pra! -Ontelligence. statircze... B APtlgl'`en °RCM • 'Rep; B. PVio t Pastor. Pshhatlifictilecs 10X a. M. anCI 7 p. m. s•bbatit BOWE - 12 m. Prayer ?doting; Wedmiday.Events,gs - c.kritovic catmeu. Psi. J. St...renter sabbath Scrclces " Baum( liunday in each Month Nabbattilichool - Immediately before lbano E risenpAt - cnvitcn..turr, E. A. Wannwen.Rector Sabbath Services lOMI. ea. and 7},f p. rn dhday . lschoolld al. Week Weeay Semicm—Wednee ....... p. m METHODIST EmmyAt ....nov. A, D. ALSI Mall Sabbath ....... a. m. and 7.30 p. m Sabbath Stbnal 4p m. Pmyrr Tlturldays I Sap. m rßesraTEmAs cirracn Rev. J. P. littLien ssbhathSersices 10.45 a. m. mud p, sabbath School 12.13 p. m Prayst Meeting, Thursday Evenings "'S P. m. lit:since , Notices. We call attention to the following advertise ments, new this week. --Shentrii Sales. —Dissolution —3leßen zie Sr Faumt:' —Letters of Administration—Estate of John Blaney. Kilted. Togs_ Foley wits killed by t train on the Y. & Isa. R It near Frenchman Depot, Brad ford county, on the llitb inst_ fie probably bad been drinking, and was sitting on the track when the train struck him. The back of his bead was completely severed front the rest of the body. I== A Carlon. Eli:Mine. There is quite n curiosity in' the way of an engine on the Lehigh Valley naitroatl. The company have tinrolinsel a nesr.tiouble engine, requiring two engineers, two tiretnen and it has tiro boilerA The engine was intended for the Union PA cificibilt9air, bet - wris 'purchased by the Lehigh Valley. It Nreighg ninety tons.-- ffratlford Argue. Editorial Meeting and Excursion. The Democratic editorial associatton MIT ar ranged to bold their tettnlar meeting at Erie on Tuesday evening June 25th„ Etf.rts are being made by which the repiesentatives of the can tera portion of the state will meet at William. s port on Monday evening 24th, and leave for Erie Tuesday morning, arriving there in the af ternoon. The state editorial association have alsozarranged - to meet at Erie at the same time. The Trim Christian An exchange says We are always suspicious of the lean who goes through the world be moaning himself as a miserable sinner, and making even - body miserable with whom he e,mtes in contact. Ali lubricous face an,l voice arc merely a mask to cotes hypochoodriar, anti in cittlerstionld be avoided as a leper. You five - muscular christian Is always cheer. ful ,he has no time for blues or megrims be works, and works all the time with head or band, e n,l thus bids detiancii to the world, the P.,1 and the devil. A Club. " Tommy, my son, what arc you going to do with that club ?"" Pend it to the editor of the lltutoctur, of course" "But what are you ruing to send it to the editor of theDEmouruer forr' "Cause be says if anybody will send him cinb, he will send them a copy of his paper." The mother came pretty near fainting, but re Mined cousciou,ness to ask: " But, Tommy, dear, what do you suppose he wants with a (drib , " Well, I don't know " replied the hope ful urchin, unless it is to knock down subscrib er, as don't pay for their papers." Adverttsinv, for Funerals. ST, earliange advertises " Wanted—Vt..' enty - Uve first class funerals," and says they arc atnic tva RMI a very old gentlemen, and sortie of -very middle age, with 'very old ideas, who :Ur in pus• ....escion of unimprovod real estate, whose 'fath er., lived and died In happy dreams that their landed properly was going to make them rni/- lionairrs, and who now hold on like grim .loath earl will not sell. There is hardly a city or town in the country that is nut adlicted in the same ear. Local Option Constitutional. The court of common pleas In Philadelphia has decided in favor of the constitutionality of the local option law. All the judges were , pree eutviud Judge Allison delivered the opinion of the Conn. Judge Ludlow alone dissented. This quettion in the courts arose concerning the local option law for the Twenty-second-ward of Philadelphia, the majority of that ward having decided against the sale of liquors within its Inuits. The court declare that there 6 nothing in the constitution of the State depriving the legislature of the power exercised iu this in stance.. Attempted Sate Me. The Binghamton papers notice the attempt at suicide in that cityion Monday the 20th inst., of James Rivers, recently an errand boy in the Exchange hotel, .by swallowing half . an ounce of nitric acid_ ' lle had been drinking liquor, and said in the inorning that he would kill himself before the day was out. Rivers was out of employment and was staying at the house of Isiah Rogers until Ile could procure work he was found in the bar room lying the floor face downwards. The proper remedies wine applied and be was sufficiently recovered the next day to go to Owego in care of his mother, who resides there. Throwing Away Envelopes. Many persons receiving letters at the _post office are itethiliabit of opening there in: the passage ways and of then throwing the cove!- pass On the ground. "ThiS custom has been tak en advantage of by sharpers. who are thus en abled to learn „ the box numbers of business firms, and to lay plans for getting possession of theft letters: The most successful device to ac complish this object is the preparation and pre sentation of counterfeit box tickets, by •tareans of which, during.the hurry and confusion inci dent to the distribution of the mails, letter thieves manage to secure their plunder and ft , - cape detection. Tltese:4etices have benothe so common in Soitnirtliat tile - postmaster of thit city .had fiend it necessary , to-issue a circular warning boa holders not to throw away envel opes. Bor. Enos Puffer Dowd. Notts come to the city Th uroday morning:, of the sudden death of Her; Enos Puffer, of Os born HoTiosr. Rev. Mr. Puffer Preached the evening previ. 055. and retired to bed feeling well as usual. During the night bereft unwell and spoke to his vvkle about It. He arose, and had been up beta moment when he fell to the floor and expired. was no doubt r .nn attack of heart disease. Rev. Mr. Puffer'staame has been familiar with our t people as _a. minister of the gospel for a quarter if it:!::eilryieind he was an exhorter of much note. He at in time represented this county 111 the Assembly. Ho was edvateued In yetus. ffe wee a forcible 'speaker whether in the pulpit or on the stump, and while a fajthfid worker it!ihe Methodist ehureh has been a BUS= fOr tlio &publican party and wu4pdranus of the late county Convention.-- - ,". " hidden Letttey. We met an old Saucon friend last evening, who gave us the following strunge but true story There Is a lady residing in Silicon, a milobelow Soutlißetbleheut, whose husband— now dead—wound and presented her with a ball of white stocking yarn Joist fourteen yeas ago, tel ling her to lay It away and see how long she could keep it. The other day one of her now grown up daughters hanpeneti to roma across the yarn, Unwound it, and to her great astonish ment, found it to be a minature bank, and not so small either; for it contained $5O is gold— two twenty dollar and two tire dollar gold piect. As the widow is in affluent circumstan ces and does not require the money, it has been laid aside es a memento of the kindness and love of thelltleparted consort. —Bah/clam rime... Loss by Fire. On Sunday morning May 12th, about 1 o'clock, we discovered our house to be on tire. Having running water very handy in the house, I soon succeeded in staying the flames, alter burning a portion of the siding, stoop, piaza, and ten sets of window blinds, causing considerable...loss by damage to the house, Which was just completed. .1 at once notified the agent, A. W. Stiles, of Now Milford, Sustfa Co.. Pa., with whom we were insured in the Phcenx Insurance Co. — of Brooklyn, N. Y. He at once came and examined the loss, and adjusted the same perfectly satisfactory, I receiving my money in one wed; trout the time Mr. Stiles re ceived notice of the accidenit. Such prompt ness is very rarely met with in this section. We would cheerfully recommend nil who hove propettV to insure, to give bits a ea before looking elsewhere, as you will be sure to meet with prompt and satisfactory adjustments. SALLY NICUOLS, F. D. Nlt - 13ms, Cauaptown, 14r.airord C,h, May 20th, 1.872 Talk Up Your Town. Talk up your town, and gout townsmen and business. Give encouragement to every useful and creditable enterprise in your midst ; for as certain as effect follows cause, so certain pill every enterprise of merit repay every citizen. We cannot live unto ourselves, and we cannot neglect any movement in behalf of a place without inflicting upon ourselves a personal in jury. If you see a needed improvement for a Gown, demand it, and talk it up vigorously until the whole communityis impregnated with the idea—until a storm of public sentiment com pels the work. Don't stop because some poor mummy, out of whom has withered all public spirit and love of advancement, moans out his ..,sepulchral whine, "it won't pny." Show to you' 'lire fellows that it %till ply, and !Dave the mum• my to Li. embalmed a 11,1 Syl,lllA dust and sin and by anti by you will see the result of your courage and talk In tit - dr:Tsai improve ment, increased facilities and husineits, and is • broad, liberal, generous and public spirit that pervades and ViVitieS and makes pleasant and beautiful every place where it enters. The Ear. Question. The eaitor of the Montrose Rept,Stkin, in f,,rutsthe fluidic that Ell Smith. of New Nil /MS' icipat One very email and one very large egg upon Lis table, and be cackles very loudly about. "Daniel Lambert," "Tom Thumb," "Tarbell's barn," "Grant anti ree lee;' etc. We have two ben's egg presented to 114 by one of our subirribcm, one measuring 8 , 2 inchets by weighing -t , ,,.ounce, and the other measures 2 incite; by 1 3 i, welgning 12 We have no knowlodgc of the polities of these hens, except that our friend said thu lout that layed the srtiall egg stood around and said a it word- like our (trust poiitiehns, bat tt.e old hen that pnwlaitning " r24.1.71-Clutp-Cl.dp- AQI: .1. The p...iople tun look dor the big egg about July next. Democratic Senatorial Conference Pursuant to a call issn,l by the conferees of Bradford County, a conference o „Is held at Tunlihunnock, Wyoming County, un Satunlav the Pelt inst., for the purp,” of electing a del g tte to represent the Senatorial. tiLtriet e,,m prisinz the rotmties 'Wyoming. Susquehanna and- Wayne, in the Democratic State Convention to be held at Reading on the Dal mat The Conference having, been eullml to order the following perWLIS reported:it; daleg.urs; Bradford—Oa V. E. Ptolizt, Major U. Ter Sasquehanna'•— • Not Wyoming—Plods W tn. 11. Platt and Ger , Osterhout. Wayne—Thomas J. Ham. On motion, Colonel Y. E. Monet was elected Chairman, and Thomas .1. Ilam, Secretary. On motion Thomas J. Hain wet. authoriz.e.l to cast the full vote of Wayne county ou tions before the Conference. The Chair announLed that nominations for the office of Serraterial Delegate to the Demo cratic. Stole Convention, were in order. Hon. NVIn. M. Piatt presented the name of Han. Harvey Sickler of Wyoming. 3taj. C. Terry named Job 3.torely of Brad ford. Thomas J. Ram nominated Hon. F. M. Crane of Wayne. No other names being presented nominations - were declared closed, and a ballot was - taken with the following result Sickler, 2; Morley,2; Crane, 2. There being no choice, a friendly dkcussion of the claims of the several counties was had, resulting in the concession of the delegates to Wayne, whereupon, on motion of lion. Wm. M. Matt. seconded by Hon. Geo. Osterhout, it was urtnnintously. Re..!erri. That F. M. Crane be the Senatorial Delegate or the 14th district to the n e xt Demo. eratteState Convention, with power to appoint a substitute. On motion of Judge Osterbout, it was Resafrtd, That during the continuance of the present apportionment Senatorial delegates to th e st a t e Convention of the Democratic party shall be selected from the several counties of the district in rotation. no county being entitled to two delegates within four years. Mr. Piatt moved that the nest Conference be held at Tunkimonock. T. J. tiara offered an amendment, that the place of meeting be Grent Bend. The amendment was lost, and the original motion adopted. On motion of 3laj. C. Terry, seconded by Cot Plollet, tt was Resdreel, That this Conference approves and endorses the resolutions adopted as the platform of the Cincinnati Convention. On motion the secretory was directed to fur nish the Deutociatio papers of the Senatorial District cvitli iti copy of the proceedings forpub /Mutton, after IV bic.h, on motion,- the Confer ence alliccarnettainc du. „ V- E. Pioarr, TLIONAS J. liex, Becret.snr,. •Aiter tin; Conference bad adjourned the fol. lovrin,l despatch, which ea -plains We non-at tendance of delezatns from E:usquebagi Coup ty, wasiri*evt:a: 1- - 31.ay 18;18M' ' W._ fil.:llnp, l'untilnuntock s Conference one woek. • Notice receitegit. oo late for psrtien tolttend to•day. • .• - • , D, . The " Enotarii District" heard From. That friend who, a abort time since, wrote us fhain .the " Easters' District" in this county, hurrahing fbi."Cild White - Bar seems, to have "multiplied ankteplentshed" wonderlidly la a few days post; all or whlctr must be owing to the powerful influence of the Montrose Ilepub he:can. Let the editor:keep scattering his vitriol. 1t correspondeid,of the New York Sun - 'writes as folio - Ws: • • BrsqutttasSa; May '2.l.—Greeley stock is go ing up. The Hoit. „Tames B. Gregg, better &mown as " Boss Senn:ll)7,n-, who was a strong supporter of 6991. Grant, trill, I am inlortued, support Honest Old Horate for President. Hr. Gregg, like florae, IS 11;51414n:1de man. He , built the first engfdrott tie Erie road, That engine is still In exhience:: Railroad men call it the Baby," 31r. Or* Is the superintendent of the immense Machhie shops tit this point. He is a strong Presbyttrian, and has great influence among the thousand workmen in the shops. All of our leading men, both Democrats and Republicans, are tor Greeley. Young Judge Post, probably the most prominent Detuocra L t in Susquehanna county, will stump the State for I lorace, provided he gets the Democratic notni nation. It is diflleult to find a Grant man in Susquehanna. Sic miles hack of this place lives an old Dem ocrat named Eli Page, lie 89 years old and fought the British in 181°. lle never rode in a railroad car until last. week. Ile has several WO voted for Andrew Jackson. This yeiir he 111313 he will change his vote and poll It for llor ace .Greeley becduse Horace is Improve 11:0.111ome Surroundings. This is the season of the year when the sun roundings of hoMes should be attended to, and when they can lin made more beautiful. The village and community in which one lives, have especial clams .upon every house-owner and every house-keeper. Each person in a village Ls ai much in duty bound to assist in beautifying Chit village, us each soldier in an army is to do his part toward winning a battle. Now, that the' time is at hand when such work can be done most advantageously, every one should do stiturthing toward beautifying the village. Paint the ISOITSC that needs it ; replace dilapidated walks; trim up the shrubbery; plant trees where they will improve; make bower beds.; plant races and vines; sow seed on thin grass plots; burn the rubbish; and put away loose hoards for kindling wood. If every laboring 111:111 or rpechanic who owns or h.res a house would devote his evenings and mornings far one week to labor around his home, the village would appear much better fur it. • Who do , :s not admire h home where there is a Lute p.tiustatato; visible in Ito surroundings It does not cost money, lt r is not a mark of ar ristocraey or extravagalthiN it 10 simply an evi dence of good taste, a satanifestation of love for the beautiful in nature, and {woof that the peo ple who possess the home:- are not dm(' irllertt. la rho work of beautit) ing homes the ladies have a very itupprtant part to perform. Their chic, to fingers may trim the rose bushes and protra.t the roses "front devouring worms, and all the flowers from the destroying iasects Chil dren should be taught to admire dowers, but not to plink them until tiny can be spared. Mottars can make thrmeelns and their little ones happy by making their sitting places and playgrounds attractive and sweet_ 4 Little Startling That you must go ureny from home to hear the new, is evilent from the following, which W . ( mote from - a correspondent of the New Fart, Sun, of List Thursday. Sostzutat.sri:s4 Dixu - r, Pa., May 241—During the past twentyEagys forest fires Laeebeen rag e tniirs Midi therein, 'Lich came on Sat. I mlay evening and contd.:l),d during yesterday, the earth was very dry and parched. The river a u at its lowest water marks creeks dwindled to small straw - 1110s, :veils and springs were emp- Iy. leaves and bads were a ithering. The air was filed with smoke from the burning nu mntalus.surrounding no. The sky Was cov ered with a drill hare, and the sun shone with a dim. red glare. in the evening the eight of the fire fiend stalking •aerrsa the bills as grand as it were terrible. On the hills to the west the names, fanned by the strung southwest wind, rose highest, thought doing less damage. Whole for e•ts of timberlands wereswept down in a night, Thousands of eardt of wood and inn barit, thousands of railway ties, innumerable saw 102+, miles of tence, and many houses, barns, and outbuildings weretievoured by the fiery elt mews. The proprietors of the aril factory, three miles from this town. lost 81.000 worth of wood which was in the forest rondo to be drawn out. W Brandt. owner of a tannery on the line of the Jlfferson Bennett, loses $l,OOO worth of hetnloet and ouk. A report was in circulation on Frjday that a large steam saw-trill, near Starrucea, on the Jefferson, was burned. It has not been contradicted. Several cows were burned in the woods with in a tow of here, on Thursday. At Thom son, on the Jefferson, the . farmers turned out en :nave and fought the flames, saving their school building and houses, The Erie antherri th-s sent a force of men to protect their exten... sive trestle, whieli spans a bottomless swamp near this place.. In North Jackson, six miks ,listant, the flames burning over a section tour m:les square, destroying everything on it_ The people rallied. dug trenches in the woods, and stayed the burning title. Woodland belonging to the lion. William L. Ford and Dr, ;Smith, situated between this place and DeposiOurned over. destroying many acres of valuable timber. On Gardlnees mountain, near Hale's Eddy, on Alexander near Deposit. and in the Sand Pond region, whole forests of heavy, splendid timber land were burned, creating a heavy loss. The birds left the burning forests for the un derbrush lining the Susquehanna river or flew southward. A floek of at least a thousand birds formed over the Slarrucca Valley on IVednee day, described a circle, and passed away in a I , OlllllWCStiy CVACCCI 'lan. Very navy; rattle snakes came IX" t from beneath hot rocks 1110 burning gorgeti, to die. On Laurel Hill some were jutap into the air in their frantic efforts to escape dttruction. Some mane down the mountain sides and hid beneath logs and rocks near creeks. Above Lanestxtro stores of the reptiles, larke and small, were seen to min• g,le upon a rneli, lump upward autl run down the hill into t h e flames" Democratic. State Convention. Pursuant to a resolution -of the Democratic State ES'2ol.l.lCVCOMMittee.fill9 (lag adopted, a Democratic State Convention in numbers equal to the representation in both houses of the Legislature, is 2.mby culled to .inect In Mad pa,., Thursday, May 30, 1872, at 11 o'elock a. me, to dominate candidates forGovee• nor, Judge or the Supreme Court, uud (should the Legislature so determine) for Auditor Gen eral and del gates at large to the Constitutional tonsenrion, and:also to form an electoral ticket and select senatorial and representatives dele gates to represent the state in the Democratic National Conveldion By order of the Executive Committga IVAts.ace MaeLClr=eta Mam=E—Pcnirr---In Susquehanna Depot, May Bth, by the Bei; Wm. A. Hitchcock, of Bing hamton, Mr. P. W. Mabee. of Binghamton, and Ma Nannie.L. Post, daughter or Km.M• Past, of &thquelisau Depot. BUSINESS. LOCALS* Notice to Setae , Accounts. Raving waited on many patrons from. nix toten years,•l must in justice to myself, as Well as them, ask for a :settlement of all book accounts, by cash or note, between this time and the first of August next, until that time books will remain at my dike. Alter that they will be placed in the bands of an attorney for prompt collection. E. L GARDNER, M. D. Montrose, Pa., May 20th, 1872. The MaterAt A National Remedy here is the history of floppiest cidebrated tonic of the egu in a nutshell. In 1860 it was announced that u certain combination of vege table ingredients,. with is Ftire diffusion stinau hint, was working wonders in the cure of chronic elyspepSitil, nerVolis debility', liver cOm• phant, Iferiodicalleveth, rhenniatism and con stitutional weakness. The unpretending nalne :riven to the spec:fee was PLANTATION BITTER-1. The statement attracted the uttentlOn of hiss lids everywhere. The new remedy received u fair trial, and the results more than confirmed all Unit had been said in Sts praise. Thence forward it was a grand success. The business columns of the the press spread the glorious news far and wide, and the martyrs to indiges tion, hilliousness, physical prostration and pre mature decay - ,as il' by cominoe. ennsent, sOugin relief front the new vegetable restorative. They found what !Ivy caught. Prom that time to the present the increase in the demand for Planta that Bitters less been one of the most striking events in this age. Temperance Co avention. • The Seventeenth Quarterly Convention, L 0. G. T. or Susquehanna county,.', will meet in Brooklyn' at the Good Templar's Rail, Tumday June 4th, 187:2, at 10 o'clock, a in. Religious Exemisok will precede each morning G. W. C. I'., Chase, will be present (faring the entire session, and will thdiver a-public faldress Tuesday evening G. W. 31,teatr, Dist. Seey. Stetting or Medical Society'. The Susquehanna County Medical Soelett•, will !odd their neNt Bernl-innual meeting at Montime, at the office of E. L. Gardener, on Wednesday, June l.itit.lB:t A general attend ance iv sd-itea. A rlitlie I+,lll he lull in the the :tilt.r.loon, all patience treated free. E. L GAI:DCSER. nth, P 37":.!, w i. Tarl)ollotisc Ilavinci , intiveil fl 1, lfoftin,Liverytothe Tarht•ll lI 00. 1 111 phased 10 :meow:no dule my frimelsin.l ensiouterm with nnything in the livery line. Cyrrinzem with trusty driver.— Good horses and buggies always on lmnal. J. IL RAINSTORM Slate Roofing The sithacriber can furnish and put on No. 2 slate nearly as cheap as hemlock shingle: all the diderent e ; il.-iiicd No. I :date. I can lay slate on old shingled roofs and make a good job. 'Ferias rea.onable. lot office address, W nALt uonwo uT Montrose, Pa. No 1-1-tf c — Vptrial :goticrO. 12=11=110 How We Used to tie Physleked.. Who does not romember the time when spring yam, tion Was C. , rl+l !ere t ittaisinina site to summer health • No matter for wry farm. the Inevitable faltA and dentin. rhubarb, or calomel and Jalsp. must be annalulstered These -spring mein:lnes," the younzegteri were told.. were to keep On Ext halo and hearty daring the rummer We all know now that tide um a fancy ; that con • Igoe. not dep'etion, is what Is reqrtfrral at the etralroenneruett of the ;summer solstice. As a preparation ferrite ener vating effects of oppressive smuttier Weal ti A. A course of litratestees Stomach lllttrra is highly expedient. Titp , ramous Ne , ,n.kble prep, Mimi how threes, prominent properties ; It 1,4t,11(,, and 1, - 1:1.11.110, all the ftnartions of the hotly. It is composed exclusively of pore tegeliable prIXIIICI ions., in: the essential principle of Monongahela nye. and the Most edimelons tonic end alterative mtgs. harks, and glum known to medlml twt•n(sts If care, It is Lints medicine. and rostiortore of the Pharmacopeia one cII1111.1,! WI, II It rattier in partly, or Inch. vartety of its tat). etc. and lts C.1 , 1111 , 1 , f411,1III• Peppily for rusnt. It d, the t bee* that In was necessary t o prostrate a patient Its enter to u4vnl..diat4sl,tte tistitp,fsfifttotEn has token Its plow, Bo:Miter's Bitters it An invtgorint, and hence t I. the proper medielue fur the frraile at this most trying season of the rear tie sere y o 3 °loom no artick ON there are Inn staeraldo ;Is halt/do-rt. in the tusrLet. Look to t ht. otraralrattal stamp, the traer tvi d label. anti tie 1-I.llne Into tbe gloss, iturfettot's Sionsacis Bitters to 'old lu betty's 551,1. Doctor, What is It ? It a que.tlou frtguntly naked by a patteat, who, though prrbapb t ut rock enough to ho coutucti to lA, room or bed, norurtubleas, [beta hiritaelf phyrically co- obi , to ettetat to him .001 alocAtionut There filling or kren,al brulhlng doom of the FygPlli, but no 63,11[01331 ettlittleutly marked to bo oloos- ed de a dl,, yet porollarly tryto to the sufferer The feellog, cannot be expratsed—Dortors don't nu deretand it; They muy prescribe hopefully, set blindly, and without Jesup. Ilene BrtrEtte I. tho 1.4 heuxiitty fur iheiso oitmelens diem - der, TRY AND OE CDN EINCED. Sold by all Druggirti Price our Dollar yr r bottle, ERRORS OF YOUTH. 4 ESTLEJI whw miff:red Tor yesnt from lierrins A nehffitY. Portmstnre Det.3' ..Ond all the clrect. of ,onthfilltndl.eretloewill. (of tbnvake or Reffpring ho tree to tat who thy- media anti cli rhtttott rot making thc oimple remr , tv by which ho who coed hotkrers wish - lag to prollc by'F CI peri. eucc um do no by .ddm . B...g, in perfect conadeoet. ,:• J011:1 R ~(113k:N, M:MZi2IIOM!E TO Coastnanivm The edvtrtitor, having been peronnentfy cored of that dread Moen., Consumption. by a aleopin retnedy, In.lntriont In make known to btu felloterafferery the meat.. of care. To all who desire It, ho will fend a copy of the preperiptlOti Wed. (frco of caarge,) with the diree tlone for preon ring dud Wang the same. ableb they teal and n /WILE Coon fur CONISCIPTIUS, Arm eo, Bnotreni- Va. c. Parlicv wlstarsz the prexerlptlna p!eanc nddress EDWARD A. WILSON. soelth Third Strct.4, WOlLLmsburgh. N Y. ME C017E33100 13? AN INVALID, TyIf:LNIIED as a waTultqr trod for the betwal of iragul ruts and othert; .110 titificr from Nervaras rupplyinii rut .11L1.N.1 or an.rceut. Written by on.. who eurrd Iltra•elf, nod rout fmc on rctele Ins , a pant paid directed envelO'r. yy ActdrvAs, NATHAN 3IATFAIIt,' Bonoilyn,N. Brooklyn, May 17. 1571. lim CAP — Geiting 31arrled...-Eosays for yonng Atone tort doltgoln liono, and Are propriety or o(getrlng worried, with sanitary Well, for thoee who fret ouflu,ed tor taatrtnwnial bappinego Rent free. In toiled envelopes Aildre", 110 WARD if....SOCIATION Box P., Illilldefrhla. P. MEW TOUlli ritonvcsc TIAIIKET'S Corrected weekly' by }larding. Hoyden S.; Co. ;523 Iraosbingtou Et . Nen• York. Bitter, pail ....... •• Cherse,ilairy, per lb factLry "... Eggs, per dor Float, per barrel. . Corn meal3oo Wheat, per huahel.. Rte Oats Coro 'fops, crop of 1871.. Lard per lb Potatoes per WA... Apples " .. • Turkeys per 11).%.... Chickens " Ducks " ST. VITUS' DANCE CDRED Y AIRS. A. A. WAY LOYI,XARTIAIrrET) LB She eon be catenited at Arr renitence to Brldgewa ter. no the taint Adjebtibg Jo baton. Ben Of reereceeerglun. 'r lI:TAYLOR Br datV,llLet.l;fareb.M. r r E" Avery kind of Tea to market.Juat atrived,sae for inla at Nor Y wIVOIPVLI. price. Also a atm as. aorunant..ay corEgt. Bay of not and iattejtmayeas - • • • 41101.111 REEL, groat Advertionueuto. STATE OF John Wane, of the township of Animal E Pnwpmeanna county, Pa., decoseid.—Lettere of Ad. minletmtion opou the estate of the above Amend dote. dent, hoeing been granted to the oudershined., all per sous Indebted to said satate 00 barely conned to make immediate payment; nod those haring dams. against thu same, to Prosoot them duly authenticated for settle- DEGNAN, t ary t* t.9. 1511.—we. Qt111:121Fl."9 irtrtne'nf writ beetled bilho U Court of o.oinruon Pleas of Susquehanna county and to en d -, ,,,rted, I will expose to vale by public vendor, at the Court lu :Montrose, on SAurdaj, Juno W., o'clock P. 01, thu deacribed place or rosr vet of aunt. to tilt All that eert.M. piero or parcel of laud, eltnate In the tow of Franklin, In the county ,of Suequahadna, cleft elate of PenOrylvania, bounded and detntetbot, Oct !Winne, to alt; On toe north by lauds of Drinker's ...tate. on It,: root by lande of John Welch and J. Moo. ris.uu on the reyllh by Lunt, of Patrick qututry. wad un the wed/ try ladda or Thomoe Qtdr,fey and J. VVlntlen, contatuln e e acres more la Its., WWI the eppurten. tonne,. t frame boa,, and about .15 acres Improved tnetzed and taken In edoetnion at the cult of A.. Lathrop c c . frdteerd Vrt,enattett and Thema, Metro.' NOtler Is hereby given that all bids mart be pad In cu-11 ou day of cafe. WV. T. MrikLEY,Shetiff. Sheriff - 4 °Mee, Montrose, May d 5, tem NOTICR.— In the r..tste of Jch lel Dayton. t creaked. letters of Administration In the sant estate haring tweet granted to the uuderalgn• ed, Alt persons owing said cotate, ore requested to mete Immediate laymen,. and all persons basin zeLalms against said estate are requested lepresent theta to L. 11. DAYTON, 1 S. W. DAYTON, May 16, 4 rIOTOIIS NOTICE —Tho nndeMgnml having Imo .tlk appotottot by the Court of Common Pleas. of quvhantia scants. en Auditor In distribute the hood: In II tad. of the Shorter. artrina from the .ote of the Ro o t Eeta•a• of It. It. Ii triter, sell) attend to the e.utfra of his appi intro.% at Lod ofllce lo MoutrOao. un linatty, )ley at. at 1 o`rlock p. m. All pereons Intereltod mill an.. present their claim.. or be forever debarred from cowing I u upon bald foods. A. W. ur.rrruoLF, And'r. May It. Itr2.—Lm. BERIPTS SALE.—By virtue of emit loaned by . thy Court of Commoo Pleas of Susquehanna ennu i ly and to me dir,ted. I will expo, to rale by public v, uduc„aunn.Court Bongo In Mon troen, 00 !An:11110 r June 1,1578. at I o'clock, p. w., the following piece or var,el of laud, to wit .511 that ccetoln piece orparcel of land. situate in the ton whip of Jessup, In County of Sasqnehanna and State of Pennsylvania bounded and deteribed as follows to wit On the north by lends Elkannah Bolles and • I. F. Cooper, on the east by lands of Wm. Hour, on the South by bads Paul Millet and Elisabeth Bedell, and on the west by lauds of Henry Bertholf and Elkanab Bolles. containing &boat le caret no' 80 perches of Land the same more or less, with the apportenccs, I , dwelling hottoe, barn. young orchard. and shout 150 notes Improved S,Tabec in execution at the suit of L. F. CL,oper vs. . A Mager.) ALSO -All that certain niece or parcel of land, situate the township of Lenox- to county of Suaquchanua and Ft ae of Poona.. IVIVVLed and described at follow., to colt: Beginning at a stake and atones the southwest corn r toed, of Curtis Pratt, In south line of Thomas ma w, Pratt's line north 110 perches to a stake and clones to a comer of Bently Prates' land: thence atom( said Benny Pratt's Bee 8h degrees weal 117 perches to stake and stones In writ for of sahl Jor. don't wurnuiler ; thenro along the Come sonth 8.3.4 de grees oust to s-to twrches to postsouthwestcorner of Jr-ant., Incur, alou, lee ,n.enurat ta degrces smut ISf Slit perches to the of beitinaing. O :MUM:dog torso. tne..lnet ulth the nnnurtenanren. one frame ; honer. [Token In I.2evnll,on at too cult of Lolatoon 'Taylor vs Oeo. W Smith,] ALSO—AII that certain let of land. situate to Lawn ship of Spriu,2viilc. In the County of bussieehoons and Seat .. of Pennsylvon to. hounded and tli4arlbod as follows, o II; iteeltiolug nt the veto r • of the rood mantas hoot the bodge ucor Joshua T oho:tot a to KnaeOn Corners north ;ear deg.. , cave n rd. In the centre of eelid rood: thence north FS de_r,-,e weal 20 rods to a Bate sO,l stoner, thence Fallon a degrees est S rods to Oak , and stoner , thence coo , h dvgrevo Coat VI sods to the pore of byinoloo, morel u Ing one acre of land, too-,rip lege. Wlt the ItPtildernancer, one frame hnose oily frame ham coMC frith and oramental trees and all Inlrrov,4l. (Taken in execution at the suit of tornelltto Curio, to rho use of A. J. Gerrltoon, re. D. J.)lciekiir sod Vornellas Cosine 1 Notice I. hi rein given that oil hit. roust be cold 10 c a., on doe ••1' .10c. WOO T, MOXT,SY. Sheriff, z-neeisfs office, at ontlollc, Pa., AProli JUST OPENED! Now and Eplondid Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES ! J u,t errived [tom the City. conv4.ting, of all kinds, :or men, Women, Moses and Children. Will be HAI at X—. Ow sE•ortx ion ror ("0,1/, rer 'ailn Stine§ i r e order. xnd of , p ,orjr een nn noticC. Tbore wuhfne enythinn Lt thin line nun Save Zenney by igiVA•Z atv a VAIL SAN oyA dourwact of E. lir.rneee Shop s , j E. h. A. H. UPTEGROVE. Motrtrone, April 77. - lSrrsl}Rxabrr GRIMM MIYERSARY (0331.Etic.t.: VfS W a l la ' 71- kt; Union Leaan lloare, - a trge beautthally Color ed sflp ..1 la. ohnwin4 Fatrtraount Fork. sabere I 1.. t'"ntrnnial Almtver.nry Bnlldmga wilt ho rrriTect - , So.. Sire. 1,, by 11 inea,.4 Pnblinhod in aid of the Centennial Fond. A11[741,1 WAN-rco.—From $2 to VD perday can be made Send GO cent, and epi,Cilllvu copy and terms 10 Agcpti will by <cut, by mum , mil. T. R. , CALLENDER ti CO., Publishers, trd und.i.Velaut Ste., Phl.adelphla MANHOOD; HOW LOST, RD PI RESTORED. WSAX ou the nantem.conetwithout nom:. nine) of SPERIIATOMUCA, Of Seminal calzhcao, In vol. rat y Seminal Lo ca, •IMIVIIC7 Mental and Phvolcal locapscilY. IloPedimenta ye, etc; also, towel mption_ Epilepey , , and kits, Induced ..elf indulgence and sexual ustrnvateanee. rn Price, in a arlieli envelop,. only G cents. !The celebrated wither. in this admirable essay. drum:lett% t n from a thirty yeares successful practice that the niarming conseqttences of tell snipe may be rtd.eilly cured without the dangerous sae of internal mcdiei ue ne the npplicatlon of rho knife :pointing out a wale of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual. by peen, of which every Greener. no matter what his coedit lon may be. mat care himself thesply,privanly. and noinllv. per This lecture should he In The hands of every ynath and • very icon bribe laud. Sent under rut, In a Nola envelope, today address, postpaid nu reeipt of its rents. or two post stomps. Also, Dr. I 'ulwerwell's aqtarringe Guide." price Zeta. Addl... the Publbsbers. 2t CO., 127 flowery, New Yora, rost-Oellee Dos 4.5%. AT A. N. BULLARD'S Is the place to buy your Groceries, Provisions, Oka. lurge and Medium Clover and Timothy Seed Cheap, A °clod Created corke ID ccts per poand Good Tea at 33 cebta pcepoutid flood tialaratus 3 cents per paper, choice. Corned steel, minus all the bones. CHEAP I A Large.tat k of Canned and Dried Fruits, and Vegetables and more to c few days. Pare Ashton salt, in bstshalsaaks, Oafish ,- riss ' met sod Smoked llallbnt, and. In fact nearly or UPe everstbing retded to keep house. with and Mt IYIPPY ml rxtrentely low Mr LYS"Ctsb or ready pay. Ifontroec:March,l3, • - • XS ow a eirlt:kl. rti !we:im-Rs SIIILDRE-3fESSRS. COOLEY I._r St 'sTONF., are prepared to to ell klod* of Bon:l -ino told Varscrrren Work, Beck Wnrt 31Orttry, end Pairldnr. by the Job or in soy nuamor to nit el:m ums..N. Also, root Blind& Doors. lionbtinga, of all Itlods,P cad Window Framer. to order. Phro Lumber cqnstartly on band. Stop In gort.r.tetordr Malang. Noutrosr. W. COOLEY. STANLEY STONE. St untrore. December. 1871.--5:-Cok. . `Atr.ol3 . 15d 1 0 . 1 de,l7 14L15 7 2507.50 $ 75(9;4 00 t.620Y I.ot 13Q.F.,51 72,(1,74 35650 LOOK. DINROHANTS AND TRADERS I! IN :zlB COMITY AND ELSZMUCEM 234010 la mil:Ts- QM' M. C. TYLER, 79 I?. 81 DUANE ST., N. V 8w.9 ..... 5642,1 twrers OM Sc CO.l ASP IF NOT, 111211" NOT?' (7PAER.A.I.:IIARDWARE. Cutlery. Scythes, Shovels, ur Looking cii.vrer. Lightning and ninny other X Col Peueoliteel, andlron pole AxN, (the too.t in tho World. every Vivi of linaohee, Door I,ocar, Loetca;Kno r Knobs,' Gnat, mete; Wool verd,'Finet44, Ca v tees Teals, lilacloonlant Pellowa and Tools. Kara Entrea.,Yotica and ggpeno. and everything nanallykeva toaPlr.tCass Ilardwaralteporting andJubtana Maw. So glotake 11 ,My placer. natal. are-tethered to the' mazy lo any Coanty.ter.lba Mad pattarolarob ariaLlo toShalaroP7, In other caontlrs4•,dette mallard thro d anti general. invitation Id hereby gieealera roatroironaa radr PO pa to-theta wee aro trlllingto plat me trlal r Who Ufa pot pone ad, Of: •=4lp• Tell; • , i Fin O. TIM= Xesttorejtatch,llo.lll7Z-4i'; 'roamer° CIUEP, Jn.. This nearly theroOgb red i.Stanton will stand the present season Tor_gf t,_Madel. season commencing April tot and endive 7101, Fridays and Ratrirdark. at the sable of J. S. Tuba, in Montrose, the rest of the week at the eubscriber's, one mile esstof Auburn 4 Corners, °tram rood trailing to Sprlagslllo - Toronto Chief Jr., was alma by 'Toronto Chief, who for s peed and bottom to ahead of I any stallion on record , le was aired by 'loyal George and his dam by Rho:tweed. oat of an Eclipse mare. Hayed George was by 'Pack Warttor ; and he by Lmport. ed Tlppo; and he by Itermenger, of England. " TosuNvo Efate. Jo,'s dam was sired by the thorough bred Jeffergoo, oat of a Majesty more. Jefferson was by {'lrgtnfai he by Sir..Archlo,ahe rice of Sir Henry and grandsire of AmeriCan Star-dam by Oln Favorite. Second dam ft d Bell Ate.' Tonotoro Cron. Jo.. is a blood hay with black points Mil tall, weighs I.211:1 1b.., it)( bands togh• boo had no training. but hue good gait, end dr his weight to hard to beet Call and ceo id ea, and Judpefor yourselves. 1 , 11,11 es of his get can he seen at the eebscrlber's. Mares pastor ed on reasonable terms. Accidents and etropea at the owner.' risk. other rules as costomary. Terms to insure with fuel, 615; low:trance money parable March I 1.171. 7. !I. CRISMAN. Propriefor. Amhara 4 Corners, Pa., March 23. ISll.—null-man. A. H. FIIANCISCUS 41. CO., /PIARLEET STREET, PRILADELPLIIA We Pave opened for the SPRING TRADE. 01011m:est and beat assorted Stook of mair and Floor Oil Cloth.. Window Strides anti Paper. Carpet Chain. Cotton. Yarn. Dot. tin:. Wadding. Twine.. C ocks. Looking illaraca.. Fancy Baiikets. Brooms.Bastors, Buckets. Broth es, Clothes Wrliigions,,Woed nnthe tiriltantaten" .antl Willow Ware In Oar thtre ' , term.° to hneleeseenablet nit to eell et low pace, sad thenteh the beet quality of Goode. SOLE AON'T FOR TOE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER. sa.zo. Over 1900 cold to &ix Months Ten 44: Carpet., Go d,r, All °act. goode, =Mar., I. Fcb 14.11 L Sm.. THE _EAGLE Drtig s5l t cs• re! 33117MLNEI db 1riC:13340,12E9. BRICK BLOCK, MONTROSE, PA., Sign of the Golden Eagle and Mutat-. WE Desire to Inform the stabile that +re bare merred our Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, 011sjirah 0-. Comb., Perfumery, Fancy:: Artides, tho Ursa' Store, fonnerly;uceopled. by bbattraberg; BURMA baum ea. We have recently fitted up thin store la Modern Style trod shall endeamr to Dot? wen supplied is Ith oil orttetes pertalnihg to the Drug I}l6irice,. We exteud to cverysudy a cordial hir/tatton t't call and tee us when in Want of anything In oar line, and when NuT In want, give In a friendly call To all our old Cilvteinere we desire to !Sprees our thanks fur the very liberal pvtronam: hatonfore catended to as. Wo shall unde-trur to merit a CocifilelaliCe of the sauna. Very Truly Doors, A. B. DEITS:S, A.M.LtS NICIDYLS, Montrose. Dec. 20, ISTI Mil US HU MINIM! DO YOl WANT Frlpt3.o Elqew -;:, a'.• • Sewing Machine.? MO ol d friends and patrons of Surpnehanna county— ). &pin In chn new aolin;Ling sour PlitYo.4cc.(ll The Original Howe Sewing Machine, ESTARLDITIED, NIT. IMPROVED, 1811 Piente cell and tee It. with the linprnvetnentr. at ludo store. Itetnember the Genuine Howe has no medallion bend. ROOMS AT- 56 Court . Street, Binghamton, N. Y., Wilson's Store,.ffiontrose, Pa. Somme. Jsec Ignt TO ALL 11101 7010 WEST . 1 : BLGGLGE ofECKED TBBOlll3ll TICISZTS AT LOWEST BATES! TO ALL POINTS *EST, NORTH-WEST AND BOIIM-WEST gall RALE et all principle stations Railway f Dela, ware, Lacknarenus & Western HO ! ERVE :Ta , ninvitiE goer can -obtaiu ThrOpS Tickvta to ST. LOUIS. KANSA, CITY.-LEWirlI% OTH; ATCHISON. ST. JOSEPH, iPT. SCOTT. DENVER, and all pointe to Missouri and Kama, at the very hornst rotes, and have thcir household good. and (might chipped at .pedal rate. wo.ausersartscanrLet FRO3I.IIO7.CTROSE, AND ON LINE:OF Dclaware. Lackawanna & Western RaiivraY , MP( Flom ta'e notice - dial a Direct Catineclon le mat% at DINGHA3ITON, with all ,eVirrces trains an ERIE RAILWAY ITY - De rare to not for Tickutv via "EarERATLwir . which can he procured at When of MONTROSE STAGE LINE, MONTROSE. PA -19311236.11L7-47. Alk.gozat. LOOK •- . : iircimix4±nirg T Tt°ss WV . 2;V / r ldpi '3loni,, L, ..,;eter.oll Wm the remaining instalments of five dollars per itharil tact,. canal (0717 reeoletion of the ]toazd Directors payable as Collette : • Fifth Instalment ~....... ....... .4enttary 15th, 187 t Rath instalment... :Vet:teary 15th, 1114 Seventh Instalment • lath, 1511 Eighth Instalment April 111 h, 1611; Slush 1n5ta11ment...., 316 ,7 15 tb ,1312 Trotht Instalment • Jar.e 1811 As the stork ts progressing most favorably, It le earnest. ',desired and absolutely iiimeriary that the Palmate µwild ho promptly nut on the part of Stockholders. C.I.IIIIOWIt, Secretary •.._ ,••••_ It4:ooPliliqraserrixhi; , . goallysii..tc4Aktabartte • Ptlllv.°ll,oatel - i V.,,,°): shli g a trgi, i t: ogered u faledW-111/450 "rathillaaa: 'Matt an Kra to ,thedee k anet=nl}4 tub on bet and maple near the weeding, being the tad division pf the dazed 43 lee re Wm Tar farther las esoln of J. B.CerMalartili,. 'erg. Lthea,_ La& re• Frigooeme.—"soa-1.- • . i. ~r , - 4. •• t' • i T I, EMMEN PROPRIETORS AND AT 'PUN 3fORE gaunt MutsittegA Two lines in this Directory; one year r sl.Bo. each additional lino, 60 etE. • NEW 71.11120D.D. BAITRGS lONNE, N'ENV MILFORD.—SIx per test. In terest on fin De Pitt,. D:.yes a ♦nets) Ilatithrg flea.. - : 0 = 13, a MVO e CO." cAvraA. rusrEtr.—NMuous 8168SUlt - Eft:.• LoeskrringentdoeCayAvirluter. Flub w. L ',togs a co', Dry awai, irstr.c.* sad Shook and 'am Merclard!dso, 03 MAW Mott, Accord door boloW en d 4111cup:a church-9r'. - U7r. ra:( HOTEL, kept by WILLLIM- SILITIT r ar Matt' itrect, near rhelteDot.—. . . - W. S.r2. Foundry* and dialer In Plods and diked ntenollo, °midi"?' from Pidnnefs goVil MAI*SI.. N. V. KIM 11311, Car:t3ga Maker and . itbderfaker, Nal&Street, twridvara below ILl*ley•Etary • SIcCOLLI33I gIIOVIETtg: llearenOtt Groeerfat PrOVISIOIIII,TII gala. street,• fl. GARRET d SON. Dealer• to Flour. Feed. NW, 844 Lltne, , Cement, Groceries wad Provisions sur Mein Street, opposite tiro DepQr. W. s, T. UATDEN, Idannfacturors si agars sad Whole,. to deniers in Yankee Notions and Panty (loads. on Slain direct, below Eplacapslararek.'t &foss 4 .101 AP: Lestbet 3faaufiotarert tia Cukor to occo Finding", &c., scar ERlscopal cbmsb. AINET lIATDM Deniers inDrogoesuMOdklifel and 3U onfdetorers of Cigars, on Ya7a 13Lisot,..Stelk; the Dopot. W. STENIMS, Worse SEtoolar, audironernlittia!tio,r on Stale Smcf:trontb of brit ge. I. DICK.CII7.t.i.N. D'calaln general tnerthandbr nod Clothing, Brick Stonr, on Main Street. GI EAT MND.. L. O. liantactaner of tember, and dealer gc.ncral Sicrcbandlse, ou Man Street.• ' .• D. P. DORAN, Merchant Tailor nytd dealar' to bee Mule Clothing, Dry Goode,Urocericasarroilalans, Mara street! . ""'" -" 1111M311 WHITE, lisouftOttircr of mud acatertaaoperl or Plows arid Costlozo, dIBSON 11. 31.11N0LnY—Dealer in Stores. Tln..C.Stopes;:grruiss and tibectlroo Ware, Giallo" /cc. Also.'mantrfactur er of Sheet Metals to order. Eve Trougb and Lead Plpre baldness attended to at fair prices—Gibson Hollow, Peonssdranfa.-43r. EDWARDS & BRYANT. Mentilectstrate of, Wagons. and Ble4rbe„ near the Ingalls • ,„ , MONTROSE, 0. R, RRETIZ—Count ) Samyot, of Basque/tuna calla! ty. • 0121,c0 In the Cowl Hansa, Montrose. Pa.-10-11.',.% ABEL TURMILL, better to Drogs„Veiliciasi. U. Tiers, Patnts, 0111. Dreg Strife, Groceries. Jewelry', Notion*, eto, , . . . JAMES E.. CARMALT, Attorney at Leer. Clddetttlore door Won. Tubell lioneo f Public Arcane. COOPER ' A CO— Ranker., sell Forel n Pas sage Tick,ta and Drab on England, Ireland aognass landr J. R. FLCIVIIER'S Eating Saloon Is the plate to tot Ice Cream, Oysters and CLIMA, /II crop etyla. Op Julio street.• • STROUD G BROW. General Fire andflAta loap gheeAeonte; also, Ten Railroad sad dedldent Rickeda to New York dad Raladelptda. 00:41 one door 'Lit dram Bank. F. D. CELCCOLETI. Geuetallmartncoand.94WiegUire: ebbe Agent. Ptibllc Avenue.* & SICIrOt.S, the place to get Dragsandliadi= etter. Cizara, Tobacco, Pipes, Pocket-Buolot, Spett4 . eh", Taxan.: 'Not.tens..ta, Thlck•Block, . _ cot, Ilsruess maker and dealer in all article* usually kept by the trade, oppasitolita Bank. ' UOTD b COMM:, Dealers la Stoves, liardwaree snd3lnnofuetarcr* of Tin and Sl:medals efafercaran. of Mean nad Tonal:like intent. IT. iTnrctiant taDor and deals/ tr Cloths. TriMllllll, ,, F, and Varnishing Goods. 800 Ready-Made Ciothina, on 31aIn Wren, next door be- Tou Little and 1312keleeN LAW OfTee'. A. N. TWLtAirD. Deafer to Oroce,fe,, k ro yide,,, Dunker, EAndonervAnd Yankee Notions; at heat or Panne Avenue.* • T.' mire a Ca., Dealers in Staves, Hardware. Agricultural implement*, Flour arid Groceries. Opp. site TArbcllllourc-_ ,r2a. LaYNSFORD 5- Livery and Stable, In rear of Beall balliiny, , WILLIAM SMinflig rstenatre Puniftwe Ittrcrocun on lila La alelargal auxkot FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FURNITIJItE! . , To bo foand In ME* oction of ths coantry, of Ma Os* manufacture, ond at prlcatt that mnot tattoo gtv* Nat , honor". Ho *tact . tltio very best EXTZNSION TABLES r •To the Coueui, and WARIUNTS the UPIIOLStERY WORE Of al kinds 4gdic in the neatest. manceit f 3 XIL Gi• 13 ZI 3pl o'l o ramous SAWS. PURE NO.I IifATRASSEf3, COMMON MATIItiSEMAJ,, U,NDERTAkiNCi:' T)peratteartftar artllltantatter mattaabotmdatidtlit_ • it apeclalt7 is its Imtacta, fining _put cotoplaimi • SEW and the moat Grant IMAILtaI to tberatetkati omit rtg Ma et calms win be attettito• to prompuyana • eattetactory ettargetatai , M. W.' MOTH tr. SUI. Montrosi. ih., Jac. SI, 604 k) rand 11, ." rend, yell Veered. one band bolldhsg. bind ay... mites Opts Ovott Bend and two miter hew - rain Centerr, in -Liberty .Teranthil›. Bun% ra-;" bikeira ee the UMW ?nAadd''WV. rWtß per senotad two tbStd* el It ea lon credit. . Y hut , et pettteallri Meta/worn; Treeedell,on adltdlttig: tem. we Of 4: CJAMPI , tII. Orfgn - -- 7 ALSO irtooi.2d Italy ttp!s Ito auger lasailksie. immiSter&coql,- - • . - iagrawm„,ktr , stutk - sitim—vitt , 44. ,;.,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers