The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 22, 1872, Image 3

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    - giiii"'.liitottiiiiiii.:,.
BAPTIST, Mita! t#4l,3 P
, 011D;lutor.
BAbbath altiefki r:l.lOX.a. UsDAM
.beatsSchooL Um.
Prayer fficeting, WodgesdayEte9b4p.
sappily Barden,— ..... Seixani Buda.? to anti Month
RAl:4th Schwa, laimpAatell betcart, Maas
EPISCOPAL CIIITECIIi Att. E. A. Etaanarta.L'ector,
Sabbath Services.lON ii., ta..ard7X p. ca.
:.eaday School . It m.
Week-Day Services—Wednesdays Ilf P. ca.
Sabbath Services ; ::: - L.... 10.44.1. at. mad 7Z P. ca.
sebbsta School " .. '
' "' • • ' • .
?AP .1 p la.
Pram X ectlat,ll4lradKrlL. . ' ... . CI.
. .
. .
PRESBYTERIARCURCE - Beir..7, 0. Mn.txs.
sabbatb Services " 10A5 a. m. tai TYI p, m.
sebbso Sellout " * 11.1 Sp. za..
Prayer Mteting, Tharsday Eveatage 'IX P. ca.
l*ltttention to the following advertise
mnritn ; .114 this week. •
43eitierallnsurttneo Agent—Billings Stroud.
—Rich and Rare Tallnring=Grores & Sant
—Montrose Bazaar ofTashion—Guttenburg,
Rosenbaunt le Co.
~-Road Letting—Bridgewater.
—Miscellaneous Advertisement—George P.
Rowell & Co.
Antiquity or Pins.
It has been thought that pins were rather n
modern invtatiOn, but this Ides has been *recent
ly exploded. The Court Journal ease that "a
collection of twenty-five well made Pins has
been found in the subterranean vaults of
Thebes," showing that they must have been in
ise long years ago, and have only-been relnien
t ..
"IC has never been determined yet where
am from ; but it seems we have not known
how long ago they came Into existence, and
were in use not so commonly as now.
Attempt to Burn Oar Town.
A wicked attempt was made on Thursday
last, to set fire to and burn the most valuable
block of buildings In this borough. Some
heartless villain without fear of God or Devil
before him, kindled a fire in the stairway lead
ing to the Republi;lns office fiumiliOrey of the
Wyotning National Bank building, which, if it
had not gone tat, would have destroyed tbo en
tire block from Wall's Hotel to A. 'E. Jones'
furniture establishment, comprising sit stores,
two basks and a hotel—property worth 8150,-
000 or more. Nearly all of these store build
ings are occupied as residences, on the second
floor —Tan/Ammo& Democrat
31n.,g r orron:—I take the libeLty of rending
these tniginas, which 1 hare composed myself
for you to insert in your paper, if you think
than appropriate, by so doing you will oblige.
I am composed of 14 letters
:Sty 3. 11. 5, 6 is a kind of cake.
My 1,2, 12, 13 is a flower.
My 4, 7. 8, 14 Is a geometrical figure.
317 vitals is the name of s very popular
am composed of 14 letters :
My 1. 2,.5 a kind of bed.
My 3,4, 14, 8 Is a house of moss and twits.
My 6, 19, 7,9, 14 is agirrs name.
.31y 11, 12, 6,1, 3 is a pre:Lions stone.
31y whole is a city in Turkey.
MAN:LetE A. Warm.
Philadelphia, May 10,18
Old Shoes
Science and experience are constantly demon
strating that there is nothing without its uses,
even old shoes—a fact which few people realize
or reflect upon, when they 'throw old boots and
shogiVitS 'other rubbish, in the ash barrel Old
leather is cat into small piece§ and put into
illoride of sulphur fur a few days. This
inakea , the leather bard and brittle After tt has
been thoroughly washed and dried, it is ground
into a powder, and mired with gum or glue. It
is then passed into moulds, and converted into
combs, buttonk knife-handles, and various other
The Andes Insurance Company.
Week before last we published on the author
ity of the Insurance-Timm, a statement that the
Andes Insurance Company, of Cintinnati, had
been eicluded from the State of Connecticut on
account of the impairment of ha capital • The
President of the Company informs us that the
statement which we copied from the Time is
Unfounded, and that the Company holds the cer
tificate of the insurance authorities of Comm
ticut and every other State in the Union. . The
Andes Company, having paid nearly a million
of Chicago losses, and yet retaining a solid capb
cal of 6800/000, would seem to be worthy, the
confidence and patronage ot,the public.
Terrible Accident.
Yesterday morning (Monday) about 11 o,clock,
as Major Joseph A. a Austin, was in the saw
mill at Center Village, Broome county, N. Y.,
the sleeve of las coat caught in the large eircn
lar saw, drawing Mammon it and completely
muting his arm from the shoulder. Be was seen
to raise himself and straighten up when he
staggered towards the saw again, which in this
instance caught the unfortunate man about the
tace, cutting off is head. The accident was so
sudden and slut; in its nature as to almost
paralyze those were present. Major Austin
was about yearla of age, and has made himself
conspicuous ha the Village, as a mein] and Ma
rotta] eltlzenand one who bad Identified him
self with the many improvements of the place.
Binghamton Demoond.
Hold and Dextrous Robbery.
This forenoon Mr. James L. Frey, merchant,
went'to hank and drew therefrom P,OOO, which
he took into the counting room , in the back part
of the store of his brother-In-law JohnEtt Wes.
East Bing street. /last then the caravan' be
longing to Barnem's "great :shown ' - passed np
East Bing street; and Mr.-Frey, :well= as all
the employees of the Mitre, went front to look at
it, Mr. Frey Placing the money on the desk
in the counting room and ,covering It with a
paper, lie was atismt but II minute or two,
but when he returned his money was gone,
some dexterous thief, as it is supposed, having
entered the rear of the store by way of the alley
sod mewed the prize —Loarader Faferlisearer
To Delingtiepto.
an editor, whose subscribers were remiss- in
payment, lately _ publisked( the following, an
in his paper :IP To save our mod
els the trouble of sending tbeirimbStriptionsby
post, and to reheie two I:ml . °re:tastes, ire shall
send to eschntonr debtori, to the . coursc"?f 3
lbsr days, two collectors, one ofirboto bastard
ly recovered from the smallpox...nal the ?le"
of whom bus just taken the itch." The .delln
guords did not wait to but paid
thel.r.dOes PlimPti.t.-As this ;OAP's worked
salisraelory Mite proprietor asabere Slated,
we bopttni tbematter cadet' Serims tbOtt . t,t
of_P4cplipg surselves—prov@ing so
tare two Reasons possessing , the' neceMniy ~
fllctions 403 , hone Bud will pleasa addrett
us.: N. B. it is not required - that applies its
should reiprtst our *Mee, nsmatters can bear-
ranged satisfactorily-lit atiltitance. ' : ' :
tlrrbe X' 8 Nita ficiclety, - * in be tad it
the t:esidasce of th J. W. Cobb, on Fridayero
dog atzt. „ill/ are kiiiett. • , .
—We are pleased to learn that Arthur Bul
lard, son. of S. N. Ballard of Mentrcete, • has re
ceived life degree of M: D.; and is a resident
physician, In the Ptimcepathie -Hospital, , No.
1116 Cuthbert sheet, Philadelphia. Mr: Ballard .
is an example of what perseverance accompa
nied with a high aim, and good character can
accomplish: Our knowledge of him, both as a
student and citizens; lead us to predict for Dim
a worthy position in his chosen profession.
—Dr. W. L. .Richardson, deserves a resolution,
of thanks from the Citizens of this bora, for
having placed such 14.1 very fine and exten
sive atone walk in ftnnt of Ids residence. It is
pirhaps, more ftilly appreciated by comparison
with the bee.ak-neck Condition of the major
part of the (has .beee) .plank walk In our town,
making It almost as mach' as a person'e life is
worth to venture over it on a dark night. We
hope the excellent example set by the Dr., will
be very vonttigicuis, amounting even to an
epidemic.. The.stone were furnished by 0. 8.
Beebe, from his quarry near town, and the walk
was put down by him.
—To-morrow evening (Thursday.) the Tre
main brother's and John G. Pierson'a Operetta
Troupe and Burlesque Bell Ringers, will give
ione of their popular musical entertainments at
the Court House in Montrose. ThP el tizens should
be doubly Interested, as the proceeds arc to be
for the benefit of the Montrose Choral Associa
Lion. We hope the house may bo filled.
—Wm. Mason Evens, the elocutionist, gave
our citizens a very interesting entertainment nt
the Court Souse on Mondayevening last, which
was received with much applause. The oppor
tunity of hearing a personator of his abilities la
M. E. Chtn'cb Question.
Mn.Eorron:—Mr. J. S. Thomson, has noticed
my article in reply to" Humanity," In a way
which renders it necessary In reply to his
article, in as much as he endorses the slanders,
In " Hummaity's" article, in the following
gitago viz "We can assure Mr. B. that ' Hu
manity' neither retracts nor modifies, what he
I wrote," and also, that " Humanity" gave the
Prohibition of Female Sinners. fastsunvarnishedfasts in the case, etc., etc. Mr.
Thomson says further, " But the relations of
Archbishop Manning has recently tuned an
Mrs. Welmhn, applied for the use of the said
edict to his clergy, forbidding the employtuent or
church In the usual way, and they were retesed
admission even, of women in church choirs as its
s The article referred to above, and
singers. This seems to us, a very singular step I
thus endorsed by Mr. Thomson, declares that
on the part of this eminent ecclesiastic, and we
he proper authorities of the 31. E. Church,
have not seen the reasons which led to this bold .
(vm. Trustees,) refused the use of the said
Innovation on established usage. Many years church for the funeral of Mrs. Grace Wellman.
ago alady who was the prominent singer in the This statement I
did pronounce utterly false,
Episcopal church in Binghamton married a
and made with the view of injuring the 31. E.
Catholic, moved to New York, soon after ,
Church of this place.
joined the Catholic chiral, and was the a long
. Ido not wish to continue "any further con
time a much admired singer, in one of 1 " e , troversy on a subject of this kind ;, but I deem
churches of that denommation. Had she met
it my duty to defend the reputation ot the so
this edict in her new church, it wonld we
ciety of which I am pastor, against so vile
think, have somewhat cooled her Catholic en
slander as said article contains. Ido moat un
[lonia' sm. "li r ldle women are making so many
qualified say that so far from endorsing what
advances In their rights and privileges, this re-
II um ant ty" has said as Mr. Thomson more than
striction of their right of singing M church is
intimates, I do say that there to not the shadow
like a thunder clap In a clear sky. It comes al .
of tenth in the above statements as the following
so at a time when the Catholic church Is begin-
will show.
ning to consider the propriety of rentoving al-
We the undersigned Trustees of the M. E.
together the prohibition of marriage on the
Chinch in New 31iltbril, having seen it stated In
part of the priests of the church.—Bia,ekamtes
sn article in the 3lontmse DEMOCRAT, that the
M. E. Church of this place was refused for the
funeral SerWleeS of Mrs. Grace Wellman, we do
hereby certify that we have never refused the
use of the church for such nn
T. J. Tallman, Samuel Ores-n,
Xl'. Vail, A. Ellison
Williams,ft Joseph Rive,
11. W. Cobb, C. S. Page,
Emery Gunn.
New ililfoni, May 18th, 1872.
I do hereby certify that having been applied
to by Mr. 31. Hayden, for the use of the 31. E.
Gburch, for the funeral of Mrs. Wellman, I did
give his authority to use It.
fountain Fires.
Fires have been prevailing in the Mountains
an the Pen"' county side, opposite Dauphin. for
two iirtbree weeks, and still the -work of de
structlon gntwoo without any indication of. its
rzsNation. Tlifiset: are raging in
er mountainous region - i".•-,The New Bloomfield
Acfromte says the mocintains'and ridges in an '
directions lolly been on fire witblii - ibe last few
weeks. A.n Immense amount of growing Om
, ber has been partially destroyed by these firm)
' Half Fall and Tuscarora mountains and Pine
hills have been searched over by tire. In Coin
' berland county a disastrous fire bas been burn
ing for six daywon the South mountain. coin
' mencin,g near Pine Grove furnace. and it is re
ported that on Sdnday night a forge and other
buildings were destroyed. The tire is near
Mount Holly springs. The destruction of tiro
bzr and cord wood by this fire has been very
Last Sunday was Whitsuntide, a day whieh
has great prominence in the history of the
chriStlan church. It comtnetnoratca the descent
of the holy Ghost upon the Aposthn op the day
of Pentecost, an event which occurred on the
ninth day after the Savior had ascended to
Leaven. In early times the eateclannents -or
candidates for baptism, appeared in the church
clothed in pure white—hence the name of White
Sunday, which was finally corrupted into Whit
suntide. The week preceding it, in Catholic
countries and communities, is, at times, dedica
ted to prayers and petitions for a blessing on the
fruits of the earth and for averting the dismal
eircelsof war and other eras. Whit- Sunday,
in our calerider. is followed by Whit Monday,
a day, which, from time immemorial, has been
dedicated to festive purposes, and in many of
the counties of the state is celebrated as the oc
casion which ushers in the labors of the sum
Get a name and Seep It.
A large proportion of the American people
are restless, roving, scattering, driven from place
to place by every' spring freshet of popular ex
citement Their desire for quick pint and their
,perpetual motion wears theta out prematurely.
They build houses for Lifetime residences, and
are ready to sell out their newly built home
stead a week after it is finished—for less than
it cost—and off they go, perpetually swinging
around the circle of chronic .ehange. To the
pleasures of home and neighborhood attach
ment, to repose of feeling and content of mind,
and lcive of objects around them,' they are
strangers. The fruition of trees they plant,
they rarely witness. 9( all their possessions,
they have nothing home-like to gladden their
hearts. The gardens they lay out, the furniture
they buy, and the bouses they build afford no
home-love memories. After wearing out ball a
lifetime in perpetual change of "habitation, with
little gainam, great loss, they see In their vast
career, nothing but failure. Habits wayward,
the mind perplexed, their purpose cowel, their
energies .bafiled and disappointed they surrender
to facts, and accept in moody despair their ab
jest situation, and often with conscience seared
and morals wrecked, without friends or home,
they settle down to late, and die among stran
gers. A good home, and the queen of the
hoMestesid, a good Wife, are kssential to the hap•
piness of every man, and nothing will as 'surely
attached children to parents and to home vir
tues, as a life-long homestead, the memories of
which grow in delight with every increasing
The Dangerous Lucifer.
„Next-to kerosene. p9imps, one of the ag,emts
most deatruitire to life and propertyl the well
known Inciter match. isc.ridents arising from
negligence in their use from their falling Into '
the bands Ottliknem, -being ignited by the
gushing of mice, etc.,are of almostdayoccur-
. rence. .They are especially dangerous in farm--
lies 'where there are einall children. A. child is
is emotive Of Imitation, and nothing delights It
Mime Allan oppinmity . of,attenipting that
whicla it- secs: peracmi :-Striking
,:therelbro, Is something. which !ary
itaiallsyllstti Will tidily ‘essay. tb Slo,•" . and
ittienlhey'Sgicatioil; with aloostinrodabloilatt
ter to tlelsa gad .to Kepis* A Inlaid
locuritkiolo point ocioned ki• PliiladelphLt : a
Oto *Witte*
tie girl of twe yeamorho, haring stioyed
ihopatior:Socud &catch oliigh bid boo
4lectully dzolipel and fooaceded to the wort of
lighting it. She succeeded, not merely in the
work of lighting the match, but In setting fire
to her dress.also, which being of light cotton
material,"hdrited rapidly. The screams of the
little one brought Immediate relief, but not un
til herarailwere:terribly burned." Fortunately
she escapellwithout further injury, thOugh a
half minute's delay
„on her mother's part,
Who flew tit her Waseite, Would have milted In
her being burned to death. The moral of this
is, that in families where there are small- chit-
Oren the uttnost precaution should be observed
regard to the keeping of, matches beyond
tbeirreacb. • •
By nn net 'of rho last Legislature public
schools are. ow required to be kept open tire
months in 4y - ear. The following is rho act in
creasing the school term :
SEC. 1. .1k it enoded,de„ That the word flse
shall be inserted in theplacc of the word four
in section twenty-eight, act of May, ono thou
sand eight hundred and flity-fonr, nod school
directors shall keep the schools of their respec
tive districts in-operations five nurnths in the
year: Prodded, That the length of term may
remain as tit present, in the districts where the
maxhun amount of tax allowed by law to be
levied for school purposes shall be found insuffi
cient to keep the school open a greater length
of time.
clo hereby certify that the Trustees of the
M. E. ellueeti of New 31illortl, have never,
either oulleetively or singly requested me ns
Sexton, not to open the M E. Church for tho
funeral of nra. Grace Wellman, or any other
funeral sertlee SEIM CORTISIMPT.
I do not Care tit reply to Mr. Thoman's infer-
arcs and insinuations, which he is pleased to
make concerning jot' statements, as they
amount to nothing in this ease. All I aim lode
is to show to the public that the Methodist
church of this place hua not tern refused, ifirretly
or indireefig, by the Trustee, or by any •• proper
authority" of said church, and I leave it to the
public-to judge whether the above is not suffi
cient proof. A. IlttooKs.
New Milford, May 18th. 1872.
Railway Tickets,
The followiing act passed by the :last Legis' -
Enure, will be interesting to the traveling pub
Sic. 1. Pr it rnneted, ere., That the proviso in
section five of an act to prevent frauds upon -ERRORS OF YOUTH.
travelers, approved the fith day of May, Anno
A GMMEMAN whoa - adored f year. from Nervous
Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- Debility, Perm/aro Decay, lad sil the effect, ot
three, he and the same is hereby amended so , youthful tedlecrettou will, for the sake of enduring ha
that the ['dine stall read as follows: Prodded, , malty, send free to all who aced It, the receipt sad dl.
m rec r t id lou s fo or % , ru e. kleg_thr. simple remLdy whicla be was
That this act shall not ptohibit any person who wwbleg tat:wear. by the adyl 'a expert
has purchased* ticket Unntany agent author- 1 do so by a dd r .l og . to pee r ce t, coo dd eoc ,
irtul by this act, with the &mufti,. intention of ! J 01314 B. OGDEN.
traveling Upon the same the whole distance be- i No. 44 Cedar street, New York.
tween the'points named in the said ticket, from
selling the unused part of the same to the com
pany that sold the same; and it shall be the
duty of the said company to for such un
used portion of the ticket the different?! between
theitental fare to the point used and the amount
paid for such ticket. " "
Parties tubbing the prescription will please address
11Z7.. EDWARD A, WiLsoN.
Parst —3lof—By Bev, R. A. Bicker, at the 231 South Third Strect,llllllamsburgh. N. Y.
residence of the bride's father, Keno, Waabou u ti
County, Nevada, April 28th, mr, Francis 31. •
Payne, fonnerh• of Gibson, Susq'n co., and THE corrEshloso or ea urverzo.
Miss Ida )lay Moe, formerly of Tiffin, Ohio.
13trnusitErt Its a wamitag and foe the benefit of
Mrucure—Eyme—fn the 3L Ti. chnreb at a „„.„„ and „m en , who safer f rom I s T er „....
LanesborO, May 7th, 1872, by Iter. A. Hard- Debtnty, tc , sujuuying coo MIAMI OP set.rcons.
log. Almond S. Munson, and Miss Georgie wettaa by one who pared himself, and rent Imo on
Lyon, both. of Laneshoro, Pa. receiving a poet-paid directed envelope.
Mar KE—Post —ln Susquehanna Depot, May 8, 1 Adam...NATHAN MAYFAIR, W OOl 4l ll , N. Y.
by the Rer, Wan. .A.llitcheock, of Bingham- 3l y 11. 11 471. . - Gm -
tonomd - Mies Minnie I. Post, daughter of
Wm. M. Post, Esq., of Susquehanna Depot.
BELSlCAP—y!Laßriktitz 0 31 3larcl) at
thelaarsoange In fin.squelianna Depot; by MT.
P. 13. Brooks, John W. Belknap, of Gibson,
and Mis' s Carrie d. Van Buskirk, ofilarforl.
31dOn.t—Warm—On the 7th lest , at St.
Mark'a chtuch, New Milford, Pa, by, the
Rev. S. A. Jerome, L. E. C. Moore, of Wilkes
bane, and Miss Francis 3L Ward, daughter of
F. A. Ward, of Summermille.
STrIIPETAxr-3111.1..te.—At the 3L P. Parson.
age. Nicholson. Pa. May Bth 1872, by MY. .1.
B. Suurtneci E. K. Stcmrecantiot New Milford,
susquchanna county, Pa., and mis s . poib
Miller;of New Albany, Bradford co„ Pa:
a~BT.BB. -
Wl• l 4x-rn New 3111thrd township, on tholth
hist, Charles, on or Emma and Elizabeth
D. Wilcox, qgcli seventeen yetis.
Catinin--At the - residence of her' husband, in
Ararat; April 17th.', It Mrs- Etnegene
Fletcher Ca arse, wife of Wm. B. CaWrae, and
- eldest daughter of Eugene Fletcher, aged 26
jitarit; inonthlyand 19 days
Virnatar—AprD 23d, of 1872, of pantlyais, Lu
cinda Done, mother of Dr. WilmOt, and re
lict of . :Gilead Wilmot, in the 80th year of her
Paitit—lnjackson,Bussfa co., Pa., March 10th,
1872, Mary L.. wife of Amara A.. Page,
aged 29 years, 10 month, and seven days.
susmss ,IdOCALS;
The 'Seventeenth Quarterly Convention, I.' t.
G. T. of Bbsquchatuus county, will meet 'in
Brooklyn' at the Good Templar's Ihdl, Tuesday
June dth, 1/37003 10 o'cloclr,li m. Religions
Ezerchsts *lll precede each biomlng session.'
W. 0 T,o bo present dor=
entity etedoll, end - will dam n public..
' • 0:W. Mixon D4t,.
Rioting of Medical Society.
The Susquehanna County Medical Society,
will hold their nest Borsi-Anntiar meeting at
Dlontrose at the oftico of E.. L. Gardener, on
Wednesdalr June titIOBT2.. genertd:attend.
once Ia so cited: sVollnle PM -held ln the ;
the afternoon, all patlente treated flee. '
E. L. Guaarta.
May, etb, 1879; art
Tarbell honed Livery.
Havingremoved my half of the Livery to the
Tarbell [louse, I shall 1)e, pleaded to accommo
date my friends and customers with anything in
the livery line. Carriages with trusty driver.—
Good horses and buggies always on band.
. • J.:IL Ilsonsavon.o
Mate Roofing
The subscriber can tarnish andput on No. 2
slate nearly as cheap as hemlock shingles; also
nil the different colored No. I slate. I can lay
slate on old shingled roofs and make a good job.
Terms reasonable. Post office address.
WM. Haumnrouz.
No. 14-tf. Montrose, Pa.
Delicate Creatures.
This is the phrase applied by His Blackness,
the Moor of Venice, to the fair ladies of Italy.
It was the lovely complexion of Desdemona,
such a radiant contrast to his own. that won his
heart; and south to say, every man• of discern
ment considers a fair skin, like a sweet voice,
"an excellent thing in woman.' Now this a
charm which can be acquire. There is a
healthful and odoriferous toilet article, known
everywhere as HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM,
which literslly transfigures a cloudy and sallow
skin, suffusing the discolored face, neck, arms
and bosoms with a soft, pearly tinge, and im
parting to the surface a smoothness and a gloss
like that of polishedmarble. Instead ot clogg
ing the pores, like the sticky enamels, or con
tracting them, and thus obstructing perspiration,
like the astringent cosmetics, It cleanses the akin
from all Impurities and wonderfollyimpurres its
texture. This peculiarity is particularly appre
ciated by our rural belles, who find that the
coarseness and roughness, which country air is
apt to engender, are speedily removed from their
faces, hand and arms, by this delightful preps
, ration.
—All persons who aspire to beauty of person
al appearance should not neglect that natural
seces,ory, the hair.
.By.rnany it has been ne
glected until the hair has become thin, gray, or
entirely fallen off. Messrs. Halt & Co.. Nashua,
N. Y., have pr slueed an effectual remedy, called
Sicilian Hair Renewer, which ants all diseases
of the scalp. This wonderful preparation acts
upon the glands, which support and nourish the
the hair, restores the gray hair to its original
color, makes the scalp white and clein, removes
and prevents the formation , of dandruff and all
cutaneous eruptions; and, by its tonic and nu
tritive pmperties, - restores the scalp to a baldly
star and creates a new growth . As a dressing,
it is irpassed, giving the hair that brilliancy
so ca 'admired by all.—Borten Comm/rant.
Will be told at
LOOP ,special goticto.
gar Cash. LiTßoots end Shoes made to Order, and
all iwods of repairing clone on short notice. Those
O wishing anything In Wls line. can Have Mcmay
by giving me a el. Store one door west of
How We Used to Do Ph Sicked . wm. Cox.. Barnes. Shop._sal
Who does not remember the time when vetting mega. QQ . EE. Sr. A. H. UPTEGROVE
lion was considered Indispensable to summer health? , 31entrota. April
No matter for Wry faces, the inevitable salts and tenon.
rhubarb. or calomel and Jetap, most be administered..
These •laprlog medicines," the yonngestera were told.
were to keep theta tette and hearty during the trimmer
We all know now that this was a Fancy : teat new vigor, '
not depletion, to what Is required at the commencement , % I ' M° ' 41 " 113P " CP ' 96 " . "
,t tax . r
f rolst p iee.. l, As . a
m ptcp .. atition r tu for
of ['este:tees Stomach Bitters le highly expedient. U
This tumour vegetable preparation has threce prominent , Claraiet.
properties: It renovate.. pariflet, and regulates all the
(onetime. of the body, It it composed exclusively of -tvrith vietro of “lodefendenee Trait" "On t f h lr
pure vegetable productions:via the essential principle ! v v
kIll;• n k ielt e' s k ott„ V ellonte °V a large k." ll . Tn P afelly Cob:tlrLoTr
ot Monongahela Rye. and the most efficacious tonlcand cd Map of Philadelphia, labouring Fairmount Park. where
alterative root., barks. and gums known to medical tee Centennial Anniversary Buildings will be sweeten.
bounitte. liner, It Is an aboolute4' tare medicine. in.. Sloe, 40 by 27 inches.
and nu tincture of the Pharmarmwein can compare with
It either In purity, or In the variety of Its objects, and Its Published in aid of the Centennial Mind.
comorehentile reunite. Sappily for mankind, the theory' Ammr. Wartrao.—From St° 10) per day tun be made
that it satnecerearyt prostrate *patient In order to se r w c ease, and specimen ropy and terms to agents
cue eto him. la forever exploded. and the true pianos.- will he sent by return mail.
Oiled octrine , t at ri g or I. th e great a ntagonist of
disease, has - tt:a Its prnce. Hostetter's , Biter. Is au R. CALLENDER Et CO., Publishers,
inch:Mont. and hence it 1. the, proper medicine fur the
ferule at this idol trying seam, of the year
Be cure you obtain the genttlne article, as there are
17,21,wrgezt;1 1 ...ITTRIAve;v4, 1 14r.. -, - .,1a0,;' „ ,g;
hint, Into the glass, IJ ortettcr's Stomach Dillon to
told In-bottles only.
le ■ qnestion frequently art:ell bra patient. who,
though Te,rhaps not nkk enotudi to bo confined to his
moot or bed, :levet:ft:mien tech himself physically un-
able to attend to his nista , atoeatlana.
There le a bang or general breaking dean of the
proexu, but ara eyudome endiciently a marked to be class
ed WI a disease, yet pecallarly tyylog to the sneerer,
The feeling" cannot be expretsed—Doctor don't an
derntand ; they Fasy prestlhe hopefully, yet blindly.
end arlthOut molt. Bionixa's Moo Orrina is the
hot Remelt tor these nameless disorders. TQY IT
•ND DE CONVINCED: 13.518 by all Driv^iets.
Price one Dollar per bottle.
The advertiser, havttig. beeA petinartently: awed of
that dread disease, Consamption by a .lapse remedy,
Is anxious to make known to hie tellow.miTerere the
means of cure. T. all who desire it, he will send a copy
of the prescription need, (bra Of charra,) with the direc
tione for preparing andheing the same, which they will
find a woe etrllE for COAIRT/IMON, ARR.*, BlloXectl-
___. . ... • - „.. ~• , . • ,
IleW — Gettletg Ninerlea.Ef.saysio ye ~,rulv Men.oo
the delighteof hoine. end the propriety-or trahroprlety
of getting. married, ivltti cannery help,fur- lttost.who
reel unfitted for instilnionlarhsppiness Bent-free: lo
ruled envelopes - Andres'. 110WAILD A8301.32.215./N
Pox P.. PhtLadelphia. Pe. • ~ ' • -
Corrected weekly by Hartling. Hayden & Co.,
825 ItiosLangton St., New York.
Butter, pail 25E03
firkin 25Q.0:1
Cheese, dairy, per 1b...... -. . 15(010
" factory ". ••• • • ..... 18617
Ems, per doz 14615
Flour, per barrel • ' • 7.2307.50
Corn meal, 100 lbs. • • - , • 1.1.75(04.00
Wheat, per bushel' 1.6.2©1.64
Rye " • .... ..... ... ...... 00.202
, .
Corn . " ...... 78074
Hops, crop of 1871
Tallow "
Lard per lb
Potatoes per bbl..
Apples "
Turkeys per 1b...
Chickens "
Ducks "
There Is very much of assumeneas in the
butter market, the only noticeable change is the
considerable differenco , between-line and omit
nary.grandes. . This G caused by pie arrival of
constderale quantities of -fine -westem-vwhich
putritasers rather have than medium oreecond
grade of State or Pena. Cheese are ar a
tittle decline. Eggs are very' dull; with - large
stock in market We quote batter, Finest State
and Penna. Pails, 841®25, medium State end Pa.
pails, 28030,, ordinary State :and. Pa t palls
Q 26. Cheese newdatry,.l4ol.4, Fasters,
154'4116. Egg 5,1530146.. •
.ROC ElES.;—Teati in great vanety
%.A and chap DR Magmatic.. Dried loathes,-the
beet in =Amt. A nionnality at Yolaterui, Dew, Dot
Ina and WI astortmant afDpieni. tte: • •
Xatzves,sDcn.loo2, Otingo TagiDZ4-
Doctor, What fa It.?
... .809
• ••
• 1 50<32 75
Apt- advatisetututo.
NOTICE:4n the 'Estate of
Jo& Jehki Daytottol encased, letterset Administration.
In the said estate having been granted to the mulerstgn
edi AU penman owing .eab3 estate, are requested to
make Immediate payment s and allpeAlOns having eledms
agabon said estate am requested_ to pres=t them to
1.11, DAYTON, I
*ray 15.
1872.—wi : W. DAYTON. r Aam."'
A rDITORS NOTICE.—The andersigned baling been
appointed by the Ccrart - of Common Plus. of Boo
ottehanno county, an Andltor to distant* the Nude to
hard. of the Sheriff. effetely from the vide of the Beal
&ewe of H. D. 'Laker will attend to the duties of his
nine Intment, al hi. Mike to Montrose. on Prickly, WM'
M 11872,111 I o'clock v. tn. All persona Intern/Um! will
aptmar am. prevent thelrehilme. or be forever debarred
from earning In upon mid funds.
tb. 18:3.—ffrr.
gIIERIFF9 video of a writ leaned by
the Court of Comelon Pleas of Susquehanna Count
tysand to me directed. I will repose to sale by public.
vendee. at the Court Hoene in Montrose, on Saturday,
!sine 1, 1374, at I o'clock, p. to, the fallowing piece or
pdreel of laud. to wit:
All that ccolato piece or rimef of land, situate In the I
township of !coup. in County of Susquehanna and
State of Peensylvanla bounded and described no !Lifters
to wit: On the north by lands Elkanneh Bolles and
P. Cooper. on the east by lands of Wm. Mager, .el
the South by lands Peal Millet and Elizabeth Bedell. and
on the west by land. of Henry Bertholf and Elkanab
&glee, containing cheat 70 acres and 83 perches of land
be the name mare or less, with the appartences, I
dwelling house, barn, young orchard. and about Weems
Improved. [Taken in execution at the Salt 'of 1.. V.
Cooper vs. K A. Idoger.)
ALSO—AII that certain pieta or parcel of land, situate
In the township of Lenox, In county of Susquehanna and
State of Penna.. bee aced end described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at a stake and stones the southwest
Wm' r of lands of Curtis Pratt, In 'oath Bee of Thomas
lOrdan, along said Pratt's lion porth 172 perches to a
stake and stones to a corner of fleetly Pratt's land:
thence along raid Gently Pratt'. line 8% deor„ en west
perches to stake atadsteuee In west line of said Jor
den's warrantee: then. along the lame south SI; de
gfees west fe 4.10 perelon , to post southwest corner of
warrantee; thence along the mime north 48 degrees east
127 3-10 perches to the place of beginning. containing
10 acre*. together wfth the appurte.Aanees, one frame
house. [Taken in execution at the salt of tolomon
Taylor vs. Geo. W. Smith.]
ALSO—AII that certain lot of land. !Butte in• town
ship of Springville, in the County of Snwinettanna and
State of Pennsylvania, boundevland described as follows,
,to wit Bel Zoning at the centre of the road omelet;
1 from the bridge near Joshua Taubman's to Hasson
I Corners north four degrees east 8 rods in the centre of
slid road; thence north SS degrees west 20 rode to a
slake pod stones; thence south 4 degrees west Brad* to
stake and stones; thence south ES deglece net fflt rods
to the p:aco of beginning, containing one acre of land,
Mori or less, with the appurtenances. one frame house
one frame barn. some fruit and ornmental trees and all
1 improved. [Taken to execution at the salt of cornett.
Conine. to the use of A. J. Gerritaan, on. 11..1. Sleeker
Mad Cornelius Cosine )
' ; Notice le hereby gluon that elly. bids must be raid In
Sewday or sale. wm HUXLEY.
iffM., Montrose, Pa„[April,27th'72. Sheriff.
Now and f plendid Stock of
Jon arrived from the City, eanslatio; of all kinds, :or
Dien, Women, Misses and Children.
An Ornament for Ikon Arnold= Some
ag t
Swat now rd cit
BA I' on the nsoteat.eoax(wJthonimedf
etne) of SPILANATOZZora, or Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary frominui Loswes, Impotency
Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impedimenta to )larri
age. etc; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Pits, induced
lry eel( indulgence and sexual extrartgance.
. Mr — Price. to a sealed envelope, only fl cents.
The celebrated author. in this adinirahle essay. clear
demourt rotas Dom • thirty yeare'ssuccewful practice
that the alartoing consequences of self abase may be
radically called without the dangerous nee of Internal
Medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out
4 male of comet once simple, certain, and efreCtitialt
by mean, of Which every sufferer. no matter what his
eohud ndition may be. MAT cum himself cheaply, privately,
Thls Lecture shonld be In the bands of every
yorith and rvery man in the l and.
Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope. to any address,
postpaid on recipt of six cents or two post stamps.
A ddy Dr. eniarevatelPst . ge Oat du," price Wis.
Address the Priblishere.
CRAB. r. C. lam* & co.,
111 Bowery, Mew York, Post-OSice Box 1,L%.
Is the place to buy your
Groceries, Provisions,
ar , e,, and Medium Clover ant Timothy Weed Cheap,
/La Good Groand 41MtSee 10 c o lt s per pound. Good Tea at
/54 cents per pound , Good Salamtas 3 cents per paper,
Choice Corned Beef, minus all the bones, CHEAP I
'Large stock of Canned and Dried Fruits, and Vegetables
and more In a tow days.
Pure PAWL aajj,ja trualsel Lacks, Codfish, Mack
erel. allti Sneaked Galatia, and, In. Lam natty pr quite
everything needed to keep house with and bb happy
all extremely low lora:Mash or ready pay.
Igor/Mose, Itareb,l3. n3.-1:011—w3.
1,10,1111 FOR SALE farm of As7g-two acres ad.
Joining the Bora' of Montrose on the Fenn!, it
offered for sale, It Is well wateidi and has ebuet ten( - j ' 'lr
*cr. In timber, Including a Ono grove of beech and-4 , ," ,' 2 ft • .
maple near the dwelling, being the tunnestead division wt wt.
of the Samuel Grrmo m ry farm. WlOOll inure, wontros6,
For farther_ partiguLars enquire of i. B.Carmalt,
Or P. Lives. /teatime. Pa,
Feb.. 7, IST3 —noi:.—t f.
New Wirm.
6 STONB. aro prepared to do all kinds or Bump.
MG and CAIISENTIM Work. Brick_ Work, ilasonrY,
and Paintlna , . by the Jub ur in any ner to suit ens.
talmens. Airco:Web Doom, Mouldings, of all
kinds, and Window Frames. to order.' Pine Lumber
constantly nn hand. Shop in pork Factory Building,
Montrose. Pa..
W. 1.:001;BY, • STANLEY
Montrose. December. Fr. •.
astiosarrrs AND . TRADEns.:
TACO TY .11317 - 4" COM*
C. TYLER, 79 tat DUANE ST., N. Y
(711711 EXI2II. Corn: & Co.)
rip:PEDAL HARDWARE. Cutlery, Scythes ligeveinf
LT looking Glasses, Lightning and er cia
Saws, Steel, and Iron pole Axe. (the bre. the World,
erery kind of Brushes. Door Loeb. nel+Lonks./(nobs,
Otnit liamenets . Pistols IteepNers, Faucets. Carpel)
and Toole. Plated
tee* 'MOO, Blackman; S.-news.
*tarn, Forks and Soon...and everythingusaaßy kept
in A FirstClarailarriEare;.l.7l.6l.dtiohhing Mesa.
lalstnke it • ''- "
efermwThanks are tendered to the sonny In my
own cennty, for the kind patronage, Al idiot.° the many
to other counties, who tray reed genera.
battalion la hereby given fort continuance; as well as
to those who are willing to glee ultiteel , who tstrenot
done no, by orders or calla.
Hintrose, Muth, 03,1812,—af. •
NTROSE RAILWAY CO.—Stockboldcra of he
at Montrose Railway Cocapacy are' hereby, eonatat
uukt.the remaining Installments of On Aotbut pot thate
each inani for by resolution allies Bourd'orStirettiats
Witt ..... ..... . ttarYlilll3W4
Mott Instalment • Fein duty' link Ma
&men* Instalment • • 'March 151 b, left
Rlnhth Instalment - • ' Ar LSO, Ir.l
Minh Instaltratat " - " p_rilslb; lOW
'Wench Instalment. • - • Snus 1546.1971
ite the work is ptoressizornsost Amnesty. it le anted.
ty desired antlabsohnely necessary that that paym.mts
be•romptly mat on thew" or Etockboldets.
, • - • witHROIt. Secretary-
' • " • t .u. coo W rzu,Trtistusr.
lifiMtritet DOCZOVSO 111/ ! - . 45 .0• 12 • ' ,*•-•
TORGET° CHIEF, JO. This nearly thorough bred
stalliOnAll stand the prevent bamboo for Sfty mares„
aessoneouramindng Amin - stand ending Jolytt.ffsidlky .
and Sidardeyskat tho stable of J. S. Tune% MODIIPMe=
,the rest of the week at the subscriber's. our mill e 2" of
Auburn 4 Corners, cm the read leading to Springville.
PEDIGREE.—The Toronto Chief Jr., was sired by
Toronto Chief. who for speed and bottom le ahead of i
any stallion on record. Ile was sired by Royal George
and his drun by Blackwood. out of an Eclipse mare.
Royal George wee by Black Warrior; and Ile by Import
ed Tippo; and he by - Messenger, of England.
Tostowro timer. JR.', dam was sired by the thorough-
bred Jefferson. out of a Majesty mare. Jefferson was
by Virginia; he by Mr. Archie, the sire of Sir Henry
and gramistre of AmeriesnEtairtitiM by Old Favorite.
Second dam is d Dell AG, ---,-
Tower° Cum. Jo.. is a blood bay with black points
roll tall, weighs 1,200 Ibs., WM hands h'th, has i' 44 no
training, bat has good gait. and for his weight le hard to
beat. Gotland see hlm,andjodp for yonrselves. Fillies
of his gelato be seen at the sobscrlbcr's. Mateo pastor.
ed on reasonable terms. Accidents end escapes at the '
owners' risk.
Other rules as MlStninary. Terms to Insure with foal.
ill 5; Insurance money parable March I 11313.
I. M. CRISMAN. Proprietor.
Auhurn 4 Fotiterhltip, hard!, le - 3
bit d'at
We base opened for the SPRING TRADE, the lamest
and best assonedStoek of
Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloth•, Window Shades
and Paper. Carpet Chain. Cotton, Yarn. Rat
ting, Wadding. Twine.. Wicks. Clocks,
Looting Glasses, Yang]
Brooms.idaskets, Dockets. Brosh
es, Clothes Wringers. Wood-
SR and Willow Wareflo ,
• 7,the ital 44 0044; Z.,1 :7 •
Oor large irierenoe In burtnero enabler no to ocit at low
priers and (um lob the beet gnallty of Geed*.
Overl3oo sold In oixlicnitho. •
Term,: Came,. •
All utber goo&, .10days, NO.
Feb 14. 137. am.
Drug !Store!
33,17iRLDrE3 c b - 1 411=j3kfcrj,Eil. sTitoun-i - Baow - N. (kraal Fire terLiferr. 'Meer.
Ve A T i l l a li rg e tuvra d gieeng:te
BE R.ti9 it.MOM the pitmen get Drage and Wel
Sign of the Golden Eagle, and Mortar. 1
Desirwto Inform thuraddietbst wehavo moles' 110 YD CORW Ei.T. Wert to Stoves, Ruidwars,
11 oar /Roe_ Of Drs=soledignes,ralume,olls. Ordehl and Manufacturars'ot Tb al and Shccitroti tOrility
ee, Combs, rertusnety, ilnueys Articles. , etc. : infothe of Main and Tntupike street.. . f
Brick Store, formerly occupied by Guttenberg, Rowe _
balm &Co. B.'ll, MORSE, Idarehant Tailor suhr.desler in
We have recently fitted op this store )1 odern Style I o a th, Telmmluge. and Yrdnitlibig Roods. and
and shall endeavor to keep well supplied with all articles ; Ready-Made Cleating, On Main Street, mut door be
pertaining to the Drug Unglne.. low tittle andlilaktioe'e inw Office,
We extend to everybody a cordial ineltation VI call ,
and see us when in want of anything in our hue, and Si: 'N. BULLARD, Dealer In Groceries, Providons,
when lto7 in want, give sus.• friendly call. To all our , R u nk*, stooks:lvry and S:ttakero Notion', at brad Cl
old elastomers we dadre to express our thanks fur the Pablle Avenue'
shalllberal patronage. heretofore extended to us, W.
endeavor to merit a ennlinnanee of the acm e.
Very Truly Yours,
Montrose, Du. W In
"X° ler IEIVJEM tUL"
Sewing Machine':
rrobldfaindiindrydfone .7 pueTuio*Ve9ftvi.r
1. again to the deldvallefting , loar patavaigetui
The Original Howe Sewing Machine,
Mare eall and ace It, with the Improrementr, at it
eon's atom. Remember the Genuine Howe
has no met/Alton head.
56 Court Street, Bing,hampton, N. Y.,
Montrose, Vitt , ' D-t 1
to Alsrouvre
FOR SALE at all principle stations on litavot, Debt ,
, trare r iAckawsuutit4 lyeaterA Itallapteo.
H at: 3047 .z '1&«-. 35 /c."210."2.F
epaPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to Vssalles and Colonies
1 moving west can obtain ewrou^h Tickets to ST.
ST. josEpn. FT . !,M'r's. DEN ER. and all points in
Missouri and Kanspivritt the very lowest Mee, and have
their households.wwandfrolght abipped atapecial rates
Delaware. itc Western
Will Please tare notice that a Direct Connection it
made at DINOTIA3ITON. with all raneeea trains on
ERIE RAILWAY. MIS , De sure to ask for Tickets via
"ERIE gmurar , which can be procured at 0111ce of
tEIXELELILLI3. sTr...A.notert.
DiALER 1:4
•• WHIPS !
Math SO. 19=7-4t.
W6OyT7B WOOLON MILL h ranalog a* mond, Mak -
Min all wool Anne% checked and 'Altai also
cotton warp Casual. the best am made; all voml
tweetrandesahogresot /thaws % I A Oa on han d ..
for watorlo witnaollahr.Woolt. aira ma a call
before Mrwooln of IOU: wool thaw ere. MD, ljf
sullen north of Montmes. J. W. MOTT.
Mfmliose, has;
- lacroltl 7,1 -io:;.1-1):41'•
N . :11 1 W7-.Z7,"',37).
Etpintos tivedorg.,_
Two Una is Ibis Diraeoryi coui yearitl4/1
saa additional/ins, GO. eta _
eavisos.AANK. NEW, IL/VR.O.-51n pen cent. in,
terett_on Dept:oft*. Duct genttsl Banking Eat
netio-ell-2:: • S. IL .CIIPSZ* tat
, .
NI . ,
Dealer ingeoulne Cayuga Plow. : , ,riub graindl,'• • •
R. I: MOSS &" CO , Dealt» le 1'.117 Goeili;lbite, eel*
floata and fame,.: Bed General Merchandise. - CllrMaa
street, eeecructtleor below the Epleeopel Church. •
tr. 1102 noivi, keys by wiweas. Burnt, ou maim.
.strect, near the Depot.:—% ,
ti; tit RAD, Fonedry, and denier in Picrws and ether ;
utcoolle, one doorcom Phlnnerf Meek Man Bt.
A. F.- KIDDED. , Damage Draiter:sid L'odettaktlV on
Maki:Watt, two doors below "Lawlor* Store., *
otiCi iVI Dlboil3l3R Twain 24, cii,<;e F kiti s*t
P.Rimm.ool4l*Otreeal • - , •
'A. BARDS? at ROM Itea n tWO Zoo". Feed. Deal:
Salt; Liao. C e men t . es agd peeeiVete. eet. I
UaID aareetoppoille thst Depot.
W. It' 'P. 13AVDEN,' , Manufacturers of Clow and
Wholeanlo dealers In Tante, Notion' and Fancy ,
Good& on Main Street, below Eplneopal Cbureh. • '
L.eather iactureta d. dealits
la Ma occo ft: alum &a., las nea ar r
Episcopal C anluirch.
AINEY & HAYDEN, Dealers In D!pda_luid
and Manntactrants of apt.. on ILLW Sitent,
the Hanna. . •
STEMEZI'S. Horse ShooIn:: andgaserontepalrlng
an Moth Btrect. south of the briege. ' • . .
1. DICKENSIAN. Jet. Dealer in general merthandLee.
and Clothine, Mick Store. on Main Street. '
tj. wsrisrAt.l4auttfacturer of Lesober.aud dealer
to 7,oueral atercbaudlee, oat Mato IStrria. , ! - •
U. P. DORAN, Merchant Tana: atuddealer in Mead,
Made Clothing; Orr Giood,ithrotertirs and Provision*
Main !Arent!
itilMAM•itnitTE. Monotheism and dealer to torsi
or Rloiro tad Citottogs.
11. SI: TCCOLEY—DeaIer to Stores; Tlo, Copper. Mars
andSbectlson Hare. Castlam de- Also. menufsetus
s or Sheet Metals to order. See Tto , astd Lead Pipes ,
nistseas. MCO4Oll+2lO at fate prices-1111nm Hollow.
EDWARDS BRYANT, Mmunaid4roril of WV".
and B~elgh~, Dea r Stozo. , :
0. BESllE—Cotinty' Surveyor orS quebsins Corm
Offica lb lbilleolat Ilouse:Moutrose.l%.-7.04f. '
titzt;Tiunazii.; Dater th Drugs .Medielnei; Li
otiorst.-Paints, Oils, Dye attars. GtOesaithi, Sowell)
Notions, etc. ism 21, ^O , •
.LulEs E. CARSIALT, , AttOtTler it Dili. OElos we
dour tltlosp Tivbell Hour; rablfe Atettut. • ,
COO Pn & Co.. Brinker/. sell ftrefin Pas
Pa* , Tick, ts and Willson llagland, irclatul ssdllleet
Istsd.r - '
J. fit, FLETCHEIIT Eatin_g Saloon Is the Plies to get
tee Crum, Ojetcm .0,1" t every stilo. oa Male
street,* •
CHANDLER. Generld Immune gqad Sewing Ma
alaa.kgeitt. Public Arcane.*
L COX. flarnef et Tanker aid dii3ler In al artier q
tithally kept by the trade; • . • to the Bank. :•
7. • SPORB. 4 CO : . De;lens Su, Stares, narderare.
Agricultural implements. nolar aAd QreeCtta, °PP°
site Tatbell littale.• • . • . . '• „
10,17.,..-SFORII , Livery:and" • Aicharm%
!Astile. In rwir of 11•.nk bulldina. • • •
8 11 1173 Xl\l WWI? WIL3E2
Eitendlee Funsittini 'Muttony% van tall Ind the LI/01%
, lb:4of
To be found iu thla section of the country: of bill art
manufacture, and at prices that =not to glue taw
'faction. Be makes the eery beet
In the Country, and W.ttrat&N'TS them,
Oc all kind* dona In the steacestmsaner.
19'Xial; DT 41a- - ' 3W311 X) I,
or cAftiors eiND$
u.N . foit - R -- 4, s ot.
. We 11114Ittiblif Wlllthniater make the Indertelding •
!pairilty in Ms business. Harrod complete d •
YEW- and rho nowt eleont USA in tbo 15Mtc. all
needing his rendre a will boat= to promptly and at
actstoctory dams,
- • •.. • • .. . . . .. ..
WriM,:B4lTll St SON.
Ifontrose. Pa., :IN al, 14TL-r405-14
A GOOD FAME YOE 4Al,lllt=-Of 7t. anew well Im.
dl-pmeed,weli watered,Onte dood balldlnit, lying deo
Mlles troto Ortat Bend and WO =Men Irons taweellle
awCanterOn tdborty Towitedp. DPW& Co., 1%4 and
n tulthodamnel UM, only twenty dolleso
par aerweallro thirds of on long CPI 44. Yee tato
ernertlealan mnntalto of 11. A. Trneedell,on innedidna
taro, co at it.templtell,OirtvweitY.K. Y.
A1.00,'• good dairy Wet of sou totes neat GOA,
Dritelford Co., Pit. 4.11..VAN11*140
• Study rm-1419-0. . • • '