g grgai Ratcliigeuct. ikiitotoue • &Envy.: E s. II 1 4ellIMCIT. 1 • arr. L. B. rosn,PDAOr. .b _.- . , - In. One IP. In, Sabbath, IS la. Prayer Ws,4sestlsySvenlags , •Tx e tTIIOMMC IL _ th Ilsv. J. Bum= 1 ~..sbt. lee lees; d Bandar lo oath Mon sabbs 0a... A • bnowdistely boron Mass sPiScOPALICIIIMCII—IIsv. B. A. WAnrssnMector: mobsts *Was. - „N a. al. andDi p. m. e. noddy &boot 1 Week-Do Scrrlees—V7canesdays TX P. ca - , --- • • ISETOODIST EPISCOPAL ....11er.A. D. Assmotrost. S.Dbatt. Strom ll* a. m.asd 1.90 p. m. sasbath s I?. za. Vrsyce %WINN rsirsilsys... ....... .... ....7.30 p. at. - , - prunitAll CIPMCII.. - ~- MT. J.B. mu= so. Aces - • • - 10.95. zn. Ind IN_ p, in. sg,bith WIWI. - " ' - Ills p. sh Prayer kettloripanday Evening, 7X P. m. --------------- BusineikNplic.. We..jiiiiiinit'sitionio Via following advertise ments, rtesi ihiiiieek. .. . --Sheriffs Sales. . —llistellannous Advertisements--Geo. P. Rowell& Ca. . • .r . ' a --enle's (yea lleiseam, Hippoaronni ha d 'Menagerie. " - 4111. • rest OlUco None', Orders. EiiiitO3raer from the Past-office Department, :theftes have been modified, and are as On orderi not exceeding $lO, 5 cents; over $lO anditira&dinifs2o,lo cents; over $2O and not exceeding 120,15 cents.; over $3O and not exceeding $40,20 cents; over $4O and nat a ,reraiag &50,25,Cente. orders have be cotneexceeilindiVlßlPtdar as a safe and may way to transport money, and with the reduced rates they will come into still more general Terpolt irlreaffUrr. an aged latly,„ rays thelnerylestown Democrat, or door seam Tema, died recently, down in wwsmayph../4.114,1xtr death on examining her room, an old teapot was,irkmad containing $OOO in gd1(1. Oa an examination of the bed, a con siderable amount of greenbacks was found fix• ed up in the bedding. On account of these dis coveries of money, an examination was then made or the garret, and there 3,400 in gold and silver coin were also found. This was quite a lever sum to have about the house. A portion of the cold had doubtless beep there some years7-44offt.robably—frona the Commence rnentArFtho war and longer. NCNI iin) Cent Connterretts. In Paeraha's Counterfeit Detector for July is the followinz.dmetiption of the new counterfeit 2ialf-,101110 n o tes ; extensivelycirculated at pres ent The head'of Stanton, the beard harsh and s the right of the head' vacs Mu".. - irregular and Scratchy. some Of the let ; ten of the words "fractional currency" are five times is the ruled shade el the Mt" cltd . 01 four in too gentAn& to tire 'Words "United States" the blank spaces between the body of the letters and the ruled shades are irregular, and generally narrower than the genuine, which are ataniform width. On the back of the courdirteit the hair lines forming the turns at the top and bottom of the italic letters art bsry; on the genuine they are light and deli .-ate. The red seal also differs materially from the'igenulue in the form of the letters ; the dots on the shields, the shades to the letters, which are irr‘welarand on both skim of the letters, and the rul6.l.lines forming the back ground to the shield. The fibre paper on which the gen nine notes are printed has been imitated by scratchy lines engraved on the counterfeit plate. On examination with a glass it will be seen that the entire work differs from the genuine. Attempt at murder. From the Binghamton .Tlepriblicon we learn that,ete of the most.cold-blooded attempts to murder, that ever occurred in this county, took place In the town of Vestal, near Vestal Canter, &radar The person who attempted tom:inter is Fred erick !Austral, a boy over sixteen years old, and 1 11 bbl ViCtirtt is Harlin Landon, his father. Same dd . :acuity, it is reported, emu between the father and son on Saturday ; and early Sun day neraning the father bad occasion to go into tiplece4 woods, when the son followed him, a gun loaded with teem shot ind three bullets. The boy secreted himself, Offlikrenit 'fisvpmble opportunity offered for the accomplishment of his, hellish design he look 4libcrate aim at his father's back and fir ed. _Mc.thertrushed on his father, and cut his 1 beak open with a "spud," an iron instrument thtwe with Homes used in peeling bark. Going into the brush the ; The benefits derivable from the world boy there there waited to see if his father, who had nr'wnd •I most tsgitbie it'ulsroir°,staLibli'smt:Tti,a, Tart fallen; ties dead , and ( When be stirred, came on that h a l m e y a „ t „th e sum v ,; 001 b. hist with a bayonet. The father took the gun ing and healing influence when applied to the from hint, whereupon he :picked up the " spud," human cuticle, that it tines in cases; of spasin, wind and threw it at his father, with some stones and I founder", L ing , t hat senitehe'' gall, and ether ailments of Site burso which re clubs. 1 quire outward treatment. It is, in fact, the Mrs. Landon at this time, heard the noise and most eilectwal of all external remedies for rheu came tOl i tte - wootts„ On sight of her, the boy ; matism, gout, stiffnessof the and neck, neural 4 all ia. ceased - ids murderous efforts; and now claims sore throat, swellings, cots bruises of kindt that he was delirious, and did not know what ' he was about. The father, son and the woman went to the house; and a physician was sent for. The boy WAS arrested and lodged in jail at Binghamton. About twenty of the shot lodged in Mr. Lan . " , 's back, and thebullet grazed one side of his .I. lle wonntlS - inflicted by the shot are head hut it is not -believed they will very painful, prove tstal. mad lours. • ' dogs comes With the hot weather and mat. „odes of the usual complement of wonderful extraordinary cares of trydroebedrie bY Th' of mad-stones. In many parts of .the country eqrseusliy in the West and South. the majority of the people have implicit faith in the efficacy of these atones in counteracting the teats of wounds inflicted by rabid animals. In some families stones of this character bare been pos sessed for a great number of years, and have acquired wide-spread local celebrity: Every simmer numerous accounts are published of cures wrought by mad stones, and these gener ally give the names of the patterns cured; with other circumstances wnich go to show that the fle- persons who print the acturunts have entire faith 41thetutiumticity of the cases which they ,One of th-eminst celebrated of those 61.011e3 is oWned by a Mrs. Chassis, living near Hodger - ssyfifs calls it a Chinese stone. , It is-ssid•thatirhett,opplied. to a person bitten ` - f-by &Mad dotor - polsonous snake this stone ad-1 he ir s in final, Jet the es that it eamiot he drawn oft withouroonalderable . elletrt, until ft has absorbed SU the poison *OM the wound. It' is pub by hang plaaxi find In warm undez ' and 0 01 4 the tire. When ice-messed in wain lager aniti.bdig algid, the green poison exudes fltonf,it,'snd can rte Seen' rising to 'Abe whom This stone is reported to haze effected many ma, the host being that of a Mrs. Prater, , to whom iC was applied while she was fit a slate of raginginadnem Itlmmediately. stuck fast-to • itbe wound which had caused her madness, ~where it remained (dr four dem when it dropp cd off fully saturated Witii fasts* after which - the patient rearmed. 'Stories. alustel precisely similar are told of many other mad-genii 'various parts of the country. • ,---Railroad mem are looking watt as kelislimeut at a trig* UtarkOlilerth; irtiF.* The fillontroan lftedlasnly. By .special invitation from the directors of I the Montrose Railway, and through the polite ness of C. L. Brown, the Secretary, we took a pleasant trip from, Montrose :to Tunkkannock on the of the Railviray. The programme, which had been,precAncerted, was to meet the directors at Meshoppen Creek and drive down the track, but on account of some little obstruc tions such as fences etellt was deemed best to strike upon the track at Brown's Brook, a little below. Presidentßlakeslee and Chlef-Eiigliteer Ansart met us at thatpoint and :we all turned, in on the track and we took our first , ride on the Montrose RaSway, from that point to the nestling across Buck's Brook. We are pleased -to be able - to 'report to our readers; thit - the amount of work done;the moaner, in Wilt& it is done and the general appetitance ;Sewing ims been by some entxtringly called thet"Narrow Gunge' . morothan 'Met our most sanguine - ex pectadotus and itspeaks forth° faithfulness, I and energy of, contractor Martey..: Allot Alm heavy-work; inctudingm deep sock not neariftz . ehoppen bridge, of some considerable distance, filling nestling; culverts; &c., except 'the hthige across MeslM , Ppon meek Is hearileotoplete, I . , short &timed below Springville, wheralkettlre. ,snow at work, It is estimated that neerly two I thirds of the labor of grading ther road is cam pleted, on account of the cuts ISIS and eulie r iti lon that portion. The limier. part of what re-'l Mains on this end Of the route is dugway work sad brrhullt .I , ery rapidly,- The .Lehigh Valley comPany were - not boiled to inahe any investments in the niad'until the whole was ,•graded, but to shine their good faith and wil linguess to hasten MY the time of It completioni they hive einitdirr expended iheStutt, pt OW in ralls,'plattnt, - splkes and 'ties, whiCh• is about the earnests has been expended for grading. The purchase ot the iron at the time purchat ed wee a matter of greateconemy , the 'road, for since then the President, Mr: Blakeslec,„has been 'offered Cilo,ooofonts. traigain, which' Pr could have accepted wilhoUt any breach ot trust to the company, but his Intelsat in the success of the road leads him to use every means that will hasten and economise in its construction. On Wednesday last the work of putting on the rails was commenced at Tankitannock, and will progress just as rapidly as the Interest of the road shall demand: An engine will soon ho lint on that end of the road for the transpor tation ot iron and 'ties to aid in facilitating the laying of the , track. We see that both the broad I and narrow gauge track is laid at its junction with the Lehigh V:alloy, which is a plain 10 .. „ t to us that - 117i bread gengeshall tie ntniia „ c shall have it. We speak now out.. own knowledge of the progress this enterprise, which is of sash vest ' r ntn.rest to the people Alen the line, and we can assure all interestcti that it the are not running to MOUttilbe /Int t:;I, it will be the faultof , thestoeVaelders who' aro delaying it by rot furnlaing the means, by the prompt payment oZ their instalments. The company and tt.c contractor: are, fulfilling their part to Ur:: letter, hut It requires money to make the cars 0, as well as the "mare." While at Turikliannock we called at both the Repobf:tan and Dvaorrat offices and found the c..iitOrs both alien - and Cal l al 4l 4°BahY. ll l c 7 , bt ship , forming other., tierimulle asutittmatan . We'atm indebted to itn. Marcy, the contractor, for a pleasant drive about the town, which is growing rapidly. All of the crops along the routo with the exception ot winter wheat look ed remarkably promising. BUSINESS LOQ.I ILS. aa~n~• Gear—Girizas—in ilarford, art the tri• of Jane, by Rev. A. Miller, Mr. &rob Very, and Mrs, Crone Greet', nil of Ilarrettl,l'a. O, Trutt I Were limutiful: is the um' spoken wish of thou...mm(l3 of women to whom nature has denied the charm of pure, fiLsli trlms parent complexion. To gratify this wish HW HAM'S MAGNOLIA BALM vas introducaL The cosmetics of the day had been pronounced poisottom by the most distinguished chemists, 1 audit - n*lA also found that their- Mt iutme elect to wither the skin its well as to paralize the ex ternal nerves. The lathes bailedwithaelight the advent of a healthful, herbal and floral prepare ; lion capable of imparting to their fares, peeks ' and arms a porcelain smoothness and a lingo like that of the oriental pearl. They soon Ms covered-Orel, wain "nentilinteamdo' the sun," incomparable and unappmehable. tatqumtiore ably the MAGNOLIA BALM has been the great toilet SUCCC3.4 of the present century. Wanted. luunedtatety, a COOP shoemaker, to work on ner:vork; permanent situation; 'good wages, none hiit - altst class workman ntt E apply. Atl t- - drs UPTF.GeeROV & Co. 3101:arose, Pa., July 10th, 1872.—w3. Keep the ante Vnbtemhhed. 1 "' I am like an old hemlock—withered at the top," said a ienerablelnitian Chief, pointing to his thin and bleaching locks Thousands of men and women in civilized societ V, ma ch i younger thau the old Sa.gamore, are ke withareq at. the top:: simply:bemuse "they have neglected to use the means of preserving and beautifying the hair which setence had ninced at their disposal. If LYON'S KATI - I_3lllON. h e ...etithfully applied Once or twice a duv, to the -id the scalp, it is just as impossible that fiber fb- Z-mid decay . y. Wither, fall out or become the s hat .33. -" W meadow, duly .O 3 I a re harsh and Mu „.01,, ,dews' and sunlit rains, turshed with nik.32'irof green blade. e should beCOM arid. ti` . 3.: 4 SgF etl This matchless prenaratt.:l"nt only kee p s the h a jr o yk r o an d t h e ikjo o y t b,,. lic.:4 in a healthy and elearizondition, but admit.; 1113:3tillhee, the Magmata and Imparts to them a Ina!tei 3-exi_,hP ty and wavy beauty unattainable by it 2e 3 ,— ee r , mode of treatment. It does not, like the t: lie and sulphurous hair dyea, dry up the natariZl moisture of the scalp; but supplies nutriment to the roots of the hair and vigor to the fibers. , , .--rtrao.vrrrn PitAs have become a settled necessity with the American people. Indeed, cathartics always harebeen and always Must s be used, in some form, by all mankind. In thi country the pilularform of administration has been grdPring In favor since pills were first made of Aloes and Rhubarb, rolled into a bait 'Their high position In the public confidence has final -I, y -been secured and fastened into permanency biVicals-Ceritarric Pate, the most likillftd. munblnation of medicine for the diseases they ets liteddetito meats% science 414113 IIeVISP ' or art produce, Those wlio need pills, no longer hesitate*What pills :- to 'take `if- they can get Armee 142,m,—Whee,ling, (ye.) Press. - . Notice., . The second quarter on thipiwain St. aul it church, will be due, July let, 1873. We hope 111 be promptly odd on or Wore that data /lc J. Wrina, Tim% . mangle, acne 25,1872 Spne noorlog , _ Tito subscriber can finn ish and put 9 elate riasrly es cheap as hemlock shingips, Ae, the different colored . No. 1. lay slalom old shingled soars and uiake goodjou. Zwit office; address, 1P.4.4145.1c513311aAr"' Eaonworr - NVI 3 f So. 144. Pagrzet be the same more or law, with the appurtenances, I saw mill, 1 cabinet shop, I dWelling bons ~ 1 small shop, I small enehard, andsbont 11 acres improved. 'Taken In execution at the suit of Wilber Gut= on. 11. it. ALSO- AD that certain piece °Vitiated often& Innate In Me UtWeiship el Bush, idXbe county of Surquelmons, and Slate of Pennsylvanisb bounded and described:as Ibliows,to wit: On the north be lauds of Require Russell, on the oast by land, of R. B boomer, on the south by lands of tliram,Whltney, att ' d on the west by lauds of Daniel Pttkett, containing about 'l5 acres of land, be theta= more or less ! wills the , apprt I frame house, Shams, a few MID trees and about SO acre. Improved. (Taken in execution at the salt of B. 8. Whlttaker.tuisigned to E. Mefferd. Cl Ira Steldlogi ALSO-All that oaten, plate or parcel of land, sl tua o In the Borough of New Milford, to tho county of flow quehanna, and Slate of Pennsylvania, boun ded and do scribe:lns follows, toast-On theocrat& byndsfenacrly owtedby E. Hibbard owl Bingham estate on the east by Church etrOtotet the south byytdola ;Creel., and un i the weatby lithda at D. 0. Aber, ountaining about oho fourth of Booms of, laid, be the setae More or las; - with the apptirteitartees, I tiro-story' frame house, and all improved . :',(Taken In execution &Ithaca of L. N. Stiles rad. W. Glilespled• , • • • - ALSO-All that certain ydreoort Oland., situate lathe township of Auburn. to the code ' of Sosquetein. PC and Staboof Perana ) lvanla, bona and described e a rl oows, to wit:Begioning sC the rand and - running a 20 rodr,•tbetwo southarcals,theuee west 20 rOds, so &thence north 8 rods to the place of beginn can. tattling one acre of lend, be the same more or leas, with thel apporteromont, frame dwelling bow, frame. barn. storetuntscand olttbutlditigs,sonie fruit tram, and ad Improved. (Taken In exemnion Al the salt of GoOrge P. Little re. 1-Tiaa. L. Low.) A1.91)-All that certam Ode of land. situate In the townshipar Liberty,in the emmty . of - Surrpreharms, sad State eat Penaryhalla, Wendel and: de-crlbed se follow., to wit : On the north by Riney Creek r oad, on the east by lands of MP:Bet/kola the month br_ lends of Isaac Travis, end on thereat it/landsotutd Terri.. e w m it iu t i he iu e g p f e a u u r r t s wed , lad mo tn y Im m p e d t e o d o (T a l k s e s n In execution at the miter( Alanson Chniker, east„eed ps 11, .. P. Terrell vs. Dan U. Daniel E Blechman and John W. Blechman.) • . . , - ._ _-. ..... . ALSO-All that cantle elect: of iand.altnatel In, the township of Liberty, in. the county of Susquehanna, Mid State of Penosylvanleawrandrd and described es follow*, fo,arltt On the parth by the New York State ling. on th 6 east by lands sr Charlton. Adams and lands of Isaac Robbins' o.tate, do the tooth by Landsat Remy Roe, end on the west by landed Mlle Travis, contain. DI elbAt MlitereeDf Jend•he the roma - more or ism, web the appertemthees; Prime house, frame barn, orch• eel and all Improved. (Taken in execution at the salt of lonec Coretuck. &ed . :rued to A. Lathrop ni James Cavrigo„ and ' J. C. Parsons nee of Wm. E Lewle and Lydia Lewis, executors-a Wm.. Lewis, deed, Ca. James Cavrigg.) - ALSO -By a welt of Leval Pads*. all thtt certain barn, having a front of 46 feet um a depth of °A feet. with; threshing Soot 16 feet In width by 30 fens ii , length through tbe centre of raid barn, frank 'runt to rear, I::: fes- - . S ee ,. n o , .. i t r h e :e: . ba c t i h d m e th of the thieshlng door, and al e 61;k i, - ,, -- „, - ; door in mid floor, about 5 feet wide o ri und r eeetr i t ,„ he hti ho i l,; ”. eke of same for stablL i ng O'lposes aid abetter for wag oblei•deslile; w .... ll , lbutneh . . or stalls for 23 head of cattle, lo acre" each cad Pt said ' hasuneut, and ales having In "'" 'cut" °I. 'l44 ,sltCr til and 'n p t at i n n p d f el or 9 th h e urs fro e:i t raid r here i4 ld 7, ...pc "....otg a outside doom„ opining upon the rear. etc. - • .it I, ..sement also hos a ieutilator from told stabling ir . '.a raid basemont up each end of raid barn shout 8 . oy 111 incheskend exteoding to the:idea of tho _red of wide. Is bounied with hemlock boards one (has a and hattoued with 3 inch battens. all planed ; has a combed roof, covered With moved hemlock shingle, and line a capital& on the ridgy lathe centre, about 5 feet square and 6 feet In height- with statiouary slat blinds ° D ; o hh i" f u e r er'r ne e n hc o i: v ti o : fd e i T i . . h i 's p e' ,oirl barel ri dge Ike L t b re coal) b e ui ro o fldr a i a o u gi f a chl :S I u r n : III e a d q "l a a e b re ' : 'ddl II: wi th at th ' 2 P " a w uh e "2 ; 13 ' i F A f publicogi . a 1 highwey leading from New Lacer:l9e westward to the ' comfy deemed, add Lear bring bounded north by I lands of IV. S. Millionth by land. of Wesley Devine, I east by lands of ThcoderirJemalmnd °there, aod west by said county line eold. end now le posseselon of Jithe E. Carter. alike. in execution at tho suit of Thom. IV thiebeseve. Allen Jays., reputed owner, and John It. Carter, counselor.) . ALSO-All that cerium piece orparrel of toed. situate I Is the tarp. of New Milford in the [minty of Samme. 1 Fans. pad State of Pennsylvania, bounded aud deeerib I ed ae rollyess, Inuit ~.• On the Dewitt be the road Wad ing from Nest Milford te Montrose. on the mist ranee. I of Lodria_Tuther,ml the south by railroad, a non the west by land. of Joshua - Pbioney. oautalnlog foot and one half acres of land, be the same more or less with the summertime , . Remo honer. barn, few trait tree., and ailltattoreca. 'Talmo L....m00. al the sale of Terrell / Martin tts. P. Y.K.lbbee. ALSO- All thit entoto pie.= mowed errand. situate Id the todwhip of New Willbrit. la the couoty of Sus quelmona, set State of Pennsylvania, 'mantled and de scribed's fellows, to yell; On tbenorth by lands of tit will :Cayman. on the east by lams of Gebliti Everitt and U. SeYntnitr's Vitale, oath° swath by IL deyzeoeet , estate and Olivet Lathrop. and on UM sett - by Duda of gimes Lathrop; Eduard Tyler, and Frederick/ Eugene Millard, enotatelneMbout 260 acres of Med.' with the or pZClAttarteell. / !Vitae houee.2lbarea, 1 shed aid ont Int :dings, 2 oichards,lted about IGO aid improved. ITA etl ierxecntimr at the suit of Clarba,Vosburgb i. Marion R. Vo.borgli and F. Seymour. administrator of Home? Seymour, deed., es. Marion E, Yolbut:gb.)'i AT.BO-41 1 that certain 'piece or parcel btlend ski ate I , the Porou;,4l of (Rest Bend, Cutely of . Suespiehanns. Stale of Dente 'mended and described - MI fol. lows, to wit. Beetheing it Om comer of the ceamidc of Malnetrcet. end the north side of the Erto Rail w ay; ,i.... - .7 . 2 (r 00 theme along sold Main street north D 3 degrees west 01 . . fko IS I feet ; thence ttouth • Di degrees mast (intending - to be - • ..., along the Bee of the' tot of Aaron Young) ady root to a --•theado north 26 degreesweinGe feet tthencesonth .ers • 'east CE tea; thence south 15).‘ deg,r ace _. ..teo.lo I west _ • =34' "feet- - thence Seuth Si deneect , east ....,,, r._,- wool; the line of MM. Klunry. S. Buchanan, end W. -• • '''' •-, ,1 • 4.3 .• •• •• "' 0,4 client lathe we s tß MeLoogidies UAW. fed ;Illebre ..... .. ilif,PG comb Pth degrees along said McLaughlin's:lnc 40 .... 4g.00.,14 fret, thence south:6U degrees the nce eng said MeLatte,b. Gooey lin'i line to Cara ea rl 1 feet ; the mouth 11 degree, ..,..,, west nlangibettald liana Rad: thence north is ''ri:triow dopers west alone the heed the did railway Co; 642 1 1 feet : titenee north til degrees west slang raid railway •• • - ",••• '.;,,,,M, 7 I theWialor Wtille., am lei ete g SiCel7:r=t• 'andel), thq eadostaore or leseltormerly know!. as dm sEI. Dayton flouse.edr Surehanna Valley Donee- ereep titm. and teservingitte h ebony ,on botweeti the said Susquehann tYalltry Houreond Bald railway end ••• • • • • • ••• ..... • i through ae mottle part Or wild tot. Jed dit street - low .. tI. • ..• t ............. . I opened:MA leading from said hhthwoy past tbedwelling -....cmciimimilimiceresememwmalmee...""" I bode of Michael Barry, th e above deecriptton bele, in. tendedlo lactose sod convey all theraidD•oton Ron.. Q HERD. ras SALE.-By Mane of a writ leened by PrePerty tied the hold connected _therewith. on the a to rite of Oessracia PLeout husitoduthila _ l : o en - I north aide of t h e rallWay, oritb the tippertenattee..on. ' ty and to rite directed, i edit deed to sale by pulite 1 fouratoryhotel, one bara..OnetrOOdebM and out befit'. Verellaro 111, the.Goeri Beam In Montrastken. ratordaY, ing..und all improved. [T ry Bit execution utthedlt ..S.llkine l 10.187tret•110.elefltsP. mi.* ad EfiloWing Piece or g rad Geore , Ortega, two sbm sad W: P. Dol or pared - of tand,"te'vrit r-•"'. .• • - - I stead. oto flamer Dasenbuty. vs. John Green.] , All those two certain pieces or pawels of land. sheath aLsca-dR that candy pie. or. parcel eland sin:nate In the township of Lathrop. itt the county of Sesono 1 cent e toweship of liarenoey, in the county of Susque hanna. and State of Pent...ye...sea, the !Wet piece bound- I and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de ed nod described as follows, to wit; On the north by ' seethed as follows. le wit-On the north be Medi of Ed- Mods of AifsestProttaud ORALS Toirksae r l• 00 the east earth anus, on the east by lands of Edgar Thomas. by lands oe,„ ilithorrson,,earthe spathby land' of R. Noble Themar.dames M. Thomas; Methoodat Chunk 8. Pquires, and on the weaebyleolds id gopher Mackey, ground; David Lyon, and R. 'T. Youfig.endon the south Dint/Lining about Inn acres of land, be the c ame more mid west by laadsof Jacob Taylor,. ionalttan Taylor's km, with the flew:lnez:leers, 1 dwelling boa-e. 4 bar.. end°. B. Id...Hobert, contaleing about 'X icres eland: 1 shed, and other wit building, 1 orchard. and aboot dwelt* the sareemore Or feta. one appurtetances, one acres improved ...Tbe second plc. bounded and do- ng hon., two tiara. steam and one Water scribed as Adios's. to sail: On the north . ...t. eonth. ' powereaw mill one grist mill; one planer and matcher, cod west by lend: of Beide Squires. containiug *boat I ...I other building,. and all Improved. (Taken in eel ele rocs of lend, be d tbA u ra d fat Moro aye do,rolle,,dttbrdtiii,lO cation at the suit el laaarld Taylor re. Henry Bross.) Nirricfnantmece".tititib :t the th u g of S. Taylor, muiened thitki,sl3:„Tee-Aielkit"'„, t ;l t ee t t e ° ,,P t a e t i'f,,r petal e b r i le,.. d .• = to I .5. Branson, vs. Jacob De c cker. Mail Dacia U. Sim „--„:ai,a-k-,,), ~.-fowni,,-;.-1203,,,,0. ..,,j ~,I , ,I r t mtibed 113011• no. Netato Chambers and Jacob Decker.) an follows, to wit- Ile the '' northeast corner A LSO-All those two certain pfeece or parcels of hereof; Rind along land of Byron Griffis and land of hied. eitnate in the toweshir of Lend. In Ike coney' of 1 Daniel Pickett 50 rods to epee% and stones In thewentre sasquebanna. and State of In neytrauth, the fret p covet' of the road leadingby Dade' Pickett and Lewis Mao !men ed and described as follows. to •Iti Ott the north ... dell's ; throne west 1110 rode to a poet In line of L. S. by Decker & Ilaletead'e mill poand, on die east by Is yon.ides land ; thence north Weeds to a poet and emu of Franklin Limeloso the vomit by lands of E. 4 • corner of Byron Griffith's land, thence cut aloes Decker, end on tea west•by boded tteci.er it ltal etre& said Griffith's Ilne IGO rods to the place of beginning. co r e about one halt acre of laud. & -the com e containing ro acres of land, be the same wore or tees more bele., with the apportenueem, one frame house, texceptiue therefrom lame and VD perche , formerly one frame barn, nin all imprded.. _The second plaw conveyed to Tlnteithjßlerdell endues owned and oc bounded ate described. feittOws, valet: Oa the north cupid by Levi S . Blesdell) with -the appurtenances, I by public highway. on the cast, smith. and weal bv 1 frame boned, I Deem torus. frame hoe gelland eel lands of M.J. Decker. containing &beet, one fourth of I pawno r . orchard„ andmmtly_lMProYou." (Take. Is an acre of land, he the sane more or lase , with :he ap exceittlem at the :MR of Wre. B. Walker, assigned to portensoces,wl„,..on chop, blacksmith amp, and all Ire et - • D:• Searle vs. "Shen Whitney.) execution at the past of ]mate IL i l , proved. Mike. lu . • i ALSO All IE2I certain niece or pan:dor land Situate Johnson vs. N. C. Halstead and VI 11.. A Pratt vs S. •• - C,llalstect. • l,l the Binciegh of Deeded, id the County of litisqlehrin ' ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of land. situate ull:and State of •Perrosylearda. bOondodWol described In th e tem ,...bl e . e d . J eeee , t o th0e „,,,,, i o : s neon dom. as follows, 10 e it-Ori the north, catat:and math, by lands DA, and State ot Pennsylvania, boanded and described of A. If . tyresand on thesrest by thopublle Jaighway, . follows, to rvii : On the north by Lands of Jacob I founders about one and one-half acres of land, be the Decker and J. D. thinker. on the east by lends or or. I tame moroor Ices, with the appurtenances, ono trame , do Stoae, on the swab hy lands of Richard Arnold, I h ouse, one barn. some fruit trees, and all improved and on the west by Mode of James Catlin, contaleirg (Taken id decalitre of Isaac B. , Eavlses.J.A.Browne ll ) 100 aces of land, be the same morn or ices with the .ALSO-An that Certain plata Or parcel otlatid. eitaate .deppci.rtt.enta:iczesiost.ne Rome hortee, o 4,ne4,4barrk.ofiemkorc4h;trtilo, 1.na1Leit05a1ix0t.ti1z,„,,,en....„,,..p.2,,,,...,.......ardyn0nra. :ic,accrbib.,,,. exwation at the colt of W.ll. Jemmy. assimled toe. 8, m followi to wit: De•tuning at a stakeand stones for a eon!, In line of th:ratid leading to - llopbottom. It . John O nt. 'Rers I M A W LS r"d O- . ' All that ce n 'piece or parcel of land, situate , beteg tbe northeast corner of hind uow occupied by J. In the lowurblip of Lathrop, in the , besot f Montt, 5 Scott ; thence north SS de B land 107 rods, to a rd. hada, and State of Pennsylvania., besotted Mid de a ctin. lino of P.' B:llreadoesland , thence south sdo , earthed. se follows to It; ;On the coati by lands of I. 4neet Vienne rode to ,take ,Ited eland -. thence Month S Little, Z. Mackey, end Wm. Osborn. on rho cast by bd dereeseaf t 71 ' , Ante matte of tarn. e •Inentleued lands of I. S. Little and medic highway , on the south Moo, thonmeloog :said road porch sa marked cast ea by lands of 0. L. Hanes - , and on the west by the tads to lim place of beginning, air:tabling-SO acres of ant be the same mercer less..exe miting and reserving hichwiy 'erftiteinteff I t oat lend, be the same I more o 7 l e acyl,), ffie-enpenecusideoe.. frame hon.,. a I unto the sold parties, their heirs And essigni. by such I few Walt trees., and about G 5 acres partially Improved. heal. ferme as ohall he sndident In lew.,all the wood mod' (Taken In exe , n, lion 00403 solo of kopher Meckey, ice timber e r a tbe said plaec,and the privilme and al.,ht to of 0. 8. /Lack...eve. J. 61 Le..) sad emote. the etene.excepting Cheat &cresol wood I kesec,sit that c ermin In land, sawn.. on . Oa aortheart corner =he lot with the apparte I small honse.l . . and about Ti mews IM- I to the township of Lenox, In the county of Saequehan• ounces, as, and State of Penneylvarde,buneded cud deseribed Peden. (takes . 1 e ckemElels at tholthit'ut/L. E. Het. eafellows, wt: Ott th e' of lend. of Geome rt.° , And S. Taylor Ifs,Joh_rißyin ,'S.Taylew _At Co .. to Bowel', on t het east by lands of Andrew on osc of R. Taylor.. Jobe Ryan. and Taylor. %Vellter.a. I on the south by lands Of Warren Price, and on the west Cer.4:neeefld. ilteltares. Joke Rine) , by kind. of lease IL Dad. containing 20 acres of land, fLLSO-The intereet of•Samiiel Itt7rolds an& R. A. I aarthe retool mows or Jets, mill i , .thaspuuncsanc.e. a Reynolds In ell trial Certain piece or parcel of Lied, sit. I Imetrult tree4oM shoot la scrmt-itliPro yam, - (taken =Min tho townrhipof affront, 10 the ,caunty. of naa- In execution at the salt of Ocor., W, Bowen, use el euehanna tied State of Pennsplan bolllldod and Allen M. Price, assigned to O. P. Gunthe .- r vs W. T. described el follows, to WIC: Begin:deg a tae arner In n :yen and SobrasLUMowell.) • _ ~, , . o ShaLaclutwanna turnpike road a comer of a lotaureey- ALe9+=All that certain plecomr parcel of land, situa t e ed for William WOodmial I thence-Woe* the Lecke ro, ship of Rath, le the County of Sommehate -alum croek, worth eadegrees Mat sSperChee god 640 I 'iLet t .,„'" 7 ,ll -. J U ta 'ft of Pennsylvania, bounded and described to °comer in tho,Warrunt e n ofJohn Liebe. Ind Sens • - •',7. ''''''e„-4te -On the north by lands of Dedid 'deem n d e o,. I -th e oeiet,, u ld H ub n o r th 4 ,1,. I a rt '' an t s h . e --4. tan& of i mePh Wallah en the west 41ptheitelleedlelft to aconite Ifillee of Vt 1 --.e. -- teat'V.-nada Stephens, Mid ou the weal hurreyed al Carpenter , 4 Rotmds • Mow South 4flif south by lands of ... , co Mining about 14 acres of degrees ' -;,,,eity in ereherrtis ano' antler thereof '• by lands of thane". Ilt,t,e; teas, w ittat t e appartenaneee, llama nottteT.4l thwees-Wnst 104 perches to warrant I I lancl.be the MIMI Uldri.. I I f rm i hddy..l . fan* ,art_s, 1 fmln. c boa_ boute..a few line: thence 'path 'IX . deerees ivest'EXr perdies and 'A i mee ., , th ssboey, 28 ap., t.-4nvr.d. - Taken , in e ,x• 540 to come/ of lot Itts.Af of If .11) lert'a'allatments .of. the Pile redeth lands ; thaws elan Cot Noe. 41 rid Seri m ti r. f a s t H th t eC . c,6ll4lbobarf . 114 ' 7' 16,-r--;tiarea"le7ollat*nd,l4.°sitns:te fol,'N.moth.loW,od''rf 2111111.L•esalellOtteeett"rtfortelelt°1161tth"-ereelianioen°gf ALSO-Alit/Ma cenam piece thole elantryod ticoledle e- .west IWO of lot NO. 10..aouth I perches to a corner el. in theß",,,,th.leyot,,ltag.ati-M-.-Cca- nc i and described. 'Noe. 0 and 10, thence aloes-lit:mot Not.S and 10, east I r°nLii°"l4•ll"Tri-t4.-' O-n".6i.---Cuntb-. II- lanti ''' ' l3 htV o°C"i ' l b e ; 'l43 sidd Pg ' 't d hra th a erce eyth t4 ta t a h ev e "e ersi ka conses i La ud n eit i rle a ce i r of 'ba M'S"' b l• in of jwcPb iii"ii. "' s di f - a' gn ' ke ha a norther) directionsitswit 103iperches Claudio:lt Atexantlerateplieno, And on the west ,f he „? „ szl tc rp I flornotestLcoptaintng about 'if acres of hind, fra io md e r . c "I pf l bs.l ulaveonjtaingSfaramis nodal perths :to d otrtet*mneasure, tellies, me more or - less, being I gsza ,.. e . mr.,,,,amrs,senlet-malYPho.h _ Lb jans a e, PP a few tmli. Until, 'vats of Jobnßeach,andPhillpilesitbe'strarrantr, with: ----"-- ----- (Taken In execution. ai. ibp'epotirtenance* • (Taken In execution at th e soft of "4 shoat '25 acres B. 0 Cam vs ' rack - 61e..1.. cue irs 'Wit Beyoubleand Seined Reps, I the salt of U. O. Ilibbard;isslgned to • . P . kr . c . ... , r... --, ' Geo. W. Gardner.) ..• • , • I ALSO--All those Pini Ceitaltipleco ll erfoind f ' fla '" l ' ALSOrAII that certain piece orporcol oflandoltuate I sitoste io th e township of Gibson,. in Ina taunt,. of 1 ev,,,,pdwam, ~d b ,,,, a v ,„, 7 1,,ig. t 4 e a n t pi ec e to.lll..staus,-o.l,hoti Pen Lce ne e l f st . Ints".tbotmbecoatisulityindotdSmitoquweheun. 1 bounded and described eartilloirs,-to wit: Bettlindog, :7,17,1 t,,This; Begiellieg at itatakee sod, otones In the , la a corner In Me pentre of Taukhannock Ten. Di Due ill pe bads of at. Pauses ,, therms north of Corbel Pickeelliglrlat; thener-stia3o northte o a c t i = o dezi . m . . 44 6.i. bertha, sing 0 j ,.. , thc,. e i r a,„"t i r.„l - 13 . „.,... ,- ........:ln:uzzan line I —O. oirt, hisiniaZl7.pre.s. thre e a'gWitoZieslizerabocttvd.mthel".,,.....ab°". gp „,„' PerCh „,„„,,l 1 5 1 1 ° ,1M ITAtellig; thmomolong siddlinosionth If of co I Waaornltiplitte Of ;oho - ~,, ..,,,,,,,..----,,,... ~,- Th -3 -,,,, ,„,„, -- „.. s° eette Itnattilplattint•lCES,l4ooo Sllff . Mahn'. thence fd e lltinloultha ug. 14°11XuratickitirtetXrakLitricrt*CIT -. dogs .-- - t ii e - O en l r - ' e t of dsceorleals°4ldligneofdi"6,l4o eerchWidAilemes..tra-Wa:-mailirecier'll• thid‘enellpe .t?'"Crea'Sb°slsl33r4l". It° g.g.-0 . beginn B. " moth PaN degrees west Ili's - id 4-10 perches tot h° plate crnitathlig 'lnt l"c"I land. 1 e same MC" or 4lf•hegEalitill.Getttaining 60 agree GS perches of land, De tea, int Atha.. Appurtenances, dwelling lipase, two the lame mom or /Ms. with *lr e •Appertsininces„.l , barnd Mau 0r.mr0, ,, _ ... 5zLd100.:1 1 7...., 1 = 1 1... , ~,„..,z,„„_ - -n:, i 7 ,, t ai g w elliogbotote,l tog bun. a taw [telt tyeas, 1 above dissetbod tale and on Ms west bilismilton 0 -n , • VIC TrIiONLEY, and about ° Oti nd ite ece north " Vorboldil.m.72ll4l'o."'"*".". ..- -6.-tb"". Emth M--licresediimodtmrblee4pid vCsr.Daks.aiSnieerllleengutra Rt . - eh. li,olt. o f . east bp thernoldmoslock creek. cotton aonthwestbythis 0,0 Naito ts befall gitnn thatall bids mat be t ig2 u l r. in . • viaciftiVall. ado, o„KrupatimciptoyygPribwed b on , Jorasiugendiotepwg. as sbertr ti in d regl f oe la rgott . troso,,JorTlT. lBll L. , ~ • • • Optcial gotico. Plidramme - r ll* . dies - •--L. •• • ::• ' The hot Miler raystioat ripen ; the: banes* iltierate many illitromlngdlaSeasei: 4 thp:llict be SA - 1111 PM. diaponed to irregalaritles. thlala• the scason.le which billions attacks may be anticipated. A wade sumach, too, is weakest bathe mama Atha, and the loss of vitality through the porei bj , ereeeinis permit:anon to so great. that • wholesome topic, combining also the properties of • Musty° stimulant and gentle exhilar ant, le to many MOM , EMIPS II O4 O .btalth, and under no circumstanceCabirdtl ,, bi- dispel:llia Mith. hi: tti e sickly and debilitated. Of all the preparations Intend ed thus to retie . th, sustain. and fealty the human frame thero.,ls none .that. will compare with lloidetter's Celebtaten3arafth Bitten. :.TheY hesttheeh IStrieti In the balaneeel iMperieuter-end not lolindAra t n*.t have been recommended from the first Or a treat 1.. ,11- clot specific, not es • beverage, and In spite of Inter . estrd opposition from Innumerable genarters.stentle, after a twenty ears trial, arthe .hcad of all propriety medicin t s I Intended for the pretronllOU =deur*. of all ordinary complaint* of the stomach, the liver, the better, and the nerves. In the nnhcaltity districts bonicriug the_great :Isere Of California. Hostetter's StomarliZtiAna mill de the stsMSTO one fo r every *twits of Intent Octane remittent - fever. The people who Inhabit those districts, place the most tm. pllclt confidence In the _preparation—a confidence that is loccorivedOscrrYear by the en altit oilta eperation. As bluer., So Called:cif.the'nfeat.Perldecois co 2 csck°. are springing up like fungi on every side, the public Is her. byforewsrned against Ihe drahi.shoP fcsols- iCsk nor Hos tulttel Bitters. see ilialethe label, etc,: rare cor rect, and remember the; the,rimittitiO. article is - never sold to hulk, bat to bottles only. ' Testimony of a Prominent Physician During the put eight yearn I have had frequent ooortuuitics of wituesang the effect of Ittratext's Mum triiing 9poll:moons pltre,lNT,frout3P3Amsta. , Imes of liervJus Energy, Bernal Weat:rCis, Diarrhea, Se. I have 1.01.1 Itf to prove succesaful In many C. or, where Allophatic. lloinxOpattlic and llydrophat• le treatment had failed. I still continue to ore It in such complaints w ith noljorm success, and have no hesitancy Lib protios mating Itho, Close ',:iftleitignii,iikitr`e dy yet discovered for diseases arising from a disorded stomach, , Liver. liodneys or owela, Yonri, very trul , • " J. T. RAKE:II..Ig. P. P. O. Boa. 1%, Lanc.tes. Pm THE CONFEESSIOIia OF AD INVALID: " 13 - OBLOVIED an a naming and for Ow benefit. at .i. pang pun ansl *Mr**, 94 1.,e1 11 :; 1 7 fmm Remote Dohnni, Lees of Manhood.; ith; vlPPlrtng MEANS OP' !SEEP-CtTP.E. 'Written by one trho cured himself, e'er noilrezelog conoldentblo quielte6, find-'Tied!! free oh taxiing o • port-paid directed cert.:lobe,' Addres9,ll.l.ll:l6.S lin:l7ra' a, Drooklyri.N.,. Y. Brooklyn, jun°, 12,18 ii. Clk, • TO CONIKIXIInSP, in t o r '• avert' hier. 4;1 1 •V/Vr' , ...win - , 4 styns —' utintly curni of that draiaditoote, , by . o mp k. „ mod ,. It aux to striTo -, .n the means uteota .• Rto desire it4-ho will send • copy r r , n tb ,,! - Y" .. ....ltiptiott cited, Wert of charge) with the di rec- or preparing nail Oita the Moe..Mtdt that' tyfil c .Celt Caine for CoNerxrriox,:AterdiA, Ransom- Pattie. wishing the prescription frill please eilarcts htss. EDWARD A. WILSON, 19f Perin slrcct, Intliamsbnrgh. 45-Iy ERRORS..OF YOUTH.' A GENTLEMAN who efiffered for year, from Norm of an XL Debility, Polenataro Decay. y, and all -the , effect. yoothrttljndieerttlim will, tor tho sake of raffering biz 'manity, rend tree to all who weed it, the reccipl and di. inction for tanking , the simple toramly by ablehf ho watt coml. aaffcrcn Aishlugtreproat by theadylcere eapatie • once can do eo by addroesin, fo Perfect conAdtuce, JOHN B. 041 DEN, No. at Cedar street, New Yolk. rircemtbiz for young Ites.e• the &tights oritortze, and the propriety or itohroprlety cetttlez rairried, with ranitiry help for More NV iw rev) nn/Uteri for tnettrintoniel happineto , .fte fn-.. Cr! Atkin:re I.I.ONYAILD -ASSOCIAION 1tt1...3%.11111 . pl3la. Pa.. NEW YORK PRODUCE PIARICE7% Coirt.-61.64 tieel4 by Harding. lin - jilen'.t. co., .. :...11:25Wtislungrcin 81., N'eur . l. ork. •-.. ''-.• :... ', .. t.-"- - rir 81 71.; 1 , : . " Butter, pail . ,100-23 l: ... :. . . •-• . .'208.22 cheese:diArk, pr-r 111....,....:.. - -' -- 9(610 ", Cacl..iy ". - ... , 9@)l 0 Eg , , , s, per doa .....1.....!. • 01 f 1(.4/ 7 Flour, per barrel. • . . 5.1005.60 Corn meal,lol3 1b5..... . 0.0063.70 Wheat, per buubel.. • ~:1..03:di1.55 Rae • " • • .. 7.11076 (fats o .. ... • 4g#o4 Corn , .. 00081 llop.s crop of 1871. ... ' 20:8'00 74.11... , - -.. ... 800 Lunl per -31} ... _ • • 'Potatoes per bbl. r 50g2 00 APPles ' . Turkeys per lb. Cbiekeus Dria'r.?—" lON T OSE! Thursday._,lnly, 25th. W. W. COLE'S MUNN lIIPPOiiIIOIIE IVIENACERIE! cONTAINING _ 300' Men; . . 200 Living Li.nimals WILD S: TAMED BEASTS k BIRDS THE MENAGERIE, co:ivranto Asiatic Nytian, a Giant ICan • - ltarool • Bourn ittatcazs Hippopotamus IteaSi;llleelle.tions. Monk tpt, in WWII , lOW to .peclee.of evers_ra!q,l3lr,i and foreign Animal knowis .o^ 20 Massive Bens! ;VITO W ILD IL.ltw ..a s. r r a ilLea airt.l.l2lo --- turk., Contain.. a )argerohartioat nod litlilol e and inanimate MonnuoaLtien, n gatitery of Life Sine Loring Figura,. WONDERS OF TER S c EA. Joel added -O lanze Se Von, two l which consume ne 40 pounds a of Hoe fleh ar daily, exhibited iv a ler,: hmk elle.' with water, and fed daily In pres• enfee elite audreuee. 1 ^ f THE CIRCUS Is the tort Fatenshos, Eidaunalro, Corwiete mad Cm prehebetto Egnestrian Am.logation 113 the weed. It manias mom a id better Palerrrrers,adalt tot a online, atile And remade the meet and lamest number of Pev. 11,514,n:".74'.d seaenb ;I= pirt iCII tat ahead °Cony , that crow tem or wor la. exhibit ed In this or any other country. The Orem and MOD nem, Eatertalumenta Are given 0001810 - 1116 .illlfS' . Completely separated from each other, constitatlng Two Immenvo Pleasure Yravillonv, trcll ventilated, cool and elmmettiv arranged.capable of tioldtem 1,000 people,.who ean the Wonde. ot the Mose= or pais In and behold the performanea of the Hlppotdrome. ELEGANT BAND CAR Dean by 10 Dapple Gray Gorses, toulabalag Pr0f. , .0. A. Jones' Famous Military Band. 2 'V las , rand Procession, rboN'T Nf fSS= rtal 20 CAGES!-4.0 .„ 40 LadiO, Gentlemen and Childrenr,on Horse-back ; beautifulliorses, Ponie9 and sfules;.a Drove-of Dromedaries- Horse. Plumed, Drivers Uniformed, Flags and. Banners Flying, all . forming a Stupendous Cavaleallo nearly one mile long. , ONE PRICE and .ONE NUTS TO BOTH' TENTS. _ ilio:..4cuatigic,Dldscum Cir6s, Oka Three Beparat,e to"the whole 'Onutt.l Caravan, Grail Mei:aura Oragr , ;, Wera,ll l o. I Zoologiadinstitukc. • 2isimiSsißryliOcts4 dbUdsen, mai 16,15et5.... Await 'the Advent , of the 'Mauch: - AND RARE ! a.ROVES . b. SAUTTER.—Withr Their uoitedexpertence, both. in tbn Old Weed and New, with over_ forty years close application. We hoar; feel Confident that ne can Dot rant. pirseeall- who nay fairer tworlththeirpatro. Sind. attmetlint to b ness antrentTant -ab work tt.be done lathe Best STYLE of thearsde oak thc,Most severed HlOllOlO of the day. ilireattlng and Itering dente ter the neatest manner Shtp - anr P. a tatindlea Atom. (112005 b SierEß. "-ltnntrneeeltaiiiohit.4l2oi- _ VOW - A rrivaL-=-FRES - 11 . 4 Ni) NT. .31.1r-yettion..ma,pst roc . zirid scalar oafs leat toit Novi Cr9phory—pASALE.olv.'N GbutinaitxVollSALß AT Ashton. ealtjt4l, §VNlgni. Itowit.l 41- I 02irehaty Asp' ASSO4:I - • • ATIOL Pot tho Rand end =worth', Erring aid thuonemsco.oa. ..krincWoo of Chesil= Pollanthnr om Lt . Ar u t ib t an t h e i" e ", oc . lxt i g , togt---st Bsoa ,i ya n r ui ttio Errorsof Tooth tndlhe Ate , . Lour Prices ta'the th e pf , rsa—twitsows-- s i t in . sio=e s s. putose, max 12.—tf J. WEBB.. • • . eets . •. • ' • _ • • Otaiitgaligd IfiernanS -AT eiffmarm, admitiotinguto. rif TOG WANT A GOOD w....St11011L1118:Hill.811V . was wzanitalit WELIMED,FELL cAuED FON. Amid ham sanandlidliVi ion& Wm tot Chaanberburglicadenor .I,ll.Buugmlick rb.r. PrincllA etambC:B:wittr" • LERANON VALLEY DOLLED von in mum Ehatti traildlotp," Fall tam Deem Aug Ifts..Fen Catalan'. e. a:lava Um Ilatikat. L. 4 MAK OD. lit.,-AnnallaZa.• COTTAGE it Nal, 17041017110 Pottstown, ffiontgomesy Ca:, Pe: ` The t!'inty-totirtlf.ainitual : orthfil. Inatito Sims opens rJqaesaber Attn. - Foe Clicalasys Mar* 11•T.Juni*OORE,Priacipal. . • . , _ FAMILY:BOARDIND • , Von YOUNG--14tri,AM) BOB,Y • • At tottstovini 1130goixiety (704 la; nn bhll'a:.m Readhi g ?went y-seeotiA animal fees: slop openallept. tiltusition hada:l7ml beat:Witt' Clanlettl. Ea alteh and Mathematical comes of stody —thorooghand-prieticat FinCireatarapeatalnica. fall PotticaLus, addrca GECf. Di MEWS. A. 11..7riacipat. COLLEOTATA AND COAMEUCIAI. 11EwAinvini,:costi. Prosratory At. College. U¢Sll:l9st. &Waite 6th00114. U. 0. UMW, and Neva Academies; . Fail seastod. =Ol year berths feet IL For Cats] ogne. add!tele en. tugipss,tx.rtpitra. GOODS! ...W/o:- 144. •• • • Anent, antetod for ocir Campaign 7o goods:" na.L AT 0111 HT. PAY 100 PZit CENT. PUOVIT. NOR to the" time.. Bend at once for Dimoriptisr-Eisadara and Price Livia or oar Fine Steel EnMarrottool all the Candidata.* Cantplam" illomaptdea,: Chart% - Ppotetranhs, Dadpm, Pius, FMgal and everldiDatt salted to the times. Ten Dollars pet datrilli mado. Pell samples sent for di Addreils .11.WAZZ i G . QODSPZED,, 3F rark Bps!, sew York.. Is the cheapest 'nelYbest article In the nisikei far [lli. I nt: Clothes. The genuine bag both Whiles end wittbergers: same on the end IS ; pet sp at Wiltbergeee Drug btore,blo VIII North beecead Ph ilndelptill. 8. WU:MERGER; ltoprietor. Pei sale by Drngglsts end.Oreccie. „ . . . • . • . ..„. ~ . . . . ..... • . Reject all IllolesS Purplelvess,They Sulu the tune of the barrels and , weaken the digettiOn. TAIL nANT's Eirkevisczatbs-stras ..Ancuctur. Is used by raeopleass maned rat lelri ng falderal:Collett* of the:tnaellOtner and latettlires, bwatuse Ittcaurrol abettor/lone-without. pain and Impute rigor, to the organs irllich - ir n ßaritiet and refvtate•. SOLD BY.A.LL DID:OVUM 1 , 13.0249E2 , MILE MIEN TTO TBE CONBITIV - IiSPIt PESNISTIMMIA. Jolrr DESOLITTD BV.-'; • ' rtiItOSIXII LT a4VIDIT7T TO TUT CONATITUTI O I 07 TEDINsTa.TATIA. B , ft rdofred by V, Senate ma Ileum Qf Repretenthara 431 4.. t, Gomm: Amoy* IN d a That the Fgt.:swine amendment of the Constitution that Cotil aionurettib be proposed to)he potpie for their, adoption or. rejection. parrtutat to the prvitalon .of the tenth article thereof, to wit; • AIIENDItIyST: • • Strike out the sixth - .action. of tbel.aiith..article of the Constitation. and Insert indict thereof the Miley fog • • - .A. State Troviner shall be chosen by thermal. ed electors of the State:eV-such. times sot fee each term - Of scrTica asaitappemtliatri m ' Epeaker of the flame of Entreeenteitieee. JAII/Odfk RATA:N.7 Spathe/ of the Sedate. . dersoerst—Thr' th•eitte•feetred'erryidllaretiattnie Domini ono thouenntielpht- hundred and ereentritro JOEIN EMILY. Prepared sod certified. forpublication parstant Is The' Tenth Article of ithe,Conatitmlen. , . YtUkxolBJosroas. Secretary of the Commostradth. Mace Seerrtary of the Commonwealth,, Darriatate . .Sor.e Vdtt.„ • OTICE.-17e, the matitteipted. vri, otter to tet the bolitilog of a Bridge, on the Franklin roadlearilak to flutinstotille, new Junes Ottpb, on Nottett7.#4l7 ZtrelOOM. Twiny fItrSNELL, E. IL IMWSTRII, sopention. JAMES CAtPB. 11 Bridgewater,-dette-to,-ters—...S • - . FOlt SALSI—A. funs of sigrptsro ogres ad. .1,..161n10g the 'Sege or - Montrose on the South, IA oared gas sole. It is well - watered sad Issa about fob Wes Ls timber, including *Ann grtre of beseb and moots near the welling, being the baraerlend dlefidisti d of the Ouninetpory lam. - For farthe r "bra oectilro of ..1": S . Carmilf,Eeq., or Feb ines, ontrose. A 1811.—nci-7 1 1; . • Noce 3M3r,3:=, ATIPITSTERS AND sunxins—srcanS.cooLST C & STONE.= proplood to do all kinds of Di:m.o. ino and Carman= Work - Brick Work. Buono', and Painttnr, by the J i ob or n strs masses to mit mo tormen. Moo, mash Blindt. Doors, licodamm, Malt cod Window Frames. to order. Mae Umber comdsntry. on band, iShop la llcatcPsstory Yonttose.Pa.. A. W. COOLEY. Ert/iltLirt =ILA. )Montrose. Detembet,27; IM-40.tios. - •$l, - 0 0 a - R EWA R .D iiiitous'AmityntiTori is composed of Ammonia, Chloroform, Spirits of Camphor. Tincture of Top:dine; Oil ofJtooper. and Alcohol ThiC. compound la on eganiled In the /mats of medicine for the cure of Ner- . sone &Shit ileadachalleuracia, Trembling or Twitch ing of the Naves, amt. allltemous!Discares. II wilt connteract all masons. banish pimples,rare truly erup tions, itching, humors. d.M.it wiludines Cal etyma:Aka, .invigerates tee system Increaser the males Seth* hurt, catboat exciting, the brain, cares Lieentbwranitt . a.Likej tort PM:tering el the Burt. BYseentise-cf•- . Allenutorabsolutely poetesses more cum yoprw than any other prepamthin. Physicians. chemists and ethers are reneasball to examine and ,test the remedy' and Vilna wit/ nepaiall Sound difitunt fe s am represents- Dos ' - COUGHS • Noah has been rata and writ. • ten, and many remedies have been :offered for the relief and cereal throat and lung diseases: bat stellate has luau eminently succeuftd or obtained sub a' wide eclair/111, es Betpw" Throat and Lung Mader. • • Co RNS SP ° e n i ,t ell e un ce asing"l4P3l! predat e d Crow Biflatoeieitti; gilenll, s uistresslme pun from In growing Nails,cinnot be described. nomads urger, not knowing there lea eare. - Brig!' Corn and Bunion Remedies mem acid or potash comp:inside. but are re. • liable soothing. and effectual, and Ind merit theistic:cuss they have earned from an appreciative public. The Curative Is a healing ointment; Immediate Wier is obtained by Its application. audit will pusvelf cure the worst asses of Pattered Corns, Inflamed end Mem:d eo Bunions, the sorest histepolle largest mod levered lilleters. the most extensive t..hilesitles an the solos or beets of the fect.uttermalled in the care or Chilblains er Pouted peel. The allevantor for onlinarreoms and pteventing'ibtir formate* isabsolately, unexcelled by . anything Maitre. • PILES'e been terror CIS trunided to h ee li n t turies, and almost every attempt to cern them bms. been bellied. By nuceasing study sod experimenting: . Dr: Briggsluls duveredand staoltite cure for internal, bleeding external, andiftlisgpßes. Briggs' Piledientedies are bleeding, safe sad sem Corns, B110101111;Sld NAHA, Diseased 'Joints red diseases of tno feet, dam Piles, Cancers and acroffams .11nmors..shIllfely treated hyDr. J. Briggs & C0.,197; 'Broadway, N.V. • • '&1 Sold b II.CIIOt.S. y•ABILL irotrTPIoRse III .r.L,a. itenatroesatt;,and URNS Id- - r- • 24i111* - 19081Z , ' , ' : ' . RILLINGS 'STROUD. 11:038. LIPS -taw ACCIDENT •,;! Macs=Szcpesen. 3s. a. reidp.d Vile In,; CD4:4llldtaland Surplus • MCP .80120 ISIL CO, Ti.X.,Capitat tachbwilpi, • MAXI. Royalty. Co. Li.renpool '003,000, attIVOCIL LCdO2 a MOW- "- • 10.0X1,0 0 0 , Franklin %a 6. Co, Phil's Ins. Cm, of Nona Aparlea ' • Pennsylvania Piro • , 114:000 Cu,Statn,of Peun's Unbar' Mutul Oal :Ixeotatng,Tiro . • omen) Mame pint , Uhl. - -211040 - T. Areeti Amerlaux We. liars. • • • • . - 800:72:PEITCetr. T r iideistris.eb.,ThrglbriaapitibVilltrAlPP OlX O DY' Para/ . PauFg ui • 125"( Q. Thma d e iiknets lay tlitorotmty,ibr. tbr poi ybarve Mtlatirssub,Acentjecressusbaged by his Companies 110 Va librll3l•ber3l.plaCODOS peal tgrOMCIOTWOPTX.I4I,OO. '''''' 2 ZPIESO 06 W. • McGarr,/ Acon,ntropainit /o"agtem,,Fa. • . 'aii,llloos igs o ligesz,„ airrra - orour4siill. . ilontrose.Nas s;]: 012. I N DU CEl,glg.p-'1 . 1- 1 11 ,s! DRY GOODS &,) CO., NEW GOODS; Oil ST LIU 11,RRITING t . „ 1313azdjird. i)mss iii ih the lioirOditii 'ot:.:1;2 the Seam= sl i udenalp Assiirriumr. OP • WitITE P/4 11 Ti i 4 A 01 ?" wow:6. LACE' COUBTAINS;ATC, : so arm asitifvfirratz. rnErntsT ANDCIWAIVE - , • IN • :1.• R I All 4 6,1 4 O LA AT 40cts AND UPWARDS, . - 13PLKNDWEiDGIA) 1 97 33 ,0 7 . 5 cts PER PAIR, and 2 BUTTON .owyks BI.2Scta,BESTBAIIGAINBI 3 VBIt OFFERED motrritoskti:, • lit:AO fi Skit IN GREAT •VAIIIETIE4 AND At tiaw , AND PERCALES, NEW 12.114AF5,T0 ARRIVE TERI WEE!' °RSA"' Ird . RIZTT of awns ilia BOYS LINEN GOOD!, 1. mum swoon am FROM SILXIMWARTIR,NRW sgolEk myna" VATSAIRO IN ALL HINDS OP flitolltOODl4,, ,• • , Wet, determined to auks Via otOtel Itre to 1r5.1 61 In. Ott stoat ft boat* tit *Vs ail mitt Is - mkt alChasp tot cosh as co tssests ttlLeVl cm.aaik b 3 Gardiu34,4r, IMCq.ZEK & 90;, ZaFil strb Drcsi . ORTIOSEIMIR OF FASHION!' test® 3t FORTiIIGN AND DOETESIVic DR 1100DS, I U ampum croons, toptvis, LAMARDIFACIT CIOODTI. t • WIRTZ *ND WOCMEr • -• • • 11300 Se. NOTIONE, EEG. 11:1111.11:10tE118 'scow's: taiTlaumn 7l 4 ; n 4 : Immottt,iniaiFW, • utozatzra,rw, itimeirr etams:czAlnriGl You mra, pato, AND • . vounrsituntruzz . • , ems sir Tat TM" . A 602111.1314,13 AISSO I.IIIIEAS FURNISifirtO GOODS, carmacre AND OAPS, OF 4151; QIIMATIES. AND =Pin t MU.% PgArqr del MAT VARIETY ILT THE vrowsiootal to* os sudt.;:oziormasAt.. • . . Tuggocuggegt—iirbolgor og ggeggioisto`a name .1./ Waken Ms dry ditiohnal, tlzsannarmansent, to. OM erocnAndlliklEni:The Do "Mg andintounts guer In etii linden! F.O. Puma InT Isonentstn . 011 colon. Notice ot new Mtn next. woe% • . ~. '' 840. FAO HOU. #0igt1A1%1 6 7 6 . 11 M 1 ., ielt