Zhe tam and-tireside. Work For Jam. The great work is.the tight with weeds. Rake and hoe must be kept persistently going, and the enemy,attacked, Iven be- fore:he is insight. Continual raking with a sharp toothed rake destroys' the ' weeds as the seeds germinate and keeps the ground clean and mellow.. If the prderpor truck patch is so arranged that the vegetables can be planted in rows and tended with a horse cultivator, much la bor would be saved. , Asparagus should not be cut too closely. Allow a good growth of stalks, and when do cutting apply-Dame good manure` and fork it in. Beans may still be put in.: Beets—thin 'and keep clean. The thhinings make excellent greens. Car rots—thin out and keep clean. Corn— sow for succession. Oneurnbers—sow iu rich hills. Keep a lookontfor the bugs, and dust the vines with ahses or air-sladk ea lime to prevent their ravages. Egg Plants want a rich soil and warm situa tion. Keep the ground around them well stirred. Apply liquiPmanure in which they delight. .Lettbco may be sown for late supply. Onions' need frequent work ing to keep the weeds down. , Work par snips until the leaves interfere with the hoe.. Radishes may be sown occasionally for succession. Pall off the flower stalks of rhubarb. Sow rata bagas from the middle to the latter part of the month for table supply. Dust the young plants with plaiter to keep clear of the fly.— Salsify may still be sown. Squashes and melons need the richest soil you have.— Keep a close look-out for the bugs.— Tomatoes—hoe the ground frequently. Keep the vines off the ground by brush or trellis. Permanentftutures. A correspondent of the Country Gentle- Mali writes: The - time has arrived when more attention has to be paid to perma nent pastures and ,mowings. Whenever a blue grass or other thoroughly estab lisheded thickset greensward is broken up from its first natural set, it will never become so good again under any manage ment in vogue in the United States. In Kentucky, the home of the blue grass, the plow forever destroys. the_ rick and fattening verdure; and though those who have delolated a blue grass region mgy make a statement to the contrary, after wards no one can exhibit the same living, healthy, matted turf that existed before the plow destroyed the natural sward. It is so with all good permanent grass laud, the varieties growing consisting of the best native and other rerpetual grasses, Bolan; Broom Corn. A bushel of good, plump, heavy seed will plant twelve acres, and if the seed is light but sound, it will plant fifteen to eighteen acres. It should be planted in drills fifteen inches apart, with seed enough to make about five or six plants to the foot. It needs the same attention as Indian corn, until ready-to harvest. it should be planted the last half of May, or as late as the 12th or 13th of June. It will be ready to harvest the last of August, and wants to be• cut with stems from four to eight inches long, scraped at once, and laid on poles in a shed with sides open, to admit of a free circulation of air. After laying on poles from three to four weeks, rick it up, keeping it all straight and c . cu, tu.itoke uuutu, tour Jeet nign, and lay some poles on the top to keep the wind frondltiblowing it about. After it has lain a fe* days and settled, it will take threie acres to make a tan, and the cost of harvesting and bailing will be about forty dollars per ton. It must not stand after it is fit to cut; as the brush beets red, and greatly deteriorates in value. Seed should be bad at from three to five dol lars per bushel, of the best kinds. If desired I will give a more extended description of harvesting, but from the outlook now would advise other crops beside broom-corn, for the prospect is that the brush raised this year, on an average, will not sell for enongh to pay for the har vesting, as the market is now glatted.— Westeren Rural. To Break up Setting Hew. A writer from Bangor, Maine, says : Build - a coop of laths four feet square, with floor of laths, one or two inches apart and eighteen inches from the ground or floor. When a hen shows broodiness place her in the coop without food or water until she gets over the spell, which' - will be in•a day or two. The idea is to reduce the natural heat of the body.— With such a coop the air draws up un der her and cools the outside, and with holding food or water (for water will keep up ununal beat) will reduce her blood, Mid hens so cooled will not set if wanted to. This mode is not ()Pen to the criticism of such modes as keeping \ hens standing in water, where they are liable to colds and then croup; or exposing them to the passions of furious and strange-blooded cocks, often tearing their backs, and al ways endangeiiiig. the trueness of feather in the next litter of eggs. The objection lately raised, that to break up hens when brooding, is contrary to nature, and too stimulating because exhaustive, is of lit tle force (except when hens are kept long er than profitable for their breed's sake,) for the only way to Make a profit in breed ing is to - kill.. the hens of - one and two Tears-and keep the pullets. itorsesnobblng their Tails In the Stables. A correspondent of an exchange paper writes that he has broken many young horses of this practice, by washing the dock with warm water and. good, yellow hard soap ; then thoroughly dry the part with a clean, course cloth, keeping up the rubbing till the dock is not only dry but warmed by the friction.. Then alinement oNievii (warm) milk,.(eight ounces) and spirits of turpentine (once ounce ) ) ts ap plied. Mix the liniment inn bottle,pour it into the palm of the hand and rub,the dock thoroughly with it; avoid rubing the tail on the under side as muclias pos sible. Continue the application of the liniment.day until the - horses ceases rub- Another correspondent writes that a little lard, applied occasionally on the mane and tail of the horse, will cause him to discontinue rubbing. —A new variety of oats, called the ‘`Yellow Prussian,is coming into use in some parts of Wisconsin. They are bright yellow in color;small, but well formed and tolerably_heary grain, growing • in compact heads. They have yielded from forty to ;eighty bushels to the acre, and weigh from 44 to 50 pounds to the blishel. 9 76. THE CORGI IS MIS I CLECULA.TE DOCUMENTS ! R. 33 -A. I) AND BE CONVINCED 110i1 I PATRONIGHERST SUPPORT YOUR COUNTY PAPER! IT LABORS FOR YOUR BEST INTEREST, Le no Other PAM. WM SUBSCRIBE for the DEMOCRAT, Si AT oc►: ruanzr, . _ rtftc & ftpilitokt ew adintioniSt. -:'72. Ames Immo to: as rags iourtaas of • JAS. - :FISK, JR _ Contains biographies of Drew.Vanderbilt,Goadd.Tweed. de.. with a Antacid hlstety of the eotuitte far the hat three yews. and what. GRANT KNEW about .13LACE ELGDAY." Over DOD pager. Address zierryork BOOK. C0..14.) NarnattSt., New Entk. - KANSAS •.REOISTERED BONDS. B,sfe and eman a te' Inrestment Bonds. Some of tho wealthiest emanate' In- IiANBAS—AIIen, Anderson, Middle. Johnson and kongles Counties. Jterdetered by the BMW of Kansas. Interest and principal'pold by thoStato Treasurer. Tho Bonds pay 7 per cent. Interest and are over thrto years old, thupons hostez 6 E4' ; always regularly and promptly paid. For statistics and Inthrmatlon, address lohol , L A. GAYLORD d. C0.,t3 Well 81..14. NO MORE RUBBING. - Stone's Fountain Washers. Retail secs, SI,6C. STONE .4 FORD, an Anti Bt., Philaderplita, Pa. Scud for Circular. $l.OOO R aOoo EWARD! tiliNal i gN i ll e i dlll; Riff Ms to cure. It le prepared ea. prenly Pan lhe 00. and nothing elec. Sold by all Deng glris. ' Price 114. When The Blood Bushes with rocket-la m- violence to the head, caul= hot flushes, vertigo and. dimness 'of eight. it la a tenni° Op theta mild, ulabr• lona, cooling and eqoalitio:; laxative is resulted, anti Tarrant's - Effervescent Seltzer Aperient should boat once resorted to. 'SOLD BY ALL DUCGOISTS. AGENTs IVArrElLAgents =lake mor money at pork for as than at anything else, tinsiness linbt and permanent. Particulars free. G. Stinson ,t Co., Mot Art Publishers, Portland, Wane. Uce 11. IA CO.._ PRICE, obOGIA . NO Age s. nt Circulars - free. epAtimr. Organto Law of the Sexes.—Conditions which impair ',Rally—positive and sod negative electricity--proof that Ilfo le evolved W1t.. , 012t mnion --effect tobacco-rtnenenee or &Mind pholphorie diet —modern treatment of pelvic dime's. attic:taro and erred or development; ten lectnrea to his private. meal clam, by EDWARD 11. DIXON, M. D., V. Fifth Avenue. N. T.; 64 pages, Wets. "frau lino from the pen of Dr. Dixon le' of great value to the whole human race."—Horace Ovary. GREATGAT MEDICAL BOOK of 114efnl to 011. Sent free for two stamps. Ad. &eta Da. BONAPAIITE & Co.. Cincinnati. 0. ORE US YOUR MENTION! THE 3Et 301 S 3 °MI Sewing Machine? fllO o friends and patron., Snspnehanna eonnty 1 wi ld n In the field soliciting your patronage for The anginal Howe Sewing Machine ESTABLISHED, 1817. 13IPROVED,1671 Please call and see it, with the improvements, et WU son`a More. Remember the Umiak., nose has no medallion bead. ROOMS AT- 56 Court Street, Binghampton, N. Y., Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa. yontrose, Ism. 18, r 2 A. a. FILANCISCUS & CO, MARKET STREET, We hare opened for the SPRING TRADE, the Largest and best assorted Stock of • Tablett.talr and Floor 011 cloths, Window, Shades and Paper. Carpet Chain, Cotton, Tam. Bat ting, Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking Classes, Fancy Baskets. • Bromusitasket a, Bucket.. Brush- CP. Clothes Wringers, Wood en and Willow Were to -the United SLIMS. Our large Increase in bn stens. enables es to sell atlow ptices and furnish the best quality of Goods. VOLE AGENTFOII TUE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER. Ovarl3oo saki In IlizZonths. Terms: Carpet., Ga day.. /Mother Goods, 80 days, Not. Feb 14.18.^7. am. LOOK. MEROHADITS AND TRADERS!! 18 THIS COUNTY AND ELSEWHIEHE!! =CP v 331712^ of M. C. TYLER, 79 DM DUANE ST„ N. Y Vorna . Ssorn. Conn & Co.) AND IF NOT, WHY NOT? rIENKRAL HARDWARE, Mainly, Scythes, Shovels, IS Looking Clams, Lightning and many other X Cut Pews, Steel, andiron pole Axes, (the beet In the World, every kind of Muslim Door Locks, Pad Locke, Knobs, Gnu, Hammers, Pistols, Revolvers, Faucets, Carpen Ws Tools, Blaelumith's Bellows and Tools, Plated Knlvre, Forks and Spoons, and everything usually , kept to a Pintails Hardwire Importing slut JobbLng House. No 11.1 stake I I Ilyairmare Thanks are tendered to the, many In ey own County, for the kind patronage. as also to the many In other Counties, who may read this. and a general- Invitation is hereby risen fora continuance; sawn as to those woo are willing to gl me trial, who have not do= so, by orders or (nit ee s. Truly, IVI. C. TYLER. Yoxarose, Nardi, 21,1817.—tf. M._ D. SMITH, HARNESSES I • SADDLES!! TRUNKS !I I COLLARS!! WHIPS! SPIJES I 1 -LIGHT - ' LEATHER!! eiftvaiiiseasizzaLea. tleept. March 20 , , 1872.•—tt. • (4.IIOCERIES,Teas' lik•greit-tiuteV esul. etetep the tlie multert: Dried INteeletk bbe best la MerM , - Mee quallt e reer• Zee, sed tell eakettettet # r ASP 9 M Dres 2 3'4. .RWPatti BUY ONE OW DO YOU WANT ANTI AT H. 11. DUN3IOII.E. PIIILADELPILIA PRICE $5.50. LOOK Ayer's IlEdr Vigor, Pot restoring to . Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, an d effectual fo r preserving the , hair. It soon restores faded or gray . hair to its original color, with the of youth. Thin .ding hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the gland's atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated *foto activity, so that a new growth of bah: is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling oft; and conseqUently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so .nn cleanly and. offensive. Free from those deleterious -substances which make some preparations dangerous and mama rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not berm it. If wanted • merelY 'for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared bar Or. L.C. Ayer & Co., Andlced and Analytical Cbanaga, LOWELIa MASS. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansins the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con stantly growing rep maim), based on as intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, Scan yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scroflula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders f the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. 4nthones Fire, Rose or Emil: pe- Tefter, Salt RSI Head, Ringworm, an h d e in um terna , l ca Ul d cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem.,mspeci ally adapted, such as Dropsy, DystAV.E. IPZ.nia ' Ye Leueorrhcea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisoms. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, kr cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. , /fi t sA," qc?if;irt!" PREPARED DY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., towel!, Mass., Practical an 4 Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY A,LL DBOGGISTS Bold by Abel Turret], tuid Burns & Nichols, 3lontrose, and all druggists and dealers eVery. where. (Dec. 21, 1870—y NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Contains no LAO SOLPHIIR-110 SU GAR OF LEAD—NO LITHARGE— NO NITRATE OF SILVER. and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Rea Db.—destroying Drugs used in other Hair Proportions. Transparent and clear as crystal, tt still not soil the finest fabrie.—perroctly SAYE, CLEAN and EFFICIENT —distderatnms LONG SOCGILT FOE AND FOUND AT LAST It mimes and prevents the bah' from becoming Om/. imparts a soft. glossy appearance. removes Dandraff, is cool and refreshing to the teed, checks the Hair from Wing or, and restons It to a great extent when prema turely lost. preemie Headaches, cures an humors, en- Mnemn emptions, and unnatural heat. AS A DBESS ING THE HAIR IT IS THE BEST ARTICLE .tn THE HAMLET. DR. G. SLLITII, Patentee, Ayer, Mass Prepared only by PROCTOR BROTHERS, Gloucester blamschusette. The genuine is put up In s panel bottle, made expressly for It, with the name otthe article blown In the glass. Ask your Drugtai foe Naerne's Ham Rzrecoiserrs, and take no other. or Send two titres. tent stamps to Proctor Brothers for a 6 •Treallsie on the Macon Hair." Tho luiorzatosi It captains is worth CA' 0 CO to any person. May 17;1511 WOOL-GROWERS TARE NOTICE. ?MOTTO, WOOLEN MILL montag es mud, mat /XL tag a ll wool ammels, checked Lad white; also cotton warp flannel; tbo test ever msde; all wool tweeds and cutelmetes. A large lot of cloths on band, for sale or to exchenav for wooL Please give me aWI before disporbaa eV-guar wool clambers. Mtg. 1,4 miles north of Montrose. . Montmee.Taae 7.1471. tf ST. VITAS' CUBED Err MM. A. A. TATLOIL—WAIIItANTED CURE. She ier. the tara stljo tea g aLl3llerli rtaen Joh ce n_ _r i ti ada . JC l t n c* ntereace 3 A. U. TAYLOR.. Dr.drawater. North 22. 1371. • TEA far Platt °lr bolija n rVy • Alms It Saltiautt Of C 0814.. 1 , 11117.0na• lISTAII.IIIII 0/ 11 4. TVUME. "),501310E194' • ~.. "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Rerter . . - that lead tippler ea to tlnmkennese end so le , but area tree Medicine made from the native roots and bribe of California, five Gem all Akohnlie Stimulants. They arc ton Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle ,?Perfect Renovator and lasi. ureter of the System, morying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy =Widen, enriching it. re- fleshing and invigorating both mind -and body. They are easy of adneiniztranon, precept in theit action, certain in their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. No Person can take these • Bitters according to directions, and renuin long - unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital orri wasted beyond the Mint of eyelash' or Indigestion . Headache , Pain In, the houlders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dimities', Sine Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, in aitation of the Heart, Inflammation el the Lungs, Pam the regions of the Kidneys, and • hen deed other painful symptoms, am the memo, of Dyspe*a. lo th ese complaints It Lasso equal, and one battle will prove • better manatee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. a Complaints iu young cr old, maed orangle, at the dawn of womanhoo:1„ or the turn of life, t hese Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. For Indammsdary and Chronic Ethemna- I ism and Gout, Dyspepsia or !edit:cadent, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent (ever, Disease, of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys end Bidder, these Bitters have been most cuccesafuL Such Diseases are nosed by Vitiated Woad, which is gen erally prodeeed by deraneement of the Digmtive Ore ms. They are to Gentle Purgative as well as Tonle, possessing also the peculihr merit of acting as a wrerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and to BiSou Diseases Skin Diseases, Eruptions, , Tett., Salt-RI/cern, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Cartnincles, Ring wanes, Sold-Head. Sore Eyes, Erysipelas. Itch, Scurf's, Discoloratimm of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug np and nested out of the system in a shoe lime by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such mem will convince rho most incredulous of thee curative effects. Clean.. the Vitiated Blood whentser you find its impunities bunting though the skin in Pimples, Eon,. done,. or Sores; cleanse it alum pm find it ohm - timed and s • lznss e ll the yon s. vem ”. i Keep the blood p t is fo ure ul; Toot d the feelings the system will follow. Grateful thousands proclaim Vrnacan Dorms sloe meet wonderful Invigorant charms =tabled the sinking system. Pin, 'Pape, and other Worms, lurking in the sys tem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Saysa distinguished physiologist: There Is mareely an individual upon the fate of the earth whose bodyis exempt from the presence of worms. It is rut upon the healthy ele ments tithe body that amnia exi.e. but run) the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these luring mestere of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges no an thelminitio, will free the Bitters. Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbera, 'Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance In fife, will be imbued to catalysis of the Bowels To plant against this take a dose of Witte r-R.5 VINII.G.sI BOTTUM once or twice a week, as a PM vendee Ilemitteut, and Intermittent Pe var., which Are So ynevalent it Ile wallets of our great Timm o riel the United States, especially those of the Mississippi , Ohio, Minion., Illinois, Tennemee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazen, Rio Crude, Pearl, Afa barna, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, Imam. mid many other. with their vast tributanet , thraughont our entire country during the Summer and Antumn, and remarkably so during masons of unusual beat and dcyness, are invariably accom panied by extensive deranumente of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal cis... There to alwaremore or less obstrections of the liver, a weaknem and irritable site of I die monsach, and great torpor of the bowels, being exceed up . with vitiated amonardations. le their treatment, a per• entre, cultic% a powerful inffuerule upon them various or. gam, it essentially necessary There as no cathartic for the papas° mad to DII. J. MinISCSM'S Vtnennit Brrreas, they will speedily remove the d ot viscid matter with cloth the bowels eri loaded, at the same Mee stimulative secretions of the liver. and generally materiel; the healthy farctions of the digestive organs. scrohda. or King's Haiti White Swelling. Mem. =dr, Swelled NeckSenifulcussleflammations.lndo4ent 4004 Elermual Affections, 04 Sores, Erupt, of the Skin, cm. In tine, as in all other constitutional Da eases, eases, Wattage's Valens* Bursas have shown their great carouse powers in the remit obstikate and intractable cases. A Woman , * Ailments, t her Nervousness, • and Headache., stithour,lt they seem trilliue to men, are real disorders. For costivencts, dyspepsia, general de bility, pains in the back and kuns, nervous and trek head ache, tommity of skin, and all trembles classed as "fem a le menalatem," D. Waurnet's VitmGall Drr ro so, w are purely vegetable, and may be Safely given to the most delicate, area sovereign and speedy remedy. Dr. Walker'. California ' , Vinegar Dillow act on all thee cases in a maid. manner. By pur r ing the Blood they lemon the cause, and by rmolv ing away the Onsets of the infLumation (the tubercular deposit s) the affected "I' MIAS tfitte rrnms are Ape's... Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Lan atiye, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant. Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious This Aperient and mild Lamtive properties of Da. Wstsames Varenalit DOM= ire the best safe-guard in all memo( eroptiom and malignant fevers, their babonne, heal inyy and soothing properties protect the humors of the Emu- Their Sedative properties allay pain in the venous system, atemach, and laurels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps. rt. Their Countevlrrimat influence extends tbrocetund the system. Their Diuretic properties act OS the Kidneys. correcting and regulating the - flow of urine. Their Ants-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the se cretion of bile, and its discharges through the unary ducts, and are imp.= to all remedial agents, for the cure of Dimes Fever. Fever and Ague, ete. Fortify the body 'against disease by , purifying all its fluids with Vatter.. Brrrerta No ecidenue can take hold of a system thus forearmed The Seer, the sommeh. the bowels, the kidneys, and the aeries are rendered disease proof by this great torterant. The Efileacy . of VINIMAIt BITTKIM, its Chronic Dyspepsia, Fevers, Nerrous Disorderp_ ., C %Tape. lion, deficiency of vital power. and all maladies cr g the atentach, live r bowels, Pclemanarr orgasm or muscular system. has been commenced by hundreds of thotremds, and hundreds of thousands more are asking for the same relief. Direetbana.—Take of the Bitten on going to bed at night Gun a half to one and one-half wine.gLushill. Eat "good nourishing Coed, such as beefsteak, mutton chop, veal. ams, mast twef, and vegetables, and mkt outmicar wenn.. They am composed of _purely vegetable bagrediente sad con , taw no saints. I. WALKER, Prop . ,: H. EL IIIeDONALD Ar. CO., DraggLsts and Gee. Agts, San Frucisco. Cal-. and comer of Washing= and Charlton Ste, New York. Kr'SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. April A 1572.—m3. • °MAUS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS ' are published on every paelsego, them- Gsro it isnot a smoret preparation, consequently PIIYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT 1 It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms,. Ethel:wino tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and oil 'diseases of the Blood. r 4 QIiE ZOTTLE OP 1103ADALIS will do more good than text bottles of ,the Syrups of Sanapazilia. iqE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS haveosedßotadalisintheirpractice for tho past three yews and freely endorse it as a reliablo Alterative and Blood Purifier. ' DR. T. c. rubn of Rath:ma. DR.T. J. BOYKIN, DR.. it. W. CADA. DR. J.-S. SPARES, of Nicholas - daft, D/L L. IIeCARTILA, Coluadds„;- S. C. DMA. B. NOBLES, Edgetomb, N. c. lIBED.A.ND - EHDOBBED BY I. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall River: Mass. F. W. SMITH_ _jack son,' 31Ieh. • A. F. WHEELER, Limas, Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., Gonionseille, Va.; .9.A3I'L. O. AleFADDEN,.3lurfreest bora,,Teua. Our space will not am of any ex: tended remake is relation to the virtues of Honda's. Toth. Bedell Profession are guarantee a yluld Ex. tnettniperlor to any they hove ores used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the afflicte be es : as yea trill Bandslls is , mold- by all Druggists' .1.50 per battle. Aalnras DS. =VENTS k CO; • 'ltsosfactraiNj CLemisti, • Dwantons, ly 12,1871.1 Baltimore Jo 33 - z...ws,ck,serwes • BEST BARGAINS; IN 'TOWN IN CUOICB FAMILY OROCERMB, PLOIIIII Plttl slaloaa, Drted said Canned Vntlt, Vegetables, Le. its., at the Head of Navigotion. A. N. BULLaltn, - _ *maltose. blebmarrra. , • (OLD JEWELRY—A . Pin e Assort- N.A meal, tad other varieties at Jewelry. A few Gold and Sliver Cased Watches Auld- Watch eludes. dam sadallrer ;dated Spoons. Forks, Rares t &e s ., _awl a kesa• oral sascolcucif of nut) Moak G 1 0 14 1 17; .Drag endllOrdleines. slugs stock. 446tr9se,PL. Doti - ABP. :TRAsiNge RADWAY'S - BEADY RELIEF • • PURVIS TUE . 'MONIST PAINS . -In frorn7Ono to Twenty-Minutes. • • NOT ONE HOUR :Ref ;:r.Aihts Ihkauleertlonnent r , al any one - ELIVELT: WITH PAUL - EADWAr3 TIEADY RELIEF Id A OLTIE FOR 7t wlaldO ti:i k e r dis - Tho, Only num Itornody • Hat banally anus 0. moo etemelatlng pans, allays _ Ilnunc.stluns. and cures Cohaaltonsocheiner of la I-auas Famach, Bards, Of ceirf g n‘ll or °rpm, by ono applla. Goa, • FROM ONE TO TWENTY ILLNUTES. ?fondle , dor slasut or escratlatng the yenta ItEIETT. IlfallOtchrttlen, !also], CrlpploA,Scroal,Ectu - 4:14. or prostrued irtS, &sr= ouy =So, RADWAY'S -READY- RELIEF - WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. M.PI. - A31" .. -_ . valf;ramov.wiriz DLADDEIL INFLA-EllthalON OF THE PONTELN. CONGESTION OF THE LUSO:" SORE TINIOAT, DIFFICULT TIREATTIINO • PALPITATION OF THE /lEAET. HYSTERICS, CROW . , MPH TII EHIA. CisTA/LEIL LIFLEENZA. / T AD A CELE. T°6I.III 3I% I MALOM nnzinumm COED GUILES, AMIE cl JILL& TMapplloalon of On Itoodr Relief h. the parl or puts warn to polo or dl2-e'ulty ma* sLYonI ass and Twenty' drops to Lalf a tonna of water will In • far. mornents RIM CRAMPS. OPASUS. SOU/2 BTOMAL:II.'" irIrE WI TEN 4 1, 1 SisTENNAL P AI NS Tea stemshould alma 00017 • teßa of Itsidwaf;l Itatir a lkATf i f r ow f danlln wnur fla " TEnnell Ilardrir o llll 7 r ' s as a atilt;:t.L. FEVER AND AGUE. YETEII AND ACIUII carol far Stir ssnts.: 'Dore ts oM s. retuallst rot b lo this world Out will eure 1eva.131.1 4svv,w44;valvl4l7,7l,tri-o; so sircs Is 11A {MATS 1.0:41)1 1a bottle. bald by Druggists. HEALTH-I:BEAUTY!! SITIDNG AND rrrcr. TtlOn ROOD-TNCIVCASE OP VLESII AND IVKIWIT-OLEAIt. SKIN AND DSstl TIPUL courusioN SECURED TO ALL, DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT RAs UAW: VIE ]LOST AsTORTTRING CURES: Sr) QUICK, Sri RAPID ARE 'TILE CUANIIEs , THE (CF UNDERUDFA. UNDER TIIS INFLUENcE Tills TRULY WONDERFUL ILEDIULSE. TRAT Every. Day an Increase In 'Vieth and Weight Is Soon and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Tray drop of the SAIINAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT' earnrounlcatea through the lllend. Sent, Urine, owl other ulabond Niece of the ardent the rigor of Ilfc, for It moons the Amato, or in. boy + l, h oar aml euund ttol"nur• Scrofula. Syphllle, Consumption, Glandular dhease. In the Throat, Mouth, Tentorkliodm Iu too Glouas awl other portant e n d lll4.l. Sore of Steamers Illartarg.a from the gam the wont forms of Sole Mamma, /arm, Dons, Farm Sums, Scald Mad, JIM: Worm. t aim ett Je, EryalpeLas, Acne. Bluth SpotaklVuzloslnthelleah.Toritera, Crouton In the Womb, end ell sealcogne and palaful charms, Night &nate Loa of Sperm. end. ...toot t he 11fa principle, ere vithin the comfier, mnge nr thLa trom..er of Modem thecalstre. end a tom days' me solliq u ere to soy per= us i ng It 'for either of thtau form of,d Ito pinata power to cure them. lf the talleot. dal!, beeemlng telt= the 'melee and decompoattion that la ondinually ne. seemed. I. entallog these aodes, tool repaint ,• tame • tth oar meter• Id nude from healthy blood—Mal Ode the R.LILSAPARILe I,IAN ertil and doe. secure. Not only doentW Famarantraga: Tiseatemer excel eil known rnmedlal agents in the cum of Cleronle. Scrofulous, constltolionah end :Ablate:Ate; bet It IS the why 1 1 .1111 m/ cure fur Kidney At Bltidder:Complaints, Velnary, end Wept, dlmesee, Grant Diabeges_Dropki r Alh 'P" Tot. W • e nn pculia. the oh tarthlek. clonal; mican pubstereces Ille the rhlie.rear, or threaaa lilt nth° MIT. or them a morbid. dark, billoue app.:m:o4.d elite bonertinet dolma; end vim there Is e pricking. homing emaalion rimetun rater. nod pale in the Sha ll ot the Rack end slant the La ing na. Pace, loon. ooly know sod arra Remedy for Moms—elle. TUN, tie. Tumor of 13 Tenn' Growth Cured by Budwayls Resolvent. gretztv. Van, July IS, llt•nrke ,—T ton L.a fleanse Vann In R.e eraziet sal toren. AB de Dealt. m. 121 "Ono rase MIT, ter It." I Wad eery raaretammemled; but males telpr . d re. 1 car C.:.T.l*"ba".=Tc".,. tk: nasal mut, .3 on. baa m Das greet junk, sea ma Imam sf trod)ROW. wet Mem oat • at e of lanym *Pala sr CI,, , Te k %ta r ' tra nrolgraraitt fu tent.. ir7a7: .Nn tkla yea Las th,r lneratt mho, Tea ,141. It if yunchams. 110.1410111 DR. R ADVIAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfklly hrlelm ti dgraatly acted rills event IDldn, Mr~n tegniam, polity. clease, uti strengthen. Roarer. for the mar of ell dime...sof the btornsehr, larch Dowels. Elate. Bladder, Nerrotta Meows, Ilmanche, Connie. Deepepsta, Ihnotrinem. Ba lm. Fever, Ineanuestion of the Dora, net, oral all Do movements of the Internal tamers. 00.11,10 , 1 II effect pontiee cure. Purely Vegetal:lc, cootaltitg ho mercury, minerals, or tielet cep. drug; mina of Obscree the Sabringi irmpterma !malting from Div the Inicatne Orgars CoesttraloaMosul TM, Puma. of do Lind 1 . 14 Ackilly dm SLarma. KW.. Martial, Pl•makt of F.J. Fon tes of We l / 4 4,1 to du Slomocl, Pao, Fa acfitlaaa. alohlot or Illvtles7, lag at du Pit of th. Stomach, C.rleamlog of lb. qoad, flurried DtMooli an,, Vtattrrlng at We Fowl. Chc.1.1,3 or Sol6aolzog F.oationo whoa Iv Wog rastom, Vamonrios, MY or W.A. bolas tha Ste4,l, Fe.vr tad Doll Tom la lewl.Derloary Temt,halloa, Tollownno of the Fib cod ye., Ma la the f;tl ,, , ntox, Watt. u,l tr-,Leo of Hut, Lamacir la Oa A row des,. • EADIT'ArE PILLS will rme limey:tem fr , ” it the isbove•ennunt IlibOldtll. Price, s 5 cents per box. EM.IS ny rammasTS. .I:RAD ^FALSE AND TRITE... Seel oils !lamp I nt:g.2k7nVor . '‘ ll;;Csan . "- April 3,15.2.-y1 'MIS WAY, GENTLEMEN! 1I rpc c n HORSE HdY FORKS! A, J. NELMS , PATENT impnovE.D. Twenty-Two State Fair Premiums Awarded This Fork In Fifteen 3lontlei-1863 end IMO. ALSO , NELL IS GRAPPLE PULLEY, An Implement that Peery Farmer, Carpenter, /Llama and Painter Should HOYC HORSE RAKES hand Ilakas;Scyibn,.Snaihp, Grain Cradiafri Iron, (A.' char Brand). . S o 4 S prings. Carriage Bolts. &ow Bars, (Steel and Iran.) • roficortitcor C:1 co X" r Mrs CO •I` IS That amaya atm an A ADM WHISTLE! when the Coffee to Ready for the T. lie. TRY ONE and you will And the Cott, eAlrays Itlghtt Axen, Grind liallee,. Picks, . ' Hllea,asps Saws, ' - Draw Knivpi, Seyth' Stones, Paiute, 011 e, Storer, Tin-Wire, . 3routrose,4ul7.s,lBT rtt. BOYD& rt. 23 33 LL S comrssin Oros= :as cot= zonre, • 30119 TAUDELL: Proprietor. atets3VV, ig1:4&101"217:17:g RRb EOM VW, , gOz9r-fr Ms Cat Itlitstrattitte =wattling (ro - : ESECEiPirEnt torrrairauci. a 7 ---• _ _.- sor - CATARPH 618111111 DY. , I lets the only a formef !astronaut yet Wetted irttli which fluid medicine ma be carrint e r s I ancl wrftwy.pAawmimeiattec, nasal sars, and the to or cantles eat= therewith, In which IlOrClaud niters froginn A else Wm and m which the catarrhal y ps. , cods. The want ofeeccen =Cards bare . torero has *dna bluely from the tUnnulthilitY4 applying remedies to thne nerttlea_ood chasao b any of the outing? methods. Tanobsttgl i g thewsy °refracting canals entirely omega° Invention of the Poncho. lanai= this tannaztent. Ds Fluid Is carried bills own "elfin ero onalltay fins Vor par** helm ornined„) op am uonril UMW atly flowing stroaarto the lai„Oicat partlea of WI ant pampas. passes tato and thOrdnellY *UM , enthe tubes and chambers connected gar=and ono! theetpetlionotbiL Man P Ind so *testae that a child can undernand It. Full and onalelt -directions accompos ,wn Instrament. When need with mu histro.toar,. sire. Oktanti Remedy cans recant snarls or eCold In tiro Hood " by* few appilations... Symptoms of Catarrh. ' Steven bead. knee, Machine tang. Into Won. sometime. pro-- gum ratan thick mons, paruhmk.ofenslee. Se. In others a dryness. dpf.-watery, won or tressurt apr g intny up or obstruction of sisal patnros. rin tri cars, deafness. hawnnif a= to • clear t,' ulcerations, scabs from nlca4 nano _„, altered, nasal twang, offensive breath:- imrm.. or ' 6 .total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, dint a ell, mental depression, lon of ap nen, eninged tonsils. tickling etnotqc. -b at few of thos e !symptoms no llnly to Fenn to say case one time. • Dr. Soens Cionarili Itemear. atom med. witliDniPleroa s s Nasal Dontiluesandaccous. , paned with the constintional - transom'. which It nem:amended in the pamphlet that maps earls tot• tie of the Remedy, lea perfect specific tar this loon, some Massa 11101 the proprietor GSM to goal SUS, $509 reward for •mu he csua isot non Ins - Remedy . ? wild wad pleura% to use. cort ain one. Tba atj u s , 5 1=its sol r at 6Trent o s t . C i nch* at Matti. tilf all Druggists, or either MU he =Wel km?. pedestal:swipe of 60 mat: - • : j illo• ! B. V. PZETIVIe Froptc=. ! . •• So • - • • MTETALO, N. T., ALMIMIX.I rBUGGIST, MONTROSZ conttnuilli recTIA: 4m.c3or).s A nd keeps eonstently on band a toll and desirable IliassorUaent of genuine ' D.U.IIGS, SIEDICTNES, CriESIICALS, I.l,c:bon's Paints, Oils, D yeiA tan... Teas, Spices, and other Oro caries. Stono Ware, Wail and V. indoor Paper. GUM ware, Fruit Jars Mirrors, Lamps, Chimneys, sera rote,Bischlacry Oil. Tanners' Oil. Neatstoot OIL Be fined Whale 011,Sperva Oil, Olive 011; Spirits Turpen tine,Vantish es, Canary Seed. VineemPotash, Concen trated Lye. Axle Grease. Trusses. Supporters, Medics Instruments, Shoulder Braces, Whips, Gans Pistols Cartridges, Powder. Shot, Lead, (. on Caps:AlastinC Powder and Face. Violina.Strings, Dows.etc. Flutes; Fires. etc., Fish llookezed Lines,Bar and Tolletaospa, Hate Oils, Clair Restorers, and Hair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket ilaiver.Spectacles,SilverPlated Spoone,Varks. Knives. Dentist Articles, a general assortment 01 FANCY GOODS. JEWELRY,hnd PERFIMERY All theleadlog and best kinds of PATF-NT I=ICIIQB, In short, nearly every :bog to restore the el*, to please the mate. to delight the eye, to trent:the fine) and also to condone to Oa rcaland substenttareomforts imptavilablo, es it MOgid a newspaper. Call at the Drug nod Verb:o , Stare et ABEL TIIMIELL. Montrose,Jan:s,lB72. DOWN TOWN NEWS. MINER AND' COATS,... alaln Street, a doors below Boy I's Comerolloatle 'FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. We lie constantly rev tying nd now have enband. afresh stock of Goods In mall' e,wldeb we 'Lilian CHEAP CHEM - . 1 CHEAP .016cListi j oririlinz orprodrs. • t COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORE; PtSII, LARD, HAMS; DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER c6.-.T.IMOTHY,_SEED,:dte We.haverefltted and madchddltlons to our Stock. Palls. and arc now ready to torwardßutter to the bes . CflMllll5/ lon houses In New York,f ree of choris t er'e makellberalsdrancements on conslgurdents. Coll and czatalneourStoek before purchasing an where,andeonylneeyourselres ofthe GOOD QUALITY AI LOW 'PRICES of oar Goods. n.coATs Q. MINER. Montrose; Aprit 16.1669 L . EHIGH. VALLEY RAILROAD._ On and after Dec. VI, IMO, fiat= On the Latish Valleyltallsoad ran as follows: • • r • . .notrris. . . p.m. p.m. a,m. a.m. Lai. a 111.111.M.P.211 Enka - 9.43 ,13.15 12.40 9.10 1.41711.38 5.43 0.110 Warerly 9.00 5.0011.4 5 5 8.03 B.P) 11tAll MO MO 0.13 4.93 11.23 0.10 923 4.43 4.0) T.. 15 Twat+ nnock 11.00 Yl•tston 443 Wilkes-Barre, 4.9) 1.35 7.10 blanch Chunk p.m. 10.45 p.m:: .Allentown.... 044 'Bethlehem—. 950 Easton . . 9.00 -7.33 Ilea ~ GAO ~ stoelng 144113-11433 t'pward. ...= 1141.ritti—;44411131441; AGENTS NiNvlzrgigtilz w nies utsu and eases ef the .recsidalltir beautifully bond, and printed oa tidlearper. •. THE :.t1 AT I ON. Its aulerily. and_ ',tristitutiomr. IN ENGLISH AN])_ GERMAN. - Nothing. like' - ditikes event Day Wag tho book -they need - . It is an Eneyelopedleanef tha government. Single pages in Wilmot themselves tr calk the plies of the b Ook, Orer6oo pages mut eettlf Man Ha rvest for Caersseent.,lndles and gentlemen—farteent, teachers and student'. One agod look TS order fa grew days, withdrcular afoot, kfore the book appeared. SW a deicr, be cleared in Isle ten h ory.' Write at One for /Amiss and Information. NEW WORLD PUBLISHING CO., Coreevatk and Market SWUM, Philadelphia. do ! umber 1. • Batts, Locks. Snobs, Latches, 'S smith. LanspS,te. LACKAWANNA VALLEY. BANE, ssexitalaviecoiv. Grooved, s94szaclla7reAcs eta Cro ESTABLIPDEDINIBSI.—AUTHOELTED CAPITAL UNLIMITED:. romvmou, UAEU.fI 41=Ittctit.rgtV'*"t Llml Sit Btu CEICT. LiMa:tiTILIPS9/11:1 ON DEPOSITS All Deposits Ptah an Demand Without Pcnoaa keepthir accounts with nem diancent aAd dust the came 61 with any other bank, and our ellatOmets mut be secthatuodatcd without exiss dune of dlaCoat; • IIEIIFTFANCES ' For deposit, fronrembits in the emery connoted ti **firma, sent by express, promptly , olonosrledged an% rem.Utences In payment mane ir !nkrreaq or by dinOt. . • ' DTurtimtulooD. , - • • 'arts - of ElirOP% ConeetiOxii made 'Sato,* Diner chirge_Fmn toe Wo? el rates or earbspzo. • _ PASSAGE TRZETB to and ficira ill pasta Of WI, by First Class $W man the lonest rates, ilyranton, • - 1.15 7.15 &15 1110. 8 8.11 r. ) ,55 - , 5.50: WO CLUI 840