tie r tini-aiiti CURING HAY. ; rp r 71 . •; With lbelt: ostreffili - tgots)snd herbs, many of our mot ors, or grand mothers could as well alleviate the ills of humanity as-can many of college-bred M. D.'s ; but note with what care those roots and herbs were gathered and pre pared. Fhat,theymighk retain all their "rtuc t Wthlqt. 411V,aFjablY the 'is a e?' o "we; -118 farmers;May learn from this a lesson of wisdom and practical utility, applied to the hay field. Cure in the shade, versus make hay while the sun shines. Now the question arises, which of these two antagonistic principles, or mraa shell wei fo ll ow ; certainly, after dm riflectlon admit that hay cured the sh ade is superior' to that cured in the sun, whereas the former method requires more labor than the lat ter. In answer to the above interroga tions both the price of hay and the price of labor must be taken into consideration ; therefore,inigliM9l ? wq replvlf labor is plenty abillay commanding - large prices, cure in the shade; but if laisfir is high and hay at low figures, cure in the sun. There are also other matters to be taken ipto account: Thus a large crop of clover should invariably be cut, and, partially wilted, gathered up in hay-cocks of suitable size and allowed to sweat a day or two; then open the same, and after an hogrs exposure-to the sun it will be in most excellent condition to store away for Winter's use. Therefore care clover-in the shade, or cock, not simply because the sweating process is so highly beneficial to this particular grass, but be cause, if the crop ,be large, it will regain', to su ffi ciently curait, at l east one or two days exposure of the sun, and, as a mat ter of necessity, exposing it to the night dew, and possibly to an unexpected ruin storm. Now; a hot sun is particularly injurious to clover, and moisture, as dew or rain, for more so, therefore crover, at least, should be tre ated in the manner above described, or cured in the shade,— Avoid the very common and injurious practice of over-curing the hay. If the grass is matured when cut, and does • not get wet, it will be sufficiently dried or cured in from two to four hours in favora ble weather, clover, early cut and lodged grasses being of course, exceptions.— Journal of the Farm. How to 801 l 'and Serve Cracked Wheat. Cracked wheat, better than oatmeal, is growing in favor among farmers, as it has long been highly esteemed by city people. It is good for breakfast, good for dinner, and good for supper. The more you eat of it the better you like it. It keeps the bowels in a most comfortable and wholesome condition. It is a simple dish, but fit ibis king. Two coffee cups full will be quite enough to cook at one time. Pour on a cup of cold water, stir the wheat about in it, and then pour it off to be poured on again, as the,wheat, in cooking, boils dry. The reason for so doing is that the water carries off much of the flour which would otherwise tend to burning. Cook in a tin pan or basin, throw in a little salt, and add water with discretion, so that when done, the mass will be consistent enough to mold. Turn into a dish; and when cold turn on a plate, bottom side up. Serve with cream or milk and sugar. Add a slice of jelly or fruit jam, if you like. The Fowl-House. The sweepings from the ponitry-hone if properly saved, will prove the richest source of manure on the plantation.— Analysis of the droppings of domestic fowls shows more than sixteen per cent. of nitrogenous matter, and nearly six. per cent. sahn matter, indicating its value to the richest specimens of Peruvian Guano. Since the cost of it is nothing, the profit in the uset - d.itis.great. The fowl-house should be swept out twice or three times every week, and all the droppings placed in a barrel; and while fresh, they should be covered with land plaster, charcoal dust, or fine woods earth. This will ; preserve it in good. condition, and pre vent any Lisa by evaporation.: . The peculiar richness of the -dniig of fowls is supposed.to be from the fact that the liquid and solid excrements are to gether. Its -value as a manure is Tar more permanent thair any guano ' the strength of it being very perceptible for years. For liquid mannnng there is no better preparation Akin .Water, in `which fowl house manure has been leached. A bar rel half-filled from the fowl-house and sunk in the ground in the garden, and then kept filled with water, to be used as wanted, will furnish liquid mayre for many weeks. When the soaking is fresh, it Should be diluted, for it is very easy to burn up plants by using too strong a solution. How a Blom of Over Two Weeks' was Cured. . R writes to the Rural Sere Yorker :— As our cattle were turned to pasture last sprin', a nice learling heifer was affected with bloat, which did not abate, but in creased for more than two weeks. We did not see her chew her cud, although she was not within observation except at milkirig - time. We gave her a slice of salt, fat pork, sprinkled on both sides with ground, black pepper. She ate it readily, and soon made a spasmodic effort, as if to raise something into her month. Another sliee of pork, well peppered, was given her, and she went to pasture with the other cattle as usual. Vs hen she was next 'observed, she was pliewinz her end as leisurely as the other cattle, but the bloat had not all , gone down. A teacup Full of salt was , moistened and rubbed upon ber.blasted side and the next day the bloat was all gone, and did not ap pear again. • She grew nice through the season, and was lively and well Expertmints llaie shown that a ixtellour, loamy soil is capable of absorbing in twelve horns, whieweveseilli?„,a, raeist atmosphere, an w amount of aterAhal to. twocent per nt. of its weight. This `property possessed by a mellow soil is one in p dryseason that is able to.glieltihe power of maturing a crop, wliep a lutidened surface would be unable to dt sa. A surface that is im penetrable to the atmosphere of course could not absorb any of the moisture with which the atmosphere is charged. But when rendered free from lumps by re peated hufrrowings, each change of tem perate causes a circulation of air through the mass of soil which is free then to ab sorb all the moisture coming in collect with it, until saturated. giii4tivo and Girl. BEA RICIIIES. Tl;'c ren were always glad to see uncle Herbst came. He bad a 'brain as full of.curiptis facts as an old curiosity shop, atiilliii•*ati always ready to bring them forth to instruct the children. ",So you wish you could find a gold mine on the farm, do you, Walter? " ho Laid one day, table little nephew. "Well, there was gold' on a place where I once lived it the Sionth, bnt I never thought it worth while to look after lt much." " Why, uncle, did you neglect such a golden opportunity?" said Math,. "I should call that real wastefuL" " There waB gold there, Ruth, without doubt; but you see it costs threb dollars to get two doll= worth of it. So it would not be a very good business- to work it. As a general thing, a man would. rich faster raising potatoes, than digging for gold, even in pretty fair dig gings. Now, if only some plan could be devised to drain off the ocean until its bottem had been thoroughly searched, we should find treasures enough there to satisfy . us. We might gather jewels and and coins of gold and silver until we were tired of the business. " I should not get tired very soon," said Walter. " May be not, but it is very easy to get a surfeit of even something we value very highly. Yon thought the half dozen shells you had, were the most beautiful things you possessed. You never got time of looking them over. Jut when papa took you to the seaside, and you gathered a whole bag full, you lost all your interest in them.' "Do you suppose the ocean is really very rich, uncle ? Yon know it is a proverb, 'as rich as the sea.'" " No doubt it bides millions upon mil lions of treasure.. Great ships loaded with it have often foundered at sea, and all on board gone down to the depths be low. Some eighty years ago a Spanish vessel loaded with coin was wrecked off a rocky coast: After violent storms it has long been common to pick up silver dollars and half dollars along that section of coast. The cove has received the name of "The Dollar Cove." Persons have picked np sometimes, eight dollars in a morning; some scoured very bright by the tossing of the weaves among the sands, others have sand so crushed over them, it is impossible to get it off. It ,is supposed that, the storms break np the old boxes which hold the coin, and the dashing weaves was them up. Compan ies have been sormed to search for' the old ship, but nothing as yet has been ac complished. Alter all, bald, steady work with proper economy, is the surest path way to wealth, and brings the greatest happiness with it." Not Satisfied. "Johnny, come here," said Dr. Fry to his little boy, who was playing on the car pet in the dining room ; here is an apple for you. It was so large that ho could barldy grasp it.. Dr. Fry then gave him another apple which filled the other hand. "Here is another," said he, giving the child a third. Little Johnny tried hard to hold it be tween the other two, but could not suc ceed; it rolled away across the floor. On seeing this, he burnt into team. • "See," said Dr. Fry to a lady who was present," here is a child with more than he can enjoy, and yet not satisfied. My child is just like us all. We areever seek ing to possess more and more of the world's treasures, and yet we are neversat isfied. Oh ! that we were equally in ear nest in 'grasping the promise of the Gospel." Nearness of God. A missionary visited a poor old woman; living alone in a city attic, and whose scanty pittance of half a crown a week was scarcely sufficient for her bare stihsis tence. He observed, in a broken tqapot that stood qt the window, a strawberry plant growing. He remarked from time to time how it continued ro grow, and with what care it was watched and tend ed. One day he said, "Your plant flour ishes nicely; you will soon have straw berries upon it." "O, Sir," replied the woman, "it is not for the sake of the fruit that I prize it; but I am too poor to keep any living creature, and it is a great comfort to me to have that living plant, for I know it can only live by the, power of God : and as I see rt live and grow from day to day, it tells me that God is near." When the Dark Comes. A Title girl sat, at twilight, in her sick mother's room, busily thinking. All day she had been full of fun and noise, and noise, and had many times worried her poor tired mother. "Ma," said the little girl, "what do yon suppose makes me get over my mischief, and begin to act good, just about this time every night?" "I do not know, dear. Can you not tell?" " WeU, I guess it's because this is when The dark comes. Yon know lam a little afraid of that. And then, ma, I begin to think of all the naughty things I've done to grieve you, and that perhaps you might die before morning; and so I begin to act geed." "01" thought I, "how many of us wait tiff 'the dirk comes,' in the form of sickness or sorrow, or trouble of some kind, before we 'begin to act r _How much better to be good while we are enjoying life's bright sunshine! and then, 'when the dark comes,'—as it will, in a measure, to all—we shall be ready to meet it with out fear." —We ought to believe that is best for us, which it pleases a wise, good and gra cious God to give Us, of which be permits to come upon ns. —You may go to Heaven vithoutrich es, prosperity or health; but you smnnot go there - without Christ, faith and holi ness. —I have displeased God 1 This wounds an ingenuous mind, even more than the rod of affliction. —Nevada servant girls hire Chinamen to supply their place's in the kitchen ahne they dabble in stock& • has population of Belfast, Ireland, in f ereased trom 75,000 to 176,000 in the past thirty years. —The Hon. Charles F. Adams dined with the Prince of Wales, in Paris, and bad a good dinner, no doubt. gat; lhatiounts. •qtr ~' •'YY;i~ v!e Nxix JASiTIS tk Contains blowrsphlos of Drew,Vooderblit.Ootildaweed. ae.. with ithittandal tilsteript the eothitry kw the last three seam and what. OWM KNEW about "BEACH FRIDAY." Over tO9 ounce, Address Now Ye* BOOK th.P., Ith Nassau Bt., Neir York. KANSAS REGISTERED BONDS, Safe and - Drod Labia investment Rands. Soma of the wealthiest eounties tn. KANSAS—AIIen,. Anderson, Franklin. Johnson and Douglas Comities. Registered by the Stabs of Nana". lab:l'ol;2nd principal paid by the State Treasurer. Tha Rands lisy 7 per cent, Interest, ant are over three years old, the coupons haring been alwaYe rMularly add r ess oromptly paid. For statlotles and InfdrMatioa, address IdAll LA. GAyLORD CO., M Wall St.. N. Y. City. NO MORE RUBBING. BUY 038. OP Stone's Fountain Washers. Retail price, st.tA". STONE & POLIO, ar) Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa Send for Mcrae:. $l.OOO RgwAR.D! SEOOO For any caie of BMABleeding. n Itching or Ulcerated em that DR. EMU'S PILE REMEDY Lille to cure. It Is prepareelex preasly to cure the Plies, and nothing clec. Sold by .11 Druggist,. Price $l.OO. When The flood Washes:lin rocket-like violence to the head, capping hot= dashes, vertigo and dimness of eight, It lea certain sign theta mild, salribr lone, cooling and equalizing laxative Is retsdred, and Tarrant'. Ercrvescent Seltzer Aperient should beat onto resorted to. BOLD BY ALL, DIDIGGISTS. A GENTS WANM),Agents mite more money at work for as th an at anything dee, Ilettlamt Itcht and permanent. Partteeters free. O. Elymmon Co.. Fine Art PtddirltemPotiltuld. lame. U. S. I. I g i n lAN ts. o Co.. $290. Or g anle Law of the Sexes.—Conditions which Impair vitality—positivoind anti negative electricity—proof that life la evolved without union —effect tobacco—influence of Ash and phosphoric diet —modern treatment of pelvic disc:lsta, stricture and arrest of development' ten lectures to his private surgical class, by EDWARD 11. DIXON, 11. D., AS Fifth Avenue, N, 1'; G 4 pages, 25ets. Every line from the pen of Dr ; Dixon is of great value to the whole !Inman rate."—Muna Grecky. GREAT MEDICAL BOOK of useful knowledge to all. Bent free tat two etemps. Ad. dens Du. Box.nr.urre S. Co., Cincinnati. 0. . • THE EAGLE " alre° •• Drug c• i" ! • 'VIM.'" " . „ 33trEgmagas db xyzcmgcra...ras. 'PROPRIETORS. BRICK BLOCK, MONTROSE, PA., Sign of the Golden Eagle and Diortar. I‘ E Dmire to Inform the public that we base moved oar Stock of Drug", blcdictoce, Paints, olls,l3msh m. Combs, Perfumery, Fancy •Artickw, etc.. into the Brick Store, formerly ocmapied by Guttenberg, Hewn banes 6 Co. We have recently 'fated up this store to Idodernittyle and shall endeavor to keep well supplied with all articles pertaining to the Den' Buslnees. We extend to everybody a cordial invitation et cob and son us when In want of anything in oar line, and when Sol' in want, give in a friendly call. To all om old customers we desire to express oar thatiks for the very patehcretocoo extended to as. We sgznl.orrnx 4 t,.uuaeo"hee. Very-T ruly A. B. BURNS. Montrose, Dec. DX liffr. A 11.03 IVMN7Cr NEW GOODS. rime undersi gned rcatoet, sto ligla m r:f r il y tted..rt ip refurnish e d h i e ? ! Kee yen. Jr., at Lawsville Centre, are now preinted to lure. lob the people with as desirable satiety of DRY GOODS! , GROCERIES ! ! BOOTS & SHOES ! ! HARDWARE!! CROCKERY! &c., &c. As can be found elsewhere, and at as Desirable Prices. 0. M. Cn.urs.. E. C. Swan. CRANE Er. =TEL Lawssille Center, Pa., April 21, 1812. An Ornament for Emil American Borne. "r7E133 .41.21=113.1E1L1C1:74h.D7 GERTENIIIIHNRIVERSARY sktealiart. "With Timm of "Independence Bail." "On the Wins hickon Creek Fairmount Park," "Up the &boy!. kill." "Union League Iloom." a large beattithilyColor ed Map of Phihdelphia. showing Fairmount Park, where the Centennial Annlverrary Buildings will be erected, Bine. 40 try it inches. Published in aid of the Centennial Fund. Annan Wairimn.—Fenni Into s2oper day can be made Send 5D Cents, end specimen copy and terms to agmas will be cent by return mall. T. IL CALLENDER & CO., Publishers, Third and Walnut fits, Phi.adelphla A PROFITABLE BUSINESS 1 • LIGHT EQUAL TO GAIL AT ONE•EIOUTII TUR OST I Cannot br Ev4eaect. No chimney or tdd turd. NEN Suiting • PROFITALE DUSDIESS, can secure the EXCLUSIVE EMIT Cot the tele at DYOTT'S PATENT CARBON GAS LIMIT Burrxim AND OIL for COUNTIES sad STATES. Write tot totormation Co cal aa Ear. B. 117072, No. 111 SOUTH SECOND IT.. *Tina.. PA. N. D.—Chnretatto inthiebed with CTIANDELISRS and LAMPS of Every description, th e per cent.castirentben at nay other adaltetunent in countly. IINL-enit. AT Ai, El. BULLARD'S Is the place to buy prar • Clitcariza, Proviatons, 44. ik.e. L i mn = anc o r and Timothy s ee d SO cents tier _pound. ao e d &laminar cente pm. paper Chafes Corned Beef. minus all the bon* CHEAP A large stock of Canned and Dried Fruits, and Votgetahlei and nand to stew days. . Pure fiJltto.n pit, In Maid sacks, Codlisb.ffisek• eel ono thntmen Halltun, ana. in fact nearly or quite ererything needed to keep house with tad be happy all extremely low tort?"' iftka or ready pay, Montrose. math. 124 =PROVED CDI4II. IS 421. "WV • WE X Za La 2 gomiadeir new ZUMentY PLLTEHT, the Wad and foi Indio ass. 131111THI TURBINE WATER WEIL, Portable sad Static:ow Engines. Monotbotoyod and toy &ale, by SATES & BROS Jima: me, Pa l Feb. 7, Mt—bob-14 Priam:Da- VW 1:f 1=1.31E1 AT WILL 1.A.11 SMITH'S Extensive Furutinro W=m o lott will End the largest FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FURNITURE! To be found ID this sectldn of the country, of glee mitts. faction. Re makes Wiwi best EXTENSION TI3ALES I In the Country, and WARRANTS them. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of ell kinds done in the neatest manors. El la NI. I INZ 413 e. SFJ3^OE3 OF VARIOUS KINDS. PURE XO.l MATRASSES, COMMON MATRASSES. UNDERTAKING. The subscriber hereafter the rdertang a specialty ynd i n os n t a lleua "*. nt 'A1131% tel . :flat ._ll nerdleg his services will be attended to promptly an d at satisfactory charges. MIL W. BINH ft SON. " Montane. Pa.. Jan. HI, 18N.—nob—t t. r=11k7114,7`4111 r.:41.--= REIMS CARRIAGE GAIL Irxrrsrr3.3, Omni= 3d, 1871.1 . claimed by our best Judges, to meet the necessity T ea long felt, of a Convenient. Practical, Durable Gate, so indorsed by the highest authority In America. Is entirely different from and hat many advantages over any other (late ever Invented. Is Cheap and easily amstructed and for convenience cannot fell to please all. Can be opened and closed without the opperator changing his position, lifting or palling a pound, and if desired can be easily arranged to be opened and cloned without dismounting. it occupies no more ground when opened then two posts xi. hoot gate, tbiamaking it very desirable over any other Gate to farmers and those living ha Villages and Towns. Is In order every day to the year, no 1.0019 to shale' In winter. It can not sag or get oat of repair. For farther particulars whimsa the undersigned, who will as far as possible visit the Beretta Count'es co Pennsylvania and adjoining States, for the purpose of exhibiting and introducing the ammo. Farmers and enterprising men generally, will do well to give this special attention, ludas Gate certainly will CO Into general sae. GEO. 8. BUCKET, Proprietor. Nicholson, Wyoming Co., Pa. Jane Id, 'D,—tf. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Par Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such os amnia cont.. Yn..gaia Cough, Bronchitis, asthma, end Consumption. il Among the greet l „..,. discoveries .., of modern ~.- - :.:. :. science, few em of . .: t mom real value to mankind than this ef ,.. VII r , fectnal remedy for all , r.' diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A vast. .I‘, trial of Its virtues, throughout this and 4 •` ' . V t.. . other countriu has shown that It ' does surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all classes, este bliihes the fact, that CIIICILLIIr PECTOILL Will and does relieve end cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat end Lungs beyond any other medicine. The roost d us affections of the Pulmonary Organs yl uie' Toell Its power; iid eases of Conisampe Bon, cured by this preparation, am public- ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyiind disputes Ass remedy it Is adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered liver, and an amount of suffering aIW 41 be leymintionl, ...I an. elates the most sceptical. Every family should keep It on hand as a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first, but which become Incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected Ten der lungs need this defence; end it is unwise to be without It. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Cower Pacrossz. is Invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature grave, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investion, no colt or toll Is spared in making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. It may be confidently ro lled upon as possessing all the virtues if has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest It has ever effected. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chinalats. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVIRLYWEEDI& Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, an d effectual-, for preserving the hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with the of youth. Thin ig - hair checked, often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glen n atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tiourof dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and rine to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted. merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy. lustre; and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., EractScal sad Axalitleal Clusixdals. LOWELI4 BIM& Bold by Abel 'llorren, and Burns & Nichols, Montrose, and an drugg ists and dealers every where. [Dec. 21,1870—y T BM Every!dad ofTeainnutketjaidarriredAnd tar nbtat New Ynk wholesale price. Also a Snead. garment of CQYYZL4 .130, of ne and mral Nardi 90, MO u 4Pra! T , GIVE US YOUR 0010111 DO YOU WANT 'l'32tllll 7131EIEEPT° Sewing 'Machine riw old friends and patmo of Samarium= county— I. opd.ct fa the acid sollcitlns you yaltuaigo for The Original Rowe Sewing Moine, ESTABLIBILISD. 1110. DIP . ROTED, 1871 Pleue call and Mt It, with the troproramenta, at WIl son's store. Remember the (Unable Howe has no meth/lion head. ROOMS AT- 56 Court Street, Binghamton, N. V. AND AT Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa. H. IL DUNMORE. Montrose, Jan. 13, 1872. AGENTS WANTEDLlT.trptzregi GlnstrittionS, Menem* of the Prealdents— beautifully bound, end printed on tinted paper. THE NATION Its Rulers, and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nothing the It. dtvikei everybody 1111 G o the book they need. It Is en liwcyflopcdia of the Government. Single pages in It. are of themselves worth the prim 01 !h., book, 07XT 500 papaand only $2 80. A Ilia Him out for Cannusets—ladles end gentlemeo—farmers, Or:Rehms ulfa and vtudents. opt took Mordent; Van d aTit con ge f el tf a ar T ernal= o ' ry, WlC a nt7onee • ft -Cireuisrand Information. NEW WORLD PCBLISIILNO CO.. Corner Lb and Market Streets. Philadelphia. No rumbas I. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. cyo and after Dcc 20, IMO. trains op the Lehigh Valley Railroad will tea as follow,: NOIITU. I acorn. p. m. p. m. ii,in. I.m. I cm. a m. p.m.p.m Elmira 1.45 613 1140 0.10 7.40 1145 1.43 5.50 Waverly • 9.05 5.10 11.45 B.OE 8.50 11.40 130 6.20 Towanda 8.13 LAO 11.50 7.10 0.23 4.45 4.1.0 125 Tunkhannock II IXI ILIA. Pkteton 4.45 Wilkes-Barre. 410 1.15 7.10 1.15 7.15 8.15 Mauch Cbuuk p.m. 16.45 p.m. 4.10 8.13 Allentown.... 0.44 6.35 8,15 BetLdehem.... 040 5.50 8.50 Emden ..... ... 0.80 6.19 9.50 Philadelphia., 7.85 p.m. p.m. New York.... G.W `awing Null—Read Upward. tlootb—Rad Dow LOOK. LOOK up co 181111011 ANTS AND TRADERS ! ! IN THIS COMITY AHD ELSE WHERE!! DO MI 331:rir CAN' M. C. TYLER, 79 81 DUANE j ST., N. Y bll t 1711. out' CO. AND IF NO7'. IVITY NOTI GENERAL HARDWA RE. Cutlery, Scythes, Shovel., Looking Glasses, Lightning and many other X Cut In Sawa, Steel. and Iron pole Axes, (the bent the World, every kind of Brushes, Door Locks, Pad Locks, Knobs, Guns, Raceme., Pistols, Revolvers, Faucets, Carped ter's Tools, BlaCksmith's Mellow. and Tools, Pitted Knives, Fork. and Spoons, and everythin,„- usually kept In IltEltate First Clue Hardware Importing &ed./ebbing House. 1 I My sincere Thanks are tendered to the many In my own County, for the kind patronage, as also to the many In other tklonties, who may read thin, and atetiesaj. invitation is hereby given fora contitimince well 11/ to those woo are willing to give me trial, who re not done no, by orders or mils. Truly, Di. C. TYLER. Montrose, Ilneob, SO. 1872.—tt, SUSQEHANNA MINERAL SPRING WATER CURE. mins horse Is now completed end resty for aecermrs. dation of Thdtors and the treatment of Ineands. The following are among the diseases known to hare been cated,by the moo of the Elesquetuirota Mineral Water. DISPEPSIA, OR.II7CL, DIADETIS, KIDNEY DISEASES VENEILIAL DISEASE:UMW?. BY. ALL IMPURITIES of the BLOOD, LIVER COMPLAINT, ULCERS PILES, (111101 4 11 C DIAIMUKA. FEILIL6 DISELBES, HIIEV MATISM. ERYSIP ELAS, SALT RILEtf7I, SCHOFIILL, Cnst ca,ri.ocrutis riLisesbasero. To these who contemplate Visiting the Spfloge, we would eny that the HOUSE la FITTED with • view to the M7I . 77MMrV . M" of our GIIESIII.end we shall etutre en pains In taking to their welfare. We guarantee a care or decided help, or no pay. For better partknlais cilantro of, or addreaa A. D., DU Susquehanna Mineral Sizings, Mug', Penn'a. April, 11, 1/171.-021 M. D. SMITH, SISAL= IN HARNESSES I SADDLES!! ;TRUNKS I!! COLLARS !I! WHIPS! SPURS ! I LIGHT LEATHER!! ETC.. ETO. eisisqvizehetasztua. adopt. llarelt m, 141.--11. WOOL-GROWERS !AKE NOTICE. 4 ,. invaI,WMIEN ele, tool sum g d " whitiq alio cotton warp flumol, the aver rude; all wool tweals and comb:arm • e lot of cloths on hand, for sale or to =Wargo for woo . Phase give me • call before disposin g of your wool elsewhere. W il l ig Ingram= or matron. - . J. W. 110 ill. Montrose, Jeri 7,1872. ' ; 'O r ROCEBIES. • —Teini in_ great variety. aral cheep tot tbe qualities. Dried Peaches, the beet Is market. A nice quality of Datums Bedar,gef• fee tad a ball aseorMat Of O&M Ae• Yoaftwq Dread, 11. UAL mow, R. R. R. "RADWAY'S READY BELIEF • CURES TLIE %FOUST PARIS • In from Ono to Twenty Minuted. NOT ONE HOUR a fter reales this stivcrthmement nerd say ems SUFFER WITH PAIN. HADIVAIII READY RELIEF IS A CURE on EVERY PAIN. It wroth., era end Is The Only, Pain Itornody tbat hoterdly stops the met esoudiallng persr, alleys In Asaussikey sod cone Cousedlon4 whether of the Loess. Breauch, Bowes, or other &ads or orgerus, by OA* eppllce• tam, IN PROM ONE TO TWENTY 11LNUTER. Ifereetter bast Molars% or czereclatles th e Ws the MIER. NATIO. Bedialdsn, Ind., Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic. or prostrated with drama may sell e r , RACIWAY • BO READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. IN7LAIDIATION OF THE EMELT/1. I.NFLAMMATION OF TUE BLAISDELL INFLAIIIIA•TION OF THC nons. CONGES w TION or THE LUNGS. MIX ITIROAT, DIFFICULT BRICAIIIINO._ PALPITATION OF THE HEART. arnmuns, CROUP. DIPHTHERIA H . CATARR. INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. - NEII RAWLS. lIIIELIIATISSI. COM MILLIE. AGUE CHILLS. To., sppllestleu of the Assdlardiet to Ile Tart so parts where the pale or =cult, arid Word me sad evaded. Toad, donos to her • tmaltt of win, win to w row moments me CRAMPS. t•PASSIN. SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN. SICK HEAD/111R, DIARRHEA. INNENTERY,, PIMO. WLND TUE DOWELS, tool INTERNALNS. Traveler. should always carry • battle of Itadarae• Itirsdl jZolle 'nth them. A few dreg* In ewer *lll yterm smaller or plus from change of *arm II ts hetet Ws Frisch Drawly or Mho. as *stimulant. FETED AND AGUE. TEVEV.AIII;AO . I.I6 cured for ifty ants. There la not ~• rcaarllal lo t h tills world that will Bam. nea Enid. 4aTtle, ""l and other Peen (1 4 M PAIVAO olt.k as TIADWArB READ /IE/ WV. Fitly aura pa bold la Dmight, HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PORE RICH DLOOD-INCREASE TLESII AND WEIDIIT.-CLEArt SKIN AND BY.AC• TIYUL CONPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING (1 , 11 VS; SO QUIZ K SO RAPID MIK THE eIIANOES THE DoDT RDDEIMOES, UNDER TOE ROPLITEDI•E UV TRU TRULY WONDERFUL MEDIC/NE, THAT Musty Day an Inertias° In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT communleates of the Blood, Sweat, Urined other Suleisand Jukes of Um_ system the stew or lifv. forth renal. the wastes of the body with neer and euenut mett , rinc riceofisls„Syphills, Consumption, tilundular Mom, Lice,. In the Throat. Mouth, Toroors._Trudm. In the Wands u.. 1 other porton: the eystem, Born Eye; Simmons Mei/um s horn the Eon, and the trued forms of Oslo disemm. Erup I P: avl fa ' r A S " Sold de,* elbeerf In thrdoesb. and Rem wealeedtme and pedant dis. Trisht Swell; Loss er.SP.reo. sod all uost...ripe life prtnettne, are the ruralise range of thl. Irten,r of Modem Chemistry, and a fear days . me will Mee Say won resins It To either of these forms oYdlimase tte to potent paver to core them. d tb=ll , tall i i toxlna tT re!u= tbe . wasteliorl aimadlng these wades, and repairs now Id made from heatthy biped—and this the SAILSIPAIIII... LIAM will and does OCCUM NO% only does the fismeraerzuse Resotemer tree) all known remedla/ agents In elm ewe of Clinente, Scrofulous, ConstilnUoaal, and UM diseases bed It laths only posillre aim Sir Kidney & Bladder - Complaints, a issry, ar f ti v Sroco? [Um °TA. It= roPsl All= c 4s, :Orlo7lr t 4.1" 111 , 7; sre i brAdosl de• posit...m.oe water Is thick. cloudy mt.sed vith 1FYL112.11%.1 like the white of mo_ threads Ilk whits Bilk. or there toa mseild. WIG =Bus impearmee, Lid whits boos. dust. irk. them Is s prteking. bonded seemllmt =ref — l ,... 4 . ea Patzt In the MAR of tiro Rack =A zmi:ll,Th• imly lemma andsors Remedy for eta Tumor of id Years' Growth Cured by Midway's It.csolvent. Itretoe.r e L.a, J aly le, UM R.ll, 1-4 UT. 164 Oeoslea 'Dann la the ...leo .4 bowels. All g/up Doreen .14 .there was lee bolo fee IL . ' 11.4 a reosy thief lhal eras noannesdad bet oothbar Gelpod 1 ne 7;74.4...., I woel4 ty 111 he ea W! to It=l fee Md. yoer‘ I teak all bottles of W Iteeol..l. awl wee box of Raderay's PAIL. one two wet.. of row Voter itall.l taw' Own le ent • sip of tamer be roes so felt. sae I OW loator, cowls, sad laspyArt dew I ha. Rer ...leo ram TM mole Yam mos Is tho Im al4 of I bamelo, eve:, Ore rrelo. I welt We Y yolt fulls Weald alms. Too pel.11•1 tt If yes char. LIANNAII T. CYLL4. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, INeetal tattles,. Wegener coated with tweet gem maw tegolatt, purl gleaner. awl earenftben. Itadwert. care di n , Bearden D ame. btatesch, Liver. Bowel.' Plllr Bl Nemo. Itionlathe. tioTh7liallrenree. Indianan. Byrieltodat tons Pere. Inflammation of Ow Bowel. end all De. nagenaents .1 the ]mend Werruard to effect a N.B. del e terious Vrgetatile. cootaladog alairalffe mratei. drug.. Otreerve the following rfroptetna resufftng from DI. orders of the Dlgtailve Org.": Catalpadon, Drama Tiler. Fullness of 1M Mood le Oa II Aalay el Ile Stornaca, Manna, Ifeerthora. lamest of Fora. Yee rola or Weight la the Manua, Pow Ervrtalleas, Oinking et Flatter Ina an the met On Frannarh, Balsam!, the. Head, Ilerried tad laffaall Brealatna, Flatferfna at dm Wart. Cheats: me Fordentierf Feacalere whe. In • I.yiets Porter, faeraams of irlolorg. 1 - ••• en Webs lane Oa Wahl, Felt, snol 1.11 Pau In the Mad. nearing, of P,. hobo I.lb.am rf OnIII. arol Nor fa tin :t i re L a.!, Limb., mad madam kladros nf Hoof, Daman la A tee , dowa at EADWAVA PILL' ..111 free Iho ordeal W Pran all the abov estrrth e... ulaTß.n.4l d6onlera. Price, ay mo th per Paz ILD nv REA D FAI-SE ND INCE." Send one leiter 'tamp lo MEDWAY '& CO.. No. Pr PlalPeo biale.Turt. Information wor th thoomarAis mart yeei.. Apr113,113;1-71. THIS Wil, GENTLEMEN! mietri;ocpc"3:). HORSE RAY FORKS A., J. NELLIS' PATENT IMPROVED. Twenty-Two Slate Fair Pm:time Awarded This Yotk In Fifteen Months—MD ann is NELLIS GRAPPLE PULLEY, An rmplmnalt aid Fvery YAnnur, enrpnner, Mason And Pastier lihoold nave 3Flooircp/vliss HORSE RAKES Rand Rakes, Scythes, Smalls, Grain Cradles, Iron. (Jk ebor Brand). Axles, S .et Springs. Carriage Roils. Cant Mrs, (Steel and Iron.) G . co Ir l 13 Al 3P CI TO That *mays fires an A ARAI WDISTLE I when the Catlee la Ready for the T. do. TRY ONE and roe will dad the Coll e Always Ritichtl , dc, En), Aim Grind !lanes, Batts, Picks. : Rasps Maki. Naves, Pile., Knobs, Draw Knives, acyth Stcuaes, Latches, Patpta, OIL. Varntah, Storrs, TWA' am, 1.6311p11. &C. Nontiroso, Jaly 5, IBT .-11, BOYD & CO RWIN T A. 1.1.13 El ?Ara MX CP170131. 01T05/32 TIIS COVET UOL'llt. JOHN N. manumit... Proprietor. HAI !Mod km Othalouse day canneetiag with the D. L. 4.1 V., the MO, and th e !Aida yang Rollvich 141704961--11 sassed beyor I nd led clons sepsis. t i lone Readaella (p.The pepsin o ilaera, Coughs. Ti mess of the UM; Sour Eructations of the Si"'"v, Bad Taste maths UM* Bilious AttarigtPalpitation of the Heart, Ingstrentlaa et the Loop , Paul so the regions aide Kiftemand a beedted other pamfol eptuptoms, are the offsprings of Dyqepft., theseamplaints st has no equal, and me bottle eat WON Letter guarantee of its merits than a lemPhy shrttattand. For Female Complaints, on young ar dot, maned or angle, at the dam of somanhoob at the tam of life. these Toole Bitters display so decided an Wham Mat • meted improvement is OM perceptible. For lathes:m:lstory and Chrenthi Mumma. Ono sod Goat. Bilious, Amhara and leteresittens Fe vers, Diseases of the Blood, Laser. Ridosys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Seth Dimon am cased Dr Vitiated Blood. which is genstallt Framed 17 deralllitiallsi of the Digestive Organs- They are a GeilDe Pmtive er wail as a Tant i a, ponessing . alm . the teljati eq.: fi a mr . til d ag= i rzlienn„==g ma aide a k in Diseases, Eruptims, Tenet, Saltlibona Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Itoi= . itarrienn, &mid-Head, Sore Eye, Erysipe Itch, Sou th , DlSCOthl= tilmß of the Skin, Rumors anti • if. the Skis. et whatever name or nature. Ire lama, deg * sad tar ild out of the system in a shoe time by the ma no ghee Da4n. cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yea DWI its heparin. bunting through the akin in Pimple, dons, or Sores L . detroste it when you fiod ft obstructed. Grateful Morke proclaimVterscaa Berms He mem gra:dull:a lovigcram ever known. J. WALKER, Prop% U. H. MeDONALD & CO.. Druggists and Gm. Age... San Frandies, California. sod earner of Washington and Charlton Sts., New Yea. Fl. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DRAMAS. July 10. 18n—m3 %eve& - SIZE . MOP- %Ear PEI TS. attVitie. . 3 0 0 5 .;f• etsg Or Saga... Coated, Coneentradado loot and Herbal /nice, AAII-13111ova Grannies. THE aLITTLE CATUAILTIC, or 11lultom In Panto Physic. The novelty of modern Efedical,Chentlell and PUP macentlcal &truce. No nail of any longer taklntllts largo, repulsive and stonseorte pills, composed of cheap, crude, and 604 . logredietiVpin imam lry a careful application of chemical se attract all (be adbart lc and other medicinal Mope es from Ms most valuable mu, and herbs, and caucemtrata than Into s miunta Granule, scarcely lamer the • mustard seed, that can be readily gwallcrwal by those of tbo mart sensitive stomachs god futlelloas lutes. Bachllttlo Purgattwo Pellety, la a moat concentrated form, at mach at as is embodied In an of rho large pills toned farads In the drug; *hops. From their wonderful catbirds power. in proportion to their ids, people who hats not tried them are apt to suppose that they in bank or &attic la effect, hat each is hat at ad the um, the different active medicinal principles of orhichtheyars computed* being so harmonized and meddled. one by. the others, as to predate a most morel:dal and thorough, Yet gently and kindly oParao nag cathartiC. $5OO Reward fs hereby offend by Ms propels; for of these Pellets, to any ciaendst who, rpm ane chaps, will Cad In them any Calomel or other foams of mercury or any other mineral poison, tieing entirely vegetable. no piatlcalst MO la required while rising them. They operate without disturbance to the constitntian.diet, or cm. cupetion. For inatrdidoc Headache, Con. stipation, Impure Mood, Pain In the Shoulders,'l'lghtuess of theChest.Dia. airless, Sour Eruetgtiocus of the hasiti.. eels, Gad taste l month, Bitten attacks, Pain in region 01 Kidneys, Internal rover,llloated feeling about gio.tuteh, Rosh of [Good to Read W a n Colored Urine, Unsoclabllik Gloomy i Forebodings, take Dr. lett , : Pleasant Purgative Pellets. lion of the remedial power of my Prtrat.. leMlete over 1.0 great a variety of diseases, wish to Say that their action upon the animal 'eon*. my is uatvorsal, not a gland or Muni. escaping their sanative Impress. Age does not impair diem; their satrar.coetlngartdbelag enclosed In glass bottles preserve their virtues LAID. paired for any length of time. In anycllnuita so Rh they= always fresh and reliable, which h Mee cheap ith the pills found toe ~a g stort ec tll9bi chewood or mean-board bon Dwo all diseases whom a Laxative, Altera ,MM dt Purgative Is Indicated, these little Pellet* sin give the most redact satlslocUon Mall who use 00'4 They are sold by all enterPrialalg. Druggists at 25 catkin a bottles. Do not allow any dronist tq IndUm yin to Mai anything elms that be may say Ls just of gaga am/ Niles beans* ho makes a larger profit tat that ISNO ho rear:mends. If your &nest cannot, moll ihenv ira nchato cants and mare egos tor Man. pizza" jr. 114,Perp4 MIITIALO. IL TJ .41...13E1Za Tl:7 DRIIGGIST, morimoss PA.. le contluvalli receiTb2Sl IpT_A And keeps tontrantly on band & Tolland draftable assortment of genuine DECGS, ISEDICINES, CIIEMICALS, LI 0085 Paints, 01le, Dr,SOHN, Tea s , fplees, and tinier Ore eerlea, Stone Rare, Welland vandal , Paper. Ulm ware, Fruit Jars, Illtrors, Lamps, Chimneys, Here ri eee, Machinery OIL Tanners' 011, Neataroot OIL Re fined Whale 011,Sperns OIL 011se OR, Spirits 'hopes tine, Varnishes, Canary Seed. Vtnegaz,Potash, Coaeq (rated Lye. Axle Grease, T.russes, Supporters, MediAt Instruments, Shoulder Brutes, Whlys, Guns, Plow Cartridge., Powder, .81.6 t, Lead, Olin Caps,lllastLes Powder and Face, Violins, Strings, Bows.etc. Plato. Fifes, etc., Fish Hooke and Lines, Bar and Toilet Soaps, Hair OR., Flair Restorer.. and Hair Dyes. Bombe; poes.t. Knives, Spectaelee,Sllver Plated epoons,Yertli Katy... Be. Heal st Articles, a genealassortmeatel pANCy GOODS, JEWELRY, and PEREVILERY All thelcading and best kinds of ra- PATENT MEDICINES. In short, nearly eset.hing to restore the Ida. to please the taste, to del !It the eye to graUly the Wit, and also to conduce to t o real and substantial comU/ ante. Ennmeratlon la Impracticable, as tt unlit II • newspaper. Call at the Drag and Vatieq Stifle of Yontrosc,Jan.s,lB72. DOWN TOWN NEWS. MINER AND . Co.4Tk__ JUDI Streat.6 dopra below Boyd's Comer;llosttili FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND . PROVISIONS. We're constantly rev tying' lid Dow hue enhasd, a fresh stock °Moods In our it e which we wfilsall CHEAP! • CHEAP CHEAP foreash.in eras iga orproduro. , GOOD TEAS, .* . COFFEE, SUGAR, • - MOLASSES, SPICES, • : PORE; MR; LARD;' . HAMS, DATED FRUITS,., CLOVER & TIMOTITY SEED- 1. ' Wo;bere rented and made addition* tO Der Rode Pelts. and aro now ready to torwerdßutter to the bee commtelanD houses In New Yorh,tree of chirp, ate Ins kel Iberalodyancom cote an consignments. • Call and° xennlneour Stock before purchasing elle whero.andeonybieeyoureeltes orate GOOD QUALITY 41; LOW PRICES of our Goods. - a. wargrt, . . W. Loons montroso. April 16. 869. • OLD .JEWELRY-L-A Ftri- Assort meat.. and other varieties of Jewelry. A few Gold and Wirer Cased Watches and Watch Chains: Bileee and ether plated Spoons. Yorke, Knives. de.; and a gew. weal assortment of Fancy Goods, Notion., Perfnway. de. Drugs and Medicines. a large stock. /Unitas°, rd. DOG. til t 71. 4ln ABEL .701tIIELL