The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 10, 1872, Image 2

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    Zhe giontrive gemotrat.-
vimuitkcaDAT. /vim 10,1972.
• g:Ndi tic;:clalort;.
~.„%ligirws BUCKALEW,-
;;;;LJOI. , Columbia County.
FoR • ..T6ilji OP 'Tim, grPIIESLE COURT,
•"rtio •v or trig Cow..
'fon? 'AiTtrou
• OE Bedtord County.
• • Of hiladelphia,
Of 'Allegheny County.
, bf Luzern° County.
- •
'I...GEORGE W. WOODWARD, PhiladelplJa.
20130rm,0 , ex S. MARX, York....
4. 'Miura' J. Semi, Somerset.
5. 71t1.1.1531 11. Surni, Allegheny.
G. Y. R.Gsttrac,
;'7. John Ti. CAMPBELL, PRnadelphil. •
8.:13.41.:81L150LD5, L.POSC.ASTEB.
O:4ANCEA-X SchuykilL
IQ. 6. C. T. DoDD, Venango.
12. R A. LAvantrOzi, Dauphin.
13. A. A. Ptrowss, Greene. -
14. Wlt' Ai CORBETT, Clarioh.
• , , . 6ESATORIAL,
ESKILS COWAN, Of Westmorlattut
GEORGE W. ElRoirs.n, of Fr-Alit.
, of Erie.
of Huntingdon. '
119. D. 7.....vonberg.
14. .1. 3l'Knlght.
LI Henry Welsh.
18. -Henry J. Stabley.
17. 11. W. Christie.
18. Win. E. Logan.
19. R. R. Brown.
20. F'. M. Robinson.
2L J. IL Molten.
=. T. 41. Stevenson.
23. John B. Bard. ..
24. George W. M iller
SEI.DoN Mawr(
. Joint S. MILLE%
Gnoes Far, of
1. Thomas J. Barg..
S.. Stephen Anderson.
3. John Moffat.
George R. Brawl.
5.-{Nor_pgrced upon]
0. I.:alk B. Haupt.
7. Sapiucl A.. Dyer.
Tessa G. Hawley.
0.. fitiß.l3warr.
ri L 'John "Kuncle.
12. F. W. Gunter.
Perhaps -never in the history of the
repithlid'has - there been'a convention held,
upon the action of which more interest
was manifested, than .81e one which as
sembled at Baltimore yesterday. Balti
more is eminent as the c.t.y of Conven
tiOni as this is the tivelftli,one that has
tieentlield there. We are unable to give
our readers any definite, action of the
Convention, but from a careful canvass,
it is reported that the feeling of the
delegates indicates that Greeley coin us
nominated on the first ballot, by a vote
of 653 to O. .The following we copy
from a Correspondence to the Philadelphia
Inquirer: .
Bitantona, June 1 7.—Your correspon
dent this •evening was informed by a
Pennsylvania delegate that a number of
delegates representing different States had
iiaa a Meeting this afternoon at Barn
unfillotel and discussed at some length
the'qinitititiri of a platform, .the -nomina
tion of Greeley being regarded as certain.
It was decided that after an indorsement
of - the Cincinnati document, to offer a
Pliitfcfrui; setting forth at some length
the rttions why the Democrats of the
Ontinti7ahould present a united front in
.640:ire& Greeley and Brown. It also
will utak° charges of corruption., depot
and'official bribery against. the ad
ministration, and call upon all men, no
mater , what their Tioltical antecedents
Ina hnti been to unite in all honorable
i fair efforts to prevent Gratit's re-elect
Will He Behind the Money.
Tli"e"ieli:etion of Judge Settle for chair
pf '.tbo. Republican national com
imitteNcalts up several interesting Chap
tar orhis history. The fact that he
.was a colonel in the Confederate service,
:and that , lie served -without distinction;
ties already been stated. That he be
mifin:nclilatant radical, aiding the carpet
bag,geri` their effort to degrade the
white men of the South, as soon as the
War Was : over, is a fact already known.l
Bit his superior tact as a diplomatist re
mains to be. told. In this field ho has!
iitrelyi.been equalled, never excelled.—
AVitnesi this recital of this new light in
the Grant galaxy: In April, 1871, this
now famous Judge Settle was appointed,
by Grant, minister plenipotentiary and
envoy extraordinary to the republic of
_Peru. lhe rule in such eases, the
new`tninister drew one year's salary, $lO,-
450; in advance, and proceedyl forthwith
to bis,home in ,North Can,liaa. Ile re
frained there until Aprili.lB72, when he
iesylM but did not return the $lO,OOO.
Iciquid,poeltelettthat nice little sum of
the ; money, without giving an
equiralent. Be was a faitliffil follower
'Apr - ant, And this act was convincing
Pitiortlitit was entirely competent to
t4orig the president's.. family. Of
Caurse'Settlewntrtie,te'Giint In 1872,
not having had Hine to change, and came
ter:Pliiladelphili - iitli3 delegation in. favor
of the president's renomination. That
OftiS the score ;lie will not be -asked to
iitood.gie ten thousands dollars.
. _
- •
-'General Grant'd friends have coma
Fisk:ware murdered.; Jay Gould
:o,snietc4; from the -Brio 'Railroad, and
sued, RI; JO Millions of dollars; Batter!
, Reld bail to refigli dislifrace frOm the
17n!ted•States army —these, with broth.
i',ll , 46*,GOOdu,': we're :partners with the
;Wail:lea in. the . fuMotie:gold . !3peOulatiOri
the commercial "iorld,'
,the t oag t :.: . Foutical justice .. . Ts
so Heir' nwabd 490 the rresedel#i
;al epeCnlator. "' '
. .
Our neighbor of. the Republican having
caught the spirit" of .14tdicalprogressb"
and having failed to realize any imPreisiiin
made upon the people of this county bY
his terrible "work",oit grattnier,inelud
ing his new mode of Prosody, -etc. %
seems to have had a special "call" either 1
from Grant or by circular from the "Grant
Club," of New York, (who have each
subscribed 81,0000 to contribute a little
"work" on political- Philosophy—
.-. 7: -_„ -
We are told , by the RoOlkfm. tilliity
echoes the .clamor of the .office-holder's ,
brigade, that Republicans cannotiattpport
Horace Greeley because - he is a :coPpir
htad Democrat,, Democrats cannot siip
port him because lie is a Radical Re
publican, northern men cannot support
him because lie is a vile proslavery Seces
sionist and that the South cannot 'top
port him because he is a miserable atio:f-
tionist. Therefore all must support
Grant because he is neither. In the light.
of such philosophy, "what had the:peo
ple betterdo or go a fishing." . Th!s is
not a very knotty but a very naughty,
prebiem for the editor of the Republican
to promulgate.
In our simplicity, we should conclude
from this logic that if Eforace combines
di these elements of success, there is no
need of any other candidate, and Grant
had better go a Fish-ing on the "Alabama
There may be a few who read the Re
publican and nothing else and who live in
isolated sections of the couttry,. where
they have no neighbors to enquire of,
that will subscribe for such a :philosoplii
e..ll "work" but its sale; in Susquehanna
County will be very limited. We think
however that the zeal and originality of
these Radical philosophers ought to be
rewarded in some form, hence we would
suggest that the, proprietor of every Grant
organ, and every member of the Grant
office-holding brigade, who has assisted
in developing this new system, should ap
,ros at once to Harvard College, to have
the degree of 11. d. conferred upon him,
which would signify in this case, not
Doctor of Laws, but "low lying d—l."
Ulysses the first had the title of LL.D.
conferred upon him by the same institu
tion which we arc at a loss to interpret
unless it dubs him Dr. of Ku Max Laws,
San Domingo Jobs and Alahitna Claims,
or as a reward of his attempt to Doctor
the Constitution so as to Make A. T.
Stewart, (one of the stockholders iu his
"gift enterprise;') Secretary of the Treas
ury. We hope the Itqublican will pursue
its new "work" a little farther and we
may see our way clearer.
Horace Greeley's Speech at the
Boston Jubilee.
AMERICAN PaEss.—lt has fallen to my
lot reocntin 6 a Tows cl..”1•41.“ao ammv-P.
to be placed before the public in a some
what conspicuous attitude, that is to say,
we who work for the press and live by the
press work and live in the public sight
and under:the public criticism to a great
er degree than most people, and yet I
think to-day my position'is a little more
exposed to cavil and cliiparagement than
that of most of you. It has been said of
me I do not deprecate, I would not dis
arm criticism, but it has been said of me,
and I take it as a great testimonial and
compliment, that while in the business
that I have pursued through life I bare
shown myself very fairly competent, very
fairly diligent and successfuL Yet if I
were or should be invited into another
lino of life, into different, and if you
please, higher responsibilities, I should be
found unequal to them. Well, ladies and
gentlemen, I 4xinnot well expect to have
anything better said of me by my friends,
much less by my adversaries, than to say
that I bad done well that which I have
had to do. (Applanse.) It would seem
a tolerably, safe deduction that one who
has been doing well all hie ilk that which
be has 'tried to do, may, possbly, be ex
pected to do well something else if be
were to undertake it. Some of my critics
observe that though fon myself personal
ly I am a tolerable honest and respectable
person, yet my associates are not very
cieiirable—en unworthy set. (Laughter
and applause.) I am sorry fur that, be
cause my associates through lin: have been
mainly the gentlemen and ladies I see
about me (applause) whose acquaintance
I made.whiile - engaged in the matter of,
of preparing information for the public
press, and if iny associations were disa
greeable I can hardly hope to find better
in the future life than thote I had. I
trust this was not meant. I trust it was
not meant to say that snoh gentlemen
and ladies as I see
_before me base not,
on the whole, performed-their work, and
discharged their responsibilities with re.
asonable fidelity, with human' error, With
human imperfections, vio l hu r n au faults,
doubtless, but still with fair, reasonable
human fidelity, lit all evenw, ladiei and
gentlemet4 with such as-you . my.fortnno
has been . associated through life; with
such as yeti it will be associated to the
end ; and if the world shall say of me
the end:. "Ho Was a good printer, a ro
et4ole publisher, and an honest editor,"
all my 'ambition' wilt lie'satisfied. .' Ladies
and gentlemen,l. [will yonr' ntlenan
no longer. (ApPlause.)
nrThi, NewThkOUier " Plitti# ll ,
special credit, for: the ..Pruel*flt• -,bP44ra
when there was 4 boreirraoe _at Long
Brandi; he, 'fdierthelesajohoyed 6211 , :t0
iF i lshington to attend to:*ptililc, bitinete
1114- w:i 4 lrencleifa_Brlf-aenigl
in our. lueuqr4q. R 6410 1 14 -44.44111 11 . - : it
would not lave beew.thouglit act - , in- any
of his predecessors. Bat when an• electioil
is at, pand,e z eklyeliiaiee,kiolder
is put on his tiOd'beliiirlisr;
Address of Iterpoeralle -State Com-
Aceording to the 'triages 'and customs
Of the Democratic party of f'onnsylvania
'a State oietvetion AVAE( convened in' the
city of Fegdingon tho . pfltlx:of May last
charged by itichnstitoente with the high
and responsible duty ofnominating can
didates for Governor, Judge of the Su-
preme Court and Auditor-General, to be
voted for at the State electioncin;9*be.
next. _ This Convention, for the first
time in the bigibijrnf 'the Sfate;
Ked',to iiosbns :fejt.
Congress., The reason foi this ,
in the tact that the ,Fe4eral
_Congress, by
statute awarded .Ito:•Pennsylvania - three.
addftitilfal vLdberEL It,therefore,ayolved
uppil the State',Potlventiob to nominate
three eandidatei to lie voted for at birge
by the people.: •
The last Legislaturo having authorized
a convention tobe held to propose amend
ments to the Bfate Constitution, the
Democratic Couvertion - also
fourteen candidates for the Constitutional
Convention in conformity with the act of
Nssembly.„ - \
Democrats'of Pennsylvania, your
chosen:agents in the State Convention
were required to perform these several
most important duties. - That -they have
faithfully and well discharged them is
acknoweledged by all ; for the work Of the
Reading Convention has been hailed with
general satisfaction.
The duty now devolves on you to labor
earnestly and harmoniously: to ratify at
the polls in October thin action of your
delegates. The contest before you is a
most important one.
If to decide many' vital ghestions
directly connected with the dearest inter.
ests of the people. -
It is to determine if the labor, mpital,
wages, income, property, and the prosper
ity of the people of this State are longer
to be the prey of unscrupulous specula
tors in politics, who regard the taxes of
the people as money to be taken by ,
oombination known :is "Ring" created
solely to enrich those so associated, and
accomplished by the votes or the agents
of the people selected to . ,-protect their
rights, foster their industry and moo
miss the expenditure of the public funds..
It is also to determine if reforni ia pub
lic affairs is possible for the people, or if
I their agents are so arroguant and power
' ful as to be beyond the reach of the
opinions and votes of the honest toilers,
; business men and yeomen of this State.
It is to determine if the great princi-
pies of representative repahlican goverp-
men t as established by our fathers are to
be orerthrown is cider to set up a per
sonal military dictatorship, under which
' the people or Pennsylvania wilt become
the slaves of irresponsible power and
military ride without a yoke in the
management of their government, or the
thoir domestiet agairs
or protect their political interests.
It is to determine if the States of the
; Union are to be free and independent,
and the neoule thereof to Yetain those
inherent.politieal nguu 4r o w exerc i se of
which they created the lkileml fivern
ment awl ordained the Pede'ral Cou
stitntiou to be thou supreme law of the
I lam..
Il is to determine• if pevsolial lihert3t is
longer to be preserved, or if that dearest
and highest right of freemen is to be
destroyed at the caprice of a military
cabal for the purpose of enforcing odious
arbitary rule under the color of papiSaar
It is to determine if legisfatiort is to be
sold to the most corrnpt bidder; if the
money of the people is to be Used to. en
rich "Rings," composed of men in office
and their allies; if fraud on the treasury
are to be ingnored and the guilty party
exempted i'rorn punishment, end if the
beicilece of the electiie franchise is to
come a farce, because frauds the most
infamous are perpetrated on the ballot-box
and avowed as the only means to over
come the honest votes of the honest men
of the State.
Democrats of Pennsylvania. Yon are
called upon earnestly to consider• these
'questions Hutt to render at the polls in
October next your decision.
The naemorieeof the past,- the patriot
ism of your fathers, the trials and sacri-
P. tr.! they made to establish and give to
their postAirity the blessings of liberty
and free government, iireolte you to ear-',
nest, notice, united efforts to reform the
'administration of public affairs. We
earnestly _invite the cbairmen' of the
several county committee carefully to or
grnize their counties for the coming con
'test, We respectfully' and _affectionately
call on every Democrat 18 devote time
.and labor to aid in the success of the
principles of the party and its candidates.
We beg leave to call on every patriot
in the State, Witatectl heretofore- may
have bean his party associations,' to look
at the perils which now threaten the
great interests of the people, the State,
and publio liberty, and' to unite in- the
efforts now being ramie, which, have for
theit: object liberty regulated by law s re,
form, prosperity and.pence. -
We.present tcithemen of Pennsylvania
the decision of the momentous issues in
valved the October *Heti; bectittee,
it is,,the, government of the . Rae ou
whichie directly Ind Aev6ted
the-responsibility of protecting the 'pea
pleiltltleir ' ri . g l 4 B ,ltbertland hdppiness:
:01 - Venniyiviiiie N 9 4Eee4l'
.v9u with a iaPP.Prgarlate-
Qur'an= and' the.necenities of -the..timee;
an with a deep:conviction that tipon the
dile 'organization of the State- adminisi
tuition Uti dead:men depends. the': pro,
Motion of our peepleof their rights, libertr
arekhappinees.- •
By order of; thEDerttecriatiaatate_Oorw
rtelWat: •
Jal Oaffutilltif '
!Petty Despotism.
It was but a few days since that wo saw '
chroilicled thd , isstiance of 'edict'-for
bidding th
on a publid.bnlldjng,toispeakj diirespect
fuli,of the Preisdentor anysnper s ioe
officer" under pain, 9f *mediate dismis
sal, and now comes the announcement
that divers newsbois iii Philadelphia have
been arrested Sor selling: copies of Mr.
Snnitierl speicliokomlnithe
of Mr. (IMO, r. And, ttlese . andk
many other thiagaanth . aaVieso, are done
iu,behalf:p"",tittir oat th f fnetigatiop tithe
map, sviia haA,openly;alpgriiiliiComitompi,
-the people . whom- heleus appointed to.
ser~e~ never inorOopdnitahown it thew
in iris recent bat,e-faced - 4iondoninent of
his electioneering hypocrisy . cf ctvil-sar,
vine.idarm;, who foiled. In his clumsy at
tempt to browbeat England, meekly bends
his knee at her demand,Snd gratuitously
truckles to' Spain ; lint fancies. liimself
backed up by baYouets at home
to lord it as a domestic despot. The ides
of November will teach this vulgar and
low bred tyrant that his rule of petty
Caesarism, backed by federal bayohets
will be at an end. So mote it. be.--Ex,
T = .r ---
Extraet From a Letter of ilorgeo
The following is an extract from a let
ter written by Horace" Greeley to a
gentleman in Connecticut. The letter I
was, not intended for publication, but
. the gentleman to whom it was addressed
has-deemed it of sufficient interest and ,
importance: to justify itslitiblication:
Nev York, June 11, 1872.
* • * I have no possible claim to i
Democratic support; and lacier made any.
The Deforicrats will of govern
ed Tiy a consideration of their own inter- .
est, It is no wise - Raper. or probable
that they should:he influenced in making
their decision by any consideration per
oa.mysel4. and if they could be, I
`do not desire it. Hence I have said co
thing to any Democrat, unless he first
addressed ma And. even Men. I have
gone no farther than to say that, if 1
' should be elected ; I would treat all these
' who support me alike not asking whether
they bud been is ill past, &publicans
or Democrats. ' *
Yours, .
Cuffing for a Ctuinre.
The New York &oiling. Post is culling ,
fondly for changes in the 'United States
Senate. The men asked to be removed are
the great adoministraiion 'cadets. The.
Pea! £93M -
"The Senators whose terms wilt- close
next March, and 'who shntild be deftivted
by the Legislatures to he elected in part
oc whnlfr next 'fall, are Spencer. of Ala
bama; Oshortr, oC Florid'a ; Morton, of
Indian:l=7 Pomerdy, of Kansas; liel?07;,,
of Lanisiatia ; , Nve, of Nevada; Conkting,
of New York ; fool, of North Carolina;
-Shertrran, or Ohio ; CanteTnn, Ft•nni.l
vania ; and Howe, of Wisconsin. • One,
of the most misehterottSW the circle was
defeated- for re-election last winter, %rhea
Mr. William 13. Allison was arisen to the
seat novr oeewpied by Mr. Harlan, lowa.
Another was leßout fast year, when Mn
Hitchcock was eTected7 in the place of
Hr. Thayetto represent Nebraska. •-These
&samples ought to be •Abliowed up until
not one of them is left. During all the
years that these men havesatt in Congress,
not a single measure of myth - null import-
Owed to their credit, and' nearly
41 kem hate used their positions
roorol l T lo"‘—*lce their distribution of
°le-1 4 ° 4 'AI° Pfttr° ll age '—qnitartheir favorites.
Although they claim to re nt. public/1M;
they airnstich only in •ntime ; tne T hale
onistiratl t s misreprezented the principles
of the party; they have divided its
strength and defeated the objects for
which it was founded, and' which ib has
always kept in view. The Republican
I party crinimb afford to uphold thent;. ini
(tient:Mit& whereit undertakes to uphold
them it ought to be opposed by a conn
binattion of all honest men, whose pur
pose it shall be to restore to the. Senate
itmolit character fon shitestnauship, and
relieve the• imbrainistratiout of its worst
enemy.'''' •
It wiN be-seen that the Pod wants the
greot Rights of the party laid on the 1•11?P'.
Take away Horton, Coakiing, Sherman,
I Ny e , Catraerorm Haws, and Pomeroy, and
what defenders. attetald, Groat have left?
If these men aretiot the pillars of the
Republican' party, where are they to be
found?'They have Lad the ear of the
President at all times, and base had the
distribution of the Government patron
age. They have been the defenders of
the President and of his policy.
There is not much doubt but that the
most of the Senators named will be
thrown overboard, but their successors
will not be Republicans. It will be in
consequence of a - - revolution in another
direction. Grant and hiS party will be
overthrown, and new and better men will
take their glaces.
eirAs..a strong reason why the power
to suspend the w rit ot habeas carp us,shotad '
be eontinned in the hands of the Presi
dent, Morton, Conklin and other admin
istration pensioners, declared that a
failure to pass such n, bill would bo atx
tended with most terrible consequence in
the South, The Hood-gates of murder,
rapine and crime would be opened, and
one half the tinlon stlbinCrged in q del
age uf blood. This was their.predietion,
But four weeks line now cinPsed OUCO'
the. extraordinary .and.isuconstitutional
power Of . ' the' President terminated by
liinitation, and. noP, single outrage has
occurecrof,the IsinstprOdicted, in any of
the Southern States,_- Allis. 'testae,. order
andsquiets....Thelews are',respeoted, and
life and property safe by day and nights
This the Ithaca! pin,
dictioiap orgo AeolEaTiicli44? lvtid;treri
was,lteaery Wilma who, in tho
fall of 1858,` said inAi speech
thne hatrivnia when uniform 'of the
state • io longer be dis-
Onu;g 4 . l DYAtqing BeFt 3 ,r:
,a 4 4 1 4•4 1 ;ick - a
twtholA4lrighay*,.pr;s4 'Oast _Thahith
=T o •
1•••11'he Ring Doomed
„ .
John W. Forney, editor of the Phil
adelphia _PrAs,,s;
. a,, : leading • ,Gra,nt in
that city, has ~been somewhat noted
for hiipoliticil proWess and ,sagticity, in
an article cptitled "the Wpr Against the
Ring,” the Pi ess •
"We have asserted' that Auditor Gen
end John F. Ilartrauft and Ex-Senator
Harrison Allen would be defeated, and;
with i means, for., knowing nhereof we
spent:, we - make 'the nariertinii again.—
These two men, it they continue in the
Sell; iv'iil be the rienit leafed — candidates'
that ever ran;for.oilloial,poSiticin in Penn
sylvania. `ln "theniSelveS ' , they are bad
enough, 1)13 riVthe represcutativesof the
unscreprtlotts ring that hadruled the re
publican party, controlled the legislature,
and dectirnalated millions' of wealth' by,
fra,ud, they"arq 'dotibfrodiiins. 'Pie in ,
faniGus ringtliat otitis thein as its skives
has iullueucedeveri=caropilgu orthe last
half &nen years. Many Ci I . the best and
ablest repiiblicans of the 'state, under a
mistaken sense of dtity,,have submitted
to be it 3 slave's, but they have at last "re=
belied; and the rule of corruption' and
fraud in Pennsylvania approaches its end."
. „
a)r''Senator Morton 'approaelied .
Democratic member of Congress immedi
atly after the nomination of Greeley and
Brown, arid-wanted to know how, upon
any plea of Consistency, the Democrats
could support any such ticket as.that,.if
endorsed at Baltimore ? The :rek
was: "Upon the same principle that the
Republican party supported you —al
though' up to that time you had always
been a Dernocrat--wheu you mit fur
Lieutenant Goveruer of Indiana in 1856.
I When lett tell us,how faur party suppor
ted Todd, Broiigh, Butler, Banks, Logan,
Cameron, Talton, Trumbull and Grant,
when. they were fresh from the Demo
cratic'party, 1 wilt answer your query."
It is needless to say, Morton suteidsik—
Cincinnati Inquirer.
rRPA W.tshington teleor m ausiounixe
The Republican. National , Executive
Committee are procuring the. names of
various olliceholdcrs.throng,hou4 the coun
try, from whom, in a short. time, they
will ask contributions of money to help
carry on. the Presidential campaign. The
civil, service rules. prohibit au assessment
ot officeholders. for, political purposes.
Big, what cr.res "the Administnition'
for civil service mks, or any other rules
or law.,, w.hen they stand in the way of
I.llolditary Moiestl's
7:1 -pr The champion gift-rcceixer, if he
ever reads the holy Writ, citm take
much pleastire in the
• NeithCr take a gift, tir the z:ft blintl
eth the eyes of the wise and petycrtetb
the words es the righ.teous.—Dent.
The King by . judgment (st.bliFlies
the lanai; but he that received] gifts
iniestltroweth it.—Prov,
Gres)ley anti Brown club of
coloretl men in Indianaplois have issued
an athiritss to "colored liberal republicans,"
in which Mr. Sumner's speech is Fccept-
ed asa, true estimate of Grant and his
administration, and an earntst appeal
i.ntad colored men to rally to the
support of their life lotto and ziatinehest
bend Horace Greeley.!
r-e — The whole number of antes in
thu BLltimore Convention is fixed at 731
im.'t3sice that of the. vaii4; irate or the
of the sou
ventiiin•vil-Phe and it is said that
the , ifelegates:iiisthieted tor Gro.ley and
Brown to Baltimore will lince L 32. r u t s*
moM tuna two-thirilk.
- The telegraille facetiously at florris
the American people; that President
Grant retualberltrst his cottage at Long
131'anttli oring-the moralng or the 29th,
itixfarrille''oitti. to Oman Grow- camping
ground is th nftesnocu- For gracioua
sake tell cs what he du in the evening.
Tim g4thationtruto.
rettimitivreSowittond Arrecntatirn
ef Pronetdranta in G4nrral Aa, witty natl. That the
fllloartornmandment of the'Corretitution of Ms Corn
arouvrooltb be proposed to:the people for Maly adopciao
or rejection, pumant to tho prosisioa of Ole truth
Wide thereof, to Wit
Strike out ebe ninth eviction of tha sixth article of
the Constitution, and insert in lime thereof the Mims.
log Santo Tomonrer obeli ho chosen by thoqualiii
ed cicdors of the State. at such Macs and for ouch
term of 'service no Mali be prescribed by law."
Speaker of Um Hottee of Reprerentatirco.
Speaker of the Sennte.
A.erttostis---Tho tWentc-eecoud day of March, Anno
Domini one thousand right 'hundred nod seventy-two
Prepared and certified for pablicallon prorannt to the
Tenth Article of the Constitution.
FRAStIa Donna.
Sccrotary of the Commonwealth,
°pica Secretory the Commonwealth,
il ar i!eborr, Jar, wet?, 187-2.
it o onci t _w e. th e ne &edz,notl, mill offer to lot the
butldleig7hl a Bridge, on the nmaklin road leading
to bummer/nil e, dear Junes Calph, oa Motida7.attlY
:tad, .1811..
Z. M. WM-B'MM, 13nperrleortr.
JAId6N COLP/L. 111
Elrldgotrater, Jona 10 , tart . . .
DissoLuTtcas,Tbe flan of Megooale ranrot
take l A l otr4rW l llt d .VlT.tiVglinfl u dligtTa t f'lir o e
ld the hands tir C. U. r o=o to; imoudlste
4 0 1.1Pq of Pin' 11.081 1 4 P Rec 4. B. MclrtgZlß: •
Itz7 .11,1812
, - •
TIAIRIS Tert SALC 1 - -A farm d 1 exty.two acrei ad-
Jr-plain tae' Tara' , . 0 f 1 PA41?" 'A tba • EPatiir 1 .
orerea for la id. It la well ' watered and has atm egi
lit thdhor, inelodlag• a One crovo.of beach and
maple near AA dwell( lAA; PA 9.9 1 4 ,0 ,14 '4,4 1 "
of the rlablorl Aragon' rlrta . '
'Tor farther particulars entliare ohY. I , 4 •Parlrlait,E,li.,
gr P. Lines, Montrose, Pa. ,
Feb.,T, 1872.--abfr—tf. , • ~. , 1.... i• : ,
ClABPg_Niaa*Ni ) .-EraLDitS4ESSItS; b 401 . 44
w - dt isToNE,Aria prapareolltrdo Alt kinds . ot - 110g.t!..
'Oa LW, 0011114;.)yaki •Brick • Wockt i reMaD
Sad Paintlnv, by t a d oh o 4 any =CUM ttnt,
tamers. Also tiaa • Minds; Wore, - Motddlote.'otisD
kinds, Sind //mum to order, pl., jambe,
Coneteolly on Shop Jn. Forte Patter, Da ding,
A. . consir,, ErrA.N4LpirpAs,
Montrose; Decembeel.DlD.--15- , Om. .• • •
: r n AVON, 0 • -t ,,,
v °" l "Pr w irt__Zig u edritifit i nligo n y, W 49
° taws el =was eit soca aad the laweiratAite,
__ * AlM A)" invegaT, ge tt =l_ll. -^
.2rpHOWATIPWWM9R- $94.1.r9191114
AVIIITOW = NOT I CE .— The undersigned. an Auditor
appointed b the Mrphan's Court. of flusquelances
caelgy, midaf report on the exceptions flied to' the/
accoot - Mackey. administrator of the
estate , of - Dmiid .ilteekey , deceased, will attend to .111%
Mittel of MIS appeChtutent, at the (Alice of Wm. IL
Jessup, cur Thursday the 25day of &ay 1 i 1: 2. ail o'clock.
P. M. aSschltiti.lindadd place all parties harvested will
he heard.. , U. C. JhbSUP, Auditor.
June lid, 1872.—drr.. • •
A UDITOIIII NOTICE:—.Tha undersigned, au Audi.
IL tor appointed, by the Judgesof the Orphan's Court,
In and for the County of 15 niqnohanna, to distribute the
Thomas the hands of the Administrator of the estate of
Wilmarth deceased, will attend to thedutie* of
his appointment, at his offire, In Moutpeatt,on
Thursday the let day of Auguet, A. D., 18 U ` at one
Wlektthisafternoom-44 1 / I MMicainturestartareherot
sey required toapPearandiesenethelr claims, at the
above Arne and Wail qy rerer %Sebum&
• A 70 131414.M.p, Auditor.
Juno 28...1#11.—i5,
Admitai ator's `Sate of - Rti - Estate.
Bl VIRTUE. of esqlonler of Dm -Orphans Conrt ot
du quehaune Comity, the Undersigned Adminis
trator of the estate of iteilbert C. Vail, deceased, will
.11 at ptiblld tabrallitlallOstler. &scathed Teal Estate,
to air::: ' l , 1r • •
All tint oulato,ploce or WO In the L9 l 7nahiP
of Jackfrala,"Ceintyet Snama .
charma.and State of Tenn
sylvarita-deaserlbedl4.- folloles ;to wilt .Brepl.cloina al
the corner of a lot sold formerly to John W. Begley ;
thence along tho warm tit cal loco( Jauusp=slley, south.
45 degrees csat:SPledlchea tolhe road; thence,
eking the tame G4'-detmeeS vest' MI and-S.lla lurches •
thence eouttrOldc„vareis weals paretic& ; thence south*
41 degrees west 17 sod ..4.10 ;macs; thence south W
donut:es yea lEp44kelies to the line or Charles. Martial/
to ; thence by the same north 44 degrees weer. 86 and
6.10 per. hcsloa comer of John Martin's lot thence
north* degrees ca*GlU perches to the place of begin
eing,cordalobag 40 =MA nod OR perches—more or tem.
Selelb take place on 'the-above demtibed premises •
on Monday:. tha 23111 dig or., July. Its72;at 10
o'clock. A. M
ALSO—AIt that e acialtvpicro at land sit:tato In the
lownsbip of.Dlba Q 0.032111 ), of Sue qouhautla,and State of
Penueilcanla, barfuded and dr...Medea follows, to wit r
Beginuiseg at math-yea' come:C.of the saw'
thence a•bang the end .04-ersid. acmes ho creek
[moth 21)0 de;trece cant 3 perches and 191071& to the
top of the wall on the motherly side , of the creek;
thence along the said *pit borth 11 dearbas =et and
B fu gmr
thee topD
to o twz o f r the r m . : E lla:li: j a i t p a . point $6
77 ne degrees rapt elect-Wand 240 perches to the north
margin of the sthada the aplier aids of clio. bridge or
caumway ; jounce north degrcen went 6 and 610
perches to a w ort and stmt.* thence south 00,1 a degree*
went 16 and 240 perches to a post nod proem; south 47
degrees went 7 and 840 perches ton poet and atonal
Fri a line of C. P. Edward's - land thrum along. (henna'
of the same and aerosol the log toad eonth 52, 1 i degrees
Sand 1.10 perches to a pont, a corner' f mid' Ed ,
ward's land ; thence by the came Booth 43 Oegmes met
2 perches and !Plink* lea potta 6110ther corner of the
name ;thence by theta". Booth i 4 degrees out 2 per
. elm and; Doke to a post,acoruei of C.P. Edward's atop
lot thence along the Ilne of the same north 71 degree*
cant s.petchwe and'lllinks to the place of beginning.
containing 1 acre of land—more or leen ; and nelag the
name at-hieh e ta .0. Vail and rife, by deed dated
L. , March 11,1566 d ceentiled in the office fort...cording
deed., in Snagenehanna County, In deed book 1.70.41,
• page24o and couTeyesPto Muni Yid. - sad 'aka iw
the rencrtatlono therein .contalned nod matirictibes
therein conatincti and referred to.
Sale to take place online above described premise*,
on M.enda:Cthe "art day at'elcity.
A- 1872, At 2
o'clock. P. M.
A1.80,-611 did-certain piece or lot of land lactate In
the 'Munch."( New Milford, County of Snetmehanna,
and Ante of PelTrigylV2lll3; described an follows. to cell
Ilegithing at the northeast corner of Murky Griflline, I
in the middle of Division tn;reet : thence along the north
lone of said Griding's lotuorthlittlegrecenuil '4 minutes
e eat 103 for' to Delaware, - Lackawanna sett
Wbstcro Halal - Coact Companies' bednthunce byresid
Pail Rood Cob land deraces "wet 125 sod 8.10
net ton corner : thence south 84 degrees 33 manatee
east 125 feet to mhldler of Dirtsion Street ; thence
along the middle at rid Street meth It degrees and 2.5
minutes met Test to the place of lina4Mning.
Containing forirtemi thocumnil Ave hundred feet of laud
—more or lea.
Remrelog the corner t ol did Int sol Gri t ting . iel [lager
d the part of aid lotto Ilarsy
B asle to "the ulna' on the uremia... on Tuesday the
30th day of July, A. D. 1872. at 1 o'clock, P. Si.
ALSO—AII that certain piece of land situate In Rio
Tioretrzh of Now ;tlllford, Coanty of Stoottebannn nod
State or Pennsylvania, de-critted as follow% to wit:
lieninning at o "take In the northeast corner of lot No.
6; thence delgrea And 11 MIAOW* molt along the west
roan of lota No. thencelo9ent to a Stre e ts north r
o n Ward Street: ninny WardHO
dostrees nod art miststes west tio foot to a stake the nort....
srognconraes of lot No. 8; the F ce - etteth delzr'es
ringtes west along the line of land relev'sn: in the
Itenware. Lackawaoun and Western Road Com
-100 feet to the northwest tomer of lot No. 0;
tdence south L 5 degrees A's ToiD'lten east (.0 - hot to the
,taco of beginalog, Rontat.log 'lx thotoand feat of
tod—be the name more Or 1,, Being lota N o 7 a nd g
. laid down on map of ylllnne lore nnreepid by T.
Boyle for Ward. trey A. U. Mr:, and rceolded in
the Onlce Co& marooning deeds In and Poetise mid evenly,
• in cod bog. N. MI. loge 320, n. toe reference then:on
to will more lolly end at
sale to take placo on the premises. on Tnesdny, the
190th day of Ju1y.A.1)... ItiV. at 2 o'clock. it, Al.
TERMS made known at time of Sole.
151111.;IiL Vali., Administrator. ,
Stme 21,13'2.—w3.
John W Myron. hte of Nen. Ilford Itoronh,
Sl.Cell ( . 0.. Po &Truro& IMter. of Atlttontfotion to
the mkt oakto Itsttolt is nt gr.:4ot to the uarlertogned.
nil porwons owing, said ertnle, Are rtnueFted to innke
Immediate payment, end allperwono hawing claims
old mtatmato roqttertOo to OTL`SCrit tintrowsi Wont
'Sea Vtitord. Scrne,l9.
& trarsisTrclarirs - NetTICE—In -the estate or
A. Alelather Dllliard, • deosostel..kdo of ne.dgeliato ,
ronnship, lateen or Adminimmttoo In eald errata have
n,"been I r -ranted) to. ..thv andersigard, nil person
°wilt mid estate, and requested' to make lmmedlate
pernleat, eind'Pertone herints thirds vintner 'aid estate'
nre requested to present therm wleenut dolor.
Jane 7'r—erlis
VIECETRIX'S NOTT.CE. r .Vrtene. Letters testa
.' Mc'otorl 4t the rotate of J.. Cenitile, Lite of
ren63 n eetteneed,lfiie been grenictl to hatiubscriber:
all prn•ons Indented WititaeoLlSOentryco.iitriGicia t ika
ieceediet.o.phseenf. had those 'baying_ eI:A . 1719 or fle•
mantle aphlmc the - game. irill-prevent them mahout. de
lay. F. A. Ward. Eeq. Nen 1111fold,As antiverixed
to settle the account" , o f the eitate.
C...811.1)L1E.E.CU5E.1.J25., Executrix..
anon I.."i7,—T:C.
. •
PMI ' N ' "r 'fl ',NOTIMP,—In - the estate Ot
Elleho I'. Ftieutiotet.' dtmeased,-lettete oI Admlnle:
t ration In the .Id estate. iitiee been granted to the no
d, relgnetLall pereens Indebted to raid estate, arc here
by notified to make Immediate slot Admin.
letterer; and theie having tialms ogotnet the same.are
requested Aty.ketelent them . the. unto, at J. IL A. A.
It. McCollum. , SULD.II.O3 DUMF.% Aline:.
Jose 5, 1812.—trG. •
. s
UDITORTIAIDTICE--The undersigned, on =MOT
appOited . hy the Court of Common Please of 6u s
lianris Cmanty,,to distribute the Muds In Me
the the Sheriff. arrining frOm th e Slteriff's sale Of the
real comic of J. N. hmrelt. hereby gives notice that he
111 nuend•testhe duties of his Appointment, at his office
in Itostroso, on satUroar..l:ltti dim ot atty. Ira, at
one o'clock, p. m., when and where all persons Interest
ed to said fund will prerect.thsir dolma or Oo &Mlle?
dctr,rrul Crone coming:in no said' Ibud.
'• •
S. ILSlcCOLLl3ll...2uarlltar.
June n
USTATE OF JOlto Miner Webs. tovrnehlirod Amin=
LA' Suleyteebone. conoty. Ps., de raised.—Letters of Ad.
ministration upon the estate of the about namoddeees
dont, hart rig Moen grant , ol to tho undersigned, sti Ties
sons I adebied to raid estate ore hereby notitled to make.
immedlote payment ;..nod.thoso_ harlot; elatuti
the eume, to present them ably atithenftited•fbr eettb).
May TA . 14172.—w& •
nitioas• ALIAVANTOR is composed of Am - manta,
Chloroform. Spirits of Camphor.Thicture of Tupallue,
Oil of Jarnper. and Alcohol This compcmnd is un
equalled in the annals of medicine for the care of Nor.
thus or Sic li flexdachnNetaraltia,TlVlMAlD§ or Twitch•
in: of the Nerves. and.sill Nervous Diseases. 11. will
counteract ail poisons, hinted pimples. care sinly crap.
lions, itching. humors:are:ol. equalizes the elm:dation,
Invigerates the system, increaser the action of the heart,
without exciting the brain. cures Iteartbarn.Palpitatfon
and Fln-tering of the Mart. Llyslacreia. &. Briggs'
tales-antes absolutely poisesics more curative properties
than any other preparation. Physicians, chemists and
others are requested to examine and I , :St the Jemc!ly
sad SIOOU trill pall( found d attcnt stow ;Vt. Swazis -
Oen. " • •• • "
COUGHS, Much has been said and writ
ten, ten, and many remedies have
ham , offered Ina the relief andettro ofthroat Malting
dseases: bat Totblnk hes been to eminently enecessfai
or obtained -each a ,71de celebrity, as Briggs' Throat
sodpinglfealer.t 7 • r , •
r`CsN S The exerttelatinglailleCtrindated
_ by Corns, the neetaain_leviaglog
rpm Bm,:,?ns,.the piercing. distresillig pain gram fn.
K eening yralls,anuot ha l described. -Thousands suffer,
not knowing there ra > care. Briggs' Corn and Banton
Remedies arepo acid or &Mai COMPCMods„Pot are to
liable soothing, findodeettialiandjuirjaerit the success
they have earned from an appreciative' pnlille The
Curative la a healing olntratent•, immediate relief is
obtained by Its aprdloation; and it will positively. cure
the wantroses err ostarctiCerna.litrianiedand Ulcerat
ed Bunions, the sorest - instep; the largest and severest
Illistars., thentriat eitonalve thilesitles on the solos , or
heels of the foes. nnequalledhitheero nrchilblains or
Frosted Feet : The Allevantur for ' - ordinate corns and
pterentin"vtuelr formation la atisolucely unexcelled by
sofrb • • • . f
PIL . b.11a.4,,N. 4
46foit t :L4er4.Ttt/'r';l 3 pa;
Maki/tern has been .bagled,. )31a unceasing study and
experime attar:: Dr. - Briggehas discovered and absolute
care far Intneaut bleeding, external. end Itching piles.
Briggs . Pile Remedies aro mild. pale and sere .
Corns, Bunions; Bed Nail*, Disesied Joints Ind in
diseases of the feet, also, Piles, Cantors and Serofnalons
rinmnrc.akillthly treated Ity Dr 4:l3:lgas Co. CV,
Broadway, 247
Bold Im Anavttrnum,montroso,fti awl 317458
jc NlCUoo,sl4a!roac. .. •
Junel9,l=. • - ;• -
. _ •
OROVEIEi & SAllTTER.—Wiiliitheir
tamed ttlonsenta,bothr,ln:the Old -World-and
titon. lOU:tout fort741:111VI clove appliention s • Vto .09th
Natant:Mont Met we can -not Unto pleas ell o iney
OM/ newlth their petronaree e oototionto boa.
iris and miratat -,e4lnrk Anne a the Met STYLE
of tho teednand the mot Capproeed -nlllllOl4 S of the
tsdreetttnit ItepAlrhsw douo IA :tho. Mania
tuenuet Shop Ot/nraym. onundlerla Atom
•= 14 - walciVEB4 49,17NTVR.•
liontroa, Stay`22. let a
Opuntg gurbtoorglizettorg.
Two lines 174 th4birick , 77l, - ope'vecir, OM*
each arlitiaialline, DO dr.
terest on eltDeposit...Boes a nenerstlianktng Bur
near. --011L4 ' 't3. B, CRABS & CO.
Dealer bigeno.lao Cayozi Plaster. Flub groand,
W. L VOSS - It CO .Dearees to MY Gonda. liatalr ts
Onots and Shoos,. sad
alreStileennd litlE ll F•M' I Chw T' a ' 7'
W. 8. MEAD, 'Pant dnltittiliowissul other
utensils, one dart troth Phinhe% *sin Bt.
N. F. KlllDEltuasmnea Raker andr‘trainatatir, on
Main Street, two' door• below Itawley's Story. •
Mot9tU,inAlEirslig;-.D• 11061 . 1 4: - .0,4ciirec,44 "
prothion., on In Stmt.!. •
U. GARRET GOE.. Dealers in
Salt, Limo. Cement, Groceries and ATOTI/iOO.ll os
sin Street. opposite the Depot:
hit T. , ntArnarr;- natireeduitet *vt , Cloirio , rne
Wholat.tta' dealers To vinnkce , 'X &Hereto aublfiner
tibedle:=4lvSlittn.Street; beloiv Zpluebpat ChmtelL
MOSS EN AP. Leather lisintraetnintiinta alarm
in Mc o = o Findlo22. &c., near gplinxrpal Church. •
AINF,y t, 11.$.TDIN, Deilore In Drpgi atOfeAtodnes
atilt Itairatactoress of Cizarb, 0n.31.1i12 StFeet; Mar
eke "
19.137E1N1E. Hone Sfroetazaliggellitartit
on halo Street pouth of Old bitege:
3. DICRERII AN. Ju., Dealer In general mprctmakte
smrelothing. Brick Stcire. on Main Street. -
L. S. tEsilErm, MonCifactoiri of Loathei:Col Ate=
In general Nlerchandteo.oo Mato street..., ,
U. P. D01t.% N.-Merchant Tailor and dialer' In Resat
Made clothing, Dry Gnoda,Gaoterina and Provisions
Hain throat.* - ._
or flow: and Ca4tfr ,
ILL M. TINGLEY—Denier lo 810‘41,11xi, Bread
and Sheettron Ware, Castings, dc. Atm, nuttinfsetor
er. of neat Metals to order. Ere Trump end Lead Pipe—
bastnees attended toot Liz 'peter Gibson Hollow..
EDWARDS ' BRYANT, 3finuhaturirti* 3y4pniip
and Sleigh..near the fissile' Store. "
D. 9, lllMBE—Cnanty.Snr.yeyor, of9cisqttntuntpa COCIF
V. 091*co ttici3omt Nbutroser, Pir.-0611.
gems, rafnte. on.. Dye Bulge. ffnxettel. itDeity.
Nettoni, etc. „ _ leep, 11, 70.
.TA_l6liS E. CATESIALT, Attorney. at Law. 0111ce ono
doer below Zabel' llotse. Palle
H. COOPER Bankers. sell . POIVIgh Pas.
rage Tick, tsapdDtatts on England, Ireland mulled.
• - -
J. R. VLETVITEIIII Bain% Wool) Is thophes to git
Ice Creern, Oyetere end Clams, In every ityle. t. . 04 luta .
STROUD General rue and Life
once Atte ; Rallread and AneldeatTleketr
w 'a
to Nerk and l'htladevlda. 'Who on deralo4l2
of the Dant. . _ .
F. U..CrIANDLt r a. Ccuerallasuasr.a arAansing
& 271e1101.9, tbeplkeOto getPlogokmd Eon -
erne , :Agar., Tobacco, Piper., 'Packet‘Books, Specti.-
:les. Yankee "Yotlone, tGe., ntipk flock.
L. COy, IbuTr..* tr.ker*bd-dontrota aIL araelos
usually key; by Ilk trado,opyr,elte UN But. ,
boll) ,lt CORWIN': Dealers InStoves..llar . diate..
and Manufacturer. or Tln and Teace,corner
of Math and Tetruplie street.
S. 11ORSR, Merchant and dealer tn ,
Cloths. Tstrnmlngs, and Varnisliag Goods. ands
Ready Made Clothing, on llatit SttettJatst doctr.bip
low Lltilo and Ilisheloo's Law o.llct. .
A. N. BULLARD. Dealer in Groceries, Provisions
Beaks, Stationery and:Yankee Notions, at bpd ,
Public Avenue? • -•-
T. SPORE .0 CO.. Dealers in Sicrref, Hardwire
A .2rieoltifred Implement*, Montana. Gm:cres; opp
site Tarbell Gown.
, t h a.n . Nal . .. i s occivsa - wpil: iq,
c ,,.,..,.....„ t i. 0 .., n w rr 0 g:inai ~e .
Weaknete, Laaolordaryi Seminal, Lessee. IniPolcur7
Mentaf liner PiLesleal Incapacity, impedimenta' to Marti
age,ete.: nlso,COnsnotption; ROlepsy;tnd Fits,,lndoced
i by velfindaltrence add trximi metravattence. -• 4 - 4
Price, in a sealed envelope, onlya men:- .., ,
e - W -
Thrcelhbraled anther, fa this„sdrairable moan deer.
' ly demon st re task= at/Arty yearesetictcasful practice
that .I.hoi as owing. coneeeno nee* of telt Omni& ttla-RDn
xedicallyeated viittiont. the Onagers:KlS nee otantcrsalt
medicine or thnappliention of thnknife ; , pointing , tont
a mode of care at once Simple, certain, and erfrecttral,
b mne of which every. serre-rer. no nuttier - What ale
1 c o ndi tio n may be: maynut e , .- htmaelt ebeeply, privately,
and redleally. , .. ~ ,- ,
rirTfehileitiere ahottill be-ite the tiondiliiii . eliik
pendant:ld evreisettn• Satneland. • :t:i ~
Sent, under end, in.. ;dein envelope. !pery address..
' rose paid on grelpipterta cents, or two poet swops.
Alen, Dr.. uhrertiell'i•ldarriege Guide," price Mete-.
kddieEs tturrabliabert. i . l : o -
Em -
k• — l4 C Pust..offick Oak 4,396:-
('4 •tORONIti
'VOW:INTO CH1717: ZS.: atili-'heSrly,thorotigh bred
stallion will stead the prevent season for fifty mem,.
season asuuneaclerzkiirti larand =ding July a, Fridays.
and Satordr.asintthastablb of 3.9. Terberl,toNostlets.
the reef of the week - atilleaubscrlber'sronaltillis east of
Anborn 4 Corners, on the-road irsding to
PEDIGREE.—The Toronto Chlef.,7Y - wiViaby
Toronto Chleforho for speed 'and bottom' tßbysal abet& ooilan Mallon on record: ll wasetred by Citiorals
and y
his 'darn by Blackwoo e
d.- out of an 'ltcliprictave.
Royal George was by Black Warrior:and he by Import.
ed Tipp° ; and ho bylleuenger, of Ragland..•
TORONTO Cutir. J n.'s dam was sired by the thorough,:
bred Jetrersoa, oat of a hlakaill Zeta,
by-Virginia I, be by Sire *able. tfie aka .of SRI Ream
and grandrlre of Anierlortilltaldrun by iplo Favorite:
Second darn Od Bell Alt ' " '- - '
roarrxre•Cauf.7ll.. Ira blood barisith Hark ftts
fall tali, weighs 1400-lbs., 115 X hand. high; has &Arm
(ruining. hut titbit Weight IN Imola.
beat. Loll =dace htm,andjudggea for yourselves.. Fillies
of bin get are ba seen at thersobSailwes. Marnarsateu ,
edon ressomble•terros Accident* and' eiespea at this
owners' risk. • •
Other. rake as coVoloary. - Tema to - fristtrairlea foal/
Sl5; inerwarres money payable March •-• •
' ' • ' • J.M.ClllsllllNi•Pret*r•
Auburn 4 Garners, Pa., March 23. 1612.-.43aM.-mi.
Litera;Mre,ltr± - *aBoW
Is the hest selllngatook everrogersdir-Starmialess the
liamornf ademxtote. the wisdom or sassy. the la arms.
of history nodlotamathr.thgrweetriPhsettid m s
of poetry, the4goglNte 79 7 maslo,ata:loQ,, U
ral Illastrattorib. , - • • .
- .EOM reading for Brava momeri4c plitssacpftdares
to Ilium toe quiet hours ; sad &Sided' sabrfOrthseedall
An Agent Writes. 'Ted TN copies - this weeit,..17 : 12
sell:SOO Utile month ' „ •
Oar DOW system oteartrasslng acres mini wtih. ob.
Jeetions to the business. ,Partlealars Rte.' A • eitheible
present to avert' DCW Agent •. ..
INTERNATIONAL rumastimo ;0)..;-11:1! - 214
prszart Fr. t New Tont.' ' -•-•• •-
'w•c;rrxamr. -
Milar n ltg7,:lifg r L a Wil 01d t 74 , 11 . 1
teat the remolnVg testahneds or Ilve dollars ohm
eaeb4 cath4 foPhr Teaol . ttltun pf 1 . 6 a .1460 of
payable as tollews • . .
Fifth Instalment..Tannati 10, NITS
Sixth 1n5ta1men5........., ...;..,;::,.C.,FolnuerrlStik
Seventh Instalment'
Eighth Instalment ..... .. . 15t.b.tfrp
Ninth Instalment. • ,Itst SRA, MS
Teeth lustalteent
As the xottts pcscrgystua most taxo t Tlx. 1116
ly desired and Absolutely - necessary -the :mow%
snow," be proluptly ntet - en thrall fsjAak666ters,
. ,C. L. .ItOWN' t ,ll6aretary
' -‘. Mt. COOP.,Tstausurer.
iloottol6..l)ceamber ,1:
A T thy OLD - CURT' amiss:An :1405Z105T1., a
York City, 1311,1113 Batten lona g
_ten ta whq
will favor her-with a call. um , HEWING dote
in 4bayIiDATUT alltrWß.
littitaAßlt4 - 1 1 13 :
Pr s~deut pai n.
CAPS, PA/ 3 ts AND to :Ws 1'
sae ftwruannemaleinctzhat piairails us:.
CIII 4 ININGIIMI A num, '— • •
it4iiiific*o,3Nvotcl.ll l o,Fc - r l , ll4l 4v l Plik i i.
44113, "a -rat*, -
;7 6 1I! , 4q, '" taittrASlOPtlP.7 l
'.." oit'f