The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 31, 1872, Image 3

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    <~T~a~at: "~at~xl~g~ac~
Itsztcqotrio aznlzoliG[ .
s o t* * sareues • Esr
10)( n. to; nod!!
tr i nteennit. WilitmodA '• ' 44 i
„ .
CIRIRCO ' &Armee.
SObeenn Salim* Second etch Month
sit c nne9 School Immediately Wore Moo
Firls&d'At. criunca..itne. S. A. WeduOnOM.ltect,or.
sabbetnSerdeee lON a. in. and 'IX v.' in.
-sdnitee &hoof • 9
I,c, e lMV.Strelces:-.Wedemedaye p. m.
grAisr EPIiiCOFAL ...Sac: A. o:.ALlAinara.
ddams—. ........ 4043 a. to. and,7.90 p. m.
Messer Sieving, Thunders. 7 so p...
etsthekSerstees 10.45 a. su. add 71s p. al.
hakbatti &hoot 12.15 p. m.
p r o l e [lfttlug; ThmsdSy Estaluga..'‘.. - . ''' : ........ p. m.
s ''' - tieVre would call the special uttculio4iour
raeaderi to the letter of Senator Dayarq to 'his
political associates la Delaware, which wIU. hr
on our first page.
• . The .officers of the Montrose Library Aisoeht.
Lion, nchnowlctigo mitt! . thanks, the recept of
valuable Public Documents, hum lion. L. D.
Sboefintker, M. C.
:Narrow Gauge.
.. The New York Sun of last Wednesday morn
ing says editorially : "We leans that the mana
gers of the Elie Railway will at once proceed
to change *mug. of the road. This they
will do by laying down a thinl rail at the gauge
of four leet eight and a half inches, leaving the
'blond gauge until the present roiling 'Stock of
the Company is worn out, but all the new cars
and loonnotices that are procured will he of the
=TOW gauge.
A Manch Chunk paper tells a pitiful story of
w dumb boy whose legs were owed and crush
ed in a coal breaker, and states as a marvellous
circumstance that though mute from his birth,
while in this ternble position he appealed clo
Kmently to those around him to get- hint out
quick, and prayed to heaven air fluently and as
distinctly as any one could do. - - .
Oat Mr Grant ! Hurrah:!
It to currently reported that the Independent
frteirufirteau of Montrose, Susquehanna county,
is "out for Grant." We have noticed lately that
its tone was very much like
cl all, the Grant Or
gan& It is early entitled to the degree of 11. d."
Several "prominent" Republicans (which 'signi
fies office holders) have also come out for Grant,
such. as Postmasters, etc. But a lame: number
op."Sonnd Republican? who :believe
the belt policy, are still supporting Horace
The Tunkhannocs Iteputaran says that an
accident occurred to and Mm n in Platt,
butt Sunday, while on a visit to the farm of their
eon Robert, about one and 'a half miles from
town, which resulted in the very serious, Injury
of Mrs. Platt. It seems they were seated in a
buggy, when the horse elied at some object,
the seat being Improperly fastened, tipktl over,
throwing the occupants to the ground. Mr.
Platt was injured internally, but Is .able` to be
about. Mrs. Platt lies at her eon's home in a
very critical condition. Being a large and eld
erly lady, the shock was particular). severe.
About Flies,
We see it stated tbat hanging - branches of
May weed or camomile, or flowers, aboiat a
room or even strewing the dried Powers there
in, will expel flies, If this be so, why don't
somebody go into Plc camomile bra:loess,
and let nitrating humanity know where a sup
ply of that plant can be obtained, on moderate
terms? Another mode of expulsion Is partially
burning blacirpper by putting it on n shoveL
If these remeittes of a grievous annoyance are
not worse than the annoyance itself the adop
tion of one or the other should become unicer
. ,Wail ,
Reptiles. •
Some three weeks since a lady at Susquelian
flaPepot bad three young birds mysteriously
4 diaappear trom a cage banging •in , her . parlor
in tram of a window that. was let down from
Last week the ... lady entered tlicialilor
sabot she had two old and one young bird in
thusause cage. /waging before the same win
doa fat dowh from the top, and discovered in
the cage a spotted adder some three feet - -long,
apparently asleep, with its head hanging out
between the wires, and the young bird and one
of the' old ones missing. The snake was killed.
But this should be a caution to bangbird cages
'ere aosePtile3 or cats can And a foot hold to
climb to them,
Wrong Inspresslon.
lin impression exists M. many quarters that
revenue stamps were altogether abolished by
the late act of Congress, in amsequence of
which a-number of ytreens have ceased to use
them. This is a misapprehension. The act it
pelf does not become operative until the first of
October, nor does it repeal the two mut tax on
checks, , drills and orders, or on proprietary:
medieines,perfrusaery add cosmetics. Matches,
wax tapers, playing cards„ and , canned Meats
and alums, Eveiy one la supposed to know the
law, and the plea of *norance is not accepted
in extenuation of Its violation. Persons inter
ested will therefore 40 well to bear tills infor
mation in mind,
____..... 4111 b, ...-74-----
Riot in Williamsport.
The lumbermen arra strike at WiMamsport
attacked the mills on Monday, overpowering
the police who attempted to stay their progress,
and compelled the men at work to stop. Some
of the police were injured arid one of the strfft
en received a blow Gent a handspike which may
cause his death. .Telegrams were sent by :the
Mayor and Sheriff to Gov. Geary asking for
military aid and troops were immediately tor;
warded. At present writing the city was quiet,
end guarded by soldiers. Several of the On"'
tors among the strfiters were arres.tettibr I
leg to riot and put WV:CP . '
Blearleak IPhefissznerus.
During the heavy rata storm - Monday after-
noon, about 23 o'cleek, something renon,. l 4
stone step In fmntof the ince of the Beading
Spire Mills, No. 444 Penn street, whieli_explod-'
eti with a sharp and loud report like a pistol,
with a crash of4re and a light smoke like that
at n torpedo. A similar valliasive soon atter
fell on the toot of the . portion of Mishler's
end a third one In the middle ,of Penn
Mee% berfteentho 'Union and Parizere Banks
—a Massada too great tbr any au& projectile as
ft 3 r14 4 4) have bout thrown by' band- 'Phi'
rain was falling In large drops. and there had.
been some thunder and lightning Previoinly;
but there was none at that tints, - The lan se
port aljntto Sotid,anQonasedsomc`alstm.• . No
ttigiturela of any kind could be tough; though '
4stiSl search rtai toads, and it would hate
icen4ftlacat ialpeaslble for any one., to .hare
thrown torpedoes in threedifthrept placm, bar I
a square apart, without being dbmoverod. - The
rtplosicars folklyed each other at Intervats :4
Ono Owe minutes. 'What were them, OPlti•
grist ;OWL istki i of Attr scientiste ezplaittt
AAA* &ago,
Both the Main and: HerWi'd of Honesdale,
Ova, kfilpartierdatilast week of a utast diabol
ical Murder at that - place-oil *644 'er'ening.
The murder , was : committed: - .lm S'arnham's
Bridge by stabbirig tvittce shirii:pointed knife,
in the presence of witnesses- The Murderer's
name Is Charles Hegel, and his victim's ,Icihn
Hay Both had been brought trona New York
to Honesdale in May last, to work-At carriage
making, and had been inmates together - 431 m
Miller's boarding him& They:bad
• Oftsed to
be (Heeds, and Hegel especially had mideseyere
threats against May, who
man than himself, and !a a former assault May
had only beci`saved by the ihterferenes of the
other boarder& 'Hegel bad sine& lett, and had
made a trip tertortdont on a canal boat, from
which be bad just returned. - He Mid threaten
ed "to make an end of May," and improved
the first opportunityto mit his fiendish - threat
into execution:' He stabbed his victim through
the Lunge, Liver, Heart, Intestines' and Spine,
even cutting atib In two.
He was arrested 60C11,, tiro, hours
after the murder, having been, foetid secreting
himself inthownter, bis betel Only being above
the surface. Hader the excitement there were
threats of "lynching,' but he. area safety eon
veyed to the jail under a attong more
" Not Ow Set."
We envy neither - the' .man or' 'woman who
cannot , sPealt. to a fellow creature, out of their
own circle, nor to anybody_withent the formal
ity of an introduction. ,F ere Is no
the anoint of profit as-well .11.4 pleasure such
persons lose by hedging themselves in with this
stupid fence of fitstidionsums. We have always
found more of this feeling among persons who
thought nothing about it. -.A great deal of
intelligenee is floating!nround the: World _with
out beitig labeled, and those men or Women' w ho
have the good sense to recognize this fact and
act uponit not only, are educating themselves
but conferring that pleasure which we 'MT all
bound by the common ties of humanity
,to ex
change with each other.
Good Adsi.o,
The Tribune gives the following good atiViee,
which should be followed by every one interest
ed: " Entleavor to increase the circulation of
the newspapers published in your nspeetive
entity. There is no better campaign document
than the local newspaper.. Be It Jarge or
if it Is heartily devoted to,,the popular cause, it
will necessarily contain intitements to earnest,
resolute action in successive numbers, flower.
er apathetic or hostile tt voter may now., be, he
will not, if be Is open to honest conviction, re•
stst the influence of the their. publishintlietween
this and November, in any one-paper ; *voted
to national 'reform. therefeW,:•adtts
even eksingle name, to the suhierpthat list of
such a paper, has, laid the basis of an ever widen
ing circle of effective aid to the popular cause."
Cooked Cucumbers.
We find the following in the Rend EZ:nr.thland:
-It does not seem to be very generally known;
says an exchange,"that the cucumber lione of
the most usetlff vegetables the latitt . .alt4 can be
dressed in a greater variety of palatable ways
than any other, except the tomato. It is better
than squash and more delicate than the egg
plant, prepared in the same manner; can be
stewed, fried or stuffed, and above all, can be
parboiled, mashed up in batter and fried as frit
ters, more pleasantly and easily prepared than
any vegetable or fruit. When a cueumbeejust
becomes too old to be used raw or for pickling,
it is then at Its best for cookini—and - nuiy be
used for that Marpose even until the seeds . be
CITRIC Ilarit. at ran L ' r ••• .42 a we..
eons, an indigestible abomination, however
mach they may adittre its flavor and odor."
flow Fortunes arc Amassed
It is a noteworthy f:tet that in all large cities
the vast majority of the men who have amassed
large fortunes have done so by transactions in
revlll:state. here and-there tpq find aniettVant
or a:mannfactnerer who from thei profitisia his
business has won rich& ; but Ofe'n in these'ens
ea It will almost invariably he found that real
estate was the foundation of it. We cannot at
this moment recall a single instance to which
this rulels an exception. -The" - wealth of the
majority of the old families was not the result
of4ntde profits, but of the immense advance in
the price of property held by them for many
years, and which at the flirty. of Its purchase did
not cost a tithe even of the price it now com
mands. . .
Drinking Water,
Drinking wine is a habit. So is drinking
spirits, ale, cider, coffee arid
. water. The,last Is
thought a necessity, but' to drink Much is a hab
it. Those people never perspire as much as
those who
more The more that is
the water passes away or the aye,
teixe would sutler: As it is the strain affects it.
The skin, the kidneys, bowels and lungs are all
drawn up. The result - is, as may be naturally
expect d; extineistiOn. , : For this reason (lie man
who drinks Much water, particularly during the
summer and in the hottest weather, is less able
to endure fatigue. The water is of no benefit
to hlm—that 14 the. excess. It must pass
away, and this requires an effort of the system,
which is the sweating process. _fled he not
used the excess of water he would not have
perspired so—it would not have been there for
the system to expel.., It isqs-halait wr . r i
teriso much, a false thirst is-created.
drink only what is needed. The habit of drink
ing more will soon be overcome endthe Orson
will feel much stronger, and more capable of
bearing fatigue, In winter, little fluid is needed
beyond what our food furnishes; in summer,
some more, but not. nsucltr7Vortrffry Gael/man.
Deatiperatle County Committee.
The members of the Democratic County,
CCommittee, ATC hereby notified that a
will take place at the "Exchange jiotel," to
Montrose, on Monday, August 121 h, 18:2, (it be
ing the first Monday of Court,) for the transac
tion of such business as may come before it.
• B. 11. HAWLEY, Chairman:
NiliEi OF
w CONMITTEE•_ , ,.
Al/b1:171 in. White.
Ararat • -
Apolacon Patrick Welch.
Bridgewater .Kirby Bunnell.
. ....... , ..P.
Brnolalyn ....P. it Tiffany.
Ciiirorn ' ' ' ' John Bolton:
Chommut, Christopher Byrne.
Dimock ..C. C.Mills.
Dundati bprO
.......Jasper Witter.
Forest Lake/ _II. Griffis.
Frankilti......,i .1... -. : - --:• F - - 41:,13nritir:'
Frieridsville. - ....... Jelin Foster.
Gibson ' ' • ' ' ;Totin U. Vlaflin.
Great Bend bow V Reekhntr.
Great Bend tp........ .. . .. . ... -Vint. K. Rawl
Herrick ' ' E. B. Barnes.
Ilarrnony.....• .:........ . ~. . .i...7iir. V, Norton:
Usrford -- •'o]iu Leslie.
Jessup - • 0. flung.
Jueloon . ... Benson.,
:Alrlti y.
Ifathr4o: .. .
'Llberty, . ... .
. .... .Halley !
Daniel GarlieTel
Mantras• 3 .• .. .. Itatvley.
New Xlingd .. , ..Cyrus Barlow.
41 , 34 . .abraipten - Carter. '
Silver Lakfk A . D.P. Staling.
Thorason - 1 AY, B• Vital ir•
iireetcyisrli* *lo._
imp, 046;04 ineeting. Was
Itelkallhatasement.tclianti in thhcourt
In Montrose, on Wednesday evening last. The
meeting was called to order by electing A. 0.
Warren,Esq., Chalitann, and B.'L. Weeks, Sec
retary . s, ' On taking the chair; Mr. Warren, made
some very pointed and appropriate remarks.
Notwithstanding: the Montrose- • Republican
which - eonlained the "Adverilsentent7' failed to
reach Brooklyn until Wednesday, a thing un
known lielbre, a good representation of "sound"
-Grt. 43 .4l4 l gßVi. l * l . l ePuti ll _s l lEiss way Invsent
from that quarter, among which were Mr. John
Chapman, W. lent, Mr. Adams, Rev. Mr.
Porter; Jr., anti tiers, and speeches weritindle
by Mr. Porter and Mr. Chapinan, assuring the
club of A good report from Brooklyn. A com
mitten,of OYP . w appointed by .the : elrsir~ito t
nominate permanent officers for the club, and
report at, the nest meeting. On motion the
Club adjourned one week, air.:—to meet on
Wednesday evening, July 31st, at the some
place ati,',7,4' o'clock. "Business" is the motto.
Lecture by John B. Gough.
We are pleased to be able to announce to the
people of Montrose and vicinity, that the world
renowned John B. Gqugh, , will deliver two of
his•popular lectures lit'Montrose, the ; first on
Friday evening, August 10th, and the second on
Tuesday, August 20th. The Presbyterian
church has been obtained tur the occasion, on
account of its capacity, as It will sent about
seven htindreditersons. There ire to lie seven
hundred tickets issued for each lecture, and we
vionlil advise all wlio wish to secure a scat to
procure a ticket at once, as they are being sold
very rapidly. This may be the last opportunity
offered iv the people of this vicinity, to hear the
greatest of lecturers. The proceeds of the lee.
lures will be for the beneUt of the Young Men's
Lecture Association;p9ald theitt in procuring
another popular course of lectures this winter.
Admission tickets 75 cts. For sale at
of WM. It DeWitt, W. B. Deans,
C. Murria.43ere And Ws , 11. Cooper's
House. , (No. 29 td.
Jury List.
For the twn. of Court to commence in
Montrose, August 12th, 1872:
(;RAND .11711 . 0118.
.:,Auhurb—Newell Love, Geo. Place.
Clifford—John 11. Wetherliy, Jos. C. Stewart.
Dimock—Wei Graves, Wm. C. Miles.
Dundaff—Win. IL Slocum.
Forest Like—Er:wins Day.
Great Bend twp.—Samuel Goble,.Jobn Jack
s, n, Robert Mnscrip.
Gibson—Gilbert Ft. Stiles.
Harmony—Riehard Morton.
Jessup—Chas. B. Bolles, Christian Davis. •
Jackson—Jos. L. Marsh.
Little Meadows—Michael Hough. Edmund B.
-',Lenox—Geo. W. Mapes.
Oakland—Jonas Walker. •
Springville—Lewis M. Brown.
Susquehanna Depot—Gee. L. Tiffany.
Silver Lake—Ezekiel 11. Gage
Thomson—Edson M. French.
TRAVETISP. amines-Ist week.
Auburn—Wm D. Shoemaker.
Apolecon—Jobn Tupper, David Jones.
Bmoklyn—Danlel S. Watrous, Stephen W.
Bridgewater—Svlvester Hart, Perrin Wells,
Samuel T. Scott, Cornelius Stark. •
Clifford—Samuel Arnold, Charles Burdick.
Dundati—Joseph BrownelL...
Blakeslee,- Jasper 'Kinney,
Davis F. Stevens.
Forest_Lake,7llandolph Turrell, Geo. Small.
Frankiin-LBenjiimin Todd.
Great:Bend. tWp.--Julius B. Brown. • -
Grentliiiid biro.—Heury.A.Coliten,lsaael.
Gibson—Rufus Barnes, BenJ. Smith, Freder
ick Howell.
Hariord-rGeO. P. Wilmarth,. Geo. L. Payne,
Collins Ricardson,
cii. k ructi -
Jessup----john blielp, Frederick Dayton, John
H. Lake.
Jackson—Seymour J. Griffis, Joseph P. Mil
Little Meadows—Jonathan Barney, Thos.
O.Doud, Jr.
FribertY—Mmon E.*Warner, Job Knapp.
Lenox—Asa Titus.
Lathrop—Geo. W Tewksbury.
Montrose—Wm. L. Cox, John S. Torben.
ilidilleown=Patricir Delaney. , .
islf—John . D. Baker.
SuSipaeliatina - DePot—ThoiSteltirnart.
Springville-31inot Riley.
Silver Lake—Alpheus Snow.
. rtmons-,21 week.
Anbtarni4M-1 - 12:Ederattlir, Amin Hoag.
Bridgewater—Elida B. Warner, Wm. B.
Brooklyn—James Sterling.
Dimock—Frederick Bunnell, Horace Spof
Dundaff—Jasper White.
Forest Lrike=Jerorne Burr, David L. Dcwers,
Isan&B. Feasenden.
Franklin—Augustus Smith.
Great Bend twp.—James F. Carl, William
Gibson—Geo. Roberts,Durdon M. Gelatt.
Herrick—Samuel Campbell, Francis Felton.
Harmony , -Benj: F Gardner,'Cluirlei Kirk.
Ilarford—EliJah Harding. ,
Jackstref::Ahner M. Pease.
Lathrop—Philander S. Bronson, Daniel Van
Lenox—Samuel Halstead, Alson Tiffany.
Little Meadows -Gen. Palmer.
Liberty—Jeremiah D. Wilber.
- 310nimst —Shadrach Horton.
New Millcirit twp.- - -John Decker, Havens
, New miirom boro.—lloratio Garrett
Rush—Wm. H. Sherwood, Lewis C. Tupper.
Susquehanna Depot—Joseph Allen.
Silver Lake—Thos. Rodgers,
Springville—Philander Strickland, Giles G.
TheriasOn-I.sat Jul:lois:Jr:4M W. Bland
Money Orden.
Postal MpTleY Orders can obtained at
this office, plyable at all in:m(4 of- Great Britain
and Ireland. Gno. L. STONE, P. M.
Post Office, Montrose, July 3101, 1872.
...• .
The call term of select school at Dimock, will
commence September 2d, 1872, and continue
thirteen weeks. Tuition, ?,...!1 and per term,
Tkpse3risking tiildrms
Dimock, ! July 1872.—w3
1•• • - . .• . .
Talk at the Toilet.
Dreryjagdy'efnaldknows that the bewitching
beings whopave their triumphant: way with
conquered hearts, regard a splendid head of hair
the most effective of
_all womanly Melts tines.
They helitte,..sed ,tbey,ere fi ht, ,that they can
fassoas,Many hea4 with the lumstiant ringlets
and glossy braids rie they can "kill at sight"
with their beaming eyes. liencelotheir "toilet
talk" among themselves and'uith their attend
ants, the merits of.prepitratinnefor the hair are
frftley canvassed; and the latest result of this
diseusahipeetes to be the almost universal
adOPtion ortriol'a-Ksznanion as an article
'better adapted le promote the growth and bean•
ty of the "Chief Glory 'of Woman" than any
other nt present . before the world. They say
that without irritating the Skin of the bead it
eradicates dandruff, and that it penetrates below
the surface to„the rents. of, eadottioa
theeivithliorrlifo andvigot.
Thu ron4gagrtcP.phtA9 oinati
cbutel:ivill be due, July Ist, 873,, We Umbel;
ts;ll be P.X l o 2 NY.l i tild orkor before ttidi data
- -
Slate • '
• The subscriber can liarmnsh and put cat No 2
slate nearly as cheap as hemlock shingles; aleo
all the dillereae colored'Ne, I slate., J can
state 0111 old shingled moil amid *Sake a gebiljol4
Teratm reesetaible:': Zest oftico '
, • ,
, 0.413.01/gTIT
2: 'VG: 144 E, _.:Nontnee.
- _
.WanlCOl e
— lMMO'Matey, a GOOD ShOCIDIAker, to work on
new work, permanent , situation, good wages,
nono but a first class workman need apply. Ad.
drag ' _ IJrrzonovz .ti Co.
Illmitraie, 'Fa., July 10th, l842:-=w3.
"k r 4 11911111/4
Cunvs—ln East Bridgewater, July 280, after
a long antFpainful Gauze Crawford,
only child of William C., and Maggie Curtis.
aged 1 year, 2 months and 22 days.
JounsoN—ln Bridgewater, July Ist, after a pro.
traeted illness, 'lltomas Johnson, Esq., aged
.75 years and 15 months. •
Mr. Johnson was a , nativii of- Rhode Island,
but emigrated to Rush, in this. county when a
yoking man. Ile was elected Coroner or this
county 11).1839,11nd Sheriff in 1842, nod atter
minis, servo), as a Justice of the Peace, in
Bridgewater fur several years, Bo was univer
sally tespected by Lis neighbors and
zens of all parties, for his sterling integrity; and
eminently beloved by his tamily and -friends
who best knew him, for Lis cheerful and kind•
hearted disposition.
. get%) Advertiotmento.
IssoLUTloNotice Is hereby given that the
Dfirm of lieVics, & Hine was dissolved the 2sth
day of Jolt, guidon accounts must bo nailed by coati or
note, within 30 days from date, as all that remains un
paid at that time will bo felt with on altarnay for
prompt collection In cash. McVICAR &
lieVicah. it. L. Max,
Moutroae, July 30, 18.72-21-3 w.
John Westgale,,i ecented,letters of Administration
In the said estate having been granted to the undersign
ed, All persons ow log said estate, are requested to
make ImmetiLste payment, and all persons hat log claims
ng-ainsttald estate are requested to present them with.
out delay. lit LI:ANUS WESTGATE, t Idm .
. duly I. ,
UEBIFF'I4 HALBS.—By virtue of write Issucd by
the Cot rt pf Common Pleas of Snsonehantut county
and to mo directed, 1,111 expose to solo by publ le e ven
doe. at the Court House lu Montrose. on Friday, An•
gust 10th, 1579, at 2 o'clock P. IL. he following describ
ed pieces or pameln of land, to wit:
All those two certain piece. or parcels of land, situ
ate in the township of Herrick, in the county of Sus
quehtnna, and State of Pennsylvania. the first piece
bounded and described an follows, to wit Beginning
at a beech tree, a career of Lucius Curti.' land; thence
north 8U rods to n at akc nod stones; thence west 541
rods to a stake and stones corner; thence south to an
original line of Newton's land about 37 rods ;
thence along said original line about 58 rods to the place
of beginning, cant lining it acres, more miens.
...The second piece bounded and described as fol
k:MT, to wit: Beginning at I beech tree a corner 01
uodrnlT,; they. co north 3 degrees cast la/perch.
en ; these month 70.1. t degrees cant 63 perches to a stake
and stones corner; thence Zi degrees west EN perches
to a sugar ntapto tree; thence south 41N degrees
west 15 perches too stake and stones on the corner of
Lodes Curti.' land; thence along said Curtis' line north
431‘ degrees want 55 perches to the place of beginning,
containing 15 acres and Kit rods of laud be the 831310
mote or leo!, (excepting and resorting therefrom lye
titres conveyed to Lucius Curtis by Jerome Kishbaugh
and wife by deed dated the 15th day of June A. 13., 1.363,
recorded lu deed book No 39, page 777) with the appur
tenances, 2 dwelling houses, 1 barn and sheds, 1 corn
house. 1 orchard, and about at acres Improved.
• Sil.sitSLAStloit. certain phial or parcel .f land eltnate
In the too tonne of Herrick, In the wows of Susene
hanno. and Stale of Pent-will - nolo, hounded and deserite
en ...follows, to wit: Beginning at • maple tree corner
of Jona M. Mere'. and•Laelets Curtis' land ; thence In
h northerly direction :DM perches toe stakeandstones
cancer thence east 24 Perch. to satakesad Monet cor
ner; thence ninth 51 perches to a hemlock tree cur
nort•thetice ne°42 parches tattlb lake° of beginning,
contsinferlS nerosandetn perches of land. bertha..
more os•lais; irit,lt appurtenant/I. Wet°. ae yes
ImprOvat: (Talren'in excretion at the ruft of Jasper
°sniper, ine of A. C. Harding, assigned to Loans Cur
tie en !Creme Kishbaugh.)
A LBO--Alithat certain plece or parte Of land, nitrate
In thc township of Forind Lake; In thecounty of sue
quelanna. :and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
owl-Died as follows, to wit 4,Liegitintg at a post on the
Milford and Owego tornplko and 0
it rat owned by L.
• qiTtet;theme cast perches rho said line of
Lodena 131) ter le a-post ; thence so uth 9 5-10perchte on
:he linen( Poily Slarr too post; thence west 23 pereb-
este a post on the turnpike; that/6 bath 2 and 5.10
perches on the Sold turuptko to the place of beginnina.,
cont..dning about 2 aces of load, ice the lame more or
lees, with the env:nem:um., and all improver- (Taken
in exception at the nib of Al. 1.. Bail, nut of 8.0. Cu nip
vs John W. hirer.)
ALSO—AII those two certain pieces or parade of Lind,
silicate in tile townslOp of Middletown, in the county
of dragnehanna, and State of Penneylvanta, the fret
pinto lconniltstand described as follows, to wit : On
thenotth by lands of Jam a Tiernan, ma the east by
lands, of Dana( Riley, on the south by Lands of John
Dusey, and on the west by their:bile high - troy, contain
lug a coat DO tares of land, be tbo eara more or less,
with the appurtenances, 1 frame house, 2 frame burns
and sheds. i young orchard, and about shames imp.,
• . .The second piece bounded and described ao
Callon", to wit: On the north by Wolf !food, on the eget
by landirof Patriek.Keogh.' au the eonfri by lauds of
Nuance Conertan, andon the-wan by lands of B. Riley
and E. Carley. affstaining about RI acres or hand, be the
name inore - or less,trith the Appurtenances:l oldittatee,
oretrardonal about Macro improved. (Token. In one.
alifirkplaglult, of Charles 11. Frazier va EV, Flynn,
ALSO thet — icrialsr piece 6% - paCel of )and, allelic
In Detewnship of Liberty. in theeoahly or tasquebon.
n u o,4n(l now S i ta t t o e Oj it P : en o ns n y t irr n bi ort ,
h bo b u l n y d n ed wi a c od wg. d h e w eV , b o ed .
the east by Wm. lees , on the stialb by lands of Michael
Donley. and on the Poet by lands of Daniel Dawley and
0. M. Crane, conlainterg shoat IS acres of and, more or
Ins, with the appurtenanc.. I two story frame boner,
IS anvil... house 2 frame hams, grist mill saw mill.
orchard, mad all improved. (Taken in execution at the
role of Albert Chantherilli vs L. A. Tompkins, and D.
D. Searle vs 1. A. Tompkins.)
ALSO—AII that certain piece or puree' of land. silicate
In the township of Rush, in the county:of thaseptehan no,
and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and described as
fontints, to wit : On the north •by lands of James Mc-
Dermott, on the east by lands of James Logan
and John C. Graham. on lhe math by lands of Sylvester
Dune.. and on the westby lands of Proem in Ellsworth
and .Edward Filen containing about BD acres of he I,
be the.rde more o,:
with theapplatenanees,
balse, frame harnountill orchard. and aboat4D ae es
improved. (Taken In execution st rho snit, of Peter
Cams vs Henry Green.) •
ALSO—AII that certain pleie of poled of land. *haste
In the township of Harmony. in the county of Susque
hanna. and htpte dr Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribal as Wit VA the north and west by
lands of 11. M. 'Webster, on the coot by lands or Henry
hall., and on the goat. by starraeca creek rand, con
talnlqz2 scree of !and e l:lathe samiimoro or lose, with
the appiatenenees, I hone annals°. of eh acre 1m
proved,J(Taken- in execution at the snit or Bennett &
Webster, assigned to Lt 11. Hail vb lance Osterbout)
ALSO—AS that certaln pieta or parcel of bind, situate
In the township of Liberty, in theconnty of Susquehan
na, and mate. Pennsyivania, bounded and described se
follows, to wit: On the north by the New York State
line, on the cast by lands of Lester Tarbox, on the
moth by lands of Joseph Chalker and Isaac Robins es
tate, and on the west by lands of Jam. Carrigg, con
taining about 10p acres of land, he the tame morn or
Ices, wittalleapplutenahces.trasallimaa,hata:brehard,
and about 40 acres improved,
ALSO—AII that casein piece or parcel of land. situ
ate its the township of Liberty, in the county of Sesgeo.
henna, And State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ
ed es fullOwt, to wit: On the north by public highway,
on the earl by goads °rialtos Knapp, on the south Yy
lands of Nicholas AnntLit, and on west by land.
McGraw. containing about 210 saes ofland, be the
came more or leis„ With the aspilltenanalPet log hoade,
and about 20 acres improved. (Taken execution at
the snit of Harlow Knapp en Cbtiries D. Adams; Wil
liam 11. ,Lewis and Lydia Lewis, executors of William
Lewis, doeased, ve Charles Mildew, and JangsCarrigg,
and-William E. Lewis ens' Lydia Lewin, executors of
William Lc-cried...mid, vs (Invite D. Adams, James
Down., and James Carrigg.)
ALSO—AII that certom pieeo or parcel Or load alto.
ate In the tow.hip of Auburn, ftt the Comity of tine
quchanta, and state of kerinsylvania, bounded and lie
e crihad wit:On the north by lands of Robert
Manning.On thocast by lands sot Ziba La Franca and
Robert Man/slug. on the ninth by lands of dental Henry
Green, and on the west by Bradford county line, el:n
isi:Dog about 45 acres of land, ho More Griefs,
with °napped-tenant., 1 flame dwelling booed, 1 barn,
a valuable stone marry, and about 25 acres Improved.
(Taken in oreanion at the snit of 0. li. Loomis, as-
Dun al to C. A. Warren vs Norris Fargo.)
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situ.
nate in the tinniehlp of Franklin, in the county of Sus
mahout:fa, and Sato of Pintusylvania,- bounded and de
scribed as follows, tic Un Me north by lands of
Drinker's estate, on the east by lands of John Welch
and J.Motrlson, on the south by lands of Patrick °Ate
ley, and on the west by lands of Thomas galgley acid J.
WI BJan:containing 120 acres, mere or-less, with the
appurtenances, I frame Mesa, and abont St arced la.
proved. --(Taken In execution at the snit of Edward
Cavanaugh, taniknect to N.C. Warner, vs Benlotnin J.
Notice a hereby given that all hide mast be paid fa
cash on ohs &yet sale. WILT. MOBLEY, Sheaf.
Sheriff's Ofilico Montrose. July 21, MA
Jet ;Ty° 7r:4:1012a o
Puiffshed is a Seakti Envelope. rries
A Lecture on the Netnrevirreattnent and
Radical Cure of !decimator:Sea, sad Seminal Welke
ness,mealrultary.lßmisrimut, and Impediments to Mar
riage erailyt Nervousness; Conatimption.. Epilepsy.
and .Fita..alental and Physical loespeelty.tremidtr,
hem Bcitateme, dc:--By ROBERT J. CULTRRWELL,
M. NAntliorof the..Cireett Book." de.
Tho worldrenowned author. intale tided:loM Lecture
clearly proves nom Ids own - experience that the awful
consatmences of self-abuse May bo effectually. removed
without medicinea, and without dangerous surgical op
erations, bangles. in strum mas. slam or co rd °tut.
ing oat a mode at once certain and offectaal by which
stray auterer. no matter what his condition may he,
ma y avebbnicif cheap!): nrioateiland radically. THIS
BANDS. . -
Sent un der seal. to any Address, In plain solid aunt
ope. on the receipt of ill cents, or t wo postage-stamps .
Also Dr. CalyerwelPS`.lllarrfage Outdo,' pica 50 cad ! .
Address the Ptitaiahersi, ' ' - '
CRAZIES 3..0:151 TN
LIT Byway, NSW Yak,' Pos E• dt tolliee 80i4,6811
" •
vx,EcuTnirs NcrricE..:Wokuna Letters testa•
mentarg4d the_ estato of Jar: 7 °attain: latent
Franklin, deceased. hare Ikea granted in thoatabaeriber,
airprmone indebted tui said estate ire montitad to make
immediate ,payment, and thaw having- claims Or de
aural a t zlh e at the: mane. sift prearnt them nrithent de
by. F. . Ward, En., of New Milford, Ls author Med
to Rota accounts of the estate. • - . •
" CAROLINE CoNEI,g,T; to o *
June • •
-'4feri_hi s j l l42,ll, ,7 °Tlc l3 - Ar l s h Ot e ltrglit .
trauun the:said estate. him boon granted to theca.
(Unfree:l, all persons Indebted to Paid estate, ass here
hi' 'loathed to =he Immediate pnymentibthcAdmln-
UMW, and those bating claims against. their:U..lH.° •
mongol to preaelit them at the ogles *MIL th. A:
Midsummer Maladbm.
. ..
Thiihrii relay riya that ripenthe harvest* intonate
raspy diatrnaingdieseases. If . the ineybe at 'AB . pre
dispoiedto Irregularittesil is the gentian in which
billions attacks triny'be antic! . test: A weak stomach,
loci, Is weaken In the summer oaths, and thd loss `of
vitality through the pores by amuse penetration to
OP great; that a Wholesome nig, fin ing - atop the
properties of a diffusive itim a d Celle" extillap
ant:l? in many 'awn necessary 011 th, and under
no eirmametances etiould be dlspea with by the
sickly and debilitated. Of all tb9,preparatlene intend
edc tiros to nireab, contain. an -fortify the benne frame
there la notie that! will e ware - with iloatetter's
Celebrated Stomach bitters. They have been weighed
In the balance. "of experience not found _wanting;
have been recommended from the 'ant as &great medl
dna ePeeltie, not as ii beverage, and In spite -of Inter.
cited 'opposition Prom Innumerable quirtera;stands.
after II twenty years trial, at the heed of all', propriety
Medicine e intended for the prevention and core of ell
bn:Unary complainte of the stomach, the liver, the
owels, end:the nerves. to the unhealthy dilutes
bordering the great rivers of California. llooletter••
tin:mark Blume tney:bo classed as the standard our for
every species of Intermittent or remittent fever. The
people who Inhabit those district., place the moat ica
elicit coutidence In the preparation—a con Wenn that
is increased every year by the ro WM of Its operation.
As bitters, so called. of the most pernicious character.
are springing up like Pine on every side • the public is
hereby (minuted against the deem-chop fends. Aalt
for Bostetter's Bitten, see Uaat the label. etc. ate cor
rect, and remember that the genuine .article Ls Inver
sold to belk,.bnt to bottles eel,.
TestimOny of a Prominent Physician.
'•Daring the port eight yaws 1 havo had frequent
oppoitunttlca of Witnessing the effect of kftenasn's
army litrrnts upon persons euffering from Dyrpcpela,
Lora of Nervous Energy, Bernal Wealetcee,Diarrhrea,
&c, I bare known It to prove raceeratal In many
cares, where Allophatie. Hinninnpathle and Ilydrephat
lc treatment had failed. 1 rtill continuo to use it la
inch complaints with uniform enemas, and hare no
hesitancy In prOttonneing It the most eilleaclons nine.
dy yet dircovered for dhicates arising front., a dieorded
Stomach, Liver, Kidney. or Downie,
very truly,
J. T. BARETt, M. D.
B. 0. But, IX, Lancaster. Pa.
I3MBLISIIRD as a warning, and for the bentnt of
young awn and others, who suffer from Nervous
Debility, Loss of Manhood, 10., supplying
Written by ono who cured himself. after undergoing
cowiderabla quackery, and sent free on receiving a
pose-paid directed envelope.
Address, NATRAV MAYFAIR, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Brooklyn, Juno, 12, ISfl. On
Tho advertioer, having been permanently cared of
that dread diocese, Conotimption, by a simple remedy,
to =SIMI, to make known to his fellow-sufferers the
means ornate. To ail who desire will send a copy
of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the direc
tions fer preparing and oath: the tame, which tboyartli
and a aunt Cum: for Cosawarnoa, Alan CA , RIIOSCIII.
Martha wishing the prescription trill please address
MI Penn Strad; Wllltamobtirgh, N. Y.
A g m iT4 E lel l 4 ,4.3 iS fe r !o af % ica o r i l! f t riv.o of
youthful indircrettun will. for the irate of puttering hu
manity, rend free to pll who need it, the receipt and di
rection for making ttrc simple remedy by whirl he woo
cured. SolTerers svialdrig twprollt by th eadrieer'■expert.
cure can do so by adth.ming, In perfect confidence.
No. 42 Ceder street, Now York.
CV — Getting Tlicirrled.-2erays for young llen,on
tha delights of home, and the propriety or imheopriety
orgening married, with sanitary help for those who
reel unfitted fur matrimonial happlatass. Sent free. In
sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION
Box. P.. Philadelphia. Pa..
Corrected weekly by Harding, Hayden ti Co.,
32.5 Washington St., Yew York. •
Butter, pail' 260:48
~ .
Cheese, dairy, per 1b... .. ... ... , ... '. - . 1101134
" factory " 12012,4
Eggs, per doz 20021
Flour, per barrel 510©5.60
Corn meal,loo 1b5.... ....... .. - 3.5003.70
Wheat, per bushel -- • 1.4701.48
Rye "
7 75076
Hops, crop of 1871 350,50
Tallow " . .
86 0
Lard per lb 800
Potatoes per bbl -..1 5002 00
Apples " e+
Turkeys per lb •
Chickens " '
Bucks "
11ERTFFS SALE.—By virtue of a writ Issued hy,
1..7 the Court of Common Plats of Susquehanna Conn•
ty and to me directed. I will expose to sale by public
vendrie, at the Court Rants in Ilontroto, on Saturday,
Armust 10, Inn. at I o'clock, p: m., tho following piece
or parcel of laud, to wit:
ell those two certain pieces or parcels attend. situate
in the township of Lathrop, in the county of Sasque
[mono, and State of Pennsylvania, the first piece Wand•
ed and described as follows, to, wit:. On the no .by
lands of Alfred resit and Chola Tooksoury. on the Lost
by !ands of I'. S. Bronson, on the month by lands of. It.
S. Squires, and on the west by Lauda of gopher Mackey,
containing about irA) acres of land, be the some more
tom, with the sop:On:maces, I dwelling house, 3 barn,
imbed, and other out building, I orchard, and about 100
acres improved—, .Tho second piece bonded and de
neribed as follows, to wit: On the north, cast, south,
and woat by lands of llorace Squires, contaming about
stn aunt of land, be the saMo more or los, ;ha
appurtenances, I dwelling bonne and 1 cow milk
(Taken in execution at dm soil of S. Taylor, assigned
to Bronson, es. Jacob Decker, end David IL Sim
mons vs. Nelson Chambers and Jacob Decker.)
ALSO-All those two certain pieces or parcebv of
land, situate in rho township of I v enor, in the county of
Seummehanne, and State of Pe msylvania, the fleet Ore°
boon ed and described as follows. town: On the north
by Decker .0 Halstead'. mlli pound,ota the east by lands
of Franklin Gaud, on the south by lands of M. O.T.
Decker. and on the west by lands of +Melee &Unhand,
containing about one half acre of land, be the same '
more or less, with the appurtenances, One frame house,
one frame barn, nada improvcd....Tho second piece
bounded one described as fam es. to wit: On the north
bin y o bo
hlabwap, on
ct:,ll7lf.g " atz n d e t es o rt t of
no acre of land, be the same more °rims, with the hp.
portenanc+,, wagon shop. blacksmith phcp, and all ha.
proved. (Taken In execution at the plait of JOMCS IL
Johnson vs. N. C. ilaletced and Wilcox A. Pratt ve N.
C. Halstead:.
' ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate
I In the township of Jessup, in the county of Susenehan.
nn, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
alp follows, to wit: On the north by lands-of vinettb
I Deckciand J. D. Drinker.san the Must by landa-of.-• Ur-
Lando Stone, on the south by lands of Richard Arnold,
and on the west by lands of James Catlin, containing
100 acres of laid' be the same more or leis, with the
appurtenances, Mae frame, base, ontsbarn, one orchard,-
and aboht sixty acres improved-(Seized and taken in
execution at the cult of 15%11. Jessup, assigned to S. S.
' Mulford, vs. Joke O'Hara.)
ALSO-All t h at Veneto piece or pareatof land, thank+
in the township of Lathrop; in the county of Stinnes
haunts, and State of Pennsylvania, brooded and do
scribed as follows to wit: On the north by lands of I.
S. Little, Z. Mackey, end-Wm. Oahe/Ir. - ern the cart by
lands of 1. S. Little and puolic highway, on the south
by lands of 0. L. Ilaliteal, and on the west by public
highway, containing about 70 acme of land, be the esme
more or lees, with the nopertennnove. frame house, a
few fruit trees, and about 65 acres p . art o tly_ Improved.
iT a ( ll . m . - 3 + . In g e ct i it v i . on
j a . tAnt oi, eul of Z Mackey, era
ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate,
is the township of Lenox, in the county of thisquelnin.
us; and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deecribcd
no follows, to wit: On the north by lands of George
Dowell. on the met by lands of Andrew Ohninberlin,
on the south by lands of Warren Price and on the west
by Made of Isaac M. Loud, contalninild such of land,
be the came more or leer, with the appurtenances, a
few fruit treSS, and about 10 nFres Improved; ( felon
In execution at theault of .(lcorge - Mr, Howell, 010 of
Allen en
to Gunther vs W. T.
Rowell and &or:okm 'Jewett.) . • • ,
- ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of land, Wilde
ID the township of 'ltuell,ln the County of Su...ocher+.
tie, and ttmln of Pennsylvania, banded and Aciteritted
AM lams*, to wit: On the north by lands of David
Case, on the east by lands .of donna .Kinnt7.--on--lhe
south by lande-of -Alexander Stephens. and bathe -West
by lands of ilathereari. containing. about- IS OEM' Or
land, be the rarnenote or ids , with Uteapptirtehances,,
1 framelionse.s flame barn, I frame hoz house, M.-fosr;
fruit tram and about 23, ems. Imprered. Token in es.
motion at the suit ofii, A. Lano,asitigainl ti/ Leonard
ALSO-Ali thatuerinlit piece as parcel of land, si triato
In the township of Rush, in the county - of tinrquehani
na, and Slots of.reurnylvanin , anddescribed as.
follows, to wit: Oa their:era hylands. of David Case;
onthe e,
the cot by lands of Joseph Khalil, on the Nadi: tiy-.
Lands ot Alexander Stephens, and on the west by Lows of
Barney Cati,containing about 7aseree of lancl, be the
Tema moro or dem, • with the appurtcnaricer. • frame
house, frame barn, frame hog house , a few knit' tree,,
and abouttS acres Improved. • (Taken in execntion at
the suit of H. C. Hibbard, amigned to Ur 0. Catnip wo.
Geo. W. Gardner.)- ••• • , ; •
14.130.111 those, DroCertatti fddiee Of pare:ell of land:
situate In tbetownsbip of Gibson, In the county of
Susquehanna, and State of Perintylmuls, - the tint piece
bounded and described as Mallows, to wit: llegluntok:
at a corner In *ha centre of unackereekrinlinu
eekil n
of Ciarbel. , ,Plckertim'a- lot i - theitme• abcatt ,Morlbtroft.
abantiri poetics toe corner lit Unelif U, Bonner? land
to antenarooditree standing one rock; thence 'in Hue
of U. Ittarner's timid aboutmortheast about 40 'perches
to a conic:quilt* ut :John Patton', thence' along, eald
•Feltan'a line shoat Southeast 89 perches to the Ornirlf
'of the TanidAnnock Creek; thence down the cen tre • of
raid croak abontso mass to Um place•nt•• beginning:
it:defiling about blames of pad, be tho mama more or
iels. with" the itoptlitenatiCcs,'divelling house, two
. tae. email orchird.snd mostlyman:med.:, .Ttur
and Weep or parcel of /and. 'boarded na follOtrs,lo
On thenorth by lands of Fitch Itiamegnl, on the south
Cast-by Tuzilthennnelecreek, on the southetatbtaa
above described lot. and on the wen by - Hamilton BCD.
I nett's land, and amps northwest-by acmes oatep and
. Widow Wilkeee coatstaltigaboattivat*Orhadl
. -
bathe lame mote Orless. with the appurtenances, t saw
milt t caldnetshop, I direllingbane; 1 small sloop . I
smaUOrr-bahl.and - ntll send Improved.- Taken la
cieentirat at the snit of Wilber Gardner vs. 11... N;
ALSO- All that crtntlii ideal `Moires.] oflond„eltuste
in to township of Itualt In the munty of Sowinehenne,
and State of Penns, ivania.hounded and dumbed as
follows,to vitt,. Da the" north .b lends of lienulre
Russell, on the east by lands of It.. 11, Downer. on the
south by bml4 or Meant Whitney. serpent the. west, by
lands of Daniel Pickett. containing about IS acme of
land,ho Mecums more or lets. with theapperteasnees.
I frame hottse. horn.: slaw Obit. Dec*. end *bout CO
acres Improved. (Takeuin exoention at the n o t of 8.
S. Whittaker' assigned to B. Aft:llford, vs' Ira Sterling.) -
ALSO-zAllthat certain picot or parcel ot.londisltonte
in thellorough of „New Milfordetn the conetv of Sus.
onehanuti, end State of.Pennoyfrenti. de
mitred es Weirs, to wit-On the north by lands Gernert) ,
owned by E nibbled and Illnghomestate, on the coat
by Choral, ,treat. on the Muth hy Union atroet; and It;
the went by landsM U C. Mary. ronlidningaboetobe
toroth elan acre of Dad, be' the Caine more or Icon,
with the appurtenances, 1 twok.litiny. thaw honae, an d
all impn.yed. (Token to cam-talon at the stilt of L. N.
Stiles... 3: W. Oillesple.)
ALSO--All that trettalo pima or parcel otiond. aitoal a
Ia thetowmhip of Althorn. in the roe tao!' Soup:wham
us, andt.tattitif Penneylvonlo, is unded• t and described
as folimrs, to wit-Beginning at the road and running
cost iatrOds, tbeticesenth 8 rods, thence west '2O rods,
and thence north 8 rode to the place of beginning, con.
Mining one acre of land, be the same more or lose. with
the appurtenances, frame awaiting time, (tome bans.
store house and ont-tinlidiugs, some frair trees. and all
Improved. (Taken in execution attire salt of George
P. Little vs. Chita L. Low.)
ALSO—AII that certain piece of land. situate in the
townshly of Liberty, in the county of Snsonchanna.
and Staten Pennsylvania: bounded and described ea
follows, to wit:. Oa the norm byltiney Cheek road.on
the east by lands of P. P. Botts, on tho south by lends
of ireseTravis, and on the west bylends °tufa Travis,
containing tour aerosol land. be the alone intro or 'len,
with the appurtennoeca, and mostly Improved. (Taken
In execution at the suit of Aronson Chalker. assigned
to It F. Terrell vs. Markt E. 'Buchman and John W.
ALSO—AII that eertain Wee of lend. sitnite in the
township of Liberty, In the county, of Susquehanna,
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: On the north by the New York State
line. on the oast by lands of Charles O. Adam( and lands
of Isaac Robbins` estate. on the rontb be lands Minority
Roe, and on the west by lands of Milo tobtaim-
Mg about CO:envier land, he - the same more or lees,
With theapplottenances.frarnv haunt'. framobern. Gra •
ard. and all Improved. (Taken In execution at the snit
of Tootle Com.tOck. Ilra 'geed to A. Lathrop vs lame.
Cavriv., end J. C. Parma', nee of Wee, 4. Lewis-and
Lydia Lewis. executors of Wm. Lends, 'dac'd , ye.
amen Qtraggi: •
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land.sitinic
in thetsvp. of New Mulford In the county of Swope
bonne. and State of Pennsylvania. bohndisi and descrit.
ad an follows. to wit: On the north by the nod lead
ing from New Milrerd tv Bon irnee. on the east by lands
of Levine Turner. on the south by railroad. and on the
west by Londe of Joshua Phinney. containing tour alit
ono-half acres of lend. in. the Fame more or less. with
the appertenenecs. frame brise, barn, few-hnit tree:,
and all improved. (Taken In exception at the exit of
Terrett ih Martin ea T. V. Kibbee.
ALSO—AII that certain pima or pare,: or land.situate
In the township of New Milford. In the county of Sus
quehanna, and State of Pcnosylvanfo, bounded and de
scribed en follows, to wltt On the north by lands of
Owill WaYman. On the east by lanivt of Gabriel Everitt
nod 11. Seymour's Garde. on the south by 11. Seymour's
estate and Oliver LothropC on the west by lands of
Oliver lAthrop, Edward ler, and Frederick& Sogrenc
Millard, containing ahout• acres of land, with the
apportennocco.l frame house. It barns, I shed and out
buildings, 2 orchards. and shout IrS aeroe improved.
(Token in execution at the snit of Clariva Vosbargh cc.
Marion E. Tosborth and F. Seymour. odmluistrator of
Horace Se our, k'i'd., vo. Morten, E. VOsborgb.)
ALSO—All.that 'certain piece or pored of land situate
to the townWip of harmony. in the county of Susque
hanna, and State of Penn.ylvania, bounded and .de
scribed astoilowir. to wit-Oo the nonit by lands of Ed
ger Theater, on the east by lands of &tor Thomas,
Noble Thomon, James M. Thomas, Motbouist Church
ground, David Lyon. and IL T. Vonug.and on the south
and west be !auditor Jacob Taylor. Jonathan Taylor's
eetate, If, ft. flotcrt. coo ta I ohm about *lams of tend,
be the same More or Ices, with the aPpoltoratheoe. one
&rein:whoa/a, two barns. onalstesm and one water
Power raw mill. one grist tulth one planer end =ache;
and other buildings, rind all Improved. ashen in czar
cotton at tho stilt of David Taylor es. Muer Itroso
A iso—All tbrit certain piece or paled of fan d. Wank
In llw township of Joann, in the county of Susgnehan
oa:lind Slats of Pennsylvania; binandeo and desCrlbed
as followe, wit-Deginnirig at the northeast Caner
bernef t thente along land of Byron Griffis and land of
Daniel Plant" 50 rods to Spool and stones In the centre
of the-road leading by Daniel Pickett and Lewis Blaw
delra thence west 180 rods to a port in ilne of 1.. S.
BlWA:lreland ; thence north 60 rods to a post and states
corner of Byron Critlittio land, th.-nce east along
raid Grifilth's lino 160 reds to the place of beginning.
containing 30 acrereof land. be the same more or Ices
'(excepting therefrom liner° cud 105 percher formerly
eortyaryed to Timothy BLudell and now owned and or
copied by Levi S. Wardell) with the appartenance.a.,2
frame house., 9 frame barns frame hog pea and out
buildings, orchard. and await improved. (Take, In
execution at the milt of Wm. IL Walker, assigned to
D. D. Searle vs. Shen Whitney,)
ALSO—AII that certain' Stele or parcel of land Filmic
in the Borough of numurPin the county of Susquehan
na, and State of Pennsylvania. bounded :and described
as follows, to wit-On the north, cast.and south. by bmds
of A. U. Ayres, and on the nest by the publin highway,
containing about ono and one-half Berea of laud; be the
came more or less. with the emnortmaricet, one trams
bonne, our barn. some fruit trees, and ail knprored.
(Taken lit execution of twat R. DavlavaJ. A.Drownell.)
ALSO—AII that certain place or parcel, gloat°
In the township of Lathrop, In the county of Su wine-han.
na, and State of,Permayinnia. bounded and, dervibed
as follows to wit; Beginning at a stake andatones tor
a corner, In line of the reed lending to llopbottom. It
being the northeast corner of land now °Mutat by..l.
Stott; thence nerth SO depecovreot-107rode, to 41=-
1 ncr In hoe -or P. IL Bronson eland thence 1 4 11 011 9 do:
ho digFera CAT'frriailirth . TenTrit ofmentioned"llVe
raid, thence along raid mad north := degrees cast" 63
rods to the place of NT-Inning, containing 03 'acres of
land, be the same-moreor exceptingand reserving
unto the sold partier,their heir! and ustgna. by. such
legal terms as shall he sufficient In to tu, all the.ovud and
Umber on the said place,and thetprivilege and sight to
eat and remove the same, excepting three acres of wood
on the northeast corner of tha- lot. with the apparto.
winces, 1 email house,' hanr. and about 23 acres- 101- ,
proven. (Taken in =mutton at-the/aka IL P. Mal
et as and S. Taylor vs. John Ryan , S.Taylor 'A Co , to
use of S. Taylor-re. John Riau. and Taylor, Witiker r ib
Co.. tie of S. Taylor vs. John Ryan.) ,
ALSO —The Interest of Samna]and R. A,.
Reynolds In all that eertattaplece or parcel elf - land; sit;
ante In the township. of Clifford. In Abe comity of Sup
eyelet= and State of Pennsyhonta. bounded and
damned as follows, to wit.; Beginning ate ;ernes In
the Lackawsrum turnpike road. a corner of, a lot survey
ed for Wallinas Woodman; theneeneroserthe Lacka
wanna creek, north 4 6 degrees east 39 peril:teased 0.111
to a corner In the Warrant 4ine of John Botch And Sim
nel leredeth, N 0.2 •theneettiong said-Ilan north 43)(
degrees west 41 perches and6lo to a ebnierdnllnear lot
surveyed for Carpenter ,b Wanda • thence south 46X
di„Vera ;welt 13 petchei to another canter thereof
thence north, 41 degrees west 104 perches, to warrant
line :Thence
to Slid degrees wert 350 iserches and
3-10 .to corner. of lot 4t of 51.31/1:2 allotments'
of the Iferedeth Leads ; 'thence along 'Mao or. It and
40 math 60 degree.. coat ISt perches to ur In line of
lot No.lo, of Xylem'. allotment aforesaid ;to
west line of lot No-,10, south 9 percher to a corner ea
Noe. Sand 10, thence along line of Nos:9 and 10. east
213 percheis and-1-111to the Lackawanna turnpike afe re
saldr,.and thence by the several cosines and distances of
said tamisike In a northerly direction about WO perches
tented% of beginning, containing 4 giricrea and 91perchs
of Land strict minimum, be the saran mere or less, being
parts of Johnlkach and Philip fketches warrant., with
the appurtcnancee. (Takes In eleention Slate snit of
Frede.ricia A. Case va. ILA.-Reynolds and Sainuellteyn
olds.l • • ' •
ALSO—AII that certain piece or pareel ottani], eitnate
!nth, tamable of Lenox, In the county Of -Som.:khan
na. and State of Pennsylvania. Wended and dm:cellar] as
folltnitossit: Beglnnlog at estate and *tones In the
Hue of Itada of , IL, Power . running , thence north
Int • degrees nest Si porches along Ishii tine,- thanes
.oathelahty-nina and. half degree,. caret.eighty-three
_perches to a stake and stones in..llne of lands.
veld Lishe ; thence along mid line south X of a
degree welt 30 p s es to a stake and rtOner, thence
moth along line oftands told Allen W. Idelknahlt • 19
degrees wen 30 and 610 perches. to a - corner; thence
north IDX degree. arest 113 and 4-10 perches to the place
of beginning. mantathing Wears Grperchca
the" memo More oF leas, with' the apnoea:tun:eta 1
dwaillnahoure,.l log barn, a few fruit trace. and about
thaeras - Impreved. (Taken In cxecntten at the suit of
Ferdinand Whipple - vs. D. D. Stealing.)
Notice Is hereby given that all bids cum.! 'be paid to
lath on day of earn. ' WIC T:EJONLZ,Y, Sheriff.
Sherilra Oflice.lfordrose„Jnivl7.l49. -• •
A DatINISTII.ATOR'S NOTICE.—In the, estate. or
Abtsthar , Millard, deceased, late' of Bridgewste.
township, letters olt Administration in said estate lutv•
tog been granted to the undersigned, all pgeouS
owing said estate, aro Imp:tested to , malte immediate
Psent. and parsons hating claims's:sing, said algae
are rennested to present them without delay,
• :
dnne 19, 'l2.—mt.
L'DITO 1 8 NOTNE:—The underilzued, nuandltor
appointed by the r.Otitt Or CotertlOD Picas° of boa.
rpichsuns County to distraint° the fonds in the , bands
of the Shertif,nrrising Isom the tiberitrs rain of - tbe
real saute J
date of .N. Neaten, liercb) , gives heti= that he
will attend to too duties of his appointment, atlas omee
In Montrose. on deler.e7. t 3 th , teT 9 1 -41 11 7. 11 4 :a. e.
one p. m., when and where ad pctionslntep,st.'
ed tumid feudal', present tbsir: dolma titterer
debntred than Coin ing to od said:fond. . ,
, • • .I.B.!SlcUti4l: l 3l.'.Pidlier. -
:Juno 11,71,1,710; - • •
. -
VSTATE, OP Joho iffalley or the tom:ably or Auburn
.11:48neonseartegttonnt,v, Ys., deceased.—Lettera of Ad.
relnbidration open the estate or the above named deco•
dent, haring been %Tented to, the undersigned, all per
eons Indebted:to sold eatateare hereby antined to make
Immediate 'payment 4.lld,tbosterkavin„, ,, agalnet
the same, to prosent ;bun datr anthentl mutt Tor settle.
meat.. • A,NDHEAV DEU3AN, Ade*. .
Iday • , . . .
e i t.ROVESIi SAUTTEIL. , --Witb :Their
united experience, both In the Old. World •and
. I , inehielt 0 over ratty yearn close application, -We--both
'feel confident that tee can not tail to plena* all lane - may,
Warns with their patronage.- litrict attention to heat.
.neu and warrant'all work to he done In the Rest tit yLII
Or the trade and the moat approved VARIIIONS Ot the
day. orCottlagand Repairing done is the eicatnet
vaittrtteX !SpozOyet s,;ll,,thanoileis Store. , •
Noldialt:1114 ttrlßT 4 * - 411 ' '
• TERME TEAS,Jut =dud and for t3te loer por
Ova at 11.3; WEBB'S:
New .orOikery—FOß. SALE•AT
.46.1!. - . , • :..,•••-•- • ,:! larnaws:::
altustvirare Fon SALE'AV
Ash ton Balt FOR SALE BY
••••', - i' , ..!_4 - ..L ,, . - ; -,:.:_`;', wi.a,Airalri; II::
S m = b i l iV e ow il•&,s=742o62MtheUtattnd
mum nom mutt iffixix,
Pottatite and 13Sitlocary Engines, Ustiogieltiral aid br
Selo, ny MYR& & BEM
bluatzoie.74.. Fib.% -
PROPOSED rad:lmmo rro TIIE alum,-
JOItiT azioLtrrirs— '.-
ervirc4,l33 Ail Ammar nun TO TIM COMSTSTCTION Or
/3t irremfredbp tit lienaleandlienberf.Rwo
of Pennooloonlo In amoral Assembly Pia, nal the
tdirmlnsr amendment Or the Conatitotloo or Me Co..
notnrcaitb bnproporedtdtbebeople for their to n
or rejection,' pnrenant to the provision Of Vie tan=
article thmor. to wit:' • • - • •
* Strike oat the sttllt•settfoo of the sixth trod 'of
the Coost hut ion, and Insert to Ilea thareof the fallow
fag • ••..3 State lmostershall be ehoeeoloy biota/IL
ed electors of the Mete. at sach Mater and for soak
term of acretce es shall be:prose:lW bylaw."' '
Speiker of the House of.llcpreseutatlailL
~:tipeaker of Miasma..
Ammoo twento-recond day of Wm:b./Ann
Donald one thousand eight hundred and earrentriterct
Prepared ander:oGO for publication ptustunal.te tM
Tenth Article of the Constatutiou.
Franco Jonas,. •
• Secretary of the Contazonwiettb.
°Mee Secret 'met tho Commonwealth, . •
Unrrisbuti. Juno Wan,
NOTICE...Wry', the enelerstgeedorta beer to Ist the
~ IntlidlOst er a Blidite. on the Nanklln roodleattlat
to BommeraYlllo, nen; Jamas Ottph, on 2dondity,J,ll
Sind, lea. ' ' - " ' -.
- . Klllll4 lIITNNELL, . 1 .•-. ~ '
Z. M. IlltWSTElt.. . Buitentlint.
JAMES CALPII. ' ' , • •
thidgestater, June 10,1872.—W2 . . . '
10.111.5 f nth Grin of •inztptiro acres In.
Jolnlvg.the Bore' of Montrose on the Ikouthe a.
offered for rale. !tie well watered and has about ten
sierra luAlraher, Including a Ana grove of ,
beach and
meld° flour the dwellin,g. ttto homestead division
oPthe Samuel Cingorg farm
For further particular. enquire of J.:lLesimaltalaq.,
or P. Lines. alontrore. Pa.
Feb.. 7,1872 —nog—tf. .
Now XPlarazu
A. bTONB, are prepared to dontl lands of /WlLD
and Csurroten Vmk, Men •Work. Amour,.
and Palatine, by the Job or in any manner to tun
tome,!. Also Also, bash Blinds, Doors, Motddingil. of all
kinds, nod Wind)* Fromm, to order, Me jambe,
constantly on hand.' Shop In rusk Factory Blllldlog,
Montrose. 1.1..
Alommee. December. 27.78:1.-83-Sm.
IlOGS• ALLEirANTOR is composed Of Artrattoda„
Chloroform. Spirt tar of Qui:lobar. Tincture of Tspane.
Oil of Juniper. and Alcohol This 'compound le nn.
equalled in the annals of medicine for the au, Of Net.
rams or S !teacloth& Near:dais, Trembling or Mitch.
lug of the Nerves, and nil Nervous Mileages. It will
counteract all EKll$OllO, banish Pimples, cure MOP -
Clone. Itehlnz, humors, Ac., It equalizes the c
Insley:aces thesysterkiaerwiser the action of the heart.
without exciting the broth, cures Heartburn. • • Ira)} t ,,, idion
and P,terlog of the Heart, Dispepsia ‘ ae..
allarantor shad ntoly poutaitts more eilllltiref..“ 7
than any other preparation: Physician*, chendlis and
others are requested tOlnateri_p and teat
'the Seined,
And 'ION will bap:dill( found different Sr= repialoots•
lion. .
CO U_G I-ts' Meeb bee
...ten, and many gonadial 'bon
been offered for tba relief and are of throat and Wag
dhow es: but nothing has been so anineutly ratmeschti
or obtained earn a wide celebrity, 454404 We Then
and Lung Bala. • '
CO R 1%1 S". 4,Aigirtaamit v b-r=
from Donlan*, the plemiug,•distressing porn fann
growing Nails. manna be latrine& nonacid, seta,
net knowing there Is a cure. Maga' Corn and Banton
Hemedlea nano wider potash compounds, but are re.
liable soothing, and trate/11,4nd mat merit thermecess
they have • eamed .from an APPrrelefieelPeblie• The
Carotin fen healing ointment; Imamate relief' Is
obtained by Its application. and MIMI 'positive tom
the worst eaes a Festered COM*, 1111119cd and Cleefat
ed Benians, the sorest instep. the largest and acrerest
Blisters. the Moat extensive culteritles on the soles or
heels of the fect.-uocouniled In theatre of Chilblains*?
Froeted Pat. The Allevantor for onlinary,yores and
pteventing their formation In abtolutely anextelkd by
anything known... • . • •
PlLEShave Nee a terror to insakluel
centuries:and abnost every attempt to
tare them hoe been - bane& Ilynneearing study mad
experimenting. Dr. Briggsbasdiecovered and abselata
cure for internal, bleeding. external, and ftchingpila.
Briggs' Filo 'Comedies are mild.wifeand MUM •
Corns, Bunions, Bad Nails, Weaved Joints and el
diseases of the feet, alto, Piles, Canters and Seroffehma
Humors. treated by Or. J.: Briggs &
Broadway, F. Y. • • • • • -
Sold hyABELYERTILLL„ Montroso,Pa4gui4 MINS
b NICHOLS, Montrose. Fa.• , _
Jaw In, Bra •
- Iptitstaliv, .6TnOUD,• .
General lrisaucki
ThlEorati-o6tereZ79as. •
Mallard Fire Ins.. Co.. Capital sad Antplas . pow%)
llomo Ins. Co.; N. I'4 Capital and tlarplite, • 000,0IXI
Royal Ins. Co..Llverpool • $ 0,410000
Liverpool. London &Glob" " • $-V.000.1:00
Franklin Ina. Co.. Pbll 4 ¢ 4, FAO
Ina. Co.: or North Americo •
Pennegirardo ,
Ins. Co" State of Fenn'a '
Union Mutual; , ; - =lO
Lyeaming Flea
Williamsport Ina. Ca; ' • - $llO.OOO
!" • - X's:'
Cajon. Ifornal Life tha.`Co., Amanita ' •
Aixierleui Me,
travelers Ina.Co,llarford,Capitalandliarplita 12,000,0011
Hallway Paescagere - " - „M:144)0.
The undersigned bat heels will knia4n to tblanootity.tor
*bonsai 17 yeari,lo an Inatimtine Agent. Losses acistsinal
by his Comp ales have always been promptly paid.
gar Office find door cad from 'Banking Wilco of W.
U. Cooper &Co..Tornpikestadontrose.
• -
tau. 8 BE/TS, Volleititre
Moran:Ste, MU' 22,159.
, .
r ' ATION;
Por the Rellefand care °Me Erna- aid Hertireati,wo
Pcinciples orehriattan Philanthropy.
&says on the - Errorsor Youtb and the Poines cadge
In relation to Marriage and Social Lulls, with tritltar
aid for the atilletcaL dent free, In sealed envelopes. , Ad
there HOWARD ASSOCIATION.I3ox.r. Phltaletahla
3t24 . mtiaisif z4riNrea
LACE aNi) iActar ckpDS -
Goops, , To%loitts. Etc,
• Bissoics, FLOWERS,
FOR ; 1 N:SOCCS,.. , AICD -
Op ALL QUlT:nig,
W 01101 1 .04 Sow 01
Estabiliplu4 fug; '
AstAe.,ll4lll4 tra,-4L, '
ES 000 M)