, . . .. iiiit;=lo,titigiiet. . .- .11E0;110 - vs sia T iczL,, nArrisT cntracu . , - - turf: Las: ir.i.ia,rastor. tubbstb Services 10M a. m. Ana 7 p. m. sebtath School. - ...- 12 en. prnyer Meeting, Wednattgay Beenlart 4 eti r. ATTIOLIC canitcri Rtc.7. St-Ml= sabbath Serriecs, Second Sunday in each Walk Sabbath School Immtillately before Maxs EprscopAt ettuagn. :Rat. B. A. Wannrarn.lteetor. Sabbath Services. ' 'ION a. m. and p. tn. t..apday School in. Week4olo Services—Wednesdays "It p. • • 511111tODIST EPISCOPAL —.nay. A, D. ALeialroza. Sabbath tie.rel era -10.46 a, m. and :A p, m. Sabbath tichoot..,' p tn. Prayer Ile,"1114,-13alreda7s. ' 710p.m. . , ... . rnesirrrattra; cutmcn ' . Rm. J. P. Ilitntan. sabban !Services - 10.43 a. m. cola ig P. T.. habbsttb &tool— 12.15 P. M. PrkPaMacLiur. TharadarEvenings • Vii P. va• Badness Nonce*. We attention to the following advertise ments, new this week. —Auditor's Notice, estate of J. N. Newell— .l. B. lileColltim. Auditor- ' —Exeentrix'Snottee—Caranne Conklin. —Suiyth's revolving . Corriere Gute—G. B. ItischSt. " notice—Win: 11. Cooper. —oLad Tidings—A Warner. Burglary. On Wednesday night, June sth, the Keystone Saloon. kept by George C. Hill, in this boro., was entered by cutting the sash In the front window. Several dollars la change, some cl gam, and other articles were stolen. A young man, calling himself Joe, Thompson, was ar rested on Thursday, taken before Esquire Avery, and money, clgars,-tund other articles Tound in his poisession, were sufficiently Ideati ned to warrant his committal for trial, an in ab sence of bail, ho was lodged in jail to answer at the next term of Court. Star Sit:ldeate Surmises. As usual at this season of the year them is a very marked diffettnce of opinion among as tronomers. There are those among the students of the stars, which so thickly and beautifully' stud the firmament on high, who stoutly main min that the paucity of rain showers, eruption of Vesuvius and western water spouts are dile to die'!coming pf a comet, which is certain to collile with the earth, while other investigators of the vast spaces through which our world whirls as positively'insist that lack of rain, 'volcanic disturbances and trenahlings of the earth are due to certain large spots now visible on the glaring disc of the sun. Both theories may be set down as fallacious. The IthilOry of Susquelmmui County Fite-sixths of my manuscript were sent, in April last, to Plilktdelphti, :and have been re turned with the printer's estimate that they will make 510 pagesof print. Since one hundred Pages not forwarded must find room in the boot, about th¢ same number of the former must come out. To print more than 400 pageS, nt the prices fixed, is really injustice to myself, but it is now impossible for me to be limited to less than 500 pages, though words from almost every sentence xtre being erased, often whole ,-entences, and even paragraph after paragraph where nothing essnatial4s sacrificed. In addition to_. ) tho .pressure of a variety of duties, progrees in the work has been arid is still retarded by my feeble health; but, delays hare given opportunity for ,desirable etnen ti fla ,ons, and will permit the 11-canvass of some townships winch, last sensed, were visited with hail-stormsant) grasshoppers, to the discourage- ment of fennel% and to my loss of subscrip tions.. The present number of the latter is Apolacon and Auburn have not yet been canvassed. The publishes of the County and Townships Maps tells me of his abundant sue re9 in Auburn ; which encourages the expec tation that the History which they illustrate will be in equal demand, since the whole text of his work will cover but one or two pages., The Map of the County is to accompany the History; also, a number of diagraans, maps, and lithographs, (now ready,) which, with the extra paper and printing, of thcsc and others, subjects me to an expense of $BOO, for illustra tions alone. In addition, there are twelve por traits, gifts to the work—six steel,.plate engrav ings and six lithographs In the Township Annals, which form little more than two-thirds of the book, there are no tires of more than one thousand persons; some of which - ore necessarily comprised in a few strokes of the pen, though each snifiect may have been worthy of a whole book; others, not more worthy, have one or two pages devoted to their memory. This difference arises not al ways from the relative position' of the parties, but, from the fact that the sketches first offered naturally received the most space; and, time for their material revision is now wanting. J. C. Bushnell, Esq., of Ararat, as General Agent for the work, will correspond with township :agents, 'emattally dellTer books to their order, ravwhere mutually agreeable take up the territory,that the distribution may be fewer bands. lie will visit the wcsterh town.. ships even; •-, Publishers assert that it is customer" to charge $.5 00 per copy for books of the class to which the History of Susquehanna County be longs; bnt, of course, the prices formerly giv. en to my subscribers will be adhered to,, though non-subscribers (within the county,) tiling a copy aftey the work is issued, will be charged $l.OO extra. In view of this, it is hoped that same who "mean to bared;' wilt secure it :at once, and permit me to determine the size ofthe edition. A few pages of the History nro now printing for the we of canvassers. It is expected the whole wilt follow, this season. RCBlamvm Montrose, Tune 4, 1872 The Forty-eight Annlveriary. , Qf the American Sunlay-t3chool Union, eras held in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, May 23. One of the largest and most intelligent tindi cetes ever assembled there, was present to par ticipate in the exercises.. Splendid music by a choir of 500 young kle dics'and clairen. Interesting.addresses by the Chairman, Hon. James Pollock, Dr. t • P. E. Benson, 44.1ua Leyburn, Dr. John 4ottoriZmlth. Dr. Newton offered a resolution , that it is the high Privilege and duty of the American Bun. day School Union at the present crisis to take larger and more efficient action for fouodingand sustaining Sonday-schOoLs in the. Bouthun States, and that the board of mangers enter at once upon the work and solicit the 'aid. of all Christian people to effect this objeet v ; Adopted.' . 5L1131.1.11T OF THE '3I . IISIONAIIIr Wotts poa tsar man :—Schools oriatized, 1,093 ; Teach ers in same, 0,397; Scholars, 43,598; Schools aided, 3,4:171 ; Fmnidits; 'visited; 18,7011 and bun ,dreds of souls hopefully converted. • • , Grand Results In 48 years, over 41,000 Schools organized.' over 2,000,000 children gathered In, 4.lo.ooo,Chrlstlan Men and women secured r as • teachere,Mid Multitudes of souls brbught to ‘' Christ. " Tbis.workluss smelted many of the destitute andnegiacted Paces in various portions 'of. tlie , country, aridits influence for good bas been felt ' from Mt Atillt, ale to the T'aeiflc coast, andTrom 'the li ne of the - Noithern ' Pacific liailroad Mexico, Bat thare eicealue thouainde of planes yet tabs reirehekt,alnd millions of children , atill untaught in 0°4'13 t utli. Letter Fromlllintnaltai.' - lln Itemorians. _ -" -. , ~ Dwiti:DraloanAT: Again I suite yon from The vesntrof-Grace church, desire to place this part of the Western :World. 'At the head of on record - the following testimonial fa view of Lake St. Croi x, on a r i s o r by the ; same n ame., the great loss.thlS Parish has sustained in the this city, Stillwater, is the great limber centre death ,el our late associate and brother in of the St: Croix valley, • and contains about Christ 31r:'Rlukard S. Clark, 5,000 inhabitants. ..-Like.alt the lumbering re- From the moment he came among us - in the gions °lithe nortit'vrest,, 'it su ff ers from - dry 1 autuma . of 1866, he identified himself most weather and extreme low water. Tite , passed heartily with all that relaMdlo the financial and winter having closed in upon the Falls protrae- spiritual inteiestsof this Parislr, and we recog ted drought, and Spring openliaglikewise, seri.' nice in twill one - Who Walked with God,, and felt aims conseluences.Were threatened. :The recent 1 It a privilege, as His steWanl to consecrate his copious rains, liOweVeri - have dispelled all ap- I time,-Influence and property in no stinted p ro h ons i ong a nd, d i :l' m :land 'logs' lir , now 11123311 re to tb.C . a.ttilSloll of , our Savior ' s King supplyhig.the increased demand. Theag,ricul- 1 dam. turddistricts are,. aiSo;fddltiilhe . reviving is- 't We shall !Ass his genial presence at nor veB - and busiticai generally is ,assuming an ' try Ineciitigs,Arherehe always advocated !lib elastic and firm step: 'Wilk the extra amount ! oral things". forthe.)fteneri Pause .; the Sunday of luMber being thrown into . the market, an d 4 school hastost one of Its most'falibtlil teachers, the bright Prospectsjof:attabutndant harrest,no the Young Men's Christian Association one " burned Chicagns".need long remain in ashes, i who aided clinch In its formation and served It nor tiie,unfortunate; hungry • thousands go l i n _ I :14 411,0MCCT, until failing health obliged hire to OM. , ' - - - - - . retire to the •muk of a private member, but N . a , ban i strico retuitioti.itoin a trip i ms , a otiose interest never flagged, and our ammo the 1 311ssissIppl,to `Loki: City, 'which, without nity an upright and enterprising business man. being large, is one of the prettiest toWns I have In nil these relations he discharged his duties cheerfully, notwithstanding much bodily in yet seen in the State, and is a favorite resort for I tirmity, leaving us an example of inestimable tourists and pleasure seaters. It is situated ' about midway, aid on the West shere• of Lake It proper that we should refer to the liberal ! Pepin, on what was, at one time, a; half ; breed provision of' his will, by which the Interest of . reservatioh,-albeatitiful and fertile plain, Some ; 52,000 is to be annually available fur Parochial five miles in length; by too miles In width, nod . Truly his works do follow him. lying within an. umpitheater of' 'bluffs which .objects Remtred, That this testimonial be entered up shield' it 'front the:'pralrie.abore. Being the . s( n e e , T t r . n utli t i o u grain shipping point, and ge,neral bust:miss cell- ftvmhii%ll,,bme,hsoentnlb}i'liteltier Ire of one of the best agricultural mantles in great affliction have Mir heartfl:it sympathy, and the State, it is ranked among the most enter- , that copies be sent for publication to the Epis copal itegister and Latch of the County papers. prising towns in the Upper Mississippi. All things considered, rt ls-art exceedingly desirable I nY order of the vestry. Itev. don JE110111;1 abode. Preposessitig when I saw it, while eon- : Co • Cilattl.La G. Esrsnitoon, f I ° ' partitively marl, ng from the embrace or win- ! Great Bend Pa. Mar "Grel 197* ter, but to see it In the full tide of mid summer, with Its stately mansions and neat white cot tages suirrounded with shrubbery and flowers, - - - and shaded with a leafy canopy, while at its iirrThr:—ln New Milford, May 16th, Maria, feet responds UPI . cool, refreshibg, crystal Lake wife of Solomon Kittle, aged 813 years. and shore and around, and stretching away Grurersa--lu New Milford bone, May, 30th, in the hazy' distance, the lolly bluffs are covered 1872, Mr. Harvey Grilling, in th 75th year of with a mantle of green—all thesec united most his form a seene.of surpassing beauty and loveli- Caorr.wrEtt —ln Ilarford, May 16th, 1872, ness. Ohl' how much is Art dependant upon Eunice, wife of Ira Carpenter, in the 69th year ot her age Nature as an embellisher! What are imposing Neuron—ln Harfool, May 24th, 1872, Sarah structures and: nrcliitectural ornamentations without the mountains, the forests, the waters! 11., wife of N. E. Newton, and daughter of lra Carpenter, in the 42nd year of her age. Naked and poor indeed were the most el iborate. residence, and unworthy the name of /tome, w)",°,° — .4l„—',ll7 , „!)lll,leofecks!xl•li: P y tti 2 7n th ihe lB ' .l 4 9 4 where are found- nor trees, nor vines, nor birds, year of her age, formerly of Bridgewater, water, in nor roses. I may respect Art, but I admire and Ulu C"01144% love Nature: It embodies the sublime, the In 1814, Mr. Wood with his family removed beautiful, the lovely, and to nie - i"Wrs" ' !Br4;:li.-2.1 el)" where they resided " tit fiat). at which time they with their children, "There is a pleasure is Patlilnas.a °oda, ed to the tares. State, where she enjoyed There is a rapture en the lonely shore, goo - 1 health, until Whilla a few weeks of her Therels tottery where none Intrudes, death. Is. tire various relations of a christion, By the deep sea and music in its roar." ' wit: , and neighbor, she ever maintain ed all unssilled nmtitstion She esoe Ikre, perhaps, it would not be sinks Men- reli-ion under the ministration of Elias rie llit e n d . tion little occurrence that occarred, and ock ` nnet Clark, and with her husband and many which I attended while sojourning, in the above others united with the Baptist Church at Lake City. As I silt front the U. Road upon ' dlnntrrne,anti4l'l7 since continmal to live an the Pislkrrl of the DePOt, a Ilse of ."Ills:' , cirels of relatives and srmpaiittzing friends to drivers inquired In their usual dulcet tones, if mourn iier dim-are, but i heir loss is lier eternal anybody , would , :gea. anywherel. hesitated. gain, "And I heard a voice sayito , note. me write One of them °hi ble i s i sed are the dead that die in the Lord, yea t:reed this, - and scented ahead. front labors and to break over the forbidden I stipptce, to tacit wtw-ke d" 2bllow them." politely assist ree its deciding, 'which to pre. vent, I exclaimed "where!" He replied, ••• to the Lyon lionse." I was accordingly carritsltojhe Lyon House and seated in the Hotel. When sufficiently recovered, I arose and registered my •mtme. I then requested to be shown all over the premises, as I thought same of engaging n roompand might possibly stop over night. This complied with, I commenced to congratulate myself upon the favorable situation of tieing., I continued these congratulations until I :vas comparatively satisfied, and then re s. olved to ' taken stroll -outside around" the streets.- -For fear that nay stun liras far should npp-ar to any, through want of proper anent 11371 or apple, la• lien, as tame or at all common, I ».o")- s iy, please withhold judgement, as the lama-list dim'. tcrent. To throw out this - remark and inale connection, I repeat that I was about to ,g • I ought, however, before I proceed. to s:a:e that the city correspondent of arch, rim au.l items for the weekly paper, had now. tli.t.corcreci my name upon the reg.ster 01 . .1110...1nn. Lyon —yes—Lyon,—the namesake of the owner of tic Tavern, who is a very a calthy and popular I man, and titan in N. Y. city. A genuine ease of consanguinity with attic one disc's -In-I,T, ! which, happily was not deciphered. I had istcred from - Pa." in a kind of flowing hand. which; prialsaidy made it casy'fOr the letters to run into each other, and look like N. T. city, or nay other island surrounded by liquids, and i subject to freshets. Little censure should, therefore; be atinebed to said correspondent, ns t such mistakes will sometimes "emir. I. know of a similar one, It is this. The tliscliarev of a .1 printer, by President -Greeley, was used as a recommendation to a neighborhood Crinet. As the signature was reg,nlar and familiar, it was thought best, under the . ! Circumstances, to let tile body-,of the ttacutnetit - -Mean whatever time applicant desired; Iti; almost unnecessary to add that a-situation was at once obtained. I have digressed and will now return to the aforementioned correspondent, who, eager to be ahead with his "glorious news," immediately put me into a paragraph of that solitary week ly, through which I came out that day between the hours of 4 and 5. Byron found himself famous is the morning, but I, on this occasion, In the eve, and at 'the expense of a suppoSed distingutsed relative. It was " greatnms thrust Open me," which, to confess, I had l nothing, to do in bringing about, except, to . speak modest ly, of being fine looking, and naturally associa ted with high personages. But again, I was indeed famous, and my stroll was now turned into a sort of triumphal. march, -intermingled with bolts" entiliandltetehiefs. A grand hall followed. I attended in person. But I have not space nor power to describe it.. However, at times, I haven faint recollection of the mag ic touch of small, white, jewelled hands; the glory of trailing robes, and elegant panniers all covered. with "Dolly Vardens",to which it did seem as though their fair owners looked roller: Oh! can ever forget,_ ono • picturesque damsel; with.:vitriagatedeountenanee,( l : did not say the effeet of perspiration andpaint) as she returned froth the mazy dance, and, stealing herself be-' side me, requested, so softly, a lock of my hair or a place fora her Album, I Wear no wig. I have some hair Idt, (I being unmarried) but choose rather to comply with the latter. Deeming it more dignified to quote than cont• posej wrote from, memory nal Poem of 1 stanza and 4 verses. It was an expressive and, unique. effusion, and warbles thusly, '" A curious look around be stole, His bag of chink be chunk, • • :And many' a wicked Kane be smole, And many a wink lie wunk." She was delighted and lons In ? —yes, that is the word—forr. Snelt a form, and face. and eyes, Mid head all Adorned with - daiing curb • let loost4 - lint really I ran'tgo on, , lalmosiwishlhaancerbegun" - lloitevcr, in the morning' it occurred to' me thatmr!supixWellllstingtdshedretative" might at any time,;arrire 6om the city, aritl4that my businem teiitdred presence t*ware.:. So I left by the first train, instead of waiting for the boat, as it was faster travelling. .Bueb.! are pleastmt places. gang - the pathway of life. Finis. G.W.LIrOx." Stillwater, Fumesota, Nay, 1872 t. ntSINESS VOCALS Ete:iold ! ISIGNO 01..1D TIGINGS ON GREAT JOT." Doting tho nest thirty, tlityz, I will make all les ‘.l - PLUM/TIRE PITI TRES, AS cheap n tut b got elaew LICA, Within fitly of here, and warrant Them oat ea /4 fe No extra charge lor ehiblren's pieture_s. Also, (Mph. rate orders for I'imlo4eaph,„ at nearly.one-half the u.3tt ratfas. 'Pleas?. ( - all and ccc for youmelf. A. W. W.umEtt. • 3lontruse. Jane 11th, Ratturny Notice Stoekholders are hereby notified that the tenth (10th) instalment V. ill be due June, inst. They are also notified that the instal. ts already (Me nod unpaii, must he paid at as the money Li no.: needed. The grading or the first ten (101 miles will probably be ii r y July Ist, and unless the stockholders desire a suspetniuu of the work, they must re snood to this call without delay. Payments may lie made to Samuel Stark, Tunkbantmek. B. F. Blak.,lce. Esq., Springville, or to the Treasurer at Montrose. Wu. H. ('o ram, Treas. Montrose. June 12, 1572.—n2 -- The Horse and Ells alder. It was ,a happy day for llorse and his rider when the Mrar.txo LlarawsT was introduced as a cure for the external diseases and ..injuries of both. In the stable, the barn and the house hold this wonderfully emollient is equally useful. If a horse is spavined.or foundenxi.or harness. galled. orafilicted with any other of the mans su perficial ills that equine flesh is heir to, the Lin anent eikeis n speedy cure, and it is equally i.l - when applied to.drangdit oxen or cows suffering front outward swellings, strains, or hurts of any descripti:m. As an application for hruises, cuts. burns, reburrtatism, stiff Joints, sprains, neuralgia, earache and toothache, it takes precedence from all other tropical none dies, and is therefore an article of prime neces sity in'families. --When a discriveriir of tiny icientlfic Subject, asks the co-operation of the learned in science, to test the merit and truth of his diseofery by Severe tests and practical 'waits, and then to indorse and rimonunend it, it Is fair to presume it is valuable for the purpose intended. Such has been the course pursued by Messrs. HMI & Co., proprietors of Hall's Vegetables Sicilian Flair Renewer. - And all thoss who !twee tested it (among whom we may mention Dr A. A. liuy6 and &Dana Chemists, and State Assayer; of 3lnes3elmeetts i Walter Burnham, 1). 1 Prof. of Surgery in Penn. University, Philadelphia; Geo. Gray, 31. "D„ Professor of Anatomy and Physioloy) assert it is the beat preparation in use for all Cutaneous diseases of the scalp. Restores gray halt taits original Cul or, prevents the halt Atom fallihg out, creates a new growth. Iris etrialtily Worthy of a' trier —Segketryport Herald of (impel Liberty. • • —"_Our Digestion t or, My Jolly Friend's 13e cret," is the happy title of Din Lewis' latest and most important work. It is well calculated to do good service in promoting the health of the people, and deserves a wide circulation. The very reading of the book ,will tend to make one wiser and jollier, for the Dr. writel with great directness - and vivacity, and a tine infuSton of humor ; playfulums, and anecdote, whieli are sure barentlerthe work attractive and: Unice! , sally popular. It ought to supersede Buchan's and every - other "Domestic 'Medicine," R$ household book' for it -shows bow medicine may be dispenied with,-to a considerable extent, in a majority of cases. We confidently believe this book will save thousands of doctors- bills; if its wisdom' is heeded. It solves the problem of cheap living, and will thus- "If reed by the many-bless the million!'- It teaches us how to -live so that . We need never be, troubled: with " the blues,",ur suffer with billiousows or dys lipepsia. it tells how -to manage -so that you shall have' white teeth; 'sweet breath, strong musclei;good spirits', refreshing' leep and king life. This La. tbe nature of. the, secretyof our jolly friend,,,uad is really worth many Iftes the price asked flir the book. Buy It, and study its , inValuable infatuation and receipts, is Our • Ad vice to all: We are informhd that the book Ls to be sold entirely by agents, and in our opinion' they are seldom offered a better chance to make I money rapidly, than the sale of this low-priced practical book, wilialford. We advise all seek ing profitable , einploymetit to writeiritboUt de lay, to the publisher, Geo.Maclean,:rdn' Sansom Street,:phlladelphia. : - - ' . , Notice to Nettie Accounts: • - Having waited on many of my patrons trim six to ten years, I. must in justice to myself, as well as them, ask for a settlement of all book accounts, by eash_or, note, between this time and the first of August next, until' - that'-time books will remain at mfolikte: Alter that they. will be planed In the bands of, an attorney- for prompt collection. _ , = . - 'E. L. GActems, M. D. Montro4, tty 29th, ltrA U. S. Malt. The cOntract for carrying • Ote 'mail between Montrose end Friendsville, has been awarded to me, and proposaLs 'nal be received by D. D. Searle or Post-'Master at 3foiltrose,' for sob-con- traeting.: ' R asscrooo Montrose, JuneZttr, 1872. Tarbell Ilonae Livery. . ' Having removed my half of the Livery to the Tarbell Homo, I shall be pleased to accommo date my friends and customerunvith anythingin the livery line. • Carriages with trusty driver.— Good horses and buggies always on hand. 3. tt. Slate' Itaollng The subscriber can furtitsh and put on No. 2 slate nearly as cheap as hemlock shingles; also all the dillerent colored No. I slate. I can lay slate on old shingled Nog and uiakon goodjob. Terms reasonable. Po'4. office address, IYm. IltuoutronT, Montrosp, Pa. No. 14-tf. $ t tint A Fitful Condition It lea tact thing to pate throngh life only hale olive. Yet there: ate thousand. whose habitual condition Is Una of Lanvor and cebility. They complain of no epergne diecese; they Attar on positive pato; bet they bare no relish for Anythtng which affords mental-or seesaw:aspic:mare. In nine esees out of ten this state f Lassitude end torpor wives from a morbid stomach. indigestion deetro)s the therm of both mind and body. When the scoots of nature le nut supplied by a dim and regular assimilation of the food, cam/ organ le starved. c•ery functima,interenpted, Now, what does common amine suggest under throe cirrumetaneneof &pro:Aston t Thory.t, In needs rousing and ntregtheatwe ; not merely for en boar or: owe : to oink afterward into a more pitiable condition than ever. mo It assuredly would do if an ordinary alcoholic st bort. Loot were resartai tc.( bat radically and permanently Hoof Is this desirable object to be Accomplished? The answer to this queetion. founded on the unvarying tr ot:deuce of a quarter of a century. It easily wren.. In fuse new atm, Into the digestive organs by a course of Hostetter's Sten:Leh Bitten. Do not staple time by Administering temporary remedies.but wake the oyetem np by teeny crating the fountainhead of physical astrength and energy, the grant organ apses, which all the other organs depend for thew nurture and support. 13v the time that a dozen doses sit the great do-getable tonic and Inriguront have been taken, the feeble frame of the oyspoptic Iseght to feel Its benign Indnenee. Appetite will be created, and witliappetite the capacity to digeet. what it crave& Pt severe mail the cure is conaplete—slot it healthful 6100 d, at to be the materiel ti oh nod rtes, io, bone and nacre and brain, flows through the channels of circulation. instead of Ilse watery Imbrium with which they bare hcretofdre been imperfectly nourished. Testimony of a Prominent Physician •• During the tart eight years I have had frequent opportuniticr of mittle.Bing the effect of MISTILEII . I3 llama Ittrana anon porous Buffering from Dyepepria, Lora of Nervona Energy, Sexual Wealamea,Diurrhcce., .tc. I have known It to trove succeirfal In many carer, where Allophatic. Ilommonathic and nydrupbat lc treatment had failed. I mill continue to ore it In each complalut, with rinifonn tqaccate,...and have no heßilancy inpronottnclng it the most aleadous reme dy yet died creel for diecaceartristnir Croce a dionnlcd Stomach, Liver, Kidney., or Bowels, Yours, very truly, I. T. DAHER, M. D. P. 0. Boa, 133, LantaWer. Pa VIE CONIT.IISIONS fJP,AIR 13VALIID. 131b13LISKED as a warning and for tha bcurnt of i young nun and others, who smart from ferrous Debility, Lots of Manhood. Sc., mapplylng Written by one echo ennui himself.. alter anclrrnoing ente,iderable qulckery, and sent free on rceLiving a post •pald directed envelope. Address. NATHAN lIAWAIR,IIrookIyu.N. Y. Droolayu, June. 12.1tra TO COIISEMPTIVES The advertiser, haring been permanently cared of that dread disewa euusamptton. ben simple nunetly, is au :ion* to mike known to hie fellow sufferers the weans of earn, To all wriwdealre It. he will told a copy of the prescription oned, (free of cherro,) with the direc t lons ior prenarino and using tho same, whteli they will Cud a scrim Conn fur COMSL`XVTION. Aeon .1, BCcrxplf• Ti', c. Puttee wishing the preccription wl7l pleaSe address line. EDWARD WILSON, 191 Peru Street, Willininsburgh. N. Y. 4.1.1 y ERRORS OF YOUTH. tr . tin ruSelgt fZny.,Ns.l7olll 3onthltd ludircretion will. for ttin wite of toafect; ' ol. annlty, end free in all ,rhe nt•cd It. tbu•nuclot and rortlon for ..i. , ..al,!terronly by which by cram acrd Mlt,ero wirraing t.. Itte 4.1.4••••• . - - vtaco can do en by addresalng, pence conddtno, . l SO WY B. OGDEN, . ?Int DISgABES, Rpm,- .•I 4? Cedar cereal. New - York. 1 ERIC*IY . flrGetiln= Marrled.—Estays for yoonz Men,on. . Inc delight. ~I home, and the . propnety or Imbropriaty ELAS, SALTILISEI-11,' beIIOFULA. of gettlo„.• marriod, with aantiary help for thaw %vb. frrl unalcil for matrimonial Ilappincas Sent Inc. In ecale.l enrolopas. Addrote.. LIOWARD ASSOCIATION Pon P.. PSlDdel:.lla. Pa, "' How We Used to' be Mimicked. Who does not remember the lime when spring puma. , Hon was mu:widen:a ludispensabla to summer hctilth! No matter for wry fares. the Inettltable sails and senna, rhubarb, or calomel and Jatap, must 6e administered. Theac "spring thy 'mon:esters were told, were to hoop them hale aced hearty darbag the sammer We tall Loose now that this was a tarry; that new vigor, not depletion, is what is required at the commencement of the summer solstice. ...ke a preparation for the ener. rating effects of oppressive summer weather, a cantor 4 of Eloste-ters Stomach Hitters is highly expedient. This ram°se vegetable preparation has threes prominent properties: H renovates, paean., and regulates all the functions of the body, It le'COinpoSed exeftiefrely Of pare vegetable prollucthms.riel the essential 'Principle of Mopougattela Itye, and Mir most eilleactoriitonleand ; alterative root., barks. and gams known to medical bot inlets. Hence, it le en absolutely safe medthine, and no titanic of the Pharmacopelacan compare with Writher In parity, or in thavariety of its objects, and its comprehensive results. ifsppflyfornlmakimi, thethemy that It was necessary to , pnastnate ti,mttent in order to once to him. Se forever explptled, nail the, tree phthoso. phical doctrine. t ateigor - le the great. antagonist of disease, has taken its plain.- Mostettent Billets Is an lwrlcomant, and hence it is the peeper niedieine fur the fetqle at this most trying seasakof the yar.. Be sure TOO obtain the genuine . 11..mtiele; an there -amp innumer4ble , vile battalions to the market: , Look to the ornamental Stamp, the engraved label: and the name blown into - . the: glass, Hostetter's Stomach :Bitters ; sold In bottles oalf. - NEIVToRK PRODUCE MARKETS. Corrected Weekly by Harding, Hayden it Co, S2:l Washington St., New Turk. , .. . Butter, pail . .11 . 0,m1 " firkin.. ' - ,, . • 25030 Cheese,danry, per lb - ' ......;. ~, , . . ipaga factory " . . ... 140 14 EBB; per doz ........ . , .... , ~...... ' 'l5OlO. Flom', per barrel.. • , 71407.50 Corn meal, 100 1b5.... 3,750100. Wheat, per bushel ''" 1.0201.64 !lye o 'OOOll2 Oats ' 53054 Corn " ,- . 73.074 Hops, clop of 1971 Tallow . " Lard per ib 869 Putatocl Dor bbl •••••.' ********* Appli% 50‘1.2 00 Turkeys per MIMI A 'PROFITABLE BUSINESS ! • . LIGHT' EQUAL - TO OAS, AT .ONE-EIGIITII TUE ( OST Maud be Il'.rpforfed: .2ca Aimee,. or earl used. MEN desiring a PRoFITALE BUSLIESS.,ran seem.: the EYCLUSIt P. RIGHT for the sale of nrcorrs PATENT eARIiON OAS OMIT BURNERS AND OIL for COUNTIES and STATES. Write for information of call on . • Mi. B. DHOTI', • No. 111 8011T1.1 SECOND Oro PIIILA., PA, N. 11.—Chnicbes furnished with CHANDELIERS sad LAMPS of Every description, 23 per sent. ens arts than at any other establishment in the county. March en. 1574.4—mt AdENTS.:WANTEb POPLItAR , YCiOPEDM OF . 11tE fo es* 'a wt. szi so, - TITIIICoser RENDREDZltiaiitTllustratidoe. IT The Chespeet god Orrarest Literary Production of the iiiinetecth Eakturj - . The ri. , t6iCoricil =pm°.3tmokAct* _ ADEVOTiONAL AND EXPLANATORY. ' Containiarr the OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT. Address G. IL MCVEY, Itoli,,Stratf Co:, Pais . : April tri, , . - _ - FOR SUE ,-•' • A -Find of , about CC) iftrustAid n. the Noliffiboftkood of tio.fir BPMNEIS. LOW PlllClg r ibal3Bl s . lovireof 11..11cCOLLOM Xsztrote, May 9, felt —lft. gigal adttaftocittafito,. • AUD 1T01141310T1CM.,-.The tindettlithed, inidltir aPPOlnted by the Cohrtof Cotton Please of aah cuehanneConnty to Mattibute the fends In the bands of the Shbrte , lir/icing from the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of J. M. Newell, hereby gives notice that ho will attend to the duties of bis appointment, at his ogles In Montrose, on Setur.n-. 13th day of Joly,-IEII2, at ono o'closic. m.„ when mid where sit persons Intereit ed to rald fund ‘elli [merest their claims Mho_ toren/ debarred from cumin: In en said fund. J. P. disCOLLMM.„-Anditer. • . • •. . ElXECtilltrS. NOTlCF.:—Wornola Letters 'tem. /24 muniary to the. estate of. So.. - Co4klin. luta of Franklin, deceased. have heap panted bits enhacriber, all persons indebted tomtid estate are reqUegei . to Mika Immediate payment, sod thoso having ola-ms or 40. mond+against the anon, will - present theta trithook de• - lay. F. 1. Ward, Esq,. of New Milford, la nuthortzed to settle peaccoantsof the estate. - •• - r • cAllotaNE CONC.M. June 12.fri,—nre. DIIttsISTRATMII3 NOIIO r.r-In the estate A 1:1141 P. Farnham, deceased. letter. orAdtntal." ttation.ln the seta mdatr, here been granted to the un Mesh:nett. ad persona Indebted to said estate, are herb by bedded tO wake Immediate payment to the Admin• tstrator laud thous hurled Manna against the eame.are requested to preacut them at likCulLCO of J. A. IL McCollum. SOLOMON DECKER, . June 5) itYfa.—crG. pg.rATE OF Solari Dinner of the l'enenahip or minty, titirtna nty, Pa., dereased.-4sittert Ad• ministration upon the notate of the above named deco. dent, ha4ing beengraulad to th e undersigned..alL per noun indebted to said estate ate hereby Cotitied tomake immediate payceebt; atM these-haviug tithes against the same, to prulent them duly_fuglienticarctl for settle ment. May it, Ist:.—a6. & 17.fiNISTITA - TOrt'9 NOTICE.—fn tlid -Nt3ttr'oJ Jo& Jellld D.t vton. t eceated, letters of Administration In the eAid estate harin; heen granted to the nntierslgu ed, All p&sond °Wing said eat tie. are requested to make Immediate payment, and all perhons having claims against Said estate aro requested to present them, to. 1.. DA'YTON, „,„, S. W. DAYTON, May—w.l. LOOK. IMCDROHANTS AND TRADERS!! /Er THIS COM! AND ELSEWHERE!! MCI , 17 13117^47 CAN` M. C. TYLER, 79 Et 81 DUANE ST.,, N. V SXIIII, Coin .S; Vol. • AND Ile SOT, Will SOT? ENEBAL BARDWA RE. Cutlery Scythes,. Shovels, ri_ Lobking Glasses, Lightning and mane other X Celt Sawn, Steel, and Iron pole Axes. (the best lu the World, every kind of Brushes. Door Locks, I.nd Lucks, Knobs, Guns, hammers, l'istols, Revolvers, Funeets. Corpus ter's Toole, Blacksmith's Iloilo*. and Tools. `Pitted Knives, Fo. Ice and Spoons, and everything usually kept in n First Mod larclintro Importing and Jobbing llonac. No Mistake:: My sincere Thanks are tendered to tho many in toy own County, for the kind patronage, as also to the many I In other COMltief, who may read this,and a general. invitation to hareby given fors conthansnee; *roat s- h. thosb Mal are willing to give ma trial, who have not done so, by orders or oils. Truly, , M. C. !main's. Montrose, March, th1,1571..—tf. SUSOHANNA MINERAL SPRING WATER CURE. TIIIS house le now completed and reetiy Cat Actotni• dation of visitors end the treatment of invalids, The following nee among the diseases known In have bean cured.by the use of the Snequehautio :Macre! Water. _ lASTZPSTA, GR,IVEL, Dtsr.AsEs Sr, ALL lIIITIIITIBS of DIU BLOOD, LIVER cant-LAl:yr. rLetirs CiIIIONIC DIA RIIIIE-i Out (LX11.0012.6 To thoms lobo contempla to visiting - lb; Elpirtv.N.7re woul4 tay that thc HOUSE 14 FITTED:RU . 4 a viioitho COMPORT - and MUSE of out CUES rS.stad Ars stall fik.ire no liaiµe to loakist; to Omit weltarcl We geetentgee earn of deeded' hot), of 00 ray. For further particulars enqulTo I, or oddrass A. D. DIPPITILI/ELD, & 13r0., Susquehanna Ighieral Springs, Ap il. 17. 1572.7th9 HON MANHOOD ; HOW LOST, 110NRESTOREP., dna pothetzed, a new edition of DR; CL(A'ERWELL'Et CELEBRATED Ed- BAY on the nanteat can:Ovid:teat medi cine) of SrensaTonnaa, or Bernthal Weal:nee', Inrolunlary Bernthal Losses, ImPoteney !dental and Payelal Incapacity. Impedimenta to Mani. age,ctc; also, Conon:notion, Epilepsy, and Vita, induced by self (iftin);thneo and sexual extravagance. •••:, 'bo t. ly deinonstrates from thirty - years'. successful pracUco. thatitha Alarming. consequences Of sat shwa:may:be radially tared without the dangerous 'tree of:lnterna l . medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing 018 modo of core a; once .simple, certain, and by means of width every safferer, no matter what his condition may hr. may core himself eitealdri-Prtratals. end radially. „ . , This Decide chnuld -be in the ;hands Of Ul'eff Tooth and rvery man luthojend.• ~ •- : • Batt.vinder seal; in phdn envelope, to nny addreatt,' postpaid on meth; of six cents, or ;yen potkatampti.' Also. Dr. Cal wen:mil', "-Vantage Guide," price !-, . • ~• " lii:Dounrh.How Yetk,26at.ttliar Box 4,5*. . „., 35E00 889 . 1. 13BST - BARGAINS IN - " TOWNIN . GROCERIES. F. 141111.1 PILO. vhdano, DlFed and :Come Putt,- Vegetables. 4c-‘ , &c.: .114 the Wad . of Navigation. A. N. BULLARD. Motaroar. Fehrnary 22. tan. - G°P Fin e Assort:. matt, and other varieties of :slender. ?A Cow Gold and Bllvir Caused, Watenes-and- Watch Chains. - Scher and idlest pLtteniSpousa; Potles,linlves; - Ae.; and a Ten, .erat a:suntuest of robe, Goodai• Notions; Perin:neer; - &.c.S Drags and Uedlelnest a large stock. • Mbntruse. Pa.. pLx v ia.,), 'At— ABET. Trust Eli, iAn Ornament for kery 4rtieriourtienifer •rx.tu33;plzrL.todik= . WHIRR ARRIESIRI lith vletes of 'ln depentnetillall." '.Cin the tV levy Mann Creek Fairmount Park't "Up the Petuil. Idly! “Union League Mute." Lugo beantiftilly Color. Id of ehowingilatemo=tratic.tehato the Coatentdaldunivertary Buildings will be er. 0044 .4 dte,, Bite, 4D by Inches. Pablistiod In aid of the Coniennialtaitd: Adzirts Wrsrta.—Frolia e2to j4O pee dui =herds& Bond BO cents,. and specimen copy 02141.01Z001.10 MOO NU; Islo4/1t br,FC040101.1 1 4- • : 4 • T.S. mamma COnnitibliervi - pudica Wilmut Ota, rtd.s44l LOOK ant* 3pl,aul'e. c:szizt,rt. - t z TORONTO CHIEF, JR. ; TTlsilMfifMa 'Yntl l ,°r7Bugsubrel_ ! season commencing April retried ending July Fridays and Saturdays. at the stable ofJ. S.Tarbell, in Montrcnie, the rent of the week at the subscriber's. o mile east of 'Anhurn 4 Corners, on the road leading to Springville. TRDIORBE.—The Toronto Chief Jr., ems aired by Toronto Chief. who for rpsedsstidYbottern Is ahead of any stallion on record. ll* was aired hem Royal George and his dam by litackworst" tot of en Eclipse mud. Ravel George was by Black Warrior; and be by 'report. Tlppo; and he by 3lciseoger, of Eneland. Tourrrro Meg. Ja,'s dam wan sired by the thomegl, 'bred le:Taloa, out of a esty mare. Jefferson was by Virginia ; he bv Sir. Archie. the sire of Sir Ileum and granthirn of Americo, Star—dam by Ole Favorite. Second dam u d Bell Alr.. ToaoeTo Cater. Jr... la a blood bey with blackoints hill tall, weighs I.iW lbs.. lON hands begh, has b ead no training, soli' has good gait, nod for his weight Is hard to beet. Cali and sesdilm, and jedge for yooreelym. Fllllcy of his get can he semi at the yobscrlberbi. Alareipayter acln ltisaP4 l ' l 4l f 4 l3 .W. A.*lant. Faa8t4. 1 1.4 1 i0 4 ow. re - AO 4 , - OtherracCaseolteeterY. creme to win:l,ll4 4.11. :vs; hutrocuictitzlamilsabo , h A • J. .CRISM - A Flap Moe" Auburn 4 Corners, Pe., March 23, IbTb—nota.—um, A. H. TILINCISCIIS & CO., RAREiET STREET, PHILADELPHIA We have opened for the SPRING TRADE, the largest Mut brA escorted Stock of Table, Nair r ndtitv Shades and Pape itakel;Chtlin:troGebasmi.a.t' ting, MG**. C.V. , . Looking GI - avoce t Fancy Da4keta. Broom‘.Uaek ets.,ltucket P. firu.h ee, Clothe,' Wnlngere, Wood• tm and Willow Ware to the United slam, Out lame Inrren,e In finslnersles ns to sell at low prices sod Curnlals Ihu bunt quality of floods. EOLS .A.GEN7F9IIIIIE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER. PRICE $52.4. • Ovorl3oo sold to a:Months Trrms Carpet., Map. Allot bur go KIWI, 94) clays. Net. Fcb 1.1,137 t. MM=T=IMM , THE EAGLE Drug !Store! MIIMNEO 4). ~N,-A9MiC:o3Liii9. PROPRIETORS BRIOK BLOOK, MONTROSE, PA., Sign nfilligiolpiyEEiglein".ll,nr. IVEolDir7tio'clr„PlP„Ts tt.l?eliTebilnicr:,bgan't's,herrteo,ll.2nvseba Combo, Ferfutrnry, Fancy Artistes, et, tote the Brick store, termed,. °caliph-ft by fluttLubLrg, Meson Daum & Co We base recently fitted up tEfr, kern In Ilodern Style and snail endear - or to keep ‘‘ ell supplied n ith all ankles pertaining to tbo Dm; Duelnues. We extend to everybody a cordial luritatiOn t, call and nor us when to want of anything In uur hue, and plum Sin in truht, giro us a friendly call. To all our Old customers ne desire to exprinus our thanks fur the v , rTinitt 4 lf fardatii 40 to 4 , 4 l VcrireAd o .2 t. 1 4" , ?fig sh.49admir, nter4 4 -lAuti ap of the sunto. r if . 1 Blon trete, Dec.t3,1671. A. .1.310 S GIVE US TOUR IiTTENTION! 514\6' Yot,TVAW' :74 , Ll,. "1 6 MT 30 33 M .g. gr. Sewing/ Achim • Mild old ftiendr and pritnins of Suopuetimtun ermotp— J. again In the field satiating poor pottonage for °rigt,PAlt Bowe 78eW.Y111-151110inei rsrAzuairm, Plasm call and see It, with the Improvements, at Wit 5011'd atom. Remember the Genntua Hosea has no medallion head. ROCLAIS- I da r i 4 56 Omit Street ) Binghampton, N. V., &I'D AT Wibidiart3toliZontiodei Pa:= IL 11. DUNMORE, SOLltiale, JIM. 13, 1572. TO ALL MOVING WEST DlGo4is 4N-M - TicXETs AT LOWEST nATEaI JILLIVIVIS ,117 EST. NOME:WEST AND' SOUTIVVENT tOR SALE at all principle stations Ra il wayf Dela, ware, Lackawanna& Western • I WOW,. TVICX*3i9OII7VIL2 v . ALIVI L VT,I4II‘.I 4 ATE#.4.IE6 :o,rEcist INDUCEM 1 Families , Mid Colonies 1.7 movie: Yawl con o loin hrouutt Tickets to ST. LOUIS. KANSAS CITY. LEVENWOTEI, ATCHISON, .10§EP4jL Pr. SCOTT. DENVER, and all points in Mlrrour. and KAU!" at the very lowest rates, and two the! rbonteholdgoods usdfrtlfght shipped at 'pedal rates P.A.E30313aV15031311X11.13 "ROM MONTROSE„AND Detuainie.iu lketterls Will Menge tave notice , that a Direct Connection is made at BINGHAMTON. with all. express trains on ERIE RAILWAY. Wile yore to ark for Tickets vie 4ERIE Eillivalp , which ran he procured at Odlce of MONTROSE STAOII LINE. MONTROSE. PA. "Lie ISSIELBOLUJI:7 I . Tr.. 426.GeWit. NCOTMC;IM. 111rONTUOSE BAILWAY CO .—Stockholders of the as. Montrose Eelluny Compouy ore .hereby notified met the remeloto o gjestniments_pf dee dollars per share each. calT by,Tadalicat Balinpf_4 payableria otiotrit ' Instalment ~.....• ........ . ..tan airy MI, int blPth losthhnent Itelepary 15th, 1812 Seventh Instalment' Norris 15111, 1611 Eighth Instalment Anil 151 h, 1612 Ninth Instalment Stay 150,1812 Teeth Instelinent. Jute 15th, 1.811 As the work ts pram., ming most Caserta*, it Is earnest. lydestred mad absolutely n&essary that the payments should be promptly tact on the pert of Stockholders, C. L ILEOWN,_Seeretary . . , 14.COOKEyt, Timasneer. .._ktontrolZlsafeattrAY 1 fll.et-tdtt- • ROCERIES.—Teas 3n 'gzeat variety :UAL and cheep for the qulttics. ,D r Peithee. the bait sa putticee, 4to r quel ityOtif 0014eeeenttegri Cef lea d 1.4111 iftq XPrqQ IO O: I O. 22 V • • Aribu 1TT.444 . . -cott . ntg , uoint,so- girtthug. , . 'rico Una 421- thUDiredirhone'llear, $1.60 tgeh additional line, 50 eta - NEW 3IILFORD:- • ,-; B. V 1 BANE4NEAV 1411,FORD.—Slx per apt. fa* ttrest'on ail Deposita. Docc - s gvnerAllatklng Hticf ' S. B. CUASE cr.tYttaA . -ttAirrtn.-‘sienous aromas:O. rttitct inoutant Caynt Plneter. nub grand, co Dftleis In try 001:44,11ett,Oipa Boots and SU...a, 'dud ficorral 2fenbaadlte, tow Raba •atrcet, eampud floot!belaw tho Erstacoral Chard:. 110 TEL, kept. br 3TILLTAM Is3,llTil o siD Anrectotar,the , . w. Vonadri:and dealer la Plaits and atlat . 'nen slit. on o 'floor horn Phi nacy's Main SS. N. F, KINIBER. Camara Maker and Underfakeroor 3Lnln nunat, two duonabldnw Itawley's !garb. ..` Itc&Ll:tidt flltO I7llta. Dealers in Cl'Ancerl . ci Prortilons,va Maim ESttrut.• ;.. Arlirri — .6 HON. 'Dealers In Mont. reed: t40t1r. , ,1.1nte.. Cement, Groceries and par leans on 311tn_iitreet, opposite tha Depot. • , - & I'. HAYDEN, Manufactured of Ctars bids Wboidalu dealert_lu Yauldo Notions and Pansy Ooodui oullato Street, below Episcopal admit ' it . . IRI AP." Leathei M lers antancturert cid dea In Mc .bao Hindi op, kc., nes: Episcopal etturch::.; AINEY & HAYDEN, Dealers In:Dings Ind ItedleltiOi . : and Mansfactiirers of ClL,mri, 'on Wain Street,' steal , It!i9 D. o PutT* ~ . gairktims,thirsestioa lir:and goiteril Bcpaidsiz soot of 14e brieto, r., • . OIGKEI7OI4II. dn.,Dare In general :attaining. • = ;and I:Tatiana. Brick Store. oh Matz: nreat. - GREAT BEND Lt - NrlEnclifailufactaier of Leather. and delver.! In general "Iterchandlve,on Maim litrect.w, 11. V - DORAN, Merchant Taller aid dealer In -Reidy Mello Clothing, Dry Gootts,UrovertratilliaProviniorni'i , 22 4. L --t • : LENOXVILLE: Mannfacinior crud dealer In torn , or Plows 'arid Cl:tioze. GMSON. It'll,ll - 4 LEY—Dealer In - Stoves, =ln; Copper, Brisi add Sheet:ma Wane, Califflpg. &C. %Also. mountsetor-, em. of Shout Melds to order. Evci Tront awl Lead Pipe" hulnesa- aucluled tc! at, I* prices—Wbson.lbtlirril . Icontylvacla.--Iy. ' • ; • ; ED - WARDS S BRYANT, Di*nutantnrers •or _warm and Sletglit, nutr the t 3 tore. iIONTROBE:' ‘' 0. 8, BEEBE—County Surveyor, of SistiukZ:U"Couli,;:- ty.• .0111 co lathe Court Moue, Montrose. pa.-484.' • &DEL TITIIRELL. Dealer in ,Drugs; guars, Paints, Oils. Pro. *um , . tirocerles: Jewch7 • Notl9liik, ctr.. VA; JAMES 8.. CARMALT, Attorney at... Law.", 01124X 4- 060' doi:re below rarbejl Honk,. rubllc Arenne..!o_ W". 51. R. COOPER & CO.. Ilanlcate,!sell e3ge Tlckag and Map! on Ensl&:id, &Tau* ud bpp!,l J. It. FLETellEll'S Eating Saloon k the pikce la Croani 3 OptemimdtlamsOn nvnrlety a OL JWA STIIOO .4.l3BOWS'i,liezerat Flri anadtb 'Tnntuk.;'" twee A6int4 aloo.sell Rialroadand..kgeldeatTlekalk to'ffleir Tort and Philadelphia. *Mu ono door east"' F, B. Cllll,3fDtElt:-Ctelieiallasnrumeand . chlap,Agent. Pnbllcdacnnc.• ,-;, , nutasui R Incitom (.7 the place KitDrogs and Med. ,gare; Tobacco. ?T.!. Pouo t-Dookst 'teak. I clot, 'Yankee Notlotso..&c. Brltk Block - • eCiN4 - 7/Iriies . e . inaker and dealer In 111 artiellis BOYD beaten Infitolea,.llardwarai-; and'ltanataaturere or. Tin and 51tectInnkinre; earner' . uplain and Turnpike aticet.: . S. 11.--lroltss; MetOnrit 'dealer —be C10t135. ,Trleangdngs, and ilurnleldte: 13000. - Mr 11 Really-Made - Clothing; on Illaln igtreq, next Goer litc 4 low Little end Blakelee's Law Olltee..; ; g • A. N. DULLARD. Dealer lia'Greeerici, — Pro *ions, nook*, Stationery and Vonircer Notions, ati head of Sopllc Arenee.• 2...twouc&•ccr..7nbatcri to - Stoves. Usidenti. Agricutuiral implements, VloaramlGrocules.oppo site Tarbell Itcrave. • • RAYNSVORD. 'lnman. IsTprt!ista...pie4sEvip ms swat, In tar dt Bata bulid);AZ. V°ll73EiLiteT IriErt:TX,l.333:: WILL 1.40t-;4l.i.ii,itgi ttraltarc WaierooM *olio-ill did tilt kiwi' . rIRSI dLASJ AND CD/ lON FUR_NI.TU.I E 4 . .. • . . . fn on l - To'bO inon 'hi tda section Al tba coun_l47, of tan sot::: ; fn4Ontacturc,aon at vette* that cannot WI tO sllsninittly^, , z fattlon. Ilaccakcs tho tea beat - • - . • ' ==MstaN tb tbit'ounti);, ti?l W.Attn.th4tspAlia; • • ....? ; Vi UPHOLSTERY OraLl!=i, . • .; Ot ch tiluas4ozie t It; ltiu aFideiti taluiter.7 vs rt =weir 33:40zaist-•:ita Ole viittorsuttais, ',.. ...,,,.. r .. 7.-' , ; :-..rz...) . :ff..:, ',., •.•• 4:- I'URE :NO: 1 , ,I±4 EtTWSES; - .., 77' 11..;-,.,,;.1..;:TI comltort iIATABI3M U N D'a. - R - T A .KA:N"4l:'''' TLe•sibwithec lintirceterg . :ltto tandetak u g R e a lt atThiro l los bi l l ef:nt 8E24 In t c ome he Blau all reeling Ma pertlecs wilt be attentox to FrompUyaaa of = tlatlClDUn[Std~.f .i.. • . , _ „ . WEL W. OM ti so, 3locarbite.Pa.,,So3..ti.l6ll.'—notHtt; ooOrt PALM snp. I,—ot 1, sum well Oat, ,AS. rot edosoll antmcdowns goodhniMing, mils, from Curets and - Oro Togas' from Conics, to *Liberty Township' Soso's C0.,1 Pa. r, and known as the Samuel Inland tutu, , auly_awenty dams per acre and two thirds of tt on long credit. , pas huh mmuticalartenvalsoof A,Tracsdell,_an Um, or of A:C.F.ampbell, Owego city,O,ll. ALSO, A' s good dairy hum nt 180 - "ores, qi;_ar.; Stsdford C., Pa. A. CA.% • • ' alarcb, • 1 •,.'_