The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 29, 1872, Image 4
EU titan and. irtoide. News Items For the Farmer: Mr. G. S. Innik of Columbus, Ohio, re ports that, about the year 1858, he receiv ed from the Department one-Lalf bushel of Tappahannock wheat r evhiclp be sowed carefully with a drill, obtaining 22. bush els, although the wheat crop of theconnty averaged less than 5 bushels per acre, on account of a severe frost on the- 6 of June. The Tappahannock being earlier, escaped the frost and the red weevil, then very destructive. The following year, he sowed 81 acres with a portion of the above product, distributing the rest. On his own land he obtained 42 bushels per acre, and all those to whom ho distribut ed harvested good crops, ranging from 3D to 35 bushels per acre. Since that. time thousands of bushels have been raised in that county, and always with success. There is a farmer in 'Western New York who is deliberately starving him self in consequence of his business lust Sear having proved unprofitable. Some weeks ago he took himself to his bed, rind has since refused to take food. His wife has set before hint all kinds of dishes, but during five weeks he has eaten noth ing. except an ounce of toast. He oc easionly takes a piece of ice in his month. The family have frequently watched that ho did not go into the pantry during the night, but thus far have not been able to catch him doing so; neither has anything been missed. He is now reduced to a skeleton. He says his desire is to die. He refuses to receive visits from his neighbors or physicians. At a recent meeting in Edinburg; of the British Association of Science, a paper was read by Mr.. Thomas Carr, upon a new mill for grinding wheat. It is de scribed as reducing wheat by percussion while it isimsupported and projected through the air. When the wheat pass es through the machine it is struck by series of bars moving iu opposite direction. These reduce the wheat so instantaneous. ly to a state ready for bolting, that no in jurious heat is caused, and consequently the flour is of a mneh superior quality to that obtained by the usual way of grind ing, and also at a winch less cost. Mr. A. M. Purdy, of the Small Fruit Recorder, gives an account of his first ex perience with black berries. Twenty-five years ago he bought at South Bend, Ind a piece of land that was said to be too poor to grow white bean's. The black berries planted out made a moderate growth, but subsequently made enormous crops. A richer piece of land was also planted—the bushes grew muk, but bore moderately, and winter killed badly. Blackberry bushes. like the huge growing American grapes, do not need rich soil The poor ground was thoroughly cultivat ed. A correspondent of the Country Gen tleman says: If care is taken in scalding black hogs, they can be dressed as. white hogs. Hence in dressing black hogs the water shcted not be so hot as in scalding white ones. If this simple rule is observ ed, there will be no difficulty in dressing black hogs. Instead of this color being an objection, I regard it ts an advantage, for the skin of a black hog will always be found to be smooth and glossy, free from cutaneous eruptions, and always clean. This is sound: Water for dress ing any hog s'iould never exceed 108 deg. Farenheit. La arango, Lorain 000ntr, Obi', longed any county in the State to pro duce a larger tree than has lately been cut on the farm of Mr. Nichols in -that township. It was a black walnut tree, measuring across the stump six and one half feet, from the trunk of which were cut seven ten feet logs the uppermost log measuring four and one-half feet across the top. Several large logs were taken from the limbs. This tree would yield eight thousand feet of lumber. These logs are to be sent to New York city for veneering, and cost the purchaser ,ninety dollars. The - London Milk Journal, in com menting on the adulteration of milk. says, of nearly 300 specimens representing the same number of dealers, fully twenty seven were found without adulteration. In speaking of fever poisoning by the milk pail, he further says: "that there is something horrible in the idea of drink ing small-pox in our morning milk or eating it in our daily bread, but• that we are not free from fatal contingencies of this sort is proved by many instances of undoubted authority; all of which might be avoided if consummers could be sup plied direct from country dairies." A few days ago we were shown a curious phenomenon, consisting in an egg of ordinary dimensions, which contained an ovulum, or small egg, about the size of a partridge's, lying partially in the yolk and incrusted in a hard and fully ;developed shell. The "germinal vesicle" in each egg was in a perfect state, furn ishing an interesting basis for embryologi cal speculation as to what manner of creature would bare been cast upon this, breathing world had it, or they, undergone the process of incubation. We-could name, says the Mobile Ad verfisma refined and highly cultivated lady-listing within less than thirty-. miles of Mobile, who last year, while lie husband was engaged in blame:is away from home, personally superintended a little orchard and garden so well that its +products for the season brought in nine 'hundred dollars clear cash. This would seem to argue that something might be done by the ladies sure enough. To raise onions from. the seed after thoroughly pulverizing the ground, which should be leen manned, lay it off in rows, one foot apart, and drill the seed by hand or machine, covering with a light roller. Keep all weeds out from the start, and you will_have lint little trouble. Sow in April, and your crop will- he ready to gather en August. Five hundred bushels to the acre are often grown on good, well tilled land. An lowa farmer has succeeded in mak ing both sugar and syrup from the sap of ;jack walnut trees, The latter, it is said, would, readily pass for a fine quality of maple molasses.- It is about as thick as ordinary store syrup, but its flavor is vast ly superior. The, exoefimenter believes walnut trees will- yield "as _Wench sap as maples, while their "fluid is one-third richer • Can any one raise a hundred bushels of corn to the acre?,This question is being discussed by the correspondents of the Toledo Made. Fachrdre called for, and all farmers who have raised bi; crops of corn, and who have had a yield of one hundieeilushelei or more to the acre„will please report particulars. '76. '72. THE CNN IS COMING 1 CIRCULATE DOCUMENTS ! AND BE CONVINCED ROM E PAR °NAGE FIRST ! SUPPORT YOUR COUNTY PAPER 1 IT LABORS FOR YOUR BEST INTEREST, As no Other PAPER Will. 4SUBSCRIBE for the DEMOCRAT, 02 ao 8 -Wear. E. J 3. HAWLEY s !editor & Proprietor. gew Advcrtigtututo. AGENT* WANTED far the LIFE and TINES of JAS.FISK,J Cot:Maths bktgraphles otEntar,Vanderbllt,artald.Taread. lie.. with a financial hlstnry of the country tur the last Mee years, and What .611 ANT KNEW abhat BLACK FRIDAY." Over Ittkpages. Address New York BOOK CO., 10 Nassau St.. New York. Bold Only by Aguas A Book For Everybody ! 10,000 per Month The cluese of thle book fe not ettenge although it behaving unprecedented rale.. The Life of Jesus, the Christ, BY HENRY WARD BEECHER. Ia a wort which the rattling publlettara been waiting for with arida! ; ell eons and condition. of oleo sod. come it heartily, o. a book to be read. SCHOLARS, THE CLSROY, THE PRF.SS and the PEOPLE, read it eagerly, entry it thoroughly. ;Naha It sincerely. I h re e nt p a o t i o n tno 6 : i f 8 E ! im that . Mors Agents Wanted. Intelligent men and women may obtain 10Ciallre employment by taking on agency. Foil descriptive Circulars mailed free. 'Were liberal terms to Caurnssers. Apply only to J. B. PORb & Co.. Park Place. INI P ;11 Ilmomneld nr.,I3Ob.TON. &am.; :I W. Washington EL, CIIICAGO. 111. Cheap Farms. Free Homes. ON THE LINE OF TUE lINION PACIFIC RAILROAD 18.000.000 ..e..ortmits Bait Farming and Mineral Lauda in' &mod= ! 300,000 Acres in Nebraska • • IN THE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, THE Glegh.r . eni.l323.. ICsr T/3.0 Vire2olll2. NOW FOR SALE ! These lands are In the central portion of the United States, on the Ost degree of North Latitude. the central Rue of the great Temperate Zone of the American Con tinent, and for grainowing and stA t raWing unsar• passed by any in the -U nited Staten. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorab erms given. and more convenient to market than can be found else where. FERE HOMESTEADS FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS. BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 100 Acres. Free Passes To Purchasers of Laud. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet. with new maps, published In English, German, Swedish and Dan lab, mailed free everywhere. Address 0. F. DAVIS, Land COMM leillOpur. U. P. R IL Co.. Omaha, Neb. Orticorporatt d 1860.) Columbia Fire Insurance Co OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS:—S. S. Drnen.rn, Preet. R. WILSoN. Vice-Pre t. Bernie Tnoxss, Trens J. F. FismuCrs, Seey.; S. S Detwilder. Hiram Robert Crane, Wm. Felton. John B. 31 Fl, Strickler, Jabeob S. Seine. James Schroeder, Om ; Bogle. W. G. Case, Amos. Y Even, John Socrtzer, R. Esalet. For lusnrnnee or Agencies. addorss Jr. P. Frneauff, See'y Columbia, Pa. lOWA AND NEBRASKA ! iv 30 a • FOR SALE BY TILE BURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.R, R. CO MILLIONS OF ACRES On Ten Years' credit,at 6 per ctinterest. No part of principal due for two years, .d thence only one ninth yearly till paid to fall. Products will pay for the land and improvements within the limit of title generona credit. [Better terms were never offered, are not now, aria prottally never will he CIaCITLARS giving full partienlars are supplied pads ; any wishing to Indere others to emigrate u tth them. or to form a colony. are Invited to ask for all they want to distribnte. Apply to GEO. qt. MMUS, Int d Coma'r. For lows Lands. at Hurling'. lowa, And for Nebr.:LA LAods, at Lloeobl, Neb PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS. $4O, $5O, $75 and 100. GOOD DURABLE AND CHEAP. Shipped Ready fbr Use. MANUFACTURED BY W CHAP k C r l i f i tCUat ns 1" LIGHTNING RODS. .anoon'• Copper Tubular Meaning Rod. with Spiral Flanges, is the moat complete protection against light sin ever invented. Endorsed by the smoothie worid. and by Wholesale Dealers from Maine to Georgia. Send for Circular to LOCEIIART it CO , 2i4 Peso, t•t.. Nita barn. P.. or N. Y COPPER LIGIITNLNO ROD CO., 33 Union Square (North,) New York. r l44 \ \ COCOAI N E The Best Hair Dressing and Restorer. ' • Millions Sr! y :4 • - ,C 0 COAINE." Your Druggist Has it A Century of Triumphs over dysnepela. liver canton bowel complaints and various febrile and nerv ous disorder., has immortalized the Renter Spn, and these victories are now rein at ed throughout this hemUsphem by TAMIL/111'$ EFTEMM.TST Santa Amour; containing all the elements arid producing all the happy re, ulna of the Great German 13pring. *l.OOO REWARD! *l.OOO • For any case of Blindletding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that DR. DING'S PILE REMEDY falls to core. It in prepared ex prissily to swath* Piles, and nothing else, Sold by all ;eta. Prise $l.OO. .; I • tau. - No mace reqtannEL A. J AGENTS War= mako Dor c money at pork for us t h an at anything elm Un gnat. hubs and permanent. Particulars free. a STINSON k Co., Fine Art PaWiliam Portland, Aunt% • lI.Q 11. 8. PIANO co.. PRICE, atcjoiln 4.1. No Agents. Chenlan Tv&i.o RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS. Agets, we will pay you 840 per week In cob If you whit engage with E. AT ONCE. Everything furnished, and expense. paid. Address F. A. ELLS & CO., Char/alto, Web. GiPT MEDICAL. BOOK of useful uerledps to ell. Sent free for two stamps. Ad dress Da llos.Anurra .t Co., Cir.chauttl. 0. REST BARGAINS IN TOWN IN CLIME FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR! PRO trillions, _Deal and (laced Fruit, Vegetables &c. at th e Head of Na flan. A. N. BULIAND. Yammer. FebreerY:a. 1 S3l. at GOLD JEWELRY—A Flub &sort meat, yid other varieties of Jewelm A few Gold and SUlrer Cased Watehee and Watch Chaim. Silver and elm plated Spoons, Ports, Killers, &a., and a gen eral assortment of Fancy Goode , Notlone. Pertain err, de. Drape end Ifed 'eines. a Doge stock. AD:carom Pa,. Dec. Id. 'D. ALIPS, Trfit272LL. WOOL-GROWERS TA RIOTIOE: .11 t cr ib WOOLISIT ranat i llg d aa nanat mak cotton warp eannel. the twat weer made; el - wool tweeds aalawdomees. A Lure lot of cloths on kaod, for sale or to ea:char:a for wocA, Plume giro me a. WI infant ellypostew of pm wool elorwbere. • 3414Lifif so.tles oorto of Kontrow. J. W.YOT7 ItCotrine. Jose 7, NM • tr Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Par Dimon of tho Throat and Lungs. =oh as Coughs, Colda. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma. • and Oansuruption. Among the great ir, discoveries of modern :i i • i t Sf t ,i;„. science, few aro of '. '- 4 ',. : ' 7 * ' m m o ain r s al than " lli t i e s a t t . - ' 314 - 1 r . ' '.., ' factual remedy for all , diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A vast trial of its virtual, I ks'k throughout this and ti i),,, . 4 . , lit, other countries, has shown that It does surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our best cltb tens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that Cnrunv Pecronst will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affection? of the Pulmonary Om= yield to Its power; and cases of Corium:me don, cured by this preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be hoved, were they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it Is adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. Ily curing Coughs, the forerunners of mom serious disease, it saws unnumbered Rees,. and an amount of suffering not to he computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as n protection against the early end unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which aro easily tact at first, but which become incurable, and tea often fatal, if neglected Ten der lungs neel this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amld the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Oman's PECTORAL is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature groves, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can ho cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, nu cost or toil lu spared In making every ,bottle to the uunost possible perfection. It may be confidently ro iled upon as possessleg all the virtues It has over exhibited, nod capable of producing cures as memorable as the gnutest It has ever effected. PFLUAALD DY NJ. C. AYER iSt. CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical arid iitalytical Chao:data. BOLD BY .&LL DRUGGISTS E'TERYWHERE.. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which i s at once agreeable, healthy, an d effectual fo r preserving the hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with tho gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de strOyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed ; but such d remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and , consequently prevent baldness. The s restoration of vitality it gives to the VAl D onagiViie ATMVoIt% so nn- cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it If wanted . merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL. HASS. Sold by Abel - 1 urrell, and Burns & MelloLs, Montrose, and all druggists and dealers every where. [Dec- 21, 181.0--y NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Contains no LAO SULPHUR - NO SU GAR OF LEAD—NO LITHARGE— NO NITRATE OF SILVER. and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health—destroying Drugs used in other Ha3r Proportions. Tranaparent and clear as cryatal, It will not eon the flneet fabric,—partectly SAFE, CLEAN and EFFICIENT --dlelderatuma LONG SOUGHT FOII AND FOUND AT LAST I It restores laud preetmts the hair from becomlng Gray, imparts a soft, gloary appearance, remover Daudruff, le cool and refreezing to the bead. check. the Bale from falling off, nod restorer it to a great extent when prema turely loot, pr vents Ileadachen, enrol all humor'', co tarmacs eruptiona, and unnatural heat, AS A DRESS BcO FOE TUE LIAM IT IS TILE BEST ARTICLE Us' TILE nuaiKET. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Masa. Prepared only by PROCTOR BROTHERS, Gloucester Maessehasctte. The genuine Is pat op In a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the article blown In the glass. Ask your Dru=ist for NATCFeII Hata RESTOILATITZ, and take no other. f Send two three cent stumps to Proctor Brothers , for a . 4 Treatiale on the Hamm Iltdr." The Information It eontalns Is worth $5OO 00 to any person. K' Pi... 1571. 11 fik---3\ IL VITUS' DASCE CUBED BY bflifl. A. . TAYLOR: WARRANTED CUBE. CP She can be &molted ether residence 1 Brl4gews ter, on the furs adieu:dug En Sheriff Jobneon. Best of refertneesgiven. A. U. TAYLOR, Br. Ant:water. March V.. LSE. Tom! Every klod of Tsai in imitation arrlied,fini for sal+M Now Y rtholeislo pricer. Also Ansa.. soronent of COFFEE. Apy or Me a n d aava s e a r l a March W, TO ABEL r. GROCERIES.—Teas In great ranety tad ellea4 . for the qualiLlee. Dried Peaches, the need In market. A. nice quality orMotusae, Boar, Col fee. tad • tall aseertment of PlPices• 31Wrose, Dee, 20, It. ' ABEL ratlinit ..Tonica,' "Appetizers," "ilestorera," &0., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but am a true Medicine, nude from the native roots and herlos of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Greet Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a 'Perfect Renovator and 'ori ginator of the System. carrying off all poisonous nutter , and sunning the blood to a healthy condition, enriching ft. re freshing and invigo ra ting both mind and body. They are easy of - administration, prompt in their Action, certain in their its, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. No Person can take these Bitters according to di:rations, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison moat" means, and the vital utile wasted beyond the paint of repair. H •pepsla or indigestion. eadache, Pain in the boulders, Cough; Tightness of the Cliest, Dizziness, Sou Eructations of dm Stomach Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attack; Palpitatirat cf the Heart, Inflammation of the Longs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys. and a him dred other painful ayniptem; ate the spring. of • In thew complaints it has no aud one bottle mil MVO a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertizewient. For Female Complaints, in young or old, mar ri ed sir single, at the dawn of woniunliotid, or rho tam of SU, thew Tonic Bitters display so decided so influence that • marked improvement is soon perceptible. For inflammatory anti Christie ilhentow• *lnn and Gout, Dyspepsia or ladigration, Bilious, Remit tent and InteunittentFever; Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidney-a and Bladder, these Bittert,have been most successful. Such Diseases are cased by Vitiated Blood, which is gra orally produced by duangement vi the Digestive Dugan. They are a Gaulle Purgative as well as a Tonto, pcusezeing also the pceilisr merit of acting as a powerful agent to tie ienng Congtotion or Inflameraticaz of the Liver and Visceral Organs, rad in Bilious Diseases. Skin Diseases. k:ruptions, Tette; ,Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spot; Pimples, Pustules, Bosh; Carbuncles, Ring. mum; Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, s cu d s , Discolreations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature. are literally dug op and carried out of the sy-stem in a short time by the use of these Bitters One bottle in suchcases will convince the most incredulous td their curative erns Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find in impurities bunging through the skin in Pimples, Erup tion; or Seers; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and w Fina the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; Yon, feelings will tell you when. Keep rho bleed pure and the health of the system will follow. Grateful thousands proclaim Vrivensa Iltretes the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. PIA, 'lupe, and other Worms, lurking in the syen tens of so many thousand; axe effectually destroyed and removed. Sara a distin-n, ;shod physiologist: There is scarcely an individual upon tine laceof the earth whose body iv exempt from the presence of worms It is not mum the healthy ele ments of the body that worms exlst, bet upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monstery of disease. No system of Medicine, co verrnifuges, no ale thelminitira, will free the system from warms like these Bitters. Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints and Mtnerals, such as Pluothera, Type-setters, Gokl-beaters, d Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to 'mutest ofthe Bowels "1"n guard against this take a dose of WALK' ER'S VINEGAR BITTERS once or twice a week, al A Pre ventim nemitte.t, and Intermittent re. wets, which ar emlltent, sap revalent in the vallm of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Missierippi, Ohio Missouri, Illinots„ Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, 'Colorado, Break Rio Grande, Pearl, Ala bama, Mobile, Savannah. Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tobotanes, throughout our enure country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual but and dryness, are invariably xeorn panicd by utensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal %ISE.. There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a wealmeas and imitable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated itommulation. In their treatment, a pur gative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various or goes, ts euenually necinary. There ts no ullertic for the purpose equal to D. J. WALICCII's VINGGAR DISTILS% as they will speedily remove the dark-colored vixid matter with whlch the bowels are loaded, at the rams time stimulating the am -rejects of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy font-time of the digestive omens Scrofula, orlidasg . :Evil, Whiw, Swellings, 'MEOW, Erysipelas, Swelled Nver, Scrofulons Inflanmetions, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Soros Eruptions of the Skin, etc. In these, as in all other corarituttorial Dis. L. eases, Ws 14illeS Yuen se llorritu have shown their great curauve powers in the most obstinate and intractable eases. A Woman's Ailments, her Nervousness, and Headaches, although they seen trifling to men, are real disorders. For to dyspepsia, general de bility, pains in the hack and loin% nervous and lock head ache, Impurity of skin, and all troubles loved as female compLaints," Dn. WALKER'S VINEGAR Borrus, which are purely vegetable, and may Le safely given to the mass delicate, are a soverein and speedy remedy. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters as an all these case, in a similar manne y r. ,,, ily . t g sniping the e i tct c t iPge I ' ll=o:tett% (le tut:rcu d r deposits) theM r eeted pate receive health, and a permanent cure to effected lifutriti 7 A — Us , etre. Diuretic, Sedative. Countecilrritant. Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti.Bilants. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dn. WALYNICS VINEGAR [lmre. are the best safe-guard to all cue, of eruptions led malignant fevers, them balsam., heal ing. and soothing proper - 6uprotect the humor. of the &GSM Flier Sedative propeetes allay pain in the nervous .7VMM stomach, and bowels, either front Inflammation, wind, mlic: cramps, et. Their Counter-Initant influence etatuds throughout the system. 1 heir Diuretic properties act on the kidneys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Ann. Bilious p.oiorties emulate the liver, in the se cretion of bile, and us direlorges through the lottery dues, and are sopertor to all remedial none. for the core of Bilious Fever, Fever and Agoe, etc Fortify the body against disease try purifying all is thuds emit VINEGAR Brrran. No epiderme can take hold of a system this, farearmed The liver ' the stomach, the bowels, the kidney?, and the nerves are rendered disease proof by this great Invigorate. The Saliency of Da Wstam.'s Vtwsoe /Urals., in Chronic Dyspepsia, Fevers, NervousDisorders_Comele lion, deficiency of 'apt power, and all maladies affectsag the stomach. liver,, bowels, pulmonary meteor annular system, ha. beet experienced by hundreds of thousands, and hundreds of riameands more are asking for the unite relief. Direetions.—Take of the Bitters on gout.; to bed et night from a half to one and one-hall' winerglassfulL Elts good nouriatung food, such as beefsteak, mutton chop, veni son, mast beef, and mu, tairica, and take out-door swims They me composed et purely vegetable ingredients, and cen trist no spirits. I. WALKER, Prop'. H. 11. ItIeDONALTS & CO., Druggists and Gen Agra, San Francisco. Cal., end comer of Washington and Charlton Sta., New York. gr'SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. April 3, 1551 —mg. ROSADALIS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS are published on everyparkage, them. faro i t is not a secret preparation, consequently, • PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT Ilia a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheumit... tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all discuses of the Blood. I ONE BOTTLE or ROSADALIO ; will do more good than ten bottle' of the Syncpe of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Ratadalls In their paellas for the past throeyears and freely endorse it of a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. z::~ ~~ lift. T. C. MGR, of Baßlautts. DR. T. 7. BOY DR. B. W. CARR. DR, Y. 0. DANNELLY, DLL .I. S. SPASKS, of Moholatrine, Da. J. L. IiteCARTHA, Columbia: S. C. Dli. A. D. NOSLES,Edgeetunb, N.C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall Dietz, Mass. F. W. SMlTlLJaeltson, Mich. A. F . w utor.P.ll,Lixaa, OMo. D. HALL, Ulna, Ohio. CRAVEN & vo., Gordonsville, Va.., 0. McFADDEN, Murtrees.. bccro, Tenn. Our epee %Ulna( allow of any ex. tended remsike In relation to the virtues or Dosadalis. To the Medical Profesnonwd guarantee a Fluid Et. traetsupertor to any they hare ever used In tho ;treatment of &tossed Mood; and to theatllleted vromg Ilosadalts, and you vita ho to htalth. Woodall* to _ sold by all Druggists Pry (1/.50 per Address DB. CLEVENT34 CO. 0, Jfasufeduriso Mudd; ovantou„.lo Daimon. July 10.1611.' M. D. S M 1 T H, DEALiat IN , HARNESSES It ` PADDLES!! TRUNKS I!! COLLARS!!! WHIPS SPURS!! • LIGHT • LEATHER!! ETC.. ETC. - , Clexater r . *lra 20, urrt.-it. R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES TUE WORST PA INS O. In from Ono to Twenty HO Minutes. T one HOUR after rtadinff I hit pdverolerrneet need tuly On• SUFFER Wall PAIN. TADWATS ra:Akx...text.ir_is CORE FOE EVERY PAIN. It woo the Int nod le Tho Only Vain liemedy Out !amity otops the moot excrucLsting po'ns. alloys In tatonoottotok atol turn Coop:At/wok wboitier of the Lunn. Remade, iboirolt, or tabor peals or orgy., by otot owboor Cosy IN 111031 ONE TO TWENTY Woman. bow 'Went or or:ruck:lm the the ItIIEIT lIATRI. Bedridden Inerto, Crlpplod, Nemo; Igeort4. or proattoted • Ith Moro= utoy gaffer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF • WILL AFFORD INSTANT FADE LCIMAYILATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLASIIIATION OF TUE ELADDEP.. mnAuluertosr OP TH shitWE COMIN OF TINE LUNGS.- BORE T 11110212, DIPVIOPLT BREATHING._PALPITATION OF TUE ,LIEART. CIIOUP. CATAIIIILL riFLUENZA. ITEADACRE, TOOTIIArRE. NEP It ALCLI, $1%1L1) MILLS, AOrE * aPPIIm , O.. at Lao. Ready Relief to the parlor Arta wlan 11 a. P.. a , alawultf •ala. 1131.1 caao tad unalbrk. Tweaty draw N Italf a!er of •-a0.. - iir Ina few momenta oneo CIIAOPI. nPASIIs. SoEll IIEARTBURN. SICK IIEADAWIE, DIARRHEA. DYSENTER Y. COLD , . NV/ND IN THE MMus, LNTEILNL PAINS. • . • Travel. , oboold alwayre miry to bolt% of Rttirray . •• Ready m c iger .th them. A frw itzoro In ‘ ..ter •s nnorg. skit.. or Imlns fro. clan;. ..ter. It ti beta than Frr.nrbatrantly Dawn. aet i otulat•t. FEVER AND AGIIM. FEY= AND AG UM cared fur fifty nuts . There t net • remota! •feent In thin rrnrlll that rrl I nice Freer ntrl h oher Ill " rirg'7ll4 7 14 V; rerVL . . " l24l " l.7tl f; rte. ru.u ItEADY Fttty c-uts HEALTH ! BEAUTY 1 ! RTISONO AND PCITE TUCIT ntOOI)—INCtIEMIE OF ELEsu AND WEICIIT—PLEAR SKIN AND DEAL - TLEUL COMPLEXION bELMTEED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Afi MADE VIE MOST ASTOVI,III7IO CORES; SO QCIIIK. SO RANI) /LIIE TIIE eIIANGE.4 rite MDT .UNDERGOES, UNDER 131 , 1.11ENcli olr TILLS =ELY WONDLIEFUL. MEDIeDIE. THAT Every Day an Increaso In Flesh and Weight Is Seon and Felt. THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Decry dropL•of the FIARSIPAILILLIAS REStiLVENT eomomides thrumh the blood, Berm, brim, nod other ealdsmol Jokes of the eysterit the rime of life. for it mai., the waste* of the body with new an.l mood mlortat. ti<mra-b. 8 1Ph Commit.don. Cilandolor othershwa, Month, Tudiors,,_blodm Glom!, et d parte of the mom, Sore Eyes. rdramous Itbehare. from the Eats, end the world fotony of lb In diseases, El ay. boos. Fever Mee Scold Head, rams Wren. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Amis. Black Brnos,, Worms In the Mesh, Tannin, Caner! In Mu Womb, end all end painful tbio charme, nett Sweat,. Loss of Sperm, net ad suds of the life principle, etre within the enrollee rFlge of bits wonder f Modern Chemistry. end n few days use wit= to my pram using It for either of them farms of pMent power to cure them. If the pltlent, dolly beemnlng 'Moped by the west. and deerimpmMot that Is continmlly h e mrning. mrseeds lo let made them, wastes, and maitre th moo with new meter. MI from healthy this the SARSAPAIIIio LiltsN will and does COMM . - Na dues the P.m-..r. muss P.I3IOI.TYST eseelsll known ternedlM agents In Ms cure of Chsvnla &minin net, Cans,ltuttonsl, and Ulu illscusen but It Is Um only posltlvo cunt fat Kidney & Bladder Complaints, ildnary„ and Womb theme; o f Diane., Dropmy hlrenetee of Warr, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Dneate• Alhandennia, and In ad rant where th eta are briektlust do mle.. the tester Is Wok, rhauttr, mired with ItUbstanere like the white aan ef or threnda Ike white stIL or there ha morbid, dark, billatte appearance, and w h itt l e bone. dust depadte, and when there Is • pricking. binning eeneastan wham passing water , and paha Latta Bea ll of the Beak sod slang the Leln!„ Prim. Wollyffi , ri e — The only kaoline wad mm a Remedy for Ilforms— an Tape, ate, Tumor of 12 Years , Growth Cured by Midway's Resolvent. 115TT..7, U.., July a, no. It., Ilotera•I-1 bead Add Device Sanwa la the earl. awl bonla. All lie Dom. eat es hely be IL^ 1 trial "*" .ar lane I bed .eTs.d tar 1 al. van. l ' ract tie Las!. of the Raleir.t, tad a. hoe of latware PIl.. and tee tatataef Itealy Raid; awl 1/ .1 a s i re of Iwo r wit a.a 111, feel i.e.., era..a.aect they I tare Car•rere. The wont lama waa le the MO sat at 11. bowel; or. the en le. I evil. yra, for Oa Wildcat other. Tee ran rrAhl Alt yam the.... ItheCiAll P. INAPT. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly Wick.% elegantly Coded vilth clicerrerth, peeve.. regulsta, purify, elealue inrracttrac • Fills for the cursor mil decoded .1 the Stocriell Liver. Dolce!. Kitintirs, Blattner, Nervous Dtranses. Potualos Von, Crattl wenn.. buitgertioa, Drepopis, Dilionctivra, loos Fever, ludamcontion of Om Ihraet slob all De ticagernrata of Om marine VICCITL. %refracted to effect • pratithra cure. Ifttrely Vegotalale, contaliihz co to=vory, mho:rat% or deleterious drop.. Ord Observe the folio...tug syaptom s resulting flocs D 1... Ordenof t he Digestive Orpue t Ceort*Ohm, Inward Mat, Feßeets if the Met la the Roll Act Shy el tb. Stomach, N..... Ileantort, Dime. of Faml, Felt .. WoltMt I Om clammy, Bane Broctstletto.SlsSles to /totter ler st the PII of the Sterna*, Selanalrg of tht nem, !tented sm. Dtdieall Breath*, Flottorirm at tho Ilex* Chalet et Setratatio, Setuallom .h.. In a Lyleg Pomo, femme of Vlatma, W. m batty tb. Stet, Fiero fret DOI PCa le the Bead, Stratimey of Pt..,:toCon, Yollommas of the eltrt ed no, Tale la l b . ltd, Mot, Llealos, tad cold* Shah. of 115, Boning la Um A fe ,, doses of RADWAT'S MIA will free the orriliren from all the ethorr.olo...l 61-And...v. Prlo,. xs mots per bur -601..D DT -DRVG4+I.9r.3. . . • . READ "FALSE A N 7111 X j ... .er“1 . :r0 le ler away RA.-MAXrdt April 3,16-72.—y1. THIS WIT, GRITLEMEHI Harpocm HORSE HAY FORKS A., J. NELMS , PATENT INIPBOTED. Twenty-Two State Pair Premiums Awarded This Fork In Fifteen Montt:a—lSO and Is7o. ALSO NELL IS ORPPLE PULLEY, An Implement that Fvery Farmer, Carpenter, Mason and Painter Should Have rioNrcblNrissa HORSE RAKES Band Rakes, Seyttleg, Brutlte, Grain Cradles Iron. (A claor Brand) Axles, tl r Spring:. Carrier. Bolts. C. en Bare, (Steel and Iron.) TiZozaitaar 4011 N• NI 33 MI Wo CO 'l' ER -, That smiths MIT, 115 A ARM WHISTLE! when the Coke la Ready for the T. de. TRY ONE and you will and the Cod o Always Right! Axer, . Grind tones, Pick,. ' - Lops Saw., nee, Drew Knives, Szyth atones, Pei ute. Oils., Ttit-Ve are, Montrose. July 5, 157 3OYD6 CORWfI W.A.. r 1.23 E X.sZa 23 41:3,7JE1M. OPPOSITL TUC COVET UOVIIS ' JOHN 8. TAUBEILI. F . 'Proprietor.' • Eight States lerre - We Itoiteeconeeettagedth the D. L. $ - W., tho arid the Lehtgh Valley Ull P la t 10104.1r4-11 Or Sagar.Coateds COACCIIMISOffir Zan and Eternal Juice, A4l-1111llons Granule.. TUE aLEETLE GLINT'? CATEULUTIC, or alultap In Pares Physic. The novelty of modern Medical, Csemlal sad Mr muctitleal Science. No use of Any longer taklty the remilsive and nauseous plits. composed of cheap. crude, and bulky ingredients, *ben We do a emend application of chemical science, extract all the cathartic and other medicinal properties from the mart winnable mote and herbs, end eaatastrale them tato* minute Grannie, acareoly larger than mustard weed, that can be readily swallowed by those of the most sensitise Itamschs and Illstidlotte tastes. Each Bittern rigativo relleinproseots, Ins most concentrated form, es touch Cathartic power ea In embodied In as of the large pllle found torte. In the drug shops. Prom their wonderful calloutlo power. In proportion to their size. people who her. not tried them area pt to supplant that they are bents or drastic in *Sick bet inch Is not at all leo ease, the different settee medicinal prlnciples of stitch they** competed being so bannonired sod modbled, one by the others, is to produce a most searettneg aid tborou, h, yet gently sod kindly operas, tlng eattuartle. $590 Coward is hereby offend by the praptla. for of these Pads, to all chemist who, upon an. wysiv, will tad In them any (Wooed or ;atm emus of mercury or any other Mimed potion. lining entirely vegetable, no partfoahr . rate Is required while rising them. They operate without &gradient° to Live constlattlen- Md. or amanita. For Jaundice, Headache, Con. talpotion, Impure, pain in the fihouldera, Tight Meet Of IMO Chnlt. Dla -1 Eractationsol Wee Stow. eels, Bad taste In. Mouth* Millions sutschs. Pala In region OW fildneys. Internal rower, Gloated reeling /Meet h r XL, Cash of lelleodtolleapilllgh Colored Vane, Unsocial:all 'end Gloomy Forel:tot:llnm taka Dr. tares". Pleasant Purgative pellets. In cabala, rion of the remedial Power of fay Pl=fho Yelkta over Co great &moiety of diseases. I tone , that their action Upon the animal leeassoo my Is universal, not n gland or tisane escaping their sanative leaprefth ego does not impair them; their en:executing and being eaelooed in to bottles present° their tin= palm paned for my length of One, In any climate , so that they are always (nab and reliable, which. la not the case with the pills found In theexagsa:L ,pares Capin cheep wood or paste-hotad beam arils Der sii disc:sees where a taixatlve, Alterative at mountPurga is indicated, these little Pellets give the perfect satisfactlcm to all whams them They are sold by all enterprising Druggists at 25 contest bottle. Dohlog not allow any drnfogtst to Waco you to take anyt oleo that ma say is Just as good Is tory Pellets because hy ha makes s Isnot profit on that - 1 M ho recommends. If your_ dr=itt. cannot firmly then:l . :rasa 15 tents an d COMM try Molool D. P. PIE/ter. D. D. Poo" DIPPAZA N. DOWN TOWN NEWS. • MINER AND COATS, ttain Street, 6 doors below Boyd•s Corner.Nootie FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND PROVISIONS. Wears constantly reo tidngt kd now bars onnano, fresh stock of Goods In Quint e.which sslllsall HEAP! CHFAI I CHEAP foreign ,orezcbs ifs orptodece., 4 GOOD TEAS, COFFEE, SU.GAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH, LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, i'LOVER cE TIMOTHY SEED, Se We have refitted and made additions to our noel • Pails: and are no reedy to i °mord Hotter to tb a belt Int:mission houses In 'New York.lree of cbarge, and urkel Iberaladranrement s on consignments. CAII and examin roar Stock before purchasing ems here. a adconrince roarer's. oftbe GOOD QUALITY & LOW PRICES of oar Goods DEMI! Montrose. April 16.1869 lIEfIIGEI VALLEY RAILROAD. - On sod alter Dec. V), MO, trains on the kWh Vslioy Railroad will ron as follows: NOIITII. I 80=21. p.m. p. m. n.m. a.m. 1 a.m. a m..M.T1.111 Elmira 9.43 9. 13 11:40 910 7.46 11.58 9.43 630 Wavorly ..... 9.00 &CO 11.43 8.03 8.30 13.40 110 510 Towanda ..,. 8.13 CM 1110 7.10 9,311 4.43 4.761.0 Tunkhannock GOO 01-2.10 n 4.13 r. Wilke".llarre., 4.00 115 7.10 1.15 7.15 415 Mauch Chnak p.m. 1345 p.m. 410 8.12 Allentown... 9.44 8.33 845 Bethlehem.... 6.31 6.50 8.50 Eaxton ... ~.. 0.60 6.20 8.50 Mal Mdelphia.. 7.33 p.m. p.m. New York.... 6.00 Movi,g Nort].—Resd Upward. Booth—Read Do on .A... 131231-• Trcr DRUGGIST. VONTECIBE PL. le continually reeelvbig NJOW I-C:›C>r)Si• ik ndkeept conotantlynn band a (Oland it !rtl I -Van nom/tot genuine DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIIERICALS, LI QUORS Faints, Otto, Dle•Stuffs. Tens. Splay, and other Oro curies, Stone Rare, Wsßind Window Paper. Dine ware. Fruit Jars, Mirrors. Lam_ps. Chimneys, Here so Machinery 011, Tanners' Olt, Nealsroot OIL Ea fined ne. Whale Off, Sponn OIL Olive 011, Splrlts Too= Cue, Varnishes, Canary Seed. Vlneor.Potaid. Conean 'rated Lye. Anis Crease, Trasses. Buppotters.Medlea I.trximents, Shoulder Draces, %nips, Gnus, Pistols Cartridges, Ponder : Shot, Lead, don Caps,llLuthis Powder and Fuse, lolins.Strlngs, Dows.ete. - Plates. Fires. etc., Fish ilooksand Llnes,Thir and TolletSoapfs, Hair Oils. Hair Restorers. and Hair Dyes. Drnstons, Pocket Knlvee.Specnielesdlilver Plated Spooss,7f4rha Knives. "de. Dean st Articles, • general assortssestot FANCY GOODS. JEWELRY, and pErgraz Ik All tho I eadlng and twit kinds oc PATENT 3[EDIC=B, In short, nearly rivet,.lizug to restore the sick. M plmse the UAW. to delight the eye, to grattfy tasty and also to conduce to too real and satatauttal comforts MIMI. Enumeration Is impracticable, as It would 11 a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of ADEL TIIREILL. Ifontrose,Jan.s.lsn. AGENTS WAN ED! T JrnWlsw e __ l l .7lll —with GO Illustrations. Ikenevres of the fit beautifully bound,and printed on anfectpromr. THE NATI-ON. Its Riders, and lastitatitias. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN.. Nothing like It. Strikes everybody Si Rid the bosh they need. It la an Enenlopedia of tha Otwernsaant. Single peva in it. are of thinnselree worth iva the book, Orer 500 paper and onlys9 W. s altgm. vest for Canraasers.-ladies and nentlenarn— era. teacher* and nudentr. one oval /oak 'Menden/tat Atka days, with circular done. .Me boat appealed. sip a day an be thawed in Mir tannery. Write atones for circular arid Information. NEW WORLD PUBLIERINO CO.. Corner 7th and Market Street,. Philadelphia. No umber I. 1871.--Ve Baia. Locks. Knobs, Lstchrs, arnish. Larops./c. LACKAWANNA VALLEY BANE, 113CM 2 1.49.2W1C0M7. Ci• ormiaro. sib Co ESTABLISHED IN 1855.—AUTHORIZED CAPITAL lINLIMITEM ThrDIVLDI7AL -==T. We transact a General Banking badness, without LW tatloa to our Ltabfih, - ea Pre CENT. DiTERESTALLOIVED ON tom, DEPOSITS. AII Deposits Paid on Demand Nntbont MOW. Persons keepins Wont* wilts no on deposit and draw the !MO as with any other ble, and oar castanet* will be aneommodatednithonMxtra charge of Weems! or Ind:tangs— ItEMITTANCE3 • • For deposit. from Wets in the carne eeavenleat to railroad, seat by express, promptly acknowledged and remittances In payment made in currency or by do& • DIVIs tar sale 117 All. Parts of Entope. cobati ii*le without ogler charge Ultra Ms= at nitc s r m Se. • PASSAGE 'TICKETS Wand trout all parts of Elmo 'by First Cu tstAttmers. Ulu laWasi DAM Balaton. August 21., HOWARD SANITARY AID Pa' • ..ATIONt " - tot therelterand cure ottbo Enlottand Criatientalghdln Wittig* otTtottelin PhdlenthrePZ Zlotys on the Xitorsof Yotith and the yartelorAge In relation Mintage end SorJal Evila, whit • atd for the afflicted. Sent free, to sated cove anal UOINIDAI7II9c4IIOI.DOS.r. tee:S ai 2) ' elms et% W. U. COATS