon of that day, causing, all the streams from that di reefion to come tearing into the valley in a matiper, never known before, and swelling Snake Creek into proportions unprecedented, causing an unwonted scone of death and de 'traction. 'Two dwelling houses and two barnes were swept away at the junction of Einey's creek with Snake creek, near the Acid factory. One of these dwellings was occupied by Mrs, Washburn and family, who fortunately, were absent and escipod. The other. was occupied by Mr. Owens. 3lrs. Owens and four children Were in the house at thelirne, and two of .the children, one a daughter about fifteen, the oth er a child of fourier five years, were drowned. Mrs. Owens and Jacob Chalker; were rescued from the flood, both lotto insensible condition, and It wai`with difficulty that they could be re. cussitated. Mr. Chalker, thus pained his lite in attempting to rescue 3lra. Owens, who caught hold of-him In such a manner, as to cause them both to be drawn tender. Families were sepa rated on each side of the. creek, each frantic with doubt as to the safety of the other, and all ,Trore almost wild with terror and excitement. Every bridge on Snake creek and most of its transtarics; froni Franklin Forks to where et f:".!? Into the Stmttanna river at Corbetts *lik, Was ti;ept. away. Six bridges were de stroyed in the township of Liberty. The loss *croPs, Washed land, &Aces: and other farming Pr.47tY V 97 great s much of 'which is utter--' lio,thing of the kindovithin the memory of the present ge,cent . tion cJ Spa; vi cinity, has ever visited them, that is conewedde with it in terror and destruction. 139 - d et'all interested remember .tbr: Greeley . and Brown club meeting to-morrow (ThtiradaY) netting, IA DAs bgeWesit oftK Court Home. Horace Groeley is at Present an object of In• Wrest to atratt many sorts of people. The hi• ogmphets,pelitlelans, poets, comta writers and caricaturists are all dishing him up, each in his peculiar style, with highly-savored sauce, and people hungry fur facts or amusement can sit down at any time to a feast of Greeley to suit their taste. "And now Ernst Brey, an etymologist of this city, has hunted down Greeley', name to .first principles: lie notices the proneness of tand wages to abbreviations, especially the English, and gives „Tetley t instances. Or English words with their beads . and *la cut. off. :They look queer at first, bat we getscqualated with them. adopt them, and finally - forget all salient the sur gical operntion Just mentioned.' Family names are treatetimueb as other words are in this IT. spect.. For Instance, Adderlenman—the man on the Alder-field—rdrops into the English name Alderley, Oak-lea-man, into Oakley, etc. Now the linguist suggests that one of the ancestors of our future 'president was perhaps distinguished as a firmer, who kept Ills fields fresh, blooming and green. He therefore got the name of Green-lea-man, contracted to Green lint; 'Softened to 'Greelea, and polished in to Greeley, according to a habit of some Ger. man and Danish ns well as . English words, to drop a letter simply for brevity. Nrov, wo do . not Intone whether this etyma. logne derivation of "Greeley" is correct or not, but there is some color of fitness in the theory. There is nothing Improbable in the supposition that Greeley'aireat aneestor was a celebrated farmer. and delighted in grcendleids. The love of such fah pastures is not yet extinct . in the family. Farmer Ormley doubtless came hon estly by his tastes for the country, end " what heimows about fanniug,7 and the above is what an etymologist_ knows about "areeley."— &-Loditis•lkilfblicon," . . The Binghamton, Dushore and Wil• Hammer! Itadroad. The Binghamton, Dtishore and Williamsport Railroad Ls not a dead, nor a sleeping enterprise. While little has been said abotit It for 'weeks, the directors have been busy, and Secured sun rep of the Choconut Creek and Apalachin routes to Rushville, Pa, Both routes are very favorable for the constructlon Of a railroad, and there is only one mile and six-tenths in distance in favor of the Clem:smut -Creek route. Mr. .I . e.niek, the Surveyor, is now in Albany, for the purpose of procuring a copy of the. official survey of the canalestension to the Apalachin Creek. Ala meeting of •the directors, held yenenlay Orttaday) morning, officers of the Board were chosen as follows • President—pon. Ansburn ';rice President—lion. *Alton Dwight. SecretaryL—Adotizo Mrdthews. Trrasurer—Gcorge. Pratt. Executive Committee—Hon. Ausburn non. WaltOnDivight,Lewis Seymour,Esq., Byron Marlys and M. T. Morgan... Directors Delaney M. Halbert, Walton Dwight, Charles McKinney, Lewis Seymour, Moses T. Morgan, Alonzo C. )latbews, Ausburn Birdsall, Charles 0. Hoot, Robert )L Hagarnan, Byron Marks, henry A. Fonda, Henry IL Pier son and Joseph IL Ramsey. ' Messrs. Birdsall. Dwight and Seymour were appointed a committee to draft by-laws. There is little doubt now that the desired per- mission from the state to lay the track on the tow path of the canal ACM be given at the next session of the Legislature. It is probable that when the right of way is secured the Inc* will be laid and the road op erated by the Delaware and Hudson and the Pennsylvania Central railroad companies, but it will be necessary fur Binghamton and the towns along the lines of the proposed railroad to bring out the enterprise and begin the work. Binghamton wants anil needs the new railroad, and the time will come when it can take effec tual steps to secure it--11inghamtwt PuTrthilean. ThielUnreel Explained. rte published last week, an 'item " . ,,fpi,m" the blanch Chunk Democrat, 'respecting a . poor un• fortunate boy, who lost his life in a coal mine, and having been a mute from his birth, received the power of speech before death. The follow. ing is frimil the Carbondale A deanee, tully ex plaining the matter. "The facts in regard to the unfortunate acci dent above referred to, at one of our Coal Breakers, were given In our columns at the tithe, and vary slightly from the report furnish. ed to }he Mauch Chunk .Dcmocrat. Although vitrying only slightly, still it: Impriens to be upon the very point upon whieh the important scien tific inquiry is based, end disposes of it_ We 4,111 now state the facts upon that point fully, for the satisfaction of all concerned. The accident took place in the manner stated in the Ikmoerat's account, the victim being An drew Brennan, a son of Widow Brennan of this city. He was in the employ of Thomas Brennan, the Lessee of Birkett's Coal Mines in our First Ward. • Andrew was at the time of tbeaccident in his sixteenth year, and was not, strictly speaking, a Mate. He had both hearing and speech fully until he was in his eighth year, when he had a very severe attack of the Spotted Fever, at that time prevalent in our town. After his recovery from the fever it was discovered that both the' power of hearing and speech were nearly de stroyed-Ale former more fully than the latter. He continued to be able to- articulate, imperfect ly, butso as to make himself understood. Mr. Brenan, his employer, informs on, that, under the intense excitement and agony of his condition in the Breaker, while they were vig oronsly at work to extricate him, it did seem that he spoke more plainly than he had before generally. His Intellect- had not been impaired by the,fever, and when the accident occurred he seemed fully to comprehend it, and to realize the terrible condition in which be was placed. . His friends engaged in taking the machinery apart to relieve him, had but little hope of sav ing his life, and he is believed to have under-' stood also the great danger, and the almost ut ter hopelessness of being saved by their efforts. It was a dreadful affair, and one deeply la- mented. 'But it is not true that the unfortunate vietim wag a mute, or, that he suddenly acquir ed the power of speech. Enigma. Ma. Enrroru—WM some of your readers answer the following : I am - composed of thirteen letters: My,11,.10„ 0,-is a small vessel. My 7,3, 4,13, wilinot visit us again. My 1,3, 8, is an artiee. illy 0,.5, the poor Indian. sly whole we abould obserTe. . August Ist., 1812. - 1,,1 in A $4ll 11la:mason's Cornet Jantol Furnishes ramie thr pinnies, festirnis and po litical meetings, at reasonable totes. Mamas C. A. 'Sackett, Netr..llilford, Pa., or Lee 7.4 any, VeWltilfout M.S. ith; / 6 5a L172 - CuU And settle your amazons with before the ihtb of August,.l.B72. . - Xo4trose, August 7th, 1672.—w2 - . • War.Arranietnentefor Slate Teach ers, AssochUlon, sTo be held at Phlindelphlo, commencing August :oth, 1872. ' Persons having Orders from the Ticket Ageni of the Association, can procure Excursion Tickets at theptincipal stations on Lehigh Val ley. Lehigh and Busquehanna, North Pennsyl vania, Northern Central. The following will have Excursion Tickets on sale, st principal strdions without orders, Cats• ussa, Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Philadel phia and Reading. For Orders apply (stamp enclosed) before August 15111, 1862, tog, H. Harding, BmOkann, Pas : Tieltel elgcrit, Pemisylennia Teachers' As sociation. Quarterly Iflleet lag. The second Quarteilv meeting of thq Fainbile circuit, will be held at 'Pairdale, Atjg. 10th, and 11th. The service to be conducted by Rev. G. .13menliktrPreactilng on StiturdaVnt o'clock P. ht., and prayer meeting at 71,4 &clock, r. u. Lose feast on Sunday, at 0 &lock, and preaching at 10;4, s. az. A general attendance Is desired. E. IV BnEekinnimon, Pastor. Faint:tie, 4.ng. 7th, 1892. .1 1 The , Slith. Annual Fair Of the Nicholson Agricultural Society, will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and k'riday, September lillh, 19th and 20th, on the ground of the Society. N. P. Wit.cox, Sec'y. „Nicholson, Pa., Aug. 7th,_lB72.—td. Ellice It Always at Hand. Accidents will happen In the best regulated families, and for this reason among many others, the IdesTaxo LINIMF.ICT should find a place in the cupboard of every household. in all the world there, Is nothing comparable to it ns no application for cuts, contusions, burns, spasms, and scalds, and when every other preparation that medical ingenuity , can suggest, has failed to afford relief in rheutnatism, neuralgia, sore throat, glandular swellings, muscular contrac• Lions, cramps, toothache, etc., this powerful au ti-inflammatory and pain destmying agent Im mediately assuages the sufferer's agony and eventually accomplishes a radical cure. Proba bly there is not a connoiseur in horse flesh or an amateur horseman 1p the land Who - does not know, either front personal observation or re ports that the 3lxs'rxxo LIIMIENT is the su preme finial, for all external diseases and inju ries of the horse. —The Thief who was prrasted for robbing Parsons' store in this town, was found to hare a quantity of Assn's HAIR VIGOR In his pos- SeSSiOn.' When asked why ho wished to steal that article, be answered that he "wanted to re st:4ols hair, for it was hanl lobe a thief and bald too." If that invention of the grad Chem Ist could restore n faded character as effectnally as it does their natural beauty to bald and grey heads, it would surely be, as they say it now is, truly invaluable.— Letrudon (Me.) Journal ' Select School. The fall term of select school at Dhnock, will commence Septenther 2d, 1872, and continue thirteen weeks. Tuition, $4 and 88 per term. Those wishingfhrther , intormatiun, address C. S. Wocamurp. Dimock, 1872.--wll Lecture by Sottu It. Gough. We are plen.se(l to be able to announce to the people of Montruse and vicinity, that the world renowned Johnl3. Gough, will deliver two of his pepular 'lectures in Montrose, the first on Friday evening,„Aumtst 16th,,and the second on Tuesday, August 20t1i. The Presbyterian church has been obtained ter the occasion, on account of Its capacity, as it will seat about seven hundred persons. There are to be seven hundred tickets issued for each lecture, and. we would advise all who wish to secure a Seat to procure a ticket at once, as they are being sold very rapidly. .Thlstttny be the last opportunity offereart6the pinple 'or - this 'vicinity, to hear the greatest of lecturers. TLC proceeds of the lee. tures will be for the benefit of the Young Men's Lecture Association, to aid them in procuring another popular course of lectures this winter. Admission tickets 7.3ets. For sale at the store of Wm. J. Mulford, .T. It DeWitt, W. TL Dean; C. Morris Gere and W. 11. Cooper's Banking House. (No. 29 td. Jury List. For the term of Court to commence In Montrose, August 12th, 1872 onmsn JESOES. Love, Geo. Place. Clifford—John B. Wetherby, Jas. C. Stewart. Dimoc_k—Wm. Graves, Win. U. Miles. Dondaff—Win. H. Slocum. Forest Lake_Erasitis Day. _ Great Bend twp.—Samucl Gable, John Jack son, Robert Moserip. Gibson—Gilbert R. Stiles. Ilan - licitly—Richard Morton. .Brian---Chas. IL Bolles, Christian Davis. Jackson"—Jo:4A. Marsh. •• - LittielleadoWs3lithael Hough. Edmund B. Williams. Lenox—Geo. W. Mapes. Oakland—Jonas Walker. Springville—Lewis N. Brown. Susquehanna Depot—Gee. L. Tiffany. Silver Lake—Ezekiel H. Gage. Thomson—Edson M. French. TRAVEESE at-none-Ist week. • Auburn—Wm D. Shoemaker. :4)01,w-on—John Tupper. David Jones. Brooklyn—Daniel S. Watmus, Stephen - W. Breed. Beidgeavater—Sviveiter Hart, Perrin Wells, Samuel T. Scott, Cornelius Stalk. Ciifford—Samuel Arnold, Charles Burdick.. Dundaff—Joseph BrownelL I/knock—Hiram Blakeslee, Jasper Kinney, Davis F. Stevens. Forest Lake—Randolph Terrell, Geo. Small. Franklin—Benjamin Todd. Great Bend twp.---Julius B. Brown. Great Bend twin.—Henry A. Casten, Isaac J. Stratton. Gibson—Batas Barnes, Benj. Smith. Freder ick Howell. Hartord—Geo. P. Wilmarth, Geo. L. Payne, Collins Ricardson, Herrick-110mm Lewis. Harmony—Stephen Irving Jessup-Johan Shelp, Frederick Dayton, John 11. Lake. Jackson—Seymour J. Griffis, Joseph P. Mil -.her. Little Meadows—Jonathan Barney, Thos. .o.Doud, Jr. Liberty—Simon E. Warner, Job Knapp. Lenox—Asa Titus. Lathrop—Geo. W Tewksbury. 31ontrose—Wm. L. Cox, John S. TarbelL Middletown--Patrick Delaney. -, Rtlell- - Jobn D. Baker. Snalauelianna Depot—Thos. McKirn . an. Springville—Minot Riley. . Silver Lake—Alpheus Snow. TRAVERSE Jonons-2d week. Auburri=Wnf. Edwards., Stones Hoag. Bridgewater—Eß(lm B. Warner, Wm. 11. Hinds. BrpOklvn--jamen Sterling: . Dimock—Frederick Bunnell, Horace Spat ford. . • ' • Dundaff—Jastier White. Forest Lake—Jerome Burr, David L Dowers, Isaac 11. Fesscnden. • Franklin—AilgUstas Smith. Grtat.-Berid twp.—rJarnes Carl, - William Scotttn. ' ' Gibson--Geo. Roberts, Gurtlon3L Golan, Herrick—Samuel Campbell, Francis Felton. Harmony—Benj:F Gardner, Charles Kirk. liarfor&—Elijah Harding. Jackson—Abner M. Pease. Lathrop—PLikunler S. Bronson, Daniel Van- Auken. • Lenox—Sainnef Halstead, Alson Tiffany. Little 3leadows- - Geo.. Palmer. Liberty Jeremiah D. Wither. " Diontrose—Shadraeh Horton. , New Milford twp.—John Decker,' Havens Tenant.:,:.' ' '"" New Milford boro.—Horatio Garrett: Bush—Wm.- H. Sherwood, Lewis C. Tupper. Susquehanna Depot—Joseph Allen. Silver Lake—Thaillol dgert,lld. • Springville—Philander litrickland, Giles G. Thornson—isaa e N. JaikaMs,,Joint W. Bland. slate • The subscriber can famish and put on No. 2 slate nearly as cheap as hemlock shingles; also all the (Meant 'colered No. 1 Slate. Tcan lay slate on old shingled roofs and make a good Job, Tetras reasonable. 'post Mike - address, Wm: Etuetrwein. noittnet, Ps. Democratic County Committee.- 'The members 'of the Democratic County Committee, are hereby notified that a meeting will take place at the "Exchange Hotel," to Montrose, on Monday, August 12th, In', (it in , ing the first 'Monday or Court,) for the Arenas°. flan, of such business as may come before it. K B. HANTLET, Chairman. NAMES OF COMMITTEE. S.pohta.n..... Bridgewater. t P 1. Tiffany. John Bolton. • Christopher Byrne. •- p C. 311118. Broadri. Clifford.. Choconut. Dianock... Japer Witter. ...... .A. B. Griffis. F A. Smith. „John Foster. . John 11. Cladln. V. Reckhow. ...... Wm. K. hatch. F. It. Barnes. W. V. Norton. John Leslie. DundatT Niro ..... Forest Lake...... Franklin Gibson Great. Bend boro.. Great Bend Rettiek.:;. Harmony liarforti Jessup G. H. Haney Jackson .Anibrixie Benson Lenox R. Mareey. Lathrop Alvin Brown. Liberty. , Riebard Bailey. Little Meadows Dlnlel R. Garfield Middletown ' .Otis Rosa . - 3lontmse B. B. Hawley. New Milford twp Oliver Lathrop. New Milford bona Cyrus Barlow. Oakland J. M. Tillman. Rush ......... ..... ilmthatn, Carter. Byron C. Hendrick. - E. N. Smith. - D. F. Sullivan. Springville Susquehanna Silver Lake. - • • -; • • - d. B. Whitney Thomson I.BC3r= 031 . 5311711--CRANDALL —At the itoilse of Win. Crandall, July 2', by Rev. J. Underwood, John A. Smyth, of tiojatuattom, and P. Cran dall, of Brooklyn. IVEsTnitdlK—Wri.tant--At the residence of the officiating Clerzman, in Factorrille, Pa., July 29tli, 1872, by Rev. A.l'. Brundage, Mr. I)aniel E. Westbrook. and Miss Nora N. Wilbur, all of Brooklyn, Pa. .IJEIIIA.TXXES. WATsos—ln New yI Ilimd, Juno 4th,1872, John W. Watson, aged 58 years. A good man gone. Gntrms—ln Montrose, July 30th, 1872, Garry M., son of J. and Mary L. Griffis, aged seven months. ' _rcivclucrticinent r t. . DSSOLUTION.—N4AIre 15 hereby given that the limn of JilcV icor & lllnu was dissolved the %Eh day of Jnlp, and all arceent4 tenet be reified by cash or note, within SO day. from date, as ail that remains un paid. at that time will he left wi th an attorneT for prompt collection In iMsh. IlleVlCAlt HINE. E. 0. hlnVuao. E. L. Mar, Montrose, July 1in.1611-21-3W. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—In the Estate of Ll John Westgate, t emased, letter* of Administration in the said estate Lavin; been granted to the undersign ed. All pe , sons owing seld estate, are requested to stake Immediate payment. and all persons having elation against said estate are requested to preoent them with- Ma-deby. 81 LVAN WESTUATU, tAd m .„. E WESTGATE, July 81, 1.574.-31-w4. SALtS.-13y virtue of writs !sorted by 1.7 the Coen of Common Pleas 01 *usenet:sancta scanty nod to me directed. I will moon, to sale by public rev due, at the Cirtirt Donne to Montrone. on Friday. An. gust 14111; 1871, at 2 o'clock H. ?le t the tolluwtog drecrib. ed pieces or parcels of land. to sett: All those twiteertate pieces or parcels of land, situ ate In the township of Derrick, to the county of Sus. ;mermen, and State of Fenes3lvadia. the first pleat hounded end described as follows. to sett; Beginning eta beech tree, a center of Lucius Curtis' land; thence north 90 lads to et eke and stones; thence west fin Meal top stake and stones corner; thence eolith to an original lino of -- Newton's/and abont97 rods; thence alongsidd oetgltotl lee about tit rods to the place of hrtilinoln.s. Couttining II acres. more or less. The second piece bounded and described as fol. lowa, to wit: Ilegmning at a beech tree a corner of Geo. A. Woodruff's; those north 11tlegreetteaet 10perch. el; those south 723 decrees cast ri perches to a stake and stones corner; thence 21 degrees west 273 parches to a sugar maple taro; thence fount 41,k, degrees west 13 perches to a stake and stones on the corner of Ludas Curtis' laud; thence a hug sold Cottle' line north 434 °epees wan 53 percherto the place of beginning, nanainint; 15 acres and 151 roils of land he Inc same morn or %a., (eirrpl.lllg cad reserving therefrom 13 acre. couveyed to Lucius Curtis by Jerome Sishbseten and wife by dent dated the ILth day of Jnue A, D.. recorded in deed hook No 92, page 7:1, with the ripper. tenances, 2 dwelling houses, 1 barn and sheds, 1 cure bonne, I orchartLand about 21 acres Improved. ALSO—,IIIt/to certain piece or parceluf land situate in the townehip of Herrick, in the moray of Snenne. henna. and State °Uremia/lest:la, pounded:and deserib ed as follows, to wit : _Beginning at a maple tree corner I of Joan 31. Meyer*. and-Lnelne (Mob: mod; thence in a northerly ciltiction 27ti perches to a stake andstones corner ; thence cart 21 perches to amake•ind ,tones cur. der; thence ronth at perchee toe hemlock tree eon nor; thence meet 111 perches to the place of beginning, muivioin 10 acre:Sand 30 purelice oi Lind, be the same more orlon, with the apparimmerie. am; about 3 Aerel , lniProt'ed. at:ken In execution at the milt of Jasper Oa nines, use of A. C. Harding, assigned to . Lucia. Cur. tie vs. intone ALSO—AII that err:am piece or parcel of land, altmte in the township of Forcst . Lake. in the county of cot. quebanna. and State HI l'enneylvanta, bounded and demribed as follows, to wit:kfle4tunlug at a part on the Milford mid Owego turnpike and bode owned by Lo dens Slyter; theme 1,201.214 percher oaths: raid hue of Lodona Sly ter to a port ; thence south 9 3.lopercher on the tensor Polly Slyer to a port; thence west 23 perch. es to is poet on the turnpike; Bosom north it and 2.10 percher no the said turnpike to the place of beginning, containing about 2 Item of Mod, be the same more of lees, ulth the appurtenances, and all improved._ (Token' in a:tem:Bun at the suit of 31. L. Bali, mu of B. 0. Cam vs John W. Slyter.) - ALsO—All :Mose two certain {demi or parcels of land, phonic. Ina Inotownahip - of lifthilotown, in the county of suaquehanna. and 2:11410 of Pennsylvania, the first piec e bounded and described aa follows, to wit : On the north by Lends of Jam Tierom, in the cart by lands of Ectrovi Kiley, un the south by lands of John Ducey, and on the wee( by the public highway, mntain log a out 100 acres of land, be the same more or lom, with the appurtenances, 1 frame honsc, 2 frame berms and rtiedn, I young orchard, and about senores improv ed— ...The eueond• piece bounded and descralmd as follows, to wit: Oaths north by Wolf itoad, on th e met by land. of Patrick Keogh, on the sotan by lands of Michael Conerton, and on thp west by lands of 2. Riley and E. Corley, containing Omuta) sires of land, bo the orchard, more or less, with time appartonancce.l old haute, orchard, bud about 30 acres Improved. (Taken in exe cution at the snit of Charles 11. Frasier ve IL P. Minn,. John Flynn and William Harvey.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or-panel of land, !innate in the townehip of Liberty. in thecoutity of Summhan. na, and State of Penrusylvanl.t, bounded and described as follows,to wit: Vu the north by pablieblg,hway, on the east by Wm. Lees. on the tooth by lands of 311chael Hawley, and en tie west by lands of Daniel Hawley and 0.11. ,Cmno, containing about is acres of and, more or less, with the appurtenances, I two story frame house, is story frame house, 2 frame beanie, grist wdllmw mot s orchard, and ail Improved. (Taken in execution at the suit of Albert, Chamberlin en L. A. Tutapkins, and D. D. Searle TS T.. A. Tompkina.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel ufland. situate in the township of Bash, In the county of Susq'aehatim, and state of Panneydrando. bounded and timeline.' fie follows, to wit: On the north by Muds ofJames 31c- Damon, on the east by lands of James Lagoa and John C. Graham, on the south by lands of Sylveater Bowers. and on the west by lands of Freeman Ellsworth and Edward Filen, containing about 200 scree of lan I, be the tame More orlets, 1011 h thCappurtenauces, Mime, frame bam.small orchard. and abort 40 ac m improved. (Taken In _extent/on at the suit of Peter Collins es Henry Orem.) ALSU—AII that certain piece orparcel of land. iodinate in the township of Harmony. in the county of Stiegne. henna, and htcte of Pennsylvania, bonneted and de retitled as follows.to wit: On the north and west by lands of IL 1L Webster, on the east by lands of Ilenry Schick, and on the root.: by Starrtietr creek road, con taining 2 acres of land. beao tarao more or Mee, With the appurtenances, 1 house and about of nnacro 1m• pruned, (Token In execution at the cult of Bennett. A: Webster. seemed to H. H. Hall vs Jams Oatorhoutd ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situate In the township of Liberty, lu the minty of Snegnellan nwandhtateotPennsylvainia, benundiol cold dercribcd as follows, to wit t On the north hy the No* York State hue, on the east by lands of Lm ter Tarbox, on the rot:11lb, Lands of Joseph Chalker and Isaac Hotting en. tats. atni on the west by lands of times Curti= can. coining about 100 acres of lend, he the same more or Ices, with the appartenatcue, frame home, barn, orchard, and about 40 acme Improved. . - ALSO—AII that nen:di:trona of parcel of land, alto. diets the township or Liberty; In the county of Somme henna; and State of Fennsylranta, bounded and describ ed as follows, to wit: On the north by public highway, OA the awl by lands of Julian Knapp. on the south by Mode of Nicholas Austin, anil on west by lands of Den. lila McGraw, containing atolt antes of land, be the tame more or lest , . with the "appurtencutece,l log bonnie, and about 20 acres improved. (Taken in eXceution' at theault of Harlow Kropp we Charles D. Adams: Wit. liann E. Loris and Lydia Lewis, exocutors'ef William Lowly• deemed, vs I.:basics Madams awl James Carrigm mid - William E. Lewis and Lydia Lewitt executora:of William Lowlsideceased„ vs .Clutrien D. Adams, James Downt.llnd Janice Cantz.) - ALSO—AII Vint certain piece ,or parcel of land 'Be ate In the township of Auburn. In the county of Sas cc:charms. and State of retineylwinia. bounded dad de andbadsafollovniArewit: On tho north by Lida of Hobert Numb:l2,m theca : it by lands of 2111 a La YMCA and Hobert Nanning. ea the south by lands of James Henry Green, and on the west by Bradford county line, can. Mining about 43 tiered of laud, be the came more or lees, with the appurtenances, 1 frame dwelling boreal barn, a valuable scone quarry, „andaboq 22 AMA Improved. (Taloa . in tACCAtIOA at the colt of 0, IL Loomle, at, elgual to C. A. Warren vs fiords Tango.) • . ALSO—AII that certain piece or pureed of land, allo cate in the township of Franklin.in the countrof.Sthe •guehanns, and State of Penuayheanla, hounded and de. scribed as follows, to wit: On tie north by lands of Drinker's- catate, on the 'cart by laud* of Jelin Welch nueLi. Morrison, on the south by lands of Patrick CO lg. Icy, and on Mt west by lands of Thomas 4Q ulgiey and J. gab. containing It). Bats. mere Or Imo. with the .appurtenancea.l frame donee, and about 23 acres lot- Rroved. (Taken in execution al the suit of Edward cavenav, asaigned to N.C. Warner, ea Ben,latu(tr J. Thomas.) Notice la 'hereby glien that all - blds must be paid In cub Hitidayof cals. W3f. T. NOILLET. Shedd. Sheriff Mc. Xraittote e dtelZ2 - 1. IM, mint gotko. IMdsummer Maladies. The hot solar rage that ripen the harvests generate many distresstng dlaseases. If the Hier be at all pre disposed to Irregularities, this Is the season In which billions attacks may he anticipated. A weak stracach, too, is weakest in the summer months, and the loss of vitality through the pores by excessive perspiration so great, that a wholesome tonic, combining also the properties of a dlgesire stimulant and gentle exhilan ant, la in many cases necessary to health, and under no eircumstences should be dispensed with by the sickly and debilitated. Of all the preparations intend ed thee to refresh, sustain. and fortify the human frame there Is none that will _rumpus with Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitter's. They have been weighed In the balance of experience and not foend wanting; hare been recommended from the ant es a great mtull chant specific. not ea a here Inge. mid In spite of Inter ested opposition from Innumerable gutters, stands. after a tiVeuty years trial, at the bead of alltliruPtiulf niedleint • Intended (or the prevention and cure of all ordinary complaints of the stomach, the liver, the bowels, and the nerves. In the unholthj districts bonikrlng_ the great rivers of -California. liostetter'S Stomach Bitters may be classedas the standard one for every opecien of InWrinitteut or remittent - fever. The people who inhabit those districts, place the most im plicit coufidence In the preparation—a confidence that is Increased every year by the to nits pi Its operation. As bitters, so called. of the most pernicious character, are springing op like Inez( on every side. thetubllc is hereby lorenarned agulart the dram-shop fonds. Ask for Hostetter'. Bitters, see that the label, etc., are ear. rect, and remember that the genuine article Is Rover &oldie bulk, but to bottles only. .Wm. WliK ...13. 11. Dia. Patrick Yialch. .Kirby Hannan. •rt,' Testimony of a Piominent Physician. "Daring the past night years I have had frequent opportunities of witnesslog, the effect of lluntzes llenn Errrous upon persons suffering from Dyspepsia, Loss of Nervous Energy, Sexual Weakness, Elstrhma, de, I have known It to prove suceessfhl In many cues, where Allophatic, Homeopathic and Ifydrophat. le treatment had failed. I ellll continue to use it in each complaints with uniform success, and hays no befilancy in pronouncing, It the'most efficaciona remo• dy yet discovered for diseases arising from a dlsorded Stomach,,Liver, Soincy, or Bowels, Yours, very truly, THE CONFESSIONS CP AN INVALID. pIIIILISITED as a warning and for tho beneat of young man and others, who stiffer from Menotti Debility, Loss of Manhood. de-, supplying TUE MEANS OF SELF-ME. Written by ono who cured himself; after tlndrr.olnjr eonsldentble quackery, and cent teen on receiving • poet-paid directed envelope— Addreso,NATIIAN MAYFAIR, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, dune, 14, IO 2. But The advertiser, having, been permanently aired of that dread diseaseir,onsemption. by a simple remedy, Is an eions to make known to his fellow.sufferers the means of cure. T. all who deviro It, he will rend a copy of the prescription used, (free of ettar,m3 with the dime tion• for preparing and twin.; the saute, which they will end a scut Guns" for COIibIAIPTUMI, ASTLIVA, Tin, IC. Parties therpreseription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, nt I'enn Street, Williamsburgh. N.l. 4511 ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN whositifcred for years from Nervous .L.t. iiry Per:miter° Detmy, And all the effects of youthful indiscretion will. fur the robe of suffering hu manity. send free to nil who neml It. the receipt and 41- rection for making the simple remedy by which he wah cored. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adviser's experi ence an do go by addmising„,in perfect conddenee, JOHN D. OGDEN, No. 4: Cedar street, New York. 07 - Grillo= Itlateled.—Etenyp for gonna Men,on the delights of home, and the propriety or knhropriety Of CUttIUZ Merried, with Fanitary help for those who reel untitled for matrimonial happiness. Bent free. In •aled envelopes• Address, 110 WARD ASSOCIATION Dot P.. Philadelphia, Pa. NEW YORK PRODUCE !MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Harding. Hayden & Co :PH Washington St., New York. Butter, pail 26028 ~ firkin.... .......... .... ..... 24027 Cheese, dairy, per lb Imas " factory ~ 12012% Em,:. per doz . 21022 Flour, per barrel. 5 2005.50 Corn meal, 100 lbs. 231003.70 Wheat, per bushel Rye flops, crop of 1871 Tallow Lard per lb 8d1:1 Potatoes per bb1.............. ....... 2 00e,2 50 Apples " CA Turkeys per lb . Chickens " . Ducks " . UERIFF'S SALE—IIy virtue of a writ tuned by S the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna Coon. ty and to me directed, 1 wig expose to rate by public voodoo, at the Conn !fence to Montrom, on rettuday, An gust 10, inre. at I o'clock, p. m., the following piece or parthl of land, to wit: Ali those two certain pletee_gr parcels of laud, situate in the township. of Lathrop, 111 toe county of Sesque Mona. only State or Penneylvapia, the first piece boned. ed and described es follows, to wit: On Lilo north by lands of Alfred Pratt and Curtis Tewkanury. on the cart by !ands of P. S. Drouson, on the .south by lands of IL S. Squires. and on the wept by lands of Zopher Mackey, containing about Ith acres of land, he the same more less. with the appnrtenances. I dwelling hoteo, 3 baron, shed, and other out bnildhes, I orchard, end about WO acres improved._ The second piece bounded and de. scribedae foll.ss, to wit: On the north, east, south, and west by lands of Horace Squires, containing about six aerce of land. be the came more or less, with the appurtenances, 1 dwelling hones and 1 caw mill. (Taken in execution at the cult or S. Taylor, asaigned to P. d. Bronson. cc. Jacob Decker, end David B. Sim mons vs. Nelson Chambers and Jacob Decker.) ALSO—AII those two certain pieces or parcels" of and, eituata to the township of Lenox, in the county of Susquehanna, and State of Pc usylrania, the drat piece boon ed and described Cc follows, to wit t On the north by Decker A flaistend's mill pound, on the cast by lands of Franklin Deed, on the south by lands of M. J. Decker, and on the west by landief [locker &Ilaletead, containing about one half sere of land, be the same more or less: with thoopportenancee, one fmme house, one frame barn, aid all lmpmvcd....The second piece bounded anti described as follciwe, to wit: On the north Uy c 1 I hr : total on er co t h eV, and oet one west ..4.l by on lan sere of land, be the same mo`re or less, with the are partcpthces, wagon shoo, blseksmith shop, and all int prose& (Taken In execution at the 1.11 of James U. Johnson vs. N. C. Haleteed and Wilcox & Pratt ye N. C. Halstead. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of lend, slinate In the toweship of Jemmy, In theconnty or Sintmehan. ma, and State or Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fallow, to wit : On the north by lands of Jacob Decker and J. D. Drinker. on the east by lands of Ors lando Stone, on there:3th by' lands of Richerd Arnold, and on the west by tends of James Catlin, contalnlrg 1W acre, of land, be the rams more or tete, with the appurtenances, ono frame house, anchors', ono orchard, and about gill acres bup_roved— (Seized and taken In execution at the suit of W. IL Jessup, assigned teal. S. Mulford, vs. John O'Hara.) ALSO—AII that cm tale piece or parcel of land, sitento In the township of Lathrop, the county of Susque hanna, and State of Perawylvaula, bounded and do ecribesl as fellows to wit: Oa the north by lands of I. B. LittleZ. Mackey, end Wm. Osborn, on the cast by lands eel. M. Little and puqlic highway., on the soot by land. Of O. L. Halstead, and on the welt by public highway, coutalulng about in acne of Land, be thesame more or less, with the appurtenances. frame house, a few fruit trees, and about GS acres partially improved. (Taken in execution nt the snit of Znpber Mackey, use of G. S. Mackey vs. J. M. Lee.) ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of lend, Inhale to the township of Lenox, In the county of Sttaquchan on, and State Or Pentssolvania, hounded and described as follows, to wit: On the notth by lands of George Howell, on the east by lands or Andrew Chamberlin, on the south by lands of Warren Price. and on the west by !ands of Ilene M. Doud, contaluleg 90 acres of land, be the same wore or lees. with the appurtenances, few fruit trees. and about f 0 acres improved, (fakes in ersoeutionat the suit of George IS, Howell, ate of Allen M. Price, asetgned to 0. h", Gunther no W. T. /lowed and Sobraskle Howell.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situate In the towneldp of untA. In 1 he County of etwitlchati na. and Stattsof Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to telt: On the north by _ lands of David Cast, on the cant sy lands of Joseph Kinney, on 'the 'south by lands of Alexander Stephens. and on the west by lands of garner Carl, containing About 71 wen's of hog, be the same memo or lees, with the appurtenances, 1 fratrichonse,l frame barn, I 'lmmo lr,r, butone,ll fen fruit !rear , And about :Baena. Improved. Taken in ca. motto:tat the salt of Lame, assigned to Loonard Searle. vs 11. C. Hibbard. ALSO—AII that certain ;decoct , 'pander - land, situate In the township of Kush, In the county of Samuel:an. no, and State of rconsylvania, boon detland described As . fOi/4/We, to wits On the north by lands of David Care; on the east by lands of Joseph Kinney,. tai the myth by bode el Alexander Stephen, and on the west by lends of Itamt7 ttl, containing, aboutll acres of latid, be the same more or Ices, with the appurtenances, thole house. frame bam.frame hog how, a few Unit trees. nod About :films ilOPrtivell. (Taken in execution at the soft of 11. C.llllMard, unsigned to B. 0. canip ys. Gee. W. Gardner.) ALSO—JiII those two certain plec.cnor,parcols of land, :situate , le thel tOwaship - Of Chbstan,' in the. comply Of tinsonehansus, andante of Pennsylvania. the Kra piece bounded and desCribed as follows, to wit Beginning at a corner - in the centre of Tunkhanneck creek. In line of Corbin Pickering's lot ,• thence about northwest nbont 93 perches to a corner - In line of II; Bonnets' land Wootton wood tree standing ono rock; thews in lino of U. Boner's land about northeast About .40 poodles to scorner Milne of John Felton thence Meng sold Pellou's line about eonthealit BO perches to the metre of the Tuukhannock Creek thence down theca:Us of , raid Creek abontsOperehes to the place of begintling, Coulalelng about Weave of laud, bo the some more or jeer, with the Appurtenances; dwelling house, two ' barns. small orcbard.and mostly improved....The'ree. end piece or parcel of land: I:Own:led a. follows, to - wit: On the north by lands of Fitch Licsuegni, on the south outby the Tut:khan:lock Meek. enthesonthartist bytha above deathbed lot and on the wet by flamilton Ben. rett's land, andcute northwsat by .JaMes Porter and Widow %OMIT'S ' containing abOnt,l7llcres of land, J. T. DAXEI2.II: D. P. 0: flax. 1%, Lancuter. Pa TO corm:norms 1,5641.51 75076 bathe samomore orients; kith Moony:teen:mon*, I raw mill.l cabinet shop, 1 dwelling bons .. 1 small shop. I emallorcbanl, and about li acres Improved. Taker, In execution &Vibe 'nit of lWliber elardner ye. M. N. Walker.) ALSO- AD that certain plea or parcel of land,sltnalo in the township of Rash, a the County of Sasonehannsi and State of ?namely:mit , bounded and described as follows, to wit: On tho north by lands of Requiter Rotycli. lands cant by lauds iff N. b. Downer. on the nouthbyof Hiram Whitney. and on tho.west by lands of Daniel Pickett, Containing about 75 acres of land, be thesame more Ordeals. with the appurtenances. 1 frame house, a barns. stew feint truer, and about 60 acres improved. (Taken In execution -at the salt of S. U. Whittaker. assigtted top. Mulford, rir Ira Sterling.) ALSO—AII that certain Otte or parcel of land, situate In theliorongh of New Milford, In rite county of Sas quehanna, and Stateof Pennsylvatda, hounded and do. scribed as follows, towit-On the north by lands formerly nweed by 11.111bbatdand o:Dilutor,: estate, on the cart by Church at met, on the south by Colon street, and on the west hy land. of D.C. Alucy, containing about ohs f,uirtb of an acre of laud, be the Same morn or lees. with the appurtenances, two-ntory , , framo heave w e t ail improved. (.Taken in execution at the suit of L. N. Stiles ys. J. W.:Dillespic.)l ALSO—AII that certain piece twig:reel oflaniL situate In the township of Aubur„ Intim county of &mot:eh:La. no. and Slated Penney) nla, ItAmdcd and described as follows, to wit-Begin:l ng at the road and running cast s 0 rode, _ thence adutltit rods, thence west :Al rods, and thence north S rods to the Oleo - of beginning. ton. tattling ono acre of laud, be the same more or Ices, with the tip partenanyes. frame melting honer. framo barn. store imam and"ont-bnildingo.somo (mit trees. and all Improved. (Taken In -execution at the salt of Coorge P.1.11.t1e es. Chas. L:Lowl) ALSO—AII thxt certain piece of land. eltuste In the township of Litterty,ln the county of tentonchnnun. and:Rate:of Pennsylvania. bounded and described as fellow!, to wit: On the aorta by Riney Creek r old, nn the cast by lands of P. PlEtulte, on the *oath by lauds of Isaac Trayin , and on t e well by !nude of sold Travis, containing four acresof nd,l3oillt same more at Ices, with the appurtenances., dud mostly improved. (Taken In execution at the suit of ALannon Chalker, avoigned to IL IL TUrrell ca. Ilardet 5, Ilincluann .I=d John W, Illachman.) j _ ALSO—AII that certain piece of land. 'Reale In the township of Liberty, hi the county of Susquehanna, and Slate of Mew'yenta, bound. and described as follows. fo wit: On the portb by the New York State line. on the east by la nds 'rerf Charles D. Adams and lands of Isaac Robbins' eqate,,on the south by lands °Mem . Roe, and on the west by land, of 'Milo Travis, cerntain. Ing about GO aerosol' land, be the lame more or Ices, with the appurtenances, frame house. Immo ham, orch ard. mid all Improved. (Taken In exixotion At the salt °tisane CoMoteek. ass tpacil to A. Lathrop rs James Cserleu and J. C. Parsons, aro of Win. E. Lent, and Lydia Lewis, executors tof Win. Lewis, deed., vs. James Carrlug.): • ALSO—AII that certain, piece or parcel of land, climate la thettep. of Now 'Milford to the county of !insigna henna. and Staten( Pennaylvanla, bounded antldescrlb ed as fellow.. to tilt: On the nortllby the weld lead log from New Milford to Montrose. on the east by lauds of Latina Tamer. an the south by railroad, and on the welt by buds of Joshua Plibincy. tontalnlicy four and onwbalf acres of land.bd the same more or less. with the apptutensnees, frame honer, barn, few fruit trees, and all improved. (Tnken In execution at the coil of Torrett C Martin vs. T. V. lilbber. - ALSO—AII that eertainpiece or pareel of land, eltnato in the township of New thillfore. to tbo county of Su& ottehanna, and State of lasunayllnan4 bounded and dm scribed an foltowe, to wit: On the north by tondo of OtwN Wayman, on the east by hint ri of Gabriel Everitt and U. Scymour's catate,tou the south by it. Seymany's estate and Oliver Inthron.~ end on the week by 'lands of Oliver Lathrop, Eduard Tyler, and Frederick k' gegen° 111111ard, containing abont22o acres or laud, with the apporterewees. 1 frame noose, iharne, 1 shed and out. Imildings, 2 orchards, and about 150 serve Improved. (Taken in execution at the *rata Clad.% Voshurih en. Marion E. Vosburr,h andl F. Seymonr. adanuistra(or of Horace Seymour, deed./ vs , . Marion It. Vorhargh.) ALSO—AII that certald piece or parcel of land situate In the townnhip of Harmony. in the conn . t i f , of• Somme. banns, and State of Pennsylvania, boa id and de scribed se follows. to wit-On the ninth by ands of Ed. car Thomas. on the tact by lands of - Edgar Thomas. Noble Thom... Janice M. Thomas, Ilethoist Chureh ground, David Lyon, nod E. T. Young. and on the south and TN.!. by_ lamb. or Jacob Taylor.- Jonathan Taylor's entate. IL H. Hobert. coatainlog about 20 scree of land. be the samemore or team with the appurtenances, ane dwelling house, two harem, ono steam and one water power-saw milt onegrint mill, one planer and matcher. and other building., nodsll improved. (Taken in exe• cotton at the suit et Dmitri Taylor so. Murry Bross.) ALSO—AII that certain place or parcel of land. situate In the township of Jessup. In the eonnty of Sompacbano no, and State of Pconsylvania. bounden and described as follown, to wit-Beginning at the 'teethe:lst corner hereof; thence along laud of Byron (MMe and land of Daniel PickeU CO rods Oita poet and stones to the centre of the read balding by Daniel Pickett and Loeb dell's; thence west ISO rods to a post In lino of L. N. BlandelTnland ; thence north u 0 rods to apost and stone!, corner of Byron Land, thence east along said Grillith'n line 100 rods to the place of beginning, containing 5u acres of trend, be the name more or leas (excepting therefrom lams and 103 perches formerly conveyed to Timothy Blandelland now owned and oo copied by Levl S. Standen) with the appurtenances, 11 frame boosts, S frame barns, female:bog pen and ant balldlogs, orchard. and meetly finproved. (Taken to execution at, the stilt Of Wm. IL-Walkeroassigned to D. D. Searle vs. Ebb Whitney,) ALSO—AII tint certain pine or parcel of land !Mate In the Borough of Mandan; in the wintry or Siisiluchaii no. and State of Pennrylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit-On thd north, ea:trend noath, by lands of A. U. Ayres, andou the west by the public highwny, containing about one and onerialf acres of Lind, be the Same more or lens, will the appurtenances, ono frame rn house, one bas some fruit - trees. and all improves]. "(Taken In eieention of I mire E.Davis ca. J. A.Brusniell.) ALSO—AII that certain plaeo or parcel of land, situate In the township of Lathrop, to tire county of Sunqueban na. and State of Penneyivanta, bounded and described as follows to wit: Dm e timaing at a Make and Moues Tor a corner, In line of the road leading to Uoplaittom, ft being the northeantaimbrof bodnow occupied by J. S Scott; thence north St) depeenwest innate:toe cor ner in line of .P. S. Bronson eland ; thence south 2 de e-melt west 50 rods to stake and rtortes ; thence 'south b'S degrees cast Ii) rods ter centre of above -mentioned road , thence aloe' said read north al degrees east M rods to the place of bell, poi og, containing 80 terra of land, be the name moreor Icon, excepting and reservlag unto the said pettier', their heirs and assigns. by noel, legal terms as Atoll be snolident in 1aw.911 the wood and timber on the said place.harl the privilege and light to eat and remove the same, excepting three =tenor wood oa the tortheant corner Of the lot, with the emirate, 'lateen, 1 small honso,t bent, and client 23 Acme ire. pros-ca. '(Takeo in excentlonat the suit of 11.-P. Ilal et. se and S. Taylor-rn. Jithff Ryan , S.TayLor At Ca, to moor 9. Taylors's. John! ityan. and Taylur. Walker, ee Co., use of S. Taylor Sc. John Man./ ' • • ALSO—The Interest of Samuel Ueynolda and IL A. Reynold. In all that certain piece or parcel of Lind, sit uate In the township of 4.1180 rd, in the county of San onehanna and State of ;Pennsylvania, brooded and: described as renown/to wlt7 • Beginning at a eornerin t the Lackawanna turnpike )'sad' a corner of a lot Surveys' ed for William Woodman t thence norms the-Leeks= nranna creek, north Md.:Oka-east at/ perches and 340 to a corner in Cho Warrant line of John Beach nod Sam uel Meredeth, No. 2; thence along mild lona ninth - 4134 degrees west 41 petulant aid 5-10 to a comer diallers! lot surveyed for Carpenter Rounds; thence south 411)./ degrees Vent 13 perthen to another corner thereof 1• thence north 44 degrees west 101 perches to -warrant line thence Booth 47,24 deort.,., -ea avert =A prelim and• 510 to corner of lot 10441 of M. Milert'a allotments of the aleredetir Land.; thence along Moor Nos. 41 and' 40 south fildevreen, east let perches to corner in lino of int No.lo, 51 ilylert's altutmentaforenaidt them along' west lite of lot No.lo, tenth 2 perches to .a corner at Nos. Sand 10. thanes along Hue of Non.9'and 10, cast 215 perches and 7-10 to tholLneiratrann& tantplarr afore and thence by the nevemi coursed and distances of said turnpike in a northerly direction about 100perehes to place of beginning. containing 44.5 urea and 21 perch* of Land strict measure, be the same more or lens, being parts of John Beath and Philip Ornate's warrantn, with the appurteuancen, (Taken in coalition at the snit of Frederick A. Case vs. H.A. Reynolds and Bamnelltoyn olds..l ALSO—AII that certain piece orpareel orland.allnate In the township of Lenox, In the comity of tintsinchan es. and State of Pennsylyanikbennded anddmwribcd as Mows, to wit! Beginning at a stake nod stones in the I inn of. Linde of 11. Powers, rimming thence north 28 degrees - east sr i)rebee diouit said line, thence south eigistrnine and a 1011 - degrees east. eighty4bree 310 Lierches to a stakei and stones in line of lands sold- tike Balding t thence along said line south !.‘ of a degree west 60 perches to ti stake and strines, thence moth along Silent lands sidd Alien %V. McDonalds 19 degrees west Wand MO perches to a corner: , thence not Lb 89116devves Westllli and 4-10 perches to the place, of beginning, containing (nacres G 2 pore hes ,olland, tp the same more or less.: with the apprirtenancss, 1 dwelllnghonse, 1 log barn, a few fruit tree*, end obant 23 acres improved. (Taken In execatton at the Mitt of Ferdinand Whipple vs, DID. Sterling.) Notice Is hereby gifen that all bids melt he paid ICI cash on day of sale. WM. T. HUXLEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offir.e, Montreal:4July 11. 1879. • • A DMINISTBA'TOR'S • NOTICE.Lin the estate 'or Ablathar Millard deceased, Inta Of Urldgewnte. township, letters of Administration in raid estate hay log been granted to the undersigned, all persons owing said estate, aro requested to make Immediate payment, and persons' having claims against raid estate aro requested to present them without delay. - ' tiAltli" IL MILLARD. t ~,„. ABLATILIat MILLARD, Jr.,l" -- " . " 4 Jena 19,.'12.--w0: .1 RICH 'AND RARE ! aROVES Bt-smiTTErt.-With Their xigr.,fTiitrgyMitire.4rrelfie In .p l p hil e. Og t; ?Vin y l e d u r n / feel confidant that we not fall to place nil who too taverna with (het [patronage. Strict attention to heat nen and trairant worhitohetlnne In the Ilesti3TYLS of the (rode and the most improved FASHIONS of the day. lareutting and Repairing done in the neatept Itld'lMC: Shop out F. 13. Chandler's Store. -• GROVES & MINTER. , Noniron, Hey V. 16/2.i-1313. LL Articles In thoGiocery , Ltne be bought at A:. LOW. Pricop A r lo tho .STORE of Montrose, Hey 15, 'it -itt' • 11. J. MB% . r .," A LECTURE: , • • l e" ‘ig GI .: 4 "2 - Cr 11A Al6l MIX a as: Jut Patiltherin a &a cif I.liyelope. Price 6hr Cad& A Lecture on•thO•Diattire, Treatment Alta Itadical Cure of tipennutorrhma.' and 13emtnal Wet n ness, involuntary Eculesions.und impediments to Mar riage getnafailr • Nervousness, Consumption. rpilepsy. mid Pits. Modal And Physical Incaoclty rend, lug from SeitAbuse. de.—ltrattlitEßT .1. taiLIrEItWELL, It. D.. Asithor thu. (keen Iloult.•••&e, • • The world•renowtind author. in this admirabla Lecture early , proves from his ado d. perfected that litia awful Consequences of Riftsbustt may ho offectually. runinyt d .wittuut inefileinCe arid without dangerous enrol, cal op• swim's. hong' Instruramits, ri nr cordials, pot nt. in; out wit° at once ccrinlo on t creetnal by,wbieb moll sufferer. no strutter iwhat his condition - muy. bo mop awe hicoelfeheaply,Driv4telyanttrulicilly. WI U. Myra., BOWS TILIOtat.t.N.DS and -TllOl.l. • 0 ' • .• Sent li 3. tidit mt - y 37 nriarcie. ta plan iNtlqlonvt),: bentottlr At. - ODA, era the - pc - C*l nt 1,14. zoen 11. or two poe ta 'twills' 1.4 Dr. CulventreWs ria Cluble," price (*Fent*. 4dOrcts the Pah:harm, • -MOLT?' e. ELME 20;; ; 121 Bowery, Voialcr2, Past-Otleo 50x4,626. , A MUNISTIIATOWS tfollol3.—Tn cstato Ellsbar. trarnham, deermal, letters of Adminis tration tttll the sold estate. have heat granted to the un dirsigne4, all persona Welded to raid estate. are here by notifies% tomato immediate payment to.lim 'Admin istrator ; andtboas blsio2 elahas sunhat, the at, are requested to prustutthrst at the calm of J 11. di A. luCeilnto. ,_ AOLOMOH DECKEIt, Adr'r.,. data aosrx—*'o, . - - . inienoven curtnmui s; A. .vm x-x, Lit SoAelh i n s n.ow BASSETTB' PAp:E:n, sad SEIM'S Tuns= WATER wan, Portal,To and SWlotriry Eugluco, Mannfaetwed and for Salo, by • !MIMS c DUOS. . Montrose. Fa t Feb. 7. 1819..—ti? G-41. - PROPOSED MEERDSPEN itO THE CO!1111U ZION OF PENNSfIVANIL JOINT RESOLIITII N. XXXXOSTSI2 AX AXXXXXCAT 70'10 COXIIIITCXXIX 1111. XXXXIITZTAXIA. • _ • Ile it moteecttgee Senalsand Ifeemeße of t wi n e in Croeral Annotty on • Mot LII• ftliowine nineticintent of the Constitution o this Co. momreasih be p unnet topetheople for their sioptiao or n•Jrrtl„n, punnet to the . prorteloa of the tooth article thereof, to wit: AMMIDSIENT: • Strike net the etzth section of the sixth undo of the Conetitutten, and (men in lien thereof the follow. tar • “A State Tretroirer shall be chosen by thequellll. ed electors of tho State. at suet times. sad for aft tam of terriCe as shall be. WILLIAM by law." - • •••; ' WILLIAM ELLIOTT, • Speakethf the Houle of Repretentetitee. JA31173 S. 'IMAM, • Spiker of the Senate. Armors - v . —The twentr•recond day of Merch;Anno Domini one Annie:Lod eight hundred end eeventrtrti 301.01W.VEAMY. pretested and certified for publieation pennant to the Tenth Article of the Conetttatlon. .• • Ynattiti Somme. Secretary of the Commonwealth. °Oleo Secret ry of the Commonwealth,. Ilarriebarg. Jana =l.ll, Ai oTicE.—Wc, the ea denial:led, will otter to let the L Wittier:of a Bridge, on the Pranklin road leading to Sammererille, near Tames Calph, on bleeder, Jet, end, 1872. . ktnny BUNICZLL, Z. 11. BRWSTEIt, .I Baperyllins. JAMES CAUL!. Bridgewater, Jane 10,18711.—v! • • MIAMI FOR SALE!—A Gran of mxtptwo arras MIA .1.2 Joining the Bore' of Idtmtrose Cu the South, Is offered for r a ta . It is• welt watered and has about to acres in timber. Including a flue gran of booth and maple near the dwelling. Dein the homestead 4:Listable:l of the Samnel Orc^ory farm. For further partlertlars enquire of Z. LC ontuttt, Esq.. or P. Lincs. Montrose, Pa. Feb..7.ltd3.—no6.—tf. • Nose^ 31$1.1rxil. (IA BRENT ELIS AND BUILDItS—MESSES.cOOLCY V s nTONT, aro prepared to dq all kinds of Dorm rao and Cann:craft Mork, Brick Work, Masonry, and Polntlno, by the Job or In any moaner Wind t ono. macro. Also, Sorb Blinds, Doors. Mouldings eau hinds, kinds. cod Window Fromm to order , • Pine Lumbar constantly on band., tibup in Fork rsetory Bonding, Ilontmse, Pa. A. W. COOl5 11r. BTA.NLBY Montrose. December. 27.141.-=.12-Gm. • $l,OOO .R•E WAR BRIGGS' ALLEVANTOII is comd - of AuutacmlN Chloroform. spirits of Camphor. Tin pose cture of Tnpullne, Oil of Juniper. and Alduhol This compound la an. equalled fn the annals of medicine for the care of NOT. vont or hick Headache. Irenruleia, Trembling or Tirltert• log of the Nerves, and all Nelsons Diseases. - It will counteract alt poleenr, banish pimples, cure ecaly crap. Clone, itching, humors, Se.. It equalizes the circulation. insigcrates du:system, Inereane the action of the tutatt, without exciting the brain, cares Ileattbarci.Paleam and Flu.teting of the Heart, Dyspepsia, 60. . • AlletunteruNuletetypossesee, more coratbreprtme — Ws than any other preparation. Physicists, chemists and others arorequested to examine and test, the caned) and $lO O O will be paid If found different trout npvcsaits• Hon.. UG.H S. i.M. ofust been " Ire: Va.:s heen cur..xed for the relief and care y throat and lung diseases :but nothing hap been so eminently en ceensal or obk.fned such a wide eelebrlty, rut Brim' Threat and Ludt. Beater. _ COR The exte a la n ti n isg , ptln Trade% from Bantam.. the piercing, distressing an from la growing Nails. cannot be escribed. Thansande nailer, not knowing there is a care. Briggs' Cern and Donlon Itenexiles are no acid or reread compounds. bat are se llable soothing. and effectual,and Just merit the +neon e they bare mined from an appreciative public. The Cnnalve to a healing ointment; !misrelate relief Is obtained by its applicatlon, and it will positively Cure the woret cases of Pestered Corns. inlitamedandVerrsts di Bunions, the sorest Instep, the largest and severest Ithetere. the moat extensive Valleattles on the Soles • or heels of the feet. unequalled in the cure of Chilbtabss or Ferreted Feet. The alienator fur ordinary corns and pterenting their formation la absolutely tuuntestied by anything, known. PlLESbare been .0 terror to Mankind for centuries, and almost every attempt to rune them has been banal. By nnceasing study and experimenting. Dr. Brigge het discovered and absolve cure for internal, bleeding. external, and itching piles. Briggs' Pile Remedies are mild. rare and sum • Coral, Bunions, lied Nal* Diseased Joints and AB diseases of the feet; Ohio, Piles, Cancers and Scratralans Rumour, ekilithly treated by Dr. J. Brims S Co.,ans Broadway, N. Y. fold ABEL Moutrese, N., audit/NOM N 1010.614, Ifontrotss.•Pa. • • . Jane 19,1 S W. BILLINGS, -STROUD. - General Insurance Agent, FIRE, ME AND Am:n=6m INSITAANCE, 3Ntrazo.troisio. Map. Hartford Fire Los., Co.. Capital and Surplus :-FXR.OOIII Home Ins. Co?, N.Y.. Capital and harpists. Als- 1 ,1100 Royal Ins. Co. Ltrerpool * 0,000.000 Li semen!. tendon && CG " $ 20 . 0 ? 0 .= Franklin Ins. Co., Phli'a Ins. Co, or North Amerlea .• - FAR Pennsylvania Fire Ina. Cu., Mate of Penn'a " Union Mutual .001 Lyeaming Fire Williamsport Ins. Co. • $110,01.111 Xa X 27° El . Conn. Ifetdol Life Is. Co., Altanadts amerluan We. Pall'a. " • ..9.417023:11724 11 r. - Trarelers a.Co.,llmlbrd,Capital Staples IMMIX* Railway Passengers " • $.7.41,1X10. 'The undersigned hisbeen s ell knourn I h thtavormty.tor the past Ityears,as an Insurance Agent. hossossustslued by is Compainin bare always been proraptlypald. VBF"Ordes , first door cast from Banking Otders of W. U. Cecinas it Co.‘Tu cop Ikc at. MOD trOCO.ra. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CUM. H. SIEMI. Solicitor. 71nutrose. gay .12.1512. * HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOC!. • ATION, • For thenetterand cant &the Errin g and turortunatit,ca • Principles of etuletian Philar.hropy • Age In &says on the Emmet Yonth and et Fades of A g t In relation to Marriage and Social Evils. hrith saultar aid ror the aftlletcd. gent free, sealed care! A 4 dress 110WABD ASSOCIATI O N : Box P. Ph la MONTROSE OMAR OF FASHION! Late Ati.rwrvita. FORE Pi Ai I! 'IOOREEIeFiE DRY GOODS. . PADDY IHESS GOODS, IHIAWIS, • ; • L4CEA.No ?eel; Y GOODS WHITE AND WOOLED( GOODS; NOTIOES,g!as 111114LINE1111( .GOODSL- Tivaintp, • UNTIMIIit'D lIATS, • R1D802 , 18, FLOVIERBo LACES, ETC, ETC.," ittApi mAnc FOIL BOYS, AN TOVIII'BIYEAIZ, PIECE , • OdODS BY I,IIE, YAM), • • AND CUSTS WORK. CE ; WLEnEN AND-LAIDIESS MSIBIII24EI GOODS, - DENTS ILATD AND CAP% OF ALL cparms, • AND LATEST STYLED,' ‘' • ALL IN GREAT VARIETY AT THE Well-kW= St= of GUTTENBERG. ROSENBAUM; &co xstapmshed toss: 344trobv, 21 1 1.5 2 —4. .: 1 raox) sum=